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Automatic Test Data Generation using Constraint Solving Techniques

Arnaud Gotlieb Michel Rueher

Dassault Electronique Bernard Botella Universite de Nice - Sophia
55 quai Marcel Dassault Dassault Electronique Antipolis
92214 Saint Cloud, France 55 quai Marcel Dassault I3S-CNRS Route des colles,
and also at BP 145
Universite de Nice - Sophia 92214 Saint Cloud, France
Antipolis 06903 Sophia Antipolis, France

Abstract commonly accepted as minimum requirements. One of

the diculties of the testing process is to generate test
Automatic test data generation leads to identify input data meeting these criteria.
values on which a selected point in a procedure is ex- From the procedure structure alone, it is only possible
ecuted. This paper introduces a new method for this to generate input data. The correctness of the output
problem based on constraint solving techniques. First, of the execution has to be checked out by an \oracle".
we statically transform a procedure into a constraint Two di erent approaches have been proposed for auto-
system by using well-known \Static Single Assignment" matic test data generation in this context. The initial
form and control-dependencies. Second, we solve this one, called path-oriented approach
4, 7, 16, 20, 3], in-
system to check whether at least one feasible control cludes two steps which are :
ow path going through the selected point exists and
to generate test data that correspond to one of these to identify a set of control ow paths that covers
paths. all statements (resp. branches) in the procedure 
The key point of our approach is to take advantage of to generate input test data which execute every se-
current advances in constraint techniques when solving lected path.
the generated constraint system. Global constraints are
used in a preliminary step to detect some of the non fea- Among all the selected paths, a non-negligeable amount
sible paths. Partial consistency techniques are employed is generally non-feasible
24], i.e. there is no input data
to reduce the domains of possible values of the test data. for which such paths can be executed. The static identi-
A prototype implementation has been developped on a cation of non-feasible paths is an undecidable problem
restricted subset of the C language. Advantages of our in the general case
1]. Thus, a second approach called
approach are illustrated on a non-trivial example. goal-oriented
19] has been proposed. Its two main steps
Keywords are :
Automatic test data generation, structural testing, con- to identify a set of statements (resp. branches) the
straint solving techniques, global constraints covering of which implies covering the criterion 
to generate input test data that execute every se-
1 INTRODUCTION lected statement (resp. branch).
Structural testing techniques are widely used in unit or Assuming that every statement (resp. branch) is reach-
module testing process of software. Among the struc- able, there is at least one feasible control ow path going
tural criteria, both statement and branch coverages are through the selected statement (resp. branch). The goal
of the data generation process is then to identify input
data on which one such path is executed.
For these approaches, existing generation methods are
based either on symbolic execution
18, 4, 16, 7, 10], or
on the so called \dynamic method"
20, 19, 11, 21].
Symbolic execution consists in replacing input param- Furthermore, these techniques o er a exible way to
eters by symbolic values and in statically evaluating dene and to solve new constraints on values of possible
the statements along a control ow path. The goal of test data.
symbolic execution is to identify the constraints (either A prototype implementation of this method has been
equalities or inequalities) called \path conditions" on developped on a restricted subset of the C language.
symbolic input values under which a selected path is
executed. This method leads to several problems : the Outline of the paper : the second section presents the
growth of intermediate algebraic expressions, the di- generation of Kset while the third section is devoted
culty to deal with arrays (although some solutions exist to the resolution techniques. The fourth section de-

13, 8]), and the aliasing problem for pointer analysis. scribes the prototype implementation while the fth sec-
Using symbolic execution corresponds to an exhaustive tion provides a detailed analysis of a non-trivial example
exploration of all paths going through a selected point. that has been successfully treated with our method.
Of course, this may be unacceptable for programs con-
taining a large number of paths.
Korel proposes in
20] to base the test data generation 2 GENERATION OF THE CON-
process on actual executions of programs. Its method STRAINT SYSTEM
is called the \dynamic method". If an undesirable path
is observed during the execution ow monitoring, then Application of our method is limited to a structured
a function minimization technique is used to \correct" subset of a procedural language. Unstructured state-
the input variables.
19] presents an extension of the ments such as \goto-statement" are not handled in our
dynamic method to the goal-oriented approach. This framework because they introduce non-controled exits
method is designed to handle arrays, dynamic struc- of loops and backward control ow.
tures, and procedures calls
21]. However, although the Pointer aliasing, dynamic allocated structures, func-
dynamic method takes into account some of the prob- tion's pointer involve dicult problems to solve in the
lems encountered with symbolic execution, it may re- frame of a static analysis. In this paper, we assume that
quire a great number of executions of the program. programs avoid such constructions. The treatement of
This paper introduces a new method to identify auto- basic types such as char and oating point numbers is
matically test data on which a selected point in the pro- not presented. A few words in the fourth section are
cedure is executed. The proposed method operates in devoted to the extension of our method to these types.
two steps : The generation of the constraint system Kset is done in
three steps :
1. The procedure is statically transformed into a
constraint system by the use of \Static Single 1. Generation of the \Static Single Assignment"
Assignment" (SSA) form
23, 2, 9] and control- form 
12]. The result of this step is a set of
constraints | called Kset | which is formed of : 2. Generation of a set of constraints corresponding to
the constraints generated for the whole proce- the procedure p, called pKset(p) 
dure  3. Generation of a set of constraints corresponding
the constraints that are specic to the selected to the control-dependencies of a selected point n,
point. called cKset(n).
2. The constraint system Kset is solved to check
whether at least one feasible path which goes Kset is dened as :
through the selected point exists. Finally, test data Kset(p n) def
= pKset(p)  cKset(n)
corresponding to one of these paths are generated.
The key point of this method is to take advantages of Now, let us introduce some basics used in the rest of the
current constraint techniques to solve the generated con- paper.
straint system. In particular, global constraints are used
in a preliminary step to detect some of the non-feasible
parts of the control structures and partial consistency 2.1 Basics
techniques are employed to reduce the domains of pos-
sible values of the test data. Search methods based on A procedure control ow graph (V E e s)
1] is a con-
the combination of both enumeration and inference pro- nected oriented graph composed by a set of vertices V ,
cesses are used in the nal step to identify test data. a set of edges E and two particular nodes, e the unique
int f(int i)
int j 
1. j := 1 
2. while ( i 6= 0 )
3a. j := j  i 
3b. i := i ; 1 
4. if ( j = 2 ) 1
5. then i := 2 

6. return j 

Figure 1: Example 1

entry node, and s the unique exit node. Nodes repre- 4

sent the basic blocks which are sets of statements exe-
cuted without branching and edges represent the possi-
ble branching between basic blocks. For instance, con-

sider the procedure1 given in gure 1, which is designed

to compute the factorial function, and its control ow 6

graph (CFG) shown in gure 2.

A point is either a node or an edge in the CFG. A path Figure 2: Control ow graph of example 1
is a sequence < vi  : : :  vj > of consecutive nodes (edge
connected) in (V E e s). A control ow path is a path
< vi  : : :  vj > in the CFG, where vi = e and vj = s. A
path is feasible if there exists at least one test datum on
which the path is executed, otherwise it is non-feasible.
For instance, the control ow path < 1 2 4 5 6 > in
the CFG of example 1 is non-feasible.
A node v1 is post-dominated
12] by a node v2 if every
path from v1 to s in (V E e s) (not including v1 ) con-
tains v2.
A node v2 is control-dependent
12] on v1 i 1) there
exists a path P from v1 to v2 in (V E e s) with any int f(int i0 )
v in P n fv1 v2 g post-dominated by v2  2) v1 is not int j0 
1a. j0 := 1 
post-dominated by v2 . For example, block 5 is control- /* Heading */
dependent on block 4 in the CFG of example 1. 1b. j2 := (j0  j1 ) 
1c. i2 := (i0  i1 ) 
2. while (i2 6= 0 )
2.2 SSA Form 3a. j1 := j2  i2 
3b. i1 := i2 ; 1 
Most procedural languages allow destructive updating od
4. if (j2 = 2)
of variables  this leads to the impossibility to treat a 5. then i3 := 2 
program variable as a logical variable. Initially proposed 6.

i4 := (i3  i2 ) 
for the optimisation of compilers
2, 23], the \Static return (j2 ) 
Single Assignment" form
9] is a semantically equiv-
alent version of a procedure on which every variable
has a unique denition and every use of a variable is
reached by this denition. The SSA form of a lin- Figure 3: SSA Form of example 1
ear sequence of code is obtained by a simple renam-
ing (i ;! i0  i ;! i1  : : :) of the variables. For the
control structures, SSA form introduces special assign-
1 For all the examples throughout the paper, a clear abstract syntax
is used to indicate that our method is not designed to a particular
ments, called -functions, in the junction nodes of the 3a in example 1 generates the constraint j1 = j2  i2.
CFG. A -function returns one of its arguments depend- The decision of statement 2 generates i2 6= 0. A ba-
ing on the control ow. Consider the if-statement of sic block is translated into a conjunction of such con-
the SSA form of example 1 in gure 3  the -function straints. For example, statements 3a and 3b generate
of statement 6 returns i3 if the ow goes through the j1 = j2  i2 ^ i1 = i2 ; 1.
then-part of the statement, i2 otherwise. For some more
complex structures, the -functions are introduced in a
special heading of the loop (as in the while-statement 2.3.3 Conditional Statement
in gure 3). SSA Form is built by using the algorithm
given in
5], which is designed to treat structured pro- The conditional statement if then else is translated
grams in one parsing step. into global constraint ITE/3 in the following way :
For convenience, a list of -assignments will be written
with a single statement : pKset(if d then s1 else s2  v~1 := (~v2  v~3)) =
x2 := (x1 x0) : : :  z2 := (z1  z0 ) () v~2 := (v~1  v~0) ite(pKset(d) pKset(s1) ^ v~1 = v~2 pKset(s2) ^ v~1 = v~3 )

2.3 Generation of pKset This constraint denotes a relation between the decision
and the constraints generated for the then- and the else-
pKset(p) is a set of both atomic and global constraints parts of the conditional. Note that -assignments are
associated with a procedure p. translated in simple equality constraints. The opera-
Informally speaking, an atomic constraint is a relation tional semantic of the constraint ITE/3 will be made
between logical variables. Global constraints are de- explicit in section 3.2.
signed to handle more eciently set of atomic con-
straints. For instance, global constraint element/3 2 : 2.3.4 Loop Statement
element(k L v) constraints the kth argument of the
list L to be equal to v. The loop statement while is also translated in a global
Let us now present how pKset is generated. The method constraint W/5. Informally speaking, this constraint
is driven by the syntax. Each subsection, which is de- states that as long as its rst argument is true, the
voted to a particular construction, presents the genera- constraints generated for the body (fth argument) of
tion technique. the while statement are true for the required data.

2.3.1 Declaration pKset(v~2 := (~v0  v~1) while d do s od)

= w(pKset(d) v~0  v~1  v~2  pKset(s))
The variables of a procedure are either input variables
or local variables. Parameters and global variables are The generated constraint requires three vectors of vari-
considered as input variables while the other variables ables v~0  v~1 v~2. v~0 is a vector of variables dened before
are considered as local. Each variable x which has a the while-statement. v~1 is the vector of variables dened
basic type declaration, is translated in atomic constraint inside the body of the loop and v~2 is the vector of vari-
of the form : x 2
Min Max] where Min (resp. Max) ables referenced inside and outside the while-statement.
is the minimum (resp. maximum) value depending on Note here that the -assignments are only used to iden-
the current implementation. An array declaration is tify the vectors of variables.
translated into a list of variables of the same type while
a record is translated into a list of variables of di erent The operational semantics of the constraint w/5 will
types. also be given in section 3.2.
A specic variable, named \OUT", is devoted to the
output value of the procedure. 2.3.5 Array and Record

2.3.2 Assignment and Decision Both arrays and records are treated as list of variables,
therefore we only present the generation of pKset on
Elementary statements, such as assignments and ex- arrays.
pressions in the decisions are transformed into atomic Reference of an array is provided in the SSA Form by
constraints. For instance, the assignment of statement a special expression
9] : access. The evaluation of ac-
2 where /3 denotes the arity of the constraint cess(a,k) statement is the kth element of a noted v.
For the denition of an array, the special expression by one constraint to others constraints. These algo-
update is used
9]. update(a,j,w) evaluates to an array rithms are usually called partial consistency algorithms
a1 which has the same size as a and which has the same because they remove part of inconsistent values from
elements as a, except for j where value is w. the domain of the variables. Altough these approxi-
Both expressions access and update are treated with mation algorithms sometimes decide inconsistency, it is
the constraint element/3 : usually necessary to combine the resolution process with
a search method. Informally speaking, search methods
pKset( v:= access(a k)) = felement(k a v)g are intelligent enumeration process.
For a survey on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic
pKset(a Programming, see
14] and
S 1 := update(a j w))
= i6=j felement(i a v) ^ element(i a1 v)g Let us rst introduce some basics notations on con-
 felement(j a1 w)g straint programming required in the rest of the paper.
These notations are extracted from
2.4 Generation of cKset A constraint system is consistent if it has at least one
solution, i.e. if there exists at least one variable assign-
cKset(n) is a set of constraints associated with a point ment which respects all the constraints. More formally,
n in the CFG. It represents the necessary conditions a set of constraints  is called a store and the store is
under which a selected point is executed. These con- consistent if :
ditions are precisely the control-dependencies on the j= (9)
selected point. cKset(n) is then the set of constraints of
the statements and the branches on which n is control- where (9) denotes the existential closure of the formula
dependent. For example, node 5 is control-dependant .
on node 4 then : cKset(5) = fj2 = 2g Entailment test checks out the implication of a con-
straint by a store. For example,

2.5 Example x 0 is entailed by fx = y2 g

The entailment test of the constraint c by the store  is
For the procedure given in gure 1 and the statement noted :
5, the following sets are obtained :
pKset(f) = j= (8)( =) c)
f j0 = 1
w(i2 6= 0 (i0 j0) (i1  j1) (i2  j2) where (8) denotes the universal closure of .
j1 = j2  i2 ^ i1 = i2 ; 1) Both consistency and entailment tests are NP-complete
ite(j2 = 2 i3 = 2 ^ i4 = i3  i4 = i2 ) problems in the general case. For this reason, implemen-
OUT = j2 g tations of these tests are based on two approximations :
domain-consistency and interval-consistency.
cKset(5) = fj2 = 2g
Kset(f 5) = pKset(f)  cKset(5) 3.1 Local consistency
Associated with each input variable xi is both a domain
Di 2 ZZ and an interval Di =
min(Di ) max(Di )].
A constraint c(x1  : : :  xn) is a n-ary relation between
3 SOLVING THE CONSTRAINT SYS- variables (x1 : : :  xn) which denotes a subset of ZZ n .
TEM AND GENERATION OF TEST Domain-consistency also called arc-consistency removes
DATA values from the domains and Interval-consistency only
reduces the lower and upper bounds on the domains.
Constraint programming has emerged in the last decade Both are applied in a subtle combination by the con-
as a new tool to address various classes of combinato- straint solver. Intuitivelly, when the domains contain
rial search problems. Constraint systems are inference a small number of values, domain-consistency is ap-
systems based on such operations as constraint propa- plied. Interval-consistency is applied on large domains.
gation, consistency and entailment. Inference is based Precise denitions of these local consistencies are now
on algorithms which propagate the information given given :
int g(int x,int y ) t1 = t0 ; y0 leads to y0 2 f3 4g and t0 2 f4 5g
int z  t0 = 2  x0 leads to x0 2 f2g and t0 2 f4g
int t 
1a. z := x  y  t1 = t0 ; y0 leads to y0 2 f3g
1b. t := 2  x 
2. if (z  8) Finally, (x0 = 2 y0 = 3) corresponds to the unique test
3a. t := t ; y  datum on which statement 4 in the program of gure 4
3b. if (t = 1 ^ x > 1 ) can be executed.
4. then ...

Figure 4: Example 2 3.2 Global Constraints Denitions

For atomic constraints and some global constraints, the
Denition 1. (domain-consistency) 15] local treatment is directly implemented in the constraint
A constraint c is domain-consistent if for solver. However, for user-dened global constraint, it is
each variable xi and value vi 2 Di there necessary to provide the algorithm. The key point of our
exists values v1  : : :  vi;1 vi+1  : : :  vn in approach resides in the use of such global constraints to
D1  : : :  Di;1 Di+1  : : :  Dn such that c(v1 : : :  vn) treat the control structures of the program. The global
holds. A store  is domain-consistent if for every constraints are used to propagate information on incon-
constraint c in , c is domain-consistent. sistency in a preliminary step of the resolution process.
Denition 2. (interval-consistency) 15]
A constraint c is interval-consistent if for each 3.2.1 Entailment Test Implementation
variable xi and value vi 2 fmin(Di ) max(Di )g
there exist values v1  : : :  vi;1 vi+1 : : :  vn in The entailment test is used to construct these global
D1  : : :  Di;
  D  : : :  D such that c(v  : : :  v )
1 i+1 n 1 n constraints. The implementation of entailment test may
holds. be done as a proof by refutation. A constraint is proved
to be entailed by a store if there is no variable assign-
A local treatment is associated to each constraint. ment respecting both the store and the negation of the
The corresponding algorithm is able to check out both constraint.
domain- and interval- consistencies for this constraint.
The inference engine propagates the reductions pro- The operational semantic of the user-dened global con-
vided by this algorithm on the other constraints. The straints is designed with properties which are \guarded"
propagation iterates until a xpoint is reached. Infor- by entailment tests. Such properties are expressed by
mally speaking, a xpoint is a state of the domains constraints added to the store. We have introduced in
where no more prunnings can be performed. the section 2.3 two global constraints : ite/3 and w/5.
Let us give now their denitions.
Let us illustrate how interval-, domain- consistency and
the inference engine may reduce the domains of possible
values of test data on the example 2 given in gure 4. 3.2.2 ITE/3
Consider the problem of automatic test data generation
for statement 4. Denition 3. (ite/3)
Parameters are of non-negative integer type. The ite(c fc1 ^ : : : ^ cp g fc01 ^ : : : ^ c0q g)
following set is provided :
if j= (8)( =) c) then  :=   fc1 ^ : : : ^ cp g
Kset(g 4) = fx0 y0 2
0 Max] z0 = x0  y0  t0 = if j= (8)( =) :c) then  :=   fc01 ^ : : : ^ c0q g
2  x0 z0  8 t1 = t0 ; y0  t1 = 1 x0 > 1g
if j= (8)( =) :(c1 ^ : : : ^ cp )) then
and the following resolution process is performed :  :=   f:c ^ c01 ^ : : : ^ c0q g
z0 = x0  y0 leads to z0 2
0 Max] if j= (8)( =) :(c01 ^ : : : ^ c0q )) then
t0 = 2  x0 leads to t0 2
0 Max]  :=   fc ^ c1 ^ : : : ^ cp g
z0  8 leads to z0 2
0 8]
t1 = 1 leads to t1 2 f1g The rst two features of this denition express the op-
x0 > 1 leads to x0 2
2 Max] erational semantic of the control structure if then else.
z0 = x0  y0 leads to x0 2
2 8] and y0 2
0 4] The last ones are added to identify non-feasible parts
t0 = 2  x0 leads to t0 2
4 16] formed by one of the two branches of the control
structure. Consider for example : if v~2 = v~0 is inconsistent in the current store, the fourth
feature is applied meaning that the body of the loop is
ite(i0 6= 0 i1 = i0 ; 1 ^ i2 = i1  i2 = 1)
executed at least once.
Let us illustrate the treatment of w/5 on the while-
Suppose that the store contains i2 = 0  when statement of example 1 :
applying the fourth feature of the ite constraint we Suppose that the store contains fj0 = 1 j2 = 2g  when
have to consider the consistency of the following set : testing the consistency of
fi2 = 0g  fi2 = 1g It is inconsistant, meaning that the
else-part of the statement is non feasible. Then, the w(i2 6= 0 (i0  j0) (i1  j1) (i2 j2 )
constraints i0 6= 0 ^ i1 = i0 ; 1 ^ i2 = i1 are added to j1 = j2  i2 ^ i1 = i2 ; 1)
the store.
the fourth feature is applied twice and then gives
3.2.3 W/5 the following store :
The while-statement combines looping and destructive fj0 = 1 j2 = 2 j2 = j1  i1  i2 = i1 ; 1
assignments. Hence w/5 behaves as a constraint gener- j1 = j0  i0  i1 = i0 ; 1 i2 = 0g
ation program.
Finally, (i0 = 2) is obtained.
When evaluating w/5, it is necessary to allow the gen-
eration of new constraints and new variables. A substi-
tution subs(~v1  v~2  c) is a mechanism which generates 3.3 Complete Resolution of the Example
a new constraint having the same structure as c but
where variables vector v~1 has been replaced by vector Consider again the example of gure 1 and the problem
v~2 . The following example illustrates this mechanism : of generating a test data on which a feasible path going
if v~1 = (x1  y1) and v~2 = (x2 y2 ) then through statement 5 is executed. The Kset provided by
subs(~v1  v~2  x1 + y1 = 3) is (x2 + y2 = 3) the rst step of our method is :
w/5 is now formally dened :
Denition 4. (w/5) Kset(f 5) = pKset(f)  cKset(5) =
w(c v~0 v~1 v~2 c1 ^ : : : ^ cp ) f j0 = 1
w(i2 6= 0 (i0 j0 ) (i1 j1) (i2  j2)
if j= (8)( =) subs(~v2  v~0  c)) then j1 = j2  i2 ^ i1 = i2 ; 1)
 :=   fsubs(~v2  v~0  c1 ^ : : : ^ cp ) ^ ite(j2 = 2 i3 = j2 ^ i4 = i3  i4 = i2 )
w(c v~1 v~3 v~2 OUT = j2 g  fj2 = 2g
subs(~v1  v~3  c1 ^ : : : ^ cp ))g
The loop is executed twice, generating the follow-
if j= (8)( =) subs(~v2  v~0  :c)) then ing store :
 :=   fv~2 = v~0 g
fj0 = 1 i0 6= 0 i1 6= 0 i2 = 0 i2 = i1 ;1 i1 = i0 ;1 j2 =
if j= (8)( =) subs(~v2  v~0  :(c1 ^ : : : ^ cp ))) j1  i1  j1 = j0  i0  j2 = 2 i3 = j2 i4 = i3  OUT = j2g
 :=   fsubs(~v2  v~0  :c) ^ v~2 = v~0 g Interval consistency is applied to solve the sys-
if j= (8)( =) v~2 6= v~0) then tem, and yields to i0 = 2. This is the unique test data
 :=   fsubs(~v2  v~0  c) ^ on which statement 5 may be executed.
subs(~v2  v~0  c1 ^ : : : ^ cp ) ^
w(c v~1 v~3 v~2 subs(~
v1  v~3  c1 ^ : : : ^ cp ))g
3.4 Search Process
The rst two features represent the operational seman-
tic of the while-statement. As for the ite/3 constraint, Of course, local consistencies are incomplete constraint
the other features identify non-feasible part of the struc- solving techniques
22]. The store of constraints can
ture. The third one is applied if it can be proved that be domain-consistent though there is no solution in the
the constraints of the body of the loop are inconsistent domains (i.e. the store is inconsistent). Let us give an
with the current store. This means the body cannot be example of a classical pitfall of these techniques :
executed even once, the output vector of variables v~2 is x y z 2 f0 1g  = fx 6= y y 6= z g
then equated with the input vector v~0 . In the opposite, Testing j= (8)( =) (x = z)) fails because the store
fx 6= y y 6= z x 6= z g
is domain-consistent. enumerate all the values of a oating point variable.
In order to obtain a solution, it is necessary to enumer- Resolution of the constraint system is therefore more
ate the possible values in the restricted domains
22, 15]. problematic. References on these solvers can be found
This process is incremental. When a value v is chosen in in
17]. The extension of our method to pointer variables
the domain Dx of the variable x, the constraint (x = v) falls into two classical problems of static analysis : the
is added to the store and propagated. This may reduce aliasing problem and the analysis of dynamic allocated
the domains of the other variables. This process is re- structures.
peated until either the domain of all variables is reduced INKA includes 5 modules :
to a single value or the domain of some variable becomes
empty. In the former case, we obtain a solution of the A C Parser
test data generation problem, whereas in the latter we
must backtrack and try another value (x = w) until A generator of SSA form and control-dependencies
Dx =  .
A generator of Kset
In general, there are many test data on which a se-
lected point is executed. As claimed in the Introduc- A constraints solver
tion, constraint solving techniques provide a exible way
to choose test data. The search process can be user- A search process module
directed by adding new constraints on the input vari-
ables of the procedure. Our framework provides an ele- The constraint solver is provided by the CLP(FD) li-
gant way to handle such constraints. These constraints brary of Sicstus Prolog 3.5
are propagated by the inference engine as soon as they
induce a reduction on the domains. Furthermore, these
additional constraints may be used to insure that the 5 EXAMPLE
generated input data are \realistic". They may have
one of the two following forms :
We present now the results of our method on a non-
constraints on domains (for example x0 2 trivial example adapted from
11] : the SAMPLE pro-

;3 17])  gram given in gure 5. For the sake of simplicity, it is
written in the abstract syntax used in this paper. Size
constraints between variables (for example y0 > x0 of array have been reduced to 3 for improving the pre-
meaning that a parameter y0 of a procedure is sentation.
strictly greater than another one x0 ). Consider the problem of automatic test data generation
to reach node 13.
It is also possible to guide the search process with some
well-known heuristics. For example : INKA has generated the Kset(SAMPLE,13) constraint
system. The following set of constraints on domains are
to select the variable with the smallest domain added :
(rst-fail principle) 
1] a
2] a
3] b
1] b
2] b
3]target 2
1 9]
to select the most constrained variable 
Table 1 reports only the results of the constraint solver
to bissect the domains ( x 2
a b] is transformed and search process module. Experiments are made on
into (Dx =
a a + b=2] or Dx =
a + b=2 b]) ). a Sun Sparc 5 workstation under Solaris 2.5

4 IMPLEMENTATION First experiments concern the search of solutions with-

out adding any kind of constraints on input data. The
INKA, a prototype implementation has been developed line 1 of the table 1 indicates the time required to obtain
on a structured subset of language C. The extension to the rst solution and all solutions of the problem. The
control structures such as do-while and switch statement exact test data is provided in the former case while the
is straightforward. Characters are handled in the same number of solutions is only provided in the later one.
way as integer variables. Floating point numbers do not Then, we have considered that the user wants the input
introduce new diculties in the constraints generation data to satisfy the additional constraint :
process, but they require another solver. Although the
domains remain nite, it is of course not possible to a
3]2 = a
1]2 + a
int sample(int a3], int b3], int target)
int i fa fb out  Table 1: Results
1a. i := 1 
1b. fa := 0  First solu- CPU time All solutions CPU time
1c. fb := 0 
2. while (i  3)
do (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) 1.0s 1953 solu- 287s
3. if (ai] = target) tions
4. then fa := 1 
 (3,4,5,3,3,3,3) 53s (3,4,5,3,3,3,3), 292s
5. i := i + 1  (3,4,5,4,4,4,4),
6. if (fa = 1) (3,4,5,5,5,5,5),
then (4,3,5,3,3,3,3),
7a. i := 1  (4,3,5,4,4,4,4),
7b fb := 1 
8. while (i  3) (4,3,5,5,5,5,5)
if (bi] 6= target)
(3,4,5,3,3,3,3) 1.3s (3,4,5,3,3,3,3), 2.4s
10. then fb := 0  (3,4,5,4,4,4,4),
11. i := i + 1  (4,3,5,3,3,3,3),
12. if (fb = 1) (4,3,5,5,5,5,5)
13. then out := 1 
14. else out := 0 

15. return out  method with other approaches.

Figure 5: Program SAMPLE 6 CONCLUSION

Second line reports the results of generation when the In this paper, we have presented a new method for the
additional constraint is checked out after the search pro- automatic test data generation problem. The key point
cess and the third line reports the results when the con- of this approach is the early detection of some of the
straint is added to the current store and propagated. non-feasible paths by the global constraints and thus the
reduction of the number of trials required for the gen-
A rst fail enumeration heuristic has been used for eration of test data. First experiments on a non-trivial
these experiments. Test data are given in vector form example made with a prototype implementation tend
1] a
2] a
3] b
1] b
2] b
3]target) and CPU time is to show the exibility of our method. Future work will
the time elapsed in the constraint solving phase. Note be devoted to the extension of this method to pointer
that a complete enumeration stage would involve to try variables and experimentations with oating point num-
97 = 4782969 values. bers  an experimental validation on real applications is
also forseen.
These experiments are intended to show what we have
called the exible use of constraints. First, the CPU
time elapsed in the rst and second experiments are ap- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
proximatively the same to obtain all the solutions. In
both cases, the search process has enumerated all the
possible values in the reduced domains. The only dif- Patrick Taillibert and Serge Varennes gave us invalu-
ference is that, in the second case, the added constraint able help on preliminary ideas to design the global con-
has been checked out after the enumeration step. This straints introduced. Thanks to Xavier Moulin for its
illustrate a generate and test approach. On the con- helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.
trary, note that the results presented in the third line This work is partially supported by A.N.R.T.
of table 1 show an important improvement factor due This research is part of the software testing project DE-
to the use of the additional constraint in the resolution VISOR of Dassault Electronique.
process. In the third case, the additional constraint is
used to prune the domains and thus the time elapsed in References
the search process module is dramatically reduced.
Of course, further experiments are needed to show
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