Calculation Sheet

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1 Valuation of land (Area in Sq.Ft) :

Area as per Lal Purja
Owner of the Plot
SN Property Location of the property No./Sheet No. Ropani-Anna- Fair Rate of Land per anna Amount NRs.
Total Anna

Mrs. Nhuche
Formar Bishnu Devi VDC, Ward 111/2627
1 Maya 0-3-2-2 3.625 800,000.00 2,900,000.00
No. 1 District : -Kathmandu "Kha"

Mr Kabi
Formar Bishnu Devi VDC, Ward 112/2627
2 Kumar 0-4-2-3 4.6875 800,000.00 3,750,000.00
No. 1 District : -Kathmandu "Kha"
Part 1: 6,650,000.00
2 Valuation of Building :

Total Floor Rate of similar Total Construction Age of Annual Total

SN Owner of the Location of the property Depreciation Preasent Value of
Area Construction Cost Building Depreciation
Property (Building Type) the Building
Sq.f per sq.f C Y D=(C-Sc)/N Dt=DxY

Mr Kabi
Formar Bishnu Devi VDC, Ward 3,957.00 2,500.00 9,892,500.00 1.00 178,065.00 178,065.00 9,714,435.00
1 Kumar
No. 1 District : -Kathmandu
Part 2: 9,714,435.00
D - Annual Depreciation N - Life of Building in Years ( 50 Years)
C - Original Cost Dt - Total Depreciation
Sc - Scrap Value (10% of Original Cost) Y - Age of Building

NRs. 16,364,435.00
Total Value of the Property 1$ = NRs. 102.24
US $ 160,059.03
SHEET 2: Evaluation of the Property- HOTEL BUILDING & SERVICES
Valuation of the Building Services (Hotel) As per Building Valuation Procedure 2070, DUDBC
1. Summary Of Estimate (Refer Annex 1)
Features Amount
1. Civil Interior Works 36,798,699.80
Internal Water Supply, Sanitary Installation of Guest rooms and 6,080,300.00
public rooms
External Water Supply, Sanitary Services, Pumps, Filtration 2,445,000.00
Electrical/Electronic Works 18,652,322.40
Fire Fighting Works 4,300,475.84
HVAC Works 5,520,000.00
Sub-total (Building Works): 73,796,798.04
6. Furnishing Works
Room Furnitures & Furnishing 17,600,000.00
Waiting Area/Café Furnishing 3,614,000.00
Kitchen Furnishing Works-working Platform 196,000.00
Sub-total (Furnishing Works): 21,410,000.00
Kitchen Accessories 4,410,310.00
House Keeping Accessories 1,427,950.00
Cutlery Inventory 108,080.00
External Treatment of Building 954,000.00
8. Vehicle 240,000.00
Sub Total (1 to 8): 102,347,138.04
Designer's Charge @ 2% 2,046,942.76
VAT @ 13 % 13,571,230.50
Opening Consultant Charge 1,000,000.00
Security Deposit 4,500,000.00
Legal Admin. Charges 100,000.00
Total Present Cost of Reproduction : 123,565,311.30 A
Salvage Value @ 10% of A 12,356,531.13 B
2.0 Depreciation Calculation
Construction Completion 10/28/2072
Age of the Building 3.00 Years
Economic Life of the Building Works 50.00 Years Y1
Economic Life of the Furnishing Works 20.00 Years Y2
Economic Life of the Kitchen Accessories 10.00 Years Y3
Economic Life of the Vehicles 20.00 Years Y4
Calculation of Depreciation by Straight Line Method
Depreciation per annum (Building Works) = (A-B)/Y 1,328,342.36
Depreciation per annum (Furnishing Works) = (A-B)/Y 963,450.00
Depreciation per annum (Kitchen Accessories) = (A-B)/Y 621,030.60
Depreciation per annum (Vehicle) = (A-B)/Y 10,800.00
Total Depreciation per annum 2,923,622.96
Total Depreciation in NRs. 8,770,868.89
Toal Present Value of the Building in NRs. 114,794,442.41
Toal Present Value of the Building in US $. 1,122,793.84
Note: 1$ = NRs. 102.24
Hence the Fair Market Value of the Land is calculated as NRs. Eleven crore fourty seven lakh ninety four
thousand four hundred fourty two rupees and fourty one paisa Only.
SHEET 1: Evaluation of the Property- LAND (plot No 238,238)
1. Evaluation of the Property
Parameters Description Weightage
Land Classification Commercial and Residential Area 50
Road Access Artiarial Road 6
Drinking water Services Personal Water Supply Line 6
Electricity Services Residential (Continuous) 8
Access to Administrative Areas
Health Services 2
Educational Services 2
Administrative Services 2
Access to Commercial Facilities
Access to Daily consumed products less than 1 Km 3
Departmental Stores/ Hardware shops > 1 KM but less than 5 KM 1
Transportaion Facilities
Public transportation services Yes 6
Communication Faciliites
Landline Phone Facilities Yes 2
Sewage Facilities
Public Sewage line Yes 4
Nature of Living 2
Total Weightage Value: 94
Classification of the Land: A
Weightage for Class A :
% for Market Value 100
% for Malpot Evaluation 20
Total Weightage 120
2. Rate of Land
Government Rate of Land, Per anna
(As obtained from Land Revenue Department) 2,500,000.00
Commercial Rate of Land, Per anna
(Based on prevailing market rate 3,000,000.00
Weighted average rate of Land, per Anna 2,916,666.67

3. Value of Land
3.1 Total Area of Land, Anna
Plot No: 236 / 0-4-2-0 4.500 Anna
Plot No: 238 / 0-4-3-1 4.813 Anna
3.2 Commercial Value of Land
Plot No: 236 / 0-4-2-0 13,500,000.0
Plot No: 238 / 0-4-3-1 14,437,500.0
Total Commercial Value 27,937,500.0
3.3 Fair Market Value of Land
Plot No: 236 / 0-4-2-0 13,125,000.00
Plot No: 238 / 0-4-3-1 14,036,458.33
Total Fair Market Value 27,161,458.3
Hence the Fair Market Value of the Land is calculated as NRs. (R) (Nepalese Rupees
…………………. Only)

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