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2.1 Frame of Theory

In this part, the writer presents concept of Teaching English as Foreign

Language, definition of writing, teaching and learning writing, principle of

teaching writing, component of teaching writing, how the process of teaching

and learning writing, definition of parallel writing, procedure of using parallel

writing to improve students’ writing ability, advantages of parallel writing,

disadvantages of parallel writing, related research study, frame of thinking and


2.1.1 Concept of Teaching English as Foreign Language

Teaching English as a foreign language is the teaching of English language to

non-native English speakers. This can occur in a state school system, a private

school, tutoring, or online classes. It can also happen in English-speaking

countries to immigrants to help them assimilate into the country’s culture.

English is studied in the country in all part of the world because English is an

international language. English which is studied can be as a second language

also as a foreign language. Indonesia learn English as a foreign language, we

can conclude it because in Indonesia all of people are not using English as

their daily conversation, it is used only on the special even is need English. It

is supported by Jerry G. Gebhard (1996:90) “... English for business, TOEFL

preparation, vocational skills, literature, and more.” It means that English

especially in Indonesia is only needed in several even, just for achieving some

goals and not for daily convercation.

The statement above is supported by Paul (2003:1) that states “English as a

foreign language refers to the learning of English by students in a country

where englih is not the native language.” It can concluded that English as foeign

language is only use in special purpose and not for daily conversation as like

as English as a second language. Also for students who learn English as a

foreign language have limited exposure to use their English in real life situation.

This is generally taken to apply to students who are studying general English

at school and isntitutes in their own country or transitory visitor in a target

language country. Gebhard (1996:3) state that “in many contries where English

is a foreign language, the primary goal for children studying in the educational

system is to pass English entrance exams to enter good high schools and

universities.” It means that English as a foreign language is usefull in several

goals especially in the school, futhermore people or students can use english

as a foreign language to accomplish any problems that faced by students in

the shcool.
Learn about English as a second language is not easy espesially in Indonesia,

because we do not use it as daily conversation and we seldom to hear it. Also,

the student has no the readiness to study about English and they should use

the other way so they can understand and reach their purpose.

Acording by Harmer (2001: 4) states that a foreign language does not have an

immediate social and communication function within the community where it is

learned. It is mostly to communicate elsewhere. Furthermore, foreign

languages are those in which the students do not have a readiness for

communication beyond their classroom, they may be obtainable through

language clubs, special media, or books.

Geoffrey Broughton and team (1980:7) stated that “English as a foreign

language have a choice of language variety to a larger extent than second

language learners”. It means that if we as the learners have many options in

learning english as a foreign language which appropriate what we want.

Based on the statement above the writer assumes that we can know wider all

about English beyond the limit without being bound by the guidelines in English

as a second language. We can search or learn anything that there is no in

English as a second language. Teaching english as a foreign language is

helping the learners how to learn english and hope that they are able to more

active and creative. Futhermore from learning english as foreign language can

motivate them to use english in their dailly communication.

2.1.2 Definition of Writing

Writing is part or one of four language skill that should be master by learner

early, because without mastering this skill the learner will not able to master

the other language skill well. Writing is the activity or skill of marking coherent

words on paper and composing text. Writing also as a support system for

learning grammar and vocabulary, rather than as a skill in its own right.

Futhermore, writing is written form which is used as a communication or convey

the idea indirectly between writer and reader. It is supported by Murcia

(2001:207) that “via writting that a person can communicate a variety of

messages to a close or distant, know or unknown reader or readers.”

Further she adds her statement “The writer is obligated (by mutual cooperation)

to try to write a clear, relevant, truthful, informative, and memorable text”. It can

be concluded that via writing the people can do a communication with all people

in the world, but in writing the writer have to write clearly, relevant, informative

and memorable text. It is important because it can make the reader understand


According Jeremy Harmer (2004:10) whih states that “Writing has fewer signs

and symbol than speach but they can be just as powerful”. It means that trough

writting we also can convey what we want to share to other without speak it

directly and all of people in the world can know because it is just as powerful.
Linderman (1983:11) states that “Writing is a process of communication using

conventional graphic systems to convey the message to the reader.” It means

that writting is a good tools for us so we can explain our own knowledge to the

others in the far away without speak dirctly to them, also by writing people will

find out what message we convey clearly and structured.

The statement above is supported by the theory of Nunan (2003:88) which

states that “writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, about how to express

them, and organizing them into statement and paragraphs that will be clear to

a reader.” Also we can conclude that through writing we can create new ideas

that start with simple steps without being rushed so that they can be put

together in paragraphs which interest to the reader.

Before starting to write or type, they try and decide what it is they are going to

say. For some writers this may involve making detiled notes. For others a few

jotted words may be enough. Still others may not actually write down any

preliminary notes at all since they may do all their planning in their heads.

especially for students maybe they need to make detailed notes about what

they are going to write. Jeremy Harmer (2004:8) states that “The process of

writing is usually more complex than the process of speaking, but not always.”

It means that through writing we can express whatever we think broadly without

limits and more clearly than through the speech process, also because through

writing we have more time in thinking what will we say than speaking.
Brown, (2001:344). States that “Writing is sometimes used as a production

mode for learning, reinforcing, or testing grammatical concepts. This intensive

writing typically appears in controlled, written grammar exercise”. We can

conclude that we can use writing as a tool to learn to perfect and strengthen

the ability and other language components such as grammar and vocabulary

so that we can save time in understanding both.

Nation (2009:112) who states that “writing is an activity that can usefully be

prepared for by work in other skills of listening, speaking, and reading. This

preparation can make it possible for words that have been used receptively to

come into productive use.” This theory means that through writing we can

simultaneously learn little by little even strengthen other language components

such as speaking, reading, and listening because in this case we use all of

these components to be used as material in writing an idea.

Writing is a form of communication that allows students to put their feelings and

ideas on paper, to organize their knowledge and beliefs into convincing

arguments, and to convey meaning through well-constructed text. Spelling,

vocabulary, grammar, and organization come together and grow together to

help the student demonstrate more advanced writing skills each year. It is

supported by Harmer (2004:31) states that “When writing students frequently

have more time to think than they do in oral activities.” that means that writing

is an activity that has a lot of time opportunities so that we can express many

things through our writing without time limit such as speaking verbally.
In writing, there are micro and macro skills which are stated by Brown

(2001:343) “the easier micro skills apply more appropriately to imitative and

intensive types of writing task while the macro skills are essential for the

successful mastery of responsive and extensive writing”. The six micro skills

for writing are:

1. Produce graphemes and orthographic patterns of English.

2. Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.

3. Produce an acceptable core of words and use appropriate word order


4. Use acceptable grammatical systems (e.g., tense, agreement, and

pluralization), patterns, and rules.

5. Express a particular meaning in different grammatical forms.

6. Use cohesive devices in written discourse.

There are six macro skills for writing, they are:

1. Use the rhetorical forms and conventions of written discourse.

2. Appropriately accomplish the communicative functions of written texts

according to form and purpose.

3. Convey links and connections between events and communicate such

relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given

information, generalization, and exemplification.

4. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings when writing.

5. Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written

6. Develop and use a battery of writing strategies, such as accurately

assessing the audience’s interpretation, using prewriting devices, writing

with fluency in the first drafts, using paraphrases and synonyms, soliciting

peer and instructor feedback, and using feedback for revising and editing.

Based on the theory above the writer concludes that writing process needs

process widely. From the micro skills it can be seen that grammatical cohesion

is so important, it means that the writer should write grammatically correct and

use appropriate words in written form. Meanwhile in macro skills it can be seen

that the process as prewriting should be done by the writer. The writer should

also write in good content. It means that the connection of first paragraph until

the end should be coherent.

According to Nunan (2000: 91) states that "writing is a clearly complex process

and competent writing is often accepted as the last language skill to be

acquired" means writing as a thought process in which students must get ideas

and arrange ideas so that they can master this skill and as a complement to

mastering the other three skills.

Based on the theory above the writer assumes that writing can be increased

through learning the other language aspects. In other hand if we want to be

proficient in writing, we have to increase the other skill such as reading an

article, listening the audio of information, and speak it up. By learn it we can

increase our skill in writting to be best.

2.1.3 Teaching and Learning Writing

Teaching writing is entirely different, however, since our objective here is to

help students to become better writers and to learn how to write in various

genres using different registers. It is about helping students to communicate

real message in an appropriate manner. The teacher ask the students to

pouring out their ideas and feelings into the written form.

According Tribble (1996:37) “this implies that, for variety for practical reason,

it is trough the mastery of writing that the indvidual comes to be fully effective

in intellectual organizing, not only management of everyday affairs, but also in

the expression of ideas and arguments”. It means that by asking the students

to write their idea in writting, can make individual become efective in organizing

their intellectuals and they will become more creative in applying the act of

writing in their daily lives.

Writing is the important skill that has to mastered by students because it is a

teaching that will always exist in the world of education, supported by the theory

of Harmer (2004:31) which states that Writing (as one of the four skills of

listening, speaking, reading and writing) has always formed part of the syllabus

in the teaching of English. It means that for students to master writing is very

important because it will be tested in every achievement in learning English,

which will be there and will be used continuously.

In teaching writing is not only based on the ministry of education, the teacher

must also have the other ways so that the students can master writing skills in

a way that is not boring. It can be created according to the circumstances faced

by students. The teaching of writing has long been a central element in all

educational systems, and there are many, often confliting, views of the best

ways of going about it.

According to Jeremy Harmer (2004:39) state that “The most effective learning

of writing skills is likely to take place when students are writing real message

for real audiences, or at least when they are performing task which they are

likely to have to do in their out-of-class life”. It means that by applying this way

the students can express their idea in wrtiting also they has many chances to

think what will they explain by written. In addition, by this way the students can

create the new idea for their writing so it can be real of what they see and what

they convey about.

The reason for teaching writing to the students of English as a foreign language

include reinforcement, language development, learning style, and the most

importantly writing as a skill in it’s own right. (Harmer, 2002:79). It can conclude

that by teaching writing to the students especially in foreign language can make

them has the potential in developing their idea to share to the others.

When writing, students frequently have more time to think than they do in oral

activities. Writing encourages students to focus on accurate language use and,

because they think as they write, it may well provoke language development

as they resolve problem which they puts into their minds. It is supported by Ann

Raimes (1983:7) which state that “As they do any kind of writing more and more

often, however, some find that they write more fluently and that putting words

down on the paper is not so frightening after all.” Means that through simple

writing activities that are done repeatedly will make students' writing better and

even they can become masters of writing and will also affect their minds by

looking at writing activities is fun.

According Jeremy Harmer (2004:33) state that “Writing is frequently useful as

preparation for some other activity, in particular when students write sentence

as a preamble to discussion activities.” It means that many functions that we

can get of doing writing, especially when we have the opportunity to be part of

an important discussion, we can write everything that we have to say so that

we can convey it in an organized manner.

In learning writing we should know the manner of how we can create the good

written form, so what which we think is conveyed clearly to the readers. There

are many way that we can use as a guidence for making our writen to be best,

it is not out from the explanation of the theory based on experts. In teaching

writing skill there are some aspects that should be taught by the teacher to the

students in order to make the students understand how to write well. The

aspects are: content, organization, word choice or vocabulary, language use

and mechanics. Also there are many others way to get the writting well.
Brown (1994:41) “Sometime brainstorming is effective, and other times listing

is more succesfull; sometime they begin in the middle, and sometime at the

beginning.” Imt means that by using this way the students can have direction

for how they begin to write and how they know the end of their written.

Brainstorming is an informal way of generating topics to write about, or points

to make about a topic. It can be done at any time during the writing process.

The students can brainstorm the topics for a whole paper or just a conclusion

or an example. The important point about brainstorming is that there should be

no pressure to be brilliant.

Harmer (2004:34) states that “Teaching writing is more than just dealing with

these features too. It is about helping students to communicate real message

in an appropriate manner”. Further, Ann Raimes (1983:11) adds the statement

“there is no one way to teach writing, but many ways”. It means that in teaching

writing the teacher should teach the component of writing skill and she or he

should also teach the students to use writing as a communication tool in

appropriate manner. The teacher will be success in teaching writing skill

because there are so many ways that can be used in teaching writing, so the

teacher will not get confused while teach or the students will get easily in doing


Brown (2001:343) states that “at the beginning level of learning to write,

students will simply “write down” English letters, words, and possibly sentences

in order to learn the conventions of the orthographic code. Some forms of

dictation fall into this category, although dictations can serve to teach and test

higher-order processing as well. Dictations typically involve the following steps:

1. Teacher reads a short paragraph once or twice at normal speed.

2. Teacher reads the paragraph in short phrase units of three or four words

each, and each unit is followed by a pause.

3. During the pause, students write exactly what they hear.

4. Teacher then reads the whole paragraph once more at normal speed so

students can check their writing.

5. Scoring of students’ written work can utilize a number of rubrics for

assigning points. Usually spelling and punctuation errors are not

considered as severe as grammatical errors.

Based on the statement above, the writer can conclude that teaching writing is

more complex than the others language skill. The teacher should be success

to motivate and guide the students in writing process. Besides that the teacher

should teach writing skill slowly to make the students reach good writing skill.

Through the all steps above the teacher can teach them structurally, and not

make the students feel bored with the lesson.

2.1.4 Principle of Teaching Writing

In every activities, especially in teaching and learning process of course there

are any principle that should be known and shoul be applied by the teacher.

The teacher should understand the general principle of teaching writing. There

are six of principle of teaching writing by Brown (2001:346), they are:

1. Incorporate practices of “good” writers.

This first guideline is sweeping. But as you contemplate devising a

technique that has a writing goal in it, consider the various things that

efficient writers do, and see if your technique include some of these

practices. For example, good writers:

a. Focus on a goal or main idea in writing,

b. Perceptively gauge their audience,

c. Spend some time (but not too much!) planning to write,

d. Easily let their first ideas flow onto the paper,

e. Follow a general organizational plan as they write,

f. Solicit and utilize feedback on their writing,

g. Are not wedded to certain surface structures,

h. Revise their work willingly and efficiently,

i. Patiently make as many revisions as needed.

2. Balance process and product.

Because writing is a composing process and usually requires multiple

drafts before an effective product is created, make sure that students are

carefully led through appropriate stages in the process of composing. This

includes careful attention to your own role as guide and as a responder.

At the same time, don’t get so caught up in the stages leading up to the

final product that you lose sight of the ultimate attainment: a clear,

articulate, well-organized, effective piece of writing. Make sure students

see that everything leading up to this final creation was worth the effort.
3. Account for cultural/literacy backgrounds.

Make sure that your techniques do not assume that your students know

English rhetorical conventions. If there are some apparent contrasts

between students’ native traditions and those that you are trying to teach,

try to help students to understand what it is, exactly, that they are

accustomed to and then, by degrees, bring them to the use of acceptable

English rhetoric.

4. Connect reading and writing.

Clearly, students learn to write in part by carefully observing what is

already written. That is, they learn by observing, or reading, the written

word. By reading and studying a variety of relevant types of text, students

can gain important insights both about how they should write and about

subject matter that may become the topic of their writing.

5. Provide as much authentic writing as possible.

Whether writing is real writing or for display, it can still be authentic in that

the purpose for writing are clear to the students, the audience is specified

overtly, and there is at least some intent to convey meaning. Sharing

writing with other students in the class is one way to add authenticity.

Publishing a class newsletter, writing letters to people outside of class,

writing a script for a skit or dramatic presentation, writing advertisements-

all these can be seen as authentic writing.

6. Frame your techniques in terms of prewriting, drafting, and revising

Process writing approaches tend to be farmed in three stages of writing.

The prewriting stage encourages the generation of ideas, which can

happen in numerous ways:

a. Reading (extensively) a passage

b. Skimming and/or scanning a passage

c. Conducting some outside research

d. Brainstorming

e. Listing (in writing-individually)

f. Clustering (begin with a key word, then add other words, using free


g. Discussing a topic or question

h. Instructor-initiated questions and probes

i. Free writing

The goal as a teacher and as a writer is to teach the students about the

principles of good writing that will help them to write essays that are significantly

better than what the standardized graders find acceptable.

2.1.5 Component of Teaching Writing

In teaching writing process, the teacher should teach the component of writing

skill to the students because it is important for the students. It means that the

teacher should understand the whole of component of writing skill. This

statement is supported by Heaton (1989:135) “The following analysis attempts

to group the many and varied skills necessary for writing good prose into five

general components or main areas.

1. Language use: the ability to write correct and appropriate sentences:

2. Mechanical skills: the ability to use correctly those conversations peculiar

to the written language-e.g. punctuation, spelling.

3. Treatment of content: the ability to think creatively and develop thoughts,

excluding all irrelevant information:

4. Stylistic skills: the ability to manipulate sentences and paragraphs and

use language effectively;

5. Judgment skills: the ability to write in an appropriate manner for a

particular purpose with a particular audience in mind together with an

ability to select, organize and order relevant information.

2.1.6 Process of Writing

Richards and Renandya (2002: 316) state that the process of teaching writing

consists of four basic stages. They are planning, drafting, revising, and editing.

For each stage, various learning activities that can support the learning of

specific writing skills are suggested. For instance, in the planning stage,

teachers can help their students to improve their writing skills in generating

ideas by giving activities, such as brain storming, clustering, and rapid free

writing. The planned writing experiences for the students can be described as


1) Planning
Planning or pre-writing is an activity of writing that aimed to encourage and

stimulate the students to write. Since its function is to stimulate students’ ideas

to write, the writing activities must be prepared to provide them learning

experiences of writing, such as brain storming and etc.

2) Drafting

At this stage, the students will focus on the fluency of writing and write without

having much attention to the accuracy of their works. During the process of

writing, the students must also focus on the content and the meaning of the

writing. Besides, the students 18 may be encouraged to deliver their messages

to different audience, such as peers, other classmates and etc.

3) Revising

The students review and reexamine the text to see how effectively they have

communicated their ideas to the reader. Revising is not a simply activity of

checking language errors but it is done to improve global content and

organization of the ideas so the writer’s intention is clearer for the reader.

4) Editing

At this stage, the students are focused on tidying up their works as they prepare

the final draft to be evaluated by the teacher. The main activity done by the

students at this stage is editing their mistakes on grammar, spelling,

punctuation, sentences, diction and etc.

To sum up, the arrangement of the steps cannot be separated because it works

like a wheel. Each stage in the process of writing will work in line to help the

students in composing the text.

The last task done by the teacher in the process of writing is evaluating the

students’ works. This task refers to how the teachers will evaluate the students’

writing works and then grade them. This is done by the teachers to see the

students’ progress in writing. As conclusion, the teachers are required to be

able to perform those tasks in the process of writing. This will enable the

students to be better writers, especially when they are hesitant to express the

ideas. To support their previous ideas on the tasks that must be performed by

teachers, Harmer (2007:261-262) also mentions some additional 24

information about teacher’s roles in the teaching and learning process of

writing. They will be explained as follows:

1) Motivator

When the students work on the writing tasks, the teacher must motivate

them by creating the nice learning atmosphere, persuading them of

usefulness of the activity, and encouraging them to create as much as efforts

to achieve the optimal result.

2) Resource

When the students are doing more extended writing tasks, the teacher must

be ready to supply information and language needed by the students.

Besides, the teacher must also ensure the students that he/she will be there
to give them advice and suggestions in a constructive and tactful way. For

example, in the process approach, the teacher facilitates the students’

writing by providing input or stimulus.

3) Feedback provider

Being a feedback provider, a teacher should respond positively to the

content of what the students have written. The feedback given to the

students must be based on what they students need at their level of studies.

As summary, teachers hold importance roles toward the students’ success in

learning writing so they have to be responsible in guiding and facilitating the

students’ writing by being good motivators, resource and feedback providers.

2.1.7 Definition of Parallel Writing Technique

Parallel writing technique is one of technique which can make the writing

activity becomes easier. It is an effective way for getting work done, especially

if that work is highly complex, by listening and reading of the textbook can be

use for helping in arranging the composition. It can be use by teachers and

students in teaching and learning process. It also can help students structured

in pouring their idea in written form, also can help the teacher to succesfully in

conveying or improving the students’ writing ability.

The goal of parallel activities is to complete of information needed to do activity.

In other words when the teacher give some missing text to the students, at the

same time the students get their responsibility to learn and try to complete it.
Ann Raimes (1983:109) states that “Parallel writing, in a way, the freest of

controlled writting. Instead of making changes in a given passage or writing

according to an outline or given sentences, students read and study a passage

and then write their own on a simmilar theme, using as a guide the vocabulary,

sentence structure, cohesive devices, and organization of the model passage”.

On the statements above the writer assumes that Parallel Writing can make

the students feel free in studying writing, in structurally they can express

various ideas that have been given or read by the teacher then they write it in

the same theme. The students write in the sentence firs and then they combine

it into paragraph.

It is supported by the theory of Donn Byrne (2005:37) which describes that

“Students are given a model text of some kind and are asked to write a simmilar

text with the help of cues. These may be verbal and visual. The text may recycle

items of spoken or written language and can be used as an introduction to

organizing ideas in the form of a pharagraph.” It means that through this

technique students can easily combine words and sentences so that they can

form a paragraph and allow them to make sentences with the correct grammar

because they are likened to being given a cue by the teacher or from the given

text and they are making a new text that is almost similar.

Harmer (2004:29) through Parallel Writing, get them to look at a paragraph, for

example, and then, having disscused its stucture, writer their own similar ones.
It means that learn by using Parallel Writing Technique imagene what is the

main topic, the kind of diccusion of text, and what will they writte next so they

can create a sentence in appropriate structure also make them colab into a

good paragraph.

2.1.8 Procedures of Teaching Writing through Parallel Writing Technique

The Procedures of Teaching Writing trough Parallel Writing Technique

proposed by Ann Raimes (1983:109-112). Those are:

1. The teachre gives the students a table or text with some missing


2. Students are asked to listen about a series of short desripctions of


3. After listening the description, the students are asked to fill missing

column in the information given in the description

4. The students write a description of each person by using the given and

the collected information

5. Finally the students should practice describing a person using given

information, they use what they have written as a guide or writing a

description of another student in the class, without giving the students’

2.1.9 Adventages of Parallel Writing Technique

Parallel Writing Technique is a good technique which can be use in learning

and teaching process because it has some of strengths or adventages. The

strengths of teaching writing by using Parallel Writing Technique are:

1. The students can increase their vocabulary, e.g. from the one word into

the sentence.

2. It can help the students more creative in pouring their own idea into the

written form.

3. It can motivate the students to write well

4. To help the students easier to find the other words for establish a

sentence then paragraph.

5. Increasing motivate of students in learning writing.

2.1.10 Disadventages of Parallel Writing Technique

1. Parallel Writing Technique is not suitable used in all levels, especially

for those who have a large of writing, especially in the realm of

universities, parallel writing technique is not effective anymore.

It is better to use techniques that are more appropriate to the level of

education, because parallel writing techniques are only suitable for those

who do not really understand how to write well or for those who are still

weak in writing.
2.2 Related Research Study

Some students of English Education in the world have conducted the research

about Parallel Writing Technique. Parallel Writing Technique is an effective

technique to improve the students’ writing skill because by write a simmilar text

in different words and the cues of teacher can make them to know what should

they write down on their paper.

Ideas Journal on English Language Teaching & Learning Linguistics and

Literature, the research entitlle “Teaching recount texxt writing trough the use

of parallel writing technique to the four semester students of English education

departement, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, NTT.” Based on the findings

and discussion, the researcher concludes that the use of parallel writing

technique is effective in developing students’ vocabulary in writing at the Fourth

Semester Students of English Education Department, Nusa Cendana

University, Kupang, and NTT. It was proven by there was a significant

difference between the students’ mean score of pretest and posttest.

In doing research of article journal TSL 3107 Teaching of Writing TESL

Semester 4 (TESL 4) on Thursday, 25 July 2013, Techniques for Teaching

Writing Skills – using controlled writing state that Thus, carefully planned use

of controlled writing activities can allow a teacher to really get students

engaged in a lot of very useful and different types of writing practice. One of

them is Parallel Writing Technique. Parallel writing is somewhat related to

copying but with a twist. Instead of simply copying certain information, which is
provided and possibly first needs to be written out (this step can be skipped),

the student needs to change or add to the information from the model. Thus,

parallel writing can best be described as rewriting with different basic

information, which again is provided.

2.3 Frame of Thinking

The purpose of teaching and learning language is to provide the students be

able to master the skill and can use it in communication. To be able to use

language well, the students should have good ability to understand the skills of

language. Besides that, the students also should master the aspects of the skill.

Writing is one of major aspects that should be learnt by the students. Most of

students feel difficult in writing process, so the students’ writing ability need to

be improved. The successful of writing process is depending on how the

teaching by the teacher, the teacher needs to use suitable technique or activity

in teaching writing to make the situation in the class is more active and make

student writing improve as well as possible.

In this part, the writer would like to use Parallel Writing Technique as a

technique in teaching writing. Parallel Writing Technique is a technique which

is used by the teacher to improve students’ writing skill. Parallel Writing

Technique can help the students to improve their result of writing by give the

students a model text of some kind and are ask them to write a simmilar text

with the help of cues, these may be verbal and visual. This technique can
stimulate the students’ interest in learning writing. Nowadays, many students

are difficulties in writing process. Looking at this condition, the writer would like

to assume that Parallel Writing Technique can be used in teaching writing in

order to increase the students’ ability in writing. The writer assumes that

increasing the students in writing by using this technique can improve students’

writing ability because through this technique the students will be able to know

what will they want to write and most likely will not make fatal mistakes such as

monotonous vocab and the wrong grammar. After getting the cues from the

teacher, the students will start to write the text by their own idea and it is most

simmilar with the text that given by the teacher. It will make the students

become easier in writing, they will have new idea for the text they want to put

in, will make a different words from the vocab that they have and known, also

will create a good sentence by using an appropriate structure then arrange it

into paragraph.
Parallel Writing Technique Students’ writing ability

Characteristics of Parallel Indicator of Writing:

Writing Technique:
1. The students can write a text
1. It makes the students be by using good vocabulary.
able to improve their
writing result through the 2. The students can write a text
given of a missing text by using good language use
and cues from the or in appropriate structure.
2. It makes the students 3. The students can write a text
increase their vocab and by using appropriate
arrange a good structure. mechanism.
3. It makes the students be
able to share their idea to
the reader.

2.4 The Hypothesis

Based on the teories and the explanation above, the writer proposes a

hypothesis as follow:

1. There are significant influence of Parallel Writing Technique towards

students’ writing ability.

2. The average score of students’ writing ability which is thought by Parallel

Writing Technique is higher than those who are use or thought by using

direct instruction.

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