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Combining Value Stream Mapping and Discrete Event

Anthony J. Donatelli
Gregory A. Harris
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, AL 35899

application of their combination is


Industrial processes, Industrial

engineering, Manufacturing, Production, LEAN MANUFACTURING
Documentation, Model design, Model
evaluation, Discrete simulation Lean manufacturing is the
systematic approach to identifying and
eliminating waste (non-value added
ABSTRACT activities) through continuous
improvement by flowing the product at
This paper discusses the integration of the pull of the customer in pursuit of
value stream mapping (VSM) and perfection. (NIST, 2000) For example,
discrete event simulation to further the wastes would be things like
continuous improvement goals of lean transportation, waiting, and inventory.


A value stream is all the actions
Models are descriptions of (both value and non-value added)
systems, and model simulation is required to bring a product, or group of
perhaps the primary tool for studying the products that use many of the same
behavior of large, complex systems. resources in much the same way,
(IIE, 1992) Usable models should be through the main flow essential to every
easily understood, yet have enough product – from raw material to the arms
detail to realistically reflect the of the customer. VSM is a pencil and
important characteristics of the system. paper visualization tool that shows the
Two tools used in implementing lean flow of material and information as a
manufacturing are value stream mapping product makes its way through the value
(VSM) and simulation. If VSM is a stream. (Rother and Shook, 1999) VSM
snapshot, simulation is the movie. VSM serves as a starting point to help
and simulation complement each other, management, engineers, suppliers, and
and at the end of this paper a real world customers recognize waste and its
sources. Value stream mapping is done
in two steps. The first step is to draw the The data collected in the act of value
current state value stream map to take a stream mapping provides the
snapshot of how things are being done information necessary to develop a
now, and the second step is to draw the computer simulation of the current
future state map to show how things process. The simulation can be used in
ought to be done. Value stream mapping analyzing and evaluating the current and
provides both a picture of the current future states. And once a suggestion to
state of affairs as well as a vision of how improve a targeted problem has been
we would like to see things work. made, the simulation can be modified to
Identifying the differences in the current include the suggestions and then run to
and future states yields a roadmap for measure the potential impact. This
improvement activities. allows the team to make changes and
observe the effects without disrupting
the production process or causing
USE OF SIMULATION WITH unnecessary downtime and costs.
Both VSM and simulation take a
Some obvious steps in VSM that holistic look at the system, but VSM is
can be helped by simulation are (1) an efficient design tool, while simulation
analysis and evaluation of the current is an efficient analysis tool. VSM creates
and future states, (2) documentation of the model and provides the vision,
areas to improve, and (3) assessment of whereas simulation is used to evaluate
the impact of proposed improvements. the model and substantiate the vision.
VSM is a pencil and paper, down to
earth, and realistic representation, but
simulation is a general analysis
technique, and as such can only provide APPLICATION OF SIMULATION
estimates of model performance. Again, WITH VSM
the vision and the model come from the
value stream maps, and simulation gives Notice from Figure 1 that the
analysis and flexibility. current process consists of 13 material
operations and 9 information operations.
Notice from Figure 2 that the future CONCLUSIONS
process consists of only 4 material
operations and 5 information operations. The following conclusions are
Figures 3 and 4 show the obvious made for the use of simulation with
correlation between the value stream value stream mapping:
maps and the simulation models, as they • VSM is an extremely valuable
are almost identical. The model tool in lean manufacturing and
generation and data collection phases of the continuous improvement
simulating the process were basically effort.
eliminated, due to value stream mapping • Simulation adds the fourth
first. Simulation of the VSM show dimension, time, to a value
problems that might have been missed stream map. After being
with the value stream maps alone – for simulated, the VSM is no longer
example, extended running of this just a snapshot; it is a moving
simulation shows that the information picture, which offers insights that
flow, not the material flow, is the source may have been missed if VSM
of the process problems. Due to the lack alone had been used.
of data in this case, the only • One tenet of lean manufacturing
improvements VSM and simulation can is to not get “paralysis by
offer at this time are improvements in analysis,” – simulation of the
layout and flow. VSM allows the lean team to
more quickly “just do it,” and
without causing interruption in
the production process.
• Simulation makes not only an industrial engineer, quality engineer,
testing ideas easier, cheaper, and operations manager and plant manager.
quicker, but also gives immediate He is a certified NIST Lean
assessment of proposed changes Manufacturing Trainer and a registered
to the system. Professional Engineer. Mr. Harris has
• The VSM process provides the BS in Industrial Engineering from
model and the data, making Auburn University, a MBA from St.
simulation easier to do. Edwards University and is pursuing a
• VSM and simulation are a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at UAH.
natural combination and each
enhances the other’s value in the
lean manufacturing effort.


• [Rother and Shook, 1999] M.

Rother, and J. Shook, 1999:
Learning to See, The Lean
Enterprise Institute, Brookline,
• [IIE, 1992] IIE, Handbook of
Industrial Engineering, West
Lafayette, IN.
• [NIST, 2000] NIST-MEP Lean,
Lean Certificate Series, NIST
Manufacturing Extension
Partnership, Gaithersburg, MD.


Tony Donatelli is a Research Associate

at the ATN Region 1 Center at UAH. He
has BS in Industrial and Systems
Engineering and is currently pursuing an
MS in Engineering Management from
UAH. He has experience in value stream
mapping, simulation, production control,
line balancing and standardization,
facility layout, and as a lean
manufacturing trainer.

Greg Harris is Director of the ATN

Region 1 Center at UAH and has over 20
years of experience in manufacturing as

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