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The infographic will likely be most effective if it shows the two sides of the

marketplace and the current issues they face compared to the new, breakthrough
Capital Works process

The two sides of the marketplace: Companies on one side and Capital Providers
(banks, lenders, private equity funds, investors, and acquirers) on the other side

Companies Capital Providers

1.2m companies in the U.S. 400k capital provider
between $1m and $500m in professionals working at
Revenue 73,000 firms

Current Process Issues

Unmet Demand: Untapped Supply:
 62% of commercial loan  $3.1 Trillion of equity capital
applications are turned from PE funds, family
down offices, and corporate M&A
 75% businesses listed for sitting on the sidelines
sale do not sell looking for investments and
Not Prepared: acquisitions
 $10t of equity value is  Banks search for
about to transition, but commercial lending
88% of business owners opportunities with a virtually
are not prepared for an unlimited amount of Fed
exit Funds, yet loan volume is
Not Realistic: down 28%
 78% of business owners High Cost of Diligence:
plan to fund at least 80%  $35b total cost to source
of their retirement by and diligence middle market
selling their business loans and private equity
Not Liquid or Diversified: transactions
 Business owners typically Lost Opportunity:
have 75% of their net  Lower returns due to lower
worth tied up in their rates of deploying capital

Contrasting the Current vs the Capital Works process:

Current Process Capital Works CTM Process

From the Company perspective, An intelligent end-to-end Capital
there’s a massive unmet capital Transaction Management (CTM)
demand: the majority of attempted platform that empowers business
transactions fail to close – and, it’s owners, their advisors, and capital
about to get much worse as a surge of providers to successfully source,
$10t worth of baby boomer diligence, close, and monitor debt,
businesses attempt to exit without equity, and buyout transactions
sufficient preparation in a market via a standardized and highly-
without the capacity to process that structured process of AI, intelligent
volume of transactions. matching, intelligent diligence, and
ongoing post-closing reporting and
From the Capital Provider perspective, analytics.
there is a massive amount of
untapped capital supply looking for
quality deals that fit their strategies via
an inefficient “needle-in-a-haystack”
sourcing process of cold calls and
emails, and a long and painful
“blizzard of documents” diligence
process of constant “inquire and wait
for a response” that results in deal
fatigue and lost opportunity.
Lack of Preparation Thorough Preparation
Negative Surprises Managed Expectations
Stale and static info trapped in PDFs Continuously updated dynamic
digitized data
Limited Search Criteria All data is searchable
No matching process AI-driven loan and investment strategy
Slow and painful process of Diligence Fast and Thorough process of
Discontinuous and disjointed overall Single source of truth across all
process with information entered and process stages with diligence info
thrown away at each stage archived and updated monthly
Customized, hard-to-decipher non- Standardized, GAAP-compliant
GAAP financials financials
Information is limited to the target Information includes the target
company information company, competitors, industry, and
AI-driven analytics
Painful process of gathering and Assembled, analyzed, and
distilling diligence information synthesized diligence information
Deal Fatigue Deal Velocity
Low closing ratios High closing ratios

Our Capital Transaction Management (CTM) process:

Key Capital Works messages:

The Problem: Despite our tech-enabled world, attempting to close a business

loan, investment, or sale still remains frustratingly inefficient, inordinately time-
consuming, and too often results in failure

We believe companies and capital providers deserve better

In an entrepreneurial economy, companies and capital providers need each

other, but attempting to close a business loan, investment, or sale is frustratingly
inefficient, takes forever, and routinely results in failure.

The generally poor quality of financial reporting and lack of standardization and
preparedness leads to a difficult sourcing and diligence process that is very
expensive compared to the deal size.

Existing fintech solutions are focused either on sourcing or offer empty due
diligence folders.

Vision: To unleash the entrepreneurial economy by closing the gap between

untapped capital supply and unmet capital demand via the world’s first CTM

Capital Transaction Management (CTM): a technology for standardizing and

efficiently integrating the entire life cycle of a capital transaction between a
business, its advisors, and a capital provider

Slogan: We Make Capital Work

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