Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Logic gate & logic family mark 12

Draw the symbol & write truth table of logic gate.

2.Construct OR, AND, NOT gate from NAND gate. Or Justify with the help of suitable
diagrams ‘ NAND gate is a universal gate.
1. Construct OR, AND, NOT gate from NOR gate.

2. Write laws of Boolean algebra.

A+B = B+A
A.B = B.A
(A + B) + C = A + (B + C)
(A B) C = A (B C)
A (B + C) = A B + A C
A + (B C) = (A + B) (A + C)

Implement given logical equation using logic gates - Y = AB + CD

Simplify the following Boolean expression

Simplify using Boolean algebra (A+B) (A+C).

(A+B)(A+C) = AA + AC+ AB + BC
= A + AB + AC + BC ( Since A.A =A)
= A (1+ B + C) + BC ( Since 1+B+C = 1)
= A +BC
Reduce the following logic expression using Boolean laws and De- Morgan’s
3. State & Explain Duality theorem
if a statement is true, then also its dual statement is true.
The dual statement is obtained by changing OR( + ) by AND ( .) , & replacing
0 for 1 and vice versa.
F = ab + bc + ac
then to calculate it’s dual, + operator should be changed with . operation and all 0 should be
changed to 1. Thus, dual of F is:
Fdual = (a+b) • (b+c) • (a+c)

State and verify De-Morgan’s first & second theorem using truth table.
Theorem1:It states that the, complement of a sum is equal to product of their complements of
individual variable.
Theorem2: It states that, the complement of a product is equal to sum of the complements of
individual variable.

4. Define the term Fan out, Power Dissipation, figure of merit, noise margin.
Fan-out: Fan out is the maximum number of similar gates which can be driven by a gate.
A fan out of 6 indicates that the gate can drive maximum 6 inputs of gates having same IC
Power Dissipation: Power dissipation is the amount of power dissipated in an IC. Due to
applied voltage Vee and current flowing through the Ic‟ some power is dissipated in it in the
form of heat. It is determined by the current Icc that it draws from the Vcc supply.
The power dissipated is given by P = Vcc X Icc This power is in milliwatts.
Fan in: The number of inputs that a logic gate can handle.
Noise margin: The difference between the tolerable output and input voltage ranges is
called the noise margin of the gate.
Noise immunity: it is amount of noise signal a logic circuit can tolerate without being
amplified beyond unity gain.
Figure of merit : The product of the signal propagation delay times the average power
dissipation .
Propagation delay: The delay between application of input signal & occurrence of output
5. Compare TTL , CMOS, ECL logic family on the basis of Fan out, Power
Dissipation, figure of merit, noise margin, propagation delay.

Classification of logic family.

1. SSI - Small Scale integration (about 10 gates/chip)

2. MSI - Medium Scale integration (more than 10 but less than 100 gates)

3. LSI - Large Scale integration components ( 100 gates to 1000 gate/chip)

4. VLSI - Very Large Scale integration (upto 100000 gate/chip)

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