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Leaves often dorsiventral and reticulately veined (in Dilleniaceae
with parallel veination); flowers 4-5-(3)merous; cotyledons usually two Dicotyiedonae
Leaves often isobilateral and parallel veined (in Araceae, Dioscoreaceae
and Smilacaceae with reticulate veination); flowers usually 3-merous,
cotyledon single or undifferentiated Monocotyledonae

Perianth (in some members of families such as Aizoaceae, Cactaceae,
Combretaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Lythraceae, Magnoliaceae,
Molluginaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Opiliaceae, Ranunculaceae,
Sapindaceae, and Sterculiaceae perianth not differentiated)
differentiated into calyx and corolla
Petals free (in Caricaceae, Crassulaceae, Cucurbitaceae,
Lecythidaceae, Mimosaceae, Myrtaceae and Punicaceae petals
are united) Polypetalae
Petals united Gamopetalae
Perianth (in some members of Euphorbiaceae can be differentiated)
not differentiated into calyx and corolla Monochlamydeae

1 Perianth in one whorl or if in two whorls then not differentiated into
calyx and corolla
2. Perianth parts many, distinct, spirally arranged, and usually petaloid
3. Plants terrestrial
4. Trees with woody stem; gynoecium apocarpus Magnoliaceae
4. Shrubs with succulent stem; gynoecium syncarpus Cactaceae
3. Plants aquatic Nymphaeaceae
2. Perianth parts few, arranged in one or two whorls, sepaloid or petaloid
5. Flowers bisexual
6. Ovary superior
7. Carpels united
8. Ovary 2-5-locular
9. Perianth segments distinct; placenta basal; ovules few
10. Fruits 3-5-valved capsule Mo/luginaceae
10 Fruits transversely dehiscing Aizoaceae
9. Perianth segments united, placenta axile; ovules numerous Lythraceae
8. Ovary unilocular Opiliaceae
7 Carpels distinct Rcmunculaceae
6. Ovary inferior ('ombretaceae
5 Flowers unisexual or polygamous
11. Ovary 5-or more locular
12. Leaves simple; 3-5-nerved or digitate; carpels separating at
maturity Sterculiaceae
12 Leaves simple; 1-nerved; carpels not separating at maturity Flacourtiaceae
11. Ovary 2-4-locular Sapindaceae
1. Perianth in 2 or more whorls and clearly differentiated into calyx and
13. Corolla of united petals
14. Flowers bisexual
15. Fruits not a legume or lomentum
16. Ovary wholly inferior
17. Leaves not gland dotted and alternate; flowers in drooping
racemes; corolla not calyptrate
18. Fruit single seeded Lecythidaceae
18. Fruit many seeded Punicaceae
17. Leaves gland dotted and opposite; flowers in axillary cymes;
corolla calyptrate Myrtaceae
16. Ovary superior Crassulaceae
15. Fruit a legume or lomentum Mimosaceae
14. Flowers unisexual or polygamous
19. Trees with latex Caricaceae
19. Tendrilar climbers without latex Cucurbitaceae
13. Corolla of separate petals
20. Calyx of distinct sepals; ovary superior
21. Hypogynous disc absent; stamens few to many
22. Stamens numerous, more than 15
23. Gynoecium of free carpels
24. Plants terrestrial
25. Shrubs or trees; style not persistent
26. Leaves with reticulate veins Annonaceae
26 Leaves with parallel veins Dilleniaceae
25. Climbers; styles persistent and feathery Ranunculaceae
24. Plants aquatic Nehtmbonaceae
23 Gynoecium of united carpels
27. Stamens monadelphous or in bundles
28. Anthers 1-celled; staminodes absent
29 Leaves simple Malvaceae
29. Leaves digitate Bomhacaceae
28. Anthers 2-celled; staminodes often present Sterculiaceae
27, Stamens distinct or nearly so
30. Sepals 2 or 3
31. Leaves fleshy, placenta free central or basal Portulacaceae
31. Leaves not fleshy, placenta parietal Papaveraceae
30. Sepals 4, 5 or more
32. Placentation axile or basal, never parietal
33. Petals ciliate or laciniate, stamens inserted on disc
between glands Eleocarpaceae
33. Petals not as above; stamens inserted on torus Tilliaceae
32. Placentation parietal
34. Plants with yellow sap
35. Leaves alternate Bixaceae
35. Leaves opposite Clusiaceae
34. Plants without yellow sap
36. Leaves stipulate
37. Fruits many-seeded Flacourtiaceae
37. Fruits single seeded A ncistrocladaceae
38. Sacndent shrub
38. Trees Dipterocarpaceae
36. Leaves exstipulate Pittosporaceae
22. Stamens few, less than 15
39. Gynoecium of 2-many united carpels
40. Flowers unisexual or polygamous
41 Leaves entire Tilliaceae
41. Leaves palmately lobed Sterculiaceae
40 Flowers bisexual
42. Corolla zygomorphic
43. Stamens connate
44. Placentation axile
45. Sepals subequal; petals 5; anthers 10 Stercuhaceae
45. Sepals unequal; petals 3; anthers 8 Polygalaceae
44. Placentation parietal
46. Herbs; sepals 5; placentas 3 Violaceae
46 Shrubs; sepals 4; placentas 2 Capparaceae
43. Stamens free Brassicaceae
42. Corolla actinomorphic
47. Sepals 4-5; placentation other than basal
48. Leaves alternate and opposite; placentas axile or
49. Stamens distinct or basally connate
50. Placentation parietal
51. Leaves well developed; seeds not comose
52. Stamens 6, but not tetradynamous Capparaceae
52. Stamens 6, tetradynamous Brassicaceae
51. Leaves scale like; seeds comose Tamaricaceae
50. Placentation axile or the ovules pendulous Elatinaceae
49. Stamens united into a tube Sterculiaceae
48. Leaves opposite and whorled; placentas free central Caryophyllaceae
47. Sepals 2; placentation basal Portulacaceae
39. Gynoecium of one or 2-5 distinct carpels Menispermaceae
21. Hypogynous disc present; stamens as many as or twice
the petals (except in Ochnaceae)
52. Stamens less than 15
53. Flowers unisexual or polygamous (except in Cardiospermum)
54. Carpels united, fruit not samaras
55 Ovary 1-locular
56. Ovary 1-6-celled; ovules one in each cell Anacardiaceae
56. Ovary 1-2-eelled; ovules 2 in each cell Iccaanaceae
55. Ovary 3-locular Sapindaceae
54 Carpels loosely united, maturing into 2-6 distinct samaras Simaroubaceae
53 Flowers bisexual
57. Flowers zygomorphic
58 Trees; fruits an elongated capsule Monngaceae
58 Herbs; fruits not as above Balsaminaceae
57. Flowers actinomorphic
59. Stamens distinct or only basally connate
60. Calyx persistent
61. Calyx much enlarged in fruit Olacaceae
61. Calyx not enlarged in fruit Connaraceae
60. Calyx deciduous
62. Sepals valvet in bud or if imbricate then trees with
pinnately compound leaves
63. Stamens 10, or if 5, alternating to the petals
64. Leaves not gland dotted; seeds not winged Meliaceae
64. Leaves gland dotted; seeds winged Me/iaceae
63. Stamens 5, opposite to the petals fruits drupaceous Rhamnaceae
62. Sepals imbricate in bud
65. Herbs or undershrubs
66. Leaves alternate
67. Stamens 10; fruit capsular
68. Leaves compound; seeds many Oxalidaceae
68. Leaves simple; seeds few Linaceae
67. Stamens 4-5; fruit drupaceous Vitaceae
66. Leaves opposite Zygophyllaceae
65. Shrubs or trees
69. Leaves not gland dotted
70. Leaves alternate
71. Leaves simple or compound but not 2-foliolate
72. Ovary 1-3-locular
73. Ovary trilocular Sapindaceae

73. Ovary unilocular Anacardiaceae

72. Ovary 4-5-locular
74. Stamens opposite to petals
75. Leaves simple Vitaveae
75. Leaves compound Leeaceae
74. Stamens alternating with petals Ce/astraceae
71. Leaves 2-foliolate Balanitaceae
70. Leaves opposite Malpighiaceae
69. Leaves gland dotted Rutaceae
59. Stamens united into a tube Meliaceae
52. Stamens more than 15 Ochnaceae
20. Calyx of united sepals; ovary usually included in calyx tube or
76. Ovary of one or more free carpels
77. Carpel one; fruit legume
78. Flowers irregular, not in globose heads or spikes
79. Corolla papillionaceous Fabaceae
79. Corolla not papillionaceous Caesalpiniaceae
78. Flowers regular in globose heads or spikes Mimosaceae
77. Carpels more than one; fruit not legume Rosaceae
76. Ovary of more than one carpels but syncarpus
80. Plants not tendril bearing
81. Plants not insectivorous
82. Plants terrestrial
83. Stamens usually indefinite
84. Calyx free from ovary Lythraceae
84. Calyx adnate to ovary Begoniaceae
83. Stamens usually definite, not more than 10
85. Ovary inferior or semi-inferior
86. Flowers in umbells
87. Plants woody; not aromatic; fruit fleshy
88. Leaves alternate Araliaceae
88. Leaves opposite Melastomaceae
87. Plants herbaceous; aromatic; fruit capsular Apiaceae
86. Flowers not in umbells
89 Flowers not in spikes, head or panicles
90. Leaves alternate, if opposite then exstipulate
91 Herbs
92 Ovary 3-4 locular
93 Capsules linear-cyllindric or subcyllindric Onagraceae
93. Capsules trigonous Melastomaceae
92 Ovary unilocular Vahliaceae
91. Shrubs or trees Alangiaceae
90. Leaves opposite, stipulate Rhizophoraceae
89. Flowers in spikes, head or panicles Combretaceae
85. Ovary superior Turneraceae
82. Plants aquatic Haloragaceae
81. Plants insectivorous Droseraceae
80. Plants tendril bearing Passifloraceae

1. Flowers other than capitulum inflorescence
2. Flowers bisexual
3. Ovary inferior
4. Stamens definite
5. Leaves alternate, exstipulate
6. Corolla zygomorphic; anthers united
7. Herbs or undershrubs Lobeliaceae
7. Small trees Goodeniaceae
6. Corolla regular; stamens distinct ('ampanulaceae
5. Leaves opposite and whorled, stipulate Rubiaceae
4. Stamens indefinite Symplocaceae
3. Ovary superior or semi-inferior
8. Ovaries two, nearly or quite separate at maturity
9. Pollinia present
10. Filaments distinct; anthers not united with stigma Periploacaceae
10. Filaments connate into a tube; anthers united with stigma Asclepiadaceae
9. Pollinia absent Apocynaceae
8. Ovary one of two-many united carpels
11 Stamens as many as corolla lobes and opposite with them or
more than corolla lobes
12. Shrubs, trees or woody climbers; style single
13. Leaves gland dotted; stamens isomerous and opposite to
corolla lobes; ovary one celled Myrsinaceae
13. Leaves not gland dotted; stamens as many as corolla lobes
or 2-3 times more than corolla lobes often with staminodes;
ovary 1 -8 celled Sapotaceae
12. Herbs or shrubs with watery juice; styles five
14 Shrubs; placentation basal
14, Herbs; placentation free central Primulaceae
11. Stamens as many as corolla lobes and alternating with them or
less than corolla lobes
15. Ovary unilocular
16. Aqauitc or marsh herbs
17 Not insectivorous plants; flowers actinomorphic Menyanthaceae
17. Insectivorous plants; flowers zygomorphic Lentibulariaceae
16. Terrestrial plants
18. Flowers zygomorphic
19. Shrubs or trees; leaves simple or compound, pinnately
veined; fruits many seeded Bignoniaceae
19. Herbs; leaves simple or palmately lobed; fruits 2-seeded Martyniacme
18. Flowers actinomorphic Gentianaceae
15. Ovary 2-many locular
20. Corolla actinomorphic
21. Stamens 4-6
22. Autotrophic plants with well-developed leaves
23. Ovules 2-8
24. Herbs or shrubs or trees
25. Flowers 5-merous; capsules not transversely
26. Inflorescence usually secund on one side
27. Fruit schizocarpic; ovules definite in each locule Boraginaceae
27 Fruit a capsule; ovules indefinite in each locule Hydrophy Vlac cue
26. Inflorescence not secund Convolvuiaceae
25 Flowers 4-merous; capsules transversely dehiscent Plantaginaceae
24 Trees Khreiiaceae
23. Ovules more than 8
28. Ovary 2-4 or more locular
29. Leaves opposite, 3-5-nerved
30. Capsules 2-celled, leaves connected by
transverse line Loganiaceae
30. Capsules mostly 1-celled; leaves not connected
as above Gentianaceae
29 Leaves alternate, or if opposite the not 3-nerved
31. Leaves opposite; stamens 4
32. Plants with lepidote, stellate or glandular
tomentum Buddlejaceae
32. Plants not as above Scrophulariaceae
31. Leaves alternate; stamens 5 Solanaceae
28. Ovary 3-locular Polemoniaceae
22. Leafless, stem parasite Cuscutaceae
21. Stamens two Oleaceae
20. Corolla zygomorphic
33. Fruit schizocarpic or drupaceous; seeds 2-4
34. Ovary entire or if 4-lobed then style terminal; stigma one Verbanacae
34. Ovary deeply 4-lobed; style gynobasic; stigmas two Lamiaceae
33. Fruit capsular or if fleshy then trees; seeds 2-many
35. Leaves simple; capsule small; seeds not winged
36. Petioles and pedicels without gland
37. Leaves opposite and upper sometimes alternate;
bracteoles often absent or minute; seeds numerous
38. Placentation parietal Gesneriaceae
38 Placentation axile Scrophulariaceae
37. Leaves all opposite; bracts and bracteoles
conspicuous; seeds few to many Acanthaceae
36. Petioles and pedicels with large, sessile gland Pedaliaceae
35. Leaves compound or if fleshy the trees; fruits large,
seeds winged Bignoniaceae
2. Flowers unisexual or polygamous Ebenaceae
1. Flowers in capitulum inflorescence Asteraceae

1. Inflorescence neither cyathium nor ovary trilocular
2. Perianth absent
3. Erect shrubs or trees; leaves 1-nerved or scaly
4. Leaves scaly in whorls of 5-9, connate by their margins; female
flowers in cones; seeds winged Casurinaceae
4. Leaves well developed, alternate; female flowers catkins;
seeds comose Salicaceae
3. Erect or climbing herbs; leaves 3-7-nerved Piperaceae
2. Perianth present
5. Ovary inferior
6. Parasitic plants
7 Root parasites
8. Chlorophillous shrubs or trees Santalaceae
8. Achlorophillous herbs Balanophoraceae
7. Stem parasites
9. Flowers bisexual; perianth limb tubular, anther dehiscence
longitudinal Loranthaceae
9. Flowers unisexual; perianth limb campanulate, anther
dehiscence other than longitudinal Viscaceae
6. Autotrophic plants
10. Terrestrial plants; stem well-developed Aristolochiaceae
10. Aquatic, lithophytic plants; stem thalloid Podostemaceae
5 Ovary superior
11. Terrestrial plants; leaves not verticellate
12. Flowers bisexual
13. Leaves with ochreate stipules or plants climbing means of
inflorescence bearing tendrils Polygonaceae
13. Leaves exstipulate and or stipules and plants not as above
1350 &,
14. Trees
15 Leaves entire
16. Fruits indehiscent Lauraceae
16 Fruits splitting by valves Myristicaceae
15. Leaves pinnatisect Proteaceae
14. Herbs or shrubs
17. Plants not covered with silvery-white scales
18. Perianth connate at their base only
19. Herbs or herbaceous climbers; stamens not 4-seriate
20. Flowers 5-merous; style terminal
21. Perianth herbaceous
22. Twinning succulent Basellaceae
22. Erect herbs Chenopodiaceae
21. Perianth scarious Amaranthaceae
20. Flowers 4-merous; style lateral Phytolaccaceae
19. Shrubs; stamens 4-seriate Thymellaceae
18. Perianth tubular Nyctaginciceae
17 Plants covered with silvery-white scales FJeagnaceae
12. Flowers unisexual or polygamous
23. Flowers not in catkins or hypanthodium inflorescnce
24. Anthers reversed in bud; styles entire; ovules erect Urticaceae
24. Anthers erect in bud; styles 2-fid; ovules pendulous Ulmaceae
23. Flowers in catkins or hypanthodium inflorescnce Moraceae
11. Submerged, aquatic plants; leaves verticellate C1eratophyllaceae
1. Inflorescence cyathium and / or ovary trilocular Euphorbiaceae
1. Perianth reduced or scale like or absent
2. Flowers in spikes or spikelets, subtended by chaffy bracts; ovary
one celled and one ovuled
3. Leaves with closed sheaths; fruit achene and free from pericarp ('yperaceae
3. Leaves with open sheaths; fruit cayopsis and usually adherent
to pericarp Poaceae
2. Flowers arranged variously, not subtended by chaffy bracts, ovary
1-3-celled and 1-3-ovuled
3. Inflorescence subtended by leafy spathe
4. Flowers always bisexual; perianth hair like or scale like
5. Monoecious plants; leaves smooth margined; male and female
flowers in same inflorescence but separated by a gap Typhaceae
5. Dioecious plants; leaves spinulose margined; male flowers in
panicles, female in globose heads Pandanaceae
4. Flowers uni- or bi-sexual; perianth if present, fleshy Araceae
3. Inflorescence not subtended by leafy spathe
6. Rooted submerged herbs; flowers in leaf axils or in spikes
7. Flowers bisexual; perianth scaly Potamogetonaceae
7. Flowers unisexual; perianth minute Najadaceae
6. Floating herbs; flowers minute from marginal pouch of thallus Lemnaceae
1. Perianth well developed, usually in two series of 3-each
8. Leaves palmati-, pinnati- or pedatisect; placentation parietal
9. Perennial shrubs or trees; leaves palmati- or pinnatisect Arecaceae
9. Rhizomatous perennial herbs; leaves pedatisect Taccaceae
8. Leaves not as above
10. Flowers in dense globose heads
11. Heads subtended by paleaceous, hyaline bracts; perianth straw
coloured Eriocaulaceae
11. Heads subtended by rigid dark brown bracts; perianth yellow Xyridaceae

10. Flowers not in globose heads

12. Plants not herbaceous; perianth petaloid
13. Ovary superior
14. Erect plants; flowers bisexual
15. Both perianth series petaloid
16. Plants terrestrial; perianth regular, not from a spathe,
stamens 6; ovary usually 3-celled
17 Flowers not in spathaceous umbells Liliaceae
17 Flowers in spathaceous umbells Alliciceae
16. Plants marsh loving or floating aquatic; perianth,
irregualr, from a spathe; stamens 3-6; ovary 1-3-celled Pontederiaceae
15. Outer perianth series sepaloid, inner petaloid Commolinaceae
14. Scandent or twinning plants; flowers unisexual Smilacaceae
13 Ovary inferior
18. Flowers regular
19. Seeds numerous; placentas lamellar
20. Submerged aquatic herbs; leaves well developed Hydrocharitaceae
20. Terrestrial herbs; scaly Burmanniaceae
19. Seeds few; placentas not lamellar
21. Plant erect; leaves parallel veined; flowers bisexual;
fruits not winged
22. Scapes woody; leaves fibrous and thick
23. Flowers in dense heads Bromeliaceae
23. Flowers in large panicles Agavaceae
22. Scapes if present, herbaceous; leaves not fibrous
24. Leaves plicate; flowers in racemes or rarely
solitary Hypoxidaceae
24. Leaves not plicate; flowers in umbells Amaryllidaceae
21. Twinning or scandent shrubs; leaves reticulately
veined; flowers unisexual; fruits winged Dioscoreaceae
18. Flowers zygomorphic
25. Fertile stamens 1-2
26. Stamens and styles not fused; seeds large, few-many
27. Anthers 1-celled; sepals free
28. Ovule one in each locule Marantaceae
28. Ovules many in each locule Cannaceae
27. Anthers 2-celled; sepals united forming tube or spathe Zingiberaceae
26. Stamens and styles fused to form column; seeds
minute, numerous Orchiciuceae
25 Fertile stamens 3-6
29 Fertile stamens 5-6; petals unequal or only single
30 Leaves and bracts distichously arranged Strelitziaceae
30 Leaves and bracts spirally arranged Musaceae
29 Fertile stamens 3, petals subequal Iridaceae
12. Plants herbaceous; perianth sepaloid Juncaceae
Terminal leaflet normal; petals and staminodes absent; plants
climbing by means of twinning petiole Clematis
Terminal leaflet modified into tendril; petals and staminodes
present, plants climbing by means of tendrils NaraveUa
Clematis L.
Flowers other than yellow; filaments glabrous; sepals erect or suberect
Leaves glabrous
Flowers less than 3 cm in diameter; leaves usually compound;
Leaves bipinnately compound, leaflets upto 7. 5x3. 5 cm,
flowers pure white; stamens without prolonged connectives;
achenes not compressed C gouriana
Leaves unipinnately compound, leaflets upto 10x6 cm; flowers
greenish white, stamens with prolonged connectives; achenes
compressed C. hedysarifolia
Flowers exceeding 3 cm in diameter, purple; leaves usually simple
or very rarely 3 foliolate, large, upto 18 x 14 cm C. smilacifolia
Leaves densely hairy C. heynei
Flowers yellow; filaments silky hairy in the middle; sepals spreading C. wightiana
Clematis gouriana Roxb. ex DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 138. 1817; Flook. f. & Thoms, in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 3. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 2. 1958 (Repr. ed); M.A. Rau in
Sharma et al FI. India 1: 64. 1993. ‘Morvel, Shendvel'
Extensive climber. Leaves one temate. Flowers white in axillary cymose
panicles. Sepals pubescent on back and glabrous within; petals absent. Achenes
FIs. & Frts.: Nov. -Dec. Exsiccata : MMS 688
Common climber overtopping shrubs and low tress in forest borders. Flowers very
fragrant. Leaves used in as remedy in cattle wounds. Plant is used in remedy for leprosy
and fevers.
Localities. Ajara, Amba, Gaganbavada, Gaibi, Ghotawade, and Radhangari
Clematis hedysarifolia DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 148. 1918; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 4. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 3. 1958 (Repr. ed); M.A. Rau in
Sharma et al. FI. India 1: 66. 1993. C. naravelioides O Ktze in Verh. Bot. Ver
Brandenb 26: 119. 1855. ‘Bendrichi Vel’
Extensive climbers. Leaves pinnately compound; leaflets 5-9, variable.
Inflorescence axillary or terminal decompound panicles. Achenes ovoid, more or less
compressed, densely hairy.
FIs. & Frts. Nov. -Jan.
: Exsicccat: MMS 712
Common climber on bushes in forest borders.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Girgaon, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada.
Clematis heynei M. A. Rau in Sharma et al. FI. Ind. 1: 67. 1993 C. triloba Heyne ex
Roth, Nov. Sp. PI. 251. 1821 non Thunb. 1794; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1:3. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 2. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Morvel, Ranjai,
Extensive climber. Leaves simple or once temate, entire or shallowly 1-7 lobed.
Inflorescence axillary, 1-7 flowered cymose panicle; bracts foliaceous. Flowers white,
more than 3 cm across, fragrant. Achenes ovoid, compressed, villous.
FIs. & Frts. Sept. -Dec.
: Exsiccata: MMS720
Frequent on bushes and trailing among grasses. Flowers showy and fragrant. Plant is
used in Ayurvedic Medicine for leprosy and fever.
Localities: Girgaon, Katyayani, Kolhapur, Narande, Murgud.
Clematis smilacifoiia Wall, in Asiat. Res. 13: 402. 1820; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1:3. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 2. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Rau in Sharma
etal. (ed.) FI. India 1:75. 1993.
Extensive woody climbers. Leaves simple or sometimes 1-3 foliolate.
Inflorescence axillary or terminal, 3-many flowered, trichotomousely branched panicles.
Flowers 3-4 cm across, purplish brown. Achenes ovoid, compressed, pubescent with
thickened margins.
FIs. & Frts. Sept. -Feb.
: Exsiccata: s.n. Sardesai
Very rare, collected only once at Dajipur and also reported by Mahajan (1975) from
Savarde Sacred Grove. Flowers are very showy and have a potential worth of cultivation.
Localities: Dajipur and Savarde.
Clematis wightiana Wall, ex Wight & Am. Prodr. 2. 1834; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 3. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 2. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Rau in
Sharma et al. (ed.)Fl. India 1: 80. 1993.
A woody climber Leaves pinnately 3-5 foliate. Inflorescence axillary panicle
Flowers 4-6 cm across; bracts foliaceous, silky villous. Sepals 4, pale creamy or golden
yellow. Achenes ovoid, densely silky hairy.
FIs. & Frts. Sept. -Feb.
Very rare, collected only once by Mahajan (1975) from Savarde Sacred Grove Flowers
are very showy and have a potential worth of cultivation.
Locality Savarde.
Naravelia A. P. DC.
Naravelia zeylanica (L.) A. P. DC. Syst. Nat. 1: 167. 1817; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 6. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 4. 1958 (Repr. ed); Rau in
Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 1: 106. 1993. Artagene zeylanica L., Sp. PI. 542 1753
Woody climbing shrub. Leaves two foliolate, the third or terminal leaflet
transformed into, 3-fid tendril. Flowers in divaricately branched panicles. Achenes red,
shortly stalked, hairy.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct. -Dec. Exsiccata : MMS 1739
Rare climber on margins of forest borders at higher altitudes, collected only once at
Locality: Dajipur.

Dillenia L.
Flowers large; 15-20 cm across, white, terminal, solitary; carpels 14-20;
fruits 8-10 cm across; seeds many, compressed, echinate, hairy along
margins, leaves with nerves not forking at the margins D indica
Flowers small; 2.5-3 cm across, golden yellow, cauliflorus, in clusters;
carpels 5; fruits 1.5 cm across; seeds 1-2, ovoid, non echinate, glabrous
leaves with nerves, forking at the ends of margins D. pentagyna
*Dillenia indica L„ Sp. PI. 535. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
36. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 6. 1958 (Repr. ed ); N.C. Majumdar in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 155. 1993. 'Karambal'
Evergreen, middle sized tree. Leaves alternate at base, fascicled at the end of
branches. Flowers terminal, solitary, 15-20 cm across, white, usually appearing with
FIs. & Frts. : Sept. -Feb. Exsiccata: 216
Cultivated in Public garden at Kolhapur. Flowers are very showy and fragrant Fruits
large with persistent edible fleshy calyx lobes.
Locality. Kolhapur.
Dillenia pentagyna Roxb. PI. Corom. 1: 21, t. 20. 1795; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook, f
FI. Brit. India 1: 38. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 7 1958 (Repr. ed); N.C
Majumdar in Sharmaef a/. (ed.) FI. India 1. 156. 1993.
A middle sized deciduous tree. Leaves at the end of branches, very large. Flowers
umbellate, on leafless shoots, appearing before leaves; scarcely upto 3 cm across, yellow
FIs. & Frts.: Sept. -Feb. Exsiccata : 787.
Frequent in the forests on hill slopes. Leaves very variable in size and used to serve food.
Flowers showy. Fruits yellow, smelling ripe mango.
Localities: Ajara, Burki, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Manoli and Tillari.
Michelia L.
*Michelia champaca L, SP. PI 536. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook, f FI. Brit. India
1 42. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 2. 1958 (Repr. ed ); D C S. Raju in Sharma et
al. (ed.)Fl. India 1: 175. 1993. M. rheedii Wight, Illus. 1: 14. 1840. 'Sonchapha'
Tall, handsome evergreen trees. Leaves elliptic, lanceolate, acute at base, finely
acuminate at apex. Flowers axillary, solitary, 5-6 cm across, pale yellow fragrant.
Fruiting receptacle 8-15 cm long; ripe carpels woody; laxly arranged, white speckled.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept. -Feb. Exsiccata : MMS. 189
Cultivated for its fragrant flowers near temples and in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Panhala, Tillari, and Warana.
Ripe carpels free, forming separate fruitlets
Anther cells concealed at top by overlapping connective;
perianth differentiated into sepals and petals
Petals valvet in bud
Peduncles not flattened and hooked
Connectives apiculate, pointed; flowers strongly scented Cananga
Connectives flat-topped or convex; flowers not scented
Flowers densely tomentose, axillary, sessile or subsessile;
ripe carpels subsessile Meiogyne
Flowers glabrous or pubescent, rarely tomentose, usually
extra-axillary on tubercled or woody outgrowth, rarely
axillary, pedicelled; ripe carpels stalked Polyalthia
Peduncles flattened and hooked Artabotrys
Petals imbricate in bud
Climbing or scandent shrubs; sepals valvet Uvaria
Shrubs or trees, sepals imbricate Sageraea
Anthers cells not concealed at top by overlapping connective; perianth
not differentiated into sepals and petals Miliusa
Ripe carpels united, forming many loculed syncarpus fruits Armona
Annona L.
Petals 3, the inner rudimentary; fruits smooth or tuberculate
Leaves acuminate; fruits reticulate, areolate A. reticulata
Leaves obtuse; fruits tuberculate A. squamosa
Petals 6, the inner 3 conspicuous; fruits muricate A. muricata
*Annona muricata L., Sp. PI. 1: 536 1753; Debika Mitra in Sharma et al (ed.) FI India
1: 206. 1993. ‘Mamphal, Hanuman phal’
Medium sized evergreen trees. Leaves obovate-oblong, acute at base Flowers
axillary solitary. Stamens numerous. Carpels many; styles broad at base; stigma entire.
Ripe carpels muricate, dull green, warty covered with curved spines.
FIs. <£ Frts. Apr. -May.

Cultivated in gardens for its fruits.

Locality. Kolhapur.
* Annona reticulata L., Sp. PI. 537. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit India
1: 78. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 15. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Debika Mitra in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 207. 1993. ’Ramphal’
Medium sized tree with drooping branches. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, rounded at
base. Flowers in extra-axillary or terminal cymes, 2-3 together. Fruit ovoid, 5-10 cm in
diam., reticulate, areolate, reddish green or yellowish brown. Seeds black, arillate.
FIs. & Frts.: May-July. Exsiccata: 15
Native of Tropical America, commonly cultivated for its fruits and also found escape
near villages.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Hupari, Majale, Sangawade and Shirol.
*Annona squamosa L., Sp. PI. 537 1753; Hook, f & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit India
1: 78. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:15 1958 (Repr. ed); Debika Mitra in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 1. 207. 1993. ’Sitaphal’
Shrub or small tree. Leaves elliptic-oblong. Flower axillary solitary or few leaf
opposed. Stamens numerous. Carpels numerous, pubescent, 1-ovuled; style oblong;
stigma entire. Fruits globose, tuberculate with rounded tips. Seeds many, black, shiny,
FIs. & Frts.: May-Aug. Exsiccata: 27
Native of Tropical America, frequently cultivated in gardens and along bunds of fields
for its edible fruits. It also found in wild.
Localities: Bubnal, Kagal, Kolhapur, Hupari, Majale, Shirdawad and Shirol.
Artabotrys R. Br.
*Artabotrys hexapetalous (L. f.) Bhandari in Baileya 12(4): 147. 1964; Debika Mitra in
Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 1: 251. 1993. Annom hexapetala L. f. Suppl. PI. 270. 1781.
Artabotrys odoratissimus R. Br. in Bot. Reg. 423 1820; Hook f. & Thoms, in Hook, f
FI. Brit. India 1: 54. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 10. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Hirava
Chapha, Madan Mast’
Scandent, evergreen shrub, climbing by means of hooks. Leaves elliptic-
lanceolate, cuneate at base, abruptly acuminate at apex. Flowers solitary fascicled on
hooked peduncles axillary, laterally compressed. Petals lanceolate, saccate at base. Seeds
oblong, compressed and deeply grooved on one side.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year but in the peak during Mar-Aug. Exsiccata. 677
Native of Tropical Asia, frequently cultivated in gardens and near temples for its fragrant
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Hupari, Majale, Ramling, and Shirol.
*Cananga (A. P. DC.) Hook. f. & Thoms, (nom. cons.)
Cananga odorata (Lamk.)Hook. f. & Thoms., FI. Ind. 130. 1855 & in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 56. 1872; Debika Mitra in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 254. 1993. Uvaria
odorata Lamk. Encycl. 1: 595. 1785.
Trees with drooping branches. Leaves broadly ovate-lanceolate, acuminate,
shining above and pubescent beneath. Flowers in axillary fascicles. Berries many in 2
series, oblong, greenish, many seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec. -Mar. Exsiccata. s.n. Sardesai
Cultivated in gardens for its fragrant flowers.
Locality. Kolhapur.

Meiogyne Miq.
Meiogyne pannosa (Dalz) Sinclair in Sarwak Mus. J 5(3): 604. 1951, Hook. f. &
Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 58. 1872; Debika Mitra in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI.
India 1:266. 1993 Unnonapannosa Dalz. in Hooker’s J Bot. Kew Gard. Misc 3: 207.
1851’ Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1:11 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Small tree, young parts pubescent. Leaves lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate. Flowers
axillary or terminal, solitary, sessile, velvety. Carpels 10-12 or more; stigma capitate.
Ripe carpels few, tomentose, seeds 1-3, shiny.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec -May Exsiccata: MMS 121
Frequent in shady moist places in forests.
Localities. Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Manoli, Tillari and Udegiri.
Miliusa Lesch. ex A. P. DC.
Miliusa tomentosa (Roxb.) Finet & Gagnepain in Bull Soc. Bot. Fr. 53(4) 153. 1906 and
(Roxb.) Sinclair in Gard. Bull. 14: 378. 1955. Uvaria tomentosa Roxb. FI. Corom. 1:31,
t. 35 1795. Saccopetalum tomentosum (Roxb.) Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit
India 1: 88. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 16. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Debika Mitra in
Sharma et al. (ed.)Fl. India 1: 221. 1993. ‘Humb’
Large glabrous tree; bark longitudinally fissured. Leaves membranous. Flowers
axillary, bracteate at base. Outer petals sepaloid, saccate at base. Carpels many,
subglobose, tapering to base, succulent, purple; seeds 4-5.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar -May. Exsiccata: 628
Rare in open forests.
Localities: Bidri, Borpadale and Devale.
Polyalthia Bl.
*Polyalthia longifolia (Sonner.) Thw., Enum. PI. Zeyl. 398. 1864; Hook. f. & Thoms, in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 62. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 13. 1958 (Repr. ed );
Debika Mitra in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 1: 274. 1993. ‘Ashok’
A medium sized handsome tree. Leaves strongly undulate along margins.
Flowers numerous in subumbellate clusters, greenish yellow. Ripe carpels numerous,
glabrous, turning reddish black on ripening. Seed 1, smooth or longitudinally grooved,
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Aug. Exsiccata: 445
Native of Tropical Asia, cultivated in gardens as avenue or ornamental tree Cukoos and
Myanas are attracted by the ripe fruits.
Localities: Ajara, Chandgad, Jaisingpur, Kolhapur, and Shirol.
*Polyalthia longifolia (Sonner.) Thw.,var. pendula (Ulta Ashok) is more commonly
cultivated in gardens.
Sageraea Dalz.
Sageraea laurifolia (Grah.) Blatt. in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 34. 294. 1931; Debika
Mitra in Sharma et al (ed.) FI India 1: 282. 1993. Guatteria laurifolia Grah., Cat.
Bombay PI. 4. 1839. Bocagea dalzellii (Bedd.) Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 92. \%12,p.p. \ Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 18. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Small or medium sized handsome tree. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers in fascicles
on small woody tubercles below the leaves. Carpels 3-5, glabrous, stigma sessile,
capitate, ovules 8-10. Ripe carpels 1-2, glabrous, wrinkled when dry, one seeded.
FIs. &Frts.: Oct.-Nov. Exsiccata: 1704
Very rare, collected only once.
Locality: Gaganbavada.
Uvaria L.
Uvaria narum (Dunal) Blume, FI. Java, 5. 1828; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 50. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 9. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Debika Mitra in
Sharma et al. (ed.)Fl. India 1: 292. 1993.
Large woody climbers. Leaves oblong, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate. Flower
extra-axillary leaf opposed or terminal, solitary. Torus raised Carpels many, oblong,
tomentose. Ripe carpels numerous. Seeds 4-6 in a single row, smooth, plano-convex,
FIs. & Frts.: Feb. - Aug. Exsiccata: 394, MMS 1813
Rare along streamside; flowers very attractive.
Localities: Chandgad, Dajipur, Tillari and Udegiri.

Stamens connate; carpesl 1-3

Petals present; carpel one
Flowers in panicles; sepals free or connate; petals connate; stigma
3 cleft
Sepals connate; bracts and bracteoles linear lanceolate or absent;
drupes tuberculate in 3-6 rows Cyclea
Sepals free; bracts and bracteoles ovate-orbicular; foliaceous,
drupes ridged in 2 rows Cissampelos
Flowers in umbellate heads or solitary; sepals and petals free; stigma
3-8 cleft Stephania
Petals absent; anthers in globular head; carpels 3 Anamitra
Stamens free; carpels 3 or more
Leaves glabrous (Except in T. sinensis Merr ); Flowers in panicles
Leaves deeply cordate; panicles small; woody twinners with
photosynthetic roots; seeds reniform; tuberculate; style scar
sub-terminal Tinospora
Leaves obtuse or sub-cordate; panicles upto 30 cm long;
drooping; style scar sub-basal Diploclisia
Leaves hirsute or villous; inflorescence in small fascicles or cymose Cocculus
Anamitra Colebr.
Anamitra cocculus (L.) Wt. & Am., Prodr. 1: 446. 1834; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 98. 1872; A. Pramanik in Sharmae/a/.. (ed.) FI. India 1: 311 1993 A.
paniculata Colebr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 13: 66. 1822; Cooke,. FI. Pres Bombay l: 20.
1958. (Repr. ed.) ‘Kakphal, Kakmari, Vatoli’
Large rambbling shrub with drooping branches. Leaves subcoriaceous, 3-5
nerved. Flowers in branched glabrous panicles, on old branches, drooping. Flowers green
scented. Drupes white turning dark blue; endocarp reniform, reticulate-rugulose with
dorsal groove.
FIs. &Frts.. Aug. -Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1474.
Rare climber on bushes on forest borders. Flowers scented, deciduous.
Locality. Gaganbavada
Cissampelos L.
Cissampelos pareira L. var. hirsuta (Buch.-Ham. ex DC) Forman in Kew Bull. 22:
356. 1968; M. Gangopadhyay in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 317. 1993. C. hirsuta
Buch. -Ham. ex DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 535. 1817. C. pareira L„ Sp. PI. 1031. 1753, p. p.,
Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook, f FI. Brit India 1: 103. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1
24 1958. (Repr. ed.) ‘Kuruphad, Pahad Vel, Pahad MuF
Woody twiners, densely hairy. Leaves ovate, reniform or orbicular, peltate,
truncate or cordate at base, acuminate or mucronate at apex. Inflorescence pendulous;
subcorymbose cymes, pubescent. Bracts ovate-orbicular, foliaceous, persistent Drupes
obovoid; endocarp curved, with 9-11 transverse ridges
FIs. & Frts.: Aug. -Nov. Exsiccata: 267
Frequent on bushes in open hilly forests.
Localities: Girgaon, Jotiba, Katyayani, Narande, Panhala and Ramling.
Cocculus A. P. DC. (nom. cons.)
Cocculus hirsutus (L.) Diels in Engler, Pflanzenr. 46: 236. 1910; M. Gangopadhyay in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1 318. 1993 Memspermum hirsutum L. Sp. PI 341 1753.
Cocculus villosus (Lamk.) DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 525. 1817; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 101. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 22. 1958. (Repr, ed.) ‘Jaljambi,
Wasan Vel’
Scandent or straggling shrubs. Leaves 3-5-nerved, softly villous on both surface.
Male flowers in small axillary cymose panicles. Female flowers in axillary clusters, 2-3
together. Endocarp transversely rugose.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug. -Jan. Exsiccata: 73
Common on bushes, in hedges, some times trailing.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Bubnal, Chandgad, Dattawad, Ghosarwad, Ichalkaranji,
Cyclea Am. ex Wt.
Cyclea peltata (Lamk.) Hook. f. & Thoms., FI. Ind. 201. 1855 & in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 104. \%12,p.p:, M. Gangopadhyay in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 325. 1993.
M. peltatum Lamk. Encycl. Meth. 4:96. 1797. Cyclea burmannii (Wt. & Am.) Hook. f.
& Thoms., FI. Ind. 201. 1855 & in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 104. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 1: 25. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Pakar’
Twinner. Stems woody at base and branches grooved. Leaves triangular, variable,

5-nerved. Male flowers in congested cymose panicles; flowers stalked. Female flowers in
panicle; flowers sessile. Drupe obovoid, pilose; endocarp with 3 rows. Seeds curved.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb. -May. Exsiccata: MMS 716, MMS 1257
Common along bushes.
Localities: Chandgad, Halkami, Panhala, Pirle, Radhanagari, Udegiri
Diploclisia Meirs
Diploclisia glaucascens (Blume) Diels in Engler, Pflanzenr. 46: 225, f 77 A-L. 1910; A
Pramanik in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 1: 327. 1993. Cocculus glaucescens Blume,
Bijdr. 25. 1825. C macrocarpus Wt. & Arn., Prodr. 13. 1834; Hook, f & Thoms, in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 101. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1: 22. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
‘Ramrik, Waten Vel, Watoli’
Large scandent or rambling shrub. Leaves variable, usually broader than long,
glabrous above, glaucous beneath. Flowers in large, branched, pendulous panicles.
Flowers pale yellow, faintly fragrant. Ripe carpels 1-2, incurved.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan. -May Exsiccata: MMS 974
Frequent in thick forests.
Localities: Ajara, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Gajapur, Panhala, Patgaon, Tillari and Udegiri.
Stephania Lour.
Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers, Contrib. Bot. 3: 213. 1871, p. p. excl. Cuming.
1160; M. Gangopadhyay in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 335. 1993. Menispermum
japonicam Thunb FI. Japan. 193. 1784. Cissampelos hemcmdifolia Willd., Sp PI. 4:
861. 1806. Stephania hernandifolia (Willd.) Walp., Rep. Bot. Syst. 1: 96. 1842; Hook. f.
& Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 103. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 23. 1958.
(Repr. ed.)
A clockwise climbing shrub. Root tuberous. Leaves peltate; basal nerves 8-10.
Inflorescence axillary capitate umbellate cymes with sessile flowers. Male flowers green,
yellow or white, sessile. Female flowers yellow; carpels solitary, Style 3-5 lobed. Drupes
subsessile, glabrous, red; endocarp compressed, transversely ridged & grooved.

FIs. & Frts. . Mar. -Aug. Exsiccata: 185, MMS 716

Common climber in open forests. Crushed leaves applied to boils and inflammations.
Localities. Ajara, Gaganbavada, Gavase, Jotiba, Katyayani, Panhala.
Tinospora Miers (nom. cons.)
Leaves tomentose or woolly beneath, without glandular patches, 10-16 cm
in diameter; peduncles 8-15 mm long; endocarp strongly bony, obtusely
rounded at base, broadly keeled at apex T. sinensis
Leaves glabrous, with glandular patches on lower surface, 5-7 cm in
diameter; peduncles 4-7 mm long; endocarp thinly bony, rounded at
both ends T. cordifolia
Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Miers in Ann & Mag Hist Nat Ser 3, 7: 38 1851;
Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 97. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1: 20.
1958. (Repr. ed.); A. Pramanik in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 347. 1993
Menispermum cordifolium Willd. Sp. PI. 4: 826. 1806. Cocculm cordifolius (Willd.)
DC., Syst. 1; 517. 1818. ‘Gul Vel, Guduchi Vel'
An extensive woody deciduous twinner with long pedunculous aerial roots.
Leaves, glabrous, 6-7 nerved. Flowers in racemose usually in the axils of fallen leaves.
Male flowers fascicled, yellow. Female flower solitary. Drupes 1-3, globose red.
FIs. & Frts. Aug. -Jan.
: Exsiccata: 94
Very common on bushes, in hedges. Plant is used in Ayurvedic Medicine for general
debility, fevers, urinary disorders, cough.
Localities: Alas, Hupari, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Wadgaon, and
Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. in Sunyatsenia 1; 193. 1934; A Pramanik in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 349. 1993. Campylus sinensis Lour. FI. Cochinch. 113. 1790.
Menispermum malabaricum Lamk., Encycl. Meth. 4: 96. 1797. Cocculus tomentosa
Colebr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 13; 56. 1872. Tinospora tomentosa (Colebr.) Hook. f.
& Thoms., FI. Ind. 183. 1855 & in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 96. 1872. T. malabarica
(Lamk.) Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 96. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 1:19. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
A succulent twinner or trailing shrub. Leaves sparingly pubescent above, whitish
tomentose beneath with glandular patches in basal nerve axile. Flowers in
pseudoracemes. Male flowers clustered. Female flowers solitary. Drupes globose, red or
FIs. &Frts. Feb. -Jun.
: Exsiccata: 134
Rare, along streams and also in disturbed forests on rocks. Plant used in Ayurvedic
Medicine in treatment of piles and ulcered wounds, liver complaints, chronic
Localities: Chandgad, Halkami, Panhala and Patgaon.

Nymphaea L., (nom. cons.)

Leaves velutinous pubescent; sepals conspicuously veined, decaying
after flowering; stamens without sterile appendages
Flowers white or a few sepals and outer petals with a tinge of purple
towards apex outside; anthers yellow; filaments of inner stamens
without purplish band outside N. pubescem
Flowers crimson red; anthers red; filaments of inner stamens
with purplish band outside N. rubra
Leaves glabrous; sepals obscurely veined, persistent in fruit; stamens
with distal sterile appendages N. nouchali
Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f., FI. Ind. 120. 1768; Mitra, Fasc. FI. India 20: 17. 1990 &
in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 349. 1993; Cook, Aquatic and Wetland PI. India 274.
1996. N. stellata Willd., Sp. PI. 2: 1153. 1799; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 114. 1872, incl. var. 1, 2 & 3; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 27. 1958 (Repr. ed ),
Subr,, Aqaut. Ang. 6. 1962. ‘Kamal’
Aquatic perennial herbs. Leaves orbicular, irregularly sinuate dentate with obtuse
teeth, punctate on both surfaces. Flowers 4-18 cm across, fragrant, sepals oblong
lanceolate, streaked with purple lines, obtusely occulate at apex; Petals 8-15, subacute at
apex. Stamens 15-20. Seeds ellipsoid, reticulate, longitudinally ribbed, conspicuously
ciliate along margins.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb. -Jun. Exsiccata. 366
Common in lakes. Tuberous rhizomes and peduncles are eaten as vegetable. Flowers
show a range of variation in colour form blue to white. Plant is used in Ayurvedic
Medicine as a treatment of piles and ulcer wounds, liver complaints, chronic rheumatism.
Localities: Chandgad, Kagal, Kalamba, Kolhapur, Panhala, Patgaon and Shiroli.
Nymphaea pubescens Willd. Sp. PI. 2: 1154. 1798; Mitra, Fasc. FI. India 20: 18. 1990
& in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 431. 1993; Cook, Aquatic and Wetland PI. India 275.
1996. N. lotus auct. non. L. (1753): Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 114.
1872, utreque p. p , Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 26. 1958 (Repr. ed ). N. lotus var.
pubescens (Willd.) Hook, f, & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 114. 1872. N.
nouchali auct. non. Burm. f. (1768): Subr., Aqaut. Ang. 6. 1962, p.p.
Aquatic perennial herb Leaves peltate, ovate-elliptic, sinuately spinous dentate
along margin, dark green, glabrous above, velutinous pubescent beneath. Flowers
solitary. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, obtuse at apex. Petals 10-25. Stamens 25-70.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb. -Jun. Exsiccata: 206
Common in lakes. Tuberous rhizomes and peduncles are eaten as vegetable.
Localities: Kagal, Kalamba, Kolhapur and Shiroli.
*Nymphaea rubra Roxb. ex. Andr., Bot. Rep. 8(104) : t. 503. 1808; Mitra, Fasc. FI.
India 20: 21. 1990 & in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 432. 1993; Cook, Aquatic and
Wetland PI. India 275. 1996,/?. p. N. lotus auct. non. L. (1753): Hook. f. & Thoms, in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 114. 1872, utreque p. p. quoad syn N. rubra. N. nouchali auct.
non. Burm. f. (1768): Subr., Aqaut. Ang. 6. 1962,/?./?.
Aquatic perennial herb. Leaves sharply and irregularly sinuate-dentate, velvety
pubescent and prominently veined beneath. Flowers solitary, 5-15 cm across. Sepal,
oblong obtuse, 5-10 ribbed. Petals 16-25; crimson red, Stamens 55-80.
FIs. &Frts.: Feb. -Jun. Exsiccata: MMS1622
Rarely cultivated in gardens.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Nelumbo Adans.
•Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn., Fruct. 1: 73, t. 19., f. 2. 1788; Subr., Aqaut. Ang. 8. f. 4.
1962; Mitra, Fasc. FI. India 20: 8. 1990 & in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 1: 441. 1993;
Cook, Aquatic and Wetland PI. India 272. 1996. Nelumbium speciosum Willd., Sp. PI. 2:
1258. 1799; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 116. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 28. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Kamal, Kankadi'
Perennial aquatic herb. Leaves flat, suborbicular, entire, radiately nerved,
glaucous on both surfaces. Flowers solitary 8-25 cm across. Stamens numerous, anthers
with clavate appendages. Receptacle 2-4 cm across, spongy. Seeds with spongy testa.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar. -Jan. Exsiccata: MMS786
Cultivated. The sacred lotus of Hindus, used for religious and decorative purposes.
Tuberous rhizomes and ripe carpels edible.
Localities: Shiroli.
Leaves spinous margined; sap yellow; petals yellow Argemone
Leaves not spinous margined; sap milky, petals red or pink Papaver
Argemone L
Argemone mexicana L Sp. PI. 508. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook f FI Brit. India
1:117. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:4. 1958 (Repr. ed); Debnath& Nayar, Fasc. FI.
Ind. 17: 3 1984 & in Sharma el at. (ed.) FI. India 2: 2. 1993 kPivala Dhotara’
A divaricately branched, prickly herb with yellow latex. Leaves sessile,
pinnatifid, sinuate, lobulate, segments inciso-dentate, spiny along margins, glaucous-
green and prickly on lower surface. Flowers 4-5 cm across. Petals 4-6 bright yellow,
twice as many as sepals. Capsules ellipsoid; seeds many, deeply reticulate.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb. -Jun. Exsiccata 726
Common on waste places, along river banks and trouble some weed in cultivated as well
as harvested fields. Plant is used medicinally in eye infections, dropsy, and jaundice and
body pains. Seed oil is used in skin diseases.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Ingali, Jaisigpur, Kodoli, Kurundwad, Shiroli, Wadgaon.
Papaver L.
*Papaver somniferum L., Sp. PI. 508. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:117. 1872;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 4. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Debnath & Nayar, Fasc. FI. Ind 17: 3.
1984 & in Sharma et at. (ed.) FI. India 2: 32. 1993 'Aphu'
Erect, glaucous, annual herbs. Leaves sessile and clasping at base, variously
lobed. Flowers solitary, on long, terminal, prickly peduncles. Petals 4, in two series of
two each. Stigma discoid. Capsules globose, dehiscing by pores. Seeds globose, white.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Jul.
Rarely cultivated. The latex from fruits is used as narcotic alkaloids.
Localities. Dattwad, Ghosarwad.
BRASSICACEAE Burn. (nom. alt.)
(Cruciferae Juss. nom. cons.)
Fruit a siliqua, 6- many seeded
Siliqua neither torulose nor spongy
Sepals not pouched at base; siliqua not beaked
Leaves simple; petals often yellow; siliqua turgid Rorippa
Leaves pinnate; petals often white; siliqua compressed Cardamine
Sepals pouched at base; siliqua beaked Brassica
Siliqua torulose, spongy Raphanus
Fruit a silicula, 2-seeded
Leaves pinnatisect; silicula didymous, indehiscent and schizocarpic Coronopm
Leaves entire or dentate; silicula didymous, dehiscent Lepidium
Brassica L.
Leaves thick, glaucus blue; flowers white or off-white
Stem globular-tuberous above ground; leaves rather small, cauline
leaves with slender petiole B oleracea
var gongylodes
Stem not globular-tuberous above ground; leaves large entire, cauline
leaves with amplexicaulus base
Leaves very densely packed and overlapping into a subglobose or
ellipsiod head B oleracea
var. capitata
Leaves not as above B oleracea
var. botrytis
Leaves thin, green; flowers bright yellow
Upper cauline leaves narrowed at base or short petioled, not
amplexicaulus at base
Siliqua more or less appressed to rachis; seeds usually 5-12 B nigra
Siliqua widely spreading or divarivcate at maturity'; seeds 9-45 B. juncea
Upper cauline leaves amplexicaulus at base
Roots slender B rapa
subsp. campestris
Roots tuberous B rapa
subsp. rapa
* Brassica juncea (L.) Czem. et Coss. in Czern., Consp. FI. Chark. 8. 1859; Hook. f. &
Anders, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 157. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 37. 1958
(Repr. ed.); Hajra, Choudhari and Bhoumik in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 134. 1993.
Sinapis juncea L., Sp. PI. 668. 1753. ‘Mohari, Sarsoo'
Annual herbs. Lower leaves lyrate-pinnatifid upper ones dentate, short petioled.
Flowers in terminal elongated racemes. Petals bright yellow, clawed rounded at apex.
Siliqua erect-patent, many seeded.
FIs. & Frts.. Mar. -May.
Cultivated in some places and also found escape from cultivation. Seeds oil used in
Ayurvedic medicines. Seeds used in Spices and condiments.
Localities. Atigre, Halondi, Sangwade, Vasagade, Shiroli.
*Brassica nigra (L) Koch in Roehling, Deuts FI. ed 3, 4: 713 1833; Hook, f &
Anders., in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 156. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1: 36. 1958
(Repr. ed ); Hajra, Choudhari and Bhoumik in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 2; 136. 1993.
Sinapis nigra L, Sp. PI. 668. 1753. ‘Mohari, Sarsoo’
Annual herb, branches more or less hispid. Lower leaves lyrate, deeply pinnatifid
or pinnatisect, upper ones shortly petaloid. Flowers in racemes. Siliqua more or less
appressed to rachis.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept. . -May.
Cultivated and also found escape from cultivation. Seeds are used in Spices and
Localities. Atigre, Chipari, Dattwad, Halondi, Nandani, Sangwade, Takawade,
*Brassica oleracea L var. botrytis L. Sp. PL 667 1753; Bailey, Man. Cult. PL 436.
1949; Hajra, Choudhari and Bhoumik in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 137. 1993
Annual herb, branches more or less hispid. Flowers in racemes. Siliqua more or
less appressed to rachis.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct. -Mar.
Cultivated for vegetables.
Localities: Atigre, Chokak, Halondi, Herle, Shiroli
*Brassica oleracea L var. capitata L. Sp. PL 667. 1753; Bailey, Man. Cult. PL 435
1949; Hajra, Choudhari and Bhoumik in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 137. 1993
Leaves very densely crowded to form a globular head.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct. -Mar.
Cultivated for vegetables.
Localities: Atigre, Chokak, Halondi, Herle, Shiroli.
*Brassica oleracea L var. gongylodes L. Sp. PL 667. 1753; Hajra, Choudhari and
Bhoumik in Sharma etal. (ed ) FI India 2: 138. 1993 ‘Knol-KhoF
Stem swollen and subglobosely thickened fleshy.
Cultivated for vegetables.
Localities: Atigre, Chokak, Halondi, Herle, Shiroli.
*Brassica rapa subsp. campestris (L.) Clapham in FI. Brit. Isles, ed. 2: 124. 1962,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 367. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Hajra, Choudhari and Bhoumik in
Sharma etal. (ed.)Fl. India 2: 137. 1993. ‘PhukGobi, Cauliflower'
Stem subglobosely thickened fleshy. Inflorescence transformed into a mass
FIs. & Frts.: Aug. -Dec.
Cultivated in some places and also found escape from cultivation.
Localities Alas, Atigre, Bubnal, Dattwad, Ghosarwad, Hasur, Shirol
*Brassica rapa subsp. rapa L., Sp. PI. 666. 1753; Hajra, Choudhari and Bhoumik in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 138. 1993. B. campestris L. subsp. rapa (L.) Hook. f. &
Anders, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 156. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 37. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Mula’
Biennial, roots tuberous, stem branched. Basal leaves lyrate-pinnatifid, upper
leaves cordate or amplexicaulus at base.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr. -Aug.
Its tuberous taproot is used as vegetable.
Localities Atigre, Chokak, Herle, Latawade.
Cardamine L.
Cardamine trichocarpa Hochst. ex A. Rich., Tent. FI. Abyss. 1. 18. 1847; Hajra and
Choudhari in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI.India 2: 117. 1993. C. subumbellata Hook. f. &
Anders, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 138. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 32. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
Erect or procumbent herb. Leaves pinnate, leaflets 5-7, terminal leaflet longer.
Petals yellowish white. Stamens 4. Siliqua much flattened. Seeds 4-8.
FIs. & Frts.: Jul. -Apr. Exsiccata: 48
Common, delicate and gregarious herb in moist and shady places.
Localities. Atigre, Chokak, Herle, Latawade.
Coronopus Zinn (nom. cons.)
Coronopus didymus (L.) Smith, FI. Britain 2: 691. 1800; Bhaumik in Sharma et al.
(ed.) FI. India 2: 192. 1993. Lepidium didymum L. Mant. PI. 92. 1767. Senebiera
pinnatifida DC. in Mem. Hist. Nat. Paris 144, t. 9. 1799; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 35.
1958 (Repr. ed ). S. didyma (L.) Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 185. 1807.
Prostate or decumbent herb, stems clothed with hairs, hairs 2-fid. Lower leaves
deeply pinnate; cauline leaves much smaller. Racemes 30-60 flowered. Flowers 1-2 mm
across. Petals linear. Stamens 4-6 Fruits more or less compressed siliqua, didymous;
seeds globose.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan. -Jun. Exsiccata: MMS 1801
Rare weed in gardens. Plants foetid smelling.
Localities. Ichalkamji, Kolhapur.
Lepidium L.
*Lepidium sativum L Sp. PI. 644. 1753; Hook. f. & Anders, in Hook, f FI. Brit. India
1: 159. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 37. 1958 (Repr. ed). Bhaumik in Sharma et al.
(ed.)Fl. India 2: 206. 1993. ‘Aliv, Haliv’
Erect glabrous herbs. Leaves pinnatisect. Flowers in dense racemes. Petals
unequal, white or pinkish. Siliqua broadly elliptic to suborbicular, narrowly winged at
base & broadly winged at top; deeply notched at apex, glabrous. Seeds globose reddish
FIs. & Frts.: Sept. -Jan.
Frequent on waste places around villages, and cultivated in fields.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Raphanus L.
*Raphanus sativus L. Sp. PI. 669. 1753; Hook f. & Anders, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
1: 166. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay l: 37. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Hajra et al. in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 145. 1993. ‘Mula’
Herbs; taproot thick, tuberous; stem branched hispid. Lower leaves lyrate-
pinnatifid. Racemes many flowered. Petals clawed, white or pink with purple veins.
Siliqua erecto-patent, spongy, beaked, more or less constricted between seeds. Seeds
FIs. & Frts.: Nov. -Feb.
Commonly cultivated for its fleshy roots and fruits used as vegetable and also found as
escape around villages.
Localities Ganeshwadi, Kodoli, Korochi, Rui, Sangwade and Shirol.
Roripa Scop.
Roripa indica (L.) Hiem, Cat. Aff. PI. Welw. 1: 26. add. et corr. 1896 et 2: 481. errata
1899; Hajra and Choudhari in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 129. 1993. Sisymbrium
indicum L., Mant. PI. 1: 93. 1767. Nasturtium indicum (L.) DC. Syst. Nat. 2: 199 1821;
Hook. f. & Anders, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 134. 1872, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:
31. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect annual herb. Lower leaves deeply lyrate pinnatifid, upper ones subsessile
Racemes terminal, many flowered, cymose. Flowers ca. 2-5 mm across. Petals yellow
Siliqua erect, seeds in 2 rows, brown minutely reticulate.
FIs. &Frts. : Aug. -Apr. ExsiccataMMS 1802
Common, robust weed in gardens and irrigated fields.
Localities. Atigre, Bahubali, Chokak, Herle, Ichalkaranji, Latawade, Kolhapur and
CLEOMACEAE (Pax) Airy Shaw
Cleome L.
Leaves compound
Stamens 6; stamens raised on gynophore; capsule stalked C. gynandra
Stamens 8-15; capsule sessile C. aspera
Stamens indefinite sessile, not raised on gynophore; capsule
sessile or subsessile
Flowers pink; capsule glabrous
Stem glabrous, sometimes prickly; wild C. chelidonii
Stem hairy; cultigen C. speciosa
Flowers yellow; viscous herb; capsule pubescent C. viscosa
Leaves simple
Erect, stamens 6 or less C monophylla
Procumbent; stamens 10-18(25) C. simplicifolia
Cleome aspera Koenig ex DC., Prodr. 1: 241. 1824; Hook. f. & T. Anders, in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India, 1: 169. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 41. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara
Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 303. 1993. C. diffusa Roxb. FI. Ind. 3: 129
Annual prostate, decumbent or erect herb; stem with hooked, soft minute
prickles. Leaves 3 foliate, the terminal leaflet much longer. Flowers axillary, solitary.
Petals white or creamy yellow with orange or reddish streaks. Seeds 12-20 suborbicular.
FIs. & Frts.: Jul-Sept. Exsiccata. MMS 1803
Rare, collected only once at Kagal, near S.T. stand.
Locality: Kagal
Cleome chelidonii L f., Sp. PI. 300 1781; Hook, f & T Anders in Hook, f FI Brit
India, 1: 170. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 42. 1958 (Repr. ed); Sundara Raghavan
in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 2: 306. 1993. Polonisia chelidonii (L. f.) DC., Prodr. 1:
242. 1824.
Erect, much branched herb. Leaves digitate, 3-9 foliolate Flowers in terminal,
cymose racemes. Petals pink or dark rosy, obovate. Stamens many, greenish white or
purple tinged, anthers white. Capsules linear-cylindric, narrowed at base, beaked at apex,
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Jan. Exsiccata: 342
Common in moist places, in wet rice fields, ditches, shallow ponds, along margins of
lakes and riverbeds. Flowers open early in the morning and remains fresh up to noon.
Locality: Kagal, Kalamba, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Mangaon, Murgud and Shiroli.
Cleome gynandra L., Sp. PI. ed. 1. 671. 1753; Sundara Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 2: 309. 1993. Gynandropsispentaphylla (L.) DC., Prodr. 1: 238. 1824; Hook. f.
& T. Anders, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India, 1: 171. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 42
1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Pandhari tilwan’
Annual, glandular pubescent herbs; stems and branches clothed with appressed
hairs. Leaves 3-5 foliate. Inflorescence many flowered cymose raceme; bracts foliaceous.
Petals white or cream white. Stamens 6, purple. Capsules viscid-pubescent. Seeds
FIs & Frts.: Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 713
Common weed on waste places.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiradwad, Shirol.
Cleome monophylla L., Sp. PI. 672. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India,
1: 168. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 38. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara Raghavan in
Sharma etal. (ed.)Fl. India 2: 312. 1993. ‘Chamani Santal, Kedar Jowar’
Annual glandular pubescent herb. Leaves simple. Racemes terminal. Flowers
solitary in axils of stalked leafy bracts. Petals clawed, pink or white. Capsule clothed
with glandular or eglandular hairs. Seeds 35-40, suborbicular.
FIs. & Frts. : Jul-Dec. Exsiccata: 119
Weed in cultivated fields and on waste places.
Locality: Halasawade, Kagal, Sangawade wadi and Siddhnerli
Cleome simplicifolia (Cambess.) Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India, 1: 169
1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 40. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara Raghavan in Sharma et
al (ed.)Fl. India 2: 314. 1993. Polamsia simphcifoha Camb in Jacq. Voy. Bot 20, t 20
Erect or procumbent herb. Leaves simple. Flowers showy forming lax, few
flowered racemes. Petals pink or rosy. Stamens 8-16 (24). Capsules glabrous, striate;
seeds reniform.
FIs. & Frts.: Jul-Nov, Exsiccata: 23
Common in pastures, on wet rocky and sandy soils amidst grasses. It is very variable in
habit, size and shape of leaves. Young leaves often dark brown.
Locality. Hatkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Warananagar and Wathar.
*Cleome speciosa Raf. FI. Ludovic. 86. 1817; Sundara Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 2: 316. 1993. Gynandropsis speciosa (Raf.) DC., Prodr. 1: 238. 1824; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 43. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual erect herbs; stems with scattered protuberances. Leaves 3-7 foliolate.
Flowers showy in long racemes. Petals pink, rosy or purple. Stamens 6. Capsules
pendent. Seeds many horse shoe shaped, tuberculate.
FIs. & Frts. : Apr.-Oct.
Native of Tropical America, grown in gardens for it's flowers.
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Patgaon, Shiradwad, Shirol and Warananagar.
Cleome viscosa L„ Sp. PI. 672. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India, 1:
170. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 41. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara Raghavan in
Sharma etal. (ed.)Fl. India 2: 317. 1993. ‘Pivali tilavan’
Annual, erect herbs; stem covered with glandular and simple hairs. Leaves 3-5
foliolate. Racemes lax, few flowered. Petals 4, creamy-yellow or rarely white, glabrous.
Stamens 20-25. Siliqua glandular-pubescent. Seeds many, reniform, subglobose,
FIs & Frts.: Usually throughout year but in peak Aug.-June. Exsiccata: 304
Common on waste places, as a weed in cultivated fields, river beds.
Locality Ajara, Manoli, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol and Warananagar.
Stamens 8 or more, inserted at the base of gynophore; fruits indehiscent
Sepals free; fruits not moniliform
Sepals uniseriate; leaves trifoliolate Crataeva
Sepals biseriate; leaves simple Capparis
Sepals connate at base forming a tube; fruits moniliform Maerua
Stamens 4, inserted on the middle of gynophore; fruits ultimately dehiscent Cadaba
Cadaba Forssk.
Cadaba fruticosa (L) Druce in Rep. Bot. Exch. Club. Soc Brit. Isles. 3: 415 1914;
Sundara Raghavan in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 2: 250 1993. Cleome fruticosa L, Sp.
P. 671. 1753. Cadaba indica Lamk., Encycl. 1: 544. 1785; Hook, f & Thoms, in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 171. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay l: 45. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Much branched woody shrubs; stems and branches glandular-pubescent Leaves
simple. Inflorescence a few flowered, one sided, cymose racemes. Disc prolonged into a
funnel shaped process, expanded and toothed at apex. Fruit irregularly torulose.
FIs. & Frts.. Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 1746, 796.
Rare, in hedges, and along railway track. Stamens commonly 4, but rarely 6 in same
Localities. Jaysingpur, Danoli and Majale.
Capparis L.
Leaves large, deciduous during late winter; plants leafy; petals white,
yellowish or purplish brown
Flowers axillary, solitary or in fascicles of 2-3
Prostrate herb; leaves orbicular; thorns usually hooked C. spinosa
Scandent shrub; leaves elliptic lanceolate; spines minute or 0 C. rheedei
Erect shrub; leaves narrow oblong; thorns divaricate C. divaricata
Flowers corymbose
Leaves glabrous
Flowers 10-12 cm across; stamens 80-120; mature fruit over
10 cm across; leaves oblong with callous tip C. moonii
Flowers 3-6 cm across; stamens upto 60; mature fruit less than
6 cm across; leaves obovate, without callous tip C. roxburghii
Leaves pubescent C. grandis
Flowers umbellate
Erect shrub, leaves with cordate base; spines dimorphic, either long
and acicular or sharply recurved or both in same plant C. roturtdifolia
Scandent shrub; leaves cuneate, spines uniform, recurved C sepiaria
Flowers supra-axillary
Leaves not membranous, acuminate, young parts fuscous-
tomentose; filaments of stamens turning purple C zeylanica
Leaves membranous, not acuminate; young parts glabrous;
filaments of stamens not turning purple C. tenera
Leaves small only on young twigs, deciduous; petals red C decidua
Capparis decidua (Forssk.) Edg. in J Linn Soc. Lond., Bot. 6: 184. 1862, Sundara
Raghavan in Sharma el al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 265. 1993. Sodada decidua Forssk., FI.
Aegypt-Arab. 81. 1775 Capparis aphylla Roth, Nov. Sp. PI. Ind. Or. 238. 1821; Hook f.
& Thoms, in Hook, f FI Brit. India 1: 174. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1: 49 1958
(Repr ed.) ‘Nepti Karil'
Shrub; branches scrambling; twigs zigzag. Flowers in racemes. Petals
puberulous, included within hooded sepals. Stamens 10-16; filaments reddish.
Gynophore glabrous, ovary glabrous, globose beaked. Fruits berries.
FIs. &Frts.. Feb.-May. Exsiccata. 10
Very rare along streams bank. Green and mature fruits used as vegetable.
Localities: Aurwad, Narsimhwadi.
Capparis divaricata Lamk., Encycl. 1: 606. 1785; Hook. f. <£ Thoms, in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 174. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 48. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara
Raghavan in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 2: 266 1993.
Large shrubs, stems and branches zigzag; stipular thorns variable, divaricate.
Leaves variable, dimorphic. Flowers axillary, solitary, 6-7 cm across. Petals dull
yellowish or purplish. Stamens 50-75; filaments yellowish with purplish base, exerted.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-July Exsiccata. MMS 1058
Occasional along roadsides on hill slopes.
Localities. Aurwad, Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kumbhoj, Nimshirgaon.
Capparis grandis L. f., Sp. PI. 263. 1781; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
1: 176. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 50. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara Raghavan in
Sharma ef al. (ed.)Fl. India 2: 274. 1993.
Erect shrub or trees with fissured bark. Flowers in terminal cymose racemes
Sepals boat shaped, orbicular; inner pair linear. Petals white. Stamens 30-45; filaments
white. Fruit subglobose.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year with a peak period in Feb.-July Exsiccata. MMS 848
Common along streams and hill slopes.
Localities Atigre, Aurwad, Hatkanangale, Jaysingpur, Kumbhoj, Nimshirgaon
Capparis moonii Wt., Ulus. 1: 35 1840; Hook, f & Thoms, in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 1:
175. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 49. 1958 (Repr. ed); Sundara Raghavan in
Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 2; 277. 1993 ‘Poorwi, Wagati’
A large scandent shrub. Leaves acute with a short, twisted callous tip. Flowers 8-
10 cm across, showy in terminal cymes. Petals white, oblong or obovate, unequal.
Stamens 100-175; filaments exerted, white turning brick red. Fruit 6-10 cm across,
FIs. & Frts.: Dec. Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 808
Grows on hill slopes of rocky lateritic soils along with C. rheedei DC., on forest
clearings. Flowers mildly sweet scented, open in the morning and close by noon.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon.
Capparis rheedei DC., Prodr. 1:246. 1824; Sundara Raghavan in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI.
India 2. 285. 1993. C. heyneana Wallich ex Wight & Am., Prodr. 25. 1834; Hook. f. &
Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 174. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 48. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Charyuka’
Much branched scandent, shrubs, pubescent with many cataphylls at base.
Flowers large, showy. Petals pinkish white. Stamens 80-150, exerted, filaments white.
Fruit ovoid, fusiform, beaked.
FIs & Frts. : Jan.-May. Exsiccata: MMS 1804
Grows on hill slopes of rocky lateritic soils along with C. moonii Wt., on forest clearings.
Flowers mildly sweet scented, open in the morning and closes during noon.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon,
Capparis rotundifolia Rottl., Neue. Schr. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berl. 4: 185. 1803; Sundara
Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2. 287. 1993. C. pedunculosa Wall, ex Wt. &
Arn., Prodr. 27. 1834; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 176. 1872, Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 50, 1958 (Repr. ed ). C. longispina Hook. f. & Thoms, op. cit. C.
pedunculosa Walii. var. longispina Cocke op. cit. 51.
Erect shrub with wiry branches; stipular thorns reddish, dimorphic. Leaves
bifarious, slightly revolute along margins, glabrous above, pubescent beneath. Flowers 8-
12 mm across in few flowered umbells on lateral peduncles. Stamens 25-40, exerted.
Fruits ovoid, globose. Seeds solitary.
FIs & Frts. : Oct -Apr Exsiccata: MMS 33
Occasional along cleared forest areas on lateritic soils.
Localities Amba, Borbet, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Kolhapur, Patgaon.
Capparis roxburghii DC., Prodr 1: 247-248. 1824; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook f FI
Brit. India 1: 175. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 49. 1958 (Repr. ed); Sundara
Raghavan in Sharma etal (ed.) FI. India 2: 288. 1993.
Large woody scandent shrub. Flowers in terminal cymes, showy, fragrant, 4-4 5
cm across. Petals obovate, white, puberulous on both surfaces. Stamens 45-60, filaments
white, changing purple at maturity. Fruit globose, pendent, 35-40 seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar-July Exsiccata: 11
Reported here on authority of Kulkarni and Thite (1977).
Locality: Panhala.
Capparis sepiaria L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 2: 1070 1759; Hook. f. & Thoms in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 176. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 51. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara
Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 289 1993. ‘Kanthara, Kanntodi’
Much branched straggling shrub. Flowers 8-10 mm across, in terminal 8-30
flowered cymose, subumbelles. Sepals subequal, ciliate along margins. Petals white or
cream coloured. Stamens 25-40; filaments white, exerted. Fruits 8-12 mm across.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1803
Rare in open forests.
Localities: Ajara, Narande, Girgaon, Kolhapur.
Capparis spinosa L., Sp. PI. 503. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India l:
173. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 47. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Sundara Raghavan in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 294. 1993. ‘Kabar, Kalavari’
Prostrate or trailing undershrub, stipular thorns divaricate, hooked. Flowers
axillary solitary, showy, sweet scanted. Petals white suffused with red fading purple,
often hooded. Stamens 60-100; white, fading purple. Fruit smooth, ellipsoid, 5-6 ribbed.
FIs & Frts. : Dec. -May Exsiccata: MMS 1805
Rare in gravelly and rocky beds of streams.
Localities: Madilage, Suleran.
Capparis tenera Dalz., in Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 41. 1850; Hook, f &
Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 179. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 51. 1958
(Repr. ed); Sundara Raghavan in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 2; 279. 1993.
A straggling glabrous shrub Leaves distichous, membranous Flowers in supra-
axillary series of 1-4 flowers, 8-12 mm across. Petals white with red blotch at base on
upper pair, tomentose. Stamens 8-15, filaments white, exerted, bluish. Fruit pisciform, 4
Els & FrtsDec Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1008
Rare in open forests.
Localities: Ugwai and Hasane sacred grove, Radahnagari Wild Life Sanctuary.
Capparis zeylanica Wt., Sp.Pl. ed. 2 720. 1762, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 47. 1958
(Repr. ed ); Sundara Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 298. 1993 C. horrida
L.f, Sp. 264. 1781; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 178 1872; ‘Toratti,
A straggling shrub. Leaves acute or obtuse with twisted callous tip. Flowers
showy, 3-5 cm across in supra-axillary rows of 2-6 flowers, developing before leaves.
Petals white with reddish spot. Stamens 30-50, creamy white, turning to pink before
dark. Fruit globular. Seeds many.
FIs & Frts. : Dec.-May Exsiccata: 252
Common along hedges, roadsides, walls. Flowers fading to purple at maturity.
Localities: Jaisingapore, Kabnoor, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj and Narande
Crateva L.
Leaflets ovate or elliptic-lanceolate, plants mostly leafless when
flowering, flowers in terminal corymbs; berry globose berry ovoid C. adansoni
Leaflets lanceolate or elliptic; plants mostly leafy when flowering;
Flowers in terminal corymbs and axillary; berry globose C. religiosa
Crateva adansonii DC. subsp. odora (Buch.-Ham.) Jacobs in Blumea, 12. 198. 1964;
Sundara Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 322. 1993. C. odora Buch.-Ham. in
Trans Linn. Soc. 15: 118. 1827. C. roxburghii R. Br. in Denh. & Clapp. Nar. Trar. Disc.
Aff. App. 1826. C. religiosa var. roxburghii (R. Br.) Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 172. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 45. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Vaiwarana’
Unarmed deciduous tree. Leaves digitate, leaflets three; leaflets elliptic-
lanceolate. Flowers 2-4 cm across, fragrant, showy in terminal cymes with few axillary
flowers, petals initially greenish white, turning yellow and finally fading pink. Stamens
15-25; filaments white, exerted fading purple. Fruit orange-yellow, globose. Seeds
smooth, brown.
FIs & Frts Feb -June Exsiccata: MMS 1806
Rare along river banks. Flowers very showy and fragrant and appear before leaves
Leaves are used in rheumatism and urinary disorders
Localities Karanjphen, Kolhapur
Crateva religiosa Forster f, PI Escul. Ins Occ. Austral 45 1786; Hook f A Thoms
in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 1: 172. 1872; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 44 1958 (Repr ed.);
Sundara Raghavan in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 2: 325 1993 ‘Waiwarana’
Trees; branches sparsely lenticellate. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in terminal lax
cymes on short peduncle. Flowers showy, fragrant 3-4 cm across. Petals cream coloured,
turning orange. Stamens 16-24, filaments purplish. Fruit obovoid, subglobose. Seeds
broadly ellipsoid, tuberculate.
Fls.&Frts. . Dec-May Exsiccata: MMS 1807
Common along river beds.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Malakapur and Shirol.
Maerua Forssk.
Maerua oblongifolia (Forssk.) A. Rich, in Guill. & Pers. FI. Seneg. Tent 1: 32, t. 6
1847; Sundara Raghavan in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 331. 1993. Capparis
oblongifolia Forsskal, FI Aegypt-Arab. 99. 1775. Niebuhria arenaria DC., Prodr. 1 244
1824. Maerua arenaria (DC.) Hook, f & Thoms, var. glabra Hook. f. & Thoms, in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 171. 1872.
Unarmed scandent shrub. Leaves mucronate at apex. Flower 3-5 cm across,
axillary, solitary, passing into lateral and terminal cymes. Sepals petaloid, united near
base or upto 1/3 from base. Petals on cup shaped disc. Fruits moniliform, twisted. Seeds
brown, echinate.
FIs. & Frts : Dec -May. Exsiccata 85, MMS 838
Frequent in hedges and bushes. Most of the times flowers buds attacked by insects and
transformed into insect galls.
Localities: Bahubali, Chipari and Majale.
Hybanthus Jacq. (nom.cons)
Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.) F Muell. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 10. 81. 1876; Baneijee &
Pramanik in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 343. 1993. Viola enneasperma L, Sp. PI 2:
937. 1753. V. suffruticosa L., Sp. PI. 2: 937. 1753. lonidium suffruticosum (L.) Roemer
& Schultzes, Syst, Veg. 5: 394. 1819; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:
185. 1872 / heterophyllum Ventenat, Jard. de la Malm. Fol 27 Verso 1803, Cooke, FI
Pres Bombay 1: 55. 1958 (Repr. ed). 'Purushratna, Pushkarni’
Erect herb, woody at base. Leaves sessile. Stipules subulate, gland tipped
Flowers axillary, solitary. Petals unequal, upper 2 elliptic, two triangular-oblong, rather
expanded and obtuse at apex, lower petal suborbicular Stamens 5, anterior stamen with a
small recurved fleshy appendages. Capsules 3 valved. Seeds ovoid, longitudinally striate
Fls.&Frts.: Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1808
Frequent amidst grasses on gravelly hill slopes. Plant possesses diuretic properties
Decoction taken for improvement of memory, vitality, remedy in asthma, fever and
leprosy. Shampoo from this plant removes dandruff.
Localities. Babu Jamal Hills, Bahubali, Chipari, Majale, Nesari, Tarewadi.
Cochlospermum H., B. ex K.
Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alst. in Trimen, Handb. FI. Ceylon 6, (Suppl) 14
1931; Said. & Nicolson, FI. Hassan dist. 171. 1976; Balakrishnan in Sharma el al (ed)
FI. India 2. 383. 1993. Bombax religiosum L. Sp. PI 552. 1753. Cochlospermum
gossypium DC. Prodr. 1 527. 1824; Hook, f & Thoms, in Hook, f FI. Brit India 1:
190.1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 56. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Ganer’
Small deciduous tree; bark fissured. Leaves palmately 3-5 lobed, cordate, 5-7
nerved at base. Flowers 6-8 cm across in terminal racemes. Petals notched at apex,
yellow. Stamens many, inserted on disc, slightly ‘S’ shaped; anthers yellow, conical,
dehiscing by apical pores. Seeds reniform, covered with white, silky wool.
FIs & Frts:. Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1745
Rare in dry forests, Flowers before leaves, very showy and fragrant.
Localities: Katyayani, Majale, Tarewadi and Ramling.
Bixa L.
*Bixa orellana L., Sp. PI. 512. 1753; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook, f FI. Brit. India. 1:
190.1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1 57. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Balakrishnan in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 381. 1993. ‘Shendri’
A small evergreen trees. Flowers purple in cymose-panicles, 4-5 cm across.
Sepals purple. Petals light red pink or ovate. Stamens many; filaments yellow, anthers
purple. Capsules clothed with long soft prickles, 2-valved. Seeds red, trigonous.
FIs. & Frts Aug.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1536, 1627
Native of Tropical America, grown in gardens. Dye extracted from seeds used in
foodstuffs, butter, cheese, chocolate, oils. Flowers very showy and fragrant.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Petals absent; flowers in fascicles
Flowers bisexual; staminodes 6-8; plants unarmed Caesaria
Flowers unisexual; staminodes absent; plants armed Flacourtia
Petals 4-5; flowers in racemes
Flowers unisexual Hydnocarpus
Flowers bisexual Homalium
Caseria Jacq.
Stipules minute, scale like
Leaves glabrous; styles absent
Sepals glabrous; suborbicular C. zeylanica
Sepals hairy outside; elliptic C. rubens
Leaves conspicuously hairy, atleast along midrib and veins beneath;
style present C tomentosa
Stipules long lanceolate- subulate C graveolens
Casearia graveolens Dalz. in Hooker’s J. Bot. 4: 107. 1852; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India. 1: 592.1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 552. 1958 (Repr. ed); Mitra in Sharma et
al. (ed.)Fl. India 2: 394. 1993. ‘Bokhada, Saptarangi’
A large deciduous shrub. Leaves shallowly crenate along margins Flowers in
dense clusters from leaf axils, foetid. Sepals gland dotted. Filaments glabrous alternating
with linear-oblong villous disc scales. Capsule ellipsoid-oblong, seed with scarlet aril.
FIs & Frts.: Feb.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1318
Common on hill slopes in open forests. Flowers emit disagreeable odour. Roots are used
medicinally as a remedy for diabetes.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Dajipur, Patgaon, Udegiri.
Casearia rubens Dalz. in Hooker’s J. Bot. 4: 108. 1852; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India. 1: 593.1879; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1: 555. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Mitra in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 396. 1993. C. rubens Dalz. var. gamblei Mukherjee in J Bombay
nat, Hist Soc. 69 393 1973 C hourdilloni Mukherjee in Bull. Bot Soc Bengal 19;
109 1965 (1967) p.p.
Evergreen shrubs. Leaves unequal sided. Flowers greenish white Sepals elliptic
Filaments hairy; staminodes shorter than filaments, scale like, hairy at apex. Capsules
globular, orange yellow when ripe.
FIs. & Frts . Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: 48
Rare in open forest area.
Localities. Dajipur and Udegiri.
Casearia tomentosa Roxb., FI India 2: 421. 1832, Clarke in Hook. f. FI Brit India. 1:
593.1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 554. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Mitra in Sharma et al (ed.)
FI. India 2; 397. 1993
Large shrub Leaves densely tomentose. Flowers in dense axillary glomerules.
Sepals densely tomentose inside. Staminodes shorter than filaments, clavate, villous
pubescent at apex. Seeds embedded in soft pulpy, scarlet mass consisting of a glomerate
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-May Exsiccata MMS 1282
Occasional in dry deciduous forests.
Localities. Dajipur, Panhala, Radhanagari and Udegiri.
Casearia zeylanica (Gaertn.) Thw., Enum. PI. Zeyl. 19. 1858; Alston in Trimen, Handb
FI. Ceylon 6 (Suppl ): 131. 1931; Mitra in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2; 399. 1993.
Vareca zeylanica Gaertner, Fruct. 290, t. 60. 1788. C. esculenta Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 422.
1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 1; 592.1879, p.p., Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:
553. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Kulkutta, Modi’
Evergreen shrubs. Leaves closely arranged, distantly crenate, glabrous. Flowers
in clusters in the axils of fallen and present leaves. Sepals pellucid-punctate and
lineolate, hairy both inside and outside. Ovary densely hirsute at apex. Capsule ellipsoid,
aril bright red.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-May Exsiccata: MMS 1809
Rare in forests. Leaves turn blackish in drying.
Localities: Dajipur, Radhanagari and Udegiri.
Flacourtia Commers. ex. L’ Herit.
Style distinct and conspicuous
Drupe a size of cherry; leaves on drying turn reddish brown F. montana
Drupe a size of pea; leaves on drying do not turn reddish brown F. indica
Styles absent F latifolia
Flacourtia indica (Burm. f.) Merr, Interpr. Rumph Herb Amb 377 1917, Slumer in
FI. Malesiana, Ser. I. 5(1): 76. 1954; Mitra in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 2:402 1993
Gmelina indica Burm. f FI. Ind. 132. t. 39, f. 5. 1768. F. sepiaria Roxb. PI Corom. 1
48, t. 68. 1796; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 194.1872, Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 60. 1958 (Repr. ed ). F. ramontchii L’Hert., Strip. Nove. 3: 59, t. 30 <£
30 B. 1785; Hook. f. & Thoms, loc. cit. 193; Cooke, loc. cit. 59.
Large shrub or small tree. Leaves fascicled at the end of branches. Flowers in
axillary, bracteolate, racemose clusters, pedicels articulated near middle. Male flowers :
Stamens numerous, anthers versatile, disc lobed. Female flower : Disc entire, ovary with
3-6 radiating styles. Berries ellipsoid with pyrenes; seeds trigonal.
FIs & Frts Dec-July Exsiccata: 23
Frequent in dry deciduous forests. Leaves very variable.
Localities. Jotiba, Katyayani and Panhala.
Flacourtia latifolia (Hook. f. & Thoms.) Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 56. 1958 (Repr
ed ); Mitra in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2:405 1993. F. ramontchii L’Hert var.
latifolia Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 1: 193.1872.
Armed small trees. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers in slender, lax pubescent,
bracteate racemes or in racemose clusters, sweet scanted. Ovary obscurely 3-4 lobed at
apex Berries dark purple when ripe.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec.-July Exsiccata: MMS 968, 1252
Frequent in moist deciduous forests. Berries edible.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Gavase, Suleran and Tillarinagar.
Flacourtia montana Grah., Cat PI. Bombay 10. 1839; Hook. f. & Thoms in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India. 1: 192.1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 58. 1958 (Repr. ed ), Mitra in
Sharma et al. (ed.)Fl. India 2:406. 1993. ‘Attak, Talbor’
An armed tree. Leaves coarsely serrate, dentate, coriaceous. Flowers unisexual in
short, pubescent lax raceme or dense paniculate clusters. Stamens numerous, filaments
glabrous. Ovary urceolate; styles 5 (6), spreading and recurved, bifid at apex. Berry
globose, obtusely ribbed, reddish purple when ripe, seeds 6 in 2 rows, compressed, hard
and woody.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-May Exsiccata: MMS 931
Rare in semievergreen forests on hill slopes. Berries are pleasantly acid in taste, edible.
Localities: Suleran and Tillarinagar.
Homalium L'Herit.
Homalium ceylanicum (Gardn.) Benth. in J Proc Linn. Soc. , Bot 4: 35 1860 (as
zeylanicnm), Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 1: 596.1879; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1:
555. 1958 (Repr ed); Mitra in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 2:410. 1993.
Evergreen trees. Leaves coarsely crenate-serrate. Flowers in axillary panicles,
foetid. Stamens as many as and opposite to each petal, alternating with densely hairy
episepalous glands. Ovary densely hairy 4(5) spreading, hairy, stigma capitate.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1769, 1219, 1274
Rare along streams in evergreen forests, specimens turning black in drying.
Localities: Shelap, Tillari and Udegiri.
Hydnocarpus Gaertn.
Hydnocarpus pentandra (Buch.-Ham.) Oken, Allg. Naturgesh. 3,2 : 1381. 1841; Mitra
in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 422. 1993. Chilmoria pentandra Buch.Ham in Trans.
Linn. Soc., Lond. 13: 501. 1822. H wightiana Blume in Rumphia 4. 22. 1848; Hook f
& Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 1: 197.1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 60 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Chaulmogra, Kadu Kavath’
Evergreen trees. Leaves, coarsely dentate-serrate, glabrous. Flowers in small
racemes. Epipetalous scales 3-ribbed inside, 3-fid at apex, densely pilose. Male flowers:
Stamens 5, anthers reniform. Female flowers: Staminoides 5, ovary ovoid, obscurely 5
ribbed, beaked at apex. Berries globose ovoid, scurffy tomentose. Seeds 15-20, striated.
FIs & Frts.: Jan.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1168, 1186
Rare along streams in forests. Seed oil used in burning lamps and in medicines for
leprosy, arthritis and swellings. Fruits used as fish poison.
Localities: Dajipur, Patgaon, Shelap, Tillari and Udegiri.
Pittosporum Banka ex Soland. (nom.cons.)
Young branches, inflorescence and cpsules pubescent or tomentose;
valves of capsule thick and woody P. dasycaulon
Young branches, inflorescence and capsules glabrous;
valves of capsule thin and coriaceous P. napaulense
Pittosporum dasycaulon Miq., Anal. Bot. Ind. 3: 5. 1850; Hook. f. & Thoms, in Hook
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 199. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 62. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Nayar &
Giri in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 442. 1993. ‘Gapsundi’
Shrub young branches clothed with yellowish tomentum Leaves puberulous
Flowers in dense terminal racemes, densely pubescent. Petals yellow. Capsules globose,
woody; seeds 4-6, black.
FIs. &- Frts.: Sept.-Feb
Reported on the authority of Narvekar (1994).
Locality: Tillari.
Pittosporum napaulense (DC ) Rehder & Wilson in PI. Wilson. 3: 326 1916, Nayar &
Giri in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 445. 1993. Senacia napaulensis DC., Prodr. 1: 347.
1824. Pittosporum floribundum Royle, Illus. Bot. Himal. 1: 77. 1834. P. floribundum Wt.
& Am., Prodr. 154. 1834; Hook f. & Thoms, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 199. 1872;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 61 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Vikari, Yekadi’
A large shrub; branches light gray with warty lenticels. Leaves crowded at the
end of branches, glabrous. Inflorescence simple, umbellate, cymose or paniculate.
Capsule globose, pisciform, orange-yellow, 6 seeded.
FIs & Frts. : Feb.-Jul. Exsiccata: MMS 1719
Rare in semievergreen forests. Flowers sweet scanted. Fresh bark has ginger like smell.
Decoction of bark used for skin diseases and infections.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Radhanagari and Tillari.
Flowers sessile in dense terminal spikes; keel petal without appendages;
stamens 4-5; fruit sessile, toothed; seeds gelatinously strophiolate Salmonia
Flowers pedicellate in racemes; keel petal with appendages;
stamens 8; fruit not toothed; seeds arillate Polygala
Polygala L.
Stems and racemes not dichotomously branched; wing sepals asymmetric,
elliptic-oblong, obtuse and mucronate at apex
Petals yellow
Filaments connate into bundles of three each P. elongata
Filaments all free P arvensis
Petals rosy-pink P erioptera
Stems and racemes dichotomously branched above; wing sepals
symmetric, suborbicular, rounded not mucronate at apex P. persicarifolia
Polygala arvensis Willd., Sp. PI. 3(2): 876. 1803; Banerjee in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI
India 2: 460 1993. P. chinensis auct. non. L. 1753, Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1
204. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay l: 64. 1958 (Repr. ed ). P. chinensis vac linarifolia
sensu Muketjee in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal 12: 40. 1958
Erect or diffuse herb, branching from base. Leaves elliptic-oblong. Flowers in
axillary or extra axillary, almost capitate, few flowered raceme. Petals yellow Staminal
sheath free. Capsule compressed, emarginate, narrowly winged along margins. Seeds
black, pilose, caruncle hood shaped, 3-fid almost to base with short appendages.
FIs. & Frts. Jun -Feb. Exsiccata MMS 241
Very common in grasslands, cultivated fields especially abundant in black cotton soil.
Fresh roots have very peculiar smell of 'zandu balm'
Localities. Alas, Gargoti, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Majale, Murgud and Wadgaon.
Polygala elongata Klein in Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 879. 1802; Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 203. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 64. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Baneijee in Sharma
etal. (ed.) FI. India 2: 466. 1993.
Erect or prostrate. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Flowers in supra-axillary & terminal
racemes. Petal yellow with brown streaks. Staminal sheath free. Capsules inequilateral at
base. Seeds black, silky pilose; caruncle pale brown, boat shaped with three toothed
FIs. & Frts.. Jul.-Feb. Exsiccata. MMS 1823
Rare, in grasslands on rocky soil. Fresh roots have a very peculiar smell of zandu balm'
Localities: Alas, Kagal, Kurundwad, Majale, Murgud and Shirol.
Polygala erioptera DC., Prodr. 1: 326. 1824; Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India I: 203
1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 63. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Banerjee in Sharma et al (ed.)
FI. India 2: 467. 1993.
Erect or prostrate herb. Flowers in leaf opposed racemes. Petals 3 lobed, pink;
midlobe keeled, with a filiform pink appendage. Capsules obliquely notched, pubescent.
Seeds black, densely clothed with dirty brown hairs; strophiole glabrous, 3-fid.
FIs & Frts.: Jun.-Jan. Exsiccata: 256
Common in grasslands on rocky soils, on hill slopes amidst grasses. Fresh roots have
very peculiar smell of ‘zandu balm ’
Localities: Alas, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj, Majale, and Warananagar.
Polygala persicariifoiia DC , Prodr 1: 326. 1824, Bennette in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 1
202 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1: 63. 1958 (Repr. ed); Banerjee in Sharma et al
(ed.)Fl. India 2: 480. 1993.
Erect, annual herbs. Flowers in terminal and extra-axillary racemes. Wings thin,
conspicuously veined, petaloid. Petals rose or pink coloured. Capsules strongly ciliate on
margins. Seeds densely covered with white hairs; strophiole shortly 3-lobed, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Jun.-Feb. Exsiccata: 219.
Occasional on hill slopes in shady places. Fresh roots have very peculiar smell of ‘zattdu
Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Panhala.
Salomonia Lour.
Salomonia ciliata (L.) DC,, Prodr. 1; 334. 1824; Bennette in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 1:
206. 1872; Banerjee in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 490. 1993. Polygala ciliata L, Sp.
PI. 705. 1753. S. oblongifolia DC , Prodr. 1: 334. 1824; Bennette, loc.cit. 207.
Erect dichotomously branched herbs. Leaves simple, alternate, 1-nerved. Flowers
in terminal spikes. Flowers crowded, sessile, bracteate. Capsules sessile, bristle toothed
on the margins, 2-lobed, 2-celled with single seed in each cell. Seeds compressed, black.
FIs & Frts. : Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata MMS 219
Rare, amidst grasses.
Localities: Chandgad, Dajipur.
Leaves stipulate; leaves linear
Sepals keeled and hooded; herbs diffuse Polycarpon
Sepals neither keeled nor hooded; herbs erect Polycarpaea
Leaves exstipulate; leaves other than linear
Petals 2-fid entirely; sepals united; styles 2; herbs diffuse
Bracteoles absent Vaccaria
Bracteoles present Dianthus
Petals 2-fid to halfway or more; sepals free; styles 3; herbs ascending Stellaria

Dianthus L.
*Dianthus chinensis L., Sp. PI. 411. 1753; Edg. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 213. 1874;
Majumdar in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 528. 1993.

Erect glabrous herbs. Flowers solitary or in lax cymes, bracteoles 4 Calyx 7-

nerved. Petals pubescent at base, pink to purple or white. Anthers purple. Capsule, ovoid,
Seeds granulate.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Feb.
Native of East Asia planted in gardens.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kagal, Bidri, Shirol.
Polycarpaea Lamk. (nom.cons.)
Polycarpaea corymbosa (L.) Lamk. Tabl. Encycl. 2: 129. 1797; Edgew in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India 1: 245. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 70. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Majumdar in
Sharma et al (ed.)Fl. India 2: 549. 1993 Achyranthes corymbosa L, Sp. PI 205 1753
Herbs, dichotomously branched. Leaves pseudoverticellate. Flowers in terminal
dense dichotomous cymes arranged in corymbs. Petals 5, reddish. Stamens 5. Capsules
3- valved, entire, brown. Seeds reniform, minutely corrugated.
FIs. & Frts.. Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: 372
Occasional on hill slopes on rocky soils.
Localities. Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Kagal, Kolhapur, Majale and Sangawade
Polycarpon L.
Polycarpon prostratum (Forssk.) Aschers. & Schewin f in Oester, Bot. Zeitsch. 39:
128. 1889; Majumdar in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 553. 1993. Alsine prostrata
Fosrk., FI. Aegypt-Arab. 207. 1775. Hepalosia loflingiae Wt. & Am., Prodr. 358 1834
Polycarpon loeflingiae (Wt. & Am.) Benth. in Benth. & Hook. f. . Gen. PI. 1: 153. 1862;
Edgew in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 245. 1874, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay I: 69 1958
(Repr. ed.)
Prostrate, much branched herb. Flowers in terminal dichasial paniculate cymes.
Sepals scarious. Petals dentate at apex. Stamens 5. Capsules ovoid, enclosed in calyx, 3-
valved. Seeds numerous, cylindric.
FIs. & Frts. '. Mar.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1784
Along margins of drying ponds, lakes and in harvested rice fields.
Localities: Ajara, Borbet, Chandgad, Manoli.

Stellaria L.
*Stellaria media (L.) Villars, Hist. PI. Dauphine 3: 615. 1789, p.p.; 1: 96. 1789; Edgew
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 230. 1874, p.p.; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 68. 1958 (Repr

ed), Majumdar in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 2: 585 1993 Alsine media L Sp PI 272
Diffuse or ascending herbs. Leaves decussate Lower leaves petioled. Flowers in
terminal or axillary dichasial cymes Petals white. Stamens 5-10 Style 3-fid. Capsules
globose, 6-valved Seeds 12-15, subreniform, compressed, tubercled.
FIs <£ Frts : Mar.-Sept.
Very rare, collected only once.
Localities. Panhala.
Vaccaria Medik.
Vaccaria pyramidata Medik. Philos. Bot. 1: 96. 1789; Majumdar in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 2: 593. 1993. Saponaria vaccaria L. Sp. PI. 409. 1753; Edgew in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India 1: 217. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 60. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Sabani’
Annual, erect, robust, glaucous herb. Leaves sessile. Flowers in terminal,
subumbellate racemes. Petals pink or rosy, clawed. Stamens 10. Capsules enclosed by
the enlarged calyx cup, 4-valved, glabrous. Seeds globose, black, granulate.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata MMS 798
Rare, collected only once in wheat filed.
Locality: Pokhale.


Portulaca L.
Nodes with a ring of hairs
Leaves alternate
Flowers less than 1 cm across P pilosa
Flowers more than 1 cm across P. grandiflora
Leaves opposite; roots fibrous P. quadrifida
Nodes without appendages; leaves alternate or subopposite P. oleracea
*Portulaca grandiflora Hook, in Bot. Mag. n.s. 3 t. 2885. 1829; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI.
364, t. 6, 1949; Rao in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 3. 1993. P pilosa L subsp.
grandiflora (Hook, f.) Geesink in Blumea 17: 297. 1969 & Steenis in FI. Males. 1, 7.
131. 1971; Sivarajan in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 78.: 260. 1981. ‘Chini Gulab’
Prostate or decumbent sucuulent herbs. Leaves terete. Flowers 2-3 cm across, 2-8
in capituli, subtended by 5-8 involucral bracts. Petals pink, red orange or yellow.
Capsules globose, operculum shining straw yellow Seeds many, globose, shining black,
FIs & Frts.: Throughout year.
Native of tropical America, commonly cultivated as an ornamental pot herb, in gardens
as bed plant.
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol and Warananagar.
Portulaca oleracea L., Sp. PI. 445. 1753 ; T. Dyer in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 246
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 72. 1958 (Repr. ed); Rao in Sharma et al (ed ) FI.
India 3: 4. 1993. ‘GhoF
Erect or decumbent succulent herb. Leaves subopposite Flowers in clusters,
subtended by 2-8 involucral leaves. Petals yellow. Capsules ovoid. Seeds many,
reniform, shining black, granulate, testa cells stellulate with many tubercles.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year. Exsiccata: 478
Very common along gutters, nallas and as weed in cultivated fields and gardens. Whole
plant is used as vegetable and has cooling effect Leaves used as local application in
swellings and bruises and as a poultice for abscesses and boils; plant juice is used for
treating earache, toothache.
Localities. Ganeshwadi, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Shirol and Warananagar.
“Portulaca pilosa L., Sp. PI. 445. 1753; Geesink in Blumea 17: 294. 1969 & Steenis in
FI. Males. 1, 7: 131. 1971 (quoad subsp. pilosa ‘race’ pilosa), Sivarajan in J. Bombay
nat. Hist. Soc. 78.: 260. 1981 {quoad war. pilosa), Rao in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3:
6. 1993. ‘Office Time’
Erect or decumbent herb; roots thick, fusiform. Leaves spiral. Flower solitary
ecarinate. Petals bright yellow. Capsules ovoid with short conical top, smooth and
polished. Seeds black, granulate.
FIs. & Frts. : July-Dee.
Native of tropical America, commonly cultivated as an ornamental in gardens. Flowers
attractive and open between 10 a m. and 5 p.m.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol and Warananagar.
Portulaca quadriflda L., Mant. PI. 1: 73. 1767; T. Dyer in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
247. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 72. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Rao in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 3. 6. 1993. ‘Ranghol’

Prostate herb, profusely rooting at nodes with a whorl of dense silvery white
hairs. Leaves fleshy. Flower solitary, terminal as on infundibuliform, receptacle. Petals
yellow. Capsules obscurely tetragonus. Seeds orbicular-reniform, muricate.
FIs & Frts. Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1810
Occasional as a weed in cultivated fields and gardens. Whole plant is used as vegetable
and has cooling effect.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol and Wadgaon.
Tamarix L.
Tamarix ericoides Rottl in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berl. Neue. Schr. 4: 214. 1803, T. Dyer in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 249. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 76. 1958 (Repr. ed);
Shetty and Pandey in Sharma etal. (ed.)Fl. India 3: 6. 1993. ‘Ranghol’
Much branched shrubs. Leaves minute. Flowers in axillary and terminal racemes.
Petals 5. Stamens 10, five longer stamens antisepalous alternately with 5 shorter
antipetalous stamens, glands of disc alternating with filaments. Styles 3. Capsules ovoid,
3-valved. Seeds long with a broad plume, axis feathered with dirty white hairs
FIs. & Frts. . Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 791
Rare, Collected only once.
Locality. Narsimhwadi.
Bergia L.
Stamens 5; plants glandular pubescent B ammrmiodes
Stamens 10; plants glabrous or nearly so B. capensis
Bergia ammannioides Roxb. ex Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 219. 1821; T. Dyer in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 251. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 77. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Bhattacharya
in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 33. 1993; Cook, Aqaut. Wetl. PI. Ind. 184. 1996.
Annual erect, much branched herb; stems glandular-pubescent, swollen at nodes.
Flowers few to many in axillary fascicles. Petals reddish-pink. Stamens usually 5. Ovary
subglobose, sulcate. Capsules subglobose, reddish. Seeds numerous, minute, reticulated.
FIs. & Frts. \ Aug.-Apr. Exsiccata. MMS 374
Occasional on the margins of tanks, in harvested rice fields.
Localities. Amba, Chandgad, Kolhapur, Patgaon, Panhala, Shirol and Shiroli.
Bergia capensis L , Mant. PI 2: 241 1771; Cooke, FI Pres Bombay 1: 78. 1958 (Repr
ed); Bhattacharya in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 34. 1993; Cook, Aqaut Wetl PI
Ind 185. 1996 B verticellata Willd , Sp. PI. ed. 4, 2: 770. 1790; Roxb. FI. Ind. 456 1832;
T. Dyer in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 1: 252. 1874.
Glabrous herb, rooting at nodes; stems terete with pink or reddish striations
Flowers many in dense axillary cymes. Petals greenish white. Capsules subglobose with
5 longitudinal furrows, septicidal. Seeds numerous, shining and strongly reticulate.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1811
Occasional on the margins of tanks, in paddy fields.
Localities Amba, Chandgad, Kolhapur, Patgaon, Panhala, Shirol and Shiroli.
CLUSIACEAE Lindl. (nom. cons.)

GUTTIFERAE (nom. alt.)

Ovary unicellular or 2 celled
Ovary with 4 ovules
Sepals 4; ovary 1-2 locular; style long; stigma acute, incised to
4-fid; fruit a capsule or a drupe, not pulpy Measua
Sepals 2; ovary 2-4 locular; style short or absent; stigma 3-lobed;
fruit a drupe, pulpy Mammea
Ovary with many ovules
Each ovary cell with single ovule; wild Calophyllum
Each ovary cell with more than one ovule; cultivated Clusia
Ovary many celled, each cell with a single ovule Garcinia
Calophyllum L.
Petals absent; wood yellow; wild C apetalum
Petals 4; wood not yellow; cultivated C. innophyllum
Calophyllum apetalum Willd., Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Mag. 5: 79. 1811, p.p.;
Singh in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:88. 1993. C. wightianum Wall, ex Planch. &
Triana in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, 15: 256. 1861; T. Anders, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India l:
274. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 86. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Bobi, Irai’
A middle sized tree, with characteristic odour. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers 2 cm
across, in racemes, from the upper axils. Petals absent. Stamens numerous, many seriate.
Style flexuous; stigma peltate with crenulate margin. Fruit 2 cm across, ellipsoid,
apiculate, red when ripe
FIs. & Frts Nov.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1812
Rare along streams, colleted only once
Localities Patgaon (Tambyachi wadi).
*Calophyllum inophyilum L , Sp PI 513. 1753; T Anders in Hook, f FI Brit India l
273 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 84. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Singh in Sharma e/a/ (ed )
FI. India 3: 92. 1993 ‘Undi’
Trees with crooked trunk. Flowers 2-3 cm across, pure white, fragrant, in lax
flowered racemes. Petals 4. Filaments united into 4-6 bundles. Style twisted, stigma
mushroom shaped. Fruits globose.
FIs. Frts.'. Dec.-Oct. Exsiccata: 298
Cultivated in gardens.
Localities: Kolhapur, Panhala.
Clusia L.
*Clusia rosea Jacq., Enum. Syst. PI. 34. 1760; Singh in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India
3; 147. 1993..
Small trees. Flowers large 8-10 cm across, solitary or 3 flowered, cymose
clusters. Petals white, turning pink with rosy straks. Staminoides connate into ring
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Feb.

Cultivated in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Panhala.
Garcinia L.
Flowers 5-merous
Flowers in axillary fascicles; stigmatic lobes 5-6
Branches compressed, 4-6-gonous; ovary 5-locular G. xanthochymus
Branches slender, often 6-ribbed; ovary 3-4 locular G. spicata
Flowers in axillary umbells; stigmatic lobes three G. talbotii
Flowers 4-merous G. indica
Garcinia indica (Thou.) Chois, in DC., Prodr. 1: 561. 1824; T. Anders, in Hook, f FI
Brit. India 1: 261. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 80. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Singh in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3; 113. 1993. Brindonia indica Thou., Diet. Sci. Nat. 5; 340.
1804 Stalagmitis indica G Don, Gen. Hist. 1; 621. 1831. Stalamitis purpurea G. Don,
Gen. Hist. 1: 621. 1831. Garcinia purpurea Roxb., FI. Ind. 2; 624. 1832. ‘Amsol,
Kokam, Ratamba’
Tree with conical crown, usually buttressed at base Male flowers: 3-8 in axillary
and terminal fascicles. Stamens inserted on torus Female flowers: in terminal cymes
Berries spherical, purple orange-pink, pulp red, acidic fleshy
FIs & Frts Nov -Aug Exsiccata MMS 826
Found in forests and also cultivated in gardens for its fruits Fruits eaten and also used
for making syrups. Kokam is extracted from seeds.
Localities. Amba, Dajipur, Kagal, Patgaon and Tillari.
Garcinia spicata (Wt. & Am.) Hook. f. in J. Linn. Soc. 14: 486 1875; Cooke, FI Pres
Bombay 1: 83. 1958 (Repr. ed); Singh in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 125 1993
Xanthochymus spicatus Wt & Am, Prodr. 102. 1834. G. ovalifolius Hook. f. in Hook, f
FI. Brit. India 1: 269. 1874 incl. vars. except macrantha, non Oliver, 1868. 'Haldi, Ont,
Middle sized tree. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers in axillary, leafy fascicles or
pseudospikes. Petals 5, white. Male flowers: stamens in bundles opposite to petals.
Berries 3-4 cm across, broadly oblong, yellowish with bad odours; pulp sweet, acidic,
FIs. & Frts.. Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata. MMS 1768
Rare, in forests. Fmits edible.
Localities: Dajipur, Nivale, Patgaon and Tillari.
Garcinia talbotii Raiz. ex Sant, in Rec. Bot Surv. India (ed 2) 16: 14. 1960; Singh in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 127. 1993. G. ovalifolius (Roxb.) Hook. f. var. macrantha
Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 269. 1874. G. spicata (Wt. & Am.) Hook. f. var
macrantha Vasque in DC., Monogr. Phan. 8: 311. 1893, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 83.
1958 (Repr.ed ). ‘Limboti, Pansara, Tawir’
Dioecious tree, branches angular, latex turning brownish silky. Inflorescence
congested on old wood. Petals 5, white. Male flowers: Stamens in 5 bundles, opposite
the petals, didymous, reddish. Female flowers: Staminoides in 5 thin bundles. Berries
with yellow latex.
FIs. &Frts:. Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1813
Rare, in forests Fmits edible
Localities: Dajipur, Gajapur, Manoli, Nivale, Patgaon and Udegiri.
Garcinia xathochymus Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 269. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 82. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Singh in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 129. 1993.

A large tree. Inflorescence axillary or in axils of fallen leaves; fascicles 4-10

flowered. Petals 5, white or cream coloured. Male flowers: 15-20 in 5 broad bundles,
antipetalous, alternating with 5 fleshy glands. Berries dark yellow, yellow latex
FIs. dr Frts Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata MMS 831, 1223
Frequent, in forests Fruits edible
Localities Dajipur, Patgaon, Savarde and Tillari
Mammea L. emend De Wilde
Mammea suriga (Buch.Ham ex Roxb) Koest in Comm. For Res Inst. Indones Bogor
72: 33, f. 19. 1961; Singh in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 132. 1993. Calophyllum
suriga Buch-Ham. ex Roxb. FI Ind. 2: 608 1832. Mammea longifolia (Wt.) Planch &
Triana in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, 15: 240. 1861. Ochrocarpus longifolius (Wt.) T. Anders,
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 270. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 84. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
‘Punanga, Surangi, Tambada Nagchapha'
Evergreen, monoecious tree. Leaves opposite or temately verticillate at end of
branches. Inflorescence axillary or dense fascicles on nodes of old wood or in axils of
fallen leaves. Flowers sweet scanted. Petals 4 white, straked with red. Stamens
numerous, yellow. Berries tipped with hard pointed style, 1-4 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 874
Frequent, in forests. Cultivated for its foliage and sweet scented flowers. Flowers used
for dying silk, in perfume. Flowers also used to decorate hairs. Fruits delicious and
Localities: Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gavase, Gajapur, Patgaon, Savarde and Tillari.
Maesua L.
*Mesua ferrea L. Sp. PI. 515. 1753; T. Anders in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 277. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 86. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Singh in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:
136. 1993. ‘Nag Chapha, Nag-Kesar’
A middle sized tree. Leaves very variable. Flowers sweet scanted, axillary and
terminal on rusty tomentose peduncle, showy. Petals white with brown or purple veins
Stamens numerous, golden yellow, fruits globose with conical point, striate, 1-4 seeded.
FIs & Frts : Jan -Oct Exsiccata: MMS 559, 902
Planted as ornamental tree. Timber tree. Seed oil and dried flowers fragrant. Stamens
used medicinally as sex stimulant.
Localities: Gaganbavada, Kolhapur, Panhala.
Hopea Roxb. (nom. cons.)
Hopea ponga (Dennst) Mabb. in Taxon 28: 587. 1979; Janardhanan in Sharma et al
(ed.) FI. India 3: 230. 1993. Artocarpusponga Dennst., in Schluessel Hortus Malab 15,
18, 30 1818 H. mghticma Wall, ex Wt & Am., Prodr 85. 1834; T. Dyer in Hook f FI
Brit. India 1: 309. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 91 1958 (Repr. ed ) ‘Kalhoni,
Evergreen trees. Flower in axillary panicles, 1-6 together. Stamens 15, alternate
filaments with 2 anthers, appendages 4 times longer than anthers. Ovary puberulous
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1814
Rare, in forests along margins of streams and river. A globular echinate structure
resembles Artocarpus fruit. It is due to some insect, often deforms the inflorescence.
Wood used for construction for making cart wheels.
Localities. Amba, Ajara and Savarde.
Ancistrocladus Wall. (nom. cons.)
Ancistrocladus heyneanus Wall, ex Wt., Ic. PI. Ind. Orient. 6: 12. t. 1987-88. 1853; T
Dyer in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 299 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 93. 1958 (Repr.
ed ); Silpi Das in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 254. 1993. ‘KardaF
Scandent shrub with hooked branches. Flowers in dichotomous panicles, very
cauducous. Calyx 5 lobed, lobes enlarged in Fruit. Petals 5, white. Stamens 10. Ovary
unilocular; styles 3. Fruit 5 winged, 1 seeded. Seeds globose, conjugated
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-May. Exsiccata: 9, MMS 812
Common, in forests.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Gajapur, Patgaon, Savarde, Tillari and Udegiri.
Style twice as many as carpels
Leaves without nectaries; flowers in condensed racemes intermixed with
foliaceous bracts; involucral bracts four; mericarps not glochidiate Malachra
Leaves with nectories on midrib beneath; flowers axillary, solitary or in
clusters without foliaceous bracts; involucral bracts five or more;
mericarps glochidiate; Urena
Styles as many as carpels or styles undivided and stigma entire
Stamina! column 5 toothed or armed at apex, antheriferous throughout;
fruits a capsule
Stipules simple, carpels remain attached to each other and to central
axis at maturity
Trees; epicalyx segments 4-6, winged in fruit ultimately spreading;
flowers polygamous; Kydia
Herbs or shrubs, epicalyx segments not winged; flowers
Styles distally 5-branched, with branches spreading at maturity
stigmas capitate or globose
Calyx regularly 5 lobed, campanulate regularly 5 lobed or
truncate with minute teeths, persistent
Capsules winged; wings scarious; strongly veined Fiona
Capsules not winged Hibiscus
Calyx irregularly 2-3 lobed, spathaceous, deciduous Abelmoschus
Styles unbranched; stigmas ribbed or lobed
Epicalyx segments 3, large, leafy, cordate at base,
persistent; plants covered with dotted black glands; seeds
densely clothed with cottony hairs Gossypium
Epicalyx segments 3-5, small, linear-oblanceolate, mostly
cauducous; plants covered with peltate scales; seeds glabrous Thespesia
Stipules laciniate or completely divided into 2-3 segments; epicalyx
segments ten; not winged in fruit; carpels separate from central axis
at maturity; Decaschistia
Staminal column without teeth, apex split-up into filaments; fruits a
schizocarp, breaking into mericarps at maturity
Petals usually red; stigma decurrent on adaxial side of style Alcea
Petals usually white or yellow; stigma capitate, discoid
Epicalyx present Malvastmm
Epicalyx absent
Seeds one in each mericarp Sida
Seeds 2 or more in each mericarp Abutilon
Abelmoschus Medik.
Epicalyx segments 4-6, broad, leafy; wild
Epicalyx segments 5-6, fugacious, linear-lanceolate; cauducous before
anthesis; calyx lageniform in bud; capsule covered with short stiff hairs A.ficulneus
Epicalyx segments 4, distinct, ovate; cauducous after dehiscence of
capsule; calyx ovate in bud; capsule covered with long stiff hairs
usually prickly
Epicalyx segments free; shorter than capsule A. manihot
Epicalyx segments connate at base; as long as or longer than capsule A. angulosus
Epicalyx segments 7-10, linear; cultivated A. esculentus
Abelmoschus angulosus Wall, ex Wt. & Arn., Prodr 53. 1834; Paul in Sharma et al
(ed.) FI. India 3: 301 1993. Hibiscus angulosus (Wall. ex. Wt. & Am.) Steud, Nomen
Bot. ed. 2(1): 758. 1840; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 341. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 118. 1958(Repr ed.)
Herbs, branches covered with simple and stellate hairs. Leaves deeply 3-5-lobed
Flowers large, 8-10 cm across, solitary. Corolla yellow with deep purple center. Capsules
ovoid to oblong, densely hispid. Seeds minutely hairy in concentric rings, blackish.
FIs. & Frts. Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1819
Rare in waste places.
Localities. Kolhapur
‘Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, Meth. PI. 617. 1794; Paul in Sharma et al (ed )
FI. India 3: 385. 1993. Hibiscus esculentus L,, Sp. PI. 696. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India 1: 343. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 119. 1958 (Repr ed.) ‘Bhendi’
Erect, stout annual herb. Leaves variously 3-9 lobed. Flowers axillary solitary, 5-
8 cm across. Corolla yellow with reddish centre. Capsules 5-angled, woody at maturity.
Seeds reniform, glabrous, greenish-brown, with hairy, concentric rings.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year. Exsiccata. MMS 693
Commonly cultivated for its fruits, used as vegetable.
Localities: Atigre, Batkanagale, Bhendwade, Chokak, Latwade, Kagal and Rendal.
Abelmoschus flculneus (L.) Wight & Am. ex Wight, Cat. No. 14. 1833; Wight & Am.,
Prodr. 53. 1834; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 304. 1993. Hibiscus flculneus L.,
Sp. PI. 695. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 340. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 117. 1958 (Repr. ed.)

Erect or pubescent herbs; stems hispid with bulbous based hairs Leaves
palmately 3-5 lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary or in terminal racemes Epicalyx segments
5-6 Corolla white with pink in centre. Capsules 5-angular, obtuse. Seeds globular, black,
minutely hairy.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata MMS 1815
Rare on bunds around fields. Some times basal branches show prostrate habit
Localities. Hupari, Kagal and Rendal
Abelmoschus manihot (L ) Medik subsp. tetraphyllus (Roxb ex Homem) Borss var
tetraphyilus (Roxb. ex Homem) Borss. in Blumea 14: 98 1966; Paul in Sharma et al
(ed.) FI. India 3: 305. 1993. Hibiscus tetraphyllus Roxb ex Homem, Hort. Hafn. 661.
1815; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 341. 1874, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 118.
1958(Repr ed.)
Erect, simple or branched, hispid herbs. Leaves 3-7-lobed. Flowers axillary,
solitary, or in terminal racemes. Petals yellow with dark-brown centre. Capsules beaked,
densly bristlly. Seeds reniform-globose, dark-brown with hairy concentric rings
FIs. &Frts. : Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata MMS 432
Common on waste places as well as on bunds of fields.
Localities: Gargoti, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud.
Abutilon (Toum.) Mill.
Carpels 5
Flowers in terminal racemes; sepals connate upto middle; staminal
tube ca 2 cm long, glabrous; filaments ca 0.3 cm long A. ranadei
Flowers axillary solitary; sepals connate at base; staminal tube
ca 0.5 cm long, densely hairy; filaments ca 1.5 cm long A. persicum
Carpels more than 10
Pedicels stout; capsules densely silky, tomentose; sepals
reaching the full height of capsule; carpels with a distinct mucro A. pannosum
Pedicels slender; capsules hairy becoming glabrescent; sepals not
reaching over the height of capsule; carpels without distinct mucro A. indicum
Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 1, 54. 1826; Mast, in Hook, f FI. Brit.
India 1: 326. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 102. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et
al (ed.) FI. India 3:266. 1993. Sida indica L. in Tomer, Cent, PI. 2: 26. 1756. ‘Mudrika,

Erect undershrub- Leaves irregularly toothed, densely pubescent Flowers axillary
solitary or in panicles. Calyx cup shaped Corolla yellow. Mericarps 16-20, bidentate at
apex, 3 seeded. Seeds reniform, minutely stellately hairy, brownish black.
FIs. <K- Frts.: Almost throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 728
Common on waste places around villages
Localities. Gargoti, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kowad, Murgud, Warannagar.
Abutilon pannosum (G. Forst) Schlecht, Bot. Zeit. 9: 828. 1851, Paul in Sharma et al
(ed.) FI India 3:268. 1993. Sida pannosa G. Forst. in Comment Soc. reg Sci Gotting
ser. 2: 9. 1787 S. mutica Delile ex DC., Prodr. 1: 470 1824 Abutilon muticum (Delile ex
DC.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 2: 65. 1830; Mast, in Hook, f FI. Brit India 1: 327. 1874,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 102 1958 (Repr ed ). ‘Kasili, Karindi'
Undershrub covered with stellate and simple hairs. Leaves 5-9-nerved at base
Flowers axillary, solitary, 3-4 cm across. Petals orange-yellow often lobed at apex
Carpels 10-25 Seeds reniform, black, compressed,
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dec Exsiccata: MMS 1816
Rare along roadsides near villages, collected only once.
Localities: Kavathesar
Abutilon persicum (Burm.f.) Merr. in Philipp. J. Sci 19: 364. 1921; Paul in Sharma et
al (ed.) FI. India 3:269. 1993. Sidapersica Burm. f„ FI. India 148, t. . 47. f. 1. 1768. S.
polycmdra Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 173. 1832. Abutilonpolyandrum (Roxb.) Wight & Arn. ex
Wight, Cat. No. 12. 1833, non G. Don 1831; Mast, in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 1. 325,
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 101. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Madam’
Understhrub. Leaves 5-9-nerved at base. Flowers axillary, solitary or in terminal
panicles. Corolla yellow. Staminal column 5-7 mm long. Mericarps 5, and with 2 erecto-
patent, stout awns, stellate and simple hairy outside, glabrous inside 4-6 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 636
Occasional on hill slopes in open places.
Localities: Dajipur, Panhala, Radhanagari and Patgaon.
Abutilon ranadei Woodr. & Stapf in Bull. Misc. Inform. 1894; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 101. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 273. 1993.
Undershrub. Leaves 7-11-nerved at base. Flowers axillary, solitary. Corolla 1-1.5
cm across, orange yellow, purple with yellow veined at base Staminal column 1.5-2 cm
long, glabrous. Carpels 5, acuminate, mucronate, densely hairy throughout. Seeds large,
dusky black, furfiiraceous-dotted.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov,-Apr Exsiccator. MMS 1800
Rare, on hill slpoes, collected only at one places.
Localities: Amba.
Alcea L.
* Alcea rosea L., Sp. PI. 687. 1753; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3. 386. 1993.
Althaea rosea (L.) Cav. Diss. 2: 91, t. 28. f. 1. 1786; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India l:
319. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 95. 1958 (Repr. ed ). A. coromandeliana Cav ,
Diss. 2: 93. 1786. ‘Madam’
Annual, erect herb. Leaves orbicular-cordate, deeply 3-7 lobed. Flowers solitary,
axillary or in terminal racemes. Corolla variously coloured. Carpels 20-25, orbicular.
Seeds reniform, brown, minutely stellately hairy, conspicuously ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Cultivated for its showy flowers.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol, Warananagar.
Decaschistia Wt. & Am.
Decaschistia trilobata Wight, Ic. PI. Ind. Orient 1: t. 88. 1840; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 332. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 109. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et
al (ed.) FI. India 3; 300. 1993.
Erect shrub. Leaves subsessile, often unlobed; lower leaves deeply 3 lobed and 3
nerved at base. Flowers axillary, solitary or crowded at apex. Epicalyx segments 10.
Corolla yellow with purple centre. Capsule densely hairy. Seeds reniform, stellate
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Jan.
: Exsiccata: 471
Occasionally found on hill slopes and plateaus. Flowers large, showy.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Ijiwade, Hasane and Gaganbavada.
Fioria Matti
Fiona vitifoiia (L.) Mattei in Bot. Ort. Bot. Palermo, n.s. 2:71. 1916; Paul in Sharma et
al (ed.) FI. India 3: 310. 1993. Hibiscus vitifolius L., Sp. PI. 696. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 338. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 115. 1958 (Repr. ed ). H.
ovalifolius Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 829. 1801. H. vitifolius L. var. genuina f. indica Hochr. in
Ann. Cons. Jard. Bot. Genev. 4: 169. 1900. ‘Van Kapas’
Erect, much branched herbs. Leaves 3-7 lobed. Epicalyx segments 7-12 Corolla
yellow with dark purple centre. Capsules shorter than calyx, shortly beaked, 5-winged,
wings bristly. Seeds 2-4 in each locule, reniform, glabrous, brownish black.
FIs. <£ Frts: Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata: 451
Occasionally found on hill slopes and plateaus as undergrowth in Carvia callosa.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Ijiwade, Hasane and Gaganbavada
Gossypium L.
Epicalyx segments entire or serrate
Epicalyx segments connate at base, entire or 3-4 toothed at apex,
closely embracing the flower, capsules ovoid; lobes of leaves
linear-lanceolate with an extra tooth in sinuses G. arhoreum
Epicalyx segments free, 7-9 toothed at apex, spreading wide from
the flower, capsules globose; lobes of leaves ovate to oblong or elliptic
without any extra tooth in sinuses G. herbaceum
Epicalyx segments laciniate G. hirsutum
*Gossypium arboreum L., Sp. PI. 693. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1. 347.
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 125. 1958 (Repr. ed); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI.
India 3: 387. 1993. ‘Kapas, Rui’
Shurbs; Leaves palmately 5-7 lobed, with often extra-tooth in sinus. Flowers
axillary solitary. Corolla pale yellow with purple centre. Capsules beaked, 3-4 loculed,
locules 5-20 seeded. Seeds avoid with floss and fuzz.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 258
Commonly cultivated for lint.
Localities: Kolhapur and Kumbhoj.
* Gossypium herbaceum L. var. acerifolium (Guill. & Perr.) Chev. in Rev Bot. Appl.
Agr. Trop. 19: 537. 1939; Hutch, et al. Evol. Gossypium 36. f. 5. 1947. G. punctatum
Guill. & Perr. var. acerifolium Guill. & Perr. FI. Senegal Tent. 63. 1830. G. herbaceusm
auct non. L. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 346. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 123. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI India 3: 389. 1993,
‘Kapas, Kapus’
Erect annual, herbs or undershurb stellately hairy. Leaves cordately 3-5 lobed.
Flower 1-3 in leaf axils. Corolla yellow with purple centre. Capsules 4 loculed. Sedds 5-
7 in each locule, with floss and fuzz.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan.
Commonly cultivated for lint.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Sangawade and Shirol
*Gossypium hirsutum L., Sp. PI. ed. 2. 975. 1753; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3:
389 1993 G. herhaceusm L. var. hirsutum L., Sp. PI. ed. 2. 975. 1753, Mast, in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 347. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 124. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Kapus’
Shrubs, stems much branded. Leaves 3-lobed. Flowers axillary solitary. Corolla
yellow with purple strands. Capsules ovoid, acute, glandular pitted. Seeds with white
floss and grayish fuzz.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan.
Commonly cultivated for lint.
Locality: Agriculture College, Kolhapur
Hibiscus L. (nom.cons.)
Epicalyx segments present
Epiealyx segments forked at apex, sepals prominently 3 -nerved;
Erect herbs; plants not prickly; epicalyx segments without any appendages
Epicalyx segments adnate to calyx tube
Epicalyx segments usually appressed, adnate to calyx tube
totally, becoming thick, fleshy and reddish coloured in fruit;
sepals without arachnoid tomentum; seeds furfixraceous H. sabdariffa
Epicalyx segments spreading or reflexed, adnate to calyx
tube only at base, throughout green; sepals with arachnoid
tomentum, seeds with scale like tufted hairs H. cannabinus
Trailing prickly undershrubs; epicalyx segments with an
appendage on inner surface towards apex
Stipules foliaceous, semicordate and auricled H. surattensis
Stipules not foliaceous H. aculeatus
Epicalyx segments not forked at apex; nerves on sepals inconspicuous
Staminal tube longer than corolla, antheriferous at apex
Petals entire or shallowly lobed, erect or spreading; staminal
column slightly longer than petals H. rosa-sinensis
Petals laciniate, recurved; staminal column twice as long
as petals H. schizopetalous
Staminal tube shorter than corolla, antheriferous throughout
Flowers with petals changing colours at maturity, white turning
to red; leaves orbicular in outline, palmately lobed H. mutabilis
Flowers not changing colours at maturity, purplish-blue;
leaves ovate from a cuneate base or 3 lobed and broader H. syriacus
Seeds cottony; epicalyx without bristles
Leaves 3 lobed; epicalyx segments linear- lanceolate; calyx
divided to base; flowers scarlet H. hirtus
Leaves unlobed; epicalyx segments filiform; calyx divided
to middle; flowers white H. micranthus
Seeds not cottony; epicalyx with bristles H. caesius
Epicalyx segments short or absent, if present cauducous before anthesis H. lobatus
Hibiscus aculeatus Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 206 1832, Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3:
323. 1993. H. furcatus Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 1: 449. 1824, non willd. 1809; Mast, in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 335. 1874, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 112. 1958 (Repr ed.)
Trailing or scandent shrubs; with stiff, sharp, recurved bristles from a glandular
base. Leaves 5-7-nerved with stiff prickles. Flowers axillary, solitary Corolla yellow
with purple centre. Capsules enclosed by enlarged calyx. Seeds reniform.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept -Mar. Exsiccata MMS 311
Frequent found along streams, roadsides, forest clearings, hill slopes in forests.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Shelap, Tillari.
Hibiscus caesius Garcke, Bot. Zeit. 7: 850. 1849; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 116. 1958
(Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 334. 1993. H. gibsoni St. ex Harv &
Sond., FI. Cap. 2:587. 1862; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 339. 1874. ‘Ran-Ambadi’
Erect undershrub; stem with few scattered prickles. Leaves palmately 3-5 lobed.
Flowers 4-6 cm, across, axillary, solitary. Corolla yellow with purple centre. Staminal
column antheriferous throughout, purple. Capsules ovoid, enclosed within calyx,
dehiscing into 5 valves.
FIs. & Frts. Sept -Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1772
Rare, collected only once on a old wall of house.
Locality: Babu Jamal.
^Hibiscus cannabinus L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10(2): 1149; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
339. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 116. 1958 (Repr. ed.), Paul in Sharma et al (ed.)
FI. India 3: 324. 1993 ‘Ambadi’
Erect herbs. Leaves entire or palmately lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary or in
racemes. Staminal column antheriferous throughout. Capsules dehiscing into 5 valves.
Seeds reniform, brownish.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dec.
Cultivated throughout as vegetable and for fiber on a small scale. Leaves, flowers and
seeds are medicinal.
Localities. Ganganagar, Hasur, Kagal, Kolhapur, Sangav, Sangavade
Hibiscus hirtus L , Sp. PI. 694. 1753; Mast, in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 1: 335. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay l: 113. 1958 (Repr ed); Paul in Sharma et al (ed) FI. India 3:
329. 1993.
Undershrub. Leaves entire or 3 lobed. Epicalyx segments 6-9, free. Corolla pink
or white, rotate. Staminal column shorter than petals pink antheriferous throughout
Capsules shorter than calyx, globose; locules 2-3 seeded. Seeds reniform.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: 5, 311
Localities. Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Shelap, Tillari.
Hibiscus lobatus (Murray) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 3(2): 19. 1898; Paul in Sharma et al
(ed.) FI. India 3: 336. 1993. Solcmdra lobata Murray, Comm Soc. Reg. Sci. Goetting 6:
20, t. 1. 1785. Hibiscus solandra L’Heritier, Strip. Nov. 1: 103, t. 49. 1788, nom. illeg.;
Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 336. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 114. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
Annual, erect herb. Corolla white. Staminal column antheriferous throughout.
Capsules ovoid, beaked pubescent. Seeds angular black.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1817
Occasional on grassy hill slopes and wet grasslands.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Nimshirgaon.
Hibiscus micranthus L. f. Sp. PI. 308. 1781; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 335.
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 113. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI.
India 3: 330. 1993.
Undershrub. Flowers axillary, solitary. Corolla purplish white or pink. Capsules
globose, dehisces into 5-valves, smooth outside, glossy inside. Seeds reniform black
hirsute with long white, silky hairs.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Feb Exsiccata: 158,371
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities. Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Jotiba, Narande and Ramling
"Hibiscus mutabilis L., Sp. PI. 694. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1. 344. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 120. 1958 (Repr. ed); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3:
390. 1993.
Bushy shrub. Leaves palmately lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary or
subcorymbose. Petals 5 or in multiple of 5, staminal column shorter than corolla, white,
antheriferous throughout. Capsules subglobose, with simple glandular hairs.
FIs. &Frts. : Aug.-Jan.
Native of China, grown in gardens for its showy flowers.
Localities. Ichalkaranj, Kolhapur.
Hibiscus panduraeformis Burm. f FI. Ind. 151, t. 47. f. 2. 1768; Mast, in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 338. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 115. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in
Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 339. 1993. H. tubulosus Cav., Disc. 3: 161, t. 68. f. 2,
1787, non. superfl., Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 196. 1832. H. panduriformis Burm. f. var.
tubulosus (Cav.) Hochr. Anns. Cons. Jard. Bot. Geneve. 4: 96. 1900.
Erect hispid, much branched herb. Leaves 3-5-lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary or
in pairs. Petals yellow, dark purple at base. Capsules broadly ovoid, densely bristly.
Seeds suborbicular, brown, tomentose.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1760
Weed on waste places.
Localities: Ingali, Kolhapur, Mangaon, Shiroli.
"Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L., Sp. PI. 694. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 334.
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 120. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) Fi.
India 3: 391. 1993. ‘Jaswand’
Shrubs; stems woody, lenticillate. Flowers axillary, solitary; pedicels longer than
petioles. Corolla infundibular, blood-red. Stamina! column antheriferous at tip.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Cultivated in gardens. Leaves and flowers are medicinally important.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur, Maiakapur, Murgud.
* Hibiscus sabdariffa L„ Sp. PI. 695. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 340.
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 117. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI.
India 3: 391. 1993. ‘Lai Ambadi’
Erect or suffruticose herbs. Leaves entire or 3-5-lobed. Corolla yellow or purple
with deep purple centre, twice as long as calyx. Capsules beaked. Seeds reniform.
FIs. $ Frts.: Oct.-Jan.
Native of West Indies, cultivated as vegetable.
Localities. Kerle, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
"Hibiscus schizopetalous (Mast) Hook, f in Curtis Bot. Mag. 3: 36 t 6524. 1880;
Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 392. 1993. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. var.
schizopetalous (Hook, f.) Mast, in Gard. Chron. n.s. 12; 272. f. 45. 1879.
Shrub. Flowers axillary, solitary, infundibular. Petals scarlet or reddish white,
deeply laciniate into many linear-oblong segments.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Native of East Africa, cultivated in gardens.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur.
"Hibiscus syriacus L , Sp. PI 695. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 344. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 121. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3:
393. 1993. ‘Nili Jaswand, Pandhari Jaswand'
Erect, much branched shrub. Leaves often 3 lobed. Flowers axillary solitary.
Petals white. Capsules beaked, sparsely hispid.
FIs. & Frts.. June-Dee.
Native of China, cultivated in gardens. Plants used medicinally in women’s disorders
Localities Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur, Shiradwad, Shirol.
Kydia Roxb.
Kydia calycina Roxb., PI. Corom 3: 11, t. 215. 1819 & FI. Ind. 3; 188. 1832; Mast, in
Hook, f, FI. Brit. India 1; 348. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 100. 1958 (Repr. ed );
Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 344 1993. ‘Bhoti, Potari, Warang’
Small trees. Leaves palmately 7-nerved, usually 3-7 lobed. Flowers polygamous
in axillary or terminal panicles. Corolla white or pink; petals longer than calyx, shorter
than epicalyx. Capsules subglobose, depressed. Seeds more or less reniform.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1818
Occasional on hill slopes in open forests.
Localities. Narande, Panhala, Radhanagari, Shelap.
Malachra L.
Malachra capitata (L.) L, Syst. Nat. ed. 12(2); 458. 1767; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 329. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 105. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in Sharma et
al (ed.) FI. India 3: 367. 1993. Sida capiata L„ Sp. PI. 685. 1753. ‘Ranbhendi’
A coarsely hispid herb, covered with intermixed with simple and long prickly
stellate hairs. Flowers in heads with foliaceous involucral bracts. Corolla bright yellow
Schizocarps obpyriform mericarps 5, whitish. Seeds trigonous, brownish black.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Dec. Exsiccata. 413
Rare along roadsides, collected only once at Shiroli (M.I.D.C )
Locality: Shiroli
Malvastrum A. Gray (nom. cons.)
Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Garcke in Bonplandia 5: 295. 1857; Paul in
Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 277. 1993. Malva coromandeliana L., Sp. PI. 687. 1753.
M. tricuspida R. Brown., Ait. f. Hort. Kew ed 2 4: 210. 1812. Malvastrum
tricuspidatum (R. Br.) A. Gray, PI. Wright 1. 16. 1852; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
1: 321. 1874.
Annual erect herbs; covered with 4-armed appressed stellate hairs, 2 arms of
which positioning upwards and 2 downwards. Flowers axillary solitary or 2-4 in clusters.
Petals yellow to orange-yellow. Schizocarp globular, mericarps 10-14.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year Exsiccata. 355
Native of South America, naturalised
Localities. Hasur, Jambhali, Kagal, Kavathesar, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Murgud, Shiroli.
Malvaviscus Fabric.
Leaves 3-5-lobed; corolla 2.5-4 cm long; petals pink or scarlet M. arboreus
var. arboreus
Leaves 3-lobed; corolla 4-6 cm long; petals scarlet M. arboreus
var. penduliflorus
*Malvaviscous arboreus Cav var. arboreus Cav. Diss. 3: 131, t. 48. f. 1 1787; Borss
in Blumea 14; 132. 1966; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3; 393. 1993. Hibiscus
malvaviscous L , Sp. PI. 694. 1753. 'Mirachiphul'
Low diffuse shrub. Flowers often drooping.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Native of South America, grown in gardens.
Localities Hasur, Kagal, Kolhapur, Korochi, Kurundwad, Murgud, Shiroli.
^Malvaviscous arboreus Cav. var. penduliflorus (DC.) Scheryin Ann. Miss Bot. Gard.
29. 223. 1942; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 394. 1993. M. penduliflorus Mocino
& Sesse ex DC. Prodr. 1; 445. 1824. ‘Mirachi Phul, Mirachi Jaswand’
Low shrub. Flowers often drooping, axillary, solitary Petals scarlet
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Native of tropical America, grown in gardens.
Localities Jaysingpur, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Sida L.
Mericarps 5
Mericarps smooth, mucronate; seeds dispersed by withering of wall;
leaves palminerved; stems without any spiny outgrowth at the base
of petiole
Erect herbs, flowers in terminal or axillary racemes or panicles S. mysorensis
Prostrate herbs; flowers usually solitary or in few flowered racemes S. cordata
Mericarps with prominent reticulation, awned; seeds dispersed by apical
dehiscence; leaves penninerved; stems with one or two spiny outgrowth
at the base of petiole 5. spinosa
Mericarps 6-12
Mericarps indehiscent S. acuta
Mericarps dehiscent
Mericarps with 2 awns, awns retrosely hairy S. cordifolia
Mericarps with or without awns, awnsnever retrosely hairy S. rhombifolia
Sida acuta Burm. £, FI. Ind. 147. 1768; Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 171. 1832, Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 98. 1958 (Repr. ed); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 281. 1993. S.
lanceolata Retz., Obs. Bot. 4: 119. 1786; S carpinifolia auct. non. L.f. 1785; Mast, in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 323. 1874. ‘Bala, Chikana'
Herbs or undershrubs. Leaves covered with minute stellate and rigid hairs. Calyx
accrescent. Mericarps mostly with two mucros, occassionaly with 2 awns. Seeds
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: 434, MMS 723, 1001
Common along roadsides, on wastelands, as weed in gardens. Roots useful for the
treatment of nervous and urinary disorders, fever and stomach complaints.
Localities. Kagal, Kini, Kolhapur, Latwade, Narande, Radhanagari, Talsande.
Sida cordata (Burm. f.) Borss in Blumea 14: 182. 1966; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI.
India 3: 283. 1993. Melochia cordata Burm. f., FI. Ind. 143. 1768; Sida veronicifolia
Lamk., Encycl. 1. 5. 1783; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 97. 1958 (Repr. ed ); S. humilis
Cav. Diss. 5, t. 134, f. 2. 1788, Mast, in Hook f. FI. Brit India 1: 322. 1874 S. beddomei
Jacob in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc 47: 50. 1950 ‘Bala’
Much branched prostrate or trailing wooly herb. Leaves broadly ovate-cordate.
Flowers axillary, solitary, ultimately in few flowered racemes. Calyx campanulate.
Corolla yellow Fruits enclosed in persistent calyx; awns 2 short. Seeds brown, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Mar. Exsiccata MMS 722
Common on rocky soils, under shade places, in bushes.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Narande, Panhala, Ramling, Randal and Tarewadi
Sida cordifolia L., Sp. PI. 684. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 324. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 99. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3:
285. 1993. ‘Bala’
Erect herbs. Leaves ovate cordate, crenate. Flowers 1-2 cm across, axillary,
solitary or clustered at the ends of branches. Corolla pale yellow, slightly exceeding the
calyx. Carpels 7-10, ciliate on the upper margins, awns 2, scabrid hairy. Seeds brown
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata. MMS 1008
Rare on hill slopes, plants foetid.
Locality. Radhanagari
Sida mysorensis Wt. & Am., Prodr. 59. 1834; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 322.
1874; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 286. 1993. S. urticifolia Wight & Am.,
Prodr. 59. 1834, non St. Hil, 1828. S. wightiana D. Dietr., Syn. PI. 4. 845. 1847. S.
glutinosa Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 172. 1832; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 97. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect branched herb, covered with minute stellate hairs mixed with simple and
gland tipped hairs. Leaves 5-11 nerved at base. Flowers axillary, solitary or in dense
racemes. Calyx widely campanulate. Corolla yellow. Fruit enclosed in persistent calyx.
Carpels often 5, smooth, awns 2. Seeds brown, glabrous.
FIs. & Fxts. \ Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1819
Common on hill slopes under the shades of tree and along stream banks
Localities: Jotiba, Narande, Panhala.
Sida rhombifolia L., Sp. PI. 684. 1753 emend Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 323.
1874; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 289. 1993. S. rhombifolia var. retusa (L.)
Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 324. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 99. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Atibala’
Erect herb Leaves rhomboid, crenate-serarate. Flowers axillary, solitary or 1-2
toghther. Corolla yellow Fruits 5-6 mm across, carpels 5-10, reticulated with 2 short
awns. Seeds smooth black, obtusely trigonous.
FIs. & Frts. \ Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 1789
Common along roadsides and on forest clearings.
Localities. Burki, Chandagad, Dajipur, Udegiri.
Sida spinosa L., Sp. PI. 683. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 323 1874, Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 98. 1958 (Repr. ed); Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 292.
Erect diffuse herbs or undershrubs; stems with 1-2 spiny emergences at the base
of petiole. Leaves 3-5 nerved at base. Flowers axillary solitary, or 2-5 in clusters. Calyx
campanulate. Corolla yellow or yellowish white. Fruits enclosed in calyx, mericarps 5,
trigonus with 2 divergent, long, awns. Seeds trigonous, glabrous.
FIs. &Frts.. Aug.-Apr. Exsiccata. MMS 1002
Common along roadsides, in grasslands, on bunds of fileds.
Localities. Bahubali, Hatkanangale, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Latwade.
Thespesia Soland. ex Corr. (nom. cons.)
Shrubs, leaves with a linear nectary on midrib beneath, 3-5 lobed, densely
stellately hairy; epicalyx segments five; seeds 8-15 in each locule T. lampas
Trees; leaves without nectaries; not lobed, covered with minute scales,
glabrescent; epicalyx segments three; seeds 2-4 in each locule T. populnea
Thespesia lampas (Cav.) Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 19. 1861; Mast, in Hook. f. FI Brit.
India 1: 345. 1874; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 350. 1993. Hibiscus lampas
Cav. Diss. 3: 154, t. 56. f. 2. 1787. Thespesia macrophylla auct. non. Bl. 1825; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 121. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Azcmza lampas (Cav.) Alef. Bot. Zeit. 19:
297. 1861. ‘Ran-Behndi, Ran-Kapas'
Shrubs. Leaves 3-5 lobed, 5-7-nerved at base. Flowers solitary, axillary, or 1-5 in
long stalked racemes by reduction of upper leaves. Corolla yellow with dark purple
centre, campanulate. Capsules ovoid to globose, minutely stellate, hairy, dehiscent.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 258
Common in hill forests, flowers showy.
Localities. Amba, Ajara, Dajipur, Tillari.
*Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. ex Corr. in Ann. Mus. Herb. Paris 9: 290, t. 8, f. 1.
1807; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 345. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 121.
1958 (Repr. ed.); Paul in SHhrma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 352. 1993. ‘Bhendiche Jhad, Gul
Bhendi, Parosa Pimpal'
Evergreen herbs. Leaves 7-nerved. Flowers axillary, solitary. Epicalyx segments
3. Corolla light yellow with dark purple centre. Capsules globose, seeds obovoid,
angular, rounded at apex covered with yellowish brown hairs.
FIs. dr Frts.: Aug.-Jan.
Commonly cultivated as avenue tree.
Localities Alas, Kini, Kolhapur. Korochi, Wadgaon.
Urena L.
Leaves palmatifid or palmatilobed; epicalyx spreading or reflexed in fruit U. lobata
subsp. sinuata
Leaves angled or shallowly lobed; epicalyx cupular in fruit, appressed
to mericarps U. lobata
subsp. lobata
Urena lobata L. subsp. lobata L. var. lobata L., Sp. PI. 692. 1753, s.l., Mast, in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 329. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 106. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Paul in
Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 380. 1993. ‘Van-Bhendi’
Erect, undershrubs. Leaves variable in shape and size, 5-7-nerved. Flowers
axillary, solitary or 2-3 in clusters. Corolla pink with purple centre. Capsules globose,
glochidiate, spines with 4-5, retrose, short, sharp, hooks at tip. Seeds reniform.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS331
Common along roadsides.
Localities: Amba, Ajara, Dajipur, Panhala, Tillari.
Urena lobata L. subsp. sinuata (L.) Bores, var. sinuata (L.) Bores, in Blumea 14: 142.
1966; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 329. 1874; Paul in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3.
382. 1993. Urena sinuata L., Sp. PI. 692. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 106. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Jangali Kapas , Ran-Kapas’
Erect shrubs. Leaves irregularly lobed or incised at base, with rounded sinuses.
Epicalyx segments as long as or longer than calyx tube. Corolla rose coloured, showy.
Capsules pubescent covered with blunt spines, each spine with 2 bristles.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1714
Common on waste places, along hill slopes, amidst bushes, on forest clearings.
Localities: Amba, Ajara, Dajipur, Katyayani, Kolhapur, Panhala, Patgaon.

Fruits dehiscent, filled with cottony fiber

Stems armed; peduncles thick; flowers large; stamens numerous,
anthers hippocrepiform Bombax
Stems unrmed; peduncles slender; flowers small; stamens few, each
with 2-3 anfractose anthers Ceiba
Fruits indehiscent, not filled with cottony fiber
Calyx five lobed; flowers long pedicelled Adansonia
Calyx truncate; flowers short pedicelled Pachyra
Adansonia L.
*Adansonia digitata L., Sp. PI. 1190 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 348.
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 126. 1958 (Repr. ed); Nayar & Biswas in Sharma et
al (ed.) FI. India 3: 404. 1993. ‘Gorakh Chinch’
Deciduous tree. Leaves digitate. Flowers axillary, solitary, pendulous. Petals
white. Capsule 20-40 cm. long, woody. Seeds reniform, embedded in brownish white
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1230
Native of Tropical Africa. Flowers showy and sweet fragrant. Fruits supposed to be
cooling. Leaves used as vegetable and a prophylactic against fever.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj.
Bombax L. (nom.cons.)

Trunk prickly; leaflets lanceolate; flowers 10-12 cm long, ca 12 mm in

diameter, bright red/yellow; stamens ca 65-80 in 6 bundles with one
central and five surrounding it, filaments flattened; capsules 10-15 cm
long, velvety; seeds dark brown B. ceiba
Trunk not prickly; leaflets obovate; flowers 12-25 cm long, ca 25 mm in
diameter, white or pinkish white; stamens ca 600 in 5 bundles,
filaments filiform; capsules 18-25 cm long, glabrous; seeds black B. insigne
Bombax ceiba L., Sp. PI. 511. 1753 p.p.; Roby, in Taxon 10: 160. 1961 & in Bull. Jard.
Bot. Brux. 83: 88, t. 3. 1963; Nayar & Biswas in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 398,
1993, B. malabaricum DC., Prodr. 1: 479. 1824; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 349.
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 127. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Salmalia malabarica (DC.)
Schott, in Schott. & Endl. Melet. Bot. 35. 1832 Gossampinus malabaricus (DC ) Merl­
in lingn Sci. J. 5: 126. 1927 ‘Kate Savar’
A tall deciduous tree. Leaves targe: leaflets 3-7. Flowers solitary or in clusters,
showy. Petals 5, bright or faint red, imbricate. Stamens 60-80 in 6 bundles. Seeds
pyriform, smooth embedded in creamy white silky fibers.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-June Exsiccata. 413
Fairly common in variety of habitats.
Localities. Dajipur, Ghotawade, Karanjphen, Kolhapur, Ichalkaranji, Radhanagari.
Bombax insigne Walli., PI. Asiat. Rar. 1: 71, t. 79, 80. 1830; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 349. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 128. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Nayar & Biswas
in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3: 398. 1993. Salmalia insignis (Wall.) Schott. & Endl. 35.
1832. ‘Savar’
Deciduous tree; trank usually unarmed; branchelts sometimes prirkly. Leaves
digitate; leafets 7-9. Flowers 20-25 cm. across. Petals 5. scarlet. Stamens numerous.
Capsules woody, ellipsoid, 5 valved, silky. Seeds ovoid, embeded in white silky cotton.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar -June Exsiccata. MMS 850
Localities: Amba, Dajipur.
Ceiba. Mill.
*Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn., Fract. Sem. PI. 2: 244, t. 133. 133. f. 1. 1791; Alst. in
Trimen, Handb. FI. Ceylon 6: 30. 1931; Nayar & Biswas in Sharma et al (ed.) FI. India 3 :
400. 1993. Bombax pentandrum L., Sp. PI. 511. 1753. Erinodendron anfructuosum DC.
Prodr. 1: 479. 1824; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 350. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 128. 1958 (Repr. ed). E. pentandrum (L.) Kurz., J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 43;
113. 1874. ‘Pandhari Savar'
Tall deciduous tree, with horizontally spreading whorled branches. Leaves
digitate, leaflets 5-8. Flowers 3-5 cm across, clustered in the leaf axils. Petals 5, dirty
white, wooly outside. Stamens numerous, in 5 bundles opposite to petals. Capsules
fusiform. Seeds pyriform, black, embeded in silky wool.
FIs. & Frts. Jan -Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 879
Cultivated in gardens and as avenue tree. Flowers appearing with young leaves at the
ends of branches.
Localities: Ganganagar, Hatkanangale, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Pachyra Aubl.
Pachyra aquatica Aubl. PI. Guin. 2: 276, tt 291, 292. 1775; Almeida, FI. Maharashtra
1: 131. 1996. Carolinea principes L.f. Sp. 814. 1781. P. longifolia Hook. Bot. Mag t
4549. 1850.
A medium sized tree, branches spreading. Leaves digitate; leaflets 3-7. Flowers
20-22 cm long Calyx campanulate. Petals obovate, yellowish white, 18-20 cm long,
Stamens numerous, filaments yellowish white.
FIs. : June-Aug. & Frts.: not seen. Exsiccata MMS 1820
Cultivated in garden.
Locality: Kolhapur.

Flowers unisexual or polygamous; petals absent
Follicles woody, opening after maturity; leaves entire, simply lobed
or digitate
Leaves entire, seeds winged Pterygota
Leaves simply lobed or digitate; seeds not winged Sterculia
Follicles membranous, opening before maturity; leaves palmately lobed Firmania
Flowers bisexual; petals present
Petals macrescent; stamens 5-18; herbs or shrubs
Herbs; stamens 5, staminodes absent Melochia
Shrub; stamens 18, staminodes five Dombeya
Petals cauducous; stamens many; shrubs or trees
Androecium columnar below, dilated into cup, antheriferous at
tip only; staminodes present
Fruits woody, not inflated; seeds many
Fruits not spirally twisted; anther cells parallel
Flowers in terminal or axillary panicles; fruits ca 18 cm
in diameter
Capsules not tubercled; seeds winged Pterospermum
Capsules tubercled; seeds not winged Guazuma
Flowers cauliflorus; fruits ca 30 cm in diameter Theobroma
Fruits spirally twisted; anther cells divaricate Helicteres
Fruits membranous, inflated; seeds solitary Kleinhovia
Androecium tubular, conical, antheriferous throughout; staminodes
absent Eriolaena
Dombeya Cav. (nom. cons.)
Leaves velvetty beneath; petals pink D. maslersii
Leaves glaborus beneath; petals white D. acutangula
* Dombeya acutangula Cav., Diss. 3: 123, t. 38, f. 2. 1887; Chitra in Nair & Henry, FI.
Tamilnadu 1: 38. 1983; Malick in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 472. 1993.

Shrubs. Leaves broadly ovate, cordate, acutely 3-7-iobed. Flowers 2-3 cm across, in
axillary, peduncled corymbose, drooping cymes.
FIs. Frts. Dec-Jan.
Native of Tropical America, grown in gardens for its flowers.
Locality : Kolhapur
*Dombeya mastersii Hook. f. in Bot. Mag. t. 5639. 1867; Chitra in Nair & Henry, FI.
Tamilnadu 1: 38. 1983; Malick in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 473. 1993.
Large shrubs. Leaves broadly ovate-cordate. Flowes 2-3 cm across, in axillary, lax,
pendulous corymobse racemes.
FIs. <£ Frts. Dec.-Feb.
Native of Tropical America, cultivated in gardens for its showy flowers.
Locality: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
Eriolaena A.P. DC.
Eriolaena quinquelocularis (Wt. & Am.) Cleigh., Gen. Index 36. 1856; Mast, in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 371. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 140 1958 (Repr. ed ); Malick in
Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 418. 1993. ‘Badjari Dhaman, Bothi’
A small tree. Leaves 7-nerved. Flowers 4-6 cm across in peduncled 1-3-flowered
cymes at the ends of branches. Sepals pubescent on both surfaces, glandular at base inside.
Petals yellow. Capsules beaked, 5-10-valved. Seeds numerous, winged, papery.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb -Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1394
Rare in deciduous forests. Flowers showy and sweet scented.
Locality: Katyayani, Panhala
Firmiana Mars.
Firmiana colorata (Roxb,) R. Br. in Benn. & R. Br., PI. Jav. Rar. 235. 1844; Malick in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 420. 1993. Sterculia colorata Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 26, t. 25.
795, quoadt. 25. descr. excl. & FI. Ind. 3: 146. 1832, p.p.; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:
359. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 133 1958 (Repr. ed ). Bharkoi, Kaushi'
Tall tree. Leaves variable, shallowly or deeply incised, palmately veined. Flowers
bright red. Toms exerted; Stamens 10. Ovaries 5, flask shaped, glabrous. Follicles
membranous, strongly veined, opens very before maturity. Seeds 2 per follicle; yellow,

FIs. & Frts. Mar.-June Exsiccata: MMS 948

Frequent in deciduous forests. Flowers and fruits very attractive.
Locality. Bhogaon, Dajipur, Katyayani, Panhala and Radhanagari.
Guazuma P. Miller
*Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk., Encvcl. 3: 52. 1789; Malick in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3:
424. 1993. Theobroma guazuma L., Sp. PI. 782. 1753. Guazuma tomentosa Kunth., H. B
K„ Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 320. 1823; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1; 375. 1874; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 144. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kawala, Rudrakshi'
Large shrub or small tree. Flowers yelllow, numerous in terminal and axillary
panicles. Sepals spathaceous. Petals cucullate, lamina strap shaped with forked appendages.
Capsules woody, septicidally 5 valved, tubercled. Seeds many, globose.
FIs. & Frts. Almost throughout year.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1231
Commonly cultivated in gardens. Fruits edible.
Locality: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Panhala.
Helicteries L.
Helicteres isora L., Sp. PI. 963. 1753, Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 365. 1874; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 136. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Malick in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 426.
1993. ‘Kesari, Murad Sheng'
Large shrub or small tree. Leves bifarious, often 3 lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary or
in clusters. Petals crimson red, reflexed. Staminal tube exerted; stamens 10, surrounding
ovary and alternating in pairs with 5 minute, scaly staminodes. Follicles cylindrical spirally
twisted with an apical beak. Seeds many angular, wrinkled.
FIs. & Frts. Feb -Dec.
: Exsiccata: MMS 312
Common in deciduous forests. Flowers showy. Plant used as a remedy for piles.
Locality: Ajara, Dajipur, Katyayani, Panhala and Radhanagari.
Kleinhovia L.
*Kleinhovia hospita L., Sp. PI. ed. 2, 1365. 1763; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 364.
1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 135. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Malick in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI
India 3: 434. 1993.
Tree. Flowers in large terminal panicles. Petals pink, unequal. Staminal column with
a thin striated disc at base, divided at apex into 5 teeth bearing 15 anthers. Ovary seated on

top of staminal column. Capsules pyriform, 5 winged, flattened, loculicidally 5 valved. Seed
usually one in each locule, tubercled.
FIs. dFrts.: Oct-Feb.
Native of Molluccas, cultivated in gardens.
Locality. Katyayani, Kolhapur
Melochia L.
Melochia corchorifolia L, Sp. PI. 675. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 374. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 142 1958 (Repr. ed); Malick in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:
441. 1993.
Erect herb. Leaves coarsely serrate, 5-nerved at base. Flowers in densely crowded
peduncled heads, surrounded by 4-5 bracteoles. Petals 5, pink, scarsely exceeding the sepals.
Capsules depressed globose, hispid, loculicidally 5 valved. Seeds 1 in each locule, trigonous.
FIs. &Frts. July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1197
Occasional in rice fileds.
Locality: Radhanagari, Tillari
Pterospermum Schreb. (nom. cons.)
Leaves deeply cordate and subpeltate; capsules angular P. acerifolium
Leaves distinctly lobed or digitate; capsules terete P. suberifolium
"Pterospermum acerifolium (L.) Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 729. 1800; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India l: 368. 1874, p.p.; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 137. 1958 (Repr. ed); Chandra in
Sharma et al. (ed.)Fl. India 3: 448. 1993. ‘Karnikar’
Large tree. Leaves cordate and subpeltate, lobed or coarsely toothed, coriaceous,
white tomentose beneath; stipules multifid, cauducous. Flowers axillary, solitary or 2-3
flowered cymes, showy, fragrant, 10-15 cm across. Capsules woolly, 5 angled, covered with
brown tubercles. Seeds obliquely ovoid, compressed many in 2 rows, winged.
FIs. & Frts. Mar -Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1183
Cultivated in Town Hall Garden.
Locality: Kolhapur
Pterospermum suberifolium (L.) Lamk., Tabl. Encycl. 3: 136, t. 576. 1794; Mast, in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 367. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 1371958 (Repr. ed ). Pentapetes
suberifolia L. Sp. PI. 698. 1753; Chandra in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 453 1993.
Small tree. Leaves irregularly lobed at apex, glabrous above and clothed with a
cream coloured tomentum beneath. Flowers 1-3, in axillary cymes, 4-5 cm across, fragrant.
Petals 5, white. Capsules tapering at both ends, 4-5-valved. Seeds 2-4 in each locule.
FIs. &Frts. June-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1821
Rare in moist forests. Flowers showy and sweet scented.
Locality. Dajipur, Hasane, Panhala
Pterygota Schott & Endl.
*Pterygota alata (Roxb.) R. Br. in Benn. & R. Br, PI Jav. Rar. 234. 1844; Malick in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 445. 1993. Sterculia alata Roxb., PI Corom. 3: 84, t. 287.
1820; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 133. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Tall tree; covered with dense golden yellow stellate-pubescence. Leaves crowded at
the ends of branches. Flowers in subpanicled few flowered racemes. Follicles 12-14 cm
across, seeds winged.
FIs.: Dec.- Mar. & Frts.: July-Mar.
Cultivated in Town Hall Garden.
Locality. Kolhapur
Sterculia L.
Leaves simple or palmately lobed; follicles hairy; seeds without caruncle
Leaves palmately lobed; follicles pubescent with stinging hairs S. urens
Leaves simple, entire; follicles villous without stinging hairs S. guttata
Leaves digitate; follicles nearly glabrous; seeds with a yellow caruncle; S. foetida
* Sterculia foetida L„ SP. PI. 1008. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 354. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 130. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Malick in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:
459. 1993. ‘Jangali Badarn, Pun’
Tall decideous tree; branches whorled. Leaves digitately 5-9 foliolate, crowded at
ends of branches. Flowers 2-3 cm across, many in erect racemose panicles. Stigmas as many
as carpels; radiating. Follicles 5, boat shaped, beaked, woody, nearly glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Aug Exsiccata: MMS 1850
Cultivated in Gardens. Fruits ripe in following year. Seeds eaten after roasting. Flowers very
Locality. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
Sterculia guttata Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 148. 1832; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 355. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 132. 1958 (Repr. ed); Malick in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3
462. 1993.
Tree; young shoots clothed with stellate tomentum. Leaves simple, subcordate at
base; subcoriaceous. Panicles racemose. Calyx glandular inside. Follicles 2-5, obovoid,
coriaceous compressed, obscurely ribbed, brown tomentose, pink inside. Seeds 3-4 in each
follicle, with ferrugineous stiff hairs.
FIs. & Frts. Sept -May Exsiccata: MMS901
Occasional in deciduous forests.
Locality. Amba, Gaganbavada, Katyayani, Panhala, Radhanagari
Sterculia urens Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 25, t. 24. 1795 & FI. Ind. 3: 145. 1832; Mast, in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1; 355. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 131. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Malick in
Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 470. 1993. ‘Kandol, Karai, Pandruk’
Medium sized tree. Leaves simple, crowded at the ends of branches, digitately 3-5-
lobed. Flowers small, polygamous in glandular pubescent terminal panicles appearing before
leaves. Follicles 5-6, densely covered with dark purple, shining, stinging hairs. Seeds black.
FIs. & Frts. Dec -May Exsiccata: MMS 886, 1183
Rare in deciduous forests. Flowers appearing before leaves.
Locality: Bandiwade, Panhala

Theobroma L.
"Theobroma cacao L., Sp. PI. 752. 1753; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 668. 1958; Malick in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 476. 1993. ‘Cocoa’
Evergreen shrub or small tree. Flowers yellowish or pink, cauliflorus. Petals hooded
at base. Fruit a large woody drupe, reddish-yellow, 5 locular. Seeds almond like in 2 rows in
each locule, embedded in a white, pinkish or brownish mucilagenous aromatic pulp.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-May
Native of Tropical America, grown in gardens. Cocoa extracted from roasted and fermented
Seeds used in manufacture of cocoa, chocolates and soft drinks.
Locality: Kolhapur
Waltheria L
Waltheria indica L., Sp. PI. 673. 1753, Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 374. 1874;
Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 1: 144. 1958 (Repr. ed); Malick in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI India 3:
473. 1993, W americanaL, Sp. PI. 673. 1753.
Erect perennial herb. Flowers 4-5 mm across, sessile, in dense axillary clusters.
Calyx campanulate, ciliate. Petals yellow, sparsely longer than calyx. Capsules globose.
Seeds black, polished.
FIs. &Frts. Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1804
Rare on sandy and gravelly soils.
Locality. Katyayani, Panhala
Fruits prickly
Trees; fruits triangular, angles winged, prickly on faces, more than
five cm long Erinocarpus
Herbs or undershrubs; fruits globose, neither angled nor winged,
prickly all over, less than 2 cm long Triumffeta
Fruits not prickly
Petals glandular at base; fruits drupaceous Grewia
Petals eglandular at base; fruits capsular Corchorus

Corchorus (Town.) L.
Capsules elongate, valves thin
Capsules terminating into three 2-fid spreading tips
Capsules six angled, 3 angles prominently winged C. aestuans
Capsules cylindric, not winged C. tridens
Capsules not terminating into three, 2-fid spreading tips
Capsules 3-angled, 3-loculed
Stamens 5-10; capsules pubescent, seeds wedge shaped,
truncate at one end and obliquely produced at other C. fascicularis
Stamens 15-20; capsules scabrous-tuberculate, seeds trigonus,
truncate at both ends C. trilocularis
Capsules subcylindric, 10-ribbed, 5-loculed C. olitorius
Capsule depressed globose, ridged and muricate, valves woody C. capsularis
Corchorus aestuans L., Syst. Nat. ed.10, 1079. 1759; Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al.
(ed.) FI. India 3: 485. 1993. C. acutanguhts Lamk., Encycl. 2: 104. 1786; Mast, in Hook, f
FI. Brit. India 1: 398. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 160. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Erect or procumbent, much branched herb. Leaves 3-5 nerved. Flowers 2-3, in leaf
opposed, shortly pedunculate cymes. Petals yellow. Capsules solitary or paired, 6-angled, 3
angles winged, truncate with 3, 2-fid, diverging glabrous beaks at top.
Els. & Frts.: Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1542
Frequent along river banks & ditches in rainy seasons.
Localities. Chandgad, Kagal, Tillarinagar.
Corchorus capsularis L., Sp. PI. 529. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 397 1874;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 157. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 3: 485. 1993.
Erect, annual, much branched herb. Flowers 1 or 2 in axillary or leaf opposed cymes,
subsessile. Petals notched at apex, yellow. Capsules, globose, truncate and depressed at
apex, longitudinally grooved, scabrous, wrinkled, muricate or tubercled.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 1541
Rare along margins of lakes and in rice fields
Localities: Dajipur, Kagal, Shiroli.
Corchorus fascicufaris Lamk., Encycl. 2: 104. 1786; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
398. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 159. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma
etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 486. 1993. ‘Bahuphalli’
Erect branched herb. Leaves 3-5-nerved. Flowers 1 or 2 in leaf opposed, shortly
pedunculate cymes. Petals yellow. Capsules 1 or 2 together, subcylindric, 10 ribbed,
glabrous. Seeds trigonous, inconspicuously verrucose, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year. Exsiccata: 12
Common along margins of lakes, drying ponds and in rice fields.
Localities Kagal, Katyayani, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Corchorus olitorius L., Sp. PI. 529. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 397 1874,
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 158. 1958 (Repr. ed); Daniel & Chandra in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 3: 487. 1993.
Annual glabrous, much branched at base. Flowers in 2-5 flowered, leaf opposed,
shortly pedunculate cymes. Petals yelllow. Capsules in fascicles of 2-5 more or less
triangular, shortly stalked, pubescent, shortly beaked.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 146
Very common in wet places. Seeds used as purgative. Stem fiber used as substitute for jute.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kini, Kolhapur, Shiroli, Wathar.
Corchorus tridens L., Mant. Ait. 566. 1771; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 398. 1874;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 159. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 3: 488. 1993.
Annual, erect, glabrous herbs. Flowers 1-4 in leaf opposed shortly pedunculate
cymes. Petals yellow. Stamens 10-15. Carpels 3, ovary cvlindric, terminating into 3 bifid
stigmas. Seeds angular.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 870
Occasional in moist places.
Localities: Murgud, Patgaon, Tillarinagar, Wagotre.
Corchorus trilocularis L., Mant. 77. 1767; Mast, in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 1: 397. 1874;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 159. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 3: 488. 1993.
Annual, erect, pubescent herb. Flowers in leaf opposed cymes. Petals yellow, obtuse
Stamens 15-20. Carpels 3; ovary cylindric, hairy 3 loculed.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 292
Common on moist places.
Localities: Alas, Chandur, Dattawad, Shiradwad, Shirol.
Erinocarpus Nimmo ex Grah.
Erinocarpus nimmonii Grah., Cat. PI. Bombay 21. 1839; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
394. 1874 ‘nimmoanus', Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 155. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel &
Chandra, in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 490. 1993.

A small tree. Leaves orbicular, acutely 5-7-lobed. Flowers in terminal panicles and
leaf opposed cymes. Petals 5, yellow, clawed, pitted glandular at base Capsules triquetrous
with winged angles, cordate at base, woody dehiscent, faces covered with prickles arising
from broad bases.
FIs. & Frts.. Aug.-May Exsiccata: 129, MMS 257
Common along the streams and rivers in semievergreen and deciduous forests, Flowers
showy and with mild fragrans.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Malakapur, Radhanagri, Rangana, Tillarinagar.
Grewia L.
Flowers in terminal panicles G. nervosa
Flowers other than terminal panicles
Inflorescence leaf opposed G. heterotricha
Inflorescence not leaf opposed
Flowers polygamous G. hirsuta
Flowers bisexual
Scandent shrubs; inflorescence axillary and terminal G. umbellifera
Erect shrubs or trees; inflorescence axillary
Leaves not hoary beneath; stipules not auricled
Peduncles much shorter or as long as petiole G. abutilifolia
Peduncles much longer than petioles
Leaves 3-nerved: peduncles much shorter than
or as long as petiole G. serrulata
Leaves 5-nerved; peduncles longer than petiole
Stipules linear or lanceolate G. orbiculata
Stipules auriculate G. asiatica
Leaves hoary beneath; stipules auricled G. tiliifolia
Grewia abutilifolia Vent, ex Juss. in Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 4: 92. 1804; Mast, in Hook.
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 390. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 152. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel &
Chandra, in Sharma etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 493. 1993.

Large shrub or small tree. Leaves 3-nerved at base, irregularly serrate and lobed
Flowers subsessile, in axillary, umbellate cymes. Petals pale yellow, less than half the length
of sepals, glands about half the length of petals.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 1709
Occasional in deciduous forests.
Localities. Babu Jamal, Jotiba, Murgud, Panhala, Ramling.
Grewia asiatica L., Mant. PI. 122. 1767; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 386 1874 excl.
var. vestita, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 150. 1958 (Repr. ed); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma
etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 494. 1993. ‘Phalsa’
Shrub, young parts stellately pubescent. Leaves 5-6-nerved. Flowers in umbellate
cymes. Petals yellow; torus 2-3 mm long with a villous ring at top beneath the ovary. Drupes
globose, 1-celled, pilose.
FIs. & Frts. : Feb.-June Exsiccata: 29
Frequent in hilly areas, as well as cultivated. Fruits acidic and edible, sharbat prepared from
Localities. Hatkanangale, Kolhapur, Panhala, Ramling.
Grewia heterotricha Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 385. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 148. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:500. 1993. G.
umbellata auct. non. Roxb. 1832; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 385. 1874, p.p.
Scandent shrub, Leaves 3-nerved. Flowers in axillary or leaf opposed, umbellate
cymes. Sepals yellowish white, glands about 1/3-1/2 as long as petals, margin of gland,
villous. Drapes 1-2 cm across, 4 lobed, fleshy.
FIs. &Frts.: Apr.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1822
Rare in the forests.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur.
Grewia hirsuta Vahl, Symb. Bot. 1: 34. 1790; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 391. 1874;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 153. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al. (ed.)
FI. India 3: 501. 1993.
Shrub. Leaves distichous, 3-nerved. Flowers polygamous in axillary, umbellate
cymes. Petals white, glands half the length of patals. Stamens 40-60, intermixed with white
hairs. Drapes fleshy, obscurely 4-lobed wrinkled, densly hirsute.
FIs. &Frts.: Mar.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 128
Frequent in deciduous forests.
Localities. Jotiba, Narande, Panhala, Shengaon.
Grewia orbiculata Rott. in Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue. Schr. 4: 205. 1803; Mast, in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 386. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 149. 1958 (Repr ed );
Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et aJ. (ed.) FI. India 3: 504. 1993.
Shrub, young branches softy pubescent. Leaves minutely and irregularly serrate.
Flowers in axillary, long peduncled cymes. Petals yellow, half as long as sepals; glands
minute or obscure. Drupes globose, pilose, slightly 2 lobed.
FIs. & Frts.: May-Oct. Exsiccata. MMS 300, 734
Occasional on the hilly areas.
Localities: Alate, Ganeshwadi, Kolhapur.
Grewia nervosa (Lour.) Panigr. in Taxon 34: 702. 1985; Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et
al. (ed.) FI. India 3:502. 1993. Fallopia nervosa Lour., FI. Cochinch. 336. 1790. Microcos
paniculata L., Sp. PI. 514. 1753, non. G. pcmiculata Roxb. ex DC. 1824. G. microcos L.,
Syst. Nat. ed. 12(2): 602, non illeg., Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 392. 1874; Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 154. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Asoli’
Large shrub or small tree. Leaves 3-5-nerved. Petals less than 1/3 the length of
sepals; glands half as long as the petals. Torus short, lobed at apex. Style much longer than
stamens. Stigma bifid. Fruit globose purplish, glabrous, wrinkled.
FIs. &Frts.: Apr.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1823
Common on hilly solpes and plains. Fruits edible.
Localities: Bandiwade, Dajipur, Gajapur, Panhala, Tiallri, Vishalgad.
Grewia serrulata DC., Prodr. 1: 510. 1824; Naray. & R. Rao in J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 29: 179.
1950; Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:509. 1993G. laevigata auct. non
Vahl 1790; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 381. 1874 incl. syn. G. multiflora; Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 152. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Large shrub or small tree. Leaves acute at base, 3-nerved. Flowers in axillary cymes;
peduncles 1-2 times longer than petioles. Petals pale yellow, often notched, glands almost as
long as petal, densely villous. Drupes often 2-lobed, glabrous.
FIs. &Frts. : Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1082

Rare in the hill forests.

Localities: Radhanagari, Shengaon.
Grewia tiliifolia Vahl, Symb Bot. 1: 35. 1790; Mast, in Hook. f. FI Brit India 1: 386
1874, tiliaefolia ’, Cooke FI. Pres Bombay 1: 150. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Daniel & Chandra in
Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:511. 1993. G. tiliifolia vaF. leptopetala (Brandis) T Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 150. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Dhaman, TadsaF
Trees. Leaves cordate at base, 5-nerved. Flowers 3-6, in axillary cymes. Petals
yellow, notched at apex, gland about 1/3 the length at petal, densely white, villous on
margins. Torus rather long, ribbed, glabrous. Drupes black, distinctly 2 lobed.
FIs. &Frts. May-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1824
Common in the forests.
Localities: Panhala, Radhanagri, Shelap.
Grewia umbellifera Bedd., For. Man. Bot. 37. 1871; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
393. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 147. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma
etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 573. 1993.
A largen scandent shrub. Leaves serrulate or dentate, base rounded or subulate 3-
nerved. Flowers in umbellate cymes. Petals white, gland half as long as petals Torus softly
villous. Drupes purplish, fleshy, deeply 2-4 lobed, stones 2-4, 1 seeded.
FIs. &Frts. : Dec.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 615
Common in forests along streams.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Patgaon Pirle, Radhanagari.
Triumfetta L.
Stems hairy all around; capsules pubescent or tomentose; spines on
capsules glabrous or hairy
Spines pubescent or tomentose
Capsules up to 5 mm across T. rotundifolia
Capsules more than 6 mm across T. pilosa
Spines glabrous T. rhomboidea
Stems glabrous except intemodes; capsules and
spines on capsules glabrous T. annua
Triumffeta annua L., Mant. PI. 73. 1767; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 396. 1874;
Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 518. 1993.
Erect herbs glabrous except for a single linear of hairs on one side alternating at each
node. Leaves cuneate at base, inregulary serrate, 3-5-nerved. Cymes leaf opposed, 8-flowed,
pedunalate. Petals orange, nearly as long as sepals. Capsules globose, glabrous, covered with
conical, uncinate, glabrous spines.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1276
Rare along forest borders.
Locality. Dajipur.
Triumffeta pilosa Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 223. 1821; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 394
1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 156. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma et al.
(ed.) FI. India 3: 519. 1993. ‘Nichardi’
Erect herbs. Leaves cordate or rounded at base3-5-nerved. Flowers many in axillary
or leaf-oppossed, shortly pedunculate cymes. Petls yellow. Capsules subglobose, tomentose,
spines uncinate, with patent hairs except the extremely apical region. Seeds planoconvex,
black, shiny.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Apr. Exsiccata. MMS 557
Common on hill slopes forests.
Localities. Bhudargad, Chandgad, Panhala, Shengaon, Tillari.
Triumffeta rhomboidea Jacq., Enum. Syst. PI. 22. 1760; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1;
395. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 156. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma
etal. (ed.) FI. India 3; 520. 1993.
Herb. Leaves very variable rhomboid-ovate, palmately serrate. Flowers in terminal
or leaf opposed cymes. Petals yellow, hairy at base. Stamens 8-15. Carpels globose,
araneosely pubescent, Spines uncinate, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 667,753
Common, on hill slopes.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Burki, Katyayani, Panhala, Patgaon.
Triumffeta rotundifolia Lamk., Encycl. 3: 421. 1789; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1;
395. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 157. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma
et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 521. 1993.

Herb. Leaves very variable, generally rotundate. Flowers in terminal or leaf opposed
cymes. Petals yellow. Capsules globose, araneosely pubescent, Spines uncinate, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: July- Feb. Exsiccata: 5321
Occasional on hill slopes.
Localities: Burki, Patgaon.
Elaeocarpus L.
Anthers not awned E. serratus
Anthers awned E. tuberculatus
Ealeocarpus serratus L, Sp. PI. 515. 1753; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 401. 1874;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 161. 1958 (Repr. ed); Murthy in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3:
553. 1993. E. oblongus Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. PI. 1: 202, t. 43. f. 3. 1788; Mast, in Hook. f.
loc. cit. 403, non Smith 1809 & Wt. 1838. ‘Kasa, Kasava'
Tree, branches with persistent leaf scars. Leaves coriaceous, glabrous; petioles
glandular-pubescent. Racemes axillary, drooping, pustulate. Petals laciniate, glabrous.
Stamens 30-35; anthers puberulous, bearded. Disc thick, glandular wooly. Drupes greenish
yellow; pyrenoides oblong, acute at apex, tuberculate, 1-2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar - Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1272
Rare in forests. Flowers sweet fragrant.
Localities: Amba, Ajara, Dajipur, Shelap, Patgaon.
Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 594. 1832; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
404. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 162. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Daniel & Chandra, in Sharma
etal. (ed.) FI. India 3: 559. 1993.
A large tree. Leaves crowded at the ends of branches. Racemes axillary rufous hairy.
Flowers 2-3 cm across, drooping. Petals narrowed at base, broader at apex, laciniate, silky
hairy. Stamens 40-80; awns almost as long as anthers. Drupe ovoid smooth, pyrenes
bilaterally compressed, tubercled, stony, 1-2 loculed.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec - Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1239
Very rare in Forests. Collected only once near Ajara. Flowers sweet fragrant and showy.
Locality: Ajara.

Muntingia (Plum.) L.
*Muntingia calabura L., Sp. PI. 509. 1753; Murthy in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 570.
1993. ‘Singapore Cherry'
Small tree, branches spreading; densly villous, glandular-pubescent. Leaves
distichous. Inflorescence sessile, supra-axillary. Petals 5, white, rarely pink. Berries red or
yellow, pulp juicy sweet.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year.
Native of Tropical America, cultivated in gardens for its fruits. Berries edible. Birds
attracted for berries.
Localities: Iehalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shirol, Warananagar.
Herbs; leaves sessile, one nerved; petals neither crested nor clawed
at base; styles five; capsules 5 or falsely 10 locular IJmm
Undershrubs; leaves petiolate, pinnately nerved; petals crested and
clawed at base; styles 3-4; capsules 3-4 locular Reinwardtia
Linum (Toum.) L.
Flowers large, ca 2.5 cm across, blue L. usitassimum
Flowers small, ca 0.5 cm across, yellow L. mysorense
Linum mysurense Heyne ex Benth. in Lindl. Bot. Reg. 16: sub.t. 1326. 1830; Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 411. 1874; Cooke in FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 164. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Hajra in
Sharma et al. (ed.)Fl. India 3: 578. 1993. ‘Undri’
Annual, erect herb. Leaves 3-nerved. Flowers solitary or panicled corymbs. Petals
yellow, orbicular. Capsules globose, shortly apiculate, surrounded at base by persistent
sepals. Seeds 10, elliptic, somewhat compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 224
Common in grasslands, wet places, harvested rice fields.
Localities: Amba, Chandgad, Kagal, Iehalkaranji, Kolhapur.
* Linum usitassimum L., Sp. PI. 277. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 410. 1874; Cooke in
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 164. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Hajra in Sharma et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 580.
1993. ‘Jawas’

Annual, erect, branched herb Flowers 2-3 cm across, in axillary cymes. Sepals 3-
nerved. Petals blue or purple. Styles free. Capsules globose, mucronate.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept -Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 883
Cultivated for seeds. Oil is extracted from seeds.
Locality. Kolhapur.
Reinwardtia Dumort.
* Reinwardtia indica Dumort., Comm. Bot. 19 1822; Hajra in Sharma el al. (ed.) FI. India
3: 581. 1993. Limim trigymm Roxb., Ann. Asiat. Res. 6: 357. 1799, non L. 1753
Reinwardtia trigyna (Roxb.) Planch, in Hook., J. Bot. 7: 522. 1848; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
1: 412. 1874; Cooke in FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 165. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Abai’
Undershrub. Leaves decurrent into petiole. Flowers 2-2.5 cm across, scanted. Petals
bright golden yellow. Stamens 5 alternating with 5 staminodes; filaments dilated and
connate at base with 2-3 glands adnate to base. Seeds thin, reniform, compressed.
FIs..: Sept & Frts. : not seen.
Cultivated in gardens.
Locality. Kolhapur.
Scandent shrubs; fruits winged, samaroid
Style one; calyx glandular; fruit with linear -oblanceolate wings Hiptage
Style three; calyx eglandular; fruit with orbicular wings Aspidopterys
Erect shrubs; fruits not winged, capsular Galphimia
Aspidopterys Juss.
Aspidopterys cordata (Heyne ex Wall.) Juss. in Ann. Sci. Nat. 2, 13: 267. 1840; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 421. 1874; Cooke in FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 168. 1958. (Repr. ed ), Srivastava
in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 168. 1993. Hiraea cordata Heyne ex Wall. PI. As. Rar. 1: 13.
1829. ‘Buryel’
Large twiner. Leaves cordate at base, abruptly terminated by a broad acuminate tip.
Flowers in axillary and terminal lax panicles, tomentose. Petals creamy white. Stamens 10,
all perfect. Fruit samaroid, orbicular or elliptic, wings membranous. Seeds subterete.
FIs. &Frts. . Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 1024
Common on hill slopes in shady places.
Localities Alate, Gadhinglaj, Kadgaon, Katyayani, Shengaon
Galphimia Cav.
*GaIphimia gracilis Bartl. in Linaea 13: 552. 1839; Jacobs in Van Steenis in FI malesiana,
ser. 1, 5(2): 1955. Srivastava in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 31. 1993. G. glauca Merr FI.
Manila 277. 1912, non Cav. 1799. Thyrallisglauca Merr. Enum. Philipp 2: 383. 1923
Erect much branched shrub Leaves with 2-glandular outgrowth at base. Flowers in
corymbose racemes. Petals yellow, spathulate, clawed. Filaments dilated at base. Fruits
globose, brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
A native of Central America, grown in gardens as an ornamental.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Hiptage Gaertn.
Hiptage benghalensis (L.) Kurz, J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 43(2): 136. 1874; Blatter in Ind. Bot,
Soc. 9: 149. 1930; Srivastava in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 14. 1993. Banisteria
benghalensis L., Sp. PI. 437. 1753. Hiptage madablota Gaertn. Fruct. 2: 169, t. 116. 1791;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 418. 1874: Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 167. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
‘Madhavi Lata, Madhu Malati’
Large, woody twiners. Leaves coriaceous, with 2-glands at base. Flowers in terminal
and axillary racemes, fragrant. Calyx with solitary, conspicuous gland. Petals pale yellow,
limbs fimbriate. Fruit samaroid with 3 unequal wings.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1825
Native of Eastern India, occasionally grown in gardens, also found in wild.
Localities: Dajipur, Kolhapur, Radhanagari, Tillari.
Malpighia Plum. ex. L.
Leaf margins entire M glabra
Leaf margins projected into mucronate marginal teeth M. coccigera
*Malpighia coccigera L., Sp. PI. 426. 1753; Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 614. 1949; Srivastava
in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 3: 33. 1993.
Glabrous shrub. Leaves ovate-orbicular, rounded at base, spinous margined; margins
revolute between teeths. Flowers 1-2 cm across, solitary or paired in axils of leaves. Petals
rosy. Filaments unequal in length.

FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year

Native of Central America, occasionally grown in gardens.
Locality. Kolhapur.
*Malpighia glabra L, Sp. PI. 426. 1753; Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 614. 1949; Srivastava in
Hajra a/. (ed.)Fl. India 3: 34. 1993.
Glabrous shrub. Flowers in axillary, 3-5 flowered peduncled cymes. Calyx with 6-10
sessile, large glands outside. Petals deep rose coloured. Fruits lemon coloured
FIs. & Frts.: June-Nov.
Native of West Indies, occasionally grown in gardens. Fruits are eaten and preserved
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Sangawade.
Tribulus Town, ex L.
Styles absent or upto 0.5 mm long; leaflets oblong T. terrestris
Styles 1.5-2.5 mm long; leaflets ovate-oblong or ovate-orbicular T. lanuginosus
Tribulus lanuginosus L., Sp. PI. 387. 1753; Nayar & Giri in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 24: 161
1982 (1983); Singh & Singh in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 51. 1997. T. terrestris sensu
Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 423. 1874p.p. non L. 1753; Cooke FI Pres.
Bombay 1: 170. 1958 (Repr. ed ),p.p. ‘Sarata’
Procumbent herb. Leaves abruptly pinnate, often in unequal pairs. Flowers axillary
or leaf opposed, solitary. Petals yellow, twice as long as the sepals. Fruits globose, with 5
woody, spinous and muricate mericarps; two lateral spines much longer. Seeds many.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Nov. Exsiccata: 344
Common in grasslands, on rocky soils. Fruits used in urinary disorders.
Localities. Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Hatkangangale, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Sangawade.
Tribulus terrestris L„ Sp. PI. 387. 1753; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 423.
1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 170. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Nayar & Giri in Bull. Bot. Surv.
India 24: 161. 1982(1983). Singh & Singh in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 55. 1997. ‘Sarata'
A procumbent herb. Leaves opposite, abruptly pinnate; one of each pair usually
smaller or wanting. Flowers axillary or leaf opposed. Petals yellow, obovate, twice as long
as sepals. Fruit globose with 5 wooly, mericarps; lateral spines much longer. Seeds many.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Nov. Exsiccata: 365

Common in grasslands along with T. Icmuginosus L, on rocky soils. Fruits used in urinary
Localities Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Halasawade, Hatkangangale, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Pelargonium L’Herit.
‘Pelargonium vitifolium (L.) L’Herit., Gaertn.t. 19 1787; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 599
1949; Malhotra in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 94. 1997.
Erect herb. Leaves nearly reniform, shallowly 3-5-lobed. Flowers 2-2.5 cm across in
many flowered dense umbells. Petals red or pink. Filaments connate with some sterile
FIs.: Sept.-Dec.
Native of Tropical. Africa, grown in gardens.
Localities. Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Impatiens L.
Scapigerous plants with tuberous rootstock; leaves all radicle; flowers
racemose; seeds minute, clothed with hairs /. acaulis
Non-scapigerous annual herb; leaves not radicle; flowers not racemose;
seeds large, glabrous
Leaves alternate
Capsules tomentose; seeds smooth I. balsamina
Capsules glabrous; seeds minutely papillose I. pulcherrima
Leaves opposite
Spur longer than flower I. minor
Spur shorter than flower or absent
Pedicels glabrous
Spur absent I. species
Spur present I. oppositifoia
Pedicels pubescent
Pedicels hairy all over I. tomentosa
Pedicels hairy with a line of pubescence

Lip boat shaped I. lawii

Lip saccate I. inconspicua
Impatiens acaulis Arn., in Hook. Companion Bot. Mag. 1: 325. 1835; Edg. & Hook. f. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 443. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 180. 1958 (Repr. ed);
Vivekananthanetal. inHajraetal. (ed.)Fl. India4: 111. 1997.
Fleshy herb with tuberous rootstock. Leaves all radical, very variable in size and
shape. Flowers in elongated dense or lax racemes. Spur longer than the pedicel Wings 2-
partiate, the terminal lobe the largest. Capsule ellipsoid, seeds minutely hooked.
FIs. <£ Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 190
Grows at higher altitudes, common on wet tree trunks and on wet rocks.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon, Shelap.
Impatiens balsamina L., Sp. PI. 938. 1753; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
453. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 184. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Vivekananthan et al. in Hajra
etal. (ed.)Fl. India4: 123. 1997.
Erect, annual herb. Leaves alternate narrowed into short petiole. Flowers 1-3
together, in leaf axils. Petal pink or rosy. Standard small, orbicular, retuse, homed. Wings
broad, the lateral lobes rounded. Lip small boat shaped, mucronate. Capsule tomentose.
Seeds reticulate.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-Oct. Exsiccata. 229
Grows in variety of habitats, common along banks of streams, in most grasslands and more
vigorous in black cotton soil. Size and colour of corolla and length of spur is very variable,
sometimes absent in the flowers of same plant. Colour of corolla varies from dark to pale
rosy and sometimes white.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Gaganbavada, Kolhapur, Patgaon, and Shelap.
Impatiens lawii Hook. f. & Thoms, in J. Linn. Soc. 4: 122. 1860; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 448. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 183. 1958 (Repr. ed );
Vivekananthan et al. in Hajra et al. (ed.)Fl. India 4: 169. 1997.
A much branched erect herb. Leaves sessile. Standard orbicular-cuspidate, wings
with very broad, obovate, subsessile, terminal and small lateral lobes. Lip boat shaped, spur
absent. Capsule ellipsoid, acute at both ends.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 210
Grows at higher altitudes, common amidst grasses on plateaus.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon, Shelap.
Impatiens minor (DC.) Benn. in Indian J. For. 2: 283 1979; Vivekananthan et al. in Hajra
et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 181. 1997. Balsamina minor DC., Prodr. 1: 140 1874. Impatiens
kleinii Wight & Arn., Prodr. FI. Pen. Ind. Or. 140. 1834; Wight, Icon. t. 884. 1884-85, Edg.
& Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 445. 1874 & in Bull. Misc. Inform. 1910; 293. 1910;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 181. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A slender, branched annual herb. Leaves all opposite, distantly serrulate. Flowers
very small, solitary, pink or white. Wings with long claws, spur as long as or slightly longer
than flowers, curved. Capsules fusiform. Seeds few, globose, black shining.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Sept. Exsiccata: 330
Grows at higher altitudes, common amidst grasses along roadsides.
Localities. Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon, Shelap and Tillari.
Impatiens oppositifolia L., Sp. PI. 937. 1753; Wt. Ic. t. 883. 1844; Edg. & Hook. f. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1. 448. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 182. 1958 (Repr. ed );
Vivekananthan et al. in Hajra etal. (ed.)Fl. India 4: 187. 1997.
Erect herb. Leaves linear-lanceolate, opposite. Flowers axillary, solitary or 2-3
together, purple. Wings with a clawed terminal lobe and a small falcate lateral one. Spur
stout, curved like a hook. Capsules ellipsoid, attenuated at both ends. Seeds glabrous, black.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: 325
Grows at higher altitudes, common amidst grasses.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada and Patgaon.
Impatiens pulcherrima Dalz., in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2; 57. 1850; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1; 458. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 185. 1958 (Repr. ed );
Vivekananthan et al. in Hajra etal. (ed.)Fl. India 4; 199. 1997.
Erect herb. Leaves alternate. Flowers purple in axillary fascicles. Standard notched,
spurred and keeled at back; terminal lobes of wings obovate, lateral lobes large; lip short,
boat shaped; spur long curved. Capsules ellipsoid, turgid. Seeds rugose.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1475
Frequent as undergrowth in forests at higher altitudes, along roadsides.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Gaganbavada, Karanjphen, Panhala, Patgaon, Radhanagari.
Impatiens tomentosa Heyne ex Wt. & Am., Prodr. FI. Pen. Ind. Or. 139. 1834; Wt., Ic. t.
749 1844; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1. 449. 1874; Cooke FI Pres Bombay
1 184. 1958 (Repr. ed); Vivekananthan et al. in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 217 1997.
Erect herb more or less clothed with rufescent, hairs. Uppermost sometimes linear,
spinous-serrate. Standard orbicular-oblong. Lip saccate, acuminate, hairy outside. Spur
short, stout, hooked or sometimes absent. Capsules turbid in middle, acute at both ends.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata MMS 1826
Grows at higher altitudes, vary variable in the degree of pubescence and length of spur.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon, Radhanagari, Shelap.
Impatiens species
Erect, robust herb. Lower leaves petioled, upper sessile, 3-6 cm long, ovate-oblong
or linear, serrate, pubescent above. Flowers pink, solitary, axillary. Pedicels glabrous. Sepals
linear-subulate. Wings with broad, rhomboid, obovate terminal lobe and small, linear lateral
ones. Lip saccate, acuminate, with a very minute spur. Capsules 1-2 cm long, ellipsoid
shortly beaked. Seeds few, subglobose, black.
FIs. & Frts. . Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata MMS 1493
Grows at higher altitudes. Rare on plateaus. Not matching with Indian Species.
Locality. Kondoshi.
Erect plants with a crown of leaves; leaves pinnate; capsules ellipsiod;
seeds tubercled Biophytum
Prostrate plants with scattered leaves; leaves 3fo!iolate; capsules
linear-oblong; seeds striated Oxalis
Biophytum DC.
Petals twice as long as sepals; seeds spirally tubercled B. reinwardtii
Petals as long as sepals; seeds irregularly tubercled B. sensitivum
Biophytum reinwardtii (Zucc.) Klotz. in Peters, Reise Massamb Bot. 1: 85. 1862; Edg. &
Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1; 437. 1874; Manna in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4; 236.
1997. Oxalis reinwardii Zucc., Abh Math.-Phys. Cl. Koenigl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss.l: 274.
1829-1830. ‘Lajalu’
Erect pubescent, annual herb. Leaves abruptly pinnate, leaflets 10-20 pairs, glabrous.
Flowers in long peduncled terminal cymes. Sepals distinct, linear-lanceolate, half as long as
petals, clawed. Capsules enclosed by sepals. Seeds brown, spirally tubercled.
FIs. & Frts.\ Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 1827
Common weed in cultivated fields especially in black cotton soil, as well along roadsides.
Flowers open between 9.00 a m. and 1.00 p.m..
Localities. Alur, Gadhinglaj, Kolhapur, Sangawade, Uttur.
Biophytum sensitivum (L.) DC., Prodr. 1: 690. 1824; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 436. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 177. 1958 (Repr. ed); Manna in Hajra et al.
(ed.)Fl. India 4: 238. 1997. Oxalis sensitiva L., Sp. PI. 434. 1753 ‘Lajalu’
Erect herb. Leaves abruptly pinnate; leaflets 4-15 pairs. Flowers in terminal and
axillary peduncled cymes. Petals yellow, shortly clawed. Filaments in 2 whorls of 5 each
connate at base. Capsule longer than sepals. Seeds globose, irregularly tubercled.
FIs. & Frts.. July-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 1430
Rare in wet fields.
Localities. Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Murgud, Panhala.
Oxalis L.
Plants acaulescent; leaves radical, arising from rootstock without
creeping stem; petals purple
Stolons absent; leaflets broadly obcordate with a narrow sinus,
minutely punctate O. corymbosa
Stolons present; leaflets broadly deltoid, not punctate O. dehradunensis
Plants caulescent; leaves cauline with creeping stem, petals yellow O. corniculata
Oxalis corniculata L., Sp. PI. 435. 1753; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 436.
1874; Calder, Rec. Bot. Surv. India. 6: 131. 1919; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 177. 1958
(Repr. ed ); Manna in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 242. 1997. O. corniculata L var. hispida
Blatt. in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 34: 898. 1931. ‘Ambushi’
Perennial herb; stems creeping and rooting at nodes, branches erect or ascending.
Leaves digitately 3-foliolate; leaflets subsesile. Flowers 2-8 in umbellate cymes. Petals
yellow. Filaments in 2 whorls of 5 each, long and short alternating, connate at base. Ovary
oblong; style distinct. Capsules pubescent. Seeds transversly ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year. Fxsiccata MMS 482
Common in wet, shady places. Leaves acid in taste.
Localities. Chandgad, Gadhinglaj, Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kagal, Kolhapur, Panhala
*Oxalis corymbosa DC., Prodr. 1: 696. 1824; Calder, Rec Bot. Surv. India. 6: 337 1919;
Manna in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 246. 1997.
Perennial herb with underground scaly bulbs. Leaflets subsessile, cuneate at base,
deeply notched with rounded lobes at apex. Flowers 2-many in subumbellate corymbs.
Sepals oblong with 2 orange dots at apex. Petals pink with dark purple streaks.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec -May.
Occasionaly grown in gardens and also naturalized.
Localities. Amba Ichalkaranji, Panhala.
*Oxalis dehradunensis Raiz., Sp. FI. Upp. Gang. PI. 37-38. 1976; Manna in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 4: 246. 1997.
Perennial herb with underground scaly bulbs. Leaflets subsessile, cuneate at base,
deeply notched with rounded lobes at apex. Flowers 2-many in subumbellate corymbs.
Petals pink with dark purple streaks.
FIs.: May-Nov. & Frts.: not seen.
Native of Mexico and West Indies, grown in gardens.
Localities. Amba, Gaganbavada, Kolhapur, Panhala.

Averrhoa L.
Seeds arillate; Suits sharply angled A. carambola
Seeds exarillate; fruits obtusely angled A. bilimbi
* Averrhoa bilimbi L„ Sp. PI. 428. 1753; Edg. & Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 428.
1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 178. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Manna in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India
4: 256. 1997. ‘Bilimbi’
Small tree. Leaflets 11-35. Flowers in panicles from old trunk. Petals more than
twice as long as sepals, dark purple with little white streaks, stamens 10, 5 short, 5 long.
Berry obtusely lobed. Seeds exarillate.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 909
Native of Tropical America, grown in gardens for its edible fruits.

Locality: Kolhapur.
*Averrhoa carambola L, Sp. PI. 387. 1753; Edg. & Hook f. in Hook. f. FI Brit India 1
439. 1874; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 178. 1958 (Repr. ed); Manna in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI.
India 4: 257. 1997. ‘Karambola’
A small tree with close drooping branches. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets
5-11. Flowers in short axillary panicles. Petals pink purple Fertile stamens 5-7 alternating
with staminodes. Berry 5-angled. Seed arillate.
FIs. &FrtsMar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1828
Cultivated for its fruits.
Localities: Kolhapur, Panhala.
Flowers unisexual or polygamous; seeds albuminous
Leaves three foliolate, opposite or alternate
Leaves opposite; unarmed trees Melicope
Leaves alternate; sarmentose shrub Toddalia
Leaves pinnate, alternate; armed trees Zanthoxylum
Flowers bisexual; seeds albuminous or exalbuminous
Shrubs or trees; fruit drupaceous or baccate; seeds exalbuminous
Leaves pinnate
Pericarp papery or leathery; plants unarmed
Styles jointed at top of ovary, deciduous
Filaments dilated at base Clausena
Filaments not dilated at base Murraya
Styles very short
Leaflets 20-40; fruit a capsule; each locule with 2-8 ovules in
two rows; seeds winged Chloroxylon
Leaflets 3-5; fruit a berry; each locule with 1-2 ovules; seeds
not winged Glycosmis
Pericarp woody; plants armed Limonia
Leaves 1-3 foliolate
Leaves 3-foliolate
Scandent shrub, stamens 8, pericarp leathery Luvunga
Trees; stamens 3-6; pericarp woody Aegle
Leaves unifoliolate
Erect shrubs or trees
Stamens 10; ovules 1-2 in each cell Atlantia
Stamens 20-60; ovules many in each cel! Citrus
Scandent shrubs Paramignya
Herb; fruit capsular; seeds albuminous Ruta
Aegle Corr. (nom. cons.)
* Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 5: 223. 1800; Hook. f. FI Brit.
India 1. 516. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 204 1958 (Repr. ed); Nair & Nayar in Hajra
etal. (ed.) FI. India 4: 264. 1997. Crateva marmelos L., Sp. PI. 444. 1753 ‘Bel’
Armed trees. Leaves usually 3-foliolate; lateral leaflets subsessile, terminal one long
petioluled. Flowers bisexual, greenish white in axillary short panicles. Petals 4, distinct
greenish white. Stamens numerous. Fruit globose, rind yellowish green; pulp sweet, orange
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Sept.
Rare, often cultivated near temples.
Localities Alate, Dattawad, Hupari, Ichalkaranji, Narande, Ramling and Sangawade.
Atlantia Corr. (nom. cons.)
Stamens connate into a tube
Cymes contracted; calyx irregulary lobed A. monophylla
Cymes elongated; calyx regulary lobed A. racemosa
Stamens free A. wightii
Atlantia monophylla (L.) DC., Prodr. 1: 535. 1824; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 511. 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 198. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI.
India 4; 266. 1997. Limonia monophylla L. Mant. PI 237. 1775. Atlantia floribunda Wt., Ic.
PI. Ind. Orient. 4: t. 1611. 1850. ‘MakadNimbu’
Shrub or small tree, armed. Leaves 1-foliolate. Flowers in crowded axillary fascicles
or in racemose much contracted cymes. Petals white. Filaments united into a tube almost
throughout their entire length. Berry globular, 1-5 seeded.

FIs. dr Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata. 28

Rare, on hill slopes at higher altitudes.
Localities. Amba, Chandgad, Pirle, Shelap and Tillari.
Atlantia racemosa Wt. in Hook. J Bot. Kew Gard. Misc 1: 64, t. 122 (Jan.) 1834; Hook f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 512. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 199. 1958 (Repr. ed.), Nair & Nayar
in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 269 1997. S. racemosa Wt., 111. Ind. Bot 1: 109. 1840. S.
parviflora Wt., loc. cit. ‘Makad Limbu’
Shrub or small tree. Leaves 1 foliolate; leaflet elliptic. Flowers in axillary racemose
cymes. Calyx 3-5 lobed, lobes rounded or subacute, ciliate Petals white, broadly elliptic or
obovate Stamens 8. Disk cupular. Ovary ovoid, oblong or obovoid, style short stout,
somewhat clavate. Berry globular, 2-3 cm across.
FIs. & Frts. . Nov.-May Exsiccata. MMS 1106
Common in the forest areas.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Dhakale, Gajapur, Nivale.
Atlantia wightii Tanaka in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 75: 714. 1928; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et
al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 274. 1997. A. ceylanica (Am.) Oliver in J. Linn. Soc. Bot, 2: 25 1861,
p.p. excl. basionym, quoad tantum specim. Nilgiri (Hb. Hook ); Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:
512. 1875,/?./?.; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 199. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Makad Limbu’
Much branched shrub; armed. Leaves 1-foliolate. Flowers crowded in short,
corymbose or racemose cymes shorter than leaves. Petals 4, concave, glandular. Disk
annular, subcupular. Ovary sunk in the disk, style short, stigma clavate.
FIs. & Frts.. Oct.-Sept.
Reported here on authority of Ritchie (Cooke, op. cit.) from Phonda Ghat.
Locality. Dajipur.
Chloroxylon DC., nom. cons.
Chloroxylon swietenia DC., Prodr. 1: 625. 1824; Hiem in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 569.
1875 (sub. Meliaceae); Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 231. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Nair & Nayar in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 355. 1997 ‘Billu, Halda’
Large shrub. Leaves abruptly pinnate, leaflets very oblique, 10-20 pairs. Flowers in
branched, many flowered terminal and axillary panicles shorter than leaves. Petals white.
Disk fleshy, 10 lobed. Capsule 3-celled, longitudinally 3-valved. Seeds compressed.

FIs. & Frts.. Mar-May Exsiccata: MMS 1829

Rare in open forests.
Localities Kowad, Nesari, Tarewadi.
Citrus L.
Petioles distinctly winged; leaves apparently jointed between blade and
petiole; fruits with very thin or very moderately thick peel
Petioles more or less winged; flowers always perfect; flower buds white
Fruits globose, never papillate, orange coloured, large and thick
skinned C. auranticum
Fruits oval often papillate, greenish yellow when ripe; thin skinned;
broadly winged, leaves small, pallid above, crenate, more
or less punctate, obtuse; spines very short and sharp C. aurantifolia
Petioles merely winged; flowers often with abortive ovaries; flower
buds often tinged with reddsh outside C. limon
Petioles wingless; leaves apparently not jointed between blade and petiole;
fruits with very thick peel C. medica
*Citrus aurantifolia (Christm. & Panz.) Swing, in J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3: 465. 1913 & in
Citrus Indst. 1. 374. 1967; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 278. 1997. Limonia
aurantifolia Christm & Panz. Pflanzer. Syst, 1: 618. 1777. Citrus acida Roxb., FI. Ind. 3.
390. 1832. C. medica L., var. acida (Roxb.) Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 515. 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 201. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Limbu’
Small tree, with stout, stiff thorns. Leaves oblong to elliptic-ovate; petioles broadly
winged. Flowers 3-4 cm across, solitary or clustered in leaf axils. Fruit globose, 3-5 cm
across, with thin, yellowish rind, with acidic juice. Seeds many, ovoid, white, smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout Year.
Probably a native of Malesia. Cultivated for its fruits.
Localities. Alas, Bubnal, Dattawad, Hatkanangale, Hupari, Kande, Kini, Latawade.
*Citrus auranticum L„ Sp. PI. 782. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 515. 1875 excl. var. 3,
bergamia, Swingle in Citrus Indust. 1: 375. 1967; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 201. 1958
(Repr. ed ). Nair & Nayar in Hajra etal. (ed.) FI. India 4: 280. 1997. ‘Zambari’

Small tree. Leaves narrowed at base, bluntly acuminate; petioles broadly winged.
Flowers axillary, solitary. Stamens many pentadelphous. Fruits globose, depressed at apex,
broader than long, 10-12 cm across, rind orange-yellow, sweet.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout Year.
Probably a native of S. China and Indochina. Cultivated for its fruits.
Localities. Kondoshi, Patgaon.
‘Citrus limon (L.) Burm. f., FI. India 173. 1768; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI.
India 4: 282. 1997. C limomrn Risso, Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 20: 201. 1813. C.
auarantium L. var. limomrn Wt. & Am., Prodr. 98. 1834. C. medica L. var. limomm (Wt. &
Arn.) Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 515. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 201. 1958
(Repr. ed ). Tdlimbu’
Small tree. Petioles broadly winged. Flowers axillary, solitary Fmits globose,
depressed at apex.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout Year.
Probably a native of S. E. Asia. Cultivated for its fruits.
Localities: Dewale, Korochi, Panhala.
‘Citrus medica L., Sp. PI. 782. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 514. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres.
Bombay 1; 200. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Swingle in Citrus Ind. 1: 370. 1967. Nair & Nayar in
Hajra etal. (ed.) FI. India 4; 284. 1997. ‘Mahalunga’
Small tree. Flowers axillary, solitary. Stamens many. Fmits globose.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout Year.
Cultivated for its fruits.
Localities: Kondoshi, Patgaon.
Clausena Burm. f.

Flowers in axillary racemes, 4-merous C. anisata

Flowers in terminal panicles, 5-merous C. indica
Clausena anisata (Willd.) Hook. f. ex Benth. in Hook., Niger FI. 256. 1849; Nair & Nayar
in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4. 321. 1997. Amyris anisata Willd., Sp. PI. ed. 4(2): 337.
1799. C. willdenowii Wt. & Am., Prodr. 96. 1834, nom. superfl., Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1:
506. 1875; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 183. 1958 (Repr. ed ).

Large shrub. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 5-15, gland dotted. Flowers fragrant in
axillary, slender racemes, shorter than leaves. Petals white. Berry 1-2 cm across, smooth,
greenish white, 1-2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Feb.-Aug. Exsiccata: s.n.
Frequent in moist forests along streams and plateaus. Berries very delicious.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Gaganbavada, Kondoshi, Radhanagari, Patgaon, Shelap, Tillari.
Clausena indica (Dalz.) Oliver in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 5. Sp. 2: 36. 1861; Hook. f. FI Brit.
India 1: 505. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 194. 1958 (Repr. ed); Nair & Nayar in Hajra
et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 328. 1997. Pipiostylis indica Dalz. in Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard.
Misc. 3: 33, t. 2. 1851. ‘Aambatgara’
Large shrub. Leaves imparipinnate. Leaflets 7-13 alternate, notched at tip. Flowers
small in terminal corymbosely branched peduncled panicles. Petals white. Berry globular,
cream coloured; pulp fleshy.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout Year. Exsiccata: MMS 1188
Rare along streams, collected only at one locality. Berries very delicious.
Locality: Dajipur.
Glycosmis Corr. (nom. cons.)
Leaflets crenate-serrate; inflorescence longer than petiole; ovary sessile G. pentaphylla

Leaflets entire; inflorescence clustered, shorter than petiole; ovary stalked G. mauritiana
Glycosmis mauritiana (Lamk.) Tanaka in Bot. Not. 1928: 159 (4 Apr.) 1928; Nair & Nayar
in Hajra et al. (ed.)Fl. India4: 340. 1997. Limonia mauritiana Lamk., Encycl. 3: 517. 1792.
Glycosmis triphylla Wt. in Bot. Misc. 3: 298. 1833. G. nitida Wt. & Am., Prodr. 1: 38. 1846.
G. pentaphylla acut. non (Retz.) DC. 1824; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 499. 1875 quoad var.
2., excl. subvars. 1-4; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 192. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect shrub. Leaves 3-5-foliolate; leaflets subsessile alternate and subopposite.
Flowers small, 1-2 cm across, crowed in small clusters in erect, axillary panicles. Petals 4-5,
imbricate, white. Stamens 8-10; anthers with gland at apex. Berry globose, smooth, pinkish
white, with persistent stigma, glandular, mamillate.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1830
Common on hill slopes. Ripe fruits edible.
Localities: Dajipur, Panhala, Tillarinagar, Vishalgad.

Glycosmis pentaphylia (Retz.) DC., Prodr. 1: 538. 1824, quoad basinym; Mitra &
Subramanyam in J. Arn. Arb. 50: 155. 1969; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4:
343 199? Limoniapentaphylia Retz., Obs. Bot. 5: 24. 1788. G. pentaphylia auct. non. DC.
1824: Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 499. 1875,p.p.
Shrub. Leaves 3-5-foliolate. Flowers in small clusters in axillary panicles. Petals
white. Filaments flattened; anthers with gland at apex. Ovary on short thick disk, covered all
over with glandular pits. Berry globose, pinkish white or cream coloured, glandular pitted.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-May. Exsiccata: MMS 1259
Common in forests. Ripe fruits edible.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Chandgad, Dajipur, Panhala, Tillarinagar, Tudye, Vishalgad.
Limonia L.
*Limonia acidissima L, Sp. PI. ed. 2, 1: 554. 1762; Airy Shaw in Misc. Inform. 1939: 293.
1939; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 196. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.)
FI. India 4: 294. 1997. Feronia elephantum Corr. in Trans. Linn. Soc. London 5: 225. 1800;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 512. 1875; Cooke loc. cit. 203. Hesperuthusa acidissima (L)
Roem., syn. Mon. Hesper. 1: 38. 1846. ‘Kavath’
Moderate tree, with sharp, straight, spines. Leaves imparipinnate, petioles and rachis
flat, narrowly winged. Flowers in lateral and terminal, lax panicles. Petals greenish. Fruit
globose; pericarp woody. Seeds ovoid, compressed, embedded in brown pulp.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1831
Cultivated on bunds of fields, backyards. Ripe fruits edible. Immature fruits made into
Localities: Alate, Chokak, Halondi, Ichalkaranji, Korochi, Majale.
Luvunga Buch.-Ham. ex Wt. & Am.
Luvnnga eleutherandra Dalz., in Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 258. 1850; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 509. 1875; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 294. 1997.
Scandent shrub with flexuous branches armed with sharp, axillary, deflexed or
curved spines. Leaves large, 3-foliolate. Flowers in axillary racemes or dense panicles
shorter than petioles. Petals white, thick, glandular. Berry pitted, 2-3 seeded. Seeds in
resinous pulp, flat.
FIs. &Frts.: Dec.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1268

Frequent along streams in forests

Localities. Ajara, Amba, Chandgad, Dajipur, Patgaon, Tillarinagar, Vishalgad.
Melicope J. R. & J. G. Forst.
Melicope lunuankenda (Gaertn.) Hartley in Sandakania 4: 61. 1994; Nair & Nayar in Hajra
et al. (ed.) FI India 4: 369. 1997. Fagara lunuankenda Gaertn., Fruct. Sem. PI. 334. t, 68. f.
9. 1778. Euodia lunuankenda (Gaertn.) Merr., Philipp. J. Sci. 7: 378. 1912Euodia
roxburghiana (Cham.) Benth., FI, Hongko. 59. 1861; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 487 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 188. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Bok’
A small tree. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers unisexual in axillary pedunculate cymes.
Petals white Male flowers: stamens 4, disk pulvinate, pubescent. Cocci 2-4 valved, globose;
seed 1 per coccus. Seeds globose, black, shining.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-July Exsiccata: 473
Rare, along hill slopes on sides of plateaus.
Localities. Dajipur, Tillarinagar, Udegiri.
Murraya Koen.
Leaflets upto seven, flowers few M. paniculata
Leaflets more than eleven, flowers numerous M. koenigii
Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 2: 315. 1825; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 503.
1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 193. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Bergera koenigii L., Mant. PI. Alt.
563. 1771. Chalcas koenigii (L.) Kurz. in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 44: 132.
1875 ‘Kadhi-Nimb, Kadhi- Patta’
Shrub or small tree. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 11-25, alternate. Flowers white in
much branched terminal peduncled corymose cymes. Ovary 2-celled; ovules solitary in each
cell. Fruit subglobose, apiculate, rough with glands, purplish-black, seeds 2.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1
Common on hill slopes near plateaus, streamside and in ghats. Also found cultivated
throughout for its leaves, used to flavor curries. The leaves, bark and roots are used in local
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gholana, Tillarinagar, Udegiri.
Murraya paniculata (L.) jack., Malay. Mise. 1:31. 1820; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 4: 352. 1997. Chalcas paniculata L., Mant. PI. Alt. 68. 1767. M. exotica L.,

Mant. PI. Alt. 563. 1771 (Murraea); Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 502. 1875; Cooke FI Pres.
Bombay 1: 193. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Kunti’
Shrub or small evergreen tree. Leaves odd pinnate; leaflets 3-7, alternate. Flowers
axillary, solitary or few flowered terminal corymbs. Petals 5, white. Ovary 2 celled, stigma
capitate, 2-lobed. Berries oblong, red, 1-2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1278
Frequent, on hill slopes, along streamside and in thick shady places. Some times also
cultivated for its fragrant flowers.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Kolhapur, Patgaon, Rangana, Tillarinagar, Udegiri.
Paramignya Wt.
Paramignya monophylla Wt., 111. Ind. Bot. 1: 108, t. 42. 1840; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
510. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 197. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 4: 312 1997
An evergreen scandent shrub, armed with axillary spines. Leaves 1-foliolate Flowers
in axillary fascicles. Petals 5, white. Disk thick, columnar. Berries, 4 seeded, rind thick and
with resinous glands. Seeds numerous, large, compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata: 475
Frequent in forests along streams.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Gajapur, Patgaon, Rangana, Udegiri.
Ruta L.
*Ruta chalepensis L., Mant. PI. 69. 1767; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4:
363. 1997. R graveolens L. var. angusitfolia Hook. f. in Hook. f. FI. Brit, indial: 485. 1875,
non. R. angustifolia Pers. 1805 ‘Satap’
Erect, strongly foetid, glabrous and glaucous herb. Leaves 2-3 pinnate. Flowers in
spreading corymbs. Petals yellow, slightly longer than sepals. Fruit spreading into 3-5
apically dehiscent mericarps, gland-dotted. Seeds angled.
FIs. & Frts. Almost throughout year.
: Exsiccata: s. n. Sardesai
Grown as pot herb for its medicinal properties.
Locality: Kolhapur.

Toddalia Juss. (nom. cons.)

Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lamk., Tab. Encycl. Meth. 2: 116. 1797; Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI India 4: 403. 1997 Paullinia aculeata L, Sp. PI. 365. 1753, typ. com. T. aculeata
(Smith) Pers, Syn. PI. 1: 249. 1805, nom. superfl, Hook. f. FI. Brit India 1: 497 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 190. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Jangali Mirachi’
A large sarmentose shrub, usually armed with sharp recurved or straight prickles,
sometimes absent. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in axillary cymes. Petals 5, thickened at apex,
imbricate. Fruit globose, seeds 3-4, subreniform.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-July Exsiccata: MMS 799
Infrequent along forest borders.
Localities. Bandiwade, Amba, Gajapur, Manoli.
Zanthoxylum L.
Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC., Prodr. 1: 728. 1824; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 495
1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 189. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Babu in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 16:
56. 1974 (1977); Nair & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 387. 1997. Fagara rhetsa
Roxb., FI. Ind. 1: 438. 1820. ‘Chirphal, TirphaT
Medium sized tree with sharp prickles. Leaves crowded at the ends of branches,
pinnate, leaflets 8-20 pairs, opposite. Flowers in large, terminal paniculate cymes. Petals 4,
yellow, valvet. Ripe carpels spherical, rugose. Seeds globose, bluish-black, smooth, shining.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Mar. Exsiccata: 264
Frequent in forests and also cultivated.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon, Radhanagari, Udegiri.

Ailanthus Desf. (nom. cons.)

Leaves coarsely toothed; filaments shorter than the anthers A. excelsa
Leaves entire; filaments longer than the anthers A. triphysa
* Ailanthus excelsa Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 24, t. 23. 1795; Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
1: 518. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 205. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Basak in Fasc. FI. India 4:4.
1980; Basak in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4:410. 1997. ‘Maharukh'

Tree. Leaves odd pinnate, leaflets 8-14 pairs, alternate or subopposite. Flowers in
large, lax often much branched panicles. Samara lanceolate, acute at both ends, reddish
brown, twisted near base. Seed solitary in centre of samara.
FIs. & Frts.. Nov.-Apr.
Cultivated as avenue tree. Timber used for making toys, cases and other light articles. Bark
used in dyspepsia and as febrifuge and tonic.
Localities Bahubali, Ghunaki, Kini, Kolhapur, Gadhinglaj, Nesari.
Ailanthus triphysa (Dennst.) Alston, Handb. FI. Ceylon 6 (Sp ): 41. 1931; Basak in Fasc. FI.
India 4: 5. 1980, Basak in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 413. 1997. Adenanthera triphysa
Dennst., Schluss. Hort. Malab. 32. 1818. A malabarica DC., Prodr. 2: 89. 1825; Bennette in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 518. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 206. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Tree. Leaves odd pinnate, leaflets, alternate or subopposite, entire. Flowers in large,
lax often much branched panicles.
FIs. & Frts. . Feb -Apr.
Included on authority of Mahajan (1975).
Locality: Amba.
Balanites Del. (nom.cons.)
Balanites roxburghii Planch., Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. ser. 4. 2: 258. 1854; Bennette in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 522. 1875; Singh & Singh in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 40. 1997; Cooke
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 195. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Hinganbet’
Shrub or tree; spines axillary, straight, strong, very sharp. Leaves 2-foliolate.
Flowers small, greenish-white, fragrant, in axillary cymes or fascicles. Drupes large, ovoid,
woody, angular, 5-grooved, yellowish. Seeds ovoid.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Apr. Exsiccata: 369
Common along roadsides and hill slopes. Fruits used as washing substitute for soap for
washing clothes and ornaments. Oil from seed used to treat cuts and wounds.
Localities: Alate, Bahubali, Ghunaki, Hatkanagale, Gadhinglaj, Kodoli, Nesari, Sangawade.

Ochna L.
Ochna obtusata DC., in Ann. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. 17: 411. 1811, O. squarrosa auct. non
L., 1753; Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 523. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:208.
1958 (Repr. ed); Safui & Nayar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 40. 1997. ‘Kanak Champa’
Shrub. Leaves finely serrulate, base narrowed into petiole. Flowers fragrant in
umbellate panicles on old wood or sometimes on short leafless branches. Petals 5-12,
yellow. Stamens indefinite. Fruits of 3-6 drupes, black, surrounded by persistent calyx.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1832
Rare in open areas. Flowers and fruiting branches showy.
Localities. Patgaon, Vijghar.
Fruits drupaceous; pyrenes not separating
Flowers 3-merous; disk annular Canarium
Flowers 4-6-merous;
Leaf rachis not winged; disk cup shaped, lining the calyx tube Garuga
Leaf rachis winged; disk annular, crenate Bursera
Fruits capsular; pyrenes separating Boswellia
Boswellia Rox. ex Colebr.
Boswellia serrata Roxb. ex Colebr. in Asiat. Res. 9: 379. t. 5. 1807; Bennette in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 528. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 210. 1958 (Repr. ed.), Chitra & Henry
in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 432. 1997. B. serrata Rox. ex Cloebr. var. glabra (Roxb.)
Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 528. 1875. ‘Salai, Salaiguggul, Salphali’
A deciduous tree. Leaves odd pinnate; leaflets 8-15 pairs; opposite, basal pair much
smaller than others. Flowers in axillary racemes shorter than leaves. Drupes trigonous, 3-
valved, valves separating from the pyrenes, pyrenes bony, 1 seeded, finally seperating from
3-gonous axis.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1632
Occasional along hill slopes. Resin from bark used in Ayurvedic medicine. Extract of leaves
used in toothpaste and soaps.
Localities: Alate, Bahubali, Ghunaki, Hatkanagale, Gadhinglaj, Kodoli, Kolhapur, Nesari.

Bursera Jacq. ex. L. (nom. cons.)

*Bursera penicillata (Sesse & Moc. ex DC.) Engl, in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 1: 44. 1881 & in A.
& C DC, Monogr. Phan 4: 52 1883. Elaphriumpenicillatum Sesse & Moc. ex. Dc, Prodr.
1: 724. 1824..
Unarmed tree. Leaves odd pinnate; leaflets 2-3 pairs with an odd one. Flowers 1-3,
fascicled, subsessile Petals creamy yellow. Stamens 8-10; disk toothed.
FIs.: Mar.-Apr & Frtsnot seen.
Native of Mexico, cultivated in garden. Oil obtained from wood.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Canarium L.
Canarium strictum Roxb. FI. Ind. 3: 138. 1832; Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 534.
1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:214. 1958 (Repr. ed); Chitra & Henry in Hajra et al. (ed.)
FI. India 4: 440. 1997. ‘Dhup, Raldhup’
Tree. Leaves large, alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets 3-7 pairs and an odd one.
Flowers in short branched. Petals 3-5, thick. Drupes tapering; stone hard, bony.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-June
Reported here on authority of Mahajan (1972).
Localiy: Savarde.
Garuga Roxb.
Garuga pinnata Roxb., PI. Corom. 3: 5. t. 208. 1811; Bennette in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
528. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1:211. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chitra & Henry in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 4: 448. 1997. ‘Kakad, Kudak’
Tree, bark furrowed, the outer peeling off in flakes. Leaves crowded at the end of
branches; leaflets 6-10 pairs and an odd one. Flowers in dense panicles; panicles tomentose.
Stamens 10. Drupe fleshy, pale yellow. Pyrenes 2, rugose. Seeds with membranous wings.
FIs. & Frts. : Feb.-June Exsiccata: MMS 597
Rare in hill forests. Fruits edible, used in pickles.
Localities: Alate, Bahubali, Gadhinglaj, Katyayani, Radhanagari, Tillarinagar.
Filaments united into a tube at least at base
Locules of ovary many ovuled; seeds winged

Staminal tube urceolate; disk annular; seeds albuminous, winged

at upper end Smetenia
Staminal tube cyllindric; disk absent; seeds exalbuminous, winged
below only Chukrasia
Locules with 1-2 ovules; seeds not winged
Leaves simple Turraea
Leaves 3 - foliolate Walsura
Leaves pinnate
Leaflets usually toothed or serrate
Fruits more than one seeded; seeds albuminous
Trees; flowers elongate; fruits drupaceous Melia
Shrubs; flowers globose; fruits baccate Cipadessa
Fruits one seeded; seeds exalbuminous Azadirachta
Leaflets entire
Seeds exarillate
Stamens 5 Aglaia
Stamens 8 Dysoxylum
Seeds arillate
Stamens 6 Aphanamixis
Stamens 10 Trichilia
Filaments distinct Toona

Aglaia Lour.
Fruit a berry A. elaegnoides
Fruit a capsule A. lawii
Aglaia ealegnoides (A. Juss.) Benth., FI. Austral. 1: 383. 1863; Rammoorthy and Saldhana,
FI. Hassan 392. 1976. Jain & Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 461. 1997. Nemedra
eleagnoidea Juss. in Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 19; 259. t. 14. 1830. A. roxburghiana (Wt. &
Arn.) Miq., Ann. Mus. Bot. LugdunoJBatavum 4: 41. 1868; Hiem in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
1: 555. 1875. A odoratissima auct. non. Blume 1825: Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay l: 209. 1902
(1:222. 1958 Repr. ed ).

Tree. Leaves alternate, pinnate, leaflets opposite, usually 5. Flowers polygamo-

dioecious, globular, in axillary or supra-axillary, panicles. Stamens 5 Berry globose or
pyriform, velvety tomentose, buff coloured, usually 3 seeded Seeds ellipsoid.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov -Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2
Frequent in forests along streams.
Localities. Amba, Chandgad, Dajipur, Manoli, Udegiri and Tillarinagar.
Aglaia lawii (Wt.) Saldhana in Saldhana & Nicolson, FI Hassan 392. 1976. Jain & Bennette
in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 471. 1997. Amoora lawii (Wt.) Bedd., FI. Sylv. S. India t.
133. 1871; Hiem in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 561. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 225.
1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Burumb1
A moderate sized tree. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 1-2 pairs and an odd one.
Flowers polygamadioecious in axillary much branched panicles. Petals 4. Ovary conical, 3-
celled. Fruit buff coloured pyriform, densly lepidote.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec -Mar.
Reported on authority of Mahajan & Vaidya (1976) and Mahajan (1968)
Localities: Amba, Radhanagari, Savarde.
Aphanamixis Blume
Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) Parker in Indian Forester 57: 486. 1931; Jain & Bennette
in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 477. 1997. Aglaia polystachya Wallich in Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2:
429. 1824. Andersonia rohituka Roxb., Fl. Ind., 2: 213. 1832. Amoora rohituka (Roxb.) Wt.
& Arn. in Wt., Cat. Indian PI. 24. 1833 & Prodr 119. 1834; Bedd., Fl. Sylv. S. India t 132.
1871; Hiem in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 1: 559. 1875; Cooke Fl. Pres. Bombay 1: 224. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
Evergreen tree. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 4-8 pairs. Male flowers numerous,
axillary, panicles. Calyx glabrous, 5 partite. Petals 3. Staminal tube nearly as long as petals;
anthers 6, subsessile, elliptic-oblong. Female or bisexual flowers: Ovary hairy, globular;
stigmas 3-lobed. Fruit 2-4 cm across, globular, yellow when ripe. Seeds oblong with a
scarlet aril.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee.
Reported on authority of Mahajan (1975) & Kulkarni & Thite (1977).
Localities: Radhanagari, Savarde.

Azadirachta Juss.
Azadirachta indica Juss. in Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 19: 221. t. 13. f. 5. 1830; Cooke FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 220. 1958 (Repr. ed). Melia azadirachta L., Sp. PI. 385. 1753; Hiern in Hook f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 544. 1875. ‘KaduNimb’
Tree; bark cracked. Leaves simply pinnate, crowded at the ends of branches, leaflets
9-12. Flowers in axillary panicles. Stamens 10, united. Ovary glabrous, 3-celled, the cells
opposite to petals, ovules 2 in each cell. Stigma 3 toothed. Drupes yellow, 1-seeded
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Sept. Exsiccata: 88
Commonly found around villages, also cultivated. Wood useful in timber, furniture, carts
and their parts. Bark, gum, leaves, flowers and fruits used in medicine. Margosa oil
extracted from seeds. Seed cake useful as fertilizer.
Localities. Alas, Bubnal, Dattawad, Gadhingalaj, Ganeshwadi, Ghosarwad, Kagal,
Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Murgud.
Chukrassia Juss.
Chukrassia tabularis Juss. in Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat 19: 251. t. 22. 1830; Hiern in Hook f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 581. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 229. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Jain &
Bennette in Hajra et al (ed.) FI. India 4: 481. 1997.
Small tree. Leaves abruptly pinnate; leaflets 5-8 pairs. Flowers in terminal panicles
which are shorter than leaves, many flowered. Petals dirty white. Staminal tube cylindric
mouth with 10 short teeths. Ovary shortly stalked, cylindric, 3-5 celled, ovules numerous, 2-
FIs. : Jan.-Mar. & Frts. : Not seen Exsiccata: MMS 1072
Rare, also cultivated.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Cipadessa Blume
Cipadessa baccifera (Roth.) Miq. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugundo-Batavum 4: 6. 1868; Jain &
Bennette in Hajra etal. (ed.) FI. India 4: 482. 1997. Melia baccifera Roth, Nov. PI. Sp 215.
1821. Cipadessa fruticosa Blume, Bijdr. 162. 1825; Hiern in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 545.
1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 219. 1958 (Repr. ed );

Much branched shrub. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 3-6 pairs and an odd one,
opposite, coarsely serrate Flowers small in axillary corymbose panicles. Petals 5. Ovary
glabrous, 5-celled Berry globose, 5-lobed, scarlet, 5-celled, cells with 1-2 angular seeds
FIs. & Fm. Jan -Mar Exsiccata: MMS 1448
Localities Halkarni, Kowad , Nesari, Tarewadi
Dysoxylum Blume
Dysoxyiunt binectariferum (Roxb) Hook. f. ex. Bedd in Trans. Linn Soc. London 25:
212. 1866; Hiem in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 1. 546 1875; Cooke FI Pres Bombay 1: 221
1958 (Repr, ed); Jain & Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 486. 1997. ‘ Yerindi’
Tree. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 5-9, alternate. Flowers in axillary and supra-
axillary panicles. Petals 4, greenish-yellow. Disk surrounding and twice as long as ovary,
irregularly 8 toothed. Ovary 4 celled, 4 seeded. Seeds large, purplish brown shining.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Dee Exsiccata. MMS 801
Rare, in thick forests.
Localities: Amba, Chandgad.
Melia L.
Panicles glabrous or puberulous; flowers lilac; calyx pubescent outside;
anthers equaling the teeth of purple staminal tube; staminal tube 20
toothed; anthers glabrous M. azadirach
Panicles stellatly tomentose; flowers white; calyx stellately tomentose
outside; anthers exceeding the teeth of white staminal tube; staminal
tube 10 toothed (each tooth bifid); anthers pubescent M. dubia
Melia azedarach L., Sp. PI. 384. 1753; Wt., Ic. PI. Ind. Orient, t. 160 1839; Hiem in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1: 544. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 218. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Jain &
Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 494. 1997. ‘Bakan Nimb, Bakayana, Limbara’
Tree. Leaves alternate, 2-3 pinnate, pinnae opposite or alternate, leaflets 3-11,
opposite. Flowers in long peduncled axillary panicles. Petals 5, lilac. Stamens 10, tube
purple, acutely 20 toothed. Ovary 5-celled. Drupe subfleshy; cells 1-seeded. Seeds
pendulous, elliptic.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-July Exsiccata: 479
Occasional on bunds of fields and in backyards.
Localities: Hatkananglae, Hupari, Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Murgud, Rendal.
Melia dubia Cav, Diss. 7: 364 1789; Hiern in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 545 1875; Jain &
Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI India 4: 495. 1997. Melia composita Willd., Sp PI. 2: 559.
1799; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 218. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Kadu Khajur, Nimbara’
A tall tree. Leaves 2-pinnate Flowers greenish-white, fragrant, in stellately
pubescent many flowered, branched panicles shorter than leaves. Stamens 10, tube 10-
toothed at apex, each tooth bifid. Drupes ovoid or ellipsoid, smooth, yellowish. Seeds one in
each cell, smooth pointed
FIs. & Frts. Mar -Oct Exsiccata: MMS 573
Rarely cultivated on bunds of fields.
Localities: Adur, Bhogavati, Ghotawade, Radhanagari, Uttur.
Soymida Anders.
Soymida febrifuga (Roxb.) A. Juss. in Mem Mus. Hist. Nat. 19; 251. 1830; Hiem in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 1. 567. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 228, 1958 (Repr. ed ); Jain &
Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4; 501. 1997. Smetenia febrifuga Roxb., PI. Corom. t
17. 1795. ‘Rohan, Ruhin’
Glabrous tree. Leaves crowded towards the ends of branches, pinnate; leaflets 3-6
pairs, opposite. Flower in large axillary and terminal divaricately branched panicles
Capsules obovoid, 5 celled, 5-valved, woody, glabrous, septifragal. Seeds compressed,
FIs. & Frts. : Mar -May Exsiccata: s. n. Sardesai
Rare, in hill forests.
Locality: Chandgad.
Swietenia Jacq.
Leaflets up to 6 cm long; panicles 4-5 cm long S. mahogani
Leaflets up to 15 cm long; panicles 6-12 cm long S. macrophylla
*Swietenia macrophylla King, in Hook. Kon. PI. 16. t. 1550. 1886; Haines, Bot. Bihar &
Orissa 1; 180. 1961. (Repr. ed ); Jain & Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 526. 1997.
Tall glabrous tree. Leaves unipinnate; leaflets 3-4 pairs. Flowers sweet smelling in
narrow, supra-axillary panicles. Fruit woody, seeds winged, dark brown.
FIs. & Frts.. Apr-Dec.
Native of Tropical America, grown in gardens and also as avenue tree
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar
*Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 20 1760: Haines, Bot. Bihar & Orissa 1:
181 1961 (Repr. ed); Jain & Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 525. 1997.
Tall tree. Leaves unipinnate; leaflets 3-4 pairs, Flowers in supra-axillary panicles
Staminal tube uraceolate, 10 toothed. Disk red, annular. Fruit woody, seeds winged dark
FIs. & Frts. Mar -Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 533
Native of Tropical America grown in gardens as well as avenue tree.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur, Kolhapur, Warananagar
Toona (Endl.) Roem.
Toona ciliata Roem., Fam. Nat. Syn. Monogr. 1: 139. 1846; Jain & Bennette in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 4: 504. 1997. Cedrela toona Roxb., ex Rottler in Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin
Neue Schrften 4: 198. 1803; Hiem in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 568. W5,p.p.; Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 230. 1958 (Repr . ed ). ‘MahaNim’
Tall tree. Leaves abruptly pinnate; leaflets opposite or alternate, 4-15 pairs. Flowers
honey scented, in large drooping terminal more or less pubescent panicles. Petals white.
Seeds with a membranous wing at each end.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1170
Rare, on hill slopes near streams.
Localities. Dajipur, Tillari.
Trichilia Br. (nom. cons.)
Trichilia connaroides (Wt. & Am.) Bentvelzen in Acta. Bot. Neerl. 11: 13. 1962; Jain &
Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4: 515. 1997. Zcmthoxylum connaroides Wt. & Am.,
Prodr. 148. 1834 (as “Zanthoxylon”). Heynea trijuga Roxb. ex. Sims, in Bot. Mag. 41: t.
1738. 1815 non Trichilia trijuga Veil. 1825; Hiem in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 565. 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 227. 1958 (Repr. ed );

Small tree. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets opposite, 2-6 pairs. Flowers in

corymbosely branched panicles nearly as long as leaves. Petals 5 Staminal tube shorter than
petals, deeply 8-10 fid, each lobe 2 fid; stigma 2 dentate. Capsules 1- celled, 2- valved, 1-
seeded. Seeds arillate
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-June Exsiccata MMS 806
Occasional in forests, also cultivated.
Localities Karanjphen, Radhanagari, Tudye.
Turraea L.
Turraea villosa Bennet, FI. Jav. Rar. 182 1840; Hiern in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 1: 541
1875; Cooke FI. Pres, Bombay 1; 216 1958 (Repr ed); Jain & Bennette in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 4: 515. 1997. T. virens auct. non. L. 1771; Hiem in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
541. 1875. ‘Kapur Bhendi’
Small shrub Leaves simple Flowers axillary, solitary or in fascicles of 2-8. Petals
yellow. Stamens 8-10, staminal tube 2-3 cm long. Ovary 5-celled, ovules 2 in each cell; style
long, far exerted Capsules subglobose; seeds oblong, with a large ventral hilum
FIs. & Frts. : Mar-Aug. Exsiccata MMS 1242
Frequent on forest borders, in shady places.
Localities: Dajipur, Gajapur, Manoli, Patgaon, Udegiri.
Walsura Roxb.
Walsura trifolia (A. Juss.) Harms in Engl. & Prantl., Nat. Pflanzenfam. ed. 2, 19bl: 119,
177. 1940; Jain & Bennette in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 4; 522. 1997. Heynea trifolia A.
Juss. in Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 19: 235. 1830. Wasurapiscida Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 387. 1832:
Wt„ 111. Indian Bot. 1: t. 55. 1840; Hiern in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 564. 1875; Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 227. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Small tree. Leaves trifoliate, leaflets subcoriaceous, opposite. Flowers in
corymbosely branched axillary and terminal panicles. Petals white. Stamens 10. Disk large,
annular. Berry bright orange yellow when ripe. Seeds solitary, completely enveloped by
juicy aril.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-Apr.
Reported on authority of Singh & Malhotra (1972).
Locality: Tillarinagar.
Olax L.
Plants unarmed; drupe 2 cm long O. imbricata
Plants armed; drupe 1 cm long O. psittacorum
Olax imbricata RoxbFI. Ind. 1; 169 1820. O. wightiana Wall, ex Wt. & Am. in Prodr FI.
Ind. Orient. 89. 1834; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 575. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 235. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A much branched unarmed scandent shrub. Flowers axillary solitary or in clustered
racemes. Calyx cup shaped, hairy outside at the top. Petals 4-6. Stamens 3, opposite the
petals and nearly as long as them. Drupes covered except at top by accrescent calyx.
FIs. &Frts.: Dec.-Jun. Exsiccata: MMS 1742
Frequent along hill slopes on forest edges.
Localities: Ajara, Manoli, Patgaon, Suleran, Tillari.
Olax psittacorum (Willd.) Vahl, Enum. 34. 1804. Fissilia psittacorum Willd. Sp. PI. 1: 194.
1797. O. scandens Roxb., PL Corom. 2: 2, t. 102. 1798; Mast, in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 1:
575. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 234. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A much branched, scandent shrub, armed with slightly curved, stout prickle on the
old wood. Flowers white, fragrant, in axillary racemes which are shorter than leaves. Calyx
cup shaped, ciliate. Drupes globose, apiculate, covered except at top by accrescent calyx.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-Jun.
Rare along hill slopes on forest edges. Reported on authority of Mahajan (1975).
Locality: Savarde.

Cansjera Juss.
Cansjera rheedii Gmel. in Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 13(2) 280. 1791; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 582. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 237. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Scandent shrubs. Leaf base slightly oblique. Flowers in short, axillary spikes.
Perianth tubular, uraceolate. Stamens as many as perianth lobes and opposite to them. Drupe
ovoid or ellipsoid, orange-red.
FIs. & Frts. Nov.-Apr. Exsiccata: 75
Occasional on hill slopes near streams in dry forests.
Localities. Ajra, Gavase, Ghotawade, Girgaon, Jotiba, Katyayani, Panhala.

Nothapodytes Blume
Small tree Nothapodytes
Scandent shrub Sarcostigma
Nathapodytes nimmoniana (Grah.) Mabberly in Manilal, Bot. & Hist. Hort. Malab. 88.
1980. Premna nimmoniana Graham Cat. PI. Bombay 155. 1839. Mappiafoetida (Wt.) Miers,
Contrib. 1: 64 1857; Mast, in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 589. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay
1. 239 1958 (Repr. ed.) Nothapodytes foetida (Wt) Sleumer, Notizbl. Bot. Gard Berlin.
DehraDun 15: 247. 1940.
Small tree; branches with wrinkled bark. Leaves crowded at the end of branches.
Flowers in terminal panicles. Petals yellow, densely sericio-villous on both surfaces. Disk
shallow, cup shaped, villous within. Drupes ellipsoid, glabrous and purple at maturity.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept - Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 707
Frequent at higher altitudes. Flowers strongly foul scented. Drug is extracted from bark as
having anticancerous properties.
Localities: Anuskura, Borbet, Burki, Dhangarmola, Manoli, Patgaon, Suleran, Tillari.
Sarcostigma Wt. & Am.
Sarcostigma kleinii Wt. & Am. in Edin. New Phil. J. 14: 299. 1832-33; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 594. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 240. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A large scandent shrub. Leaves coriaceous Flowers in axillary or extra-axillary
spicate racemes which are solitary or fascicled and longer than leaves; flowers minute in
fascicles of 1-4. Fruit bright orange-red, externally rugose.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov - Feb.
Very rare, reported on authority of Kulkarni & Thite (1979).
Locality: Gajapur.
Fmits capsular, dehiscent
Trees; leaves opposite Euonymus
Shrubs; leaves alternate
Erect shrubs; flowers axillary, solitary or fascicled,
hermaphrodite; ovary confluent with disc Maytenus
Scandent shrubs; flowers paniculate, polygamous; ovary free Celastrns
Fruits drupaceous, indehi scent Cassine
Cassine L.
Shrubs; leaves ovate or elliptic, obtuse or acute, pale green when dry,
entire and sparsely crenate; drupe obovoid C. albens
Trees; leaves lanceolate, obtusely acuminate, almost black when dry,
broadly and deeply crenate; drupe globose C. paniculata
Cassine albens (Retz.) Kosterm in Garf. Bull. Singapore 39(2) 178, f. 1. 1996; Singh, FI
East. Karnataka 2: 731. 1988. Schrebera albens Retz. Obs. Bot. 6: 25, t. 3 1791.
Elaeodendron glaucum (Rottb.) Pers Syn. 1: 241. 1805; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
623. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 248. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Shrub. Leaves opposite and alternate. Flowers numerous in axillary or extra axillary,
paniculate, dichotomously branched cymes. Stamens 4-5 inserted beneath the margins of
disk. Drupes ovoid, apiculate.
Fls.&Frts.: Feb.-Dee. Exsiccata: 150
Occasional on hill slopes.
Localities: Ajara, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Kowad, Nesari, Ramling, Uttur.
Cassine paniculata (Wt. & Am.) L. Callen, Adansonia ser. 2, 15; 220 1975; Ramamurthy in
Saldhana & Nicolson, FI. Hassan Dist. ed. 2, 871, 1978. Elaeodendron paniculatus Wt. &
Am., Prodr. 157. 1834.
Large trees. Leaves extremely variable, often twisted at apex. Flowers in axillary or
extra axillary, paniculate, dichotomously branched cymes. Disk thick, 4-5 sinuate, fleshy.
Ovary pyramidle, confluent with disk. Drupes ovoid, apiculate.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 39
Rare in thick forests.
Localities. Anuskura, Borbet, Burki, Dhangarmola, Manoli, Patgaon, Suleran, Tillari.
Celastrus L.
Celastrus paniculata Willd., Sp. PI. 1: 1125. 1795; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit India l: 617
1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 245. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Mai Kangoni, Karad Kangoni’
Unarmed scandent shrub; branches covered with lenticular warts. Leaves alternate,
crenate-serrate in upper half, entire in lower half. Flowers in terminal panicles. Calyx
urceolate, 5-fid. Capsules subglobose, bright yellow, transversely wrinkled, 3 valved. Seeds
ovoid, dark brown.
FIs. &Frts.: Feb.-Dec. Exsiccata: s.n. Sardesai
Common on forest borders and in variety if habitats. Seeds supposed highly medicinal in
Localities: Anuskura, Babu Jamal, Dhangarmola, Panhala, Patgaon, Suleran, Tillari.
Euonymus L.
Euonymus indicus Heyne ex Wall, in Rxob., FI. Ind. Car. ed. 2: 409. 1824; Law. in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 608. 1875; Cooke FI Pres. Bombay 1: 228. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Small tree. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers axillary, solitary or in peduncled, umbellate
cymes. Calyx glabrous, fleshy. Petals 4-5, inserted on disk, reddish, fringed at apex. Disk 5-
Iobed, fleshy. Ovary sunk in the disk. Fruit 5-winged.
FIs. & Frts. Dec.-Feb. Exsiccata: 235
Rare, collected only once.
Locality: Tillari.

Maytenus Molina emend. Bose

(Gymnosporia Wt.& Am.)
Cymes of subsessile clusters from tuberlcles on the old wood; ripe capsules
obcordate, carpels bright red; aril fleshy embracing only the base of seed M rothiana
Cymes axillary; ripe capsules obovoid, carpels dark purple; aril thin,
membranous, embracing about half of the seed, sometimes absent M. emarginata
Maytenus emarginata (Willd ). Ding Hou in van Steenis, FI. Malesiana ser. I, 6(2): 241.
1962. Celastrus emarginatus Willd. Sp. PI. 2: 1128 1798. C. montana Roth, in R. & S. Syst.

Veg. 5: 427. 1819. Gymnosporia montana Benth., FI. Austral. 1: 400. 1863, Law in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 621. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 247. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Hekal’
A tall shrub; branches spinescent bearing leaves and flowers. Leaves coriaceous,
rounded at apex, tapering at the base into petioles. Flowers in axillary, furcately branched
cymes. Disk fleshy, 10 lobed. Fruits fleshy, black pericarp, globose, 3 valved. Seeds brown,
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS614
Common throughout especially in dry open forests. Leaves very variable in size and shape.
Leaves turning pale in drying. Leaves, flowers and fruits are used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities Alur, Amba, Gavase, Girgaon, Halkami, Jotiba, Katyayani, Narande, Panhala
Maytenus rothiana (Walp.) Lobreau-Callen in Adansonia 2(15): 223. 1975 Celastrus
particulars Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 156. 1821, Catha rithiana Walp. Rep 1: 532. 1842.
Gymnosporia rothiana Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 619. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 246. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Yenkli’
Large shrubs or small trees with long, straight spines. Leaves thick. Flowers
greenish-white in short peduncled cymes or fascicles from the tubercles of older branches.
Capsules 3-lobed, bright red when mature. Seeds 6 with a small basal aril, brownish-orange,
smooth shining.
Fls.&Frts. Feb.-Sept.
: Exsiccata: MMS 696
Frequent in the forests along roadsides and streamside. Dehiscing capsules looks beautiful.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon, Tillari.
Fruit samariod, flattened, dehiscent; seeds winged
Styles overlapping the stamens Loseneriella
Styles shorter than the stamens Reissantia
Fruit baccate, globose, indehiscent; seeds not winged Salacia
Losenneriella Smith
Losneriella obtusifolia (Roxb.) A. C. Smith in American J. Bot. 28. 440. 1941 & J. Arnold
Arbor. 26: 169. 1945. Hippocratea obtusifolia Roxb., FI. Ind. Car. ed. 1: 166. 1832; Law. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 623. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 249. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A climbing shrub. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers in axillary paniculate, dichotomous
cymes usually shorter than leaves. Fruit compressed, emarginate, prominently developing
into a large membranous wing.
FIs. <fe Frts.: Dec.-Jun. Exsiccata: MMS 6
Rare, along hill slopes near streams.
Localities: Burki, Hasane.
Reissantia Halle
Anthers subsessile; fruits 10 cm long R. grahamii
Anthers stalked; fruits 4 cm long R. indica
Reissantia grahamii (Wt.) Ding Hou in Blumea 12; 33. 1963 & Steenis, FI. Males. 1, 6;
402, f. 29. 1962. Hippocratea grahamii Wt., 111. Ind. Bot. 134. 1839 & Ic. t. 380. 1840; Law
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 624. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 249. 1958 (Repr ed).
A glabrous scandent shrub. Leaves opposite, coriaceous. Flowers white, in dense
panicles longer than leaves. Fruit of 1-3 distinct carpels, each 2 valved. Seeds compressed,
winged, the funicle conspicuous at the centre.
FIs. & Frts. . Jan.-Sept. Exsiccata. MMS 803
Common in the forests along streams.
Localities. Gholana, Manoli, Patgaon, Shelap, Udegiri.
Reissantia indica (Willd.) N. Halle in Bull. Mus. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 30: 466. 1958;
Hippocratea indica Willd., Sp. PI. 1: 93. 1797; Roxb., PI. Corom. t. 130. 1800; Law. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1; 624. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 250. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A climbing shrub. Leaves opposite, finely serrate. Flowers yellow, minute in
paniculate corymbosely branched cymes, shorter than leaves in opposite leaf axils. Fruit
ellipsoid, seeds winged.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Feb. Exsiccata. MMS 790
Common shrub along streams.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Gavase, Manoli, Suleran.
Salacia L. (nom.cons.)
Scandent shrubs
Flowers 1-2 S. brunonicma

Flowers numerous S. macrosperma

Erect shrubs S. chinensis
Salacia brunoniana Wt. & Arn., Prodr. 105. 1834; Law in Hook, f FI Brit India 1: 626
1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 251. 1958 (Repr. ed).
A scandent shrub. Flowers small, axillary or extra-axillary, fascicled or cymose on
axillary tubercles. Petals 5. Torus cup shaped, thick and fleshy. Disk thick, sinuate. Berries
globose, rind woody.
FIs. &Frts.: Feb.-Jun. Exsiccata: MMS 1240
Rare, in forest areas.
Locality: Shelap.
Salacia chinensis L., Mant. PI. 293. 1771. S. prinoides DC., Prodr. 1: 571. 1824; Law in
Hook, f FI. Brit. India 1: 626. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 250. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Large straggling shrub; branches divaricate. Leaves opposite, thinly coriaceous.
Flowers greenish yellow in axillary umbells. Calyx cupular, persistent, 5-lobed. Disk convex
fleshy. Berries globose; seeds solitary.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec -May Exsiccata: MMS 117
Rare, in open forests.
Localities: Karanjphen, Patgaon, Shelap, Suleran.
Salacia macrosperma Wt., Ic. t. 962. 1845; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 628. 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 251. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A scandent shrub. Leaves ellitpic-oblong, acuminate. Flowers axillary or extra-
axillary, in dense fascicles. Fruits globose, orange coloured when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-July Exsiccata: MMS 963
Common shrub in forests, sacred gorves.
Localities: Karanjphen, Manoli, Salwan, Udegiri.
Fruits drupaceous, 1-4 celled; ovary half inferior; leaves 3-5 nerved;
armed or unarmed Ziziphus
Fruits baccate, pyrenes 2-4; ovary superior; leaves penninerved; armed Scutia
Fruits dry, dehiscent, one celled; ovary half inferior; unarmed Ventilago
Fruit capsular Gouania
Gouania Jacq.
Gouania microcarpa DC., Prodr. 2: 40. 1825; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 643 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 262. 1958 (Repr. ed); Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar (ed.) Fasc.
FI. India 20: 40 1990.
Climbing shrubs; tendrils axillary or extra-axillary. Flowers 4-8 in racemes, sessile.
Petals white. Stamens 5, enclosed in petals. Disk saucer shaped. Capsules glabrescent, 3-
winged, wings yellow, crowded by yellow persistent calyx. Seeds plano-convex.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-May Exsiccata 237
Localities: Adur, Gargoti.
Scutia (Comm, ex A.P. DC.) Brogn. (nom. cons.)

Scutia myrtina (Burm. f.) Kurz. in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 44: 168. 1875. Rhamnus myrtitrus
Burm. f. FI. Ind. 60. 1768. S. indica Brongen in Ann. Sci. Nat. 1, 10: 363. 1827; Law. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 643. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 262. 1958 (Repr ed );
Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar (ed.) Fasc. FI. India 20: 71. 1990. 'Chimat'
Straggling shrub usually armed with subopposite, recurved thorns. Leaves
coriaceous. Inflorescence condensed cymes or 2-15 flowered fascicles. Flowers yellowish-
green, glabrous, pentamerous, bisexual. Fruit obovoid or subglobose, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. Jan -May Exsiccata: MMS 925
Common at higher altitudes. One flower per cyme develop into fruit.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Patgaon, Udegiri.
Ventilago Gaertn.
Calyx tube adnate to fruit at base only V. madraspatana
Calyx tube adnate to fruit at middle V. denticulata
Ventilago denticulata Willd., in Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neue. Schr. 3:417 1801; V. cayculata Tul.
in Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. 8, 4: 124. 1857; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 631 1875; Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 254. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar (ed.) Fasc. FI. India 20:
82. 1990.
Scandent shrub; branches fulvous-pubescent. Flowers greenish yellow in axillary
fascicles. Nutlets greenish yellow, winged; wings with prominent midrib and cupular
persistent calyx at base.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-May Exsiccata MMS 1833
Infrequent on bushes.
Localities Gadhinglaj, Uttur.
Ventilago madraspatana Gaertn., Fruct. 1: 223, t. 49, f. 2 1788; Law in Hook f FI Brit
India 1: 630. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 253. 1958 (Repr. ed), Bhandari & Bhansal in
Nayar (ed.) Fasc. FI. India 20: 85. 1990.
Woody, scandent shrub; branchlets tomentose. Flowers in terminal panicles Fruit
subglobose, 1-celled, 1 seeded, yellowish supported by the persistent calyx which forms a
flat disc at the base, wing long linear-oblong, 1-nerved at apex and terminated by the
remains of bifid style
FIs. & Frts. Jan -May Exsiccata: MMS 630
Frequent at higher altitudes.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Manoli, Tillari, Udegiri.
Ziziphus Mill.
Petals absent; cymes terminal or flowers in lateral panicles,
distinctly pedunculate Z. rugosa
Petals present; cymes axillary, sessile or shortly pedunculate
Flowers in sessile cymes or cymose fascicles; styles two cleft, connate
up to middle
Plants unarmed; leaves glabrous beneath; disc not pitted Z. glabrata
Plants armed or unarmed; leaves tomentose beneath; disc pitted
Usually scandent shrubs; leaves obliquely ovate; entire
or minutely denticulate; base oblique Z. oenoplia
Erect shrubs or trees; leaves not obliquely ovate; serrulate; base
Drupes globose; leaves gray tomentose beneath
Leaves glabrous above Z. rotundifolia
Leaves pubescent above Z. nummularia
Drupes ellipsoid or ovoid, acute or acuminate;
leaves fuscous tomentose beneath Z. mauritiana
Flowers in pedunculate cymes; styles three cleft, distinct

Leaves glabrous except on nerves beneath; fruits glabrous

Plants armed Z horrida
Plants unarmed Z. caracutta
Leaves and fruits tomentose Z xylopyra
Ziziphus caracutta Roxb, FI. Ind. 2. 361 1824 et FI, Ind 1: 612. 1832; Bhandari &
Bhansal in Nayar (ed.) Fasc. FI. India 20: 93. 1990. ‘Guit’
Erect shrubs or small trees. Leaves often muriculate, 3-nerved. Flowers 4-5-merous
in small dense paniculate cymes. Petals greenish, spathulate, clawed. Stamens as many as
petals and opposite to them. Disc 5-lobed. Drupes green, when ripe greyish-brown, globose
or slightly compressed at both ends, pericarp woody. Seeds 3, black, orbicular.
FIs. £ Frts. Mar.-Jun. Exsiccata MMS 1457
Frequent on slopes in hill forests.
Localities: Alate, Halkami, Hatkanangale, Shelap.
Ziziphus giabrata Heyne ex Roth, Nov. PI. Sp 159. 1821; Law. in Hook, f FI. Brit. India
1: 633. 1875; Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar (ed.) Fasc. FI. India 20: 96. 1990. Z trimrvia
Roxb. FI. Ind. 364. 1824 et 1: 614. 1832 non Poir 1813; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 256.
1958 (Repr ed ). Z trinervia Roxb. var. glabratus Heyne in Roth, Nov Sp. PI. 159 1821
Small unarmed trees; young branches pubescent. Flowers in axillary, peduncled
cymes. Petals greenish yellow. Stamens 5, slightly longer than petals. Disk 10 lobed. Drupes
globose, yellow. Stone rugose, 2 celled.
FIs. & Frts.: Jun.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 587
Occasional along stream banks and hill slopes.
Localities: Ajara, Radhanagari, Suleran.
*Ziziphus mauritiana Lamk., Encycl. 3: 319. 1789; Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar (ed.)
Fasc. FI. India 20: 99. 1990. Rhamnus jujuba L., Sp. PI. 194. 1753. Ziziphus jujuba (L.)
Gaertn., Fruct 1: 203. 1788 non Mill. 1768; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 632. 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 240. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Large shrub or small trees, branches softly white tomentose. Flowers in axillary,
many flowered, sub-umbellate cymes. Petals greenish, spathulate, deflexed with the
stamens. Disk 10 lobed. Drupes yellow or orange, stone longitudinally grooved, 2 celled.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Jan.

Cultivated and escaped. Common on waste places, along hill slopes.

Localities. Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Murgud, Sangawade.
Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wt & Am., Prodr. 162. 1834; Law in Hook f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 633. 1875 excl. syn. Z. rotundifolia Lamk. 1789; Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar (ed.)
Fasc. FI. India 20: 102. 1990. Rhamtms nummularia Burm. f. FI. Ind. 61. 1768.
Small shrub with divaricate, zig-zag branches. Leaves ovate-orbicular clothed with
tomentum on both surfaces; stipular spines in pairs, one straight other hooked. Flowers in
axillary, sessile cymes. Drupes globose, glabrous, stone 2 celled, stone 2 seeded. Seeds
discoid, brown.
FIs. &FrtsOct.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1834
Rare along roadsides.
Localities Chipri, Danoli, Jaysingpur.

Ziziphus oenoplia (L.) Mill., Gard. Diet. ed. 8: 3. 1768; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
634. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 257. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar
(ed.)Fasc. FI. India 20: 103. 1990. Rhamtms oenoplia L., Sp. PI. 194. 1753. ‘Burgi’
Straggling shrub; young parts rusty tomentose. Leaves distichous, 3-nerved from the
oblique base; stipular spines solitary, hooked. Flowers minute, in subsessile, pubescent,
paniculate cymes. Petals 5, cucullate shorter than sepals. Disk 10 lobed, deeply pitted.
Drupes globose, black; pulp scanty; stone woody, 2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 272
Common on hill slopes along streams. Berries edible.
Localities: Chipari, Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Nandgaon, Wadgaon.
Ziziphus rotundifolia Lamk., Encycl. 3: 319. 1789. Z jujuba auct. non. Lamk. 1789; Law
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 632. 1875, p.p., Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 257. 1958 (Repr.
ed ). Z mauritiana auct. non. Lamk., 1789. ‘Bor, Ber’
Large shrubs or small trees; branchlets drooping. Flowers in axillary panicles cymes.
Petals 5, white. Drupe globose, brown. Stone rugose, 2-locular, Seeds discoid, brown.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1440
Common on waste places, around fields. Flowers strongly scented. Fruits edible.
Localities: Halasawade, Hupari, Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Sangawade, Talandage.

Ziziphus rugosa Lamk., Encycl. 3: 319. 1789; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 636. 1875;
Cooke FI Pres. Bombay 1: 258. 1958 (Repr. ed); Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar (ed.) Fasc
FI. India 20: 108. 1990. Toran'
Large straggling shrub; young branches clothed with fulvous tomentum. Flowers in
terminal and axillary panicles, rusty tomentose. Disk 5 lobed. Drupes obovoid to globose,
fleshy. Seeds 2, compressed, black.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1835
Common on hill slopes, along roadsides, along streams, on plateaus. Berries edible.
Localities. Ajara, Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Panhala, Radhanagari, Tillari, Udegiri.
Ziziphus xylopyra (Retz.) Willd., Sp. PI. 1: 1104. 1797; Law. in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 1:
634. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 258. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Bhandari & Bhansal in Nayar
(ed.) Fasc. FI. India 20: 112. 1990. Rhamnus xylopyrus Retz., Obs. Bot. 2: 11. 1781 ‘Bor,
Ghati, Guti’
Small glabrescent trees. Flowers 4-5-merous, in short, axillary cymes Petals
greenish white. Disk 5-angled. Drupes globose, woody grey-tomentose. Stone hard, 2-3-
celled, 2-3 seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-Jun. Exsiccata: MMS 1836
Rare, on hill slopes. Berries edible.
Locality: Chipari.
Inflorescence not tendril bearing
Petals free
Flowers bisexual; stigma not four lobed
Leaves simple, variously lobed; berries single seeded Cissus
Leaves compound; berries 2-4 seeded Cayratia
Flowers unisexual; stigma four lobed Tetrastigma
Petals united at apex Vitis
Inflorescence tendril bearing Ampelocissus
Ampelocissus Planch, (nom.cons.)
Stem, leaves and inflorescence densely tomentose A. tomentosa
Stem, leaves and inflorescence glabrous A. latifolia
Ampelocissus latifolia (Roxb.) Planch, in J Vigne. Amer. 374 1884 et in DC, Monogr.
Phan. 5(2): 370. 1887. Vitis latifolia Roxb , FI. Ind. 1: 661. 1820; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 652. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres Bombay 1: 269. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Extensive climber; stem weak; tendrils forked. Leaves 3-7 angled or lobed. Flowers
5-merous, in dense axillary cymes. Stamens 5. Stigma foveolate. Berries globose, glabrous,
2-3 seeded, black. Seeds ellipsoid, rounded and transversly grooved on back, smooth
FIs. & Frts.: June-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1396
Frequent in bushes.
Localities. Bandiwade, Sarud, Shahuwadi, Turrukwadi.
Ampelocissus tomentosa (Heyne ex Roth) Planch, in J. Vigne. Amer. 374. 1883. Vitis
tomentosa Heyne ex Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 157. 1821; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 650
1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 268. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Shendvel’
Extensive climbs; stem stout covered with reddish or cottony tomentum. Leaves
palmetly 3-5 lobed. Flowers pentamerous, small in dense, pedunculate, woolly cymes,
peduncles ending into forked tendrils below the cymes. Petals scarlet Ovary conical, 10
furrowed at apex. Berries subglobose, 1-2 seeded. Seeds obcordate, irregularly rugose.
FIs. & Frts. . June-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1766
Frequent on hills in forests.
Localities: Bambwade, Gholana, Ijiwade, Malakapur, Manoli.
Cayratia Juss.
Stipules not ear shaped, small; berry not red
Leaves trifoliolate; berries black C. trifoliata
Leaves 5-7 foliolate; berries cream coloured C. elongata
Stipules ear shaped, large; berry red C. auriculata
Cayratia auriculata (Roxb.) Gamble in FI. Pres. Madras 1: 170. 1957 (Repr. ed ). Cissus
auriculata Roxb., FI. Ind. 1: 430. 1820. Vitis auriculata Wall. Cat. 6031. 1828 nom nud.;

Law. in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 1: 658. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 273. 1958 (Repr.
ed). ‘Jangali Kajorni, Kali Vel’
An extensive climber; tendrils leaf opposed, 2-3 cleft. Leaves 5-foliolate. Flowers 4-
merous. Petals 4. Berries globose, smooth, shining red when ripe, 1-seeded. Seeds ellipsoid
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1327
Common among bushes on hill slopes.
Localities. Bandiwade, Devale, Jotiba, Mahalunge, Sarud, Shahuwadi, Turrukwadi, Satave.
Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin, Biblioth. Bot. 89: 371. 1927. Vitis trifolia L., Sp. PI. 203
1753. Cisstts camosa Lamk., Encycl. 1.31. 1783. Vitis carnosa (Lamk.) Wall. ex. Law. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 654. 1875, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 271. 1958 (Repr ed.)
‘Ambat Vel'
Herbaceous climber; roots tuberous; tendrils slender forked. Leaves succulent 3-
foliolate. Flowers in more or less pubescent, long peduncled cymes. Petals 4, oblong,
hooded. Disk cup shaped with plicate margins. Berry turbinate, fleshy, 2-4 seeded. Seeds
triangular, rounded and rugose on the back, cuneate on the face,
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1795
Common among bushes on hill slopes and creeping on rocks.
Localities: Alate, Halakarni, Jotiba, Kolhapur, Mahalunge, Panhaia, Turrukwadi.
Cissus L.
Climbers or scandent shrubs; tendrils present
Leaves simple
Leaves tomentose beneath C. repanda
Leaves glabrous
Stem terete
Leaves green
Stem woody below C. pallida
Stem weak, trailing C. repens
Leaves blottched with white above and with bright red beneath C. javanica
Stem and branches acutely angled C. quadrangularis
Leaves digitate, 3-5 foliolate
Leaves 5-foliolate; fleshy C. elongata

Leaves 3-foliolate; fleshy ( ’. setosus

An erect shrub; tendrils absent C. woodrowii
Cissus elongata Roxb. FI. Ind. 1: 411 1820 Vitis elongata Wall, ex Wt & Am Prodr 128
1834; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 658. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 273. 1958
(Repr. ed). Cayratia elongata (Roxb.) Susseng. ex Singh et al, M.V.M. Patrika 7(1 & 2):
31. 1972.
An extensive, glabrous climber; stem succulent, simple, leaf opposed Leaves
digitately 5-foliolate. Flowers greenish purple, 4-merous in di-trichotomous cymes. Petals 4,
disk 4 lobed. Berry ellipsoid, 1-seeded, globose, black when ripe. Seeds ellipsoid, pointed at
one end, rugose on the back and with a large elliptic pit on the face.
FIs. & FrtsMay-Nov. Exsiccata: s.n. Sardesai
Rare among bushes on hill slopes.
Localities: Bandiwade, Devale, Jotiba, Mahalunge, Panhala.
Cissus javanica DC., Prodr. 1: 628. 1824. C. discolor Bl. Bijdr. 181. 1825. Vitis discolor
(Bl.) Dalz. in Hook. Kew J Bot. 2: 39, 1850; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 647. 1875;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 266. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Telicha Vel’
Scandent shrub, deep red; tendrils leaf opposed, forked. Leaves blotched with white
above, deep red and shining beneath. Flowers 4-merous, in umbellate cymes on umbellately
arranged branches. Petals 4, red outside. Disk 4-lobed. Fruit red when ripe. Seeds solitary
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1476
Common at higher altitudes, growing in shady and moist places. Sometimes grown in
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gajapur, Patgaon, Tillari, Udegiri
Cissus pallida (Wt. & Am.) Steud. Norn. Bot. (ed. 2) 1: 372. 1840. Vitis pallida Wigh &

Am, Prodr. 125. 1834; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 647. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 265. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Climbing shrub; tendrils simple. Flowers in compound umbellate cymes. Calyx
saucer shaped. Petals 4, calyptratly, deciduous but free at apex. Style rather long, slender.
Disk 4 lobed. Berry 1 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1528
Rare, collected only once.

Locality. Turrukwadi.
*Cissus quadrangula L., Mant. 39 1767; Vitis quadrangularis Wall, ex Law. in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1: 645. 1875, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 266. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Kand Vel'
Extensive climber, with aerial roots, stem leafless when old; stem angled. Flowers in
shortly peduncled, umbellate, axillary cymes. Petals greenish white. Disk 4 lobed. Berries
apiculate, 1-2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: not seen.
Frequently cultivated in gardens. Stem used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol, Warananagara.
Cissus repanda Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 18. 1794. Vitis repanda Wt. & Am., Prodr. 125. 1834;
Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1. 648. 1875, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 267. 1958 (Repr.
ed ). ‘Gendal’
Scandent shrub; tendrils simple or rarely forked. Leaves orbicular, obscurely lobed.
Petals 4, pink, triangular, 1-2 seeded. Seeds obovoid, smooth.
FIs. & Frts: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata MMS 1305
Rare, on hills slopes
Localities. Patgaon, Tillari, Udegiri.
Cissus repens Lamk., Encycl. 1:31. 1783. Vitis repens (Lamk.) Wt. & Am., Prodr. 125.
1834; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 646. 1875; Cooke FI Pres Bombay 1: 265. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
Slender, scandent, glabrous shrub, tendrils forked. Flowers in compound umbellate,
extra-axillary cymes. Petals greenish-white, distinct. Berries pyriform, 1 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1234
Rare, in rock crevices.
Localities: Panhala, Turrukwadi.
Cissus setosa Roth, FI. Ind. 1: 410. 1820. Vitis setosa Wall, ex Wt. & Am. Prodr. 1: 127.
1834; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 654. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 270. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Khajgolicha Vel’
Prostrate herb; stems and branches succulent. All parts covered with setose hairs.
Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets thick, succulent. Berries globose, covered with setose hairs, dark
red in colour.

FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1837

Frequent on rocky slopes.
Localities. Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Chipri, Dhuloba, Ramling.
Cissus woodrowii (Stapf. ex Cooke) Santapau in Kew Bull. 1948: 276. 1948. Vitis
woodrowii Stapf. ex Cooke in FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 264. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Gimul’
Erect shrub; stem woody at base; tendrils absent. Flowers tetramerous in compound
umbells. Petals 4, calyptrately deciduous, hooded and thickened at apex. Disk 4-lobed.
Berrry obovoid-globose. Seed solitary.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 207
Common on hill slopes.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gajapur, Patgaon, Tillari, Udegiri.
Tetrastigma (Miq.)Planch.
Tetrastigma canarensis (Dalz.) Gamble in FI. Pres. Madras 1: 228. 1918. Vitis canarensis
Dalz., Hook. Kew J. Bot. 3: 123. 1851; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 655 1875; Cooke
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 272. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Extensive climber. Leaves 3-5-foliolate. Flowers in axillary or leaf opposed cymes;
peduncles shorter than petioles. Petals 4, oblong subacute, hooded at apex. Berry globose,
almost, smooth, yellow, afterwards turning red.
FIs. &Frts.: Apr.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1266
Rare, at higher altitudes.
Localities: Burki, Udegiri.
Vitis L.
* Vitis viniferaL, Sp. PI. 202. 1753; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 652. 1875; Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 275. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Angur, Drakshe’
Perennial, extensive climber; stem fistular. Leaves 3-7-lobed, glabrous above
tomentose beneath. Flowers in long peduncled pubescent cymes. Petals white, connate and
hooded at apex. Berries globose, varying in size, pale green or purple, 2-4 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-May
Cultivated with so many agricultural varieties for fruits. Fruits used for fermentation, dried
as dry fruit.
Localities: Jaysingapur, Kondigre, Nimshirgaon, Tamadalage.

LEEACEAE (DC.) Dumort.

Leea Van Royen ex. L. (nom.cons.)
Leaves pinnate
Leaves simply pinnate
Stem with crisped wings L. crispa
Stem without crisped wings L. asiatica
Leaves bi-tripinnate L. indica
Leaves simple L. macrophylla
Leea asiatica (L.) Ridsd. in Manilal, Bot. Hist. Hort. Malab. 189. 1980. Phytolacca asiatica
L., Sp. PI. 474. 1753. Leea crispa van Royen ex L., Syst. Nat. ed. 12: 627. 1767; Law. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 665. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 276. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect shrub. Leaves simply pinnate; leaflets 5-7. Flowers in peduncled paniculate
cymes. Petals white. Staminal tube divided to middle; lobes bifid. Berries depressed
globose, often 2-6 lobed, smooth, black.
FIs. & Frts. Sept .-Dec Exsiccata: MMS 1838
Occasional on hill slopes.
Localities. Jotiba, Panhala, Manoli.
Leea indica (Burm. f.) Merr in Philipp. S. Sci. 14: 245. 1919 et enum. 3: 11. 1923.
Staphylea Mica Burm. f. FI. Ind. 75. t. 23. f. 2. 1768. L. staphylea Roxb., FI. Ind. 1: 658.
1832. Leea sambucim Willd. Sp. PI. 1: 1117. 1797, nom. illeget. Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 666. 1875,/?./?.; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 277. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Dinda’
A shrub; branches numerous, straight. Leaves 2-3 pinnate; leaflets variable in shape.
Flowers in branched paniculate cymes. Staminal tube with lobes rounded at apex and
notched, anthers united in bud. Berries globose, 2-6 lobed, smooth, purple-black
FIs. & Frts. : June-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 719
Occasional on hill slopes.
Localities: Amba, Anuskura, Borbet, Burki, Gajapur, Chandgad, Dajipur, Tillari, Udegiri.
Leea macrophylla Roxb. ex Homem. Hort. hafn. 1. 231. 1813; Law. in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 1: 664. 1875, p.p.; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 276. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Dinda’
Stout, erect herb; roots tuberous, persistent red. Flowers in much branched, terminal,
puberulous cymes. Petals greenish white. Staminal tube deeply divided. Berrries globose,
black, 3-6 lobed.
FIs. & Frts. June-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1839
Rare, in hill forests. Root tubers used as vegetables and in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities. Katyayani, Ramling.
Leea setuligera Clarke in Trim. J Bot. 19: 105. 1881; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 279. 1958
(Repr. ed).
Small shrub; leaves 2-3-pinnately compound. Flowers in small compact, umbellate
cymes, reddish-white. Petals 5, oblong. Stamens 5, united at base; lobes of staminal tube
bifid; anthers united in bud. Berries irregularly lobed.
FIs. &- Frts.: June-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 1467
Frequent in shady places, in rocky places. Leaves reddish purple when young.
Localities: Amba, Bhudargad, Chandgad, Dajipur, Patgaon.

Petioles and rachis not winged
Stamens inserted within the disk; petals present; capsules not winged;
leaves not simple
Climbing or scandent herbs or shrubs; leaves not pinnate
Herbaceous climbers; leaves 2 temate; fruits inflatted capsule Cardiospermum
Scandent shrubs; leaves 3 foliolate; fruits indehiscent Allophyllus
Trees; leaves pinnate
Fruit not an inflatted capsule
Flowers regular
Fruits smooth
Fruits entire Schlechera
Fruits lobed Sapindus
Fruits muricate Dimocarpus
Flowers irregular Lepisanthes
Fruit an inflatted capsule Harpulia
Stamens inserted outside the disk; petals absent; capsules winged,
papery; leaves simple Dodonaea
Petioles and rachis winged Filicium
Allophyllus L.
Flowers alternate on rachis; stamens 5; ovary distinctly lobed; styles
deeply bifid A. cominia
Flowers in clusters on rachis; stamens 8; ovary not lobed; styles simple A cobbe
Allophylus cobbe (L.) Raeusch. Nomen. Bot. ed. 3: 108. 1797; Hiren in Hook. f. FI. Brit
India 1: 673. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 282. 1958 (Repr. ed). Rhuscobbe L, Sp. PI.
267. 1753. ‘Tipani’
Erect shrub, sometimes scandent. Leaves 3-foliolate, crowded at the end of the
branchlets, drooping. Flowers in clusters, on usually unbranched spikes. Petals creamy
white, with a fringed scale above the claw. Stamens 8, ovary not lobed, style simple, flowers
in clusters on rachis.
FIs. & Frts. : May-Nov. Exsiccata MMS 1840

Common, along forest borders. Leaves supposed to be medicinal and used in bone fractures.
Localities Amba, Borbet, Burki, Gajapur.
Allophylus cominia (L ) Swartz.., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 62. 1791 Rhus cominia L, Syst.
(ed. 10) 964 1759. Allophylus concanicus Radilk. in Engle. & Prantl. Pflanzenf. 3(5): 598.
1895; Gamble, FI. Pres. Madras 1: 246. 1955 (Repr. ed ); Mukerjee in Ind. For. 98: 496.
1972 & in Rec. Bot. Surv. India 21(2): 161. 1981. Tipani’
A scandent shrub. Leaves 3-foliolate, drooping. Flowers small, alternate on rachis;
along 2-4 branched spikes. Ovary deeply lobed, hairy, style bifid. Fruit globose, smooth,
0.5-1 cm across, red when ripe.
FIs. &Frts.: May-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1021
Common, along forest borders. Leaves supposed to be medicinal and used in bone fractures.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Manoli, Panhala, Patgaon.
Cardiopsermum L.
Cardiospermum helicacabum L., Sp. PI. 366. 1753; Hiren in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1:
670. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 280. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kapal Phodi, Tejovat’
Climbing tendrilar herb. Leaves alternate, 2-temate, the uppermost often 3 foliolate;
leaflets inciso-serrate to pinnatifid. Flowers in umbellate cymes on axillary peduncles,
peduncles with 2 tendrils at top. Petals 4, white. Stamens 8. Pistillodes in male flowers
minute. Capsules trigonous, bladdery, brown. Seeds glabrous, smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 338
Common in wet fields, on waste lands, on bunds of fields and along river banks.
Localities: Ghotawade, Ichalkaranji, Kapashi, Kerle, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Murgud, Sarud.
Dimocarpus Lour.
Dimocarpus longan Lour, FI. Cochinch. 233. 1790. Euphoria longana Lamk., Encycl. 3:
574. 1792. Nephelium longana {Lamk.) Cambess, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. 18: 30. 1829; Hiren
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 688. 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 285. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
‘Omb, Vumb’
Tree. Leaves pinnate; leaflets 2-5 pairs, reddish when young. Flowers polygamo-
dioceous in terminal and axillary panicles. Stamens 6-10, included in female, exserted in
male flowers; filaments hairy at the base. Fruit supported on persistent calyx, globose,
reddish tubercled Seds solitary, enveloped by fleshy axil.

FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1109

Common in thick forests. Young leaves red. Fruits edible.
Localities. Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Gajapur, Karanjphen, Patgaon
Dodonaea Miller
Dodooaea angustifolia L. f., Sp PI. 218. 1781. D. burmcomiana DC., Prodr. 1: 616 1824.
D. viscosa auct. non Jacq. 1760; Hiren in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 697. 1875; Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 287. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Baad, Bandukicha pala, Jakhami’
Shrub with erect, young parts glandular-pubescent. Flowers unisexual,
inconspicuous, in axillary and terminal cymes. Petals absent. Stamens 5-10, usually 8. Disk
minute in male flowers, small in female flowers. Capsules orbicular with wide marginal
wings. Seeds compressed brown or black.
FIs. & Frts.: May-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1841
Native of Australia, planted in hedges, also naturalised. Leaves tied along with poultice on
muscle pains and swellings.
Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Korochi, Nesari.
Filicium Thw. ex Benth. & Hook. f.
*Filicium decipiens (Wt. & Am.) Thw., Anum. PI. Zeyl. 408. 1864; Bennette in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 1. 539. 1875 (under Buerseraceae); Rhus decipiens Wt. & Am. Prodr. 172.
Medium sized, evergreen tree. Leaves imparipinnate; rachis broadly obtriangularly
winged; leaflets 9-21 Flowers in axillary panicles shorter than leaves. Petals white. Stamens
5, inserted below disk. Drupes globose, purple, 1 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-May
Native of Ceylon, planted in gardens.
Localities: Jaysingpur, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Harpulia Roxb.
Harpulia arborea (Blanco) Radik. Ub. Fischvergift. Pfi. in Sitzungsb. Bayer. Akad 16:
404. 1886; Sharma et al (ed.) FI. Karnataka, 57. 1984. H. imbricata Thw., Enum. PI. 56.
1858; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 286. 1958 (Repr. ed ). H. cupanoides Hiren ip Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 1: 692. 1875 non Roxb. 1832.

Large tree. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets 4-5 pairs, opposite or alternate.
Flowers regular, polygamous, in lax drooping axillary panicles. Petals 5. Stamens 5-8.
Ovary 2 lobed, 2-celled, ovules 2 in each cell. Capsules coriaceous inflated, 2 lobed, 2
celled, loculicidally 2 valved, 1-2 seeded. Seeds black subglobose, exalbuminous usually
disciform arillate.
FIs. &Frts.: Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1842
Rare, in thick forests.
Localities: Dajipur, Savarde.
Lepisanthes Blume
Lepisanthes tetraphylla (Vahl) Radik. Holl. Sitzungsber Math.-Phys. Kl. Bayer Akad.
Wiss. Munchen 8: 276. 1878. Hemigyrosa canescens Blume in Rumphia 3: 166. 1847; Hiren
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 671 1875; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 281. 1958 (Repr. ed).
‘Karpa, Lokhandi’
Tree. Leaves pinnate, leaflets 2-3 pairs, opposite or subopposite. Flowers polygamo-
monoecious, irregular in simple or panicled racemes. Sepals 5, unequal. Petals 5, white,
scales about half as long as petals, 2 lobed at apex, the lobes laciniate. Stamens slightly
longer than petals. Fruit subglobose or trigonus, velvetty tomentose, apiculate, yellow.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-June Exsiccata. MMS 926
Frequent in the forests on exposed places. Flowers very fragrant.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Panhala, Tillari, Waghbil
Sapindus (Town.) L.
Leaflets acute or acuminate at apex 5. trifoliatus
Leaflets rounded or emarginate at apex S. emarginata
*Sapindus emargianta Vahl, Syb Bot. 3: 54. 1794; Hiren in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1; 682.
1875 non L. 1753; S. trifoliatus auct. non. L., 1753; Hiren in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 682.
1875, p.p. S. laurifolius Vahl var. emargibatus Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 266. 1902 (1;
284. 1958 Repr. ed ), p.p. excl. S. trifoliatua Hiem. ‘Ritha’
Tree. Leaves abruptly pinnate; leaflets opposite, 2-3 pairs. Flowers in terminal, rusty
tomentose panicles shorter than leaves, bisexuals few. Petals 5, white. Disk concave.
Stamens 8; filaments villous. Drupes 2-3-lobed, 2-3 seeded. Seed blackish, smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata:MMS 1843

Rarely cultivated near villages. Fruits used as soap for washing of gold ornaments.
Locality. Kagal.
*Sapindus trifoliatus L, Sp. PI 1753: Hiren in Hook f. FI. Brit India 1: 682 1875 S.
laurifolius Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 54. 1794; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 266. 1902 (1: 284.
1958 Repr. ed). ‘Ritha’
Tree. Leaves alternate; abruptly pinnate; leaflets opposite, 2-3 pairs. Flowers
polygamous, regular in terminal or axillary rusty-tomentose, panicles the males numerous
and bisexual flowers few. Disk concave with fleshy hirsute margin. Fruit fleshy 2 lobed,
clothed with fulvous hairs and wrinkled when ripe with 1 seed in each lobe. Seeds blackish.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata: s.n. Sarsesai
Commonly cultivated Fruits used as soap for washing of gold ornaments.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Gadhinglaj, Kolhapur, Panhala, Warananagar.
Schlechera Willd. (nom. cons.)
Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken, Allg. Naturf. 3(2): 1341. Pistacia oleosa Lour FI.
Cochinch. 2: 615. 1790. Schleichera trijuga Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1096; Hiren in Hook f FI.
Brit India I: 681. 1875, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 283. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Kusumb’
Tree. Leaves alternate, pinnate, leaflets 2-4 pairs. Flowers white or yellowish regular
polygamo-dioecious, fascicled on slender panicles, calyx 4-6 lobed. Disk with wavy margin.
Drupes pointed, echinate with small, blunt prickles. Seeds 1 or 2 enclosed in aril.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1178
Occasional on slopes of denuded hills and also on forest borders. Fruits edible
Localities: Burki, Chandgad, Dhandgrmola, Gajapur, Kerle, Panhala, Ramtirth, Tillari.
Leaves simple
Petioles without spur like appendages; ovary superior;
drupe not enclosed in cup shaped torus
Styles three or more
Flowers unisexual; stamens as many as petals (5-6); styles 3,
carpels 3; fruits a reniform nut seated on fleshy receptacle Semecarpus
Flowers bisexual; stamens twice as many as petals (10);

styles 5-6, carpels 5; drupe not on fleshy receptacle Buchmnia

Style single
Carpel one
Stamens 1(2-5); fruit a fleshy drupe Mangifera
Stamens 9; fruits a reniform nut seated on fleshy receptacle Anacardium
Carpels three Nothopegia
Petioles with spur like appendages; ovary inferior;
drupe enclosed in cup shaped torus Holigama
Leaves compound
Unarmed trees; leaflets 5-11
Plants glabrous; leaves with intramarginal vein; flowers unisexual;
petals valvet; ovary unilocular Spondias
Plants pubescent; leaves without intramarginal vein; flowers
polygamous; petals imbricate; ovary 4-5 locular Latmaea
Armed shrubs; leaflets 3-foliolate Rhus
Aancardium L.
* Anacardium occidentale L., Sp. PI. 383. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 20. 1876; Cooke
FI. Pres Bombay 1: 292. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Kaju’
Small tree. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers polygamous in terminal panicles. Petals 5,
linear-lanceolate, deflexed from the middle. Stamens 9, one larger than others. Fruit
reniform, pedicel large, fleshy dark yellow or orange coloured.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-July
Native of Tropical America, cultivated for its edible nuts as well as its fleshy thalamus. A
strongly flavoured liquor called ‘Kaju Pheny’is obtained from fleshy thalamus.
Localities: Amba, Chandgad, Gadhainglaj, Halkami, Nesari, Murgud, Sangawade, Tillari.
Buchanania Spreng.
Buchanania lanzan Spreng., J. Bot. (Schrarder) 2: 234. 1800; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1.
293. 1958 (Repr. ed ). B. latifolia Roxb , FI. Ind. 2: 385. 1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 23.
1876 ‘Char, Charoli’
Small tree; young parts silky pubescent. Leaves thickly coriaceous, glabrous above,
densely pubescent beneath. Flowers small, sessile in terminal and axillary panicles, shorter
than leaves. Petals 5, greenish white. Disk fleshy, 5-crenate Stamens 10, shorter than petals
Drupes obliquely reniform, black. Stone hard, 2 valved
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-May Exsiccata: MMS 1167
Frequent on hills. Kernels edible, used in sweet preparations and yield valuable oil.
Localities. Babu Jaml, Adur, Gadhinglaj, Kowad, Nesari, Tarewadi.
Holigarna Halle ex Roxb. (nom. cons.)
Holigarna grahamii (Wt.) Kurz. in J. Asiat. Soc. beng. 4. 305. 1872; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 37 1876; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 298. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Semecarpusgrahamii Wt., Ic.
t 235. 1839. ‘Bibbi, Hulgeri, RanBibba’
Tree. Leaves simple, rigidly coriaceous. Flowers in rusty tomentose, terminal
panicles. Petals 5, densly villous. Stamens 5, inserted at the edge of disk. Ovary in male
flowers absent, in female flowers 1-celled, style 3-5 terminal. Drupe enclosed in cup shaped
torus except 1/4 length of upper part, which exserted.
FIs. & Frts. Nov.-May
. Exsiccata. MMS 1782
Occasional in forests at higher altitudes.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Patgaon, Tillari, Udegiri
Lannaea Rich.(nom. cons.)
Lannaea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr., J. Am. Arb. 19: 353. 1939. Dialium
coromandelicum Houtt., Nat. Hist II, 2. 39, t. 5, f. 2. 1774. Odina woodier Roxb., FI. Ind. 2:
293. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 29. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 296. 1958 (Repr.
ed ). ‘Moya, Moi, Shimati’
Small deciduous tree. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 3-5 pairs and an odd one.
Flowers crowded in cymose fascicles along racemes; male racemes compound, peduncles;
female racemes simple. Drupes reniform, compressed, reddish-brown.
FIs. & Frts. Feb.-Apr.
: Exsiccata: MMS 114
Common on slopes of hill forests, along streams. Flowers appears after leaves.
Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Bambawade, Nesari, Ramling, Tarewadi, Uttur.
Mangifera L.
*Mangifera indica L., Sp. PI. 200. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:13. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 291. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Amba’
Tall, evergreen tree. Flowers polygamous in large, terminal panicles. Petals 4-5, free
or adnate to disk. Stamens 1-5, inserted just within disk or on it, usually only one perfect and
much longer than others. Drupe large, fleshy, obliquely pyriform, stone compressed, fibrous;
seed oblong.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 724
Widely cultivated for fruits.
Localities. Alate, Bambawade, Dajipur, Devale, Kolhapur, Nesari, Radhanagri, Uttur.
Nothopegia Blume (nom. cons.)
Nothopegia racemosa (Dalz.) Ramamoorthy in Saldhana & Nicolson, FI Hassan 377 1976.
Glycocarpus racemosus dalz., in J Asiat. Soc. Bombay 3: 69. 1849. Nothopegia
colebrookicma Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 40. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 299. 1958
(Repr. ed). ‘Amberi’
Large shrub or small tree, with acrid milky juice. Flowers small, bracteate,
polygamous, in short axillary racemes. Petals 4-5, spreading, imbricate. Stamens 4. Drupes
seated on the slightly enlarged torus, depressed globose, striate, apiculate with style.
FIs. &Frts.: Dec.-June Exsiccata. MMS 113,805
Common on forest borders at higher altitudes, fruits edible, latex used against muscle pains
especially in rheumatism and arthritis.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Manoli, Patgaon, Radhanagri, Udegiri.
Rhus L.
Rhus sinuata Thunb. Prodr. FI. Ceylon. 52. 1794. R mysurensis G. Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 74.
1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:9. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 290. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
v Amaru’
Shrub with thorny branches. Leaves 3 or rarely 5 foliolate. Flowers minute, in small
axillary panicles. Petals greenish white, subacute. Disk 5-lobed, the lobes often notched.
Ovary globose, 1 locular. Drupes globose, brownish black shining.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1743
Occasional on hill forests. Fruits used in Ayurvedic medicines.
Localities: Alate, Bambu Jamal, Bahubali, Jatiba, Kowad, Nesari, Tarewadi, Uttur.
Semecarpus L.f.
Semecarpus anacardium L. f., Sp. PI. 182. 1781, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:30. 1876, Cooke
FI. Pres Bombay 1 296 1958 (Repr ed). ‘Bibba, Bilva’
A medium sized tree. Flowers small, polygamous in terminal panicles. Petals 5-6.
Stamens 5-6, inserted at the base of disk, imperfect in female flowers. Ovary subglobose,
densely pilose, crowned with 3 styles. Drupes smooth and shining, black when ripe, seated
on a fleshy, edible, orange coloured thalamus.
Fls.&Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata MMS 1701
Occasional on hill slopes. Plant used in Ayurvedic medicine, fleshy receptacles edible. Nut
used in marking ink.
Localities. Alate, Babu Jamal, Batkanangale, Gadhinglaj, Kolhapur, Nesari, Uttur.
Spondias L.
Stone smooth S. acuminata
Stone rough S. pinnata
Spondias acuminata Roxb., [Hort. Beng. 34. 1814] FI. Ind. 2: 451. 1832; Hook, f FI Brit.
India 2:42. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres Bombay 1: 300. 1958 (Repr ed.). ‘Ranambada’
A medium sized tree. Leaves pinnate, leaflets 5-8 pairs, subopposite. Flowers
polygamous in terminal spreading panicles. Petals 5, spreading. Stamens 8-10 inserted
beneath the disk. Ovary sessile, 4-5 celled; ovules l in each cell. Styles 4-5 conniving above.
Drupes fleshy, stone hard, thick.
FIs. &Frts.: Feb.-May Exsiccata. MMS 1844
Rare, fruits edible and made into pickles
Localities: Fphejiwade, Radhanagri, Tillarinagar.
Spondias pinnata (L. f.) Kurz., Prelim. Rep. For. Pegu., App. A. 44 & B. 42. 1875
Mangifera indica L. f., Sp. PI. 156. 1781. Spondias mangifera Willd., Sp. PI. 2: 754. 1799;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 42. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 299. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Medium sized glabrous tree. Leaves pinnate; leaflets 3-5 pairs and an odd one.
Flowers pinkish green, in sparingly branched, glabrous, terminal panicles. Disk 10-lobed,
crenate. Stamens 10, about half as long as petals. Drupes obovoid, yellow; stone woody,
hard rough, fibrous outside. Seeds usually one.
FIs. & Frts. Feb.-Aug.
. Exsiccata: MMS 1169
Rare, on hill slopes and also cultivated. Fruits edible, made into pickles used in Ayurvedic
Localities: Kaneriwadi, Panhala.
Moringa Adans. (nom. cons.)
*Moringa oleifera Lamk., Encycl. 1: 398. 1785. M. pterigosperma Gaertn., Fruct. 2: 314.
1795; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 45. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 301. 1958 (Repr ed.)
Middle sized tree. Leaves 3-4 pinnate, pinnate and pinnules opposite. Flowers in
large lax, terminal panicles. Calyx cup shaped, 5 lobed; segments petaloid. Petals white,
spathulate. Perfect stamens 5, alternating with staminodes. Pods obtusely triangular, ribbed.
Seeds 3 angled and winged on angles.
FIs. & Frts. Almost throughout year.

Planted in kitchen gardens Leaves used as vegetable. Pods cooked in curries.

Localities: Alate, Bambawade, Devale, Kolhapur, Nesari, Radhanagari, Uttur
Calyx enlarged after flowering; follicles sessile Rourea
Calyx not enlarged after flowering; follicles stipitate Connarus
Connarus L.
Erect shrub C. monocarpus
Scandent shrub C. wightii
Connarus monocarpus L., Sp. PI. 675. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 50. 1876; Cooke FI
Pres. Bombay 1: 303. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Sundari’
A much branched shrub. Leaves pinnate; leaflets 1-2 pairs with an odd one. Flowers
in axillary and terminal branched panicles. Petals 5, much longer than sepals. Follicle
oblique, glabrous within, at first bright scarlet, fusiform. Seeds slightly compressed, pulpy
yellow aril; testa black shining.
FIs. & Frts. Feb.-Aug Exsiccata: MMS 813
Common on Ghats, flowers fragrant.
Localities: Anuskura, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Radhanagri, Salavan, Tudye, Udegiri.
Connarus wightii Hook, f in Hook, f FI Brit. India 2: 51. 1876; Cooke FI Pres
Bombay l: 304. 1958 (Repr, ed.). 'Sundari'
Scandent shrub. Leaves alternate, pinnate, leaflets 1-2 pairs and an odd one.
Flowers in axillary and terminal racemes. Petals 5, white. Stamens 10, 5 longer opposite
to sepals and with fertile anthers, 5 shorter opposite to petals. Follicles compressed,
bright red. Seed compressed, arillate at base.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-July Exsiccata: MMS 119
Common at higher altitudes, flowers sweet fragrant. Both must be one and same species.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Radhanagri, Tillari.
Rourea Aublet
Rourea minor (Gaertn.) Alst in Trin. Handb. FI. Ceylon 6: 67. 1931. Aegiceras minus
Gaertn., Fruct. 1: 216, t. 46. 1788. Connarus santaloides Vahl, Symb. Bot. 4: 87. 1794.
1794. Rourea santaloides (Vahl) Wt. & Am., Prodr. 144. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
47. 1876; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 303. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Vardhara’
Scandent shrub. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 2-4 pairs and odd terminal one.
Flowers small in axillary racemose panicles. Sepals 5, accressent. Stamens 10, filaments
connate at base. Ovaries 5, ovoid of which 4 imperfect and on one perfect. Follicles
sessile, curved. Seeds erect, arillate.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1845
Frequent scandent shrub in forests.
Localities; Dajipur, Gajapur, Patgaon, Radhanagri, Tillari.
FABACEAE Lindl. (nom.alt.)

[Papilionaceae Giseke (nom.cons.)]

Stamens monadelphous
Anthers dimorphous
Pods dehiscent, not jointed
. Pods turgid Crotalaria
Pods flat Goniogyna
Pods indehiscent, jointed
Leaves 2-foliolate, calyx tube short; joints of pod 2-6, echinate Zornia
Leaves 3-foliolate; calyx tube long; joints of pod 1-12, rugose Stylosanthes
Anthers unimorphous
Leaflets alternate; pods not woody, not oblique
Petals yellow; pods orbicular, winged Pterocarpm
Petals white or red; pods thin, strap shaped Dalbergia (p.p.)
Leaflets opposite; pods woody, obliquely oblong Pongamia
Herbs or shrubs
Petals not yellow; pods not underground
Leaves compound; pods dehiscent or indehiscent, 1-many seeded
Leaves imparipinnate; pods flat
Stamens 9, very rarely 10, anthers dorsifixed; leaflets
alternate Dalbergia (p.p.)
Stamens 10, anthers versatile; leaflets opposite Derris
Leaves abruptly pinnate; pods turgid
Stamens9; pods turgid, dehiscent Abrus
Stamens 10; pods turgid in middle, flat on surfaces,
indehiscent Geissaspis
Leaves 3-foliolate
All anthers fertile
Plants not tuberous; calyx not bell shaped; pods linear-
oblong, flattened
Pods 4-gonous or flattened
Pods 4-gonous
Corolla 2 cm or more long; pods 10-30 cm long Canavalia
Corolla less than 2 cm long; pods upto 8 cm long Cyamopsis
Pods flattened Glycine
Pods 4-winged Psophocarpus
Plants tuberous; calyx bell shaped; pods linear-
oblong, flattened Pueraria
Alternate anthers sterile Teramnus
Leaves simple; pods dehiscent, one seeded Psoralea
Petals yellow; pods underground Arachis
Stamens diadelphous
Stamens in two bundles of 5 each
Pods twisted, enclosed in the calyx Smithia
Pods straight, exserted from the calyx Aeschynomene
Stamens in two bundles of 9 and one 186
Large, erect shrubs or trees
Leaves 3- foliolate
Petals very unequal in length; pods turgid, moniliform Erithrina
Petals subequal in length; pods flat Butea
Leaves pinnate
Leaves even pinnate, pods linear, terete, many seeded, septate
between the seeds Sesbania
Leaves odd pinnate; pods oblong, flat, few seeded, not septate
between the seeds Gliricidia
Herbs or twining shrubs
Petals yellow
Stipules usually adnate to petiole
Pods elongate, straight or recurved Trigonella
Pods short, globose or ovoid Melilotus
Pods spirally circinate, cochleate Medicago
Stipules not adnate to petiole
Leaves with well developed leaflets
Plants prostrate, suberect or twining
Leaflets gland dotted beneath
Calyx persistent and much enlarged in fruit Paracalyx
Calyx not as above Rhynchosia
Leaflets not gland dotted beneath
Pods flattened
Stigma terminal Microtyloma
Stigma oblique Phaseolus
Pods terete Vigna
Plants erect Cajanus
Leaves with leaflets modified into tendril Lathyrus
Petals other than yellow
Plants erect, prostrate or diffuse
Pods distinctly jointed
Joints of pods not folded on one another
Calyx not glumaceous; pods flattened
Calyx much Longer than first joint of pod, pods
not indentate Desmodiastrum
Calyx shorter than first joint of pod; pods indentate
atleast along sutures Desmodium
Calyx glumaceous; pods turgid or if compressed then
sutures not indentate Alysicarpus
Joints of the pod folded on one another Uraria
Pods not jointed
Pods turgid
Leaflets exstipellate
Flowers axillary, solitary Cicer
Flowers capitate or paniculate Flemingia
Leaflets stipellate
Leaflets 3-foliolate, anthers muticous; Pycnospora
Leaflets 1-3-many foliolate; anthers apiculate Indigofera
Pods flattened Tephrosia
Plants twining or climbing
Terminal leaflet not modified into tendril
Petals dark purple
Pods clothed with irritant bristles Mucuna
Pods glabrous Spatholobus
Petals not purple
Leaves three foliolate
Keel spirally twisted; stigma oblique Phaseolus (p.p.)
Keel not twisted; stigma terminal Lablab
Leaves pinnate Clitoria
Terminal leaflet modified into tendril Pisum
Abrus Adans.
Abrus precatorius L., Syst. Nat. ed.12, 2: 472. 1767; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
175. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 382. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Gunj’
Glabrous, perennial twinner. Leaves pinnate, thickened and hairy at base; leaflets
10-20 pairs, opposite. Flowers crowded in many flowered racemes. Petals pink or white
with a pink tinge; stamens monadelphous. Pods oblong, turgid with sharp deflexed beak,
silky pubescent. Seeds globose, red or white and with or without black spot, shining.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year but peak in Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 2046
Frequent in hedges and on bunds. Roots used as a substitute for liquorice; leaves and
seeds used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities. Gadhinglaj, Girgaon, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Sangavade, Shirol.
Aeschynomene L.
Leaflets with 1-nerve with symmetrical obtuse tips; pods with
smooth margins
Stem usually thick and spongy, flowers 1-2 cm long;
calyx hispid; pods up to 4 cm long; echinate opposite the seeds A. aspera
Stem woody; flowers up to 1 cm long; calyx glabrous; pods
more than 5 cm long, papillose hairy A. indica
Leaflets with 2 or more nerves, with asymmetrical oblique tips;
one side of the pod moniliform A. americana
Aeschynomene americana L., Sp. PI. 713. 1753; Rudd., Reinwardtia 5: 25. 1959;
Dasanayake in FI. Ceylon 7. 165-66. 1991.
A much branched herb, some what woody and warty at base Leaves pinnate;
leaflets 10-20 pairs. Flowers in short, 1-3-flowered racemes. Stamens 10, 5 each in 2
bundles. Pods slightly curved, dorsal part of pods with cut marginal joints.
FIs. & Frts. \ Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2301
Common on waste and moist places, in grasslands, along roadsides.
Localities: Hatkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Shiroli, Wadgaon.
Aeschynomene aspera L., Sp. PI. 713. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 152.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 363. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Robust undershrubs, leaves impari-pinnate, leaflets 30-50. Flowers short, 1-3-
flowered racemes. Petals yellow. Pods indentate on both sutures, 4-8 jointed. Seeds
Pis. & Frts. Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2278
Frequent on margins of tanks.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Nittur, Shiroli.
Aeschynomene indica L., Sp. PI. 713. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI, Brit. India 2: 151
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 363. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Much branched, glabrous, annual, woody at base. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets,
sessile, in 15-25 opposite pairs. Corolla yellow; standard orbicular, shortly clawed, wings
obliquely obovate. Pods slightly curved, 6-7 articulately jointed.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee, Exsiccata MMS 2257
Common amidst grasses and water courses.
Localities: Devale, Hupari, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kini, Murgud, Shiroli.
Alysicarpus Desvaux (nom. cons.)
Leaves three nerved at base; calyx densely covered with silky white hairs
Erect herbs; inflorescence dense; flowers sessile; pods 2-4 jointed,
joints globose, reticulately veined A pubescens
var. pubescens
Diffuse or procumbent herbs, inflorescence lax; flowers
pedicellate; pods 1 -2 jointed, joints conspicuously reticulately veined A. pubescens
var. vasavade
Leaves one nerved; calyx not covered with silky hairs
Calyx much shorter than first joint of pod
Pods cylindric or compressed without any constriction between joints;
joints conspicuously veined
Plants glabrous; stipules scarious; pods cylindric, joints of pod longer
than broad
Leaves often dimorphic, the lower obovate, upper lanceolate;
inflorescence lax A. ovalifolius
Leaves often monomorphic, orbicular to ovate;
inflorescence dense A. vaginalis
Plants covered with spreading hairs; stipules membranous; pods
compressed, joints of pod broader than long A. procumbem
Pods beaded or with constriction between joints; joints not veined A. monilifer
Calyx much longer than first joint of pod
Joints of pod smooth or faintly ornamented
Leaves obovate; inflorescece dense; joints of pods elongated A. gamblei
Leaves linear-lanceolate; inflorescece lax; joints of pods globose A. bupleurifolius
Joints of pod rugose with transverse wavy lines
Pods compressed, two sided, as long as or slightly longer than calyx
Plants diffuse or procumbent; stem glabreseent or sparsely
pubescent; racemes dense axillary
Calyx glabrous on back, sepals distantly ciliate A. rugosus
Calyx hairy on back, sepals closely ciliate A. scariosus
Plants stout, stem densely pubescent or villous, racemes lax,
axillary and terminal A. heyneanus
Pods 4-gonous, much longer than calyx A. tetragonolobus
Alysicarpus bupleurifolius (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 352. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 158 1876, Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay l: 370 1958 (Repr. ed). Hedysarum
bupleurifolium L., Sp. PI. 745. 1753.
Erect, appressed hairy. Leaves unifoliolate. Leaflets rigid, variable, usually linear.
Flowers in 10-20 distant pairs on erect, lax racemes. Petals deep pink, red or pink purple.
Pods cylindric, apiculate, 4-8 jointed, joints as broad as long, reticulate, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 2289
Common amidst grasses, on rocky soils.
Localities. Alate, Bahubali, Devale, Hupari, Kagal, Kurundwad, Kini, Murgud, Shiroli.
Alysicarpus gamblei Schindl., Fedde Repr. 21. 11. 1925. A. bupleurifolius (L.) DC. var.
gracilis Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 158. 1876.
Erect or procumbent annual herb. Leaves unifoliolate. Flowers in dense racemes.
Corolla pink or red. Pods 5-8 jointed, joints of pod smooth or faintly ornamented, joints
FIs. & Frts.: June-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 2345
Common amidst grasses, on rocky soils and must be a variety of the same.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Hupari, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kini, Murgud, Shiroli.
Alysicarpus heyneauus Wight & Am., Prodr. 1: 234. 1834. A. rugosus (Willd.) DC. var.
heyneanus (Wight & Am.) Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 159. 1876; Cooke, FI
Pres. Bombay 1: 371. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Stout, erect or diffuse herb upto 1 m. tall. Leaves unifolioate with long sticky hairs;
Flowers in axillary and terminal racemes, in close pairs. Petals pink or deep red. Pods 3-5
jointed, moniliform; densely transversely rugose, black.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2332
Frequent in black cotton soil, grasslands and also in cultivated fields attain a height of 2
mtrs. with a much variation in habit and leaves.
Localities: Ghotawade, Ghunaki, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kini, Murgud, Shiroli.
Alysicarpus monilifer (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 253. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
157. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 368. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Hedysarum moniliferum
L., Mant 1: 102. 1767.
Prostrate, annual herb; branches spreading, clothed with deciduous, long spreading
hairs. Leaves 1-foliolate. Flowers erect, close, in 4-10-flowered, axillary or leaf opposed,
short racemes. Pods moniliform, 5-8 jointed, joints clothed with glandular and hooked
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2340
Very rare in grasslands, collected only once.
Localities. Bahubali.
Aiysicarpus ovalifolius (Schumac.) J. Leonard in Bull. Jard. Bot. Brux. 24: 88. 1954.
Hedysarum ovalifolium Schumac. Beskr. Guin. PI. 359. 1827. Aiysicarpus rupicola
Edgew, J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 21: 170. 1853.
Procumbent, annual herb, clothed with spreading hairs. Leaves 1-foliolate. Flowers
in short racemes. Pods 5-8 jointed, joints clothed with hairs.
FIs. & Frts. . Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2251
Rare, in moist and shady places near streams in black soil.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali.
Aiysicarpus procumbens (Roxb.) Schindl. in Fedd. Repert. 21: 11. 1925; Raizada in
Ind. For. 92. 301. 1966. Hedysarum procumbens Rxob FI Ind. 3: 345. 1832. Aiysicarpus
hamosus Edgew, J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 21: 171. 1853; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
157 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 368. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Prostrate or procumbent herb. Leaves 1-foliolate. Flowers in pairs along the
rachis, in axillary, 4-8-flowered racemes. Petals deep pink. Pods oblong compressed, 3-
7-jointed clothed with straight and hooked hairs.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2295
Very rare in grasslands, collected only once on gravelly hill slopes.
Locality : Babu Jamal.
Aiysicarpus pubescens Law. var. pubescens in Wt. Ic. t. 450. 1840; Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 150. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 372. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect or decumbent herb, 30-90 cm tall. Flowers sessile, in dense terminal
spicate, racemes Standard petal yellow coloured, other petals deep pink. Pods 2-4-
jointed, moniliform, included within the calyx, joints globose reticulately veined.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2249
Frequent on gravelly hill slopes.
Localities: Hatkanangale, Kolhapur.
Alysicarpus pubescens Law. var vasawade (Hemadri) Sanjappa, Taxon 32: 668 1983
A. vasawadae Hemadri, Ind. For 91: 65. 1971.
Erect or decumbent herb, 30-90 cm tali. Flowers pedicelled, in dense terminal
spicate, racemes. Standard petal yellow coloured, other petals deep pink. Pods often only
1-jointed, impressed and conspicuously reticulately veined.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata MMS 2246
Frequent in open grasslands.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur.
Alysicarpus rugosus (Willd.) DC., Prodr. 2: 353. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 156. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 371. 1958 (Repr. ed). Hedysarum rugosum
Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 1172. 1802.
Diffuse, annual herb. Leaves unifoliolate. Leaflets ovate or ovate-lanceolate.
Flowers appressed to rachis crowded in dense spicate racemes. Petals deep pink. Pods
moniliform, turgid, 3-6 jointed, joints broader than long, transversely rugose, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2342
Common in grasslands, roadsides and exposed rocks on hill slopes.
Localities: Alate, Bambvade, Chavare, Hatkanangale, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj.
Alysicarpus scariosus (Rottl. ex Spreng) Grah. ex Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 88. 1858.
Hedysarum scariosum Rottl. ex Spreng. Syst. Veg. 3: 319. 1826 Alysicarpus
styrasifolius auct. non 1825 A. rugosus (Willd.) DC. var. styracifolia Baker in Oliver, FI.
Trap. Africa 2: 171. 1871 et in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 159. 1876, Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1.371. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Procumbent herb; branches fleshy pubescent. Leaves unifoliolate. Flowers in
axillary or terminal, compact racemes. Petals deep pink, often included within the calyx.
Pods moniliform, 3-5 jointed rarely exserted from calyx; joints transversely rugose.
FIs. & Frts. : July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2350
Rare, along hedges in black cotton soil.
Localities: Kavathesar.
Alysicarpus tetragonolobus Edgew, J. Asiat. Soc. Beng 21: 169. 1853; Baker in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 2: 159. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 372. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Procumbent annual herb. Leaves unifoliolate. Leaflets ovate. Flowers in lax,
axillary and terminal racemes. Petals uniformly deep pink or standard petal sometimes
with yellow spot. Pods 4-gonous, moniliform, 2-6-jointed; joints transversely ribbed,
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2329
Common amidst grasses on rocky soil.
Localities. Bambavade, Ichalkaranji, Kavathesar, Kolhapur, Malakapur.
Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 353. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2:
158. 1876, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 369. 1958 (Repr. ed). Hedysarum vaginalis L.,
Sp. PI. 746. 1753.
Prostrate herb; stems spreading or ascending. Leaves unifoliate. Leaflets very
variable in shape and size on one and same plant. Flowers in close pairs of 6-12-flowered
racemes. Petals deep rose coloured, slightly exserted. Pods subterete, 3-8 jointed,
FIs. & Frts. . Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata. MMS 2254
Common on gravelly hill slopes, roadsides and in grasslands.
Localities. Alas, Aurwad, Halasawade, Hasur, Katyayani, Kolhapur, Murgud, Nandani,.
Arachis L.
*Arachis hypogea L., Sp. PI. 742. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 161. 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 435. 1958 (Repr. ed ). 'Bhuimug'
Decumbent annual herb. Leaves pinnately 4-foliolate; petioles swollen at base.
Flowers solitary or in lax axillary racemes. Petals yellow. Pods underground, torulose.
FIs. & Frts:. Sept.-Feb. & May-June Exsiccata: MMS 2253
Probably a native of Brazil, largely cultivated for oil seeds. Seeds used for edible oil;
Seeds and oil used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities. Throughout the region
Butea Roxb. ex. Willd. (nom. cons.)
Scandent shrubs; calyx lobes equal; pods much narrowed at base B. superba
Shrubs or trees; calyx lobes unequal; pods rounded at base B. monosperma
Butea monosperma (Lamk.) Taub., Engl. & Prantl., Pflanzenf. 3(3): 366. 1894.
Erythrina monosperma Lamk., Encycl. 1: 371. 1785. Butea frondosa Koen., ex Roxb. in
Asiat. Res. 3: 469. 1792; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 194. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 395. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Palas’
Deciduous tree with ash coloured, fissured bark. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers large
in dense rigid racemes; densely brown velvetty. Corolla salmon or orange coloured,
clothed outside with silvery hairs. Pods stalked, one seeded, reticulately veined, silvery
FIs <£ Frts: Mar -June Exsiccata: MMS 2334
Frequent in hilly areas, along roadsides. Flowers and seeds have some repute in

Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities Alate, Babu Jamal, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj, Murgud, Panhala, Uttur.
Butea superba Roxb., PI. Corom., 1: 23, t. 22. 1795; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:

195. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 396. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Palasvef
Large scandent shrub; young parts tomentose. Leaves 3 foliolate, Leaflets

coriaceous terminal one larger than lateral ones. Flowers orange; pedicels thrice as long

as calyx. Calyx lobes equal. Pods much narrowed at base.

FIs. & Frts. : Feb.-June
Reported here on authority of Mahajan et al. (1975).

Locality: Radhanagari

Cajanus A.P. DC. (nom. cons.)

Plants erect

Stipules ovate; flowers in axillary and terminal few flowered racemes C. cajan
Stipules linear-subulate; flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs without

common peduncle

Leaves oblanceolate, 5-6 times as long as broad C. sericea

Leaves ovate-oblong, 2-2 5 times as long as broad C. lineata
Plants twining or trailing C. scarabaeoides
* Cajan us cajan (L.) Millsp. in Field. Columb. Mus. Bot. 2: 53. 1900; Merr. Enum. 2:
314. 1924. Cytisus cajan L., Sp PI. 739. 1753. Cajanus indicus Spreng. Syst. 3: 248.

1826; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 217. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 435.

1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Tur’

Erect undershrub. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in axillary and terminal, few

flowered racemes shorter than leaves. Petals yellow, often with purple straps on the back.
Pods linear, long acuminate, densely grey-tomentose with oblique depressions between

the seeds.

FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Feb.

Native of Tropical Africa, commonly cultivated for its seeds.
Localities: Kavathesra, Majale, Sangawade, Shirol, Wadagaon.
Cajanus lineatus (Wight & Am.) van der Maesen in Agr. Univ. Wageningen Papers

85(4): 143. 1985. Atylosia lineata Wight & Arn., Prodr. 258. 1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 213. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay l: 408. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Rantur’
An erect shrub, stems and branches sulcate, densly clothed with soft hairs. Leaves
3- foliolate. Flowers axillary, solitary or in pairs. Corolla yellow Stamens diadelphous
Pods linear-turgid, hairy. Seeds 2, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 2349
Common in forests and along forest clearings.
Localities. Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Gajapur, Manoli, Udegiri.
Cajanus scarabaeoides (L.) Du Petit-Thou., Diet. Sci. Nat. 6. 617 1817, (Cajan
scarabaeiode) Atylosia scarabaeoides (L.) Benth. in Mig. PI. Jungh, 243. 1852; Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 215. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay I: 409. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Dolichos scarabaeoides L , Sp. PI. 726. 1753.
Slender, annual, herbaceous twinner. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers 2-6 in short,
densely pubescent, axillary peduncles. Corolla yellow. Stamens diadelphous. Pods flat,
densely pubescent and glandular with deep lines between the seeds. Seeds 3-6, black.
FIs. & Frts. June-Sept.
. Exsiccata. MMS 2255
Common in moist deciduous forests and along roadsides.
Localities. Babu Jamal, Narande, Panhala.
Cajanus sericea (Benth. ex Baker) van der Maesen in Agr. Univ. Wageningen Papers
85(4): 195. 1985. Atylosia sericea Benth. ex. Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 213.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 408. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Undershrub, branches grooved, silky hairy. Leaves 3-foliolate, leaflets sessile,
densely silky pubescent. Flowers yellow, axillary, solitary or paired. Corolla yellow.
Stamens diadelphus. Pods linear-oblong, silky tomentose, beaked; seeds 2, blackish.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Dee.
: Exsiccata: MMS 2258
Occasional along grassy hill slopes.
Localities: Kale, Karanjphen, Kerle, Waghbil.
Canavalia DC. (nom.cons.)
Canvalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC., Prodr. 2: 404. 1825. Dolichos gladiatus Jacq. Coll. Bot.
1: 78. 1813. Ccmavalia ensiformis auct. plur. non DC., Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 195. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 397. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Abai, Ghevada’
Stout, glabrous twinner. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers 12-20 in lax curved, axillary
racemes. Corolla lilac or white. Stamens monodelphous. Pods slightly incurved, shortly
pointed, glabrescent, strongly 3-keeled. Seeds 8-10, reddish brown or white.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2335
Frequent along bunds of fields. Tender pods and seeds used as vegetable.
Localities Hupari, Karadaga, Kodoli, Rendal, Sangawade, Yelgud
Cicer L.
*Cicer arientinum L., Sp. PI. 738. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 176. 1876,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 435. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Harbhara’
Much branched. Leaves pinnate, stipules often lobed. Leaflets 9-15 pairs. Flowers
axillary, solitary. Petals pink, slightly exceeding the calyx. Pods often 2 seeded Seeds
shortly beaked.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-Apr.
Cultivated for its edible seeds. Acidic exudates from leaves used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities. Alas, Alate, Chikurde, Dattawad, Kodoli, Kumbhoj, Mangaon, Tilawani.
Clitoria L.
Plants erect; stem angular; leaflets five, ovate-lanceolate; flowers
in pairs; seeds reniform, black C biflora
Plants twining; stem terete; leaflets 5-9, elliptic-oblong; flowers
axillary, solitary; seeds quadrate, brown C. ternatea
Clitoria biflora Dalz., Kew J. Bot. 2: 35. 1850; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 208.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 406. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect, pubescent herb. Leaves 5-foliolate. Flowers large. Corolla light blue or
white. Pods flat, brown, pubescent. Seeds 5-6, reniform, black.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2262
Rare, collected only once.
Locality: Katyayani,
*Clitoria ternatea L., Sp. PI. 753. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 2; 208 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 405. 1958 (Repr. ed ). 'Gokama'
Twining, rather woody, annual or perennial, pubescent, shrub. Leaves 5-9-
foliolate. Flowers large. Corolla light or dark blue or white. Stamens diadelphous. Pods
flattened, nearly straight, sharply, beaked. Seeds 6-10, quadrate.
FIs. &Frts. : Sept.-Dec.
Cultivated in gardens and also some times escape. Corolla white to blue, sometimes with
double, corolla. White form supposed to more medicinal than pink or blue one.
Localities: Alas, Bubnal, Chipari, Dattawad, Ichalkaranji, Katyayani, Kolhapur,
Crotalaria L.
Leaves 3-foliolate
Pods many seeded
Prostrate herbs; bracts large, ovate; pods 8-10 seeded C orixemis
Erect herbs; bracts minute, setaceous; pods 20-30 seeded C. pallida
Pods 2 - seeded C medicaginea
Leaves simple
Petals blue or white C. verrucosa
Petals yellow
Stipules absent
Plants prostrate, trailing or decumbent; racemes 1-few flowered
Bracts 2, leafy, lanceolate C. vestita
Bract 1, minute, subulate
Peduncles 1-3 flowered; corolla much exserted C.filipes var.
Peduncles 1-2 flowered; corolla slightly exserted C.filipes var.
Plants erect; racemes many flowered
Pods hairy
Diffuse herbs C. pusilla
Erect herbs or undershrubs
Branches angled C. leptostachya
Branches terete
Pods less than 1 cm long; 3-4 seeded,
included or scarcely longer than calyx C. burhia
Pods more than 2 cm long; 10-15 seeded,
much exserted than calyx C.juncea
Pods glabrous
Upper calyx lobes connate except at the tip; pods punctate
Racemes lax C. montana
Racemes capitate C. nana
Upper calyx lobes distinct or connate only at the base; pods
not punctate
Inflorescence terminal lax racemes C. lutescens
Inflorescence capitate C. albida
Stipules present
Calyx more than 1.5 cm tong; standard petal with a tuft of hair
at the back; pods as long as or hardly exserted the calyx C. calycina
Calyx less than 1 cm long; standard petal without a tuft of hair at
the back; pods much exserted the calyx
Plants prostrate; pods glabrous C. stocksii
Plants erect; pods glabrous or hairy
Leaves membranous; pods hirsute C. heyneana
Leaves rather thick, oblong-lanceolate, narrowed at base;
flowers axillary and terminal racemes, pods glabrous
Stems and branches densely silky; pods 6-30 seeded
Stipules linear; bracts foliaceous C. mysorensis
Stipules foliaceous; bracts linear C.ferruginea
Stems and branches glabrous or appressed hairy;
corolla much longer than the calyx
Leaves acute at apex; stipules and bracts foliaceous,
reflexed; pods rounded at base C. spectabilis
Leaves obtuse or retuse at apex; stipules and bracts
subulate; pods narrowed at base C. return
Crotalaria albida Heyne ex Roth, Nov. Pi. sp. 333. 1821; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 71. 1876; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 1:315. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect silky-pubescent herb. Flowers 6-20 in terminal racemes. Corolla pale
yellow, with a few hairs on back. Pods glabrous, sessile, 10-25 seeded. Seeds reniform.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2299
Rare weed of cultivated fields.
Localities. Aurwad, Jambhali, Shirol.
Crotalaria burhia Ham. in Wall. Cat. 5386. 1828; Baker in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 2:
66. 1876; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 1:311. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Ghagari’
Diffuse or spreading annual herb. Leaves simple; stipules absent. Flowers in
terminal, 2-6 flowered, capitate racemes; bracts foliaceous. Corolla yellow, scarcely
exserted. Pods sessile, 20-25 seeded. Seeds reniform, pale brown, polished.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec.-Feb.
Reported on authority of Kulkami & Kazi (1972).
Locality’ Panhala.
Crotalaria calycina Schrank, PI. Hort. Monac. t. 12. 1819; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit
India 2: 72. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:317. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Khulkhula'
An erect herb. Leaves variable, dimorphous. Flowers large in terminal, 2-12
flowered racemes; pedicels deflexed in fruit; bracts and bracteoles large foliaceous.
Corolla pale yellow, shorter than calyx. Pods glabrous dark brown. Seeds 20-30
FIs & Frts Aug.-Oct Exsiccata. MMS 2330
Frequent amidst grasses.
Localities. Alate, Jaysingpur, Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Murgud.
Crotalaria filipes Benth. var. fllipes Benth in Hook. Lond. J. 2: 475. 1843; Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 66. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:312. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Prostrate, silky-pubescent herb. Leaves spathulate. Stipules absent. Flowers
distant in leaf opposed or extra axillary, 1-3 flowered racemes. Corolla yellow, exserted.
Seeds 6-10, ovate, reniform.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2259
Very common amidst grasses in varying localities.
Localities: Alate, Amba, Gagabavada, Kagal, Khidrapur,, Kolhapur, Murgud.
Crotalaria filipes Benth. var. trichocarpa Benth ex Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2:
67. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 312. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Very similar to above variety but differs in having rather larger leaves and more
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2333
Rare on hill slopes amidst grasses.
Locality: Panhala.
^Crotalaria juncea L., Sp. PI. 714. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 79. 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 320. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Tag’
Erect simple or branched appressed hairy, annual herb. Flowers 3-15 in lax
racemes. Corolla golden yellow, slightely exserted. Pods cylindric, brown silky, 10-15
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2346
Cultivated throughout as green manure and also naturalised.
Localities: Batkanangale, Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Murgud.
Crotalaria leptostachya Benth. in Hook London J. Bot 2: 562 1843; Baker in Hook f
FI. Brit. India 2: 78. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 320 1958 (Repr ed.).
Undershrub. Leaves simple, covered with fulvous, silky hairs on both surfaces.
Flowers yellow in many flowered, elongated racemes. Corolla yellow, not exserted Pods
densely silky-hairy Seeds 4-6.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2290
Rare, along roadsides in ghat.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tillari.
Crotalaria Iinifolia L. f., Sp. 322. 1781; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 72. 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 317. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect herb with appressed silky hairs. Flowers in terminal elongated, 6-20-
flowered silky racemes. Corolla scarsely longer than calyx. Pods sessile, as long as the
calyx, black when ripe.
FIs & Frts.: Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2250
Rare in ghats.
Localities: Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Kalakdara, Karul.
Crotalaria medicaginea Lamk., Encycl. 2: 201. 1786 var. luxurians (Benth.) Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 81. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 322. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect herb. Leaves 3-foIiolate. Flowers 2-10 in terminal and leaf opposed
racemes; peduncles longer than leaves. Corolla yellow. Pods obliquely subglobose;
appressed silky beaked. Seeds 2, black.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2336
Rare weed in groundnut and jowar.
Localities: Hupari, Talandge.
Crotalaria montana Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 335. 1821. Matthew FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 3:
366. 1983. C. Iinifolia auct. plur non. L.f. 1781; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 72.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 317. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Khulkhula*
Erect, much branched herb. Flowers 6-20 in terminal long racemes. Corolla pale
yellow, scarcely longer than calyx. Pods sessile, not much longer than calyx, often 4
seeded, black. Seeds reniform, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2338
Rare along streams.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali
Crotalaria nana Burm. f. FI Ind. 156, t. 48, f. 2. 1768; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India
2: 71. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:315. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Khulkhula’
Annual herb. Flowers small, usually in crowded capitate racemes Corolla not
exserted. Pods globose, black when ripe, scarsely exceeding the calyx. Seeds 6-10
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2256
Common amidst grasses.
Localities. Ghunaki, Kagal, Kapashi, Kini, Kolhapur, Murgud, Wadgaon.
Crotalaria orixensis Willd., Ges. naturf, Fr. Neue. Schr. 4: 217. 1803; Baker in Hook, f
FI. Brit. India 2: 83. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay l: 323. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Diffuse herb, clothed with scattered brown hairs. Leaves 3-foiiolate; leaflets
variable. Corolla yellow, scarcely exserted. Pods glabrous. Seeds 10-12 reniform,
FIs. & Frts: Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 2341
Common amidst grasses as well as in cultivated fields.
Localities: Kagal, Kapashi, Kolhapur, Murgud, Panhala.
Crotalaria pallida Ait., Hort. Kew 3: 20. 1789. C. striata Dc, Prodr. 2: 31. 1825; Baker
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 84. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 323. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Suffruticose shrub. Leaves membranous, slightly pubescent. Flowers numerous in
erect, terminal and lateral elongated spicate 20-25 flowered racemes. Corolla dull yellow
with purple veins twice as long as calyx. Pods much deflexed, cylindric, glabrous. Seeds
20-30, dark brown.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 2247
Common amidst grasses.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiye.
Crotalaria prostrata Rottl. ex Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 747. 1809; Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 67. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 312. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect or diffuse annual. Leaves subsessile. Flowers small, pedicelled in 2-4
flowered racemes. Corolla yellow not exserted. Pods inflated, glabrous. Seeds 12-15,
highly polished.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2331
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities: Jotiba, Katyayani, Panhala.
Crotalaria pusilla Heyne ex Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 335. 1821; Baker in Hook f FI Brit.
India 2: 70. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 315 1958 (Repr ed).
Erect herb, branching from base. Flowers on short lax, terminal racemes. Corolla
yellow, slightly exserted. Pods oblong, densely silky. Seeds 4-8, reniform, pale yellow
FIs. & Frts.. Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2248
Rare, collected only once. Grow amidst grasses.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Crotalaria retusa L„ Sp. PI. 715. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 75. 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:318 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Khulkhula’
Much branched, erect, annual herb. Flowers large and showy in terminal, many
flowered racemes. Corolla golden yellow, exserted. Pods beaked, black when ripe,
glabrous, shortly stalked. Seeds many, black, reniform.
FIs. & Frts. Oct.-Jan.
: Exsiccata: MMS 2326
Common along Ghats and forest borders.
Localities: Amba, Anuskura, Changad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Kami, Udegiri.
Crotalaria spectabilis Roth, Nov. Pi. Sp. 341. 1821. C. sericea Retz., Obs. Bot. 5: 26.
1788; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 75. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 319.
1958 (Repr. ed ). C. leschenaultii DC., Prodr. 2: 125. 1825; Baker in Hook f. loc. cit. 76.
A much branched annual herb. Flowers very small, yellow, pedicels filiform, 2 or
3 times as long as leaves, solitary, leaf opposed. Corolla slightly exserted. Pods sessile,
finally black. Seeds 12-16, reniform, compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Feb.
Rare, on pasture lands. Reported on authority of Kulakami and Thite. (1979).
Locality: Panhala.
Crotalaria stocksii Benth ex Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 67. 1876; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 313. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A much branched annual. Flowers very small, yellow. Corolla slightly exserted.
Pods sessile linear, finally black. Seeds 12-16.
FIs. & Frts. Nov.-Jan.
: Exsiccata: MMS 2323
Rare amidst grasses.
Localities: Dajipur, Tillari.
Crotalaria triquetra Dalz., in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2: 34. 1850; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 71. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 314. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Khulkhula’
Suffruticose branched herb. Flowers pale yellow, in very long, lax 2-3-flowered
terminal or lateral racemes. Corolla yellow. Seeds 15-20.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2252
Occasional in grasslands.
Localities: Ajara, Jatiba, Panhala.
Crotalaria vestita Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 62. 1876, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 313. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
Erect, usually much branched herb. Flowers densely silky, 4-5-flowered racemes.
Corolla not exserted. Wings rounded at tip. Pods oblong, turgid, glabrous, subsessile.
Seeds 15-20.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2327
Frequent on hill slopes in grasses.
Localities: Kande, Mangale, Panhala, Turrukwadi.
Crotalaria verrucosa L., Sp. PI. 715. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 77. 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 319. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Khulkhula’
Shruby annual herb; branches 4 angled, angles narrowly winged. Stipules large,
foliaceous, semilunate. Flowers in terminal, dense racemes. Corolla blue or white or
purple. Pods cylindric. Seeds 10-15, pale yellow, polished.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2344
Frequent in grasses.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Samobatwadi.
Cyamopsis A.P. DC.
*Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L) Taub. in Engl & Prantl. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 3(3): 159.
1894; Gillet in Kew Bull. Add. ser. 16: 8. 1958. Psoralea tetragonoloba L., Mant. 104.
1767. Cymposispsoralioides (Lamk.) DC,, Mem. Leg. 231. 1825 et Prodr. 2: 216. 1825;
Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 92. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 328. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Gawar’
Erect, annual herb; stems grooved. Leaves 3-foliolate (rarely unifoliolate).
Flowers small in axillary dense racemes. Corolla pale pink, bluish purple or white,
slightly longer than calyx. Pods thick, fleshy, subtetragonous. Seeds 5-6, compressed,
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee.
Largely cultivated throughout region for its pods. Tender pods used in vegetables.
Localities: Alate, Atigre, Chokak, Halondi, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Shiroli.
Dalbergia L.f. (nom. cons.)
Scandent shrubs
Branches spiny; stamens nine, monadelphous D sympathetica
Branches not spiny, stamens ten, diadelphous D. volubilis
Erect shrubs or trees
Armed shrub with spines; stamens 5+1+4 D melanoxylon
Unarmed trees; stamens 9 or 10, mono- or diadelphous
Stamens 9 in one bundle
Leaves acuminate, calyx hairy D. sissoo

Leaves obtuse, calyx glabrous D. latifolia

Stamens 10 in two bundles
Leaves and pods drying black; calyx tomentose D paniculata
Leaves and pods drying gray; calyx puberulous D. lanceolaria
Dalbergia lanceolaria L. f. Sp. PI. 316. 1781; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 235
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 425. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Dandus, Harrani'
A large tree. Leaflets 9-15. Flowers in copious, axillary and terminal panicles.
Corolla with a large callosity above the claw. Stamens in 2 bundles of five each. Pods 1 -
3 seeded.
FIs. & Frts: Dec -Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2283
Frequent in deciduous forests.
Localities. Alate, Gargoti, Girgaon, Jotiba, Narande, Uttur.
Dalbergia latifolia Roxb., PI. Corom. 2: 7. t. 113. 1798; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 231. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 422. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Shisam, Shisav’
A large glabrous, deciduous tree. Leaves imparipinnate. Leaflets 5-7, alternate.
Flowers in axillary and extra-axillary, spreading panicles usually shorter than leaves.
Corolla greenish or whitish yellow. Pods strap shaped, glabrous, 1-3 seeded.
FIs. & Frts:. Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2260
Common in hill forests and also cultivated as avenue tree.
Localities: Panhala, Kolhapur, Radhanagari, Tillarinagar.
* Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill. & Perr. FI. Seng. 1; 227, t. 53. 1830; Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 231. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 422. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Large shrub; branches armed with stout spines; bark white. Leaflets 9-15
Flowers numerous in axillary panicles. Corolla yellow. Stamens 10 in bundles of 5, 4 and
1 respectively. Pods 1-2 seeded, narrowed into a stalk.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2265
Cultivated, some times found escape.
Localities: Jotiba, Kerle, Kolhapur, Waghbil.
Dalbergia paniculata Roxb., PI. Corom. 2; 7. t. 114. 1798; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 236. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 426. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Kinjal’
Deciduous tree. Flowers subsessile, in copious terminal subcymose panicles
Corolla bluish white, standard with a claw about as long as tube of calyx. Stamens in 2
bundles of 5 each. Pods narrowed at base and apex, long stalked, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts. : Apr.-June Exsiccata: MMS 2300
Frequent on gravelly hill slopes.
Localities: Ajara, Jotiba, Panhala, Ramling.
"Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 2: 416. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
231. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 421. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Shisav’
Evergreen trees Leaves 3-5-foliolate; leaflets alternate. Flowers subsessile, in
axillary panicles shorter than the leaves. Corolla creamy-white. Pods strap shaped, often
only one seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-June & Sept.-Dee.
Planted throughout. Wood a good quality of timber.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Panhala, Radhanagari, Tillarinagar.
Dalbergia sympathetica Nimmo ex Graham, Cat. PI. Bombay 55: 1839; Baker in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 2: 234. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 424. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Yekul’
A large scandent shrub; branches often twisted. Leaflets 11-15, moderately firm.
Flowers numerous in dense short, axillary cymose, panicles. Stamens 10 in one bundle.
Pods 1-2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 2302
Frequent on hill slopes in evergreen forests.
Localities: Amba, Gaganbavada, Manoli, Radhanagari, Tillarinagar.
Dalbergia volubilis Roxb., PI. Corom. 2: 48. t. 191. 1805; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 235. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 426. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A large woody scandent shrub; branches thickened in places and twisted into
spiral hooks. Leaflets 11-13, thickly coriaceous. Flowers in axillary and terminal
panicles. Corolla pale blue. Stamens 10 in 2 bundles of five each Pods glabrous, 1-2
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS2314
Common in deciduous forests.
Localities. Chandgad, Manoli, Udegiri.
Derris Lour. (nom. cons.)
Stamens monadelphous
Base of vexillum usually with 2 callosites; pods narrowly or
obscurely winged D. canarensis
Base of vexillum without callosites; pods distinctly winged on
both sutures D. heyneana
Stamens diadelphous D. platyptera
Derris canarensis (Dalz.) Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 246. 1876, Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 433. 1958 (Repr. ed). Pongamia canarensis Dalz., Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2: 37.
Scandent shrub. Leaves odd pinnate; leaflets 15-21. Flowers in terminal rusty-
tomentose racemes shorter than leaves. Pods flat, elliptic, pointed and winged at both
FIs. & Frts. : July-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2314
Rare, along streams in forests.
Localities: Gajapur, Tillarinagar.
Derris heyneana Benth. PI. Jungh. 252. 1851-55; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
244. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 432. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A woody twinner. Leaves odd pinnate, leaflets 5-7. Flowers in axillary panicles,
arranged in alternate rather distant cymese of 3-10 flowers. Corolla pale pink. Stamens
monadelphous. Pods glabrous and polished winged on both sutures.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec -Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2379
Rare, in semievergreen forests.
Localities: Dhanagarmola, Patgaon.
Derris platyptera Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 245. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 433. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A robust twinner, branches glabrous, lenicellate. Leaflets 5-9, subcoriaceous.
Flowers in copious thyrsoid axillary and terminal panicles. Stamens diadelphous. Pods
acute at both ends, distinctly winged on both sutures.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2261
Rare, collected only once on the way to Dhnagarmola to Suleran.
Locality. Dhangarmola.
Desmodiastrum (Prain) Pramanik et Thothathri
Joints of pods turgid D. belgaumensis
Joints of pods flattened D. racemosum
Desmodiastrum belgaumensis (Wt.) Pramanik et Thothathri in J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 65(4):
377. 1986. Alysicarpus belgaumensis Wight, lc. T. 92. 1840; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit,
India 2: 160. 1876, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 372. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect, much branched herb. Leaves 1- and 3-foliolate intermixed. Flowers in lax
terminal few flowered racemes. Corolla slightly exserted. Pods compressed, falcate,
indented on both sutures. Seeds flat, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts. . Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2267
Frequent at higher altitudes.
Localities: Burki, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavda, Patgaon.
Desmodiastrum racemosum (Benth.) Pramanik et Thothathri var. parviflorum (Dalz.)
Pramanik et Thothathri in J. Ind. Bot. Soc. 65(4): 'ill. 1986. Alysicarpus parviflorus
Dalz., Hook. London J. Bot. 3 211. 1851. Desmodium parviflorum (Dalz.) Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 172. 1876 non Mart. & Galcotti 1843; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 381. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect, much branched herb. Leaves 1- and 3-foliolate intermixed. Flowers in lax
terminal few flowered racemes. Corolla pink, slightly exserted. Pods linear, compressed,
falcate, indentate on both sutures. Seeds yellow with purple spots, flat orbicular,
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2292
Common in cultivated fields.
Localities: Bambavade, Kagal, Kini, Kolhapur.
Desmodium Desv. (nom. cons.)
Leaves 1-foliolate; calyx hairy
Petioles not winged
Branches terete; joints of pod as long as broad
Calyx lobe as long as the tube; leaves as broad as long D. velutinum
Calyx lobes 3 times as long as the tube; leaves broader than long D. ritchiei
Branches angled, joints of pod longer than broad D. gaugeticum
Petioles winged D. triquetrum
Leaves 3-foliolate; calyx hairy or glabrous
Flowers in terminal and axillary racemes
Shrubs; stems without hooked hairs
Stipules linear-lanceolate, not auricled D. laxiftorum
Stipules foliaceous, auricled D. dichotomum
Herbs; stem trailing with minute hooked hairs D. scorpiurus
Flowers in axillary umbells D. triangulare
Desmodium dichotomum (Willd.) DC., Prodr. 2: 336. 1825; Knap-van Meeuwen in
Reinwardtia 6(3): 248. 1962. Hedysarum dichotomum Willd., Sp. PI. 3(2): 1180. 1802.
H. diffususm Willd, loc. cit. Desmodium diffusum (Willd.) DC., Prodr 2: 336. 1825;
Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 169. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 377 1958
(Repr. ed).
Erect, much branched herb; stems angular, deeply grooved. Leaves 3-foliolate;
stipules foliaceous, amplexicaule, auricled. Flowers 2-3, fascicled along axillary and
terminal racemes. Corolla pink. Pods straight, 3-6 jointed clothed with hooked hairs
FIs. & Frts.. Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata. MMS 2263
Common as weed in cultivated fields as well as on waste lands.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Nittori, Sangav, Sangavade.
Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 327. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 168. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 379. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Hedysarium gangeticum
L„ Sp. PL 746. 1753.
Erect undershrub; branches angled. Leaves unifoliolate; stipules scarious.
Flowers few in axillary and terminal racemes. Corolla pink or white, pods subfalcate, 6-8
jointed sparsely clothed with hooked hairs.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata. MMS 2298
Common on hill slopes as undergrowth in forests.
Localities. Burki, Panhala, Radhanagari, Shengaon.
Desmodium laxiflorum DC., Arm. Sci. Nat. Hist. Paris 4: 100. 1825; Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 164. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 376. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
An erect undershrub. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in terminal and axillary racemes
usually arranged in distant few flowered fascicles along a slender hairy rachis. Corolla
with standard white, wings and keel blue. Pods scarcely constricted between the seeds,
clothed with minute hooked hairs; joints 6-10, flat.
FIs. <£ Frts.: Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2348
Common on hill slopes as undergrowth in forests.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Shelap, Shengaon.
Desmodium ritchiel Sanjappa in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 22: 229. 1980. Desmodium
rotundifolium Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 172. 1876, non DC. 1825; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 381. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect, much branched herb; stem and branches terete. Leaves unifoliolate.
Leaflets orbicular, as broad as long. Flowers in terminal and axillary lax racemes, the
lower flowers in distant pairs, the upper solitary along a slender rachis. Corolla exserted,
pink Pods slightly indented, joints 3-6 as broad as long, somewhat rigid.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2297
Common on exposed area in Ghats.
Localities: Amba, Anuskura, Gaganbavda, Tillari.
Desmodium scorpiurus (Swartz.) Desv. J. de. Bot. ser. 1: 122. 1813; Kanp van
Meeuwen, Reinwardtia 6: 1961. Hedysarum scorpiurus Swrtz, Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ.
107. 1788.
Slender trailing herb, clothed with minute, hooked hairs. Leaves 3-foliolate.
Flowers pinkish in leaf opposed 12-20 flowered racemes. Pods linear, slightly turgid,
densely hooked hairy, 4-7 jointed.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2264
Native of Tropical America, naturalising vary fast as a weed in shady places.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Desmodium triangulare (Retz) Merr. var. congestum (Wall. ex. Wight & Am.)
Santapau in Kew Bull 1948: 276. 1948. D. congestum Wall. ex. Wight & Ar., Prodr 224.
1834. D. cephalotes Wall, ex Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 161. 1876. D.
cephalotes Wall ex Baker var. congestum (Wight & Am.) Prain in J Asiat. soc Beng. 66:
389. 1998; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 375. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Shrub; branches appressdly silky, triquetrous. Leaves 3-foliolate; stipules bristle
pointed. Flowers many, crowded in dense, axillary peduncled, umbellate heads. Corolla
red. Pods indentate on both sutures.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2303
Common in deciduous forests.
Localities: Panhala, Shengaon, Suleran.
Desmodium triquetrum (L.) DC , Prodr. 2: 326 1825, Baker in Hook f FI. Brit India
2: 163. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 378. 1958 (Repr. ed). Hedysarum triquetrum
L, Sp. PI. 746. 1753.
An erect shrub; branches triquetrous, grooved. Leaves unifoliolate, furnished with
leaflike stipules. Flowers in 2 flowered fascicles arranged in axillary and terminal
racemes. Corolla pink. Pods straight, 4-8 jointed, rather broader than long.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2266
Common in forests. Winged petiole keeps the species different from other species.
Localities: Amba, Anuskura, Burki, Gaganbavda, Dhanagamola, Panhala, Tillari.
Desmodium velutinum (Willd.) DC., Prodr 2: 228. 1825; Knap van Meeuwen in
Reinwardtia 6(3): 264 1962. Hedysarum velutinum Willd., Sp. PI. 3(2): 117. 1802.
Desmodium latifolium DC., Prodr. 2: 328. 1825, Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 168.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 380. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect undershrub; stems and branches clothed with fulvous-tomentum. Leaves 1-
fioliolate. Flowers in 2-flowered fascicles arranged in axillary and terminal racemes.
Corolla pink. Pods straight, 4-6 jointed, deeply indentate on lower suture.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 2276
Rare, on hill slopes in forests.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali.
Erythrina L.
Calyx spathaceous, not at all splitting into two lips, splitting down back to
the base; bark smooth
Leaves acute, stipules lanceolate; calyx minutely toothed at
tip; seeds 6-8 E. variegata
Leaves acuminate, stipules falcate; calyx entire at tip; seeds 2-3 E. stricta
Calyx not spathaceous, splitting into two lips; bark deeply cracked E. suberosa
*Erythrina stricta Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 251. 1832; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 189.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 389. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Micropteris stricta Walp., in
Linnaea23: 270. 1950. ‘Ranpangara'
A large tree; branches armed with numerous whitish prickles. Leaves unarmed.
Flowers in terminal horizontal racemes arranged in fascicles of 2-3 long rachis. Corolla
bright scarlet, standard, 4 times as long as wings. Pods narrowed at both ends, 1-3
FIs. <f Fns: Feb.-May Bcskcakr. MMS 2284
Common in dry forests.
Localities. Amba, Anuskura, Chandgad, Panhala, Tillari.
Erythrina suberosa Roxb., FI. Ind 3: 253. 1832; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2
189. 1876, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 392. 1958 (Repr. ed). ' Pangara, Ran Pangara'
Small tree; branches with stout prickles. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in dense
spicate racemes at the end of branches. Corolla scarlet or orange red. Pods stalked,
subterete, distinctly torulose, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2294
Common in dry forests.
Localities. Amba, Anuskura, Chandgad, Panhala, Tillari.
*Erythrina variegata L., Stickm. Herb. Amb. 10. 1775 & Amoen. Acad. 4: 122. 1759.
E. orientalis (L.) Murr. Comm. Gotting 8: 35, t. 1. 1787. E. variegata L. var. orientalis
(L) Merr. Interper. Haerb Amboin. 276. 1917 E. corallodendron var. orientalis L., Sp.
PI. 706. 1753. E. Mica Lamk., Encycl. 2: 391. 1786; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
188. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 390. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Pangara'
Medium sized tree; branches smooth or prickly. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in
terminal, horizontally spreading, spicate racemes appearing before leaves. Corolla
subcylindric, distantly torulose. Seeds 6-8, subreniform, brown.
FIs. & Frts. : Feb.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2268
Planted in gardens as well as on bunds of fields.
Localities: Alas, Bubnal, Chipari, Dattwad, Ghosarwad, Kolhapur, Sangwade,
Flemingia Roxb.
Erect herbs; leaves unifoliolate; inflorescence axillary and terminal
branched raceme F. strobilifera
Trailing herbs; leaves three foliolate; terminal capitate racemes F. nilghiriensis
Flemingia niligiriensis (Baker) Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 393. 1958 (Repr. ed ). F.
procumbens Wight, Ic. t. 987. 1840 non Roxb. F. vestita var nilighiriensis Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 189. 1876
Diffuse, pubescent herb; stems many trailing. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in
terminal heads. Corolla scarsely longer than calyx, dull purple. Pods thin obliquely
ovoid, pointed, glabrous, one seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2325
Common on plateaus as well as on forest clearings in grasses.
Localities Amba, Anuskura, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Ijiwade, Tillari, Udegiri
Flemingia strobilifera (L) R. Br, Ait. f. Hort. Kew. (ed.2) 4: 350. 1812, Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 227. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 416. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Hedysarum strobilifera L, Sp PI 764. 1753.
An erect mush branched shrub. Leaves unifoliolate. Leaflets subcoriaceous.
Flowers in axillary and terminal simple or branched racemes. Corolla white, standard
broad, auricled. Pods turgid, mucronate, densely pubescent, completely concealed by
bracts, 2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2339
Common on hill slopes and forest borders.
Localities. Amba, Anuskura, Chandgad, Patgaon, Tillari.

Geissaspis Wt. & Am.

Bract margins bearing many long, stiff, brown hairs; pods shorter than bracts G. cristata
Bract margins mucronate-dentate, without hairs, pods longer than bracts G. tenella
Geissaspis cristata Wight & Am, prodr. 218 1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
141. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 353. 1958 (Repr. ed ), Cook Aquat. & Wetland
PI. India 208. 1996.
Annual, trailing herb. Leaves abruptly pinnate. Leaflets 4. Flowers in heads;
peduncles axillary; bracts reniform. Pods 1-2 jointed.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2286
Common in grasslands, ricefields, wet places.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Panhala, Radhanagari, Tillari.
Geissaspis tenella Benth., FI. 32: 559 1849; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 141.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 354. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Cook Aquat. & Wetland PI.
India 209. 1996.
Annual trailing herb, stems and branches from a thick root. Leaves abruptly
pinnate; stipules menbranous. Leaflets 4. Flowers in copious, axillary racemes, bracts
obliquely oblong. Corolla yellow, nearly as long as and enclosing bracts and sometimes
even slightly longer. Pods 1-2 jointed
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2304
Rare in Ghats along gutters.
Localities. Amba, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Radhanagari, Tillari.
Gliricidia H„ B. & K.
*Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Steud. Nom. Bot. (ed 2) Walp Repert Syst 1
679 1842. Robinia sepium Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 28. 1760. Gliricidia maculala H.B. &
K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. 6: 393 1823. ‘Giripushpa’
Deciduous tree. Leaves pinnate. Leaflets 7-17. Flowers crowded in erect or
drooping racemes. Corolla pink or white, twice as long as calyx. Pods stipulate.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-June
Native of Central America planted in gardens and along roadsides. It planted also on
barren lands as a pioneer plant. Besides its use as an ornamental tree, the leaves and
young branches used as green manure.
Localities. Ajara, Babu Jamal. Bahubali, Bambavade, Devale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Panhala.

Glycine Willd.
*Glycine max (L.) Merr. Bur. Sci. Publ. Manila, 9: 247. 1917. Phaseolus max L , Sp. PI.
725. 1723. Glycine soja Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 184. 1876 non Sie & Zucc
Erect, annual herb; branches twining. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers subsessile in
axillary, few flowered short racemes. Corolla white or pinkish, scarsely longer than the
calyx. Pods slightly curved, brown, hairy, 2-3 seeded. Seeds reniform smooth.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee.
Commonly cultivated for seeds.
Localities: Alate, Kumbhoj, Rangoli, Sangawade, Shirdwad.
Goniogyna A.P. DC.
Goniogyna hirta (Willd.) AIL, Taxon 16; 463. 1967. Halliahirta Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 1169.
1803. Heylattdia latebrosa DC., Prodr. 2; 123. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
65. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 310. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Godhadi’
A much branched prostrate, annual herb. Leaves subsessile, simple. Flowers
axillary, soliatry, subsessile. Corolla yellow, much exserted. Pods silky hairy, flattened,
pale brown, 1-2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2269
Very common in grasslands and also in cultivated fields.
Localities: Alas, Hatkanagale, Hupari, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Radhanagari.

I. cordifolia
Leaves not cordate at base, acute or obtuse; pods one seeded
Leaves obovate, obtuse at apex, flowers solitary, axillary I. linifoUa
var. campbellii
Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute at apex, flowers in dense
axillary racemes I. linifoUa
var. linifoUa
Stem triquetrous; pods 4- gonous, 4-6 seeded /. dalzellii
Leaves compound
Leaves trifoliolate
Erect herbs or shrubs
Pods linear, 4-gonous or cylindric; 2-10 seeded,
not winged on sutures
Pods cylindric or obtusely angled, spraeding, 6-10 seeded /. triata
Pods 4-gonous, deflexed, 2-8 seeded I. trifoliala
Pods globose or oblong; 1-2 seeded, often denticulately
not winged on sutures I. glandulosa
Prostrate or diffuse herbs /. prostrata
Leaves 5-many foliolate
Plants prostrate, flowers in axillary clusters or solitary
Flowers in clusters; seeds two I. linnaei
Flowers solitary; seeds 4-6 I. uniflora
Plants procumbent or erect, flowers in axillary and terminal racemes
Pods cylindric, glabrous or sparsely hairy
Plants erect; leaflets opposite
Leaflets 13-21; racemes longer than leaves; pods straight
Racemes with empty bracts at base I. cassioides
Racemes without empty bracts at base /. pulchella
Leaflets 9-13; racemes shorter than leaves; pods
slightly curved I. tinctoria
Plants procumbent; leaflets alternate I. spicata
Indigofera cassioides Rottl ex. DC Prodr. 2: 225. 1825. I. pulchella sensu Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 101 1876, p.p. non Roxb. 1832; Cooke, FI Pres Bombay l
341. 1958.
Shrub. Leaves pinnate. Leaflets 9-21, opposite or subopposite. Corolla pink-
purple, pods linear, straight apiculate, glabrescent, 8-12 seeded. Seeds oval.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2281
Rare along streamsides.
Localities. Katyayani, Narande.
Indigofera cordifolia Heyne ex Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 357. 1821; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 93. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 331. 1958 (Repr ed).
A diffuse copiously branched, annual herb. Leaves simple. Flowers in dense,
sessile, 4-8-flowered heads. Corolla bright red not exserted; standard spathulate. Pods
cylindric, densely pubescent. Seeds 2, yellow.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2280
Common in grasslands, cultivated fields.
Localities: Bastwad, Hatkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Nitori, Wathar.
Indigofera dalzellii Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 311. 1902 (1: 331. 1958 Repr. ed.) I.
triquetra Dalz., in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2: 36. 1850 non F. Mayer 1836; Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 98. 1876.
Perennial herb; stems many from a woody root. Leaves simple. Flowers 12-20 in
axillary racemes, rachis acutely triquetrous. Corolla purple, twice as long as calyx;
standard orbicular. Pods linear, 4-gonous, beaked, strongly 4-winged.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2320
Common on plateaus.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Panhala, Tillari, Udegiri.
Indigofera glandulosa Wendl. Bot. Becob. 55. 1798; Roxb. ex. Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 1227.
1803. incl. var. sykesii Griff, ex Baker 2: 94. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 331.
1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Barbada’
Annual, much branced woody herb. Leaves three foliolate. Flowers in short,
axillary sessile heads. Corolla 2-3 times long as long as calyx. Pods pubescent, angled,
the angle slightly winded and often toothed. Seeds 1-2, spherical, smooth and polished
sometimes mottled.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2328
Common weed in fields.
Localities. Alas, Ganeshwadi, Hatkanangale, Kolhapur, Kodoli.
Indigofera linifolia (L f.) Retz. var. linifolia Obs Bot. Fasc 4: 29 1786; Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 92. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 330. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Hedysarum linifolium L. f., Sp. PI. 331. 1781. ‘Pandhar Phalli’
Prostrate or erect herb. Leaves simple, linear-lanceolate. Flowers in dense,
axillary, racemes. Corolla bright red, 2-3 times as long as calyx. Pods globose across,
apiculate, shining white with appressed silky hairs, one seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2270
Common in grasslands, cultivated fields.
Localities: Hatkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Wathar.
Indigofera linifolia (L. f.) Retz. var. campbeilii Wight, Ic t. 313. 1840; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 1: 331. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Pandhar Phalli’
Prostrate or erect herb. Leaves simple, ovate-lanceolate. Flowers in dense,
axillary, racemes. Corolla bright red, 2-3 times as long as calyx. Pods globose across,
apiculate, shining white with appressed silky hairs, one seeded.
FIs. dc Frts.: July-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2282
Common in wet grasslands.
Localities: Batkanangale, Halasawade, Kolhapur, Majale, Uttur.
Indigofera linnaei Ali, Bot. Not 111: 549. 1958. Hedysarum prostratum L., Mant. PI.
102. 1767.1, enneaphyllah., Mant. PI. 272. 1711, nonsuperj1, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
94. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 332. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual or biennial herb, rootstock woody, stems trailing. Leaves 7-9-foliolate.
Flowers 10-20 in short peduncled spicate heads. Corolla bright red, slightly erected. Pods
cylindric, more or less clothed with white appressed hairs. Seeds 2, globose.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2318
Common on rocky soil in grasslands.
Localities: Chipari, Hatkanangale, Kagal, Majale.
Indigofera prostrata Willd., Sp. PI. 3. 1226. 1803; Sant. Rec. Bot. Surv. India 16 (ed.
3): 55. 1967.
Prostrate or diffuse herb, branchlets appressed pubescent at length glabrous.
Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers rosy purple in axillary short, racemes. Corolla pubescent.
Pods terete deflexed, 6-8 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept - Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2272
Rare in grasslands.
Localities. Halasawade, Hupari.
Indigofera pulchelia Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 382. 1832; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2:
101. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 341. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Baroli, Chamanti’
Procumbent herb; stems trailing. Leaflets 5-11, alternate. Pods numerous,
imbricately deflexed, 4-gonous, straight, truncate at both ends.
FIs. & Frts. July-Nov. Exsiccata. MMS 2221
Common in grasslands, cultivated fields.
Localities. Katyayani, Panhala.
Indigofera spicata Forssk., FI. Aegypt-Arab. 138. 1775. I. hendecaphylla Jacq. Coll.
Bot. 2: 358. 1789; Baker in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 2: 96. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 334. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Procumbent herb; stems trailing. Leaves sessile, stipules scarious. Leaflets
alternate. Corolla twice as long as calyx.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2324
Rare in grasslands.
Localities: Shirol, Talsande, Wadgaon, Wathar.
Indigofera tinctoria L,, Sp. PL 751. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 99. 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 339. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Herbaceous, procumbent; stems trailing. Leaves nearly sessile, stipules scarious,
lanceolate, cuspidate. Leaflets 5-11, alternate oblanceolate. Corolla as long as calyx.
Pods deflexed, 4-gonous, straight, truncate at both ends.
FIs. & Frts. : July-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2271
Common in grasslands, cultivated fields.
Locality: Radhanagari.
Indigofera trifoliata L., Tomer Cent. PI. 2: 99. 1756; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
96. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 335. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Perennial, erect, woody herb; stems much branched. Leaves membranous,
subdigitaely, 3-foliolate. Flowers small in congested racemes, 6-12 sessile flowers.
Corolla dark pink. Pods straight, somewhat 4-gonous, with 4 narrow wings one at each
side of the suture and with a few scattered white hairs, not torulose. Seeds 6-8.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2277
Common on pasture lands.
Localities: Aurwad, Korochi, Kolhapur, Shiradwad, Shirol
Indigofera triata L. f., Sp. PI. 335. 1781, Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 96. 1876,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 335. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Divaricately branched undershrub. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in axillary, 6-12
flowered, racemes; peduncles and pedicels very short. Corolla pale pink or orange
coloured. Pods divaricate, obtusely angled, spines pointed silvery with fine appressed
hairs. Seeds 6-10, truncate at both ends.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2305
Common on gravelly soils, on waste land.
Localities: Shiye, Hatkanangale, Kagal, Wathar.
Indigofera uniflora Buch.-Ham ex Roxb., [Hort. Beng. 57. 1814] FI. Ind. 3: 374. 1832;
Baker in Hook. f. FI, Brit. India 2; 94, 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 333. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
A perennial, prostrate much branched herb. Leaves sessile, 3-7 foliolate, usually
digitate. Flowers solitary on long filiform pedicels which longer than leaves. Seeds 4-7,
cubical, yellowish brown, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2347
Rare in Ghats.
Localities: Nesari,Tarewadi.
Lablab Savi
* Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, Hort. Brit, (ed.l): 481. 1827. Dolichos lablab L, Sp. PI.
725. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 209. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:
406. 1958 (Repr. ed ). D. purpureus L., Sp. PI. (ed. 2): 1021. 1763. ‘Pavata, Vaal’
Large pubescent, twinners. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers large in axillary and
terminal racemes. Corolla lilac, pink or white, pods flat, sub-lunate, tipped with sharply
bent style. Seeds 3-4.
FIs. &Frts. : Sept.-Mar.
Common on bunds of fields. Also cultivated for its tender pods as vegetable.
Localities: Alate, Bahubali, Hatkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Korochi, Shiradwad.
Medicago L.
Medicago polymorpha L., Sp. PI. 779. 1753. M. denticulata Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 1414.
1803; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 90. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 327.
1958 (Repr. ed ).
Stems glabrous. Leaves 3-foliolate Flowers 1-4 in short penduncled racemes
Corolla yellow, exserted, with hooked projection. Seeds 3-4; reniform, dark brown,
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2337
Rare, in moist places near water courses.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Melilotus Mill.
Meliiotus indica (L.) Ali, FI. Pedem 1: 308. 1786; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 325.
1958 (Repr. ed). Trifolium indicum L., Sp. PI. 765. 1753. Melilotusparviflora Dasf., FI
Atlant. 2: 192. 1800; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 89. 1876. ‘Raan Methi’
Erect, annual herb. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers small, in slender spikes or
racemes. Pods ellipsoid, compressed, tapering at both ends, reticulate-venose, glabrous,
single seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2343
Rare, along water courses.
Localities: Chandur, Kolhapur
Microtyloma Wt. & Am.
*Microtyloma uniflora (Lamk.) Verde, in Kew Bull. 24: 322 & 401. 1970. Dolichos
uniflorus Lamk., Encycl. 2: 299. 1786. D. biflorus auct. non L. 1753; Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 210. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 407. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Hulaga,
Suberect herb; branches twining, clothed with gray or pale brown hairs. Leaves 3-
foliolate. Corolla pale yellow, slightly exceeding the calyx. Pods flat, linear, appressed
pubescent, with pointed, curved, beak. Seeds 3-6, brick-red.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Nov.
Cultivated in less fertile soil. It used in Ayurvedic medicine as treatment for urine stone.
Localities: Alate, Bahubali, Hatkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Korochi, Shiradwad.
Mucuna Adans. (nom. cons.)
Perennial shrubs; pods nearly as broad as long, one seeded M. monosperma
Annual shrubs; pods much longer than broad, sigmoid; seeds 5-6 M. pruriens
Mucuna monosperma DC., Prodr. 2: 406. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 185.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 388. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Carpopogon monospermum
Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 283. 1832.
Large, woody, perennial twinner. Leaflets thinly coriaceous. Flowers 6-12 in
corymbose, axillary racemes. Corolla purple; keel abruptly inflexed at tip. Pods winged
on both surface and obliquely plaited on both faces, covered with brown deciduous
irritant bristles. Seeds solitary, slightly compressed, dark brown, smooth shining.
FIs. die Frts.: Nov.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2273
Frequent at higher altitudes along streams.
Localities. Burki, Chandgad, Gavase, Tillari.
Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 405. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 187.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1 389. 1958 (Repr. ed). Dolichos pruriens L., Stickman
Diss. Herb. Amm. 23. 1754. ‘Khaj Kuhiri’
Large, grey-pubescent, twinning annual herb. Leaves 3-folioalte. Flowers many
in dense, pendulous racemes. Corolla dark purple. Pods turgid, with a longitudinal rib
running the length of each valve, falcately curved on both ends. Seeds 5-6.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2296
Frequent at higher altitudes along streams.
Localities: Burki, Chandgad, Gavase, Tillari.

Paracalyx Ali
Paracalyx scariosa (Roxb) Ali, Univ Steud. (Karachi) 5(3): 95. 1968, Cylista scariosa
Roxb., Pt. Corom. t. 92. 1795; Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit. India 2. 219. 1876; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 412. 1958 (Repr. ed ). “Raanghevada’
Twining pubescent, undershrub. Flowers in axillary racemes or panicles. Corolla
yellow, concealed in the calyx. Pods oblique, short hairy. Seeds solitary, dull black
FIs. & Frts. : Sept -Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2322
Common in deciduous forests and along forest borders.
Localities: Manoli, Girgaon, Ramling, Patgaon, Shengaon, Udegiri.

Phaseolus L.
*Phaseolus vulgaris L., Sp. PI. 723. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 200. 1876;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 403. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Shravan Ghevada’
Twining herb; stems angular. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flower 2-4 on tubercles along
rachis of racemes. Pods with thickened sutures, beaked. Seeds 4-8, kidney shaped, often
brown or black polished.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept -Mar.
Native of America cultivated for tender pods used as vegetables.
Localities. Alate, Bastwad, Hupari, Kagal, Kodoli, Kolhapur, Rui, Sangawade.
Pisum L.
*Pisum sativum L., Sp PI 727 1753; Baker in Hook f FI. Brit India 2: 181. 1876,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 436. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Matar’
Annual glaucous, climbing herb; stems 4 gonous. Leaves pinnate. Leaflets 1-3
pairs. Flowers peduncled, 1-2 flowered, axillary racemes. Corolla often white rarely
pink. Pods subterete acuminate. Seeds 2-20, globose, green or pale yellow.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Feb.
Frequently cultivated for edible seeds.
Localities. Alate, Atigre, Bubnal, Chokak, Halondi, Shiroli, Sangawade, Ujalaiwadi.
Pongamia Vent.
Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, FI. For. Cochinch. Sub. t. 385. 1899. Cytisuspinnatus L.,
Sp. PI. 741. 1753. Pongamia glabra Vent. Jard. Malm. t. 28. 1803; Baker in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 240. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 429. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Karanji1
Small or midddle sized tree; branches drooping. Leaves pinnate, leaflets opposite,
5-7. Flowers in axillary racemes, shorter than leaves. Corolla pinkish-white. Pods
woody. Seeds solitary, reniform, brown.
FIs. & Frts. Mar.-Aug.
: Exsiccata: MMS 2291
Common along streams and river banks. Planted as avenue tree. Seeds and seed oil used
in Ayurvedic medicine. Oil cake used as manure, keeps off white ants.
Localities: Alate, Bahubali, Halasawade, Kini, Kodoli, Korochi, Sangawade, Wasagade.
Pseudarthria Wt. & Am.
Pseudarthria viscida (L.) Wight & Am. Prodr. 209. 1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 154. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 366. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Hedysarum
viscidum L., Sp. PI. 747. 1753.
Diffuse, perennial prostrate, subshrub. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in distant
fascicles along the rachis of terminal and axillary racemes or panicles. Corolla pale
yellow. Pods linear-oblong, flattened, clothed on faces with hooked hairs, densely ciliate
on the margins one or both sutures slightly indented between the seeds. Seeds 4-6
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Sept.
: Exsiccata: MMS 2319
Frequent in deciduous forest.
Localities Alate, Babu Jamal, Narande, Panhala, Suleran.
Psophocarpus Neck, ex A.P. DC. (nom. cons.)
*Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC, Prodr 2: 403. 1825, Baker in Hook, f FI.
Brit. India 2: 211. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 435. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Chaudhari’
Large, perennial twining, glabrous herb; roots elongate, tuberous. Leaves 3-
foliolate Flowers in axillary racemes, rachis 2-9 tubercled. Corolla white or pink purple.
Pods linear, conspicuously 4-winged. Wings serrate-dentate. Seeds 4-20, brownish black.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Feb.
Native of Tropical Africa, cultivated for its tender pods used as vegetable.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Psoralea L.
Psoralea corylifolia L„ Sp. PI. 746. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 103. 1876,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 341. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Bavachi’
Erect, annual herb; stems and branches grooved, conspicuously gland dotted.
Leaves 1-foliolate. Flowers in dense, axillary racemes. Corolla twice as long as the
calyx. Pods compressed, black, punctate. Seeds solitary adhering to pericarp.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 2274
Rare, collected only at one place. Seeds used in leucoderma.
Localities: Kolhapur, Ujalaiwadi.
Pterocarpus Jacq. (nom. cons.)
Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb., Corom. PI. 2: 9, t. 116 1799; Baker in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 239. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 427. 1958 (Repr. ed ). “Bibla,
A large, deciduous, glabrous tree. Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 5-9,
subopposite. Flowers in short, axillary and terminal panicles shorter than leaves. Corolla
yellow, petals with crisped margins. Pods orbicular, 4-5 cm across, 1-2 seeded;
reticulately veined, broad, glabrous wing.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-June Exsiccata: MMS 2317
Rare, on hill slpes.
Locality: Panhala.
Pueraria A.P. DC.
Nodes of racemes not tumid P. montana
Nodes of racemes more or less tumid P. tuberosa
Peuraria montana (Lour.) Merr in Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 24: 10, 210. 1935. Dolichos
montanus Lour., FI. Cochinch. 2: 440. 1790. Glycine javanica L., Sp. PI. 754. 1773,
Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 183. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 386. 1958
(Repr ed).
An extensive, herbaceous twinner. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers numerous,
crowded in narrow, axillary racemes. Corolla reddish. Pods linear-compressed, straight,
densely appressedly hairy, seeds 4-5.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2306
Rare, on hill slopes.
Locality. Babu Jamal.
Peuraria tuberosa (Roxb. ex Willd.) DC., Prodr. 2: 240. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 197. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 399. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Hedysarum
tuberosum Roxb. ex willd. Sp. PI. 3: 1197. 1803. ‘Bhui Kohala, WidariKand'
Large, perennial twinner, roots tuberous. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers many in lax,
axillary racemes. Corolla bluish, exserted. Pods constricted between the seeds, clothed
with long, silky, brown hairs. Seeds 3-10 compressed brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-May Exsiccata. MMS 2313
Occasional on hill slopes.
Localities. Bhudargad, Panhala, Shengaon.
Rhynchosia Lour. (nom. cons.)

Branchlets densely viscid-pubescent; corolla brownish purple R. viscosa

Branchlets downy pubescent; corolla yellow R. minima
Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC., Prodr. 2: 385. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
223. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 414. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A trailing or twining annual shrub. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers 6-12, in axillary
lax racemes usually exceeding the leaves. Corolla yellow. Pods somewhat compressed,
turgid, slightly curved, glabrescent, 2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2293
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Chandgad, Jotiba, Panhala.
Rhynchosia viscosa (Roth) DC., Prodr. 2: 387. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
225. 1876. Glycine viscosa Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 349. 1821.
Spreading or twining annual herb; branchlets densely viscid-tomentose Leaves 3-
foliolate. Flowers brownish purple in dense racemes. Corolla exserted; standard deep
brown- purple, wings and keel yellowish. Pods homed, viscid, pubescent, 2-4 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2287
Rare in Ghat areas
Locality: Shengaon.
Sesbania Scop. (nom. cons.)
Herbs or shrubs; corolla 0.5-2 cm long, yellow; pods terete and torulose
Stems and rachis unarmed S. sesban
Stems and rachis armed S. bispinosa
Tall trees; corolla 6-10 cm long, white, creamy or tinged with pink;
pods subtetragonous S. grandiflora
Sesbania bispinoa (Jacq.) Steud. ex Wight in U S. Deptt. of Agriculture Bur. p. Indust.
Bull. 137: 15. 1909. Aeschynomene bispinosa Jacq. ic. PI. Rar. 3: 13, t. 564. 1793.
Coronilla aculeata Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 1147. 1803. Sesbania aculeata (Willd) Poir
Encycl. 7:128. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 114. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 1: 350. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect, sparingly branched, annual harbs. Leaves pinnate. Leaflets 18-42 pairs
Flowers in lax, axillary, 3-6 flowered, drooping racemes. Corolla glabrous. Pods linear,
beaked. Seeds 30-40, pale yellow.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2285
Common in wet places, along river banks, sugarcane fields.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Ingali, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kodoli, Rui.
* Sesbania grandiflora (L.) Poir, Lamk. Encycl. 7: 127. 1806; Baker in Hook, f FI. Brit.
India 2: 115. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 350. 1958 (Repr. ed). Robinia
grandiflora L., Sp. PI. 722. 1753. ‘Hadga’
Soft wooded tree. Leaves abruptly pinnate. Leaflets 10-30 pairs. Flowers few in
short, axillary racemes. Corolla glabrous. Pods green, glabrous. Seeds many.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Jan.
Cultivated on bunds of fields around villages. Flowers used as vegetable.
Localities: Alate, Atigre, Ichalkaranji, Kodoli, Rui, Ujalaiwadi.
Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr., subsp. sesban var. sesban Guill., Kew Bull. 17: 112. 1963
Aeschynomene sesban L., Sp. PI. 714. 1753 Sesbania aegyptiaca Poir in Lamk. Encycl.
7: 128. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 114. 1876, p.p., Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 349. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘ShevarT
Unarmed shrub or small tree. Leaflets 20-30, shortly petioluled. Flowers 6-10 in
lax, slender pendulous racemes. Standard as broad as long, mottled purple outside,
glabrous on the back. Pods pendulous, twisted, torulose, sharply beaked, 20-30 seeded.
FIs. & Frts.. Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata MMS 2307
Cultivated on bunds of fields around villages.
Localities. Atigre, Hupari, Ichalkaranji, Kodoli, Rendal, Rui, Talandage, Warananagar.
Smithia Ait. (nom. cons.)
Leaflets 2-4; calyx membranous, reticulately veined
Flowers in racemes
Stem glabrous
Erect stout herbs; bracteoles not unequal S. salsuginea
Diffuse herbs; bracteoles very unequal S. agharkarii
Stem hairy
Leaflets 3-4 pairs
Lower lip of calyx three lobed S. blanch
Lower lip of calyx entire S. hirsuta
Leaflets 2 pairs S. bigemina
Flowers in globose heads S. pycnantha
Leaflets 4-10; calyx rigid with parallel veins
Diffuse or straggling herbs; stem glabrous
Flowers one or two in the axils of leaves S. conferta
Flowers in short simple racemes S. sensitiva
Erect herbs; stem densely bristly S. setulosa
Smithia agharkarii Hemadri in Ind. For. 97: 67, t. 8. 1971.
Diffuse herb; stem glabrous. Leaflets 3 pairs, subsessile, bristle tipped. Flowers
yellow in short racemes. Pods 3-5 jointed, joints orbicular, ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata. MMS 2288
Rare in wet grassland.
Localities. Amba, Kolhapur.
Smithia bigemina Dalz., in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 3: 208. 1951; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 149. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 360. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual, diffuse herb. Leaves abruptly pinnate; stipules scarious, prolonged below
their insertion into auricles. Leaflets 2 pairs Flowers in axillary racemes crowded
towards the top of peduncles. Corolla yellow, twice as long as the calyx. Pods 6-8
jointed, joints tubercled.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dec. Exsiccate: MMS 2275
Common in wet places amidst grasses.
Localities. Dajipur, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shelap.
Smithia blanda Wall, ex Wt. & Am., var. racemosa Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
151. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 361. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect, annual herb, bristly with spreading fulvous hairs. Leaves abruptly pinnate.
Leaflets subsessile, 3-4 pairs. Flowers in capitate sub-secund racemes, peduncles 6-12
flowered, longer than leaves. Corolla yellow; standard petal with 2 red dots. Pods 4-7
jointed. Seeds dorsally flat, rugose brownish black.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2308
Common at higher altitudes.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Shelap, Tillari
Smithia conferta J. E. Smith., in Rees Cyclop 33, n 2. 1819; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay
1: 358. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Knap van Meeuwen in Reinwardtia 5: 445 1961. S. geminiflora
Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 352. 1821; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 149. 1876 (incl. var
Straggling or diffuse, glabrous herb; branches virgate. Leaves small, abruptly
pinnate, nearly sessile; leaflets 5-16 pairs. Flowers 1-2 in axils of upper leaves which are
very short. Corolla yellow. Pods 3-6 jointed; joints small, turgid, papillose.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2312
Infrequent in marshy places and near cultivated fields.
Localities: Gargoti, Kadgaon, Murgud.
Smithia hirsuta Dalz., in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 3: 135. 1851; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:
361. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect annual, sparingly branched herb, bristly with fulvous spreading hairs.
Leaves abmptly pinnate. Leaflets subsessile, 3-4 pairs. Flowers 4-10 in somewhat
capitate racemes. Corolla bright yellow, standard large orbicular. Pods 4-7 jointed.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2309
Common in wet places amidst grasses.
Localities: Dajipur, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shelap.
Smithia pycnantha Benth ex Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 150. 1876, Cooke, FI
Pres. Bombay 1: 360. 1958 (Repr. ed).
An annual, erect herb; stems and branches bristly with bulbous hairs. Leaves
abruptly pinnate Leaflets subsessile 3-4 pairs. Flowers in dense globose heads, formed
of congested racemes. Corolla yellow, twice as long as calyx. Pods 5-9 jointed.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2316
Rare in grasses.
Localities. Masai, Kondoshi.
Smithia saisuginea Hance, J. Bot. 7: 164. 1869; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 150.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 362. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual, diffuse, much branched herb; stems slender, not bristly. Leaves abruptly
pinnate. Leaflets 3-10 pairs. Flowers 2-6 in simple racemes from the axils of upper
leaves. Corolla yellow. Pods flattened joints 4-6, orbicular, margins densely papillose on
both faces.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2310
Rare, on hill slopes. Very robust species with beautiful flowers.
Locality: (Rangana) Patgaon.
Smithia sensitiva Ait., Hort. Kew (ed. 1) 3: 496. 1789; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 148. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 357. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
Annual, much branched herb. Leaves abruptly pinnate. Leaflets 5-10 pairs.
Flowers 2-6, in simple racemes from the axils of upper leaves. Corolla yellow. Pods
flattened, densely papillose.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2311
Occasional amidst grasses.
Localities: Dajipur, Gargoti, Patgaon.
Smithia setulosa Dalz., in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 3: 208. 1951; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2; 149. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 359. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect, dichotomously branched herb; stems and branches bristly with deflexed
yellowish hairs. Leaves abruptly pinnate. Leaflets 4-7 pairs, subsessile. Flowers in
dichotomously branched forked racemes, forming a thyroid panicle. Corolla bright
yellow. Pods 10-12 jointed.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2435
Frequent on grassy hill slopes.
Localities: Fejiwade, Karanjphen.

Spatholobus Hassk.
Spatbolobus purpureus Benth ex Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 194. 1876, Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 395. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
Perennial climber. Leaves 3-foliolate. Leaflets oblong-elliptic, shortly acuminate
at apex, rounded at base, glabrous. Inflorescence axillary and terminal panicles. Pods
linear, sessile, yellowish, flat, broad at apex, narrowing slightly to the base, 1-seeded
Seeds at the base of pod, black.
FIs.: not seen & Fits.: Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2356
Rare, collected only once at Ugwai Sacred grove in fruit.
Locality: Dajipur.

Stylosanthes Sw.
Stylosanthes fruticosa (Retz.) Alst. in Trimen, Handb. FI. Ceylon 6: 77. 1931. Arachis
fruticosa Retz. Obs. 5: 26. 1788 Stylosanthes mucronata Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 1166. 1802;
Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 148. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 366. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
A much branched, dwarf woody, perennial. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers small one
or few, sessile in the axils of leaf like stipulate bracts and forming close terminal heads.
Corolla twice the length of calyx. Pods very short, concealed by persistent bracts.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2390
Infrequent on hill slopes and along roadsides.
Localities: Bastwad, Hatkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur.
Tephrosia Pers. (nom. cons.)
Leaves pinnate; flowers few to many in racemes
Leaflets more than five, corolla not red
Styles bearded throughout T. tinctoria
T. purpurea
Styles not bearded throughout
1. coccinea
Leaflets five, corolla red
T. strigosa
Leaves simple; flowers axillary, solitary
.. ___ t Adat 5nr. heneal 66:

coccinea (Wall.) Baker in Hook. f. Ft Brit. India 2: 149. 1876

Erect, branched shrub, with soft appressed hairs Leaflets 1-5, opposite. Flowers
in erect, lax racemes, peduncles much longer than leaves. Corolla thrice as long as calyx,
bright red. Pods linear flattened mucronate, more or less silky hairy. Seeds 8-12.
FIs. Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata:MMS 2401
Common on waste places amidst grasses.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Jotiba, Panhala.
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 329 1807; Baker in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 2:
112. 1876, /?./?.; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 346. 1958 (Repr. ed). Craca purpurea L.,
Sp. PI. 752. 1753. ‘Unhali’
Much branched, perennial herb or undershrub. Leaves pinnate. Leaflets 9-21.
Flowers 2-4 together in extra-axillary racemes. Corolla pink or pink-purple twice as long
as calyx. Pods curved at tip, glabrescent. Seeds 5-6, pale brown, mottled with black
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2414
Occasional on gravelly hill slopes.
Locality: Panhala.
Tephrosia strigosa (Dalz.) Santapau et Mahesh in J. Bombay nat. Hist. soc. 54: 804.
1957. Macronyx strigosa Dalz. in Hook. J. Bot. 2: 35. 1850. Tephrosia tenuis Wall. Cat.
5970. 1831-32, nom. nud, Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 111. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 344. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect, annual herb. Leaves simple. Flowers solitary or 2 together in the axils of
leaves. Corolla blue or bluish-purple. Pods linear-oblong, appressed hairy. Seeds 8-10,
pale yellow.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 2374
Frequent on gravelly hill slopes amidst grasses.
Localities: Kavathesar, Latawade.
Tephrosia tinctoria (L.) Pers. Syn PI. 2: 329. 1807; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
111. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 344. 1958(Repr. ed). ‘Unhali'
Perennial herb. Leaves subcoriaceous, very variable. Leaflets usually 7-13.
Flowers 3-12 in short, erect, densely fulvous-silky close racemes. Corolla bright pink,
about twice as long as the calyx. Style bearded throughout its entire length. Pods
flattened, mucronate, more or less clothed with soft silky hairs. Seeds 8-12, dark brown.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2406
Occasional on gravelly hill slopes.

Localities: Panhala.
Teramnus Sw.
Teramnus labialis (L. f.) Spreng. Syst. 3: 235. 1826; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
184 1876; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 887. 1958 (Repr. ed). Glycine labialis L. f., Sp
PI. 325. 1781. ‘Ranudid'
Herbaceous twinner. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in axillary, few flowered, lax
racemes, solitary of fascicled along the slender, hairy rachis. Corolla white, turning
reddish,. Pods narrowly linear, slightly curved, apiculate. Seeds 8-12.
FIs. <£ Frts.: Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2418
Frequent on forest borders. Tubers eaten by cow boys.
Localities: Dindewadi, Kadgaon, Kondoshi.
Trigonella L.
*Trigonella foenum -graceum L., Sp. PI. 777.1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
87. 1876. ‘Methi’
Erect, annual herb; stems and branches patently hairy. Leaves 3-foliolate.
Flowers sessile, 1-3 axillary. Corolla white or pale yellow. Pods linear, straight or
slightly curved long beaked. Seeds, annular brownish yellow.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar -May Exsiccata: MMS 2383
Cultivated throughout year Occasional on gravelly hill slopes.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Rui.
Uraria Desv.
Uraria picta (Jacq.) Desv. ex DC., Prodr. 2: 324. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 155. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 367. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Hedysarum pictum Jacq.
Ic. t. 567. 1795 ‘Pithawan’
Suffruticose undershrub with hooked hairs. Leaves imparipinnate. Leaflets
coriaceous. Flowers in close fascicles. Corolla pink or purple. Pods glabrous, 4-6 jointed,
joints smooth, polished.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2426
Rare, collected only once.
Localities: Kalakdara, Panhala.
Vigna Savi
Corolla yellow; keel spirally twisted
Pods glabrous or puberulous
Leaflets deeply lobed, pods cylindric; seeds rounded at both the ends
Leaflets 3-lobed; lobes often broad near the apex V. trilobata
Leaflets 3-9-lobed; lobes often narrow near the apex V. aconilifolia
Leaflets entire or shallowly lobed; pods subcompressed; seeds
truncate at both the ends
Stem and pods hairy or puberulous V. umbellata
Stem and pods glabrous or nearly so V dalzelliana
Pods hirsute
Erect or suberect plants V mungo
Twining plants V. radiata
Corolla other than yellow; keel not twisted
Stipules peltate and distinctly spurred at base; keel not beaked V unguiculata
Stipules basifixed; keel beaked V vexillata
*Vigna aconitifolia (Jacq.) Morechal in Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Beige. 39. 160. 1969.
Phaseolus aconitifolius Jacq. Obs. Bot. 3:2, t. 52. 1768; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 202. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 403. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Matki’
Suberect or twining glabrous or pubescent, annual herb. Leaves 3-foliolate.
Flowers in capitate racemes. Corolla pale yellow. Pods linear, terete. Seeds 5-10, brown
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dec.
Cultivated on small scale.
Localities: Chipari, Dattwad, Kolhapur.
*Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper, Kew Bull. 11: 128. 1956. Phaseolus mungo L., Mant. 101.
1767; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 203. 1876,p.p. ‘Udid’
Erect or diffuse, much branched, silky pubescent, annual herb. Leaves 3-foliolate.
Leaflets entire membranous. Flowers in short capitate racemes. Corolla yellow. Pods
linear, terete, densely clothed with spreading hairs. Seeds 10-15, black.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec.
Cultivated for seeds.
Localities: Hasur, Dattwad, Kolhapur.
*Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek var. sublobata (Roxb.) Verde., Kew Bull. 24: 559 1970.
Phaseolus sublobatus Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 288. 1832; Cooke, FI. Bombay Pres. 1: 402.
1958 (Repr. ed.). P. trinervis Heyne in Wall. Cat. 5603: 1831-32; Baker in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 203. 1876. P. radiata auct. non. L., 1753. ‘Moog’
Twining herb; stems angled, striate clothed with spreading or deflexed reddish
brown hairs. Leaves 3-foliolate. Flowers in short, axillary few flowered racemes with
turbid nodes. Corolla yellow. Pods cylindric, hispid. Seeds 8-12.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Dec.
Cultivated for seeds.
Localities. Aurwad, Ganeshwadi, Shirdwad.
Vigna trilobata (L.) Verd. in taxon 17: 172. 1968. Dolichos trilobatus L., Mant. PI. 101
1767. Phaseolus trilobus auct. non. L. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 201.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 401. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Moogi’
Annual or perennial glabrous herb. Stems many from woody rootstocks. Leaves
3- foliolate; stipules foliaceous. Flowers 10-15, in short racemes with twined nodes.
Corolla pale yellow. Pods quadrate, brown, mottled with black spots.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Dee.
: Exsiccata: MMS 2357
Frequent in grasslands.
Localities: Alate, Halasawade, Hupari, Kagal, Kolhapur.
*Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp subsp. cylindrica (L.) eseltine in hendrick, Veg, New
york 1: 11. 1931. Phaseolus cylindrica L., Herb. Amb. 23. 1754. Dolichos sinensis L.
Cent. PI. 2: 28. 1756. D. catjang Burm. f. FI. Ind. 161. 1768. Vigna catjang Burnt, f.)

Walp. in Linnaea 13: 533. 1839; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 205. 1876, Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 401. 1958 (Repr. ed ). V. unguiculata (L.) Wall. Repert. 1: 779
1842. ‘Chavali’
Suberect or twining glabrous, annual harbs; stems angular. Leaves 3-foliolate.
Flowers in condensed racemes. Corolla bright purple or lilac, standard yellowish outside,
bluish-violet in side. Pods linear, torulose, glabrous. Seeds white or rarely reddish
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Sept.
Cultivated as vegetable.
Localities. Kavathesar, Korochi, Tamadalage.
Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich, in hist. Fis. Polit. nat. 1. Cuba. 11. 191. 1845; Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 206. 1876. Phaseolus vexillatus L, Sp. PI. 724. 1753.
Strophostylis capensis E. May. Corom. PI. Aff. Austr. 147. 1835. Vigna capensis (E.
May) Walp. in Linnaea 13: 533. 1839; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 404. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Twining, perennial herb with thick tap root; stems clothed with deflexed brown
hairs when young. Leaves 3-foliolate; stipules basifixed. Flowers 2-4, crowded at the end
of axilllary peduncles which are longer than leaves. Corolla pink-purple. Pods subterete,
clothed with young with brown hairs. Seeds 10-15 subreniform, compressed black.
Lis. cf- I ris. Sept.-Nov Exsiccata: MMS 2377
Common on forest borders. Flowers showy.
Localities: Anuskura, Gargoti, Karanjphen, Kondoshi, Salwan, Shengaon, Tarewadi.

Zornia Gmel.
Zornia diphylla (L.) Pers. Syn. PI. 2: 318. 1807; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 147.
1876; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 355. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Hedysarum diphyllum L, Sp.
PI. 747. 1753.
Much branched, annual, prostrate or ascending, herb. Leaves 2-foliolate. Flowers
in short, spicate racemes. Bracts foliaceous, dotted with black glands, produced below
the insertion into spur, cancealing the flowers. Corolla yellow, twice as long as calyx.
Pods 1-6 jointed; joints compressed, spinous. Seeds reniform, light brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2361
Very common on rocky soil of grasslands.
Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Halasawade, Hupari, Hatkanangale, Panhala.
Petals present
Leaves pinnately compound; calyx divided to base or below the disc
Leaves unipinnately compound
Petals five; stamens 5-10 Cassia
Petals three, other two reduced to scale; stamens three Tamarindus
Leaves 2-3 pinnately compound
Flowers and fruits sessile in elongated racemes
Prickly scandent shrub; leaflets small; stamens ten;
pods turgid, subtorulose Moullava
Unarmed trees, leaflets large; stamens five; pods flat, winged Acrocarpus
Flowers and fruits pedicelled in racemes
Sepals imbricate in bud
Leaf rachis along with many pinnae and leaflets;
flowers large Delonix
Leaf rachis very short with 2-6 pinnae with many
minute leaflets which seems spiny; flowers small Parkinsonia
Sepals imbricate in bud
Tall trees; never prickly, pods indehiscent Peltophorum
Scandent shrubs or small trees, often prickly;
pods dehiscent Caesaipinia
Leaves one foliolate, deeply lobed; calyx gamosepalous
beyond the disc Bauhinia
Petals absent
Flowers hermaphrodite; anthers versatile Saraca
Flowers polygamous; anthers basifixed Ceratonia
*Acrocarpus fraxinifolius Wt, Ic. t. 254. 1840; Gamble in FI. Pres. Madras. 1; 397.
1957. (Repr. ed.)
An erect, huge, unarmed, deciduous tree. Leaves bipinnate, pinnae 3-5 pairs; each
pinnae with 5-6 pairs of large leaflets, paripinnate. Flowers in dense axillary racemes.
Petals 5. Stamens 5, crimson coloured, free, exerted.
FIs. & Frts.: Not seen.
Rarely cultivated by forest department on hill slopes at higher altitudes.
Localities. Amba, Lavhala, Panhala, Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
Bauhinia L.
Fertile stamens 3-5
Calyx tubular, 2-fid at apex; all petals uniformly coloured B. purpurea
Calyx spathaceous, entire; the upper petals variegated with white B. variegata
Fertile stamens 10
Calyx tube spathaceous; leaves 7-9 nerved
Flowers small, many in terminal and leaf opposed racemes;
seeds 12-20 B. racemosa
Flowers large, 1-3 on short axillary or leaf opposed peduncles;
seeds 8-12 B. tomentosa
Calyx divided into five segments; leaves 15-17 nerved B.foveolata
Bauhinia foveolata Dalz., J. Linn. Soc. 13: 188. 1873; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1 460
1958 (Repr. ed). B. lawii Benth. ex Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 277 1878
"Busawanpad, Chamoli’
A large, deciduous tree. Leaves suborbicular, about as broad as long. Flowers
subsessile in dense racemes forming a terminal branched panicle. Petals not much
exerted. Stamens in the male flowers 10, all fertile. Alternately long or short, in the
female flowers reduced to minute hairy staminodes. Pods twisted, red, tomentose, rostate
with style.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2358
Rare, collected only at one place along Ghats.
Locality: Tillarinagar.
*Bauhinia purpurea L., Sp. PI. 375. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 284.
1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 461. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kanchan’
Glabrous tree; branches stout. Flowers fragrant, in terminal and axillary few
flowered racemes. Petals white, rose or purple. Fertile stamens 3-4; filaments as long as
petals. Pods subwoody, flat, pointed at both ends, glabrous.
FIs. &Frts. \ Sept.-Jan
Planted in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Bauhinia racemosa Lamk., Encycl. 1: 390. 1783; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
276. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 459. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Apta1
Small tree. Petals narrowly oblanceolate, white or pale yellow. Stamens 10, all
fertile. Seeds 12-20, compressed, rounded at apex, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 2433
Common in hill forests and around fields.
Localities: Devale, Kagal, Kalamba, Kolhapur, Korochi, Rui, Sangawade, Wathar.
Bauhinia tomentosa L. forma concolor Baker ex de Wit in Reinwardtia 3:410. 1956. B.
tomentosa auct. non. L. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 275. 1878; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 459. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect shrub; branches zigzag downy. Flowers usually in pairs on short axillary or
leaf opposed peduncles. Corolla pale yellow, petals oblanceolate, spathulate. Stamens 10,
all perfect, subequal. Pods linear, flat, pointed, pubescent. Seeds 6-10, rounded at apex,
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2378
Occasional on hill slopes, also planted in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities: Kasaba Bavada, Kolhapur, Warananagar
*Bauhinia variegata L, Sp. PI 375. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 284
1878, Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 462. 1958 (Repr. ed). 'Kanchan’
Middle sized tree. Flowers few in axillary, short, corymbose racemes. Corolla
pink-purple, upper petals varigated with white and broader than the others. Stamens 5,
shorter than the petals. Pods flat, glabrous, greyish-black. Seeds 10-15, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Mar.
Planted in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Caesalpinia L.
Pods unarmed
Pods 1-4 seeded
Large twiners, leaflets 4-5 pairs; pods winged, 1(2) seeded C. cucullata
Tree, leaflets 10-12 pairs; pods not winged, 3-4 seeded C. sappan
Pods 6-10 seeded
Scandent; stems covered with recurved spines; flowers in lax racemes,
calyx densely pubescent; filaments densely woolly in lower half;
pods 6-8 seeded C. decapetala
Erect; stems not or rarely covered with few prickles; flowers in
corymbose racemes; calyx and filaments glabrous; pods 8-10 seeded C. pulcherrima
Pods armed on faces with wiry prickles C. bonduc
Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. FI. Ind. 2: 362. 1832. Guilandia bonduc L., Sp. PI. 381.
1753. C. bonducella (L) Flem in As. Res. 11: 159. 1810; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 254. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 437. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Gajaga, Sagaragota'
Extensive scandent shrub, armed with hooked and straight, yellow prickles.
Pinnae 6-8 pairs, with a pairs of hooked, spines at the base. Flowers in dense, long
peduncled terminal and supra-axillary racemes dense at the top. Petals oblanceolate,
yellow. Pods densely armed on faces with wiry prickles.
FIs. & Frts. July-Nov.
: Exsiccata: MMS 2360
Common in hedges around fields and villages.
Localities. Kagal, Ingali, Nittur.
Caesalpinia cucullata Roxb , FI Ind. 2: 358. 1852. Mezoneuron cucullatum (Roxb ) Wt
& Arn., Prodr. FI. Pen. India Or 283 1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 2: 258
1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 441 1958 (Repr ed.).
A large prickly, scandent shrub, branches armed with small dark, sharp, recurved
prickles. Pinnae 2-5 pairs. Flowers in terminal and axillary panicles of simple and
sometimes branched racemes. Corolla greenish yellow, upper petals 2 lobed, shorter but
wider than the others. Stamens much exerted. Pods thin, glabrous. Seed 1.
FIs. & Fris.: Dec.-June Exsiccata: MMS 2434
Rare, at higher altitudes.
Localities. Dajipur, Idarganj, Gajapur, Manoli, Tillarinagar.
Caesalpinia decapetaia (Roth) Alst. Trim, handb. FI. Ceylon 6. 89. 1931 Reichardia
decapetala Roth. Nov. PI. sp. 212. 1821. Caesalpinia sepiaria Roxb. FI. Ind. 2: 360.
1832; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2: 256 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 439.
1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Chilar
An extensive, scandent shrub; branches clothed with brown tomentum, prickles.
Leaves bipinnate; pinnae 5-10 pairs. Leaflets 8-10 pairs. Flowers in simple, axillary and
terminal racemes. Corolla woolly in the lower half. Seeds 6-8, mottled.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec -Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 2365
Frequent in hedges around fields.
Localities: Hupari, Kolhapur, Sangawade.
"Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Swartz, Obs. 166. 1791; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 255. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 440. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Shankasur'
Glabrous, erect shrub; branches often unarmed or with few weak prickles. Leaves
bipinnate; pinnae 6-8 pairs, leaflets 8-12 pairs. Flowers in terminal racemes. Corolla
yellow or red; petals orbicular. Stamens long exerted. Pods flat, thin. Seeds 8-10,
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Cultivated throughout in gardens and backyards.
Localities: Alas, Aurwad, Bahubali, Batkanangale, Chipari, Kumbhoj, Nittur, Sangav.
"Caesalpinia sappan L., Sp. PI. 381. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 225.
1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 438. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Patang’
Tree, stems prickly, branches rufous pubescent, armed with a few small prickles.
Pinnae 8-12 pairs, small prickles at the base. Leaflets 10-18 pairs. Flowers in panicles,
which are terminal and in the axils of long. Petals orbicular, subequal, yellow, the upper
with a red spot at base. Seeds 3-4.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Dec.
Cultivated in gardens.
Localities. Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Cassia L.
Petals pink or red
Longer three filaments sigmoid and swollen in the middle
Leaflets 16-20 pairs; petals not fading white; stamens 10,
all perfect without spur or sterile anthers C. renigera
Leaflets 12-15 pairs; petals fading white; stamens ten, 4
with spurred anthers and three sterile, three longer sigmoid C. javanica
Longer three filaments neither sigmoid nor swollen in the middle
Leaflets 10-20 pairs; flowers in axillary racemes; ebracteate;
pods up to 10 cm long C. grandis
Leaflets 15 -30 pairs; flowers in axillary and terminal panicles;
bracteate; pods up to 10 cm long C. roxburghii
Petals yellow
Pods cylindric
Petioles slightly angled, not channeled; flowers in
lax drooping racemes; pods 30-60 cm long C. fistula
Petioles not angled but deeply channeled; flowers
in corymbose racemes; pods 10-15 cm long C. bicapsularis
Pods flat
Leaflets 6-14 pairs; fertile stamens seven; pods thick, fulvous,
downy C. siamea
Leaflets 4-9 pairs; fertile stamens ten; pods thin, glabrous C. surattensis
Herbs or shrubs
Flowers in terminal dense racemes; bracts large; pods winged along
each suture C. alata
Flowers not in terminal dense racemes; bracts small; pods not winged
Stamens five, staminodes absent; leaflets 2-20 pairs
Leaflets two pairs; seeds 4-6 C. absus
Leaflets 10-20 pairs; seeds 6-12 C. pumila
Stamens ten; staminodes present (absent in C. mimosoides),
leaflets 30-60 pairs
Fertile stamens ten, staminodes absent; leaflets 35-60 pairs C. mimosoides
Fertile stamens seven, staminodes three, leaflets 3-18 pairs
Herbs; leaflets three pairs
Pods not moniliform, 12-20 cm long, slightly curved
Plants foetid; glands present between each of two lowest
pairs; calyx glabrous C. lora

Plants not foetid, glands present between the lowest pair

only; calyx hairy C. obtusifolia
Pods miniliform, upto six cm long, straight and erect C. uniflora
Shrubs; leaflets 3-12 pairs
Glands solitary; stipules not auriculate
Glands present on petiole; pods not membranous
Stipules absent; pods compressed, glabrous,
transversely septate
Leaflets 6-10 pairs; pods 30-40 seeded C. sophera
Leaflets 3-5 pairs; pods 20-30 seeded C. occidentals
Stipules linear-subulate; pods terete, slightly hirsute,
not septate C. hirsuta
Glands present in lowest pair of leaflet only; pods
membranous C. biflora
Glands 1-many present in each pair of leaflet;
stipules auriculate C. auriculata
Cassia absus L., Sp. PI. 376. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 265. 1878; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 451. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
An erect, sparingly branched, annual herb; clothed with spreading viscous
glandular hairs. Leaflets 2 pairs. Flowers in terminal or leaf-opposed, erect, few flowered
racemes. Corolla yellow, turning brick-red. Stamens 5, all perfect yellow, turning brick-
red. Pods clothed with grey hairs. Seeds 4-6 obovoid, black, polished.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 2366
Common on gravelly hill sloeps and on disturbed places.
Localities. Gaganbavada, Kagal, Kolhapur, Suleran.
‘Cassia alata L., Sp. PI. 378. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI Brit. India 2: 264. 1878,
Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 454. 1958 (Repr. ed).
A large shrub. Leaflets 8-14 pairs. Flowers large, showy, in terminal dense
spicate raceme. Corolla lobes 5, yellow, furnished with a wing down the middle of each
valve. Seeds many, compressed grey-brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 2376
Native of S. America, usually planted and also escape along channels. Robust shrub;
Racemes very showy. Leaves are used as remedy in skin diseases and ringworm.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Cassia auriculata L., Sp. PI. 379. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 263. 1878,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 448. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Tarwad’
Much branched undershrub. Flowers large, in terminal and axillary racemes. Pods
flat, thin papery, oblong, obtuse, mucronate, pale brown, deeply depressed between the
seeds, having a crumpled appearance, pubescent. Seeds 10-20.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-July Exsiccata. MMS 2359
Frequent on gravelly soils, hill slopes. Leaves and seeds are used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Chipari, Tarewadi.
Cassia fistula L., Sp. PI. 377. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 261. 1878,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 444. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Deciduous moderate sized, glabrous tree. Leaflets 4-8 pairs, coriaceous. Flowers
in lax drooping racemes. Corolla bright yellow; petals subequal. Stamens 10, all perfect.
Pods cylindric, straight or slightly curved, black. Seeds many, dark brown, polished.
FIs.: Mar.-Aug. & Frts.: ripe in next year. Exsiccata: MMS 2380
Common in forests as well cultivated as avenue tree.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shelap.
Cassia hirsuta L., Sp. PI. 378. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 263. 1878. C
tomentosa auct. non L.: Wt. & Am., Prodr. FI. Ind. Orient. 286. 1834.
Shrub; stems and branches tomentose. Leaflets 4-7 pairs. Flowers yellow in
axillary cymose panicles. Stamens 10, upper 3 staminodes, fertile 7. Pods sessile,
subterete, ribbed, hirsute.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2417
Native of tropical America, grow on waste places.
Localities: Kolhapur, Ujlaiwadi.
*Cassia javanica L., Sp. PI. 379 1753, Baker in Hook f FI Brit. India 2: 267 1878
Deciduous medium sized tree. Leaflets 12-16 pairs. Flowers in axillary and
terminal, dense racemes. Calyx red. Corolla pink, fading nearly white Stamens 10, all
perfect. Pods 20-35 cm long, cylindric, transversely ribbed, dark brown. Seeds many,
oblong, polished.
FIs. & Frts.: May-July
Planted in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities. Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Cassia mimosoides L., Sp. PI. 379. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 266. 1878,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 453 1958 (Repr. ed).
A diffuse, perennial herb. Leaves abruptly pinnate, rachis with a flat sessile gland
on the very short petiole close below the lower pair of leaflets. Leaflets 40-60 pairs,
crowded or overlapping. Petals yellow. Pods linear, nearly straight, flat, marked with
oblique, transverse depressions between the seeds. Seeds 15-25, compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Dec. ' Exsiccata: MMS 2402
Common among grasses in moist places.
Localities: Gokul Shirgaon, Kolhapur.
Cassia obtusifolia L., Sp. PI. 377. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 447. 1958 (Repr.
ed ). C. tora sensu Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 263. 1878, p.p. non L, 1753
Tarwad, Takala’
Annual herb. Leaflets 3 pairs, opposite. Flowers usually in sessile pairs in the
axils of the leaves. Petals 5, bright yellow. Stamens 10, the upper reduced to minute
staminodes the remaining 7 perfect subequal. Seeds 30-35, rhomboidal.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2381
Common on waste places.
Localities: Kagal, Kini, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Cassia occidentalis L., Sp. PI. 377. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 262. 1878;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 445. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Kaswind, Rantakala’
A diffuse undershrub; branches subglabrous, furrowed, often purplish, with
single, sessile gland near leaf base. Leaflets 3-5 pairs. Flowers in short peduncled few-
flowered racemes, axillary and forming a terminal panicle. Petals 5, subequal, yellow,
faintly veined with orange. Pods compressed, transversely septate, distinct torulose.
Seeds 20-30.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 2421
Common on waste lands around villages
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj, Latawade, Talsande.
Cassia pumila Lamk., Encycl. 1: 651. 1785; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 266.
1878; Cooke, FI Pres Bombay 1: 452. 1958 (Repr ed.)
Prostrate or diffuse, annual herb. Leaflets subsessile, 10-20 pairs. Flowers 1-3,
supra-axillary Petals yellow Stamens 5, subequal. Seeds 6-12.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 2363
Common on hill slopes amidst grasses along with C. mimosoides L.
Localities. Bahubali, Hasur, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj, Shiradwad.
*Cassia renigera Wall, ex Benth. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 27; 618. 1871, Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 262. 1878.
Deciduous tree; branches densely pubescent. Leaflets 30-40 pairs. Flowers from
old branches. Petals deep pink. Pods cyllidrical, glabrous, indehiscent, blackish green,
FIs. &Frts.. Apr.-June
Planted in gardens as an ornamental tree.
Localities. Kolhapur, Warananagar.
*Cassia roxburghii DC., Prodr. 2: 489. 1825. C. marginata Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 338. 1832;
Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 262 1878.
Evergreen tree; branches drooping. Leaflets 15-30 pairs. Flowers in short axillary
and terminal panicles. Pods cylindric, 20-40 cm long, faintly ribbed, Seeds 20-40,
globose, brown, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Feb.

Native of Sri Lanka, planted in gardens.

Locality. Kolhapur.
"Cassia siamea Lamk., Encycl. 1; 648. 1785; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 264.
1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 454. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kashid’
Evergreen tree. Leaflets 6-14 pairs. Flowers in axillary and terminal racemes.
Pods linear-oblong, thick margined, reticulately veined, tomentose. Seeds 20-30, greyish-
FIs. & Frts. May-Mar.

A native of Sri Lanka, planted in gardens as well as avenue tree.

Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Kumbhoj, Latawade, Talsande.
Cassia sophera L., Sp. PI. 379. 1753, Baker in Hook f. FI. Brit India 2: 262 1878,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 446. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
Glabrous undershrub. Leaflets 5-10 pairs. Flowers in axillary, short, few flowered
corymbose racemes Stamens 10, of which 3 upper reduced to staminodes, remaining
perfect. Pods linear, slightly turgid straight or curved. Seeds 30-40, compressed dark
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 2362
Common on waste lands around villages.
Localities. Girgaon, Kale, Kerle, Kolhapur, Latawade, Nittur.
‘Cassia surattensis Burm. f. FI. Ind/ 97. 1768; Chaterjee in J. Bombay nat. Hist. soc.
57: 627. 1960. C. glauca Lamk, Encycl. 1: 647. 1785; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
265. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 453. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Tarwad’
Glabrous, deciduous tree. Leaflets 4-9 pairs. Flowers in axillary, corymbose
racemes shorter than the leaves. Petals bright yellow. Stamens 10, all perfect, subequal.
Pods flat tapering at both ends, glabrous. Seeds compressed, smooth, dark brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-May
Planted in gardens.
Localities. Kagal, Kerle, Kolhapur, Narande, Sangav, Wadgaon.
Cassia tora L., Sp. PL 376. 1753, Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 263. 1878; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 447. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Takala’
Annual, foetid herb. Leaflets 3 pairs. Flowers in subsessile pairs, in the axils of
leaves, crowded upwards. Petals yellow, subequal. Pods subterete, often spreading. Seeds
obliquely truncate at both ends, brown, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 2382
Common on waste lands around villages.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kodoli, Kolhapur, Wathar.
Delonix Raf.
Leaves 10-20 cm long; flowers in terminal corymbose racemes;
petals white turning yellow D. elata
Leaves 30-60 cm long, flowers in axillary and terminal lax
racemes; petals bright scarlet D. regia
‘Delonix elata (L.) Gambl, FI. Pres. Madras. 1: 280. 1957 (Repr. ed.) Poinciana elata
L., Cent. PI. 2: 16. 1756.
Evergreen tree. Leaves bipinnate, pinnae 4-8 pairs; leaflets 9-21 pairs. Flowers in
few flowered axillary and terminal corymbose racemes. Petals white, turning yellow.
Stamens 10, declinate; filaments red, 3-4 times longer than calyx. Pods flat, thin.
FIs.. June-Nov & Frts.: not seen.
Native of tropical Africa, plant as avenue tree. Leaves are supposed to be medicinal on
rheumatism and arthritis.
Locality. Ichalkaranji.
*Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf. FI. Tell. 2: 92. 1836. Poinciam regia Bojer ex Hook. f. in
Curtis, Bot. Mag. t. 2884. 1829; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 260. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1. 442. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Gul Mohor’
Deciduous tree. Leaves bipinnate; pinnae 10-20 pairs; leaflets 6-35 pairs. Flowers
6-12 in axillary racemes. Petals red, the upper with white blotches, clawed with crisped
orbicular limbs. Stamens 10. filaments long, red in the upper half. Pods woody, dark
brown. Seeds 10-50, dark brown, mottled.
FIs. &Frts.: Feb.-Nov.
Native of Madagascar, planted in gardens and along roadsides.
Localities: Adur, Bahubali, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Savarde.
Mouliava Rheede
Moullava spicata (Dalz.) Nicolson in Manilal, Bot. Hist. Hort. Malab. 184. 1980;
Nicolson et al Regnum. Veg. 119: 138. 1988. Caesalpinia spicata Dalz., Hook. J Bot
Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 90. 1851. Wagatea spicata (Dalz.) Wt, Ic. t. 6: 13, 1995, 1853;
Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 261. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 443 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Waghati, Wakeri'
A robust woody, scandent shrub; branches armed with numerous recurved
prickles. Pinnae 4-6 pairs; leaflets 5-7 pairs. Flowers nearly sessile, in dense spicate
racemes. Petals orange-yellow. Pods torulose with thickened sutures. Seeds 3-4, brown,
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-July Exsiccata: MMS 2373
Common hill forests.
Localities: Ajara, Bambavade, Borbet, Burki, Chandagad, Jotiba, Nivale, Panhala.
Parkinsonia L.
*Parkinsonia aculeata L., Sp. PI. 375. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 260.
1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 442. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Vedi Babhul, Vilayati Khair'
Large shrub or tree. Leaves bipinnate, main reduced to a short spine, pinnae 1-3
pairs. Flowers in lax axillary racemes shorter than leaves. Petals yellow. Stamens 10,
filaments flattened, densely villous at base. Pods moniliform, narrowed at both ends.
Seeds 3-8.
FIs. & Frts. Nov.-June Exsiccata MMS 2385
Native of tropical America, planted along roadsides and also naturalised in some part.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Takawade, Shirdhon.
Peltophorum (Vogel) Walp. (nom. cons.)
*Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC.) Baker ex Heyne, Nutt PI. Ned Ind. 2: 275 1927;
Santapau, Bull. Bot. Surv. india 16 (1) ed. 3. : 77. 1967. Ingapterocarpa DC., Prodr. 2:
441. 1825 Peltophorum ferrugineum Benth. FI. Austr. 2: 279. 1864; Baker in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 257. 1878. ‘Sonmohor’
Evergreen tree; young branches brown tomentose. Pinnae 9-15 pairs; leaflets 10-
20 pairs. Flowers in rather dense, terminal panicles shorter than the leaves. Petals bright
yellow. Pods flat, red-brown, narrowly winged on both surfaces. Seeds 3-6 compressed,
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Mar.

Native of Australia, planted as avenue tree. Flowers are sweet fragrant.

Localities: Gadhinglaj, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Saraca L.
Saraca asoca (Roxb.) Willd. in Blumea 15: 393. 1968. Joanesia asoca Roxb. in Asiat.
Res. 4: 355. 1795; Wt. Ic. t. 206. 1839. S. indica auct. (non. L„ 1767) Bedd., FI. Sylvat.,
T. 57. 1870; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 1: 428 (456). 1903; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 456. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Sithecha Ashok’
Tree. Leaflets 4-6 pairs. Flowers fragrant, numerous in dense axillary racemes,
bracteoles 2, amplexicaule, coloured. Calyx segments 4. Stamens 7 or 8, much exerted;
anthers purple. Pods black, tapering at both ends. Seeds 4-8, slightly compressed.
FIs. & Frts. Dec -May
: Exsiccata: MMS 2364
Planted in premices of temples, in gardens, in sacred groves and also naturalised in
Localities: Amba, Kagal, Kolhapur, Vijghar, Warananagar.
Tamarindus L.
Tamarindus indica L, Sp. PI. 34. 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2: 273 1878,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 457 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Chinch, Imali'
Large evergreen tree. Leaflets 10-20 pairs. Flowers in lax racemes at the ends of
branches. Petals yellow, stripped with red. Stamens 3, monadelphous. Seeds 1-10.
FIs. &Frts.: July-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2372
Common in hedges around fields and villages.
Localities. Kagal, Ingali, Nittur.
Other cultivated species
Brownea ariza Benth.
Cassia biflora L
Castanospermum australe Cunn.
Ceratonia siliqua L.
Stamens indefinite
Stamens monadeiphous
Pods turgid, arched, circinate or variously twisted
Plants unarmed, pods arched, indehiscent Samcmea
Plants armed, pods circinate, menifestly dehiscent Pithecellobium
Pods thin, papery, slightly curved Albizia
Stamens free Acacia
Stamens definite, 4-10
Flowers in globose heads; anthers eglandular at base (except in Xylia)
Plants unarmed; stamens ten; pods not curved with segmented
valves and indehiscent sutures
Pods thin, papery, not falcate; anthers appendaged with gland
Petioles without two glands at base; flowers sessile; sepals
valvet, stamens free; pods glabrous 15-20 seeds Leucaena
Petioles with two glands at base; flowers pedicelled;
sepals imbricate; stamens monadeiphous, pods rusty
tomentose with 8-15 seeds Parkia
Pods woody, falcate; anthers not appendaged with a stalked
gland Xylia
Plants armed; stamens 4-8; pods curved with segmented
valves and indehiscent sutures Mimosa
Flowers in racemes or spike, anthers glandular at base
Erect shrubs or trees; pods small
Spikes concoloured; flowers all hermaphrodite; pods
turgid, straight Prosopis
Spikes bicoloured; flowers polygamous; pods thin, twisted Dicrostachys
Tendril bearing climbers with large pods Entada
Acacia P. Mill.
Flowers in globose heads
Seandent shrubs without stipular spines but with prickles
Stipules and bracts ovate-cordate, pods thick, depressed between
the seeds and slightly dentate on sutures; pods fleshy A. simata
Stipules and bracts lanceolate, pods thin, the sutures often straight,
pods not fleshy
Leaflets not overlapping, 10-40 pairs; flowers pedicelled
Glands near the base of petiole conical; leaflets 25-40 pairs,
pubescent beneath A. torta
Glands near the base of petiole flat, leaflets
10-15 pairs, glabrous A. caesia
Leaflets overlapping, 30-50 pairs; flowers sessile A. pennata
Erect shrubs or trees with stipular spines but not with prickles
Heads on axillary peduncles
Pods flat or compressed A. nilotica
Pods turgid, cylindric A. famesiana
Heads in panicles A. leucophloea
Flowers in spikes
Petioles not flattened into phyllode
Leaflets 3-6 pairs A. ferruginea
Leaflets more than ten pairs
Pinnae more than 20 pairs; bark brown
Leaflets 30-50 pairs; calyx and corolla villous A. catechu
Leaflets 20-40 pairs; calyx and corolla glabrous A. chundra
Pinnae 10-20 pairs; bark white A. polycantha
Petioles flattened into phyllode A. longifolia
Acacia caesia (L.) Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1090. 1806. Mimosa caesia L, Sp. PI. 1507. 1753,
p.p. Acacia intsia Wt. & Arn., Prodr. 278. 1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 297.
1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 479. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Chilar'
Large, scandent shrub; armed with small hooked prickles. Leaves with hooked
prickles on underside with a gland on petiole below the lowest pair of pinnae and a gland
between each of the 1-4 uppermost pairs, pinnae 5-10 pairs. Leaflets 10-15 pairs.
Flowers in terminal panicles of globose heads. Pods strap shaped. Seeds 6-12 brown,
FIs. & FrisNov.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2371
Rare along streams.
Localities. Batkanangale, Uttur.
Acacia catechu Willd., Sp. PI. 4 1079. 1806, Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 295
1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 476. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Khair, Kaf
Small tree. Leaves with glands between many of the pairs of pinnae and a large
gland near the middle of petiole; stipular spines hooked; pinnae 20-30 pairs. Flowers
sessile in 1-4-nate axillary spikes. Pods thin, glabrous. Seeds 3-10 compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 2416
Rare along streams in dry forests.
Localities. Panhala, Radhanagari.
Acacia chundra (Roxb. ex Rottl.) Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1078. 1806. Mimosa chundra Roxb.
ex Rottl., Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue. Schr. 4: 207. 1803. Acacia surtdra (Roxb.)
DC,, Prodr, 2: 458. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 295. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1. 477 1958 (Repr. ed ). Acacia catechu (Roxb. ex Rottl.) Willd var. sundra
(DC.) Prain in J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 66: 508. 1898. ‘Lai Khair'
Glabrous shrubs or small tree. Pinnae 20-30 pairs; leaflets 20-40 pairs, glabrous.
Flowers in axillary 1-4-nate spikes. Stamens numerous much exerted. Ovary shortly
stalked, style filiform, stigma terminal. Pods brown shining.
FIs. & Frts. . Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata. MMS 2384
Common on hill slopes in deciduous forests.
Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubai, Narande, Panhala.
Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1083. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
292. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 473. 1958 (Repr. ed). Mimosa farnesiana L., Sp.
PI. 521. 1753. ‘Dev Babhul'
Large shrub; branchlets zigzag. Leaves with a minute gland about the middle of
the petiole; stipular spines sharp sometimes wanting. Pinnae 4-8 pairs, leaflets 10-20
pairs. Flowers sessile in globose heads, fragrant; peduncles crowded on axillary nodes.
Corolla yellow. Pods subcylindric, turgid, glabrous Seeds dark brown, compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2379
Infrequent along roadsides, on disturbed places.
Localities: Dattawad, Ghosarwad, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shiradwad.
Acacia ferrugtnea DC., Prodr. 2: 458. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 295.
1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 475. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Pandhara Khair*
Moderate sized tree; prickles sometimes suppressed. Leaves 2-pinnate, glabrous
with a large gland on petiole and another between the uppermost pair of pinnae; stipular
spines hooked; pinnae 3-6 pairs Leaflets 10-20 pairs. Flowers sessile in slender axillary
spikes. Corolla divided to 1/2 way down. Pods straight, flat, thin brown. Seeds 4-8
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2386
Rare, on hill slopes.
Localities Batkanangale, Lakudwadi, Ramling, Uttur.
Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd., Sp. PI. 4 1083. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI Brit
India 2: 294. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 475. 1958 (Repr. ed). Mimosa
leucophloea Roxb , PI. Corom. t. 150. 1800. ‘Hivar'
Tree. Leaflets 2 pinnate, subsessile, usually with a cup shaped gland between
each pair of pinnae; spines variable. Leaflets crowded. Flowers in large terminal
tomentose panicles, heads numerous, globose. Corolla twice as long as the calyx, lobes
subacute. Pods thin, flat, indehiscent, slightly curved. Seeds 10-20.
FIs. & Frts. . Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata. MMS 2367
Common on hill slopes.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali. Batkanangale, Girgaon, Katyayani, Narande, Panhala
* Acacia longifolia Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1052. 1806; Bailey Man. Cult. PI. 591. 1949.
‘Australian Babhul’
Glabrous tree; phyllodes narrowly lanceolate, falcate; conspicuously 3-5 nerved.
Flowers in axillary spikes shorter than phyllodes. Corolla bright yellow, twice as long as
calyx. Pods twisted. Seeds black, polished, covered by silvery funiele.
FIs. <£ Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 2419
Planted by Social Forestry Dept, and also as avenue tree.
Localities: Here, Kagal, Kolhapur, Sulkud, Yalgud.
Acacia nilotica (L.) Del, Deschr. Egypt Hist. Nat. 111. 79. 1813, ssp. indica (Benth.)
Branan, Kew Bull. 12: 84. 1957. Mimosa nilotica L., Sp. PI. 4: 521. 1753. Acacia
arabica (Lamk.) Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1085. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 293.
1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 472. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Babhul
Small tree with longitudinally fissured bark. Pinnae 4-8 pairs. Leaflets subsessile,
10-25 pairs. Flowers in globose heads; peduncles axillary, in fascicles of 2-6. Corolla
bright yellow. Pods stalked. Seeds 6-10, brown, polished.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 2387
Very common around fields, bunds of fields, along river banks. Gum used in medicine.
Bark used in dyeing and tanning industries. Twigs made into toothbrush.
Localities: Bambvade, Borpadale, Devale, Kolhapur, Saranobatwadi, Satave, Tambave.
Acacia pennata (L.) Willd , Sp. PI. 4: 1090 1806; Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2: 297 1878,
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 480. 1958 (Repr. ed). Mimosa pennata L, Sp. PI. 507 1753
A scandent shrub, armed with numerous stout slightly hooked or straight
prickles Leaves 2-pinnate, pinnae 8-18 pairs. Leaflets 40-50 pairs, slightly overlapping.
Flowers white or pale yellow, in large terminal panicled heads. Pods thin, dry. Seeds 8-
FIs. & Frts.. June-Nov. Exsiccata. MMS 2388
Rare in deciduous forests.
Localities Batkanangale, Uttur.
Acacia polycantha Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1079. 1806; Brenan in Kew Bull. 1956: 195. 1957;
Santapau in Rec. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 16 (1). ed. 3: 84. 1967. A. suma Buch-Ham. ex
Voigt, Hort. Sub. Calc. 260. 1854; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 294. 1878; Cooke
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 476. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Sonkhair’
A middle-sized tree; bark white young shoots downy. Leaves 2-pinnate; pinnae
10-30 pairs, closely set on rachis. Flowers sessile in peduncled 1-4-nate spikes. Pods flat
with a triangular beak at apex, tapering at the base. Seeds 6-8.
FIs. & Frts. . Feb.-July Exsiccata. MMS 2410
Infrequent in deciduous forests and generally in moist places.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Tamadalage.
Acacia sinuata (Lour.) Merr., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 24(2): 186. 1935. Mimosa
sirnata Lour., FI. Cochinch. (Willd.) DC., Prodr. 2: 464. 1825. Acacia concina DC.,
Prodr. 2: 464. 1825; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 296. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 479. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Shikekai'
An extensive scandent shrub, armed with numerous small hooked prickles.
Pinnae 4-8 pairs. Leaflets subsessile, 15-25 pairs. Flowers in globose heads, on fascicled
peduncles, arranged in terminal panicles. Corolla dull white. Pods flat, thin, rugose, rusty
brown tomentose depressed between the seeds.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-July Exsiccata. MMS 2370
Common on forest borders, along streams. Pods used in shampoo.
Localities. Ajara, Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Karanjphen, Patgaon.
Acacia torta (Roxb.) Craib, Kew Bull. 1915: 410. 1915. Mimosa torta Roxb. FI. Ind 2:
566. 1832. Acacia intsia auct. non Willd. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 297.
1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 479. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Babhali Chilar*.
Large, scandent shrub, armed with small hooked prickles. Leaves 2-pinnate,
pinnae 5-10 pairs. Leaflets 10-25 pairs. Flowers white or yellowish white, in terminal
panicles; heads globose, peduncles 1-4-nate. Pods shortly stalked, straight, strap shaped,
flat, thin. 6-12 seeded.
FIs. & FrtsJan.-June Exsiccata: MMS 2389
Rare in deciduous forests.
Localities. Gavase, Kalammavadi, Radhanagri.
Other Cultivated species
Acacia ampliseps
Acacia mangitim
Acacia holosericea
Albizia Duraz
Pinnae 2-4
Flowers sessile
Plants pubescent; calyx pubescent A. odoratissima
Plants glabrous; calyx glabrous A. procera
Flowers pedicelled A. lebbeck
Pinnae 6-20 pairs
Stipules foliaceous; leaflets acute at apex A. chinensis
Stipules small; leaflets rounded at apex A. amara
Albizia amara (Roxb.) Bovin, Encycl. 19. Siecle 2: 34. 1838; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 301. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 483. 1958 (Repr. ed). Mimosa amara
Rxob. PI. Corom. t. 122. 1799. ‘Kamar, Tugi’
A small much branched, unarmed tree. Leaves abruptly 2 pinnate; pinnae 6-15
pairs. Leaflets 10-30 pairs. Flowers subsessile, fragrant in 12-20 flowered heads. Corolla
yellow, 3 times longer than calyx. Filaments pinkish. Pods thin, abruptly pointed, 6-8
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-June Exsiccata: MMS 2368
Rare in deciduous forests.
Localities: Ghotawade, Narande.
Albizia chinensis (Osb.) Merr. in Amer. J. Bot. 3: 575. 1916. Mimosa chinensis Osb.,
Dag. Ostind. Resa. 233. 1757. Mimosa stipulata (Roxb.) Bovin, Encycl. 19. Siecle 2: 33.
1838. Albizia stipulata Boivin in Encycl, du xix siecle. 2: 33. 1844; Baker in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 300. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay l: 483. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Udal’
Unarmed, evergreen tree. Leaves abruptly pinnate; stipules large, deciduous;
pinnae 7-20 pairs. Flowers in small, panicled heads. Corolla yellowish white, stamens 4
times as long as corolla connate to the base, longer than corolla tube. Pods silvery, 8-12
FIs. & Frts. Apr.-June Exsiccata: MMS 2375
Common at higher altitudes.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Patgaon, Udegiri.
Albizia lebbeck (L.) Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1066. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
298. 1878, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 481. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Chinchoia, Shirish*
Unarmed deciduous tree. Pinnae 2-4 pairs. Leaflets 5-9 pairs. Flowers in globose
heads. Corolla dull white. Stamens much longer than corolla, filaments connate at base.
Pods flat, thin, straw coloured. Seeds 5-10, pale brown, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. : Apr.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 2369
Planted as avenue tree.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Gadhinglaj, Ganganagar, Kolhapur.
Albizia odoratissima (L. f.) Benth., in Hook. London J. Bott. 3: 88. 1844, Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 299. 1878, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 482. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Mimosa odoratissima L. f., Sp. PI. 437. 1781. ‘Kala Shirish'
Unarmed tree. Leaflets 8-15 pairs. Flowers fragrant, sessile in heads arranged in
terminal panicles. Corolla dull white. Pods shortly stalked, oblong, thin, downy brown
often with 1 cm long beak. Seeds 8-12, yellowish brown, compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-May Exsiccata: MMS 2399
Rare in deciduous forests and also planted as avenue tree.
Localities: Alate, Dhuloba, Lakudwadi, Narande, Ramling.
Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth., Hook. London J. Bot. 3: 89. 1844; Baker in Hook f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 299. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 482. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Mimosa
amara Roxb. PI. Corom. 2: 12, t. 121. 1798. ‘Safed Shrish'
Unarmed tree. Pinnea 2-6 pairs. Leaflets 4-8 pairs. Flowers sessile in numerous
small heads. Corolla dull yellow. Pods flat, thin, brown, glabrous. Seeds 6-12,
compressed, pale brown.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 2391
Rare in deciduous forests along streams.
Localities: Mandarewadi, Shelap.
Dicrostachys (A.P. DC.)Wt. & Am. (nom. cons.)
Dicrostachys cinearea (L.) Wt. & Am., Prodr. 271.1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 288. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 468 1958 (Repr. ed). Mimosa cinearea
L., Sp. PI. 577. 1753. ‘Sagunkati Kati’
Large shrub, armed with sharp straight thorns. Flowers dimorphic in elogated
spikes, the upper bisexual the lower neuter. Bisexual flowers: Corolla yellow, twice as
long as calyx. Neuter flowers : Calyx and corolla pale pink, longer than those of bisexual
flowers. Staminodes 10 with long pink filaments. Pods curled or twisted. Seeds 2-10.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 2400
Rare along stream margins on hill slopes.
Localities. Babu Jamal, Ramling.
Entada Adans.
Entada pursaetha DC., Mem. Legum. 12. 1825. Entada scandens non. Benth., 1841;
Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 287. 1878, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 465. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Garatnbi, GardaP
An unarmed, lofty woody climbing shrub. Leaves 2 pinnate, usually ending in a
bifid tendril; pinnae 2-3 pairs, stalked. Flowers in panicled peduncled or simple spikes.
Corolla yellow. Pods slightly curved, woody, the sutures very thick indented between the
seeds. Seeds 6-15, compressed, smooth, shining brown.
FIs.: Mar.-Apr. & Frts.: pods persist and ripe in next year. Exsiccata. MMS 2393
Frequent at higher altitudes along streams. Local peoples use seeds as vegetable. It is
also used in Ayurvedic medicine. Seeds tied round the neck of cattles.
Localities. Burki, Chandgad, Gaganbavada, Palsambe, Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
Leucaena Benth.
*Leucaena latisiliqua (L.) Guill, Taxon 23: 190. 1974. Mimosa latisiliqua L., Sp.Pl.
519. 1753. M. glauca L., loc. cit. 520. M. leucocephala Lamk., Encycl. 1: 12. 1783.
Leucaena glauca (L.) Benth., Hook London J. Bot. 4; 416. 1802; Baker in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 290. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 469. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Subabhul’
Unarmed tree. Leaves 2 pinnate; pinnae 3-8 pairs; leaflets 10-15 pairs. Flowers in
dense globose heads. Petal dull white, spathulate. Stamens much exserted. Pods straight,
flat, glabrous. Seeds 15-20, brown, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Oct.
Native of trap. America, planted as avenue tree, near villages and also fastly naturalised>
Leaves used as fodder, especially for goat and sheeps. Wood used as fire wood
Localities. Alate, Ganganagar, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shorol.
Mimosa L.
Pinnae more than 2 pairs; stamens twice as many as petals; pods 4-6 jointed M hamata
Pinnae 1-2 pairs, stamens as many as petals, pods 3-4 jointed M. pudica
Mimosa hamata Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 1030. 1806; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 291.
1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1.471. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Arkar, Arati'
A much branched, armed shrub; branches furnished with numerous straw
coloured curved or straight prickles. Leaves 2-pinnate; pinnae 2-6 pairs. Flowers 4-
merous, in globose heads; peduncles axillary and crowded at the ends. Corolla pink.
Stamens 8, ovary stalked, pubescent. Pods fiat, falcate, pubescent on both surfaces on
both faces.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Dee.
Rare, reported on authority of Kulkarni & Thite (1979).
Locality. Kolhapur.
Mimosa pudica L„ Sp. PI. 518 1753; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 219 1878;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 470. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Lajalu'
Prickly, prostrate or suberect undershrub. Pinnae 1-2 pairs; rachis clothed with
bristles. Flowers in globose heads, prickly often in axillary pairs. Calyx minute. Corolla
pink. Stamens much exserted. Pods flat. Seeds compressed, brown.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 2392
Common on bunds of rice fields.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shirol.
Parkia R. Br.
*Parkia biglanduolsa Wt. & Am., Prodr. 279. 1834; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
289. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 486. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Chenduphal
Large tree. Leaflets 60-100 pairs. Flowers in spikelet, globose heads 4-5 cm
across. Corolla white; segments spathulate. Stamens 10, exerted; filaments united in
lower part. Pods stipitate, apiculate. Seeds 8-15, discoid, brown, polished.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-May
Native of Africa, grown in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur.
Pithecellobium Mart. (nom. cons.)
*Pitheceiiobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth. in Hook London J Bot 3. 199 1844; Baker in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 302. 1878, Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 485. 1958 (Repr. ed).
‘ Wilayati Chinch'
Moderate sized tree, stems armed with short prickles. Pinnae 1 pair Leaflet 2 per
pinnae. Flowers in globose heads. Corolla dull white. Pods spirally twisted. Seeds 6-8,
ovoid, black polished enclosed in white, fleshy, edible aril.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-June Exsiccata: MMS 2398
Native of Mexico, planted in gardens and also naturlaised.
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur.
Prosopis L.
Prosopis julifera (Swartz) DC, Prodr 2: 447. 1825 Mimosa julifera Swartz, Prodr 85.
1788 P. chinensis sensu Bhandari FI Ind. Des. 151. 1978, non (Molina) Stutz. 1914.
‘Vilayati Chinch'
Scandent shrub or small tree; branches zigzag. Leaves bipinnate; pinnae 2-4
pairs; leaflets 20 pairs. Flowers in dense axillary, peduncled spikes. Corolla pale
yellowish, twice as long as calyx. Stamens exerted, anthers crested with deciduous gland.
Seeds 10-20.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-June
: Exsiccata: MMS 2397
Native of Mexico and Central America, fast naturalising along streams.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Kurundwad, Takawade, Shirdhon.
Samanea Merr.
*Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. in J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 6: 47. 1916; Bailey in Man. Cult.
PI. 593. 1949. Mimosa saman Jacq. Fragm. 15, t. 9. 1809. Pithecellobium saman (Jacq.)
Benth. in Hook. London J. Bot. 8: 216. 1844; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 485. 1958
(Repr ed ). ‘Paijanya Vriksha'
Unarmed tree. Leaves bipinnate; pinnae 4-6 pairs; leaflets 2-8 pairs. Flowers in
long peduncled, globose heads. Corolla pale pink. Stamens long exerted, filaments
purple. Seeds 6-10, embeded in brownish black, sweet pulp.
FIs. &FrtsMar.-July
Native of Tropical America, planted as avenue tree. Sweet pulp of the pod is edible and
used in the medicine.
Localities: Ganganagar, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shirol, Warananagar.
Xylia Benth.
Xylia xylocarpa (Roxb.) Taib., Bot. Centralbl. 47: 397 1891. Mimosa xylocarpa Roxb,
PI. Corom. t. 100. 1798. Xylia dolabriformis Benth. in Hook. London J. Bot. 4: 416
1842; Baker in Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2: 286. 1878; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 465.
1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Jambha'
A tall tree. Leaves 2-pinnate; pinnae 2 Leaflets 2-4 pairs. Flowers sessile in
dense globose heads. Corolla yellowish white, valvet. Stamens 10, filaments free. Pods
woody falcate, flat, septate between the seeds. Seeds 6-10, compressed, brown, smooth,
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 2395
Rare in forests.
Localities: Patgaon, Tillarinagar.

Armed shrubs; stipules large, toothed or laciniate, leaves not coriaceous,
serrate, hairy
Leaves simple, 5-7, bright green and rugulose above Rubus
Leaves compound, 5-7 foliolate, common rachis often winged, not
rugulose above Rosa
Unarmed shrubs; stipules minute, fugaceous; leaves coriaceous, entire,
glabrous Primus
Scapigerous, stoloniferous herbs; leaves digitately 3-5 foliolate Fragaria
*Fragaria vesca L, Sp. PI. 494 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 344. 1878, Cooke FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 492. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Strawberry’
Herb. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets rhomboid-ovate, glabrous above, silky beneath.
Flowers reddish in clusters. Achenes numerous, minute, purple.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-June
Cultivated for its edible fruits.
Localities. Jaisingapore, Kolhapur.
Prunus L.
Prunus ceylanicus (Wt.) Miq., FI. India Bot. 1, 1: 366. 1855. Pygeum acuminata
Colebr., Trans. Soc. 12: 360, t. 18. 1818; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 318. 1878. Polydontia
ceylanica Wt., 111. 1: 203. 1840. Pygeum wightianum Blume ex Muell, in Walp. Ann. 4:
662. 1857; Hook. F. loc. cit. 319; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 487. 1958 (Repr. ed ). P.
gardneri Hook. f. loc. cit. 321; Cooke, loc. cit. 488. ‘Daka’
Evergreen moderate sized tree. Leaves coriaceous, with or without large oval
immersed glands on either side of midrib base acute or rounded often unequal sided.
Flowers in axillary pubescent racemes. Petals softly pubescent on margins sometimes
absent. Ovary glabrous, style stout. Drupe broader than long, bilobed.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Mar, Exsiccata. MMS 334
Frequent at higher altitudes.
Localities. Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Patgaon, Tillari.

Rosa L.
Flowers arranged variously, petals not white
Styles included within hypanthium R. damascena
Styles exserted beyond hypanthium R indica
Flowers paniculate; petals white R. multiflora
*Rosa damascena Mill., Gard. Diet. ed. 8; 15. 1768, Hook, f. FI. Brit. India 2: 364
1878. ‘Gulab’
Scandent shrub, prickles hooked, leaflets mostly five. Flowers 6-12 in corymbose
cyme. Corolla pale or dark red, fragrant.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Native of East Asia, cultivated for showy, fragrant flowers.
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol.
*Rosa iodica L„ Sp. PI. 492. 1753, Hook. f. FI. Brit India 2: 364. 1878. ‘Deshi Gulab’
Evergreen glabrous shrubs; prickles stout, hooked. Leaflets 3-7, glabrous
Flowers solitary or in short panicles scentless. Corolla red.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Cultivated for fragrant flowers.
Localities: Jaisingapore, Kolhapur, Shirol.
*Rosa multiflora Thunb., FI. Japan 214, 1784; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 364. 1878.
‘Pandhara Gulab’
Erect or scandent shrub; prickles stout hooked. Leaflets 5-11. Flowers numerous
in terminal panicles, fragrant. Corolla white.
FIs. & Frts.. Almost throughout year.
Native of Japan, cultivated for fragrant flowers.
Localities: Jaisingapore, Kolhapur, Shirol.
Rubus L.
Rubus fairbolmianus Garden, Calc. J. Nat. Hist. 8; 6. 1845. 11 moluccmus L., Sp. PI.
1197. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 330. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 488. 1958.
(Repr. ed ).
Extensive scandent shrub, prickles scattered over the branches, petioles and lower
surface of midrib of leaves. Leaves about as broad or broader than long, palmately 5-7
lobed, irregularly and finely serrate-dentate, often prickly beneath. Flowers in terminal
and axillary, silky panicles. Petals white, shorter than the calyx. Fruits globose,
FIs. & Frts.: May-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1846
Very rare, collected only once at Dajipur, along edges of plateau.
Locality: Dajipur.
VAHLIACEAE (Reichb.) Dandy
Vahlia Tliunb. (nom.cons.)
Vahlia digyna (Retz.) O Ktze., Rev Gen. PI. 227. 1891. Oldenlandia digym Retz.,
Obs. Bot. 4: 23. 1786. Vahlia viscosa Roxb, FI. Ind. 2: 89. 1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 330. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 493. 1958, (Repr. ed).
A glandular, pubescent herb, branched. Leaves subsessile. Flowers 1-2 in most of
upper axils. Petals white or yellow, as long a calyx. Stamens 5, epigynous. Ovary 1-
celled. Seeds numerous, minute.
FIs. & Frts. Jan.-Mar.
: Exsiccata. Yadav 959
Very rare, in rice fileds.
Localities. Bambavade, Jotiba.

Petals white
Calyx glandular hairy K. olivacea
Calyx eglandular, glabrous K. bhidei
Petals not white
Leaves lanceolate, glaucous green and blotched with purple;
petals pink K. diagremontiam
Leaves oblong-spathulate, green; petals scarlet K. blossfeldiana
Leaves deeply lobed; petals yellow K. laciniata
Leaves sessile, subterete K. tubiflora
Leaves simple and pinnate on same plant K. pinnata
*Kalanchoe bhidei T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 467. 1903(1: 497. 1958. Repr. ed ).

Succulent herb. Leaves coarsely and irregularly crenate, serrate, tinged with red;
petioles enlarged at base. Flowers numerous in cymose panicles. Corolla white.
FIs. d Frts.: Dec.-Aug.
Rare, cultivated in gardens.
Localities: Kolhapur, Panhala.
*Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Cv Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 466 1949
Glabrous, perennial herb. Leaves green with red marginal line. Flowers in dense
terminal corymbose panicles. Petals 4, scarlet, exceeding the calyx.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Mar.
Native of Madagascar grown in gardens.
Localities: Jaisingapore, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
*Kalanchoe digremontiana Harriet & Perr. in Ann. Mus. Coll. Marseille, ser. 3, 2; 128.
1924; Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 467. 1949.
Glabrous, perennial, succulent herb. Leaves coarsely dentate, producing
numerous plantlests from the dentations. Flowers drooping from trichotomousely,
branched corymb. Corolla pink turning purple, much exserted.
FIs. A Frts.: Dec.-Feb.
Native of Madagascar, grown in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
*KaIanchoe laciniata (L.) Pers., Syn. 446. 1805; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;
415. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 497. 1958. (Repr. ed). Cotyledon laciniata L.,
Sp. PI. 430. 1753.
Glabrous or hairy, succulent herb. Leaves very variable, the lowest simple,
intermediate ones deeply pinnatifid, uppermost entire. Flowers in dense terminal
FIs. &Frts.: Mar-July Exsiccata: MMS 1637
Native of S. Africa, grown in gardens as pot herb.
Localities: Jaysingpur, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Kalanchoe olivacea Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 313. 1861; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:
497. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Plants olive-green coloured. Leaves irregularly crenate-serrate, fleshy, dotted
with blood red spots, glabrous. Flowers in paniculate cymes. Corolla white sometimes
slightly tinged with pink; tube clothed outside with glandular hairs.

FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 539

Rare, along creeks, some times found epiphytic.
Localities Bandiwade, Bhudargad, Panhala.
*Kalanchoe pinnata (Lamk.) Pers., Syn. PI. 446. 1805. Cotyledon pinnata Lamk.,
Encycl. 2: 141. 1786. Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb., arad. London t 3 1805, Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit, India 2: 413. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 494. 1958. (Repr. ed).
Succulent, glabrous, erect herb. Leaves variable, the lower usually simple, the
upper often 3-7 foliolate. Flowers pendent from terminal corymbose cymes. Corolla
reddish, swollen at base, constricted in middle, twice as long as calyx lobes, triangular.
FIs. & Frts. Jan-Apr.

Native of trap. Africa, grown in gardens as potherb. Leaves are supposed to be

medicinal, used for the treatment of urine stone.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
*Kalanchoe tubiflora (Harvey) Hamet, Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 29(2): 41 1912 et in Ann.
Mus. Col. Marsille ser. 3,2 : 125 1914. Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harvey, Harv. & Sond.
FI. Cap. 2: 380. 1859-65. Kalanchoe verticellata Elliot, in J. Linn. Soc. 29: 14. 1891.
Succulent, glabrous, erect herb. Leaves verticellate, linear, fleshy, at the tip
producing plantlets.
FIs. & Frts. Dec.-Jan.

Native of S. Africa, grown in gardens.

Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Drosera L.
Plants acaulescent; leaves all radical, in basal rosettes, spathulate; styles
five; capsules 5-valved D. hurmanii
Plants caulescent; leaves cauline, linear; styles 3(1); capsules 3-valved D. indica
Drosera burmannii Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 50. 1794; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
424. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 499. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Stem absent. Leaves all radical, forming a close rosette on the ground, spathulate.
Scapes 1-3, erect. Flowers about 8-20, in secund racemes. Petals white, slightly longer
than calyx, spathulate. Styles 5, undivided. Capsules 5-valved. Seeds numerous minute,

FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 634, 810

Frequent in grasslands and in harvested rice fields at higher altitudes Flowers open early
in morning.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Tillarinagar.
Drosera indica L., Sp. PI. 282. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 424. 1878;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 499. 1958. (Repr. ed.). D. indica var. rubra Parand. & Diw.,
Curr. Sic. 11: 304-305. 1943.
Erect or decumbent, glandular pubescent, annual herb. Leaves cauline, alternate,
circiate in vernation. Flowers in leaf opposed, 1 to few flowered racemes. Petals deep
pink narrowly spathulate. Capsules 3-valved. Seeds many obovoid, pale brown
FIs. & Frts.: July-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 73, 322
Common in grasslands. Colour of corolla ranges from blue to white.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Tillarinagar.

Myriophyllum L.
Myriophyllum oliganthum (Wt. & Am.) F. von Miller Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 10: 54.
1876; Cook, Aquat. Wetl. PI. India 214. 1996. Haloragis oligantha Wt. & Arn., Prodr.
338 1834. Myriophyllum intermedium Wt., III. 2: 23, t. 102. excl. f. 8. 1850; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 433. 1878 excl. syn.; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 500. 1958.
(Repr. ed ).
Glabrous, aquatic herb. Leaves serrate or pectinately pinnatifid, often whorled.
Flowers axillary, monoceious or hermasphrodite. Male flowers: Petals 2-4. Female
flowers : petals absent. Fruit with rounded and minutely scabrous on ridges.
FIs. <£ Frts.: Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1225
Commonly found in lakes forms troublesome weed.
Localities: Kagal, Kalamba, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Carallia Roxb.
Carailia brachiata (Lour.) Merr. in Philipp. J. sci. Bit. 15: 249. 1991. Diatoma
brachiata Lour., FI. Cochinch. 296. 1790. Carallia integerrima DC., Prodr. 3: 33. 1828;

Henslow in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 429. 1878, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay I: 506. 1958
(Repr. ed). ‘Phanashi, Ran Phanashi'
Moderate sized tree. Leaves opposite, very variable in shape. Flowers sessile in
small heads, on axillary trichotomous cymes. Petals white. Stamens twice as many as
petals. Stigma 4-5 lobed. Fruit 1- seeded.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1847
Common tree at higher altitudes.
Localities. Ajara, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavada, Manoli,
Petals absent
Flowers in spikes or racemes
Scandent shrubs; calyx lobes persistent, enlarged in fruit Calycopteris
Trees; calyx lobes deciduous Terminalia
Flowers in globose heads Anogeissus
Petals present, five in number
Flowers cream coloured in panicled axillary spikes, pendulous;
calyx tube straight constricted above the ovary Combretum
Flowers white changing to red in terminal corymbose cymes,
pendulous; calyx tube produced to a great length beyond ovary Quisqualis
Anogeissus (A.P. DC.) Guill.
Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Wall, ex Guillem. & Perr. FI. Sensg. Tent. 1: 280.
1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 450. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 512.
1958. (Repr. ed.). Conocarpus latifolia Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 3: 17. 1828. ‘Dhavada’
Medium sized tree. Leaves alternate or subopposite. Flowers sessile in dense
heads. Petals absent. Stamens 10, biseriate, exserted. Fruit small several crowded in a
globular head compressed winged with a long beak. Seed ovoid, solitary.
FIs. & Frts. . Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata, 314, MMS 549
Common on hill slopes.
Localities. Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Nesari, Panhala, Ramling, Tarewadi.
Calycopteris Lamk.
Caiycopteris floribunda (Roxb.) Poir in lamk Encycl Sp. 2:41. 1811; Clarke in Hook
f. FI. Brit. India 2: 449 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 512. 1958 (Repr ed.).
Getoniafloribunda Roxb. PI. Corom. t. 87. 1798. ‘Baguli’
A scandent shrub; young branches slender, rusty pubescent. Flowers sessile, in
terminal panicles. Calyx densely hairy, accrescent. Petals absent. Stanmens 10, unequal.
Ovary densely villous outside. Fruit 5-ribbed, crowded by persistent calyx lobes.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar -May Exsiccata: MMS 1712
Common on hill slopes.
Localities. Ajara, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Manoli, Tillarinagar.
Combretum Loef. (nom. cons.)
Calyx limb cup shaped; plants leafless at the time of flowering C. albidum
Calyx limb funnel shaped; plants leafy at the time of flowering C. latifolium
Combretum albidum G. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 15: 429. 1827. C. ovalifolium
Roxb., Hort. Beng. 28. 1814 nom. nud et FI. India 2: 226. 1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 459. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 575. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
A large scandent shrub. Leaves opposite. Flowers sessile, in short rather dense
often panicled, axillary spikes forming a large terminal panicle. Petals 4, white. Stamens
8 in 2 series. Fruit as broad as long, with 4 papery finely transversely striate wings. Seeds
4 sided.
FIs. A Frts. : Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1848
Frequent on hill slopes along streams.
Localities: Ajara, Chandgad, Malakapur, Waghbil.
Combretum latifolium Bl., Bijdr. 641. 1825. C. externum Roxb. ex Don, Trans. Linn.
Soc. London 15: 414. 1827; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 458. 1878; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 515. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
A large, scandent shrub. Flowers sessile usually in solitary dense axillary spikes.
Petals yellowish white oblong truncate. Disk hairy. Ovary 4-gonous. Fruit almost as
broad as long wings scarious horizontally striate glabrous.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-May Exsiccata: MMS 1734
Rare, on higher ghats.
Localities: Ajara, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur.
Quisqualis L.

*QuisquaIis indica L., Sp PI. ed 2, 1: 556. 1762; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
459. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 517. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Madhumalati, Rangoon
Large straggling shrub; stems often twining to the left, old stems often spinous
Leaves opposite. Flowers in terminal corymbose spikes; bracts lanceolate or elliptic,
acute or acuminate. Petals white, turning pink to deep red, pleasantly fragrant.
FIs. A Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Native of Tropical Asia, grown in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Korochi, Warananagar.
Terminalia L. (nom.cons.)
Fruits not winged
Leaves alternate or subopposite, crowded at the ends of branches, spikes
simple or branched
Leaves elliptic, cuneate at the base, fruits ellipsiod-oblong, not
compressed, minutely pubescent, obscurely angled when dry T. bellerica
Leaves obovate, cordate at the base, fruits ellipsiod, compressed,
glabrous, two angled T. catappa
Leaves opposite, not crowded at the ends of branches, inflorescence a
panicle T. chebula
Fruits winged
Fruits equally five winged
Leaves rounded or subcordate at the base
Leaves villous; wings if fruit thin, horizontallynerved T. alata
Leaves glabrous; wings of fruits thick with ascending nerved T. arjuna
Leaves cuneate at the base T. crenulata
Fruits equally three winged T. paniculata
Terminalia alata Heyne ex Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 379. 182, Rau in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 10
(suppl.2): 33. 1969. Pentaptera tomentosa Roxb. ex DC. Prodr. 3: 14. 1824. Terminalia
tomentosa (Roxb. ex DC.) Wt. & Am., Prodr. 314. 1834; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 447. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 510. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Ain'
Tree. Leaves alternate or subopposite, coriaceous, often cordate at base, with 1-2
glands near the base of midrib. Flowers bisexual in axillary spikes or terminal panicles.

Disk clothed with long fulvous hairs. Drupes with 5 broad, coriaceous brown glabrous
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1849
Frequent on hill slopes and stream banks.
Localities. Ajara, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavada, Manoli,
Terminalia arjuna (Roxb. ex DC.) Wt. & Am., Prodr. 314. 1834; Clarke in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India 2: 447. 1878, Cooke, FI, Pres. Bombay 1: 509. 1958. (Repr. ed). Pentaptera
arjuna Rosxb. FI. Ind. 2: 438. 1832. ‘Arjuna’
A large tree, thick, smooth, greenish white bark, flaking off into large flat pieces.
Flowers sessile in short axillary spikes or in terminal panicles. Disk clothed with
yellowish or reddish hairs. Stamens much exserted Drupes 2.5-5 cm long ovoid or
obovoid-oblong, fibrous, woody, glabrous, dark brown with 5 hard projecting wings
striated with numerous curved veins
FIs. (ft Frts.: Apr.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 929
Frequent on stream banks and river beds. Bark and gum used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities: Ajara, Babu Jama, Borpadale, Devale, Kande, Korochi, Kolhapur,
Terminalia bellerica (Gaertn.) Roxb. PI. Corom. 2: 54, t. 198. 1805; Clarke in Hook f.
FI. Brit.. India 2: 445. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 509. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Myrobalanus bellerica Gaertn., Fruct. 2: 90, t. 97. 1790. ‘Behda’
A large deciduous tree. Leaves at the ends of branches, coriaceous. Flowers in
axillary and terminal simple and branched spikes. Drupes broadly ellipsoid or
subglobose 2-2.5X1 5-2 densely finely velutinous brown, faintly 5 ribbed.
FIs. & Frts. May-Nov.
: Exsiccata: MMS 998
Common on hill slopes in forests. Fruits used in ‘triphala churna’.
Localities: Ajara, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavada, Manoli,
^Terminalia catappa L., Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 2: 674. 1767; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 444. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 511. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Deshi Badam’
Deciduous tree. Leaves chartaceous crowded at the ends of branches. Flowers
sessile in axillary spikes. Disk hairy. Fruit usually reddish green, ovoid or ellipsoid,

FIs. &Frts.: Mar-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1071

Native of Tropical Asia, planted in gardens.
Localities: Bahubali, Chandur, Hatkanangale, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Korochi.
Terminalia chebula Retz., Obs. Bot. 5: 31. 1789; Clarke in Hook. f. FI Brit India 2:
446. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 509. 1958. (Repr. ed). Myrobalanus chebula
(Retz.) Gaertn., Fract. 2. 91, t. 97. 1790. ‘Hirda’
Tree. Leaves elliptic-oblong. Flowers hermaphrodite, in terminal often panicled
spikes. Calyx campanulate, glabrous outside hairy within. Drupes pendulous, ellipsoid,
brown obscurely 5-ribbed.
FIs. &Frts. \ Mar.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 24
Common on hill slopes in forests Fruit used in triphala chuma.
Localities: Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavada, Manoli, Tillarinagar.
Terminalia crenuiata Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 380. 1821 T. tomentosa var. crenulata (Roth)
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 448. 1878. T. tomentosa Wt. & Am., Prodr. 314.
1834 non Mart; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 510. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Ain’
Glabrous or pubescent tree; bark black, rough. Flowers in axillary spikes and
terminal panicles. Calyx glabrous or pubescent. Disk brown hairy. Drupes 2-3 cm long
with 5 broad glabrous, brown wings.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-Oct. Exsiccata: 83, MMS 1717
Occasional on hill slopes.
Localities: Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavada, Manoli, Tillarinagar.
Terminalia paniculata Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 383. 1821; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 448. 1878; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 510. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘KinjaF
Large tree. Leaves coriaceous, the upper alternate the lower subopposite, usually
with 2 glands beneath. Flowers sessile in slender spikes forming compound panicles.
Fruit rusty tomentose, sessile 3 winged, 2 of the wings much smaller than the other.
FIs. &Frts. : Aug.-Sep. Exsiccata: MMS 928
Common on hill slopes in forests.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavada, Tillarinagar.
Fruit capsule, loculicidally dehiscent at apex; leaves alternate
Leaves linear-lanceolate; flowers in dense, pendulous spikes; petals
present, 5, not calyptrate Callistemon

Leaves falcate; flowers in corymbose or umbellate heads; petals

wanting or adnate to calyx lid, calyptrate Eucalyptus
Fruit a berry or indehiscent drupe
Calyx lobes closed in bud, deeply divided at the time of anthesis
Fruits large, fleshy, many seeded Psidium
Fruits small, not fleshy, one seeded Myrtus
Calyx lobes open in bud, 4-5, not deeply divided at the time of anthesis Syzigium
Callistemon R. Br.
*Callistemon rigidus R. Br., in Bot. Reg. 5, t. 393. 1819; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 725.
1949. ‘Bottlebrush’
Small tree. Leaves sessile, linear, sharp pointed, margins often revolute. Flowers
sessile in the axils of deciduous bracts. Petals pink or red, deciduous. Stamens numerous;
filaments red. Capsules globose. Seeds numerous, minute, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Feb.
Native of Australia, planted in gardens.
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol, Warananagar.
Eucalyptus L’Herit.
Inflorescence a stalked umbel or flower solitary
Peduncles not flattened; flowers 1-2 cm across
Lid of calyx and corolla as long as the calyx tube E. rudis
Lid of calyx and corolla 2-4 times longer than the calyx tube E. tereticomis
Peduncles flattened; flowers 2-3 cm across E. globosus
Inflorescence a many flowered panicle E. maculata
^Eucalyptus globosus Lab., Vov. 1: 153, t. 13. 1800; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 727. 1949.
Glabrous tree, bark flakes off into long stripes. Leaves lanceolate. Flowers large
1-3 together on a short peduncle. Calyx tube hard, bluish white. Lid of calyx and corolla
conical. FIs. &FrtsFeb.-May
Native of Australia, planted in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Panhala, Shirol, Warananagar.
^Eucalyptus maculata Hook. var. citridora (Hook.) Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 727. 1949.
E. citridora Hook, in Mitch. J. Trop. Austr. 235. 1848. ‘Nilgiri’

Tall tree with reddish grey, deciduous bark. Leaves falcate-lanceolate. Flowers on
thick pedicels in many flowered panicles. Lid hemispherical shorter than calyx tube.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar -May
Native of Australia, planted in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Hatkanangale, Kolhapur, Panhala, Shirol, Warananagar.
* Eucalyptus rudis Endl., Enum. PI. Hueg. 49. 1837; Bailey, Man, Cult. PI. 728. 1949.
Tall tree with persistent bark. Leaves ovate-lanceolate. Flowers 1-1.5 cm across,
4-8 together in a stalked umbell. Lid conical, not beaked.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-May
Native of Australia, planted in gardens and as avenue tree by.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Korochi, Panhala, Shirol, Warananagar.
"Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm., Bot. N. Holl. 41. 1793; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 728. 1949.
Tall tree with deciduous baric. Flowers 4-8 together in a stalked umbell. Lid
usually with a narrowed point or beak, 2-4 times longer than calyx tube. Fruit
FIs. & Frts. . Mar.-July
Native of Australia, planted in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shirol, Warananagar.
Psidium L.
"Psidium guayava L., Sp. PI. 470. 1753; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 468. 1878;
Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 529. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Peru’
Small glabrous tree; bark peeling off in flakes. Leaves sessile opposite. Flowers
1-3 together clusters pedicels short stout. Petals 4, white, exceeding the calyx. Stamens
exserted. Fruits pyriform, fleshy green with white or rosy purple pulp. Seeds globose.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Native of tropical America, cultivated for its delicious fruits.
Localities: Alate, Bahubali, Chandur, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Panhala, Shirol,
Syzigium Gaertn.
Flowers in cymes
Petals large, free; calyx tube with a thickened staminal disc at the
mouth; fruits over 3 cm across
Leaves elliptic; berries not globose; dark brown and odourless
Shrubs; calyx tube funnel shaped; stamens crimson or white S. laetum
Large trees; calyx tube hemispheric; stamens yellowish white S. hemisphericum
Leaves linear-lanceolate; berry globose, creamy white and fragrant S. jambos
Petals small, usually calyptrate; staminal disc absent; fruits less
than 2 cm across
Cymes terminal corymbose or axillary in present leaves
Branches 4-gonous; lateral nerves very numerous, close S. rubicundum
Branches cylindric; lateral nerves few distant S. caryophyllaeum
Cymes axillary from fallen leaves
Calyx long, more than 0.6 cm long S. zeylanicum
Calyx short, less than 0.5 cm long
Large trees; leaves exceeding 3 cm breadth S. cumini
Shrubs; leaves not exceeding 2 cm breadth S. heynecmum
Flowers solitary or fascicled S. phillyraeoides
Syzigium caryophyllatum (L.) Alst. Trim. Handb. FI. Ceylon 6: 116. 1931. Myrtus
caryophyllatus L., Sp. PI. 472. 1753. Eugenia corymbosa Lamk., Encycl. 3: 199. 1789;
Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 490. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 522. 1958
(Repr. ed.) ‘Nimbuli’
A small tree. Leaves subcoriaceous. Flowers in terminal laxly trichotomous
cymes with quandrangular branches. Petals white, calyptrate. Fruit depressed, globose
dark purple or nearly black, 1 seeded, shining, juicy.
FIs. &Frts.: Mar -May Exsiccata: MMS 1850
Common along river banks at higher altitudes. Fruits edible.
Localities. Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
Syzigium cumini (L.) Skeels, U.S. Dept, of Agriculture Bur. PI. Ind. Bull. 2; 248. 1912.
Myrtus cumini L., Sp. PI. 471. 1753. Eugenia jambolana Lamk., Encycl. 3: 198. 1789;
Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 499. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 523. 1958
(Repr. ed.) ‘JambhuT
Large tree. Leaves coriaceous, variable. Flowers dirty white, fragrant, crowded in
heads on the ends of laxly panicled cymes rising from the branches below the leaves.
Petals calyptrate. Fruit dark violet, globose or ellipsoid smooth, variable in size.
FIs. & Frts. Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1067
Common throughout and also cultivated. Berries edible
Localities. Anuskura, Bambavade, Chandgad, Dajipur, Kolhapur, Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
Syzigium hemisphericum (Walp.) Alston in Trimen Handb FI. Ceylon 6: 115 1931
Jambosa hemispherica Walp. Pep. 2: 191. 1843. Eugenia hemispherica Wt., Ic t. 525.
1840; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 447. 1879, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 519.
1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Jam’
A moderate sized tree. Flowers fragrant in axillary and terminal paniculate
cymes. Calyx tube hemispheric, disk thickened. Petals gland dotted, cream coloured or
with a pink tinge. Stamens yellowish. Berry globose.
FIs. & Frts. Mar.-July
: Exsiccata: MMS 31,55
Frequent at higher altitudes along streams and edges of plateau. Flowers showy. Berries
Localities: Burki, Dajipur, Patgaon, Shelap, Tillarinagar.
Syzigium heyneanum (Duthie) Wall, ex Gamble, FI. Madras 1: 482. 1919. and 1; 341.
1957 (Repr. ed.) Eugenia heyneana Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 500. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 524. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Syzigium salicifolium Grah. Cat. 73.
1839. ‘Bhedas’
Large shrub or small tree. Flowers whitish, sessile or shortly pedicellate in small
heads at the ends of branches of cymes which are lateral from the scars of fallen leaves.
Calyx funnel shaped. Petals calvptrate. Fruits oblong-ellipsoid, crowned with the cup
shaped calyx limb.
FIs. & Frts. Mar.-July
: Exsiccata: MMS 1113
Common along riverside.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
*Syzigium jambos (L.) Alst., Trim. Handb. FI. Ceylon 6 (Suppl.) 115. 1931. Sharma et
al (ed.) FI. Karnataka 103. 1984. Eugenia jambos L., Sp. PI. 470. 1753; Duthie in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 2: 474, 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 526. 1958 (Repr. ed ), ‘Jambh’
Small tree. Flowers 5-7 cm across. Petals 4-5. Stamens numerous white much
exserted. Ovary globose, style long stigma capitate. Fruit a berry, rich pink or white.
FIs. & Frts. Feb.-May
: Exsiccata: 34
Cultivated for its fruits.
Localities: Kolhapur, Panhala.

Syzigium laetum (Buch.-Ham.) Gandhi in Said. & Nicol. FI. Hassan 282. 1976. Eugenia
laeta Buch.-Ham. in Trans. Wem. Soc. 5: 338. 1824; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
505. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 525. 1958 (Repr. ed).
A small tree. Leaves pellucid dotted, glabrous. Flowers 3-5 cm across, solitary or
few, in terminal or less commonly axillary cymes. Petals white, orbicular, subacute,
glandular and conspicuously veined. Stamens numerous, bright crimson, much
exceeding the petals. Berry oblong-ellipsoid.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-May. Exsiccata: MMS 825
Rare, in shady places at higher altitudes.
Localities: Manoli, Patgaon, Tillarinagar, Udegiri.
Syzigium phillyraeoides (Trim.) Sant., Kew Bull. 1948: 176. 1948. & Rec. Bull. Bot.
Surv. India 16(1): 92. 1967 (3rd rev. ed ). Eugeniaphillyraeodes Trim, in J. Bot. 23: 207.
1885. Eugenia mooniana Wt, Ic. t. 551. 1842; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 505
1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 525. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Shrub. Leaves very variable in size and shape. Flowers white, 1-2 together on
filiform pedicels. Calyx tube about equaling the lobes, funnel shaped, prolonged beyond
the ovary. Petals longer than calyx lobes, glandular. Fruit globose, about the size of
cherry, scarlet.
FIs. & Frts. : Feb.-May. Exsiccata: 970
Rare, in shady places at higher altitudes.
Localities: Manoli, Patgaon, Tillarinagar, Udegiri.
Syzigium rubicundum Wt. & Am., Prodr. 330. 1834. Eugenia rubicunda Wt., 111. 2: 15.
1850 & Ic. t. 538, 1842; Duthie in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 495. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 521. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Lendi Jambhul’
Middle sized tree; young branches quadrangular. Leaves very variable. Flowers
pinkish white, sessile or nearly so, usually 3 together at the ends of quadrangular
branches of terminal and axillary cymes. Petals calyptrate. Berry rounded, size of a small
pea, black when ripe, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1233
Common along river banks. Berries edible.
Localities: Ade, Chandgad, Karanjphen, Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
Syzigium zeylanicum (L.) DC., Prodr. 3: 260. 1828. Myrtus zeylanicus Sp. PI. 452.
1753. Eugenia spicata Lamk., Encycl. 3: 201. 1789; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 521.
1958 (Repr. ed). E. zeylanica Wt, 111. 2: 15. 1850; Duthie in Hook, f FI Brit. India 2
485. 1879. ‘Pitkuli’
Large shrub or small tree. Leaves coriaceous, variable Flowers conspicuous in
axillary and terminal many flowered paniculate cymes in clester of 3-5 at the ends of
ultimate cymes. Petals 4-5, orbicular usually calyptrate. Fruit pisciform, pure white, one
FIs. & Frts. . Feb.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1851
Rare at higher altitudes.
Localities Manoli, Sulaeran.
Fruits ovoid or globular, fleshy, many seeded
Inflorescence terminal spikes; petals four; stamens many free,
exserted; fruit wall smooth Careya
Inflorescence long racemes, cauliflorus; petals six, stamens fused in
two unequal bundles, forming a hood over ovary; fruit wall rough Couroupita
Fruits angular, fibrous, one seeded Barringtonia
Barringtonia Forst.
Barringtonia acutangula Gaertn. Fruct. 2: 97, t. 101. 1791; Clarke in Hook, f FI. Brit.
India 2: 508. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 528. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Tuvar'
Glabrous tree. Leaves obovate-oblong, narrowed at base. Flowers fragrant in
racemes. Petals red, ovate-oblong. Filaments much exserted. Fruits bluntly
quandrangular, truncate at both ends, crowned by persistent calyx. Seeds ovoid, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Sept. Exsiccata. MMS 1852
Rare along streams and also cultivated in gardens.
Localities: Tillari (Cultivated at Kolhapur and Panhala).
Careya Roxb.
Careya arborea Roxb., PI. Corom. 3: 14, t. 218. 1811; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 511. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 528. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Kumbha’
Glabrous, deciduous tree. Leaves sessile. Flowers sessile, 3-6 cm across, on thick
rachis. Petals dull white. Filaments slightly longer than petals. Fruits 6-8 cm across
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 13
Common tree in Western Ghats.
Localities: Ade, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Hatkanangale, Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
Couroupita Aubl.
*Couroupita guianensis Aubl., PI. Gui. 2: 708, t. 282. 1775; Sharma et al (ed.) FI.
Karnataka 105. 1984. ‘Kailashpati'
Large erect tree, usually unbranched trunk straight bark thick rough. Flowers in
pendent racemes. Fruit large.
FIs.; Mar.-July & Frts.: throughout year Exsiccata: MMS 20, 953
Cultivated in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji. Kolhapur, Panhala.
Flowers not umbellate; seeds many
Flowers 4-5 merous; inflorescence not subumbellate
Herbs; flowers capitate or rarely lax; stamens subequal Osbeckia
Shrubs; flowers in panicles; stamens unequal Melastoma
Flowers 3 merous; inflorescence subumbellate Sonerilla
Flowers in umbells; seed one Memecylon
Melastoma L.
Melastoma malabathricum L., Sp. PI. 390. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2;
523. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1; 532. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A much branched shrub. Leaves somewhat rigid, strigose with appressed thick
hairs, 5-nerved. Flowers in terminal corymbose, 1-5 flowered panicles. Petals pink.
Filaments yellow. Anthers alternately yellow and red. Ovary crowned at top with silvery
lanceolate hairs. Fruit broadly obovoid, truncate.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 254
Frequent along stream beds at higher altitudes. Flowers showy.
Localities: Patgaon, Suleran, Udegiri.
Memecylon L.
Flowers sessile or very rarely shortly pedicelled; berries bright yellow
when ripe M talbotianum
Flowers stalked or long pedicelled; berries blackish when ripe M. umbellatum
Memecylon talbotianum Brand in Talbot. Trees of Bombay (ed. 2) 1902; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 536. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Anjan’
A large shrub or small tree. Leaves thickly coriaceous. Flowers small sessile, few
in axils of present and former leaves, buds pyriform. Petals orbicular, blue, with a dark
spot in the centre. Berry globose, yellow.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 950
Frequnet along streams.
Localities. Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Manoli, Patgaon, Udegiri.
Memecylon umbellatum Burm. f. FI. Ind. 87. 1768; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1. 535.
1958 (Repr. ed ). M edule Roxb. PI. Corom. 1; 59. t. 82. 1795; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2: 563. 1879. ‘Anjan’
A small tree; young branches terete. Flowers numerous in umbellate cymes from
the axils of fallen leaves on old branches. Berry globose, purplish-black, crowned with
conspicuously calyx limb, 1 seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-July Exsiccata. 98
Common at higher altitudes. Flowers little fragrant. Berries edible.
Localities. Amba, Ajara, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon, Tillarinagar,
Osbeckia L.
Calyx cup strongly veined; fruits oblong, obscurely ribbed O. cupularis
Calyx cup not veined; fruits ovoid, eight ribbed O. truncata
Osbeckia cupularis D. Don, Wt. & Arn., Prodr. 323. 1834; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 514. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 531. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Branched herb. Stems 4-gonous rather slender densely clothed with simple
appressed long bristly hairs. Flowers 4-5-merous, subcapitate often with 2 or 4 leaves
under the head. Petals purple. Fruit ovoid-oblong, obscurely ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata: 291
Common in rocky places amidst grasses.
Localities: Dhanagarmola, Tillarinagar.
Osbeckia muralis Naud. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 3; 14, 56. 1850. O. zeylanica Steud.
ex Naud. loc. cit. (pro. syn.). O. truncata D. Don ex Wt. & Am., Prodr. 332. 1834;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 514. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 530. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
Annual herb; stem 4-gonous and clothed with long stiff spreading hairs. Flowers
capitate, often with 2 or 4 leaves close under the head. Corolla 4-5-merous; petals purple.
Ovary with 16-20 bristles at apex. Fruit 8-ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 340
Common amidst grasses.
Localities. Ade, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Karanjphen, Patgaon, Radhanagari.
Sonerila Roxb.
Acaulescent, glabrous herbs; seeds not tuberculate S. scapigera
Caulescent, hairy herbs; seeds tuberculate S. rheedei
Sonerila rheedei Wall, ex Wt. & Am., Prodr. 321. 1834; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1:
533. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
A small herb; stem distinct, quadrangular, sparsely clothed with hairs. Leaves
remotely bristle-serrate tinged with purple. Flowers 4-8 crowded subumbellate, on
terminal or axillary peduncles. Petals violet. Anthers bright yellow. Seeds tuberculate.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Sept.
: Exsiccata: MMS 748
Very rare, collected only once at Amba.
Localities: Amba.
Sonerila scapigera Hook. London J. Bot. 7: 672, t. 23. 1848; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 538. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 533. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A small glabrous, stemless herb. Leaves radical, tinged with purple. Petals mauve
coloured. Stamens equaling the styles; anthers bright yellow. Seeds smooth.
FIs. & Frts. July-Sept.
: Exsiccata: s. n. Sardesai
Common at higher altitudes as epiphytic and lithophytic. Flowers and leaves showy.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Dajipur, Gajapur, Gaganbavda.
Herbs; calyx membranous
Flowers axillary, solitary; capsules dehiscent septicidally Rotala
Flowers in cymes or axillary clusters; capsules indehiscent or bursting
irregularly Ammonia
Shrubs or trees
Stamens 8-12; seeds not winged
Flowers tetramerous; petals creamy white; stamens eight Lawsonia
Flowers hexamerous; petals creamy red; stamens twelve Woodfordia
Stamens numerous; seeds winged Lagerstroemia
Ammania L.
Cymes sessile; petals inconspicuous; styles absent A. baccifera
Cymes distinctly pedunculate; petals conspicuous; styles distinct A. multiflora
Ammania baccifera L., Sp. PI. 120. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 569.
1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 541. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect, stout herb. Leaves sessile, gradually smaller upwards. Flowers numerous,
densely clustered in axils. Calyx red, hemispheric. Capsules globose, red, irregularly
circumsciss. Seeds semi-obovoid, pitted on plane faces, yellowish brown.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1853
Common in marshes along streams.
Localities: Bastwad, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud.
Ammania multiflora Roxb., FI. Ind. 1: 447. 1820; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2.
570. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 541. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Glabrous, erect, annual herb. Leaves sessile, dilated and subacuminate at base,
smaller upwards. Flowers axillary, solitary or in peduncled very slender. Calyx red,
campanulate, marked with 8, faint vertical lines. Petals pink or red. Capsules globose red.
Seeds semi-ovoid, pitted.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1854
Common in marshes along streams.
Localities: Bastwad, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud.
Lagerstroemia L.
Leaves hoary-tomentose beneath
Calyx tube appressed to fruit; leaves subsessile L. parviflora
Calyx tube spreading or reflexed in fruit; leaves petiolate L. microcarpa
Leaves glabrous
Shrubs; calyx tube smooth L. indica
Trees; calyx tube with prominent ribs outside L. reginae
* Lagerstroemia indica L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10: 1076. 1759; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 575. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 546. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Glabrous shrubs. Leaves opposite, subsessile. Flowers in short, axillary and
terminal 2-3 flowered, paniculate cymes. Calyx campanulate, reddish-green, glabrous.
Petals 6, rarely white or purple Stamens many half as long as petals Capsules globose,
acute at apex. Seeds compressed, winged at one end, brown.
FIs. & Frts.: May-Aug.
Native of China, planted in gardens for showy flowers.
Localities Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Lagerstroemia microcarpa Wt, Ic. t. 69. 1838 & t. 109. 1839 L. lanceolata Wall, ex
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 576. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 545. 1958
(Repr. ed). ‘Nana’
Small tree; bark ash coloured, pilling off in large strips. Flowers in large, usually
compound panicles. Petals with a long slender claw. Capsules ellipsoid not ribbed. Seeds
FIs. & Frts. . Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1855
Common on ghats.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tillari, Udegiri.
Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb., PI. Corom. t. 66. 1795; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 575. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 545. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Bondara’
Tree. Leaves sessile or subsessile opposite. Flowers fragrant in axillary and
terminal, few to many flowered panicles. Calyx enlarging in fruit. Petals 6, white, with a
long slender claw. Capsules ellipsoid, with a crown of woody, erect calyx teeth. Seeds
winged, wings much longer than the seed.
FIs. &Frts. \ June-Sept. Exsiccata. MMS 1856
Infrequent on hill slopes.
Localities: Ajara, Kowad, Nesari, Tarewadi.
* Lagerstroemia reginae Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 46. t. 65. 1795. L.flos regime Retz., Obs.
Bot. 5: 25. 1788, p.p., Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 577. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 546. 1958 (Repr. ed ). L. speciosa auct. non Pers. (1807); Banetjee in Rec.
Bull. Bot. Surv. India 19: 46. 1966. ‘Taman’
Tree; branches widely spreading, flaking off in irregular pieces. Flowers 5-7 cm
across, in large panicles. Petals 6-7, purple, clawed, much undulate and crumpled,
spreading. Stamens all equal shorter than style. Capsules ellipsoid or subglobose,
glabrous, pale brown.
FIs. &Frts. : Apr.-Sept. Exsiccata:
Commonly cultivated in gardens and as avenue tree.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Lawsonia L.
*Lamonia inermis L., Sp. PI. 349. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 544. 1958 (Repr.
ed). L. alba Lamk., Encycl. 1: 106. 1789; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 573. 1879
Shrub, branchelets thorny. Leaves opposite. Flowers 10-12 mm across, in axillary
panicles. Petals pale yellow or creamy white. Stamens 8, inserted in pairs on calyx tube.
Capsules globose, supported by persistent calyx and tipped with a style. Seeds many,
trigonous, tuberculate brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Aug.
Native of middle east, planted as hedge plant.
Localities: Hatkanangale, Ichalkaranji, Krorochi, Kolhapur, Pattankodoli, Rui.
Rotala L.
Petals present, 3-5
Calyx appendages present
Flowers 4-5 merous
Bracteoles longer than flowers R densiflora
Bracteoles shorter than flowers R. rosea
Flowers trimerous R. malampuzhensis
Calyx appendages absent
Petals not fimbriate
Leaves opposite; flowers homostylous
Stamens inserted at the base of calyx tube
Stamens as long as or shorter than calyx; bracteoles
almost equalling the calyx tube Rrotundifolia
Stamens much longer than calyx; bracteoles much
shorter than the calyx tube R macrandra
Stamens inserted at the middle of calyx tube Rserpyllifolia
Leaves alternate; flowers heterostylous R floribunda
Petals fimbriate R fimbriata
Petals absent R. occultiflora
Rotala densiflora (Roth ex Roem. et Sch.) Koeh. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 1: 64. 1880 et in
Pffeich. 4(216): 35. 1903. A. pentandra Roxb., FI. Ind. 1: 425. 1820; Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 568. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 539. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect, annual herb; branches 4-gonous. Leaves decussate. Flowers sessile,
soliatry in axils of bracts. Calyx carapanulate, tube twice as long as teeth; teeth 5,
triangular acute, appendages longer than and alternating with calyx teeth. Petals deep
pink or red. Stamens 5. Capsules globose or ellipsoid, 3-valved. Seeds semi-ellipsoid,
light green.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata: s. n. Sardesai
Common in marshes, ditches, on plateaus.
Localities. Kondoshi, Udegiri.
Rotala fimbriata Wt., Ic. PI. Ind. Or. 1. t. 217. 1840. Ammania pentandra Roxb. var.
fimbriata (Wt.) Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 569. 1879, excl. syn. A. hexandra
Annual herb; stems erect, sometimes creeping, weakly 4-angled. Leaves
decussate. Floral bracts auriculate at base. Flowers monomorphic, sessile. Sepal tube
campanulate; appendages absent. Petals 5 or 6 bright pink, pinnately divided into linear
segments. Stamens 5 or 6, inserted at the base of sepal tube, anthers exserted. Seeds
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Nov.
. Exsiccata. s. n. Sardesai
Frequent in marshes, along streams, in rice fields, ditches.
Localities: Kalamba, Karanjphen.
Rotala floribunda (Wt.) Koehne in Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandeburg, 19( sitz. 41)
49, 1877, Bot. Jahrb. 1: 156, 1880 and in Engl. Pflanzenf. IV 216: 32. 1903. Ammania
floribunda (Wt.) Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2; 567. 1879; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay
l: 575. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Annual herb; stems shortly creeping at base. Leaves alternate, opposite or in
clusters, submerged linear; aerial linear to lanceolate. Flowers in dense, terminal, globose
racemes, dimorphic, heterostylic. subsessile or pedicelled. Petals 4, showy bright rose.
Stamens 4, inserted on lower third of sepal tube. Capsules opening by 2 valves. Seeds
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Dee.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1857
Rare along sides of lanks.
Localities: Kagal, Kalamba.
Rotala indica (Willd.) Koehne, Bot. Jahrb. 1: 172, 1880 and Engl. Pflanzenf. IV. 216:
40. 1903. Peplis indica Willd., Sp. PI. 2: 224. 1799. Ammaniapeploides Spreng. Syst. 1:
444. 1825, Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 566. 1879; Cooke FI. pres. Bombay 1;
575. 1903.
Erect ascending, glabrous herb, creeping and rooting at base. Leaves decussate,
cuneate or narrowed at base. Bracts dimorphic, leaf-like on major branches, which
ultimately look like bracteate spikes. Flowers sessile axillary, solitary. Calyx pink or red,
appendages absent. Petals 4, pink elliptic. Stamens 4 or few. Capsules ellipsoidal, 2-
valved. FIs. & Frts.: Oct-Jan. Exsiccata: 373
Frequent in marshes, along streams, in rice fields.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur.
Rotala macrandra Koehen, Bot. Jahrb. 1: 176. 1880 and Engl. Pflanzenfam. IV. 216;
41. 1903. Rotala rotundifolia sensu Blatt. & Hallb., J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 25: 718.
1918,p.p. Ammonia rotundifolia Wt. & Am., Prodr. 1: 306. 1834; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 2; 566. 1879.
Annual herb; stem creeping, rooting at nodes. Inflorescence on peduncled
cylindric racemes, 1-8 together, forming a kind of terminal thyrsus; flowers crowded
towards the apex of racemes often lax towards its base. Petals bright rose coloured.
Stamens exserted. Capsules 4 valved, slightly longer than broad. Seeds brownish yellow.
FIs. & Frts.; Nov.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 388
Frequent along lake margins, along streams.
Localities: Burki, Dajipur, Dhanangarmola, Kolhapur, Patgaon.
Rotala malampuzhensis R. Vasudavan Nair (J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 72; 57. 1975
nom invalid) ex Cook, Boissiera 29: 98. 1979.
Amphibious or terrestrial annual. Stems branched, creeping and rooting below.
Bracts leafy. Flowers monomorphic, sessile solitary. Petals 3, small bright red. Stamens
3, inserted above the base of calyx tube; nectar scales 3, prominent and alternating with
stamens. Seeds 10-15, smooth, bright red.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1494
Common in moist places.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Kalamba, Karanjphen, Tillari
Rotala occultiflora Koehne, Bot. Jahrb. 1: 152,1880 and in Engl. Pflanzenf. IV 216: 30.
Amphibious, annual herb. Stems creeping and rooting below. Leaves in whorls of
3. Bracteoles 2, bract-like, longer than flowers. Flowers monomorphic, solitary in axils
of bractiform leaves. Calyx tube translucent, appendages absent. Petals absent Stamens
2. Capsule ellipsoidal, 3-valved. Seeds 10-15, semi-ellipsoidal.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata MMS 1499
Frequent in moist and wet places.
Localities. Kondoshi, Gargoti, Patgaon.
Rotala rosea (Poir.) Cook, Boissiera 29: 86. 1979. Ammonia rosea Poir. in Lamk,
Encycl. Meth. Bot. Sp. 1: 329. 1810. A. pentandra Roxb. FI. Ind. ed. 1, 1: 448. 1820;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 568. 1879; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 576. 1903
Amphibious or terrestrial, annual herb. Stems erect, simple or branched. Leaves
decussate. Flowers monomorphic, sessile and solitary in axils of bractiform leaves.
Petals 5, pink, obovate, dentate at apex. Stamens 5, inserted just below the middle of
calyx tube, included. Capsules globose, 3-valved, exceeding the calyx. Seeds semiovoid,
Fls.&Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1497
Frequent in ditches along roadsides.
Localities: Bahubali, Narande, Ramling.
Rotala rotundifolia (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Koehne. Bot. Jahrb. 1: 175 1880 and in
Engl. Pflanzenf. IV. 216: 41. 1903. Ammonia rotundifolia Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. FI. Ind.
ed 1. 1: 446. 1820; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 566. 1879; Cooke FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 508. 1903.
Aquatic or amphibious, heterophyllous, annual herb, branched creeping, rooting
below. Leaves all decussate, sessile or shortly petaloid, green or reddish. Flowers in
terminal simple or branched bracteate spikes, monomorphic bracts closely imbricating,
green or pinkish. Petals 4, pink. Stemens 4, nerve exserted the calyx tube.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Mar.
: Exsiccata: MMS 749
Common in marhses and straems.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Kalamba, Karanjphen.
Rotala serpyllifolia (Roth) Bremekamp, Acta. Bot. Neerl. 3: 149. 1954. Ammonia tenuis
(Wt.) Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 567. 1879; Cooke FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 506.
Amphibious herb. Stems branched from the base, creeping, rooting below.
Leaves decussate in distant pairs, submerged leaves linear, aerial leaves sessile or
subsessile. Petals longer than calyx lobes, pink. Stamens 4, included. Ovary ellipsoid.
Capsule 2-valved ellipsoid, included in persistent calyx. Seeds brownish yellow.
FIs & Frls: Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 797, 1195
Frequent on wet rocks in river beds, streams and lakes.
Localities. Kagal, Kalamba, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Woodfordia Salisb.
Woodfordia fruticosa (L.) Kurz in J. Asiat. Soc Beng 4056 1871. Lythrum fruticosum
L., Sp. PI. ed. 2: 641. 1762. Woodfordia floribunda Salisb , Parad. Lond. t. 42 1806;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 572. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 543. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Dhayati’
Straggling shrub. Leaves opposite bifarious. Flowers in short, 2-15-flowered
cymes in axils of leaves. Calyx bright red. Petals red, slightly longer than calyx teeth,
sometimes absent. Stamens 12. Capsules ellipsoid. Seeds numerous, brown, smooth.
FIs. &Frts. . Jan.-May. Exsiccata: MMS 1858
Common in hill forests.
Localities: Ajara, Dajipur, Katyayani, Shengaon.
Punica L.
* Punka granatum L„ Sp. PI. 472. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 581. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 548. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Anar, Dalimbi’
Tree; branches armed. Leaves opposite or clustered. Flowers axillary, solitary or
clustered. Petals orange red. Fruits globose. Seeds angular.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov.
Native of Asia, planted for edible seeds. Grows very well in poor soil.
Localities: Atigre, Kondigre, Kolhapur, Sajani, Sangawade, Tilwani.

Calyx much produced beyond ovary; capsules loculicidal Oenothera
Calyx scarsely produced beyond ovary; capsules septicidal Ludwigia
Ludwigia L.
Stamens twice as many as sepals
Stem erect; petals four L. octavalvis
Stem creeping; petals five L. hyssopifolia
Stamens as many as sepals L perrems
Ludwigia hyssopifolia (Don.) Exell. Garcia de Orta 5: 471. 1957. Jtissiaea hyssopifolia
G. Don. Gen. Syst. 2: 692. 1832. ‘Panlavang’
Small herb. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, base tapering, apex acuminate Flowers
axillary, solitary. Capsules cylindric. Seeds ellipsoid.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec, Exsiccata: MMS 1060
Occasional in muddy places.
Localities: Kagal, Murgud, Kini.
Ludwigia octavalvis (Jacq.) Raven subsp. sesssiliflora (Mic.) Raven in Kew Bull. 15:
476. 1962 & Reinwardtia 6: 362. t, 3. 1963. Ludwigia suffruticosa Wall. 1788; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 587. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 549. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Robust herb. Leaves subsessile, lanceolate, base and apex tapering. Flowers
axillary, solitary; calyx tube subquadrangular; lobes four, ovate-elliptic, hairy; petals
broadly obovate. Capsules ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1434
Frequent in moist places.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Shirol, Shiroli.
Ludwigia perrenis L., Sp. PI. 119. 1753. L. parviflora Roxb., FI. Ind. 1: 419. 1832;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 588. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 550. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Pan-Lavang'
Herb. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, base attenuate, apex subacute; petals elliptic-
oblong. Capsules cylindric. Seeds ellipsoid, multiseriate, straw coloured.
FIs. &Frts. : Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata: 70
Frequent in marshes.
Localities: Gaganbavda, Patgaon, Udegiri.
Oenothera L.
‘Oenothera rosea Solandin Ait. Hort. Kew (ed.l) 2: 3. 1789; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
1. 552. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Small herb. Flowers solitary, axillary. Petals obovate, pink.
FIs. &Frts. : Spet.-May
Rare, in wet places.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Turnera L.
*Turnera ulmifolia L., Sp. PI. 271. 1753; Backer in van Steenis, FI. Malesiana ser. I.
4(3): 237. 1951.
Perennial herb. Leaves crowded at the end of branches. Flowers solitary in the
upper axils of leaves, 3-4 cm across. Petals yellow, shortly clawed. Seeds cylindric-
clavate, brown with white aril.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 439
Native of West Indies, grown in gardens and also escaped and naturalised in some
Localities. Kolhapur, Ramling.
Tendrils from the peduncles; flowers small, corona of corolla not
conspicuous; fruit a capsule Adenia
Tendrils axillary; flowers large, corona of corolla conspicuous; fruit
fleshy berry Passiflora
Adenia Forssk.
Adenia hondala (Gaertn.) de Wilde, Blumea, 15: 265. 1967. Grandilla hondala Gaertn.,
Fruct. 11: 480. 1791. Modecca palmata Lamk., Encycl. 4: 209. 1797; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 603. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 556. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A large, perennial climber, woody at base; roots large, fusiform; stems thickened,
at nodes. Leaves membranous, broader than long, with 2 flat glands at the apex of petiole
and one at the base of each sinus in the divided leaves. Flowers 2 in opposite cymes on a
long, axillary peduncle which is produced into a simple tendril.
FIs. & Frts. Not seen.
: Exsiccata. MMS 1859
Very rare, collected only once.
Locality. Radhanagari.
Passiflora L.
Leaves glabrous, shiny, not foetid
Leaves deeply serrate; rays of corona about as long as the involucral
bracts; flowers white or cream coloured P. edulis
Leaves quite entire; rays of corona shorter than the involucral bracts;
purple coloured P. caerulea
Leaves glandular-pubescent, foetid P. foetida
Passiflora caerulea L., Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 545. 1958 (Repr. ed). 'Krishna-
Perennial, herbaceous climber. Leaves deeply palmately 3-lobed. Flowers
axillary, solitary. Petals blue. Corona double ring of bluish-purple threads about as long
as petals.
FIs.: Thoughout year. & Frts.: not seen.
Cultivated in gardens for its scented beautiful flowers.
Localities. Jaysingpur, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Passiflora edulis Sims. Bot. Mag. t. 1989. 1818; Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 691. 1949.
‘Sarabat Phal’
Perennial, herbaceous climber; stems often angled. Leaves deeply palmately 3-
lobed with two glands at the apex of petiole. Flowers axillary, solitary. Petals white.
Corona double ring of creamy-white threads about as long as petals. Fruits size of a
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1057
Native of Brazil, Cultivated for its fruits. Contents of fruits are made into soft drinks.
Localities: Alate, Ichalkaranji. Kolhapur, Korochi.
*Passiflora foetida L., Sp. PI. 959. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 557. 1958 (Repr.
Annual, foetid, climber. Leaves ovate, 3-lobed, base cordate, apex acute,
glandular hairy; stipules semiauriculate with filiform segments. Flowers axillary,
solitary; calyx divided half way down. Petals oblong, white. Corolla of short threads,
many seriate.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee.
Native of S. America, planted in gardens.
Locality: Tillari,
Carica L.
*Carica papaya L., Sp. PI. 1036. 1753; Masters in Hook.f. FI. Brit India 2: 599. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 557. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Papai’
Soft wooded, dioecious or rarely monoecious trees. Leaves palmi-nerved,
palmatifid., often 7-9 lobed; petioles fistular. Male flower drooping in lax panicles.

Female flowers subsessile, 1-few flowered corymbs in leaf axils. Fruits oblong-ovoid,
with sweet, yellow, pulp.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 475
Native of Tropical America, grown for its fruits.
Localities : Alas, Chikurde, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur.
Anthers cells straight, rarely curved not flexuous
Stylar disc absent or obscure Corallocarpus
Stylar disc annular or cup shaped Melothria
Anthers cells flexuous or conduplicate
Petals white
Plants monoecious; roots not tuberous; corolla lobes free
Plants scabrid; tendrils simple; anthers free; fruits small,
depressed globose; seeds three Dicaelospermum
Plants gray-tomentose; tendrils branched; anthers connate; fruits
large, variously shaped; many seeded Lagenaria
Plants dioecious; roots tuberous; corolla campanulate free Coccinia
Petals yellow
Petals free or connate at their base only
Stamens exserted; anthers free
Male flowers in racemes; fruits dry, fibrous, operculate Luffa
Male flowers in fascicles; fruits fleshy, pulpy, indehiscent Benincasa
Stamens included; anthers connate Momordica
Petals united for their half length or more
Tendrils branched (rarely simple in Cucurbita)
Plants softly or hispidly hairy; flowers solitary; berries
more than 2.5 cm across, green or yellow
Leaves deeply lobed; flowers 1-2 cm across Citrulius
Leaves shallowly lobed; flowers 3-10 cm across Cucurbita
Plants glabrous; flowers fascicled; berries 1-2 cm across,
dark red Diplocyclos
Tendrils simple Cucumis
Benincasa Savi
*Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn in DC., Monog. Phan 3: 513 1881; Chakravarty in
Fasc. FI. India 11:9. 1982. Cucurbita hispida Thunb., FI. Japan 322. 1784. Benicasa
cerifera Savi, Bibl. Itai. 9: 158. 1818, Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 606. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 582. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Kohala’
Large annual climber; stems softly hairy. Leaves reniform-rotund. Flowers large,
bracts foliaceous. Calyx tube densely villous. Petals yellow, obtuse. Fruits densely hairy
when young. Seeds compressed, white or pale yellowish.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr.
Cultivated for its fruits as vegetable and used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities. Kabnoor, Korochi, Sangawade.
Citrulus Schrad. (nom. cons.)
*Citrulus lanatus (Thunb.) Mastsumura et Nakai in cat. Sem. Hort. Bot. Univ. Tokyo
1920. 38. 1920, var. lanatus: Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 22. 1982. Momordica
lanata Thunb., Prodr. FI. Cap. 13. 1800. Citrulus vulgaris (Schrad.) Schrad. in Eckl. et
Zeyher, Enum. PI. Aff. Austr. 279. 1834; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 621. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 571. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kalingad’
Annual herb; stem creeping; tendrils 2-fid. Leaves 3-lobed; lobes pinnatifid.
Flowers axillary, solitary. Petals pale or greenish yellow. Fruits globose. Seeds black.
FIs. & Frts. Apr.-June

Commonly cultivated for its edible fruits.

Localities: Chandur, Kabnoor, Rui.
Coccinia Wt. & Am.
Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt., Hort. Suburb. Calc. 59. 1845; Chakravarty in Fasc. FI.
India 11: 24. 1982. Bryonia grandis L., Mant. 126. 1767. Coccinia indica Wight & Arn.,
Prodr. 1: 347. 1834; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 572. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Cephalandra
indica Naud. Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. V., 16. 1879; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 621.
1879. ‘Tondali’
Perennial, glabrous, climbing herb; stem angular; tendrils slender. Leaves
minutely denticulate along margins. Flowers axillary, solitary. Male flowers: Corolla
white, lobes shorter than the tube.
FIs. & Frts. Mar -Dec.
. Exsiccata. MMS 363
Found in hedges around villages and also cultivated. Fruits used as vegetable and in
pickles and also in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities: Hupari, Kabnoor, Kolhapur, Korochi, Rangoli, Sangawade, Shiradwad.
Corallocarpus Welw. ex. Hook. f.
Corallocarpus epigeus (Rottl. & Willd.) Hook. f. in Gen. PI. 1: 831. 1862; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 628. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 578. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 28. 1982. Bryonia epigaea Rottl & Willd. Neue
Schrift. Freunde Berlin 4: 223. 1803. ‘Mirachikand’
Climbing, monoecious herb; roots tuberous. Stem angular; branches zigzag.
Leaves 3-5 lobed. Male flowers: petals greenish yellow. Female flowers: solitary,
axillary. Fruits ellipsoid, scarlet in middle, base and beak green. Seed pyriform, turgid,
FIs. & Frts.: June-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1241
Frequent in bushes on hill slopes. It used in treatment of dysentery and rheumatism.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Narande, Ramling.
Cucumis L.
Fruits tuberculate, bristly or echinate
Fruits bristly C. setosus
Fruits tuberculate when dry C. sativus
Fruits smooth, glabrous or pubescent
Leaves deeply 5-7-lobed C. callosus
Leaves angular or shallowly lobed
Fruits without longitudinal ridges and furrows
Fruits indehiscent
Fruits small, oblong-ellipsoid C. melo
var. agrestis
Fruits large, variously shaped C. melo
var. melo
Fruits breaking irregularly at maturity C. melo var.
Fruits with longitudinal ridges and furrows C. melo var.
Cucumis callosus (Rottl.) Cogn. in Engl. Pffeich. 4. 275. 2: 127. 1924; in Fasc. FI. India
11: 31. 1982. Bryonia callosa Rottl., Neue Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 4: 210.
1803 Cucumis trigonous Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 619 1824 & 3: 722. 1832; Clarke in Hook f
FI. Brit. India 2: 619. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 569. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Perennial herb; stems rough with rigid hairs. Leaves deeply 5-7 lobed. Male
Flowers often solitary. Female peduncles densely hairy. Fruit obovoid, round or
obscurely trigonous, longitudinally variegated with 10 green strips. Seeds ovate-oblong,
compressed, smooth.
FIs. &Frts.: June-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1360
Frequent weed along bunds of fields. Fruits and seeds used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities: Baleghol, Batkanagale, Dattawad, Ghosarwad Gorambe, Kolhapur, Madyal
Cucumis melo L. var. agrestis Naud., Ann. Sci. Nat. 4. ser. 11: 73. 1859; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 569. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 35. 1982.
Cucumispubescens Willd., Sp PI. 4: 614. 1805; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 619.
Slender, annual herb. Stems prostrate, hirsute, terete. Leaves shallowly 3-7 lobed.
Male flowers fascicled. Female flowers axillary, solitary. Fruit ellipsoid, smooth.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata. MMS 1860
Frequent weed along bunds of fields, on waste places, along road sides.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Katyayani, Kolhapur.
’’’Cucumis melo L. var. melo Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 620. 1879; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 569. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 34. 1982.
Robust, annual herb. Stems prostrate, hirsute, terete. Leaves shallowly 3-7 lobed.
Male flowers fascicled. Female flowers axillary, solitary. Fruit polymorphous, smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov.
Rarely cultivated for its fruit.
Localities: Korochi, Rui.
"Cucumis sativus L., Sp. PI. 1012. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 630. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 570. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 36
1982. ‘Kakadi’
Annual, prostrate herb. Stems hirsute. Leaves palmately 3-5 lobed. Male flowers
fasciculate. Female flowers solitary or fasciculate on robust peduncles. Fruits oblong,
yellowish green, glabrous. Seeds whitish, both ends subacute.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.- Nov.
Commonly cultivated for fruits. Fruits used in vegetables, salads and also eaten raw.
Localities Alate, Alas, Bubnal, Chokak, Halondi, Kolhpaur, Sangawade.
Cucumis setosus L., Sp. PI. 1012. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 630. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 570. 1958 (Repr. ed); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 36.
Annual herb; stems prostrate hirsute, tendrils simple. Leaves 3-5 lobed or. Male
flowers fasciculate. Corolla yellow. Female flowers solitary or fasciculate, peduncles
robust. Ovary fusiform muricate. Fruits oblong, glabrous, reddish brown when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 251
Frequent amidst grasses. Fruits edible.
Localities. Alate, Babu Jamal, Batkanangaie, Jotiba, Nerli, Tamgaon.
Cucurbits L.
Leaves chartaceous; sepals narrow and subulate
Petiole with rigid and pungent hairs; leaves with acute lobes;
peduncles five angular; corolla lobes erect C. pepo
Petiole with soft hairs; leaves with rounded lobes; peduncles terete;
corolla lobes spreading C. maxima
Leaves soft; sepals broad, spathulate, foliaceus C. moschata
*Cucurbita maxima Duch. ex Lamk. Encycl. 2: 151. 1786; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 622. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 582. 1958 (Repr. ed.); Chakravarty in
Fasc. FI. India 11: 40. 1982. ‘Tamabada Bhopala’
Prostrate or climbing annual herb; stem grooved, hispid. Leaves reniform with 5,
shallowly rounded lobes. Corolla orange yellow, campanulate. Fruits large and of various
shapes, often depressed globose, orange-yellow when ripe. Seeds white or pale yellow.
FIs. &Frts. : Aug.-Feb.
Commonly cultivated in villages. Leaves and young shoots used as vegetable. Fruits and
seeds used in Ayurvedic Medicine.
Localities: Abdul Lat, Borpadale, Devale, Ingali, Kodoli, Sangavade.
*Cueurbita moschata (Duch. ex Lamk.) Duch. ex Poir. diet. Sci. Nat. 8: 234. 1818;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 622. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 581. 1958
(Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11:41. 1982. C. pepo L., var. moschata Duch.
ex Lamk. Encycl. 2: 152. 1786. ‘Kashi Bhopala’
Prostrate or climbing annual herb; stem grooved, hispid. Leaves reniform with 5,
shallowly rounded lobes. Sepals foliaeeous. Corolla orange yellow, campanulate. Fruits
often green and mottled with white. Seeds distinctly margined, pale yellow.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Feb.
Rarely cultivated in villages. Leaves and young shoots used as vegetable. Fruits and
seeds used in Ayurvedic Medicine.
Localities. Shirodhon, Takawade.
*Cucurbita pepo L., Sp. PI. 1010. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 622. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 582. 1958 (Repr. ed); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 43.
1982. ‘Kala Bhopala’
Prostrate or climbing annual herb, stem angular covered with pungent hairs.
Leaves reniform, 5 lobed. Male flowers: Corolla yellow. Fruits variable in shape and
size, often clavate, or bottle shaped, green. Seeds whitish yellow.
FIs. &Frts.: Dec.-Apr.
Less commonly cultivated in villages. Fruits used as vegetable.
Localities. Ghunaki, Kini, Kolhapur, Shiroli, Wathar.
Dicoelospermum Clarke
Dicoelospennum ritchiei Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 630. 1879; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 580. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 47. 19.82.
Stems grooved, scabrid. Leaves as broad a long. Corolla pubescent. Female
flowers small. Fruit sessile, glabrous. Seeds whitish brown, compressed, slightly beaked,
longitudinally ribbed and slightly rugulose in the middle.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1517
Common at higher altitudes creeping on rocks, amidst grasses. Fruits edible.
Localities. Amba, Anuskura, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Kolhapur, Panhala.
Diplocyclos (End!) von Post & Ktze.
Diplocyclos palmatus (L.) Jeffrey, Kew Bull. 15: 352. 1962; Chakravarty in Fasc. FI.
India 11: 48. 1982. Bryonia pahnata L., Sp. PI. 1012. 1753 excl. Syn. Bryonopsis
laciniosa (L) Naud in Ann. Sic. Nat. Ser. 4, Bot. 12: 141. 1859, p.p. Bryonia laciniosa
L„ Sp. PI. 1013. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 622. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 568. 1958 (Repr. ed.);. ‘Shivalingi’
Annual climbing herb; tendrils slender, 2-fid. Leaves 5-lobed. Male flowers in
small fascicles of 3-6 peduncle. Female flowers 1-many, axillary. Fruit subsessile,
globose, bluish-red when ripe. Seeds yellowish brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1516
Common throughout in bushes, in hedges around villages
Localities: Abdul Lat, Bambavade, Devale, Ingali, Kodoli, Kolhapur, Sangavade.
Lagenaria Seringe
*Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standi., Publ. Field. Mus. nat. Hist. Chicago, Bor. Ser. 3:
435. 1930’; Chakravarty in Fasc FI. India 11: 65. 1982. Cucurbita siceraria Molina,
Saag. Chile, 133: 335. 1782. C. leucantha Duch. in Lamk., Encycl. 2; 150. 1786
Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Genev, 3(1): 25, t. 2. 1825, Clarke
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 613. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 581 1958 (Repr.
ed). ‘Dudhi Bhopala'
Large, climbing annual herb; tendrils bifid. Leaves trilobed. Petals white. Fruit
clavate, greenish yellow turning brown. Seeds white, truncate or bidentate at apex.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan.
Frequently cultivated and also found escaped around villages. Young and tender fruits
used as vegetables.
Localities: Alate, Adur, Bambawade, Chandur, Kagal, Karadga, Kolhapur, Wathar
Luffa Mill.
Roots not tuberous; tendrils branched; stamens 3-5; fruits operculate
Stamens three; fruits ribbed L. acutangula
Stamens five; fruits cylindric, not ribbed L. cylindrica
Roots tuberous; tendrils simple; stamens two; fruits not operculate L. tuberosa
* Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb., var. acutangula (L.) Rxob. FI. Ind. 3: 713. 1832; Clarke
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 615. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 566. 1958 (Repr.
ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 67. 1982. Cucumis acutangula L., Sp. PI. 1011.
1753. ‘Dodaka’
Extensive, annual climber, stem 5 angular.Tendrils 3-fid. Leaves 5-7 angled or
lobed. Male flowers: Petals yellow. Stamens 3. Female flowers solitary in the same axils.
Fruit clavate, tapering towards the base, longitudinally ribbed with 10 sharp angles.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Feb.
Commonly cultivated around villages. Young and tender fruits used as vegetable.
Localities: Alas, Atigre, Bubnal, Chikurde, Dattwad, Kapashi, Murgud, Sanagawade.
* Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem. Synop. Pepon. 63. 1846; Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India
11: 70. 1982. Momordica cylindrica L., Sp. PI. 1009. 1753. Luffa aegyptiaca Mill. Diet.
ed. 4: 500. 1785; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 614. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
1: 565. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Ghosavala’
Extensive, annual climber, stems 5 angular; tendrils 3-fid. Leaves 5 lobed often
gland dotted. Male flowers on axillary peduncles. Stamens 3 with 1 unilocular and 2
bilocular anthers or 5 with 5 unilocular anthers. Seeds ovate, smooth
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee.
Commonly cultivated around villages. Tender fruits used as vegetable.
Localities. Alate, Jambhali, Kolhapur, Korochi, Shirdhon, Takawade.
LufTa tuberosa Roxb., FI. ind. 3: 717. 1832; Chakravarty in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 17(1)
81. 1959 et Fasc. FI. India 11: 74. 1982. Momordica cymbalaria Fenzl. in Kotschy. Iter.
Nubic. no. 147. 1859; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 618. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 564. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kadavanchi’
Prostrate or climbing perennial herb; roots tuberous. Leaves nearly orbicular, 5-7
lobed. Male flowers in axillary 2-5 flowered racemes. Corolla pale yellow or white.
Stamens 2; one bipartite, the other 3 partite. Fruits angular pyriform with 8 sharp ridges
narrowed at base and apex. Seeds broadly ovoid.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1861
Rare, on bunds of fields.
Localities: Jambhali, Narande.
Melothria L.
Plants monoecious; leaves monomorphic
Male flowers fascicled M. maderaspatam
Male flowers subumbelate at the apex of peduncle M perpusilla
Plants dioecious; leaves polymorphic M. heterophylla
Melothria heterophylla (Lour.) Cogn. in Dc., Monog. Phan. 3: 618. 1881; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 1: 575. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 79. 1982.
Solena heterophylla Lour., FI. Cochinch. 1: 514. 1790. Zehneria umbelata (Klein ex
Willd.) Thw., Enum. PI. Zeyl. 125. 1859; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 625. 1879.
Glabrous, perennial climber, roots tuberous. Leaves entire or palmately 3-5 lobed.
Male flowers subumbelate. Filaments slender. Female flowers solitary. Ovary 10-ribbed.
Fruits oblong, tapering towards the apex, bright red when ripe. Seeds white.
FIs. & Frts. : July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1862
Common on hills slopes, near bushes. Leaves very variable in size and shape.
Localities Girgaon, Katyayani, Lavhala, Manoli, Palsambe, Tillarinagar, Udegiri.
Meiothria maderaspatana (L.) Cogn. in DC., Monogr. Phan 3: 623. 1881; Cooke, FI
Pres. Bombay 1: 573. 1958 (Repr ed); Chakravarty in Bull. Bot. Surv. India Fasc FI.
India 11: 83 1982. Cucumis maderaspatana L, Sp. PI. 1012, 1753 Bryonia scabrella
L , f. Sp. 424. 1781 Mukia scabreHa (L. f.) Am., in Hook. J. Bot. 3: 276. 1841; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 623. 1879.
Annual climbing monoecious herb; stem hispid, scabrid. Leaves 3-5 lobed. Male
flowers in short peduncles in axillary fascicles. Corolla yellow. Female flowers solitary
or subfasciculate. Fruit red smooth and shining. Seeds grey, prominently scrobiculate.
FIs. &Frts.. Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1863
Common on bunds of fields and in bushes.
Localities. Batkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Narande, Nittur, Warananagar.
Meiothria perpusilla Cogn. in DC., Monogr. Phan. V. 3: 607. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 574. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India 11: 85. 1982. Cucurbita
perpusilla Blume, Cat. Hort. Buitenz. 105. 1823. Zehneria hookeriana Am., in Hook. J.
Bot. 3: 275. 1841; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 624. 1879.
Climber, roots tuberous, stem deeply striate. Leaves long and as broad as
sometimes broader than long. Male flowers 3-10 at the apex of peduncles; capitate or in
subumbelate racemes. Corolla pale yellow. Female flowers solitary or rarely
subumbelate. Fruit smooth globose minutely pitted, red when ripe. Seeds many, much
flattened, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. : June-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 1864
Common on forest borders.
Localities. Panhala, Patgaon, Shengaon.
Momordica L.
Flowers monoecious
Bracts of male flowers about the middle or below middle of peduncle M. charantia
Bracts of male flowers at the apex of peduncle M. balsamina
Flowers dioecious M. dioica
Momordica balsamina L., Sp. PI. ed.l: 1009. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
617. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 562. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in Fasc. FI.
India 11: 88. 1982.
Extensive, annual climber, stem puberolous, tendril simple. Leaves suborbicular
reniform 5-7 lobed. Male flowers solitary on slender peduncles; bracts fotiaceous.
Corolla yellow. Female flowers solitary. Fruits oblong ellipsoid. Seeds dull white,
quadrate subtridentate at apex.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Dec Exsiccata: 336
Collected only once.
Locality: Panhala.
*Momordica charantia L., Sp. PI. ed.l: 1009 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2:
616. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 562. 1958 (Repr. ed); Chakravarty in Fasc FI
Indiall: 89. 1982. “Karle’
Extensive, annual climber. Leaves suborbicular, 5-7-lobed Male flowers solitary;
bracts foliaceous. Corolla yellow. Female flowers solitary. Fruits oblong ellipsoid,
murieulate- tubereulate, dehiscing at apex. Seeds dull white.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Nov.
Commonly cultivated and also escape from cultivation. Tender fruits used as vegetable.
It also used for the treatment of Diabetes.
Localities. Alas, Bastwad, Danwad, Gadhinglaj, Hatkanangale, Korochi, Panhala.
Momordica dioica Roxb. ex Willd., Sp. PI. 4: 605. 1805; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 617. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 563. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Chakravarty in
Fasc. FI. India 11: 94. 1982. ‘Kartoli’
Perennial, dioecious climber; roots tuberous. Leaves entire or 3-5 lobed. Male
flowers solitary, bracts sessile at the apex of peduncle, cucullate. Petals yellow. Fruit
ellipsoid, shortly beaked, densely echinate with soft spines. Seeds many, compressed.
FIs. & Frts.. June-Dee. Exsiccata. 220
Frequent in grasses and also on steep slopes of Ghats. Male plants more common than
female one. Female plants set fruits in absence of male flower or plants and more
common in cultivation. Tubers dug out from wild and grown on bunds of fields and in
backyards. Tubers used in treatment of piles. Fruits used as vegetable and sold in market.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Gaganbavade, Panhala, Patgaon.
Trichosanthes L.
Fruits up to one meter long, twisted, with white longitudinal strips T. anguina
Fruits not as above
Leaves not punctate beneath; male racemes ebracteate;
fruits ovoid-fusiform T. cucumerina
Leaves punctate beneath; male racemes with foliaceous bracts;
fruits globose T. tricuspidata
•Trichosanthes anguina L., Sp. Sp. PI. ed.l: 1008. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI Brit
India 2: 610. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 561. 1958 (Repr. ed); Chakravarty in
Fasc. FI. India 11: 108. 1982. ‘Padwal’
Extensive climbing annual herb; stem 5-angled; tendrils 2-3-fid. Leaves often 5-7
lobed. Plants monoecious. Male flowers 8-15 in axillary racemes. Petals white. Female
flowers solitary. Fruit very long, smooth. Seeds finely rugulose, truncate at apex
FIs. & Frts.: June-Dee.
Commonly cultivated. Tender fruits used as vegetables
Localities: Bastwad, Kagwad, Yalgud.
Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour., FI. Cochinch. 2: 589. 1790. Modecca bracteata
Lamk., Encycl. 4: 210. 1797. T plamata Roxb., FI. Ind. 3: 704. 1832; Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 606 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 560. 1958 (Repr. ed ). T.
bracteata (Lamk.) Viogt., Hort. Suburb. Calc. 58. 1845; Chakravarty in Fasc. FI. India
11: 109. 1982. ‘Kaundal’
Robust climbing herb, stem woody, grooved; tendrils 2-3 fid. Leaves deeply and
shallowly 3-5 lobed with black glands beneath lobes. Plants monoecious. Male flowers
5-10 in axillary racemes. Female flowers solitary. Fruit globose, red with 10 orange
colouured strips. Seeds smooth, brown or black.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: 51
Common on hill slopes and on borders of forests. Fruits and seeds used in Ayurvedic
Localities: Bandiwade, Burki, Panhala, Paigaon.
Petals spreading; filaments much shorter than petals Opuntia
Petals erect and closely surrounding the stamens; filaments longer
than petals Nopalea
Nopalea Salm. Dyck.
“Nopalea cochinellifera (L.) Salm. Dyck. Cact. Hort. ed. 2: 64. 1850; Bailey in Man.
Cult. PI. 703. 1949. Cactus cochinellifera L., Sp. PI. 468. 1753. Opuntia cochinellifera
(L.) Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8, 6. 1768.
Erect shrub; trunck thick, branches ascending with obovate-oblong joints,
spineless; glochids numerous. Flowers 4-5 cm long. Sepals and petals scarlet. Petals
longer than sepals; stamens pinkish, exserted.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-Sept.
Native of Mexico, grown in gardens and also found escape near human habitation.
Localities. Ichlakaranji, Kolhapur
Opuntia P. Miller
Opuntia elatior Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8, 4 1768. O. dillenii Grah. Cat. 546. 1839 non
How 1812; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 657. 1879; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1:
587. 1958 (Repr. ed.). 'Nivdung'
Bushy shrub; stem terete; branches flat, spinous, aerioles densely glochidiate,
spines often 3-6 ffomole. Flowers erecto-patent, solitary, along margins of joints. Sepals
and petals yellow. Petals longer than sepals, fading pink. Stamens included.
FIs. & Frts. . Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 827
Native of South America, naturalised near human habitation.
Localities: Hatkanangale, Sangwade.

Begonia L.
Capsules 2-celled B. crenata
Capsules 3-celled B. trichocarpa
Begonia crenata Drynad in Trans. Linn. Soc. 1: 164, t. 14. f. 3. 1791; Cl. in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India. 2: 651. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 584. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Small herb; roots tuberous. Leaves ovate, acute or rarely suborbicular, with
crenate margins. Flowers unisexual. Male flowers: stamens many, monadelphous.
Female flowers: perianth segments 5; styels usually connate.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Sept. Exsiccata: 215
Common in moist, shady places. Stems and petiole edible.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Udegiri.
Begonia trichocarpa Dalz., Kew J. Bot. 3: 230. 1851; Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 2:
653. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 585. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Robust herb; roots tuberous. Leaves acute, with irregularly sinuate-dentate,
lacerate and denticualte margins. Flowers unisexual. Male flowers: stamens many, nearly
free. Female flowers, perianth segments 5; styles usually free.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 151
Common in moist, shady places. Stems and petiole edible.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Udegiri.
Flowers solitary or clustered; ovary one locular; placentation
parietal; style one; operculum of capsule one valved; capsules pyxidate Trianthema
Flowers clustered; ovary two locular; ovules attached to interlocular
replum; style two; operculum of capsule two valved Zaleya
Trianthema L.
Trianthema portulacastrum L., Sp. PI. 223. 1753. T. monogyna L., Mant. 69. 1767; Cl.
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 2: 660. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 589 1958 (Repr.
Prostrate, succulent herb. Leaves subfleshy, obliquely opposite Flowers solitary,
sessile, concealed by the pouch of the petiole. Calyx lobes reddish outside, pink within,
with membranous margins. Stamens 10-20. Seeds 5-8, reniform, muricate, dull, black
FIs. &Frts. . July-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1865
Common on waste places, among grasses, along roadsides and in fields.
Localities: Alate, Hatkanagale, Korochi, Kabnur, Kolhapur, Sangawade.

Zaleya Burm. f.
Zaleya decandra (L.) Burm f. FI. Ind. 110, t. 31. 1768. Trianthema decandra L., Mant.
70. 1767; Cl. in Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India. 2: 661. 1879. T. pentandra auct. plur. non. L.,
1767; Cl. op. cit. 660. T. govinda Buch.-Ham. ex G. Don., Syst. 3: 72. 1834. Zaleya
govinda (Buch.-Ham. ex G. Don.) Nair in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 8: 86. 1966. Z. redimita
(Melville) Bhandari, Fl. Ind. Des. 185. 1978 (incl. vars falva & rubra), Cooke, Fl. Pres,
Bombay 1: 590 & 591. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Prostrate, succulent herb. Leaves subfleshy. Flowers in subumebllate, axillary
clusters. Stamens variable, 5-10. Styles 2. Seeds 4, reniform, striate, black.
FIs. &Frts.\ Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1866
Very rare, collected only once in grasses on rocky soils.
Locality; Shiradwad.
Fruits capsular
Flowers in axillary fascicles; seeds strophiolate Glinus
Flowers in terminal paniculate cymes or in stalked umbels;
seeds estrophiolate Mollugo
Fruits of 5, one seeded cocci Gisekia
Gisekia L.
Gisekia pharnaceoides L., Mant. 562. 1771; Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 2: 664 1879
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 595 1958 (Repr. ed).
Diffuse herb. Leaves subfleshy, subopposite. Flowers in numerous in almost
sessile umbelate cymes. Stamens 5. Seeds single, black.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS13, 1783
Very rare, collected only once.
Locality: Tarewadi.
Glinus L.
Plants woolly-tomentose; stamens more than ten; capsules five valved,
hairy; seeds tubercled G. lotodes
Plants glabrous; stamens three; capsules three valved, glabrous;
seeds verrucate G. oppositifolius
Glinus lotoides L„ Sp. PI. 463. 1753; Sivarajan in J. Tai. Mus. 41(2): 83. 1988. Mollugo
hirta Thunb., Prodr. FI. Cap. 24. 1794; Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 2: 662. 1879.
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 593. 1958 (Repr. ed). M. lotoides (L.) Kuntz., Rev Gen. PI.
214. 1891.
Prostrate herb, covered with stellate-tomentum. Leaves suborbicular. Flowers 1-6
together. Stamens often 10 or fewer. Ovary ovoid, 5-locular; stigmas 5, spreading.. Seeds
many, subreniform, tubercled, black, appendaged with a white, filiform strophiole.
FIs. &Frts.. Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 14
Common in harvested rice fields and wet places near streams, lakes.
Localities: Gajapur, Manoli, Sularan, Tillari.
Glinus oppositifolius (L.) DC. in Bull. Herb. Bois. ser. II, 1: 559. 1901; Sivarajan in J.
Tai. Mus. 41(2): 82. 1988. Mollugo oppsitifolia L., Sp. PI. 89. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 1: 593. 1958 (Repr. ed). M. spergula L., Syst. ed. 10: 881. 1759; Cl. in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India. 2: 662. 1879.
Diffuse, prostrate herb, glabrescent. Leaves linear-lanceolate. Flowers 2-many in
axillary fascicles. Stamens usually 3. Ovary ovoid, 3-locular; stigmas 3, spreading. Seeds
many, subreniform, tubercled, black, appendaged with a small bristle like strophiole.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1785
Common in harvested rice fields and along channels.
Localities Alate, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
Mollugo L.
Mollugo nudicaulis Lamk., Encycl. 4: 234. 1797; Cl. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 2: 664.
1879; Sivarajan in J. Tai. Mus. 41(2): 85. 1988.
Erect or diffuse, annual herb; stems filiform, branched above. Leaves all radical,
oblong-spathulate. Flowers in terminal panicles. Stamens 3-5. Stigmas 3, short. Capsules
ellipsoid. Seeds many, black.
FIs. &Frts.\ Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1294
Rare as weed in gardens.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Mollugo pentaphylla L., Sp. PI. 89. 1753; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 594. 1958 (Repr.
ed ); Sivarajan in J. Tai. Mus. 41(2): 85. 1988. M. stricta sensu Hook. f. FI Brit. India 2:
663. 1879 non L„ 1762.
Erect or diffuse, annual herb; stems numerous, branched dichotomously. Leaves
in whorls of 4-9. Flowers in terminal cymes or pseudoraecemes. Stigmas 3. Capsules
subglobose. Seeds many, reniform, black.
FIs. & Frts.. Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 49
Common in harvested fields and on plateaus.
Localities. Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada.
Leaves simple; flowers in simple umbels
Leaves with paired stipules; petioles without sheaths;
mericarps 3- ribbed
Leaves without stipules; petioles with sheaths; mericarps five ribbed Centella
Leaves compound; flowers in compound umbels
Fruits not winged
Petals white or pink
Calyx teeth absent or obscure
Involucral bracts pinnately lobed Daucus
Involucral bracts filiform, not lobed Pimpinella
Calyx teeth distinct
Leaflets linear; flowers rosy; fruits ovoid, bristly Cuminum
Leaflets broad, flowers white; fruits globose,not bristly Coriandrum
Petals yellow Foeniculum
Fruits winged
Perennials; involucre present or absent and involucel always present;
leaflets not filiform; petals white or pink
Vittae clearly visible on dorsal surface of fruit and also on
commisural surfaces
Roots fibrous, not tuberous; bracts and bracteoles not dimidiate Heracleum
Roots tuberous; bracts and bracteolesdimidiate Pinda
Vittae neither visible on dorsal surface of fruit nor on
commisural surfaces Trachyspermum
Annuals; involucre and involucel both absent; leaflets filiform;
petals yellow Anethum
Anethum L.
*Anethum graveolens L., Sp. PI. 263. 1753; Mukheijee & Const, in Umbel. India 210
1993. Peucedanum graveolens (L) Hiem. FI. Trop. E. Aft. 3: 19. 1871; Clarke in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 2. 709. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 606. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Shepu’
Erect, annual herb. Leaves 3-4 pinnate, divided into narrow, linear segments.
Flowers in lax terminal, compound umbels. Corolla yellow. Fruits ellipsoid, dorsal ribs
FIs. <£ Frts.: Jun-Dec.
Native of Europe, commonly cultivated in fields.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gargoti, Kadgaon, Panhala, Shengaon.
Centella L.
Centella asiataica (L.), Urb. in Mart. FI. Bras. 11: 287. 1879; Mukheijee & Const, in
Umbel. India 15. 1993. Hydrocotyle asiatica L., Sp. Sp. PI. 234. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 669. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 598. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Brahmi,
Slender, herbaceous, creeping herb; stems often reddish, rooting at nodes. Leaves
orbicular-reniform, rather braoder than long. Flowers in fascicled umbels. Each umbel
consisting of 3-4, pink, sessile, flowers.
FIs. & Frts. : May-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1867
Common in moist places, along gutters, streams, rivers.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gargoti, Kadgaon, Panhala, Shengaon.
Coriandrum L.
*Coriandrum sativum L., Sp. Pi. 258. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 717
1879; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 1: 609. 1958 (Repr. ed); Mukherjee & Const, in Umbel.
India 31 1993 ‘Dhaniya, Dhane, Kothimbir’
String, smelling, annual herb. Leaves pinately or temately compound, glabrous.
Flowers in terminal compound umbels. Petals white or tinged with pink. Disk often
yellowish, flat. Fruit globose.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year.
Native of S. Europe, commonly cultivated for its leaves and seeds used as flavouring
material and in condiments, spices and medicine.
Localities: Alate, Alas, Bubnal, Chokak, Kagwad, Shirdhon, Takawade, Talsande.

Cuminum L.
*Cuminum cyminum L., Sp. PI. 256. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2. 718.
1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 609. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Mukherjee & Const, in Umbel
India 29. 1993. ‘Jire'
Glabrous or pubescent, annual herb. Umbels few flowered rays short. Corolla
white or pink. Disk white.
FIs. & Frts.; Throughout year.
Native of South Europe, commonly cultivated for its leaves and seeds used as flavouring
material and in condiments, spices and medicine.
Localities: Alate, Alas, Bubnal, Chokak, Kagwad, Shirdhon, Takawade, Talsande.
Daucus L.
*Daucu$ carota L., Sp. PI. 242. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 609. 1958 (Repr.
ed ); Mukherjee & Const, in Umbel. India 27. 1993. ‘Gajar’
Erect, biennial herb; roots thick, fleshy. Leaves pinnately compound. Flowers
small, numerous in many rayed, flattened umbels. Petals white. Fruit oblong, bristly
along secondary ribs.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar -May
Native of Europe, cultivated for fleshy roots. Roots used in vegetables, salads, in pickles
and also eaten raw.
Localities: Atigre, Chokak, Halondi, Ingali, Kodoli.
Foeniculum P. Miller
*Foeniculuin vulgare Mill., Gard. Dist. ed. 8, 1. 1768; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
2: 695. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 609. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Mukherjee & Const, in
Umbel. India 47. 1993. ‘Badishep’
Erect glaucous, annual herb; stem terete, striate. Leaves 5-15 cm long much
dissected into linear segments; petoles dilated at base. Flowers small in large terminal
compound umbels; involucral bracts and bracteoles absent, primary and secondary rays
many 1-2 cm long. Calyx minute; teeth obscure. Petals yellow, ovate. Fruit ovate-elliptic,
5-8 mm long, green, 10-ribbed, beaked.
FIs. &Frts. \ Nov.-Apr.
Native of S. Europe, commonly cultivated. Seeds used in ‘paan’, after meal as purgative
and mouth ffeshner and in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities: Hatkanangale, Kolhapur, Sanagawade.
Heracleum L.
Heracleum grandis (Dalz. & Gibs.) S. M. Almeida in Ind. Forst. Ill: 160. 1985;
Mukherjee & Const, in Umbel. India 242. 1993. Pastinaca grandis Dalz. & Gibs.
Bombay FI. 107. 1861. Peucedanum grande (Dalz. & Gibs.) Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 2: 710. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 605. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Perennial, glabrous herb. Leaves mostly radical, bipinnate. Flowers yellow.
Calyx teeth 5, short triangular. Petals ovate-oblong with a long inflexed acumen. Primary
umbels 10-20 rayed, rays unequal bracts 5, herbaceous ovate oblong, acuminate. Partial
umbels 10-20 rayed; bracteoles 5, oblong acute. Ovary glabrous. Fruit obovate 1-1.2 cm
long eommisutral vittae 4.
FIs. & Frts. : July-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1868
Frequent on hills lopes.
Localities: Alate, Alas, Bubnal, Chokak, Kagwad, Shirdhon, Takawade, Talsande.
Hydrocotyle L.
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lamk., Encycl. 3: 153; Mukherjee & Const, in Umbel.
India 12. 1993: Cook Aquat. & Wetland PI. India 45. 1996. Hydrocotyle rotundifolia
Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 4: 64. 1830; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 668. 1879.
Stoloniferous herbs,Petiole 1-7 cm long. Leafblsde slightly lobed. Umbel solitary.
Petals greenish white.
FIs. & Frts.: May-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1869
Rare, collected only once at Bhudargad in moist and shady places, along stream.
Locality: Bhudargad.
Pimpinella L.
Fruits papillose, scabrid or pubescent
Flowers hermaphrodite
Bracts 2-3 P. adscendense
Bracts absent P. tomentosa
Flowers monoecious P. wallichiana
Fruits glabrous P. heyneana
Pimpinella adscendens Dalz. in Hook. J. Bot. & Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 261. 1850; Clarke
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 689. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 603. 1958 (Repr.
ed); Mukherjee & Const, in Umbel. India 151. 1993.
Perennial herb. Leaves mostly radical, simple pinnate. Primary umbels 4-12
rayed the rays subequal. Petals white obovate, externally pubescent Fruit 1-2 mm long
brown ovoid subobtuse laterally compressed minutely pilose ridges, obscure.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1870
Common on wet places in grasslands in variety of habitats.
Localities: Amba, Anuskura, Bhattwadi, Dajipur, Radhanagari, Tudye, Udegiri.
Pimpinella heyneana (DC.) Kurz. in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. 46: 115. 1877; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 684. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 601. 1958 (Repr. ed );
Mukheijee & Const, in Umbel. India 145. 1993. Helosciadium heyneanum DC., Prodr. 4:
106. 1830.
Annual roots fusiform, stem erect. Leaves 3-foliolate, ultimate segments ovate-
lanceolate. Flowers in terminal compound umbels, bracts absent. Petals white ovate-
oblong. Fruit subglobose, glabrous with slender ribs.
FIs. &Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1871
Rare in crevices of steep slopes.
Localities: Amba, Anuskura, Burki, Gaganbavada, Tudye, Udegiri.
Pimpinella tomentosa Dalz. ex Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 689. 1879; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 602. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Mukheijee & Const, in Umbel. India 149.
Erect, roots narrowly fusiform, stem pubescent or tomentose Lower cauline
leaves 2-3 pinnate. Primary umbels 4-8 rayed, the rays subequal; bracteoles 1-3 linear.
Styles long, their bases enlarged into conical yellowish brown, stylopods persisitent.
Fruit narrowly oblong, attenuated upwards, scabrid with whitish scales. Ridges obscure.
Els. & Frts. Nov-Jan.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1872
F luent on high altitudes on slopes.
Localities. Amba, Anuskura, Dajipur, Radhanagari, Udegiri.
Pimpinella wallichiana (Miq.) Gandhi in Saldhana & Nicolson in FI. Hassan Dist. 417.
i v/o; Mukherjee & Const, in Umbel. India 150. 1993. Helisciadium wallichianum Miq.,
Bot. & Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 212. 1851; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 687. 1879;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 602. 1958 (Repr. ed);
Tall, perennial. Lower leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, upper leaves often dissected
into numerous setaceous linear segments. Flowers in compound umbels. Primary umbels
with 6-12 rays. Partial umbels 8-20 flowered. Petals white, obovate or suborbicular,
rounded at the apex. Fruit ovoid, crowned by conspicuous disk clothed when young with
pellucid granules; meriearps rounded on back.
FIs. & Frts. Oct.-Jan.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1873
Common on hill slopes.
Localities: Amba, Kumbhawade, Patgaon, Tillari, Udegiri.
Trachyspermum Link (nom. cons.)
Trachyspermum stictocarpum (Clarke) Wollf. in Engl. Pflazenf. 43: 89. 1927;
Mukheijee & Const, in Umbel. India 163. 1993. Canon stictocarpum Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 2: 681. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 600. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual herb; roots tuberous stem glabrous. Lower leaves 2-pinnate. Primary
umbels 5-10 rayed. Partial umbels 6-20 flowered, bracteoles 4-8, linear-lanceolate.
Ovary minutely pubescent. Petals broadly obovate or suborbicular. Fruit ovoid, glabrous
or puberulous, brown; meriearps scarcely compressed, the ridges slender, faint.
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Dec.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1874
Rare in grasses.
Localities: Gajapur, Satave.
edicels jointed Polyscias
edicels not jointed Schefflera
Polyscias J.R. & G. Forster
weaves one pinnate
Leaflets cordate at base P. balfounana
Leaflets tapering at base P. guilfoylei
Leaves three pinnate P. fruticosa
*Polvscias balfounana (Hort.) Bailey in Rhodora 18: 153 1916 et Bailey, Man. Cult.
Pi, 744 1949
Tall, erect shrub; young branches bronzy-green speckled with grey. Flowers in
axillary, clustered umbels. Petals dull, greenish white.
Native of Calendula, grown in gardens.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
*Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms., Engl. & Prantl., Pfalnzenf. Ill, 8: 45. 1894; Bailey,
Man. Cult. PI. 744. 1949.
Erect, glabrous shrub. Leaves variously serrate to laciniate, serratures often
spinulose, acute; petioles and rachis finely spotted.
Native of tropical Asia, grown in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Polyscias guilfoylei (Bull.) Bailey in rhodora 18: 153. 1916 et Man. Cult. PI. 744. 1949
Erect, glabrous shrub. Leaves leaflets 2-4 pairs, ovate-elliptic to orbicular,
remotely dentate, obtuse or shortly acuminate; petioles usually spotted or lined.
Native of Polynesia, grown in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Schefflera J.R. Forst. et J.G.A. Forster
Scheflflera elliptica (Bl.) Harms, in Engl. Pftanzenf. 3: 39. 1894. Sciadophyllum
ellipticum Bl., Bijdr. 878. 1826. Heptapleurum venulosum Seem, J. Bot. 3: 80 1865;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 729. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 1: 610. 1901.
A climbing, glabrous shrub. Leaves alternate, digitate, crowded at the ends of
branches; leaflets 3-7, coriaceous. Flowers in terminal branched panicles, the branches
numerous, 8-12 flowered umbelules. Stamens 5, style absent. Fruit 5-angled, 5-celled.
Lis. &FrtsMar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 1711
Common along streams at higher altitudes.
i_ .alities: Chandgad, Manoli, Patgaon. Suleran, Tillari, Udegiri.
Alangium Lamk. (nom.cons.)
Alangium salvifolium (L. f.) Wang, Engl. Pffeich. 41: 9, f. 2. A-E. 1910. Grewia
salvifolia L. f. Sp. 409. 1781. Alangium lamarckii Thw., Enum. 133. 1859; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 2: 741. 1879; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: l 1958 (Repr. ed)
Shrub or small tree with more or less thorny branches. Flowers few in axillary
umbels. Calyx turbinate, densely silky pubescent outside. Petals dull white. Stamens
about 20. Fruit subglobose, purplish-red, crowned with calyx limb. Seeds oblong, brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-June Exsiccata. MMS 598
Rare. Leaves, flowers and fruits used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities Bidri, Waghbil.
Flowers compacted in globular heads
Flowers bracteate; corolla lobes valvet; stigma mitriform Mitragyna
Flowers ebracteate; corolla lobes imbricate; stigma fusiform Anthocephalus
Flowers not in heads
Plants armed (except in Canthium dicoccum Teij. & Bienn.)
Thoms not branched
Flowers monomorphic
Ovules solitary in each cell; corolla lobes valvet
Stipules interpetiolar; ovary two celled Canthium
Stipules intrapetiolar; ovary 3-5 celled Meyna
Ovules more than two in each cell; corolla lobes twisted
Flowers axillary, solitary Catunaregam
Flowers axillary and terminal corymbose cymes Randia
Flowers dimorphic Ceriscoides
Thoms 2-4 branched Tamilnadia
Plants unarmed
Number of ovule in a locule one
Leaves stipulate and not whorled
Corolla lobes twisted
Flowers in 2-3 forked corymbs
Stipules intrapetiolar; styles filiform; much exserted Pawtta
Stipules interpetiolar; styles bifid; included or slightly
exserted Ixora
Flowers clustered in axils Coffea
Corolla lobes valvet
Shrubs or trees
Calyx tube not confluent; fruit capsular
Styles 3-9 fid; seeds trigonous Hamiltonia
Styles bifid; seeds planoconvex Psychotria
Calyx tube confluent; fruit syncarpium Morinda
Weak herbs Spermococe
Leaves exstipulate and whorled Rubia
Number of ovules in a locule two or many
Corolla valvet
Fruit capsular
Plants erect or diffuse; corolla lobes entire
Calyx teeth four; stems slender
Flowers in axillary and terminal cymes; seeds few,
planoconvex or globose with large ventral cavity Neoanotis
Flowers solitary or crowded in the axils; seeds
numerous, minute, angular
Leaves whorled; corolla tube more than 5 mm
long Kohautia
Leaves decussate; corolla tube less than
3 mm long Oldenlandia
Calyx teeth five; stems woody at base Ophiorrhiza
Plants prostrate; corolla lobes with a tooth on each side Dentella
Shrubs or trees
Cultivated plants; herbs or undershrubs Pentas
Wild Plants; trees Hymenodictyon
Fruit a fleshy berry Mussaenda
Corolla twisted or imbricate
Fruit a fleshy berry
Leaves opposite; ovary 1-2 locular; seeds few
Erect shrubs or trees; ovary one celled Gardenia
Scandent shrubs; ovary two celled Oxyceros
Leaves in whorls of three; ovary 5-locular; seeds many,
minute Hamelia
Fruit capsular Wendelandia
*Anthocephalus chinensis (Lamk.) A. Rcih. ex Walp. Rep. 2: 678. 1785. Cephalanthus
chinensis Lamk., Encycl Meth. Bot. 1:678. 1785 A. cadamba (Roxb.) Miq. FI. Ind. Bot
2: 135. 1856; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 23. 1880. A. indicus A. Rich., in Mem. Soc. Hist.
Nat. Par. 5: 238. 1834: Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 6. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Kadamb, Niv’
Large tree with widely spreading horizontal branches. Leaves coriaceous,
decussate. Flowers fragrant, in terminal solitary globular heads, 2.5-4 cm across on stout
peduncles.. Corolla orange. Seeds muriculate.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov-Feb. Exsiccata:
Frequent, found cultivated near villages.
Localities. Amba, Gaganbavada, Kolhapur,
Canthium Lamk.
Plants armed; leaves membranous; flowers 4-5-merous, not in umbels
Flowers tetramerous; styles glabrous; stigma globose C. coromandelicum
Flowers pentamerous; styles hairy; stigma mitriform, 2-fid C. amarnm
Plants unarmed; leaves thick, coriaceous; flowers 5-merous, in umbels C. dicoccum
Canthium amarum Oken, Alleg. Naturgesals. 3(2 ): 273. 1950. C. angustifolinm Roxb.
FI. India 2: 169. 1824. C rheedei DC. Prodr. 4: 474. 1830; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 134.
1880. Plectronia rheedei Bedd. for. FI. Man. Sylv. 134. 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
2: 34. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Bidasi gali, Shengali’
Scandent, armed shrub; usually armed with straight and slightly curved sharp,
supra-axillary spines. Flowers greenish, axillary 1-4. Fruit slightly broader than long,
didymous, compressed, 2-lobed at apex, rugose.
FIs. & Frts. : Feb-July Exsiccata: MMS 1069
isequent on forest borders.
Localities: Manoli, Gajapur, Panhala, Suleran.
Canthium coromandelicum (Burm. f.)Alston in Trirnen, Handb. FI. Ceyl. 6: 152. 1903.
Gmelina coromandelica Burm. f. FI. India 132. 1768. Canthium parviflorum Lamk.
Encycl 1: 602. 1785; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 136 1880 Plectroniaparviflora (Lamk )
Bedd For. Man. 134(5 ). 1874; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 35. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Kara,
Karbit, Kirni’
Armed hrub. Leaves ovate to orbicular. Flowers 4-merous, small in many
flowered peduncled cymes. Corolla white, turning pale yellow; tube inflated. Drupe
globose, yellow when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1009
Common in dry region on hill slopes. Fruits edible.
Localities Babujamal, Bahubali, Narande, Kolhapur, Kagal.
Canthium dicoccum (Gaertn.) Teys & Binn. var. umbellatum (wight.) Sank & Merch
in Bull. Bot Surv. India 3: 107. 1962; Canthium umbellatum Wight. Icon. t. 1034. 1845:
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 132. 1880. Plectronia wightii Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 34.
1958. (Repr. ed.) ‘Tupa’
Large unarmed shrub; young branches 4-gonous. Flowers 5-merous, in peduncled
umbels in apposite axils. Corolla thick and fleshy, densely white hairy in throat; lobes 5.
Fruit obovid, didymous, waited, black when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1110
Frequent in forests.
Localities: Maroli, Burti, Udegiri.
Catunaregam Wolf.
Catunaregam spinosa (Thunb.) Tirvengadum, Taxon 27: 515. 1978. et Bull. Mus.
natur. Hist. nat. Paris 35: 13. 1978. Gardenia spinosa Thunb. Diss. Gard 7: 16, t. 2. f. 4.
1780. G. spinosa L. £, Sp. 164. 1781 G. dumentorum Rebz. Obs. 2: 14. 1781. Randia
dumentorum (Retz.)Lamk. Encycl. 2: 829. 1811; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 110. 1880;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 27. 1958 (Repr. ed ). R. spinosa (Thunb.) Bl. Bijdr. 981.
1826. R brandishii Gambale in FI. Pres. Madras 416. 1921. Xeromphis spinosa (Thunb.)
Keay, Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat. Brux. 28: 37-38. 1958. ‘Gela, GelphaF
Large armed shrub or small tree. Flowers at the ends of short branches, fragrant,
solitary or 2-3 together, peduncles short. Calyx teeth 5, foliaceous. Fruit leathery,
obscurely longitudinally ribbed, crowned with large calyx limb, 2-locuIar. Seeds many,
fiat, brown.
FIs. & Frts. : Jul-Sept. Exsiccata MMS 1875
Common on hill slopes. Corolla white turning pale yellow.
Localities: Manoli, Karanjphen, Phejiwade.
Ceriscoides Tirven.
Ceriscoides turgida (Roxb.) Tirvengadum in Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. natn. Paris 3e, 521,
Bot. 35: 15. 1978. Gardenia turgida Roxb FI. India. 2. 557. 1824; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3:118. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 29 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A small deciduous tree; usually armed with strong, straight sometimes leaf-
bearing thorns. Flowers from the young leafless shoots, dimorphic. The male in fascicles
and female solitary. Fruit woody.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1876
Locality. Nerli.
CofFea L.
*Coffea arbica L., Sp. PI. 172. 1753, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 153. 1800; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 55. 158 (Repr. ed.) 'Coffee'
Large erect shrub; young branches pubescent. Leaves opposite 8-15 X 6-10 cm
margin undulate, shiny on upper surface and paler on lower surface. Flowers axillary.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Dee. Exsiccata: 22
Cultivated in gardens.
Localities: Kolhapur, Panhala
Dentella J. R. et G.J. Forst.
Dentella repens (L.) Forst. Char. Gen. PI. Ins. Mar. Austr. 25, t. 13, 1776; Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 3: 42. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 12. 1958; (Repr. ed ).
A small, slender, prostrate herb, rooting at nodes. Flowers solitary in forks of
branches, subsessile. Corolla lobes with a tooth on each side. Capsule crowned with
persistent calyx, densely covered with coarse hairs. Seeds minute, angular, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1132
Common on drying mud along margins of ponds and streams.
Localities: Suleran, Kagal, Bastwad, Shiroli, Rankala.
Gardenia J. Ellis
Gardenia latifolia Ait in Hort. Kew 1: 294. 1789, non Roxb. 1832; Wt. Icon t. 759.
1844. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 116. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 30. 1958 (Repr.
Tall deciduous tree. Leaves opposite or 3-nately whorled, crowded towards the
ends of branches. Flowers solitary or 2-nate, subsessile, fragrant. Corolla white turning
pale yellow. Fruits 3 valved. Seeds numerous, small, pale brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1877
Rare collected only once at Patgaon.
Locality. Patgaon
Hamelia N.J. Jacq.
*Hamelia patens Jacq. Enum. PI. Corib. 16. 1760; Bailey in Man. Cult PI. 933. 1949;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 55. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Much branched shrub. Leaves in whorls of 3 or rarely opposite. Flowers sessile
or subsessile, in terminal forking cymes. Corolla orange red.
FIs.: Aug-Dec
Native of subtropical America, commonly grown in gardens.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Hymenodictyon Wallich (nom.cons.)
Flowers sessile in elongated panicles; capsules erect H. obovatum
Flowers pedicelled in thyrsoid panicles; capsules pendulous H. orixensis
Hymenodictyon obovatum Wall, in Roxb. FI. India 2: 153. 1824; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 36. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 10. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Kadva sirid’
A large tree. Flowers small inconspicuous, greenish, with a pungent, odour, in
sessile clusters along the rachis of dense cylindric pubescent panicled spikes. Capsules
ellipsoid, on very short pedicel.
FIs. &Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: 74, MMS 1087
Very rare only 2 trees were seen at Ramtirth (Ajara.)
Locality: Ajara
Hymenodictyon orixense (Roxb.) Mabb, in Taxon 31 (1 ): 66. 1982. Cinchona orixensis
Roxb. Bot. Deser. Swietenia 21. 1793. C. excelsa Roxb. FI. Corom. 2: 3, t, 106. 1799.
Hymenodictyon excelsum (Roxb.)Wall in Roxb. FI. India 2: 149. 1824; Hooker in FI.
Brit. India 3: 32; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 9. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
Small tree. Flowers numerous, fragrant, pedicelled, in clusters along the rachis of
dense cylindrical pubescent spiciform racemes in erect terminal panicles. Capsules
FIs. & Frts. June-Sept.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1470
Frequent along the ghats
Localities. Radhanagari, Manoli, Dajipur, Tillari.
Ixora L.
Calyx teeth shorter than ovary
Leaves and inflorescence not turning black in drying
Flowers white
Trees; flowers in corymbs I. arborea
Shrubs; flowers in cymes I. brachiata
Flowers scarlet-red I. chinemis
Leaves and inflorescence turning black in drying I. nigricans
Calyx teeth longer than ovary I. lanceolaria
Ixora arborea Roxb. ex J. E. Smith in Ress. Cyclop. 19: 5. 1811 Ixora parviflora Wall.
Symb. Bot. 3: 11. t. 52: 1794; Hook. f. Fi. Brit. India. 3: 142. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay. 2: 39. 1958. (Repr. ed.) ‘Raikuda’
Small much branched evergreen tree; branchlets somewhat compressed. Flowers
fragrant, small, numerous in subglobose clusters, in sessile cymes.
FIs. &Frts.: Jan-July Exsiccata: MMS 1078
Comman in forest areas.
Localities. Radhanagari, Dajipur, Mudhal tittha, Shengaon.
Ixora brachiata Roxb. FI. India 1: 391. 1820; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 142. 1880;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 39. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Small tree. Flowers fragrant, in sessile or shortly peduncled cymes. Calyx
urceolate. Fruits globose, purplish black, smooth. Seeds hemispheric, pitted on ventral
side, rugose.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-Feb. Exsiccata. MMS 1088
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities: Manoli, Udegiri, Suleran.
* Ixora chinensis Lamk. Encycl. 3: 344; Bailey in Man. Cult. Pl. 929. 1949.
Glabrous shrub. Flowers in dense corymbose cymes; penduncles and pedicels
stout, reddish brown. Corolla orange-red turning brick-red.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee.
Native of Malaya, planted in garden.
Localities: Kolhapur, Shirol
Ixora lanceolaria Colebr. in Roxb. FI Ind. 1: 397. 1820; Hook. f. FI. Brit India. 3: 138
1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 37 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A small erect shrub. Flowers numerous in brachiate cymes, supported by a pair of
bract. Corolla white. Style exserted beyond corolla lobes. Fruit globose or didymous,
smooth, crowned with 4 calyx-teeth.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan-July Exsiccata: MMS 960
Frequent as under growth in forests.
Localities: Burki, Borbet, Dajipur, Udegiri, Tillari.
Kohautia Cham, et Sch.
Kohautia aspera (Roth.) Bremek. Verh. Kon. Ned. Wetensch., Afd. Naturk. Tweede
Sect. Ser. 2. 48(2): 113. 1952. Oldenlandia aspera (Hyne ex Roth.) DC. Prodr. 4: 428.
1830; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 68. 1880; Cooke, Pres. Bombay 2: 18. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
A stout, annual herb. Leaves whorled; stipules membranous, with 1-3 bristles.
Flowers pale blue, rose coloured, small in terminal branched cymes, solitary or in pairs.
Capsules globose, somewhat didymous, crowned by distant calyx teeth.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Nov. Exsiccata: 46
Frequent at higher altitudes.
Localities: Amba, Ajara, Burki, Borbet.
Meyna Roxb. ex. Link.

Meyna laxiflora Robyns, Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat. 11: 228. 1928. Vangueria spinosa Roxb.
FI. Ind. 2: 172. 1824 p.p. (excl. type ). Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 136. 1880; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 36. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Alu’
Large shrub or small tree, with straight, opposite, sharp spines. Flowers in
peduncled cymes from old scars below the leaves. Corolla lobes 5, acute, equalling the
tube. Fruit globose, smooth, yellowish when ripe, pyrenes 4-5, woody, smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan-July Exsiccata: MMS 952
Common in forest clearings, also planted by Forest Dept, along roadsides. Fruits edible.
Localities: Burki, Borbet, Dajipur, Udegiri, Tillari.
Mitragyna P.W. Korth.
Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.) Kunth. Obs. Naucl. India 19. 1839; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 8. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Nauclea parviflora Roxb. PL wrom. t. 52. 1796.
Stephegyme parviflora (Roxb.) Kunth. in Verb. nat. Ges. 161. 1840; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 25. 1880. ‘Kalamb, Kadamb’
Large deciduous, glabrous or pubescent tree. Flowers axillary, solitary,
peduncled, globose heads. Corolla creamy-white Style white, much exserted; stigma
mitriform. Capsules forming a head, seeds many, black, minute.
FIs. &Frts. Apr-Nov.
\ Exsiccata: MMS 1182
Infrequent in hill forests
Localities. Gaganabavada, Kolhapur, Panhala, Radhanagari, Tillari.
Morinda L.
Leaves glabrous, shining M. citrifolia
Leaves tomentose, not shining M. tomentosa
Morinda citrifolia L„ Sp. PL 176. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3. 155. 1880: Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 42. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Bartondi’
Small, glabrous tree; branches obtusely 4-angled. Flowers in dense, globose,
axillay, peduncled clusters; peduncles 1-3 together. Calyx tube hemispheric. Corolla
white, funnel shaped. Fruits irregularly globose. Pyrenes compressed; winged on edges.
Fls.&Frts.: Apr-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1878
Common along streams.
Localities: Kerle, Panhala
Morinda tomentosa Heyne ex Roth., Nov. PI. Sp. 147. 1821. M. tincioria Roxb. var.
tomentosa (Heyne ex Roth.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 156. 1880: Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 43. 1958 (Repr. ed.) ‘Bartondi’
Small tree. Flowers in dense, globose, axillary, peduncled clusters. Corolla white,
funnel shaped, mouth hairy. Fruits irregularly globose. Pyrenes ovoid, compressed,
winged on edges.
FIs. &Frts. Apr-Sept
: Exsiccata: MMS 1042
Frequent along roadsides.
Localities: Hatkanagale, Tamadalage
Mussaenda L.
Flowers orange; seeds not spiny M. laxa
Flowers golden yellow; seeds spiny M. glabrata
Mussaenda giabrata (Hook, f.) Hutch, ex Gamble, FI. Madras 610. 1921 and 2: 430.
1957 (Repr. ed ). M. frondosa L. var glabrata Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 90. 1880. M.
frondosa L., Sp. PI. 177. 1753; Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 24. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Shervad’
A rambling shrub. Leaves broadly elliptic pubescent on nerves beneath. Flowers
in terminal cyme. One of the calyx segment enlarged, leaf like, pale yellow to creamy
white persistent. Corolla golden-yellow. Ovary 2-celled. Berries obovoid, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Jul-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 234
Rare in deciduous forests.
Localities: Amba, Burki.
Mussaenda laxa (Hook. f. .) Hutch, ex Gamble, FI. Pres. Madras 610. 1912 and 2: 430
1957 (Repr. ed). M. frondosa L. var. laxa Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 89 1880. 'Bhutkes’
A rambling shrub, sparsely hairy. Leaves elliptic, sparsely hairy above. Flowers
in terminal tomentose cymes. One of sepal enlarged into leaf like pale yellow structure.
Corolla orange coloured. Berries obovoid, sparsely hairy. Seeds smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 433
Common along Ghats in semi-evergreen forests.
Localities: Gaganbavada, Patgaon
Neanotis W.H. Lewis
Flowers in fascicles
Leaves sessile, scaberulous N.hohenackeri
Leaves petiolate, hairy
Plants glabrous; capsules four celled; seeds upto twelve N. tubulosa
Plants hairy; capsules two celled; seeds up to six N. montholoni
Flowers in cymes
Stems terete N.concanensis
Stems quadrangular N. rheedeii
Neanotis concanensis Danile & Vajr. in J. Econ. Taxo. Bot. 3: 675. 1982. Hedyotis
lancifolia Dalz. in Hook. Kew. J. Bot. 2: 135. 1850 non Schum & Thorn. 1827. Anotis
lancifolia (Dalz.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 73. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 20.
1958 (Repr. ed.)
Erect, diffusely branched herb. Flowers purple, in terminal and sub terminal
many flowered corymbose cymes; peduncles 4-gonous. Capsules compressed, much
broader than long, dehiscence at the top, 2 lobed at the apex, crowned by large distant
calyx teeth. Seeds 4-6, convex on the back, deeply excavated on faces, pitted, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 999
Localities: Radhanagari, Tillari.

Neanotis hohenackerii Danile & Vajr in J Econ. & Taxon. Bot 3: 675 1982
Hedyotis foetida Dalz. in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2: 134. 1850 non (forest.) Spr. 1815. Anotis
foetida (Dalz.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 74. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 22. 1958
(Repr. ed.)
Slender annual herb. Flowers subsessile in 2-3 flowered capitate cymes. Corolla
white or purplish. Capsules didymous, crowned with prominent, persistent calyx teeth.
Seeds 1-6, elliptic, compressed, black, pitted.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1879
Frequent in fields
Localities. Sangawade, Wasagade.
Neanotis montholoni (Hook, f.) Lewis in Ann. Mon. Bot. Gdn. 53; 39. 1966. Anotis
montholoni Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 73. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 221958
(Repr. ed.)
Erect or diffuse, annual herb. Flowers in axillary or terminal trichotomousely
branched cymes; peduncles hispid. Corolla white, blue or pink-purple. Capsules
clustered, sessile, didymous. Seeds 2-6, globose or obtusely angular, black, tuberculate.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1415
Common in cultivated fields
Localities: Girgaon, Kolhapur.
Neanotis tubulosa (G. Don.) Mabberley in Taxon 29: 606. 1980. Oldenlandia tubulosa
G. Don. Gen. Syst. 3; 531. 1834. Neanotis quadrilocularis (Thw.) Lewis in Ann. Mo.
Bot. Gdn. 53; 40. 1996. Anotis quadrilocaularis (Thw.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 74.
1880; Cook in FI. Pres. Bombay 2; 22. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Annual, glabrous herb. Flowers sessile or nearly so, 1-4 together in the axils.
Corolla pubescent on the back. Capsule sessile, broader than long, usually 4-lobed, 4-
celled. Seeds 3 in each cell, pitted black.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1880
Common in cultivated fields.
Localities: Kotoli, Shirol
Neanotis rheedii (Wall, ex Wight & Am.) Lewis in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gdn. 53. 40. 1966.
Hedyotis rheedii Wall, ex Wight. & Am. Prodr. 409. 1834. Anotis rheedii (Wall, ex
Wight & Am.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 73. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 22. 1958
(Repr. ed.)
Annual, slender, glabrous herb. Flowers few, minute, in axillary and terminal
very lax and open cymes Corolla pale rose coloured. Capsules appearing after
dehiscence as 4 connate cups, globose, puberulous, broadly didymous, much protruded,
the calyx teeth being about the middle of capsule. Seeds 4-12.
FIs. & Frts. July-Sept.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1477
Locality. Dajipur
Oldenlandia L.
Plants erect
Stem four angled; top of capsule rounded, protruding O. herbacea
Stem terete; top of capsule flat O. corymbosa
Plants prostrate
Peduncles 1-4 flowered
Leaves elliptic O. pumila
Leaves linear 0. diffusa
Peduncles many flowered from the axis
Flowers in dense subsessile cymes O. auriculata
Flowers in slender panicles O. affinis
Oldenlandia affinis (Roem. & Sch.) DC. Prodr. 4: 428. 1880. Hedyotis affinis Roem &
Sch. L. Syst. Veg 3; 194. 1816. Oldenlandia dichotoma (Roth.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
67. 1880 non Spr. 1815; Cooke in. FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 17. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
A very slender annual. Lower leaves larger than the upper. Flowers on long
capillary pedicels, 2-3 from the apex of a filifrom elongated peduncles or often arranged
in terminal and axillary slender lax panicles. Capsules 1-2 mm across, globose.
FIs. & Frts. July-Oct.
: Exsiccata: 374
Locality: Gaganbavada.
Oldenlandia auriculata (L.) K. Schum in Engl. & Prantl., Pflanzenfam. 4: 25. 1891.
Hedyotis auriculata L., Sp. PL 101. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 58. 1880; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 13. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Prostrate or suberect, annual herb. Leaves sessile, subsessile or shortly petioled;
stipules membranous, furnished with 3 or 5 unequal filiform bristles. Flowers in dense
sessile or subsessile axillary cymes. Corolla tube very short. Capsule globose.
FIs. &Frts. Sept-Nov.
: Exsiccata: 120, 163
Frequent, weed in cultivated fields.
Localities. Sangawade, Wasagade.
Oidenlandia corymbosa L., Sp. PI 119. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 65 1880;
Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 2: 16. 1958. (Repr. ed).
Annual herb. Flowers on filifrom pedicels longer than calyx, usually 2-3 on the
top of a very slender axillary solitary pedundes. Corolla white. Capsule globose or
sometimes slightly pyrifrom, somewhat didymous. Seeds pale brown, angular.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 230
Common in moist places.
Localities: Throughout the region.
Oidenlandia diffusa (Willd.)Roxb. FI. Ind. 1: 444. 1820; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 64.
1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 15. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Hedyotis diffusa Willd., Sp. PI.
566. 1797
Annual, diffuse, glabrous herb, often rooting at nodes. Flowers usually solitary.
Capsules broader than long, very truncate and flat on top. Seeds angular.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug-Oct. Exsiccata: 304
Localities: Girgaon, Katyayani.
Oidenlandia herbacea (L.) Roxb. FI. Ind. 1: 445. 1820; Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 3: 65.
1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 16. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Hedyotis herbacea L, Sp. PI.
102. 1753.
Erect, glabrous, annual herb; branches numerous, dichotomous, slender 4-gonous,
divaricate. Flowers in axillary, 1-3 flowered cymes. Corolla white. Capsule globose or
ovoid, protruding beyond the persistent calyx teeth.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 50
Frequent in harvested fields.
Localities: Girgaon, Radhanagari
Oidenlandia pumila (L.f.) 4: 425. 1830. (). crystallina Roxb. Hort. Beng. 11. 1814;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 65. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 16. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Prostrate, glabrous herb; much branched from the base; branches leafy. Flowers
on solitary 1-2-flowered peduncles equalling the leaves. Corolla white, short, but little
exserted beyond the calyx. Capsules ribbed, crowned by broad, triangular calyx-teeth.
FIs. &Frts. : Aug-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1158
Frequent in drying ponds.
Localities. Ajara, Gavse, Tillari.
Ophiorrhiza L.
Opbiorrhiza prostrata D. Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal 136 1825. Ophiorrhiza harrisiana
Heyne ex Wight. & Am. Prodr. 405. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 78. 1880; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 23. 1958. (Repr. ed.).
Annual, erect herb; stem woody at base, often rooting near the base. Flowers in
dense terminal cymes; peduncles and pedicels densely hairy. Capsule somewhat cone
shaped, pubescent, much compressed, much broader than long, rounded at the ends
FIs. & Frts. Aug-Sept.
: Exsiccata: 36, MMS 1209
Rare in moist shady places.
Localities. Burki, Manoli.
Oxyceros Lour.
Oxyceros regulosus (Thw.) Tirvengadum in Nord. J. Bot. 3: 466. 1983. Griffithi
rugulosa Thw. Enum. PI. 2eyl. 159. 1859. Randia rugulosa (Thw.) Bedd. For. Man. Bot.
133. 1871; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 113. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 28. 1958.
(Repr. ed ).
Large scandent unarmed shrub with drooping branches. Flowers in leaf opposed,
paniculate cymes. Collora white. Berry pisiform.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan-July Exsiccata. MMS 794
Frequent in forests.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur.
Pavetta L.
Leaves acute; corolla less than 3 cm long
Flowering shoots peduncle like either cosisting of single internode
or lowest intemode much longer than all other together P. crassicaulis
Flowering shoots cosisting of several intemodes gradually decreasing
in length from base upwards P. tomentosa
Leaves acuminate; corolla more than 4 cm long P. siphonantha
Pavetta crassicaulis Bremek in Fedde. Repert. 37: 112. 1934. P. indica acut. non L.
1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 150. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 41. 1958. (Repr.
ed ). ‘Papat’
A short bushy shrub. Leaves variable in size and shape. Flowers white, odorous,
in terminal sessile corymbose, pubescent cymes. Calyx densely pubescent. Style white;
stigma green. Fruit globose, black, smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-June. Exsiccata: MMS 1125
Common on forest borders.
Localities: Radhanagari, Shelap.
Pavetta siphonantha Dat. in Hook. J. Bot. 2: 133. 1850 P. hispidula var. siphonantha
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 151. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 2: 41. 1958. (Repr. ed).
A slender, branched shrub. Leaves black when dry. Flowers in large terminal,
corymbose more or less pubescent peduncled cymes. Styles very slender, exserted far
beyond corolla lobes. Fruit globose, smooth, purple.
FIs. & Frts.: May-Sept. Exsiccata. MMS 1246
Rare undergrowth in forests.
Localities. Dajipur, Patgaon.
Pavetta tomentosa Roxb. ex. J. E. Smith in Rees, cyclop. 26: 2. 1819. P. indica var.
tomentosa (Roxb. ex. Sm.) Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 3: 151. 1880; Cook, FI Pres. Bombay
2: 41. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Leaves glabrous or slightly or harstly puberulous above, tomentose or softly
villous beneath. Cymes pubescent, tomentose or softly villous.
FIs. & Frts. : May-July. Exsiccata: MMS 1881
Frequent along road sides.
Localities: Radhanagari, Tillari, Udegiri
Pentas Benth.
* Pentas lanceolata (Forest.) Defiers, Voy. Yemen. 142. 1889; Bailey in Man. Cult. PL
931. 1949. Ophiorrhiza lanceolata Forssk. FI. Aeg.-Arab 42. 1775. Pentas cornea Benth.
in Bot. Magt. 4086. 1844.
Erect undershrub. Flowers in terminal corymbs. Corolla bluish-pink, pale purple
or white. Capsules ovoid, 2-3 mm long, membranous. Seeds numerous, black, minute.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb-July
Native of South Africa, grown in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
Psychotria L.
Psychotria truncata Wall, in Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey & Wall ed); Hook. f. FI. Brit India
3; 163. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 44. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A stout, erect shrub. Leaves obovate margins slightly recovered, base cuneate.
Flowers sessile or subsessile, in dense terminal cymes, usually whorled. Corolla waxy-
FIs. & Frts.: May-July. Exsiccata: MMS 1882
Frequent along road sides.
Localities. Dajipur, Udegiri
Rubia L.
Rubia cordifolia L., Syst. Nat. ed. 12. 3: 229. 1768 & Mant. Alkt. 197. 1771; Grah. Cat.
PI. Bombay 93. 1839; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 202. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
54. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A scabrid twinner. Stem 4-gonous, prickly on the margins. Leaves whorled. 5-
nerved from base. Flowers greenish white in terminal and axillary lax dichasial cymes
Stamens 5, exserted. Drupe globose, fleshy, purplish black when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: July.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 711
Frequent along road sides on forest borders.
Localities. Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Panhata, Udegiri.
Spermacoce L.
Erect herbs; flowers pure white
Leaves whorled, rugose; calyx lobes equal, acute S. pusilla
Leaves decussate, thinly pubescent; calyx lobes unequal, cuspidate S. ocymoides
Diffuse herbs; flowers pinkish white S. hispida
Spermacoce hispida L., Sp. PI. 102. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 200. 1753; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 53. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Boreria hispida (L.) Sch. in Engl. Nat. Pflanz.

IV. 4: 144. 1891, non. Sch. 1888.

Diffuse or prostrate herb. Flowers in axillary, few flowered, sessile cluster within
the stipular cup. Corolla pink, pale blue or white. Capsules ellipsoid, hispid. Seeds 2,
finely granulate, dark brown.
FIs. &Frts. \ Aug-Nov. Exsiccata. MMS 1883
Common on gravelly soils
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Hatkanangale, Jaysingpur
Spermacoce ocymoides Burm. f, FI. Ind. 34 t. 13. f. 1. 1768; Hook f. FI Brit India 3:
200. 1881; Sivarajan et al. Proc. Ind. Acad. (PI. Sci.) 97(4 ): 356. 1987 Borreria
ocymoides (Burm. f.) DC. Prodr. 4: 544. 1830.
Diffuse or procumbent herb, stem acutely 4-gonous or often narrowly winged
ciliate. Flowers small in dense, axillary and terminal capitate cymes, included or exserted
from stipuiar cup. Corolla white, lobes as long as the tube. Capsules compressed,
crowned with persistent calyx teeth. Seeds oblong, dark brown.
FIs. & FrtsSept-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1884
Occasional in wet places, rice fields, gutters.
Localities: Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Patgaon.
Spermacoce pusilla Wall, in Roxb. FI. india (Carey & Wall ed.) 1: 370. 1820.
Spermococe stricta Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 573. 1798; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3. 200. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 52. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Borreria pusilla (Wall.) DC. Prodr. 4:
543. 1830.
Diffuse or prostrate herb, stem 4-gonous. Leaves elliptic with few bristles.
Flowers in axillary, few flowered, sessile cluster. Corolla pink. Stigmas 2, very short.
Seeds 2, finely granulate, dark brown.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1885
Common on gravelly soils
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Hatkanangale, Jaysingpur
Spermadictyon Roxb.
Spermadictyon suaveolens Roxb. PI. Corom. 3: 32. t. 236, 1819. Hamiltonia
suaveolens Roxb. FI. Ind. 1: 554. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 197. 1880; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 51. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Gidasawa, Jitsaya’
Small shrub, branches divaricate. Flowers numerous sessile or nearly so, in
subglobose heads in terminal trichotomous, pubescent panicles. Corolla white, pale blue
or pale pink. Capsules ellipsoid. Seeds few triquetrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb-July Exsiccata: MMS 551
Frequent on rocky hill slopes.
Localities: Panhala, Jotiba, Waghbil, Babujimal, Bahubali
Tamilnadia Tiruveng. & Sastr.
Tamilnadia uliginosa Retz. Bot. 2: 14. 1781. Rcmdia uliginosa (Retz.)DC. Prodr. 4:
386. 1830; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 110. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 27. 1958
(Repr, ed). Small, glabrous tree, branches horizontal; thorns stout. Leaves fascicled
on suppressed branchelts. Flowers solitary at the end of suppressed branchlets, fragrant.
Corolla white, glabrous. Fruit ovoid, yellowish brown.
FIs. $ Frts.: Apr-June Exsiccata: MMS 958
Rare collected only once near Nesari
Locality; Nesari
Wendelandia Bartl. ex DC.
Leaves opposite whorled; corolla glabrous inside; filaments exserted W. exerta
Leaves temately whorled; corolla hairy inside; filaments not exserted W. thyrsoidea
Wendelandia heynei (R. & S.) Sant. & Merch. in Bull. Bot. Surv India 3: 1101961.
Rondeletia heynei R. & S. Sysk. 5: 234. 1819. Wendelandia exserta (Roxb.)DC. Prodr. 4:
411. 1830; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 37. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2; 10 1958
(Repr. ed.)
Decideous pubescent or tomentose crooked tree. Leaves coriaceous, often
inequilateral. Flowers subsessile, fragrant, in sessile tomentose, pyrami-panicles. Corolla
white. Filaments exserted, as long as anthers. Capsules globose, pubescent.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 978
Rare on forest borders.
Localities: Radahanagari, Shelap.
Wendelandia thyrsoidea R. & S. Steud Nomed. 2. 2: 786. 1841. Canthium thyrsoideum
R. & S. Sysk. 6: 207. 1820. Wendelandia notoniana Wall ex. Wight & Am. Prodr. 403.
1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3. 40. 1880; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 11. 1958 (Repr.
ed ). ‘Tarangi’
A large shrub or small tree. Leaves usually temately whorled. Flowers fragrant in
dense pyramidal hirsute panicles. Corolla white, tube cylindrical. Filaments not exserted.
Capsules globose pubescent, crowned by persistent calyx.
FIs. &Frts. : Feb-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1075
Common in the forests, flowers very fragrant.
Localities: Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur.
Other cultivated species
^Gardenia jasminoids Ellis in Phil. Trans. 51: 935. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 31.
1958. (Repr. ed.) Gardenia florida L., Sp. PI. ed. 2. 305. 1762. 'Gandharaja, Chatak
Erect, large shrub.
FIs. & Frts.: Apr-Sept.
Commonly cultivated for its fragrant flowers.
Locality. Kolhapur, Patgaon.
ASTERACEAE Dumort. (nom. alt.)
[Compositae Juss. (nom. cons.)]
Plant juice milky, all florets in the head with ligulate corollas
Heads peduncled; corollas pale or deep yellow
Achenes compressed
Leaves chiefly radical; fruiting heads cylindric; involucral
bracts not forming a cup; achenes beaked, 3-4 angled Lactuca
Leaves chiefly cauline; fruiting heads subglobose or conical;
involucral bracts connate into a cup; achenes not beaked Sonchus
Achenes coloumnar, truncate at both ends Lcnmaea
Heads sessile; corolla purple, pink or white Cichorhim
Plants juice not milky; central florets in the head without ligulate corollas
Heads one to few flowered
Heads axillary
Leaves one nerved, alternate; corolla white within, dull purple outside Caesulia
Leaves three nerved, opposite; corolla white yellow Flaveria
Heads terminal
Stem and leaves not cottony pubescent; leaves and heads not spinous
Leaves alternate or radical; corolla pink or purple
Leaves mostly radical, scabrous; heads subtended by leafy
bracts, not globose
Leaves cauline, pubescent; heads not subtended by leafy bracts,
Leaves opposite or upper alternate; corolla white Lagascea
Stem and leaves cottony pubescent; leaves and heads spinous Echinops
Heads few to many flowered
Leaves all opposite
Heads sessile or subsessile
Achenes not radiating Synedrella
Achenes radiating Accmthospermum
Heads on long peduncles
Heads homogamous
Achenes angular, glabrous
Achenes three angled
Herbs not foetid; heads blue-purple Chromolaena
Herbs foetid; heads white Eupatorium
Achenes five angled Ageratum
Achenes obconic, glandular-hairy Adenostemma
Heads heterogamous
Heads purple or white
Heads solitary; achenes triquetrous; pappus absent
Involucral bracts leafy, ovate, acute Eclipta
Involucral bracts herbaceous, linear Blainvillea
Heads fascicled; achenes angular; pappus present Galimoga
Heads yellow
Pappus present
Leaves pinnatisect, pinnatifid or pinnate
Achenes glabrous
Achenes not beaked Bidens
Achenes beaked Cosmos
Achenes silky villous Tridax
Leaves not pinnatisect, pinnatifid or pinnate Coreopsis
Pappus absent
Plants herbaceous; leaves not 1-3 odd pinnate
Involucral bracts not embracing the achenes of the ray
flower; outer involucral bracts not glandular
Achenes straight, not enclosed in palea
Florets in the uniformly coloured heads
Involucral bracts distinct or united only at the base Spilanthes
Involucrai bracts forming a cup or tube Tagetes
Florets in the head 2 or more coloured Zinnia
Achenes curved, enclosed in gibbous, ribbed, often
beaked palea Sclerocarpus
Involucral bracts completely embracing the fertile achenes
of the ray flower; outer involucral bracts glandular Siegesbeckia
Plants shrubby; leaves 1-3 odd pinnate Dahlia
Leaves alternate
Heads homogamous
Leaves pinnatisect or pinnatifid
Plants erect; heads deep orange Gynura
Plants procumbent; heads purple Emilia
Leaves entire
Plants not succulent; stem without leaf scars
Pappus present
Pappus short, fugaceous
Achenes 8-10 ribbed Centrantherum
Achenes not ribbed Lamphrachenium
Pappus long, copious Vemonia
Pappus absent Adenoon
Plants succulent; stem with leaf scars Kleinia
Heads heterogamous
Heads spiny
Leaves not spinous margined; outer involucral bracts
not foliaceous
Leaf margin toothed; corollas pink or purple Tricholepis
Leaf margin entire; corollas dull white Dichoma
Leaves spinous margined; outer involucral bracts foliaceous Carthamus
Heads not spiny
Achenes not spinous
Leaves pinnatisect, pinnatifid or lyrate
Heads pink or white
Pappus present Erigeron
Pappus absent Cythocline
Heads neither pink nor white
Pappus absent
Central florets bisexual, marginal florets female or sterile
Heads solitary or fascicled, racemose or panicled;
flowers white or yellow Artemissia
Heads clustered on short peduncle; flowers white or

variously coloured Dendrcmthema

Central florets male, marginal florets female Parthenium
Pappus present
Procumbent herbs
Pappus of 2-10 awns
Pappus of 5-10, awned scales broad at base Gaillardia
Pappus of two, smooth awns Glossocardia
Pappus a ring of scales; achenes glandular hairy Grangea
Erect herbs Laggera
Leaves entire or serrate
Plants prostrate
Stem winged Epaltes
Stem terete Centipeda
Plants erect
Anther cells tailed
Involucral bracts scarious or hyaline
Style arms of bisexual flowers truncate; involucral
bracts scarious or hyaline Gnaphalium
Style arms of bisexual flowers not truncate;
involucral bracts green and scarious on margins Pulicaria
Involucral bracts herbaceous Blumea
Anther cells not tailed
Central florets with tubular and marginal florets with
ligulate corolla
Receptacles paleaceous
Peduncles hollow and enlarged below the head Tithonia
Peduncles neither hollow nor enlarged below
the head Helianthus
Receptacles naked, bristly or pilose, not paleaceous
Florets in head of two or more colour
Outer involucral bracts foliaceous, inner
ones membranous or scarious Callistephus
Outer involucral bracts not foliaceous, inner
ones with or with out scarious margins Aster
Florets in head of one colour
Central florets fertile; pappus present
Involucral bracts many seriate
Heads medium sized, solitary at the
ends of long peduncles Pentanema
Heads small in one sided racemes
arranged in panicles Solidago
Involucral bracts 1-2 seriate Senecio
Central florets sterile; pappus absent Calendula
All florets in head with tubular corolla Conyza
Achenes spinous Xanthium
Acanthospermum Schrank
Acanthospermum hispidum DC., Prodr. 5: 522. 1836; Chowdhery in Hajara et al. (ed.)
in FI. India 12; 361. 1995.
Annual herbs. Heads solitary, axillary or between forks of branches, sessile or
very shortly pedunculate. Involucral bracts 5, i-seriate. Ray florets with yellow, ligulate
corollas. Achenes compressd, with 2 long, hooked spines at the tip and small spines
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1886
Native of S. America naturalised in region.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Hatkanangale, Shirol, Shiradwad
Adenoon Dalz.
Adenoon indicum Dalz. in Kew. J. Bot. 5: 344. 1850; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 229.
1881. Cooke, in FI. Pres. Bombay 2; 64. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Uniyal in Hajara et al. (ed.)in
FI. India 13; 331. 1995.
Erect herb; stems and branches glandular. Heads in corymbose panicles; flowers
purple. Involucral bracts aristate, hairy on the back, 3-nerved, glandular, pappus absent,
Achenes with 10 stout ribs, glandular between the ribs.
FIs. & Frts. . Aug-Nov. Exsiccata. MMS 613
Common on higher ghats.
Localities: Amba, Manoli, Burti, Borbet, Kondoshi
Adenostemma J.R. & J.G. Forst.
Adenostemma lavenia (L.) Kurtee Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 304. 1891: Uniyal in Hajra et al
(ed.) in Fj India 12: 346. 1995. Verbesina lavenia L., Sp. PI. 902. 1753. Adenostemma
viscosum J. R. & G. Forst. Char. Gen. PI. 90. t. 45. 1776; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
69. 1958 (Repr. ed ). A. viscosum Forst. var. latifolium (D. Don.) Clarke in Compd. India
29. 1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 242. 1881.
An erect, branched, annual herb, glandular pubescent stem tinged with purple.
Leaves variable, lower opposite, upper alternate. Involucre hemispheric. Corolla tube
short, glandular hairy and viscous outside. Style arms twice as long as corolla, much
exserted. Achenes 5-angled, compressed, blackish-brown, crowned with a narrow ring.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 616
Frequent in moist situations.
Localities. Gajapur, Shiroli.
Ageratum L.

Heads whiter; involucral bracts oblong-lanceolate, sparsely hairy A. conyzoides

Heads purple; involucral bracts linear, acute, densely hairy A. houstonianum
Ageratum conyzoides L„ Sp. PI. 839. 1753; Hook, f FI. Brit. India 3: 243. 1881,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 70. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Uniyal in Hajara et al. (ed ), FI. India
12: 348. 1995. ‘Sahdevi, Osadi’
Annual. Leaves opposite or alternate. Heads in dense terminal corymbs. Pappus of
5 scales, aristste, dilated at base, serrulate. Corollas tubular, pale blue, pink or white.
Achenes linear, 4-gonous, slightly curved, black, short hairy.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1887
Common weed in the field & on waste places
Localities: Kagal, Kolahpur, Shiroli, Wathar.
Ageratum houstonianum Mill, Gard. Diet. ed. 8. 1768; Uniyal in Hajara et al. (ed.)in FI.
India 12: 349. 1995.
‘Sahdevi, Osadi’
Annual, more or less hairy herb. Leaves opposite or alternate. Heads in dense
terminal corymbs. Pappus of 5 scales, aristate, dilated at base, serrulate. Corolla tubular,
pale blue, pink or white. Achenes linear, 4-gonous, slightly curved black, short hairy.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1888
Common weed in the field & on waste places
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiroli, Wathar.
Artemissia L.
Disc florets fertile
Outer involucral bracts smaller than inner A. nilgirica
Outer involucral bracts longer than inner A. pallens
Disc florets sterile A.japonica
Artemisia japonica Thunb. FI. Jap. 310. 1784; Naithani in Hajara et al (ed.) FI. India
12: 28. 1995. A. parviflora Roxb. ex D. Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal 181. 1825; Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 3: 322. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 104. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
An inodorous shrub. Lower leaves usually sessile, simple, crenate with a
variously toothed and lobed apex; the upper leaves entire. Heads pedicelled, very
numerous, globose, in panicled racemose, drooping, greenish; outer flowers female,
fertile; inner flowers bisexual sterile. Achenes minute, smooth, brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1889
Common on hill slopes
Localities Radhanagari, Ghotawade.

Artemisia nilgirica (Clarke .) Pamp in Nuovo. Bot. Ital n. s. 33: 452. 1926; Nathani in
Hajara etal. (ed.) in FI. India. 12: 36. 1995. A. vulgaris L. var. nilagricia Clarke, Corop.
India 162. 1876. A. vulgaris auct. non. L. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 325 1881 p.p.,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 105. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Perennial shrub; pubescent or villous. Lower leaves petioled, deeply pinnatisect,
white-tomentose beneath. Upper leaves smaller, 3-fid or entire. Heads 1-3 together,
sessile or very shortly pedicelled, subsecund, in spicate, suberect or horizontally panicled
racemes; outer flowers female, inner bisexual, fertile. Achenes oblong-ellipsoid, minute.
FIs. &Frts:. Sept-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 561
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities: Panhala, Jotiba
* Artemisia pallens Wallich ex. DC. Prodr. 6: 120. 1838; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 329.
1881. (under doubtful species ); Clarke in Compd. India 163. 1876; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay. 2: 105. 1958(Repr. ed.); Naithani in Hajra et al. (ed ). FI. India 12: 74. 1995.
An erect, branched, woody canescent herb, very aromatic. Lower and upper
leaves orbicular, 2-pinnatisect, upper leaves smaller. Heads globose in lax compound
racemes or leafy panicles. Outer flowers female; all fertile disk. Flowers bisexual, sub-
campanulate, Achenes oblong, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar -May
Cultivated. Plants are offered to Lord Jotiba
Locality. Wadi Ratnagiri, Kekhale.
Aster L.
*Aster amellus L. Sp. PI. 873. 1753; Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 123. 1958 (Repr ed.)
Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 1010. 1949.
Erect glabrous or pubescent herb. Heads in terminal corymbose panicles. Rays
blue or purple in 2 series. Central florets with yellow, tubular corollas. Achenes linear,
black. Pappus 2-seriate, of many bristels.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Dec
Native of N. America, cultivated in gardens
Locality Kolhapur, Shirol
Bidens L.
Bidens biternata (Lour.) Merr. & Sheriff, in. Bot. Gaz 88: 293. 1929; Chowdhery in
Hajara et al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 367. 1957. Bidens pilosa auct. non L. 1753; Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 3: 309 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 101. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
Erect, annual herb, stem 4-gonous, grooved. Leaves pinnately 3-7 lobed. Head
solitary on long peduncles. Ray florets with ligulate corollas, ligules white or yellow;
tubular corollas, 10-12 mm long; lobes of corollas ovate, acute. Pappus of 2-4 rigid,
restorely barbellate awns. Achenes 12-15 mm long, 4-gonous, black, smooth.
FIs. &Frts. . Aug-Oct. Exsiccata. MMS 1890
Common in waste places along borders.
Localities. Kolhapur, Kagal.
Blainvillea Cass.
Blainvillea acmella (L.) Philipson in Blumea 6: 350: 1950; Chowdhery in Hajra et al
(ed.) FI. India 12: 377. 1995. Verbesina acmella L„ Sp. PI. 901. 1753. Blainvillea
latifolla (L. f.) DC. ex. Wight, Conbrs. Nat. Dick. Sci. Nat. 29: 494. 1823; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 97. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Erect annual herb; stems hispidly hairy. Leaves opposite or the upper alternate, 3-
nerved from little above the cuneate base. Heads in erect, terminal cymes. Involucral
bracts herbaceous. Ray florets, inconspicuous, ligules white, bifid. Central florets
tubular, corolla white, 5-fid. Achenes of ray florets cuneiform, triquetrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Oct. Exsiccata MMS 1891
Common in grasses
Localities: Batkanangale, Girgaon.
Btumea A.P. DC.
Plants densely white wooly all over B malcolomii ^
Plants glabrate or variously pubescent but never white wooly
Outer involucral bracts oblong-ovate to oblong-lanceolate B. lanceolaria
All involucral bracts linear or lanceolate
Corolla lobes of bisexual florets with multicellular hairs in
addition to colletors B obliqua ^
Corolla lobes of bisexual florets glabrous or with unicellular
hairs in addition to colletors
Leaves spiny toothed; corolla hairy
Erect herbs; corolla lobes and tube hairy all over; leaves
alternately long and short toothed B. laciniata
Prostrate herbs with branches radiating from the rootstock;
corolla hairy on the lobes; leaves irregularly dentate B oxydonta is
Leaves not spiny toothed; corolla of female florets glabrous
Achenes subangular, terete, not ribbed
Heads purple; leaves not lyrately Iobed B. solidaginoides
Heads yellow; leaves lyrately lobed B. lacera
Achenes ribbed B. virens l/

Blumea erianthia DC. in Weight. Contrib. Bot. India 15. 183; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
266. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 78. 1953; S. Kumar in Hajara. et al. (ed.) FI.
India. 13: 122. 1995.
Erect aromatic, viscid-pubescent herb. Heads on long slender, hairy peduncles of
terminal cymes. Involucral bracts 3-4 seriate. Central florets with 5-fid, tubular, yellow
corollas. Achenes oblong, 4-gonous, minute, with few hairs on the angles.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 965
Frequent on higher ghats.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tillari, Udegiri.
Blutnea lacera (Burm. f.) DC. in Wight. Contrib. 14. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
263. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 76. 1958 (Repr. ed. 0 S. Kumar in Hajra et al.
(ed.)Fl. India. 13: 128. 1995. Conyza lacera. Burm. f„ FI. 180. t. 59. f. 1. 1768
Annual strongly odorous plant; ash coloured, usually densely glandular
pubescent. Lower leaves petioled, often lyrate, the upper subsessile, finely silky-
pubescent on both sides. Heads numerous in short axillary cymes and terminal spiciform
panicles. Flowers yellow. Achenes not ribbed, small, sub-4-gonous.
FIs. & FrtsDec-May Exsiccata: MMS 1757
Frequent at higher attitudes
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tillari, Udegiri.
Blumia lanceoiaria (Roxb.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Exch. club. Brit. Isles 4: 609. 1917. var
spectabilis (DC ). Randeria in Blumea 10: 220. 1960; S. Kumar in Hajara et al (ed.) FI
India 13: 132. 1995 B. spectabilis DC, Prodr 5: 445-1836; Hook. f. FI Brit India 3: 629.
1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 79. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Shrubby herb. Heads very numerous forming a large, elongated pyramidal lax
panicles, with narrow leafy bracts beneath the branches; flowers yellow. Corolla lobes of
female flower glandular. Achenes silky, scarsely ribbed.
FIs. & Frts. : Feb-May Exsiccata: MMS 1892
Rare in grasses
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Talasande.
Blumea malcolmii (Clarke.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 266. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 78. 1958 (Repr. ed ); S. Kumar in Hajra etal (ed.) FI. India 13: 132. 1995
Pluchea malcolmii Clarke. Ind. 95. 1876.
Short erect herb, densely clothed with soft white hairs. Heads in leafy panicles at
the ends of branches. Pappus of 5-10 scabrid bristles as long as the corolla. Achenes
truncate at both ends, 5-angled.
FIs. &Frts.: Nov-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1893
Rare on rocky hill slopes.
Localities: Panhala, Ramling.
Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce. Rep. Bot. Exch. Club. Brit. Istes 4: 609. 1916; S. Kumar in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 137. 1995. Erigeron obliqum L., Mant. PI. 2: 573. 1771.
Blumea amplectans DC. in Wight. Contrib. Bot. Ind. 13: 1834. etal. Prodr. 5: 483. 1836;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 260. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 75. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
Blumeapubiflora DC., Prodr. 5: 434. 1836.
Stout, aromatic, glandular pubescent herb. Lower leaves lyrate or irregularly
toothed, upper ones much small, all with large, free, auricles at the base. Heads axillary,
solitary or in terminal lax cory mbs. Involucral bracts 3-4 seriate, marginal florets with
filiform, bifid, glabrous, pink corollas. Central florets with tubular, 5-fid, pink corollas.
Pappus bristles many, scabrid, as long as corollas.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec & Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1894
Frequent on grasslands
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur.
Blumea oxydonta DC. in Wight. Conkrib. Brit. Ind. 15: 1834; Hook. f. FI Brit. India 3:
266. 1881. Cooke,. FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 77. 1958 (Repr. ed); S. Kumar in Hajra et. (ed.)
FI. India 13: 139. 1995.
Prostate or decumbent herb, branched from the base. Leaves membranous;
spinous toothed. Heads solitary or cymose, on slender peduncles; flower yellow. Corolla
lobes of male flower glabrous. Achenes slightly hairy.
FIs. & Frts. Jan-Mar
. Exsiccata. MMS 1707
Frequent in grasses
Localities: Batkanangale, Mudal Tittha, Shengaon.
Blumea solidaginoides (Poir.)DC. Prodr 5: 443. 1836. Gnaphalium solidagitioides Poir
Encycl. Bot. Suppl. 2: 805. 1811. Blumea wightiana DC. in Wt Contr. 14. 1834; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India. 3: 261. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 75. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Erect branched herb, branches villous. Heads many into terminal spisciform
dense often interrupted cymes or panicles; flowers purple. Corollas of bisexual flowers
with glandular lobes. Achenes minute, 4-5-angled, not ribbed.
FIs. & Frts. Dec-Jan.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1895
Frequent at higher attitudes.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tillari, Udegiri.
Blumea virens DC. in Wt. Contrib. 14. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 264. 1881.
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 77. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Erect branched, glabrous herb. Heads in open terminal paniculate cymes
Receptacles convex, pitted, glabrous. Marginal florets with filiform, 3-fid, pale yellow
corollas. Central florets with tubular, 5-fid, bright yellow corollas. Achenes ribbed, hairy.
FIs. &Frts. Nov-Feb.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1896
Frequent in shady places.
Localities: Gajapur, Malakapur, Nile.
Caesulia Roxb.
Caesulia axillaris Roxb. PI. Corom. 1 64. t. 93. 1798, Hook. f. FI Brit India 3: 291
1881; Cooke, FI. Pres Bombay 2: 92. 1958 (Repr. ed); Pant in Hajra et al (ed.) FI India
13: 2. 1995; Cooke, Aquat & Wetl. PI. India 67. 1996
Erect or diffuse, glabrous, subsucculent herb. Heads compound, axillary, sessile,
containing several uniflowered simple heads, subtended by 2 leafy bracts. Pappus
absent. Corolla tubular, purple without, white within, 5-lobed. Anthers dark purple or
black, with long tails. Achenes obovoid flat, broadly winged due to persistent involucral
FIs. & Frts.. Aug-Feb. Exsiccata: s. n. Sardesai
Common in moist places
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Calendula L.
‘Calendula officinalis L„ Sp. PI. 921. 1753, Hook. f. FI. India 3: 357. 1881; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 126. 1958. (Repr. ed ); R. Rao in Hajra et al. (ed.)Fl. India 12: 149.
More or less hairy, annual, scapigerous herb. Leaves alternate or chiefly crowded
at the base of stem. Heads solitary on terminal peduncles. Involucral bracts 1-2 seriate.
Marginal florets female, with ligulate yellow corolla. Central florets bisexual with
tabular, 5-fid corollas. Achenes of marginal florets incurved, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec-Mar.
Native of S. Europe
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Callistephus Cass. nom. cons.
‘Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees. Gen. et. Sp. Ast. 222. 1833; Bailey in Man. Cult. pi.
1004. 1949. Aster chinensis L., Sp. PI. 877. 1753. Callistephus hortensis Cass in Diet.
Sci. nat. 37. 491. 1825.
Erect hispid, much branched herb. Heads showy, solitary, terminal on long or
short peduncles. Marginal florets female, in 1-2 series, pink blue or white corollas.
Central florets bisexual, numerous, with tubular, 5-fid yellow corollas. Achenes
compressed, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-June
Native of China, grown in gardens

Locality. Jaysingpur.
Carthamus L.
Basal leaves usually pinnatisect or pinnatifid C. lanatus
Basal and cauline leaves neither pinnatisect nor pinnatifid C. tinctorious
Carthamus lanatus L, Sp. PI. 830. 1753; Hook. f. FI Brit. India 3: 386 1881; Hajra in
et (ed.) FI. India 12: 162. 1995.
Erect, glabrous much branched, annual herb. Leaves alternate, sessile or shortly
petiole. Heads solitary, terminal. Involucral bracts many-seriate conspicuously nerved
and glandular in lower half, the inner acuminate, shining, all spinous tipped. Corollas
yellow, turning orange red. Achenes truncate at apex, 4-angular, white, shining.
FIs. &Frts.: Jan.-May. Exsiccata: 346
Locality: Wadi Ratnagiri.
*Carthamus tinctorius L., Sp. PI. 830. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 386. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 126. 1958 (Pres, ed.); Hajra in Hajra et al.(ed.) FI. India 12:
163. 1995. 'Karadai'
Erect glabrous, branched, annual herb. Heads solitary, terminal. Involucral bracts
many seriate, spinous tipped. Corollas yellow, turning orange red. Achenes obovoid,
truncate at apex, 4-angular, ivory white, shining.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-Feb.
Native of W. Asia, cultivated for oil seeds.
Localities: Kodoli, Pargaon, Wathar.
Centipeda Lour.
Centipeda minima (L.) A. Br. et. Ascher., liK^Sem. PI. Berol. App. 6. 1867. Nathani in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. 12: 48. 1995; Cooke, Aquat & Wetl. PI India 68. 1995. Artemissia
minima L., Sp. PI. 849. 1753. Centipeda orbicularis Lour, FI. Cochinch 493. 1790;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 317. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 103. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A small annual herb, stems numerous spreading from the root, prostrate. Heads globose,
solitary, axillary, subsessile. Achenes minute, 4-angled, bristly on the angles.
FIs. &Frts.: Dec-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1365
Common in drying ponds & lakes also in stream & river beds
Localities: Ajara, Suleran.

Centrantherum Cass.
Centrantherum anthelmintacum (L.) O Ktze. Rox Gen. PI. 1: 320 1881 Conyza
anthelmintica L., Sp. PI. 3: 1634. 1803; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 236. 1881; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 66 1958. (Repr. ed). ‘Kadu Jire, Ran jire ‘
Erect, annual, robust herb. Heads subcorymbose, many flowered, on leaf opposed
peduncles. Involucral bracts 4-5-seriate; outer ones spathulate, subfoliaceous, glandular,
pubescent, inner ones lanceolate. Corollas purple-pink; lobes glandular hairy at apex.
Achenes terete, 10-ribbed. Pappus bristles 2-seriate, brownish-white.
FIs &Frts.. Sept-Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 1525
Rare collected only once.
Locality. Turrukwadi.
Cichorium L.
Cichorium intybus L„ Sp. PI. 813. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 391. 1881; Cooke,
FI. Brit. India 2: 127. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Mamgain & R. Rao. in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India
248. 1995.
Erect appressed hairy herb with thick tap root. Lower leaves short petioled,
lyrate-pinnatifid, upper ones sagitate with rounded or semi-amplexicaule base. Heads
sessile, 4-10 together in axillary and terminal clusters combined into a leafy panicle.
Involucral bracts 2-seriate. All florets with ligulate, blue or pink coloured corollas
Achenes turbinate, 5-angular.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct-Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 1897
Native of Europe, N. Africa & Continental Asia, a weed in cultivated field collected only
Locality: Agriculture college, Kolhapur.
Chromolaena DC.
Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robinson in Phytologia 20: 204. 1970. Eupatorium
odoratum L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 1205. 1759; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 244. 1881.
Undershrub, viscid-pubescent. Leaves opposite, rhomboid-ovate, puberulous
above, pubescent above. Heads in corymbose panilces, homogamous, bluish purple;
involucre cylindrical, multiseriate; bracts scarious, unequal. Achenes truncate. Pappus
uni seriate.
FIs. &Frts:. Dec -Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 1898
Native of South America, found in Ghat region.
Localities. Amba, Dajipur.
Conyza Lees, (nom.cons.)
Plants viscid; leaves subsessile; heads in loose corymbs; involucral
bracts with scarious margins, florets white C. leuccmtha
Plants not viscid; leaves petiolate; heads in dense corymbs; involucral
bracts without scarious margins; florets yellow C. stricta
Conyza leucantha (D. Don.) Ludlow & Raven in Kew bull. 17; 71. 1963; Hajra in Hajra
et. al (ed.) FI. India 12: 105.1995. Erigeron leucanthus D. Don. Prodr. FI. Nepal 171.
1825. E.falcatum D. Don, Prodr. FI. Nepal. 171. 1825. Conyza viscidula Wall, ex DC.,
Prodr. 5: 383. 1836; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 258 1881.
Erect, viscid-pubescent, annual herb. Heads in lax, terminal, dichotomous cymes.
Involucral bracts 3-4-seriate. Marginal florets numerous, with filiform, 2-3 fid,
glandular-pubescent, yellow corolla.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1343
Locality: Girgaon.
Conyza stricta Willd., Sp. pi. 3: 1803; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 258. 1881; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 73. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Hajra in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 108. 1995
Stout herb. Leaves irregularly toothed. Heads numerous, in dense terminal
corymb; flowers yellow. Achenes small, compressed.
FIs. & Frts. : More or less throughout year Exsiccata: MMS 1347
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur
Cosmos Cav.
"Cosmos bipinnatus Cav. Icon. Lilo. t. 14: 1791; Bailey in Main Cut. PI. 999. 1949;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 125. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Erect, annual herb. Leaves opposite, deeply 3-15 lobed; each lobe again variously
lobed. Heads solitary on peduncles combined into corymbs. Involucral bracts 2-seriate.
Marginal florets in 1-2 series with white, pink or crimson corollas, bisexual. Achenes
FIs. &Frts.: Aug-Nov.
Native of Mexico, grown in gardens.
Localities: Ganganagar, Kolhapur, Wasagade
Cythocline Cass
Cythocline purpurea (D. Don.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 338. 1891; Hajra in Hajra et. al
(ed.) FI. India 12: 111. 1995; Cook in Aquat. & Wetl. PI. India 68. 1996. Temcetum
purpereum Buch-Ham ex. D. Don., Prodr. FI. Brit. India 3: 246. 1881, Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 71. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect much branched, densely glandular-pubescent herb. Heads globose in dense
terminal corymbose cymes. Involucral bracts 1-2 seriate. Marginal florets, female with
filiform, 2-toothed, pink-purple corolla. Central florets with tubular, 5-fid pink-purple or
rarely white corollas. Achenes minute, black. Pappus absent.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1899
Common along streams in harvested rice fields, in moist places.
Localities: Kagal, Kolahpur, Patgaon, Tillarinagar.
Dahlia Cav.
* Dahlia pinnata Cav. Icon 1: 57. t. 80. 1791; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 125. 1958;
Chowdhery in Hajara et al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 430. 1995.

Erect, perennial, glabrous shrub; roots tuberous. Leaves 2-pinnate or the upper
unipinnate. Heads solitary on peduncles. Marginal florets with variously colours. Central
florets many with yellow, corollas. Achenes compressed, black.

FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Dec.

Native of Maxico, grown in gardens.

Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.

Dendranthema (DC.) Des. Moul.

*Dendranthema indicum (L) Des. Moul. in Actes. Soc. Linn. Bord. 20-562. 1855.
Chrysanthemum indicum L. Sp. PI. 889. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 314. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 126. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Nathani in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India
12: 75. 1996.

Perennial, much branched, pubescent herb. Heads in small clusters on short

peduncles. Involucral bracts in many series. Marginal florets with tubular, yellow
corollas. Achenes often 3-gonous, pappus a scale like cup or absent.

FIs. & Frts. : Feb.-July

Native of China & Japan.

Localities. Kolhapur, Warananagar.

Dichrocephala L’Herit. ex DC.

Dicrocephala integrifolia (L. f) O Kuntze, Rev. Gen. PI. 1: 333, 1891;Hajra in Hajra et
al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 114. 1995. Hippia integrifolia L. f. Suppl. PI. 389 1781
Dicrocephala latifolia Pres. Syn. 2: 464. 1805; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 245. 1881

Annual branched; stem usually divaricately branched. Leaves vary variable.

Heads few globose, panicled. Corolla of inner or disk flowers yellow, those of the outer
flowers pink or purplish. Pappus of male flowers and in female flower of 2-3 bristels.

FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1900

Rare in moist shady places.

Localities: Kagal, Murgud.

Dicoma Cass.
Dicoma tomentosa Cass Diet. Sci. Nat. 110. 1817 et. Bull. Sci. Philon 47 1818; Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 387. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 116. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Rao.
in. Hajra et al. (ed.)Fl. India 13: 171. 1995.

Erect much branched, annual herb; branches clothed with white cottony wool.
Heads campanulate, leaf opposed or terminal. Involucral bracts many seriate, glabrous,
ending in long cuspidate point. All florets similar, bisexual, with white corollas.

FIs. &Frts.: Aug-Dec. Exsiccata: 154

Frequent on rocky hill slopes.

Localities: Babujamal hills. Bahubali, Narande, Tamdalage.

Echinops L.
Echinops echinatus Roxb. FI. Ind. 3: 547. 1832; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 358. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 12. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Hajra. in Hajra et. al(ed.) FI. India 12:
178. 1995.

Much branched, annual herb; branches clothed with white cottony pubescence.
Leaves lyrate or deeply pinnatifid; lobes sinuate, spinous pointed. Compound heads
globose, on stout peduncles. Involucral bracts spinous tipped; intermediate bracts spiny.
Florets bisexual with tubular, white corollas. Achenes obconic, densely villous at base.

FIs. & Frts.: Nov-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1901

Frequent on waste lands.

Localities. Kolhapur, Hatkanangale.

Eclipta L.
Eclipta prostrata (L) L. Mant 2: 286. 1771; Hajra in Hajra et. al (ed.) FI. India 12: 381
1995. Verbesina prostrata L., Sp. PI. 902. 1753. Eclipta alba (L) Hassk. PI. Jar. Rar
528. 1848; Hook, f. FI. Brit. India 3: 304. 1881 Eclipta erecta L. op. cit. Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 95. 1958. (Repr. ed.). 'Maka'

Erect prostate, annual herb, often rooting at lower nodes. Heads solitary or 2-7
together, axillary and terminal, on long peduncles. Involucral bracts, 2-seriate. Marginal
florets with white, 2-dentate, ligulate corollas. Central florets with tubular 4-5-fid, white
corollas. Achenes compressed, with a narrow wing, covered with warty projections.

FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 532

Common on wet places.

Localities Ichalkaranji, Jambhali, Shahapur.

Elephantopus L.
Elephantopus seaberL., Sp. PI. 814. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 242. 1881; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 68. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Uniyal in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 333
1995. 'Gojeeth'

Scapigerous, annual herb, stem usually dichotomously branched. Leaves mostly

radical, tapering into an obscure petiole. Heads numerous, sessile, closely packed,
forming a large, terminal, compound head, subtended by 3 large, leafy bracts. Florets 3-
5, all similar with tubular, pink-purple corollas. Achenes 10-ribbed, pubescent.

FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata. MMS 1799

Common under shady places

Localities: Amba, Panhala, Radhanagari, Tillari.

Emilia Cass.
Emilia sonchifolia (L) DC. in Wt. Contrb 24. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 336. 1881.
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 107. 1958. (Repr, ed ); Mathur in Hajara et al. (Ed.) FI India
13: 212. 1995. Caccalia sonchifolia L., Sp. PI. 835. 1753. 'Sadmandi.'
Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng., Syst. 3: 420. 1826; Uniyal in Hajra et al (ed.) FI
India 12: 350. 1995. Ageratina adenophora (Spreng.) King & Robinson in Phytologia
20: 204. 1970.

Diffuse herb, stem branched, covered with stalked glandular hairs. Leaves
triangular or rhomboid-ovate, crenate-serrate. Heads in dense clusters. Involucral bracts
3-seriate, elliptic, acute. Achenes long, compressed, angled; pappus white.

FIs. & Frts. : Mar-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1903

Native of Tropical America, fastly naturalising as a weed.

Localities. Chandgad, Dajipur, Haladi, Tillari
Flaveria Juss.
Flaveria trinervia (Spreng.) C. Mohr. Contr. U S. nat. Herb. 6: 810. 1901. Odera
trinervia Spreng. Bot. Gart. Halle. 63. 1800.
Erect glabrous, often trichotomously branched herb; stems and branches obtusely
angled. Leaves 3-nerved from base. Heads 1-5-flowered, clustered in large compound
heads in the axils of leaves. Involucral bracts 2. Achenes compressed, 10-12 ribbed.
FIs. & Frts. . Mar-Apr. Exsiccata. s.n. Sardesai

Native of Tropical America, fastly naturalizing as a weed.

Localities. Halasawade, Rendal
Gaillardia Foug.
Plants annual; corolla red G. pulchella
Plants perennial; corolla yellow G. aristata
"Gaillardia aristata Pursh, FI. Arn. Sept. 2: 573. 1814; in Man. Cult PI. 1014. 1949;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 126. (Repr. ed.)

Erect hirsute herb. Leaves variable. Heads solitary on long peduncles. Involucral
bracts 2-3 seriate. Marginal florets with pale yellow corollas. Central florets with purle
corollas. Achenes densely villous all over. Pappus of 5-10, coned scales.

FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Mar.

Native of T. America, grown in gardens.

Localities: Kolhapur, Waranagar

"Gaillardia pulchella Foug in Mem. Acad sci. Paris 1786: 5. t. 1. 1788; Bailey in Man.
Cult. PI. 1014. 1949; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 126. 1958 (Repr. ed.)

Erect or decumbent, herb. Leaves alternate, mostly near to the base, very
variable. The lower petioled, lyrate, cauline amplexicaule and auricled at base. Heads
few in lax corymbs. Florets all bisexual, corollas pink or purple. Achenes obscurely 5-

FIs. & FrtsAug-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1902

Common as Weed in Cultivated fields, gardens & on waste lands.

Localities. Kolhapur, Sangav, Sulkud, Wathar.

Epaltes Cass.
Epaltes divaricata (L.) Cass. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. 139. 1818, Hook, f FI. Brit. India
3: 274. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 83. 1958 (Repr. ed); S. Kumar in Hajra et al.
(ed.)Fl. India 13: 147. 1995. FAhaliadivaricata L., Mant. 110. 1767.

Small, glabrous, annual herb, broadly winged. Leaves sessile, alternate. Heads
solitary, terminating short winged peduncles. Involucral bracts many seriate, Marginal
florets female, with tubular, 2-3-fid, pink-purple corollas. Central florets bisexual, sterile,
with tubular, 5-fid, pink-purple corollas. Achenes black. Pappus absent.

FIs. cfe Frts.: Oct-Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 1150

Common on wet places, in harvested rice fields.

Localities. Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Tillari.

Erigeron L.
Erigeron sublyratus DC. in Wt. Contr. 9: 1834; Hajra et. al (ed.)Fl. India 12: 125. 1995.
E. asterioides Roxb. FI. Ind. ed. 2. 3: 432. 1832 non Andr. ex. Bassel. (1921); Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India. 3: 254. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 73. 1958. (Repr. ed.)

Coarse annual herb; stem much branched. Heads 1-4 on axillary peduncles.
Marginal florets female, bluish-purple, followed by several rows of female florets with
white corollas. Central florets bisexual, with tubular, 5-fid, yellow corollas. Achenes
brownish yellow, glabrous. Pappus 1-2 seriate of unequal, pinkish-white bristles.

FIs. & Frts. : June-Dee. Exsiccata: 437

Rare collected only at 2 places in drying ditches.

Localities: Dhanagarwada, Kolhapur.

Eupatorium L.
Erect annual; softy pubescent herb, stem much branched. Heads solitary on long
peduncles. Marginal florets in single series, with variously coloured corolllas. Central
florets with yellow corollas. Achenes densly hairy. Pappus of scale like bristles.

FIs. & Frts . Nov-Mar.

Native of T. America.

Localities. Ichalkaranji, Jaysingpur

Galinsoga Ruiz et Pav.

Leaves glabrous; rays shortly three lobed G parviflora
Leaves scabrid on nerves; rays deeply three lobed G. quadriradiata
Galinsoga parviflora Cav. Ic. Descr. PI. 3: 41.t. 281.1795; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
311.1881; Chawdhery in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 388. 1995.
Annual, erect herb; young parts pubescent. Involucre campanulate. Involucral
bracts in 2 series, 5-10; outer oblong, acute; inner ovate, concave. Ray florets 4-5; corolla
white. Achenes black, fusiform.
Fls.& Frts: Dec-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1904
Rare in waste places.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur
Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz. & Pavon, Syst. Veg. 1: 198. 1798; Chowdhery in Hajra
etal. (ed.) FI. India 12: 388. 1995.
Erect, annual herb; densely pubescent. Heads axillary and terminal; peduncles
glandular hairy. Involucral bracts in 2 series, 6-8, ovate, obovate, obtuse, glandular hairy,
concave. Achenes black, turbinate, awn tipped.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 882
Frequent in waste places
Localities: Karanjphen, Kabnoor
Glossocardia Cass.
Glossocardia bosvallea (L. f) DC. in Wt. Contrib. Bot. India. 19: 1934; Chowdhery in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 391.1995. Verbesina bosvallea L.f., Sp. PI. 379. 1781.
Glossocardia lineariflora Cass. Diet. Sci. Nat. 19: 62. 1821; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3:
308, 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 100. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Ascending, usually prostate, diffusely branched, herb. Leaves pinnatisect Heads
radiate, solitary, axillary. Involucral bracts in 2-4 series. Ray florets with 2-3 lobed
corolla. Achenes brownish black, compressed, densely ciliate on angles with stiff hairs
FIs & Frts.: July - Dec Exsiccata: MMS 1390
Frequent on rocky soils near lakes.
Localities: Kagal, Kaneri, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Gnaphalium L. {sensu lato)
Heads corymbose or in terminal leafy spikes, not subtended by foliaceous
bracts; involucral bracts similar; pappus of setose bristles only
Heads corymbose on naked peduncles; involucral bracts and corollas
yellow; pappus bristles connate and sparsely pilose at base G. luteo-album
Heads disposed in terminal leafy spikes; involucral bracts and corollas
pink-purple or dull white; pappus bristles distinct, not pilose at base G. polycaulon
Heads 3-4; clustered in terminal globose head subtended by foliaceous
bracts; involucral bracts dissimilar; pappus of clavate hairs and
setose bristles G. pulvinatum
Gnaphalium luteo-album L., Sp. PI. 851.1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit India. 3: 288. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 86. 1958. (Repr. ed); Pant, in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India
13: 87. 1995.
Erect or diffuse herb, densely cottony pubescent. Heads in dense terminal,
cymose panicles on leafless peduncles. Marginal florets many with filiform 3-fid corolla.
Central florets few with tabular 5-fid corollas. Achenes oblong-ellipsoid. Pappus bristles
10, scabrid, as long as corollas, united into a narrow ring at base.
FIs. & Frts. Jan.-Mar.
: Exsiccata: MMS 99
Occasional on margins of lakes, ponds, in harvested fields.
Localities: Amba, Gaganbavada.
Gnaphalium polycaulon Pers. Sys. PI. 2: 421.1807; Pant in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India
13: 91.1995. G. irtdica auct. non. L. (1753); Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 2889. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 87. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Erect or decumbent herb; white woolly. Heads sessile in terminal spicate
racemes. Marginal florets many filiform, with 2-3 dentate glabrous dull white corollas.
Achenes brown, glabrous, minutely papillose.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec -Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1194
Common in drying rice fields.
Localities: Kolhapur, Suleran
Gnaphalium pulvinatum Del. FI. Aegypt. 122. t. 44. f. 1.1812; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India.
3: 289. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 87. 1958. (Repr. ed), Chowdhery in Hajra et
al. (ed ) FI India. 13: 92. 1995.
Prostate, woolly, radially spreading herb. Heads 3-4 clustered in axillary and
terminal globose inflorescence subtended by a whorl of leafy bracts. Involucral bracts
many seriate, covered with dense, cottony wool mixed with a few glandular hairs.
Pappus of 5 clavate and 5-setose glistering bristles, longer than corolla.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec -Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1905
Frequent in drying ditches, ponds, and margins of lakes.
Localities. Bambvade, Devale
Granges Adans.
Grangea maderaspatana (L) Poir. Encycl. Meth. Suppl. 2: 825. 1811, Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 247. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 72. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Hajra in Hajra et
al. (ed.) FI. India 12; 127. 1995.
Prostrate, annual herb. Leaves pinnatifid. Heads globose. 1-2-nate on short, leaf-
opposed peduncles. Marginal florets female and central florets with yellow corollas.
Achenes subterete, somewhat compressed, glandular. Pappus a short ring of hairs.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec -May Exsiccata: 123
Common in drying ponds, along margins of lake & river banks.
Localities: Ajara, Kolhapur, Radhanagari, Shiradwad
Guizotia Cass.
*Guizotia abyssinica (L. f) Cass in Dec. Sci. Nat. 59: 248. 1829. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India.
3: 308. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: .1958 (Repr. ed ); Chawdhery in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 12: 395. 1995.
Erect, branched, annual herb. Heads solitary on axillary peduncles. Involucral
bracts 2-seriate, outer ones foliaceous. Marginal florets female, with bright yellow
corollas. Central florets with reddish-yellow corollas. Achenes of marginal florets 3-
angled, those central florets 4 angled. Pappus absent.
FIs. &Frts. : Sept.-Dec.
Native of Africa, cultivated for its seeds.
Localities: Kodoli, Shirdhon
Gynura Cass.
Leaves sessile G. tutida
Leaves petiolate G. bicolor
Gynura bicolor (Roxb. ex. Willd.) DC. Prodr. 6: 299. 1838; Hook. f. FI. Brit India. 3:
335. 1881; Mathur in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India. 13: 218. 1995. Cacalia bicolar Roxb.
ex. Willd. Sp. PI. 3: 1731.1803. Gynura angulosa DC. Prodr. 6: 208. 1858; Hook. f. FI.
op. cit. 334; Cooke, FI. Brit. Bombay. 2. 106. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Decumbent or erect, perennial herb. Capitula discoid, campanulate in 2-6
clustered cymes or lax-panicles: peduncles very variable in length. Disc florets yellow;
lobes purple tinged. Achenes ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1541
Rare on waste places.
Localities. Panhala, Kolhapur.
Gynura nitida DC. in Wight. Contrib. Bot. Ind. 24: 1834; Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 3:
333. 1881; Mathur in Hajra etal (ed.) FI. India. 13:221. 1995.
Stout glabrous or sparingly pubescent herb. Capitula orange-red, campanulate,
peduncles densely brownish pubescent. Achenes greyish-black, strongly ribbed, hispid
between the ribs. Pappus white, slender.
FIs. &Frts.: Jan.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1341
Common in waste places near villages.
Localities: Danwade, Gaganbawada, Karanjphen.
Helianthes L.
*Helianthus annus L., Sp. PI. 904. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 124. 1958 (Repr.
ed ); Hajra et al (ed.)Fl. India. 431.1995. ‘Suryaphul'
Erect, woody annual herb. Heads solitary, terminal, 7-30 cm across on long stout
peduncles. Marginal florets fertile, bisexual, with tabular, 5-fid, brownish purple
corollas. Achenes obovate, slightly compressed, black, smooth. Pappus of 2 scale like
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata:
Native of Western America, cultivated on small scale.
Localities: Kodoli, Sangawade, Talandage
Kleinia P. Mill.
Kleinia grandiflora (Wall ex. DC) Rani in Matth., FI. Tamil 2: 43 1981.Mathur in Hajra
etal. (ed.) FI. India 13; 226. 1995. Notonia grandiflora Wall. ex. DC. Arch. Bot. (Paris)
2; 518. 1833; Hook. f. FI. Brit India. 3: 337. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2; 107.
1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘WanarRoti’
Perennial, succulent, shrubby herb; stem marked with leaf scars. Leaves thick.
Heads 2-3 cm long, arranged in lax cymose, peduncles. All florets with tabular, 5-fid,
pale yellow corollas, bisexual, fertile. Achenes oblong, 10-striate, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1744
Rare on rocky hill slopes collected only once from Babujimal hills.
Locality: Majale
Lactuca L.
Lactuca runcinata DC. in Wt. Contr. Bot. India. 26: 1834; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2:
118. 1958. (Repr. ed ). L. heyneana DC. Prodr. 1: 140. 1838; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India.
3:403. 1881.
Erect, glabrous herb. Leaves radical as well as cauline, sessile, runcinate or
pinnatifid, finely spinulose along the margins. Heads cylindric, usually sessile, solitary or
in small clusters along slender leafless branches. All florets with pale yellow corollas.
Achenes ovoid, black, tapering into a beak which is dilated into white cup-like disc
FIs. & Frts. . Nov.-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 1906
Localities: Kolhapur, Shiroli
Lagascea Cav.
Lagascea mollis Cav., Anales. Sci. Nat. 6: 332. t. 44. 1803; Hook. f. FI. Brit. Ind 3: 302.
1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 93. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Chowdhery in Hajra et al. (ed.)
FI. India 12. 1995.
Much branched, annual herb. Heads in compound, subtended by an involucre of
leafy bracts, containing many simple heads. Each head consists of an involucre and a
single floret. Florets with tubular, white corollas. Pappus of a short fimbriate cup.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 93
Common on waste places, native of Central America.
Localities: Kabnoor, Kolhapur, Mangaon, Rui
Laggera Sch.-Bip. ex Koch.
Stems winged L. alata
Stems not winged L. aurita
Laggera alata (D. Don) Sch. Bip. ex. Oliver in Trans. Linn. Soc. 29: 94 1873, Pant in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 148. 1995. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 80. 1958 (Repr
ed.) Erigeron alatum D. Don. Prodr. FI. Nepal. 171.1825 Blumea alata (D. Don) DC
Prodr. 5: 448. 1836; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 271.1881.
Erect, stout herb, stem winged. Heads in leafy racemes. Corolla of bisexual
florets purplish. Achenes dark brown, puberulous, faintly ribbed appressed hairy, villous.
FIs. & Frts. Dec -May Exsiccata: MMS 1907
Rare, collected only once.
Locality. Panhala
Laggera aurita L. f. Suppl. 367. 1781; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 271.1881; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 80. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Pant in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 2; 80. 1995.
Erect perennial aromatic herb. Heads in cymose or diffuse panicles. Florets pink.
Ray florets multiseriate. Disc florets bisexual, fertile corolla tabular. Achenes dark red,
small, compressed, obscurely ribbed. Pappus white.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout the year. Exsiccata: MMS 1908
Common in wet places along the lakes and also in grasslands.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Lamprachaenium Benth.
Lamprachaenium microcephalum (Datz) Benth. in C. B. Clarke Comp. Clarke Ind. 5.
1876. Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 329. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 64. 1958. (Repr.
ed ). Decaneurum microcephalum Datz. in Hook, Kew. J. Bot. 3: 231.1851.Uniyal in
Hajra et al. (ed) FI India 13: 337. 1995.
Erect branched, annual herb, often tinged with purple. Heads numerous on
slender, hairy panicles. Pappus reddish equaling the corolla tube, rigid. Achenes turgid.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 669
Rare at higher ghats.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tillari.
Launaea Cass.
Leaves runcinate-pinnatifid; achenes not truncate at both ends
Heads lateral in straight racemes or panicles
Stems and branches not rooting at nodes L procumbens
Stems and branches rooting at nodes L. sarmentosa
Heads terminal on pedunculately branched panicles L. resedifolia
Leaves entire or distantly denticulate, achenes truncate at both ends L. acaulis
Launaea acaulis (Roxb) Babcock ex Kerr, in Craib. FI. Siam Enum. 2: 299. 1936.
Mamgain & Rao in Hajra et al (ed.) FI. India 12: 304. 1995. Prenanthers acaulis Roxb,
FI. Ind. ed. 2, 3: 403. 1832. Crepis acaulis Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 396. 1881.
Glabrous perennial herb with cylindric rhizomes with milky latex. Leaves chiefly
radical in rosettes. All florets with pale yellow. Achenes ellipsoid, narrowed at both ends.
Pappua hairs white, longer than achenes.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Feb. Exsiccata: 328
Rare at upper altitudes
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Gaganbavada.
Launaea procumbens (Roxb.)Ramayya & Rajgopal in Kew Bull 23(3): 463. 1969.
Mamgain & Rao in Hajra et al (ed.) FI. India 12: 309. 1995. Prenanthes procumbens
Roxb. FI. Ind. 3: 404 1832. Launea mdicaulis auct. plur. (India) non. (L) Hook, f FI.
Brit. India 3: 416. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 122. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Pathri’
Procumbent herb; with yellow juice. Leaves in a basal rosette, repand-dentate or
pinnately lobed. Heads on short bracteate peduncles, solitary or clustered, along terminal,
subracemose inflorescence. Involucral bracts 3 seriate. All florets pale yellow. Achenes
oblong, rugulose, black, truncate at apex. Pappus white, on white disc.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 933
Common weed in fields.
Locality: Kolhapur
*Launaea resedifolia (L) Kuntze Rev. Gen. PI. 351.1891; Mamgain & Rao in Hajra et
al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 309. 1995. Scrozonera resedifolia L. Sp. PI. 1198. 1753. Launaea
chondrilloides (DC.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 415. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
121.1958 (Repr. ed.)
Perennial, glabrous herb; stems erect, paniculately branched. Radical leaves
rosette, runcinate-pinnatifid. Flowering branches few to many, stout, dichotomousely
branched, with small leafy bracts at base. Heads terminal. Pappus soft, white longer than
achenes. Achenes truncate at both ends, strongly ribbed, the ribs slightly papillose.
FIs. & Frts. more or less throughout year.

Frequent in cultivated fields and as weed in gardens

Localities: Kolhapur, Sangavade.
Launaea sarmentosa (Willd) Sch.-Bip. ex. Kuntze Rev. Gen. 1: 350 1891, Mangain &
Rao in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 12: 310. 1995. Prenanthes sarmentosa Willd.,
Phylotogia 10. t. 6 f. 2. 1794. Launaeapinnatifolia Cass in Arn Sci. Nat. Ser. 1, 23: 85.
1831; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 416. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 122. 1958 (Repr.
Procumbent glabrous herb. Heads in panicles. Achenes obtusely 4-gonous.
FIs. &Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata MMS 1909
Localities: Hatkanangale, Kagal, Shiroli,
Parthenium L.
Parthenium hysterophorous L., Sp. PI. 988. 1753; R. Rao in J Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.
54. 218. 1956; Chawdhery in Hajra etal. (ed.) FI. India 12: 403. 1995. ‘Gajargavat'
Erect, profusely branched herb. Heads peduncled in terminal, lax, cymose cymes.
Involucral bracts often 10, 2 seriate. Central florets male, with tubular white corollas.
Achenes compressed, black. Pappus absent.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1759
Native of Tropical America, naturalised in the region.
Localities: Common throughout.
Pentanema Cass.
Leaves sessile; involucral bracts squarrose; pappus absent in ray florets P. indicum
Leaves petiolate; involucral bracts not squarrose; pappus present in ray florets P cemum
Pentanema cernum (Dalz. et Gibs.) Ling in Acta Phyt. Sin 10: 180. 1965; S. Kumar in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13; 28. 1995. Vicoa cerrna Datz in Datz & Gibs, Bombay FI.
126. 1861; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 279.1881.Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 89. 1958.
(Repr. ed ).
Annual slender herb. Heads drooping; peduncles filiform, with a small foliaceous
bract above the middle. Ray florets 20-40. Pappus of ray florets of few bristles.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 766
Common in Moist shady places.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Tillari, Udegiri.
Pentanema indicum (L) Ling in Acta. Phyt. Sin. 10: 179. 1965. S. Kumar in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 13: 28. 1995. Indula indica L„ Sp. PI. ed. 2. 1236. 1763; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 297. 1881. Vicoa auriculata Cass, in Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. I, 17: 418. 1829; Hook,
f. loc cit. 297; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2; 88. 1958 (Repr.ed).
A slender, erect, rigid herb; branches numerous, ascending. Leaves very variable,
sessile, usually dilated and with rounded auricles at the base. Heads numerous on long
slender peduncles. Ray flowers 12-24, much longer than the involucre; ligules yellow.
Pappus of ray flowers absent and of disc flowers scanty. Achenes terete sparsly hairy.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Mar. Exsiccata MMS 1758
Common on rocky soil in grasses.
Localities: Alate, Kolhapur, Majale, Sangavade.
Phyllocephalum Blume
Leaves petiolate
Heads solitary; involucral bracts 1-2, not cordate at base; pappus
shorter than the corolla tube P. lilacirmm
Heads axillary and terminal; involucral bracts 2-6, cordate at base;
pappus equalling the corolla tube P. ritchiei
Leaves sessile or subsessile P. phyllolaemtm
Phyllocephalum phyllolaenum (DC) Narayana in Cwer Sci. 51: 438. 192; Uniyal in
Hajra etal. (ed.) FI. India 13: 341.1995. Decarteurumpftyllolaeumtm DC. Prodr. 7: 264.
1839. Centrantherum phyllolaenum (DC) Benth ex. Clarke, Comp. Ind. 4. 1876; Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 228. 1881, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 62. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
Erect branched herb with minute, bristles, frequently tinged with purple. Leaves
clothed with short setae above, densely covered with white woolly tomentum beneath.
Heads solitary, axillary and terminal. Pappus pale red, stiff shorter than the corolla lobes.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 797
Frequent at higher attitudes.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada.
Phyllocephalum ritchiei (Hook, f.) Narayana in Curr. Sci. 51.438. 1962; Uniyal in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 341. 1995. Cantrantherum ritchiei Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3: 228. 1881.
Erect, usually unbranched herb. Heads solitary, axillary and terminal. Outer
involucral bracts 2-6, leafy, cordate at base, tipped with a short spine. Pappus reddish,
equaling the corolla tube. Achenes 10 ribbed, glabrous.
FIs. &Frts.: Nov.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1910
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Chandgad, Dajipur.
Phyllocephalum tenue (Wt. ex. Cl.) Narayana in Curr. Sci. 51: 4391982; Uniyal in
Hajra et al. (ed.) PI. India 13. 345. 1995. Centrantherum tenue Clarke, Compd India 4.
1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 228. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 63. 1958 (Repr
Erect, dichotomousely branched, glabrous herb; stem and tinged with purple.
Heads purple. Outer involucral bracts 1 or 2, large, leafy. Pappus pale reddish, much
shorter than corolla tube. Achenes faintly ribbed, glabrous.
FIs. <£ Frts.: Oct.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1490
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Radhanagari.
Pulicaria Gaertn.
Pulicaria wightiana (DC) Clarke, Compd. India 128. 1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
298. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 90. 1958 (Repr. ed ); S. Kumar in Hajra et al
(ed.)Fl. India 13: 40. 1995. Poloa wightiana DC inGuilf. Area. Bot. 2: 515. 1833.
Annual, much branched herb. Leaves sessile, semiamplexicaule at base. Heads
solitary, terminal on branches; peduncles slightly thickened below the heads. Involucral
bracts 3-4 seriate. Marginal florets 1-2 seriate with yellow corollas. Achenes angular,
truncate at apex, black, sparsely hairy.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: 361
Common amidst grasses and dry hill slopes.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Batkanangale, Kagal, Shirol
Sclerocarpus Jacq.
Sclerocarpus africanus Jacq., Icon. PI. Rar. 1: 17. t. 176. 1780-84; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 305. 1881.; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 96. 1958(Repr. ed.) Chawdhery in Hajra
etal. (ed.) FI. India 1, 2: 405. 1995.
Erect, annual herb. Heads sessile or shortly peduncled, terminal or leaf appressed,
often supported by 2-3 floral leaves. Involucral bracts few, 2-seriate, foliaceous.
Marginal florets few, yellow. CentraL florets bisexual with yellow corollas. Achenes
black. Pappus ring like.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 906
Locality: Dhanagarwada
Senecio L.
Leaves not auricled at base
Leaves petiolate, many nerved
Pappus present S. belgaumensis
Pappus absent S. bombayensis
Leaves sessile, one nerved S. dalzellii
Leaves auricled at base S. edgeworthii
Senecio belgaumensis (Wight) Clarke. Compd. Ind. 200. 1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3: 348. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 111.1958. (Repr. ed.); Mathur in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI., India 13: 243. 1995.
Annual, erect, branched herb. Leaves white cottony below. Heads in cymose.
Achenes turbinate, ribbed, hairy. Pappus absent.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1911
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities: Gaganbavada, Radhanagari
Senecio bombaynesis Balatr in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 67(1) 57: 1976; Mathur in
Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 244. 1995. Doronicum relaticulatum Wight in Cal. J Nat.
Hist. 7: 156. 1847. Senecio grahami Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 347. 1881 non Benth
1857, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 110. 1958 (repr. ed.)
Erect, much branched herb; stems & branches grooved. Heads yellow; flowers of
ray ligulate, usually sterile. Pappus of ray flowers absent, of disk flowers slightly longer
than achenes, dilated and paleaceous at the base, dirty-white or yellowish. Achenes
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dec Exsiccata: MMS 1607
Common amidst grasses.
Localities: Panhala, Suleran.
Senecio dalzellii Clarke, Comp. India 201.1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 346. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 110. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Mathur in Hajra et. al(ed.) FI. India
13: 248. 1995.
Erect branched herb. Heads dichotomousely cymose. Pappus 2-sub-seriate, white,
rigid, a little longer than achenes, scabrid. Achenes scabrid with short hairs.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 153
Frequent at higher attitudes.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur
Senecio edgeworthii Hook. f. FI. Brit. 3: 346. 1881; Cooke 2: 109 Mathur in Hajra et
al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 250. 1995 S. iomentosus Clarke, comp. Ind. 200. 1876
Madaractis lanuginosa Edgew in Trans Linn. Soc. 20: 75. 1857
Erect, much branched, annual herb. Heads few to many, laxly cymose,
bracteolate. Involucral bracts 1-2-subseriate. Marginal florets 8-18, sterile with yellow
corollas. Central florets bisexual, with yellow corollas. Achenes oblong, obscurely
ribbed, brown. Pappus bristles white, few, longer than achenes.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1441
Rare in rock crevices.
Locality. Kasarsada
Siegesbeckia L.
Siegesbeckia orientalis L., Sp. PI. 900. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 379 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 94. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Chawdhery in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI.
India 12: 407. 1995.
Annual, dichotomously branched herb; tinged with purple. Heads small,
peduncled, in leafy panicles; flowers yellow, those of the ray red beneath. Involucral
bracts in 2 rows, very dissimilar; the 5 outer exceeding, linear-spathulate or clavate, the
upper surface covered with large viscous glandular hairs; the 5 inner bracts short, beak
shaped, glandular-hairy on the back, each bract enclosing one of the ray flowers. Ray
flowers usually 5, ligulate. Pappus absent. Achenes enclosed in a cup shaped bract,
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1912
Rare in moist shady places.
Locality: Panhala
Solidago L.
*Solidago canadensis L„ Sp. PI. 878. 1753; Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 1005. 1949.
Perennial undershrub. Leaves alternate, sessile. Heads numerous in dense
unilateral, recurved, axillary racemes forming pyramidal panicles. Involucral bracts
many seriate, imbricate. Marginal florets uniseriate, imbriacte. Central florets few,
bisexual, with yellow, tubular corollas. Achenes terete, black. Pappus bristles few, as
long as the achenes.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-Dec.
Native of North America, grown in gardens for ornamental purpose.
Localities. Kolhapur, Shirol.
Sonchus L.
Outer involucral bracts not glandular pubescent
Auricles of cauline leaves acute, achenes transversely rugose, thick,
with slightly thickened margin S. oleraceus
Auricles of cauline leaves obtuse or rounded; achenes smooth,
papery, with a broad wing S. asper
Outer involucral bracts glandular pubescent S. brachyotus
Sonchus asper (L) Hill. Brit. Herb 47: 1756; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 414. 1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 120. 1958. (Repr. ed); Mamgain & R. Rao in Hajra et al.
(ed.)Fl. India 12: 318. 1995. Sonchus oleraceus var. asper L, Sp. PI. 794. 1753.
Erect, annual herb, fistular with milky juice. Basal leaves in rosette, spinulose.
Heads solitary, on hairy peduncles combined into a terminal cyme. Achenes 3-ribbed,
with serrate-winged margins. Pappus hairy.
FIs & Frts.: June-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1343
Frequent as weed in gardens.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur
Sonchus brachyotes DC., Prodr. 7: 186. 1838; Mamgain & R. Rao in Hajra et al (ed.)
FI. India 12: 320. 1995. S. arvensis L. var. glaber Haines, Bot. Bihar & Orissa 2: 522.
Erect, perennial herb. Leaves chiefly in basal rosette. Heads cottony pubescent,
on glandular-hairy peduncles, combined into cymose inflorescence. Involucral bracts 3-4
seriate, outer ones cottony pubescent, glandular hairy. All florets with yellow. Achenes
faintly rugose, 5-ribbed. Pappus hairs white.
FIs. & Frts. Nov.-Mar.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1913
Frequent on moist places.
Localities: Ghotawade, Sangawade, Talasande.
Sonchus oleraceus L., Sp. PI. 794. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 414. 1881; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 119. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Mamgain & R. Rao in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI.
India 12: 321.1995. Mhatari'
Annual erect herb. Leaves runcinate-pinnatifid. Heads on long peduncles,
combined into subumbellate cymes. Involucral bracts 2-3 seriate. Achenes rugose, 3
ribbed on faces. Pappus hairs white.
FIs. &Frts. Sept.-Feb.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1914
Frequei aste places.
Local'"e-. Lundevvadi, Radhanagari.
Sphaeranthus L.
Wi; , stem entire; peduncles glabrous; involucral bracts not
ci toex S. africanus
Win-. 'em toothed; peduncles pubescent; involucral bracts ciliate
at * S. indicus
Sphaeranthus africanus L., Sp. PI. (ed. z) 1314. 1763; Hook. f. FI. Brit, india 3: 275.
i, S. Kumar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13; 159. 195; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
■4. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Gorakhmundi'
Stroungly aromatic, procumbent herb; stem compressed, with entire wings;
branches divaricate. Leaves sessile, pubescent finely toothed, narrowed at base. Heads
globose, ebracteate. Corolla purple.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Jan. Exsiccata: 33, 95
Rare, collected only once.
Locality: Panhala.
Sphaeranthus indicus L., Sp. PI 927 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 275. 1881 pp;

Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 84. 1958 (Repr. ed ), S. Kumar in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India
13: 160. 1995. ’Gorakhmundi'
Strongly aromatic, procumbent herb, with toothed wings. Heads compound,
spherical. Heads many with glandular-pubescent involucral bracts which are ciliate.
Marginal florets and central florets with dark purple corollas Achenes minute.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 21
Common in drying ditches, harvested rice fields along river and stream banks.
Localities: Through out the region
Spilanthes Jacq.
Heads with uniformly coloured florets
Peduncles with foliaceous bracts; achenes densely hirsute, pappus absent S. calva
Peduncles ebracteate; achenes minutely ciliate along thickened margins,
glabrous, pappus bristles two S. paniculata
Heads with two coloured florets S. olaracea
Spilanthes calva DC. in Wight, Contrib. Bot. India 19; 1834; Chowdhery in Hajra et al.
(ed.) FI. India 12: 409. 1995. S. acmella var. calva (DC) Clarke, Comp. Ind. 138. 1876.
S. actin'.auct. non. (L) Murr; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 307. 1881, Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 99. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Akkalkara'
Annual, erect or ascending herb, rooting, from the lower nodes. Heads discoid.
Mar< li florets uniseriate, female, with yellow. Central florets numerous, bisexual with
>. orollas. Achenes with ciliate margins. Pappus absent
FIs ss Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata MMS 1185
r ' anon m wet places.
alities Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Panhala.
pilanthes oleracea L., Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 2: 534. 1767; Chawdhery in Hajra et al. (ed.)
FI. India 12: 410. 1995 S acmeUa var. oleracea Clarke. Comp. Ind. 138. 1876; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 3: 307. 1881. ‘Akkalkara’
Erect perennial herb Heads semiglobose. Involucral bracts 2-seriate, 15-20
Marginal florets 1-2 seriate, female with yellow lyrate corollas. Achenes oblong.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 1628
Native of Brazil, grown in gardens as potherb. Roots medicinal.
Locality. Kolhapur
Spilanthes paniculata Wallich ex DC. Prodr. 5: 625. 1836. Uniyal in Hajra et al. (ed.)
FI. India 12; 410, 1995. Spilanthes acmella var. paniculata (DC) Clarke Comp. India
139. 1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 307. 1881.
Erect or ascending annual herb. Heads radiate or discoid on long peduncles.
Involucral bracts many seriate. Marginal florets 5-12, with yellow corollas. Achenes
glandular verrucose. Pappus bristles subequal.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 857 Common on open
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
Synedrella Gaertn.
Prostrate herbs; rooting at nodes: irregularly branched; involucral bracts 4;
achenes of ray florets slightly compressed, narrowly winged; wings neither
lacerate nor spinous S. vialis
Erect, dichotomously branched herbs; involucral bracts 1-2; achenes of
ray floret dorsally compressed, winged; wings lacerate and spinous S. nodiflora
Synedrella nodiflora (L) Gaertner, Fruct. Som. 2: 456. t. 17I f. 7. 1791; Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 3: 308. 1881; Chowdhery in Hajra et al. (ed.) FL India 12: 413. 1995.
Verbesiana nodiflora L , Cent. PI. 1: 28. 1755.

L;ect, appressed pilose herb. Involucral bracts in 2-3 series, foliaceous Ray
florets 5-8, corolla yellow. Disk florets several; corolla yellow Achenes dimorphic, ray
achenes blackish with narrow wings; each with 2-6-serrate awnlike appendages. Achenes
of di;>* lack, compressed, tuberculate with a pair of stout, apical awns.
F! rts.: Throughtout year. Exsiccata MMS 1508
Con- in marshy places & along road sides.
Lo- ..ines Batkanangale, Kagal, Kolhapur, Murgud, Uttur.
Svnedrella vialis (Less.) A. Gray in Proc. Amer. acad. 17: 217. 1882; Ahuja & Pataskar
>■ nd. For. 95, 267. 1969; Chowdhery in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 12; 415. 1995
Calyptocarpus vialis Less., Syn. Comp. 221.1838
Annual branched herb, rooting at nodes. Heads axillary, solitary sessile,
sometimes 2, one of them pedunculate. Involucral bracts 4. Achenes dorsally
compressed, narrowly winged, crowned with 2 spines. Disk florets bisexual, tabular.
Achenes dorsally compressed crowned with 2 spines or triquetrous and crowned with 3
FIs. &Frts.. Throughout year Exsiccata. MMS 1504
Native of America, Mexico & W Indies. Common in moist places and as a weed in
Localities. Kolhapur, Shirol
Tagetes L.
Heads small, less than three cm across
Rays up to 6, uniformly yellow or orange yellow T. temifolia
Rays many, yellow with red markings T. patula
Heads large, more than five cm across T. erecta
*Tagetes erecta L., Sp. PI. 887. 1753; Bailey. Man. Cult. PI. 1013. 1949; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 125. 1958. (Repr. ed ); R. Rao in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 327.
1995. ‘Zendu’
Erect stout, annual herb. Heads solitary on long peduncles. Marginal florets
female or neutral with yellow or orange coloured, emarginate tigule. Central florets
bisexual with yellow tubular or ligulate corollas. Achenes with unequal, pappus bristles
at the top black.
FIs. &Frts.. Aug.-Feb.
Native of Mexico. Commonly cultivated in gardens for its flowers
Localities. Kolhapur, Shiroli, Wasagade

*Tagetes patula L., Sp. PI 887. 1753; Bailey, Man, Cult. PI. 1013 1949; Cooke, FI
Pres. Bombay. 2: 125. 1958. (Repr. ed.); R. Rao in Hajra et al. (ed) FI. India 13: 329
1995. 'Zendu'
. rect, annual herb. Fleads loosely cymose on long peduncles. Marginal florets
b al, often with yellow, tubular corollas. Achenes black with 4 unequal pappus
awned at top.
FIs. & Frts : Aug.-Dee.
Native of Mexico. Commonly cultivated in gardens for its flowers.
, realities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiroli, Wasagade
*Tagetes tenuifolia Cav. icon. 2: 54, t. 169. 1763, Bailey in Man. Cult; PI. 1013. 1949.
Much branched annual herb. Heads in lax cymes. Marginal florets 5, corolla
FIs. & Frts:. Aug.-Jan.
Native of Maxico. Commonly cultivated in gardens for its flowers.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shiroli, Sanagavade, Wasagade
Tithonia Desf. ex Juss.
*Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl)A. Gray in Proc Amer. Acad. Arts 19: 5. 1883, Santapau
in Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. 16(1): 139. 1967 (third Rev. ed ). Mirasolia diversifolia Hemst,
Biol. Centr. Amer. Bot 2: 168. t. 47. 1881.
Robust, much branched undershrub with underground stolons. Leaves alternate,
dentate to triangular or 3-5 lobed. Heads heterogamous solitary on short-villous
peduncles. Involucral bracts many, 2-3 seriate, densely pubescent. Ray florets many;
corolla orange to yellow. Achenes white-tan, triangular, sterile. Pappus absent or of short
scales or awns.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Feb.
Cultivated in gardens and also escaped.
Locality. Kolhapur
Tricholepis A.P. DC.
Erect, robust herbs
Pappus present T. glaberrima
Pappus absent T. amplexicaulis
Low, decumbent herbs T. radicans

Tricholepis amplexicaulis Clarke, Comp Ind 240 1876; Hook. f. FI. Brit India 3
381.1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 115. 1958(Repr. ed); Hajra in Hajra et al (ed.)
FI. India 12: 220. 1995.
Stout erect glabrous herb. Involucral bracts acicular, recurved, often tipped with
b v Achenes pale brown, compressed, perfectly smooth, glossy. Pappus absent or at a
few bristles.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 620
Occasional on hill slopes.
Localities. Amba, Gajapur, Kondoshi
Tricholepis glaberrima DC., Prodr. 6: 754. 1837; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 381.1881;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 114. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Hajra in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India
12: 222. 1995.
Glabrous annual herb; branches 4-gonous or narrowly winged. Leaves crowded at
the base of stem. Heads solitary at the end of leafy branches on short peduncles.
Involucral bracts many seriate, imbricate. All florets with purple pink or bluish corollas
Achenes faintly ribbed, brown. Pappus hairy, shorter than achenes.
FIs. &Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1602
Frequent on rocky hill slopes.
Localities: Radhanagari, Tillarinagar.
Tricholepis radicans (Roxb) DC., Prodr. 6: 584. 1838; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
381.1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 114. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Hajra in Hajra et al. (ed.)
FI. India 12: 223. 1995.
Annual much branched, herb. Outer involucral bracts acicular. Receptacles
bristles longer than achenes. Achenes pale or shining compressed, smooth, truncate.
Pappus hairs pale brown, scabrid.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 536
Common in grasslands, rocky hill slopes.
Localities: Alatae, Kolhapur, Ramling.
Tridax L.
Tridax procumbens L., Sp. PI. 900. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 311.1881; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 102. 1958. (Repr. ed ); Chowdhery in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 12:
418. 1995.
Procumbent herb. Leaves in distant pairs. Heads radiate, solitary on straight, erect
peduncles, hirsute with long spreading hairs. Marginal florets 4-8 with white or yellow
Central florets many, with yellow corollas Achenes densely silky, black Pappus of
many aristate bristles.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year Exsiccata MMS 1915

Native of Central America, naturalised in the region.

Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Jambhali
Vernonia Schr. (nom.cons.)
Erect herbs or shrubs
Achenes silky or pubescent V cinerea
Achenes glabrous or glandular between the ribs; glabrous V divergens
Scandent shrubs V. elliptica
Vernonia cinerea (L) Less in Linnaea 4: 291.1829; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 3: 233.
1881.Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 65. 1958; Uniyal in Hajra el al. (ed.) FI. India 13; 367.
1995. ’Sahadevi’
Erect annual herb. Heads in lax, divaricate, terminal cymes, peduncles with small
bracts beneath the heads and between the forks. Involucral bracts many seriate green.
All, florets with pink-purple tabular 5-lobed corollas. Achenes hairy. Pappus bristles in 2
series, the outerones shorter than innerone.
FIs. & Frts. Throughout year.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1916
Localities: Kolhapur, Shiroli
Vernonia divergens (Roxb.) Edgew in J. Asiat. Soc. Beng 21: 172. 1853, Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 3: 234. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 67. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Eupatorium
divergens Roxb. FI. India 3; 414. 1832. Hajra in Hajra et al. (ed.) FI. India 13: 370.
Perennial, erect, stout shrub. Heads in cymose panicles. Achenes 10-ribbed,
glandular between ribs. Pappus hairs dirty-white or reddish brown
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-May Exsiccata: MMS 1917
Infrequent along waste channels, on rocky walls.
Locality: Ichalkaranji
* Vernonia eliptica DC. in Wight. Contrib. Bot. Ind. 5: 1834; Hajra in Hajra etal. (ed.)
FI. India 13: 370 1995. V. elaeagnifolia DC., Prodr., 5: 22. 1836; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3: 237. 1881.
Scandent shrub; branches divaricate, pendulous. Heads aggregated in axillary or
terminal cymes. Achenes glabrous, 5-8 ribbed. Pappus white, outer few.
FIs. X frts : Jan.-Apr.
Grown in gardens.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Xanthium L.
Xanthium indie urn Koenig in Roxb, FI. India 3: 601.1832; Chowdhery in Hajra et al
(ed.) FI. India 12: 426. 1995. X strumarium L, Sp. PI, 987. 1753, p. p.; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 303. 1881.(excl. syn. X. strumarium Boiss); Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 94
1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Landaga, Vinchu'
Erect, annual, undershrub; stems rough with short hairs. Heads of two types in
terminal and axillary racemes, the barren heads numerous, crowded at the top of stem,
the female heads few, axillary. Achenes compressed.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 366
Common on waste places and oblong roadsides.
Localities Hatkanangale, Kolhapur, Korochi
Zinnia L. (nom. cons.)
*Zinnia linearis Benth. PI. Hartas 17. 1840; Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 1001 1949; Hajra
etal. (ed.)FI. India 12: 431.1995
Much branched diffuse herb. Heads solitary at the end of branches. Marginal
florets female, 1-2 seriate. Central florets bisexual, with yellow corollas. Achenes of
marginal florets trigonous, minutely tubercled, those of central florets obovoid,
compressed, black with ciliate margins. Pappus absent.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year.
Native of Maxico.
Localities: Kolhapur, Shirol.
Wahlenbergia Schrad ex Roth, (nom.cons.)
Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunb.) DC., Monogr. Camp. 143. 1830. Campanula
marginata Thunb., FI Japan. 84. 1784. Wahlenberhia gracilis (Forst ) DC op. cit. 142,
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 429. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 133. 1958
(Repr. ed).
Erect or decumbent herb, branched from base; stem bluntly angular. Leaves
elliptic-oblong, 1-nerved. Flowers blue in lax cymose panicles. Corolla lobes strigose,
membranous, caducous.. Stamens 5. Ovary and styles puberulous; stigmas 3-fid.
Capsules conical, hairy; seeds oblong.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1918
Frequent in drying streams and harvested rice fields.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Suleran.
Scaveola L.
*Scaveola sericea Vahl., Symb. Bot. 2: 37. 1791. S. koenigii Vahl., Symb. Bot. 3: 36.
1794; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 421. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 128. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Bhadrakshi’
Small tree. Leaves alternate, obovate, obtuse, sessile, base long, tapering with a
tuft of white wool in the axils. Flowers in short dichotomous cymes much shorter than
leaves, with small wooly bracts. Corolla white, glabrous or pubescent outside. Drupes
subglobose, white when ripe, crowned with persistent calyx lobes.
FIs. & Frts. : Almost throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 671
Cultivated in gardens.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Lobelia L.
Plants prostrate; flowers not in terminal panicles
Seeds trigonous; all anthres with an apical tuft of hairs L. alsinoides
Seeds ellipsoidal compressed; only two anterior anthers with an
apical tuft of hairs L. heyneana
Plants erect; flowers in terminal panicles L. nicotianaefolia
Lobelia alsinoides Lam, Encycl 3: 586 1791. Lobelia trigona Roxb, FI Ind (Carey
ed.) 2: 111. 1824; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 423. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 130. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Small herb; stem prostrate. Leaves subsessile Flowers purple-blue, axillary, solitary on
long pedicels. Stamens 5, basaly ciliate, anthers penicellate. Ovary obconic, 2-celled
Capsules ellipsoid, ribbed. Seeds many, brownish, black, trigonous, long, ribbed.
FIs. & Frts. Oct.-Dec
: Exsiccata MMS 1437
Frequent in drying streams and harvested rice fileds.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Suleran.
Lobelia heyneana Schult. in R. & S. Syst. Veg. 5: 50. 1819. Lobelia trialata Buch -
Ham. ex D. Don Prodr. FI. Brit. India 3: 425. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 130.
1958 (Repr. ed ).
Small herb; stem winged. Leaves rhomboid-ovate. Flowers bluish-white,
axillary, solitary; bracts minute. Calyx lobes 5, triangular, subulate, glabrous. Corolla
2-lobed; upper lobe lanceolate, acuminate; lower lobe spathuiate Stamens 5, anterior, 2
anthers penicellate. Ovayr hemispheric, 2-celled. Capsules ellipsoid. Seeds ellipsoid,
FIs. & Frts. Oct.-Feb.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1533
Frequent in drying streams and harvested rice fileds.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Suleran.
Lobelia nicotianifolia Roth, ex R. & S. Syst. Veg. 5: 47. 1819 (nicotianaefolia) Grah.,
Cat. PI. 102. 1839; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3; 427. 1881; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 131. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Large herb or undershrub. Stem hollow. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, glabrous,
base tapering, margin serrulate, apex acute. Flowers white in 15-50 cm long terminal
racemes. Calyx tube pubescent. Corolla much curved. Filaments connate into a tube.
Capsules subglobose. Seeds many, ellipsoid, compressed, yellowish-brown.
FIs. &Frts.: Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata: s.n. Sardesai
Frequent on forest borders.
Localities: Amba, Manoli, Suleran, Udegiri.
Plumbago L.
Corolla tube 4 cm or more; capsules oblong, clavate, tapering,
angled below P. auriculata
Corolla tube up to 2.5 cm long; capsules oblong, tapering, angled above P. zeylanica
* Plumbago auriculata Lamk., Encycl. 2: 270. 1876 P. capensis Thunb. Prodr Capen.
33. 1794.
A small subscandent shrub. Leaves arranged in a succession of whorls of 5
unequal lanceolate leaves. Flowers in elongated spikes; rachis glandular-striate;
branches ovate, acuminate, shorter than calyx. Calyx narrowly tubular, persistent,
densely covered with stalked glands; teeths small with membranous margins. Corolla
pale-blue or white, slender.
FIs. & Frts. May-Dec.

Native of GoodHope, grown as hedge plant.

Plumbago zeylanica L„ Sp. PI. 151. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 480.
1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 136. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
Undershrub. Leaves elliptic-ovate; petilole auricled at base. Flowers many in
terminal spiciform racemes. Calyx densely covered with stalked glands; persistent.
Corolla white. Stamens 5. Ovary attenulated at the apex. Capsules oblong, enclosed in
stalked glandular persistent calyx. Seeds black; flattened.
FIs. &Frts.. Aug.-Nov. ExsiccataMMS 594
Common on bunds of fields.
Localities. Alate, Kumbhoj, Halaswade, Kolhapur.
Anagallis L.
Leaves lower opposite, upper alternate; corolla 4-5 partite, shorter than
the calyx; filaments glabrous A. pumilus
Leaves all opposite; corolla five partite, exceeding the calyx; filaments
villous A. arvensis
Anagallis arvensis L., Sp. PI. 148. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3; 506.
1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 139. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Anagallis latifolia L., Sp. PI.
149. 1753.
Erect or ascending herb. Branches obscurely 4-winged. Leaves opposite,
decussate, sometimes whorled. Flowers axillary, solitary. Corolla blue-purple, rotate;
lobes 5, ovate, obtuse, glandular, hairy. Stamens 5; filaments hairy. Ovary globose.
Capsules globose. Seeds many, subtrigonous.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 47
Common on bunds of fields.
Localities. Alate, Kumbhoj, Halaswade, Kolhapur.
Anagallis pumilla Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 1: 40. 1788. Centunculus tenellus Duby
in DC., Prodr. 8: 72. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 506. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 2: 140. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect herb. Branches 4-angled. Leaves alternate, elliptic. Flowers axillary,
solitary. Sepals 4-5. Corolla white, campanulate, lobes 5, obovate, apiculate Stamens
5; filaments glabrous. Capsules globose. Seeds many, minute, subtrigonous.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept -Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 397
Common on bunds of fields.
Localities Alate, Kumbhoj, Halaswade, Kolhapur,
Calyx not thickened, free, 1-2 seeded
Corolla lobes imbricate; inflorescence raceme or panicle; anthers
not sagittate Embelia
Corolla lobes twisted; inflorescence umbel; anthers sagittate Ardisia
Calyx thickened enclosing the fruit, many seeded Maesa
Ardisia Sw.
Ardisia solanacea Roxb., PI. Cort. 27. 1795; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 146. 1958
(Repr. ed ). A. humilis A. DC. in . Trans, linn. Soc. Lond. 17: 188. 1837 (non Vahl
1794); Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 529. 1882, p.p.
Perennial shrub. Leaves alternate, gland dotted, coriaceous. Flowers in axillary
umbels. Sepals 5, twisted to right, leathery, persistent. Corolla rose coloured,
coriaceous, spotted, shortly united. Stamens 5, connivent around the style, exserted.
Ovary globose. Drupes globose. Seeds globose.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1332
Frequent along streams at higher altitudes in forests.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Chandgad, Suleran, Udegiri.
Embelia N.L. Burm.
Scandent shrubs or climbers; leaves glandular
Flowres pentamerous E. ribes
Flowres tetramerous E. basaal
Erect shrubs; leaves eglandular E. tsjeriam-
Embelia basaal (R.& S.) DC. in Trans. Linn. Soc. London. 17: 131. 1834. Ardisia
bassal R. & S. in L. Syst. Veg. 4: 517. 1819. Embelia viridiflora (DC.) Scheff. Comm
Mayrs. Arch. Ind. 45. 1867; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 516. 1882; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 145. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘ Ambat, Ambati’
Scandent shrub; branchlets waited. Flowers in short cylindric, axillary racemes,
usually 4-merous. Calyx lobes trinagular, gland dotted. Petals oblong-obovate, gland
dotted. Stamens 4, exerted. Ovary ovoid; style short; stigma capitellate. Drupe red
when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 964
Common in semievergreen forests.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Udegiri.
Embelia ribes Burm. f. Fl.Ind. 62. t. 23. 1768; Wt. Ic. t. 1207. 1848; Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 3: 513. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 143. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
Large scandent shrub. Flowers in lax terminal, pubescent paniculate recemes.
Calyx connate at base; lobes 5, broadly ovate. Stamens 5, slightly exerted. Ovary
ribbed. Drupe globose, black when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1338
Rare, collected only at once.
Locality: Gajapur.
Embelia tsjeriam-cottam (R.& S.) DC., Prodr. 8: 37. 1844; Wt. Ic. t. 1209. 1848.
Ardisia tsjeriam-cottam R. & S. Syst. 4: 518. 1819. Embelia robusta Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 3: 515. 1882 non Roxb., 1820; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 144. 1958
(Repr. ed ). ‘Ambati’
Large shrub; young branches rusty tomentose. Leaves coriaceous, gland dotted
beneath. Flowers in axillary pubescent racemes. Sepals 5, connate at base, gland dotted,
petals 5, elliptic-oblong, gland dotted. Stamens 5. Drupe globose, apiculate, red when
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Jan. Exsiccata: 50
Common in deciduous forests. Tender leaves used as vegetable.
Localities: Dhangarwada, Bambvade, Shangaon.
Maesa Forssk.
Maesa indica (Roxb.) DC. in Trans. Linn. Soc. London. 17: 134. 1834; Clarke in
Hook, f FI. Brit. India 3: 509. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 141. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Baeobotrys indica Roxb., FI. Ind. (Carey & Wall ed.) 2: 230. 1824. M. dubia (Wall.)
DC. op. cit.; Clarke op. cit. 509-510. M. indica (Roxb.) DC. var. dubia (Wall ); Cooke,
op. cit. M. indica var. perrottettiana (DC.) Clarke op. cit. 509. ‘Ataki’
Large, much branched shrub. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, subcoriaceous. Flowers
small, in axillary panicles; bracts and bracteoles ovate, acute Calyx lobes 5, ovate,
acute, marked with dark lines. Corolla lobes 5 campanulate, margins somewhat
fimbriate. Stamens 5, slightly exerted. Berries creamy-white, fleshy, globose. Seeds
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Jun. Exsiccata: 27
Common on forest clearings.
Localities Amba, Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Udegiri, Waghotre.
Staminodes absent
Calyx segments biseriate; stamens 12 or more
Calyx segments 6-8 Palaquium
Calyx segments four Madhuca
Calyx segments unseriate; stamens 5-6 Chrysophyllum
Staminodes present
Unarmed plants; sepals 6-8, biseriate; stamens 6-8
Sepals six; petals six, not appendaged; ovary 6-14 locular Mimusops
Sepals eight; petals eight, appendaged; ovary eight locular Manilkara
Armed plants; sepals five, uniseriate; stamens five Xantolis
Chrysophyllum L.
"Chrysophyllum cainito L., Sp. PI. 192. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 149. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
Tree. Leaves alternate, coriaceous. Corolla campanulate, silky, 2-3 times as
long as calyx. Ovary 7-10 celled; stigma 7-10 radiate.
FIs. & Frts. : Apr.-Aug.
Native of West Indies, cultivated in public Gardens.
Locality: Radhanagari.
Madhuca Ham. ex Gmel.
Madhuca indica Gmelin, syst. Nat.. 2(1): 799. 1791. Madhuca longifolia (Koen.)
Macbr. var. latifolia (Roxb.) PI. Corom t. 19. 1795 at FI. Ind. 2: 526. 1832; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 544. 1882. Bassia latifolia Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 152
1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Moha’
Deciduous tree. Leaves clustered at the end of branches, densely wooly when
young, glabrous at maturity. Flowers in dense fascicles near the end of branches;
pedicels long, drooping, pubescent, calyx lobes 4, obovate, fulvous-tomentose, acute.
Corolla lobes 1-2. Stamens 16 in 3 series; anthers sparsely hairy; connectives apiculate.
Ovary 6-locular. Berry ovoid, fleshy, rusty-tomentose. Seeds 1-4, brownish-black.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1608
Rare in deciduous forest.
Localities: Katyayani, Talandage, Tarewadi.
Manilkara Adans.
"Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dub. Ann. Mus. Col. Marseille Ser 3, 3: 9. 1915.
Mimusops hexandra Roxb., Cor. PI. 1: 16, t. 15. 1795; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3: 549. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 156. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Khirani’
Evergreen tree. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers solitary or in
axillary fascicles, fragrant.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr.
Common in semievergreen forests.
Localities: Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Udegiri.
*Manilakara zapota (L.) P. Royen Blumea 7: 410. 1953. Achras zapota L., Sp. pi.
1190. 1753. Manilkara achras (Mill.) Fosb., Taxon. 13: 225. 1964. Achras sapota L.,
Sp. PI. (ed.2) 470. 1762; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:534. 1882. ‘Chikku’
Small tree with dense canopy. Leaves lanceolate; petioles rusty-tomentose.
Flowers solitary, axillary. Sepals 6, thick, appressed puberulous. Petals 16, 2-seriate.
Stamens 6-8. Ovary villous, stigmas 8-lobed. Berries globose, fleshy, rusty-brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year.
Commonly cultivated for its edible fruits.
Localities: Korochi, Sangawade, Warananagar.
Mimusops L.
Mimusops elengi L., Sp. PI. 349. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 548. 1882,
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 155. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Bakul’
Evergreen tree. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers solitary or in
axillary fascicles, fragrant. Calyx lobes 8, biseriate. Corolla lobes 24, in 3 series.
Stamens 8, alternate with densely hairy staminodes. Ovary oblong-globose, villous;
style columnar; stigma minutely fimbriate. Berry ovoid, fleshy. Seed usually single
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 676
Common in Semievergreen forests.
Localities; Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Udegiri,
Palaquium Blanco

*Palaquium ellipticum (Dalz.) Baill. in Traite Bot. Med. Phan. 1500. 1884. P.
ellipticum (Dalz.) Engl, in Engl. & Prantl. Pflazenfam 4(1): 135. 1897; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 154. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Bassia elliptica Dalz. in Kew J. Bot. 3: 36. 1851.
Dichopsis elliptica Benth. & Hook. FI. Gen. PI. 2: 658. 1847; Clarke in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India3: 542. 1882.
Large tree. Leaves elliptic or elliptic-ovate, shortly or obtusely acuminate,
coriaceous, flowers axillary; pedicels solitary or 2-3 together, pubescent or nearly
glabrous. Calyx 6-partite, densely villous with fulvous hairs; segments 2 seriate, the 3
exterior broadly ovate, subacute, transversely rugose, the 3 inner lanceolate. Stamesn
12-18; connectives much produced and bifid at apex. Ovary villous; style exserted,
FIs. & Frts.: Apr.-Aug.
Reported on authority of Mahajan (1975).
Locality: Radhanagari.
Xantolis Raf.
Xantolis tomentosa (Roxb.) Rafin Sylv Tell. 36. 1838. Sideroxylon tomentosum
Roxb., PI. Cor. 1: t. 28. 1795 & FI. Ind. 1: 602. 1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3: 538. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 156. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kate-Kumbal’
Armed tree. Leaves subcoriaceous, base acute, apex rounded. Flowers in
axillary clusters; pedicels dropping, fulvous-pubescent. Calyx campanulate, fiilvous-
pubescent. Corolla lobes white. Stamens 5; anthers lanceolate; staminodes 5. ovary
villous, 5-celled. Berry ovoid, yellowish-green, pubescent when young. Seeds usually
1(2), smooth, polished and shining.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 771
Common in deciduous forests.
Localities: Here, Panhala, Shengaon.
Diospyros L.
Flowers 4-5- merous
Male corolla tubular or urceolate
Style one
Leaves subopposite and alternate, mixed D. melanoxylon
Leaves alternate D. ebenum
Styles 2-4
Male corolla urceolate or campanulate
Leaves glabrous; calyx pubescent; ovary four- celled D. sylvatica
Leaves pubescent; calyx glabrous; ovary eight- celled D. montana
Male corolla tubular D. candolleana
Male corolla ovoid or oblong D. malabarica
Flowers 3- merous D. nigrescens
Diospyros candollena Wt., Ic. t. 1221. 1848; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 566. 1882;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 161. 1958 (Repr. ed). Diospyros canarica Bedd., Ic. t.
134. 1874. ‘Kari’
Small tree. Leaves coriaceous. Male flowers sessile in dense axillary, fulvous
pubescent clusters. Corolla tubular, fulvous hairy outside; lobes 5, shorter than the tube.
Stamens 10 in pairs. Female flowers larger and thicker than males in short axillary 2-10
flowered cymes. Fruits glabrous. Seeds 3-4, usually compressed.
FIs. & /r/s.Jan.-Jul. Exsiccata: MMS 984
Common in Ghats and along streams.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Patgaon, Shelap.
Diospyros ebenum Koenig., Phys. Salsk. Hendl. 1: 176. 1776; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 3: 558. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 163. 1958 (Repr. ed ). D. assimilis
Bedd., Madras For. Rep. 20. t. 1. 1866-67. D. nigricans Dalz., Kew J. Bot 4: 110 (non
Wall. 1829) 1852.
Moderate sized tree. Leaves subcoriaceous, glabrous Male flowers 3-12
together, subsessile in short, peduncled cymes. Corolla pale greenish yellow, tubular,
lobes 4. Stamens 16 or more very unequal often connate into two or threes or
sometimes 4. Female flowers solitary, larger than male. Fruiting calyx woody.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Jul. Exsiccata: MMS 1919
Frequent in the thick forests.
Localities: Dajipur, Udegiri.
* Diospyros malabarica (Desv.) Kostel ex Baker & Bakhuizen f. FI. Java 2: 188. 1965.
Garcinia malabarica Desv. in Lamk. Encycl. 3: 701. 1972. Diospyros embryopteris
Pers. Syn. 2: 624. f. 1807; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 556. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 167. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Tembhumi’
A small or medium sized tree. Leaves variable in size. Male flowers in short
peduncled, fulvous-pubescent, axillary racemose, drooping cymes. Stamens 24-64 in
pairs. Female flowers usually solitary, axillary. Fruit large, covered with rusty
rufescence, 8-celled. FIs. & Frts.Jm.-5ul. Exsiccata: 5586
Rarely cultivated for its fruits.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 36. t. 46. 1795 & FI. Ind. 3: 564 1882;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 159. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Tembhumi’
Small deciduous tree. Leaves alternate or subopposite, coriaceous. Male flowers
4-6-merous, 3-12 together in tawny tomentose panicles. Stamens 12-16. Female
flowers longer than male solitary. Fruit yellow when ripe, fruiting calyx thickly
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-Jul. Exsiccata: MMS 932
Rare, on rocky hill slopes.
Localities: Lakudwadi, Turrukwadi.
Diospyros montana Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 37. t. 48. 1795 & FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 2: 538.
1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 555. 1872; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 165.
1958 (Repr. ed ). Diospyrosgoindu Dalz., Kew J. Bot. 4: 111. 1852. ‘Kari’
A medium sized tree, sometimes armed. Male flowers in short few flowered
panicles. Corolla white, urceolate; stamens 16 in 2 rows of 8, in opposite pairs united at
base, the outer the longest. Female flowers axillary, solitary. Fruit globose.
FIs. & Frts. Jan -Jun. Exsiccata: MMS 982
Common on hill slopes.
Localities: Mudal, Panhala, Radhanagari, Shengaon, Tillari.
Diospyros nigrescens (Dalz.) Said, in Said. & Nicols. FI. Hasan Dt. 197. 1976 Maba
nigrescens Dalz. in Dalz. & Gibs. Bombay FI. 142, 1861; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 551. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 157. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Raktarora’
A large shrub or small tree. Leaves coriaceous, fulvous hairy in midrib beneath.
Male flowers 3-4 merous, in 1-5 flowered short cymes. Stamens usually 9, but rarely 4-
6. Female flowers 1-2 together, 3-merous. Fruit ellipsoid.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 938
Common in ghats and along streams.
Localities. Amba, Chandgad, Dajipur, Manoli, Tillari.
Diospyros sylvatica Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 37. t. 47. 1795 & FI. Ind. 2: 537. 1832;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 559. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 160. 1958
(Repr. ed ).
Medium sized tree. Leaves alternate. Male flowers 3-5-merous in axillary 6-10
flowered cymes. Corolla urceolate. Stamens 13-22, usually in pairs. Female flowers
larger than male, solitary. Fruit globose, smooth, dark green.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-Jul. Exsiccata: MMS 1920
Frequent in the thick forests.
Localities: Dajipur, Udegiri.
Symplocos Jacq.
Bracteoles two, ovate; drupe ellipsoid, not ribbed, dark blue turning
yellow on drying S. racemosa
Bracteoles three, minute; drupe globose, ribbed, turning black on drying S. laurina
Symplocos beddomei Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 558. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2; 169. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘ Lenda’
A moderate sized tree. Leaves crowded at the end of branches, subcoriaceous.
Male flowers fragrant in pubescent spikes. Each flower embraced by foliaceous bract;
bracteoles 2, foliaceous. Filaments united in bundles. Style with a ring of hairs and
orange red coloured gland s at base. Fruit ovoid-oblong, dark blue.
FIs. &Frts. : Nov.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1770
Common in the thick forests.
Localities: Amba, Gajapur, Dajipur, Tillari, Udegiri.
Symplocos lamina (Retz.) Wall, ex Rhed. & Wils. in Ser. FI. Wils. 2: 594. 1916
Myrtus laurina Retz., Obs.Bot. 4: 26. 1786. Sympocos spicata Roxb., FI. ind. (Carey
ed.) 2: 541. 1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 573. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 169 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Miijoli’
A medium sized tree. Leaves very variable in form and texture, coriaceous.
Flowers yellowish-white, fragrant, sessile in long axillary, racemes. Stamens about 40
Style without a ring of hairs at base. Fruit globose.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 866
Freqent in thick forests.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Tillari, Patgaon, Udegiri.
OLEACEAE Hoffm. ex Link
Corolla lobes imbricate
Erect shrubs or small tree; fruits dry
Leaves imparipinnate; fruits capsular, dehiscing longitudinally;
pericarps woody Scherbera
Leaves simple; fruits schizocarpic, separating into one seeded cells;
pericarps leathery Nyctanthes
Shrubs often scandent; fruits fleshy Jasmmum
Corolla lobes valvet
Inflorescence axillary or leaf opposed
Flowers bisexual; corolla of distinct petals, free or connate in pairs;
anthers elliptic Chionanthus
Flowers polygamous;petals united; anthers oblong Olea
Inflorescence terminal Ligustnm
Chionanthus mala-elengi (Dennst.) Grees in Bull. Bot. Surv. India 26: 124 1884
(1985). Forsythia mala-elengi Denst. schlussel Hort. Malab. 12, 21 & 31. 1818.
Linociera malabarica Wall, ex G. Don. Gen. Syst 4: 53. 1838; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 3: 607. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 178. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A small tree. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers fragrant, axillary, each bearing
fascicle of 1-5 sessile flowers at apex. Petals attached at base forming pairs. Anthers
sessile 1 at the base of each pair of connate petals. Drupes ellipsoid.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Jan. Exsiccata: 92
Frequent along streams at higher altitudes.
Localities Amba, Chandgad, Gajapur, Tillari, Udegiri.
Jasminum L.
Leaves compound
Leaflets 3 or only one by reduction of lateral leaflets J auriculatum
Leaflets 5-7, not as above J. officinale
Leaves simple
Bracts foliaceous, pubescent
Branches velvetty-pubescent; bracts green J. multiflorum
Branches fUlvous-hairy; bracts whitish-green J. rottlericamm
Bracts linear-subulate or lanceolate
Climbing shrubs
Calyx pubescent; tube not ribbed malabaricum
Calyx glabrous; tube ribbed J. ritchiei
A scandent shrub J. sambac
Jasminum auriculatum Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3:1. 1794; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3. 600. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 174. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘ Jai’
Scandent shrub; branches pubescent. Leaves opposite, 3-foliolate. Flowers
many in lax corymose cymes. Corolla white, glabrous. Fruit ellipsoid, globose, black.
FIs. & FrtsMar -Oct. Exsiccata: 37
Common on hill slopes.
Localities: Alate, Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Kolhapur, Ramiling.
Jasminum malabaricum Wight, Ic. t. 1250. 1848; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
594. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 172. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘ Kusar’
Large scandent shrub. Leaves opposite, membranous. Flowers in lax
trichotomously compound terminal cymes. Corolla white, glabrous, lobes 6-10, very
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-Jul. Exsiccata: MMS 1921
Common on forest borders.
Localities: Burki, Chandgad, Dajipur, Gaganbavada.
Jasminum multiflorum (Burm f.) Andr., Bot. Repos. 8: t. 496. 1807. Nyctanthes
multiflora Burm. f. FI. Ind. 5. t.3. f. 1. 1768. Jasminum pubescence Willd. Sp. PI. 1: 37.
1797; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 598. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 173.
1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘ Kunda’
A scandent shrub. Leaves opposite. Flowers sessile, in dense terminal capitate
cymes often at the extremities of short axillary branches; bracts foliaceous. Corolla
glabrous. Carpels 1-2, globose, black surrounded by the suberect, glabrous teeth.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 122
Frequent along streams.
Localities. Dajipur, Udegiri.
*Jasminum officinale L., Sp. PI. 7. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 603
1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 175. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘ Chameli, Jai’
Scandent or twining shrub. Leaves opposite, pinnate. Flowers fragrant in lax
terminal cymes. Corolla white, tube narrow, lobes oblong elliptic, acute, about as long
as tube.
FIs. & Frts. . Mar.-Oct.
Native of China, grown in gardens for its fragrant flowers.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Ganganagar.
Jasminum ritchiei Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 598. 1882; Cooke, FI Pres.
Bombay 2: 174. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A scandent shrub; glabrous or nearly so. Leaves opposite. Flowers 3-9 in very
lax, often subpaniculate cymes. Calyx campanulate, more or less ribbed glabrous teeth
ciliate. Corolla glabrous. Carpels solitary, spherical.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1250
Rare, along streams at higher altitudes.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur.
Jasminum rottlerianum Wall, ex DC., in DC. Prodr. 8: 305. 1844; Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 3; 593. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 173. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A scandent shrub; branches terete, velvety. Leaves opposite. Flowers white in
terminal cymes; peduncles hairy, usually 3, each bearing a small fascicle of flowers at
the apex; bracts white. Corolla glabrous. Fruit ellipsoid, smooth black.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 996
Infrequent in moist, shady places.
Localities: Hasane, Tambyachiwadi.
* Jasminum sambac Ait. Hort. Kew 1: 8. 1789; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3;
591. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 172. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘ Mogara’
Erect scandent or twining shrub; young branches pubescent. Leaves opposite,
variable. Flowers very fragrant, solitary or usually 3 flowered terminal cymes. Corolla
white. Ripe carpels 1-2, subglobose, black surrounded by the suberect calyx teeth
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 944
Cultivated in gardens.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur, Sangavade.
Ligustrum L.
Ligustrum perrottetii DC., in DC. Prodr. 8: 294. 1844; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 615. 1882. L. neilghemesis Wt.var. obovata (Decne) Clarke, op. cit.; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 181. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘ Lokhandi, Pendrya’
Large shrub. Leaves glabrous. Flowers fragrant in dense or lax glabrous,
thyrsoid panicles. Corolla lobes as long as the tube. Stamens inserted on corolla tube,
exerted. Styles as long as the corolla tube; stigma slightly clavate, obtuse, bifid. Drupe
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata. 76
Common on forest borders.
Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tambyachiwadi.
Nyctanthes L.
*Nyctanthes arobr-tristis L., Sp. PI. 6: 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3; 603.
1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 176. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Parijatak’
Large shrub or small tree, covered all over with stiff hairs. Leaves opposite,
entire or coarsely dentate. Flowers sessile in pedunculate, axillary and terminal
paniculate cymes. Corolla white with orange red tube, lobes white. Anthers 2,
subsessile. Fruits obcordate or orbicular, compressed, 2 locular, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Jun.-Jan.
Commonly cultivated. Flowers open in the evening and very fragrant.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Olea L.
Olea dioica Roxb., FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 1: 106. 1832; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3: 612. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 179. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Paijamb’
Medium sized tree. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers polygamo-dioecious in
compound panicles. Stamens 2-3; filaments inserted on corolla. Ovary 2 celled ovules 2
in each locule, style short. Drupe ellipsoid, purple.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata 759
Common in the forest at higher altitudes.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tambyachiwadi.
Schrebera Roxb. (nom. cons.)
*Schrebera swieteniodes Roxb., PI Corom. 2: 1, t. 101. 1798; Clarke in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India 3: 604. 1882, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 177. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Goki,
Makhari, Moki’
Medium sized tree. Leaves opposite or nearly so, imparipinnate, leaflets 5-9
Flowers in terminal paniculate cymes. Corolla white with brown spots. Capsules
woody, pear shaped; valves dotted with white spots. Seeds 3-4 in each locule, winged.
FIs. &FrtsMay.-Aug.
Common on forest boreders.
Localities. Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tambyachiwadi.
Plants unarmed; Suits follicle, drupe or capsule
Leaves alternate
Ovules 2-4 in each locule; Suit drupaceous
Calyx glandular inside Cerbera
Calyx not glandular inside Thevetia
Ovules many in each locule; Suit of two follicles Plumeria
Leaves opposite or whorled
Anther cells appendaged at base
Erect shrubs or trees
Leaves usually in whorls of three, corolla without scales Nerium
Leaves opposite, corolla with a corona of scales Wrightia
Scandent or climbing shrubs or lofty climbers
Anthers included
Corolla very large, 9-10 cm or more across
Corolla hypocrateriform Chonemorpha
Corolla campanulate or infundibuliform Beumontia
Corolla small, less than 4-5 cm across
Calyx not divided to base
Plants and calyx fulvous-hairy Ichnocarpus
Plants and calyx glabrous Anodendron
Calyx divided to base Aganosma
Anthers exserted Vallaris
Anther cells not appendagec at base
Erect herbs, shrubs or trees; ovary 2-many celled
Calyx glandular
Calyx glabrous; seeds arillate, not comose Tabernaemontana
Calyx ciliate; seeds comose, not arillate Hollarhaena
Calyx eglandular
Carpels 2-6 ovuled; fruits follicular
Herbs or low shrubs; leaves opposite; ovules
in two series; seeds not comose Catharanthus
Trees; leaves in whorls; ovules in many series;
seeds comose Alstonia
Carpels 2-ovuled; fruits drupaceous Ratfvolfia
Scandent or climbing shrubs; ovary one celled Allamanda
Plants armed with sharp spines; fruit a fleshy berry Carissa
Allamanda L.
* Allamanda cathartica L., Mant. 2: 214. 1771; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 207. 1958
(Repr. ed.)
Large scandent shrub with milky latex. Leaves in whorls of 3 to 4 or rarely
opposite. Corolla campanulate; lobes often pale yellow or white. Ovary 1-celled.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept-Mar
Native of Brazil, grown in gardens.
Localities. Ichlkaranji, Jaisingpur.
Alstonia R. Br. (nom. cons.)
Leaves thin, light green, in whorls of 3-4, acute at apex;
ovary glabrous A. macrophylla
Leaves thick, dark green, in whorls of 4-8, rounded at apex;
ovary hirsute A. scholaris
* Alstonia macrophylla Wall, ex G. Don., Gen. Syst. 4: 87. 1837; Clarke in Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 3: 643. 1881.
Glabrous evergreen tree. Leaves in whorls of 3-4, crowded at the ends of
branches. Flowers in subterminal cymes. Corolla white. Ovary distinct. Follicles linear.
Seeds brown, tomentose and with long brown hairs.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept-Jan.
Native of Malaya, in Mahavir garden.
Locality. Kolhapur.
Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. in Men. Werner. Soc. 1: 75. 1811; Clarke in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India 3: 642. 1881; Cooke, FI. Brit. India 2: 194 1958 (Repr. ed). Echites
scholaris L., Mant. PI. 53. 1767. 'Satvin, Saptpami'
Large evergreen tree, branches whorled. Leaves coriaceous. Flowers in
compact, umbellately branched, pubescent, panicled cymes. Corolla greenish white.
Follicles slender, terete. Seeds flattened with tuft of hairs at one end.
FIs. &Frts.: Feb.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1923
Frequent in forests as well as cultivated. Bark and latex used in medicine.
Localities. Dajipur, Kolhapur.
Aganosma G. Don.
Aganosma cymosa (Roxb.) G. Don. Gen. Syst. 4: 77. 1837-38; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3; 665. 1882. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 203. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Echites cymosa
Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 16. 1832.
A large woody much branched, scandent shrub. Flowers yellowish-white, in
dense tomentose cymes. Corolla tomentose outside. Carpels 2, hairy at tip. Follicles
linear, cylindric. Seeds compressed, not beaked.
FIs. &Frts. . Apr-June. Exsiccata. MMS 1260
Frequent at higher Ghats
Localities: Dajipur, Patgaon, Tillari.
Anodendron DC.
Anodendron paniculatum A. DC., Prodr. 8: 444. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 668.
1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 204. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Echites paniculataa Roxb.,
FI. Ind. 2: 17. 1832. (nonPoir. 1812). 'Lantani'
Large woody, scandent shrub. Leaves thinly coriaceous. Flowers yellow, small
isomerous in large lax trichotomousely branched terminal and axillary glabrous,
paniculate cymes. Corolla overlapping to right much twisted to left in bud. Stamens
near the base of corolla tube. Seeds 8-12, compressed, coma white, copious.
FIs. $ Frts.: Dec-May. Exsiccata: MMS 1738
Frequent on Ghats
Localities. Gajapur, Tillari.
Beaumontia Wall.
Beaumontia jerdoniana Wt., le t. 1314-1315. 1848; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
3 : 661. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 201. 1958. (Repr. ed.).'Bhopalvel'
Large scandent shrub with woody stem. Flowers in terminal, rusty-pubescent
cymes. Calyx with 10 linear-subulate glands at the base inside. Corolla white,
infundibuliform. Anthers homy, sagitate. Follicles cylindric. Seeds compressed with a
coma of yellowish-white hairs at the top.
FIs. & Frts. . Oct-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 1924
Very rare, collected only once (Sawatwadi).
Locality: Dindewadi (Sawatwadi).
Carissa L.
Spines straight C. carandus
Spines decurved
Erect shrubs; inflorescence puberulous; calyx pubescent C. inermis
Scandent shrub; inflorescence glabrous; calyx glabrous C. congesta
Carrisa carandus L., Mant. PI. 1: 52. 1767; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 630.
1882. p.p. Haines in Ind. For. 45: 384. f. 1: 1919; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 186.
1958. (Repr. ed.).'Karvand'
A large evergreen shrub; armed with glabrous spines. Flowers in pubescent
terminal corymbose cymes. Corolla tube swollen and pubescent near top. Stamens
included within corolla tube. Fruit ellipsoid, purplish black when ripe, 4-seeded.
FIs. &Frts.: Jan.-June Exsiccata: MMS 1925
Common on hills, fruits edible and used in pickles.
Localities: Borpadale, Waghbil.
Carissa congesta Wt., Icon. t. 1289. 1848; Sant, in Rec. Bot. Surv, India 16(1): 148 ed.
3. 1967. C. carandas Grah. Cat. 116. 1839 non L. 1767; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 3: 630. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 186. 1958 (Repr. ed.). 'Karvand'
Stout, glabrous shrub; thorns simple or branched. Leaves opposite. Flowers in
pubescent terminal corymbose cymes. Corolla white. Ovules 2 in each cell. Berries
ellipsoid or subglobose, purplish black, 4-seeded. Seeds discoid brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-July Exsiccata: MMS 1926
Common in dull forests.

Fruits edible unripe fruits made into pickles.

Localities. Bhudargad, Shengaon.
Carissa inermis Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 43. 1794; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 187. 1958
(Repr ed.). C. macrophylla Wall, ex Benth. in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 631. 1882 C

suavissima Bedd. ex Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 632. 1882; Cooke op. cit. 188. 'Rede

A large scandent shrub or sometimes erect. Spines stout dark brown, decurved

simple. Flowering branches spineless. Flowers white in terminal cymose puberulous

cymes. Berry ellipsoid, purple when ripe.

FIs. & Frts.: Jan-Aug. Exsiccata. MMS 1731
Frequents on higher altitudes. Fruits edible.

Localities: Amba, Borbet, Burki, Dajipur, Patgaon.

Catharanthus G. Don
Leaves lanceolate-acuminate; corolla tube up to 1.5 cm long;

calyx glabrous C. pusillus

Leaves oblong-elliptic; corolla tube more than 2 cm long; calyx hairy C. roseus
Catharanthus pusilius (Murr.) G. Don., Gen. Syst. 4: 95. 1837. Vincapusilla Murr. in

Nov. Comm. Soc. Reg. Sci. Gott. 3: 66, t. 2, PI. 1. 1773; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.

India 3: 640. 1882. Lochnera pusilla K. Schum in Engler & Prantl. Pflanzenfam. 4(2):

145. 1895; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 191. 1958. (Repr. ed.)

An erect, annual herb. Corolla tube slightly enlarged near top the mouth narrow,
hairy the throat glabrous inside, white. Follicles very slender straight pointed,

diverging. Seeds cylindric, rounded at both ends with many murieulate ribs, black when

FIs. & Frts. , Jul-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 363
Frequent weed in cultivated fields.

Locality: Kolhapur.
*Cathanthus roseus (L.) G. Don., Gen. Syst. 4: 95. 1837; Sant, in Bull. Bot. Surv.
India 3(1): 15. 1961. Vinca rosea L., Syst. ed. 10: 944. 1759; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.

Brit. India 3: 640. 1882. Lochnera rosea Reichb., Consp. Reg. Veg. 134. 1828; Cooke,

FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 192. 1958. (Repr. ed ). 'Sadaphuli'

Glabrous, bushy perennial herb. Flowers solitary or in pairs axillary on short
pedicel. Corolla white with yellow center or rose pink with dark red center. Follicles
cyiindric, ascending, acute, patently hairy. Seeds oblong, black.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year. Exsiccata: MMS 1048
Native of West Indies grown in gardens Leaves bark and seeds used in Ayurvedic
Medicine especially stomach disorders.
Localities: Korochi, Panhala.
*Cerbera manghas L., Sp. PI. 208. 1753. C. odollam Gaertn. Fruct. 2: 193. 1791;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 190. 1958. (Repr. ed). ‘Sukanu’
A small tree with milky, poisonous latex; branchlets whorled. Leaves alternate,
closely set at the ends of branches, coriaceous. Flowers large, odorous, in terminal
peduncled paniculate cymes. Corollla tube white with yellow throat, throat nearly
closed by 5, pubescent, projecting winglike ribs.
FIs. & Frts. June-Feb.

Cultivated in Town Hall Garden, Kolhapur.

Locality: Kolhapur.
Chonemorpha G. Don
Chonemorpha fragrans (Moon.) Alston, in Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard, (Peradeniya) 11:
203. 1929; Echitesfragrans Moon Cat. 20. 1824. Conemorpha macrophylla (Roxb.) G.
Don. Gen. Syst. 4: 76. 1837; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 661. 1882; Cooke FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 202. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Large climbing shrub with milky latex. Flowers large sometimes, white,
fragrant in erect terminal racemose cymes. Corolla 7 cm and more across. Anthers with
slightly divergent, spurs at base. Follicles 3-4-gonous. Seeds 2 with silvery-white coma
at apex.
FIs. & Frts. Apr-dec,
: Exsiccata: MMS 1927
Collected at only one place.
Locality: Chikkewadi
Holarrhena R. Br.
Holarrhena pubescens (Buch.-Ham.) Wall, ex G. Don. Gen. Syst. 4. 18. 1838. E.
pubescens Buch.-Ham., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 13: 521. 1822 Holarrhena
antidysenterica sensu. Wall. 1829. Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 644. 1882
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 195. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Kuda’
Large shrub or small tree. Flowers in terminal corymbose cymes. Corolla white.
Stamens included, free. Follicles linear, cylindric dotted with white spots. Seeds tipped
with deciduous coma of brown hairs.
FIs, & Frts. Mar-Aug.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1235
Common on hill slopes.
Localities. Kowad, Parle, Tudye, Turkewadi.
Ichnocarpus R. Br.
Ichnocarpus frutescens (L). R. Br. Mem. Went. nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 62. 1811; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 3: 669. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 205. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Apocynumfrutescence L. Sp. PI. 213. 1753. 'Bhonvri'
Large scandent shrub. Flowers greenish white, numerous in axillary and
terminal rusty pubescent trichotomous pedunculate cymes. Disc of 5 erect, linear lobes
longer than the ovary. Follicles straight or slightly curved. Seeds linear, black.
FIs. & Frts. Nov-Jan.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1171
Rare in higher Ghats.
Localities: Gajapur, Tillari.
Nerium L.
*Nerium indicum Mill. Gard. Diet. n. 2. 1768. N. odorum Soland in Ait. Hort. Kew 1:
297. 1789; Calrke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 655. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
206. 1958 (Repr. ed ). TCaner'
Tall shrub; branches whorled. Leaves whorled. Flowers in terminal polychasial
cymes. Corolla white pink or deep red. Anther cells long, spurred with twisted hairs.
Follicles acutely angled. Seeds villous with long terminal coma.
FIs. & Frts. Throughout year.

Native of tropical and subtropical Asia grown in gardens.

Localities: Gargoti, Shirol.
Plumeria L.
Leaves rounded or subcordate at base, rounded or emarginate at apex,
softly hairy beneath P. alba
Leaves acute at base, acuminate at apex, glabrous beneath P. rubra


A fc »'• -



Miliusa tomentosa rinet & Uagn.

Anamitra cocculus Wt & Am

Uvaria narum (Dunal) Blume

Anamitra cocculus Wt & Am Diploclisia glaucascens Diels


Abutilon ranadei Wood & Stapf


Cipadessa baccifera (Roth.) Miq

Dysoxylum binectariferum Hook f. ex. Bedd Harpulia arborea (Blanco) Radik


Syzigium i actum (Buch -Ham ) Gandhi Syzigium phillyraeoides (Trim ) Sant


Tamilanadia uliginosa (Retz.) Tirveng & Sastry

Symplocos raccmosa Roxb.

Aganosma caryophyllata (Roxb ex. Sims ) G. Don


Ceropegia fantastica Sedgcw Ceropegia evansi Mccann Brachystclma edulis Coll

Seshagiria sahyadrica
Ceropegia vincaefolia Hook f Ceropegia huberi Ansari
Ansari & Heinadn

Argyreia cuncata (Willd.) Kcr-Gwal

Ipomoea staphylina Roem. & Schult Porana raccmosa Roxb

*Plumeria alba L, Sp. PI. 210 1753, Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 810. 1949; Cooke, FI
Pres Bombay 2: 206. 1958. (Repr. ed). 'Pandhara Chapha'
Small tree, with milky latex. Leaves alternate. Flowers fragrant in terminal
peduncled cymes. Stamens inserted near the base of corolla tube; anthers free.
FIs: May to Sept.
Native of tropical America grown in gardens.
Localities. Palasambe, Panhala.
Plumeria rubra L., Sp. PI. 209 1753. P. acutifolia Poir. in Lamk Encycl. Suppl 3:
667. 1811; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 641. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
205. 1958 (Repr. ed ). 'Lal Chapha'
Small tree. Leaves alternate. Flowers in terminal peduncled corymbs, fragrant.
Corolla overlapping to the left.
FIs.: Mar-Sept.
Native of tropical America. Plant leafless for major part of year.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Rauvolfia L.
Shrubs; calyx not free at base
Leaves pubescent R. tetraphylla
Leaves glabrous R. verticellata
Herbs; calyx almost free at base R. serpentina
Rauvofolia serpentina (L.) Benth. ex Kurz. For. FI. Brit. Burma 2: 171. 1877, Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 3: 632. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 188. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Ophioxylon serpentinum L., Sp. PL 1043. 1753. ‘Hadki, Sarpgandha’
A small erect, shrub. Leaves in whorl of 3. Flowers many in irregular
corymbose cymes. Corolla white tinged with violet. Disk cup shaped, obscurely lobed.
Drupes purplish black when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 322
Rare on Ghats.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur.
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L., Sp. PI. 208. 1753. Rauvolfia canscens L., Sp. PI. (ed. 2) 303.
1762; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay. 2: 190. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A small shrub. Leaves in whorls of 3-4. Corolla white Fruits dark red when
FIs. & Frts.: June-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 362
Frequent on waste places.
Locality Kolhapur.
Rauvolfia verticillata (Lour.) Baillon in Bull. Soc. Linn. Paris 1: 768. 1888.
Tabernaemontana densiflora Wall, in Edward's Bot. Reg. 15: t. 1273. 1829. Rauvolfia
densiflora (Wall.) Benth. ex Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 633. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 2: 189. 1958. (Repr. ed ). 'Hadki'
A large shrub with milky juice. Leaves 3-4 in a whorl at the ends of branches.
Flowers with young leaves in lax few flowered corymbose cymes. Drupes single or in
pairs free ellipsoid, brownish purple when ripe.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-May. Exsiccata: 1809
Frequent in forests
Localities: Dajipur, Hasane, Patgaon, Tambyachiwadi
Tabernaemontana L. (semu lato)
Calyx parted to base; corolla often single
Flowers in dichotomous cymes T. heyneana
Flowers in simple cymes T. citrifolia
Calyx parted in the middle; corolla double T. divaricata
"Tabernaemontana citrifolia L., Sp. PI. 210 1753; Bailey in Man. Cult PI 813
1949. ‘Swastik’
Large glabrous shrub, branches terete, spreading. Leaves oblong obovate-
lanceolate or elliptic, entire. Flowers in branching terminal cymes. Calyx glabrous, 5
parted to the base with many glands at the base within. Corolla white, lobes lanceolate
as long as the tube acute. Ovaries 2 distinct
FIs: Throughout the year. Exsiccata:
Native of West Indies.
Localities: Ganganagar, Korochi.
"Tabernaemontana divaricata (L.) R. Br. in R & S. Syst. 4: 427. 1819. Nerium
divaricatum L., Sp. PI. 209. 1753. N. coronarium Jacq. Coll. 1: 138. 1786.
Tabernaemontana coronaria (Jacq.) Willd., Enum. Hort Berol. 275. 1809; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 646. 1882. Tagar'
Very similar to T. citrifolia L. but with dull green leaves and calyx and corolla
as mentioned in key.
FIs. & Frts.: Almost throughout year Exsiccata: 1808
Localities: Ganganagar, Kolhapur.
Taberenemontana heyneana Wall, in Bot Reg. 7 Sub. t. 1273 1829; Hook, f FI
Brit. India 3: 646. 1882. Ervatamia heyneama (Wall.) T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
134. 1904(2: 194. 1958 Repr. ed.). ‘Nagkuda’
A large shrub or small tree. Flowers in pedunculate many flowered cymes.
Corolla limb with obtuse crisped lobes overlapping to right. Follicles yellow when ripe
boat shaped with a beak which recurved and 2 sharp side ribs Seeds surrounded by red
FIs. &Frts.. Mar-Apr. Exsiccata. MMS 1928
Common on hill slopes.
Localities. Amba, Manoli.
Thevetia L. (nom. cons.)
*Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum in Engl. & Prantl. Pflanzenflam, 4(3): 159.
1895. Cerbera thevetia L., Sp. PI. 209. 1753. C. peruviana Pers. Syn. 1: 267. 1805.
Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex Steud. Nom. Bot. ed. 2, 2: 680. 1841; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 207. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Pivali Kaner’
Evergreen tree. Flowers in subterminal cymes. Corolla yellow or light orange
Drupe shining black.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Oct.
Native of S. America
Localities. Ganganagar, Shirol.
*VaIlaris solanacea (Roth.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 2: 417. 1891. Peltanthera
solanacea Roth. Nov. PI. Sp. 132. 1821. Vallaris heynei Spreng. Syst. 1: 635. 1824;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3: 650. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 199. 1958.
(Repr. ed.)
Extensive, evergreen, scandent shrub. Corolla white finely pubescent outside.
Anthers connivent into a cone exserted. Disk 5-lobed.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec-Sept. Exsiccata. MMS970
Wild as well as cultivated.
Localities. Babu Jamal, Kolhapur.
Wrightia R. Br.
Wrightia tinctoria R. Br. in Mem. Wem. Soc. 1: 47. 1811; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 3:
653. 1882; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 200. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kala-Kuda’
Small deciduous tree. Flowers fragrant in lax terminal cymes. Corolla white,
corona exserted. Follicles linear-cylindric. Seeds oblong, pointed at apex with
deciduous coma.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-May Exsiccata: MMS 1740
Localities. Amba, Dindewadi, Panhala.
Cymes pedunculate, axillary and terminal; corolla tubular, campanulate
or infiindibuliform; imbricate
Cymes terminal; corolla more tha 4 cm, funnel shaped; scales
acuminate or 2-fid
Cymes axillary; corolla up to 2.5 cm, short; scales linear or club shaped
Cymes sesslie, axillary; corolla rotate, valvet
Cryptolepis R. Br.
Cryptolepis buchananii R. & S. Syst. 4: 409. 1819; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 5. 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 210. 1958 (Repr. ed.). "Kavali’
Extensive glabrous twining shrub. Flowers in short axillary paniculate cymes.
Filaments distinct; anthers with a connective produced into a fleshy apicules more or
less connivnent into a cone and united with style. Follicles divaricate. Seeds black with
FIs. & Frts.: May Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 772
Very common as a weed on bunds of fields.
Localities: Chipari, Jaisingpur, Kolhapur.
Cryptostegia R. Br.
Cryptostegia graodiflora R. Br. in Bot. Reg. Sit. 435. 1918; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:
6. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 245. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Vilayati vakundi’
Extensive, scandent or straggling shrub. Flowers 6-12 in terminal, trichotomous
cymes. Corolla purple outside, white within. Follicles divaricate. Seeds comose, flat.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar-Dec. Exsiccata: MM SI638
Native of tropical Africa and Madagascar naturalised.
Localities: Jaysingpur, Shirol.
Hemidesmus R. Br.
Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. (ed. 2) 2: 75. 1811; Hook. f. FI
Brit. India. 4: 5. 1883; Cooke in FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 210. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Periploca
indica L, Sp. PI. 211. 1753. ‘Anantmul, Upalsari’
Perennial prostrate or twining shrub. Leaves very variable, dark green or often
variegated above. Flowers in dense axillary sessile cymes. Corona greenish outside,
purple within. Filaments distinct, anthers cohering at apex. Seeds black, coma silvery
FIs. & Frts. : Aug-Dec. Exsiccata. MMS 1088
Common amidst bushes. Commonly used in Ayurvedic medicines.
Localities. Majgaon, Padsali.
Plants erect
Succulent herbs with angular stem; leaves reduced to scales
Petals pale yellow with brown lines within; outer corona lobes
free at base Stapelia
Petals dark purple within; outer corona cup shaped; lobes united at base Caralluma
Non succulent herbs; stem not as above; leaves well developed
Rootstock tuberous; plants with watery sap; anthers not appendaged
Corolla lobes long, lobes usually cohering at apex; corona double,
staminal, outer annular, inner of incurved or erect processes Ceropegia(p.p)
Corolla lobes campanulate, rotate with narrow lobes; corona
Single, staminal, annular Brachystelma
Rootstock fibrous; plants with milky sap; anthers appendaged
Stem and leaves glabrous; leaves lanceolate with acute base
Corolla white; follicles inflatted, subglobose, muricate Gomphocarpus
Corolla red; follicles narrow, acuminate, smooth Asclepias
Stem and leaves beneath with whitish tomentum; leaves broad
with cordate base Calotropis
Plants climbing, scandent or trailing
Climbing or prostrate leafy shrubs
Plants tuberous; corolla tubular; lobes connate at apex Ceropegia{p.p.)
Plants not tuberous; corolla other than tubular; lobes free at apex
Plants epiphytic; leaves thick and fleshy Hoya
Plants terrestrial; leaves neither thick nor fleshy
Corona distinctly lobed, not truncate
Corona biseriate
Corolla glabrous; follicles not echinulate
Leaves ovate-oblong, cordate at base; flowers small Seshagiria
Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute at base; flowers large Oxystelma
Corolla pubescent; follicles echinulate Pergularia
Corona uniseriate
Corona staminal
Pollinia single in each anther cell (10 in all)
Corolla glabrous
Pollinia erect
Corolla lobes imbricate Cosmostigma
Corolla lobes valvet Oianthus
Pollinia pendulous
Corona a plicate ring with toothed margin Cynanchum
Corona of five lobes Pentatropis
Corolla pubescent
Corona lobes tubercle like and entirely adnate to
staminal column Tylophora
Corona lobes with their basal parts adnate to
staminal column, shortly free above Dregea
Pollinia two in each anther cell (20 in all) Toxocarpus
Corona coralline Gymnema
Corona a fleshy ring with truncate margin, not lobed Holostemma
Trailing or scandent leafless shrubs Sarcostemma
Asclepias L.
*A$clepias curassavica L„ Sp. PI. 215. 1753; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 18 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 245. 1958Repr. ed ). 'Haladi-Kunku’.
Erect undershrub. Flowers in extra-axillary umbellate. Corolla rotate, reflexed.
Corona saffron yellow, staminal. Follicles erect. Seeds broadly ovate, coma silky white.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout year. Exsiccata.
Native of West Indies.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
Brachystelma R. Br.
Brachystelma edulis Coll, in Bot. Mag. t. 4093. 1844; Yadav et al. in J Bombay nat
Hist. Soc. 86: 480-482. 1989.
Tuberous twining herbs. Stems sparsely hairy. Cymes few flowered; peduncles
hairy, pedicels glabrous. Corolla inflated at the base, narrowed into the neck; lobes
linear-oblong, beautifully coloured. Outer corona 5, lobes bifid, glabrous.
FIs. &Frts.: July-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1929
Rare on rocky hill slopes
Localities. Babu Jamal hills, Kolhapur.
Calotropis R. Br.
Leaves abruptly acuminate; sepals glabrous; corona longer than staminal
column C. gigantea
Leaves acute; sepals cottony pubescent; corona shorter than staminal
column C. procera
Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. (ed. 2) 2: 78. 1811; Hook. f. FI Brit.
India 4: 17. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 214. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Asclepias
giganteah., Sp. PI. 214. 1753. ‘Rui’
Large shrub. Flowers in lateral subcorymbose cymes. Pollinia ovoid. Corona of
5 fleshy laterally compressed lobes with a recurved spurred at base and 2 rounded
auricles just below the rounded apex. Follicles boat shaped with hooked tips, coma
silky white.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-June. Exsiccata. MMS 1930
Common on Waste lands.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Radhanagari.
Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew. (ed. 2) 2: 78. 1811; Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4: 18. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 215. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Erect shrub. Flowers in lateral umbellate cymes. Corolla lobes truncate with a
recurved spur at base and without auricles at apex. Follicles boat shaped, recurved,
cottony pubescent. Seeds ovoid compressed, brown; coma silky white.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-June.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1506
Frequent on wastelands along roadsides
Localities: Hatkanagale, Kolhapur.
Caralluma R. Br.
Caralluma adscendens var fimbricata (Wall.) Grav. & Mayur in Bull. Madras Govt.
Mus. n. s. nat. Hist. Sect. 4: 12. 1931. Caralluma fimbricata Wall. PI. As. Rar. 1: 7. t. 8.
1830; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 77. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 244. 1958, (Repr.
‘Makad shing, Shingoli’
Succulent, perennial herb; stems and branches 4 angled. Flowers solitary
Corolla rotate; lobes valvate, conspicuously purple ciliate along margins. Outer corona
of 5 deeply cleft lobes each with 2 long filamentous teeth, inner corona 5-lobed.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS1929.
Frequent on rocky hill slopes.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali.
Ceropegia L.
Erect herbs
Leaves linear-lanceolate, acute at base
Herbs 15-50 cm tall; corolla more than 3 cm long C. attenuata
Herbs up to 10 cm tall; corolla less than 3 cm long C. jainii
Leaves ovate-cordate at base
Corolla more than 5 cm long; tube broad with largely inflated base C. sahyadrica
Corolla less than 3 cm long; tube narrow with slightly inflated baseC lawii
Climbing herbs
Leaves membranous
Corolla lobes shorter than tube
Corolla tube funnel shaped above
Stem and corolla glabrous; inner corona not hooked at tip C. occulata
Stem hirsute; corolla hairy; inner corona hooked at tip C. hirsuta
Corolla tube subcylindric, hardly dilated above C. evansii
Corolla lobes equal or longer than tube
Corolla lobes subcylindric, hardly dilated above C. huberi
Corolla lobes funnel shaped above C. vincaefolia
Leaves fleshy
Leaves subsessile, narrowly linear acuminate C. buibosa var.
Leaves petiolate, the lowest almost orbicular, the upper ones
elliptic-oblong or obovate, usually apiculate C. bulbosa var.
Ceropegia attenuata Hook. Ic. PI. ser. 2: 5. t. 867. 1852; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 67
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 239. 1958 (Repr ed); Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16: 9.
1984. C. angustifolia Dalz. in Hook. Kew J. Bot. 2: 259. 1850, nec. C. angustifolia Wt.
Small tuberous herb. Cymes shortly pedunculate. Corolla slightly inflated in the
lower half, narrowed above, enlarging near mouth; lobes linear, partly pubescent within.
Outer corona of 5, bifid ciliate lobes; inner linear, slightly divergent.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Nov.
Very Rare, reported on authority of Kulkami et al (1979).
Locality: Katyayani.
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 11. t. 7. 1795; Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4: 67. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 240, 1958 (Repr. ed ); Ansari in
Fasc. FI. India 16: 10. 1984.
Tuberous twining herb. Leaves subsessile to petiolate, glabrous. Cymes shortly
pedunculate. Corolla greyish purple; inflated in at the base, narrowed in the middle,
funnel shaped above, glabrous within; lobes hairy inside and on the margins. Outer
corona saucer shaped, entire or broadly shallow; inner sickle shaped.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: 197
Frequent amidst bushes on hill slopes, in grasslands.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Kagal, Kolhapur, Katyayani, Ramling.
Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Grah.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 68. 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 241. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16: 11.
1984. C. lushii Grah. in Bot. Mag. t. 3300. 1834. C. acuminata Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 12.
t. 8. 1795; Hook. f. loc. cit. 70. C. tuberosa Dalz. et Gibs. Bombay FI. 154. 1861, nec.
C. bulbosa Roxb. var. esculenta (Edg.) Hook. f. loc. cit. 68. C. bulbosa sensu Huber in
Mem. Soc. Broter. 12: 60. 1957,p.p.
Tuberous twining herb. Leaves petiolate, thick, fleshy, linear-lanceolate,
glabrous. Corolla greyish purple; inflated in at the base, narrowed in the middle, funnel
shaped above, glabrous within; lobes hairy inside and on the margins. Outer corona
saucer shaped, entire or broadly shallow; inner sickle shaped.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1932
Rare, along with C. bulbosa var. bulbosa, amidst bushes on hill slopes, in grasslands.
Localities. Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Ramling.
Ceropegia evansii McC. in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 45: 209. 1945; Ansari in Fasc FI.
India 16: 15. 1984.
Tuberous twining herb. Cymes few flowered, shortly pedunculate; pedicels
glabrous. Corolla yellowish-brown; inflated in at the base, narrowed in the middle,
expanding above, glabrous within; lobes folded on the back. Outer corona of 5 deltoid,
bifid hairy lobes; inner linear, erect.
FIs. & Frts. July-Sept.
: Exsiccata: 196
Very rare, in the bushes at higher altitudes.
Localities: Amba, Patgaon, Tambyachiwadi.
Ceropegia fantastica Sedg. in J. Ind. Bot. 2: 124. 1921, Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16: 15.
Tuberous twiners. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, glabrous except on margins.
Cymes shortly pedunculate, 4-7 flowered; peduncles hairy; pedicels glabrous. Corolla
dark purple; subcylindric, somewhat funnel shaped above, ciliate within; lobes ovate-
oblong, ciliate inside and on the margins. Outer corona of 5, bifid glabrous lobes; inner
FIs. & Frts. Aug.-Nov.
: Exsiccata: MMS 228
Very rare, recently collected at only one spot near Gavase
Locality: Gavase.
Ceropegia hirsuta Wt. et Am. in Wt. contrib. 30. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 71.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 242. 1958 (Repr. ed ); Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16:
16. 1984.
Tuberous twining herb, hairy throughout. Cymes few-many flowered. Corolla
depressedly inflated at the base, funnel shaped above; lobes hairy inside and on the
margins. Outer corona saucer shaped, entire or broadly shallow; inner linear, erect.
FIs. & Frts. July-Nov.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1933
Frequent on hill slopes, in grasslands.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Kagal, Kolhapur, Katyayani, Ramling.
Ceropegia huberi Ansari in Bull. Bot. Surv. india 10(2): 219. 1968 (1969); Ansari in
Fasc. FI. India 16: 17. 1984.
Tuberous twining herb. Stems glabrous. Cymes many flowered on long hairy
peduncles. Corolla white; slightly inflated at the base, glabrous within; lobes glabrous
forming circular disc. Outer corona entire or 5-lobed; inner conical, elongated.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Sept. Exsiccator. MMS 232
Rare amidst grasses on steep hill slopes at high altitudes.
Localities. Amba, Burki, Gaganbavda, Gajapur.
Ceropegia jainii Ansari et Kulk. in Bull. Bot. Surv, india 22 (1-4): 221. 1980 (1982);
Ansari inFasc. FI. India 16: 18. 1984.
Erect, dwarf, tuberous herb. Stems sparsely hairy. Cymes uni-flowered on short
peduncles. Corolla purplish-brown; inflated at the base, glabrous within; lobes linear-
lanceolate. Outer corona of 5 bidentate; ciliate lobes; inner erect, linear.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 19 34
Rare, in rock crevices.
Locality. Pokhale.
Ceropegia lawii Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 67. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 240
1958 (Repr. ed.)p.p., Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16: 19. 1984.
Tuberous, erect herb. Leaves petiolate, puberulous above. Cymes many
flowered; peduncles and pedicels hairy. Corolla grayish-white outside, dark brown
inside with a ring of hairs. Outer corona 10-lobed; inner linear, 3-4 times as long as
FIs. & Frts. : July-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 155
Rare 1 amidst grasses on steep hill slopes at high altitudes.
Locality: Gaganbavda, Radhanagari.
Ceropegia oculata Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 4093. 1844; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 72.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 242. 1958 (Repr. ed); Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16:
26. 1984.
Tuberous twining herb. Stems sparsely hairy. Cymes few flowered; peduncles
hairy, pedicels glabrous. Corolla 6-8 cm long; inflated at the base, narrowed into the
neck; lobes linear-oblong, beautifully coloured. Outer corona 5, glabrous bifid lobes.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 203
Frequent in bushes.
Localities: Burki, Gaganbavda, Panhala.
Ceropegia sahyadrica Ansari et Kulk. in Indian Forster 97 (12): 688. 1971. C. lawii
auct. non. Hook, f.: Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 240. 1958 (Repr. ed.) p.p., Ansari in
Fasc. FI. India 16: 29. 1984.
Tuberous, erect herb. Cymes few to many flowered; peduncles and pedicels
hairy. Corolla slightly curved, inside a ring of hairs at the bottom of the inflated base,
rest glabrous. Outer corona 5, short, entire or notched lobes, hairy; inner erect, sparsely
hairy at the base.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1935
Rare in grasses on steep hill slopes.
Localities: Gaganbavda.
Ceropegia vincaefolia Hook, in Bot. Mag. t. 3740. 1839, emend Ansari in Bull. Bot.
Surv. India 13 (3 & 4). 187. 1971 (1974); Ansari in Fasc. FI. India 16: 30. 1984. C.

hirsuta Wt. et Am. var. vincaefolia (Hook.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 72. 1883, Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 242. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Tuberous twining herb. Cymes many-flowered; peduncles hirsute, pedicels
glabrous. Corolla inflated at the base, abruptly narrowed into the neck, pubescent inside
and hairy on the margins. Outer corona 5-lobed; entire, emarginate or shortly bifid,
hairy; inner ligulate.
FIs. &Frts.: July-Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1416
Frequent in bushes.
Localities: Kondoshi, Patgaon.
Cosmostigma Wt.
Cosmostigma racemosum (Roxb.) Wt. Contrib. 42. 1834 & Ic. t. 591. 1842; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 4: 46. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 232. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Large, shrubby twinner. Leaves deciduous. Flowers small greenish in axillary or
sublateral cymes which at first corymbose, at length racemose. Corolla lobes fleshy
speckled with brown dots. Follicles bluntly pointed. Seed ovate.
FIs. & Frts. : June-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1936
Rare on higher Ghats.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Chikkewadi.
Cynanchum L.
Cynanchum callialata Buch.-Ham. ex Wt. Contrib. 56. 1834 & Ic. t. 1279. 1848;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 24. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 221. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
A large twinner. Leaves very variable. Flowers in lateral or subaxillary
umbellate glabrous cymes; corolla tubular plicate, orbicular, often crenulate on
margins. Follicles 2 winged. Seeds broadly ovate, glabrous brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Mar. Exsiccata: 448
Occassional on bushes.
Localities. Anuskura, Ghungur, Mangewadi.
Dregea E H. Mey. (nom. cons.)
Dregea volubilis (L. f.) Benth. ex Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 46. 1883. Asclepias
volubilis L. f. Suppl. 170. 1781. Marsdenia volubilis T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
230. 1958. (Repr. ed). Wattakaka volubilis (L. f.) Stapf. in Curtis. Bot. Mag. Sub. t
8976. 1923. ‘Hirandodi’
Large, perennial, twining shrub with watery sap. Leaves glabrescent with
numerous glands at the base of midrib on upper surface. Flowers in dense lateral
umbellate cymes. Corolla green glabrous. Follicles divaricate tapering to a blunt point
brown tomentose.
FIs. & FrtsJuly-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1289
Common on bushes.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Tamadalage.
Genianthus Hook. f.
Genianthus taurifolius (Roxb.) Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 16. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 213. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Asclepias laurifolia Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 49. 1832.
Large twining shrub. Flowers in axillary, slender branched paniculate cymes.
Corolla lobes villous at the tip on inner surfaces. Follicles terete, curved pointed,
pustular. Seeds linear-lanceolate, flattened, dark brown.
FIs. &Frts.: Oct.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 297
Rare on higher Ghats.
Localities: Dajipur, Tillarinagar.
Gomphocarpus R Br.
*Gomphocarpus physocarpus E. Mey. Comm. PI. Afr. Austr, 202. 1838. 'Balloon
Annual, undershrub. Flowers 3-8 in umbellate cymes. Corolla white deeply 5
parted. Corona scales white with 2 short recurved cups at their inner margins
nectariferous. Follicles much inflated, brownish, yellow muricate. Seeds compressed,
coma shining white.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1175
Native of Africa.
Localities: Ganganagar, Kolhapur.
Gymnema R. Br.
Leaves glabrous; ridges of the corona not protruding beyond
the mouth of corolla G. pergularioides
Leaves densely pubescent; ridges of the corona protruding beyond
the mouth of corolla G. sylvestre
Gymnema pergularioides Wt. & Gard. in Thw. Enum. 198. 1860; Hook. f. FI Brit
India 4: 32. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 225. 1958. (Repr. ed.).
Extensive, scandent or twining shrub. Leaves membranous. Flowers in
umbellate globose cymes. Corolla lobes equaling the tube. Corona of 5 hairy somewhat
obscure ridges on the corolla tube. Staminal column arising from the base of corolla
tube tips obtuse pollen masses erect oblong subsessile.
FIs. & Frts.: Feb.-July Exsiccata: MMS930
Frequent on high attitudes.
Localities. Burki, Gajapur, Manoli.
Gymneama sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. & S.. in R. & S. Syst. Veg. 6: 57. 1819; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 4: 29. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 224. 1958. (Repr. ed.).
Periploca sylvestris Retz. Obs. Bot. 2: 15. 1781. ‘Bedkicha pala, Gudmari’
Much branched twining shrub. Corolla campanulate greenish yellow; tube
pubescent within lobes deltoid shorter than tube obtuse. Corona of 5-fleshy processes
alternating with the corolla lobes inserted on the throat of tube appearing as ridges.
Seeds brown, with broad, thin margins; coma long silky.
FIs. & Frts. : Apr-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 350
Frequent on hill slopes. Leaves used against diabetes.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Kolhapur, Shelap.
Holostemma R. Br.
Holostemma ada-kodien Schult. Syst. Veg 6: 95. 1820. Asclepias annularis Roxb., FI.
Ind. 2: 37. 1832. (annularia). Holostemma rheedei Wall. PI. As. Rar. 2: 51. 1831;
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 21. 1883. H. rheedianum sensu T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
220. 1958. (Repr. ed.) non Spreng 1825. 'Shidodi'
Extensive scandent or twining shrub. Leaves membranous, glandular in the
axils. Flowers in lateral short, fasciculate cymes. Calyx rotate, glabrous. Corolla rotate,
pinkish white outside, deep red within. Corona staminal, ring like. Follicles tapering to
a blunt point Seeds compressed, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts. : Jul-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 171
Rare collected only once at Kalakdara.
Locality: Amba (Kalakdara).
Hoya R. Br.
Leaves ovate-oblong; calyx and corolla lobes hairy H. pendula
Leaves elliptic-lanceolate; calyx and corolla lobes glabrous H. wightii
Hoya pendula Wt. Ic. t. 474. 1841. (non W. & A. in Wt Contrib.); Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 61. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 235. 1958. (Repr. ed).
A twining shrub. Leaves with recurved margins. Flowers in lateral pedunculate
umbels. Corolla divided almost to base, acute the inside faces and margins silky and
narrower subacute the process from inner margin ovate acute short.
FIs. &Frts.: July-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1321
Frequent on high attitudes.
Localities: Amba, Patgaon, Suleran.
Hoya wightii Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 59. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 234.
1958. (Repr. ed ). Hoya pendula Wt. & Am. in Wt. Contrib. 36. 1834; p.p. (excl. syn.
non Wt. Ic. t. 474. 1841.). 'Ambri'
A stout glabrous twinner. Leaves thick, bluntly acuminate margins recurved.
Flowers in lateral pedunculate umbels. Calyx glabrous divided almost to base. Corolla
cream coloured, glabrous inside, caudicle waxy without pellucid margin.
FIs. & Frts.: July.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 174
Common epiphyte in the forests area.
Localities: Chandgad, Tillari.
Leptadenia R. Br.
Leptadenia reticulata (Retz.) Wt. & Am. in Wt. Contrib. Ind. Bot. 47. 1834; Hook. f.
FI. Brit. India 4; 63. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 237. 1958. Cynanchum
reticulatum Retz. Obs. 2: 15. 1871.
Twining shrub. Leaves glaucous green. Flowers in lateral many flowered
umbellate cymes. Corolla rotate, dull white. Corona double, coralline of 5 small scales
staminal of fleshy way ring. Follicles often solitary with thick curved beak. Seeds
narrowly compressed.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: s.n. Yadav
Very rare.
Locality . Kolhapur
Oianthus Benth.
Corolla disciflorus; corona lobes entire at the apex O. disciflorus
Corolla urceolate, corona lobes 3-toothed at the apex O. urceolatus
Oianthus disciflorus Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 4: 49. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
236. 1958. (Repr. ed.).
A twining shrub. Flowers in small subsessile lateral cyme. Corolla disciflorus,
dark purple, violet; corona 5 lobed with entire or somewhat teeth between them apex.
FIs. & Frts.: July.-Dec. Exsiccata: Yadav 502
Rare in bushes.
Locality . Tambyachiwadi
Oianthus urceolatus Benth. in Hook. Ic. PI. t. 1191; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 4: 49.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 236. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
A twining shrub. Flowers in small lateral, few flowered sessile or shorty
pedunculate cyme arising from between the petioles. Corolla urceolate, corona 5 lobed,
corona arising from staminal column.
FIs. &Frts. \ July.-Dec. Exsiccata. MMS 1937
Rare in bushes.
Locality. Tillarinagar
Oxystelma R. Br.
Oxystelma secamone (L.) Karst. Denst. FI. 1031. 1880-83; Cook, Aquat. Wetl. PI.
Ind. ; 1996. Periploca secamone L., Mant. 2: 216. 1771. P. esculenta L.f. Suppl. 168.
1781. Oxystelma esculentum R. Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. 1: 40. 1811; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India. 4: 17. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 216. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Perennial, glabrous undershrub; roots tuberous. Flowers in drooping lateral
cymes. Corolla pinkish outside, deep pink inside. Corona double staminal, outer one of
a fleshy cup. Follicles tapering to apex, glabrous. Seeds black, coma silky white.
FIs. &Frts. . Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1938
Rare in marshy places.
Localities: Ghotawade, Shirgaon.
Pentatropis Wt. & Am.

Pentatropis capensis (L f.) Bullock, in Kew Bull 1955: 284. 1955. P. microphylla
(Roxb.) Wt. & Am. in Wt. Contrib. Ind. Bot. 52. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India. 4: 20
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 218. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Perennial twining undershrub. Leaves rounded at base, acute and often
mucronate at apex. Flowers in lateral few flowered umbellate cymes. Corolla rotate,
yellowish green with reddish centre, glabrous outside. Corona staminal of 5, laterally
compressed lobes. Coma silky white.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1939
Rare on Bunds of fields.
Locality: Sangawade.
Pergularia L.
Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chov. Result. Sc. Miss. Stefan. Paoli. Somal. Ital. 1: 115.
1916. Asclepias daemia Forssk. FI. Aegypt.-Arab. 51. 1775. Daemia externa (Jacq.) R.
Br. in Mem. Wern. Soc. 5: 50. 1811; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 20. 1883; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 219. 1958. (Repr. ed ). 'Utami'
Extensive hoary tomentose twining undershrub. Leaves reniform ovate, deeply
cordate at base. Flowers in drooping corymbose cymes. Corolla glabrous outside, hairy
within, dull greenish yellow or white. Follicles strongly reflexed lanceolate, attenuate
into a long beak. Seeds dentate along margins densely pubescent, coma silky white.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 362
Common in hedges around villages. Leaves anti-inflammatory.
Localities: Bidri, Kagal, Murgud, Kolhapur.
Sarcostemma R. Br.
Sarcostemma acidium (Roxb.) Voigt. Hort. Sub. Calc. 542, 1845. Ascelpias acida
Roxb., FI. Ind. 2: 31. 1832. Sarcostemma brevistigma Wt. & Arm. in Wt. Contrib. 59
1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 26. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 222. 1958 (Repr.
Much branched shrub. Leaves scale-like or absent. Flowers in terminal sessile
umbels. Corolla rotate, white. Corona double, staminal; outer cupular, crenately 10
lobed, inner one of 5 erect, fleshy lobes. Follicles usually solitary, tapering at both
FIs. &Frts.: Feb.-May. Exsiccata: 182
Locality: Babu Jamal Hills.
Sesahgiria Ans. et Hemadri
Seshagiria sahyadrica Ansari et. Hemadri in Ind. For. 97(3): 126-127. 1971.
A profusely branched twining shrub. Flowers in axillary pedunculate umbels.
Corolla rotate, deeply divided. Corona double, outer cupular, fleshy, 5 lobed; inner
dilated fleshy. Follicles warty. Seeds many, with a white coma.
FIs. & FrtsJune.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS1301
Frequent in bushes.
Localities: Bhudargad, Patgaon, Panhala.

Toxocarpus Wt. & Am.

Toxocarpus kleinii Wt. & Am. in Wt. Contrib. Ind. Bot. 61. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 14. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 212. 1958 (Repr. ed).
A twining shrub; stem more or less mfous tomentose. Flowers in rusty
pubescent paniculate, axillary cymes. Corolla glabrous; lobes strap shaped much
recurved, overlapping to the left in bud. Follicles tapering to a point at apex, slightly
FIs, & Frts.,: Nov.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 299
Rare on high attitudes.
Locality: Dajipur
Tylophora R. Br.
Corona wholly adnate to staminal column
Plants twining; leaves acute or acuminate T. dalzellii
Plants trailing; leaves suborbucular, obtuse T. rotundifolia
Corona apex free T. indica
Tylophora dalzellii Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 43. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
227. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Twining, perennial shrub. Flowers in sessile or pedunculate lateral cymes or
with umbels. Calyx hispid outside. Corona of 5 dark coloured processes rounded at
base and sloping a little upwards toward the top of staminal column, wholly adnate to
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 335
Common in bushes.
Localities: Ajara, Gavase, Parle.
Tylophora indica (Burm. f) Merr. in Phil. J. Sci. 19. 373. 1921. Cynanchtim mdicum
Burm. f. FI. Ind. 70. 1768. Asclepias asthamatica L. f. Sp. PI. 171. 1781 Tylophora
asthamatica Wt. & Am. in Wt. Contrib. Ind. Bot. 51. 1834, Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4;
44, 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 228. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Twining, undershrub with creeping rootstock. Leaves rounded at base, glaucous
and glabrous above, pale green and pubescent beneath. Flowers in lateral umbellate
cymes. Corolla dull greenish white. Corona single, staminal of 5 fleshy obovate lobes.
Pollinia globose. Follicles divaricate, reddish brown, glabrous, coma silky white.
FIs. & Frts.: July-Nov. Exsiccata: 290
Frequent along streams.
Localities. Palasabe, Radhanagari.
Tylophora rotundifolia Ham. in Wt. Contrib. 50. 1834; Hook. f. FI. Brit, India 4: 43.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 227. 1958 (Repr ed ).
Trailing, perennial shrub, with woody root stock. Leaves broadly ovate to
suborbicular. Flowers in axillary 1-3-nate, peduncled cymes. Corolla purplish-white,
glabrous outside, pubescent within. Corona single, staminal of 5 fleshy subglobose
FIs. & Frts. : June & Sept. Exsiccata: MMS 1940
Rare collected at only one place.
Locality : Tarewadi (Nesari)
Herbs; fruit capsular; seeds not discoid Mitrasacme
Shrubs or trees; fruit a berry; seeds discoid Strychnos
Mitrasacme Labill.
Mitrasacme indica Wt., Ic. t. 1601. 1850. M. pusilla Dalz., Kew J. Bot. 2: 136. 1850.
M. alsinoides R. Br. Prodr. 543. 1810; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 80. 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 242. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual herb, stem slender. Leaves sessile, sheathing and connate at the base,
oblong or linear, glabrous. Flowers white, solitary, or 2-3 together clustered in the
upper axils. Capsules globose, surrounded by persistent calyx and with 2 curved horns
at the apex.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Sept. Exsiccata: Yadav 504
Rare among grasses.
Localities. Ajara, Amba.
Strychnos L.
Trees; ovary glabrous all over
Fruits black, 2-3 cm across, 1-2 seeded S. potaturum
Fruits orange, 4-8 cm across, usually many seeded S. nux-vomica
Scandent shrubs; upper part of ovary hairy S. wallichiana
Strychnos nux-vomica L., Sp. PI. 189. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 90
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 250. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Kajara, Kuchala’
A deciduous tree, with strong axillary spines. Flowers in terminal pedunculate
pubescent compound cymes. Fruit shining orange red when ripe. Seeds much
compressed concave on one side and convex on other, clothed with fine appresed gray
silky hairs.
FIs. &Frts.: Mar.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMZ 1275
Localities. Kolhapur (Cultivated), Tillari.
Strychons potaturum L. f., Sp. PI. 148. 1781; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 90
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 251. 1958 (Repr. ed.). ‘Nirmali, Nivali’
Small glabrous tree. Flowers in axillary sessile cymes. Corolla white, with a tuft
of hairs at the base of each lobe stamens inserted. Berries black. Seeds white, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. : June-Jan. Exsiccata. MMS 1941
Rare on hill slopes, collected at one locality.
Locality: Tarewadi.
Strychnos wallichiana Steudl. ex DC., Prodr. 9: 13. 1845. S. cohtbrina L., Sp. PI. 189.
1753; Clarke in Hook. F. FI. Brit. India 4: 87. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 249.
1958 (Repr. ed.).
Woody scandent shrub; tendrils usually single but sometimes in pairs circinate.
' Flowers in small compound axillary puberulous cymes. Berry crustaceous, 1-2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1089
Frequent along streams.
Localities: Amba, Bhatwadi, Gaganbavada.

Mitreola L.
Mitreola petiolata (Gmel.) Torr. & Gray, FI. N. America, 2: 45 1845. Cynoctonum
petiolatum Gmel. Syst. nat. ed. 13, 2: 443. 1791, Mitreola oldenlandioides G. Don
Gen. Syst. 4, 172. 1837; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 79. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 246. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect annual herb. Flower in terminal dichotomously branched scorpioid cymes.
Corolla white. Stamens included. Capsules wedge shaped, 2 homed at apex. Seeds
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1210
Frequent along strams.
Localities: Bandiwade, Gajapur.
Buddleja L.
Corolla white or cream yellow, lobes four B. asiatica
Corolla dark purple, lobes five B. lindleyana
Buddleja asiatica Lour., FI. Cochinch. 72. 1790; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4.
82. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 248. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Shrubs; branches tomentose. Flower small in terminal dense spikes. Corolla
white or cream yellow.
FIs. & Frts. July-Dee.
: Exsiccata: MMS 955
Locality: Kolhapur
"Buddleja lindleyana Fort, in Lindl. Bot. Reg. 25. 1844; Bailey in Man. Cult. PI. 804.
Shrubs; branchlets tetragonous, drooping. Leaves remotely dentate-serrate.
Flowers fragrant in terminal elongating dense panicles. Corolla dark purple.
FIs. & Frts. June-Oct.

Native of China, cultivated in gardens.

Locality: Kolhapur
Ovary one celled; stigma not capitate
Corolla lobes without glands at the base
Corolla irregular, four merous
Flowers stalked, pink or white; stigma distinctly two lobed;
capsules cylindric Canscora
Flowers sessile, pale yellow; stigma obscurely lobed; capsules
globose Hoppea
Corolla regular, five merous Centaurium
Corolla lobes with 1-2 glands at the base Swertia
Ovary two celled; stigma capitate Exacum

Canscora Lamk.
Calyx and bracts neither winged nor perfoliate
Stem not angled but four winged
Inflorescence trichotomous cymes; calyx not ribbed; corolla lobes
shorter than the tube; bracts oavte-lanceolate C. decurrens
Inflorescence dichotomous cymes; calyx ribbed; corolla lobes
equalling the tube; bracts linear C. pauciflora
Stem four angled but not winged C. diffusa
Calyx and bracts winged, perfoliate C. perfoliata
Canscora decurrens Dalz. in Kew J. Bot. 2: 136. 1850; Clarke in Flook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 103. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 257. 1958. (Repr. ed.).
Erect, much branched, annual herb. Leaves sessile, 3-5 nerved from base.
Flowers in di or tri-chotomously branched cymes. Corolla pink; tube longer than
oblong obtuse lobes. Stamens 4, only one fertile and larger then rest. Seeds numerous,
light-brown, rugose.
FIs. &FrtsAug-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1822
Common in moist places.
Localities: Kadgaon, Patgaon.
Canscora diffusa (Vahl) R. Br., Prodr. 451. in Obs. Bot. 1810; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4: 103. 1884; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 257. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Gentiana
diffusa Vahl., Symb. Bot. 3: 47. 1794.
Erect, much branched, herb. Upper leaves passing into bracts. Flowers in
dichotomous paniculate cymes. Corolla pale or deep pink, tube as long as the calyx.
Stamens 4, one perfect and longer than anthers.
FIs. & Frts. Aug-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1023
Common in moist wet and shady places.
Localities. Hupari, Lakudwadi, Saroli.
Canscora pauciflora Dalz. in Kew J. Bot. 2: 136. 1850; Clarke in Hook, f FI. Brit
India 4: 103 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 258. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
Stem erect, 4 winged. Leaves sessile 3-nerved. Flowers in lax dichotomous
cymes; pedicel 4-winged. Calyx 12-ribbed. Corolla lobes equaling the tube. Style
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1942
Frequent in moist places.
Localities: Amba, Gajapur.
Canscora perfoliata Lamk., Encycl. 1: 601. 1785; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:
104. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 258. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Erect, annual herb; stem 4 winged. Leaves sessile, 3-nerved, those of branches
profoliate, circular, bract like. Flowers in paniculate terminal cymes usually in threes,
with 4 broad membranous semielliptic wings. Corolla rose coloured.
FIs. &Frts. : Jan.-May Exsiccata:
Rare on higher Ghats in shady places.
Localities: Gajapur, Patgaon,
Centaurium St. Hill
Centaurium centaurioides (Roxb.) R. Rao & Hemadri in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.
67(2): 357. 1970. Chironia centaurioides Roxb., FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 1: 584. 1832
(centaureoides). Erythraea roxburghii D. Don. in Lond. & Edinb. Phil. Mag. & J. Sci.
8: 77. 1836; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 102. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
255. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Luntak’
Erect, annual herb. Radical leaves rosulate. Flowers in dichotomous cymes with
a pedicelled flower in fork. Corolla pink or rarely white. Stamens 5, anthers twisted at
apex. Capsules enclosed in persistent calyx. Seeds numerous, light brown.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 762
Common in wet grasslands, on margins of tanks, in harvested rice fields.
Localities: Girgaon, Kolhapur.
Exacum L.
Calyx winged
Plants less than 30 cm tall; flowers small; stamens included
Peduncles stout, rigid; corolla lobes lanceolate, acute E. pedunculatum
Peduncles filiform; corolla lobes suborbicular, obtuse E. pumilum
Plants stout, more than 30 cm tall; flowers large; stamens exserted E. bicolor
Calyx not winged E. lawn
Exacum bicolor Roxb., FI. Ind. (Carey & Wall, ed.) 1: 41. 1820; Clarke in Hook. f. FI
Brit. India 4 96. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 252. 1958. (Repr. ed ). 'Udichirayat'
Annual, erect herb. Leaves very variable in size and form, 5-nerved. Flowers
showy in copious terminal cymes. Petals obliquely obovate, the lower half white, the
upper blue. Capsule ellipsoid, smooth and shining.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 308
Common in grasslands plateaus.
Localities. Kondoshi, Kolhapur, Patgaon, Radhanagari.
Exacum carinatum Roxb., FI. Ind. 1: 415. 1820. E. petiolare Griseb in DC. Prodr 9:
46. 1845; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4; 98. 1883. E. pedunculatum L. var.
petiolare Trim. FI. Ceyl. 3: 132. 1893; Clarke op. cit. 98; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
253. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Erect, much branched herb. Leaves petiolate, 5-nerved. Flowers in terminal
much branched cymes. Corolla blue. Anthers cordate at base. Capsule globose, smooth,
FIs. & Frts.: Dec -Mar. Exsiccata. MMS 235
Frequent on hill slopes amidst bushes.
Locality. Burki
Exacum lawii Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 98. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
2; 254. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Small erect herb. Stem slender, quadrangular usually unbranched. Leaves
sessile, 3-nerved, glandular-punctate. Peduncles terminal, 1-flowered. Corolla bluish
purple. Capsules subglobose or ovoid.
FIs. &Frts. . Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata. 96
Frequent in grasses at higher attitudes.
Localities. Amba, Burki, Dajipur, Gaganbavada.
Exacum pedunculatum L., Sp PI. 112. 1753; Clarke in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 4: 97
1883, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 253. 1958. (Repr. ed).
Annual erect herb. Leaves subsessile 3 or 5-nerved. Flowers in terminal much
branched cymes. Calyx 4-lobed. Corolla blue. Stamens on corolla throat, anthers
cordate at base. Capsules globose.
FIs. &Frts. \ Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata: 1060
Common in grasslands, cultivated fields, Black Cotton soils.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Shirgaon
Exacum pumilum Griseb. in DC. Prodr. 9: 46. 1845; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
4. 98. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 254. 1958. (Repr. ed.)
Erect herb; stem 4 angled. Leaves sessile, 3-nerved. Flowers in lax cymes.
Corolla bluish purple. Anthers oblong, straight. Capsules subglobose or suborbicular
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-Dec. Exsiccata: 323
Frequent in grasses at high attitudes.
Localities: Radhanagari, Tudye.
Hoppea Willd.
Leaves rounded at base; cymes clustered; corolla longer than calyx;
capsules ellipsoid H. fastigata
Leaves cuneate at base; cymes lax; corolla shorter than calyx; capsules
globose H. dichotoma
Hoppea dichotoma Willd. in Gen. Natumf. Fr. Neue. Schr. 3: 434. 1801; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 100. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 256. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Glabrous, dichotomously branched herb; stems acutely 4-angled. Flowers in lax
terminal dichotomous cymes. Corolla pale yellow, tubular. Stamens 4, one perfect
remaining sterile. Seeds numerous, minute, dark brown.
FIs. &Frts. : Oct.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1896
Common in wet places amidst grasses.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur.
Hoppea fastigata Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4; 100. 1883.
Glabrous, dichotomously branched herb; stems acutely 4-angled. Flowers in
dense terminal dichotomous cymes. Corolla creamy-white, tubular. Seeds numerous,
dark brown.
FIs. &Frts. : Oct.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1943
Common in wet places amidst grasses.
Localities Kagal, Kolhapur.
Swertia L.
Nectary single at the base of each petal; herbs more than 25 cm long
Nectaries with a fimbriate covering scale S. corymbosa
Nectaries without covering scale S. decussata
Nectary two at the base of each petal; herbs small up to 15 cm long S. minor
Swertia corymbosa (Griseb.) Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 126. 1883. S.
corymbosa (Griseb.) Clarke op. cit. 126; Cooke, FI Pres. Bombay 2: 260. 1958. (Repr
Erect annual herb; stem 4 winged. Leaves sessile, 3-nerved base. Flowers in lax
cymes. Corolla white, blue nerved with large circular pit with densely fimbriate margin
at the base. Filaments linear flattened.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept - Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1944
Frequent amidst grasses.
Locality: Panhala
Swertia densifolia (Griseb.) Kashyapa in Kew Bull. 15: 42. 1961. Ophelia densifolia
Griseb in DC. Prodr. 9: 125. 1845. Swertia decussata Nimmo. ex Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4. 127. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 259. 1958. (Repr. ed ). ‘Kadavi’
Stem erect, densely leafy, more or less 4-winged. Leaves sessile. Flowers
sometimes in dense corymbose cymes. Bracts foliaceous, 3-nerved. Corolla white with
blue veins; lobes with a yellow circular pit at the base fringed all round with rather long
scaly fimbriate.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 547
Rare at high attitudes.
Locality: Burki, Borbet.
Swertia minor (Griseb.) Knobl. in Bot. Centrabl. 60. 321. 1894; Cooke, FI. Pres,
bombay 2: 259. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Ophelia minor Griseb in DC Prodr. 9: 126. 1845.
Pleurogyne minor (Griseb.) Benth. in Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. PL 2: 816. 1876; Clarke
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 120. 1883.
Small, erect herb; stem conspicuously 4-winged. Leaves sessile, obscurely 3
nerved. Flowers 4-merous in leafy paniculate cymes. Corolla lobes 4, with 5-parallel
nerves, each lobe with two triangular pockets near the base the upper margin of
covering scale fimbriate. Seeds suborbicular, compressed.
FIs. & Frts.: Jul-Oct. Exsiccata:
Common in moist places amidst grasses.
Localities: Gaganbavada, Panhala.
Nymphoides J. Hill
Petals fimbriate, without median crest; seeds echinate N. indicum
Petals not fimbriate, with median crest; seeds not echinate N. cristatum
Nymphoides cristatum (Roxb.) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 429. 1891. Menyanthes cristata
Roxb., PI. Corom. 2: 3. t 105. 1798. Limnanthemum cristatum (Roxb.) Griseb. Gen. &
Sp. Gent. 342. 1839 Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 131. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 2: 261. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Free floating aquatic herb; stem rooting at nodes. Leaves alternate, shining
green above, purplish beneath. Flowers in dense clusters on nodes. Corolla white, lobes
rounded at apex with a broad longitudinal crest down the middle of each lobe margins.
Stamens 4-7 Ovary 1-locular. Capsules ovoid, beaked. Seeds 5-6, globose, minutely
FIs. & Frts.: Sept -May Exsiccata: MMS 763
Common in tanks.
Localities: Kalamba, Kolhapur.
Nymphoides indicum (L) O. Ktze. Rev. Gen. PI. 429. 1891. Menyanthes indica L., Sp
PI 145. 1753. Limnanthemum indicum (L.) Griseb. emend. Thw Enum. PI. Zeyl. 205
1860; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 131. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 261
1958. (Repr. ed ).
Free floating aquatic herb; stem rooting at nodes. Flowers in dense clusters on
nodes. Corolla white; lobes densely clothed with long cottony papillose hairs, not
crested in the middle. Capsules subglobose 6-8 mm across. Seeds about 20 or more,
shining, yellow.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 368
Common in Tanks
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur.

* Phlox drumondii Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3441. 1835, Baiely in Man. Cult. PI. 826. 1949.
Erect glandular pubescent, annual herb. Leaves sessile. Flowers in dense
terminal corymbose cymes. Corolla red, pink or white, varigated. Stamens 5, inserted at
different levels. Ovary 3-locular; style 3-fid. Capsules 3-valved. Seeds few, black,
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Feb
Native of North America grown in gardens.
Localities. Jaisingpur, Kolhapur.
Hydrolea L.
Hydrolea zeylancia (L.) Vahl. Symb. Bot. 2: 46. 1791; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 133. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 263. 1958. (Repr. ed ). Nama ceylcmcia
L., Sp. PI. 226. 1753.
Erect or decumbent, annual herb, often rooting at the down nodes. Flowers
numerous in racemes on short lateral branches. Filaments dilated at base; anthers
sagittate. Style 2, distinct. Capsule enclosed in enlarged persistent sepals Seeds
numerous, minute.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-May Exsiccata: MMS 779
Frequent in wet places and in harvested rice fields.
Localities: Amba, Manoli, Suleran.
Ovary entire or slightly four lobed; style terminal
Prostrate or procumbent herbs; styles two Coldenia
Erect herbs; style one Heliotropium
Ovary deeply four lobed; style subterminal or gynobasic
Anthers and connectives not as above; style gynobasic
Nutlets attached to a conical or convex carpophore often
prominently margined
Fruits with bristles; base of nutlets not produced downwards Adelocaryum
Fruits without bristles; base of nutlets produced downwards Cyanoglossum
Nutlets on a flat receptacle, not prominently margined Sericostoma
Anthers connivent, exserted; connectives much produced,
twisted together at apex; style subterminal Trichodesma
Adelocaryum Brand.
Adelocaryum coelestinum (Lindl.) Brand, in Fedde. Repert. 13: 549. 1915 & in Engl.
Pflanzenfam. 78. t. 8. 1921. Cyanoglossum coelestinum Wight, Icon. t. 1394, 1850.
Paracaryum coelestimtm (Lindl.) Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. PI. 2: 850. 1876; Clarke in
Hook, f FI. Brit India 4: 160. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 285. 1958 (Repr ed.)
Erect branched herb. Leaves submembranous, radial leaves very large. Flowers
in ebracteate hairy often twice-forked racemes. Corolla pale blue with darker centre,
often tinged with pink tube. Ovary deeply 4-lobed Nutlets 4.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 1432
Common along grassy hill slopes and in the forest edges.
Localities. Amba, Gaganbavada, Tillarinagar
Coldenia L.
Coldenia procumbens L., Sp. PI. 125. 1753; Grah., Cat. PI. Bombay 135. 1839; Cl. in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 144. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 271. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Prostrate or procumbent herb. Leaves with crenate and crisped margins Flowers
solitary, axillary, nearly sessile. Corolla white, fading pale yellow. Stamens 4. Fruit dry
pyramidal, 4-lobed, separating into one celled beaked nutlets; nutlets muriculate hairy
FIs. &FrtsAug.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1162
Common along margins of lakes, river banks.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiroli, Wathar.
Cyanoglossum L.
Cyanoglossum zeylanicum (Vahl ex Homem.) Thunb. ex Lehm. Neue Schriften.
Naturf Ges. Halle. 3(2) 20. 1817. Anchusa zeylanica Vahl ex Homem. Enum. Hafn. 3:
1807. Cyanoglossum furcation Wall, ex Roxb. FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 2: 6. 1824; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 155. 1883. Cyanoglossum denticulatum A. DC. var.
zeylanicum (Vahl. ex Homem.) Clarke in Hook. f. op. cit. 157; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
2: 284. 1958 (Repr. ed.) 'Lichardi'
Erect woody perennial herb. Flowers in terminal and axillary racemose cymes.
Corolla pale blue, lobes orbicular. Stamens slightly exserted. Nutlets glochidiate,
brown with conspicuous margin.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Mar. Exsiccata : MMS 668
Common in open areas.
Localities: Ajara, Amba, Anuskura, Gaganbavada, Panhala, Tillarinagar
Heliotropuim L.
Leaves up to 5 cm long; flowers white; fruits of 2-4 nutlets, not beaked
Petals not caudate-acuminate
Anthers not connivent
Hairy herbs; nutlets not enclosed in persistent calyx H. ovalifolium
Villous herbs; nutlets enclosed in persistent calyx H. sitpimm
Anthers connivent by their connectives H. marifolium
Petals caudate-acuminate H. zeylanicum
Leaves 7-10 cm long; flowers violet; fruits mitriform, beaked H. indicum
Heliotropium indicum L., Sp. PI. 130. 1753; Roxb. FI. Ind. 1: 454. 1832; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 152. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 273. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Tiaridium indicum Lehm., PI. Asperif. 14. 1818. 'Bhurundi'
Annual herb. Leaves alternate and subopposite. Flowers pale violet, numerous,
sessile, 2-ranked in simple or rarely forked usually extra-axillary bristly ebracteate
spikes. Fruit deeply 2 lobed, each lobe compressed, bluntly 4 ribbed.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Feb. Exsiccata: 139
Common along riverbanks and lake sides.
Localities: Alas, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiradwad, Shirol, Shiroli.
Heliotropium marifolium Retz. Obs. Bot. 2, 8: 1781; Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 152.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2; 280. 1958; (Repr. ed ). H. scabntm Retz. Obs. Bot.
2: 8. 1781; Clarke in Hook. op. cit. 152.
Much branched, prostrate or decumbent, perennial herb. Flowers in short
bracteate spikes; bracts foliaceous lanceolate. Corolla white tube hairy outside; lobes
deltoid with broad plicate sinuses and minute teeth between lobes. Anthers connate at
apex when young, separating with age with a small ball like appendages of connectives.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug.-Dee. Exsiccata: MMS 1449
Common on hill slopes.
Localities: Bahirewadi, Dewarde.
Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk. FI. Aegypt-Arab 38. 1775; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4: 150. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2 278. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect procumbent herb; rootstock woody Flowers in terminal and leaf opposed
dichotomously branched spicate cymes. Corolla white. Anthers minute, connectives
produced. Nutlets ovate, densely hairy with silky white hairs.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug-May. Exsiccata: MMS 1161
Common along river banks.
Localities. Ekondi, Ganeshwadi, Takawade.
Heliotropium supinum L., Sp. PI. 130. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 149.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2; 275. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Prostrate or procumbent, softly villous herb. Flowers sessile in simple or forked,
2-sided densely villous spicate cymes. Corolla white. Stigmatic rings conspicuous,
conical at apex. Fruit of 2-4 nutlets, nutlets ovoid sub compressed enclosed in large
persistent calyx.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-May. Exsiccata: 197
Frequent in cultivated fields of Jarwar.
Localities: Halsawade, Sangawade.
Heliotropium zeylanicum (Burm. f.) Lamk., Encycl. 3: 94. 1791; non Wall nec
Clarke; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 148. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 274.
1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect annual herb, scabrous and coarsely hairy with stiff hairs arising from
white bulbous bases. Flowers sessile in elongate spikes, uniranked on rachis but
sometimes 2 ranked. Anthers sessile, bifid at apex. Nutlets 4, 2 seeded.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct.-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1946
Rare in marshes
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Shiroli.
Sericostoma pauciflorum Stocks in Wt., Ic. t 1377. 1850; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 175. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 288. 1958. (Repr. ed ).
Small straggling, undershrub. Leaves variable in size. Flowers 2-5 in short
subcorpioid leaf opposed racemes with a terminal bracts. Corolla white. Stamens
inserted at the sinuses of the corolla filaments very short.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Jan.
Reporeted on authority of Kulkami & Kazi from Kagal (1974)
Locality: Kagal.
Trichodesma R. Brown (nom.cons.)
Fruiting calyx lobes cordate or hastate at base
Corolla white with purple spot at base of only two dorsal petals within;
stamens included T. sedgewickianum
Corolla blue with purple spot at base of each petals within; stamens
exserted T. indicum
Fruiting calyx lobes rounded or truncate at base T. zeylanicum
Trichodesma indicum Banerjee in Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 16: 190. 1962. Trichodesma
amplexicaule DC., Prodr. 10: 172. 1846 non Roth. 1821; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 154. 1883, p.p. Trichodesma indicum var amplexicaule T Cooke, FI Pres.
Bombay 2: 282. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Erect hispid, dichotomously branched herb. Flowers mostly axillary, supra-
axillary and in few flowered terminal cymes. Corolla lobes as long as the tube.
Staminal cone exserted; anther connectives spirally contorted. Fruits pyramidal of 4
FIs. & Frts.: Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1947
Common along riverbanks and lake sides.
Localities. Alas, Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiradwad, Shirol, Shiroli.
Trichodesma sedgewickianum Banerjee in Bull. Bot. Soc. Beng. 16. 190. 1962. T.
amplexicaule DC., Prodr. 10: 172. 1846 non Roth. 1821; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 154. 1883, p.p. T. indicum var. amplexicaule T. Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
282. 1958 (Repr. ed.).
Erect, branched herb. Flowers solitary and leaf opposed or in lax axillary
cymes. Corolla white or pale pink. Stamens 5, anthers separate. Nutlets 4, smooth
FIs. & Frts. . Aug.-Feb. Exsiccata: MMS 1948
Common along riverbanks and lake sides.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiradwad.
Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm. f.) R. Br. Prodr. 496. 1810; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4: 154. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 282. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Borago
zeylanica Burm. f. FI. Ind. 41. 1768.
Erect annual herb; stem stout clothed with long soft hairs. Flowers in terminal
elongate bracteate paniculate cymes; bracts foliaceous. Corolla with spiral twisted
acumination. Staminal cone exserted. Nutlets 4, slightly rugose on the inner face.
FIs. & Frts.: Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1949
Common in grasses.
Localities. Kagal, Kolhapur.
Styles once forked; stigmas two Ehretia
Styles twice forked; stigmas four Cordia
Cordia L.
Corolla white
Filaments hairy at base
Calyx ribbed C. macleodii
Calyx not ribbed C. dichotoma
Filaments glabrous
Leaves alternate, 3-5 nerved C.fulvosa
Leaves subopposite, feather nerved C. sinensis
Corolla bright red C. sebestiana
Cordia dichotoma Forst. f. Prodr. 18. 1786. C. obliqua Willd., Phytogr. 4. t. 4 1784;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 136. 1883 excl. var. myxa auct. plur. non. L. 1753;
Clarke in Hook. f. op. cit. 136; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 265. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
A deciduous tree. Leaves broadly ovate, elliptic-oblong or suborbicular,
glabrous. Inflorescence axillary and terminal cymes. Flowers creamy-yellow. Drupe
ovoid or rounded, glabrous, yellow with pinkish tinge.
FIs. & Frts. : Mar.-Aug. Exsiccata: MMS 1664
Frequent in deciduous forests, near villages and also cultivated. Fruits are edible and
used in pickles. It has some repute in Ayurvedic medicine.
Localities: Ajra, Gavase, Lakudwadi, Kolhapur, Panhala, Tudye.
Cordia fulvosa (Forsk.) Ehrenb. & Asch. in Bitzung. Beritch. Ges. Naturf. FI. Berlin
46. 1879; Cromus gharaf Forssk., FI. Aegypt-Arab 94. 1775. Cordia rothii R. & S.
Syst. Veg. 4: 798. 1819; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 138. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 268. 1958 (Repr. ed.) 'Gondhani'
A small tree, young parts clothed with fulvous pubescence. Leaves large,
scabrous, with white disks above. Flowers in dense, paniculate, terminal and axillary
fulvous tomentose cymes. Stamens as many as corolla lobes.
FIs.: Mar. & Frts.: not seen. Exsiccata: MMS 1736
Very rare, collected only once in Ugwai Sacred grove.
Locality: Dajipur.
Cordia macleodii (Griff.) Hook. f. & Thoms, in J. Linn. Soc. Bot. 2: 128. 1858;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 139. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 266. 1958
(Repr. ed). 'Dahiwan'
Deciduous tree; bark white. Leaves alternate or subopposite, rough with white
scales, woolly tomentose beneath. Flowers polygamous, sub-sessile, in dense
paniculate, terminal and axillary, tomentose cymes. Stamens 5-6, exserted Male
flowers with rudimentary ovary. Drupes supported on the cup-shaped, ribbed,
tomentose, persistent calyx.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar.-July Exsiccata: MMS 746
Rare in dry deciduous forests.
Localities: Kalamba, Panhala.
Cordia sebestena L., Sp. PI. 190, 1753; Bailey, Man. PI. 839. 1949.
Small deciduous tree. Leaves alternate or upper sub-opposite. Flowers in large
terminal cymes. Corolla bright scarlet; limb spreading into 5-6 subequal, orbicular,
plicate-nerved lobes with crisped margins.
FIs.: June.-Mar.
Native of Cuba, grown in gardens for ornamental purposes.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur
Cordia sinesis Lamk. Encycl. 1: 423. 1792. Comm gharaf Forsk. FI. Aeg. Arab. 94
1775 nomen. Cordia rothii R. & S. 4: 798. 1819; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:
138. 1883. ’Gondani'.
Small, deciduous tree. Flowers often tetrandrous, in lax terminal or axillary
cymes. Corolla white; lobes usually 4. Drupes ovoid, orange-yellow, glabrous. Seed
usually one.
FIs. & Frts.: Mar - June. Exsiccata: MMS 1137
Common in hill forests, around fields, along stream-banks etc.
Localities: Ajara, Kumbhoj.
Ehretia P. Br.
Ehretia laevis Roxb., PI. Corom. 1: 42. t. 56. 1795; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:
141. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 269. 1958 (Repr. ed.). 'Ajan Vriksha'

Small tree. Leaves very variable. Flowers sessile or nearly so in unbranched,

axillary and terminal cymes, composed at unilateral spikes or racemes. Style stout more
or less bifid. Drupe 2-lobed, rather broader than long red at the first, black and wrinkled
when dry.
FIs.: Jan.-Feb. & Frts : not seen Exsiccata. 480
Rare, collected only once.
Locality. Jotiba hills.
Cuscuta L.
Inflorescence a fascicle; styles two; capsules dry C. chinesis
Inflorescence a raceme; styles one; capsules fleshy C. reflexa
Cuscuta chinensis Lamk., Encycl. 2; 229. 1876; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 226.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 293. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Stems filiform, twinning, much-branched, often forming a tangled mass. Flowers
solitary or in shortly pedunculate cymes. Corolla lobes about equaling the tube; scales at
the base of the filaments fimbriate. Styles 2, distinct. Capsules globose, hyaline, divided
into 2 lobes by a deep furrow on the top. Seeds usually 4.
FIs. & Frts.: Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: 352
Rare stem parasite on Ageratum conyzoides, Pentas camea, Pisum sativum.
Localities: Kolhapur, Radhanagari.
Cuscuta reflexa Roxb., PI. Corom. 2: 3. t. 104. 1798. & FI. Ind. (Carey ed.) 1: 446.
1832; Graham Cat. PI. Bombay 134. 1839; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 225.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 292. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Stem very long, rather stout, closely twinning, branched, glabrous. Flowers in
umbellate clusters of 2-4 or in short racemes. Corolla white; tube almost cylindric; scales
almost at the base of the corolla-tube. Capsules depressed-globose, glabrous,
circumscissile near the base. Seeds 2-4, large, black, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: 385
Common parasitic climber on Clerodendrum inerme, Duranta repens, Vitex negundo,
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Style one, stigmas two
Fruits indehiscent
Fruit 2-4 seeded
Corolla glabrous; stigmas elliptic -oblong Rivea
Corolla hairy outside; stigmas globose Argyreia
Fruit one seeded Porana
Fruits dehiscent
Stigmas globose
Corolla white or yellow; anthers twisted; pollens smooth Merremia
Corolla variously coloured; anthers not twisted; pollens echinulate Ipomoea
Stigmas flattened, oblong
Sepals obtuse; stigmas linear; capsules four valved Convolvulus
Sepals acute or acuminate; stigmas elliptic; capsules eight valved Jacquemontia
Styles two, stigmas four Evolvulus
Argyreia Lour,
Twining or climbing shrubs
Bracts tomentose hairy
Leaves glabrous above
Stem and peduncles not grooved
Bracts minute orbicular A. involucrata
Bracts large, lanceolate, acute A. nervosa
Stem and peduncle grooved A. boseana
Leaves pubescent above A. pilosa
Bracts glabrous A. elliptica
Erect shrubs A. cuneata
Argyreia boseana Sant. & Patel in Trans. Bose Res. Inst. Calcutta 2: 356. t. 3. 1958. A.
hookeri sensu Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 255. 1908 [2: 325. 1958 (Repr. ed.)] non
Clarke 1883.
A large twinner; stem clothed with appressed hairs. Flowers in subcapitate
cymes. Sepals in flower unequal. Corolla tubular-infundibuliform. Filaments hairy at the
base. Fruit globose.
FIs. & Frts:. Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 951
Frequent on hill slopes.
Localities. Dajipur, Gaganbavada, Tillari.
Argyreia cuneata (Willd.) Ker-Gawl. in Bot. Reg. 8. t. 661. 1822: Graham Cat. PI.
Bombay. 128. 1839; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4. 191. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 327. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Convolvulus cuneata Willd., Sp. PI. 1; 873. 1798.
A shrub, usually erect but with a tendency to climb when near support; stems
softly silky pubescent. Flowers in few-flowered (usually 3-fiowered) cymes Corolla
bright-purple. Fruit ellipsoid, pointed, shinging, yellow -brown, nearly dry.
FIs. & Frts. . July-Dee. Exsiccata. MMS 513, MMS 1431
Rare on dry hill slopes. Flowers dark coloured and attractive.
Localities. Babu Jamal, Bahubali, Lakudwadi, Narande, Ramling.
Argyreia clliptica (Roth.) Choisy in Mem Soc. Phys. Genev 6: 417 1834, (3rd Rev
ed). Ipomoea elliptica Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 113. 1821 Lettsomia elliptica (Roth.) Wt, Ic. t
4: 12 t. 1356. 1848, Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 192. 1883, Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 329 1958 (Repr. ed ). 'Bondvel'
A large climbing shrub; stem slender, pubescent when young, becoming woody
and glabrescent at length. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers in axillary lax corymbose
or paniculate cymes; bracts deciduous. Corolla pink-purple-rose coloured, tubular,
inftmdibuliform. Stamens 5; filaments dilated, hairy at the base. Berries globose.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 704, MMS 747
Common twinner on the forest borders.
Localities. Gajapur, Radhanagari, Vishalgad.
Argyreia involucrata Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4. 187 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 325. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
A large twinner; stem appressed hairy. Leaves ovate, base rounded or cordate.
Flowers in axillary subcapitate cymes; peduncles long, sparsely hairy, corolla light-
purple, tubular-infundibuliform, tube glabrous, bands hairy. Berries globose.
FIs. & Frts.. Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: 259
Frequent along road sides in deciduous forests.
Localities: Burki, Borbet, Tillarinagar.
Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Boj. Hort. Maurit, 224, 1837. Argyreia speciosa (L. f. )
Sweet, Hort. Brit. ed. 1: 289. 1827; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 185. 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 324. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Convolvulus nervosus Burm. f. FI.
Ind. 49, t. 20. f. 1. 1768. C. specioscus L. f., Suppl. 36 137. 1781 'Samudra Ashok'
Extensive twinner; stem densely white tomentose, with milky juice. Leaves
broadly ovate to orbicular, deeply cordate at base, persistently white tomentose beneath.
Flowers in subcapitate cymes. Corolla tubular-funnel shaped, pink-purple. Stamens
included; filaments pilose at base. Fruits globose, brown. Seeds 2-4, subglobose, black.
FIs. & Frts. Sept.-Mar.
: Exsiccata: MMS 149
Rare along forest borders.
Localities: Dajipur, Radhanagari.
Convolvulus L.
Convolvulus arvensis L, Sp Pi. 153. 1753; Grah., Cat. PI. Bombay 132. 1839; Clarke
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 219. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 303. 1958 (Repr.
ed.) 'Chandvel'
Creeping herb. Stem trailing or twining, angular, glabrous. Leaves variable in
breadth, base auriculate. Flowers axillary, solitary. Calyx elliptic-obtuse, truncate
uneqaul. Corolla pinkish-white. Capsule globose, glabrous. Seeds reddish-brown,
FIs. & Frts: July-Mar. Exsiccata: 311, MMS 871
Rare near cultivated fields and also along drainage water channels.
Localities. Jambhali, Kolhapur.
Evolovulus L.
Leaves elliptic-oblong, hairy; flowers blue E. aslinoides
Leaves orbicular, glabrous; flowers white E. nummularius
Evolvulus alsinoides (L.) L„ Sp. PL ed. 2. 392. 1762; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
4: 220. 1883; Cooke, FI Pres Bombay 2. 297. 1958 (Repr. ed.) Convohmlus alsinoides
L., Sp. PI. 157. 1753. 'Vishnukranta'
Prostrate, much branched hairy herb. Leaves sessile, elliptic-oblong, densely
pilose, base acute, apex obtusely apiculate. Flowes axilary, solitayr, calyx densely silky,
lanceolate, acute. Corolla light, blue, rotate. Capsules globose, 4-valved. Seeds ellipsoid,
dark brown.
FIs. & Frts:. Almost throughout year. Exsiccata: 140
Very common in grasslands and in rocky solis.
Localities Alate, Babu Jamal, Kagal, Kolhapur, Radhanagari.

Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., Sp. PI. ed. 2. 391. 1762. Convolvulus nummularius L.,
Sp. PI. 157. 1753.
Prostrate herb. Leaves quadrate or suborbicular, glabrous, base subcordtae or
truncate, apex obtuse. Flowers 1-2 in each axil. Calyx ciliate, acute. Corolla white,
shortly tubular. Capsule 1-celled.
FIs. & Frts. Through out year.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1160
Very rare in wet places.
Localities: Tillarinagar.
Ipomoea L.(nom. cons.)
Prostrate, trailing or twining plants
Leaves not pinnatisect
Leaves deeply lobed or digitate
Upper leaves lobed, lower entire
Sepals lanceolate, acuminate; corolla blue / nil
Sepals oblong-acute; corolla purple I. purpurea
All leaves lobed or digitate
Prostrate herbs
Flowers pale purple I. batatas
Flowers white /. laciniata
Twining herbs
Corolla not red; stamens included
Sepals glabrous
Flowers in paniculate cymes I. digitata
Flowers 1-3 in pedunculate cymes /. cairica
Sepals hairy
Flowers in lax cymes without involucral bracts /. indica
Flowers in capitate cymes surrounded by large
involucral bracts I. pes-tigridis
Corolla red or red-purple; stamens exserted I. horsfalliae
Leaves entire
Plants terrestrial
Leaves entire, not angled; corolla not scarlet
Stems muricate
Corolla not hypocrateriformis, up to 8 cm long
Pedicels not or scarsely thickened below the calyx in fruit I. illustris
Pedicels much thickened below the calyx in fruit /. turbimta
Corolla hypocrateriformis, 10-12 cm long I. longiflora
Stems not muricate
Sepals much enlarged in fruit /. barleriodes
Sepals not or slightly enlarged in fruit
Sepals acute
Peduncles short; corolla pink I. eriocarpa
Peduncles filiform, not thickened towards apex,
corolla yellow with brown centre / curassai’ica
Sepals obtuse
Flowers in subumbellate cymes, outer sepals
shorter than the inner; corolla white /. maxima
Flowers in lax panicles; sepals equal; corolla pink /. staphyllina
Leaves entire, acutely angled; corolla scarlet /. hederifolia
Plants aquatic I. aquatica
Leaves pinnatisect I. quamoclit
Erect or scandent shrubs I. cornea
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., FI Aegypt-Arab. 44. 1775; Clarke in Hook. f. FI Brit India
4: 210. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 315 1958 (Repr. ed).
Annual or perennial, aquatic herb; stems hollow, spongy, trailing or floating on
water. Leaves variable. Flowers solitary or in few-flowered, axillary cymes. Corolla
pink-purlple. Capsules ovoid, glabrous. Seeds 2-4, broadly trigonous, greyish pubescent.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. and Apr.-June. Exsiccata: MMS 768
Common in ponds, sometimes cultivated for stem and leaves used as vegetable.
Localities: Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Ipomoea barlerioides Benth. & Clarke in Hook. f. Gen. PI. 2: 872. 1876; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 201. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 312. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Prostate, twinning herb; stems much branched, hirsute. Leaves ovate-oblong,
mucronulate, hirsute on both surfaces. Flowers solitary, axillary. Corolla pubescent
outside, pink. Capsules glabrous. Seeds 2-4, pubescent.
FIs. & Frts May-Aug. Exsiccata: s.n. Sardesai
Rare on plateaus.
Localities: Ijiwade, Burki.
*Impomoea batatas (L.) Lamk, Tab. Encycl. 1: 465. 1791; Clarke in Hook, f FI. Brit.
India 4: 202. 1883. ‘Ratali’
Creeping, perennial herb with elongate, fusiform, tuberous roots. Leaves angular
or more often deeply 3-7 lobed. Flowers axillary, solitary or in few to many-flowered
cymes. Corolla pale purple.
FIs. & Frts.: - Rare and irregular.
Cultivated on small scale for edible tuberous roots.
Localities: Chandgad, Naganwadi.
*Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. 287 1827 Convohntlus cairicus. L Syst. Nat.
ed. 10: 922. 1759. Impomoeapalmata Forsk. FI. Aeg-Arab. 43. 1775; Clarke in Hook f
FI. Brit. India 4: 214. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 319. 1858 (Repr. ed ). ‘GarveP
Glabrous, perennial, twinning herb; roots tuberous. Leaves palmately 5-7 lobed.
Corolla funnel-shaped, blue, purple or pale pink. Stamens included Capsules
subglobose, 2-celled, 4-valved. Seeds 2-4, hairy.
FIs. & Frts.: October to April. Exsiccata: MMS 635
Planted in gardens, in hedges, on walls etc. for ornamental purposes
Localities. Hatkanangale, Kolhapur
Ipomoea carnea Jacq. subsp. flstulosa (Marf. ex Choisy) Austin in Taxon 26: 237.
1977.1.Jistulosa Mart, ex Choisy in DC., Prodr. 9: 349. 1845.1, carnea Jacq. Enumer.
PI. Carib. 13. 1760; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 321. 1958 (Repr. ed ). 'Besharam'
Erect or scandent shrub; stems many, fistular. Flowers funnel shaped in axillary
and subterminal, long peduncled cymes. Corolla pink or entirely white, dark purple
within. Capsules ovoid, mucronate, pale brown, 4-valved. Seeds 2-4, black, densely
brown villous.
FIs. & Frts. . Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: VBS 24
Common in wet and marshy places.
Localities: Kolhapur, Radhanagari.
* Ipomoea curassavica All., Auct. Syn. 10. 1773. /. obscura (L.) Ker.-Gawl. in Bot.
Reg. 3: t. 239. 1817; Graham, Cat PI. Bombay 131. 1839; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 207. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 317. 1958 (Repr. ed ). 'Pungali'
Annual, often purplish, twinning. Flowers rather small, 1 or 2 together. Corolla
infundibuliform, yellow, or white with the small purple eye. Capsules ovoid. Seeds dark-
brown, velvety.
FIs. & Frts. : Dec.-Apr. Exsiccata: 486
Common along roadsides and hedges.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kagal, Kolhapur, Kalamba, Shiroli.
Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq., Collect. 4: 216. 1790 & in Hort. Schoenbr. 2: 39. t. 200,
1797. /. digitata auct. (non L., 1759 ); Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India, 4: 202. 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 318. 1958 (Repr.ed). 'Vidari kand’
Perennial, with large ovoid or elongated tuberous roots. Leaves often broader
than long, deeply palmately divided; lobes 5-7. Flowers in many-flowered corymbosely
paniculate cymes Corolla purple. Seeds clothed with brownish cottony detachable hairs.
Fls.& Frts.: Aug.-Jan. Exsiccata VBS 37
Rare on bunds of fields. Tubers are used in vegetable.
Localities. Dindewadi, Patgaon.
Ipomoea eriocarpa R. Br., Prodr. 484. 1810; Clarke in Hook, f FI. Brit. India 4: 204
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 312. 1958 (Repr ed).
Slender, patently hairy, twining herb. Flowers in axillary fascicled cymes Corolla
pinkish, funnel shaped. Seeds ellipsoid, glabrous, reticulated.
FIs. & Frts. : July-Aug. Exsiccata: 68, MMS. 701
Common amidst grasses and on bunds of fields.
Localities: Alate, Halasawade, Kagal, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Ipomoea hederifolia L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10: 925. 1759. Ipomoea coccinea Clarke in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 4: 199. 1883 non L. 1753. Quamoclit coccinea Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay
2: 330. 1958 (Repr. ed.) non Moench. 1795.
Extensive, woody twinner; stem obtusely 4 gonous. Flowers few to many, in
axillary, peduncled, paniculate cymes. Corolla scarlet, slightly curved, glabrous
Capsules globose, slightly 4-gonous, glabrous. Seeds 4, black, densely pubescent
FIs. &Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: 226
Native of tropical America, naturalised in many parts.
Localities: Ganganagar, Khochi, Sangawade.
* Ipomoea horsfalliae Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3315. 1834; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 321.
1958 (Repr. ed ).
Large, woody, glabrous twinner. Leaves deeply, palmately, 3-5 lobed. Flowers
few to many. Corolla reddish purple, densely hairy at base.
FIs. : Oct. &Frts. : Not seen.
Native of West Indies, occasionally grown in gardens.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Ipomoea illustris (Clarke) Prain, Bengal PI. 2: 735. 1903; Ooststr. in Steenis, FI.
Malesiana Ser. 1, 4: 485. 1953. /. campamlata L. var. illustris Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4: 211. 1883.
Extensive, woody twinner; stems often muricate. Flowers in axillary, 2-many
flowered, peduncled cymes. Corolla blue with darker centre; tube white. Capsules ovoid
brown. Seeds 4, trigonous, black, hairy along angles.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: 317, 487
Common, in hedges along roadsides.
Localities. Kolhapur, Tamgaon
*Ipomoea indica (Burm. f.) Merr. Int. Rumph Herb. Amb. 445. 1917; Fosberg in
Micronesica 2: 151. 1967 et in Bot. Not. 129. 37. 1976. Convolvulus indicus Burm. F
Rumph Herb. Amb. Index Univ. 7: 6. 1755.
Large, perennial, herbaceous twinner; stem densely pilose. Leaves entire or 3-
lobed. Flowers 1-many, in axillary, umbellate cymes. Corolla bluish-purple.
FIs.: July-Jan.
Native of tropical America, grown in gardens.
Ipomoea laciniata, Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 200. 1883; Cooke, FI Pres.
Bombay 2: 319. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Stem creeping or twinning. Leaves subdigitate, 5-7 partite. Corolla white; tube
narrow, cylindric; limb flat, spreading. Seeds normally 6, shortly silky.
FIs. & Frts.: June-Oct. Exsiccata:
Rare, amidst grasses on slopes of plateaus. Corolla pure white open in the evening.
Localities: Barki, Bandiwade, Kondoshi.
Ipomoea longiflora R. Br. Prodr. 484. 1810; Clarke in Hook. FI. Brit. India 4: 198. 1883
(non Lamk. 1794), Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 315 1958 (Repr. ed ).
An extensive climber; stem often subspinous. Peduncles usually solitary, 1-3
flowered. Corolla white. Seeds brown-velvety with a dense fringe on the margins.
Fls.& Frts.: Oct.-Dec. Exsiccata: VBS 55
Very rare. Collected only once.
Locality: Malakapur.
Ipomoea maxima I. sepiaria Koenig, in Roxb. Hort. Beng. 14 1814; Clarke in Hook,
f. FI. Brit. India 4: 212. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 317. 1958 (Repr. ed ). I. pes-
carpae Sweet. Hort. Suburb. 35. 1818. Convolvuluspes-carpae L., Sp. PI. 159. 1753.

* Ipomoea nil (L.)Roth, Cat. Bot. I: 36. 1797. Convolvulus nil L., Sp. PI. 2: 219. 1762.
/. hederacea auct. non Jacq., 1786; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 199. 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 321. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual or perennial, herbaceous twinner. Flowers in axillary, 1-few flowered
cymes. Corolla blue, funnel-shaped, turning red or purple on fading; tube white.
Capsules ovoid-globose. Seeds 6 or less, ovoid, 3-gonous, black, velvety or grey
FIs & Frts. : Jan.-Mar.
Common along marshy places and in lakes.
Localities Kagal, Kolhapur, Kalamba, Shiroli.
Ipomoea pes-tigridis L., Sp. PI. 162. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 204.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 320. 1958 (Repr. ed.)
Annual, herbaceous twinner; stem patently hairy with rigid hairs Leaves
palmately 3-9 lobed. Flowers in axillary, capitate, involucrate cymes. Corolla white or
pale pink. Seeds 4 or less, ovoid, obtusely 3-gonous, black, floccose- canescent.
Fls.& Frts. - Sept.-Dee. Exsiccata: VBS 57
Common, in hedges around fields, on gravelly hill slopes, along stream-banks.
Locality. Tillarinagar.
* Ipomoea purpurea (L. ) Roth, Bot. Abh. 27. 1787; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:
200. 1883; Ooststr. in Blumea 3: 496. 1940 et in van Streenis, Flowers Malesiana Ser. 1,
4: 465. 1953. Convolvuluspurpureus L., Sp. PI. 219. 1762.
Annual herb. Flowers in axillary, 1-few-flowered cymes. Corolla funnel-shaped,
purple-blue; tube white. Capsules globose, straw-coloured.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept.-Dec.
Native of tropical America, grow n in gardens.
Localities. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
* Ipomoea quamoclit L., Sp. PI. 159. 1753. Quamoclit coccinea Moench. Method 453
1795. Ipomoea coccinea L., Sp. PI. 160. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 199.
1883; Cooke. FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 330. 1958 (Repr. ed ). 'GaneshPushp'
Annual twinner. Leaves pinnatipartite. Flowers in axillary, 1-few-flowered
cymes. Corolla scarlet. Capsules ovoid, apiculate. Seeds 4 or less, dark brown, minutely
FIs. and Frts.: Sept.-Dee.
Planted in gardens, also running wild.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Ipomoea staphyliaa R. & S. in L., Syst. Veg. 4: 249. 1819; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit
India 4: 210. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 316. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Perennial subscandent, straggling, glabrous shrub. Flowers numerous, in lax
panicles, usually longer than the leaves. Seeds 4, clothed with long silky hairs.
FIs. & Frts. : Jan.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 718, 1753
Common along marshy places and in lakes.
Localities: Alas, Knrundwad, Kolhapur, Shiroli.
Ipomoea turbinata Lag. Gen. SP. PI. 10. 1816; Gunn, in Brittonia 24: 163, t 5 1972;
Bhandari, FI. Ind. Des. 260. 1978 Impomoea muricata (L. ) Jacq. Hort. 3: 40, t. 323.
1798 non Cav. 1799; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 197. 1883. 'Bhowri'
Large twinner; stems often muricate. Flowers on axillary', 1-5-flowered. Corolla
funnel-shaped, rose-purple or pale blue. Capsules globose, beaked. Seeds 4 or less.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Jan. Exsiccata. s. n. Sardesai
Occasional, in hedges around fields.
Localities: Hatkanangale, Kolhapur
*Jacquemontia coerulea Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneva 6: 476. 1834; Cooke, FI.
Pres. Bombay 2: 304. 1958. (Repr. ed.).
Slender, perennial, twinning herb; stem narrowly winged. Flowers in axillary, 5-9
flowered cymes. Corolla blue.
FIs. Sept.-Dec.
Native of S. America, planted in gardens.
Locality. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Merremia Dennst. et Endl. (nom. cons.)
Leaves entire, simple, crenate or shallowly three lobed
Leaves entire
Flowers axillary, solitary or 2-3 together
Leaves reniform; peduncles very short; corolla yellow M. gangetica
Leaves linear-lanceolate; peduncles long; corolla creamy-white M. hastata
Flowers in axillary umbellate cymes M umbellata
Leaves three lobed M. hederacea
Leaves palmately 5-7 lobed or digitate
Leaves palmately 5-7 lobed
Plants glabrous; bracts triangular M. rhyncorhiza
Plants hairy; bracts linear M. vitifolia
Leaves digitately five partite M. aegyptica
Merremia aegyptia (L.) Urban, Symb. Antill. 4: 508, 1910. Ipomoea aegyptia L., Sp.
PI. 162. 1753.1.pentaphylla Jacq. Coll. 2: 297. 1788; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:
202. 1883. Merremia pentaphylla Hall. f. Bot. Jahrb. 16: 552. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2; 308. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Annual herb, stem twinning, hirsute with yellow-brown patent hairs. Leave

digitate; leaflets sessile. Flowers in few to many flowered, racemose cymes. Corolla
funnel-shaped. Anthers spirally twisted. Capsules globose or void, papery. Seeds 4,

trigonous, glabrous.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Dec. Exsiccata: s. n Sardesai.
Common, in hedges and on bushes around fiels, along roadsides, stream-banks etc.
Locality: Kagal.
Merremia gangetica (L.) Cuford. Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat 31( Suppl.) : 743. 1961 M

emarginata (Burm. f. Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 16: 552. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2; 305
1958 (Repr. ed). Evolvulus emargmatus Burm. f. FI. Ind. 77, t. 30, f. 1. 1768. Ipomoea

reniformis Choisy in Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve 6: 446. 1834; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 206. 1883. ’UndirKani’

Perennial herb; stem prostrate, rooting at nodes. Leaves kidney-shaped Flowers

axillary, solitary or clustered in shortly pedunculate cymes. Sepals unequal. Corolla

tubular- campanulate, purplish outside. Capsules subglobose, glabrous. Seeds 4 or less.
FIs. & Frts. : Oct.-Jan. Exsiccata: 341
Common, in water-lodged areas, on black cotton soil.

Localities: Ichalkaranji, Narsimhwadi.

Merremia hastata Hall. f. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 552. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 306. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Ipomoea tridentata (L.) Roth Roem. in Arch. Bot. 1.

2. 38. 1798; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 205. 1883.

Prostrate herb with small woody rootstock. Stem slender, glabrous Leaves

simple, linear, hastate or oblong-obovate, base truncate, hastate to auriculate, apex acute.
Flowers axillary solitary. Calyx subeqaul. Corolla creamy yellowish. Seeds trigonous,


FIs.& Frts. Sept.-Jan Exsiccata: MMS 1442

Common on rocky soils.
Locality: Halkami, Nesari.
Merremia hederacea (Burm.f.) Hall. f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 118. 1894. Evolvulus

hederceous Burm.f. FI. Ind. 77: t. 30 f. 2. 1768. Ipomoea chryseides Ker. Gawl. Bot.
Reg. 4. t. 270. 1818; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 206. 1883. Meremmia

chryseides Hall. f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 552. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 307. 1958
(Repr. ed.)
Twirmer; stem puberulous with small prominces Leaves simple 3-lobed. Flowers
small, axillary, dense racemose cymes. Corolla yellow, campanulate; stamens slightly
exserted, hairy below. Capsule glabrous. Seeds pubescent.
FIs. 8c Frts Oct.-Dec Exsiccata: VBS 60
Very rare on stream banks.
Locality. Samobatwadi.
Merremia rhyncorhiza (Dalz.) Hall. f. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 552. 1893, Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 307. 1958 (Repr. ed). Ipomoea rhyncorhiza Dalz. in Kew J Bot 3:
179. 1851; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 214. 1883.
Prostrate herb with tuberous rootstock. Stem slender. Leaves deeply plamately
cut into 5-7 segments. Flowers axillary, solitary on long pedicels. Corolla yellow
Capsules oblong with persistent sepals.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Jan. Exsiccata: s. n. Sardesai
Common on rocky soils.
Locality: Suleran.
Merremia umbellata (L.) Hall. f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 552. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres.
Bombay 2: 305. 1958 (Repr. ed). Convolvulus umbellatus L., Sp. PI. 155 1753.
Ipomoea cymosa Desr.) R. & S. Syst. Nat. 4: 241. 1819; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
4: 211. 1883.
Slender twinner; stem angular, glabrescent. Leaves Ovate-lanceoolate, base
hastate, apex acuminate. Flowers in umbellate cymes. Calyx lobes unequal, aristate.
Corolla white, tubular-infundibuliform, limb plicate with obscure bands; anthers twisted.
Capsule ovoid. Seeds hairy.
Fls.& Frts. : Feb.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 895
Common on hill slopes and on forest clearings.
Localities: Amba, Dajipur, Udegiri.
Merremia vitifolia (Burm.f.) Hall. f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 552. 1893; Cooke, FI. Pres
Bombay 2: 307. 1958 (Repr. ed ). Convolvulus vitifolius Burnt, f. FI. Ind. 45 t. 18. f. 1:
1768. Ipomoea vitifolia (Burm. f.) Bl. Bijdr. 709. 1825; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India
4:213. 1883.
Twinner; stem hirsute. Leaves broadly ovate, base cordate, apex acuminate.
Flowers in axillary cymes. Bracts linear, cauducous. Corolla yellow, subcampanulate.
Capsule ovoid with persistent spreading calyx lobes. Seeds glabrous, blackish.
FIs. & Frts.: Nov.-Apr. Exsiccata: 25, MMS 815
Common along ghats.
Localities: Amba, Halondi, Radhanagari.
Porana Burm.
Porana racemosa Roxb., FI. Ind. (Carey & Wall, ed.) 2: 41. 1824. P. malabarica Clarice
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 223. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 294. 1958 (Repr.
An extensive climber. Leaves deeply cordate. Flowers white, in lax racemes or
panicles. Sepals subacute when in flower, all much and almost equally enlarged in fruit.
Capsules subcylindric, scarious. Seeds reddish-brown, glabrous.
FIs. & FrtsJan.-Mar. Exsiccata: 206
Rare stem parasite on Ageratum conyzoides, Pentas cornea, Pisum sativum.
Localities: Kolhapur, Radhanagari.
Rivea Choisy
Rivea hypocrateriformis (Desr.) Choisy, Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneva 6: 408. 1834; Clarke
in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 184. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2. 323. 1958 (Repr
ed ). Convolvulus hypocrateriformis Desr in Lamk., Encyclo. 3: 561. 1792.
A large climber. Leaves as broad as, but rarely broader than long. Peduncles very
short, usually 1-flowered. Corolla fragrant.
FIs. & Frts. Jan.-Mar.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1951
Rare on bushes.
Localities: Babu Jamal, Kolhapur, Radhanagari.
Stamens not didynamous; normally five
Calyx accrescent in fruit, enclosing the fruit
Fruits berry
Flowers solitary; plants not stellate hairy
Calyx parted in the middle; corolla rotate, yellow;
stamens exserted Physalis
Calyx parted to the base; corolla campanulate, bluish white;
stamens included Niccmdra
Flowers in axillary clusters; plants stellate hairy Withania
Fruits capsular Nicotiana
Calyx not accrescent in fruit, not enclosing the fruit
Fruits berry
Anthers connivent
Leaves 1-2 pinnatifid; anthers opening by longitudinal slits Lycopersicon
Leaves entire or lobed; anthers opening by apical pores
Flowers in fascicles Lysianthes
Flowers in cymes Solatium
Anthers not connivent
Corolla tubular; berries few seeded Cestrum
Corolla rotate; berries many seeded Capsicum
Fruits capsular Datura
Stamens didynamous; fifth smaller, abortive Brunfelsia
Brunfelsia Sw.
"Brunfelsia americana L , Sp PI 191 1753
Shrub. Flowers arranged in terminal clusters or in the axils of the leaves. Corolla
hypocrateriform, pure white, fading to yellow. Fruit a berry.
FIs. & FrtsMar.-Apr.
Native of tropical America, grown in gardens.
Locality. Kolhapur.
Capsicum L
Pedicels solitary, erect or reflexed; fruits erect, spreading or pendent,
usually longer than pedicels
Calyx embracing the base of fruit; fruit long and narrow C. annum var.
Calyx not embracing the base of fruit; fruit broad C annum var.
Pedicels 2 or more; fruits always erect shorter than pedicels C. finitescens
"Capsicum annuum L. var. acuminata Fingerh. Monogr. Gen. Caps. 13. t. 2. f. c. 1832;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 347 1958. (Repr. ed.) 'Mirachi'
Erect, annual, glabrous herb. Leaves variable, alternate or subfascicled. Flowers
axillary, erect or pendulous. Fruits elongate, tapering to a point, varying. Seeds discoid.
FIs. & Frts.: More or less throughout the year.
Native, probably of Central and South America, largely'cultivated for pungent fruits.
Localities: Kodoli, Sangawade
‘Capsicum annuum L. var. grossa (L ) Sendt In Mart. FI. 10: 147. 1846-56. Capsicum
grossum L. Mant. 47. 1767, Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 239. 1883; Cooke, FI
Pres. Bombay 2: 347. 1958. (Repr. ed). ‘Vilayati Mirachi, Dhaboo Mirachi. Simala
Erect, annual, herb. Leaves alternate. Fruits large, prismatic, quadrate or oblate,
usually with basal depression, red. Seeds many, kidney-shaped, flat, brown.
FIs. &Frts.: Sept -Jan.
Native of tropical America, grown for fruits used as vegetable.
Localities Halondi, Shiroli.

‘Capsicum frutescens L. Hort. Cliff. 90. 1737 et Sp. PI. 188. 1753; Bailey Man Cult.
PI. 873 1949. C. minimum Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 6: 10. 1752; Clarke in Hook f. FI. Brit.
India 4: 239. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 348. 1958. (Repr. ed.).‘Lawangi Mirachi'
Erect, annual, glabrous herb. Leaves variable, alternate or subfascicled. Flowers
axillary, usually 2 or more together. Fruits shorter and narrower, often not exceeding 6
mm in length; flesh thin, very pungent. Seeds discoid.
FIs. & Frts.Sept - Jan.
Grown throught the region for the pungent fruits.
Localities. Danoli, Dattawad.
Cestrum L.
Corolla greenish or pale yellow, lobes acute, erect or spreading
Corolla not bell shaped
Leaves lanceolate, long tapering, foetid when bruised; corolla
pale yellow; lobes sprading C. parqui
Leaves oblong-obovate, shortly acuminate, not foetid when
bruised; corolla greenish yellow; lobes erect C. nocturnum
Corolla bell shaped C. aurantiacum
Corolla white, lobes obtuse, reflexed C diurmrn
‘Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. Bot. Reg. (Misc.) 71. 1844; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
346 (Repr. ed ). ‘Din Ka Raja'
Erect, much branched shrub. Flowers sweet-scented, borne in clusters on long
axillary peduncles; each cluster subtended by a leafy bract. Corolla tubular.
FIs. & Frts. Almost throughout the year.

Native of W. Indies, planted in gardens. Flowers fragrant during day time.

Localities: Kadgaon, Patgaon.
*Cestnim diurnum L., Sp. PI. 191. 1753, Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 874. 1949. ‘Din Ka
Erect, much branched shrub. Flowers sweet-scented, borne in clusters on long
axillary peduncles. Corolla tubular, off-white; lobes reflexed.
FIs. & Frts:. Almost throughout the year.
Native of W. Indies, planted in gardens. Flowers fragrant during day time.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
*Cestrum nocturnum L, Sp. PI. 191. 1753; Bailey, Man Cult. PI. 874 1949. '‘Raat
Erect, much branched, glabrous shrub. Flowers in axillary or terminal, cymose
panicles. Corolla lobes 5, ovate, acute. Stamens included.
FIs. -Mostly after mansoon and in spring.
Native of W. Indies, planted in gardens.
Localities: Jaisingpur, Shirol, Shiroli.
*Cestrum parqui L’ Herit. Strip. 73. 1788, Bailey, Man. Cult. PI. 874. 1949 'Raat Rani.
Erect, much-branched, glabrous shrub. Flowers sessile in umbellate cymes or
panicles. Corolla lobes ovate. Stamens 5, included.
FIs : More or less throughout year.
Native of Chile, occasionally planted in gardens.
Localities: Kolhapur, Warananagar.
Datura L.
Plants not glandular hairy; corolla five lobed without five intermediate
teeth; capsules erect or reflexed
Branches green; corolla up to 8 cm long, dull or pure white;
capsules erect, with long pointed spines
Corolla dull white, 4-6 cm long; capsules with few broad based spines D.ferox
Corolla pure white, 6-8 cm long; capsules with numerous
narrow spines D. stramonium
Branches tinged with purple; corolla more than 15 cm long, purplish
outside; capsules deflexed, with short, blunt spines D. metel
Plants glandular hairy; corolla five lobed with five intermediate teeth;
capsules reflexed D. inoxia
Datura ferox L. Amoen. Acad. 3: 403. 1756; Haegi in Austr. J. Bot. 24. 427. 1976;
Bhandari, FI. Ind. Des. 268. 1978.
Stout, appressed pubescent, branched annual herb. Flowers solitary, from the
forks of branches. Capsules erect, spined with broad base, sharp, half as long as capsule.
FIs. & Frts. : Sept -Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1505
Native of China, fast naturalising in the region. Seeds considered to be more poisonous
than those of other species.
Localities. Ganganagar, Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur.
Datura inoxia Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8 n. 5 1768; Sant, in J. Bombay nat Hist. Soc. 47(9):
659. 1948. D. metel Sims, in Bot. Mag. t. 1440. 1812 non L. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI.
Brit. India 4: 243. 1883. 'Dhotara’,
Erect, grey-tomentose, much-branched herb; stem woody below. Leaves unequal
sided and sub-cordate at base. Flowers solitary. Corolla pure white. Capsules globose,
clothed with long, slender, weak spines. Seeds subreniform, pale brown, smooth.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 1324
Common, in waste land. Seeds contain hyoscine, hvoscyamine and traces of atropine.
Localities. Jaisingpur, Wathar.
Datura metel L., Sp. PI. 179. 1753; Sant, in J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 47(4): 657. 1948;
D. fastuosa L., Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 2: 932. 1759; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 243.
1883. D. fastuosa L. var. alba (Nees) Clarke op. cit. 243; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2:
344. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Kala Dhotara'
Erect, glabrous, much-branched, annual herb. Flowers solitary. Corolla purplish
outside, white within. Capsules globose, spinous with short tubercles.
FIs. & Frts. : Nov - Feb. Exsiccata: 148
Frequent on waste land along roadsides.
Localities: Kolhapur, Sangawade.
Datura stramonium L., Sp. PI. 179. 1753; Clarke in Hook. £ FI. Brit. India 4: 242.
1883. ‘Dhotara’
Erect, sparsely pubescent, annual herb. Leaves obliquely cuneate at base, deeply
sinuate-dentate. Flowers solitary. Capsules globose, minutely tomentose, covered with
numerous, sharp spines. Seeds subreniform, brown, smooth.
FIs. & Frts. : July- Oct. Exsiccata: MMS 148
Frequent, on waste land and along stream-banks.
Localities: Kagal, Latawade.
Lycopersicon Mill.
*Lycopersicon escuientum Mill. Gard. Diet, ed 8, n. 2. 1768 nom. cons (vide ICBN
1988, App. Ill B.) Solatium lycopersicum L, Sp. PI. 185. 1753. Lycopersicon
lycopersicum (L) Karsten, Deutsch. FI. 966. 1880-1883; Back. & Bakh. f. FI Java 2:
477. 1965, Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 345. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Tomato’
Erect or decumbent, strongly smelling, glandular-pubescent, annual herb; stem
often rooting from lower nodes. Leaves 1-2-pinnatifid or partite. Flowers 2-many in
leaf-opposed cymes. Corolla yellow. Berries red or orange-yellow, varying in size and
FIs. & Frts.: Sept. -Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 45
Native in Central and South America, cultivated.
Localities: Sangawade, Talandage.
Lysianthes Hassl.
Lysianthes laevis (Dunal) Bitter, Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen 24: 484, 1920; Gandhi in Said.
& Nicol., FI. Hassan Dist. 459. 1976. Solanum laeve Dunal, Solan. Synop. 22, 1816. S.
bigeminatum Nees, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 42, 1837; Hooker, FI. Brit. India 4:
231, 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 334. 158(Repr. ed ).
Erect shrub. Leaves hairy on both surfaces, acute at base, decurrent into petiole.
Flowes 2-6 in lateral fascicles, pinkish-white. Berries deep red when ripe.
FIs. & Frts. : Aug-Nov. Exsiccata: MMS 1414
Very rare, grow in deep shady places among Carvia callosa.
Locality: Bhattwadi.
Nicandra Adans.
Nicandra physalodes (L.) Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. PI. 2: 237. t. 131. f. 2. 1791.
iphysaloides), Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 240. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 346.
1958 (Repr. ed ); Matthew, Rec. Bull. Bot. Surv. India 20: 163. 1969. Atropaphysalodes
L„ Sp. PI. 181. 1753.
Erect, much-branched, annual herb; stem fistular, glabrous. Flowers solitary,
axillary, at first erect, nodding with age. Calyx enlarging in fruit. Corolla pale blue with
white, short tube. Berries globose, brown, enclosed in enlarged calyx. Seeds flat, brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Sept. -Dec. Exsiccata: MMS 1404
Occasional, on wasteland around fields; native of Peru, now naturalised.
localities: Panhala, Waghbil.
Nicotiana L.
Scapigerous, viscous-hairy herbs or shrubs; corolla white tinged with pink
Annual herbs; flowers up to 1. 5 cm across N. plumbaginifolia
Perennial undershrubs; flowers 1. 5-2 cm across N. tabacum
Tall glabrous shrubs; corolla yellow N. glauca
Nicotiana glauca Grah. in Edinb. N. Phil. J. 5: 175. 1828 et in Bot. Mag. t. 2827. 1829;
Goodspeed et al. Chron. Bot. 16. 1954.
Glaucous shrub. Flowers in axillary and terminal, lax panicles. Corolla tube
narrow, pale yellow with bright yellow lobes. Capsules ovoid or ellipsoid, little shorter
than the calyx, membranous. Seeds numerous, globose, minute, black.
FIs. & Frts. Feb.-May. Exsiccata: MMS 1952
Occasional, along sandy banks of river. Leaves black on drying.
Locality: Kolhapur.
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia Viv. Elench. PI. Hort. Dinegro 26. t. 5. 1802; Clarke in
Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 246. 1883.
Erect, viscous-pubescent, perennial herb. Basal leaves in rosette, narrowed at
base into narrowly winged petioles; stem leaves sessile semi-amplexicaule at base, white
dotted beneath. Flowers in lax, terminal panicles. Calyx cupular. Corolla pinkish-white,
glandular hairy outside. Capsules enclosed in persistent calyx. Seeds numerous, minute,
FIs. & Frts : Sept.-Apr. Exsiccata: MMS 1056
Frequent, weed in fields and gardens. Very similar to the tobocco plant in cultivation but
with slender corolla tube.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, Shiroli, Waliwade.
^Nicotiana tabacum L., Sp. PI. 180. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4. 245.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 346. 1958 (Repr. ed ).
Erect, glandular-pubescent, much-branched herb. Leaves sessile, narrowed and
semi-amplexicaule at base. Flowers in terminal panicles. Calyx cupular, slightly
enlarging in fruit. Corolla greenish-white. Capsules 2-4-vaIved. Seeds globose, black.
FIs & Frts. : - Jan.-Mar.
The well-known tobocco plant, native of tropical America, cultivated on large scale in
the region.
Localities: Hupari, Rendal.
Physaiis L.
Flowers uniformly yellow without brown spots; anthers yellow P. angulata
Flowers yellow with brown spots; anthers bluish-green P micrantha
Physaiis angulata L., Sp. PI. 183. 1753; Hepper in Dassan. & Fosb. Rev Handb FI.
Ceylon 6: 394. 1987. P minima L., Sp. PI. 183. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4:
238. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 340. 1958 (Repr. ed ). P. longi/olia auct. plur.
non Nutt. 1837. ‘Popati’
Soft, erect, much-branched herb often rooting from lower nodes. Flower solitary,
axillary or terminal. Corolla pale yellow. Anthers yellow, blue or violet. Berries orange-
yellow, enclosed in an enlarged, persistent calyx. Seeds many, compressed, granulate.
FIs. & Frts.: Oct.-Mar. Exsiccata: MMS 918
Common, weed of wet fields.
Localities. Sangawade, Halasawade.
Physaiis micrantha Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. 1: 181. 1821; Babu, Herb. FI. Dehradun
338. 1977. ‘Popati'
Erect or ducumbent, annual herb. Flowers solitary, axillary, nodding. Corolla pale
yellow. Anthers yellow. Berries glabrous, reddish, enclosed in enlarged persistent
calyx. FIs. & Frts. : Nov-Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1953
Frequent, weed in wet fields.
Localities: Hupari, Tillari.
Solanum L.
Plants unarmed
Tubers present S. tuberosum
Tubers absent
Low herbs
Berries black
Corolla 8-11 mm across; berries dull purplish black S. nigrum
Corolla 5-6 mm across; berries shiny bluish black S. americanum
Berries orange-red or yellow S. villosum
Shrubs or small trees
Flowers purple, not in corymbose cymes S. pubescens
Flowers white, in corymbose cymes S. erianthum
Plants armed
Herbs S. virginiatum
Shrubs S. cmguivi
Solanum americanum Mill. Gard. Diet. Ed. 8 n. 5 1768; Edmonds in Kew Bull 27:
103. 1972; Happer in Dassan. & Fosb. Rev. Handb. FI. Ceylon 6. 368. 1987. S. nigrum
auct. non. L, 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 235. 1883. ‘Dorli’
Erect, much-branched, prickly undershrub; prickles stout, with broad base
Leaves sinuately lobed, prickly on midnerve, hairs simple mixed with stellate ones.
Flowers in extra-axillary, recemose cymes. Corolla purple, clothed outside with purple,
stellate hairs. Berries globose, yellow, glabrous. Seeds flat, minutely pitted.
FIs. & Frts.: Aug. -Dec. Exsiccata 369

Common, on bunds of fields and on waste land.

Localities. Radahanagari, Shelap.
Solanum erianthum D. Don, Prodr. 96. 1825; Roe in Taxon 17: 176. 1968. S.
verbascifolium auct. non L. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 230. 1883; Cooke,
FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 333. 1958 (Repr. ed).
Tall, unarmed shrub. Leaves pubescent above, densely tomentose beneath.
Flowers in leaf-opposed, dichotomous, dense cymes. Calyx cup-shaped, densely stellate
hairy outside; enlarged in fruit. Corolla white. Berries yellow with few stellate hairs.
Seeds flat.
FIs & Frts. June- Jan.
: Exsiccata: MMS 1854
Occasional, on waste land around fields. Leaves aromatic when bruised.
Localities: Hatkananagel, Majale.
Solanum incanum L., Sp. PI. 188. 1753; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 337. 1958 (Repr.
ed ). S. sanctum L., Sp. PI. ed. 2: 269. 1762. S. coagulans Forsk. FI. Aeg. Arab. 47. 1775;
Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 236. 1883. ‘Karanada'
Much-branched, prickly undershrub; prickles stout, recurved; branches densely
fulvous stellate tomentose. Leaves subcordate or cuneate at base, shallowly sinuately
lobed, acute, densely stellate tomentose on both surfaces, sparsely prickly on the
FIs. & Frts.:- June- Jan. Exsiccata: MMS 1955
Common, on waste land near villages.
Localities Batkanagale, Kodali.
*SoIanum melongena L., Sp PI 186 1753, Clarke in Hook. f. FI Brit India 4: 235
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 339. 1958 (Repr. ed). ‘Wanga, Baingan'.
Prickly, much-branched undershrub; stem and branches stellately grey-
tomentose. Flowers in short, few-flowered cymes. Corolla purple. Berries globose,
ellipsoid, dark purple, yellow, white or even green variegated with white. Seeds
numerous, brown.
FIs. & Frts.: Throughout the year.
Native of India and Ease Indies, largely cultivated throughout the region.
Localities: Shirol, Wathar.
Solanum nigrum L., Sp. PI. 186. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4. 229. 1883 p.
p. ; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 332. 1958 (Repr. ed ). subsp. nigrum; Hawke &
Edmonds in Tutin etal. (ed.) FI. Europaea 3: 197. 1972. ‘Kamuni’
Erect, annual herb. Flowers in extra-axillary, subumbellate, 3-8-flowered,
pendulous cymes. Corolla white, divided more than half way down. Anthers yellow,
notched at apex. Berries globose. Seeds ovoid, yellowish.
FIs. & Frts Aug. -Jan. Exsiccata: 305
Common, weed of wet fields and waste land.
Localities: Devale, Kolhapur, Satave, Savarde.
* Solanum tuberosum L., Sp. PI. 185. 1753; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 229.
1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 339. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Batata’
Low, suberect herb with underground tubers; stem ribbed-winged. Leaves
pinnate-lobed; each pair of large lobes alternating with 1-2 smaller lobes. Flowers in
many-flowered lateral and terminal corymbose cymes. Corolla white or with purplish-
bluish tinge.
FIs - Apr - June Frts. : not seen.
Rarely cultivated in the region.
Locality: Bubnal.
Solanum virginianum L., Sp. PI. 187. 1753; Hepper in Dassan. & Fosb. Rev. Handb. FI.
Ceylon 6. 375. 1987. S. surattense Burm. f. FI. Ind. 57. 1768. S xanthocarpum Schrad.
& Wendl. Sert. Hanov. 1: 8. t. 2. 1795; Clarke in Hook. f. FI. Brit. India 4: 236. 1883;
Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 335. 1958 (Repr. ed ). ‘Bhui Ringani'
Procumbent or trailing herb or undershrub clothed with long, sharp prickles.
Leaves sinuate or subpinnatifid. Flowers in extra-axillary, few-flowered cymes. Corolla
violet-purple. Anthers yellow. Berries globose. Seeds subreniform, glabrous.

I ts & Lrts : June- Jan. Exsiccata: 382

Occasionally, on waste lands
Localities Aurwad, Gourwad, Ichalkaranji.
Withania Parquy (nom. cons.)

Withania somnifera (L ) Dunal in DC Prodr 12(1): 453. 1852; Clarke in Hook, f FI

Brit India 4: 239. 1883; Cooke, FI. Pres. Bombay 2: 341 1958 (Repr. ed.) Physalis
somnifera L., Sp. PI. 182. 1753 ‘Dhor Gunj, Askand'
Erect, undershrub, densely clothed with mealy stellate-hoary tomentum Flowers
in sessile or subsessile fascicles. Corolla greenish-yellow. Anthers elliptic-orbicular.
Berries red, globose, enclosed in enlarged persistent calyx. Seeds subreniform, yellow.
Lis A I ris : Sept. -Dec. Exsiccata. 160
Occasional, along roadsides, on waste land.
Localities: Ichalkaranji, Kumbhoj.

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