She Hates When You Make THIS Big Mistake

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The 6 biggest mistakes you are making with women are

probably not what you’re going to expect.

In fact, these “mistakes” are probably the very things you

thought you were doing right with women.

That’s because at first traditional dating advice seems

pretty legit. For example, you need to be interesting.
Women want a man with a sense of humor. Make fun of
her to show you aren’t phased by her beauty. Touch her a

It just seems to make sense.

But therein lies the problem.

Nowadays, things like “be social and touch her” is

average dating advice. In other words, this is the stuff
every guy is doing.

I mean what guy isn’t out there trying to be social,

teasing girls and touching them a lot. It’s become played

You don’t stand out. You are boring her.

However when we look at the stuff that really works.

The under the radar tactics that get women sexual
attracted to you in seconds – we find that they are the
complete opposite of what we “think” we should be

Mistake #1: Talking Instead of Listening

Most guys are looking for those special words that are
going to instantly make a woman fall for them.
Unfortunately, these so called magical pick up lines
don’t really exist. Don’t worry – the good news is there
is nothing special you need to say anyway.

You don’t really need to worry about having memorized

routines, amazing stories and witty teases. In fact, the
quickest and easiest way to attract a woman is by
remaining silent and getting her to talk about things like
her goals and her passions.

It’s no secret that every woman loves to talk about her

favorite subject, herself.

And the good news is the person who is talking is the

person who is qualifying. In other words, she is now the
one trying to impress you instead of the other way

Plus, women will stay with you much longer when they
get to talk about their lives. That means more time to
seduce them.

Sounds easy right?

Well, the trick is you need to know how to listen

correctly. Believe me, listening is a skill few men posses.

If you act like you are just “happy to be there” you end
up in the friend zone. However, if you look like you
aren’t paying attention she assumes you aren’t interested
and leaves.
I’ll teach you exactly how to use listening to create
sexual chemistry by using a special technique called
“Seductive Listening”

Mistake #2: Being Social Instead of Seductive

Are you the silent type who prefers relaxing with friends
more than running around entertaining every girl at the

Well good news – there is really nothing special you

need to do in order to attract women either. That’s
because there is a natural tension between men and
women called sexual tension.

This tension is always there just waiting for you to tap

into it. And surprisingly, the best way to do this by being
seductive and serious, not social.

Look, of course women appreciate a funny, interesting

guy that can make them laugh and entertain the crowd.

The problem is after a while all of the talking, witty

banter and joke telling reduces the sexual tension
between you. That’s a problem because this natural
tension is your best tool for creating attraction and
getting the girl.

It may seem counterintuitive, but all of the dating advice

you have received in your life up to this point, no matter
how well-intended, has actually been preventing you
from using this natural sexual tension to your advantage.
To be blunt, you have been trying to attract women the
HARD way.

I’m going to teach you the secret to maintaining this

natural tension so you can create attraction automatically.

Mistake #3: Touching Her Too Much

Every guy brags about how he got some good “touch”

going. What the hell does that mean?

Usually not much.

Do you think a woman will really remember that you

touched her shoulder. To you it was something
memorable, but she went home with someone else that

Look, you don’t get additional points for doing extra

touching. You can spend hours doing a hundred different
moves or you can simply use the one simple move that is
guaranteed to make attraction official.

I like to call all of this extra touching mental

masturbation. Meaning, unless your caressing gets
returned and becomes mutual, it meant nothing. When
you leave it all gets erased as if it never happened.

I’m not saying not to touch women – just don’t worry

about it so much. In fact, it’s actually better if you don’t
touch her all that much, at least at first.
That’s because when you only reveal your interest in a
woman with your vibe (no words, no touching) sexual
tension is created.

In other words, she now becomes very curious of your

true intentions.

I will show you how to attract beautiful women without

using words or touch by using a technique called
Escalating The Vibe.

Mistake #4: Breaking Rapport

Many a man has tried to act like a cocky jerk in the

hopes of attracting a beautiful woman.

Unfortunately, instead of making her hot for you, this

technique usually backfires and becomes her excuse to
reject you.

The problem is, yes, teasing women does create some

tension – but you are doing it at the expense of rapport.

The truth is you don’t have to break rapport in order to

create sexual tension. There are much more seductive
ways to arouse women and have them begging you to
take them home.

For example, holding deadpan face contact, moving

closer and saying nothing all create sexual tension – but
they don’t break rapport.
These techniques are so powerful because despite the
increase in sexual attraction, you stay on the same team
and the seduction remains mutual.

Don’t worry, she won’t be comfortable with your

presence like she’d be with a non-sexual friend. There
will still be lots of sexual tension – but there will also be
good rapport as well.

Unfortunately, once you learn how to create sexual

tension you will have a new problem to deal with.
Women will now start baiting you to break rapport to
control their arousal.

Don’t worry – in my Automatic Attraction System I will

teach you exactly how to avoid this trap that stops guys
from closing the deal.

Mistake #5: Worrying About Attraction First,

Escalation Second

It seems to make sense. Attract her first and then later on

make your move.

Unfortunately, it’s not always guaranteed that you will

be given the necessary time it takes in order to attract a

Look, there is lots of debate over what exactly is

attractive to women. Is it best to use social proof, be
alpha or just make fun of her? But I’m sure you would all
agree that escalation is attractive.
Meaning just by making a move, no matter what happens
after that, you will be seen as more attractive.

The reason escalation is attractive is because it shows

confidence. You are basically saying “I assume you like
me so I am going to escalate” No matter her reaction she
will at least respect you and view you as a sexual man.

On the other hand doing special stuff to attract women

often comes off as trying too hard. Meaning, just the fact
that you felt you needed to say and do “special” things in
order to make a woman like you is often viewed as

Of course when I talk about escalation being attractive

I’m not talking about groping or harassing women with
lewd compliments as they walk by.

To find out the most effective way to escalate quickly

with no risk of rejection read on…

Mistake #6: Putting it All on the Line

Like a high-stakes poker game most guys go “all in”

when it comes to finding out if a woman likes them.
They usually start out acting like a disinterested friend
and then out of nowhere lung in for a kiss.

It’s no surprise when most times a woman will simply

turn away making the vibe awkward and often beyond
repair. In other words, you are out.
Thankfully, there is a much smoother way to escalate.
Instead of making one big move, you will want to use a
series of small moves.

For example, instead of asking for her number, which

she can reject verbally, just look at her seductively. Or
instead of touching her, which she can reject physically,
simply move very close to her.

By only showing your interest in her non-verbally she

will have nothing tangible to reject. Thus, she will feel
comfortable giving you more time and more chances to

In the meantime, these small seductive moves help you

start building a sexual connection. Then before she even
knows what happened – she realizes she is attracted to

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