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1. Why is the text written?

A. To ask the visitors to study at that area
B. To warn people not to speak at that area
C. To remind people not to make noise at that area
D. To make people work in group at the second floor
2. It is allowed to discuss a certain topic with friends….
A. in a quiet area
B. in the study area
C. in the second floor
D. in the side of the study area

3. The card is may be given to someone who…..

A. just get married
B. just graduated from school
C. want to join certain competition
D. plan to achieve something great
4. “….beginning of tomorrow achievements”. The underlined word is closest in emnaing
A. Accomplishment
B. Performance
C. Assignment
D. Involvement

Hi Bela, have you checked my IG today?. I have just posted

some of the best pictures that I took in my town in Padang.
Actually they are the new tourist spots, kelok Sembilan. Please
give comments about them. You know I am serious to be a
professional photographer. Gea.

5. What is Gea’s main intention to send the message?

a. To tell her plan to be a photographer
b. To ask Bella to check the pictures on her IG
c. To make Bella interested in the pictures she had taken
d. To ask Bella to give comments on the pictures that she had taken
6. Why are Bela’s comments important to Gea?
a. She knows which pictures Bela loves to see
b. She could make the pictures more beautiful
c. She could improve the quality of her pictures
d. She can reach her dream to be a photographer
7. “Please give comments about them” the underlined word refers to….
a. The photos for Gea
b. The new tourist spots
c. The best pictures of Padang
d. The best photos of Kelok Sembilan

8. By reading the text, it is hoped people will….

a. enjoy the drink
b. purchase the product
c. give suggestions to the product
d. keep the product in certain place
9. The text mentions about ….of the product
a. color and use
b. function and cost
c. content and the shape
d. benefit and flavor
10. How is the price of the product?
a. high
b. costly
c. expensive
d. reasonable

11. The text above is attached on ….product

a. juice
b. milk
c. biscuit
d. noodle
12. The ingredient gives information about….the product
a. how to keep
b. the content of
c. how to prepare
d. the allergic content of
13. The product is not suitable for a person who is allergic … milk and wheat.
a. at
b. to
c. for
d. of


To all 9th grade students,
We would like to conduct a school trip to Jogya from 22nd to to 28th December
2018.the purpose of the trip is to make students learn more about the cultural
heritage of the nation. The fee is Rp. 1.000.000. Students will visit several
tourist spots like the palace, Prambanan temple, Borobudur temple and Parang
Tritis beach. We will stay in three stars hotel in the downtown. It is hoped that
all students grade 9 can join the trip. Please register to Ibu Novia now.

14. .The text is written to …..

a. tell about the goal of the trip
b. ask the students to join the trip
c. inform about the trip To Jogya
d. describe the tourist spots in Yogya
15. After having a trip to Jogya, it is hoped the students will….
a. appreciate Indonesian cultural heritage
b. make the Indonesian cultural heritage popular
c. tell the beauty of the Indonesian cultural heritages
d. love to give a visit to cultural heritage spots in Jogya
16. The students are hoped to join the trip …they will know more about the Indoensian
cultural heritage in Jogya.
a. but
b. so
c. and
d. to

Doni : “Hi Adhi! I heard that you get scholarship to UK. Is it true?”
Adhi : Right. “I think I just have big luck.”
Doni : “No! You are awesome. You are the smartest boy in our
class. So you deserve it!” Congratulations
Adhi : “Thanks Don. I appreciate it!”
Doni : “You’re welcome. I hope you are more successful in the future.
Adhi : “Thanks Don.”
Doni : “Don’t mention it”

17. What is the text about?

A. Getting scholarship to UK
B. Congratulating someone’s success
C. Wishing more successful in the future
D. Congratulating the smartest boy at school
18. In the text Doni wants to say that.....
A. Adhie is the luckiest person at school
B. He is surprised that Adhi gets scholarship to UK
C. Adhie is the right person to get scholarship to UK
D. He is sure that Adhie will be successful person
19. “So you deserve it”. The underlined word refers to….
A. being appreciated
B. getting scholarship to UK
C. being successful in the future
D. becoming the smartest boy at class

You held me down, but I got up (hey!)

Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, your hear that sound
Like thunder, gonna shake the ground
You held me down, but I got up
Get ready 'cause I had enough
I see it all, I see it now
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!

20. The lyric of the song talks about….

a. spirit
b. frustration
c. friendship
d. disappointment
21. The writer of the lyric expresses ….
a. the expectation to be a winner
b. the readiness to face the difficulty
c. the intention to have a new friend
d. the plan to be as strong as a lion
22. “and you're gonna hear me roar”. The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
a. yell
b. laugh
c. explode
d. crash

Sumatran tigers are the smallest surviving tiger subspecies and are distinguished by heavy
black stripes on their orange coats. The last of Indonesia’s tigers—less than 400 today—are living in
the remaining patches of forests on the island of Sumatra. Accelerating deforestation and rampant
poaching mean this creature could end up like its extinct Javan and Balinese relatives.
Sumatran tigers are the smallest surviving tiger subspecies and are distinguished by heavy
black stripes on their orange coats. The last of Indonesia’s tigers—less than 400 today—are living in
the remaining patches of forests on the island of Sumatra. Accelerating deforestation and rampant
poaching mean this creature could end up like its extinct Javan and Balinese relatives.
23. The text emphasises on....
A. the poaching of Sumatran tiger
B. the extinction of Sumatran tiger
C. the surviving ability of Sumatran tiger
D. the decreasing number of Sumatran tiger
24. The number of Sumatran tiger is getting smaller because of ....
A. Habitat destruction and hunting
B. Fighting and unique reproduction system
C. Natural destruction and preying by other predator
D. Weaken surviving ability and poaching
25. “Accelerating deforestation and rampant poaching...” the underlined word is closest in
meaning to....
A. unlike
B. unwanted
C. unable
D. uncontrolled
26. The difference between Sumatran tiger and other species is on its....
A. appearance
B. body shape
C. ability
D. skin`
Once upon a time a fox and a donkey made a plan to go hunting together. "With my
cunning and your speed," said the fox, "we're sure to be successful." All went well until
suddenly a fierce lion jumped out in their path.
The fox though quickly, and went and whispered in the lion's ear. "If you let me go I'll
lead the donkey into a cave from which it can't escape," he promised.
"Then you'll have an easy supper.
The lion agreed, and so the fox did as he said, and turned to the lion looking pleased
with himself. "There you are," he said . "The donkey is trapped, just as I promised."
"Well done, my friend," said the lion. "Now I can eat you for tea and enjoy the donkey for
supper later on." And with that he killed the treacherous fox.

27. What is the text about?

A. Disloyalty
B. Arrogance
C. Greediness
D. Unhappiness
28. What is the fox’ intention by giving the donkey to the lion?
E. To make a friend with the lion
F. To kill the donkey
G. To please the lion
H. To save himself
29. The fox would bring the donkey to the cage for the lion…the lion wouldn’t eat him.
A. to
B. so that
C. because
D. in order to
30. “And with that he killed the treacherous fox.”. The underlined word is closest in
meaning to...
A. greedy
B. grumpy
C. thoughtless
D. unfaithful

How to make taco

 1 onion
 1 red pepper
 1 green pepper
 olive oil
 2 cloves of garlic
 1 pinch of paprika
 1½ teaspoons cumin
 500 g quality minced beef
 250 ml organic beef stock
 12 corn taco shells
 2 ripe tomatoes
 1 spring onion
 3 sprigs of fresh coriander
 ½ a lime
 2 ripe avocados
 ½ lime
 2 tablespoons crème fraîche
1. Slice the onion and the peppers. Soften in 1 tablespoon of oil in a large pan over a low
heat. Add the sliced garlic, along with the paprika and cumin, and cook for 1 to 2

2. Add the beef and stir until it turns brown.

3. Pour in the stock, cover, and cook for 45 minutes, or until reduced and delicious.

4. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas 4.

5. For the sauce, roughly chop the tomatoes, trim and finely slice the spring onion, then
pick and roughly chop the coriander leaves. Combine with the lime juice, then season
carefully to taste.

6. For the guacamole, cut the avocados, and then mash the flesh with a fork. Squeeze in
the lime juice, add the crème fraîche, season, and gently mix them all up.

7. Spread the taco shells out on a baking tray and place in the oven for 3 to 4 minutes
until crisp.

8. Fill the shells with the meat, salsa and guacamole or lay everything out and let
everyone help themselves.

31. The benefit of following the text above is....

A. we will know what taco is like
B. we are able to make delicious taco
C. we will be an expert in making a taco
D. we get the information about what taco consists ob
32. To make the taco shell crunchy we have to...
A. add the seasoning
B. bake it in the oven
C. put it on the baking tray
D. add guacamole and sauce
33. What should we do with the avocado?
A. Cut it into pieces
B. Crush it into pulp
C. Mix it with sliced garlic
D. Squeeze it completely
34. “..and gently mix them all up”. The underlined word refers to....
A. the flesh with a fork
B. the guacamole and the avocados
C. the avocados, the lime juice and the crème fraîche
D. the avocados, the lime juice, the crème fraîche and seasoning

At the edge of a forest, stood a big tree. Its branches spread out majestically and so did
its roots. It protected people from the sun under its shady leaves, and provided shelter to
countless birds and other small creatures in its branches.
At the foot of the tree grew a little plant. The plant was small and thin.
One day, the big tree asked the little plant.
“Well, little one,” said the tree to the plant, “Why do you not plant your feet deeply in the
ground, and raise your head bravely in the air as I do?”
“I see no need to do so,” whispered the plant with a smile. “Actually, I think I may be safer
this way.”
“Safer!” laughed at the tree. “Are you saying that you’re safer than I am? Do you know how
deep my roots are buried, how thick and strong my trunk is? Who could possibly take me
out by the roots or bow my head to the ground?”
But the tree was to regret its words very soon. One evening a great hurricane arose in
the region. It threw the trees off their roots and almost completely destroyed the forest. It
uprooted the big tree and fell it down with great force.
When the storm had passed, the forest was dirty with his pieces of carcasses.
The little plant had been thrown and turned under the anger of the hurricane, and bent
completely. But when the hurricane ended, it sighed and stood upright again.
No trace remained of its mighty neighbour though.

35. What does the text tell us about?

A. Destruction
B. Confidence
C. Arrogance
D. Dignity
36. The tree boasted his....
A. size
B. shape
C. texture
D. function
37. What happened to the big tree?
A. He is gone because of the hurricane
B. He was as strong as before after the hurricane
C. He learned something valuable from the little plant
D. He fell down because of hurricane but he could stand again
38. The little plant proved that he could survive ...he was not as strong as the big tree
A. so
B. when
C. however
D. although

Tutankhamun was king of Egypt from about 1332 B.C. until his death around 1322 B.C. His reign
was unimportant. But interest in Tutankhamun began in 1922, when the British archaeologist
Howard Carter discovered his tomb. It had not been opened since ancient times and still had most
of its treasures. It is the only tomb of an ancient Egyptian king to be discovered almost completely

Tutankhamun became king at about the age of 9. He probably got a lot of help from Ay, his
vizier (minister of state) who also became his successor. Historians believe Tutankhamun died at
about the age of 18, but they are unsure how. X-rays show that he may have had a head injury from
an accident. Some say that he was murdered. Officially it is thought he died from an infection after
breaking his leg. His tomb is in the Valley of the Kings in central Egypt.

Howard Carter searched for Tutankhamun’s tomb for nearly six years. He finally discovered
that its entrance had been hidden by the waste from digging at the entrance of the nearby tomb of
King Ramses VI. Tutankhamun’s four-room tomb contained more than 5,000 objects, including
many beautifully carved and gold-covered items. A wonderful gold mask of Tutankhamun covered
the head and shoulders of the royal mummy.

39. What is the text about?

A. The life of Tutankhamun
B. The perfect Tutankamun’s tomb
C. The discovery of the Tutankhamun’s tomb
D. The reason why Tutankahmun’s tomb is not easy to find
40. How Tutankahum’s dead is ….
A. amazed archaeologist
B. still a mystery up to know
C. unusual at that time
D. debatable
41. Tutankhamun’s tomb is important for archaeologists because they know….
A. the way of life of the Egyptian
B. what made Tutankhamun die
C. the habit of the Egyptian king’s burial
D. that Tutankhamun was a very wealthy king
42. To find the tutankhamun’s tomb is ….
A. trouble free
B. easy
C. complicated
D. effortless
When inserting the SIM Card to cellphone, make sure that the cellphone has been
switched off and follow the direction bellow:
 First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the
 After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the
 Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the
golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
 Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into its place.
 Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the
phone and slide the cover forward button of the phone until locks into
 Don't forget to switch on the cellphone.

43. The text is to ....

a. how to turn on a cellphone
b. explain the steps to maintain the SIM Card
c. give guidance to insert the SIM Card to cellphone.
d. tell about the importance of inserting the SIM Card to cellphone.
44. What will happen if the golden connect arson are not facing to the connector of
the phone?
a. The cellphone won’t be on
b. The Card will not function
c. The Card will be broken
d. The cellphone will be broken
45. If we don’t remove the battery, we won’t be able to....
a. face the golden connect arson to the connector of the phone
b. make the cellphone snap into its place
c. cover the forward button of the phone
d. put the SIM Card in the slot
46. “put the battery and align it until snaps into its place”. The underline word
refers to...
a. the battery
b. the SIM Card
c. the slot
d. the connector

Nusa Tenggara is one of the provinces in Indonesia. It is located in the eastern part of the Lesser
Sunda Islands. This province has many popular tourist destinations. Some of them are located in West
Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara.
In West Nusa Tenggara, Central Lombok is a famous tourist destination. It’s only 30 kilometers
from Selaparang Mataram Airport. It is popular for its awesome beaches. Its pristine, exotic beaches
face the Indian Ocean, not to be missed by surfing lovers. Moreover, like Bali, the Sasak tribe living at
Sade and Tansang-Ansang villages continues to practice and preserve its ancient traditions. Besides
that, there are other things to make this island is worthy to visit, They are the Traditional weaving at
Sukarare, earthenware goods at Penujak, handicrafts made from ketak and rattan at Belaka village
which support the area’s tourism industry
In East Nusa Tenggara, Komodo Islands has already been popular tourist destination around the
world. This island takes the name from the Komodo dragon (Varanus Komodoensis), the world largest
living lizard who inhibits in it. The island is not only famous for its unique fauna which roam in it but
also its historical heritage, convicts in colonisation era. Furthermore, it also one of the most popular
spot to do water sport, diving.

47. What is the topic of the text?

a. The division of Nusa tenggara province into two parts
b. Two tourist destinations in Nusa Tenggara province
c. West Nusa Tenggara
d. East Nusa Tenggrara
48. What are the similarities of the west Nusa tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara?
a. They are famous for their unique fauna
b. Both of them have beautiful spots for doing water sport
c. The community from both area still preserve traditional tradition
d. Both of them have historical sites
49. The zoologist would probably prefer to visit East Nusa Tenggara because of its....
a. its unique fauna
b. its historical heritage
c. its water diving spot
d. its ancient tradition
50. “...the world largest living lizard who inhibits in it.”. the underlined word is closest in meaning
a. chases
b. lives
c. breeds
d. regenerates

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