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Dear Sir: January 19th 1781

The troops I had the Honor to fight with have been so fortunate as to
obtain a complete Victory over a Detachment from the British Army commanded
by Lt Colonel Tarleton. The Action happened on the 17th Instant about Sunrise at
the Cowpens. It perhaps would be well to remark, for the Honor of the American
Arms. Not a man was killed, wounded or even insulted after he surrendered. Had
not Britons during this Contest received so many Lessons of Humanity, this
might teach them a little, but I fear it might not.

To give you a just Idea of our Operations it will be necessary to inform you, that
on the 14th Instant having received certain Intelligence that Lord Cornwallis and
Lt Colonel Tarleton were both in Motion, and that their movements clearly
indicated their Intentions of dislodging me, I abandoned my encampment at
Grindales Ford on Pacolet, and on the 16th in the Evening took Possession of a
Post, about seven miles from the Cherokee Ford on Broad River. My original
Position subjected me at once to the Operations of both Cornwallis and Tarleton,
and in Case of a Defeat, my Retreat might easily have been cut off. My Situation
at the Cowpens enabled me to improve any advantages I might gain, and to
provide better for my own Security, should I be unfortunate. These Reasons
induced me to take this Post at the Risqué because its wearing the face of a

I received regular intelligence of the enemy’s movements from the time they were
first in Motion. On the evening of the 16th they took possession of the ground I
had removed from in the morning, distant from the Scene of Action about 12
miles. An hour before daylight one of my Scouts returned and informed me that
Lt Colonel Tarleton had advanced within five miles of our Camp. On this
Information I hastened to form as good a Disposition as Circumstances would
admit, and from the alacrity of the Troops we were soon prepared to receive
them. The Light Infantry commanded by Lt Colonel Howard and the Virginia
Militia, under the command of Major Triplette were formed on a rising ground,
and extended a Line in Front. The 3rd Regiment of Dragoons under Lt Colonel
Washington, were in the rear so they are not in the Line of Fire directed at them,
and to be so near as to be able to charge the Enemy, should they be broken. The
Volunteers of North Carolina, South Carolina & Georgia under the Command of
the brave and valuable Colonel Pickens, were situated to guard the Flanks. Major
McDowell, of the N C Volunteers, was posted on the right Flank in Front of the
Line 150 yards & Major Cunningham with the Georgia Volunteers on the left at
the same distance in Front. Colonels Brandon & Thomas of the S Carolinians
were posted on the right of Major McDowell and Colonels Hays and McCall of the
same Corps, on the left of Major Cunningham. Captains Tate & Buchannan with
the Augusta Riflemen supported the right of the Line.

The Enemy drew up in single Line of Battle 400 yards in Front of our advanced
Corps. The Light Companies on their Flanks. In Front moved two Pieces of
artillery. Lt Colonel Tarleton with his Cavalry was posted in the Rear of his Line.
The Disposition of Battle being formed, small parties of riflemen were detached
to skirmish with the enemy, upon which their whole line moved on with the
greatest impetuosity shouting as they advanced. McDowell & Cunningham gave
them a heavy & irritating fire. They retreated to the regiments intended for their
support. All of Colonel Pickens Command then kept up a fire by Regiments
retreating agreeable to their orders. When the Enemy advanced to our Line, they
received a well-directed and incessant fire, but their numbers being superior to
ours, they gained our flanks, which obliged us to change our Position. We retired
in good order about 50 Paces, formed, advanced on the Enemy & gave them a
fortunate volley that threw them into Disorder. Lt Colonel Howard observing this
gave orders for the Line to charge bayonets, which was done with such address
that they fled with the utmost Precipitation, leaving the fields Pieces in our
Possession. We pushed our advantage so effectually, that they never had an
opportunity of rallying.

Lt Colonel Washington having been informed that Tarleton was Cutting down
our riflemen on the left flank pushed forward & charged them with such firmness
that instead of attempting to recover the fate of the day, which one would have
expected from an officer of his Splendid Character, broke and fled.

The enemy’s whole force was now very poor in providing for their safety in flight.
The list of their killed, wounded and Prisoners will inform you with what Effect.
Tarleton, with the small remains of his cavalry & a few scattering infantry he had
mounted on his wagon, horses made their escape. He was perused 24 miles, but
we had taken a wrong trail at first, we never could have overtaken him.
As I was obliged to move off of the field of action in the message to secure the
prisoners, I cannot be so accurate as to the killed & wounded of the enemy as I
could wish. From the reports of an officer I sent to view the ground, there were
100 non commissioned officers & privates, also ten commissioned officers killed
and two hundred R and F wounded. We have in our Possession of 502 non
commissioned officers & prisoners independent of the wounded, & the Militia are
taking up stragglers continually. 29 Commissioned Officers have fell into our
Hands. The Officers I have paroled. The Privates I am now conveying by the
shortest Rout to Salisbury. Two Standards, two Field Pieces, 35 Wagons, a
travelling Forge, & all their Music are ours. Their Baggage, which was immense,
they have in great measure destroyed. Our Loss is inconsiderable, I have not been
able to ascertain Colonel Pickens Loss but know it to be very small.

From our Force being composed of such a variety of corps, a wrong judgment
may be formed of our numbers. We fought only 80o men, two thirds of which
were Militia. The British with their Baggage Guard, were not less than 1150. Their
own Officers confessed, that they fought 1037. Such was the inferior of our
numbers. My Wishes would induce me to mention the Name of every private
sentinel in the corps I have the honor to fight with. In Justice to their Bravery &
good Conduct, I have taken the Liberty to enclose you a list made by Daniel
Morgan of their officers from a conviction that you will be pleased to introduce
such Characters to the World.

I wish you the best and all of your troops to. Good luck on the fallowing battles
and never give up.


John Morgan

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