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Detailed Lesson Plan about Cell


At the end of 60 minutes period , at least 75 % of the student will be able to

A. Define the cell

B. Identify the different part of the cell
C. Identify the function of each cell


Parts of the Cell

Book: Grade 7 Science Lesson Module

Writing materials, picture of different parts restaurant and cell.

Identifying, distinguishing, enumerating , analyzing

Appreciates the function of every detail of the cell




“Good Morning Class..” “Good Morning Sir”

Let us pray first…. (one student will lead the prayer)

• The teacher will select who will lead the
Say present
• The teacher will call the names of every (student will raise the hand and say present as the
student. teacher call their name)

“Please keep all things unnecessary things on your (student will keep their things that nothing to do
table” with the lesson)

“So how’s your weekend? “It was great Sir!”

“So last time we discussed about microscope. “Yes, Sir!”

“So we before proceed to our next lesson. Who (At least one or two students will give his or her
can give the different type of microscope? answer about the question)

Okey, since you are fine. I guess you are
ready for our class this
morning/afternoon. I have here some
pictures and as I flashes it before you, I
would like you to give me the function of “Yes Sir!”
it. Okey?

(show a picture of a door) It lets people in and out of the room

(show a picture of a wall) It protect what is inside the room sir
(show a picture of fridge) It store food
(show a picture of floor, tables and chairs) It cater all the people sir
(show a picture of waiter and waitress) They serve as organizer sir by serving food!
(show picture of a takeout box) Package the food that the costumer want to take
(show a picture of chef) out sir
(show line up cook) That’s the chef sir, it cooks food
That still chef but they are many, they convert the
ingredients to a ready to eats food
(show a picture of janitor/janitress The janitor, it clean the establishment

“Okey, Where you find them?” “At the restaurant Sir”

“these picture the chef, the waiters and waitress.

The refrigerator, the take out box, the door, the
wall is what comprised the restaurant . this is their
basic structural and functional unit.

Same this with the eukaryotes, we also have basic “the cell sir”
and structural and functional unit. Can someone
tell me what is it?

Any idea what is cell? Sir! cell Basic unit of structure and function of life
• Cell known as “building blocks”

What make a cell?

• A cell is a living thing
• Cell are able to make more cell a like ( the student listen to his/her teacher and focus
themselves to the slide)

What are the two types of the cell The plant cell and animal cell

I am sure you are asking “ Who was the first

person to look at cell. In this class a there anyone
who knows this person? Sir! Robert Hooke

In the 1960 there was a man who named Robert

Hooke. Robert lived in Britain and was scientist.
He was the first person to observe the cell. Robert
Hooke took a piece bark from And old oak tree
and looked at it through a microscope. The bark
looked a like it was made up many small rooms
(kind of like a house with many bed rooms), or
structure, he saw under Microsoft cell.

Now let ‘s go the cell membrane. It is the outer

layer of the cell. Cell membrane is also known as
gate keeper, it is only allows some material to pass
through but keep other’s out.

What is the function of cytoplasm? Is responsible for giving a cell its shape. It helps to
fill out the cell and keeps organelles in their place

What is the function of the nucleus ? Is to control gene expression and mediate the
replication of DNA during the cell cycle

What are the two category of nucleus? The eukaryotes and prokaryotes

What is the function of the ribosome? The function of this is to synthesize proteins as
directed in the messenger RNA
Okay, this is one’s here is the lysosome they break
down in the waste product and detoxify the cell

What is the function of the endoplasmic The main function of the lysosome is to
reticulum? breakdown the unwanted macromolecules

There are two types of the endoplasmic reticulum. The rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum
What are they are?

What is the function of Golgi Apparatus? A major function is the modifying, sorting and
packaging of proteins for secretion

What is the function of the mitochondria The power house of the cell

What is the function of the vacuole? Vacoule it can hold food for later use or waste

Okay, let’s go back to the picture. Let us connect Yes Sir!

their function to the function of the cell. Are you

In the restaurant, you see its wall. What do these It refer to the cell wall Sir!
walls represent in the cell

Yes that is because both the cell wand and the

wall of the restaurant give the object structures
and creates a barrier from what to what outside

How about the door of restaurant? What does it The door let the people enter in and out of the
do? place

That’s right and it resembles to what? The cell membrane, because it means what goes in
and out of the cell, the cell only way for any
molecule to get inside of the cell is through the
membrane. Just like the door is the only way of
the restaurant.
On the other hand, the chef is similar to the .the chef is like the nucleus because he/she is the
nucleus, why do you think so? one in control on what food make and how rto
make it.
That’s right. The nucleus is the control of the cell
just like the chef who’s the one in control and in
the restaurant on what food to make.

The nucleus is the same brain as the chef. Would Yes Sir! Because the chef brain contain valuable
you agree? recipes that need for creating food.

What do you think relates to the cytoplasm in the The chair and table sir and also the floor

Okay, the cytoplasm relates to the seating area

and the area in the kitchen. A seating area contain
all of the table and the kitchen contain all of the
food , cooking tool and the fridge,

Since we’re talking about fridge, what does the They serve as storage for food or ingredient
fridge do?

And it is the same as to what in the restaurant? The vacuole sir! Fridge store food that the
costumer will eventually eat and it is the same as
the vacuole that store food that cell take in.

How about the janitor? What do they represent? The janitor in the restaurant represent the
lysosome because they are the one who digest
old cell part

Line of the cook convert ingredient into meal The mitochondria

convenient for the consumer to eat. What does it
represent cell?

Endoplasmic reticulum serve as the pathway of the

restaurant, where the protein, lipid and other
components are assembled.

How about the take out boxes? What do they The take out boxes represent the Golgi apparatus
represent? because the Golgi apparatus modifies sort and
packages protein and other material for the
storage like the take boxes which is use for
storing food.

What is cytoskeleton for? The cytoskeleton give the cell shape and internal
In restaurants the waiter and waitress give the
job structure and internal organization. The
waitress and waiter must be organized.

Are there any clarification? Question? No Sir!

 GENERALIZATION: what are the difference between plant and animal cell?

 APPLICATION: Draw the Venn diagram of the similarities between animal cell and plants cell

 EVALUATION: identify the part in manila paper and write the correct answer in ¼ sheet of

III. ASSIGNMENT: Read on the aid s of cell locomotion. Write the finding on ½ cross wise
yellow paper

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