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called to be “wise 95 0 Sai the signs of the times” and by: \g updated with what is roverbs Says. Ina changed and changing situation, we are snake and gentle as a dove.” We are called to "rea do ourmission with discernment and wisdom. We do 1. Reading and listening to the news and bein taking place in our society because as the Book of PF “knowledge is the beginning of wisdom"; | al 2. Practice telling the iruth and standing for what is true and just in a situations; and ; 3. Taking reguiar time for silence, prayer, and reflection on the burning issues of society and the Christian responsibility to take action. Fi References: Shenk, W. Changing frontiers of Mission, 1999; Laudato Si; Shome and Hedge; Eilers, Franz-Joseph. Globalization, Culture, and Religious ‘Commurication.” Religion and Social Communication. Vol. 7, No. 1-2, 2009, PP- 61-81; Compendium of the Social Teacings of the Church. Lesson 2. Missionary Call and Engagement Context Activity Instructions: le to,some people just Recall a time in your life when you felt ho: because you do not beiong to the sarne group, the same religion, or the same social or economic status. 2. Describe that feeling in a paragraph or two. Explain also why you should not feel that way. Our differences may be the cause of our hosiility or dislike towards one another. But when we come to know one another better, the dislike usually disappears. Differences should not separate us from one another because ulfimately we are all human beings with the same dignity. It is along this line of thinking that Paul writes in his letter to the Ephesians. Inspired Word : Paul's “no gentile, no Jew; no slave or free..." (Galatians 3:26-29) Tex! In ancient times, so much was ct stake in the distinction between gentite and Jew, women and men, slave and free men. Always, the gentile, the women, and the slave are at the receiving end of oppression within society. Yet Paul writes that in Christ Jesus, everydoby is equal 15 because we have been given the same Spirit and we ore all sons and daughters of God. Because of this basic equality, our differences cannot be the source of division and discrimination. Rather, these should enrich the community because of the variely of falents and charisms thal flow from such differences. Church Teaching 1. Mission and Dialogue of Life a. The fact, beauly, and challenges of difference: Pauls "unity in diversity” b. Nature and principles of dialogue of life Missionary Response We can engage in a dialogue of life by: 1. Not making fun of the beliefs and practice of another who is different from us in terms of religion, culture, and upbringing: 2. Showing an occepting altitude towards those who are different from us; 3, Our openness to ideas and perspectives different from ours: and 4. Joining ecumenical activities lke prayers and actions for the good of the community. References: FASC papers; PCP II nos, 110-115; Laudate Si Prior, John M. Religion anc Social Communication: Relations and Challenges.” In Religicn and Communication, Vol. 7, Nos. 1-2. 2009. Lesson 3. Mission and Culiure Context Activity Instructions: 1. Group the class according te the culture the members belong to. 2. Each group identifies a practice or thinking that the members think is unique to their culture. 3. The practice or idea each group considers unique is explained to the class. Allof us belong to a culture and all cultures have their own uniqueness. Cultural differences are important because we can leam from them. in the encounter between cultures, both are enriched. Perhaps, this was what happened when Jesus encountered the Samaritan woman. 16 Inspired Word Text: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman The story of the meeting of Jesus and the Samaritan woman mirors the long-running hostily between the Samaritans and the Jews. Originally both people belonged to similar traditions but because of historical circumstances, ion twa dawsiaped in pepparcia:cleaccions The neoull was that Java lnaned S200 on Scmanitans because they were supposed fo be a mixed race. Of course, the Samaritans did not like this and responded in kind. This hostile relationship remained even up to the time of Jesus 50 thal the disciples were shocked 1 find Jesus talking to a Samaritan and to a woman. But Jesus did not see the cultural nd gender divide as a reason for not relating in a humane way with oIners. Asit as Pe usual way, he breached the wall of division te reach out fo the other in charity and openness. Such is the missionary way. Church Teaching 1. Notions of culture a. Empirical vs. classical b, Vatican Il understanding of cultures 2. Relationship between faith and culture 9. Culture as integral aspect of being human bb. Culture as the ground where faith grows and flourishes c. Necessity of inculturation and interculturation - Dialogue between faith and culture - Dialogue between and among cultures . Missionary Response ‘As missionaries we are called tc dialogue with others in the following ways: 2. Avoiding the tendency to look down on and make fun of other cultures by our words and gestures; Cultivating the attitude of openness to the ways our classmates look at things differently because he comes from a different background; When dealing with others, always put in mind that there ore many cultures, and that they have their own logic and wisdom; Participate in forums, talks, presentations which have to do with Culture to widen our cultural knowledge and appreciation. vv References: Discipleshin, x Mt Jesus a New Vision: Spit, Culture, and the lie of whoo . ne York: Harper San Francisco, 1987; De Mesa, Jose M. In Solidarity Notions of cx ieee City: Maryhill School of theology, 1991: De Raedt, J. “The Flemming, Dose oan! Louis university Research Journal. 32/2, Dec. 2001; 1d Migeon eam Contextualzation in the New Tesiament: Patterns for Theology Mout not. Downers Grove, linos: Intervarsity Press, 2008: Kraft, C.H. Christianity in Culture. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1979; Luzbetak, . The Church and Cultures, Qne Revised Ed. Maryknoll: Orbis, 1988. Lesson 4, Mission and Ecology Context Activity Instructions: Note: A week before the class, this act be done in groups of five. ity should be assigned and should 1. Bring to class a video clip on the most shocking environmental destruction that you can find. 2. Come up with a paragraph of commentary about the video clip. 3. Share your work with the rest of the class. You might have realized how fragile our world is. So much destruction is happening bringing sufferings to many people all over the world. Treating our materiai environment as mere object of profit and ‘exploitation goes against the spirit of the Christian scriptures. Inspired Word Text: Paul's “the whole of creation is groaning ..." (Rom. 8:18-22) It may be anachronistic to say that the Bible addresses environmental issues because there were none during the ancient times. But it is valid to draw from this text of Paul an insight that can be the pattem for today’s relationship with nature. This insight is the realization that human beings are not separate from the rest of creation. In fact, we are, in c very real sense, part of the created order. We are dependent on other creatures for our survival such that their destruction ‘spells ours. This solidarity means our salvation entails the salvation of the material world, and vice versa, Church Teaching 1. Integrity of creation 18 @. The web of fi © ite: ; creation, 'e: we are interconnected and salvation is for the whole of ~The sun is our brother, the moon our sister (St. Francis of Assisi) ~ All of creation will be set free (Rom. 8:21-22) ©. Human solidarity with the rest of creation > Creation as kapwa-kalikasan ~ Common origin and destiny (Gen. 1; Rom. 8) ¢. The earth as home 2. Sustainable development and inter-generational responsibility . A more holistic understanding of development - economic/ material - socio-political - spiritual 'b. Seriously taking responsibility for the future generations - focUs onthe sustainability of resources 3. The Sapot Principle 03 an ecologice! moral imperctive.vs. @. consumerism b. materialism cc. wastafulness d. unbridied desire for profit Missionary Response As missionaries united with the whole of creaiion, the following are what we can do to save our only home in this life: 1. Plant trees, save energy, segregate waste, recycle, buy only what we can consume to avoid wastage, etc.; 2. Join advocacy movements for clean and green environment; 3. Always prefer to buy products that are environmentally friendly: and 4, Write letters to newspapers regarding environmental issues to help raise public awareness and create passion for environmental protection among the public. References: Boff, L. Ecology and Liberation: A New Paradigm. Maryknoll, N.Y.z Orbis Books, 1995; Laudato Si: PCP Il; Compendium of the Social Doctrines of the Church. ig

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