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1) Explain that entropy of the universe is always increasing?


Entropy is a measure of the level of disorder of a system, it also represents the

amount of heat unavailable to do work. The idea behind entropy of the universe
increasing derives from the fact that as heat is transformed into mechanical work, the
efficiency is never 100%, and the effect leaves a change in the system or its
surroundings, since entropy of the universe is equal to the summation of those two,
this causes an increase regardless of which one increases.

2) Define Chemical Potential? What is its difference with partial molar free
energy of a component in a solution? (2018) (2017) (2016)

Chemical potential is a measure of the tendency of an atom to leave a solution. It is

also the chemical potential of i in a homogeneous phase is thus the rate of increase
of G with ni when the species i is added to the system at constant temperature,
pressure and number of moles. Chemical potential tells us how Gibbs free energy
will vary with the number of moles, ni, of component 1 holding temp, P, and the
number of moles of all other substances. In pure substances, the chemical potential
is equal to its molar Gibbs free energy.

3) What’s the difference between Ellingham diagram and a phase stability

diagram? (2018) (2017) (2016)

An Ellingham diagram is a graph showing the temperature dependence of the

stability for compounds. Ellingham diagrams can have many different reactions and
is used to describe spontaneity of reaction. It has T and Delta G on the axis Since
∆H and ∆S are essentially constant with temperature unless a phase change occurs.
A Kellogg/Phase stability diagram is based on one reaction at a time and shows the
different phases based on temperature and any other constraints on the other axis.
The Ellingham diagram is used for determining the relative ease of reducing a given
metallic oxide to metal, the partial pressure of oxygen that is in equilibrium with a
metal oxide at a given temperature; and the ratio of carbon monoxide to carbon
dioxide that will be able to reduce the oxide to metal at a given temperature.
Whereas the Kellogg diagram is used to help determine the phases for a certain
reaction based on temp, and composition/pressure or other variables.

4) Explain the concept of supercooling? Schematically explain how a

supercooled liquid would spontaneously freeze and what path would it
follow. What path would you follow to calculate the entropy change?

Supercooling is the process of chilling a liquid below its freezing point, without it
becoming solid. For supercooling, the material raises its temperature to the melting
point, changes phase, then cools back down. Each step has an associated ∆H and
∆S from which we can calculate.

(Adding in diagram)
5) What are the different types of Gibb’s free energy when considering a
solution with multiple components. Define each of them. (2017)

(CHP7) Each component has a standard state of free energy. The different types of
Gibbs free energy are: Free energy of the entire solution, in which the composition is
not of interest. Integral Molar free energy free energy of the solution, which is about
seeing the effects of the amount of moles n in the entire solution. Partial molar free
energy of component i in solution, provided T,P,n1,n2 remain constant. Lastly, partial
molar free energy of mixing which can be used to relate to enthalpy and entropy
though G= H-TS.

6) Draw a Carnot cycle on P-V diagram, and calculate its efficiency from
there. (2017)

(CHP4 slide 8)

7) Draw a typical binary phase diagram with A and B as the components on

the X axis and Temperature on the Y-axis. Indicate the solid,
(solid+liquid), and liquid regions. Take three temperatures (one for each
region) and show the corresponding free energy versus composition
diagrams. (2016)

8) Define the terms: Ideal Solution and regular solution

An ideal solution has enthalpy of mixing equal to zero. The vapour pressure obeys
Raoult’s law and the activity coefficient of each component is equal to one. A
nonideal/regular solution is one in which the activities of the components are not
equal to their mole fractions and enthalpy of mixing which is not equal to zero.

9) Define activity coefficient and activity quotient.

The activity coefficient of component of a solution is defined as the ratio of the

activity of the component to its mole fraction i.e for the component gammai=ai/Xi
Activity quotient = A function of the activities/concentrations of the products and
reactants of a reaction. It deals with non-ideal cases while K only deals with cases
where the reaction is at equilibrium.

10) Draw a Carnot cycle on a T-S diagram, and calculate its efficiency from there.

(CHP4 slide 6)

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