Grade 6 Ratio and Proportion in PDF

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ID : in-6-Ratio-and-Proportion [1]

Class 6
Ratio and Proportion
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Answer the questions

(1) A public school in the city have 1170 girls among 2160 students. What is the ratio of boys to girls in the
(2) Iqbal's grandparents live 108 km away from his house. When Iqbal wants to visit them, he travels 24 km
of the distance through a bus and the rest by train. What is the ratio of the distance Iqbal travels by bus
to the distance he travels by train?
(3) In a T20 cricket match, the first team has made 95 runs. If the second team has made 42 runs, what is
the ratio of the runs they have made to the runs they need to win the match?
(4) What are the extremes of the proportion 16:32::112:224?
(5) In a warehouse, the workers start their work daily at 07:15 AM and end at 04:30 PM. They get a break
of 25 minutes to have lunch, and two coffee breaks of 10 minutes each.
What is the simplest form of ratio of the time they spend working to the time of their breaks?
(6) What is the ratio of the length of a side of a square to its perimeter?
(7) The ratio of the weight of Aditya to that of his friend Archana is 8:11. Archana goes on a diet and loses
4 kg and now the ratio of their weights is 8:9. How much does Archana weigh now?
(8) The ratio of the speeds of two cars is 6:5. If the first car covers a distance of 300 km in 5 hours, then
how much distance will the second car cover in 6 hours?
(9) A tortoise has traveled at the same speed for 19 days and has covered a distance of 285 meters. If it
travels 14 more days, what is the total distance it would additionally cover?
(10) Joel's toy car can travel 126 meters in a minute, while Gita's toy car can travel 17.28 kilometers in an
hour. What is the ratio of the speeds of the cars belonging to Joel and Gita?
(11) Ram and Surjeet started a competition to see who can collect the most number of stamps. At the end of
one month, the ratio of the stamps Ram had to those Surjeet had was 42:61. Surjeet then collected 180
stamps in one day and the ratio then became 42:67. How many stamps does Ram now have?

(12) Bala and Ajoy start walking to school at the same time every morning. The ratio of the distance of
Bala's house to the school and Ajoy's house to the school is 10:21. If they both reach school at the
same time, what is the ratio of the walking speed of Bala and Ajoy?
(13) Sachin buys a car after taking a loan from a bank. The loan has to be repaid in equal installments over
4 years. If Sachin has paid Rs. 6300 in 3 months, how much more money he needs to pay back to the
(14) A ratio consists of two terms. If, the first one is called its antecedent, what is the second term called?
(15) If the width of a rectangle is 85 cm and the perimeter of the rectangle is 4.4 m, then what is the ratio of
the width of the rectangle to its length?

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(1) 11:13

Step 1
According to the question, total number of students in the school = 2160
Number of girls in the school = 1170
Therefore, the number of boys in the school = Total number of students in the school - Number of
girls in the school
= 2160 - 1170
= 990

Step 2
990 11
The fraction of boys to the girls in the school = =
1170 13

Step 3
Therefore, the ratio of boys to girls in the school is 11:13.

(2) 2:7

Step 1
According to the question, Iqbal's grandparents live 108 km away from his house and so, he has
to travel 108 km.
Total distance = 108 km
Distance traveled by the bus = 24 km
Therefore, the distance traveled by the train = 108 - 24
= 84 km

Step 2
24 2
Fraction of the distance Iqbal travels by the bus to the distance he travels by the train = =
84 7

Step 3
Therefore, the ratio of the distance Iqbal travels by the bus to the distance he travels by the train is

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ID : in-6-Ratio-and-Proportion [4]
(3) 7:9

Step 1
Score made by the first team = 95 runs
Number of runs required to win the match = 95 + 1
Runs already scored by the second team = 42 runs
Therefore, the remaining runs to be scored to win the match = Winning score - Runs already
= (95 + 1) - 42
= 54

Step 2
42 7
Fraction of the runs they have made to the runs they need to win the match = =
54 9

Step 3
Thus, the ratio of the runs they have made to the runs they need to win the match is 7:9.

(4) 16, 224

Step 1
16 112
16:32::112:224 can be written as =
32 224

Step 2
The four parts of a proportion are separated into two groups, the means and the extremes, based
on their arrangement in the proportion. Reading from left-to-right, the extremes are the very first
number, and the very last number. This can be remembered because they are at the extreme
beginning and the extreme end.

Step 3
Therefore the extremes of the proportion are 16, 224.

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(5) 34:3

Step 1
According to the question, in a warehouse, the workers start their work daily at 07:15 AM and end
at 04:30 PM.
Total working time including breaks = 04:30 PM - 07:15 AM
= 9 hours 15 minutes
= 555 minutes

Step 2
Time for lunch break = 25 minutes
Time for coffee break = 10 minutes
Since, there are two coffee breaks, the total time for coffee breaks = 2 × 10 = 20 minutes
Total break time = Time for lunch break + Time for coffee breaks
= 25 + 20 = 45 minutes

Step 3
Total working time without breaks = 555 - 45 = 510 minutes

Step 4
Now, the ratio of the time they spend on working to the time they spend on breaks,
Time spent on work
Time spent on breaks
= 34:3

Step 5
Therefore, the ratio of the time spent on working to the time spent on breaks is 34:3.

(6) 1:4

Step 1
We know that the length of each side of a square is equal.

Step 2
Let each side of the square = x
Therefore, the perimeter of a square = 4x

Step 3
x 1
Fraction of the length of a side of a square to its perimeter = =
4x 4

Step 4
Therefore, the ratio of the length of a side of a square to its perimeter is 1:4.

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(7) 18

Step 1
It is given that the ratio of the weight of Aditya to that of Archana = 8:11 =
Therefore, we can assume the weights of Aditya and Archana be 8x and 11x, respectively.

Step 2
Archana goes on a diet and loses 4 kg, therefore her new weight will be (11x - 4) kg.
Now, the new ratio of the weight of Aditya to that of Archana =
11x - 4

Step 3
By cross multiplying both sides in the above equation, we get,
8 × (11x - 4) = 72x
⇒ 88x - 32 = 72x
⇒ 88x - 72x = 32
⇒ 16x = 32

Step 4
Thus, the weight of Archana = 11x - 4
= (11 × 2) - 4
= 22 - 4
= 18 kg

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(8) 300 km

Step 1
According to the question, the ratio of the speeds of the two cars = 6:5 = -----(1)

Step 2
Since, the first car covers a distance of 300 km in 5 hours,
Distance 300
the speed of the first car = = km per hour
Time 5

Step 3
Let us assume that the second car covers a distance of x km in 6 hours.
Distance x
Speed of the second car = = km per hour
Time 6

Step 4

Now, the ratio of the speeds of the two cars =

300 6
= ×
5 x
= -----(2)

Step 5
By comparing the equations (1) and (2):
1800 6
5x 5
By cross multiplying the both sides:
1800 × 5 = (6 × 5)x
1800 × 5
⇒ =x
⇒ 300 = x
⇒ x = 300

Step 6
Therefore, we can say that the distance covered by the second car in 6 hours will be 300 km.

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(9) 210 meters

Step 1
It is given that a tortoise has covered a distance of 285 meters in 19 days.
We know, Speed =
Distance traveled 285
Therefore, the speed = =
Number of days 19
= 15 meters per day

Step 2
We know, Distance = Speed × Time
Therefore, the total distance traveled by it in 14 days = Speed × Time = 15 × 14
= 210 meters

(10) 7:16

Step 1
As, Joel's toy car can travel 126 meters in a minute, therefore the speed of the Joel's toy car = 126
meters per minute

Step 2
Gita's toy car travels in an hour = 17.28 kilometers
We know that 1 kilometer = 1000 meters
Therefore, 17.28 kilometers = 17.28 × 1000 meters = 17280 meters
Also, 1 hour = 60 minutes
Therefore, Gita's toy car travels in 60 minutes = 17280 meters
Or, Gita's toy car travels in 1 minute = meters = 288 meters
Therefore, the speed of the Gita's toy car is 288 meters per minute

Step 3
126 7
Fraction of the speed of the cars belonging to Joel and Gita = =
288 16

Step 4
Therefore, the ratio of the speeds of the cars belonging to Joel and Gita is 7:16.

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(11) 1260

Step 1
The ratio of the stamps collected by Ram and Surjeet at the end of the month is 42:61. Let the
number of total stamps collected by Ram and Surjeet by the end of the month be 42x and 61x,

Step 2
Now, the additional stamps collected by Surjeet in one day = 180
This means, the new number of Surjeet's stamps = 61x + 180

Step 3
On equating new ratios:
42x 42
61x + 180 67
42x 42
⇒ =
61x + 180 67
x 1
⇒ =
61x + 180 67
⇒ 67x = 61x + 180
⇒ 67x - 61x = 180
⇒ (67 - 61)x = 180
⇒ 6x = 180
⇒ x = 30

Step 4
Stamps collected by Ram = 42x = 42 × 30 = 1260

Step 5
Therefore, the total number of stamps collected by Ram is 1260.

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(12) 10:21

Step 1
We are given that Bala and Ajoy start walking to school at the same time and reach school at the
same time. We can say that they both take equal time to reach the school.

Step 2
Let us assume that they both take t time to reach the school. Let us also assume that d1 and d2 is
the distance from Bala's house to the school and Ajoy's house to the school, respectively.

Step 3
Since, we know that Speed = ,
Bala's speed = ,
Ajoy's speed =

Step 4

Now, the ratio of the walking speed of Bala and Ajoy =

d1 t
= ×
t d2

Step 5
According to the question, the ratio of the distance of Bala's house to the school and Ajoy's house
d1 10
to the school = =
d2 21

Step 6
Therefore, we can say that the ratio of the walking speed of Bala and Ajoy = = 10:21.

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(13) Rs. 94500

Step 1
As the loan has to be repaid in equal installments over 4 years and we know that 1 year = 12
Or, 4 years = 12 × 4
= 48 months
Therefore, we can say that the loan has to be repaid in the equal installments over 48 months.

Step 2
Amount paid by Sachin in 3 months = Rs. 6300
Or, the amount paid by Sachin in 1 month or monthly installment = = Rs. 2100
Therefore, the amount paid by Sachin in 48 months = 2100 × 48 = Rs. 100800

Step 3
The remaining amount to be paid by Sachin to the bank = Amount to be paid by Sachin in 48
months − Amount paid by Sachin in 3 months = Rs. 100800 − Rs. 6300
= Rs. 94500

(14) consequent

Step 1
We know that in a ratio a : b, a is the antecedent and b is the consequent.

Step 2
Therefore, the second term of a ratio is called its consequent.

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(15) 17:27

Step 1
Width of the rectangle = 85 cm
Perimeter of the rectangle = 4.4 m
Since, 1 m = 100 cm
Therefore, the perimeter of the rectangle in cm = 4.4 × 100 = 440 cm

Step 2
We know that the perimeter of the rectangle = 2(length + width)
perimeter of the rectangle
Therefore, the length of the rectangle = - width
= - 85
= 220 - 85
= 135 cm

Step 3
85 17
Fraction of the width of the rectangle to its length = =
135 27

Step 4
Therefore, the ratio of the width of the rectangle to its length is 17:27.

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