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Submitted by

Waseem Amjad

Submitted to

Munazza Mah Jabeen

Assistant Professor Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Preston University Islamabad



I am grateful and would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Mam Munazza Mah

Jabeen. For her invaluable guidance, continuous encouragement and constant support in making

this project possible. I really appreciate her guidance from the initial to the final level that enabled

me to develop an understanding of this project thoroughly. Without her advice and assistance, it

would be a lot tougher to completion. I also sincerely thanks for the time spent proofreading and

correcting my mistakes.

Many thanks to Preston University for providing us the opportunity to explore my capabilities

in programming and implementing my ideas to a good use. Having said that it was all possible

because of good staff and great management of Preston University.

Special acknowledgement to all the teachers who have guided me in my life and in my studies

without there guidance I wouldn’t have accomplished any of this and also thanks to all the class

mates who have pushed me out of my shyness and have helped me in facing my fears.


This Final Year Project is presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Masters

of Computer Science Degree in Information Technology. It is entirely my own work and has not

been submitted to any other University or higher education institution, or for any other academic

award in this University. Where use has been made of the work of other people it has been fully

acknowledged and fully referenced.

This documentation may be made available within the university Library and may be photocopied

or loaned to other libraries for the purpose of consultation.

Waseem Amjad
MCS-Batch 113/G1


This is to certify that the project entitled, “SNAKE HUNTER 3D" submitted by "Waseem Amjad"

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of "Masters of Computer Science" at the

"Preston University Islamabad" is an authentic work carried out by him under my supervision and


To the best of my knowledge, the matter embodied in the project has not been submitted to any

other University / Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.

Date: 26th May 2018

Assistant Professor Munazza Mah Jabeen,

Department of Computer Science, Preston University
Islamabad. Pakistan.


This project is about creating developing a 3D game (SNAKE HUNTER 3D), designed and

Developed in Unity3D Tool. This a single player game. Programing Language used for concern

project is object oriented C# and a little bit JS. Project is cross platform and can be builds in number

of platforms like android, iOS, windows phone, PC and Web. Project contains number of modules

with different strategies. Each Module carries the basic concept of Programming fundamental




In this section the documentation of this report is specified. It specifies the document convention,

document scope and also provides a suggestion for the readers of the document.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this requirement document is to clearly specify the needs of the client, basically

we have good interactive games out there, but I have to focus on the game the users take interest

in which is usually mind relaxing game so I came up with the idea of Snake Hunter.

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) part is intended to give a complete overview of

our Project the game Snake Hunter including the:

 Simple and smooth control

 Color full effects

 Joy full sound

 3D environment

 Natural Effect

The SRS document details all features upon which we have currently decided with reference to the

manner and importance of their implementation.

1.2 Document Conventions:

As the development team is responsible for the SRS document, no ambiguity arises from its usage.

There is a clear distinction, however, between the use of the words “player/gamer” and “character.”

The “player” is the human being interacting with the game in the real world, while the “character”

is the in-game player avatar being manipulated.

Depending upon the need, other documents may be developed. Its purpose is to

describe the specific functionality the product will provide in response to user and external system

interactions. It tells the developers (and testers) what capabilities they need to make and deliver

from the system’s perspective, and is in effect a translation of the user description into a technical

description. It can contain further iteration on use cases, a list of Functional Requirements

(responses to user/system actions) and Non-Functional Requirements (qualities and constraints)

of the system. As a checkpoint, it also provides feedback on how the requested functionality was

understood and defines a specific solution to be able to estimate the effort required to build it. The

details are included below to have a better look.

Main Headings
Font style is Calibri Light (Heading)
Font size is 18
Sub Headings
Font style is Calibri Light (Heading)
Font size is 16

Other explanation section

Font: Times New Roman
Font size is 12

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The software requirement specification contains all the detail about the Unity application which

is being developed and its components. it is useful for business and users. The customer will be

able to download it from the play store and then can use it on the smart phones/consoles. The

SRS document also gives project managers a way to ensure the game’s adherence to our original

vision. Although the document may be read from front to back for a complete understanding of

the project. it was written in sections and hence can be read as such. For an overview of the

document and the project itself, see Overall Description.

The developer need this to read because this document have basic requirements of the user. Basic

requirements are very necessary so that developer can take care of the basic functions of the users.

By help of this documentation developers made functions related to the required functions.

Users /gamers have help about the products and can see this document as a help to use the product.

The readers are:-

 Developer

 User

 Client

1.4 Product Scope

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) describes the functional and nonfunctional

requirement for the project. As we said before the purpose of this research is to provide a virtual

image for the combination of both:

 Structured

 Unstructured information of our project Snake Hunter.

 Graphics

 Customer/user interest

 Different interesting levels

 Relaxing and easy environment


Keep the game play as simple as possible system provides friendly environment to its users.

1.5 References

The references for this product are not yet completed but can give some of them. It includes a lot

of study and hard work and guidance from the teachers and seniors. Google search engine helps (For Resources) tutorials help Brackeys for menu options etc. so on

General Description
This section includes the perspective of our product and the system environment it requires. It

specifies the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) of our game and also the User Story of it:


There is just one game named as Snake Hunter and it is in 2D environment ,which was just a static

image of graphics, which was not too much.


As a developer I will convert the static graphics environment of 2D Snake Hunter into

dynamic graphics environment Snake Hunter.

2.1 Product Perspective

The product is unity based application that allows the customer to interact with the application and

get the services of the game that are provided and enjoy playing the game.

It should be user-friendly, ‘quick to learn’ and reliable application for the above purpose.

In terms of hardware, Snake Hunter will be compatible with mobile devices (android devices

only) using having touch-operated control, i.e. smart phones. It will be controlled with finger

movement of the users.

2.2 Product Functions

In the start the menu will appear and after pressing play the game will start the game is function

is to score the points and slice the candies

On pressing pause three options will appear

 Start

 Pause

 Resume

Quality Function Deployment is a technique that translates the needs of the customer into technical

requirements for software/game. It concentrates on maximizing customer satisfaction from the

Software engineering process. With respect to our project the following requirements are identified

by a QFD.

 Script

 Normal Requirements.

 Expected Requirements.

 Exciting requirements.

Gamer can interact with system by giving input (press key to start game) to the system. System

give those inputs to script, if any change occur (if the value is changed) this object send to renders

to display the things (a character can change its place).

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

 There is only one user at a time in this software and the user interacts with the game

(system) in different manner:

 Gamer is the only one who communicates with the system through playing the game.

 This gamer can be any person.

 The primary requirement is that, the gamer must read the playing procedure provided by

us (developers).

 There will be a practice round provided

Basically games have users but following can be divided

1. Developers (Administrator)

i) The administrators have complete control over all the activities that can be performed

ii) It allows user access to the application

iii) Can change levels and background environment

iv) It also maintain the application with respect to time

v) Provide security

2. Users (in my case Gamers)

i) Users are nerds who install the games on their tablets or mobile and enjoy the game.

2.4 Operating Environment

User should have a smart phones /consoles and can download it from the play store and the

install it in for use. Snake Hunter is a mobile gaming application designed specifically for the

Android platform and is functional on both mobile smart phones and tablets.

Android different version: (vs 1.0)

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

I am using SDK and JDK files and going to make an Apk file for android and if possible will try

to make it for other platforms as well

Hardware Constraints

There is no specific hardware constraints.

Software System Attributes

Portability - The application must run on every mobile phone or tablet which supports android

regardless of the operating system environment and shall be independent of specific features of

Application. (May be created for other platforms as well)

Security - Since the system does not have any critical data, no security level need to be


But if ads will be included that make sure that the customers ads will not be at any harm


All backend coding will be in c# and the frontend will be in Unity.

The system must be flexible to adapt any change

2.6 User Documentation

This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) describes the functional and nonfunctional

requirement for the project.

 Multiple features of our project Snake Hunter

 Best 3D Environment

 Multiple levels

The system will provide an online hierarchical and cross-linked help system. That describes and

illustrates all system functions. A new user can access the game.

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

Apart from the OS/platform that the system will run on, Unity game engine will be our dependency.

Also Parse servers will be a dependency for multiplayer mode


The user must have basic knowledge to operate the smart phone, consoles.

External Interface Requirements

There are three external interface in the requirements:


1. User interface

2. Hardware interface

3. Software interface

3.1 User Interfaces

Every game must has a menu so is can be user friendly enough and gamers can easily fulfill their

need. Menu is also an important thing while creating the SRS document section.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces

Snake Hunter 3D is a mobile gaming application designed specifically for the Android platform

and is functional on both mobile smart phones and tablets. Gaming application data is stored

locally on the game engine elements. Snake Hunter 3D has been developed for Android

developed Version and all subsequent releases. (May be released for more than one platform).

3.3 Software Interface:

Snake Hunter has been developed using a series of game development tools.

Working tools and platform

 Unity3D

 Autodesk Maya (Optional for resources)


 Android Software Development Kit (Android SDK): Software development kit for

applications on the Android platform. We want to release this game in the Android


3.4 Communications Interfaces

Project is a mobile application and in the single mode there won’t be any communication. And

there no multiplayer version yet.

System Features

The system features comprise of different modules, functionality of all modules is different but

they are integrated in one system.

I. Directional camera

III. Slicing using fingers

IV. Main Menu

V. Pause menu

VI. Score

4.1System Feature 1

Description and Priority:

The options menu is accessible from the title screen and allows the player to configure controls

and graphical settings to suit his/her convenience. This screen is not essential to accessing game-

play and is hence of lower priority than the Title Screen or Pause Menu, but constitutes a standard

feature in commercial titles and is thus a desirable inclusion,

The player should be able to pause anytime during game-play, and this screen fulfills that


There will be a score text that will keep track on the score.

There will be three levels:

 Practice of how to learn level

 Survivor level

 Timer level


As the user downloads and install the application the user screen will appear.

Stimulus/Response Sequences

Step 1: The player accesses the options menu from the title screen. From here, the player chooses


 Select “play” to run the game

 Select “levels”

 Select “Exit” to Exit the application // Exit point is the finishing place of the game.

 Select “Resume ”to resume game when paused once

Step 2: The chosen options are written to the game and take effect immediately.


 As soon as user click the application the application will be opened.


Functional Requirement

 Click on the play button the button will be pressed and the game will be played

 There will be levels available to choose

 Text boxes and floating text should be brief and placed away from UI components so as

not to interfere with game-play.

 The text must be readable from any device

 Key must be collected to finish the game.

 Keep track of score of the game

 Calculate points.

 If the player presses the exit button, the game will end and return the player to the phone’s

regular interface.

System Feature 2 (and so on)

The game will be provided alongside with multiple backgrounds and these backgrounds will differ

in both complexity and functionalities as well as design. Following are the three main backgrounds

that most likely be used for game.

 Raining

 Snow

 Spring

 May vary during the development. Will be maintained further with time

Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

In single player mode, the game should work at least 30 FPS, so that the game will be fluent. Also,

the game should not crash more than one per one hour playtime. Finally, loading phase of the game

should not take more than 30 seconds; in other words the game should start in 30 seconds after the

user opens it -this requirement is not just about the single player mode but about the game itself.

The system must be to up to the requirements and expectations of all. In case if the files are on two

different systems there is high possibility that the system response in delay time, System must

update user’s data.

5.2 Safety Requirements

Information transmission should be securely transmitted to server without any changes in

information. And don’t flicker when it’s been using.

5.6 Security Requirements

 It won’t be use for accessing the user’s data it should be just for simulation or entertainment


 It must be secured from the virus etc

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

The software quality attributes for the game will be:

 System Quality: It include supportability and testability.


 Run-Time quality: This include adaptability, availability, correctness, flexibility,

interoperability, maintainability, portability, reliability.

 Design Quality: This reusability, flexibility, maintainability and conceptual integrity.

 User Quality: User experience and usability

5.5 Availability

The application will be available unless it is removed from the mobile market. Check the

functionality of the system at every point. If the error begins then need to remove those bugs step

by step.


The scope of the product is widespread. People from every age should play the game without any

effort. As the system is easy to handle and navigates in the most expected way with no delays. In

that case the system program reacts accordingly and transverses quickly between its states.

5.6 Business Rules

 The rules used for this software are

 Adaptive

 Must develop a scope for future (globally)

 Practice Version: This include a very basic version just to learn

 Full Version: This include a full and complete version of the game provided with

 Additional features i.e. player’s selection, Scene Selection, Level selection etc.

 Will try to add license or buyable products.


Appendix A: Glossary

 SRS: Software System Specification

 CN: Snake Hunter(Name of the Game)

 Maps: Predefined generated background image and can be easily in graphical tools.

 Textures: Images used for coloring objects.

 Normal: Images that specify the realness of object color provided by textures.

 Materials: Textures can be applied by defining materials.

 Animation: refers to the precise mobility of game player.

Appendix B: Analysis Models

Following are the different Class of Game.

User Interface
 Start Game
 Select a Level
 Select an
 Previous Score
 Player Mode
 Audio Setting
 Exit

Single Background:
Player  Raining
Audio  Snow
Music  Spring

Game mode
Starting page
Game playing
Pause menu

Appendix C: To Be Determined List //instruction about every Function used in unity

3D // 3D animation, modeling and editing
toolset etc other sprites including Background, Resources etc Different unity tutorials helped in error finding etc




Requirement Elicitation:


In our observation unity 3D is the best way of making high level 3D games, The user interaction

with the application is very simple and easy just through one touch, Maintaining high score levels

and providing a dynamic graphical environment with sound and background music, giving

relaxation to your mind from other stuff of daily life, also fasten up and sharp your mind.

Construction of the Game

Unity includes many built-in components which will expedite the process of game development

immensely. These include:

 Physics Engine

 Collision Detection and Handling

 Input Recognition

 Object Creation and Transform Manipulation (position and rotation of game objects)

 Scene Integration (transition of one level to the next)

 Model Attachment (representing game objects with 3D models from external programs)

Integration with Android

Unity3D's build settings simplify the process of transferring our game to the Android mobile

device. After completing the project, or during any intermediary step for testing, we can select

Android from the list of options, build the project, and upload it to one of our own devices. A

separate license is required for this functionality, which has already been obtained by one of the

members of our group

1.1.1 Interviews:

Interview about the clients etc. can be done

1.1.2 Questionnaires:

May be asked by the customer/client about the project.

Definition of the Problem:


There is already a game name as Snake Hunter 2d but they are using static image of graphical

environment. Not much effective environment.


As a developer I will convert the static graphics environment of 2D Snake hunter into

dynamic graphics environment 3D.

2.1 Candidates:

People of any age-group and gender from all over the world would be the able to play the game

and enjoy its graphics with sound. Providing users with smooth and simple environment where

customer can relax his/her mind. Simple interactivity of user with the application is an smooth and

relaxing environment.

2.1.1 Interface:

There is only one interface provided for the user where he/she will interact with the application

whereas on the other hand only the developer (me) can make changes or add resources upgrade

levels or resources with respect to time.

3. Scope:

The purpose of this game is to provide a dynamic graphics environment to users.

Candy Ninja is a single-player strategy game on the Android platform and maybe build for other

platform as well.

The player will progress through:

 Levels which require precise environment

 Though the game Encourages creativity

 We demonstrate the action flow between inputs, script, display (output).

We are working mainly with:

 Levels

 Object

 Animation if required

 Graphics

 Scripts, game engine facilities.

4. List of Inputs to the System:

 There will be no basic inputs just user interactivity with the application (Snake Hunter 3D).

Touch finger sensitivity or mouse if played on web

5. List of Output from the System:

The game users will be able to view the scene.

The main menu will show:

 Play

 Pause

 Restart

 Level 1

 Level 2

 Level 3

 Level 4

 Level 5

 How to play

 Sound

 Music

6. Hardware & Software Requirements:


6.1 Hardware Requirements:

Snake Hunter 3D is a mobile gaming application designed specifically for the Android platform

and is functional on both mobile smart phones and tablets. Gaming application data is stored

locally on the game engine elements. Snake Hunter 3D has been developed for Android

developed Version and all subsequent releases.

6.2 Software Requirements:

Snake Hunter 3D has been developed using a series of game development tools.

Working tools and platform:

 Unity3D

 Autodesk Maya

 3D paint

 Android Software Development Kit (Android SDK): Software development kit for

applications on the Android platform. We want to release this game in the Android


7. Feasibility Study

7.1 Technical:

The application must cover all the technical aspects provided by the client

All the scenes with all the features included in it provided with complete dynamic graphical


7.2 Financial:

This game will provide client an financially strong and Effective way of earning from different

stores online (play store, web store, Microsoft store)

7.3 Economic:

This game will provide users an economically strong and an effective way of downloading this

game free from different platforms like Play Store (for android) etc. instead of buying it.

7.4 Social:

 The client will be socially strong because the game will be over the network and people

can install it and play just through one click

 Ads will be available on social media (Fb, YouTube etc.)

 The application will be socially strong.




3.1 Product Design Terms

For every enterprise product two key terms of design is very important. They are:

 UI (User Interface)

 Backend Programming

3.1.1 User Interface (UI):

To avoid unnecessary product features, simplifying design documentation and customer-facing

technical public at, Incorporating business and marketing goals UX design is must. User interface

design is any aspects of a user's interface with a given system, including the interface, graphics,

industrial design, physical interaction, and the manual in most cases, User Interface Design fully

encompasses traditional Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) design, and extends it by addressing

all aspects of a product or service as perceived by users. UX stands for mainly relevant access of

usability, accessibility and HCI.

3.1.2 Backend Programming

The "back end" is the code supporting that front end (responsible for database access, business

logic etc.).In simple term, application front end is what you see (i.e. the user interface) and

application back end is the application engine that you do not see. The "back end" is the code

supporting that front end (responsible for database access, business logic etc.). For efficient

implementation, to increase user acceptance both two are very important in software industry.


Figure 1 Use Case Diagram

In this diagram User is interacting with the system. First the game will initialize. After that Main

Menu will appear. There will be two options. Options and Play. In option menu user can control

the sound and music of the game. When user will select play option. Then select its level of game.

3.2 System Features of Our Game

J. Camera

II. Sound

JJJ. Audio Button

IV. Main Menu

V. Time Text

VI. Score

3.3 Camera

3.3.1 Description and Priority

Camera is added in the 3D environment in a fixed position where we can see all the objects from

a perfect view.

3.3.2 Functional Requirements

Camera is fixed

 3d environment objects

 Background

 Snakes

3.4 Title Screen

3.4.1 Description and Priority

The title screen is the screen the player will see every time upon playing the game. Through this

interface, the player can choose to start a new game, play from saved data, or adjust the options.

Since the title screen is the “hub” for all activities in the project, it must be included.

3.4.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Step 1: The player launches the game from their portable device.

Step 2: The start screen loads and appears, prompting the player with three buttons: “Play

Game”, “Options”, and “Exit”.

Step 3: The player presses one of the buttons, triggering its respective function.

3.4.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: The title screen must load and appear every time the game is launched.

REQ-2: If the player quits the game during any stage of a level, they must be returned to the

title screen.

REQ-3: If the player presses the exit button, the game will end and return the player to the

phone’s regular interface.

REQ-4: If the player completes the game, the game will end and return the player to the title


3.5 Level Selection

3.5.1 Description and Priority

The level selection screen is the primary way for the player to choose between different levels.

The game is separated into narrative chapters, inside of which are multiple levels. The hierarchy

holds true for the level select screen as well. Because this screen constitutes the player’s main

method of accessing the level database, it is essential to the game.

3.5.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Step 1: Available levels appear, as well as a “Return to Title Screen Option.”

Step 2: The player selects one of the levels or returns to the title screen.

Step 3: The player selects one of the available levels.

3.5.3 Functional Requirements

There is no need to unlock the levels, the levels are already unlocked because both levels are

change, One is timed and the other is classic.

3.6 Pause Menu

3.6.1 Description and Priority

The player should be able to pause anytime during game-play, and this screen fulfills that

requirement. The pause menu also allows the player to navigate between game-play and the level

selection and title screens. The portable nature of the console renders player convenience

paramount, so this feature must be included.

3.6.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Step 1: The player presses the pause button on the game-play interface.

Step 2: The level pauses, drawing up the pause menu which prompts the player with two

Options: “Restart,” “Return to Game” and “Back.”

Step 3: The player presses one of the buttons, triggering its respective function.

3.6.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: The “Restart” option must return the player to the level menu

REQ-2: The “Back” option must continue the game without any change to the character’s vector

or the state of the level from the moment of the pause action

3.7 Option Menu

3.7.1 Description and Priority

The options menu is accessible from the title screen and allows the player to configure controls

and graphical settings to suit his/her convenience. This screen is not essential to accessing game-

play and is hence of lower priority than the Title Screen or Pause Menu, but constitutes a standard

feature in commercial titles and is thus a desirable inclusion.

3.7.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Step 1: The player accesses the options menu from the title screen. From here, the player chooses


 Select “On” or “Off” for “Sound”

 Select “Return to Title Screen”

Step 2: The chosen options are written to the game and take effect immediately.

3.7.3 Functional Requirements

REQ1: Sound will be enabled when “On” is selected and disabled when “Off” is selected.

REQ2: The Sound will be set to “On” by default.


REQ3: Player will be directed back to the Title Screen when “Home” is selected

Context Level Diagram

Figure 2 Context Level Diagram


3.8 Dialogue or Tips

3.8.1 Descriptions and Priority
Dialogue is the primary method by which the player will experience the game’s story. The
character’s guide carries on dialogue with the silent protagonist, providing context and narrative.
While this feature is secondary in importance to the primary game mechanics, it is an important
aspect of the game’s atmosphere and informs the level design and music to heighten the player’s
connection to the experience.

3.8.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Step 1: The player passes a certain waypoint in a stage or completes a certain action.
Step 2: Dialogue is triggered and a text box or floating text pops up.
Step 3: To dismiss text boxes or continue reading multiple-page text boxes, the player clicks on
the text box or floating text area.

3.8.3 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Dialogue should not pause the game to prevent player disorientation.
REQ-2: Text boxes and floating text should be brief and placed away from UI components so
as not to interfere with game-play.
REQ-3: The text must be readable from any device.
3.9 Exit Point
3.9.1 Descriptions and Priority
Exit point is the finishing place of the game. The player needs to lead the ambulance to this point
to win the game. But of course with a key which is required to move to the next stage.
3.9.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences
Step 1: The player slice the candies
Step 2: Try to reach to the highest level
Step 3: The Level Complete Screen is showed and options comes to player o Play Next Level
or to Exit to Main Menu.
3.9.3 Functional Requirements
REQ-1: High score must done to be the top scorer
REQ-2: can be killed with bomb but the only Way wining is high score that is challenging
3.10 Timer
3.10.1 Descriptions and Priority
There will be a timer in the scene for keeping track of the time player takes to finish the level. This
timer is used for the measurement of game score. The less time the player takes, the more points
he gets.

3.10.2 Stimulus/Response Sequences

Step 1: Timer starts automatically at game begin.

Step 2: Player finishes the game.

Step 3: Timer stops.

3.10.3 Functional Requirements

REQ 1: Keep track of taken time of the game.

REQ 2: Calculate points depending on timer.

3.11 Assumptions and Dependencies

The final destination of our game's operation will be the Android mobile device. However, Unity

will be responsible for both the construction of the game and its integration within the Android


3.11.1 Construction of the Game

Unity includes many built-in components which will expedite the process of game development

immensely. These include:

 Physics Engine

 Collision Detection and Handling

 Input Recognition

 Object Creation and Transform Manipulation (position and rotation of game objects)

 Scene Integration (transition of one level to the next)

 Model Attachment (representing game objects with 3D models from external programs)

3.11.2 Integration with Android

Unity3D's build settings simplify the process of transferring our game to the Android mobile

device. After completing the project, or during any intermediary step for testing, we can select

Android from the list of options, build the project, and upload it to one of our own devices.


Figure 3 Sequence Diagram


Class Diagram:

Figure 4 Class Diagram

UML Diagram:

Figure 5 UML Diagram


Basic ERD Diagram:

Figure 6 ERD Diagram

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