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Newspaper, as we know ,is an essential part of our life.

For newspaper reader ,it is the first and foremost

thing that he would like to have early in the morning. It connect with us every field and every party of the
world. be it politics `entertainment, sports, films etc. newspaper provides information about the burning
topic from all over the world ands keeps us well informed. Through news is also displayed on television on
radio, there we don’t have an option to choose. It result in wastage of time, as the news is repeated over
and over again and is followed by a number of advertisements.

‘Early to bed and early to rise , Keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise’. The grea t advantage of early
rising is the good start it gives us in our day’s work. In the early morning the mind is fresh and there are
few sounds so that work done at that time is generally well done. The early riser also finds time to take
some exercise in the fresh morning air, and, this exercise supplies him with a fund of energy that will last
until the evening. All his working being finished in good time, he has a long interval to rest in the evening
before he goes to the bed.

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