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Charliemar E.


Public Fiscal Administration Reaction Paper

I. Summary/ Sypnosis/ Synthesis

Mental health is defined as "a state of well-being in which every individual

realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work

productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his

community". According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 100

million people suffer from mental disorders in the Western Pacific region, including

the Philippines, with depressive disorders accounting for 5.73% of mental disorders

in the region. In 2004, over 4.5 million cases of depression were reported in the

Philippines, according to the Department of Health (DOH). But that number is likely

to be much higher, since many of those suffering from depression hesitate to seek

help because of the stigma still surrounding mental disorders.

In Region XIII CARAGA, 2017 data from police reports on suicide cases point out

that a number of those succumbing to suicide deaths were aged between 13 and 18

years old, and mostly college students. In 2018, response with this increase of

deaths and reported issues on mental health and depression President Rodrigo

Duterte signed Republic Act No. 11036 or the Philippine Mental Health Law that

would secure, among others, the rights and welfare of persons with mental health

needs. Hence, with good doings of our government problem is mental Health

program sadly has poor public impact on local level.

II. Analysis/ Evaluation

It is apparent that pursuing an effective mental health program in the Philippines

are in place. In some ways these changes have advanced the understanding of

mental health problems so that other agencies and departments have initiated

mental health programs relevant to their special needs. The challenge is motivating

professionals especially those who studied in the field of psychology and social work

to stay in the country and sustain their duties, especially in the community setting,

because the country is continuing to lose to overseas employment. The Philippines

has a constitutionally created Human Rights Commission, but the body should have

the authority to oversee regular inspections and provide sanctions. The majority of

mental health facilities are still located in the National Capital Region.

Hence, access to mental health facilities is uneven across the country, favouring

those living near the main cities. In terms of support for child and adolescent health,

a psychosocial care system in schools has been established through collaboration

with the Department of Health and different government agencies and NGOs.

However, psychosocial support in schools is mainly delivered by teachers and only a

few schools have part-time or full-time mental health professionals.

III. Your Reactions

In Tandag City as much as it gives importance to mental health the Local

Expenditure Program of January 1 to December 31, 2019 shows that there is a

minor budget on the mental health program allocation of Tandag City Health Office to

its people. The reality of which that even RA 11036 existed it was not exercised in

the local arena. Health programs that have been given importance are the ones that

physically seen in public. Sadly, little dared to look up the problem hidden in people’s
emotional well-being. With City’s vision of “Sustainable quality health service to all

Tandaganons through advocacy, planning and committed partnership” a slight of

which gives importance on the mental health awareness specially to the young ones.

As the implementation of the RA 11306 in national level the mental health law will

advocates for the integration of mental health care in the basic health services, calls

for local government units (LGUs) to ensure that mental health services are provided

in primary health care facilities and hospitals in their jurisdiction. The Department of

Health shall also provide assistance to LGUs with medical supplies and equipment

needed by health workers in the barangay level to carry out their functions in the

promotion of mental health.

It is a boon to the Filipinos for it correspond with the emotional struggles of others

but for my opinion it is not well introduced in the local government of Tandag City.

Poor advocacy has been done. For the masses comfort, Tandag City annually

conducted a barangay visit which happens twice in a year where basic services are

gathered and jointly delivered to each barangay including advocacies. Sadly, as I’ve

witnesses this great activity no advocacies were done in relation to mental health.

People who needs support especially on grassroots level doesn’t have knowledge on

the advantage of getting treated through mental health services. I hope that one day

issues on mental health program will given its priority. Advocacy must be

strengthened and people need to open their mind on the possible jeopardy because

of ignorance in mental health crisis.


 Genie Celini D. Nuevo (2018, Octoberv23). The Mental Health Act: A Boon

to Filipinos. Retrieved from


 Erwin M. Mascarinas (2017, April 27). DOH wants more studies done on

mental health and suicides. Retrieved from

 Interaksyon (2017, April 30). DOH Caraga seeks research to address

depression, mental health issues among students in the region. Retrieved




 Maila Ager (2018, June 21). Duterte signs PH Mental Health Law.

Retrieved from


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