Take Test MBCH732D-Human Resource Manage

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Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-April17-

Question 1 (TWO)
Select the most appropriate option
'Best practice' employee selection is usually associated with which model?
1. Psychological model

2. Physiological model
3. Psychometric model
4. Psychiatric model
Question 2
Select the most appropriate option
The goal of ------- is basically to change the attitudes of people in the organization so as
to enable them to identify the change areas and implement the desired organization
changes on their own.
1. Organization Development

2. Employee Development
3. Management Development
4. Career Development.
Question 3
Select the most appropriate option
Generally ------ does not involve any significant change in compensation, duties,
responsibilities or even status.
1. Promotion

2. Transfer

3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enlargement
Question 4
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is/ are applied as a preceding step for Human Resource Planning
1. Work study

2. Method study
3. Work measurement techniques
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)
uestion 5
Select the most appropriate option
The objectives of MDP vary for various levels of management. Their commonality for all
levels is to infuse:
1. Attitudinal change

2. Behavioural change
3. Change in knowledge and skills
4. All of the above
uestion 6
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following best describes the second step of the Recruitment Process?
1. Gathering of job information

2. Determining best recrutiment method

3. Identifying job openings
4. Planning for staff needs
uestion 7
Select the most appropriate option
Teaching by a wise and trusted superior on a one-to-one basis is called :
1. In-basket training

2. Behaviour modelling
3. Mentoring

4. Action Learning
uestion 8
Select the most appropriate option
Training objectives should be expressed in:
1. Employee behaviours

2. Management desires
3. Needs assessment
4. Subjective judgement
5. Employee reactions
uestion 9
Select the most appropriate option
The HR audit needs to be done at ------- levels of the organization.
1. Two

2. Three

3. Four

4. Five

uestion 10
Select the most appropriate option
An empirical inquiry into the actual rules or standards of a particular group is ------- .
1. Normative justice

2. Descriptive justice
3. Interpersonal justice
4. None of the above
uestion 11
Select the most appropriate option
In the year -------- , the Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations
Training was published by University Associates giving structured experiences with
guidelines for training and development.
1. 1959

2. 1969

3. 1949

4. None of the above

uestion 12
Select the most appropriate option
The planned use of networked information and communications technology for the
delivery of training is called :
1. E-learning

2. Role playing
3. Case study
4. Programmed learning
uestion 13
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not a trend in job design?
1. Quality control

2. Cross training
3. Jobs for life
4. Team approaches
uestion 14
Select the most appropriate option
In a ------- process, management development facilitates self-development of managers,
as they learn many things through action learning methods, sharing the experiences of
each other in a simulated classroom atmosphere.
1. Organizational Development

2. Self Development
3. Management Development
4. Employee Development
uestion 15 (ONE)
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is recommended for training sessions to maximize learning?
1. A full day

2. A half-day
3. One hour
4. Three hours
5. Two hours
uestion 16
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not a consideration when designing a training program that
motivates the trainees?
1. Provide the opportunity to apply the material

2. Provide prompt feedback

3. Utilize a half or three-fourths day schedule
4. Pay the trainees for the time spent in training
5. Allow trainees to set their own pace
uestion 17
Select the most appropriate option
-------- takes into account the length of service, which is an important variable of
wastage analysis.
1. Job Analysis

2. Cohort Analysis
3. Census Analysis
4. None of the above
uestion 18
State whether the given statement is true or false
Orientation is generally the formal information.
1. true

2. false

uestion 19
Select the most appropriate option
------- generally exists between a superior and a subordinate.
1. Line relationship

2. Integration

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None of the above
uestion 20
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not an objective method of demand forecasting?
1. Ratio analysis

2. Time trends
3. Work study
4. Delphi technique
uestion 21
Select the most appropriate option
A ------- is a predetermined established guideline towards the attainment of accepted
goals and objectives.
1. Strategy

2. Programme

3. Procedure

4. Policy

uestion 22
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is/ are separate aspect(s) of the broader concept of HRM?
1. Human Resource Management

2. Organisational Development
3. Industrial Relations
4. All of the above
5. Only (1) and (2)
uestion 23
Select the most appropriate option
The first factor in deciding the supply of labour is:
1. Developing staffing tables

2. Issuing advertisements
3. Preparing replacement charts
4. Analysing labour markets
5. Auditing present employees
uestion 24
Select the most appropriate option
The ultimate goal of ------- is to reward desired behaviours and encourage people to do
well in their jobs.
1. Compensation administration
2. Basic Wage
3. Incentives

4. None of the above

uestion 25
Select the most appropriate option
Which best defines the degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection
procedures yield comparable data over time and alternative measures?
1. Job sampling

2. Reliability

3. Validity

4. Organizational culture
uestion 26
Select the most appropriate option
------- programmes are planned and managed from the top to bring about planned
organizational changes for increasing the organizational effectiveness.
1. Organization Development

2. Employee Development
3. Management Development
4. Career Development
uestion 27
Select the most appropriate option
Providing equal pay for jobs of equal nature based on job evaluation ensures ------- in
compensation administration.
1. External equity

2. Internal equity
3. Neutrality

4. None of the above

uestion 28
Select the most appropriate option
When there are several pay grades in a pay structure, it is called -------.
1. Traditional pay structure

2. Broad-graded structure
3. Job family structure
4. None of the above
uestion 29
Select the most appropriate option
-------- is the lateral movement of employees from one position, division, department or
unit to another.
1. Transfer

2. Promotion

3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enrichment
uestion 30
Select the most appropriate option
A structured process by which people become skilled workers through a combination of
classroom instruction and on-the-job training is called -------- .
1. Job instruction training

2. Understudy training
3. Programmed learning
4. Apprenticeship training
5. Coaching

uestion 31
Select the most appropriate option
A body of information that can be directly applied to the performance of tasks is ------- .
1. Knowledge

2. Skills

3. Abilities

4. None of the above

uestion 32
Select the most appropriate option
------- is a method of evaluating the behaviour of employees at the workplace and
normally includes both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of job performance.
1. Job Evaluation

2. Performance Evaluation
3. Job Analysis
4. None of the above
uestion 33
Select the most appropriate option
One of the major deficiencies of ------- is that it holds good for a small homogenous
1. Job Analysis

2. Cohort Analysis
3. Census Analysis
4. None of the above
uestion 34
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following factors is not an external influencing factor in wages and salary
1. Capacity of the organization to pay

2. Corporate policies and philosophy

3. Performance evaluation report
4. None of the above
uestion 35
Select the most appropriate option
------ transfer is the movement within the same job-family.
1. Horizontal

2. Vertical

3. Both (1) and (2)

4. None of the above
uestion 36
Select the most appropriate option
------- can be effectively used for structure and content-plateaued employees as
temporary promotion alternatives.
1. Lateral Transfer

2. Horizontal Transfer
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
uestion 37
Select the most appropriate option
A series of processes aimed at assisting the employees make informed career
decisions is known as :
1. Career guidance

2. Career anchoring
3. Mentoring

4. Career goals
uestion 38
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is the form of promotion?
1. Open form

2. Close form
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
uestion 39
Select the most appropriate option
The process of bringing together different tasks to build a job is called ------- .
1. Job evaluation

2. Job design
3. Job classification
4. Job description
uestion 40
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not a reason for demotion?
1. Inefficiency

2. Indiscipline

3. Administrative convenience
4. Absence of promotional opportunities
uestion 41
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following terms refers to the background investigations, tests, and physical
exams that firms use to identify viable candidates for a job?
1. Selection tools

2. Job analysis methods

3. Job specifications
4. Personnel techniques
5. Forecasting tools
uestion 42
State whether the given statement is true or false
Cross-functional or crosslateral transfers, throughout the career of an employee, keep
employee fresh and receptive to new ideas and make him more creative and
1. true

2. false

uestion 43
Select the most appropriate option
If an employer fails to train an employee adequately and an employee subsequently
does harm to a third party, the court could find the employer liable for ------- .
1. Negligent hiring

2. Discrimination

3. Negligent training
4. Occupational fraud
5. Adverse action
uestion 44
Select the most appropriate option
------- development is a planned, systematic and continuous process of learning and
growth by which managers develop their conceptual and analytical abilities to manage.
1. Management

2. Organisational

3. Human resource
4. None of the above
uestion 45
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is the first step in succession planning?
1. Creating an applicant pool

2. Assessing possible candidates

3. Identifying and analyzing key jobs
4. Selecting who will fill key positions
5. Developing the strengths of current employees
uestion 46
Select the most appropriate option
The Industrial Revolution followed the new economic doctrine of ------- .
1. Laissez-faire

2. Quasi Contract
3. Lapse

4. None of the above

uestion 47
Select the most appropriate option
------- ensures creativity, innovativeness, optimal decision making power, good
organizational practices and better communication.
1. Work measurement

2. Method study
3. Job Assessment
4. Job Context
uestion 48
Select the most appropriate option
According to research, which selection method is perceived to be least fair by most
1. CVs or Resumes
2. Graphology

3. Written tests
4. References

uestion 49
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not an option for decruitment?
1. Attrition

2. Reduced workweeks
3. Early retirements
4. Internet hiring
uestion 50
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The other promotion alternatives are :
1. Lateral Transfer

2. Horizontal Transfer
3. Open Transfer
4. Close Transfer
uestion 51
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following factors is not an external influencing factor in wages and salary
1. Cost of living

2. Labour legislations
3. Labour market conditions
4. Ability to pay
uestion 52
Select the most appropriate option
Employers can supplement the job description and specification with a ------- that
consolidates information regarding required tasks and skills in a format that is helpful for
determining training requirements.
1. Performance record form

2. Training assessment form

3. Task analysis record form
4. Skill sheet
5. Work function analysis
uestion 53
Select the most appropriate option
The first step in a performance analysis is to ------ .
1. Compare the person’s performance to ideal performance

2. Evaluate productivity per employee

3. Assess number of employee-related customer complaints
4. Evaluate supervisor performance reviews
5. Conduct tests of job knowledge
uestion 54
Select the most appropriate option
The question of placement arises when a group of trainees are ------- .
1. Inducted

2. Oriented

3. Recruited

4. Transferred

uestion 55 (FOUR)
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Some of the important team-based incentive plans may be listed as :
1. Co-partnership: In this system, the worker gets his usual wages, a share in the profits of the

company and a share in the management of the company as well. Thus, employees share
the capital as well as profits. When co-partnership operates with profit-sharing the
employees are allowed to leave their bonus with the company as shares (bonus shares).
This system is an improvement over all other systems of wage payment in that it implies
both profit-sharing and control-sharing. It also offers recognition of the claim of the
dignity of labour as the worker is viewed as partner in the business. This would, in turn,
create a sense of belongingness among workers and stimulate them to contribute their best
for the continued prosperity of the company.
2. Towne plan: The main objective of this plan is to bring about cost reduction by foremen

and workers. However, bonus is paid upon a reduction in labour cost alone. A standard
labour cost per unit for a particular period is determined and if actual labour cost per unit is
less than the standard labour cost, 50 percent of the saving in labour cost is distributed
among workers and foremen in proportion to their wages.
3. Scanlon plan: Under this plan, constant proportion (i.e., ratio of wages to sales value) of

the added value of output is paid to the workers who are responsible for the addition of the
value. The added value is the change in market value (including profit) resulting from an
alteration in the form, location or availability of product service, excluding the cost of
purchased materials or services used in production.
4. Rucker plan: In this plan, employees receive a constant proportion of the ‘added value’.

The term ‘added value’ means the change in market value resulting from an alteration in
the form, location or availability of a product or service, excluding the cost of bought-out
materials or services.
5. Preistman’s production bonus: Under this system, a standard is fixed in terms of units or

points. If actual output, measured similarly, exceeds the standard, the workers will receive
bonus in proportion to the increase. Therefore, this system can operate in a factory where
there is mass production of a standard product with little or no bottleneck.
uestion 56
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following can be included as the step(s) in the organisation of a
management development programme?
1. Inventory of management manpower is prepared to have a complete set of information

about each executive in each position. For each member of the executive team, a card is
prepared listing such data as name, age, length of service, education, work experience,
health record, psychological test results and performance appraisal data, etc. The selection
of individuals for a management development programme is made on the basis of the kind
of background they possess. Such information, when analysed, discloses the strengths as
well as weaknesses or deficiencies of managers in certain functions relating to the future
needs of the organisations.
2. Planning of individual development programmes: Guided by the results of the performance

appraisal that indicates the strengths and weaknesses of each of the executives, this activity
of planning of individual development programme can be performed.
3. Establishment of development programmes is the duty of the HR department to establish

the developmental opportunities. The HR department has to identify the existing level of
skills, knowledge, etc., of various executives and compare them with their respective job
requirements. Thus, it identifies developmental needs and requirements and establishes
specific development programmes, like leadership courses, management games, sensitivity
training, etc.
4. After deciding to launch a management development programme, a close and critical

examination of the present and future development needs of the organisation has to be
made. We should know how many and what type of managers are required to meet the
present and future requirements. A comparison of the already existing talents with those
that are required to meet the projected needs will help the top management to take a policy
decision as to whether it wishes to fill those positions from within the organisation or from
outside sources.
5. Appraisal of present management talents: In order to make the above suggested

comparison, a qualitative assessment of the existing executive talents should be made and
an estimate of their potential for development should be added to that. Only then can it be
compared with the projected required talents.
uestion 57
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Specifically, the purpose of recruitment is / are to :
1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its

personal planning and job-analysis activities.

2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

3. Help to increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly
under qualified or over qualified job applicants.
4. Help to reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave

the organization only after a short period of time.

uestion 58
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following is/ are intrinsic or extrinsic reward(s) that inspires people to give
their best to the organisation?
1. Motivation: Combining forces that allow people to behave in certain ways is an integral

aspect of motivation. People must have both the ability and the motivation if they are to
perform at a high level. Managers generally try to motivate people through properly
administered rewards (financial as well as non-financial).
2. Work scheduling: Organisations must realise the importance of scheduling work to

motivate employees through job enrichment, shorter work weeks’ flexi-time, work sharing
and home work assignments. Employees need to be challenged at work and the job itself
must be one that they value. Work scheduling is an attempt to structure work,
incorporating the physical, physiological and behavioural aspects of work.
3. Job design: Organising tasks, and responsibilities towards having a productive unit of work

is called job design. The main purpose of job design is to integrate the needs of employers
to suit the requirements of an organisation.
4. Job evaluation: Organisations formally determine the value of jobs through the process of

job evaluation. Job evaluation is the systematic process of determining the relative worth
of jobs in order to establish which jobs should be paid more than others within the
organisation. Job evaluation helps to establish internal equality between various jobs.
uestion 59
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following is/ are the objective(s) of the job information?
1. The objective of job information is organizational analysis. It helps in work flow analysis

with respect to a job and also helps in identification of redundant work elements in a job
and thus facilitates in job restructuring.
2. The objective of job information is to communicate duties and responsibilities attached to a

job to the employees for their clear understanding. This also helps employees to
understand organizational expectations from them.
3. For HRP, job information helps in analyzing the scope for internal hiring and the

requirements of external hiring for staffing various positions in the organization.

4. In setting performance standards and establishing job objectives, job information is

essential both in qualitative and quantitative terms. This also facilitates in appraising
performance of an employee against such set standards more scientifically.
5. For other HR related decisions like; promotion, transfer, relocation, redundancy and

compensation designing, job information provides critical inputs.

uestion 60(THREE)
Select the most appropriate option
The human resource management functions aim at :
1. Ensuring that the human resources possess adequate capital, tool, equipment and material

to perform the job successfully

2. Helping the organization deal with its employees in different stages of employment

3. Improving an organization’s creditworthiness among financial institutions

4. None of the above
uestion 61
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following best summarises the distinction between 'hard' and 'soft' HRP?
1. Hard' HRP emphasises indirect control over employees, whereas 'soft' HRP emphasises

direct control.
2. Hard' HRP emphasises direct control over employees, whereas 'soft' HRP emphasises

indirect control.
3. There is no significant difference between 'hard' and 'soft' HRP.

4. None of the above

uestion 62
Select the most appropriate option
The succession plan should identify :
1. Key posts and possible successors.

2. Competencies of successors and the training required for them.

3. Causes of turnover
4. All of the above
5. Only (2) and (3)
uestion 63
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not a goal of a management development programme?
1. To make certain that the managers are aware of the latest and best managerial practices,

measurement methods and work techniques.

2. To ensure that the attitudes, values and beliefs of the managers match the core values and

strategy of the organization.

3. To assist the managers to build on their strengths and work on their weaknesses.

4. To ensure that there is no delay in the settlement of retirement benefits of the managers
Take Test: MBCH732D-Human Resource Management-April17-
Question 1 (FOUR)
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Emerging issues of operative function include :
1. Personnel records such as papers, files, cards, cassettes and films are maintained to have

tangible record of what is actually happening in an organisation and to formulate

appropriate HR policies and programmes (based on historical records, actual experience
and future trends) from time to time.
2. Human resources research is the process of evaluating the effectiveness of human resource

policies and practices and developing more appropriate ones.

3. Human resource audit refers to an examination and evaluation of policies, procedures and

practices to determine the effectiveness of HRM. Personnel audit (a) measures the
effectiveness of personnel programmes and practices and (b) determines what should or
should not be done in future.
4. Human resources accounting (HRA) is a measurement of the cost and value of human
resources to the organisation. Human resource management is said to be effective if its
value and contribution in any organisation is more than its cost.
5. Human resource information system is an integrated system designed to improve the

efficiency with which HR data is compiled. It makes HR records more useful to the
management by serving as a source of information.
uestion 2
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The feature of policies are :
1. Policies contain general guidelines for behavior, which employees are usually asked to

acknowledge in a written form.

2. Policies define consequences if the rules aren't followed, such as various forms of

disciplinary action, including termination.

3. As policies may not cover all situations, they should provide management with the

flexibility to make decisions based on individual circumstances.

4. Organizations may have varying sets of policies for different groups of employees. Senior

management has the authority to approve policies for implementation.

uestion 3
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Which of the following ways the Reengineering can be achieved?
1. Specialised jobs are combined and enlarged. Workers are empowered to use more

decision-making authority while carrying out work in small teams.

2. Each person’s job is made more interesting and challenging. Supervisory checks are

reduced. Employees are allowed to oversee their own work.

3. Workers are made collectively responsible for overall results rather than individually

responsible for just their own tasks.

4. The primary focus is on the customer and building an organisation structure that is

production friendly.
uestion 4
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
In which of the following situations Organisational Development can be used?
1. To develop or enhance the organization’s mission statement (statement of purpose) or

vision statement for what it wants to be. To help align functional structures in an
organization so they are working together for a common purpose.
2. To create a strategic plan for how the organization is going to make decisions about its

future and achieving that future. To manage conflict that exists among individuals, groups,
functions, sites, and so on, when such conflicts disrupt the ability of the organization to
function in a healthy way
3. To put in place processes that will help improve the ongoing operations of the organization

on a continuous basis. To create a collaborative environment that helps the organization be

more effective and efficient. To create reward systems that are compatible with the goals
of the organization.
4. To assist in the development of policies and procedures that will improve the ongoing

operation of the organization. To assess the working environment, to identify strengths on

which to build and areas in which change and improvement are needed.
5. To provide help and support for employees, especially those in senior positions, who need
an opportunity to be coached in how to do their jobs better. To assist in creating systems
for providing feedback on individual performance and, on occasion, conducting studies to
give individuals feedback and coaching to help them in their individual development
uestion 5 (ONE)
Select the most appropriate option
A recruiting yield pyramid is the historical arithmetic relationship between all of the
following EXCEPT ------- .
1. Internal and external candidates

2. Offers made and offers accepted

3. Recruitment leads and invitees
4. Invitees and interviews
5. Interviews and offers made
uestion 6
Select the most appropriate option
Recruitment is widely viewed as a ------- process.
1. Positive

2. Negative

3. Both positive and negative

4. None of the above
uestion 7
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following terms is not associated with job analysis?
1. Task

2. Duty

3. Position

4. Competitor

uestion 8
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following techniques are not connected with human resource planning?
1. Management of change

2. Simple linear regression

3. Succession planning
4. Markov matrix analysis
uestion 9
Select the most appropriate option
The formal form of promotion is also known as the ------- .
1. Standardised Form
2. Systematic Form
3. Either (1) or (2)
4. None of the above
uestion 10
Select the most appropriate option
The Industrial Revolution followed the new economic doctrine of ------- .
1. Laissez-faire

2. Quasi Contract
3. Lapse

4. None of the above

uestion 11
State whether the given statement is true or false
The first important task of selection function is to frame a recruitment policy, which calls
for review of manpower requirement i.e. it should be adequately supported by effective
manpower forecasting.
1. true

2. false

uestion 12
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is the area from which applicants can be recruited?
1. Job agencies

2. Labour markets
3. Employment lines
4. Labour unions
uestion 13
Select the most appropriate option
In ------- , a given system is copied and the variables and constants associated with it
are manipulated in an artificial environment to examine the behaviour of the system.
1. Selection

2. Recruitment

3. Simulation

4. Cohort Analysis
uestion 14
Select the most appropriate option
-------- is the lateral movement of employees from one position, division, department or
unit to another.
1. Transfer
2. Promotion

3. Job Rotation
4. Job Enrichment
uestion 15
State whether the given statement is true or false
Cross-functional or crosslateral transfers, throughout the career of an employee, keep
employee fresh and receptive to new ideas and make him more creative and
1. true

2. false

uestion 16
Select the most appropriate option
The ------ and the related concepts of organization were well understood by Moses
around 1200 B.C.
1. Human Resources

2. Span of Management
3. Span of authority
4. None of the above
uestion 17
Select the most appropriate option
------- means having a person learn a job by actually doing it.
1. Practice

2. On-the-job training
3. Socialization

4. Social learning
5. Modeling

uestion 18
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not a forecasting technique to assess the human resource
requirements of an organization?
1. Trend analysis

2. Ratio analysis
3. Managerial judgment
4. Replacement charts
uestion 19
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not a consideration when designing a training program that
motivates the trainees?
1. Provide the opportunity to apply the material
2. Provide prompt feedback
3. Utilize a half or three-fourths day schedule
4. Pay the trainees for the time spent in training
5. Allow trainees to set their own pace
uestion 20
Select the most appropriate option
An observable competence for working with or applying information to perform a
particular task is ------- .
1. Knowledge

2. Skills

3. Abilities

4. None of the above

uestion 21
Select the most appropriate option
Rebekah was hired soon after graduation and assigned to complete a management
trainee program. She will move to various jobs each month for a nine-month period of
time. Her employer is utilizing the ------ form of training.
1. Job rotation

2. Understudy

3. Coaching

4. Special assignments
5. Informal learning
uestion 22
Select the most appropriate option
Comparison of the present human resources to future needs of an organization, duly
identifying skill and competency gaps and subsequently developing plans for building
the human resources needed in future is the basic process of --------
1. Job Evaluation

2. Human Resource Planning

3. Job Analysis
4. None of the above
uestion 23
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following factors is not an external influencing factor in wages and salary
1. Cost of living

2. Labour legislations
3. Labour market conditions
4. Ability to pay
uestion 24
Select the most appropriate option
If an employer fails to train an employee adequately and an employee subsequently
does harm to a third party, the court could find the employer liable for ------- .
1. Negligent hiring

2. Discrimination

3. Negligent training
4. Occupational fraud
5. Adverse action
uestion 25
Select the most appropriate option
The ------- is a logical review of the workings of the HR department.
1. Intervention

2. HR audit
3. Job Evaluation
4. Human Resource Planning
uestion 26
Select the most appropriate option
A ------- is a predetermined established guideline towards the attainment of accepted
goals and objectives.
1. Strategy

2. Programme

3. Procedure

4. Policy

uestion 27
Select the most appropriate option
------- application blanks are also prepared by some organizations to record personal
history items associated with job success.
1. Weighted

2. Observed

3. Organised

4. Associated

uestion 28
Select the most appropriate option
A series of processes aimed at assisting the employees make informed career
decisions is known as :
1. Career guidance
2. Career anchoring
3. Mentoring

4. Career goals
uestion 29
Select the most appropriate option
------- is a process of planning the series of possible jobs which an individual may hold in
the organization over time and developing strategies designed to provide necessary job
skills as the opportunity arises.
1. Career Development

2. Career Management
3. Employee Management
4. None of the above
uestion 30
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following is not an objective method of demand forecasting?
1. Ratio analysis

2. Time trends
3. Work study
4. Delphi technique
uestion 31
Select the most appropriate option
The Royal Commission on Labour in the year ------- for the first time recommended the
abolition of Jobbers System and appointment of Labour Officers to deal with recruitment
and to settle their grievances.
1. 1931

2. 1937

3. 1947

4. 1952

uestion 32
Select the most appropriate option
------- is a sampling technique.
1. Method study

2. Ratio-delay

3. Work Measurement
4. None of the above
uestion 33
Select the most appropriate option
The process of deciding how to fill executive positions at a firm is known as ------- .
1. Internal recruiting

2. Succession planning
3. Long-term forecasting
4. Advanced interviewing
5. Candidate testing
uestion 34
Select the most appropriate option
Cohort means ------- groups.
1. Homogeneous

2. Heterogeneous

3. Closed

4. Open

uestion 35
Select the most appropriate option
------- are developed on the basis of policies with a view to implementing them and
accordingly programmes involve one additional step beyond policies to simplify the
1. Programmes

2. Objectives

3. Procedures

4. Policies

uestion 36
Select the most appropriate option
Provision for cars, parking lots and membership in country club are examples of :
1. Base salary of executives

2. Short-term incentive plans

3. Executive perks
4. None of the above
uestion 37 (FIVE)
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The demerit(s) of ‘Recruiting People from Within’ is / are :
1. The organisation is forced to select candidates from a limited pool. It may have to sacrifice

quality and settle for less qualified candidates.

2. It discourages entry of talented people, available outside an organisation. Existing

employees may fail to behave in innovative ways and inject necessary dynamism to
enterprise activities.
3. Promotions based on length of service rather than merit, may prove to be a blessing for
inefficient candidates. They do not work hard and prove their worth.
4. Recruitment from within may lead to infighting among employees aspiring for limited,

higher-level positions in an organisation. As years roll by, the race for premium positions
may end up on a bitter note.
uestion 37 (FIVE)
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The demerit(s) of ‘Recruiting People from Within’ is / are :
1. The organisation is forced to select candidates from a limited pool. It may have to

sacrifice quality and settle for less qualified candidates.

2. It discourages entry of talented people, available outside an organisation. Existing

employees may fail to behave in innovative ways and inject necessary dynamism to
enterprise activities.
3. Promotions based on length of service rather than merit, may prove to be a blessing

for inefficient candidates. They do not work hard and prove their worth.
4. Recruitment from within may lead to infighting among employees aspiring for

limited, higher-level positions in an organisation. As years roll by, the race for
premium positions may end up on a bitter note.
uestion 38
Select the most appropriate option
To satisfy the unions which of the following points need to be considered?
1. Workers should be consulted before the introduction of any scheme, which is likely to

affect their interest, in one way or the other.

2. There should be a definite policy for those workers who will become redundant after

implementation of the recommendations of the work study team.

3. The procedure to deal with the changes in the method of work and for measurement of

work would be laid down and communicated to the workers.

4. All of the above

5. Only (2) and (3)

uestion 39
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
The merit(s) of external Sources of Recruitment is / are :
1. The organisation has the freedom to select candidates from a large pool. Persons with

requisite qualifications could be picked up.

2. People with special skills and knowledge could be hired to stir up the existing employees

and pave the way for innovative ways of working.

3. It helps in motivating internal employees to work hard and compete with external

candidates while seeking career growth. Such a competitive atmosphere would help an
employee to work to the best of his abilities.
4. Talented people could join the ranks, new ideas could find meaningful expression, a

competitive atmosphere would compel people to give of their best and earn rewards, etc.
uestion 40
Choose the right option-The question may have more than one correct answer.
Development function of operative function include :
1. Training is a continuous process by which employees learn skills, knowledge, abilities and

attitudes to further organisational and personnel goals.

2. Executive development is a systematic process of developing managerial skills and

capabilities through appropriate programmes.

3. Career planning and development: It is the planning of one’s career and implementation of

career plans by means of education, training, job search and acquisition of work
experiences. It includes succession planning which implies identifying developing and
tracking key individuals for executive positions
4. Human resource development aims at developing the total organisation. It creates a climate

that enables every employee to develop and use his capabilities in order to further both
individual and organisational goals
uestion 41(TWO)
Select the most appropriate option
The method that requires the line managers to justify the continuance of each job that
becomes vacant is called :
1. Simulation model

2. Zero-base forecasting
3. Human resource allocation approach
4. Delphi technique
uestion 42
Select the most appropriate option
An empirical inquiry into the actual rules or standards of a particular group is ------- .
1. Normative justice

2. Descriptive justice
3. Interpersonal justice
4. None of the above
uestion 43
Select the most appropriate option
Marginal recruitment decisions, without wastage analysis may lead to ------- in Human
Resource Planning (HRP).
1. Accuracies

2. Inaccuracies

3. Delay

4. None of the above

uestion 44
Select the most appropriate option
In which type of analysis are corporate goals and plans compared with the existing
manpower inventory to determine the training needs?
1. Organization analysis
2. Operation analysis
3. Individual analysis
4. None of the above
uestion 45
Select the most appropriate option
Harmonious industrial relations between labour and management are essential to
achieve which of the following?
1. Industrial growth

2. Higher productivity
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
uestion 46
Select the most appropriate option
Productivity has which of the following components as a major component?
1. Technological change

2. Manpower utilisation
3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
uestion 47
Select the most appropriate option
When the efficiency of the HR activity is measured in terms of the organizational
productivity and cost, it is called the ------- approach.
1. Internal

2. External

3. Self-directed team
4. Task force
uestion 48
Select the most appropriate option
Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is called ------- .
1. Job rotation

2. Job reengineering
3. Work mapping
4. Job enrichment
uestion 49
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following reasons given for screening out candidates prior to shortlisting
could be open to legal challenge?
1. Hand written applications

2. Unemployed applicants
3. Applications from non-graduates
4. Unmarried applicants
uestion 50
Select the most appropriate option
Learning principles include all but :
1. Participation

2. Repetition

3. Repatriation

4. Relevance

5. Feedback

uestion 51
Select the most appropriate option
Find the odd man out on the basis of information about kinds of promotion.
1. Horizontal promotion

2. Vertical promotion
3. Open system of promotion
4. None of the above
uestion 52
Select the most appropriate option
Which of the following perspectives looks at the career of an individual from the future
positions he is likely to hold?
1. Subjective Perspective

2. Objective Perspective
3. Neutral Perspective
4. None of the above
uestion 53
Select the most appropriate option
Too great a reliance on internal recruitment can result in :
1. Reduced job performance

2. High labour turnover

3. Internal conflict
4. Poor group dynamics
uestion 54
Select the most appropriate option
Guild System marked the beginning of Human Resource Management for :
1. Selection, training and development of workers

2. Emergence of collective bargaining for wages and working conditions.

3. Both (1) and (2)
4. None of the above
uestion 55
Select the most appropriate option
------ development is a strategy or an effort, which is planned and managed from the
top, to bring about planned organizational changes for increasing organizational
effectiveness through planned interventions based on social philosophy.
1. Organizational Development

2. Employee Development
3. Management Development
4. Career Development.
uestion 56
Select the most appropriate option
What strategies deployed by HR for attracting potential candidates to apply for
vacancies might be seen to result in indirect discrimination?
1. Advert in local press

2. Word of mouth
3. Now recruiting banners/notices
4. Agency or job centre

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