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Letter s to the editors ,

1 989 , 20 06-2 009 newswir e stories,

c om plete inde xing; outs ide movie re views,
Reporter Inde x, 1 98 9- 1 990 -200 2 selec tiv e ca rtoons, and ads not
200 2; 20 06 to date . inde xing; index ed. USE CTRL-F to search

Dr. Do nal d
Rataj czak; C ol. Do ug las
Se cond ann ual l ead ershi p in a me rica How ard T. Pri nce; Strickla nd ; Pop e
Lea dersh ip Co nfere nce n ation al co nferen ce hel d at Ste tso n, Jim Ang le; Al l Dr. Bon nie J. Du nca n; N ick Divi sion o f Co ntinu ing
Hel d At Ste tso n none Leadership Conference Ja nua ry 2 6-2 7, 1 989 . Reporter 101 6 1 1989 1/27 Thin gs Co nsid ered Wi lli mas Mad do x Educa ti on
Ande rson Ne ars Div I Se nio r R an dy An derso n wil l be sho oting
Scorin g Mark none Basketball, Men's for the ca reer Di visio n I scori ng reco rd Reporter 101 6 1 1989 1/27 Frank Burnell Ron Beal Randy Anderson 1
Fratern ities a nd soro rities ho ld
co mpetitio ns an d even ts throu gh out th e De lta Sig ma Phi; Pi Kapp a A lph a; Alp ha Zi De lta;
Greek Week '89 Joseph Roach Greeks w eek Reporter 101 6 1 1989 1/27 Alp ha Tau Omeg a Ze ta Ta u Al pha De lta De lta Del ta
Con cern Voice d for An emia
Patien t none Opinion Column Opinion on bone marrow donors Reporter 101 6 3 1989 1/27
Scien ce and Te chno log y:
"Beyo nd 20 00" none Opinion Column Opinion on Beyond 2000 television program Reporter 101 6 3 1989 1/27

How to Survive in Washington Dennis Williams Opinion Column Opinion on Washington, DC Reporter 101 6 3 1989 1/27

Resu lts from Food S ervice R esul ts of stude nt su rvey of foo d servi ce,
Survey none Food Service i nclu din g Ha t Ra ck a nd the Co mmons Reporter 101 6 4 1989 1/27
D r. Ge orge R . Bo rders an d Miss Va nita M.
Ba ldw in rece ive d Ste tso n's Distin gu ishe d
Distin gui shed Alu mni Al umni Awa rd duri ng the Flo ri da Ba ptist
Award s Pre sented none Alumni C onve ntio n. Reporter 101 6 5 1989 1/27 H. Douglas Lee Mark Hollis John Pelham John E. Johns
R ecrui te rs from Flori da sch ool d istricts
p articip ated i n th e 19th an nu al Stetson
Ste tso n Stude nt Tea che r U nive rsity Stud en t Teach er Re cru itmen t
Recru itment Day He ld none Student Teachers D ay. Reporter 101 6 5 1989 1/27 Margaret Horton 1
D r. Lee se ts g oal to en han ce the aca demi c Brea kfast
Lee Sets Goals for Stetson none Lee, H. Douglas q ual ity o f the U nive rsity. Reporter 101 6 5 1989 1/27 Board of Trustees Winter Term mee ting s 1

Critica l Th inki ng Skil ls Ai d D r. An n Small o f the Mu sic Schoo l

Maturatio n none Critical Thinking Skills co ndu cts re search o n critical thi nkin g skill s. Reporter 101 6 6 1989 1/27 Research School of Music

D iscusse s p ilo t p ro gra m title d FR IEN DS,

ma king th e fu tu re shin e brig hter be tw een
Stetson stu den ts an d th e Flori da
D epa rtme nt of R eha bil itative Servi ces
D ivisi on of Cou mmun ity C ontrol to he lp
j uven ile sta tu s o ffen ders cha nge Ju dge Gayl e
Pilot Program Underway none FRIENDS Program d irectio ns. Reporter 101 6 6 1989 1/27 Grazia no HRS Garth Goodman
Mark Ho lli s; Lyn n
Bo ard o f Tru ste es makes cha lle nge g ift o f Ho lli s; J. H yatt Den nis Murray Sams; Fl orid a
mo re th an $ 1.5 mill ion to in crease su pp ort Brow n; Cici Bro wn; McNama ra; Pa t Powe r C orpo ration ; St.
for facu lty sa lari es and a cade mic Do yle C arlton ; Wi lson ; Patrici a Petersbu rg Time s;
Trustees Pledge Money none Board of Trustees p rogra ms. Reporter 101 6 6 1989 1/27 Mil dred Carlto n Wi lson H. Douglas Lee Col leg e of L aw

Ka ra Bachu s; Pa m C hil ders; Al i Dei nard ;

An gie Ann Gin n; Lan i Kell er; Su zette
Esteve z; Sha un a Fi sher; An gel a
L oethe n; Lucy McCa ffery; Sall y Osbu rn;
Synchro nici ty Da nce Sq uad Stetson 's new ly chartere d po m-pom squ ad Me lan ie O'Sha ugh nessy; Den ise Ra y;
in Good Form Angie Ann Ginn Synchronicity tha t p erforms at b asketba ll ga mes. Reporter 101 6 7 1989 1/27 James Beasley Kim Dorazio dance Jo y Su rrat; Krista Tra ister
Stetson stu den ts pa rti cipa te i n Ro ckfe st, a Pa ul Hu ghe s; Ken
Rockfest '89 : Intervarsi ty ful l day o f wo rship d esig ned for ne tworki ng Smith ; Scott Po werli ne ;
Rocks none Rockfest thro ugh ou t are a coll ege s. Reporter 101 6 7 1989 1/27 Brun ne r Praisefair Ameri can Zio n Hal Haller; Brad Bowman
Se nio r R an dy An derso n broke the c aree r
Hatters on a Ro lle rcoa ste r: D ivisi on I sco ring re cord i n Janu ary 200 6
Ande rson Bre aks Reco rd none Basketball a gai nst Cen te nary. Reporter 101 6 10 1989 1/27 TAAC Randy Anderson 3
Stetson base bal l te am prep ares for the
Baseball Practice Underway none Baseball se ason . Reporter 101 6 10 1989 1/27 Pete Dunn Buddy Dryden; Craig Risdon
Writin g Acro ss the C urricu lum Co mmitte e
se ekin g ap pli cation s for the Un iversi ty-
Fa culty Ap pli cation s Soug ht w ide Mo re Effective Writin g (MEW) Prov ost's Pro gram
fo r Writin g none MEW Program p rogra m. Reporter 101 6 11 1989 1/27 Fun d Workshop
Sch ool of Mu sic professo r Bo bby Adams
Adams Ele cte d FME A e lected presi den t of th e Fl orid a Music Na ti on al Ban d Uni versity Wi nd
Presid ent none Adams, Bobby Ed ucato r's Associ ation . Reporter 101 6 11 1989 1/27 Asso ciatio n Ensemb le

Ho meco ming C o-
Ch ai rma n; FOCU S
Ad visor; Ste tso n
Marke ting Stetson Po litica l
Asso ciatio n; Pi Be ta SGA; Stu de nt Forum Ch ai rma n;
Ph i; Omicro n Del ta Go vernme nt Gree nfeathe r;
Ka ppa ; Mortar Associa ti on; Mod el Se nate;
Wash ing ton, Die th orn, Stud en ts ho ld vari ous le ade rship posi ti ons Bo ard; Beta Beta Stu den t L ife Ta sk Ha tte r L ill iam Wa shin gton ; Ca th erin e Dei th orn;
Dau ghton Name d Lea ders none Student Leadership o n campu s. Reporter 101 6 12 1989 1/27 Be ta ; Phi Eta Sig ma Fo rce Co nn ection Ji m D aug hton
Ei ght Stetson stude nts form a b and , U4 EA C han ce Morriso n; Ste ve Go sney; Davi d
The U ltimate Bl iss, tha t wo n out of 1 5,00 0 Me rrill ; Ro b How ard; Chri s Adl er;
Band Win s N ation al R ock e ntries in th e Ame rican Top 40 Na ti ona l An th ony Zecco ; Pete Ha uen ste in; Jea n
Tale nt Se arch Joseph Roach U4EAThe Ultimate Bliss R ock Tale nt Se arch. Reporter 101 6 12 1989 1/27 Roxy Theatre Bon Jovi R obi net
Pa ul Je nkin s, Professo r o f Organ a nd
Jenki ns to Give Org an C hurch Mu sic pe rfo rms a re cital in Ja nua ry
Reci ta l none Concert 2 006 in Eli zabe th H all . Reporter 101 6 12 1989 1/27
A $59 ,8 28 e sta te g ift by a D eLa nd cou ple , Ve rn and P egg y
Vern a nd Pe ggy Price , wi ll be nefit Ste tson Price Memo rial
stud en ts. Al so, the Geo rge F. C ribb e sta te Schol arshi p;
i n Orl and o do nated mo ney for Crib b Trust
Scholarships: none Financial Aid sch ola rship s. Reporter 101 6 12 1989 1/27 Scholarships Schol arshi p Linda Davis Stetson Society
Jo hn Joyn er; Je nn y H ayde n; Mi ke
ATO' s D efend Title - Gree k Week; Sprin g Rush ; Winter C oop er; Ji mmy D aug hton ; Phi l
We lcome N ew Brothe rs Club Tau Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) activities. Reporter 101 6 13 1989 1/27 Ple dg es Alpha Zi Delta Dance-a-thon Fo rmal Thu rman; Kirk Eppe nstei n 1
Woo dy O'N eal ; Scot Swa nson ; Will iam
Frisb ie; Ron Mu lli ns; Walte r Bl eck; Ji m
N itto li; Daryl Ed gemo n; R ob Tra vis;
Sig Ep's Count Gains none Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 101 6 13 1989 1/27 Fred Cooper Pledges Ludwig Van Award Tracy Lew is

Ma tt Smith; Steve Mo sel y; Tony Wilso n;

Steve Ki lpa tri ck; No rman Ho lt; Ton y
Pi Kapps Elect Officers Kilpatrick Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities Reporter 101 6 13 1989 1/27 Bi anca rosa; Brad Smi th ; Jay Gunsb erg
R evie w of Sa nd y Si eg's Co lle ge Qui ckies
Col leg e Qu ickie s Su rviva l Su rvival C ookb oo k a vail abl e fo r o rder at
Coo kboo k none Food Service the b oo ksto re. Reporter 101 6 14 1989 1/27

H . Do ugl as Le e ele cte d to the Commissi on

Ste tso n Presid en t Ele cte d o n Col leg es of th e Southe rn A sso cia ti on of
to C ommissi on Joseph Roach Lee, H. Douglas C oll ege s a nd Sch ool s. Reporter 101 6 14 1989 1/27
C ora M. Ma bry, Secre ta ry i n th e A th letics
D epa rtme nt, El ain e M. Murd oug h, H eal th
Se rvices, an d Ruth S. Sp ence r, Hea lth
Staff Members Retire none Staff Se rvices retire i n 20 06. Reporter 101 6 14 1989 1/27 Steven L. Burley
Two ph otos of Gri ffith Ha ll un der
[Photos only] none Griffith Hall co nstructio n. Reporter 101 6 15 1989 1/27 2
C olu mn on h ow to dea l with frien ds with
Counseling Center Corner none Counseling Center p robl ems. Reporter 101 6 16 1989 1/27
P.A.D. none Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) activities. Reporter 101 6 16 1989 1/27 Pre-Law Fraternity

Sa ndy Bori ell o; L au rie Ri czko; Ki m Qui n;

N icki Spi rto s; She ila C ox; C ha nni ng
C ool idg e; C hristie Pa use ; Kim Moe ckel;
Ph i Al pha Del ta (PAD) repre sen ts Stetson Steve Ana sta siad es; Jenn ifer
Phi Alph a Del ta Set For Sa ndy Borri ell o and a t the fifth ann ual N ation al Co lle gi ate Mock Hol lis Le ade rship Ta sk N apa iera cz; Mon ika Sch ilch er; Eri c
Mock Tria l Jo seph R oach Phi Alpha Delta Trial C omp etition a t Dra ke Uni versity. Reporter 101 7 1 1989 2/10 Pre-Law Fraternity David E. Disney Lou Brakeman Fo rce Commi ttee An derso n; R og er Go nzal ez
RAFTER S R ead y To R ock Gran d op eni ng of Rafters, a n ew n igh tcl ub Stud ent Uni on Ca rlton U nio n
'N' Ro ll Regina Brzozowski Rafters o n campu s. Reporter 101 7 1 1989 2/10 Bo ard (SUB) Rodney Ellis Bo ard (CU B) Greg Miller
Tho mas S. C arroll , a Wood row Wilso n
Fel low, visits campu s a nd l ectures in Intern ation al Sch ool o f
cl asses du rin g th e wee k o f Febru ary 19 , Exe cutive Servi ce Bu sine ss Cou nsel ing C enter
Lecturer To Visit Campus Joseph Roach Lecture 2 006 . Reporter 101 7 1 1989 2/10 Co rps George Hood Ad mi nistra ti on Lun cheo n

Josep h C. P ri nce
Entrepre neu ral Ti ps Fro m Step he n G. Fra nkli n lecture s i n Ste tson's Sch ool o f Busi ness Entrepre ne urshi p Th omas Prin ce
Wi nter Term none Winter Term e ntrepre ne urshi p course . Reporter 101 7 3 1989 2/10 Ad mini stra ti on Progra m Jackson Stevens (alu mnus)
Gary Mea do w, former Stetson ad missio ns
Mead ows Tal ks Abo ut d ean , tal ks a bou t the col leg e ad missio ns
In te rview Pro cess none Admissions i ntervie w. Reporter 101 7 3 1989 2/10
Max Cle lan d;
Crai g James; Jim
Ma rk a nd Lyn n Hol lis commi tted $ 1 mill ion Smith; Jo hn
Hol lis Stresses Ne ed For Ho lli s L ead ershi p to Stetson i n 198 6 fo r the Hol lis Pelh am; Ge orge
Lea dersh ip none De velo pmen t Prog ram L ead ersh ip De velo pmen t Prog ram. Reporter 101 7 3 1989 2/10 Publix Super Markets Borde rs (a lumn i) Ellen Smith
ODK in du cts five Stetson stude nts and Su san D. Bowma n; Cathe rine D eitho rn;
Omi cron De lta Kapp a forme r Flo rida re pre se ntative Sa m Be ll in to Pa mela C hil ders; Joel len Matrund ola ;
In ducts Six none Omicron Delta Kappa the n atio nal l ead ershi p hon ora ry. Reporter 101 7 4 1989 2/10 C ynthia And erson 1

Eri c Qui nn; Miche le Jame s; Ma ri an

H arnd en; Davi d Fi nckle ; Steve n Lan e;
C lai re Maga ha; Chri s Gul lette; Marcus
Bu ckley; Beli nda J ohn son; Lau ren
Fura y; Ti m Ma lon ey; L aure n Ro ss; Jua n
Sto ver Th eater Prese nts Stud en ts pe rfo rm Bri gad oon a t Stove r Cra ig Mad do x; Chu ck H oen es; Eli zab eth L uis San chez; Ca rso n Bake r; Ch arle s
Broad way Pla y none Theater Performance The atre in Feb ruary 19 89. Reporter 101 7 4 1989 2/10 Tho mas Slee per Seasi de Thea tre MacC raven H utmaker; Eve Chi n; D ea n Al exan der
Fifth year tha t the Co ors Brewi ng
C ompa ny wil l awa rd $5 00,00 0 in
sch ola rship s to a mi nimu m o f 10 0 sons
Ve tra n's [sic] Me moria l a nd d aug hters of Ameri can vetera ns
Schol arshi ps An no unce d none Financial Aid w orld wid e. Reporter 101 7 4 1989 2/10

H all H all er; Ba rry Be auch amp ; Susa n

C hap lai n; C harl ie Tea gue ; Jen nife r
Smi th ; Ca rrie Hu mphrys; Penn y
Sp ring sdorf; Mi ke Sta rmer; Bill De Pury;
Interva rsity C hristia n Fell owsh ip sel ects C ourtne y Bro wn; Tammy Gre gory;
In te rvarsity Sele cts Office rs Intervarsi ty Ch ristian n ew le ad ers who se rve over the ne xt Step han ie Bo th wel l; Kri sta Eri ckson; Joe
Fo r N ew Ye ar none Fell owsh ip ca len da r ye ar. Reporter 101 7 5 1989 2/10 R oach

D r. Judi th Wrig ht, Di rector of the

C oun seli ng C enter, d iscusse s sa fe se x,
AIDS, an d sexua lly transmi tted d isea ses
a nd o ffers semin ar on the top ic. Also Intima te
Safe Sex & Study Skills Regina Brzozowski Safe Sex me ntion s stu dy skill s cl asses. Reporter 101 7 5 1989 2/10 Wayne DiGiacomo Safe Sex Seminar Co nn ection Counseling Center
Writin g Acro ss the C urricu lum Co mmitte e
se ekin g ap pli cation s for the Un iversi ty-
Fa culty Ap pli cation s Soug ht w ide Mo re Effective Writin g (MEW) Prov ost's Pro gram
fo r Writin g none MEW Program p rogra m. Reporter 101 7 6 1989 2/10 Fun d Workshop
Po lish N ation al R adi o Sympho ny
Orche stra p erforms at th e Brevard
Poli sh Sympho ny Orchestra Pe rfo rming Arts C en te r o n Fe brua ry 2 7,
To Perform none Concert 2 006 . Reporter 101 7 6 1989 2/10
Co un cil on
Intern ation al
Free Stud en t Tra vel Ca ta log a vail abl e to Ed ucatio nal
Student Travel Catalog none Study Abroad Program stud en ts. Reporter 101 7 6 1989 2/10 Exch ang e

" Wome n an d Crea ti vity" p erso nal

e nrich ment cou rse offe red throu gh
Writing Course none Writing Skills Stetson 's Divi sion o f Co ntinu in g Educa ti on. Reporter 101 7 6 1989 2/10 Meredith Dalglish
Hatters Op en Ba seba ll Geo rge Tsami ; tommy Hicko x; Bud dy
Seaso n Wi th Win Scott Zacher Baseball Stetson defeats Flagler College. Reporter 101 7 8 1989 2/10 Pete Dunn D ryden ; Cra ig Ri sdon

Hatter Go lf Te am in Swi ng Ji m Gil bert; D on Ca rpen te r; Jo n Arch ard;

of Thi ngs none Golf, Men's Stetson golf team activities. Reporter 101 7 8 1989 2/10 Mike O'Sullivan D arrel l Bryant; Ba rry H inckl ey

Pa tri cia Van Byle velt; L isa Ann Smith ;

Kri sti n Smith; Ka mi Hostetle r; Ro byn
Wel sh ; Mi chel e Dia z-Miran da; Juli e
Bi ak-Ci n; Sa ndra Bu ttu rmore; Deb ra
Bo wrose n; Ji ll Gimmel ; Bil l Curtis; Ste ve
Gio nis; Jason Ma rsha ll; Rich De Rie nzo ;
R on Wood ward ; Ri chard C aul ey; C hris
Tennis Round-up Time none Tennis Rosters of women's and men's teams. Reporter 101 7 8 1989 2/10 Sh ann on; Todd Farme r

Ke n Ge rry; P.J. Me zera; Bill Ba ron; Pete

C arver; Mark Del Camp o; Ale x
Farq uha rson; Kevi n Fro st; Don Gla ncy;
D arryl Ho lt; Jaso n Madd ox; Jeff
McC onn ell ; Mike McN att; Gu y N iema nn ;
Mi ke Poffe nbe rger; Jason Ren fro e;
D ave Smith; Mark Spea r; R obe rt Ye e;
P.J. Stro m; Matt Sp ear; Bob Po wel l; Je ff
Wi nter Term Ove r: ATO's ATO's wi nter te rm e nde d. Discu ssion o n Gree k Week; Ki ng; Rob Tho rpe; Keith Fin cher; Phil
Fu ll Steam Dan Fountain Alpha Tau Omega a cti vities. Reporter 101 7 10 1989 2/10 Ple dg es fraternities Alpha Chi Omega Thu rman; Dou g Keln er
Sig Ep' s Take It Easy,
Nothi ng Ha pp eni ng Jim Nittol Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 101 7 10 1989 2/10
Alph a Chi 's Sta rt Ru sh, Sp ri ng R ush; Vau gh n Brown
Enga geme nts Becky Upp Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 101 7 10 1989 2/10 Ca nd lel igh ti ngs Greeks Pledges (alu mnus) Kelly Steele; Rob Bentley; Becky Upp
Intrafraterni ty
Digger Basketball none Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi basketball. Reporter 101 7 10 1989 2/10 Co unci l (IFC) Tony Chase; Joe Hess; Morris Hartley

Ke lly Di ck; Jod y Fel son; Lo ri Fin n; Cin dy

Gera s; April Gera s; Ra que l Grinn ell ;
TracyKemp ; Do nn a Keue ble r; Meg an
O'Born ; Ki m Qui nn; Den ise Serva t;
Mi chel le Sesta; Caro lyn Smith ; Na na
Stei gne r; Jud y Tho mpson ; Ch eryl
Wagn er; Bl ythe Willi ams; Pam Burne tt;
Fay Theo s; Tori Size more ; Tra cy
Stromb erg; Kell y N ewso me; P am
Bu rgos; Sherry Mul len ex; Shel lie Sp eed ;
Gree k Wee k; Mi chel le Da y; Any Gra nho lm; Kri sta
Zeta's Elect Officers Elizabeth Harper Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 101 7 11 1989 2/10 Pled ges Traister
Gree k Wee k;
Pi Phi's Start Semester Right none Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 101 7 11 1989 2/10 Pled ges
Su san Mo ore na med reg istrar fo r Stetso n
Law School Registrar none College of Law U nive rsity C oll ege of L aw. Reporter 101 7 11 1989 2/10
Counseling Center Corner none Counseling Center Column on love and relationships. Reporter 101 7 12 1989 2/10
Me eting fo r p rospe cti ve stu den t tea cher
Interns none Internships i nterns. Reporter 101 7 12 1989 2/10
C oll ege o f L aw ho lds semi nar on l ega l an d
l aw en fo rceme nt a spects of cri mes aga inst
Law School Seminar none College of Law the e ld erly. Reporter 101 7 12 1989 2/10
D ead lin e ap proa chin g fo r stud en ts Jesse Berry; Ted
a ppl ying fo r R otary Fo und ation Suryn t; Micha el
Rotary none Financial Aid Sch ola rship s. Reporter 101 7 12 1989 2/10 Ri ckman
So uthe rn Maga zine h as chose n Stetson as
Maga zine Ta ps Ste tso n fo r o ne o f the 28 b est l ibe ral arts col leg es in
Hon or none Public Relations the so uth. Reporter 101 8 1 1989 2/24 H. Douglas Lee
Tho mas S. C arroll , p resid ent of the
Intern atio nal Exe cutive Servi ce Corp s a nd
Woo drow Wil son Fell ow, tal ks a bou t the Ho lli s L ea dersh ip
IESC Pre side nt Spea ks a t IESC at a pu bli c foru m o n Fe brua ry 2 0, De velo pmen t
Ste tso n none Lecture 1 989 . Reporter 101 8 1 1989 2/24 Pro gram

Sa ndy Borri ell o; Eri c And erso n; Sh eil a

C ox; Ki m Qui nn; Nicki Sp irtos; C ha nni ng
Stetson 's Wi lli am Amo ry U nde rhil l Cha pter C ool idg e; L auri e Riczko ; R oge r
o f the Ph i Al pha D elta pre -law fratern ity Ho lli s L ea dersh ip Gon zael z; Kim Moe ckel; Mon ika
re prese nted Stetson a t the Na tion al De velo pmen t Sch ilch er; Steve Ana stasia des; Jenn ifer
Phi Alpha Delta A Winner Laurie Riczko Phi Alpha Delta Interco lle gi ate Mock Tria l To urna men t. Reporter 101 8 1 1989 2/24 Pro gram N apa iera cz; Ch risty Pa use

Pri ncip al le ctu re ha ll an d adj oin ing o ffice

co mple x a t Stetson C oll ege o f La w ha s
b een name d in ho nor of an a lumn us of the James an d Ru th Jame s a nd R uth
Lecture H all N amed After co lle ge, Jame s N emec, and h is wife Ru th Neme c Ne mec Office
Neme cs none College of Law N emec, an a lumn a of the D eLa nd ca mpus. Reporter 101 8 4 1989 2/24 H. Douglas Lee Audi to rium Co mple x Bruce Jacob

The Vol usia All -Cou nty Jazz Band w ill

a ppe ar as spe cial g uest ense mble at
Jazz Ensemb le to Perform Stetson 's Jazz Ensemb le Co nce rtt at the
at Stetso n none Concert First Baptist Ch urch on Feb ruary 24 , 19 89 . Reporter 101 8 4 1989 2/24 David Schmidt School of Music 1
In te rnatio na lly Kno wn Pe te r H urford p erforms gue st reci ta l in
Org ani st to Perform none Concert El izab eth Ha ll on Feb ruary 24 , 19 89 . Reporter 101 8 4 1989 2/24 School of Music Paul Jenkins
Ro be rt Byrd;
Ro be rt Do le;
La wton C hil es;
Tha d Coch ran;
Model Senate Sets Sights none Model Senate Model Senate dates approaching. Reporter 101 8 4 1989 2/24 Anne Hallum Floyd M. Riddick Jose ph Bi den Jim Daughton; Jenny Pearce
D oug Wel ls; D onn a Chri sto per; Lau ra
Homecoming '89 none Homecoming Homecoming 1989 nears. Reporter 101 8 5 1989 2/24 Alumni Ja neczko ; Scott Koen ige r
Counseling Center none Counseling Center Column on information overload. Reporter 101 8 5 1989 2/24 Judith Wright Arlene Smith

Eri c Ei sen; Ste ven C ra gg ; Ca lvin Fid ler;

C hris Gull ette ; Da vid Jon es; Patrick
Jo nes; Brad Ston e; D avid Wil kinso n; Je ff
Smi th ; Glyn Li pha m; Mike Me rlo; Da vid
Do ug R amsey; Kra tzke ; Ch uck Ral eig h; To ny Hau pt;
Mari a Pa mela Wil lia ms; Mich ael Whi te side ;
Groe sch ne r; Me lissa C lemme nts; Mich ael Web er;
We ddi ng Bel ls Rin g fo r Ph i Ro be rt Broso fsky El sa Tremb our; Tim Ca rrign an; Ran dy
Sigs Sean Hamilton Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 101 8 6 1989 2/24 Winter Term Kappa Alpha Theta (al umni ) Jo nes; Jody Felso n; Deb bie Mi kuta
Ja y Ed ward s; Scott Al per; Don
Gre ek We ek; McD oug hal ; Pete Pryg elski ; Guy
Sigma Nu Looks Ahead Richard Cheese Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 101 8 6 1989 2/24 Silver Bracelet Club Pled ges Val enci k; Todd Crammer

Ju lie Ackerma n; Sh an non Be rgstrom;

R obe rta Bl umen kratz; L esli e Cog gin s;
Be cky C ond on; Meli ssa Di ma rti no ;
C athy Dixo n; Je nn ife r Edwa rds' Jacki
El ek; D eni se Fe ikema ; Sh aun a Fi sher;
Ma ria Gilma n; Je nny Ha mmond ; Amy
L uba ch; Tracy MacCl eod ; Ju lie Ann
McC lure ; Mich ele Pi rkau; Lori R oge rs;
Gree k Week; Alph a Del ta C hrissy Theo s; Jul ie Un derh ill ; Pete
Tri-Delts Initiate Twenty none Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 101 8 6 1989 2/24 Ple dg es Cha pter Be ebe ; Ho lly Ha rris
Diggers on the Run none Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi basketball. Reporter 101 8 6 1989 2/24 Doug Sobieski
Oscar Ande rson; Brad C loys; Scott
Sigma Phi Epsilon David Pearl Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 101 8 7 1989 2/24 Su zyn

R ichi e Cau ley; Todd Farme r; Marc

D ePass; Mike Ha irdo plo is; C ha d
Jo hnston ; Lo us Kou lou varis; Rick
Mu rray; Pa tri ck Pfeffer; Mi ke Pincke s;
D oug Pri ngl e; D ou g Roo d; R ob Stalve y;
Steve To nin i; C huck Wa ygo od; Ben
Whe ele r; Ken Worst; To dd Ho lbro ok;
D ave Du nna van; Da nny Mims; Dave
Se ibri k; Jim Fole y; Joh n Bamma n; Je ff
Pikes none Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities Reporter 101 8 7 1989 2/24 N owi nski; Rob bie Wil kes
Campus Leaders Named none Leadership Student leaders named. Reporter 101 8 8 1989 2/24 Carmen Llop; David Whidden
Ste tso n's Ho mecomi ng 1 989 home comin g th eme of "Stetson
Salu te s Alu mni none Homecoming Aro und th e Worl d." Reporter 101 9 1 1989 3/3 Gary Meadows Alumni Foreign Students John Pelham
Bj orn Gehrke ; De rrall D umas; Steve
Ste tso n Defe ats L ittl e Rock Stetson defea ts Un ivesri ty of Arka nsas a t C ole man; Fra nk Ire lan d; Ran dy
87-7 8 Scott Zacher Basketball, Men's L ittl e Rock. Reporter 101 9 1 1989 3/3 Glenn Wilkes An derso n 1
Be cky C ond on; Jim Smarku sky; Jimmy
C ashi on; Cathy Ha rtl ey; Den ise Morg an;
H ead R esid en t staff for 198 9-19 90 Sa ndra C lue tt; Cathe rine C ano use; An dy
Head Residents Joseph Roach Residential Life a nno un ced. Reporter 101 9 1 1989 3/3 Mary Anne Loftus Dormitories C iamb rone

An n Croce ;
Ro be rt Fort; Da n
Ha le; An n Morri s;
Da ve Nyle n; Liz
Sch umake r; Joh n
Sch orr; Etter Su san Mul l; R ick Hal lora n; Je ffrey
Resi den ti al Li fe; Turne r; Lo uis H arris; Lisa Kru cker; C hris Lo vett; Ted
Task Fo rce Process Task Force on Stud ent D iscusse s Ta sk Force o n Stu de nt L ife Gre ek Life; Brake man ; D oremu s; Jim Da ugh to n; Jamie C lark;
Expla ine d none Li fe b egu n the pre viou s fal l. Reporter 101 9 3 1989 3/3 H. Douglas Lee Camp us Life Ke mp er Smith C atheri ne De ithorn
Proje ct Gamma;
SGA Wo rking For Stetson Stude nt Gove rnme nt Alcoh ol
Stu den ts Cliff Schumacher Associ ation SGA activities and objectives. Reporter 101 9 3 1989 3/3 Safe Rides Aware ness AIDS SGA Catherine Deithorn
Wi nter Term In te rnshi p De pa rtme nt o f
Op portun itie s Regina Brzozowski Winter Term Internships over 1988-89 Winter Term Reporter 101 9 3 1989 3/3 Clay Shaw Bill McCollum Po litical Scien ce Basyle Tchividijian; Ray Holley 1
Hol lis Foun datio n Na mes Ho lli s L ead ershi p Stetson stu den ts na med le ad ers by Hol lis
Lea ders none De velo pmen t Prog ram Fou nda tion . Reporter 101 9 4 1989 3/3 Julie Koehne; Hal Haller; Mark Richert

Mi chel le De Lan d; R an dal l Jone s;

El izab eth Hin ckley; Davi d Finkle ;
Su zann a Hol lis; Tim Ca riga n; Pete
C arver; James Bel cher; Pau l Murray;
Dep artment of R ebe cca Palme r; Jua n San chez; Amy
"Pla yboy of th e We ste rn Stove r The atre pre sents Playb oy of the Spee ch an d Mu sselma n; Su san Ch ap lin ; He ather
Wo rld" Rebecca Palmer Theater Performance Western Worl d March 2-4 , 19 89 . Reporter 101 9 4 1989 3/3 Marjorie Gilbert Th eater Ja ynes; Caro lyn Sey mo ur; John Ku rtz
G.I. insu ran ce divi den d hoa x co ntin ues to
Hoax none Veteran's Insurance p lag ue ve te rans (no n-Stetson a rti cl e). Reporter 101 9 4 1989 3/3
Comp uter Virus Attacks Aca demi c C ompu te r
Ste tso n Fa cili ti es John T. Robbs Computers Academic Computing facilities hit by virus. Reporter 101 9 5 1989 3/3 Se rv ices
U nive rsity o f Flori da stud ent disa ppe ared
U.F. Coed Still Missing Regina Brzozowski Public Safety i n Fe brua ry 1 98 9. Reporter 101 9 5 1989 3/3
D r. T. Wa yne Bai ley rece ives a ward for hi s
co ntribu ti on s to the Wa shin gton Se mina r
Bailey Receives Award none Bailey, T. Wayne p rogra m. Reporter 101 9 5 1989 3/3 Max Cleland David C. Brown 1

New Trustees none Board of Trustees Two new Board of Trustee members elected. Reporter 101 9 5 1989 3/3 Kenneth P. Kirchman Fred H. Boehmer Honorary Degrees
J. Hyatt B ro wn e lected C hai rman of th e
New Chairman none Board of Trustees Bo ard o f Tru ste es. Reporter 101 9 5 1989 3/3 Brown and Brown
Bu dge t; Master
Ca mpus
Ea rl Join er; Jo hn La nd scapi ng
Feb ruary 1 5, 1 989 me eting o f the facu lty Sch orr; Ma ggi e Pla n; Tree
Faculty Senate none Faculty Senate se nate . Reporter 101 9 6 1989 3/3 Do bso n H. Douglas Lee Do na ti on Class Schedules
N ation al Mul tipl e Sclero sis Socie ty
a nno un ces th at Ma xwel l Hou se Coffee
co mpan y join s th e corpo rate te am
Maxwe ll Ho use He lps su ppo rting Stud ents Ag ain st Mul ti ple
Supp ort SA MS none Philanthrophy Scl erosi s (SAMS). Reporter 101 9 7 1989 3/3
Sp ring bre akers in D aytona Be ach ca n
AT&T Sp ri ng Bre ak Huma n co mpete i n th e AT&T Maze Ch all eng e
Maze none Spring Break (n on-Stetso n article ). Reporter 101 9 7 1989 3/3
Forme r Stetson baske tb all p laye rs p lay in
Alumni Game none Alumni a lumn i ga me . Reporter 101 9 7 1989 3/3 Glenn Wilkes

Sco tt Phil lip s; Re nee Cirli ncio ne ; Pag e

Bra dle y; Broo k Ea son ; Graha m R aymer;
Wi nter Term: Stud ents in Twen ty-n ine Ste tso n stu den ts spe nt Wi nter An ja Le hne rtz; Re becca Pa lmer;
Gu atemal a Rebecca Palmer Winter Term Te rm 1 988 -89 in Gu atemal a. Reporter 101 9 8 1989 3/3 Robert Smith Dan Gunderson Graci ela God oy; Ta mmy El sesser 1
Ho lli s L ead ershi p
Interview with Hollis Regina Brzozowski De velo pmen t Prog ram Mark Hollis talks about leadership program. Reporter 101 9 8 1989 3/3 Mark Hollis Board of Trustees
Ke nn eth A. Kersla ke, p rintmake r a nd
p rofessor o f art at U nive rsity o f Flori da, Artists and
e xhib its w orks du ring Ma rch and Apri l, L ecturers
Art Exhibition none Art Exhibit 1 989 in Samp son Gall ery. Reporter 101 9 8 1989 3/3 Co mmitte e Fred Messersmith
Lyn n Camp osa no; Rob yn Swartz; Sa nd y
Ta nkersl ey; Ja net Hau ck; Sh aun a
Isaa cs; Taw nya Ha rtw ick; Jo die Sw itzer;
C heri N elso n; D eni se Mikel ; And rea
Sw artz; Patty D ail ey; Gia nn a Sto ker;
Outlook '89 none Softball 1989 outlook for Hatter softball team. Reporter 101 9 11 1989 3/3 Erin Owen (alumnae) L aure l Rob inso n
Ca th y Wil kes;
R esid entia l Li fe sp onso rs ra pe aw aren ess Ra pe C risis
Rape Awareness Project none Public Safety p rogra m. Reporter 101 9 12 1989 3/3 Rape sexual assault Ce nter

[Photos only] none Basketball, Men's Photos only of Stetson basketball game. Reporter 101 9 12 1989 3/3 Bjorn Gehrke 2
Se nio r g ua rd Miche lle Mi chae l earn s a ll-
My Oh Mich ael ! She 's Go t time sco ring re cord w ith caree r total o f
th e Reco rd! Scott Zacher Basketball, Women's 1 ,4 87 . Reporter 101 9 13 1989 3/3 Dallas Boychuk

C raig R isdo n; Mi ke Wal lac e; Ed C oon ey;

Mi ke Sempe les; Mike Pin ckes; Kevin
Hats Back to .5 00 After Wei ke l; Rick Murra y; Tom Rig ino s; Ni ck
Disma l Sta rt Scott Zacher Baseball Recent baseball games. Reporter 101 9 13 1989 3/3 Tsa mis; Ke n Con nel l 2
Presid ent's Cu p Poin ts After Stan din gs of campu s o rgan izatio ns
Basketba ll none President's Cup co mpetin g for Presid ent's Cup . Reporter 101 9 13 1989 3/3
Guy Vele ncic; Tim Cu rrent; To ny Cha se;
Sco tt Lynch ; Joh n Ga lla ghe r; Sco tt
In tra mural Ba sketba ll All- Al per; Ric Da rlin gton; Mike Estes; Jimmy
Sta rs none Intramural Sports Lists first and second team rosters. Reporter 101 9 13 1989 3/3 C ashi on; Jeff Will iams
Ju lie Bi ak-Ci n; Sa ndra B utte rmore; Lisa
An ne Smith; Miche le Di az-Mira nd a;
R obyn Wel sh; Kri sti n Smith; Ka mi
H ostetler; Bill C urtis; R ich De Rie nzo;
Netters Looking Good none Tennis Recent tennis matches. Reporter 101 9 14 1989 3/3 Ja son Marsh all 1
Lady Hats Take Pair none Basketball, Women's Recent basketball games. Reporter 101 9 15 1989 3/3

Gil lette Rig ht Gu ard Spo rt Stick ann ou nces

"Anythi ng Else Wou ld Be Sp ort S tic k 3 o n 3 chal len ge d urin g sprin g
Unci vili zed" none Spring Break b reak in D ayton a (non -Ste tso n article ). Reporter 101 9 15 1989 3/3

Bo nni e Cle avel an d; D ian Goi jbu rg;

Su san Mul l; Pa ige Cava nau gh; Kell ey
McN amara ; Ti ffan y C arrin gton; Kristy
Ma ys; Kristen Me rkle; Susa n Mull ;
C lau dia Pa lmer; Deb bie Phel ps; N ikkie
Sa rgen t; Trici a Shao ; L eah Strickl and ;
KAT so rority earn s the top o veral l stude nt Lyn n Bird ; Kel ly Bostdorff; Ca rrie
Kapp a Al ph a The ta g rade p oi nt a verag e of a ll Gree k H umph reys; Je nni fe r Jo hn son; Yi Yi Lo ;
Schol arshi p #1 Michelle Kocsis Kappa Alpha Theta o rgan izati ons. Reporter 101 9 17 1989 3/3 L auri e Riczko ; Elsa Trembo ur.

Ke n Con nel l; R ich Mu rra y; Mike

Pi nckes; Dou g Pring le ; Mike Se mpel es;
Mi ke Ga rgui lo; Mike Mad ison ; Tom
Pikes Ce leb rate Birthd ay; Pi Ka pp a Al pha ma rked 12 1 birthd ay of Sn yder; Dou g Cle mmer; Je ff
Hol d Semin ars Doug Clemmer Pi Kappa Alpha n ation al fratern ity. Reporter 101 9 17 1989 3/3 John Pelham Bi tten bin der; Edd ie Porce lli
Jo hn Joyn er; B ob Pow ell ; Matt Sp ear;
Ke ith Fi nche r; Joh n Yo ncis; Jeff Kin g;
ATO's Welcome Alumni Dan Fountain Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega at homecoming. Reporter 101 9 17 1989 3/3 Theta Psi Chapter R ob Thorp e; D an Foun ta in .
R ob Broso fsky; Pam Broso fsky; Davi d
Phi Sigs Look Toward Future Sean P. Hamilton Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 101 9 18 1989 3/3 Fin ley; Jayme Ben ne tt
AXO Becky Upp Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 101 9 18 1989 3/3 Spring Rush

H eid i Pape ; Brid ge t Swi ng; Al liso n Sti les;

Qui nn Fazio ; Jul ie Ca se; Juli e
Be ving to n; Ash lyn Brow n; Ja ckie Payn e;
Amy Cre ech; Ste pha ni e Swan n; Je nny
Alpha Xi's Busy none Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 101 9 19 1989 3/3 Ma cam; Ja nie Fow ler; Sue C oker
Delta Sigma Phi Greg Stewart Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 101 9 19 1989 3/3 Ric Darlington; Kevin Cox
L ance Bro de ri ck; Ted Mo rris; Steve
Sh aker; Pat Sp rin ghe art; Jai me Payer;
Je nni fe r Ed ward s; Ca rol ine H unter;
An na Bottorf; Ma ria Ca ssell a; Tommy
C amp; Norma n Hol t; Pele Za rre lla ; Ton y
Pi Kappa Phi's PUSH Correspondent Kilpatrick Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities. Reporter 101 9 19 1989 3/3 PUSH for Life Bi anca rosa

Je nni fe r Wol fe nda le; Kathy Eccle s;

L aure n Vo nd ra sek; Joe-An n Fe rgus;
Kri sta Traise r; Mich ell e Sesta; C he ryl
Wagn er; D en is Servat; N ana Stei gne r;
L ori Finn ; Teri Tiern ey; Tracy Kemp;
Ke lly Di ck; Eli zabe th H arpe r; Mike Deh n;
Zeta Tau Alpha Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 101 9 19 1989 3/3 Ke ith Fi nche r
Durkh eim Prize De pa rtme nt o f
Aca demi c Affa irs Commi ttee o f the Stud ent fo r R esea rch Re lig ion ; Fo rest C ommun ity El lie C oha n; Vi rgin ia Na rrod; Mimi
Gove rnmen t Associ ation re cogn izes Ope n Boat Excell ence i n De pa rtme nt o f Chu rch Schol arshi p D asovi ch; C atheri ne Ba rnes; Dan iel Be ll;
Honors: none Honors a cade mic exce lle nce. Reporter 101 9 20 1989 3/3 Co nfere nce Socio log y En gli sh; Aw ard Pa t Ha dle y; Greg Sa pp
FOCUS none FOCUS FOCUS activities. Reporter 101 9 20 1989 3/3 Vicki Hodgkins; Jim Holliday
L awye r's
H omeco ming 1 98 9 Law yer's Asso cia tio n Ho meco ming
Reception Cancelled none Homecoming R ecep ti on ca ncel led . Reporter 101 9 20 1989 3/3 Re cep ti on
C oun seli ng C enter talk on Myths of
Counseling Center Corner none Counseling Center Ma rriag e. Reporter 101 9 20 1989 3/3 Mark E. Young

How ard Bake r;

Rob ert Byrd ;
Law to n Chi les ;
Nan cy
Kassen ba um;
Wi lli am Bradl ey;
Cha rles Mathi as;
Josep h Bid en;
Paul Sa rba nes;
Mode l Stu de nt Se nate He ld Th ad Co chran ; Joh n Towe r;
at Stetso n Joseph Roach Model Senate Annual Model Senate held at Stetson. Reporter 101 10 1 1989 3/17 Anne Hallum John Me lche r Alce e Ha sti ngs Floyd Riddick
Pi Ka pp a Phi fraterni ty coo rdin ates with
PU SH (Peop le U nde rsta ndi ng the
Se verel y H an dica ppe d) fo r L ife to h ol d a
2 4 ho ur push athon to rai se mon ey fo r a
Pi Kapp s H old Pusha th on Stetson stu den t sufferin g fro m a pla sti c N orman H olt; Ale x C rook; An dy Co wen ;
Fo r Stud ent Regina Brzozowski Pi Kappa Phi a nemi a. Reporter 101 10 1 1989 3/17 Philanthropy Cancer Steve Mo sele y; Je nni fe r D ixon
Lon g Ran ge Be autifica ti on Bo ard o f Tru ste es app roves lo ng-ra nge
Plan none Campus Landscape ca mpus la nd scape p lan . Reporter 101 10 1 1989 3/17 Eldon Beck H. Douglas Lee
Go od First Impre ssion s
Made Ea sy none Opinion Column Opinion on first impressions. Reporter 101 10 3 1989 3/17
Stetson stu den ts attend eig hth ann ual
Amnesty In te rna ti ona l So uthe rn Reg ion al Amnesty In te rna ti ona l Step han ie Smil ey; Sharo n Morga n;
Con ventio n He ld Paul Bain Amnesty International C onfere nce . Reporter 101 10 3 1989 3/17 Kri sti na Ban croft; Pau l Bain
A Ne w Ap proa ch Fo r Stud en t de scribe s su ccessful ho mecomi ng
Home comin g none Homecoming e vents. Reporter 101 10 3 1989 3/17 Library Booklift Alumni
D elo res "Do " Gree n, secretary to th e
Stetson resid entia l life staff is on e of 1 6
re cipi ents of th e 198 9 South east
Gre en Re ceive s S ervice Asso ciatio n of Hou sing Offi cers Service
Award none Green, Delores a ward s. Reporter 101 10 5 1989 3/17 Mary Ann Loftus Residential Life 1
Fou r a lumn i ho nore d by Ste tso n for
o utsta nd ing p rofessio nal a chie veme nt:
U .S. Rep rese ntative Cra ig Jame s, Dr.
Geo rge R . Bord ers, Van ita M. Bal dwi n,
Alumni Honored none Alumni L oui s Wil kinso n. Reporter 101 10 5 1989 3/17
L aure n Fu rray; Pa tri c Jo ne s: Jen ny
Ma cam; Ke lly Abbo no ndo lo; Eric
An derso n; Tim Malo ney; Oscar
Fore nsics tea m co mpetes in the Ann ua l An derso n; Su sie Me sseng er; D ebb ie
Forensics Sally Osburn Forensics Fore nsics tou rn ame nt a t Co rnel l Uni versity. Reporter 101 10 5 1989 3/17 Mi kuta; H al Ha lle r.

Marc H. James H. DeL ap;

Lo vel ace; Rob ert Rich ard B. Mo rlan d;
E. Fo rt; Josep h J. Ga ry L . Mari s; Ell en
Maste r; Pau l D. Hurt Smith; Ke vin J.
Stee ves; C . O'Ke efe; John M.
McEniry Award N omin ation s D escrip ti on o f McEni ry a ward a nd pa st Will iam Hu gh Ca rte r C olw ell ; Booth; Den nis K.
To Be Taken none McEniry Award re cipi ents. Reporter 101 10 6 1989 3/17 McEn iry John E. Johns Joh n A. Ha gue Kletzin g.

Geo rge R . Willi ams, fo rme r dire cto r o f

p lace men t an d caree r p lan nin g at Ste tso n
a nd a n alu mnus ha s re ceive d th e 19 89
Di sti ngu ishe d Service D isting uish ed Se rvice Aw ard from
Distinguished Service Award none Awa rd Stetson 's Natio nal Alu mni Associa ti on . Reporter 101 10 6 1989 3/17 Alumni H. Douglas Lee

Mi ke Sempe les; We s Weg er; Ke n

C onn ell ; Tommy Hi ckox; Mi ke Pincke s;
Hatter Pitchers Ke ep To m R igi nos; Tim Farran d; Ed C oon ey;
Hoo siers In Che ck Scott Zacher Baseball Stetson has undefeated week in baseball. Reporter 101 10 7 1989 3/17 Pete Dunn D oug Pri ngl e; Geo rge Tsami s
Lady Golf Improves none Golf, Women's Reports on women's golf team. Reporter 101 10 7 1989 3/17 Mike O'Sullivan Nancy Guerin Katie Byrne

[Photo only] none Basketball Photo only; no caption of basketball player. Reporter 101 10 8 1989 3/17
Stetson has go od sho win g at beg inn ing o f
Crew Report Paul Bain Crew 1 989 re ga tta sea son. Reporter 101 10 8 1989 3/17

An nMari e Bala schak ; Kim Va nce;

D ebb ie Boston ; L aura Avery; Meg
Su gih ara; Kris Go dzi k; She rri Harre ll;
An drea Fai r; Lyd ia Fied ler; Daw n Pilo t;
Phi Mu Welco mes Sisters; Ta mmy Firma n; L ee Tra nford; Chri s
Elects Officers none Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 101 10 9 1989 3/17 Alpha Xi Chapter Pi ckett; Amy Sie gel man; Maria Laci na.
Snake s Su rvive
Home comin g; Offe r Advi ce Richard Gosinya Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 101 10 9 1989 3/17
Zeta's Ready For Spring Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 101 10 9 1989 3/17 Selena Walker

Bi ll Cu rti s; Steve Gion is; R ichi e Ca ull ey;

Mi ke Hari dop oli s; Ro b Wi lkes; Mike
Se mpel es; Ke n Co nne ll; Mike Pin ckes;
D oug Pri ngl e; R ick Murray; Th ad Bostic;
Ji m Fol ey; So nal i Sue ro ; Tri sh Li no;
Pikes Talk About Sports none Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 101 10 9 1989 3/17 Ma rk Sh efsiek
ATO' s R ead y For Viki ng
Party ' 89 Dan Fountain Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities Reporter 101 10 11 1989 3/17
Al ex Croo k; Anna Bo tto rf; Kevin
Twed dle ; Mike Foster; Tim Cu rrent;
Bre nda n Bastill e; Ebin Bre ed; Jenn ifer
Bucky Blou nt D ani elso n; Sa nd y Si mon; Jenn ifer
Pi Kapps Push Kilpatrick Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities. Reporter 101 10 11 1989 3/17 PUSH for Life (alu mnus) H ammon d; Ka ti e Swin g
Pa ul Hu nt, se nio r vo ice stude nt i s th e 198 9
w inn er of th e Haro ld Giffi n Vo cal
Music Award none School of Music Sch ola rship compe ti ti on. Reporter 101 10 12 1989 3/17 Harold M. Giffin Leslie Conerly
Je nni fe r S avastan o, a ssistant pro fe ssor of
Recital none Concert vi oli n, w ill p resen t a vi oli n recital . Reporter 101 10 12 1989 3/17 School of Music Michael Rickman
C oun seli ng C enter col umn on tal king a nd
Counseling Center none Counseling Center l isteni ng. Reporter 101 10 12 1989 3/17

Al pha Mu Alp ha ma rketing h ono rary Ap ril Du ncan ; La ura Fin ley; Sherry
Alpha Mu Alpha none Alpha Mu Alpha n omin ates four stude nts for memb ershi p. Reporter 101 10 12 1989 3/17 Ba rcell o; Ma tt Scarbo rou gh
D r. Don ald Mu sser co-e dits boo k o f essa ys
Ste tso n Professo r C o-ed its i n hon or of Uni versity of C hica go theo lo gy
Book of Essays none Musser, Donald p rofessor L ang don Gil key. Reporter 101 11 1 1989 4/7 Hans Kung Joseph L. Price
Geo ph ysicist Rob ert V. Gentry, au th or of
Evolu ti on Theo ry To Be C reatio n's Tiny Mystery, sp eaks at Ste tson
Cha lle nge d none Lecture On April 1 2, 198 9. Reporter 101 11 1 1989 4/7
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Ph oto an d captio n onl y. Stu den t p utti ng
[Photo only] none Associ ation b all ot i nto ba llo t bo x. Reporter 101 11 1 1989 4/7 Elections 1
Lee Exp resse s Vie ws On Intervi ew o f Do ug Le e by Joe He ss on hi s
McEniry Award none McEniry Award vi ews on th e McEniry Aw ard. Reporter 101 11 3 1989 4/7 Hugh McEniry
N on-Stetso n article o n Dr. D.L. Cud dy's
vi ews on e vol ution vs. creatio n. Dr. C udd y
Fre e Spee ch Issue: i s a forme r Se ni or Asso ciate wi th the U .S.
Evolu ti on vs. C rea ti on Dr. D. L. Cuddy Free Speech D epa rtme nt of Ed ucatio n. Reporter 101 11 3 1989 4/7
En roll ment in b oth busi ness an d ed ucatio n
Enrol lmen t Up In Bu sine ss co urses a t Stetson con ti nue o n an u pwa rd
and Ed uca ti on none Enrollment tren d. Reporter 101 11 4 1989 4/7
Interva rsity C hristia n Fell owsh ip an d tw o
u nive rsities in th e Sovie t Un ion g et
In te rvarsity Stu de nts To tog ethe r o ver th e summer in the U krain ian
Stu dy In Russia none Study Abroad Program R epu bli c. Reporter 101 11 4 1989 4/7 Kiev State University Dan Harrison
Pre-Med ical Sch ola rship s St. L uke 's Fou nda tion o f De Lan d fu nds Dr. Lyle E.
Award ed none Scholarships p re-med ical sch ola rshi ps at Stetson Reporter 101 11 4 1989 4/7 H. Douglas Lee Wad swo rth Lowell E. Renfroe

L ega l Issues for th e Poli ce Ad mini stra to r i s

first in a se ri es of semin ars on maj or leg al Dou gla s Mark Brow n;
Law En fo rcemen t Se mina rs co ncern s fo r l aw en fo rcemen t ag enci es. Jamerso n; R on Mike Fin ch;
Hel d none College of Law Pre sente d by Col leg e of L aw in Apri l 19 89. Reporter 101 11 4 1989 4/7 James Sewell Silve r Pe ggy Quin ce
R epre sen ta ti ve S.L . "Sp ud" Cl emen ts, Jr.,
Leg isla ti ve In ternsh ip C hai rman of the Ho use Le gisl ative Intern
Anno unc ed none Internships Pro gram, an nou nces in te rnshi ps. Reporter 101 11 5 1989 4/7
Stu den t Gove rnmen t Stude nt Gove rnme nt State me nts of ca ndi dates for majo r SGA
Assocatio n: none Associ ation o ffice s. Reporter 101 11 6 1989 4/7 Erin Jowaisas; Jeff Love; Brian D. Ray
State me nts of ca ndi dates for majo r SUB
Stetson Union Board: none Stetson Union Board o ffice s. Reporter 101 11 6 1989 4/7 Cynthia Vayo; Sharon Jones; David Martin
State me nts of C and ida te s for maj or Ma rk Ka ufmann ; Vin ce Martine z; Sco tt
Stetson Judiciary Council none Stetson Judiciary Council Stetson Judi ciary Co unci l posi ti ons. Reporter 101 11 7 1989 4/7 Al per; John D rye

Eri n Jowa isas; Jeff Lo ve; Bri an D . Ra y;

C yndi Vayo ; Sha ron Jon es; Davi d
Ma rti n; Ma rch Kaufman ; Vin ce Martine z;
L ists n ame s o f stude nts ru nni ng for Sco tt Al per; John Drye; Jim Dau ghton ;
p ositio ns in SGA, Stetson U nio n Boa rd, Mi ke McNatt; Do ug Well s; Do nna
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stetson Judi ciary Co unci l, Se nio r Sp ea ker, C hristop her; An gel a Phi llip s; C arol yn
[Listing only] none Associ ation Stud en t Acti vities Co unci l Reporter 101 11 7 1989 4/7 Se ymour; Susan Wol fe ; Sue You ngki n

To ny DaSi lva; Ray Ho lle y; Scott

Ko eni ger; Jake Sch aefer; Miche lle
Al and ; Barry Bea uch amp; Reg ina
Brzo zowski ; Ri chard C aul ley; Cami le
C hun g; Ji m C odd ing ton; An nika C roon e;
To m D avis; Jean Esteve z; Amy Fan zla w;
Sh aun a Fi sher; Da n Gi lbri de; Mike
H abe r; Joh n Han sen ; Kevi n Keith; T.J.
L ists n ame s o f stude nts ru nni ng for McD ona ld; P.J. Meze ra; Sh ell y Mi notti;
p ositio ns in SGA, Stetson U nio n Boa rd, R ob Moo re; Jo n New man ; Mark Ri chert;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stetson Judi ciary Co unci l, Se nio r Sp ea ker, D avid R inke r; Mari a Scale s; Ca rolyn
[Listing only] none Associ ation Stud en t Acti vities Co unci l (con't) Reporter 101 11 7 1989 4/7 Smi th ; Matthew Sp ea r; Mark Spe ar

N ana Stei gne r; Greg Stew ard; Al ex

Vi lla re s; Pa ige Wagn er; Hei di Wa tso n;
An gel Ysa gui rre; Ma ry Alfon so; Jo hn
D rye; N ada Gui rgis; Amy Jen sen ; Misty
Me ad; Gu y N iema nn ; Meg an O'Born;
H eathe r Oha nia n; Pegg y Thre lkel ;
Je nni fe r Wil lau er; Ba syle Tchi vidi jia n;
Jo e Hess; Gre g Rup p; Susan Bo wman ;
L ists n ame s o f stude nts ru nni ng for H eathe r McD ona ld: Ray H olle y; Mi ke
p ositio ns in SGA, Stetson U nio n Boa rd, Ma diso n; Ba be L aws; To ri Sizemo re;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stetson Judi ciary Co unci l, Se nio r Sp ea ker, C ab Bal dwi n; To dd Ho lbro ok; D ave
[Listing only] none Associ ation Stud en t Acti vities Co unci l (con't) Reporter 101 11 7 1989 4/7 Smi th ; Jacki El ek: R amsay Wharto n
Ze ta s # 1 in So ftba ll: Enter
Fi nal Stretch Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 101 11 8 1989 4/7
ATO's Give Just the Facts Dan Fountain Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 101 11 8 1989 4/7
Fred C oop er
Sigma Phi Epsilon Bob Weir Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 101 11 8 1989 4/7 (al umn us)

Phi Mu's in Car Wash Mood Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 101 11 8 1989 4/7
Pa t Du ff; N ick Yocca ; Joh n Va lde z; Mike
Val dez; Jim Fo ley; John Ba rna; Steve
Fre shmen D omin ate Spri ng Stetson soccer team comp letes ni ne g ame Kn ott; Mike Kin g; Sean Mo ore; Paul
Soccer Sea son none Soccer sp ring se aso n. Reporter 101 11 9 1989 4/7 Gary McKinley Ke lly; Lan ce Rod rigu ez
Lad y H ats B ette r Tha n
Natio nal C hamp s? none Basketball, Women's Discusses recent games of Lady Hatters. Reporter 101 11 9 1989 4/7
Ste tso n Crew C ompe tes In
Reg atta Paul Bain Crew Recent crew activities. Reporter 101 11 9 1989 4/7 Warren Morgan Channing Coolidge 1
Go lde n Go rdis Gop hers
In fe st Stetson C ampu s none Intermural Sports Gordis student intermural team successes. Reporter 101 11 10 1989 4/7 Drew Kemp
Diggers Greg Stewart Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 101 11 10 1989 4/7 Kevin Krause
Ap pli catio n fo rms for the Whea t
Sch ola rship fo r the 1 989 -199 0 aca demi c
Applications none Scholarships ye ar avai la ble . Reporter 101 11 10 1989 4/7

Intern atio nal stud ents prese nt fi rs t an nua l

" Aroun d th e Wo rld in One N igh t" mu sic
International Students none International Students a nd foo d fe sti val on Apri l 12, 19 89. Reporter 101 11 12 1989 4/7
C oun seli ng C enter col umn on se xual ly
Counsel none Counseling Center tran smitte d di sease s. Reporter 101 11 12 1989 4/7

Pa ul Bai n; Kri s Bi tte nbi nde r; Son ya

Bra dford; Cathe rin e Dei th orne ; Krista
Eri ckson; Liz Fede le; Lydi a Fi edl er; Amy
Gran hol m; Vikki H odg kins; Kim Hol mes;
C arol ine H unter; Miche le Min otti; H eid i
Mortar Board none Mortar Board Mortar Board announces 1989 candidates. Reporter 101 11 12 1989 4/7 Pa pe; Don na Smi th ; Peg gy Th relke l

Greenfeather none Greenfeather Greenfeather Committee Chairmen needed. Reporter 101 11 12 1989 4/7

Ste tso n Starts Emp loye e Empl oyee Assistan ce Stetson is th e fi rst un iversi ty in ce ntral
Assistance Pro gra m none Prog ram Flo rida to o ffer an EAP to its e mplo yees. Reporter 101 12 1 1989 4/14 Steve Burley Personnel Human Resources Allen Group

Je ff Love ; Sha ron Jo nes; Davi d Martin;

Ma rc Ka ufman; Brian Ray; Cynd i Vayo ;
Ji m D aug hton; Sue Youn gkin ; Basyl e
Tch ivid iji an; Pegg y Thre lkel ; Ra y
H oll ey;Tori Size more; Dave Smi th ;
R amsey Wharton ; Ell e Al an d; R egi na
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Eri n Jowa isas wi ns po sition o f Stude nt Brzo zowski ; Ri chard C aul ley; Cami lle
Jowaisas Wins Joseph Roach Associ ation Gove rnmen t Pre side nt. Reporter 101 12 1 1989 4/14 SGA C hun g 3

Je an Estevez; Amy Fan zlaw ; Sha una

Fish er; D an Gilb ride ; Mike H abe r; Jo n
H anse n; Ke ven Ke ith; T.J. McDo na ld;
P.J. Mezera ; Ro b Moore ; Mark Ri chert;
D avid R inke r; Mari a Scale s; Ca rolyn
Smi th ; Matthew Sp ea r; Mark Spe ar; N an
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Eri n Jowa isas wi ns po sition o f Stude nt Stei gne r; Greg Stew art; Alex Vill are s;
Jowaisas Wins (cont) Joseph Roach (cont) Associ ation (co nt) Gove rnmen t Pre side nt. (con t) Reporter 101 12 1 1989 4/14 Pa ige Wag ner; An gel Ysa gui rre

Jo hn Drye ; Na da Gui rgis; Amy Jen sen;

Mi sty Mea d; Sh ell y Mi notti; Gu y N eima n;
H eathe r O'H ani an; Kris Klab ik; Mi ke
Au mack; R ebe cca Pal mer; Ja y
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Eri n Jowa isas wi ns po sition o f Stude nt Ed ward s; Susa n Bow man; Jim
Jowaisas Wins (cont) Joseph Roach (cont) Associ ation (co nt) Gove rnmen t Pre side nt. (con t) Reporter 101 12 1 1989 4/14 Goo dfrien d
Exp lora ti on in Mark Ho lli s; Tom
H oll is Lea de rsh ip D evel opme nt Pro gram L ead ershi p: C hoi ce Ca rroll ; Thoma s
Hol lis Le ade rship Cou rse Ho lli s L ead ershi p i mple ments a three -hou r cre dit course o n a nd Re spon sibi lity C. Kel ly; D r.
Expla ine d Kate Harvey De velo pmen t Prog ram l ead ershi p skill s. Reporter 101 12 3 1989 4/14 (LD P 2 75) Ellen Smith Floyd Rid dick

Marc Pa vlock;
Da n Beg ley; Joe
Le e; Karen
Yode r; Joh n
A campu s ch ap te r o f Ha bitat fo r H uman ity Ku rtz; Hop e Ann Cro ce; Pa ul
Hab itat For Hu mani ty o ffici all y re cogn ized b y S te tso n's Stu de nt Ho pke ; Bil l Lan gston; Mitchel l
Org ani zed o n Camp us Rebecca Palmer Habitat for Humanity Affairs Co mmitte e. Reporter 101 12 3 1989 4/14 He rrerra Red dish Susan Bowman; Pete Lindlord;
Ste tso n Jazz Ense mble To Stetson Jazz Ensemb le wi ll pe rfo rm i ts
Perform none Concert fin al con cert of the ye ar. Reporter 101 12 3 1989 4/14 David Schmidt School of Music Scott Whitfield

Law Sch ool Ad mi ssio ns Te st La w Schoo l Ad missio ns

Ge ts a Ne w Lo ok none Test (LSAT) LSAT undergoes considerable change. Reporter 101 12 3 1989 4/14
H atte r H oli da y i s a w eek-l ong
e xtra vaga nza w ith many en te rta ini ng
e vents spo nsore d by th e Ste tson Un ion J. Ol lie Ed mund s
Hatter Holiday Approaching none Hatter Holiday Bo ard (SUB). Reporter 101 12 4 1989 4/14 Sch ola rship Fun d Craig Karges Melvin Goerge
R and y And erson ; Tommy Hi ckox;
Mi chel le Mich ael ; Pat Daxo n; Sarah
Cha lk Up 3 More Sta rs for D iscussi on on Ste tso n sports sta rs i n Fol ey; Jo die Sw itzer; Ta wnya H ertwick;
Ste tso n Spo rt none Athletics va riou s sp orts. Reporter 101 12 5 1989 4/14 basketball Baseball Soccer Volleyball; Softball Pa tty Dai ley
R ain h alts Stetson ba seba ll ga me ag ain st
Rainouts Halt Hatter Hopes none Baseball Me rcer. Reporter 101 12 5 1989 4/14
Stetson crew team row ed in the Mi ami
Crew Rows To 2nd Place Paul Bain Crew Intern atio nal R owi ng Re gatta. Reporter 101 12 5 1989 4/14 Warren Morgan
D avid C ald wel l; Gary Ho lmes; Rich
Mo rrison ; Phi l Vida l; C arson Ba ker;
D errick Kui per; Micha el Webe r; Tom
Phi Sig s C ong ratul ate Ba rnard ; Da rald Stu bbs; Patric Jone s;
Brothers an d A lumn i none Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 101 12 6 1989 4/14 Isaac Bobbe D avid Wil kinso n
C huck Wa ygoo d; Gl enn McC oin ; Mark
Pikes on the Move; Bid Will iam Alle n D ePass; Scott Lyn ch; L ucia Bru no; Mark
Gra dua te s Fa re we ll none Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 101 12 6 1989 4/14 (al umn us) Sch efseik
Ze ta 's Ge t Re ady For
Basketba ll Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 101 12 6 1989 4/14 Claudia Epting; Sherry Mullennex

H eid i Page ; Quin n Fazio ; Brid get Swin g;

C assan dra Wilki ns; Ke lli Be ech ler; Amy
Be rgen ; Jul ie Ca se; Ga brie lle Gun te r;
Ja ckie Payn e; Ke rri Rob in son; Liz Will is;
Amy Cre ech; Kara Ba ch us; Lisa
Be nne tt; Ka ra Bera rd; Ju lie Be ving to n;
C ourtne y Bro wn; She ry D eMore ; Pho ng
D inh ; Jil l Go ssard; Tavie H all ; Mel issa
Alph a Xis Atten d Provin ce H ind s; Jen nifer Ro be rts; Susan Sh iflett;
Con ventio n none Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 101 12 6 1989 4/14 Kri sty Smil ey; N icol e Toth
D ona C owd en; Cynd i Va yo; R eb ecca
Pa lmer; Jean Este ve z; Ma ria Scal es;
Pi Phis Congratulate Sisters Allison Ashwood Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 101 12 6 1989 4/14 Susan Maxwell Amy Jen sen; Peg gy Thre lkel

R . Buckmi nster Fu lle r decl ared i n his bo ok

C ritical Pa th th at the C lass of 198 9 wo uld
b e th e first g radu ating cl ass in the h istor of
the w orld to h ave gro wn up w hen larg e-
sca le tech nol ogi cal pro jects were
Class of 1989 none Class of 1989 a ccompl ishe d as a matter of co urse. Reporter 101 12 7 1989 4/14
Ja y H ayle y sp ea ks a t the Fifth Ann ua l
C onfere nce o n Marria ge an d Fa mily
Marriage Conference none Lecture The rapy a t Stetson on Apri l 28, 19 89. Reporter 101 12 7 1989 4/14 Douglas Strickland
Re be cca Morga n;
Stud en t team from th e Col leg e of Law w ins Ni ck
Law School Award none College of Law n ation al ch ampi onsh ip. Reporter 101 12 7 1989 4/14 Liz Mulligan David Sharp Ka ra messi nis Laura Featherhoff; Debbie Westmoreland
Ap pli catio n fo rms for the Whea t
Sch ola rship fo r the 1 989 -199 0 aca demi c
Applications none Scholarships ye ar avai la ble . Reporter 101 12 8 1989 4/14
Al l stu den t o rgan izatio ns must fil e a
Charter Renewal none Student Organizations ch arter fo r re ne wal . Reporter 101 12 8 1989 4/14
Ad vanc ed reg istration for summe r a nd fall
Registration none Registration to be gi n. Reporter 101 12 8 1989 4/14
Stud en ts pl ann ing to gra du ate must fil e an
Graduation none Graduation a ppl icatio n for grad uatio n. Reporter 101 12 8 1989 4/14
C armen L lop ; Jud y Tho mpson ; Ki m
Pa mela H anso n- Stew ard; An na Hu thmake r; Mary
Senior Recital To Be Held none Concert Carson M. Baker performs senior recital. Reporter 101 12 8 1989 4/14 Pe te rson Paul Jenkins Craig Maddox Ohl sson; Cla y Kra sne r
Counseling Corner none Counseling Center Counseling Center advice on dieting. Reporter 101 12 8 1989 4/14
Stetson recog nize s thre e Baptist min isters Dr. Bi ll W. Coffman; Rev. Jo hn
Ste tso n Name s Minis te rs o f a nd a ch apl ain a s 1 989 Mi niste rs o f the Re v. Haro ld O. Temosh chuk Ch ap lai n James
th e Yea r none Minister of the Year Yea r Reporter 101 13 1 1989 4/28 Tayl or (alu mnus) E. Smith
Pi Ka pp a Phi fraterni ty coo rdin ates with
Pu sh fo r Life an d raise s $ 164 5,40 to he lp
Al ex Crok, a Stetson stude nt su fferi ng from
Results of Pushathon Regina Brzozowski Philanthrophy Ap lastic Ane mi a. Reporter 101 13 1 1989 4/28 Jennifer Dickson; Norm Holt 1
Orla ndo S entin el Foun datio n an nou nces
Sentin el Ann oun ces Gra nt i ts gra nt re cip ien ts for th e fi rst qu arter of
Reci pie nts none Grants 1 989 . Reporter 101 13 4 1989 4/28
A nuts an d bol ts semi nar on Flo rida 's
Me chan ic's Li en La w wil l be pre sen te d
Semin ar To Be Presen te d Ma y 3 0, 1 98 9 by th e Ste tso n Un iversi ty
on Li en L aw none College of Law C oll ege o f L aw. Reporter 101 13 4 1989 4/28
D avid F. Patte rson , Jud ge for th e 2n d
D istrict C ourt of Ap pea ls, w ill b e th e
Appe als Jud ge To Sp eak At sp eake r fo r sp ring co mmence ment at the
Comme nceme nt none College of Law C oll ege o f L aw. Reporter 101 13 4 1989 4/28
Flo rida L ea der mag azin e awa rded first
Maga zine R ecei ves Aw ard p rize in th e coll ege /stud ent categ ory fo r
fo r Exce lle nce none Florida Leader Magazine e ditori al e xce lle nce . Reporter 101 13 4 1989 4/28
F. Mark Wh itta ker, Vice Pre side nt fo r
U nive rsity R ela ti on s, wil l dis cu ss campa ign
strateg ies a t a na ti ona l confere nce o n
Stetson Officer To Speak none Lecture ca pital fu ndra isin g. Reporter 101 13 4 1989 4/28

Ka th y Eccl es; C hrissy Thei os; Arle ne

L eemku il; Kristy Ma ys; AnnMa rie
Ba lasch ak; Sh irin Mo ha mmadb oy; Amy
Ta mbori no; Sherry Mul len ex; D ian Hoo d;
D awn Pi lot; Ke rry R oge rs; Zuze tte
Esteve z; Sal ly Pad gea nt; Ca th erin e
D eitho rne; Bridg ette Swin g; Qui nn
Faci o; C assan dra Wilki ns; C hrista
Panh ell eni c Go es To Pa nh ell eni c re tu rns fro m the So uth H oll and ; Barb ara Wipp erfurth; An gie Ann
Con fe rence Kristy Mays Panhellenic Ea ste rn Pan hel len ic Con fe rence . Reporter 101 13 5 1989 4/28 Gin n; L aura Vau gha n; Chri sta C owa rt

Jo e Hess; Nan cy Ste ign er; Ba rry

Be auch amp; Juli e Bevi ngton ; Jeff
Bi tten bin der; Son ya Bradford ; Jeff
Bra nne n; Tim Cari gna n; James Cl ause n;
C hrista Co wert; Ann ika Cro on e; And y
D ain ; Ca th y Eccl es; Ja y Edwa rd; Ja ckie
N omin ation p roce ss for the McEni ry Awa rd El ek; Ju lie Ann Furr; Chri s Gu ille tte ;
McEniry Award Nominations Janis Kindred McEniry Award for Excel len ce in tea chin g is compl eted . Reporter 101 13 5 1989 4/28 Mi chae l Hab er; Se an H amil to n

Tina H etzel; Ra y H oll ey; Kri ste n Jone s;

Ju lie Ko hern ; L ance L ass; Arle ne
L eemku il; Kristin Mal t; Chri sti e Mayes;
D on McDo ugl all ; She rry Mu lle nn ey; J.
N omin ation p roce ss for the McEni ry Awa rd O'Do nn ell ; He idi Pa pe; Brian R ay;
McEniry Award N omin ation s McEni ry Award for Excel len ce in tea chin g is compl eted . N ancy Steig ner; Brad Ston e; L eah
(co ntinu ed) Janis Kindred (con ti nue d) (co ntinu ed ) Reporter 101 13 5 1989 4/28 Strickl and ; Mag gie S win g; Je ff Wil lia ms
Sco tt Gettma n, fresh man ph ilo soph y
ma jor, h ad a p ape r a ccepted a t the
U nde rgrad ua te Ph ilo soph y C onfe re nce a t
Freshman Honored none Gettman, Scott R oll ins Co lle ge. Reporter 101 13 5 1989 4/28 Dr. Robert Perkins
Stetson commun ity N OW (Natio nal
Orga niza tion for Wo men ) jo in ed a
n ation wid e de monstratio n in sup po rt of th e
1 976 Roe vs. Wad e Sup re me Co urt
NOW Marches none NOW d ecisi on. Reporter 101 13 5 1989 4/28 Molly Yard

Task Fo rce Stud en t Li fe Task Force e xpected to

Reco mmend ation s Joseph Roach Student Life Task Force co mple te its wo rk by th e end o f April 1 98 9. Reporter 101 13 6 1989 4/28 H. Douglas Lee
Ticke ts ava ila ble for pe rfo rmance s o f a
Arts Ce nter An no unce s n ew da nce w ork by th e Trish a Brown
Performan ce none Performance C ompa ny at Atla ntic Cen te r for the Arts. Reporter 101 13 7 1989 4/28

Ke ith Costne r; Tra cy L ewi s; Min dy

Ma nue l; Pa ul Farr; Ga rth Goo dman ;
Wil lia m H offma n; Ke n Lynch; Ro b
Almost Th e Fi nal Si g Ep Travis; Jeff White; Dave Pe arl ; Bil l
Arti cle Jim Rutt Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 101 13 8 1989 4/28 David Rigsby Strin gee r; Gizel la Ka kuk; C arey Man uel
Sco tt Uqu ccion i; Mi ke Mad ison ; Do ug
Pikes Excel to Stren gthen Re prima nd ing Wel ls; Ma rk Sh efsiek; Scott Koe rnig er;
Fra te rnity none Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 101 13 8 1989 4/28 p ro ba ti on Mi ke Sempe les

N ikki Min ard; Sara White; Juli e Wa rren;

Kri sti e Kirkpa tri ck; Kim Ho lmes; Cla udi a
Pa lmer; Hei di Da vis; Su san nah Sh ope ;
D ebb ie Phe lps; Amy Pe arson ; Bon nie
Thetas Celebrate April Michelle Kocsis Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 101 13 8 1989 4/28 C lea vela nd; Dia n Ho od
Ji m L ather; Kirk Hig hfiel d; Dave N egi p;
El l Al lan d; Tim Malo ney; Jenn y Macam;
The Purple Pride Scott Mullin Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha activities. Reporter 101 13 8 1989 4/28 D ave Whid den
AKPsi Has Busy Sp ring ; Pa ul Wa msord Mayte Fi gura s Ra y H yde ; Pete
Hol ds Socia ls none Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi activities. Reporter 101 13 8 1989 4/28 (al umn us) (alu mnae ) La Ro on Rob S. Keep

D ebb ie Boston ; Ki m C ourtne y; Mich ell e

Phi Mus Sal utes Sen iors; D ukes; An drea Fai r; Su e Gra nt; Marcy
Wi sh Luck on Exa ms Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 101 13 9 1989 4/28 Mi tch em; Ki m N ofi; Ka rin Ro wla nd
L isa Satche ll; Jackie Payne ; Jan ie
Fou ler; Juli e Bevin gton ; She rry D eMore ;
AΞΔ none Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 101 13 9 1989 4/28 C harl ie Alle n

Pa tri c Jo nes; Deb bie Mikuta; Gre g

Stratake s; Da vid Ca ld well ; Ti m C arig an ;
C arson Ba ker; Sco tt Stanl ey; Tammy
Yarn ell ; Ch ris Gu lle tte; Micha el Webe r;
Phi Sig s C ong ratul ate L ance L ass; Ma rk Riche rt; Jeff Smith ;
Brothers; Neve r Qu it Sean P. Hamilton Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 101 13 10 1989 4/28 Alex Gillen Jo hnn a Th ompso n

Al i Dei nard ; Ra chel H offma n; Ang ie

L aethe n; Den ise Ra y; Ch ris Carn ache ;
Ju lie Ann Furr; Ramsa y Wha rto n;
H eathe r O'H ani an; Nad a Gu irga s; T.J.
McD ona ld; Paig e Wa gne r; Ch risty All en;
Ja mie Tan nen bau m; Arlen e Lee mkuil ;
L ara Vaug hn; Shan da Gil derb loo m;
AXO Congratulates Sisters T. J. McDonald Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 101 13 10 1989 4/28 R obyn Wel sh; Ke lli H ogu e
Zeta's Survive Weekend Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 101 13 10 1989 4/28
Se an Burke ; And y C owe n; N orm Hol t;
D ave Porb ert; Da le Pu tn am; Ke vin
Pi Kapps Seek P-Cup Probert and Kilpatrick Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities. Reporter 101 13 10 1989 4/28 Twee dle ; Bil l Gre enma n; E ric Lai rd
ATO' s So cial ize, Ge t Re ady
Fo r Forma l Basyle Tchuidijian Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 101 13 11 1989 4/28
Phi Alpha Delta Busy none Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Delta activities. Reporter 101 13 11 1989 4/28 Nicki Spirtos; Elissa Laskey

Su zie Le itner; Lisa Len t; Myra Phip ps;

L isa Garthwri ght; L iz Fe de le; Mary Tyler;
Me lissa Gia rrusso; Barb Brow n; An drea
πΒФ One Of A Ki nd Allison Ashwood Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 101 13 11 1989 4/28 Gla sier; Myra Phip ps; Te rry Ba rrow
Diggers Greg Stewart Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 101 13 11 1989 4/28 Dave Nicholes
Stud en ts pl ann ing to gra du ate must fil e an
Graduation none Graduation a ppl icatio n for grad uatio n. Reporter 101 13 12 1989 4/28
C onfere nce o n leg al issu es affe cti ng
ch urch ad min istration to be h eld o n
Conference none Conference ca mpus. Reporter 101 13 12 1989 4/28
Ad vanc ed reg istration for summe r a nd fall
Registration none Registration co ntinu es. Reporter 101 13 12 1989 4/28
D r. Elai ne No rman a nd Dr. Ke ith Han sen of
the B iol ogy De partmen t are p lan nin g a
fie ld trip to Sou th Ameri ca fo r the
Winter Term none Winter Term mi nime ste r 1 99 0. Reporter 101 13 12 1989 4/28
D ani ell e Martin, a vio lin stud ent, i s the first
re cipi ent of th e Roe pke Musi c Sch ola rship
Scholarship Announced none Scholarships a t the Sch ool o f Musi c. Reporter 101 13 12 1989 4/28

Counseling Corner none Counseling Center Counseling Center column on procrastination. Reporter 101 13 12 1989 4/28
Stud en ts wi shin g to a ppl y for fina nci al
a ssistance fo r the su mmer te rm sh oul d
su bmit a written re que st be fo re May 12 ,
Summer Finance none Financial Aid 1 989 . Reporter 101 13 12 1989 4/28
Stetson Hatters defea te d Cen tena ry Ke vin Weicke l; Ed C oon ey; Ste ve
U nive rsity a nd cl aime d th e Con fe rence Sh aker; Ge orge Tsa mis; Mi ke Pinke s;
We ickel a nd Ha tters Win C hamp ion shi p and a trip to the NC AA Mi ke Wal lace ; Tom Hi ckox; Mi ke
Con fe rence Kevin Weickel Baseball re gio na ls. Reporter 102 1 1 1989 5/5 Se mpel es; Wes Wege r
Jo hn Joyn er; L isa Kru cker; Gle nn
J. Olli e Edmun ds Aw ard J. Oll ie Edmu nds Fou r Stetso n seni ors chose n to re cei ve d Ki ndre d; Ji m D aug hton ; Kathy Eccle s;
Anno unc ed Glenn Kindred Servi ce Aw ard the J. Ollie Edmun ds service a ward . Reporter 102 1 1 1989 5/5 C ind y Vayo
U .S. Con gre ssman Bil l McCul lom wi ll
a ddre ss th e Ste tso n commun ity n ext Dep artment of Stetson C oll ege
McCullom To Visit Robert Bullock Lecture Mo nda y. Reporter 102 1 1 1989 5/5 Political Forum Poli ti cal Scie nce Re pu bli cans Dr. Ellen Smith
L ady Ha tte rs ten nis team cla imed the ir
thi rd stra igh t N ew Sou th Wome n's Athl etic Kri ste n Smith; Sa nd ra Butte rmore;
Lady Hats Win Roger Gilmore Tennis C onfere nce C hamp ion ship . Reporter 102 1 1 1989 5/5 Vicky Pate R obyn Wel ch; Ju lie Bi ak-Ci n
GORT Fou nd Ali ve and Wel l
in Li brary none Satire Column Satire column. Reporter 102 1 3 1989 5/5

Finkbeiner's Quiz To End Year Bob Finkbeiner Satire Column Satire column. Reporter 102 1 3 1989 5/5

Kri ste n Merkle ; Jeffre Pawl ack; Amy

Mu sselma n; C arol yn Seymou r; D avid
R evie w of p erforma nces of Te nn essee Fin kle; Lau rie Ri zko; Pe te Carve r; Jua n
Wil lia ms' " Summer an d Smoke" o n Ste tso n L uis San chez; De bra Ell is; Timothy
Performance Review Given Michael W. Raymond Performance ca mpus. Reporter 102 1 3 1989 5/5 Bruce Griffith C arig nan ; Eric La ne y; Ch ris Love tt
Ste tso n Name s New E. Dud ley Ho we n amed n ew di rector of th e H. Gra ves
Physica l Plan t Di rector none Physical Plant p hysica l pla nt at Stetson . Reporter 102 1 4 1989 5/5 Ed mund son Charles Johnson
Op en Se ason for Gradu ate Offi cial o pen ing o f g rants compe ti ti on for
Stu dy Gra nts none Grants the 1 99 0-19 91 aca demi c ye ar. Reporter 102 1 4 1989 5/5 Fulbright Grants
Jone s to L iven U p Th e Ma uree n Jon es returns from conve ntion Neb raska Boo k Mil lie Bo yett; To ny Parce lls; Dia ne
Bookstore Susan Chaplin Bookstore w ith new i de as fo r b ookstore . Reporter 102 1 4 1989 5/5 Textbook sales Comp any Step hen C hurch Ta man ; Joa n Brady
Se ven Stetson stud ents won hon ors in the Mi chel e James; Eric Qu inn ; D uan ne
N ation al Associ ation o f Tea chers of Fern and ez; Pa ul H unt; Sa muel Sh ing les;
Music Honors Awarded none School of Music Si ngi ng re gio nal a udi ti ons. Reporter 102 1 4 1989 5/5 Mollie Rich Craig Maddox Lloyd Linney C arson Ba ker; L isa Ro th;
" Sprin g Cle ani ng," a we ek-lo ng dri ve fo r
Habitat For Humanity Peter Lindland Habitat for Humanity cl othin g an d fu rniture starts Mond ay. Reporter 102 1 5 1989 5/5 Susan Bowman
Summertime Worries Here none Summer Vacation Going home for summer vacation. Reporter 102 1 5 1989 5/5
Dep artment of
Ste tso n Professo rs R etirin g Fred Me ssersmith, Marjo rie Gilb ert, a nd Spee ch an d De pa rtme nt o f
Fro m Se rvice Lara E. Moody Retirement Te d Beil er retire. Reporter 102 1 6 1989 5/5 Department of Art Th eater Ch emistry

Pa tri c Jo nes; Amy Musse lman ; D avid

Fin kle; Caro lyn Seymo ur; Tracy Schu ltz;
Ke lly Steel ; Pete C arver; Suzan na
H oll is; L aure n Fu ray; C hris Lo vett;
R ebe cca Palme r; De bb ie Miku ta ; He len
Stove r The atre pre sents tw o of fou r Ma ddo x; Bel ind a Joh nson ; Ken C lifton;
Stover Productions Helen Maddox Performance C hil dren 's Th eatre pe rfo rmance s. Reporter 102 1 6 1989 5/5 Eve C hin
Warren "Brady" C owe ll, fo rmer Ste tso n
a th letic d irector, co ach, and su ppo rter, di es
Cowell Remembered Michael W. Raymond Cowell, Warren o n Ap ril 15 , 1 989 . Reporter 102 1 6 1989 5/5 Roger Gilmore
Lad y H ats S ign Tw o Sport Baske tb all , Women 's; Amy Kna uff sig ns le tter of inten t to pla y Ki m Odo m; Ch eri Ne lson ; Kristen
Sta r for 19 89 none Softbal l b oth ba sketbal l and so ftba ll for Stetson. Reporter 102 1 7 1989 5/5 Nancy Nichols Janiece Holder Mo riarty

Crew Stil l Aflo at Afte r Stetson Crew Tea m co mpeted in

Maid en Ye ar Paul Bain Crew Gove rnor' s C up Re gatta on Apri l 15, 198 9. Reporter 102 1 7 1989 5/5 1

Zacher Questions Baseball Scott Zacher Baseball Column on Major League Baseball. Reporter 102 1 7 1989 5/5
Two Stetson stud ents won a l ocal d ou ble s To m McKi nle y; Greg Moo n; Mi ke Ga st;
Impressive Perfomance none Racquetball ra cque tbal l to urna ment. Reporter 102 1 8 1989 5/5 Je ff King
C hristop he r Thoma s si gne d a le tter of
Stetson University Bound none Baseball i ntent to pla y b aseb all for Stetson . Reporter 102 1 8 1989 5/5 Pete Dunn Rick Murray
Geo rge Tsami s se ts sin gle -seaso n
Tsamis Gets Record none Baseball strike out reco rd in ba seba ll. Reporter 102 1 8 1989 5/5 John Colvard; Tom Sutte; Chris Brynes
Phon eath on A Succe ss; Stetson 's Gre ek commun ity ra ised over
Gre eks Praise d none Annual Fund $ 80,0 00 in p led ges Reporter 102 1 9 1989 5/5 Too many names to record. See article.
Pi Phis Raise Money Joy Surratt Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 1 9 1989 5/5 Kris Hammock
Zetas Get Awards Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 102 1 9 1989 5/5
Snake s Give The Year In
Revi ew "…" Phillip McCrevace Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 102 1 10 1989 5/5 Pete Lawesa
C arol ine H unter; Vikki Ho dgki ns; Kri s
Tri-D elts Are Sch ola rs; Amy Lu bach ; Angi e An n Bi tten bin der; An gi e An n Gi nn; Barba ra
Sprin g Fl ing Gin n Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 1 10 1989 5/5 Sara Ida Shaw Wip perfurth; Krista Hol lan d
Jo hn Bla ckwel l; Je rry Be nso n; D oug
So bie sky; Da ve Scott; Ro bert Cha pman ;
R .J. Hal oran ; Geoff C ampi on; Mike
Digs To Party All Weekend Greg Stewart Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 1 10 1989 5/5 Ke lly; Rob Ma rti n

C yndi Vayo ; Sha ron Jon es; Gre g

Stratake s; Kare n Girvin ; Da vid Ca ldw ell ;
D eni se Ol iver; Misty Me ad; Gre g Mill er;
Ja de Pad ge tt; Steve U rich; An nika
C roon e; Ma ry Alfon so; C amil le Ch un g;
N ada Gui rgis; Amy Jen sen ; Meg an
O'Born ; H eathe r Oha nia n; Je n Willa ue r;
Tha d Bostic; R egi na Bro zozow ski; Jo hn
D rye; D avid Ma rti n; Sh ell y Mi notti; Gu y
N iema nn; Pegg y Thre lkel ; Li sa Krucke r;
SUB Refle cts On Ha tter Gle nn Kin dred ; Jimmy Da ug hton; John
Hol ida y Cyndi Vayo Stetson Union Board Stetson Union Board elects new officers. Reporter 102 1 11 1989 5/5 Jo yner
D arcy Haa g; L ori Ha sti ngs ; Tres Mu llis;
Kind red Re view s th e Last D escrib es chan ge s a nd eve nts o ver four Pi Kap pa Phi ; Pi Ka ppa Alp ha; Alph a Xi Del ta ; Jo hn Moo re; Jo hn H unt; L aura
Fo ur Yea rs Glenn Kindred Class of 1989 ye ars of Gl enn Ki ndre d's time at Ste tso n. Reporter 102 12 12 1989 ha zing ; p roba ti on H. Douglas Lee pro ba ti on prob ation McC arthy; Fran k Be ll

Oscar Ande rson; Josh Bo rntrage r;

D ebra Bo wrose n; Su san C hap lin ;
Sa ndra C lue tt; Lesl ie Co ggi ns; D ona
C owd en; An nika C roo ne; Jody Felso n;
Ki m Fug ate; H oll y H arris; Dia na Kin ge ry;
Ke lly Ne wsome ; Jen nife r Pe arce; Berit
Pe derse n; Bri an R ay; L ori Ro gers;
R aou l Sanch ez; Davi d Smith; D onn a
Hatter Amb assad ors Na me d Smi th ; Stacey Smel ser; Lea h Stri cklan d;
fo r 1 989 -19 90 Bob Finkbeiner Ambassadors Hatter Ambassadors chosen. Reporter 102 1 13 1989 5/5 Tracy Stro mberg ; Ang el Ysag uirre .

Ma rk R iche rt; Jeff Lo ve; Jo n Han sen ;

D avid R inke r; Greg Stewa rt; Kevi n Keith;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n na me s Mi chel le Alla nd; Jean Este vez; Ang el
SGA none Associ ation n ew Ca bin et membe rs. Reporter 102 1 13 1989 5/5 Ysa gui rre; C arlo yn Smith; Nan a Ste ign er

Amy B. Ta mberri no; Kevin Wei ckel;

D onn a M. Ch ristoph er; An drew J.
C iamb rone ; San dra E. Clu ett; Kathle en
A. Eccles; Ga rth Go odma n; Ki mberl y J.
Gosse tt; Jo n Han sen ; Vikki L . Ho dgki ns;
P. Ca roli ne Hu nter; Pa tri c L . Jon es; Mark
L eetzow ; La ura McC arthy; D ebo rah
Omicron D elta Kap pa Mi kuta; D eni se Morga n; Hei di Pap e;
ODK Members Initiated none (ODK) ODK initiates nineteen. Reporter 102 1 14 1989 5/5 Garth Jenkins Bri an Rya n; D onn a Smith
D avid Smi th ; She rry Mu lle nix; Liz
Fed ele ; Jim Da ugh to n; An dria Fai r; Jul ie
Be ving to n; Tracy Le wis; Cin da Morri s;
An nu al "Greek Ce leb ratio n of Exce lle nce" In te rfra te rnity C hris Shu ste r; Da ve Wh idd en ; Cl aud ia
Greek Celebration none Greeks h eld o n April 2 4, 1 989 . Reporter 102 1 15 1989 5/5 Panhellenic Cou ncil Betty Thorne Ep ti ng
Mi chae l Fi nch, pro fe ssor of l aw, i s the
Ha nd Award for se cond re cip ien t of th e Home r a nd D oll y
Research Award none Excel len ce in Re search H and Awa rd fo r Exce lle nce i n Rese arch. Reporter 102 1 15 1989 5/5 College of Law
Gid eon s In te rnatio nal g ives aw ay Bib les
Bible Giveaway Peter Lindland Bibles o n campu s. Reporter 102 1 15 1989 5/5
Stetson Rep orter enteri ng its 102 nd e ditio n
Publications Glenn Kindred Reporter a s a stu den t pu bli cation . Reporter 102 1 16 1989 5/5 Publications Board Rebecca Palmer
Stud en ts aske d to fil l out eval ua ti ons on
Evaluations Gary L. Maris Teacher Evaluations co urses a nd pro fe ssors. Reporter 102 1 16 1989 5/5
Sp aces a vail abl e fo r Fren ch Imme rsion French Immersi on
French none French House Pro gram. Reporter 102 1 16 1989 5/5 Pro gram
C atheri ne Ro ck performs he r se nio r re cital
Recital none Performance o n May 6, 198 9. Reporter 102 1 16 1989 5/5 Henry Grabb
R ene e Pittman pe rfo rms h er seni or recital
Recital none Performance o n May 6, 198 9. Reporter 102 1 16 1989 5/5 Jean Rickman
D r. Lee re po rts on me eting a bou t stud ent Camp us Life
President Reports on TFSL none President's Task Force l ife lon g ran ge pl ans. Reporter 102 2 1 1989 9/15 H. Douglas Lee student life Louis Brakeman Commi ttee

Stetson Cha pter secon d runn er up for

mo st ou ts ta ndi ng cha pter whi le comp etin g Will iam Amory Hol lis Le ade rship Ta sk
Pre-Law Wins Nicki Spirtos Phi Alpha Delta i n mock tri al. Reporter 102 2 1 1989 9/15 Pre-Law Fraternity Phi Alpha Delta Un de rhil l Cha pter Fo rce Sany Boriello; Eric Anderson; Sheila Cox

Gort Sues Dead Professors none Satire Column Satire column on Dr. Roscoe T. Gort. Reporter 102 2 3 1989 9/15

It's Good For Yo u, Stetson Articl e deta ilin g the cove rage a nd a cti vities
U. Michael W. Raymond Reporter o f the R epo rte r. Reporter 102 2 4 1989 9/15
R eno vatio ns in the Co mmons an d th e Ha t
R ack, a s w ell a s chan ges in the me nu,
a imed a t mo re desi rabl e din ing e xperi en ce
Food Service Progress Robert Bullock Food Service for stud ents. Reporter 102 2 4 1989 9/15 Elliot Palmer
Hat Rack: Con Michael Furlong Food Service Changes in Hat Rack cause long lines. Reporter 102 2 4 1989 9/15 Elliot Palmer Dennis Kletzing Carle Nichols Joe Nicols; David Cornwell

Le on ard Na nce;
Fred Me ssersmith; Ca riel la Na nce ;
Gary Bol din g; Brend a Go rdo n; Di ann e Evere tt; Peter Hau ck; Terre nce
Ro be rta Favi s; Susan Wil son; Jud i Jon es; Ted Fa rrell ; Bruce
Jo se ph Witek; Marjo rie Gilb ert; Be ile r; Joh n Dub end orff; Don na
The rese Witek; Paul C roce; An n Ra sp; Wil lia m Wi llia ms; Ro be rt
Ka th erin e Barna rd; Croce ; Na ncy Ro be rts; Scott Lea hy; D r.
Twen ty-si x facu lty me mbe rs a dde d to Will iam Ferrara ; Surynt; Ma ry Ca rey; D avi d Smotherma n; D unca n
New Blood Joins Faculty Scott Gettman Faculty Stetson fa culty. Reporter 102 2 5 1989 9/15 Ja ck Fay Led erha us Vee ch Cou ch; Alva ro Go mez
Stetson NOW he ld a Wo men 's Eq ual ity Na ti on al
Na ti ona l Org ani zation D ay gal a an d awa rded El izab eth Mag aria n Orga niza ti on fo r
NOW Holds Rally Bonnie L. McMillan for Wo me n (NOW) a s w oman of the ye ar. Reporter 102 2 5 1989 9/15 Elizabeth Magarian Women's Studies Women June Brooks
Wil lia m Warren s p rese nted wi th $ 500
sch ola rship fro m the N orthea st Flori da
Williams Wins Scholarship none Williams, Warren Ja zz Associ atio n. Reporter 102 2 5 1989 9/15 Evelyn Evon David Schmidt

Hot Spots in Deadland Sasha Jones DeLand Activities for students in DeLand. Reporter 102 2 6 1989 9/15 Athens Theatre Bellinis; TCBY Rafters; McCabes duPont-Ball Library 1
PX is a g roup o f 15 g irls cho sen from ea ch
so rority in the l ast few w eeks of th e sprin g
se mester to gui de rush ees throu gh the Su zette Este ve z; Bri dge tte Swi ng; Tara
Rho Chi's Guide Rushees Regina Brzozowski Rho Chi ru sh proce ss. Reporter 102 2 6 1989 9/15 Mu rray; Ang ie Ann Ginn
6 97 fresh men an d tra nsfer stu de nts
Convocation none Convocation w elco med at op eni ng Co nvoca ti on. Reporter 102 2 6 1989 9/15 H. Douglas Lee
Mi chel e McEntire; Patsy P aul k; Patty
D ail ey; Tina Voss; Cin dy Ben ge; Jodi e
Lad y H atte rs S et U p fo r Vol leyb all p la ye rs checke d into Stetson Sw itzer; Ashl ey Perry; D ana All en ; Li z
Seaso n none Volleyball H all to be gi n th e 198 9 seaso n. Reporter 102 2 7 1989 9/15 Janice Holder Connie Armstrong Lauren Larkin L ong ; He athe r C ra ig
Five R eserve Offi cers Trai nin g Corp s
ca dets fro m Ste tso n atte nde d Basi c C amp D ian ne M. Se ithel ; R obe rt E. L ivin gston;
i n Fo rt Kn ox, Ke ntucky and two a tte nde d H enry T. Mo rri s; Ro ge r Fin cher; Wi lli am
ROTC none ROTC Army Air Assa ult Scho ol. Reporter 102 2 7 1989 9/15 Rob Roberts W. Hu nter; III.
Stetson Go lf Bu ddi es ope n 19 89-1 990
Golf Buddies none Golf Buddies se ason . Reporter 102 2 7 1989 9/15 Mike O'Sullivan Nancy Guerin Don Page
Kim Co urtne y Deb bie H ardy De bb ie Boston
Phi Mu's Reflect Back Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 2 7 1989 9/15 (al umn a) (alu mna) (al umna ) Debbie Bremer; Julie Koehne; Sam Cluett
Counselling Corner none Counseling Center Column on good study habits. Reporter 102 2 7 1989 9/15
C oach Pe te Dun n gree ts 24 ca nd ida te s for
Hatters Have High Hopes none Baseball Stetson base bal l posi ti ons. Reporter 102 2 8 1989 9/15
Ka ra Meg Bach us; Al i Dei nard ; Angi e
An n Gi nn; Lu cy Ka e McCaffery; Jo y
Stetson 's dan ce squ ad attend ed Un iversa l Su rrat; Krista Tra ister; R ache ll Ho ffman ;
Pom Pon Proud none Synchronicity D ance C amp . Reporter 102 2 8 1989 9/15 Kim Dorazio James Beasley An gel a Loe then 1

H atte r so ccer team pl ayed the ir secon d

Stetson Soccer Success none Soccer a nd thi rd seaso n conten ts o f the sea son. Reporter 102 2 8 1989 9/15 Gary McKinley Jim Foley; Kevin Daxon; Kevin Johnson
Crew none Crew Stetson crew team emerges. Reporter 102 2 8 1989 9/15
Intramu ral sp orts start up wi th n ew scho ol
Intramurals '89 Billy Bowen Intramural Sports ye ar. Reporter 102 2 9 1989 9/15 Dave Speregen
International Soccer Steve Felson Soccer International students form soccer team. Reporter 102 2 9 1989 9/15 International House Enrique Alia
So rority Rush fo r Stetson co nclu des wi th
Rush Ends on 16th Regina Brzozowski Sororities u pcomi ng b id da y. Reporter 102 2 11 1989 9/15 Tara Murray; Michele Pirkau

L isa Garthrig ht; Ju lie McFal l; Me lissa

Gia russo; Kathy Blo odw orth; Mi a Wo od;
L iz Fe del e; R ebe cca Pal mer; Terry
Pi Phi's Open 1989 Amanda Keiper Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 2 11 1989 9/15 Ba rrow; Marne Ole son; Barb ara Brow n 1
Su zann ah Sh ope ; Amy Pe arson ;
Sa mantha Smi th ; Mich el le Cro ss; Ca rol
Theta's Rush into Fall Michelle Kocsis Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 2 11 1989 9/15 Zimme rly
Diggers Defend Title Greg Stewart Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 2 11 1989 9/15
Gle nn McCo in; Chri s L und er; Mike
Pikes Jeff Love Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 102 2 11 1989 9/15 Ma diso n; Bi ll Cu rti s
Mi chae l Muga vero n amed g radu ate
a ssistant coa ch fo r the n ext so ccer
Assistant Hired none Soccer se ason . Reporter 102 2 15 1989 9/15
Mu seum of A rts an d Scien ces in Da yto na
Be ach i s p resen ti ng the seco nd
Lecture none Lecture p hoto grap hy lecture i n a serie s. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15
Au ditio ns be ing h eld for first p lay of the
Stover none Stover Theater a cade mic yea r. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15 A Different Drummer
Stude nt Gove rnme nt
SGA none Associ ation (SGA) First meeting of the SGA to be held. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15

Interns none Student Teachers Meeting for all prospective student teachers. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15
B. Carter Ra nd all , in vestments advi sor and Rol and a nd
p ane list on "Wall S tre et Week" w ill b e An Eco nomi c a nd Sarah Geo rge
o fferi ng a free o ne-n igh t semi nar at Stock Marke t In vestments
Speaker none Lecture Stetson . Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15 Outlo ok In sti tu te James Mallett
D r. Paul D . Du ke, autho r o f "Iron y i n th e
Chapel none Chapel Fou rth Go spel ," wi ll spe ak at Ste tso n. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15 Clyde Fant
Stud ent
Gove rnmen t Ste tso n Un ion
Forum none Forum SGA/SUB Open forum to be held. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15 Asso ciatio n (SGA) Board (SU B)

Grants none Grants Deadline for Fulbright Grants approaching. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15
N OW Presid ent De bora h Branton
a nno un ced a pu bli c vi ewi ng of the ne w
Na ti ona l Org ani zation fil m, "Ab ortion : For Surviva l," at the
NOW none for Wo me n (NOW) D eLa nd Pu bli c L ibra ry. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15 Ellie Smeal
H and bo ok avai lab le an d mispri nt i n
Handbook none Student Handbook H and bo ok. Reporter 102 2 16 1989 9/15
Atten dan ce at ch ape l drop s drama ti call y
d ue to time cha nge fro 10 to 11 a.m. on
Chapel Attendance Drops Lorelei Ryan Chapel Wed nesd ay. Reporter 102 3 1 1989 9/29 Religion Mitchell Reddish Donald Musser James Beasley Stephanie Bothwell
Se xual
Stetson ado pts first compre hen sive p oli cy Ha rassmen t
Sexu al Ha rassmen t to de al w ith th e prob lem an d set up Wo men an d Grieva nce
Sex Harrassment Policy Lara Moody Pol icy g uid eli ne s. Reporter 102 3 1 1989 9/29 Student Affairs Ge nde r Stu die s Co un cil Mary Pollock
Study Nerds? none Opinion Column Opinion on need for study skills. Reporter 102 3 2 1989 9/29
Opi nio n on the Tas k Force o n Stu den t Li fe
Task Force: Round Two none Opinion Column (TFSL). Reporter 102 3 2 1989 9/29 H. Douglas Lee
Opi nio n on q ual ity o f Stetson R epo rte r a nd
Reporter Bashing none Opinion Column R epo rte r b ash ing . Reporter 102 3 2 1989 9/29 H. Douglas Lee

D iscusse s se mina r o n po wer Schoo l of

Reco gni zed in "Wal l Stre et e ntertai nmen t, a nin e-pa rt semi nar on Busin ess
Journ al" Michael Aumack Power Entertainment e xecutive ma nn ers, e ti que tte, an d dress. Reporter 102 3 4 1989 9/29 Stephen Barnett Admin istration Margaret Lee
State la w al low ing p oli ce to e nter
re side nce s w here a lcoh ol is be ing
co nsume d by min ors can in clud e Ste tso n
Raids Legal Regina Brzozowski Alcohol Policy fratern ity a nd so rority hou ses. Reporter 102 3 4 1989 9/29 Steve Edwards Public Safety
Informa l lectu re on cla ssroom etiq uette
g iven b y edu cation p rofessor Ca th ie
Classroom Etiquette none Lecture C ogg ins. Reporter 102 3 4 1989 9/29 Bruce Bradford Sarah Neitzke
Gu atemal a; In te rnatio nal C enter
A recen t Stetson g radu ate, C liff Ph ill ips, De pa rtme nt o f Fa th er An drea s La tin America fo r D evel opme nt
Phillips Speaks T. J. Wilber Lecture sp oke o n th e prob lems in Gua te mal a. Reporter 102 3 4 1989 9/29 Po litica l Scien ce Gi ron Stud ies Poli cy
N on-Stetso n article o n Hurri cane H ugo Intrafratern ity
Hurricane Hugo's Devastation Andrew Morrison Hurricane Hugo a nd the H urrica ne Re lie f Fund . Reporter 102 3 5 1989 9/29 Co un cil (IFC)

Rooming with Disaster Regina Brzozowski Residential Life Discusses roommate issues and problems. Reporter 102 3 6 1989 9/29
Ba ptist mi niste r Dr. Pa ul D . Du ke prea ched
a t Co mmitment '89 , an a nn ual thre e-da y
Duke Inspires Students Robert Bullock Commitment '89 re lig iou s e ven t. Reporter 102 3 6 1989 9/29
Thi ngs for stude nts to do i n DeL an d and
Deadland Update Sasha Jones DeLand su rroun din g are as. Reporter 102 3 6 1989 9/29
U .M.C. has b een a dde d to stu den t
Un ited Min ority Cau cus o rgan izati ons to hel p promo te mu lti-
Minorities Meet none (UMC ) cu ltural ism. Reporter 102 3 6 1989 9/29 multiculturalism minorities Anthony Owens
Opi nio n on the j oys of tea chin g, alo ng wi th
ATeacher's Best Gift Wayne Dickson Opinion Column the ro ad blo cks tha t ge t in th e way. Reporter 102 3 7 1989 9/29
Stud en t di scovers reg ula r re citals in
Sweet Sounds Robert Bullock Recitals El izab eth Ha ll Ch ape l. Reporter 102 3 7 1989 9/29 Tim Murphy

The Ste tso n Commu nity Schoo l of Mu sic

re cived Ko ge r Fou nda ti on Grant to recrui t
Children's Choir Children's Choir mi nori ti es to th e chil dren 's ch oir. Reporter 102 3 7 1989 9/29 Children's Choir
L ambd a Ch i Al pha i s o ne of six chap ters to
w in the n ation al he adq uarte r' s mo st
p restigi ou s a ward : Th e Grand H igh Alp ha
Lambs Receive Award Scott Zacker Lambda Chi Alpha Aw ard for overa ll exce lle nce . Reporter 102 3 7 1989 9/29
Stetson intramu ral pro gram kicks off i ts
Intramurals Underway Steve Felson Intramural Sports 1 989 seaso n. Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 athletics Dave Speregen
D etail s R and y An derso n's tri p to Fra nce
w ith th e Mara th on Oil ba sketbal l te am.
An de rso n is a former Stetson ba sketba ll
Coming Home none Anderson, Randy p laye r. Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 athletics basketball

Play Ball Steve Felson Baseball Stetson baseball team begins the season. Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 Pete Dunn
Me n an d wome n's cross coun try tea ms
On the Run none Cross Country p laye d in a n invi ta ti ona l. Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 Maggie Dobson Ron Allison
Stetson men's socce r i s 5 -0-1 wi th a
Opponents Shoot Blanks Steve Felson Soccer d efen se ranke d #1 in the co un try. Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 Kevin Johnson
H atte r g ol f team travel led to pl ay in Yale
U nive rsity Invi ta tion al. Sa lly Bun yard
Golf; Ba sketbal l, l eave s Ste tso n baske tb all to retu rn to
Hats Off none Wo men s En gla nd . Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 Jon Archard; Sally Bunyard
D elta Sig ma Phi h eld a b asketba ll
Charity Ball Steve Felson Delta Sigma Phi tou rname nt to b ene fi t cha rity. Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 Philanthropy
L ady Ha tte rs vo lle ybal l te am pla yed at the
Hatters Even Up Steve Felson Volleyball Stetson In vitation al Tou rname nt. Reporter 102 3 8 1989 9/29 Janice Holder Tina Voss; Cindy Benge

R umors of racism, "wi n at a ny cost" Sa lly Bun yard; Con stance Sa tch ell ;
a ttitud e, neg lect of i nju ries, ali ena tion a nd H eathe r L ake; De bbi e Ga rrison ; Re lal
Lady Hats in Trouble? none Basketball, Womens a buse of p laye rs ci rcula te a roun d camp us. Reporter 102 3 9 1989 9/29 H. Douglas Lee Kathy Barnard Chris Ramer Glen Wilkes; Athletics Wesle y; D ebb ie Da ily; Becca Da nie ls
A "New" Wellness none Wellness Stetson offers wellness programs. Reporter 102 3 9 1989 9/29
" Risk" is pa rt of 89 -90 scho ol yea r the me
Residents at Risk none Residential Life for Re side ntia l Life. Reporter 102 3 9 1989 9/29
Baptist Camp us
Mini stry; Wesl ey
Mone y, Sex, a nd Pow er R eli gio us Life C oun cil spo nsors we eken d Hou se; C athol ic
Retrea t Robert Bullock Religious Life Council re tre at i n Ocala N ation al Forest. Reporter 102 3 10 1989 9/29 R. G. Granger John Hicks Father Joe Camp us Mini stry Barry Beauchamp
Pa ul Stee ves discu sses Russi a tri p fo r
Winter Term: Russia none Winter Term Win te r Te rm. Reporter 102 3 10 1989 9/29
Pi Ka pp a Del ta (Fore nsic Ho nor Fraterni ty)
Stetson Foren sics a nd Stetson Fore nsics team form Ste ts on Micha el McFarla nd;
PKD Reorganizes Kevin Keith Soci ety Fore nsic Soc iety. Reporter 102 3 10 1989 9/29 Pi Kappa Delta James Wright Bruce Griffiths Susan Wil son
Stude nt Gove rnme nt
SGA none Associ ation (SGA) SGA holds first meeting of the year. Reporter 102 3 10 1989 9/29
Je remy Va n Arke l; Mi ke Madi son; Jeff
Fraternity Rush Bids Farewell Regina Brzozowski RUSH Stetson RUSH ends with bid picks. Reporter 102 3 11 1989 9/29 L each ; Da vid Martin 1 (p. 1)
To dd Jon es; Te d Morris; Jarrod Wea ver;
R icha rd Cove rt; Arch on No rman Ho lt;
Pi Kapps PUSH Into Fall none Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities. Reporter 102 3 11 1989 9/29 An to nio Bi an ca rsa 1

Su zann e Bako s; Angi e Brown ; Ch risten

C arson ; Kim Ca ulfie ld; Bran di Da vidso n;
Ay Dru dge ; Tara Fitzge rald ; Karn e
Fol som; Stace y Garn ett; Amy Gib son;
Kri sti n Hil dreth; Dristi Joh nston; Da wn
Kre hlri l; Ani ta Ogd en ; Jen nie Overton ;
Ta ra Paul ey; Gayl a Perry; Juli e Polca r;
Vi cki Ramsd ele ; Kathe rine Sh ultz; Amy
Sn ell ; Ca th y Stol ba ; Amy Vose ; De nise
Wen tze l; Jo y Woo dson ; Zuzette
Dr. Bo oth; Dr. Esteve z; Sal ly Pad get; Ke rry R oge rs;
Co lwe ll; Wa yne D onn a Cow den ; Pe ggy Th rel kel;
Pi Beta Phi Terry Barrow Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 3 11 1989 9/29 Di ckson ; Dr. Pie rson R ebe cca Palme r
N eil Ba ttag lie se; E d Dickma yer; D erek
Grau er; Jo hn Ba mma n; Dave
D unn avan ; Jim Fole y; Ja mes Hartman ;
Pikes Look Ahead Jeff Love Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 102 3 11 1989 9/29 Je ff Now inski ; Ro b Wi lkes
Phi Sigs Richard Morrison Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 102 3 12 1989 9/29

D ebb ie Jon es; Te ri An derso n; H eid i

Arn dt; Pai ge Bro nson ; Ch ris Comi nsky;
Esthe r D uca; Kare n Fu lford; Jenn y
Gew artowski ; La ra Hol low ay; Paig e
Kn aeb el; Juli e Koe nig ; Hi lary La tch eran ;
Amy Li ndsa y; Jen nife r L ong ; Ni cole
Ma jor; Kristen Mau ceri; Becky Morrow ;
U yen Ng uyen ; Joa nn e Pale olo g; Ei lee n
Pa raga o; Ali son Pro pes; Kell y
R icha rdson ; Jen nife r Sh anks; Nico le
Titus; D ebo rah U lbri ch; Ann Wayman ;
AXO T. J. McDonald Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 102 3 12 1989 9/29 L ani Ke lle r; Kel li Ho gu e

D awn AuC oin ; Ca rol Bake r; Ki mb erl y

An n Bruno ; Kimb erly Di son ; We ndy
Eh lers; Jenn ifer Go ug h; L ind a Gra nt-
L evy; Tiffi ni Ho ltsberg ; Suza nne Kerig an;
L ian n Key; Ju lie Kohl er; El izab eth
Ma urer; Kim Mayhu gh; Da wn Ne lson ;
Jo di Preti; Lau ra Re sta ; Joyce Sa vill e;
C ynthia Se grave s; Ma ry Se lle rs; Amy
Sh iel ds; D awn Ta rta r; Pam Tayl or;
D esire e Tucke r; Di an Ho od; Cla ud ia
Theta Pledges none Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 3 12 1989 9/29 Pa lmer

Bre nda Bu llo ck; Ca rrie Co x; Ann ika

C roon e; Ka ren Cu rry; Step han ie Da rr;
Ash ley Edw ards; Don na Gei st; An na
H arris; Keri Hu nt; Kristen Ka ne ; Lu cy
L each ; Anna Lykoud is; H eathe r
McAl eer; Meli ssa Marsha ll; Meli ssa
Mu zzy; Ch rissy Nej ezchl eb; Nga n Ng o;
Ke rry Oertel ; San di Pa livo da; Becky
R ode n; Mi chel e Taylo r; Tra cey Tucke r;
Su san Weir; Emily Whittaker; Mela nie
ZTA none Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 102 3 12 1989 9/29 Yearw ood

C hristin e Amo dio ; Le slie B ain es; Sa ndi

D attl er; Ka th lee n Kil hoffe r; Je nni fe r
Ko hms; Ta ra Murray; Jenn ifer Wi lla uer;
Phi Mu Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 3 12 1989 9/29 Amy Stieg elma n; L au ra Avery 1
Panhellenic Kristy Mays Panhellenic Panhellenic activities. Reporter 102 3 12 1989 9/29
R eserve Offi cer Trai nin g Corp s ca de ts
re tu rn to campu s a nd pre pari ng for the
ROTC Ranges Ahead none ROTC ye ar. Reporter 102 3 14 1989 9/29 Rick Torres

D edi cation of Griffi th H al l was Sep te mber Admissi ons; Facil ities;
1 5th with b ene fi ciari es Jack (class of 195 2) Fi nan cial Bu ild ing s; Ne w H. D oug las Le e; J.
Griffith Hall none Griffith Hall a nd Ed na Griffith a s sp ecia l gue sts. Reporter 102 3 14 1989 9/29 Jack Griffith Plan nin g Co nstructio n Hyatt Bro wn
AKP Meets none Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi activities. Reporter 102 3 14 1989 9/29
Sa rah Ne itzke; D oug la s D avid son;
C hristin a Pause ; Lyn Sh ell y; De bbi e
Deutsch none German Club German club activities. Reporter 102 3 14 1989 9/29 U lbri ch
Rho Lambda Angie Ann Ginn Rho Lambda Rho Lambda activities. Reporter 102 3 15 1989 9/29
SUB none Stetson Union Board Stetson Union Board activities. Reporter 102 3 15 1989 9/29
Germany none Study Abroad Program Study abroad in Germany. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29

Follies none Parents Weekend Follies to be presented at Parents Weekend. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
Habitat none Habitat for Humanity First Habitat meeting. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
Russia none Winter Term Winter Term course in Russia. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
Greenfeather none Greenfeather Greenfeather begins. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
L a Soci ete Fra ncai se has be en re instated
o n Stetson's camp us foll owi ng a two-ye ar
La Societe none La Societe Francaise p erio d of ina cti vity. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
Ce ntral Flori da Pue rto H ow to do nate to th e Cen tra l Fl orid a
Relief none Ri co Rel ief Fu nd Pu erto Rico Rel ief Fu nd. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
Pre-Law none Pre-Law Pre-Law Day will be held in October. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
W.D . Ehrh art, a p oet who w rites abo ut th e
Vi etnam exp erie nce , wil l be the fea tu red Arti sts an d
sp eake r a t the Si xte enth Annu al Stetson De pa rtme nt o f Lecture rs
Poet none Lecture L iteratu re Symposi um. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29 En gli sh Commi ttee
Na ti ona l Org ani zation N OW membe rs p lan to a tten d Judi C oll ins
NOW none for Wo me n (NOW) a nd Jo an Bae z co ncerts. Reporter 102 3 16 1989 9/29
Stetson stu den t rep resen ts the U nive rsity
a t a Washi ngton , D.C. rall y to p ro test the
Stetson at D.C. Rally Peter Lindland Housing Rally p lig ht o f the h omel ess. Reporter 102 4 1 1989 10/16
So me Ste tson NOW me mbers we nt to
Ta lla hasse e to particp ate in the Flori da
Ab ortion Cou ncil w eeke nd of pro-ch oice
Tracy Fre und enstei n; Na ti ona l Org ani zation se mina rs, mee ting , dra matic prese ntation s, An ita Barde en Ma rgie D ykes; Bo nni e McMill an; Da vid
Hatters in Lobby in Tally Bo nni e McMill an for Wo me n (NOW) a nd co ncert. Reporter 102 4 1 1989 10/16 (al umn a) N abo rs
Die tri ch Gra now e;
Dip loma ts He re fo r D r. Jerry Hou gh gi ves keyn ote add ress on Ardren L ebe dev; Pau l
Symposi um none International Symposium Pe restroika . Reporter 102 4 1 1989 10/16 Jerry Hough Russian Studies Perestroika Lin s
The Ste tso n Rep orter sta nds by its
Se ptemb er 29 ed itoria l th at ca lle d for an
i nvestig atio n into rumo rs ci rcula ti ng ab out
Editorial Redux Michael Raymond Basketball, Women's the w ome n's baske tb all te am. Reporter 102 4 2 1989 10/16
Opi nio n on p rofessors an d stu de nts
You Too, Professors Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column re spon sib ilitie s. Reporter 102 4 2 1989 10/16
Gort Holds Contest none Satire Column Satire column on Athletic Department. Reporter 102 4 2 1989 10/16
Miss Gre enfea th er Starts Sh ell y Mi notti; Me lod y Web er; N ada
Cha rity D rive Robert Bullock Greenfeather Describe Miss Greenfeather contest. Reporter 102 4 4 1989 10/16 Gui rgis 1 (p. 1)

Oscar Ande rson; Josh Bo rntrage r;

D ebra Bo wrose n; Su san C hap lai n;
L esli e Cog gin s; Do na C owd en; An nika
C roon e; Jo dy Fe lson ; Ki m Fug ate; H oll y
H arris; and D ian a King ery; Kell y
N ewso me; Je nni fe r Pe arce ; Beri t
Stud en t amb assad ors are a gro up o f Pe derse n; Bri an R ay; L ori Ro gers;
se lected upp ercla ssmen wh o work in the R aou l Sanch ez; Davi d Smith; Stace y
Ad missio ns Office gi ving ca mpu s tou rs a nd Sme lsen ; Le ah Strickl and ; Tra cey
Ambassadors Provide Link Lorelei Ryan Student Ambassadors w orkin g at sp eci al eve nts. Reporter 102 4 4 1989 10/16 Linda Glover Stromb urg; An gel Ysa qui rre
Fathe r An dres Giron , "Fathe r
Revo lutio nary Pa sto r to R evol ution ary" of Gu atema la, wil l spea k a t
Spea k none Lecture Stetson . Reporter 102 4 4 1989 10/16
Interorg ani zation al
Getting It Done Rebecca Palmer Co unci l (IOC) IOC activities. Reporter 102 4 4 1989 10/16 Amy Tamberrino Dave Speregan Peter Heine Cynthia Vayo; Erin Jowaisas;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt
SGA: Gets Going Jean Estevez Associ ation (SGA) SGA starts a new year. Reporter 102 4 5 1989 10/16
War Poe t to Spe ak at
Ste tso n Lara Moody Lecture Vietnam veteran, W.D. Ehrhart reads poetry. Reporter 102 4 6 1989 10/16 Arts and Lectures poetry 1
Stetson professo r Mi chae l Raymo nd urg ed
Se mino le Co un ty Co mmuni ty Co lle ge
stud en ts to consi der a li bera l arts
e duca tion a s a u seful an d rew ardi ng
Liberal Arts Promote Careers none Lecture p repa ratio n fo r the future . Reporter 102 4 6 1989 10/16
U .M.C. has b een a dde d to stu den t Geo rgia N elso n; S amue l Shin gle s;
o rgan izati on to hel p promo te mu lti- Steve Trott; Terrosa C amel l; Antho ny
Minority Caucus Meets none United Minority Caucus cu ltural ism. Reporter 102 4 6 1989 10/16 multiculturalism minorities UMC The odo re
Flori da Re side nt Stetson resid entia l life staff attend the
F.R.A.S. Convention none Assistan t Semi nar a nnu al FRAS at Rol lin s C oll ege . Reporter 102 4 7 1989 10/16 Mary Anne Liftis
Art coll ector Ol ga H irshh orn le ctu res in
co nju nctio n with he r fea tu red exh ib ition a t
the Mu seu m o f Arts an d Scien ces in
Art Show none Lecture D aytona Beach a t the Muse um. Reporter 102 4 7 1989 10/16
Sam R. Marks Prize in C ompe ti ti on for the Marks pri ze in rel igi on De pa rtme nt o f
Religion Scholarship none Re lig ion o pen s. Reporter 102 4 7 1989 10/16 Re lig io n Earl Joiner
Co mmuni ty Acti ons D r. Peter Hei ne co ordi nates 45 stud en ts Commu nity
Stray CATs On Campus none Tea ms (C ATS) w ho vol un te er to w ork in the commu nity. Reporter 102 4 7 1989 10/16 community service Acti on Tea ms volunteers
Al l bui ldi ng s 5 0 years an d old er are b ein g
su rveyed in pre para ti on for Natio nal Na ti on al Re gister for Hi sto ric Prope rty
Campus Under Survey none Historical Survey R egi ste r n omin atio ns. Reporter 102 4 7 1989 10/16 Hi sto ric Trust buildings Asso ciates F. Mark Whittaker
N ick Yocca ; Steve Scha et; Ji m Fol ey;
Stetson defea te d St. Le o to ra ise sea son C hris Co nte; Ke vin Da xon ; Bria n
Title in Sight Steve Felson Soccer, Men's re cord to 9-0 -2. Reporter 102 4 8 1989 10/16 sports athletics C and on; Kevin John son
Intramurals Heating Up none Intramural Sports Intramural sports report. Reporter 102 4 8 1989 10/16 Dave Speregen

Su san Ega n; Lara H oll owa y; Ni ki

L oren ces; Stac y Mitch ell ; Ni cole Toth;
C orin ne Re tzi gna c; Ka ra Meg Bach us;
Al i Dei nard ; Angi e An n Ginn ; Ra chel
Stetson Synchro nici ty, Stetson 's d an ce H offma n; Ang ela L oethe n; Lucy
sq uad ann oun ces new me mbers for 19 89- McC affe ry; De nise R ay; Jo y Su rratt;
Dance Squad Gets In Sync none Synchronicity 9 0 scho ol yea r. Reporter 102 4 8 1989 10/16 Kri sta Traister 1

Po lli ng of favori te s to cap tu re th e 19 89-9 0

Ranked Amateurs none Basketball, Men's Tran s Americ a Con fe rence Ba sketba ll title. Reporter 102 4 8 1989 10/16 TAAC Derrall Dumas; Frank Ireland

Ke n Con nel l; S te ve Shake r; Jim Wa ring ;

Ed die D ickmyer; Mike Semp ele s; Pe dro
Fall Ball Still Perfect none Baseball Hatters up their record to 7-0 this season. Reporter 102 4 8 1989 10/16 Pete Dunn R odri gue z; Wes We ger; Joe Taylo r

An ita Mathur; Cou rtn ey Ha ll; Miche lle

Mi chae l; Sa lly Bun yard; Sara h Fo ley;
Ske eter Go lde n; Che ri Nel son; Al yce
Al len ; Ela ine Fish er; Kim Od om; Tracy
Wh at's Al l th e "Hoo p-la " Bra nde nbu rg; Amy Kna uff; Amy Kuva ch;
Abou t? none Basketball, Women's Lady Hatters start new season. Reporter 102 4 9 1989 10/16 Nancy Nichols Ad rien ne Grant; Kristen Mori arty

Steve C ole man; Al ex Uros evic; Ran dy

An derso n; Bj orn Geh rike; Jimmy Kuhl ;
Te rry Jo hnso n; Eri c C umbi e; D erral l
D umas; Fra nk Ire lan d; Ma uric e Cow an;
D onn ell Sa mpson ; C hris De side rio;
R obb ie Wilke s; Lo renzo Wil lia ms; Jim
Wh at's Al l th e "Hoo p-la " H orn; Ron Ba rnhi ll; Brad Pa inter; Kenn y
Abou t? (co n't) none Basketball, Men's Men's basketball starts new season. Reporter 102 4 9 1989 10/16 Glen Wilkes D ani els; Karl Brusch ayt

Ju lie Adi kes; H eathe r Ala nd ; Eli cia

Be asle y; Kathy Ca rtee; Lau ra Chri sto n;
Su zann e Harn de n; Tracey Franke ;
H oll yann a Haski ns; H eid i Hoffman; Kim
Jo hnso n; Si ob han McC arthy; Ma rth a
Su e McLea n; Ma ry Ma rini ; Sh ann on
Pa ciore k; Kathe rin e Pierce ; La ura
Sh eal ey; Ju lie Tho mas; N atali e
Vi damo ur; Me lan ie Ye rdon ; Tere sa
Zare lla ; Amy Fan slaw ; Jen ny Ha mmo nd ;
Te rri Horton ; Vicki H odg kins; Elle Ala nd;
An gie Ann Gun n; Lea El len R ide nou r;
Tri-Delts WIN none Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 4 10 1989 10/16 Helen Taylor Brown Me lissa D iMartin o; C arol ine H unter 1

Alcohol Awareness none Alcohol Awareness Week National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week. Reporter 102 4 10 1989 10/16
Dr. Bo oth; Dr.
Co lwe ll; Wa yne
Di ckson ; Dr. Ba rbra Brow n; L ucy McCa ffery; Sh erry
Pi Phi's Busy Terry Barrow Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 4 10 1989 10/16 Pe arson Gib son; Amy Jen sen ; Kim Ca ulfie ld
Pikes Planning Jeff Love Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 102 4 10 1989 10/16

Jyl L ewi s; Pea rl Ash craft; Th anh D inh ;

Ke lly McQuad y; Keri D anl ey; Jo An n
Stratake s; Alex Gard ner; Jenn y Sma ll;
Pa tti Veltri; Becky Gra fe r; Mich el le
Zei dwi g; L aure n Ros s; Ch eryl Ventura ;
Si oba hn Wing fi eld ; L iz Kina ne; Crissy
L udi ngton ; Sl oan e Sizemo re; Ka ti e
L ovel l; Ji ghn asa Gaj jar; Lil y Garci a;
Mi chel e Nich ols; Th eresa Sca rpel li;
Je ssica Estrada ; Kimb erly Co dd ing to n;
Alpha Xi's Pledge Kerri Robinson Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 102 4 10 1989 10/16 Elizabeth Schumaker Kym Stewa rt; Cou rtn ey Brow n
Jo e Hess; Dere k R eil ly; Je ff Wi lli ams;
Se an La ckey; Dave N icho ls; Bl ake
Myton ; Jim Ca shio n; Eri c H ou tli n; Scott
Diggers at Bluff Kris Klabik Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 4 10 1989 10/16 David Wilson Bu ckley; Ge off Ca mpio n

Mi ke Ame s; Frank Ande rson; Jeff

Bo wen ; Gary Bowe s; L arry Cal l; Jo hn
C rowthe r; Jim Frost; Andy Gardn er;
Ke vin Kli ne; John Koep ke; R ich Kol b;
Sco tt Martin; Scott Mig li; Guy Mowe r;
D ax Russe ll; Ad am Ste ckley; Jere my
Lambs Remember Scott Zacher Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha activities. Reporter 102 4 11 1989 10/16 Van Arkel ; Jay Wa ring
Pi Kaps Plan PUSH none Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities. Reporter 102 4 11 1989 10/16 Philanthropy
SNAKES T. J. O'Rourke Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 102 4 11 1989 10/16 1
Gre eks Ge ar fo r
Gre enfea th er none Greenfeather Greenfeather begins. Reporter 102 4 11 1989 10/16
Thetas Michelle Kocsis Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 4 11 1989 10/16 Kim Martin

Food Se rvice; D irectors of fo od se rvices an d resid entia l

Directors Take Complaints Robert Bullock Re side ntial L ife l ife fi eld ed q uestio ns fro m stud ent le ade rs. Reporter 102 4 12 1989 10/16 Elliot Palmer Kemper Smith
Stetson Uni on Boa rd (SUB) ann oun ces
co ming o f JQ and the Ba ndi ts to pl ay at
Fifties Night In The Rafters Melissa Mead Rafters so ck-hop duri ng pa rents wee kend . Reporter 102 4 13 1989 10/16

Me eting o f Stetson so rority and frate rnity

l ead ers, h ou se fa th ers, a nd re side ntial l ife
Meeting of the Minds Suzanne Leitner Meeting of the Minds h ead re sid ents to se t go als. Reporter 102 4 14 1989 10/16 Amy Tamberrino Garth Jenkins Cyndi Vayo; Tres Mullis; Phil Thurman
R outa Kro umovi tch a nd Alvaro Gome z
Bravo Paul D. Bain Concert g ave p erforman ce in Eli zabe th H all . Reporter 102 4 14 1989 10/16
Mi chae l Butor,a Fre nch no veli st, spoke a t Dep artment of
the o pe nin g of the Fore ign Lan gua ge Fo reig n
French House Scott Gettman French House D epa rtme nt's "Fre nch H ouse ." Reporter 102 4 15 1989 10/16 Michael Butor Lan gu age s
Stetson 's boo ksto re win s th ird pl ace for
sma ll scho ols in natio nal co mpetitio n of
Bookstore Award none Bookstore b ooksto re maga zine d ispl ays. Reporter 102 4 16 1989 10/16 Maureen Jones
1; 11
Fo r 3 5 Yea rs: A Sel fl ess Gree nfea th er is a wee k-lon g fu nd ra isin g (pag es
Cau se Angie Ann Ginn Greenfeather ca mpai gn u niq ue to Ste tso n. Reporter 102 5 1 1989 10/27 Gina Dianni; Jacki Payne 10-11 )
Die tri ch Gra now ;
West Ge rman an d Sovie t d ipl omats Paul L ins; A ndre i
Dip loma ts Spe ak on Pa ul D. Bain a nd Ro bert d iscuss pe restroi ka at the Stetson Ig orevi ch
Perestroi ka Bu llo ck Lecture Intern atio nal Symp osiu m. Reporter 102 5 1 1989 10/27 Jerry Hough Leb ed ev 4 (p. 16)
Opi nio n on p aren ts we eken d an d stu den t-
Evolving Base Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column p aren t co mmuni cation . Reporter 102 5 2 1989 10/27
Distinctiveness none Satire Column Roscoe T. Gort satire column. Reporter 102 5 2 1989 10/27
A Family of Substance none Opinion Column Opinion on parents weekend. Reporter 102 5 2 1989 10/27
Fathe r An dres Giron , "Fathe r
Revo lutio nary Pa sto r R evol ution ary" of Gu atema la, spoke a t
Addre sses Stu de nts none Lecture Stetson . Reporter 102 5 4 1989 10/27
Al varo Gome z a nd Ro uta Kroumo vitch,
i nterna tion all y kn own vi oli nists joi n th e Th omas Sle ep er;
Violinists Join Faculty Lorelei Ryan School of Music Stetson fa culty. Reporter 102 5 4 1989 10/27 James Woodward Cha rles McKni ght
Da vid L eon ard;
Sa mpson Hal l is to b e compl etely L eon ard an d Baug h
Sampson Renovation Alice Custis Sampson Hall re nova ted by the be gin nin g of Dece mber. Reporter 102 5 4 1989 10/27 Arch itects 1
En tri es be ing so lici te d fo r a n ew op in ion
New Pu bli cation Acce pts j ourn al, te ntative ly ti tl ed The Stetson
Entries Robert Bullock Stetson Forum Foru m. Reporter 102 5 5 1989 10/27 Ellen Smith

Ki mberl y Ba rnett; Ca th erin e De ithorn e;

Je rome Cru itt; Mark Wh eel er; Mi ke
Starma r; Ti na Ca rantzas; Dav id
Al exan der; Mira Job al ia; Cha rles Ru sh;
H eathe r H aag ; Bria n Ra y; Emil y
Ko ulo uvari s; Re nu ka Sastri; D ian e
D eJose ; Vikki H odg es; R ona ld
R obi dou x; Ro deri ck Zamb ran o; Ka th lee n
Van N imwe gen ; Du ng Tu ; Elyse
Stran ge; Fra ncis Morri s; Ka re n Boo th ;
Thi rty-two stud en ts of th e Ste tso n Scho ol C ampb ell Smi th ; Jr.; Ste ven So ud; Kevin
Scho ol of Busin ess o f Bu si ne ss Admi nistratio n have re ceive d Rich ard Pea rce; Bu sine ss Sch ool C roni n; C arlyn Sw ain ; Da nie l Wi lli ams;
Business School Awards none Admi nistratio n a ward s fo r o utsta ndi ng wo rk. Reporter 102 5 5 1989 10/27 William Wright Cynthi a Perrick Fou nda ti on Louis Brakeman C ynthia D rigg s; Tama r Firma n
R egi stra ti on for Winter Term and sp ring
Winter Term none Winter Term se mester be gin s i n Nove mber. Reporter 102 5 5 1989 10/27

Ma rk R iche rt; Juli e Koeh ne ; Kevi n Keith;

Stetson Fo rensi cs Tea m trave lle d to Pa tri c Jo nes; Lau ren Fura y; De bbi e
Flo rida C oll ege in Tampa to co mp ete in Mi kuta; Pe te C arver; He ather MacKa y;
Forensic Team Wins Jody Felson Forensics first to urna men t of th e year. Reporter 102 5 5 1989 10/27 An drea Freyd er; Jo dy Felso n 1
Te d Snyde r; Gayla P erry; D ave Martin ;
Greek Pledgeship Regina Brzozowski Greeks Describes pledgeship at Stetson. Reporter 102 5 6 1989 10/27 L ucy McCaffery

Mi ke Trap ani ; Tom Ra uche gge r; Jimmy

H ine s; Da ve Spere ge n; Ton y Auffant;
D erek Zimmerma n; To ny Cha se; Bi ll
Bo wen ; Jimmy Ca shio n; S ean
Diggers Defeat Regina Brzozowski Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 5 7 1989 10/27 Step hen s; Je ff R oth; Scott Mul lin 1
L oren zo Wi lli ams; Bra d Pain ter; R on
Ba rnhi ll; Kenn y D an iel s; Mau rice
C owa n; C hris De side rios; Don ne ll
Sa mpson ; Karl Bru scha yt; Fra nk Ire lan d;
Intersq ua d scrimag e hel d fo r Stetso n Al ex Urcsevi c; Ro b Wi lkes; Jim Horn ;
Green-White none Basketball, Men's H atte r b aske tb all tea m. Reporter 102 5 7 1989 10/27 Frank Burnell Glenn Wilkes D erral l Duma s
New Oak Tre es Save 1 39 li ve oa k tree s w ill b e pla nted al on g Bill D regg ors; lan dscap ing ; camp us
Camp us Lara Moody Campus Landscape Woo dla nd Bou le va rd. Reporter 102 5 8 1989 10/27 Mark Whittaker Bryant Skinn er Dale Sprankle master pla n

Pa tri ck Jo nes; Trip p Od om; Ste ve

McAl ister; To dd Tedd er; Eric Qu inn ; Ed
C oon ey; To m R igi nos; Ray He skin; Eric
Ro n Morris; She lia vo n Deck; Dax Ru ssell ; Jo seph H agg e;
Byro n; Amy Dia ne Brua n; D errick Mee r; Bil ly Plan es; L arry Cal l;
Mr. Be auty con te st he ld to kick-off Tamb errin o; N ick Leo na rd Nan ce; D ave Kin sey; D ave Ne gi p; Pa ul Zarrel la;
Rosanne Crowned Mr. Beauty Regina Brzozowski Greenfeather Gree nfea th er wee k. Reporter 102 5 8 1989 10/27 Tamb errin o Kempe r Smi th R alp h Hern and ez 1
Stud en t's mothe r re fl ects on he r d aug hter
A Mother's Recollections none Opinion Column l eavi ng h ome for coll ege . Reporter 102 5 9 1989 10/27
Stud en t's father refle cts o n her da ugh te r
A Father Remembers Robert Palmer Opinion Column l eavi ng h ome for coll ege . Reporter 102 5 9 1989 10/27

Parents Weekend Survival Kit none Parents Weekend Advice for Parents Weekend. Reporter 102 5 9 1989 10/27

N on-Stetso n sto ry o n Cal iforni a

Quake Shakes Sports World Steve Felson World Series e arthqu ake tha t pu ts World Se ries on h old . Reporter 102 5 12 1989 10/27
"Crew Cuts" none Crew Stetson crew team begins their season. Reporter 102 5 12 1989 10/27
H atte r b aske tb all co ach li ste d in two
ca te go ries of th e coach ing se ction i n th e
p re-sea son b asketba ll ed ition o f Sp orting
Baskets of Praise none Glenn Wilkes N ews. Reporter 102 5 12 1989 10/27 Lorenzo Williams
H atte r Bo oster Re cogn ition Ba nqu et slated
Booster Banquet none Hatter Boosters for No vembe r 8 , 1 989 . Reporter 102 5 12 1989 10/27 Peter Carlesimo Joe Lewandoski
Ba seba ll tea m w raps up fal l practice Jeff Altier; Rick
Wrapping Up none Baseball se ssion s. Reporter 102 5 12 1989 10/27 Pete Dunn Hal l

Me n's go lf tea m fin ishe s 1 3 ou t of 18 at th e Jo sh Skivin gton; Jon Archa rd; Ba rry
Putting Along none Golf, Men's D ixie Interco lle gi ate Go lf Tou rna ment. Reporter 102 5 13 1989 10/27 H inckl ey; Ji m Gil bert; To m C reavy

Sports Briefs none Athletics Briefs on volleyball and cross-country teams. Reporter 102 5 13 1989 10/27 Christi Thorne; John Phillip
So ccer te am's 13 g ame wi nni ng strea k, a
Streak Ends none Soccer sch ool re cord , en ds. Reporter 102 5 13 1989 10/27 Jim Foley; Kevin Daxon
Ji m R utt; Wo ody O'Nea l; To dd Ted der;
Eri c And erson ; Matt McKi nn ey; Pa tri ck
Ba rbou r; Dre w Stra ug h; C hris Spi cer;
Bra d Clo ys; De rrick Meer; Rob So el l;
Sig Eps Look Ahead none Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 102 5 14 1989 10/27 Chuck Shallot Mark Judd D avid Pa ul; Eric Ad zima

L iz Maure r; Ca rol Bake r; Jo di Preti; Kim

Ma yhug h; Pa m Ta ylor; Suzie Ke riga n;
Jo yce Savil le; Jenn ifer Goug h; D aisy
Tucker; Cynthi a Seg raves; Lin da Grant-
L evy; Ma ry Se lla rs; Jul ie Ko hle r; Amy
Theta Open House Michelle Kocsis Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 5 14 1989 10/27 Sh iel ds; Kri sti e Kirkpa tri ck 1
Xis Particip ate in
Gre enfea th er Kerri Robinson Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 102 5 14 1989 10/27 Stephanie Swann 1
Ke rry Sn odg rass; Kri sta Ste phe ns;
New Phis Welcome Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 5 14 1989 10/27 Su zann e Pig nin ell i
El sa Teremb our; Sigg y Te go; Ray
H eskin ; Ken L ee man; Patric Jone s; Jod y
Phi Sigs David Wilkinson Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 102 5 14 1989 10/27 Fel son; Deb bie Ma kud a
Snakes H. S. Thompson Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 102 5 14 1989 10/27
Digs Make Come Back Kris Klabik Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 5 15 1989 10/27 Derek Reilly

Tracey McCl eod ; Ch rissy Th eos; Elici a

Be asle y; Le a Elle n Ri den our; Joey
Delts Acknowledge Efforts Angie Ann Ginn Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 5 15 1989 10/27 H offmi er; El le Alan d; Ed die C oon ey
C hristy Carso n; D erek Mei r; Patrici a
Pi Phis Plan Project Allison Ashwood Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 5 15 1989 10/27 R iko; Davi d Wi lson 1
Last Cha nce for Investmen t Co lle gia te Inve stme nt Se cond ann ual AT&T C oll egi ate
Cha lle nge none Ch all eng e Inve stme nt Cha lle nge . Reporter 102 5 17 1989 10/27
Stetson radi o show, "Ste tson Talk," Ba s Tch ivid jia n; Eri n Jowa sis; Ja ckie
Stetson Radio Regina Brzozowski Stetson Talk fea tu red o n WXVQ 149 0 AM. Reporter 102 5 17 1989 10/27 Pa yne; Gi na Di an ni
L ady Ha tte rs h ost a b asketba ll cli nic for
Hats Clinic none Basketball, Women's e leme ntary an d midd le scho ol gi rls. Reporter 102 5 18 1989 10/27
SUB Events none Stetson Union Board SUB events during Parents Weekend. Reporter 102 5 19 1989 10/27
ROTC none ROTC Reserve Officer Training activities. Reporter 102 5 19 1989 10/27 Robert Moody

CCM none Catholic Campus Ministry Catholic Campus Ministry activities. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27

Phi Alpha Delta none Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity activities. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27
Speakers Bureau none Speakers Bureau Call to register for speaker's bureau. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27
Stetson stu den ts pa rti cipa te i n OXFAM
Fast fo r a Worl d Harve st. OXFAM i s a self-
OXFAM none OXFAM h elp a nd d isaster rel ief age ncy. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27

BCM none Baptist Campus Ministry Baptist Campus Ministry activities. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27
Golf Classic none Greenfeather Greenfeather includes golf classic. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27
Aerobics none Aerobics Chaudoin Hall Aerobics Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27
Home Coming none Homecoming Call for volunteers for homecoming. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27
Germany none Study Abroad Program Study abroad in Germany. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27
OXFAM Reps none OXFAM OXFAM representatives needed. Reporter 102 5 20 1989 10/27

Fo rmer Peace C orps Woo drow Wil son fell ow, Gretche n Wood row Wilso n Ho lli s L ea dersh ip
Dire cto r Sp end s Wee k a t H and werg er, wi ll spe ak on the Pe ace Visi ti ng Fell ows Gre tch en De velo pme nt
Ste tso n Robert Bullock Lecture C orps. Reporter 102 6 1 1989 11/13 Prog ram Han dwe rger Prog ram Judith Pinch 1 (p. 13)

R ape a wa rene ss p rogra m g ives startlin g Se xual Assau lt;

Rape Problem Addressed Lara Moody Rape Awareness Program statistics at req uire d Gre ek 101 l ecture. Reporter 102 6 1 1989 11/13 Se xual H arassme nt Bob Staehle
Stetson U nio n
Call Off Fights Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column Opinion on The Call concert. Reporter 102 6 2 1989 11/13 Bo ard (SUB) Regina Brzozoski; Cyndi Vayo
Opi nio n on d edi cation o f oa k tre es alo ng
Whitaker Opens Door none Opinion Column Woo dla nd Bou le va rd. Reporter 102 6 2 1989 11/13 Mark Whittaker
Standards of Mediocrity none Satire Column Roscoe T. Gort satire column. Reporter 102 6 2 1989 11/13
H. D oug las Le e; C lyde
Boul evard Oa k Tre es Stetson ded icated the p la nting o f 13 9 live Fa nt; Bryan t Skin ner;
Ded icated Lorelei Ryan Campus Landscape Oak trees . Reporter 102 6 4 1989 11/13 Landscape renovation Environment Hulley Tower Earl Joi ner Erin Jowaisas 1
Stude nt Gove rnme nt
SGA in Full Swing Jean Estevez Associ ation Student Government Assocation activities. Reporter 102 6 4 1989 11/13
C hau do in an d Ste tso n Hal l resid en ts ho st
Safe Halloween none Halloween trick or treate rs. Reporter 102 6 4 1989 11/13 Shellie Walker; Sam Cluett 1
SUB Success none Stetson Union Board SUB events. Reporter 102 6 4 1989 11/13
Sch ool o f Musi c;
Sch ola rship s awa rded to four musi c Fina nci al Aid; James Wayn e Fo ste r; Jea n
Tinsley Music Scholarship none School of Music stud en ts. Reporter 102 6 5 1989 11/13 Wood ward Emmanuel Cadel John Rutland Phal er
No tti ngh am R ona ld Cro ss; Sha ron El lis; To m Garl ick;
Study in England none Study Abroad Program Study abroad in England. Reporter 102 6 5 1989 11/13 Po lytechn ic C arol Zimme rman 1
Mirtha Martin ;
Gl en Martin ; Emi ly Koul ouva ris; Wen dy How ell ; Alex
AKY Works Hard none Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi activities. Reporter 102 6 5 1989 11/13 Business Fraternity Gre ta C amp Gard ner
R obe rt Moo dy; To ny Patkovic; Dan
R eserve Offi cers Trai nin g cade ts Gil brid e; R ick Torres; Davi d Herre ra;
Ran gers Set Ne w Ste tso n p articip ate in 5 th Bri gad e Ran ger Trey Wal din g; Ward H unter; John
Reco rd none ROTC C hal len ge C ompe ti ti on. Reporter 102 6 6 1989 11/13 H anse n 1 (1 p. 1)
Stetson U nio n
THE CALL Rocks Edmunds Regina Brzozowski Concert The band The Call performs at Edmunds. Reporter 102 6 6 1989 11/13 Bo ard (SUB) 1 (1 p. 1)
Rel igi ous Li fe
Students Giving to OXFAM none OXFAM Stetson students donating to OXFAM. Reporter 102 6 7 1989 11/13 Residential Life Cou ncil philanthropy
A 1-0 victory ov er Ge orgi a Southe rn give s
Reco rd Seaso n for Ste tso n Stetson 13-2 -2 record for the sea son , the
Soccer none Soccer b est e ver. Reporter 102 6 8 1989 11/13 sports athletics

R ich De Rie nzo; Ste ve Gion is; Ja son

Ma rshal l; Bi ll Cu rti s; Ro n Wo oda rd; R ich
C aul ley; Chri s Sh ann on ; Jan Je nisch ;
Ja y Gob bel ; Mich ele Dia z-Mi rand a; Lisa
An ne Smith; Patricia Van Byl eve lt;
Stetson te nni s fin ishe d its mo st succe ssful R obyn Welsh ; Kristin Smi th ; Kami
se ason since mo ving to NC AA Di visio n I in H ostetler; Juli e Biak-C in; Martha
Lady Ace's none Tennis 1 985 . Reporter 102 6 8 1989 11/13 Bill Furlong Vicky Pate McL ean ; Gi Gi Mu rphy
C hristi Th orn ; Lynn e Nib be lin k; Martha
Qui ck n ews o n voll eyba ll, cross coun try, McL ean ; Jul ie Bia k-Cin ; Do nn el
Sports Update none Athletics ten nis, an d baske tb all . Reporter 102 6 8 1989 11/13 Nancy Nichols Sa mpson ; Mau rice Co wan 1 (p. 9)

Tennis Swing into '89-'90 none Tennis Stetson women's tennis team starts season. Reporter 102 6 8 1989 11/13 Julie Biak-Cin; Martha McLean

Mi ke Trap ani ; Jeff R oth; Sco tt Jon es;

To ny Au ffan t; Bill Bo wen ; Joh nn y Tull er;
C huck Ha mmett; Dave Pro be rt; Dave
N igi p; Ji m L ather; Brian Mi no n; D ale
Pu tn am; N orm Hol t; Th ad Bostic; Col lie
Ki ng; Sean S te vens; Gu y Val enci c; Jim
C ashi on; Amy Cre ich; Sloa n Size more;
Si obh an Wing fi eld ; Ph ong D ink; Qu inn
Fazi o; Tha nh Di nk; Je nni fe r C oe n; Faye
The os; D eni se Serva t; Josal yn Jukes;
Intramural Action Fred Catlidge Intramural Sports Reports on intramural activities. Reporter 102 6 9 1989 11/13 D ave Spi regi n 1
Zeta Success Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 102 6 10 1989 11/13 Greenfeather Laura Goldblatt
Pike Service Jeff Love Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 102 6 10 1989 11/13 Maria Scales; James Hartman
Be v Ki ng; Paig e Wa gne r; He athe r
Ke lle y; Ra chae l Hoffman; Mary Lynn
Alpha Chi Omega T. J. McDonald Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 102 6 10 1989 11/13 Parents Weekend Pri est
Lambs Celebrate Scott Zacher Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha activities. Reporter 102 6 10 1989 11/13 Greenfeather Adam Steckley 1
ATO Brad Badgley Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 102 6 10 1989 11/13 True Merit Award Greenfeather
Stacy Garne tt; Shirin
Pi Phis Stay Busy Tara Fitzgerald Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 6 10 1989 11/13 Mo hamma dad bho y; And rea Glase r

Mi ke Trap ani ; Kevi n Kraus ; Amy

Delts Enjoying Fall Angie Ann Ginn Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 6 11 1989 11/13 Fan slaw ; Sha una fi sher; Cla udi a Burke
Sig Ep Alumni Return none Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 102 6 11 1989 11/13 Rick Pellish; Dave Paul; Brent Hughes
Phi Mu Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 6 11 1989 11/13 Mike Raymond Monika Schilcher
Ja ckie Payn e; Je nn ifer Crow th er; Ju lie
Alpha Xi Kerri Robinson Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 102 6 11 1989 11/13 Greenfeather C ase
Mortar Board none Mortar Board About Mortar Board. Reporter 102 6 13 1989 11/13 Sonya Bradford
Residential Life none Residential Life Residential Life's philanthropic activities. Reporter 102 6 13 1989 11/13 Greenfeather
Delta Sig none Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 6 15 1989 11/13 Halloween Scott Buckly
KAӨ none Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 6 15 1989 11/13 Amy Pearson
OXFAM none OXFAM OXFAM day of fast on campus. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
Intervarsi ty Ch ristian
Intervarsity none Fell owsh ip Invitation to chapter meeting. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
Aerobics none Aerobics Aerobics in Chaudoin Hall. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
Ad vanc ed reg istration for wi nter te rm a nd
Registration none Registration sp ring se mester con ti nue s. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
Journal Entries none Stetson Forum Journal of opinion solicits essays. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13 Ellen Smith
Intervarsi ty Ch ristian
Dance none Fell owsh ip Invitation to dance. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
U shers an d othe r p erson nel n eed ed for
Help Wanted none Basketball b asketb all g ames. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
So rority offe rs b abysi ttin g servi ces fo r
Babysitting none Pi Beta Phi facu lty. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
Pe er cou nsel ors avai lab le throu gh
Peer Educators none Counseling Center C oun seli ng C enter. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13
Recital none Concert Senior recital. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13 School of Music Jennifer Nuthall
Faye H an ks p romoted from assi sta nt
d irector to di rector of d evel opme nt Office o f
Director none Promotion se rvices. Reporter 102 6 16 1989 11/13 De vel opme nt Linda Davis
Gre eks;
Fra te rnitie s; De lta
Upsi lon ch apte r; Stud ent Affairs;
Pike Susp en sion Sp urs Fratern ity h as be en susp end ed for four h azin g; p etition ; Scott Be ll; S te ve Ca mpus L ife Kevin O'Kee fe; Amy Be cky Mo ore; She ila Ro dri que z; Steve
Con stro versy Regina Brzozowski Pi Kappa Alpha ye ars fo r a hazi ng in cide nt. Reporter 102 7 1 1989 12/4 se xu al a ssaul t; rape Cox Co mmitte e Ta mbe rrino Gio nis; Marc Kaufman ; Ra y Hol ley 1

Ste tso n Mou rn s Passed D r. Jack Gi bson , b iol ogy pro fe ssor, lo ses
Professor Andrew Morrison Gibson, Jack b attl e with ca ncer at th e age o f 4 1. Reporter 102 7 1 1989 12/4 Elaine Norman

Move On Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column Opinion on the Pi Kappa Alpha suspension. Reporter 102 7 2 1989 12/4
More Than Good Looks Robert Bullock Opinion Column Opinion on college students and apathy. Reporter 102 7 2 1989 12/4
Gort: SU Perfect none Satire Column Roscoe T. Gort satire column. Reporter 102 7 2 1989 12/4
Stud en ts le ad camp aig n to re pl ace the
cu rrent Stetson di plo mas with "q ual ity"
Diploma Debate Builds Robert Bullock Graduation d ipl omas. Reporter 102 7 4 1989 12/4 Louis Brakeman Michael Starmer; Paul Bain 1

D r. Rob Bra dy ha s d evel ope d a compu ter De pa rtme nt o f

Prof's Software Sells none Brady, Rob so ftwa re pro gram for Phil osop hy classe s. Reporter 102 7 4 1989 12/4 computer programs Rob Brady Ph ilo soph y Logic Works

C atheri ne De ithorn ; Lyd ia Fied ler; Kayla

L eich ty; Mark Rich ert; Eli zabe th Hin kley;
Ju lie Ko ehn e; Rob ert L ivin gston; Lucy
McC affre y; Stacy Merritt; Re becca
ODK cel eb ra tes its 7 5th ann iversa ry a nd Don ald Gil l; Da vid Vee ch; J. Pa lmer; Jackie Pa yne ; De bbi e Sto nes;
ODK Celebrates none Omicron Delta Kappa Stetson 's chap te r i nitia te s new me mbers. Reporter 102 7 4 1989 12/4 Leadership Honorary Kempe r Smi th Hya tt Brow n Pe ggy Threl kel; Rick Torre s; Cyn di Va yo
Pi lot prog ram de velo ped for stude nts to
Und ergra d Rese arch w ork close ly with p ro fessors on o rigi nal Gary Maris; Kevi n El izab eth Brooks; Jim Ebb ert; Da vid
Progra m D evel ope d none Undergraduate Research re search . Reporter 102 7 5 1989 12/4 Ri gg s Louis Brakeman R and olp h; R ob ert R idg ewa y 1

Senatorial Opportunity Ray Holley; Maria Scales Model Senate Students needed for Model Senate. Reporter 102 7 5 1989 12/4

AKY Listens, Learns none Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni recount experiences since graduation. Reporter 102 7 5 1989 12/4 Glen Martin Mirtha Martin
N ation al Ki dne y Fou nda ti on sig nin g up
"Gift of Life" none Philanthrophy o rgan d on ors. Reporter 102 7 5 1989 12/4
Hal l Revi ews Cro ss C oun try
Seaso n none Cross Country Cross country season details. Reporter 102 7 6 1989 12/4 Ron Allison Maggie Dobson Eric Hall 1
A Dedicated #2 none Cross Country Women's cross country team details. Reporter 102 7 6 1989 12/4 Maggie Dobson Renee Cirlincione; Christie Thornton 1

Pe te C arver; Cla udi a Burke ; Susa n

C hap lin ; Jon H ans en; An drea L iska;
Ke lly Da Silva ; De an Di ttmar; Eliza be th
H inkl ey; Jo yce Savil le; Patric Jon es;
Tracey MacL eo d; Step han ie Wilso n;
Stu den ts Di rect Dive rse Stud en ts di rect se veral p lays at Sto ver Di lemma s a t Stace y Jo nes; Susa n Shifle tt; Tripp
Plays Michael Raymond Theater Performance The atre. Reporter 102 7 7 1989 12/4 An yone 's Ba r He Said, She Said Aria da Capo Odo m; Pau l Murray

D eLa nd Po lice D epa rtme nt i s cra cking

Fake I.D. Warning none Public Safety d own o n fake id entifica ti ons use d in tow n. Reporter 102 7 7 1989 12/4 Brett Meade
Hats Even Record none Basketball, Men's Hatters have 3-3 season record. Reporter 102 7 8 1989 12/4 Glenn Wilkes Gator Bowl Derrall Duman; Maurice Cowan
Tran s Americ a Athl etic Con fe rence n ame
thre e Stetson pl ayers to th e 19 89 All-
Honor Booters none Basketball, Men's C onfere nce tea ms. Reporter 102 7 8 1989 12/4 Nick Yocca; Steve Knott; Kevin Daxon
Ke vin Da xon e arne d secon d te am A ll-
So uth reco gni ti on in the N ation al So ccer
Going in Style none Soccer C oach es A ss ocia ti on of Ame rican p oll . Reporter 102 7 8 1989 12/4 Kevin Daxon
Thre e sen iors na med cap ta ins of 19 90
Oh! Captain none Baseball H atte r b ase bal l te am. Reporter 102 7 8 1989 12/4 Pete Dunn Tom Riginos; Dan Finley; Mike Pinckes

Ladies Look to Next Season none Volleyball Volleyball team finished 3-2 in a tournament. Reporter 102 7 8 1989 12/4 Liz Long; Heather Graig; Patty Dailey
D ave Spe rege n; Jimmy Cash ion ;
Residing at Top none Intramural Sports Residential life football. Reporter 102 7 8 1989 12/4 Bri gette Ga rdne r; Sa ndy Tank ersly

Te nni s tea m p la ys i n Fl orid a In te rcoll egi ate Ja y Gob bel ; Ch ris Sha nno n; Ja n
Making Racquet none Tennis, Men's Te nni s C hamp ion shi p at Fla gle r C oll ege . Reporter 102 7 9 1989 12/4 Je nisch ; Bil l Curtis

Pe te Dun n contin ues to rank h igh ly amon g

Good as "Dunn" none Dunn, Pete h is pee rs in NC AA Div isio n I coa chin g. Reporter 102 7 9 1989 12/4
Ladies Look Ahead none Basketball, Women's Lady Hatters look to home opener. Reporter 102 7 9 1989 12/4 1 (p. 8)
Delta Sigs Set Goals Greg Stewart Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 7 10 1989 12/4
Phi Sigs Triumph none Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 102 7 10 1989 12/4
Brya n Rice ; Kris Godzi g; C ind y Ga ren;
Phi Mus Break Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 7 10 1989 12/4 Eve lyn Barb a
Pi Phis Finalize Terry Barrow Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 7 10 1989 12/4
C oun seli ng C enter ad vice on N ew Ye ar's
Counseling Corner none Counseling Center re solu ti on s. Reporter 102 7 12 1989 12/4
Reme mber wh en this w as a
Fo untai n? none Holler Fountain Photograph only. No story. Reporter 102 7 13 1989 12/4 1
R estored pho to grap h of H enry De La nd
g iven to Stetson a nd wi ll ha ng i n DeL and
DeLand Portrait none DeLand H all . Reporter 102 7 13 1989 12/4 Willard M. Blodgett H. Douglas Lee Bert Fish John B. Stetson
Stetson 's Sympho nic Wind En semb le wi ll Uni versity Brass Ch arle s
b e joi ne d by th ree othe r e nse mble s i n Cho ir; U nive rsity McKni gh t; Bobb y
Concert none Concert co ncert. Reporter 102 7 14 1989 12/4 School of Music Cha mber Wind s Ad ams Jean Rickman
Juli a Davi dson ;
Voi ce cho ir a nd o rchestra pe rfo rmed Salva to re Basil e;
H and el' s "The Messia h" at the Fi rst Bap ti st Moll ie Ri ch; R obe rt
"The Messiah" none Concert C hurch . Reporter 102 7 14 1989 12/4 School of Music Duncan Couch Choral Union Rich
Fresh men ho no r so ciety ann oun ced
Phi Eta Sigma none Phi Eta Sigma i ndu cte es for 198 9. Reporter 102 7 14 1989 12/4
Pa ul Moo rman o f First U nio n Natio nal
Ba nk of Fl orid a prese nted a $2 5,00 0 check
to H. Dou gl as Lee i n supp ort o f the a nnu al
Donation none Development fun d. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4
The Ado pt-a-Gran dpa rent prog ram is run
thro ugh t Stetson 's Baptist Camp us
Adopt none Adopt-a-Grandparent Mi nistrie s. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4 Tammi Goodman
Fifth an nua l Pastor's Scho ol acce pting Fre d Crad dock;
Pastor's School none Pastor's School re gistratio ns. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4 Continuing Education Jurgen Moltmann James Sanders Rich ard He ste r
Ae robi cs, e tc. is provi din g a uni que loo k a t
Alcoholism none Wellness a lcoh oli sm. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4
Yule Log none Yule Log Lighting Annual yule log lighting to be held. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4

Pep Band none Pep Band Pep Band to hold organizational meeting. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4 David Schmidt
L esli e Treva th an; Jayma C oop er; Amy
Aerobics none Aerobics Aerobics classes offered. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4 D ance

Prayers none Baptist Campus Ministry BCM holds nightly prayer meetings. Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4
Artists and Lecture rs se ries ho lds
Guest Artist none Aimone, Steven re ceptio n for artist Steve n Ai mone . Reporter 102 7 16 1989 12/4
N ew dri nkin g la ws to b e enforce d. 19 90 1/15 a lcoh oli c b evera ge
Police Enforce Drinking Laws Betsy Byrne Alcohol Policy Reporter 102 8 1 la ws alcohol policy alcohol abuse

$1.4 Mil lio n fo r R ussia n Mich ae l Au mack and Pa ul The Kn ig ht Fou nda ti on an d Stetson ga ve De pa rtme nt o f
Stu die s D. Bai n Russian Studies Program the R ussia n Studi es Progra m 1 ,4 00 ,0 00. Reporter 102 8 1 1990 1/15 Ru ssia n Stu die s Knight Foundation Paul Steeves Eugene Huskey
C aptio n: Ste tso n Baseb all Pl ayers Ri ck
Mu rray and D ou g Pring le Na rrowl y Esca pe
[Photo only] none Accident D eath in Au to Accid ent. Reporter 102 8 1 1990 1/15 1
Ste tso n Pho nes Ch ang e on C ampu s p ho ne system to u nde rgo se veral
Fri day Lorelei Ryan Facilities ch ang es. Reporter 102 8 1 1990 1/15 Jaqueline Kersh

Opi nio n col umn on stud ents dissa ti sfaction Ne bra ska Book
Buy-Back Blues none Opinion Column w ith boo k buy-b ack optio ns. Reporter 102 8 2 1990 1/15 Co mpa ny
Gort Makes Changes none Satire Column Satire column. Reporter 102 8 2 1990 1/15
C aptio n: NEXT ISSUE: Sampso n Hal l
[Photo only] none Sampson Hall R eno vatio n. Reporter 102 8 2 1990 1/15 1
Ou t With th e Old an d In R epl aceme nt of o ld di plo mas with ne w
Wi th the N ew Michael Aumack Diplomas style for g ra du ation . Reporter 102 8 3 1990 1/15 graduation commencement Paul Bain; Michael Starmar 1

Stetson partici pates in the Se ars-Ro eb uck

Fou nda tion 's Te achi ng Excel len ce an d
C ampu s L ea dersh ip aw ard fund ed thro ugh
Teaching Award Keni Lanagan Teaching Award the Flo rida In dep end ent Col leg e Fund . Reporter 102 8 3 1990 1/15 Louis Brakeman
Stu den t
In resp on se to stud ent requ ests, the Go vernme nt
L ibra ry e xpa nds its hou rs u ntil 10 p m o n Associa ti on Stud ent Lib rary
Library Expands Hours Michael Aumack Library Frid ays. Reporter 102 8 3 1990 1/15 Sims Kline (SGA) Co mmitte e Access policy
Me lod y L in dsey ha s b een a pp oin te d by
Go v. Martine z N ames Gove rnor Ma rtin ez as a trustee to th e Flori da Sch ool for
Stu den t Tru ste e none Lindsey, Melody Flo rida Sch oo l fo r the D eaf and B lin d. Reporter 102 8 4 1990 1/15 the D eaf and Bl ind Melody Lindsey 1

An th on y Owe ns is th e coord ina to r o f Afro-Ame ri can s;

Mino rity L ead er Brea ks N ew mi nori ty stude nt affa irs a nd w orks with Ste tso n Un ited hi spa nics; asia ns; Kempe r Smi th III;
Gro und none Owens, Anthony Stetson Uni te d Mino rity C aucu s. Reporter 102 8 4 1990 1/15 multiculturalism Mino rity C aucu s min oritie s resid entia l life
Professor Ha uge [si c] Jo hn Ha gu e awa rded the 1 98 9 Bode -
Award ed America n Stu die s Pe arson Prize for outstand ing Dep artment of
Prize. none Hague, John co ntribu ti on s to America n Stu die s. Reporter 102 8 5 1990 1/15 Jay Mechling America n Stu die s
Stetson Uni versity and the D eLa nd
Ste tso n Commu ni ty Ho nors Martin L uther Kin g, Jr. co mmuni ty cel eb ra te Martin Lu th er King ,
Martin Lu th er Kin g, Jr. none Da y Jr. D ay. Reporter 102 8 5 1990 1/15 George Williams Anthony Owens Samuel Shingles
Si x Stetso n stu den ts an d socio lo gy
p rofessor Dr. D ian e Evere tt are in ducted Ma rgare t Summe r; Greg Tu rner; Da vid
i nto Al pha Kapp a Del ta , the in terna ti ona l Dep artment of E. Klan ; Abby Ja mes; Ashl ey Al derma n;
AKD Inducts Six none Alpha Kappa Delta so ciol ogy h ono r so ciety. Reporter 102 8 5 1990 1/15 Diane Everett Socio log y John Schorr L isa Garthrig ht 1
Thetas Celebrate Michelle Kocsis Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 8 6 1990 1/15 Lisa Tranford; Dani Jenkins 1
Delts Contribute Julie Ann McClure Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 8 6 1990 1/15
Pi Beta Phi Allison Ashwood Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 8 6 1990 1/15

To ri Sizemo re; Tracy Stro mberg ; Jod y

Fel son; Lau ren Von drase k; Ca rolyn
Smi th ; Teri Ti erne y; Mi chel le Da y; Jen
Wol fe nda le; Blythe Will iams; Krista
Traister; Jen Co en ; Kim Quin n;
Geo rgea nne An derso n; Sh irle y Be al;
Zetas begin '90s Amy Granholm Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 102 8 6 1990 1/15 Ke lli e Taylo r 1
C hristin e Pickett; Mike C ross; D ebb ie
Phi Mu Laura Captain Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 8 6 1990 1/15 Bre mer
Ke lli H ogu e; R obyn Wel sh; Ang el a
L oethe n: Sarah Sch er; C hris Ca rnacch i;
N ada Gui rgis; Ste ph ani e Al per; Jaimi e
Ta nne nba um; R ache l Ho ffman; Jul ie
Alpha Chi Sarah Scher Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 102 8 6 1990 1/15 An n Fu rr

Hat's Bats Ready to Roll none Baseball Hatters begin preparation for spring season. Reporter 102 8 7 1990 1/15 Pete Dunn Tim Foli Rick Hall Jeff Altier
Stetson men's ba sketba ll clo ses out th e
"Hooping" for Better none Basketball, Men's se ason with a 6-8 re cord. Reporter 102 8 7 1990 1/15 Glenn Wilkes Chris Desiderio; Derrall Dumas
Are a you th so ccer pla yers can atten d th ree
Stetson soccer cli nics ove r the n ext e ig ht
Kickers Check Into Clinics none Soccer w eeks. Reporter 102 8 7 1990 1/15 Mike Mugavero Martha Roberts

Forme r Stetson baske tb all star sig ns to

p lay fo rth e Broa dmea dow s Bro ncos o f the
Randy Down Under none Anderson, Randy So uth East Au stra lia n Basketba ll Le ag ue. Reporter 102 8 7 1990 1/15
C entral Flo rida Cha pter of the Ameri can
Ma rketing Asso ciatio n ann oun ces 19 89-9 0
Marketing Scholarship none Scholarship sch ola rship c ompe ti ti on. Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15
a $ 2,50 0 schol arshi p fu nde d by La ke City
re side nt L en vil H. Dicks ha s b een
e sta bli she d at Stetson to be ne fi t a
g radu atin g seni or fro m C olu mbia H igh
Lake City Scholarship none Scholarship Sch ool . Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15
R egi stra ti on for spri ng seme ste r b egi ns
Spring Registration none Registration so on. Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15
Stude nt Gove rnme nt
SGA in Action none Associ ation SGA starts new semester. Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15

H oll is Lea de rsh ip Pro gram ha s b een

a sked b y the U nited Way of Vo lusi a
Ho lli s L ead ershi p C oun ty to he lp recru it stud ents fo r a
Volunteers Needed none De velo pmen t Prog ram n umbe r o f co mmuni ty sho rt-term pro jects. Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15
Intervarsi ty Ch ristian N otice of Intervarsi ty Ch ristian Fel low ship
Intervarsity none Fell owsh ip me eting s. Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15
D epa rtme nt of C ommun icatio n Stu die s
a nd Thea tre Arts h ol ds fi rst de partmen ta l
Public Speaking Contest none Public Speaking Contest p ubl ic spe akin g contest. Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15
A new ki nd o f cho ir is fo rming o n th e
Men's Choir Forms none Glee Club Stetson Camp us. Reporter 102 8 8 1990 1/15 Mad Hatters Brad Maffett
Facu lty vo ted to chan ge the g radi ng
Grading System to Change Alice Custis Grading System system to inc lud e plu s/mi nus gra din g. Reporter 102 9 1 1990 2/23 Faculty Senate Paul Steeves
R eserve Offi cer Trai nin g Corp s i s b ei ng Re serve Office r
R.O.T.C. Gets the Boot Tom Garlick ROTC d iscon ti nu ed du e to stud en t ap athy. Reporter 102 9 1 1990 2/23 Train ing C orps ROTC Military Science Brittain Hall

Du nca n Art Ga lle ry;

R ede dica tion ce remon y h eld to cel eb ra te He nry Joh n Klutho ;
ma jor ren ova tio n of bui ldi ng in clud ing a rt McMah on Pope D un can;
Sampson Gets Facelift Betsy Byrne Sampson Hall g all ery. Reporter 102 9 1 1990 2/23 Co nstructio n Marga ret D unca n C.T. Sampson H. Douglas Lee Erin Jowaisas 1
Stetson 's Board o f Tru ste es met with the
Stud en t Affairs a nd Ca mpus Li fe Freshme n Ye ar
Trustees Visit Alice Custis Board of Trustees co mmitte es to ta lk abo ut ma jor issu es. Reporter 102 9 1 1990 2/23 Garth Jenkins Student Life Exp erie nce Alcohol policy
A Da ily Ri tu al: Rea d Al l
Abou t It Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column Opinion on reading newspapers. Reporter 102 9 2 1990 2/23

More Than Good Looks Paul D. Bain Opinion Column Opinion on students and intellectual studies. Reporter 102 9 2 1990 2/23
Gort for the Good Ol' Days none Satire Column Satire column. Reporter 102 9 2 1990 2/23

pe st co ntrol;
gro un ds
R esid entia l Li fe a nd the Physi cal Pla nt ren ova ti on;
co mbin e effo rts on seven ke y p roje cts to Fi re ala rms; ph on e service ;
Comb ine d Effort Imp roves i mprove l ivin g con ditio ns in resi den ce Ke mper Smith; restrooms; do rmitory
Dorm Li fe Michael Aumack Residential Life h all s. Reporter 102 9 4 1990 2/23 Du dl ey How e parki ng furn iture Carson-Hollis
1 990 commen cemen t is the first time
Stetson has di stri buted a dmissi on ticke ts
A Co mmence ment, N ot a w ith Reve ren d Bill y Grah am sched ule d to
Crusa de Paul D. Bain Commencement sp eak. Reporter 102 9 4 1990 2/23 Louis Brakeman Garth Jenkins
Stetson stu den ts go o n Wi nter Term
e xcursio n to Ecuad or and the Ga lap ago s
Tropical Winter Term none Winter Term Isla nds. Reporter 102 9 4 1990 2/23 Elaine Norman Keith Hansen
Stetson professo r Terri Witek rea ds he r
Stetson Poet Reads Work Tom Garlick Lecture p oetry in El izab eth Hal l. Reporter 102 9 4 1990 2/23
U.S. Versus Eng la nd D iscusse s Stetso n stu dy abro ad at
Educa ti on Systems Tom Garlick Study Abroad Program N otti ngh am Pol yte chni c i n Engl and . Reporter 102 9 5 1990 2/23

H oll is Lea de rsh ip Pro gram see ks to aw ard

Ho lli s L ead ershi p fun ds for stu den t activi ti es th at enco urag e
HDLP Has $3500 for Activities none De velo pmen t Prog ram l ead ershi p of huma nitari an activi ti es. Reporter 102 9 5 1990 2/23 Peter Heine
199 0 Home comin g Will L ewi s Grizza rd he adl ine s Stetson 's
Entertain You none Homecoming h omeco ming cele bratio n. Reporter 102 9 6 1990 2/23 Rodney Ellis 1
Interva rsity C hristia n Fell owsh ip of Fl orid a
Intervarsi ty Ch ristian h eld So nb urst, thei r first ann ual fe sti val of
Sonburst in Orlando Paul D. Bain Fell owsh ip trai nin g. Reporter 102 9 6 1990 2/23 Mike Starmar; Bill DePury
The Real School Tom Garlick Campus Life Musings on the Stetson campus. Reporter 102 9 6 1990 2/23 Campus buildings
Mark C. H oll is;
Ja ck Wood all ; Rob ert L . E. Cla y Sh aw;
Ph otos an d captio ns of n ine alu mni Ba rb ara D . Ho lmes; Beasl ey; Bri an J. Jea n F. D ickman ;
Alumni Achievers none Alumni a chie vers. Reporter 102 9 7 1990 2/23 Ro be rt Barn ett Svikha rt Stan ley Marks 9
D iscusse s w omen 's baske tb all se aso n with
Skeeter's Play is Golden none Basketball, Womens focu s o n Va leri e "Skee te r" Go lde n. Reporter 102 9 8 1990 2/23 Valerie Golden; Sarah Foley
D iscusse s b ase bal l te am with focus on Mi ke Pincke s; Matt Wil son; Matt
In the "Pinckes" none Baseball Mi ke Pincke s. Reporter 102 9 8 1990 2/23 C ampo sano 1
Wome n's go lf tea m w ill p lay in the N ew
So uth Wo men' s Athle ti c C onfere nce go lf R egi na Brzozo wski; Betsy Byrne; Becky
Hats Up to Par none Golf, Women's ch ampi on ship . Reporter 102 9 8 1990 2/23 C ond on; Jill Gossa rd; Joan ne Ru ndl e
D iscusse s w omen 's baske tb all se aso n with
Foley Has Right Stuff none Basketball, Women's focu s o n Sara h Fo ley. Reporter 102 9 8 1990 2/23 Sarah Foley.
Wome n's an d men's tenn is sche dul es fo r
Hatter Tennis 1990 none Tennis the se aso n. Reporter 102 9 8 1990 2/23
Bri ef n otes on cre w te am; g olf bud di es;
so ccer; b aske tb all ; Stetson Ath letic Ha ll of Ste tso n Athl etic Hal l of Ke vin Co chran ; Ch ristine Mille r; Do na
Briefly none Athletics Fame . Reporter 102 9 8 1990 2/23 Peter Williams Tom Olagbemiro Fred Ross Fa me C owd en.
More Kicks none Soccer Stetson soccer game scheduled. Reporter 102 9 8 1990 2/23 Gary McKinley
Dr. Bo oth; An n Dr. Crito ph; Sims
Mike R aymon d; H. D oug las Le e; Ha llu m; Al Klin e; Garth Jen kins;
Facu lty Fol lie s h el d as a fu ndra iser for Steve R athman ; Jay Marga ret L ee ; Wehrl e; Su san Ga ry Me ado ws;
Stetson Leaders Run Amuck Tom Garlick Faculty Follies H abi ta t for Hu mani ty. Reporter 102 9 9 1990 2/23 Ed ward s Lou is Brake ma n Bo wman SR/CT 1
Digs Start Spring Jeff Wilson Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23 Tony Chase; Ryan Goldwire

Bre nda Bu llo ck; Ca rrie Co x; Step han ie

D arr; Ashl ey Edwa rds; D onn a Geist;
An na Ha rris; Ke ri Hun t; Lu cy L each ;
An na Lyko udi s; He ather McAle er;
Me lissa Ma rshal l; Me lissa Mu zzy;
Zeta Initiates none Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23 C hrissy Ne jezch leb ; Ng an Ng o

Sa ndi Pa livo da ; Becky Lo den ; Mich ele

Ta ylor; Trace y Tucker; Susan Wei r;
Emi ly Wh itaker; Mela nie Yearw ood ; Tori
Si zemore ; Tra cy Stromb erg; Teri Teirn ey;
C arol yn Smith; Jo dy Telso n; Je nni fe r
Wol fe nda le; Krista Trai ste r; Blythe
Zeta Initiates (con't.) none Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23 Wil lia ms
C hristin e Amo dio ; San di D attl er;
Ka th lee n Kilh offe r; Jen ni fe r Ko hms;
Su zann e Pig nin ell i; Kri sta Step hen s;
Phi's Stay Busy none Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23 C hrist Pickett; Jen na Be van
Lambs Do Service none Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23 Chris Farrell; Elle Alland 1
Phi Sigs none Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23 Drury Bagwell
Pi Phi Grows none Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23
Kri s Bi tten bin der; Amy Fan slaw ; Vikki
H odg kins; Caro lin e Hun ter; L esli e
Tri Delta Angie Ann Ginn Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 9 10 1990 2/23 C ogg ins; Natal ie Ba rth ; Ell e Al und
R ay Hol ley; Dave Smi th ; Do n Glan cy;
H. Do ugl as Lee ; Kempe r Smi th ; D oug Ke lln er; Pe te Carve r; Guy
ATO's Elect Officers Jason Maughan Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 102 9 11 1990 2/23 Marg are t Le e Amy Ta mberri no N eima nn; Jason Ma ug han
Sigma N u Prepa res for
Home comin g Greg Kujawa Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 102 9 11 1990 2/23 Keith Torrie; Mike Estes; Scott Alpher
D ave Tu mbli n; R and y Werd er; Bo o
Pi Kapp none Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities. Reporter 102 9 11 1990 2/23 L ivin gston; Bill Gren man
Alpha Xi Cheryl Ventura Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 102 9 11 1990 2/23
Panhellenic Kristy Mays Panhellenic Panhellenic activities. Reporter 102 9 11 1990 2/23 1
Wen dy Lea H owe ll; Mike Mal tb y; Ri ck
Ba zzani ; Ti na Alexo po ulo s; Stacy
Alpha Kappa Psi none Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi activities. Reporter 102 9 11 1990 2/23 Steven Smith Kemp Jackson Sw anso n; D awn D ea mu d;
D urin g th e pa st Winter Term a gro up of Schoo l of
Wi nter Euro-Se mina r Gets stud en ts jo urne yed to Europ e as pa rt of Busin ess Me lod y Web er; D ave La wren ce; D eb bie
Busy Joseph Roach Winter Term the E urop ean Bu sine ss Se mina r. Reporter 102 9 12 1990 2/23 Steve Barnett Admin istration Bo wrose n; Mi ke Sta rmer 1
R ule s a nd re gul ation s from Stetson' s e arly
Old Rules Paul D. Bain Archives ye ars. Reporter 102 9 12 1990 2/23 Jeanne Mauk
Alfred F. Co nard ;
Rich ard T. D ill on; E. All an
Stetson Law 1990 William Amory Underhill College of Law Update on law school activities. Reporter 102 9 13 1990 2/23 dormitories Haro ld I. Li nd sey Farnsw orth Antonin Scalia
To m C ruise fil ms the mo vie "D ays of
Cruising for Tom Kelly Newsome Cruise, Tom Thu nde r" nea r Stetso n. Reporter 102 9 14 1990 2/23 John Molen Kim Dison; Tori Sizemore
Peter Carve r; Jen nifer
Isa ly; H ili ary Su san Ch apl in; Timo th y Carn iga n;
Dep artment of Latche ran; Lea nn e Mi chel le De Lan d; Je ffre Paw lack; Lo rele i
Stetson prese nts Wil lia m Gib son's "The Commu nica ti ons New lan d; Bi lly Mil ls; R yan; Erik Ehrha rds; Mi cha el Furlo ng;
"Miracle Worker" none Theater Performance Mi racle Worke r" i n Sto ver Th ea tre . Reporter 102 9 14 1990 2/23 James Wright and The atre Arts Michelle Morris Meli ssa Brooks Ma ry Lyn n Prie st; Joyce Savi ll
N ine te en Stetson stud ents, fa culty
me mbers, an d fa mily memb ers tra vel to Mitche ll Re dd ish;
Stetson 'Invades' Middle East Karen Girvin Winter Term the Mi ddl e East fo r Win te r Term. Reporter 102 9 15 1990 2/23 Cl yde Fan t Stephanie Taylor; Steve Adkins 1
Sa nkofa , a tradi ti ona l Africa n dan ce
Sankofa none Dance Performance trou pe, wi ll be t at Ste tso n. Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23
Ameri can Marke ti ng AMA wel comes ne w memb ers to a tten d
AMA none Associ ation ch apte r me eting s. Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23
Ed R ind erle ; Father
CCM none Catholic Campus Ministry Catholic Campus Ministry activities. Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23 Jo e
Ji m Trental ang e, a recen t Stetson
g radu ate, lecture s o n getting posi ti ons in
B.A.'s in Business Lisa Garthright Lecture b usin ess with a n on-b usin ess deg ree . Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23
Gary F. Vog el h as bee n app oin te d to th e
Appointment none Vogel, Gary F. p ositio n of New s-Burea u chie f. Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23

R ockfest ' 90 is an a nn ual e vent fo r co lle ge

Intervarsi ty Ch ristian stud en ts spo nsore d by th e InterVa rsity
Rockfest none Fell owsh ip C hristia n Fe llo wshi p cha pter at Stetson . Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23

Stetson chap te r o f Amnesty In te rna ti ona l

Amnesty none Amnesty International l ooki ng for stude nts to ge t in vol ve d. Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23 John Schorr
Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n an d
R esid entia l Li fe a nno unce e xte nd ed
Visitation none Residential Life vi sitation i n do rmitorie s. Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23
Se nio rs u rge d to ap ply for Rotery
Rotary none Scholarship Intern atio nal sch ola rship s. Reporter 102 9 16 1990 2/23
Stud en ts from Ste tso n and o ther scho ols
p articip ate in the o lde st col leg iate Mo del De pa rtme nt o f R ick To rres; Sta cy Sme lser; Barry
Model Senate none Model Senate Se na te . Reporter 102 10 1 1990 3/12 Po litica l Scien ce Be auch amp; Bas Tchivi dji an 1
Stetson stu den ts, fa culty, staff, and a lumn i
try th eir ha nd a t rai sing mo ney for th e
Phonathon Rings in Money Alice Custis Annual Fund An nu al Fund . Reporter 102 10 1 1990 3/12 David Whiddon Kathy Burley Pat Germelman Tina Hetzel; Natalie Stewart 1
Opi nio n on n ot b ein g to q ui ck to ju dge
Find Out for Yourself Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column p eop le . Reporter 102 10 2 1990 3/12

El izab eth Hin kley; La ura Ha rtma n;

Kri sti e Kirkpa tri ck; Lu cy McC affre y;
El izab eth Hin z; Ange la Giro nda ; Ch arle s
H ammett; Ni cole To th ; Jud y Tho mpson ;
Kri sta Traister; Te rri Kucku k; Ame
Mortor Board Me mbe rs C ivid ane s; Bil l Curtis; Suzan ne El lli ot;
Sele cte d Paul D. Bain Mortar Board 1991 Mortor Board members selected. Reporter 102 10 4 1990 3/12 Sco tt Ge ttman ; Ju lie C ase
Stetson crew wo n 1 st Annu al Un iveri sty of
Ste tso n Crew L ea ves Flori da / S te tso n Cup R ace in Gai ne sv ille
Fl orid a Al l We t David Vanhook Crew 3 -2. Reporter 102 10 4 1990 3/12 sports athletics 1
SGA p rese nted a pro pose d Stude nt
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Asso ciatio n Co nstitution to the stud ent
SGA Proposes Constitution Amy Fanzlaw Associ ation se nate . Reporter 102 10 4 1990 3/12 Greg Stewart
D r. Javie r Alca lde , a ca ndi date for a fa culty
p ositio n in p oli ti cal scie nce, was the
Fa culty Can did ate fea tu red sp eake r i n a pol itical sci ence
Comme nts o n Drug s Tony DaSilva Lecture foru m. Reporter 102 10 4 1990 3/12
Stetson Uni on Boa rd prese nts H atter
H oli day, a n extravag an za of e ntertain ment J. Olli e Edmun ds
Hatters Hit Holidays none Hatter Holiday a nd fun drai sing , ea ch sprin g. Reporter 102 10 4 1990 3/12 Development Schol arshi p Fu nd John Schorr Dr. Booth
El izab eth Hin kley; Lisa Bale s; Stacy
H ead R esid en ts ha ve bee n sele cted for Me rritt; Kim Fu gate; Jen na Beva n; Mi ke
New HRs none Residential Life 1 990 -91 . Reporter 102 10 4 1990 3/12 Sp etsios; Mike Gast; Ri c To rres
The l ocal chap te r o f Ci rcle K In te rnatio na l,
a se rvice o rg an izatio n, h as grow n to a
Stetson Circle K Expands none Circle K re cogn iza ble l evel . Reporter 102 10 4 1990 3/12 fundraising philanthropy
Africa n da nce cha mpio ns, Sa nkofa , stage d Afro -ameri can
Sankofa Invasion Sonya Dudley Dance Performance a n exib itio n in Eli zabe th H all . Reporter 102 10 6 1990 3/12 multiculturalism Stu die s dance 1
D iscussi on of the ed ucatio nal system in
College in England Robert Bullock Study Abroad Program En gla nd . Reporter 102 10 6 1990 3/12
Refle cti ons of Stetson D escrip ti on o f wh at i t is li ke to b e a
Resi den t Adviso rs The Stetson Hall Ras Residential Life R esid ent A dviso r. Reporter 102 10 7 1990 3/12
Su san Ch apl in; Mich elle DeL and ; Jeffre
The p erforma nce of Wi lli am Gi bson 's " Th e Ja me s Wrig ht; Pete Mel issa Bro ck s; Pa wla ck; Erik Ehrh ardt; Timothy
Mi racle Worke r" re ceive d the la rge Ca rver; Je nn ifer Le an ne Ne wla nd; C arig non ; Mich ael Furl ong ; L orel ei
"Miracle Worker" Shines Sonya Dudley Theater Performance a udi en ce and stan din g ova ti on it dese rved. Reporter 102 10 7 1990 3/12 Isaly Michelle Morris Hi lla ry L atche ran Billy Mills; Kathy Wright R yan; Mary Lynn Pri est; Joyce Sa vill e
Flo rida Sta te U nive rsity p rofessor Ch arlo tte
H unt lectu red on Zora N eal e Hurston 's
Black Author Reviewed none Lecture w ork. Reporter 102 10 7 1990 3/12 Phi Alpha Theta Helen W. Bronson
Stetson Uni versity's Col leg e of Law h as
q ual ified tw o te ams fo r the 1 990 natio nal Ma rie De Marco; Jenn ifer Ede n; D oug
fin als of the Na ti ona l Mock Tria l N oah ; Pau l Buckle y; Ka th y To urvill e;
Law Competition none College of Law co mpetitio n. Reporter 102 10 7 1990 3/12 Bill Eleazer Fred Schaub Jerry Parker Ke n Turke l
Stetson and Emb ry-Rid dle p lay hi sto ric fi rst
Cricket's In none Cricket cri cket ma tch o n camp us. Reporter 102 10 8 1990 3/12 1
N ancy Ni chol s, h ead w omen 's b aske tb all
co ach a nd coo rdin ator of w omen 's Sa rah Fole y; Skee ter Go lde n; C heri
Head Coach Resigns none Basketball, Women's a th letics, resi gns. Reporter 102 10 8 1990 3/12 N elso n
Rival Haunts Lady Hats none Basketball, Women's Stetson Lady Hatters finish season. Reporter 102 10 8 1990 3/12

Stetson base bal l te am pla ys the Hou sto n

Astros vs. Hatters none Baseball Astros AAA tea m i n Con rad Park. Reporter 102 10 8 1990 3/12
Asso ciatio n of
Exe rcise Scie nce
New "Sporty" Major none Physical Education Stetson has new physical education major. Reporter 102 10 8 1990 3/12 a nd Spo rt

L ucy McCaffery; C hrista Co wart; And rea

Gla ser; Sh irin Mo hamma db hoy; Joy
Su rratt; Tracy San gster; Ga yla Perry;
Ma ria Scal es; Bra ndi D avid son ; Vicki
R amsde ll; Chri sty Ca rson; Sta cy
Garn ett; Amy Jen sen ; Ca th y Stol ba;
Pi Phi Elects Betsy Byrne Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 10 9 1990 3/12 Su zy L eitne r 1
Delta Sig's Deck Ready Jeff Wilson Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 10 9 1990 3/12

Te ri An derso n; H eid i Arn dt; Pa ige

Bro nson ; Ch ris Comi nsky; Esth er Duca ;
Ka ren Fulford ; Jen ny Gewa rto wski; Lara
H oll owa y; Pai ge Kna eb el; Juli e Koei nig ;
H ila ry L atchera n; Je nn ifer Lon g; Be cky
Mo row; Uyen N guye n; E ile en Para nga o;
Al ison Pro pes; Kel ly Richa rdso n; N icol e
Alpha Chi Initiates T. J. McDonald Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 102 10 9 1990 3/12 Titus; D ebo rah U lbri ch; Ann Wayman
Phi Sig Kevin Maffett Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 102 10 9 1990 3/12 Michael Gilbert Scott Phillips; Tim Carignan

D awn Auco in; Caro l Bake r; We ndy

Eh lers; Tiffini H oltsbe rg; L ian n Key; Juli e
Ko hie r; Li z Ma uer; Da wn Ne lson ; Jod i
Pre ti ; Joyce Sa vill e; C ynthi a Seag raves;
Ma ry Se lle rs; Amy Sh iel ds; D aisy
Alpha Xi Delta none Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 102 10 9 1990 3/12 Tucker; Susa n Cha pli n; Jo yce Savil le
Theta none Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 10 9 1990 3/12
Lambda Chi David Wilder Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha activities. Reporter 102 10 10 1990 3/12 1

Ja mes Al varez; Vicki Ti ffin; Kristin

Sh ann on; Nikki Bl ack; Erin Fitzpatrick;
El len Bu lla rd; R obe rt Ye we ; Alle n Byrd;
D ani el De Mercha nt; He nry Fo rdh am;
D ebra L erch; Mona Barne tte; Kathy
Gan ner; Chri s Sterl ing ; El izab eth
Alpha Kappa Psi none Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi activities. Reporter 102 10 10 1990 3/12 C ampb ell 1
L aura C aptai n; Amy Sie gel man; Kim
Mo ss; Da nie lle Je nkin s; Ra che l Fa ler;
Phi Mu' s C ong ratula te D ebo rah Do oli ttle ; Ch ritine Amo dio ;
Officers C. J. Johnson Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 10 10 1990 3/12 Je nna Be van ; Joh n Cau lfiel d
Zeta Tau Alp ha (ZTA) hosts a mixed
d oub le s ten nis tourn amen t to be nefit th e
Vol usia C hap ter of the Associ ation fo r
Tennis Anyone? none Philanthrophy R etarde d Citi ze ns. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12 Shellie Speed
Earth Day none Earth Day April 22nd is Earth Day 1990. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12 Joel Everett

Associ ation o f Exerci se AESS is o rgan izin g a campu s-wid e Fi tn ess

Fitness Fair none Scie nce an d Spo rt Fai r. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12
N omin ation s so ug ht for the Ha tter Ho lid ay
Service Award none Awards Stud en t Servi ce Awa rd. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12
Ameri can Marke ti ng AMA ann ou nces the 19 89-9 0 scho larsh ip
AMA none Associ ation co mpetitio n. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12 Steve Barnett
Cambridge none Study Abroad Program Study abroad available in England. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12 Edwin Coolidge
Informa ti on a vail abl e fo r g radu ate
sch ola rship s fo r stud y a t He brew
U. of Jerusalem none Scholarships U nive rsity o f Je ru sal em. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12

Stud en t Assistance a cceptin g ap pli cation s

Money for 1990-91 none Financial Aid for the 1 990 -199 1 schoo l yea r. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12 Mark Caffey
Stud en ts go ing to med ical o r ve te rin ary
co lle ges sh oul d see Dr. F. M. Kna pp in the
Biology none Department of Biology D epa rtme nt of Bi olo gy. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12
Aerobics none Aerobics Aerobics in Chaudoin Hall. Reporter 102 10 11 1990 3/12
Ri chard
Be auch amp; Wi llia m R ob erts;
Two ne w membe rs h ave b een e lected to Ca rolyn Th eod ore A. Do remus,
New Trustees Elected none Trustees the S te tso n Board o f Tru ste es. Reporter 102 11 1 1990 4/9 Thomas P. Price James F. Graves Da ven port Jr. 1
Stetson Stu den ts wo rk a t Ha bitat for
Habitat Helps Out Stephani Bothwell Habitat for Humanity H uman ity d urin g Spri ng Brea k Reporter 102 11 1 1990 4/9 Spring Break community service H. Douglas Lee Susan Bowman; Joe Lee; Shellie Speed 1; 1 (p. 4)
In Search of Intellect Rachel A. Starmar Opinion Column Opinion on searching for meaning. Reporter 102 11 2 1990 4/9

Give Us a Break Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column Opinion on Stetson's lack of Easter break. Reporter 102 11 2 1990 4/9
A Direction for the 90s Paul D. Bain Opinion Column Opinion on student attitudes in the 90s. Reporter 102 11 2 1990 4/9
For the first ti me jun ior or sen ior Stetson
me n with a t le ast a 2 .0 GPA an d no
Men to Move… Into Emil y d iscip lin ary record will b e movi ng in to Ke mp er D. Smith
Hal l Alice Custis Emily Hall Emi ly Hal l. Reporter 102 11 4 1990 4/9 dormitories Residential Life III Mary Ann Loftus
Stetson partici pates in two fore nsics
Forensicators Talk It Up Jody Felson Forensics tou rname nts. Reporter 102 11 4 1990 4/9
D r. Ken Ho fste tter, a n offi cial o f
Westin gho use' s Sa vann ah Ri ver nu clea r
w eap on s faci lity, wil l discu ss " Nucl ear
Po wer an d Its Impact on Our Natio n's
Nuclear Talk To Be Given none Lecture En ergy Ne ed s." Reporter 102 11 4 1990 4/9
Save the Planet none Environmentalism Environmentally friendly tips. Reporter 102 11 5 1990 4/9

Ma rie De Marco; Jenn ifer Ede n; D oug

C oll ege o f L aw's mock trial tea m w on the N oah ; Pau l Buckle y; Ka th y To urvill e;
N ation al Tri al comp etitio n fo r a n Ke n Turke l; Anre a Ubi ; Ro be rt Ro ssitto ;
Trial Team Steals Show none College of Law u npre ced ented se cond ye ar in a ro w. Reporter 102 11 5 1990 4/9 William Eleazer R obi n Hoyl e; C harl es de Val ming
N on-Stetso n sto ry o n a Judg e wh o rule d
tha t Je sus Chri st wa s i nno cent of th e
Jesus Acquitted Kelly Newsome Court Case ch arge s p resse d by Roma n autho rities. Reporter 102 11 5 1990 4/9 Eduardo Rodriguez
Wil lia m E. Ta ylor
Engl ish De pt. Offers Ca sh D epa rtme nt of En gli sh ann oun ces Crea ti ve Wri ti ng
Prizes none Department of English d ead lin e for tw o 199 0 writin g conte sts. Reporter 102 11 5 1990 4/9 Aw ard Shakespeare Prize Terri Witek Mike Raymond
Surpri se - C oll ege C osts on C oll ege co sts h ave rise n 1,000 % in o ne
th e Rise Kelly Newsome Tuition g ene ratio n. Reporter 102 11 5 1990 4/9
Elde rhostel Offe rs N ew
Experi ence s Paul D. Bain Elderhostel Program Short history of program at Stetson. Reporter 102 11 6 1990 4/9 L. D. Strickland Mitchell Reddish Helen Watson 1
Stetson professo r Steve n Barne tt wri te s C hristy Al len ; Jami e Tann eba um; Tha d
Travel Explained Steven Barnett Winter Term a bou t Win te r Term travel e xpe ri en ces. Reporter 102 11 6 1990 4/9 Bo sti c
Skydive rs Kn ow Why Birds 1; 1 (p .
Sing Tom Garlick Skydiving Describes skydiving experience. Reporter 102 11 7 1990 4/9 Goachim Rahaner Norman Kent Sally Wenner Skydive DeLand Anne Marie Forkie 16)
Works of Art on di spla y a t the Sa mpson Grad y Ki msey; Gary
Art Reviews Michael Furlong Art Exhibtion H all g all ery. Reporter 102 11 7 1990 4/9 Bo ldi ng Brenda Gunderson Jerry Napoli Anna Tomczak
Thre e na ti ona lly kno wn artists wil l exhi bit in Ummari d Arti sts an d Lecture rs
Sampson Gallery Exhibit none Art Exhibtion Sa mpson Hal l gal lery. Reporter 102 11 7 1990 4/9 Ron Fondaw Eitharo ng Ron Meyers Commi ttee
Tran s Americ a Con fe rence re lea sed the
fin al tea m a nd in divi dua l sta ti sti cs for the L oren zo Wi lli ams; D erral l Duma s;
Final Stats none Basketball, Men's 1 989 -90 se ason . Reporter 102 11 8 1990 4/9 Glenn Wilkes Ma urice C owa n
Sa rah Fole y; Vale rie Gold en; Amy
Wome n's ba sketbal l te am gathe rs for Kn auff; Ch eri Ne lson ; Tra cy
And the Winner Is… none Basketball, Women's 1 989 -90 se ason b anq ue t. Reporter 102 11 8 1990 4/9 Carol Snyder Jim Snyder Beth Snyder Jeff Snyder Bra nde nbu rg; To m Sn yder
R oll ie Massi mino , he ad co ach of Vill ano va,
w ill b e th e gu est sp eake r a t the a nnu al
Villanova Coach To Speak none Lecture Stetson baske tb all b anq uet. Reporter 102 11 8 1990 4/9 Glenn Wilkes
Se cond ann ual L ady Ha tter Invi ta ti ona l
Pro-Am This Month none Golf, Women's Gol f Tou rname nt to be hel d. Reporter 102 11 8 1990 4/9
Stetson lost th ree ga mes to fa ll to 5-4 in
Diamond Woes none Baseball TAAC pla y a nd 21 -17 o veral l. Reporter 102 11 8 1990 4/9

Ju nio r re lie f p itcher Tom Hicko x co ntinu es

Save Me A Place In History none Baseball h is assau lt on two NC AA ba seba ll reco rds. Reporter 102 11 8 1990 4/9
C hrissy Theo s; Jil l Go ssard; Kimbe rly
Mo ss; Ch risty C arson ; Li z Ma urer;
Mi chel e Taylo r; He ather Alan d; Ei lee n
Pa rung o; Ta vie Ha ll; Deb bie D ool ittl e;
Gayl a Perry; D aisy Tu cker; Je nn ifer
Panhellenic Christy Carson Panhellenic Panhellenic activities. Reporter 102 11 9 1990 4/9 Wol fin da le; Cassa ndra Wil kins
Snakes Walk Greg Kujawa Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 102 11 9 1990 4/9
Lambda Chi David Wilder Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha activities. Reporter 102 11 9 1990 4/9
Al i Dei nard ; Ra chel H offma n; H ila ry
Alpha Chi Scholastics Susan Cannon Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 102 11 9 1990 4/9 Judy Anderson L atchera n; R ob yn Wel sh; Ga ry Vog el 1
H oll y H arris; Juli e Und erhi ll; Kate
O'Bryan ; R obe rta Bl umen crantz; C athy
D ixon ; Amy Fan ziaw ; Terri H orton; Maria
Gil man; Shau na Fish er; H eid i Hoffma n;
Tri Delt Laura Shealy Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 11 9 1990 4/9 Ju lie Ackerma n
Ma ria Scal es; Me lissa Gia russo; Gayla
Pe rry; Zuzette Este vez; An drea Gla ser;
Pi Phi Congratulates none Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 11 11 1990 4/9 Dale Gossard's L isa Bal es; Mi chel le Maa s 1
Zeta's Raise Money none Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha activities. Reporter 102 11 11 1990 4/9 Kelly Dick; Carolyn Smith 1
Delta Sigs Win none Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 102 11 11 1990 4/9 Ric Torres; Brian Ray
Phi Mu Hosts Party C. J. Johnson Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 102 11 11 1990 4/9 Tammy Firman

L esli e Brock; Su san C hap lin ; Sha una

Isaa cs; Suzi e Kerig an ; Kim Mayh ugh ;
Kri sty Mays; Amy Pea rson; Jod i Preti;
Theta Holds Formal Dawn AuCoin Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 102 11 11 1990 4/9 Jo yce Savil le; Amy Shi eld s; Sa ra Wh ite
Ja son Mad dox; Trip p Odom; Bas
Tch ivid jia n; Jo hn Ha nson ; P.J. Me zzera ;
ATO Jason Maughan Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 102 11 11 1990 4/9 Ma tt Spea r
C hristy Al len ; Jami e Tann eba um; Pe gg y
The Ste tso n Cha pter of the AMA w on a n Me re; Mi chel le Pirka u; D awn C arli n; B ill
Ameri can Marke ti ng e ffici ency aw ard from th e Ame rica n Ba rron; Kristen Smith; Jul ie Phi lli ps; Ale x
AMA Wins Award none Associ ation Ma rketing Asso ciatio n. Reporter 102 11 13 1990 4/9 Gard ner
D ame Son ia Arova 's Ba lle t So uth Artists and
A Night at the Ballet Kelly Newsome Dance Performance p erformed in the Edmu nd' s C enter. Reporter 102 11 13 1990 4/9 L ecturers Seri es

Den nis Kle tzi ng ; Gary Maris; Kevi n

Josep h Masters; O'Kee fe ; Di xon Kathle en Joh nson ;
D iscusse s h istory of th e McIn ery Aw ard Will iam Hu gh Rich ard Morl and ; Su th erla nd; Elle n Mark Love lace ; Jim
a nd h otos of a ll reci pie nts o f the McIne ry McEn iry; Jo hn E. Don ald Mu sser; Smith; Pau l DeL ap; Rob ert Fort;
McEnery [sic] Awards none McEniry Award Aw ard to date. Reporter 102 11 14 1990 4/9 Jo hns John H agu e Stee ves John Bo othe 15
Zeta Tau Alp ha spo nso rs the first ann ual
ZTA Crow n Cla ssic at the Stetson te nni s Vicky Pate; Joe l
Crown Classic none Zeta Tau Alpha co urts. Reporter 102 11 15 1990 4/9 Philanthropy Gary Vogel Eve re tt Bill Furlong Robin Welsh; Martha Sue McClear 1

Mi ck McN att, an a lumn us worki ng for Kim Pru deh omme

Alpha Kappa Psi none Alpha Kappa Psi Ba rnett Bank, spoke o n fu tu re ob jective s. Reporter 102 11 15 1990 4/9 De Lo dde r
Computer Seminars none Seminars List of computer seminars offered. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
R esid entia l Li fe sp onso rs p rogra m ca lle d Dr. Gia como; Pen ny
Women's Issues none Residential Life " Wh at Mo m Forg ot to Tel l You ." Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9 Tayl or; Ann Croce Denise Squier Nana Steigner

A Yom Ha shoa h can dle lig ht ce remon y a nd

Yom Hashoah none Yom Hashoah p rogra m to b e hel d in Eli zabe th H all . Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9 H. Douglas Lee
Ap pli catio ns fo r the Whe at sch ola rship
ma y b e pi cke d up a t the Stud ent Fi nan cial
Scholarships none Scholarships Pl ann in g Offi ce. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
C lay Krasn er gi ves his sen ior reci ta l on
Guitar none Recital g uitar. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
Fitness none Wellness Campus-wide Fitness Fair is coming up. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
Summer Registration none Registration Advanced registration to be held. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
Stud en ts see king su mmer fi nan cial a id
sh oul d pu t in w ritte n requ est w ith th e Office
Financial Aid none Financial Aid o f Fina nci al Pla nni ng. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
The Ste tso n Stu den t Affil iate Ch apter o f
the Ameri can C hemi cal Soci ety sp onso rs
Ameri can Ch emica l D r. Kenn eth Ho fstetter's pu bli c l ecture on
ACS Speaker none Soci ety N ucle ar Powe r. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
H oll is Lea de rsh ip D evel opme nt Pro gram
Ho lli s L ead ershi p h as mone y all ocated for pro grams
HLDP Money none De velo pmen t Prog ram d esig ne d by th e Ste tso n commun ity. Reporter 102 11 16 1990 4/9
C oll ege R ep ubl ican s h old ba rbeq ue for
L ocke Bu rt an d Bill Sco vell , wh o are L ocke Burt; Bi ll
Senate Hopefulls [sic] Visit Robert Bullock College Republicans ru nni ng for the state sena te . Reporter 102 12 1 1990 4/16 Sco vell Tom Brown Joe Saviak Stacey Smelser; Ray Holley
R obyn Sw artz sets two n ew La dy Hatter D eni se deN oyel les; Erin Owe n; Lyn n
Softball's Swartz Scores Big none Softball so ftba ll re cords. Reporter 102 12 1 1990 4/16 C ampo sano
Stud y a bro ad pro gram at Notting ha m
Po lytechn ic in En gla nd ha s b ee n th e
Study In Nottingham none Study Abroad Program su bje ct o f con tro versy. Reporter 102 12 1 1990 4/16
In L ine For The Whirl ing
Octop us Rebecca Palmer Opinion Column Opinion on working for The Reporter. Reporter 102 12 2 1990 4/16

Overseas Response Robert Bullock Opinion Column Opinion on studying in Nottingham, England. Reporter 102 12 2 1990 4/16
R obe rt Bul lock; Hal yn Hug hs; Niki
Sp irtos; L eah S tric kl an d; Mi ke Fu rlon g;
PUB Board C ho oses Ne w Stetson Publ icatio ns Board ch ose n ew Ke lly Ne wsome ; Ra y H oll ey; Guy
Editors, Officers Robert Bullock Publications Board e ditors an d man age rs. Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16 N iema nn; Tori Size more
Ch arle s Russe ll; O.
Stetson recog nize s thre e Baptist min isters L . Wa lker; Va nita V. Ado lp h Phare s;
Ste tso n Rec ogn izes Top a nd a ch apl ain a s 1 990 Mi niste rs o f the Ba ldw in; Gra dy Corn eli us Davi s; Da nie l J. Yeary;
Mini ste rs none Minister of the Year Yea r. Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16 Sn owd en Fi ndl ey Edg e Tom Dra per Bob M. Harbin, Jr.
N ation al En dow ment fo r the H uman ities
h as awa rde d Ste tso n jun ior Scott Ge ttman
a $ 2,20 0 gran t in su ppo rt o f hi s p roje ct,
Ge ttman R ecei ves Taylo r " Self and So ciety in the N ovel s o f Ca mus Youn ger Scho lars
Gra nt none Scholarships a nd Sa rtre ." Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16 Prog ram Taylor Prize Robert L. Perkins
A one -da y co nferen ce on le ga l issue s
Rel igi ous Le ga l Issu es a ffectin g church admi nistratio n is
Con fe rence none Conference sch edu le d on camp us. Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16 Harold Oleck William M. Crosby H.V. Massey John Pelham

Wan na D ance - Syn chron icity da nce team ho lds tryouts in

Synchro nici ty Ho lds Tryo uts Angie Ann Ginn Synchronicity the E dmun ds Cen te r. Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16
The d uPo nt-Ball L ibra ry re ceive d a gift of
New Je rsey Man Gives Ha t the co mpl ete set o f "The H at Bo x," the
Box none Library Jo hn B. Ste tso n compa ny new sle tter. Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16 Betty D. Johnson
Stetson had a ma jor pre sence a t the
re gio na l me etin g of Ph i Al pha The ta Steve R athman n; Edwi n Morrow ; Da n
Seniors Write History none Phi Alpha Delta n ation al h istory hon or socie ty. Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16 Evans C. Johnson Gil brid e; R . Boyd Mu rph ee

Kri ste n Fo lli s, a p oin t gu ard ou t of Indi ana ,

Lady Hats Sign Follis none Basketball, Women's si gns a le tte r o f in te nt w ith Ste tso n. Reporter 102 12 4 1990 4/16 Dallas Boychuk Valerie Golden; Tracy Brandenburg
D etail s re cen t ROTC activitie s, de spite the Steve R athman n; Jay Edwa rds; Jo n
re cent an nou nceme nt tha t Stetson w oul d H anse n; Ji m H oll ida y; Ro be rt Moo dy III;
ROTC's Last Stand Jay Edwards ROTC n o lon ge r h ave ROTC on camp us. Reporter 102 12 6 1990 4/16 James W. Crysel Lyn n Pate
Que sti on s a nd an swers ab out stu dyi ng
Homework In Europe none Study Abroad Program a broa d. Reporter 102 12 6 1990 4/16
Se nio r Pe ter Lin dla nd reca lls hi s time i n
Ch uck Ne lson (D eLa nd Africa a nd o th er coun tri es as son o f Bap ti st Ho lli s L ea dersh ip
Examining Different Worlds Su n New s) Lindland, Peter mi ssion arie s. Reporter 102 12 7 1990 4/16 Fun d Ann Hallum
R obe rt Ja coby succe eds Glen n Wi lkes as
Wilkes Replaced as AD none Jacoby, Robert Athl etic Dire cto r. Reporter 102 12 8 1990 4/16 Athletic Department H. Douglas Lee
Bi ll Cu rti s; Jan Je nisch ; Ja y Gob bel ;
Te nni s tea m fin ish es th e seaso n with a 1 6- Steve Gio nis; Jaso n Marsha ll; Chri s
Tennis Season Over none Tennis, Men's 1 3 reco rd . Reporter 102 12 8 1990 4/16 Ray Hussey Sh ann on; Rich ie C aul ley

L PGA; Mark
Whittake r; Do n
Pa ge; Dee Ja rrard; Bonn ie Cl ifto n; Mi ke
Marg are t Co urtney; Jarrard ; Jim Mith;
Jo yc e Pierce ; He len Myles Smith; Ces
Smith ; Vina Mag gi e Dob son; Harp er; El ean or
Se cond ann ual L ady Ha tter Invi ta ti ona l Sp ri ng er; Ma rion Jeril yn Britz; Lyn n Ka th y Ba rnard ; Wi lba nds; Sand ra
Gol f Tou rname nt h eld to su ppo rt the La dy Steve ns; C onn ie Con nel ly; Ma rth a Jea n Patterson ; Summers; Norm
Hatter Golf none Golf, Women's H atte r g ol f pro gram. Reporter 102 12 8 1990 4/16 Fole y Nau se; Gin a Hu ll Na ncy Vosbu rg Wed ekin d
Ma rk So uthh all , a gu ard from Spruce
C reek Hi gh Sch ool , ha s si gne d a letter of
Possible Guard none Basketball, Men's i ntent to pla y for Stetson. Reporter 102 12 8 1990 4/16 Glenn Wilkes Jim Romaniszyn Mark Brisker
Me n's go lf tea m ca ptured th e Tran s
Golf Champions none Golf, Men's Ame rica go lf ch amp ion ship . Reporter 102 12 9 1990 4/16

So ftb all co ach Jan iece H old er ann ou nces

New Pitcher none Softball the si gn ing o f pi tch er Lisa H arris. Reporter 102 12 9 1990 4/16

Se nio r g ua rd Mauri ce Cow an wa s h ono red Ji m H orn; Derra ll Du man; Lore nzo
a s the mo st va lua ble p laye r o n th e 19 89- Gl enn Wil kes; Ma rk Wil lia ms; Frank Irela nd; Al ex Urose vic;
Most Valuable Player none Basketball, Men's 9 0 Stetson Ha tter ba sketbal l te am. Reporter 102 12 9 1990 4/16 Rollie Masimino Everette Huskey Frank Burnell Brisker Bra d Pain te r
L ady Ha tte r so ftba ll team swe eps a
Softball Sweep none Softball d oub le hea der. Reporter 102 12 9 1990 4/16
Ba seba ll tea m a ssures itsel f of a
Baseball Earns Bid for NCAA none Baseball co nfere nce tourn amen t be rth . Reporter 102 12 9 1990 4/16
H atte r re lie f a ce To m H ickox ties the N CAA
Ace Ties NCAA Record none Baseball re cord for save s. Reporter 102 12 9 1990 4/16
P. J. Strom; Ral ph La to ur; Ray Ho lle y;
D ave Smith; Jason Ma ug han ; Tory
ATO Leadership Jason Maughan Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 102 12 10 1990 4/16 Bu rke 1
ΛXA David Wilder Lambda Chi Alpha Lambda Chi Alpha activities. Reporter 102 12 10 1990 4/16 Russell Sellars

N ana Stei gne r; Tori Si zemore ; She lli e

Sp eed ; Ca th eri ne De ithorn e; Me lan ie
Yearw ood ; Ashl ey Edwa rds; L ori Finn ;
The ather McAle er; K im Fu gate; Te ri
Zeta Zest none Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha activities. Reporter 102 12 10 1990 4/16 Tiern ey
EP Deck none Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 102 12 10 1990 4/16 Jim Rutt; Nana Steigner

Ash ley Alde rman; Terry Barrow ; Barb ara

Bro wn; Betsy Byrn e; Emily Buss; Don a
C owd en; Krista Erickson ; L isa
Garthri ght; L iz Fe de le; Suzy Lei tn er;
Cha rles B. Ved der; Ju lie McFal l; Sa lly Pad gett; L isa Le nt;
Jo se ph (R usty) Terra nce Fare ll; Dia ne Evere tt; Geo rge Ke rry R oge rs; Peg gy Th relke l; Mi chel le
Angels Activities Betsy Byrne Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 102 12 10 1990 4/16 Witek Terri Witek W. Dan iel H ale Wi llia ms R amacke rs
ФΣK New Associates none Phi Sigma Kappa Phi Sigma Kappa activities. Reporter 102 12 10 1990 4/16 Steve Hansen; Mike Merlo
Mi ke Brenn an; Kathy Gann er; R ick
Brothers Advice none Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi activities. Reporter 102 12 11 1990 4/16 Ba zzani
Ju lie Be ving to n; Chri ssy L udi ngton ; Ni ck
AΞΔ Cheryl Ventura Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 102 12 11 1990 4/16 Yocca
Alpha Chi in April Susan Cannon Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 102 12 11 1990 4/16 Laura Winward Jamie Tannenbaum
Social Group Tonie Caridi Delta Pi Alpha Delta Pi Alpha activities. Reporter 102 12 11 1990 4/16
R obe rta Bl umen kran tz; Te rri Horton ;
Amy Fanzl aw; Juli e Ake rman; Sha nna
Fish er; Ma ria Gilma n; H eid i Hoffman;
Ju lie Ackerma n; H eathe r Ala nd ; Jan
Ed ward s; Ho llya nna Haski n; Ang ie Ann
ΔΔΔ Amy Fanzlaw Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta Delta activities. Reporter 102 12 11 1990 4/16 Gin n; C hrissy Tu ros 1
To ta l immersi on French co urse w elco mes
French Course Open none French n ew en rol lmen ts. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16
Summer Session none Registration Summer and fall registration open. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16
Two sho rt vid eo s o n abo rti on wi ll be sh own
Videos on Abortion none Abortion a t the D eLa nd Pub lic Li brary. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16
Stud en ts en coura ged to a ppl y for wo rk
Job Idea none Job Opportunities w ith th e Ce nsus Bure au. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16
St. Jo hn s R iver Pla yers' prod uctio n of "A
L ittl e Porter, Pl ease " p remie res May 24 a s
d inn er thea tre a t the La ke Bere sfo rd Yach t
Production none Theater Performance C lub i n DeL an d. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16

C hristop her J. C owe ll; Lia nn A. Ke y;

Tho mas E. Knu tso n; Jr.; Je nni fe r
L evere tte; Rob ert W. Mo ore; Tin a L.
Stetson 's chap te r o f Be ta Be ta Be ta , the R ale igh ; Ra oul A. Sa nch ez; H one y J.
n ation al h ono rary socie ty for bio log y has Si lk; L eah B. Stri ckla nd; J. Tro y Win to n;
Beta Beta Beta none Beta Beta Beta i ndu cte d 11 ne w membe rs. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16 F. M. Knapp An na C. Burch; Jul ie Bevi ngton
C ontrib utors to th e 199 0 An nu al Fund h elp
Annual Fund none Annual Fund Stetson to p its $ 85,00 0 go al. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16 David Whiddon Phonathon
Su zann e Elli ott; La ura Ha rdman ;
Mortar Board none Mortar Board Mortar Board initiates 16 new members. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16 El izab eth Hin z; Jul e Ca se
Ph oto of a sphe re by Dan Gu nde rson.
C aptio n: "The n ewl y re no vated Samp son
Gal lery offers a varie ty o f art exhi bits fo r
[Photo only] none Sampson Hall yo u to view. Reporter 102 12 12 1990 4/16 Sampson Hall 1
Ja mes Bea sley ha s h elp ed de velo p
g uid eli ne s for reva mpin g and d evel op ing a H. Do ugl as Lee ; Bil l rul es an d
Stetson's Tolerance: Zero Robert Bullock Alcohol Policy n ine p ag e docu ment on a lcoh ol use . Reporter 103 1 1 1990 9/25 Bickl e drinking rules reg ul ation s zero tolerance 1

Traffi c R egu latio ns an d Securi ty ha ve be en

co mbin ed i nto Publ ic Safety w hich w ill n ow Jim Meyers; Lisa
Public Safety Goes Pro Brenda Nichols Public Safety e mplo y n on -stu den t staff memb ers. Reporter 103 1 1 1990 9/25 Security Traffic Regulations campus police Sprag ue
De an o f Stude nt Fra te rnity
Ed itoria l on n ew po sition s a nd camp us Affa irs; D irector of Hou ses; Eli zab eth Hal l Dep artment of Pu bli c
Something New Robert Bullock Opinion Column i mprove ments ove r the su mmer. Reporter 103 1 2 1990 9/25 Pu bli c Sa fe ty intramu ral fiel ds ren ova ti ons Safety
ath letics;
Opi nio n of te n ways to make Stetson a alco hol p oli cy; ba sketba ll;
Sink or Swim Steve Kilpatrick Opinion Column b ette r s ch oo l. Reporter 103 1 2 1990 9/25 H. Douglas Lee Baptist affi lia ti on gre eks; rush promotion; alumni
Un ive rsi ty o f Flori da
Hatters Beware Lee Balcom Opinion Column Opinion on public safety on campus. Reporter 103 1 2 1990 9/25 murd ers
New Policy? Brenda Nichols Opinion Column Opinion on the alcohol policy. Reporter 103 1 2 1990 9/25 James Beasley
Bookstore Blues Jeff Wilen Opinion Column Opinion on bookstore pricing. Reporter 103 1 2 1990 9/25
Ode to Emily Lee Balcom Emily Hall Poem on Emily Hall. Reporter 103 1 2 1990 9/25

resi de ntial l ife;

D r. James Bea sley i s the n ew in te rim Dea n Stud ent Affairs he al th se rvices;
Beasley Interim Dean Alice Custis Beasley, James o f Stud ent Affairs for 199 0-19 91. Reporter 103 1 4 1990 9/25 Co mmitte e Garth Jenkins care er pl aceme nt Carlton Union Building 1
Stetson is th e onl y u nive rsity i n Fl orid a to
b e sele cted for th e John Te mple to n
Joh n Templ eton Fou nda tion H ono r R oll for Ch aracter Joh n Marks
Stetson Makes Honor Roll none Foun datio n Hon or Ro ll Bu ild ing C oll eg es. Reporter 103 1 4 1990 9/25 H. Douglas Lee moral character Temp leton Miki Thomas

A Few Good Men Lorelei Ryan Emily Hall Men move into Emily Hall for the first time. Reporter 103 1 4 1990 9/25 Carol Hafer Residential Life Co-ed dorms Carson-Hollis Hall Pete Carver
R ape C risis Ce nter of Vo lusi a Cou nty
Rap e Cen te r N ee ds n eed s volu nteers for th e Rap e Ho tl ine a nd
Vo lun te ers none Rape Crisis Center cri sis interve ntion . Reporter 103 1 4 1990 9/25
H. D oug las Le e; Ta sk Fo rce fo r Stud ent
Rush to be deferred in 1991 Kathya Lopez Rush Rush moves to spring semester next year. Reporter 103 1 4 1990 9/25 Deferred rush James Bea sle y Amy Tamberrino Life Abby Loreto; Joe Helkowski; Lynn Parson
R ehe arsa ls fo r the 1 990 se ason of the
Choral Rehearsals none Choral Union Stetson Cho ral Un ion b ega n Mon day. Reporter 103 1 5 1990 9/25 Duncan Couch
L ist o f co mpan ies comi ng to campu s fo r Ca ree r p lan nin g and
Get a Job none Career Services i ntervie ws. Reporter 103 1 5 1990 9/25 p lace ment
Al umnu s Ma tth ew Towe ry h as wo n th e
R epu bli can n omin ation for li euten an t
Hatter Lt. Governor? none Towery, Matthew A. g overn or in Geo rgia . Reporter 103 1 5 1990 9/25 Matt Mattingly
Atten ti on Stud io Art Art stu de nts sh oul d pick up a ll wo rk from
Stu den ts ! none Department of Art l ast se mester. Reporter 103 1 5 1990 9/25
Ho lli s L ea dersh ip
You th Mo ti vators Progra m i s l ooki ng for De vel opme nt
Get Motivated none Youth Motivators vo lun te ers. Reporter 103 1 5 1990 9/25 Prog ram Jim Cashion
A wo rd fro m the C are er C atheri ne De itho rne, class of 199 0, has
Plan nin g an d Place ment j oin ed the staff o f Ca reer Pla nni ng an d
Offices none Career Services Pl aceme nt as Assi sta nt D irector. Reporter 103 1 5 1990 9/25
To dd Jon es; Se an Bu rke; Ton y
Bi anca rosa; Tim Cu rrent; Sca rlett
πΚФ Gets Arou nd none Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kappa Phi activities. Reporter 103 1 6 1990 9/25 Bu tch er; Bo o Li ving sto n 1
Starry Delta Pis Robin Wilkie Delta Pi Alpha Delta Pi Alpha activities. Reporter 103 1 6 1990 9/25

C ari Aspach er; Wen dy Bastin; Kim

Ba ttag lin i; And rea Bl eck; C hristi Tre jo;
C yndi L ate; Ki m H ewso n; Al i Fre und ;
Sh ann on Do wd y; Amy Statel er; Je nni fe r
C ole ; Min e Terli ksiz; Je n Matth ews;
Ai mee Bia leke ; Man dy Wi nston ; Susa n
Grusch ow; Moni ca Sirig na no; Brend a
C yr; Kim Prie t; Kell i Hog ue; Mary Lynn
AXΩ Gets Psyched Susan Cannon Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 103 1 6 1990 9/25 Pri est; Ra chel H offma n
3 (1 on p.
Delta Sigs Socialize none Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 103 1 6 1990 9/25 Matt Barbour; Greg Harold 1)
Snakes Shed Mortgage Greg Kujawa Sigma Nu Sigma Nu activities. Reporter 103 1 7 1990 9/25 Mike Estes; Jack Dudley 1
Gran t Da vis; Wil lia m H ann aford; Eric
Sip Egs Plan Parties Ted Tubus Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 103 1 7 1990 9/25 C inn amon d 1
Sigh ts an d Sou nds at A multime dia a rt e xhib ition g oin g on in
Sampso n Lara Moody Art Exhibtion Sa mpson Hal l Ga lle ry. Reporter 103 1 8 1990 9/25 Stephen Robinson Gary Monroe La Buena Vista Dan Gunderson 2
Sch ool o f
Nyle n Rece ives McEni ry D r. Davi d Nyle n recei ves McEni ry Award Wi lli am Hug h Bu sine ss
Award none McEniry Award for 19 90 . Reporter 103 1 8 1990 9/25 Donald Musser McEniry Ad mi nistra ti on
Ed dy Pilo to ; Ra fa el C astro; Bri an
C and on; Jeff Will iams; Pat D axon ; Ke vin
Mary Gavin ; D axon ; Ra ndy And erson ; Va le ri e Gold en
Let the Games Begin! none Athletics List of athletic events for various sports. Reporter 103 1 9 1990 9/25 Maggie Dobson Caren Truske Da lla s B oychu k Michelle Michael C oin ; Ho lly Da vis 1

N ation al Ho ckey Le agu e te ams visit

The Real World Steve Felson Athletics ce ntral Flori da for an e xhib ition sch edu le . Reporter 103 1 9 1990 9/25
Lynn Bu sine ss
Cen te r; E.M.
Stetson buys "Big E ," the Empi re Ban k o f Lynn C hai r o f
Scho ol of Busin ess Ame rican b ui ldi ng, fo r a n ew bu sine ss Eu gen e M. Lynn ; Busin ess Bill Wrigh t; H. D ou gla s
Stetson Buys Big E Pete Carver Admi nistratio n sch ool . Reporter 103 2 1 1990 10/1 Ch ristine E. Lynn Admin istration Davis Hall Lee ; Da vid E. N ylen 1
Flori da Bap ti st Fun din g cuts beg in be tw een S te tso n and
Stetson Autonomy Alice Custis Co nven ti on Ba ptists. Reporter 103 2 1 1990 10/1 Religion H. Douglas Lee John Sullivan Florida Baptist Witness

Ad am Ste ckley; Bran dy Boyar; Ta mmy

Yo uth Ad voca ti ng You th Advo cating Pl ane tary Imp roveme nt, Se ale ; Jay Stryker; S usan Weir; Meli ssa
YAPI News Kathya Lopez Pla netary Improve ment YAPI, is lo okin g fo r me mbe rs. Reporter 103 2 1 1990 10/1 environment ecology recycling Bruce Dubendorff N uzzy; Mi chel e Surpre nan t
Stud en ts sho uld p articip ate in mo re
Take Part in Stetson Robert Bullock Editorial ca mpus a ctiv iti es. Reporter 103 2 2 1990 10/1
First Step: Community Brenda Nichols Editorial Stetson must build community. Reporter 103 2 2 1990 10/1 H. Douglas Lee Steve Kilpatrick
Trog Talks Cheap none Opinion Column Satire column. Reporter 103 2 3 1990 10/1
Stud ent
Stu den t Associ ation Gets It R eorg ani zed stud ent sena te me ets fo r first Gove rnmen t
Toge th er Nana Steigner Student Association time . Reporter 103 2 4 1990 10/1 Asso ciatio n SGA

Stetson hosts its a nnu al Intern ation al Ra lp h Lee Woo dard ;

Symposi um 199 0: Cen tra l Symp osiu m title d "U.S. Po licy in C en tra l Ed gar Ch amorro ;
America Alice Custis International Symposium Ame rica." Reporter 103 2 4 1990 10/1 Ro be rt E. Whi te Bruce Bradford Bonnie Reed
Ma jor ren ova tio ns to severa l bui ldi ngs on
Stetson 's campu s o ver th e summe r h ave Edmun ds Cen ter; Eli zab eth Hal l
Stetson Renewed Alice Custis Facilities ke pt Ph ysica l Plan t bu sy. Reporter 103 2 4 1990 10/1 E. Dudley Howe Carso n/Hol lis ren ova ti ons Allen Hall
A pan el o f three p romin ent atto rne ys w ill
p resen t the ir ide as and e xperi enc es as Phi Alph a Del ta
Pre-Law Events Nicki Spirtos Lecture p art o f a two -day pro gram. Reporter 103 2 5 1990 10/1 College of Law pre-l aw fraterni ty T. Wayne Bailey
C aree r Pl ann in g and Pl aceme nt C en te r
Pay Attention Seniors Catherine Deithorn Career Services o ffers servi ces to se nio rs. Reporter 103 2 5 1990 10/1

Je ffery Bau er; C hristin e Monto; Li z

Ki nan e; Ian Watson ; Mike C onn ell y;
Pa tri ck McKe nna ; Steve Si ppre ll;
Je ssica Estrada ; He athe r Sa lter; Ka rina
Fie pta; Gin ger Su rgen or; C hris Bea ver;
El ection s hel d to e lect dormi to ry Se nato rs D rew Re ddi nge r; Will iam Jackso n;
to the n ewl y o rgan ized Stetson Stu den t R and y Tho rnhi ll; Spiro Ko mnin es; J ason
Student Elections Held none Student Association Asso ciatio n. Reporter 103 2 5 1990 10/1 Ma ugh an 1
C hristin e Fe de righ i, ce ramic scul ptor and
p rofessor o f art at the U nive rsity o f Mia mi, L arry Cah all ;
Op eni ng Ton igh t Spo tlig hts vi sits to le ctu re an d give a d emon stra ti on Greg ory Jone s; Artists a nd
Fe deri ghi none Lecture o f he r w ork. Reporter 103 2 6 1990 10/1 Geo rge Lo we Sampson Gallery Le cturers Seri es 1

Wo odro w Wi lson C oup le Ho lli s L ead ershi p Thi s ye ar's Wo od row Wilso n Vi siting Hol lis Le ade rship
Visit Camp us Next We ek none De velo pmen t Prog ram Fel low s w ill vi sit ca mpus. Reporter 103 2 6 1990 10/1 School of Music Robert Koff Rosalind Koff Deve lop ment Progra m
Pro fe ssor of Music Steph en Ro bin son
Robinson Releases New CD none Robinson, Stephen re lea ses first cla ssica l gui ta r C D. Reporter 103 2 6 1990 10/1 School of Music guitar Centaur Records 1

ACTER; A Cen ter

Geo ffrey Chu rch; for Th eatre,
Five a cto rs a nd a ctre sses fro m L ond on Mira nd a Fo ste r; Ste phe n Jen n; Ed ucatio n, a nd Arti sts an d Lecture rs
A Week of Culture Robert Bullock Theater Performance vi sited camp us to lecture a nd pe rfo rm. Reporter 103 2 7 1990 10/1 Da vid H owe y Aliso n Skilb eck Re sea rc h Commi ttee
Pe te r Ma rti n, th e lea der of th e Peter Martin
Ja zz Trio, perfo rms a co ncert in Eli zabe th
Jazz Trio Concert none Concert H all . Reporter 103 2 7 1990 10/1 School of Music Janis Kindred

Ka th y Bl ood wo rth ; Mia Wood ; He athe r

Ba rber; Betsy Ba rker; Juli a Cal dwe ll;
D arcy Devi ne; Fra nces Esteve z; Ch rissy
Gen ders; Kimbe rly Go ld stru m; La nie
L ansd ell ; La urie McC nn ell ; Sha nno n
Mi nor; Lei gh O'Re ill ly; Me lissa Osmon ;
Sh ea Sarg ea nt; Stacey Schu ltz; Ging er
Pi Phis Melissa Giarrusso Pi Beta Phi Pi Beta Phi (Pi Phi) activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/1 Su rgen or; Je nn ifer Troxwe ll ; Li z Vil lare s
Alpha Kappa Psi none Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/1
Phi Mus Blessed Elizabeth Campbell Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/1 Helen Whitfield; Nikki Uri

Ju lie Ann Furr; Chri s C arna cchi; An ge la

L oethe n; Wen dy Bastin ; Pai ge Wa gne r;
Congratulations Alpha Chi Susan Cannon Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/1 N icol e Titus; Shan no n Dow dy

An ne Da ry; Virg ini a Dyer; Kasey

Fla nde rs; Sab ina Gh ogh awa la; Fre ya
Gutterson ; Bec ky L aBan ca; Abb y
L oreto; Gre ta L au ; Ch ristina Ma cMill an-
Wil kinso n; Ma ry Ma nly; Jody McCa rty;
Je nni fe r Me ier; Sydn ey Milla rd; Cin dy
Pro ut; Kim Simmo nds; Jan et Smo ut;
Ta ra Th omson ; Kim Tu ckis; Be th
Wactler; Kate Wa te rs; Ni na Wein ; Tri sh
Wen tze l; Ma rcia Wri ght; Al ex Vi lla res;
Welcome Back Zetas none Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/1 Tracey Tu cker
Bi ll Arnol d; Bo b Bates; Ge orge Bro oks;
Mi ke Cin gue mone ; Matt Gre eson ; Tom
H ugg ens; Joe He ath; Pete Matuli s; Matt
Pu te rna; Ted Snyd er; tim Swye rs; Da n
Pi Kapp Success none Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha activities. Reporter 103 2 9 1990 10/1 Mike Foster Ki lbri de

Si gma Alph a Iota, a n intern ation al El izab eth Lam; Da nie lle Ma rti n; Sh erri
w omen 's music fraterni ty, b ecome s a n ew Van Wormer; Chri sti ne Mil ler; Elle n
Sigma Alpha Iota none Sigma Alpha Iota fratern ity o n camp us as of Apri l 28, 199 0. Reporter 103 2 9 1990 10/1 Jean Rickman D uffy; Lau ra Barne o; Je nn ifer McLea n

Mi chel le Mayb eck; Step ha nie Bre ssan;

Ka tri na Du gge r; Ch rissy Mon to ; Ti a
H ayes; Paig e De Armis; Ma ry Em
D empsy; Shan non Wal ker; Sh ail een
Ke lly; Kristi Fre eman ; Na ta lie Wh ite ;
Ma rth a Gra ssmuck; Ing er Lo fthe im;
H eathe r Sw ann ; C arrie McMu llen ; C ind y
Hip H ip an d Horra y fo r Pa pe; Nel l We nde r; Ashle y McD oug all ;
Alph a Xi Pearl Ashcraft Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 103 2 9 1990 10/1 Qui nn Fazio ; Da wn Ca rlin
Co ach Gary
Hats Feast in East none Soccer Soccer team wins third consecutive match. Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1 McKin le y Gary Meadows
Kri s Frase r; Le igh O'R eil ly; C hristi
Finally, A Victory none Track, Women's Lady Hatters post first win at invitational. Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1 Tho rn; Ja sha McQue en; Trici a Fro st
Stetson base bal l te am fi nish es th ird we ek
"Hatter Up!" none Baseball o f fall p ractice . Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1 Pete Dunn
Sa nch Bren na n; D awn D unn ; Mich ell e
Whi te ; He ather Graig ; El izab eth Lon g;
D ana All en; Cin dy Bemg e; L isa
Stetson 's voll eyba ll team se ts sig hts h igh Bi ckerton; Patty Da ile y; Ashl ey Perry;
Ladies All Set Jeff Wilen Volleyball for the ye ar. Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1 Janice Holder Jo die Sw itzer; Tina Voss
Stetson fi nish es seven th o ut o f 2 6 te ams
"Above Par" Performance none Golf a t the Yale Invi ta ti ona l. Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1 Tom Creavy; Jon Archard; D.J. Holland 1
Me n's cross cou ntry tea m fin ishe s th ird in D rew Re ddi nge r; Eric Ha ll; Brand y
the U nive rsity o f C entral Flo rida Bo yar; Ph ill ip Schu ltz; Jo e Hel kowski ;
Success at U.C.F. none Cross Country i nvitatio na l. Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1 D avid H artsock
The Real World Steve Felson Hat Rack Column on cookout for the soccer team. Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1
Ju nio r ca ptai n Jil Gossard fire d a fi nal
ro und o f 8 0, a n ew lo w fo r a Stetson L ady C hristin e Rid eno ur; Ki m Go ldstroh m;
Gossard Sets Record none Golf, Women's H atte r g ol fe r. Reporter 103 2 10 1990 10/1 Nancy Guerin C arrie Bu ntain ; Kristi Ri chard son

Fe llo wshi p of
Ba ptist C ampu s Chri sti an
Min istry; Wesle y Ath letes;
Ho use ; Ca th oli c In te rvarsity
Ca mpu s Mi nistry; Chri sti an Penn i Rei d; Bi ll
Gree k Bi ble Stud y; Fe llo wshi p; Joh n Hi cks; Joe DePu ry; Boyd C osne r;
Rel igi ous Li fe Add ed to R epo rte r sta ff a dd s a se cti on for reli gio us Re lig io us Life Mini ste rial Pin cho ck; Marty Ki m Mo ss; Ch arle s
Rep orter Patrick Barbour Reporter i nterests. Reporter 103 2 11 1990 10/1 Co un cil Assocatio n Fitzpa trick Gra nge r Patrick Barbour
Flori da Ba ptist
Co nve ntion ;
C lyde Fan t g ives op eni ng con vocati on So uthern Ba ptist
Convocation Address Patrick Barbour Convocation a ddre ss. Reporter 103 2 11 1990 10/1 Co nve ntion
Ward L ea ds Preach ing D r. Rich ard F. Ward is the g uest lecture r for De pa rtme nt o f
Serie s Fal l 199 0 Patrick Barbour Lecture the 1 99 0 Preach ing Se ries. Reporter 103 2 11 1990 10/1 Re lig io n Clyde Fant

Phi Alpha Delta none Phi Alpha Delta Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity activities. Reporter 103 2 12 1990 10/1 Dan Warren
H omeco ming 1 99 1: A H atte r R oun dup
Homecoming 1991 none Homecoming l ooki ng for vol untee rs. Reporter 103 2 12 1990 10/1 Dave Paul; Kevin Cox
Flo rida D ivisi on of Histo rical R esou rces
a ppro ved a ma tch ing g rant fo r Ste tso n to
co mple te th e histori c su rvey of the ci ty o f Natio nal R egi ste r Hi sto ric Prope rty
Historic Money Granted none Grant D eLa nd . Reporter 103 2 12 1990 10/1 H. Douglas Lee of H istoric Pla ces Asso ciates Jackie Kersh Sims Kline
D epa rtme nt of Po litica l Scien ce offe rs a
Win te r Te rm se mina r i n Wash ing to n an d
NY - DC Trip none Winter Term N ew Yo rk. Reporter 103 2 12 1990 10/1 T. Wayne Bailey
The o pe nin g recep ti on for th e artists
fea tu red i n Sampso n Hal l's gro up
e xhib ition will b e he ld in the Gal lery
Openning [sic] Tonight none Art Exhibtion ton igh t. Reporter 103 2 12 1990 10/1 Larry Cahall Gregory Jones George Lowe Christine Federighi

Stover Theare Renovated Lorelei Ryan Stover Theater Renovation of Stover Theatre is underway. Reporter 103 3 1 1990 10/15 theater Bruce Griffiths Ian M. Ireland 1

Fran ces Lorra nie Mo rris; D avid E . Kla n;

D avid S. Kratzke; Su zan na Ho lli s;
H eathe r B. Haa g; Paul Mu rray; And rew
Gra ves C hristop her; An na Ma ri a De Pietro;
Scho ol of Busin ess Sch ool of Bu sine ss Admi nistratio n hol ds Bu sine ss Sch ool Edmon dson ; D on Ma ttai s Ba xmann ; Kristin e A. Smil ey;
Bus. School Scholarships Lee Balcom Admi nistratio n An nu al Aw ards Ban qu et. Reporter 103 3 1 1990 10/15 Fou nda ti on Page William Wright Ja mes Hug hes; Scott Sma ll
Mi les Bon dura nt; De rek Zimmerman ;
R obyn R . Farrar; Kevin Kra us; James
R idg way; Jr.; D ung Tu; Su san Ja ckson;
Je rome Cru itt; Eliza beth H inz; Wi llia m
H igg inb otham II; Ch risti ne Sterl ing ;
H arrie tte Whitin g; El yse Phi llip s; Ka ren
Bo oth; Mi chae l Ha ber; Cha rles Li ttle ;
Je ff Bitte nbi nde r; Na ncy rue ste r; Jami e
Bus. Sch oo l Schol arshi ps Scho ol of Busin ess Sch ool of Bu sine ss Admi nistratio n hol ds Ta nne nba um; Ale xan dra Gardn er;
(contin ued ) Lee Balcom Admi nistratio n An nu al Aw ards Ban qu et. Reporter 103 1 1990 10/15 Ma rgue rite Swin g
Stetson 's ann ual p ho natho n is bei ng sp lit
Phonathon News Lorelei Ryan Fundraising i nto a semi ann ual e vent th is year. Reporter 103 3 1 1990 10/15 Mary Howicz Chuck Hammett; Zuzette Estevez
Ed itoria l on se xual a ssaul t in cide nt a s
Stetson Does the Right Thing Robert Bullock Editorial re ported in the lo cal med ia. Reporter 103 3 2 1990 10/15 Gary Vogel Randy L. Anderson
A new e nvi ro nme ntal in itiative b egi ns as
Recycling Effort Made Kathya Lopez Recycling Stetson recycle s. Reporter 103 3 3 1990 10/15 Kemper Smith Tres Mullis 1
Career Corner Catherine Deithorn Career Services Column on career services at Stetson. Reporter 103 3 3 1990 10/15
Peter Lake ; Ch arle s
Fal l rush con ven ed for Phi Alph a Del ta , the Wi lli am Amo ry Elson ; Do rothea
PAD Rush none Phi Alpha Delta p re-la w fra te rnity. Reporter 103 3 3 1990 10/15 Dan Warren Und erhi ll Ch apte r T. Wayne Bailey Bean e Nicki Spirtos 1
Intervi ew wi th S te tso n Presid ent H.
Lee: Stetson's Growing Up Lee Balcom Lee, H. Douglas D oug las L ee Reporter 103 3 4 1990 10/15
Stetson Uni versity Orch estra prese nts i ts
Orchestra Opens Season none Concert first conce rt o f the sea son. Reporter 103 3 4 1990 10/15 Thomas Sleeper
Je an Ohl sson Ri ckman an d Micha el
R ickman p resen t a n even ing o f musi c fo r Rou ta
Rickmans to Perfom none Concert flu te a nd p ian o. Reporter 103 3 4 1990 10/15 Alvaro Gomez Kroumo vitch
Pri mitive theme o n vie w at Sa mpson Gre gory Jon es; L arry
Sampson's Exhibit 'Spiritual' Lara Moody Exhibition Gal lery this mon th. Reporter 103 3 5 1990 10/15 Christine Federighi George Lowe Gary Bolding Cah all
Kri s Frase r, a cross cou ntry ru nne r, earn ed
the se aso n's fi rst Ath lete -o f-th e-Mon th
Runner Wins Award none Track, Women's a ward . Reporter 103 3 6 1990 10/15 Maggie Dobson 1
Mi ne Terl iksiz, a te nni s p laye r from Tu rkey,
Turkish Champ Joins Team none Tennis, Women's j oin s the Ste tso n te am. Reporter 103 3 6 1990 10/15

Ja mes Kee; Mark Sou th all ; Bryan t

C onn er; Ma rcus Cow art; Ka rl Bru scha yt;
R ob Wilke s; Ken ny Dan ie ls; C hris
D esid erio ; Mark Briske r; Joh nny Walke r;
Stetson te am wan ts to win the Trans L oren zo Wi lli ams; Fran k Irel and ; Ji m
Basketball Out to Win Jeff Wilen Basketball Ame rica Ath letic Co nfere nce this yea r. Reporter 103 3 6 1990 10/15 Glenn Wilkes H orn; Derra ll Du man; Don nel l Samp son

L ady Ha tte r g olf te am contin ues to bre ak C hristi Ri den our; Jill Gossa rd; L isa
Lady Golf none Golf, Women's the ir own re cord s. Reporter 103 3 6 1990 10/15 R oge rs; Kim Gold stro hm; C arrie Bu ntai n
Ju nio r D an a Al len i s ra nked 1 5th in the
Allen Ranked Nationally none Volleyball n ation fo r D ivisi on I h itti ng pe rcentag e. Reporter 103 3 6 1990 10/15 Tina Voss
In tra mural Foo tb al l 1 990 fl ag footba ll sea son g ets o ff to g reat
Comp etition C lose none Intramurals start. Reporter 103 3 7 1990 10/15 2
Wome n's intramu ral vo lle ybal l has a gre at Pe ggy Mere ; Jami e Tann enb au m;
co re of te ams with Alph a Chi Omeg a in the Step han ie Alpe r; Ang ie Giron da; Jayma
Alpha Chi Leads Ladies none Intramurals l ead . Reporter 103 3 7 1990 10/15 C oop er; Be th D alto n
Digs Take New Approach Jeff Wilson Delta Sigma Phi Delta Sigma Phi activities. Reporter 103 3 8 1990 10/15 Steve Kilpatrick

N ylia Armstrong ; Martha D avis; Sha ndra

Fen imore ; Jul ia Floh r; Cri sti H arrah ;
An gie Ji mene z; La ura Kl ossne r; Ni ki
L oren ces; Ki m Mi kesel l; N icho le Mytyk;
L aura Pa lmer; Rutha nn e Patz; Ro se
Pa xson; Krissa Vance ; Eva Walter;
Theta Off to Great Start Julie Kohler Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 103 3 8 1990 10/15 Ki mberl y Web b

Se th Sh api ro; Ma rk Hol ley; Eric Hite; Bill

Pi tts; Stua rt Brow n; Dou g Boutwe ll;
R obe rt Cl emen te ; Skip Con sta ntine ;
R obe rt Grant; R ob ert Ki nzer; Mike
L eavy; Ste ve Mag riby; Milo Me tte; Rob b
Mi lhe im; Tim Nash ; Georg e Ossi ; J.B.
Pe cto l; Bre w Red din ge r; Ro bert
Sa maan ; Steve Si ppre ll; Crai g
Step hen s; Do n Glan cy; Mike Lyn ch; Al
Grava no; Jim Nich ols; Mike Cu lle n; Ray
ATO Active Harold Stankard Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 103 3 8 1990 10/15 H oll ey; R eid H ubb ard 1
Phi Mu Wonders Elizabeth Campbell Phi Mu Phi Mu activities. Reporter 103 3 9 1990 10/15
Awesome Alpha Xis Pearl Ashcraft Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta activities. Reporter 103 3 9 1990 10/15 Sherri DeMore
IFC wel comes stud ents to the Gree k
IFC News Jeff Scarbrough Intrafraternity Council system. Reporter 103 3 9 1990 10/15 1
Stetson recip ien t of Orl and o Sen ti nel
Fou nda tion Gran t for th e seco nd time for
Stetson Receives Grant none Grant i ts med ia refe re nce ce nter. Reporter 103 3 11 1990 10/15
Geo rgia S . Kee fe , ad jun ct p ro fessor of
Fren ch, a tte nde d th e 199 0 Forei gn
L ang ua ge in the El emen ta ry S choo ls
Keefe Attends Institute none Keefe, Georgia S. Institute . Reporter 103 3 11 1990 10/15 Gladys Lipton
Toastmasters Lee Balcom Toastmasters Information of Toastmasters at Stetson. Reporter 103 3 12 1990 10/15 Krista St. John; John Dickson
Yo uth Ad voca ti ng
YAPI Events Steven Adkins Pla netary Improve ment List of upcoming YAPI events. Reporter 103 3 12 1990 10/15 Reid Hunter Craig James

Pro fe ssion al D evel opme nt C ommittee an d

the Writin g-Across-the -Curri culu m
C ommittee in vite facul ty an d stu den ts to
Write none Workshop p articip ate in a Writing to L earn w orksho p. Reporter 103 3 12 1990 10/15 Mike Raymond James DeLap
Pl aces still a vai lab le for Wi nter Te rm trip to De pa rtme nt o f
Winter Term Trip none Winter Term Me xico. Reporter 103 3 12 1990 10/15 Fore ign L ang uag es Department of Art Dan Gunderson

D awn AuC oin ; Eli zabe th Brunn er;

Bre nda Bu llo ck; Jim Co dd ing to n;
Ka th erin e Coo mbs; Cathy Co rnel ison ;
Step han ie Da rr; Ja ne De marest; Amy
Gree nman ; Ange l Ha ndri ch; Sh awn
H igg inb otham; Miche lle Kell er; Troy
Ku bes; Nga n Ng o; Ja mes Rid gwa y; Joe
R ini ; Mari a Solo irzan o; R ob in
Sw ind erman ; Sha nn a Ta ylor; Juli e
Bo bb ie Bow, own er of Exp ress Printin g in Tho mas; Je nni fe r Tho mpson ; Ra nd y
Bow Addresses AKPsi none Alpha Kappa Psi D eLa nd , spe aks to Alp ha Kap pa Psi . Reporter 103 3 12 1990 10/15 Werd er

Hol lis Le ade rship Artists a nd

Forme r Amba ssado r to El Sa lvad or, Ro bert Deve lop ment Le cturers Seri es;
International Symposium Held Antonio DaSilva International Symposium Whi te , spe aks on C entral Ameri ca. Reporter 103 4 1 1990 10/26 Robert White Progra m le ctu re Bruce Bradford

Pu bli c Sa fety D irector Li sa Sprag ue spo ke

a t the Octobe r N ation al Organ izatio n for
Wome n meetin g and rela te d th at Stetson sexu al a ssaul t;
Sprague Addresses NOW Brenda Nichols Public Safety n ow ha s emerg ency cal l boxe s. Reporter 103 4 1 1990 10/26 security NOW rap e
Amy Fanzl aw; Tom Rau cheg ger; Jim
Stetson Is Growing Up Robert Bullock Opinion Column Opinion on improvements in Greenfeather. Reporter 103 2 2 1990 10/26 Greenfeather H. Douglas Lee L ather; Juli e Case
Ch ris Shu ste r; Re becca
Look Around, Hatters Pa lmer Opinion Column Opinion on on local and other travel. Reporter 103 2 2 1990 10/26
GORT Reassures Media none Satire Satire column. Reporter 103 2 2 1990 10/26
Rep orter Cel ebra tes Fi fty-
Fi ve Yea rs Lee Balcom Reporter Reporter was started in October 1935. Reporter 103 2 4 1990 10/26 DeLand Collegiate Archives 2
An nu al ph ona th on be ing spli t in to a
Phonathon 1990 Lorelei Ryan Phonathon se mian nu al eve nt thi s ye ar. Reporter 103 2 4 1990 10/26 Mary Howicz Zuzette Estevez; Chuck Hammett 1

The Toastmaster Advantage none Toastmasters Find out about Toastmasters on campus. Reporter 103 2 5 1990 10/26
Intervi ew wi th S te tso n seni or An to nio
On the Patio… none DaSilva, Antonio D aSil va. Reporter 103 2 6 1990 10/26 T. Wayne Bailey Eugene Huskey 1
Be ne fits of havi ng Green fe athe r a nd
Parents Weekend Guide Mike Raymond Parents Weekend Pa rents We eken d at th e same time. Reporter 103 2 6 1990 10/26
Career Corner Catherine Deithorn Career Services Opportunities at the Career Center. Reporter 103 2 6 1990 10/26
R evie w of first orch estra conce rt of th e
Orchestra Review Wayne Dickson Concert 1 990 /91 sea son. Reporter 103 2 7 1990 10/26 Betty Johnson Kathryn Sleeper Thom Sleeper

Pe te C arver; Brad Cl oys; Jeff Bown ; L ori

Stetson 's Sto ver Th eatre op en ed its 83rd Pl uso; Don na L ucia D 'Alvad orez; Nan cy
Play at Stover none Theater Performance se ason with a farce titled " Cha rley's Aunt." Reporter 103 2 7 1990 10/26 L inco ln; Mary Lynn e Priest; D avid Alvi n
C aptio n: Ste tso n Dol lars at Wo rk: Pub lic
[Photo only] none Public Safety Sa fe ty Co ach es ZTA Fo otba ll. Reporter 103 2 7 1990 10/26 1

Pi Kapps Pose none Pi Kappa Alpha Photo only with headline Pi Kapps Pose. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/26
Zeta Tau Alpha Michelle Day Zeta Tau Alpha Zeta Tau Alpha activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/26 Brenda Bullock 1

Alpha Tau Omega Gears Up Harold Stankard Alpha Tau Omega Alpha Tau Omega activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/26 1
D rew Jord an; Che etoh Mu lli ns; Geo ff
Stam; Drew Strau ch; C hris Irion ; Bri an
Sig Ep Rolls none Sigma Phi Epsilon Sigma Phi Epsilon activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/26 El wel l; Bre nt H ugh es; T. J. Appl e
Kappa Alpha Theta Julie Kohler Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta activities. Reporter 103 2 8 1990 10/26
Gree nfea th er wee k p ull s mo re th an 2 0
Org ani zation s C omp ete; o rgan izati ons toge th er to ra ise mon ey for 3 (1 on p.
Rai se Mone y Francie Shephard Greenfeather ch arity. Reporter 103 4 9 1990 10/26 Mr. Beauty Contest Movie Night Out philanthropy Jim Lather; Julie Case 1)

N ada Gui rgis; Dan i Jen kins; Crissy

Mo nto; Pe arl Ashcraft; L ara Ho llo wya;
Amy Pea rson; Eliza be th H inkl ey; Teri
D uBose ; Ch risty C arson ; Mel issa y
Osmon ; Ci ndy Prou t; Mimi Ra do vich;
K.C. We bb; Mary Marin i; L ena R oll ins;
Mo lly Myers; Hol ly Sta nle y; La ura
Be rnal ; Tra cy Ke mp; Bre nd a Bull ock;
Mi ss Gree nfea th er pag ean t is un de rway Ju lie D avis; Th eresa C ano use; Jessica
Miss Greenfeather Grows Patti Peach Greenfeather w ith a reco rd numb er of p articip ants. Reporter 103 4 10 1990 10/26 Philanthropy Estrad a; C hery Wagn er 1

R ich Sea go; Ad am Foran d; D ax Russe ll;

Amy Fanzl aw; Tom Rau cheg ger; Ron
Pi ccolo ; Steve Lu cas; Eric Gra ves; Jo e
Mr. Be auty con te st wa s a cti ve, smo oth C rowl ey; Steve Pi azza; Trip p Odom; 5 (2 on p.
Mr. Beauty Improved Robert Bullock Greenfeather p erforman ce. Reporter 103 4 11 1990 10/26 Philanthropy Amy Tamborrino Ellen Smith Gera ld Brow n; Jo hn Ma rk Mu lkey 12)
Stetson Uni on Boa rd prese nts D avid
SUB Presents… Kathya Lopez Stetson Union Board Orio n, a n imp erson ator. Reporter 103 4 12 1990 10/26 1
Del ta Si gma Phi : Arti cle o r Opi nio ns on re cent edi to rial " Sink or Swi m"
Editori al? Jeff Wilson Delta Sigma Phi a nd Pa rents Wee ken d. Reporter 103 4 13 1990 10/26 Steve Kilpatrick

H atte r so ccer team ho ste d th e fi fth a nnu al Steve Kn ott; Edd y Pi loto; Sean S te wart;
Stetson Hosts Tourney none Soccer Ko da c/d iad ora Flori da Invitatio nal C up . Reporter 103 4 14 1990 10/26 Kyl e Rid dle bau gh ; Pat Duff 2

Me n's go lf tea m p laye d in the D ixie Jo n Arch ard; Tom Crea vey; Jo sh
Hatter Golf none Golf Interco lle gi ate gol f tourn amen t. Reporter 103 4 14 1990 10/26 Ski ving to n; D .J. Hol lan d; Dray Summe rs
H atte r b ase bal l wrap s u p th e earl y p ractice
Hatter Baseball none Baseball se ssion s n ext wee k. Reporter 103 4 14 1990 10/26 Pete Dunn
Oscar Ande rson; Jod y Fel son; Lau ren
Fura y; Steve Felso n; Patrick Jone s;
Fore nsic tea m trave ls to Pe nsaco la for th e An nette Bog gs; Gle nn Gottfrie d; R ob yn
Forensic Travels Steve Felson Forensics Ja mes J. Marks Foren sic tourn amen t. Reporter 103 4 14 1990 10/26 Ka rson
Updates: none Athletics Updates on cross country and volleyball. Reporter 103 4 14 1990 10/26 Kris Fraser; Drew Reddinger
Wome n's ba sketbal l te am beg ins pra cti ce
Lady Hats Begin Practice none Basketball, Women's se ssion s. Reporter 103 4 15 1990 10/26 Caren Truske Mary Gavin
H atte r b ase bal l wrap s u p th e earl y p ractice
se ssion s n ext wee k. (Re pea t of article o n
Baseball Wraps Up none Baseball p age 14.) Reporter 103 4 15 1990 10/26 Pete Dunn
Camp us Life
Campus Life Forum held to discuss student programs Reporter 103 5 1 1990 11/12 Dan Hale Commi ttee
Flori da Bap ti st Stetson Pres. L ee pro pose d a fund ing cu t 12 /3 Fl orid a Baptist
Co nven ti on b y the Fla . Ba pt.for ne xt five ye ars. Reporter 103 6 1 1990 Stetson autonomy Wi tn ess

Pre side nt ann oun ces Beasl ey's pro motion

Beasley, James to Vice Pre s. an d De an of Camp us Life Reporter 103 6 5 1990 12/3 Campus Life Student Affairs
D r. Hal e is chai rperso n of th e Camp us Life Ca mpu s L ife
Hale, Dan C ommittee Reporter 103 6 6 1990 12/3 Co mmitte e Psychology
Basketball, Men's Stetson loses to FSU 69-64 Reporter 103 7 10 1991 1/21 FSU basketball athletics sports
Wm. M. and N ina Hol lis wil l give Ste tso n
Hollis Foundation 4 ,5 00 ,0 00 for schol arshi ps Reporter 103 7 15 1991 1/21 William M. Hollis Nina Hollis

Smoking Policy C.U.B. bans all smoking in building Reporter 103 7 15 1991 1/21 Carlton Union Building CUB
Institute for th e
Tutu spe aks at Institute for the Study of Stud y o f Ch ristian
Tutu, Desmond C hristia n Eth ics le ctu res Reporter 103 8 1 1991 2/11 Ethi cs
Pa ul Simmo ns spo ke at Ethi cs a nd So cial Eth ics and Socia l
Winter Term Actio n lec tu re abo ut a bortio n Reporter 103 8 1 1991 2/11 Paul Simmons Acti on
De pa rtme nt o f
Berry, Jesse German Professor dies Reporter 103 9 1 1991 3/1 Fore ign L ang uag es
Art History Stetson will now offer Art History minor Reporter 103 9 5 1991 2/11 Robert Favis Art

Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Fraternity inducts 26 Reporter 103 9 8 1991 3/1 ODK
Hickox, Tom Baseball relief pitcher breaks record Reporter 103 9 11 1991 3/1 baseball athletics
Yap i convi nces foo d service to recycl e.Wi ll
YAPI sp onso r E arth Wee k. Reporter 103 10 1 1991 3/18 environment ecology recycling
Mr. Me hta spok e at the L iterature Litera tu re De pa rtme nt o f
Ved Mehta Symp osiu m Reporter 103 10 4 1991 3/18 Ved Mehta Symposi um En gli sh
Thre e Ste tson soro rity stud ents were ki lle d
Accident i n a tra ffic acci den t Reporter 103 11 1 1991 4/10 Diane Christensen sororities fatalities
Thre e Ste tson soro rity stud ents were ki lle d
Accident i n a tra ffic acci den t Reporter 103 11 1 1991 4/10 Christine Monto sororities fatalities
Thre e Ste tson soro rity stud ents were ki lle d
Accident i n a tra ffic acci den t Reporter 103 11 1 1991 4/10 Jennifer Troxel sororities fatalities
So viet amb assad or to L uxemb ourg to De pa rtme nt o f
Aitmatov, Chingiz sp eak o n camou s Reporter 103 11 5 1991 4/10 Ru ssia n Stu die s
De pa rtme nt o f Ru ssian Stu die s
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Russian poet to speak in two weeks. Reporter 103 11 5 1991 4/10 Ru ssia n Stu die s poetry Prog ram
H atte rs w in TAAC ch ampi onsh ip by
Baseball b eatin g Ga. So uthern b y 8 -7 Reporter 103 12 10 1991 4/22 TAAC sports athletics
N atural o utdo or amph ithea te r i s b ein g
Pit re sto red for con certs, etc. Reporter 103 12 10 1991 4/22 greeks Pit fraternities
Mugavero, Mike New head soccer coach named. Reporter 103 12 11 1991 4/22 soccer sports athletics
Stud ent
Gove rnmen t
Bauer, Jeff Wins presidency of Student Association Reporter 103 13 1 1991 5/6 Asso ciatio n SGA

Langston, Paul Speaker at 1991 Spring Commencement Reporter 103 13 1 1991 5/6 Commencement Graduation
Minter, Elsie Gives baccalaureate sermon Reporter 103 13 1 1991 5/6 Baccalaureate
An a bstract pai nting w as give n to Ste tso n
Vytlacil, Vaclav b y h is da ugh te r. Reporter 103 13 6 1991 5/6 Department of Art abstract painting
Intern atio nal Associ ation o f Stude nt
Eco nomi cs a nd Bu sine ss Ma nag emen t Sch ool o f Busi ness
AIESEC h as acce pted Stetson Reporter 103 13 8 1991 5/6 Ad mini stra ti on
Stud ent
Gove rnmen t
Bauer, Jeff Resigns as SGA Pres. Reporter 104 1 1 1991 9/17 Asso ciatio n SGA

Stover Theater Fails fire inspection. Closed for renovation Reporter 104 1 1 1991 9/17 theater
N amed to the Je sse Ball d uPon t Ch ai r o f Co lle ge o f Arts an d Dep artment of
Coggins, Patrick Ed ucati on Reporter 104 1 4 1991 9/17 Scie nce s Educa ti on
Ap po inted to the Ken ne th Ki rchman C hai r Co lle ge o f Arts an d
Dickson, Wayne o f Hu man ities Reporter 104 1 4 1991 9/17 Scie nce s Humanities
Wil l hol d th e Joh n E. an d Al iese Pri ce
Fort, Robert C hai r o f Ch urch Mu sic Reporter 104 1 4 1991 9/17 School of Music
Aw arde d th e Den ni s C . McNa mara Ch air Sch ool o f Busi ness
Lederhaus, Mary Ann o f Marke ti ng Reporter 104 1 4 1991 9/17 Ad mini stra ti on Dennis McNamara
Forme r Emp ire of Ame rica Ba nk bui ldi ng to Sch ool o f
b e de dica te d to Sch ool o f Bu sine ss Bu sine ss
Lynn Business Center Ad mini stra ti on Reporter 104 1 4 1991 9/17 E. M. Lynn Christine Lynn Ad mi nistra ti on
Rush Greeks will try deferred rush this year Reporter 104 1 5 1991 9/17 Fraternities Sororities Greeks
De pa rtme nt o f
Colwell, Carter Memorial will be held on Oct. 16 Reporter 104 2 1 1991 9/24 En gli sh Humanities

Stover Theater Fails fire inspection. Closed for renovation Reporter 104 2 3 1991 9/24 theater
De pa rtme nt o f
Akhmadulina, Bella Russian poet to visit with artist husband Reporter 104 2 4 1991 9/24 Ru ssia n Stu die s
Ru ssia n Stu die s
Messerer, Boris Russian artist to visit with wife Reporter 104 2 4 1991 9/24 Prog ram theater
Schoo l of
R ola nd a nd Sara h Ge orge Pro fessor of Ro la nd Georg e Busin ess
Zavanelli, Max Ap pli ed Inve stme nts Reporter 104 3 4 1991 10/1 Prog ram Admin istration
Ap po inted to rep lace D on Gill a s ch ai rma n De pa rtme nt o f In te rnatio na l
Rosen, Larry o f Di visio n of Educa ti on Reporter 104 3 5 1991 10/1 Ed ucatio n Va lue s Institute
Po pe a nd Marg aret Dun can Gall ery of Art
Duncan Gallery of Art i s d edi cated o n Sept. 1 9 Reporter 104 3 6 1991 10/1 Department of Art Pope Duncan Sampson Hall
All ian ce for
Gua ta mal a reforestatio n ini ti ated by forme r Intern ation al
Philips, Cliff stud en t Reporter 104 4 1 1991 10/8 Re fo restatio n Anne Hallum
Stetson Ha ll
Organ izatio nal
Co mmitte e Stetson Hall organizes coed residents Reporter 104 4 11 1991 10/8 SHOC
Intern ation al
Graham, Bob Senator Graham is professor for a day Reporter 104 5 1 1991 10/15 Re la ti ons
Intern atio nal b usin ess stu den ts ch apter Sch ool o f Busi ness
AIESEC h as op ene d Reporter 104 5 4 1991 10/15 Ad mini stra ti on

Oktoberfest First annual event to kick off Greenfeather Reporter 104 5 4 1991 10/15 Greenfeather
R OTC ha s b ee n reorg ani zed wi th Emb ry- Re serve Office r
ROTC R idd le Reporter 104 6 4 1991 10/22 Train ing C orps ROTC

Concert American debut of top choir from England Reporter 104 6 7 1991 10/22 Honley Male Choir
Stud ents To ge th er
N ew org an izatio n chartere d by Camp us Ag ain st Sexu al
STASA L ife Commi ttee Reporter 104 7 15 1991 10/29 Assu alt Student Life
Artists and Lecture rs se ries to host Ral ph
lecture N ade r. Reporter 104 8 1 1991 11/5 consumer advocate
Carlton Union Building CUB to be extensively renovated Reporter 104 9 1 1991 11/12 Student Life
Arthur Vin ing D avis
Foun datio n Science initiative aided by foundation gift Reporter 104 9 4 1991 11/12 Year 2000 Plan
Edyth Bush C hari ta bl e Thre e do nors ha ve respo nde d to th e
Foun datio n ch all eng e gra nt Reporter 104 9 5 1991 11/12 Malcolm MacNeill Dick McMahan Jack S. Griffith
De pa rtme nt o f Russi an Stud ies
Tolstaya, Tatyana Russian author to speak Reporter 104 9 6 1991 11/12 Ru ssia n Stu die s Progra m
Nemec Hall Focus on dorm Reporter 104 9 11 1991 11/12 dormitories
D edi cti on o f Eug ene M. and C hristin e Lynn Sch ool o f Busi ness
Lynn Business Center Bu sine ss Cen te r Reporter 104 10 1 1991 11/19 Ad mini stra ti on William Wright
Pan hel len ic Memori al C entral ly loca te d on So rority Row to
Gazeb o me moria lize the th ree wo men Reporter 104 11 1 1991 11/26 Jennifer Troxel Dian Christenson Chrissy Monto
Residential Life Students question visitation rules Reporter 104 11 1 1991 11/26 Visitation Policy Campus Life
Broder, David Columnist on campus Reporter 104 11 5 1991 11/26
Pro f. Of Musi c d esig ns music theo ry
Kindred, Janis so ftwa re Reporter 104 11 6 1991 11/26 School of Music Music Theory Tutor
De pa rtme nt o f Russi an Stud ies
Susi, Mart Estonian lawyer to discuss Baltic states Reporter 104 12 4 1992 1/14 Ru ssia n Stu die s Progra m
Stetson pla n wee k-lon g praye r a cti vities in Co ntin uou s Pra yer Baptist Camp us Catho lic Ca mpus
Operation Prayer co nju nctio n with statewi de pro gram Reporter 104 13 1 1992 1/21 for Re sto ration Mini stry Wesley House Mini stry
Acco un tin g Prof. R ecei ves Distin gui shed De pa rtme nt o f
Masters, Joseph Al umni Awa rd Reporter 104 14 4 1992 1/28 Acco untin g
Barron Strin g
Inez Barron Gee Trust Music scholarships endowed through trust Reporter 104 15 6 1992 2/11 School of Music Qu artet Geraldine Gee
Crew Stetson crew to host first regatta Reporter 104 16 4 1992 2/19 athletics
Hu, Yong-Yan Chinese conductor will be lead orchestra Reporter 104 16 6 1992 2/19 School of Music

Winter Term Debate begins again about controversial WT Reporter 104 17 1 1992 2/25
De pa rtme nt o f Ru ssian Stu die s
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny Returns to campus Mar. 5 Reporter 104 17 1 1992 2/25 Ru ssia n Stu die s Prog ram
Sch ool o f Busi ness
Wright, William Dean William Wright to resign. Reporter 104 17 4 1992 2/25 Ad mini stra ti on
Wo men a nd Gend er WGS a nd Facu lty Women 's Cau cus Women 's History
Studi es h ono rs In te rnatio nal Wome n's Month Reporter 104 19 1 1992 3/10 Mon th

Forme r a mbassa do r, Rob ert N euma nn an d

Woodrow Wilson Fellows Ma rlen N euma nn to spe ak on camp us Reporter 104 19 4 1992 3/10
Artists and
Monticello Trio Trio to perform chamber music in chapel Reporter 104 19 7 1992 3/10 L ecturers Seri es
Crew Stetson defeats UF in regatta Reporter 104 19 12 1992 3/10 athletics
NCAA Stetson to host NCAA regionals Reporter 104 20 1 1992 3/31 athletics basketball
R ecog nitio n wi th draw n by Ste tso n an d
Pi Kappa Phi fratern ity w ill cl ose Reporter 104 20 1 1992 3/31 fraternities
Pro f. To spea k o n Martin L uther Kin g and Institute for
Baldwin, Lewis V. e th ics Reporter 104 21 4 1992 4/7 Ch ristian Eth ics multiculturalism religion
Stetson rele ases commu nity econ omic
DeLand i mpact sta tistics Reporter 104 22 4 1992 4/14
Ph ilo soph er spo ke abo ut e nviro nme ntal
Rolston, Holmes e th ics. Reporter 104 22 5 1992 4/14 Honors Program
sexu al
Fresh man Matthe w Pugh ch arge d with ha rrasme nt;
Public Safety se xual b attery Reporter 104 23 1 1992 4/21 STASA James Beasley sexu al a ssaul t
Se mino le a nd Men omin ee Indi an trib es to Mul ti cultu ral Stude nt
Native American Festival b e fe ature d over we eken d Reporter 104 23 8 1992 4/21 Uni on multiculturalism
Forme r Sp ea ke r of Flo rida H ouse o f
R epre sen ta ti ves to g ive comme nceme nt
Brown, J. Hyatt a ddre ss Reporter 104 24 1 1992 4/28 Board of Trustees
Au th or wil l rece ive an h ono rary Doctor of
Burton, June Kehr L aw de gre e Reporter 104 24 1 1992 4/28
Orga nize d to promo te stud ent inv olve ment
Into The Streets I th e commu nity Reporter 105 1 7 1992 9/9 volunteers community service Patrick Leahy

Stude nts To gethe r

Aga inst Sexua l Assa ul t Meets on campus for second year Reporter 105 1 7 1992 9/9 STASA sexual assault
First exhi bitio n for new ye ar fe atures
Art Exhibtion p ain ti ng s o f Joh n Ward Reporter 105 2 2 1992 9/15 John Ward Department of Art Duncan Art Gallery
Win s $ 500 .00 scho larsh ip from N.E.
Williams, Warren Flo rida Ja zz Assoc iatio n Reporter 105 2 5 1992 9/15 School of Music Jazz

African Ame ri can

D irector' s re spon se to ch ang es in Hig her Edu catio n Stud ent
Financial Aid re autho riza ti on of Hig her Edu cation Act Reporter 105 3 1 1992 9/22 Jack Agett Act Asso ciatio n
Flori da
Un de rgrad uate
Cultural Diversity Quest series asks probing questions Reporter 105 4 1 1992 9/29 multiculturalism minority affairs Sch ola rs Fun d

Fl orid a Stu de nt
Financial Aid Aid for college students declining steadily Reporter 105 4 1 1992 9/29 State Tuition Voucher Assistance Gran t Mitchell Reddish

Department of Religion New emphasis on broad based curriculum Reporter 105 4 5 1992 9/29 Phillip Lucas Earl Joiner
Stud ent H eal th
Health Services Completely moved to new location Reporter 105 4 9 1992 9/29 Se rv ices

Mortar Board Given recognition as Chapter of Excellence Reporter 105 4 9 1992 9/29 Lily Garcia
L atin America n spe cial ist j oin s Po litica l L atin America n Dep artment of
Nylen, William Sci ence D ep t. Reporter 105 5 4 1992 10/6 Stud ies Poli ti cal Scie nce

Kroumovitch, Routa Soloist in first concert as faculty member Reporter 105 5 8 1992 10/6 Symphony Orchestra School of Music CASE
C ele brate s d ecad e of p erformin g an d
Rickman, Michael tea chin g at Ste tso n Reporter 105 5 8 1992 10/6 School of Music piano
U .S. conte mpory musi c g roup w ill p erform De pa rtme nt o f
Concert mo dern S ovie t musi c Reporter 105 5 9 1992 10/6 Ru ssia n Stu die s School of Music Continuum
Cou ncil for the
Advan ceme nt
H agu e na med 19 92 Flori da Profe ss or of De pa rtme nt o f and Su pp ort o f
Hague, John the Yea r Reporter 105 5 13 1992 10/6 Ame ri can Stud ies Educa ti on
Joh n Templ eton
Foun datio n Hon or Ro ll Stetson chosen for third time for this honor Reporter 105 5 13 1992 10/6
De pa rtme nt o f
Lucas, Phillip New professor in Religion Department Reporter 105 6 6 1992 10/13 Re lig io n Faculty
Pro b aske tb all tea m p re-sea son camp a t
Orlando Magic Ed mund s Cen te r Reporter 105 7 1 1992 10/20 basketball
De pa rtme nt o f
Venzke, Margaret New professor in History Department Reporter 105 7 5 1992 10/20 Hi sto ry Faculty
Stu den t
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stud en t Associa ti on ha s ch ang ed i ts na me Go vernme nt
Associ ation b ack to SGA and re vised i ts structure Reporter 105 7 15 1992 10/20 SGA Associa ti on
Pre side nt Jimmy C arter spo ke at se cond
Stew art L ecture sp onso red by Institute for Institute for James A. Stewa rt
lecture C hristia n Eth ics. Reporter 105 8 1 1992 10/28 Ch ristian Eth ics Lecture
11 /3
Winter Term W.T. dispute continues to heat up Reporter 105 9 1 1992
Dep artment of La tin America n
Kermath, Brian New professor in Geography Department Reporter 105 9 5 1992 11/3 Faculty Ge ogra ph y Stud ies
C ommen cemen t sp eake r for the La w
Steinbrenner, George Sch ool on De c. 19 th . Reporter 105 9 5 1992 11/3 College of Law
H is resig natio n an nou nced e ffective
Mugavero, Mike D ecemb er 11th. Reporter 105 10 1 1992 11/10 Soccer Athletics
Winter Term More WT division. Reporter 105 10 1 1992 11/10
Elizabeth Hall Celebrating its 100th year Reporter 105 11 1 1992 11/17 Buildings

Winter Term Students want to keep W.T., faculty doesn't. Reporter 105 11 1 1992 11/17 Student Survey

Hol lis Le ade rship

Wa lla ch, Jo hn Jo urna lists le ctu re as Woo dro w Wil son De pa rtme nt o f Deve lop ment Russi an Studi es
Vi siting Fel low s Reporter 105 11 4 1992 11/17 Ru ssia n Stu die s Progra m Janet Wallach Progra m

Un iversi ty
Stan dard s o f
Exce llen ce fo r
N ew stricter sta nd ards req uire d of g reek Fraterni ties an d
Greeks o rgan izati ons Reporter 105 11 10 1992 11/17 Fraternities Sororities So ro ritie s
N ew de an o f the Busi ness Scho ol h as Sch ool o f Busi ness
Dascher, Paul b een app oin te d. Reporter 105 12 1 1992 11/24 Ad mini stra ti on

Hol lis Le ade rship

Wa lla ch, Jo hn Jo urna lists le ctu re as Woo dro w Wil son De pa rtme nt o f Deve lop ment Russi an Studi es
Vi siting Fel low s Reporter 105 12 4 1992 11/24 Ru ssia n Stu die s Progra m Janet Wallach Progra m
Stetson partici pated for the 17 th year in
OXFAM the fa st Reporter 105 12 8 1992 11/24 Community service
The Pro vost has an nou nced h is retire ment
Brakeman, Louis a t en d of th is acad emic yea r. Reporter 105 13 1 1993 1/12 Provost

Crew Will become fully sanctioned varsity sport Reporter 105 13 1 1993 1/12 athletics

Fl orid a
Multicu ltural
Mul ti cultura l Educa ti on
The 2 nd a nnu al MEI w ill h old w orksho ps Educa ti on
Institute o n dive rsity, etc. Reporter 105 13 4 1993 1/12 Patrick Coggins Revi ew Taskforce multiculturalism
De Lan d attorne y h as bee n in ducted i nto Omicron D elta
Underhill, William Amory ODK after 60 ye ars Reporter 105 13 8 1993 1/12 Ka ppa (ODK) Mystic Krewe
Ad am San dle r w ill b e th e entertai nmen t for
Comedy Performance H omeco ming Reporter 105 14 1 1993 1/19 Homecoming
Forme r Stetson baske tb all star wi l pla y for
Williams, Lorenzo the B oston Ce ltics Reporter 105 14 2 1993 1/19 athletics basketball
Wil l hol d speci al e ditio n fo r H omeco ming
Poetry at a Uncouth Hour 1 993 Reporter 105 14 5 1993 1/19 poetry English

Stetson hosted Kyrg yzsta n's amb assad or Dep artment of

Otunbayeva, Roza to the U .S. in Russi an Studi es Le ctu res Reporter 105 15 5 1993 2/9 Kyrgyzstan Russi an Stud ies
Natio nal
Org ani zation for
Ireland, Patricia President of NOW will speak on campus. Reporter 105 16 1 1993 2/16 NOW Wo men
Wil l spea k a bo ut So uth Africa for
Mathabane, Mark Intern atio nal Symp osiu m Reporter 105 16 4 1993 2/16 apartheid South Africa anti-apartheid Ranjini Thaver
Winter Term Faculty Senate voted to discontinue WT Reporter 105 17 1 1993 2/23 Faculty Senate
Natio nal
Org ani zation for
Ireland, Patricia Politics, segregation topic of visit Reporter 105 17 4 1993 2/23 NOW Wo men

Stetson hosted Kyrg yzsta n's amb assad or

to the U .S., R oza Otu nba yeva , in Ru ssian Dep artment of
lecture Stud ies L ectures. Reporter 105 17 5 1993 2/23 Kyrgyzstan Russi an Stud ies

Stetson wil l h ost th e fi rst time pro ductio n of

Theater Performance The Bo ni ta Be lle s b y Mi chae l Davi d Reporter 105 17 6 1993 2/23 Michael David theater Stover Theater
R ussia n law e nforce ment offi cial s to spe ak
Russian Studies Program a t Stetson Reporter 105 18 1 1993 3/2

Kappa Alpha Theta Epsilon Theta Chapter surrenders its charter. Reporter 105 19 1 1993 3/9 sororities Greeks
D r. Wi lkes, Basketba ll co ach, ste ppe d
d own b ut wil l re mai n as Professor of
Wilkes, Glenn Ph ysical Ed uca ti on Reporter 105 19 1 1993 3/9 basketball athletics

Fichter, George Writer in Residence dies of pneumonia Reporter 105 19 8 1993 3/9 Writer in Residence
Stetson Hatters host Southe ast Reg ion al
N CAA b asketb all tou rname nt a t Orlan do
Basketball Are na Reporter 105 20 1 1993 3/30 basketball NCAA athletics

Russian Studies Program Dedication of Russian Studies Center Reporter 105 20 1 1993 3/30 Paul Steeves Vera Tolstaya

Rigsby, David Rigsby is running for City Mayor in election Reporter 105 20 6 1993 3/30 DeLand
Women 's
Truske, Caren Women's basketball coach fired Reporter 105 20 12 1993 3/30 athletics basketball ba sketba ll Bob Jacoby
a lcoh oli c b evera ge
Alcohol Policy Task force to study alcohol policy Reporter 105 22 1 1993 4/13 la ws alcohol policy alcohol abuse
Fl orid a
The Flo rida C ommissi on er of Ed ucatio n Commi ssion er of
Castor, Betty sp oke a t the Ca reer Servi ces din ner. Reporter 105 22 1 1993 4/13 education Educa ti on
Cu ltura l Awa rene ss
AIESEC Cultural Awareness Week held by AIESEC Reporter 105 22 8 1993 4/13 Week
First Troxe l Schol arshi p aw arde d to Eve
Abbott, Eve Ab bo tt Reporter 105 22 9 1993 4/13 Troxel Scholarship Jennifer Troxel Ted Troxel

Hipsher, Dan New men's basketball coach announced. Reporter 105 22 10 1993 4/13 basketball athletics sports
Flori da Bap ti st Stetson and Ba ptists a gree to g o sepa rate Southe rn Bap ti st
Co nven ti on w ays. Reporter 105 23 1 1993 4/20 Baptists Con ventio n religion
Lubot, Eugene Lubot takes over as new provost Reporter 106 1 4 1993 8/27 Provost
N ell C arlton C ha ir o f En gli sh has be en De pa rtme nt o f
Witek,Terri a ward ed to Professo r Witek Reporter 106 1 6 1993 8/27 En gli sh
Stude nts Transce nd ing Stud en ts Tra nscen din g Homo pho bia a
Ho moph obi a n ewl y forme d gro up on ca mpus Reporter 106 1 14 1993 8/27 Homosexuality STH
Fresh man an d sop hmore cl asses ag ain Re serve Office r
ROTC o ffere d Reporter 106 2 4 1993 9/7 Train ing C orp
Sch ool o f Busi ness
Dascher, Paul New dean of the Business School Reporter 106 2 5 1993 9/7 Ad mini stra ti on
Al pha K app a Al pha co lon y i s o btai nin g a
AKA ch arter Reporter 106 2 6 1993 9/7 sororities greeks
C hose n by qu ali fi cation s ra th er th an Stud ent Judi cial
Judiciary Council p opu la r vo te Reporter 106 4 4 1993 9/21 Co un sel Campus Life
Edmondson, H Graves Vice president for Finance to retire Reporter 106 4 5 1993 9/21 administration
Arti sts an d
Institute for Lecture rs
Sams, Ferrol Author to speak in chapel Reporter 106 5 4 1993 9/28 Ch ristian Eth ics Commi ttee
First woma n profe ssor at Stetson a ward ed De pa rtme nt o f
Morris, Ann the Wil lia m B. Ken an cha ir Reporter 106 5 13 1993 9/28 En gli sh
Ma gic wi ll ho ld p re -sea son pra cti ce in
Orlando Magic Ed mund s Cen te r a gai n th is year Reporter 106 6 6 1993 10/5 sports athletics
Gradu ate Busin ess GBS sta rting u p afte r b ein g ina ctive for Sch ool o f Busi ness
Soci ety ma ny yea rs Reporter 106 6 7 1993 10/5 Ad mini stra ti on Frank Dezoort
First ann ua l contest hel d by new cl ub a t
Surf Club Stetson Reporter 106 6 12 1993 10/5 athletics
Pi Kappa Alpha Pi Kappa Alpha denied reinstatement Reporter 106 7 6 1993 10/12 fraternities greeks PKA
Pro fe ssor giv es pol itical co mmentary on
Huskey, Eugene WESH TV Reporter 106 7 7 1993 10/12
Stud ents Stu den ts
Re latio nshi p and S exua l Stasa a nd STH co-sp onso r a n awa ren ess Trance ndi ng Toge th er Ag ain st
Orien ta ti on Week w eek Reporter 106 7 11 1993 10/12 Ho mop hob ia Sexua l Assu al t STH

Parents Weekend This has been changed to Family Weekend Reporter 106 8 4 1993 10/19
Pro fe ssor of The olo gy at Uni versity of
Gilkey, Langdon C hica go d iscusse s sci ence a nd faith. Reporter 106 8 5 1993 10/19 Religion and Ethics
Envi ronme ntal Studi es
Min or New minor added to the Science Department Reporter 106 9 5 1993 10/26 Bruce Dubendorff Environment
Se lecte d by Cou ncil for Advan cment an d
Su pp ort o f Edu cation a s Flo rida 's
Raymond, Michael Pro fe ssor of th e Yea r Reporter 106 10 4 1993 11/9 Study Skills Program
Sp oke a t Ru ssian Stud ies Ce nter ab out
Yakovlev, Alexander n ew Ru ssian Con sti tu ti on Reporter 106 10 4 1993 11/9
Stetson stu den ts an d tw o pro fe ssors
Ho nors Co mputer a tten de d Natio nal C oll egi ate Hon ors
Scie nce Co urse C oun cil Reporter 106 10 5 1993 11/9 Donald Musser Michael Branton
Residential Life Now 24 hours in some dorms. Reporter 106 10 6 1993 11/9 Visitation Policy Campus Life
Stetson In fo rmation Systems an d
SISCO C ompu te r Orga ni zation forme d. Reporter 106 10 8 1993 11/9
Arti sts an d
Ph i Al pha The ta invi te s p rofessor Thoma s De pa rtme nt o f Lecture rs
lecture C hil ders to spe ak. Reporter 106 11 4 1993 11/16 Hi sto ry Commi ttee
De pa rtme nt o f Spo rt
Ph ys Ed will n o lo nge r b e requ ired b y a nd Exerci se
Physical Education stud en ts in C oll ege o f Arts an d Scie nces Reporter 106 11 4 1993 11/16 Scie nce

Webster, Freda Bequest from her estate helps Music School Reporter 106 11 5 1993 11/16 School of Music
Stud ent
Gove rnmen t
Mascot New Hatter mascot to be chosen by vote Reporter 106 12 4 1993 11/23 SGA athletics Asso ciatio n
Eco warrio rs:
Un de rsta ndi ng the
Ra di cal
Al um jai led fo r re fu sing to reve al sou rces in En viron mental
Scarce, Rik h is Ecowa rriors bo ok Reporter 106 12 6 1993 11/23 Move men t

Irrigation Campus to use reclaimed water from city Reporter 106 13 4 1994 1/11 Environment
D ean o f C hap el, Con ti nui ng Ed ucatio n,
Ba ptist Stu den t Un ion co -spon sorin g Ka ndy Quee n-
Pastors' School w inter pro gra m Reporter 106 13 4 1994 1/11 Donald Capps John Collins Su th erla nd Ninian Smart
Sigma Nu SN begins recolonization. Reporter 106 13 9 1994 1/11 fraternities Greeks
Arti sts an d
H arvard b otan ist R icha rd How ard visi ts De pa rtme nt o f Lecture rs
lecture ca mpus. Reporter 106 14 5 1994 1/18 Bio lo gy Commi ttee
C harl es an d An na Sal isbu ry g ive en do wed
Salisbury Scholarship sch ola rship to Sch ool o f Musi c Reporter 106 15 9 1994 1/25 School of Music Jason Paulk
Smi th soni an re search er Porter Kier to
lecture l ecture on fo ssils. Reporter 106 16 2 1994 2/8 Phi Beta Kappa
Stu den ts
Tran scen din g
Sears, Jim Professor speaks at Encounter Series. Reporter 106 16 6 1994 2/8 STH Homo pho bia
Stetson , D isne y D evel opme nt C o., an d
Celebration Osceo la Sch ool System wi ll col lab orate. Reporter 106 17 1 1994 2/15 education Larry Rosen
Ravis, Ray New IFC president Reporter 106 17 1 1994 2/15 fraternities greeks
N ew po licy to comp ly with state regu latio ns
Smoking Policy re gard ing smokin g. Reporter 106 17 1 1994 2/15 Campus Life

Stetson Union Board SUB undergoes consolidation and revamping. Reporter 106 17 1 1994 2/15 student life

Me dica l ethic ist a nd Wo od row Wilso n

lecture Vi siting Fel low D avid Tho masma to spea k. Reporter 106 17 2 1994 2/15 Continuing Education
Co mmuter Stu den t C SA fina lly org an ized w ith lou nge a bov e
Associ ation b ooksto re . Reporter 106 17 3 1994 2/15
Ide a is be ing re vampe d fo r Stetso n
Youth Motivators ch apte r to he lp Volu sia stude nts Reporter 106 18 1 1994 2/22
Seidel, Kathryn Professor speaks at Encounter Series. Reporter 106 18 3 1994 2/22 multiculturalism
AIDS Memorial Quilt Edmunds Center was host to quilt. Reporter 106 20 1 1994 3/8 Louise Ryan
Winter Term New schedule in place of WT. Reporter 106 20 1 1994 3/8 class schedule
Woma n's History Mon th lecture r Ali ce Arti sts an d
Ke ssler-H arris wi ll focus on "Desi gni ng Women a nd Gen der Lecture rs
lecture Wome n… Reporter 106 20 4 1994 3/8 Stud ies Commi ttee
Institute for
Sielger, Mark Medical ethicist to speak on euthanasia Reporter 106 21 1 1994 4/1 Ch ristian Eth ics
SU B d isba nd ed, SAC app roved fo r Stu den t Activity
SUB re pla cemen t Reporter 106 21 1 1994 4/1 Student Union Board Cou nsel
Crew First official season begins. Reporter 106 21 12 1994 4/1 athletics
R epu bli can ca ndi date for gove rno r vi si ts Stetson C oll ege
Bush, Jeb ca mpus. Reporter 106 22 1 1994 4/12 Re pu bli cans
Sh e wil l spea k at g radu ation a nd re ceive
Castor, Betty a n ho nora ry d egre e. Reporter 106 22 1 1994 4/12
Flagler Hall Flagler Foundation donates money. Reporter 106 22 3 1994 4/12
SGA re cog nize d as best stu den t
Florida Leader Magazine g overn men t at priva te u nive rsity i n sta te . Reporter 106 22 3 1994 4/12
Graham, Ann New chief financial officer appointed. Reporter 106 22 3 1994 4/12 administration
Sci ence In itiative Gran t rece ived from
Kresge Grant Kre sge Fou nda ti on. Reporter 106 22 3 1994 4/12
R epu bli can ca ndi date for gove rno r vi si ts Stetson C oll ege
Crenshaw, Ander ca mpus. Reporter 106 23 1 1994 4/19 Re pu bli cans
D irector of In terna ti ona l Exchan ge g oes De pa rtme nt o f
Ferland, Richard b ack to classro om. Reporter 106 23 1 1994 4/19 Fore ign L ang uag es
En coun te r Pro gram
for Re lig ion a nd
Altman, Rabbi First Jewish service to be held in chapel. Reporter 106 23 6 1994 4/19 Ethi cs
Bl ues Tra vele r co nce rt to be he ld in
Concert Ed mund s Cen te r Reporter 106 23 6 1994 4/19
C lea ring ho use commi ttee forme d to co -
o rdin ate camp us prog rams, e vents, a nd Un ited C ampu s L ife
UCLIP o rgan izati ons. Reporter 107 1 4 1994 9/3 Prog ram

Alcohol Policy Alcoholic policy has been revised. Reporter 107 2 1 1994 9/13 Linda Windle James Beasley Alcohol Task Force
Co unci l fo r Stud ent
Activitie s CSA replaces SUB. Reporter 107 2 1 1994 9/13 Dave Riveness Student Life

Deferre d Rush
Rush Recommendations made to change Rush Reporter 107 2 4 1994 9/13 greeks fraternities sororities Evalu ation C ommittee

Alcohol Policy Reaction to alcohol policy Reporter 107 3 1 1994 9/20 Campus Life Alcohol Task Force
Facil ities
Noyes, David New director of Physical Plant chosen. Reporter 107 3 1 1994 9/20 man ag emen t

Board of Trustees Restructuring and increasing size of board Reporter 107 3 4 1994 9/20 Mark Hollis
Se mina r o ffere d on b reaki ng in to
Starr, Maurice e ntertai nmen t in dustry Reporter 107 3 6 1994 9/20

Alcohol Policy Enforcement of guidelines debated. Reporter 107 4 1 1994 9/27 Public Safety Campus life Alcohol Task Force
C oun cil, no l ong er a part of Bo ard o f Dea n of Chu rch
Church Relations Council Trustee s, reo rgan izes Reporter 107 4 2 1994 9/27 John Pelham Rel ation s
La ti n Ame rican Stud ies Col leg e of Arts
Prog ram Program has become a major. Reporter 107 4 2 1994 9/27 Liberal Arts and Sci en ces

Board of Trustees Two new members welcomed at fall meeting. Reporter 107 5 1 1994 10/4 Richard McMahan Art Sullivan
Sq ua d to b e repl aced b y Sy nchro nici ty
Cheerleaders D ance te am. Reporter 107 6 1 1994 10/11 Dawn Seay
D iscussi on pro and co n abo ut H atte r
Mascot ma scot. Reporter 107 6 1 1994 10/11 Jim Kuebler
N ation al g roup w ill me et i n Lynn Bu sine ss
Concord Coalition C enter an d in clud e John Mi ca Reporter 107 6 2 1994 10/11
Mano's Restaurant to close for good. Reporter 107 7 1 1994 10/18
Zeta Tau Alpha Celebrates 60 years at Stetson. Reporter 107 7 4 1994 10/18 greeks sororities
Turner, Etter Retired Dean of Students dies. Reporter 107 8 1 1994 10/25 faculty alumni
Fell owsh ip of Chri sti an
Athle te s FCA has reemerged on campus Reporter 107 8 4 1994 10/18
Residential Life Short history on dorm visitation rules. Reporter 107 8 4 1994 10/25 Visitation Policy Campus Life

Immig ration e xpe rt, Rosi lan d Beil er, wi ll De pa rtme nt o f

lecture sp eak a t Phi Alp ha Theta's Le cture seri es. Reporter 107 9 1 1994 11/1 Hi sto ry
Sh ort h istory on a utumn cha rity e ven t an d
Greenfeather i ts de clin e. Reporter 107 9 4 1994 11/1 charity community philanthropy

Alcohol Policy Open forum for students continues debate. Reporter 107 10 1 1994 11/15 drinking rules Campus life student life
Intern atio nal Mu sic Fra te rnity fo r Wome n,
w hich a ward ed Stetson a ch arter on Apri l
2 8, 1 99 0, su rpasse d all ca mpus g ro up s a t
Sigma Alpha Iota Gree nfea th er. Reporter 107 10 4 1994 11/15 School of Music
Alcohol Policy Still debating the new rules. Reporter 107 11 1 1994 11/22 alcohol task force Campus life drinking rules
Mu lticul tu ral Ed ucatio n In sti tu te h old s
Gates, Henry Louis co nfere nce on d iversi ty. Reporter 107 12 1 1995 1/10 Continuing Education multiculturalism
Stude nt Gove rnme nt SGA su bmitted re commen datio ns on
Associ ation a lcoh ol p oli cy to De an Bea sley. Reporter 107 12 1 1995 1/10 alcohol task force
Fin al Winter Term le ctu re serie s to spo nso r
Winter Term thre e spe akers. Reporter 107 12 2 1995 1/10
Glover, Linda Dean of Admissions resigns. Reporter 107 13 1 1995 1/17
Winter Term Reaction to Winter Term ending. Reporter 107 13 4 1995 1/17
Stud ent
Pl ani ng Issue s Task Force a ppro ved Gove rnmen t
Alcohol Policy re visio n of Alco ho l Ta sk Force p rop osal . Reporter 107 14 1 1995 1/24 Campus Life SGA Asso ciatio n
Be llSo uth Foun datio n give s Ste tso n gran t
for Ce leb ratio n Schoo l and Te achi ng
Celebration Aca demy Reporter 107 14 1 1995 1/24 Larry Rosen
C hess tea m wi ns na ti ona l small co lle ge
ch ampi on ship a t Pan Ameri can
Chess Interco lle gi ate Che ss Tou rna ment. Reporter 107 14 1 1995 1/24 Chess Club John Rasp

Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity seeks readmission to campus. Reporter 107 14 4 1995 1/14 greeks

Alcohol policy Board of Trustees approves limited policy. Reporter 107 15 1 1995 2/7
De pa rtme nt o f
L atin America n Forei gn
Study Abroad Program Mexico added to program. Reporter 107 15 1 1995 2/7 Stud ies Robert Sitler La ng uag es
And erson C . Bou che lle $ 1 mill ion g iven fo r Vol usia stud ents to
Tru st a tten d Stetson. Reporter 107 15 2 1995 2/7 Joy Loving Bouchelle
Actress to pre sent one w oman h istorica l
Barnes, Adilah p lay. Reporter 107 15 2 1995 2/7 Multicultural Affairs multiculturalism

Mu sic Schoo l al umnu s a nd teno r Ea rne st

Concert Mu rphy to pe rfo rm a t facul ty reci ta l. Reporter 107 15 2 1995 2/7
Ph i Beta Kap pa Visi ti ng Scho lar Burn s
lecture Weston to le ctu re. Reporter 107 15 2 1995 2/7
De pa rtme nt o f
Gillespie, Brian Engish professor to retire. Reporter 107 16 1 1995 2/14 En gli sh
De pa rtme nt o f
Morris, Ann Engish professor to retire. Reporter 107 16 1 1995 2/14 En gli sh

Gamma Delta Iota New fraternity formed for all independants. Reporter 107 16 4 1995 2/14 greeks
Stetson sele cte d fo r l ang uag e pro gram for L ang uag e In sti tu te
L.I.F.E. fore ign stu den ts. Reporter 107 17 1 1995 2/21 for Eng lish
Mascot New version selected. Reporter 107 18 1 1995 2/28 Mad Hatter
Model Senate 25th anniversary celebrated this year. Reporter 107 18 4 1995 2/28
Poe try At An Unco uth Sh ort h istory an d app eal for more
Ho ur p articip atio n. Reporter 107 18 6 1995 2/28 Eric Raymond
N ew di rector of Wome n and Ge nde r
Kaivola, Karen Stud ies p rogra m a nno unce d. Reporter 107 19 1 1995 3/7
Intern ation al
Thi s i s the 6th ann ual i nterna ti on al Symp osiu m o n Sub- Rob ert Pre ss; Ra nji ni
International Symposium symp osiu m to b e hel d on camp us Reporter 107 19 2 1995 3/7 Sa hara Africa African Studies Stephanie Athey Th aver
Dep artment of femin ist
Kumin, Maxine Pulitzer Prize winning poet to appear. Reporter 107 19 2 1995 3/7 poetry Engl ish move men t
N ew no n-d eno mina ti ona l Chri sti an
Campus Flame o rgan izati on see king me mbers. Reporter 107 19 4 1995 3/7 Religion
Hatter Holiday Short history of the 40 year tradition. Reporter 107 19 4 1995 3/7
Vi ce Presid ent fo r C hu rc h Rel ation s w ill Ch urch R ela ti ons
Pelham, John re ti re. Reporter 107 20 1 1995 3/28 Co un cil alumni
C oach l ea ves fo r Akron , assi sta nt
Hipsher, Dan p romoted to h ead co ach. Reporter 107 21 1 1995 4/4 athletics basketball Randy Brown

Ho lli s R ena issan ce Ma rk a nd Lyn n Hol lis cha lle nge fa culty to Hol lis Le ade rship
Prog ram u se gra nt cre ativel y. Reporter 107 21 1 1995 4/4 Mark Hollis Progra m fundraising
Te nne ssee p rofessor Ro sali nd Ha ckett
sp oke a t Interna ti ona l Symposi um on Su b- Artists and
Sa ha ra Africa a bou t ad din g Africa na L ecturers
International Symposium Stud ies p rogra m a t Stetson. Reporter 107 22 1 1995 4/11 Co mmitte e multiculturalism lecture
Stud ent
Stude nt Gove rnme nt SGA accu sed o f be ndi ng rul es in a ttemp t Gove rnmen t
Associ ation to do wn size. Reporter 107 23 1 1995 4/18 Asso ciatio n SGA
Ellis, Gerry Famous wildlife photographer to speak. Reporter 107 23 2 1995 4/18 CSA
Georg ia Sea Isla nd Grou p to prese nt co ncert of Se a Islan d Africa n Ame rican
Sin gers h istory. Reporter 107 23 4 1995 4/18 Stud ies multiculturalism
Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kaps seeking return to active status. Reporter 107 23 4 1995 4/18 greeks fraternities
Bo ard o f Tru ste es app roves rul e to a llo w
Alcohol Policy a lcoh ol o n campu s. Reporter 107 24 1 1995 4/25 Alcohol Task Force James Beasley
Arts and Scien ces gen eral e duca tion Co lle ge o f Arts an d
Curriculum re qui remen ts ch ang e fo r fresh men. Reporter 108 1 2 1995 8/29 Scie nce s

N ew org an izatio n emph asize s h elp ing

Best Buddies h and ica ppe d ind ivid ual s i n th e commu nity. Reporter 108 1 5 1995 8/29 Best Buddies
Mi ss Flo rida co ntest won b y Stetson
Ludecke, Kristen stud en t. Reporter 108 1 6 1995 8/29 Miss America

Flo rida Ba ptists and Stetson a t o dds ove r Flori da Ba ptist Fl orid a Baptist
Alcohol Policy p oli cy, may soon se ver ti es comp letel y. Reporter 108 2 1 1995 9/5 Co nve ntion Wi tn ess
D isne y, Ste tso n, a nd Osceo la Scho ol
Celebration D istrict to estab li sh mode l schoo l. Reporter 108 2 1 1995 9/5 Larry Rosen
De pa rtme nt o f
Stetson to e nd pu bli c sp eak ing p rogra m Co mmuni catio ns
Forensics a nd co mp etitio n. Reporter 108 2 1 1995 9/5 Stud ies Michael McFarland
Ri nke r Institute of
Grad ua te Bu sine ss So ciety name d Wi lli am Tax an d
Golden Apple Award Ferra ra win ner. Reporter 108 2 2 1995 9/5 Acco untan cy

Ha nd Award for Exce lle nce in resea rch awa rd give n to

Excel len ce in Re search thre e fa cul ty memb ers. Reporter 108 2 2 1995 9/5 Susan Ryan Phillip Lucas Daniel Hale
McEn iry Awa rd fo r
Exce lle nce in
Rickman, Michael 1995 McEniry Award recipient. Reporter 108 2 2 1995 9/5 Tea chin g
Flori da Bap ti st U nan imou s v ote by Board o f Missi ons St. Pe te rsburg Southe rn Baptist
Co nven ti on h asten ing sp lit. Reporter 108 3 1 1995 9/12 alcohol task force alcohol policy Times Con ventio n
N ew spo rts a cti viti es cen te r to be b uil t by
Hollis Recreation Center p ool . Reporter 108 3 1 1995 9/12 Campus Life
Ameri can Gradu ate Schoo l of
Scho ol of In te rna ti ona l Stetson lin ks w ith Thu nd erbi rd in Glen dal e, Busin ess
Man age ment AZ fo r g rad uate pro gram. Reporter 108 3 2 1995 9/12 David Dysart Admin istration GMAT
Thre e Ste tson stude nts se nt to l ead ershi p
AIESEC co nfere nce. Reporter 108 3 4 1995 9/12
Stetson ROTC co mbin ing w ith Embry- Re serve Office r
ROTC R idd le to reju vin ate prog ram. Reporter 108 3 4 1995 9/12 Train ing C orp
N ation al co verag e by USA To day an d St Dayton a Ne ws
Alcohol Policy Pe te rsbu rg Time s a bou t con fl ict. Reporter 108 4 1 1995 9/19 Orlando Sentinel Journ al

Afri can America n

R ecog nize d for contrib ution s to Mul ti cultu ral Stude nt Stu den t
Desir, Serge mu lticul tu rali sm a ware ne ss. Reporter 108 4 4 1995 9/19 Co un cil Associa ti on MSC Cultural Diversity Week
Wome n's lig htwe igh t ei ght rowe rs to
Crew co mpete i n fa mous reg atta . Reporter 108 4 8 1995 9/19 athletics
Walt Disn ey
Celebration More on Stetson's involvement with Disney. Reporter 108 5 1 1995 9/26 Larry Rosen Celebration School Co mpan y

Homecoming Parade canceled due to low participation. Reporter 108 6 1 1995 10/3
Da yto na Bea ch D BCC an d Stetson to coop erate o n
Co mmuni ty Co lle ge p rogra m fo r e ntrance re qui remen ts. Reporter 108 6 2 1995 10/3

Elderhostel Program Short explanation of program at Stetson. Reporter 108 6 2 1995 10/3 Continuing Education
Caribbean Club New organization to plan activities. Reporter 108 6 4 1995 10/3
Future Flo rida Educa to rs o f America tryin g
FFEA re orga nize . Reporter 108 6 4 1995 10/3 Education

Hulley Tower Damage found in bell tower. Short history. Reporter 108 7 1 1995 10/17

Greenfeather Future in doubt because of student apathy. Reporter 108 7 3 1995 10/17
Acade mic
N ew vice p resid en t for In fo rmation Comp uting
Amiri, Shahram Te chno log y to start in Jan uary. Reporter 108 8 1 1995 10/24 technology Service s
Stude nts Transce nd ing
Ho moph obi a Nadine Smith spoke to campus STH. Reporter 108 8 2 1995 10/24 STH
Hollis, Mark Short biography. Reporter 108 8 6 1995 10/24 Board of Trustees
Hulley Tower Short history. Reporter 108 8 8 1995 10/24
Wil l ben efit N ative Ameri can Scho larsh ip
American Indian Festival Fun d at Ste tso n. Reporter 108 9 2 1995 10/31 multiculturalism Multicultural Affairs
Sh ort b io grap hy on al umni w ho he lp ed
Stetson win the n ation al che ss
Ananiadis, Constantine ch ampi on ship i n 199 4. Reporter 108 9 4 1995 10/31 Tennis Chess alumni

Cleland, Max Brief biography on alumni success story. Reporter 108 9 4 1995 10/31 alumni
Ho lmes, Barba ra
De veau x Brief biography on alumni success story. Reporter 108 9 4 1995 10/31 alumni

Kirchman, Ken Brief biography on alumni success story. Reporter 108 9 4 1995 10/31 alumni

Parr, Carolyn Miller Brief biography on alumni success story. Reporter 108 9 4 1995 10/31 alumni
N o lon ge r a ble to ad mini ste r sa nction s, Dea n of Stu den t
Student Judicial Council o nly reco mmen datio ns. Reporter 108 10 1 1995 11/14 David Bergen Life
Stude nt Strate gic Grou p to a ddre ss p oli cy a nd pro vid e impu t
Pla nni ng Co unci l to Presi de nt L ee. Reporter 108 10 1 1995 11/14 Year 2000 plan
Ru ssia n Stu die s
Kuzetsov, Egor Gorbachev Foundation official to speak. Reporter 108 10 2 1995 11/14 Co mmitte e

Purdy, Barbara Anthropology professor from UF to speak. Reporter 108 10 2 1995 11/14 Phi Alpha Theta
Public Safety STASA trying to reactivate interest. Reporter 108 10 4 1995 11/14 Sexual Assault
Flori da Bap ti st
Co nven ti on Separation from Baptists finalized. Reporter 108 11 1 1995 11/21 alcohol policy John Pelham Charles Granger
Mascot New Hatter mascot to be revealed. Reporter 108 11 1 1995 11/21 Mad Hatter
Ho ward Thu rman N ew pro gram d esig ned to study cul tu ral
Prog ram a nd e th nic pro ble ms. Reporter 108 11 2 1995 11/21 multiculturalism Jefferson Rogers New Birth Inc. Jesse Ball duPont Fund
Ru ssia n Stu die s Poetry at a n De pa rtme nt o f
Tolstaya, Tatiana Russian author to read poetry. Reporter 108 11 2 1995 11/21 Prog ram Unco uth Ho ur Ru ssian Stu die s
African Ameri can
Stude nt Associ ation AASA holds first "speak out" event. Reporter 108 11 4 1995 11/21 multiculturalism

Bain, Riselle Music School student to become cantor. Reporter 108 11 4 1995 11/21 alumni
Kirchman, Ken More on outstanding alumni Reporter 108 11 4 1995 11/21 alumni

Stetson Marketin g Majo r Abro ad Prog ram Sch ool o f Busi ness
SMMAP a ppro ved a s a n ew de partmen t p rogra m. Reporter 108 12 1 1995 12/5 Ad mini stra ti on
Thi rd old est bui ldi ng on ca mpus to be torn
Gymnasium d own i n spi te o f pro te sts. Reporter 108 13 1 1996 1/23 buildings
Stetson Che ss Tea m a ga in na ti ona l small
Chess sch ool ch ess cha mpio ns. Reporter 108 13 4 1996 1/23 Constantine Ananiadis
Fratern ity to re colo nize a fter be ing ca ug ht
Pi kappa Phi h azin g in 1 991 . Reporter 108 14 4 1996 1/30 fraternities
Pre side nt Lee e xpla ins wh y Stetson is
Tuition ra isin g tu ition 7%. Reporter 108 15 1 1996 2/6
Sh ort b io grap hy on up comin g Ste wa rt Institute for
lecture L ecture sp eake r El ie Wiese l. Reporter 108 16 1 1996 2/11 Ch ristian Eth ics
Activi ti es pla nn ed for wee k o f ed uca ti ona l
Alcohol Awareness Week e vents. Reporter 108 17 2 1996 2/20 alcohol policy
In fo rmation
Amiri, Shahram Short biography of 'cyber-hun'. Reporter 108 18 1 1996 2/27 CIT Techn olo gy
1 942 grad uate rece ives Di sti ngu ishe d
New, Leroy Al umni Awa rd. Reporter 108 18 1 1996 2/27 alumni
McDo nal d Bene vole nt Al umnu s F.H McDo nal d do natio n to b ene fit Sports Medi cine
Foun datio n Wil son Ath letic Ce nter. Reporter 108 18 2 1996 2/27 alumni Lab Hazel McDonald
Bi olo gy pro fe ssor name d to U .S.
Norman, Eliane D epa rtme nt of Interi or Ta sk Fo rce . Reporter 108 18 2 1996 2/27 environment
Ma ste r g uita r cl ass hel d by worl d fa mous
Assad, Sergio cl assic gu itar du o. Reporter 108 18 6 1996 2/27 Odair Assad Stephen Robinson School of Music
Tim Sull ivan
En dow ment fo r Atl antic Ce nter
McHugh, Heather Harvard poet to read her poetry. Reporter 108 19 2 1996 3/19 Writing fo r the Arts
Tim Sull ivan
En dow ment fo r Atl antic Ce nter
Kinsella, W.P. Author of Shoeless Joe to speak. Reporter 108 19 6 1996 3/19 Writing fo r the Arts
Forme r co ngre sswo ma n to spea k a t
Chisholm, Shirley co mmence men t. Reporter 108 19 8 1996 3/19
Public Safety Rape victim sues Stetson and rapist. Reporter 108 20 1 1996 3/26 sexual assault Rape Awareness STASA
N obe l La urea te sp oke at Ste wa rt Le ctu re Institute for
Wiesel, Elie to pa cked h ouse . Reporter 108 20 1 1996 3/26 Ch ristian Eth ics
Stetson Un iversi ty Ba nd w as sele cte d to a tten d Musi c
Symph oni c Ba nd Ed ucato rs N ation al Co nferen ce. Reporter 108 20 2 1996 3/26 School of Music
C aptai n Stetson comi c ca rto on au th or to
DeAngelo, Danny cre ate rap e awa rene ss co mic boo k. Reporter 108 20 4 1996 3/26 alumni
Mul ti cultura l Educa ti on 5 th a nn ual co nferen ce to host severa l
Institute sp eake rs and w orksho ps. Reporter 108 21 1 1996 4/2 multiculturalism
Ho ward Thu rman
Prog ram First program of new series to be held. Reporter 108 21 3 1996 4/2 integration multiculturalism

WESH Ch . 2 re porter to spea k a t Women Women a nd Gen der

Metz, Claire a nd Gen der Issues in Bu sine ss d ay. Reporter 108 22 2 1996 4/16 Stud ies Prog ram
Scho ol of Busin ess Bu sine ss sch oo l recei ves hig hest
Admi nistratio n a ccredi ta tion b y AACSB. Reporter 108 22 2 1996 4/16 BBA MBA Macc
AIESEC Recap of year. Reporter 108 22 7 1996 4/16
Me n's team fini sh best year e ver with 20 -1
Tennis, Men's se ason . Reporter 108 22 B1 1996 4/16 athletics
Offi ce of Pro vost w ill b e el imin ated in the
Provost co ming ye ar. Reporter 109 1 1 1996 8/27 Eugene Lubot budget
Co lle ge of Arts and N ew core cu rricul um req uire s a tten den ce
Scie nces a t cul tu ral e vents. Reporter 109 2 1 1996 9/3
Kelly, Karen Denise Student killed in crash in Pierson. Reporter 109 2 1 1996 9/3
Ce le bratio n
Celebration Stetson contributes to Disney's Celebration Reporter 109 3 1 1996 9/10 Tea chin g Acade my

Institute for the Di gital Arts b egi ns with a rt, co mp uter

Digital Arts mu sic, a nd co mputer scie nce cou rses. Reporter 109 4 1 1996 9/17 p ro gra mming computer graphics
Schoo l of
Ro lan d Ge orge Bu sine ss stu den ts rece ive $4 3,00 0 Brid ge Informa ti on Busin ess
Investmen t Prog ram co mputer in vestmen t pro gram. Reporter 109 4 1 1996 9/17 Systems Admin istration
La ti n Ame rican Stud ies Me xican cu ltura l and i nterna ti ona l
Prog ram p rogra ms o ffere d. Reporter 109 4 3 1996 9/17 William Nylen Rafael Barranco Frederico Blanco
Al umni a nd H omeco ming w eeke nds
Homecoming co mbin ed i nto one w eeke nd. Reporter 109 5 1 1996 9/24 Alumni Association
Masse y Se rvices Tuiti on assi sta nce for music an d bu sine ss
Scho larsh ip Prog ram stud en ts estab lish ed. Reporter 109 5 1 1996 9/24 Harvey Massey Carol Massey
Greenfeather Some changes made for this week. Reporter 109 6 1 1996 10/1
e x-baske tbal l pla yer accuse d of
Public Safety p ossessi on a nd sal e of ma rihu ana . Reporter 109 7 1 1996 10/15 Ryan Marifke Drug Arrests crime
Visi ti ng Scho lar
O'Brien, Dennis Phi Beta Kappa hosts scholar. Reporter 109 7 3 1996 10/15 Prog ram
R ussia n an th ropo lig ist to le ctu re on Ru ssia n Stu die s
Larskaia-Smirnova, Elena ca mpus for a mon th Reporter 109 8 3 1996 10/22 Prog ram
Wome n's te am ove r .50 0 fi rst time in sh ort
Soccer, Women's h istory. Reporter 109 9 6 1996 10/29 athletics
R etired Pu bl ix presi den t spe aks at L ynn
Hollis, Mark Bu sine ss Cen te r. Reporter 109 10 1 1996 11/5
Stetson cade ts to partici pate in Embry- Re serve Office r
ROTC R idd le ROTC prog ram. Reporter 109 10 1 1996 11/5 Train ing C orps
Stude nt Alu mni SAA, an e xte nsio n of Alu mni Re latio ns,
Associ ation p lan nin g yea r. Reporter 109 10 3 1996 11/5

Tennis, Men's Men's team ranked nationally for first time. Reporter 109 10 6 1996 11/5 athletics
Pro ject Harmo ny aw ards pro fe ssor fo r Sh erriff' s Youth
Coggins, Patrick w orksho p Reporter 109 11 1 1996 11/12 multiculturalism racism Ra nch
Ei lee n Steven s sp eaks to fra te rnitie s abo ut
Hazing h er son 's d eath. Reporter 109 11 1 1996 11/12 fraternities sororities CHUCK
C hess Cl ub to de fe nd na ti ona l title a third
Chess time . Reporter 109 11 3 1996 11/12
Residential Life Results of dorm visitation survey. Reporter 109 12 1 1996 11/19 Visitation Policy Campus Life
J. Oll ie Edmu nds
Di sti ngu ishe d N ew pro gram fun ded b y the Gua lal a
Scho larsh ip Prog ram Fou nda tion to offer fu ll sup port. Reporter 109 12 3 1996 11/19
Un iversi ty Expe rien ce
Prog ram Ellen Smith to resign as head of program. Reporter 109 12 3 1996 11/19
Ju nio r sh ortstop na med Base bal l Can ad a
Nicholson, Kevin 1 996 Playe r o f the Ye ar Reporter 109 12 9 1996 11/19 athletics baseball
Ne w te nn is center ha s b een d ed icated b y Mand y Stol l
Stoll, Mandy h er pare nts. Reporter 109 13 3 1997 1/21 athletics Tenn is Cen te r tennis
D irector of Stude nt Fin anci al Pla nni ng i s
Agett, Jack fire d. Reporter 109 14 1 1997 1/28
Pa tri ck C ogg in s w eig hs in on the
Ebonics co ntroversy. Reporter 109 14 1 1997 1/28 multiculturalism

Non-Traditional students New office opens for this group. Reporter 109 14 1 1997 1/28 Beth Joslin
Residential Life 24/7 policy under consideration. Reporter 109 14 1 1997 1/28 Visitation Policy Campus Life
San drid ge, Doro th y
Jen nin gs New scholarship established Reporter 109 14 3 1997 1/28 S. Bryan Jennings
Statistics a nd stude nt p erspe cti ves on ra ce
Race Relations re latio ns at Ste tso n. Reporter 109 14 B1 1997 1/28 multiculturalism Darald Stubbs racism
Cleland, Max Alum wins senate seat in Georgia. Reporter 109 15 1 1997 2/4 alumni
Au th or an d civil ri ghts activist to sp eak o n Ho wa rd Thu rman
Bell, Derrick ca mpus. Reporter 109 15 3 1997 2/4 L ectures racism multiculturalism

Fredrick, Lawrence Astronomer for Hubble Telescope to speak. Reporter 109 15 3 1997 2/4

African Ame ri can

Pa rt two o n rela ti ons be tw een ra ces on mul ti cultu ralis m; Stud ent
Race Relations ca mpus. Reporter 109 15 B1 1997 2/4 raci sm Tammy King Asso ciatio n Salonda Ezell
Jo int proj ect ann oun ced wi th N EA to Ste tso n
Celebration d evel op a Ma ste r Tea chi ng Institute Reporter 109 16 1 1997 2/11 Larry Rosen Uni versity Cen te r
Ma jor restructuri ng to de partmen t. Davi d
Campus Life Be rgen to l eave . Reporter 109 17 1 1997 2/18 Residential life Judicial Life Student Life Counseling Center
Fo reig n
Lan gu age Ru ssian Stu die s
Houk, Guy Russian professor fights to gain tenure. Reporter 109 17 1 1997 2/18 tenure Dep artment Prog ram
Na ti ona l Scien ce De pa rtme nt o f
Foun datio n Michael King, biology professor, won grant. Reporter 109 17 3 1997 2/18 Bio lo gy
Al ti er has b een n amed d irector of athl etic
Altier, Jeff d ept. Reporter 109 17 6 1997 2/18 athletics

Freshmen Freshmen class largest in recent memory Reporter 110 1 1 1997 8/27 enrollment Admissions
U.S. N ews an d Wo rld Stetson ti es fo r thi rd fo r sma ll un iversi ti es
Re port o f the so uth. Reporter 110 1 1 1997 8/27
Pro f Giffi n die s a t 9 0 afte r 3 9 years at Ha rold M. Giffin
Giffin, Harold M. Stetson . Reporter 110 1 2 1997 8/27 School of Music Concert Choir Sch ola rship
Juusela, Kari Composer recipient of Hand Award. Reporter 110 1 3 1997 8/27 Hand Award Dolly Hand Homer Hand
Reporter Newspaper launches on-line edition. Reporter 110 1 3 1997 8/27 computers

Ha nd Award for
Excel len ce in Re search English professor receives Hand Award. Reporter 110 1 3 1997 8/27 Rusty Witek Homer Hand Dolly Hand
D ean o f Arts a nd Scie nces to return to
Maris, Gary cl assroo m. Reporter 110 2 1 1997 9/3
Ame rican Stu die s p rofessor wi ns John
Croce, Paul Jerome Te mple to n Fo un datio n gran t. Reporter 110 2 2 1997 9/3
C omed ian and n oise ma king g eni us
Winslow, Michael e ntertai ns in Eli zabe th H all C hap el. Reporter 110 2 B1 1997 9/3 FOCUS
Crew Anne Dinshah new coach for crew. Reporter 110 2 B4 1997 9/3 athletics

Gomez, Alvaro Music professor interviewed about his life. Reporter 110 4 B2 1997 9/17 School of Music

Kroumovitch, Routa Music professor interviewed about her life. Reporter 110 4 B2 1997 9/17 School of Music
Residential Life More discussion on 24/7. Reporter 110 5 1 1997 9/24 Visitation Policy Emily Hall Campus Life
Faci litie s Ma nag eme nt D epa rtme nt ma ps
Noyes, David o ut n ew mi ss ion . Reporter 110 5 2 1997 9/24
So rority spon sors do mestic viol ence
Alpha Chi Omega a ware nes s w eek Reporter 110 6 1 1997 10/1 domestic abuse
fiber-optic cable Campus wiring begins. Reporter 110 6 1 1997 10/1 David Noyes
Si x U zbek stud ents atte ndi ng b usin ess
Uzbekistan sch ool . Reporter 110 7 B1 1997 10/8 International Studies
Graham, Ann VP of Business and Finance resigns. Reporter 110 8 1 1997 10/22
Asso ciate De an o f Scho ol of Busi ness
Stryker, Judson Ad mini stra ti on to be a cti ng VP. Reporter 110 8 1 1997 10/22
Flori da Busi ness Sch ool of Bu sine ss Admi nistratio n hosts
Outloo k C onfere nce p romin ent bu sine ss j ourn ali sts. Reporter 110 9 3 1997 10/29
Al umnu s a nd h istoria n spea ks a t Ph i Al pha
Baughman, T. H. The ta Ma lco lm Wynn L ecture . Reporter 110 9 B3 1997 10/29

Mu sicia ns pa y trib ute to Bi g Band l ea der

Stetson Un iversi ty Jazz Art Moon ey.w hose w ife rece ntly don ated
Ense mble h is coll ection s to Mu sic Schoo l. Reporter 110 9 B3 1997 10/29 Vera Mooney George West School of Music Nick Russo
Sp ea ke r fro m U .S. Dep artment of State Ru ssia n Stu die s Intern ation al
Crocker, Gary d iscusse s N ATO. Reporter 110 10 3 1997 11/12 Prog ram Eugene Huskey Sympo siu m
Syn ops is of R ussia n mili ta ry h istory give n
b y sp ea ker fro m U .S. Nava l War Co lle ge Ru ssia n Stu die s
International Symposium Wil lia m Ful ler Reporter 110 10 3 1997 11/12 Prog ram Eugene Huskey
Sp ea ke r fro m Mo scow State Uni versity
Al exan de r Gasp arish vili d iscusse s p ost Ru ssia n Stu die s
International Symposium co ld wa r i ssues . Reporter 110 10 3 1997 11/12 Prog ram Eugene Huskey
Jo hns Ho pki ns SAIS pro fe ssor Micha el
Ma nde lba um spo ke aga inst expa nsi on of Ru ssia n Stu die s
International Symposium N ATO. Reporter 110 10 3 1997 11/12 Prog ram Eugene Huskey

NCAA Title IX compliance reviewed. Reporter 110 11 1 1997 11/19 athletics Equity Committee Karen Kaivola Title Nine
Wood row Wilso n
Po litica l jou rna list visits campu s for Na ti on al Fell owsh ip
O'Rourke, Lawrence Woo drow Wil son Visi ti ng Fell ows Prog ram Reporter 110 11 1 1997 11/19 Fou nda ti on journalism
First spea ker fo r th e How ard Thurma n
Wilmore, Gayraud L ecture Se ries. Reporter 110 11 2 1997 11/19 multiculturalism religion
C ost o f e duca ti on in crease s ch arted from
Tuition 1 939 -19 97. Reporter 110 12 1 1997 11/26
Office of Publ ic
Miller, Brian New marketing director announced. Reporter 110 12 3 1997 11/26 Public Relations Rel ation s
Wehrle, Al Registrar to retire. Reporter 110 12 3 1997 11/26 Administration
McDo na ld
Bu ild ing d ed icated for Spo rts an d Exerci se Be nevo len t
Wilson Athletic Center Sci ence . Reporter 110 13 1 1997 12/20 athletics Pat Wilson Fou nda ti on, In c.
Actress gi ven H ono rary Doctora te i n
Harris, Julie H uman ities Reporter 110 14 2 1998 1/14 Commencement
Eme ritus history p rofessor di es afte r l ong
Johnson, Evans i lln ess. Reporter 110 14 2 1998 1/14 Faculty
McEn iry Awa rd fo r
1 997 McE niry Aw ard Winn er spe aks at Exce lle nce in
Thorne, Betty co mmence men t. Reporter 110 14 2 1998 1/14 Tea chin g
C hess tea m p lace s se cond i n small
sch ool s a t Pa n-Am In te rcoll egi ate Team
Chess C hess Tou rname nt. Reporter 110 15 1 1998 1/21
D irector of Care er Servi ces to re sign a fter
DeLoach, Joyce se ven ye ars. Reporter 110 15 3 1998 1/21
kiosk New coffee stand to use old kiosk. Reporter 110 15 3 1998 1/21
N ew scho larsh ip for Jew ish stude nts i n
Sch ool of Bu sine ss Admi nistratio n
Melvin Fields Scholarship a vail abl e. Reporter 110 15 3 1998 1/21
Hollis Center Special insert about new center. Reporter 110 15 C1 1998 1/21 Rinker Fieldhouse

N ation al co nferen ce abo ut re lig iou s Commu nity

co mmuni ty an d commu nity hea lth to b e Ce nter for th e Stu dy Hea lth Edu cation
Hale, Dan sp onso red b y Stetson . Reporter 110 16 3 1998 1/28 o f Agin g and H eal th Progra m
H istoria n was Ho wa rd Thu rman le cturer on Ho wa rd Thu rman
Stovall, Tyler Edward Ja n. 1 5. Reporter 110 16 3 1998 1/28 L ecture Seri es
Wome n's music fratern ity h osts statew ide
Sigma Alpha Iota g athe ri ng . Reporter 110 16 B4 1998 1/28 School of Music
J. Oll ie Edmu nds
Di sti ngu ishe d Gua lal a Foun datio n to e xpa nd to fo ur
Scho larsh ip Prog ram sch ola rship s per yea r. Reporter 110 17 1 1998 2/4 Edmunds Laureate
Hol lis
Stetson U nde rgrad uate Re sea rch Ren aissa nce
SURE Pro gram to exp and to othe r d ep artments. Reporter 110 17 1 1998 2/4 Terry Farrell Progra m
Chapel Attendance dropping drastically Reporter 110 17 2 1998 2/4
Kiosk kiosk now open as coffee shop. Reporter 110 17 2 1998 2/4
Ame ri can Institute of
Eme ritus profe ssor of Ph ysics give s l ecture Ph ysics Vi siting
Webb, M.B. o n see ing a to ms. Reporter 110 17 3 1998 2/4 Scie ntist Progra m
N ew commo ns men u and a tmo sphe re
Commons re view ed. Reporter 110 17 B2 1998 2/4
Cleland, Max Senator attends alumni weekend. Reporter 110 18 1 1997 2/25 alumni

College Bowl Team Stetson's team placed second at regionals. Reporter 110 18 1 1997 2/25
L atest draft o f commi tme nt to di versity dive rsity Commi tme nt to
Diversity u nvei led . Reporter 110 18 1 1998 2/11 multiculturalism committee Leonard Nance Dive rsity Pl an
duPont-Ball Library Expansion and renovation begins. Reporter 110 18 1 1998 2/11 library media center
N oyes pro moted to Vice Pre side nt for
Noyes, David faci litie s ma nag eme nt. Reporter 110 18 1 1998 2/11
Pi Kappa Phi Pi Kapps recolonize at Stetson. Reporter 110 18 1 1998 2/11 fraternities recharter hazing

Cha lle nge

Challenge Gift Program Scholarships increase in value Reporter 110 18 B4 1998 2/11 fundraising Schol arshi p Fu nd

Wilkes, Glenn Basketball coach honored at Homecoming Reporter 110 18 B4 1998 2/11
D oug L ee h ono red as Ci ti zen o f the Ye ar
B'nai B'rith b y Te mple Be th El . Reporter 110 19 1 1998 2/18 Judaism
Brown, Randy Basketball couch asked to resign. Reporter 110 19 1 1997 3/18 athletics
De partmen t of Busin ess
an d Fi nan ce Reorganization causes controversy. Reporter 110 19 1 1997 3/18 Mary McBride Richard Ferland

Ro la nd Georg e
Florida Leader Magazine Stetson classes recognized with awards. Reporter 110 19 1 1997 3/18 Inve stme nt Pro gram Charles Vedder
Graham, Ann Vice-President fires five administrators. Reporter 110 19 1 1997 3/18 Steve Burley Jim Richter Darrell Benge Floyd Cameron Mack Wadsworth
Ho wa rd Thu rman
Leonard, Walter J. Thurman lecturer speaks at Chapel Reporter 110 19 1 1998 2/18 L ecture Seri es
America n Cho ral
Se nio r n ame d to p stu den t con du cto r i n Dire cto r's
Paulk, Jason co untry. Reporter 110 19 1 1997 3/18 School of Music Associa ti on Concert Choir
R ussia n Studi es Progra m to ho st fou r Na ti on al Pub lic
Garrels, Ann l ecturers. Reporter 110 19 3 1997 3/18 PBS Eugene Huskey Ra dio
R ussia n Studi es Progra m to ho st fou r
Porshakov, Sergei l ecturers. Reporter 110 19 3 1997 3/18 Eugene Huskey
Scho ol of Busin ess N ew Intern ation al Busi ness maj or to b e
Admi nistratio n o ffere d Reporter 110 19 3 1997 3/18
R ussia n Studi es Progra m to ho st fou r Ru ssia n-Americ an
Sorokin, Pavel l ecturers. Reporter 110 19 3 1997 3/18 Trade R ela ti ons Eugene Huskey
R ussia n Studi es Progra m to ho st fou r
Vinokura, Yakutia l ecturers. Reporter 110 19 3 1997 3/18 ethnography Eugene Huskey
Jun e Broo ks
Wome n and Gen de r Stud ies Prog ram to Memo rial Awa rd
Brooks, June e sta bli sh a memo rial a ward . Reporter 110 19 4 1997 3/18 ERA NOW for Activi sm
H owa rd Th urman L ecture r, Kw ame Ture,
Carmichael, Stokely sp oke a t Th urman serie s. Reporter 110 19 4 1997 3/18 multiculturalism
Co mmuni ty
A multi de pa rtme nt e xtra vaga nza to be Sch ool o f Mod ern
All Souls Masquerade h eld i n the Ho lli s C enter. Reporter 110 19 B1 1998 2/18 Digital Arts Department of Art Da nce Chameleon Productions
Ful l wee k o f e vents fo cusin g on a lcoh ol Alco ho l
Alcohol Awareness Week re lated dan gers. Reporter 110 20 1 1998 2/25 BACCHUS Kristen Fogle Ed ucatio n Office
Actor/di rector visits camp us fo r se ries,
Hanks, Tom From the Ea rth to the Moo n. Reporter 110 20 1 1997 3/25
Stetson chess team be comes top co lle ge
Chess tea m i n sou th ern reg ion . Reporter 110 20 3 1998 2/25

Pa blo fa mily tell s o f survi ving Gua te mala n Women a nd Gen der Latin Ameri can Artists a nd
Pablo, Porfirio ma ssacre. Reporter 110 20 3 1997 3/25 Stud ies Prog ram Stu die s Le cturers Hallum, Ann
D avid Mo rgan to d iscuss con tro versie s
b etwee n Sou th ern Bap ti st Co nve ntion a nd
Phi Alpha Theta Ba ptist co ll ege s. Reporter 110 20 3 1997 3/25
C hamb er music pi an ist w ill vis it a s a
Wadsworth, Charles Woo drow Wil son Visi ti ng Fell ow Reporter 110 20 3 1997 3/25 School of Music
C arib bea n festival h eld i n Hol lis
Carnival C enter/Ri nke r Fiel d. Reporter 110 20 B1 1998 2/25
Bl ues g uitari st Keb Mo p erforms at H oll is
Concert C enter Reporter 110 20 B2 1998 2/25 Keb Mo
Ma rti n Luth er King III wi ll na rrate Peter an d
the Wol f at th e Stetson Un iversi ty Jean Bro oks
King III, Martin Luther C ommun ity Sch oo l of the Arts co ncert. Reporter 110 20 B3 1997 3/25 School of Music Fo und atio n
Fratern ity ra ises mo ney for Fl orid a to rnad o
Delta Sigma Phi vi cti ms. Reporter 110 21 1 1998 3/18
Gend er Issu es in Fifth an nua l confere nce he ld in Lynn Women a nd Gen der
Busi ness Bu sine ss Cen te r. Reporter 110 21 1 1998 3/18 Stud ies Michelle deMoss
H owa rd Th urman l ecturer spe aks of bla cks
Stovall, Tyler Edward i n Paris. Reporter 110 21 1 1998 3/18 multiculturalism
De pa rtme nt o f
Hoppe, Klaus Psychiatrist gives talk on Hitler. Reporter 110 21 3 1998 3/18 Psych olo gy
Women a nd Gen der
Women's History Month Stetson celebrates with various activities. Reporter 110 21 B1 1998 3/18 Stud ies Diane Everett
H owa rd Th urman l ecturer spe aks ab out
the S ch omb erg Ce nter fo r R esea rch in How ard Thurma n
Dodson, Howard Bl ack Cul tu re. Reporter 110 22 1 1998 3/25 multiculturalism Lecture Se rie s
Enviro nmen ta l
Ho lli s R ena issan ce Reso urce
Prog ram Allocations set for 1997-1998 school year. Reporter 110 22 1 1997 4/8 Digital Arts Datab ase
C ommittee formed to re view p oli cies an d
Publication Board p roced ure s. Reporter 110 22 1 1998 3/25 Hatter Reporter Touchstone James Beasley
Sigma Nu Fraternity bans alcohol from frat house. Reporter 110 22 1 1997 4/8
Ad am San dle r u ses th e campu s for so me
Sandler, Adam sh ots fo r the fil m Waterbp u Reporter 110 22 1 1998 3/25 Brian Miller
Sch ool o f Busi ness
AIESEC Stetson (only FLA chpt.) makes changes. Reporter 110 22 3 1997 4/8 Ad mini stra ti on
Ru ssia n Stu die s
Lineger, Jerry Astronaut to speak about MIR Reporter 110 22 3 1998 3/25 Prog ram
A short bio gra phy of last year' s Ju ne Ju ne Broo ks
Bonello, Alethea Bro oks Aw ard wi nne r. Reporter 110 22 B1 1998 3/25 Memo rial Awa rd

Women a nd Gen der Hol lis Le ad ershi p

Chideya, Farai Author to speak in April. Reporter 110 22 B2 1998 3/25 Stud ies Africana Studies Prog ram Campus Life
Stetson Un iversi ty Jazz
Ense mble New jazz band to make its debut. Reporter 110 22 B2 1997 4/8 George West School of Music
N evere nd ing d eba te i s o n aga in a bou t
Football a ddi ng foo tb all . Reporter 110 22 B5 1998 3/25 athletics Jeff Altier
C ivil ri ghts activist and law yer spea ks o n De pa rtme nt o f
Dees, Morris ca mpus. Reporter 110 23 1 1997 4/15 Po litica l Scien ce racism
Distorter Annual issue. Reporter 110 23 1 1998 4/1 April Fools Day
Wa shin gton Intern ship Ma x C lel and hon ored a t pro gram' s 5 9th Wash ing ton
Prog ram a nni versa ry. Reporter 110 23 2 1997 4/15 American University Semester
Su mmer Und erg ra du ate Rese arch Ho lli s R en aissa nce
SURE Exp erie nce a nno unce s w inn ers. Reporter 110 23 3 1997 4/15 Prog ram

Ho lli s L ea dersh ip
Au th or of Wh y Thin gs Bite Back to spea k Ame ri can Stud ies De velo pme nt
Tanner, Edward a bou t tech nol ogy. Reporter 110 23 3 1997 4/15 Prog ram Paul Croce Prog ram
Arnold, Murray Named men's basketball coach Reporter 110 23 6 1997 4/15 athletics basketball
Nicholson, Kevin Stetson Reporter's Hatter of the Year Reporter 110 23 7 1997 4/15 athletics baseball
All ian ce for
AIR trying to sa ve Cen tra l Ame rica's rai n Intern ation al
Hallum , Ann fore sts. Reporter 110 23 B1 1997 4/15 Re fo restatio n political science
N avy Jazz Ense mble to pe rfo rm a t ou td oo r
Commodores co ncert. Reporter 110 23 B3 1997 4/15 Moffet Williams School of Music
H ard to be lie ve, b ut Stetson 's Rep orter
w as name d top ne wspa per at a priv ate Flori da L ead er
Reporter co lle ge in Flo rid a. Reporter 110 24 1 1998 4/8 Mag azi ne
C ivic jo urna lism wa s d iscusse d by seve ral
Volusia Vision from med ia a nd pri nt. Reporter 110 24 1 1998 4/8 John E. Evans David Broder Bill Maxwell Jay Black
Woo drow Wil son Visi ti ng Fell ow le ctu res
Norton, A.R. o n po litics of th e Midd le East. Reporter 110 24 2 1998 4/8 Palestine
Fratern ity g ives p arty for ab used ch ild ren
Phi Sigma Kappa from Ch ild ren' s H ome Soci ety Reporter 110 24 3 1998 4/8 Mike Riella
Sa tu rda y N igh t Li ve comed ian N orm
Ma cDon ald b omb s a t Ho lli s C enter
Comedian p erforman ce. Reporter 110 24 B1 1998 4/8 Norm MacDonald
Schoo l of
Ro lan d Ge orge Busin ess
Investmen t Prog ram Program tops $2,000,000 mark. Reporter 110 25 1 1998 4/15 Christopher Ma Admin stra ti on
C orresp ond en t for ABC N ews an d auth or Women a nd Gen der Ho lli s L ea dersh ip
Chideya, Farai sp oke a bou t med ia misre prese ntation . Reporter 110 26 1 1998 4/22 Stud ies Africana Studies Prog ram Campus Life
Grading System Is faculty guilty of this problem? Reporter 110 26 1 1998 4/22 Grade Inflation
N ew org an izatio n to p romote
e nviro nmen tal aw aren ess and
Green Stetson p articip atio n. Reporter 110 26 1 1998 4/22 Elizabeth Thompson Coutnery McEntire
Scho ol of Busin ess Gen era l c urricu lum to be cha nge d with
Admi nstration a ddi ti on o f forei gn la ngu age requ ireme nt. Reporter 110 26 1 1998 4/22 John Rasp Ted Surynt
D irector of Asi an R esou rce Cen te r a t
Po mona Col leg e here to gu ag e racia l
Mooka, Daren cl imate. Reporter 110 26 3 1998 4/22 Residential Life
Gree ks ma d that no on e was cho sen
Fraternaties Fratern ity o f the Year. Reporter 110 27 1 1998 4/29 Daryl Stubbs
Thre e stu de nts p lace d fi rst in w orld wid e
ma th ematics co mp etitio n and tie d fo r first Amand a
INFORMS i n ano ther. Reporter 110 27 1 1998 4/29 Matt Galati Rich ardso n Jeff Fay COMAP
Eva lua tion s re veal ed in ke ynote sp eech o n pol itical
Mooka, Daren mu lticul tu rali sm a t Stetson . Reporter 110 27 1 1998 4/29 diversity correctne ss Andy Dehnart racism ALANA
Construction Changes and construction noted. Reporter 111 1 1 1998 8/26 duPont-Ball Library cafeteria Hat Rack

Residential Life Emily Hall now 24/7. Reporter 111 1 1 1998 8/26 Visitation Policy Espinosa, Michelle Campus Life
N ew de an o f Co lle ge of Arts and Sc ien ces
Ballenger, Grady a nno un ced. Reporter 111 1 2 1998 8/26

Baskett, Laura Walters New chaplain fills a newly created position. Reporter 111 1 2 1998 8/26 Religion
R ecen t e duca ti on gra dua te sl owl y c omin g
Luznar, Jennifer o ut o f co ma afte r a ccide nt. Reporter 111 1 2 1998 8/26
Pro fe ssor of Acco untin g name d as Vice
Stryker, Judson Pre side nt of Fin ance . Reporter 111 1 2 1998 8/26 Administration
1 998 re cip ien t of McEniry Award for
Thaver, Ranjini Exce lle nce in Te achi ng. Reporter 111 1 2 1998 8/26 Economics

Internet All residence halls now connected to net. Reporter 111 1 3 1998 8/26 CIT
Pilote, Pierre Men's coach now director of tennis. Reporter 111 1 B4 1998 8/26 athletics
Intramurals Program revamped, Greeks upset. Reporter 111 2 1 1998 9/2 Steve Najera
System cha ng ed to fi ber op ti c ca ble and
Telephone System o th er op ti ons on ca mpus. Reporter 111 2 1 1998 9/2 CIT

Pro fe ssor Le ona rd Nan ce name d to hea d

Diversity Council n ew cou nci l fo cusin g on in clusi ve issue s. Reporter 111 2 2 1998 9/2 multiculturalism Sharmika Powell Matthew Adam Values Council

Pro fe ssor Kare n Kaivo la na med to he ad Women a nd Gen der

Women's Council n ew cou nci l fo cusin g on wo men' s i ssues. Reporter 111 2 2 1998 9/2 Stud ies Jane Bradford Ann Morris Values Council
Institution al Re search R esul ts of sprin g surve y o n stu den t
Office sa ti sfa cti on . Reporter 111 2 3 1998 9/2 John Tichenor
Ho lli s Intern ation al Pro fe ssor Rich ard Wood a nd fou r stud ents
Scho lars Prog ram re port on the ir month in Pe ru. Reporter 111 2 B1 1998 9/2 Economics Carmen Talavera Jeff Hamrick

Gordis Hall Gordis Hall housed emergency fire crews. Reporter 111 2 B2 1998 9/2 Courtney McIntyre Firefighters Wild fires

Chaudoin Hall Air conditioning broken during heat wave. Reporter 111 3 1 1998 9/9 facilities management dormitories residence halls Residential Life
Computers Labs to open in Sage Hall. Reporter 111 3 1 1998 9/9 CIT
D rug testin g fo r a th letes exp lai ned and
NCAA i mple mented . Reporter 111 3 1 1998 9/9 athletics
Football Record broken after 71 years. Reporter 111 3 B4 1998 9/9 athletics
Ba semen t b ooksh elve s co lla pse after
duPont-Ball Library b races gi ve wa y. Reporter 111 4 1 1998 9/16 renovation
D irector of Risk Man ag emen t on
a dmin istrative le ave a fter tense ye ar of
Wills, Ben a ccusatio ns an d apo log ies. Reporter 111 4 1 1998 9/16 Risk management

Green Hat Media Internet radio station to begin broadcasting. Reporter 111 4 2 1998 9/16 Nathan Wolek
First worksh op to coo rdin ate campu s
Values Council g roup s. Reporter 111 4 3 1998 9/16 Courtney McIntyre

Elderhostel Program Good description of program. Reporter 111 5 1 1998 9/23 Continuing Education
N ew Miss America w as Ste tso n stude nt
Johnson, Nicole from fall o f 1 992 to spri ng of 19 93. Reporter 111 5 1 1998 9/23 Nicole Johnson
Town Hall meeting Poor student attendance at forum. Reporter 111 5 1 1998 9/23

Lee, H. Douglas Speaks about goals and past achievements. Reporter 111 5 2 1998 9/23
C ultura l Dive rsity Wee k a nd oth er grou ps
Diversity Council w ill b e spon sore d by coun cil. Reporter 111 5 B1 1998 9/23 Multicultural Affairs ALANA Leonard Nance
Stetson and D eLa nd wi ll bu ild n ew
Baseball b aseb al l sta diu m. Reporter 111 5 B4 1998 9/23 athletics Jeff Altier
Stop D omestic
Alpha Chi Omega Sorority raises domestic violence awareness. Reporter 111 6 2 1998 9/30 Vio len ce We ek
Sta te o f Flo rida
Hi sto ric Histori c
Hi sto ric Preserva ti on Sa mpson and El izab eth Hal l to b e rep aire d Pres ervatio n Gra nt- Preserva ti on
Advi sory Cou ncil w ith hel p of gran t. Reporter 111 6 2 1998 9/30 a nd-Ai d Progra m Gra nt. David Noyes
Po litica l Scien ce pro fe ssor lecture s o n Ru ssia n Stu die s Dep artment of
Urban, Michael R ussia 's recen t hi sto ry. Reporter 111 6 2 1998 9/30 Prog ram Russi an Stud ies Eugene Huskey
Xi N u cha pter of the p rofessio nal mu sic
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fratern ity ce le brated a j ubi lee co nce rt. Reporter 111 6 B3 1998 9/30 School of Music
Ap po inted Associ ate Dea n of C oll eg e of
Kaivola, Karen Arts and Scien ce. Reporter 111 7 1 1998 10/7
Ap po inted Associ ate Dea n of C oll eg e of
Nance, Leonard Arts and Scien ce. Reporter 111 7 1 1998 10/7
Intern et radi o sta ti on bro adca sts for the
Green Hat Media first ti me. Reporter 111 7 2 1998 10/7
Jea n Gre enl aw
Ch ild ren's Li te racy Au th or Steph en Kren sky sh ares h is view s
Co nferen ce o n te ach ing ch ild ren. Reporter 111 7 2 1998 10/7 Continuing Education
Intramurals Program revamped again. Reporter 111 7 B4 1998 10/7 greeks fraternities

Mascot The Hatter mascot to be redesigned again. Reporter 111 7 B4 1998 10/7
Ho wa rd Thu rman
Barry, Marion First Howard Thurman lecturer of season. Reporter 111 8 1 1998 10/21 L ecture Seri es multiculturalism
Ch arter ha s b een re voked d ue to
Delta Sigma Phi co nsistan t d iscip lin ary prob lems. Reporter 111 8 1 1998 10/21 fraternities greeks

D ean o f C oll ege o f La w wil l resig n next Di sti ng uish ed

Moody, Lizabeth sp ring . Reporter 111 8 2 1998 10/21 Un ive rsi ty Pro fe ssor
Ethn omu sicol ogi st wi ll pre sent a recital of
Gelb, Phil Ja pan ese Sh akuh achi flu te mu sic. Reporter 111 8 B3 1998 10/21 School of Music

Bo ard o f Tru ste es app roved a C ommitmen t Wo men an d

Diversity Council to Di versity pla n for Dou g Lee . Reporter 111 9 1 1998 10/28 ALANA Ge nde r Stu die s multiculturalism Nethersole, Rita
Ho wa rd Thu rman
Baumguard, Herbert Rabbi is second Howard Thurman Lecturer. Reporter 111 9 2 1998 10/28 L ecture Seri es
De pa rtme nt o f
U nity Th roug h Dan ce is the theme o f we ek Mul ti cultu ra l
Cultural Diversity l ong p rog ram. Reporter 111 9 B1 1998 10/28 multiculturalism Florence Neubauer Affa irs Cultural Diversity Week
Offi cial ly instal led a s C hap la in, she sha res
Baskett, Laura Walters i dea s fo r re lig iou s mi nistrie s. Reporter 111 9 B3 1998 10/28 chapel

Lewis, Samella Artist speaks about African-American art. Reporter 111 9 B3 1998 10/28 Duncan Gallery

Fa culty Sen ate

Tenu re and
Acade mic
Fre edo m
Commi ttee
Promotio n
Ten ure an d Aca demi c R evie w of h ow d ecisi ons on ten ure a re Con sistency
Freed om Commi ttee a rrived a t. Reporter 111 10 1 1998 11/4 Faculty Senate Revi ew
Institute for Ch ristian Ethi cs w ill p resen t
Moyers, Bill Mo yers as th e Stewa rt Le ctu rer. Reporter 111 10 2 1998 11/4

Wa shin gton Intern ship Greg L ee , Stetson Co lle ge of La w stu den t, Washi ngton
Prog ram e ncou rag ed pa rti cipa ti on in p rogra m. Reporter 111 10 2 1998 11/4 Se mester
Vi siting p rofessor spe aks ab out Russi an Ru ssia n Stu die s
Wedel, Janine e cono mic pro ble ms a nd U.S. a rroga nce Reporter 111 10 2 1998 11/4 Prog ram
Stetson Und ergra dua te R esea rch Ho lli s R en aissa nce
SURE Exp erie nce i s fea tu red. Reporter 111 10 B1 1998 11/4 Gran t Terry Farrell Kevin Riggs
Fratern ity ra ises fun ds fo r h urrica ne victims
Phi Sigma Kappa i n Domi nica n Re pub lic. Reporter 111 11 1 1998 11/18
C hil dish a cto r's movie , Wa te rbo y, u ses
Sandler, Adam ca mpus a s b ackdro p. Reporter 111 11 1 1998 11/18
Bro adca ster spoke o n Eth ics of a New Institute for
Moyers, Bill Mi lle nni um in Eli zab eth Hal l. Reporter 111 11 2 1998 11/18 Ch ristian Eth ics Stewart Lecturer
Poe try at an Un cou th Orig ina l stu de nt p oetry read a t Fore st of
Ho ur Ard en sin ce 19 91 Reporter 111 11 2 1998 11/18 Touchstone John Pusateri
Resident Hall Council RHC explains programs and goals. Reporter 111 11 2 1998 11/18 Residential Life Ali Smith

Stover Theater Five student-directed plays to be presented. Reporter 111 11 2 1998 11/18

Robinson, Randall Howard Thurman Lecture Series speaker. Reporter 111 12 1 1998 11/25 multiculturalism civil rights
R ecei ves an h ono rary doctor of divi nity
Rogers, Jefferson d egre e from Ste tso n. Reporter 111 12 1 1998 11/25 multiculturalism civil rights
Orga niza tion ce leb rates 25 yea rs h el pin g
People Helping People West Vo lusi a non -profit gro ups. Reporter 111 12 2 1998 11/25 Mitchell Reddish
Ru ssia n Stu die s Dep artment of
Topornin, Boris Russian scholar speaks about change. Reporter 111 12 2 1998 11/25 Prog ram Russi an Stud ies
Re lig iou s H eritag e R equ ireme nt fo r b usin ess stu den ts to take Rel igi ous
Re qui remen t ce rta in co urses up for di scussio n. Reporter 111 12 5 1998 11/25 Jeff Hamrick Heri ta ge cou rse Religious Studies
R ussia n Studi es artist-in-re side nce to Ru ssia n Stu die s
Kalugin, Aleksandr sp end mo nth on ca mpus. Reporter 111 12 B1 1998 11/25 Prog ram

Concert Swing bands featured at Rinker Field House. Reporter 111 12 B1 1998 11/25 Swingerhead
Co lle ge o f Arts an d
Cultural Credit Dean Grady Ballinger defends rule. Reporter 111 13 1 1998 12/9 Scie nce s
L ast sp ea ker fo r thi s ye ar's Ho ward
Omolade, Barbara Thu rman L ecture Seri es. Reporter 111 13 1 1998 12/9 multiculturalism education civil rights
Assi sta nt professo r o f musi c a ward ed
Juusela, Kari Gran d Prize i n 199 8 Comp osers Guil d. Reporter 111 14 2 1999 1/13 School of Music
Stetson crew teams row ed 36 mi les in a
Crew ro w-a-tho n. Reporter 111 14 7 1999 1/13 athletics
Po ssibi lity of imple men ti ng a cod e is
Honor Code d iscusse d. Reporter 111 15 1 1999 1/20 Values Council Robert Boerth Gail Radley Karen Kaivola

Scho ol of Busin ess H eated discu ssion o ver curricu lar cha nge s
Admi nistratio n for Scho ol o f Busi ness Admin stra ti on. Reporter 111 15 2 1999 1/20 Grady Ballenger John Rasp Neal Long curriculum
Africana Studies A new minor is being offered. Reporter 111 15 3 1999 1/20 diversity multiculturalism Ranjini Thaver
Bra d Wi lle nbro ck, e ventua l Al gern on
Syd ney Su lli van Aw ard wi nn er, exp lai ns
Best Buddies the o rga niza ti on. Reporter 111 15 B1 1999 1/20 Brad Willenbrock Duvall Home

Jolly, Penny Art historian to lecture on medieval art. Reporter 111 15 B2 1999 1/20 Duncan Gallery of Art

Torreano, John Artist to discuss his exhibit. Reporter 111 15 B2 1999 1/20 Duncan Gallery of Art
Un derg radu ate Thi s w ill b e th e first i nterdi scipl ina ry
Scho larsh ip an d re search d ay pro pose d by Dea n Gra dy
Performa nce Da y Ba lli nge r. Reporter 111 16 1 1999 1/27 Kevin Riggs USAPD

Exp lan atio n fo r Vic to ry Be ll symbo l of $ 200

$200 Million Campaign Mi lli on Ca mpai gn wh ich i s fin al stretch. Reporter 111 16 1 1999 1/27 Mark Hollis Hyatt Brown Mark Whittaker
Ce nter fo r Fami ly Sch ool of Bu sine ss Admi nistratio n has
Busi ness fou nd ed a ne w prog ram. Reporter 111 16 3 1999 1/27 Greg McCann

Honor Code Students debate the code and the council. Reporter 111 16 5 1999 1/27
Values Council Goals listed for the plan. Reporter 111 16 5 1999 1/27

First ann ua l fe sti val to hig hli ght stu de nt- Co mmuni catio n and Dig ital Arts
University Video Festival d irected v ide os. Reporter 111 16 B1 1999 1/27 The ater Arts Stu die s Progra m Micael McFarland
C ong ressman fro m Geo rgia sp eaks of civil Ho wa rd Thu rman
Lewis, John ri ghts moveme nt. Reporter 111 17 1 1999 2/3 L ecture Seri es racism multiculturalism
Mu sic professo r to re lea se CD. Short
Rickman, Michael b iog rap hy incl ude d in articl e. Reporter 111 17 2 1999 2/3 School of Music
Tuition Finances of higher education explained. Reporter 111 17 2 1999 2/3
Black History Month Calendar of events listed. Reporter 111 17 B1 1999 2/3 multiculturalism
Sh ort h istory of orga niza ti on pl us Stetson's
Habitat for Humanity H abi ta t a ffili ate. Reporter 111 17 B3 1999 2/3
Melching Field Dedication of new baseball field. Reporter 111 18 1 1999 2/17 athletics baseball
Residence Halls Campaign begins to renovate all dorms. Reporter 111 18 1 1999 2/17
D ecora ti ve te rra cotta arou nd front
Flagler Hall e ntranc e deteri oratin g. Reporter 111 18 2 1999 2/17
Pa rking so lu ti on id eas sou ght fro m o ther
Parking Policy sch ool s. Reporter 111 18 2 1999 2/17 Parking Task Force
N ew camp us rad io station u ses intern et to
Radio Station re ach li ste ne rs. Reporter 111 18 B1 1999 2/17 Green Hat Media SAFAC WHAT
Rickman, Michael Interview with music professor. Reporter 111 18 B2 1999 2/17 School of Music

Alcohol Awareness Week Trustees reaffirm alcohol policy. Reporter 111 19 1 1999 2/24
Stude nt Gove rnme nt SGA u pd ate abo ut o ngo in g issue s a nd
Associ ation p roje cts. Reporter 111 19 1 1999 2/24 Honor code 24/7
C ele bratio n camp us to o ffer MBA p rogra m
i n edu catio nal ma nag emen t. Articl e also Profe ssion al
d efen ds and e xpla ins Ce leb ration De velo pme nt
Celebration p artnersh ip s. Reporter 111 19 1 1999 2/24 Teaching Academy Larry Rosen Sch ool
Mi chae l Bran to n and Ma rgie H ale , math
p rofessors, wo n fo r the ir entry, ODE De pa rtme nt o f
Award of Excellence Arch itect, a co mputer software p rogra m. Reporter 111 19 2 1999 2/24 Math ematics
Dep artment of
Jainism Two nuns explain their religion to class. Reporter 111 19 2 1999 2/24 Religious Studies Rel igi on
Johnson, Gustave Alum given Doyle Carlton Award Reporter 111 19 2 1999 2/24

Lankford, Candance Student awarded the Armory Underhill Award Reporter 111 19 2 1999 2/24
Pro fe ssor giv en the Di sti ngu ishe d Service
Master, Joseph Aw ard. Reporter 111 19 2 1999 2/24
Stetson Weekend Alumni return for Homecoming. Reporter 111 19 2 1999 2/24

WCEU p rogra mming d irecto r g ives ha nds

Miniscalco, Pete o n exp erie nce to broa dcastin g stude nts. Reporter 111 19 B2 1999 2/24 WCEU pledge-a-thon Channel 15
D ean B easl ey agre es th at se nio rs c an li ve
Housing Policy o ff campu s. Reporter 111 20 1 1999 3/17 Michelle Espinosa Residential Life
U .S. Sen ator spoke to the 2 9th Mode l
Cleland, Max Se na te . Reporter 111 20 2 1999 3/17
Sp oke a t the Ho ward Thu rman Le ctu re
Reed, Annette Gordon Se ries. Reporter 111 20 2 1999 3/17 multiculturalism civil rights
R epo rte r a ga in aw arde d best priva te
Florida Leader Magazine co lle ge n ewsp ape r i n Fl orid a. Reporter 111 20 3 1999 3/17 Andy Denhart Sara Cotner
Flo rida L ea der mag azin e desi gna te d be st
Green Stetson n ew stud ent grou p in state. Reporter 111 20 3 1999 3/17 environment
Facu lty e xcha nge p rogra m w ith Spai n a La tin America n
University of Granada su ccess Reporter 111 20 3 1999 3/17 Nancy Vosburg William Nylen Stud ies Miguel Jerez
Vi siting Ph i Beta Kap pa scho lar le ctu red Women a nd Gen der
Kerber, Linda for Women 's History Mon th . Reporter 111 20 B1 1999 3/17 Stud ies
Women a nd Gen der
Leon, Celine Philosophy professor to speak about women. Reporter 111 20 B1 1999 3/17 Stud ies
Sustai nab le Ca mpus Si x me mbers of Green Stetson a tten de d
De velo pmen t Cl ini c e vent. Reporter 111 20 B1 1999 3/17 Robert Sitler Frates, Fred environment
Women a nd Gen der
Women's History Month Campuswide events will celebrate month. Reporter 111 20 B1 1999 3/17 Stud ies Nancy Vosburg
Exp lan atio n of n ew system fo r stud en t
Intramurals co mpetitio n. Reporter 111 21 3 1999 3/31 Najera, Steve greeks
duPont-Ball Library Expansion work nearing completion. Reporter 111 22 1 1999 4/7 David Noyes
Pro fe ssion al R estoratio n of Ja cksonvi lle
Flagler Hall w orkin g on faça de of bui ldi ng. Reporter 111 22 1 1999 4/7 David Noyes

Ho wa rd Thu rman
D r. Epps le ctu res for th e In sti tu te for Ce nter, H eal th C are
Epps, Charles C hristia n Eth ics. Reporter 111 22 2 1999 4/7 Issue s Pro gram Dixon Sutherland multiculturalism
Co mmuni ty Servi ce
Even ts Several groups spotlighted for April. Reporter 111 22 5 1999 4/7 Green Stetson C.O.O.L Circle K
Arti sts an d
Lecture rs
Mezentseva, Galina Ballet dancer performs in Edmunds Center Reporter 111 22 B1 1999 4/7 Norman, Kim Commi ttee
N ew clu b org ani zed for gay, l esbi an, and
Common Ground tran sge nde r stud ents. R epl aces STH. Reporter 111 23 1 1999 4/14 Sara Cotner
Ad mini stra to rs to re view p oli cies ba nni ng Con sensu al
Co nsen sual R ela ti ons re latio nsh ips in volvi ng facul ty an d Rel ation s Po licy
Pol icy stud en ts. Reporter 111 23 3 1999 4/14 Janice Kindred Task Fo rce
Me ado ws na med asso ciate vice -presi den t Omi cron De lta
Meadows, Gary o f Alumn i Rel atio ns. Reporter 111 23 3 1999 4/14 Pi Kappa Phi Kapp a
Mari s Award s fo r
Outsta ndi ng
Un derg radu ate
Scho larsh ip Students announced at USAPD Reporter 111 24 1 1999 4/21 James Stock Courtney Parnell Una Tone Jacob Sentgeorge
Un derg radu ate
Scho larsh ip an d
Performa nce Da y First annual USAPD was a success Reporter 111 24 1 1999 4/21 Kevin Riggs USAPD
Ind ivid ua l ta sk force s re ported to co unci l at
Values Council ye ar en d meetin g. Reporter 111 24 1 1999 4/21
D irector of Cen ter fo r Po litica l and Ru ssia n Stu die s
Eisenhower, Susan Strateg ic Studi es to sp eak. Reporter 111 24 2 1999 4/21 Prog ram NATO at 50
Re lig iou s H eritag e Sch ool of Bu sine ss Admi nistratio n fa ils in
Re qui remen t a ttemp t to cha nge re qui remen t. Reporter 111 24 2 1999 4/21 Clyde Fant John Rasp Religious Studies
Forme r h ead of So viet Space R esea rch Ru ssia n Stu die s
Sagdeev, Roald Institute to spe ak. Reporter 111 24 2 1999 4/21 Prog ram
D r. Han sen, retired bio log y p rofessor, w ill De pa rtme nt o f
Keith Hansen Laboratory h elp d ed icate the la b. Reporter 111 24 3 1999 4/21 Bio lo gy
Articl e expl ain s new ru les for awa rdin g
Athletic Scholarships sch ola rship s. Reporter 111 25 1 1999 4/28 athletics Jeff Altier Doug Minter
$ 200 mi lli on
e ndo wmen t
Beatty, Robert Miami attorney named to Board of Trustees Reporter 111 25 2 1999 4/28 ca mp ai gn

Rainbow Hatters Gay, lesbian, bisexual alumni group formed. Reporter 111 25 2 1999 4/28 Donald Hitchcock Sara Cotner Common Ground
$ 200 mi lli on
D isne y re sort p resi den t na med to Board of e ndo wmen t
Weiss, Alan Trustee s. Reporter 111 25 2 1999 4/28 ca mp ai gn
Campus Life year in review for concerts and events Reporter 111 25 B1 1999 4/28
C o-reci pie nt o f C ra ig Thomp son Me moria l Stetson U nive rsity
Cianciulli, Mike Sch ola rship . Reporter 111 25 B1 1999 4/28 Su rf Cl ub
C o-reci pie nt o f C ra ig Thomp son Me moria l Stetson U nive rsity
Katsolis, Matt Sch ola rship . Reporter 111 25 B1 1999 4/28 Su rf Cl ub
Po litica l activist spe aks at H owa rd
Davis, Angela Thu rman L ecture Seri es Reporter 111 2 1999 4/14 multiculturalism
Un iversi ty
The me ho usin g new p rogra m i ntrodu ced Exp erie nce
Carson-Hollis Hall thi s fal l. Reporter 112 1 1 1999 8/25 Michelle Espinosa Campus Life pro gra m Becky Oliphant
Stetson urge s to in vest i n socia lly
Environmental Task Force re spon sib le stocks. Reporter 112 1 1 1999 8/25 Robert Sitler Paul Dascher Jud Stryker Green Stetson
D r. Beasl ey ha s b een p romoted to ch ief
o pera ti ng o ffice r a nd vice -presi den t for
Beasley, James Ad mistration . Reporter 112 1 2 1999 8/25
Hi span ic Schol arshi p Aw arde d to stud en ts wh o are ha lf h ispa nic
Fund a nd q ual ify. Reporter 112 1 2 1999 8/25
Vause, Gary Vause is now Dean of the Law School. Reporter 112 1 2 1999 8/25 School of Law
Stud en ts of und errep resen te d gro ups can
ALANA House n ow mee t a t a spe cial p lace . Reporter 112 2 1 1999 9/1 Leonard Nance Diversity Council
An n Ha llu m d iscusse d issue s a bou t
Environmental Task Force ca mpus e nviro nmen ta l awa rene ss. Reporter 112 2 1 1999 9/1 Paul Croce
Forme r Val ues Co unci l coord ina tor now
McIntyre, Courtney C ommun ity Se rvice co ordi nator. Reporter 112 2 1 1999 9/1 community service Into The Streets Courtney Brown
ESP gi ves inco ming fres hmen ch ance to
Early Start Program i mprove . Reporter 112 2 2 1999 9/1 Charles Vedder
Le ttie Pa te Whi te he ad Gran ts pro vid ed to dese rving stud en ts
Foun datio n, In c. si nce 19 75 . Reporter 112 2 2 1999 9/1 Mark Whittaker
Fratern ity e arn s top h ono rs from na ti on al
Phi Sigma Kappa o rgan izati on. Reporter 112 2 2 1999 9/1 greeks
Sh ort b io grap hy of stud ent an d his gu ide
Hackert, Matt d og, Jazzi e Reporter 112 2 B1 1999 9/1 School of Music Digital Arts
Schoo l of
Busin ess
Study Abroad Program Summer study abroad program a success Reporter 112 2 B1 1999 9/1 John Rasp Admin istration Innsbruck
Mu sic professo r su spe nde d pen din g
Gomez, Alvaro o utcome o f in vestiga ti on. Reporter 112 3 1 1999 9/8 School of Music
Padnuk, Ryan Students rescue drowning man. Reporter 112 3 1 1999 9/8 Liz Thompson
Sh ort h istory of scien ce bui ldi ng wh ich
Sage Hall n eed s to b e repl aced o r re nov ated. Reporter 112 3 1 1999 9/8 Ken Everett
De pa rtme nt o f
N ew Co mmuni cation s and African a Co mmuni catio ns
Woodyard, Jeff Stud ies p rofessor hi red. Reporter 112 3 2 1999 9/8 Stud ies

Pro moted to vice p resid ent fo r Cou ncil o f Vice

Beasley, James Ad mini stra ti on a nd Ch ief Op eratin g Officer Reporter 112 3 3 1999 9/8 Council of Deans Presid ents
D iscussi on of curre nt d raft of uni versity's
Mission Statement g oal s. Reporter 112 3 6 1999 9/8 Jeff Hamrick

Cross Cultural Center ALANA House renamed. Reporter 112 4 1 1999 9/15 Leonard Nance Multicultural Affairs Tammy King
Pro fe ssor acce pts p ositio n as dire cto r o f
O'Neill, Megan first year Eng lis h stu den ts. Reporter 112 4 2 1999 9/15 English Department
En viron menta list lecture s o n acad emic En viron mental Task
Orr, David e nviro nmen tali sm. Reporter 112 4 2 1999 9/15 Force Robert Sitler

Underhill, William Amory Stetson alumus and trustee dies at 89. Reporter 112 4 2 1999 9/15

Kimmel, Michael Sociologist to speak of gender issues. Reporter 112 4 3 1999 9/15 Diane Everett Women's Council Diversity Council
So rority raise s mo ne y to he lp stop Sto p Dome sti c
Alpha Chi Omega d omestic vio len ce. Reporter 112 5 1 1999 9/29 greeks Viol ence Wee k
Women a nd Gen der
Kimmel, Michael Two reviews of sociologist's lectures. Reporter 112 5 1 1999 9/29 Stud ies sexual harassment
Exp lan atio n of ce nter and i ts g rowin g Alco ho l Awa rene ss
Alcohol Education Center p opu la rity. Reporter 112 6 1 1999 10/6 Week TIPS Kristen Fogle
C ash in cen ti ves used to en coura ge
Scholarships co ntact with do nors an d recip ien ts. Reporter 112 6 3 1999 10/6 Susan Anderson
Values Council Task force lists goals for the year. Reporter 112 7 2 1999 10/20 H. Douglas Lee
Boa rd of Stud en t The co mple te new co nstitution o f the Ca mpu s L ife
Pub lica ti ons b oard i s p rin te d. Reporter 112 7 B7 1999 10/20 Co mmitte e President's Staff Darald Stubbs Jeff Hamrick
R eflectio ns an d sta ti sti cs a bou t rece nt rush
Greeks a nd fratern ities. Reporter 112 8 1 1999 10/27 sororities
Institute for Ch ristian Ethi cs sp onso rs Re lig io us Stu die s John D omin ic
Crossan, Dominic Je sus scho lar. Reporter 112 8 2 1999 10/27 De pa rtme nt Crossa n
Cul tu ral Di versity
Cultural Diversity Explanation of purpose and activities. Reporter 112 8 2 1999 10/27 multiculturalism We ek
Vi siting sch ola r a nd a dju nct p rofessor of
Press, Robert j ourn ali sm p ub lish es boo k o n Africa . Reporter 112 8 2 1999 10/27
H owa rd Th urman l ecture to talk ab out How ard Thurma n
Walters, Ronald Africa n-Ameri can le ad ershi p. Reporter 112 8 2 1999 10/27 multiculturalism Lecture Se rie s
C ampu s ra dio sta ti on can cell ed du e to
Radio Station p robl ems usin g bo rrowe d space . Reporter 112 9 1 1999 11/10 Michael DeMurga WHAT
D omestic pa rtn ers of fa culty give n non - Women a nd
Benefits e cono mic be nefits. Reporter 112 10 1 1999 11/17 Karen Kaivola Nancy Vosburg Gen der Studi es Human Resources
Stetson chap te r to bre ak grou nd o n fi rst
Habitat for Humanity sp onso red h ouse . Reporter 112 10 1 1999 11/17 Brian Mistler
Institutio na l Purpo se Subco mmitte e
SACS re lea ses fina l draft o f missi on statemen t. Reporter 112 10 1 1999 11/17 Diane Everett Karen Kaivola
Ph i Al pha The ta sp ea ker ta lked a bou t the Flori da Mu seum of
Milanich, Jerry Mi ami Ci rcle. Reporter 112 10 2 1999 11/17 Na tu ral H istory archeology
Ethn icity an d Poli ti cs cl ass uses comp uter
Videoconference vi deo con fe rence for first time . Reporter 112 10 2 1999 11/17 Eugene Huskey CIT teleconference
The olo gia n to spea k o n cen te nni al of Ho wa rd Thu rman
Wilmore, Gayraud H owa rd Th urman . Reporter 112 10 2 1999 11/17 L ecture Seri es multiculturalism racism
de Alme ida L ima, Jesus Ma yor of B etim, Bra zil to spea k o n pol itical Latin Ameri can
Mari o vi ole nce. Reporter 112 10 3 1999 11/17 William Nylen Stu die s p rog ram Jesus Lima

Honor Code Teleconference with UVM about cheating Reporter 112 11 2 1999 11/24 Robert Boerth Kathy Hansen Values Council
Stud ent Rel igi ous
OXFAM Short biography of Oxfam at Stetson. Reporter 112 11 2 1999 11/24 L ife Cou ncil
Winston, George Pianist and alum to perform in January. Reporter 112 11 2 1999 11/24 School of Music
Emo ry p rofesso r sp eaks ab out lea ving Women a nd Gen der
Strickland, Bonnie C onfed era te C lose t. Reporter 112 11 B1 1999 11/24 Stud ies Diversity Council Common Ground Women's Council
Myths of the Sub Trop ics was pe rformed i n
Theater Performance Stove r The ater by Stetson gro up. Reporter 112 11 B1 1999 11/24 Michael DeMurga Kari Juusela Core Ensemble
U nive rsity strug gle s to ke ep do ors to
Public Safety d orms locke d. Reporter 112 12 1 1999 12/8 Espinosa, Michelle Residential Life Campus Security
H owa rd Th urman L ecture Se ries fini shes
Dunn, Marvin the ye ar wi th p sychol ogi st from Miami . Reporter 112 12 2 1999 12/8 multiculturalism

Activi st for disa bl ed spe aks abo ut N ew Ind ian Stud ent Rel igi ous Stud ies
Tuli, Uma D elh i schoo l. Reporter 112 12 2 1999 12/8 Asso ciatio n Dep artment

Into the Stree ts spo nsore d Vo lu nteer Fair

Into The Streets to rai se aw aren ess fo r co mmuni ty servi ce. Reporter 112 12 2 1999 12/8 Courtney McIntyre
C ircle K spo nso red eve nt, bu t the re was
World AIDS Day co ntroversy. Reporter 112 12 2 1999 12/8 Amy Charpentier Student Life World AIDS Quilt
Intervarsi ty Ch ristian Sh ort e xpl ana ti on of stu den t re lig iou s
Fell owsh ip g roup s on camp us. Reporter 112 12 B2 1999 12/8 Wesley House Celebrate Life Kristi Soutar
C onfid en ti al in fo rmation mi sta kenl y p lace d
Ce nter fo r Informa ti on o n sha red comp uter drive d urin g Ban ner
Tech nol ogy trai nin g. B ig secu rity b reach . Reporter 112 13 1 2000 1/12 Shahram Amiri Jeff Hamrick James Beasley SCT-list; CIT
N AMES Pro ject qu ilt disp laye d in Ri nker Circl e K
AIDS Memorial Quilt Fie ld Ho use o n Dec. 11 Reporter 112 13 B1 2000 1/12 Comon Ground In te rnatio na l
Africa n-Ameri can fratern ity g ranted co lon y
Alpha Phi Alpha status. Reporter 112 14 1 2000 1/19 multiculturalism greeks
Informa ti ve articl e abo ut re cyclin g on
Green Stetson ca mpus. Reporter 112 14 1 2000 1/19 David Noyes
Pro pose d ne w gen eral e duca tion Co lle ge o f Arts
Life On Earth re qui remen ts re jected b y facu lty. Reporter 112 14 1 2000 1/19 Robert Boerth Ballenger, Grady an d Scie nces
C ivil ri ghts activist lau nch es sprin g How ard
Vivian, C.T. Thu rmond lecture se ries. Reporter 112 14 1 2000 1/19 multiculturalism racism

Foris, Rick Ceramics artist exhibits his work. Reporter 112 14 B1 2000 1/19 Duncan Gallery of Art Dan Gunderson
Scu lpto r le ctures ab out his wo rk a t Du nca n
Huff, Robert Art Ga lle ry. Reporter 112 14 B1 2000 1/19 Duncan Gallery of Art Dan Gunderson
Stud en t attend ance a t g ames still l ow
Baseball d espi te ince ntives. Reporter 112 15 1 2000 1/26 athletics
H eal th Se rvice s b ega n offe ring mo nthly
Well Women's Clinic cl ini cs for wo men. Reporter 112 15 1 2000 1/26 Women's Council Karen Kaivola

Office o f Marke ti ng an d Exp lan atio n and cri ti cism of u pda te d

Co mmuni cation s ma rketing vi de o requ ested by Bria n Mill er. Reporter 112 15 3 2000 1/26 Public Relations
Geo rge H . Shri ver Lecture se ries spe aker
Wilson, John F. a ddre sses rel igi on in Ameri ca. Reporter 112 15 3 2000 1/26 American Studies
Al umni co nce rt of Earne st Murp hy wel l
Concert re ceive d. Reporter 112 15 B1 2000 1/26 Boyd Jones School of Music Kari Juusela
Gug gen hei m
Berry, Wendell Author and agrarian visits campus. Reporter 112 16 1 2000 2/9 Fou nda ti on Fell ow
Statu s o f Wo men a t Stetson Un iversi ty ha s Women a nd
Women's Council b een re le ased . Reporter 112 16 1 2000 2/9 Karen Kaivola gender equity Gen der Studi es

Au th or an d civil ri ghts advo cate spe aks of Ho wa rd Thu rman

Branch, Taylor Ma rti n Luth er King 's n on -vi ole nce stan ce. Reporter 112 17 1 2000 2/16 L ecture Seri es multiculturalism racism
C hristia n Fe llo wshi p cha pter fo rmed on
Chi Alpha ca mpus. Reporter 112 17 1 2000 2/16 Chuck Rogers
Stew art L ecture In sti tu te fo r
Goodall, Jane Primatologist visits campus tonight. Reporter 112 17 1 2000 2/16 Se ri es Chri sti an Ethics
Schoo l of
C hristin e Lynn , wi dow o f Eug en e Lynn, to Busin ess
Lynn Business Center g ive $1 0,00 0,000 for ren ova ti on of LBC. Reporter 112 17 1 2000 2/16 Brian Miller Admin istration
Tenu re and
Acade mic
Fre edo m
Gomez, Alvaro Music professor exonerated. Reporter 112 17 3 2000 2/16 Faculty Senate Commi ttee School of Music

Newman, Roger Speaker discusses censorship on Internet. Reporter 112 18 1 2000 2/23 computers CIT
Dep artment of
Me moria l service to b e hel d fo r re ti red Comp uter
Medlin, Gene ma th ematics p rofessor. Reporter 112 18 2 2000 2/23 Gareth Williams Scien ce CRICISAM
Ru ssia n Stu die s
Cooperman, Alan Journalist discusses human rights in Russia. Reporter 112 19 1 2000 3/15 Prog ram
En viron menta l Educa ti on pro fe sssor
sp eaks a bou t in corpo rating e colo gi cal
Orr, David d esig n on ca mpus. Reporter 112 19 1 2000 3/15
Ru ssia n Stu die s Dep artment of
Vandenberg, Martina Guest lectures on Russian feminism. Reporter 112 19 1 2000 3/15 Prog ram Russi an Stud ies

Academic Quality Faculty discusses decline in student quality. Reporter 112 19 2 2000 3/15 Michael Branton Gray Maris Dan Hale Eugene Huskey
Hollis Leadership Minor Faculty terminates unfocused minor. Reporter 112 19 3 2000 3/15 Grady Ballenger Diane Everett
Pre side nt Lee p resen ts this en viron men ta l
Talloires Declaration d ocume nt to u nive rsity. Reporter 112 19 3 2000 3/15 ecology pollution environment

Alpha Phi Alpha Discussion about racism in black fraternities. Reporter 112 19 5 2000 3/15 Patrick Coggins Jeffrey Woodyard multiculturalism racism
The structu re of thi s n ew id ea is to in cl ud e
Ce nter fo r R eli gio n and the In sti tu te for Ch ristian Ethi cs a nd the
Cu lture H owa rd Th urman Pro gram. Reporter 112 20 1 2000 3/22 Religious Studies Mitchell Reddish
Arch itect sp ea ks a t Ho ward Thu rman
Madison, Robert L ecture se ries. Reporter 112 20 1 2000 3/22 multiculturalism
Thi rti eth an nua l Fl oyd M. R idd ick Mode l
U nited Sta te s Se nate met fo r o pe nin g
Model senate se ssion s. Reporter 112 20 1 2000 3/22 political science
D ean D ash er unve ils ne w pla ns fo r Sch ool o f Busi ness
Lynn Business Center re nova tion . Reporter 112 20 3 2000 3/22 Ad mini stra ti on

Walker, O. LaFayette Memorial held for retired religion professor. Reporter 112 20 3 2000 3/22
Aqu atic and Ma rine
Bio log y Natural science faculty approve new major. Reporter 112 22 2 2000 4/5 Melissa Gibbs Biology Terry Farrell
SAP an d Ora cle d ona te d enterp rise
Enterp rise Re source re source p la nni ng software to Scho ol o f
Man age ment Bu sine ss Ad mi ni stra ti on. Reporter 112 22 2 2000 4/5 ERP Gary Oliphant Ted Surynt
Femi nist and dau ghter of Al ice Wa lke r Women a nd Gen der
Walker, Rebecca sp eaks a bou t the Third Wave. Reporter 112 22 2 2000 4/5 Stud ies feminism Nancy Vosburg Mary Pollack
Wome n's fa st p itch softb all ,h avin g be en
g iven ma jo r sp ort status two yea rs a go, wil l
Softball n ow ge t a fie ld. Reporter 112 22 B4 2000 4/5 athletics women's athletics women's sports
An othe r ma jor restructuri ng of admi ssion s enro llme nt
Napier, Mary to foll ow re si gn ation . Reporter 112 23 1 2000 4/19 administration mana geme nt James Beasley
Ch arle s A. Frue auff $ 100 ,000 d ona te d to end ow na tu ral
Foun datio n sci ence sch ol arshi ps. Reporter 112 23 3 2000 4/19
Sa x ma n No ble "Thi n Man" Watts to pl ay
Watts, Noble w ith Jazz Ense mble . Reporter 112 23 3 2000 4/19
Scho ol of Busin ess D ean D ash er to re qui re cultura l even t
Admi nistratio n a tten da nce for busi ness stude nts. Reporter 112 23 3 2000 4/19 John Rasp
Wome n's no vice four wi n FIRA sta te
Crew ch ampi on ship . Reporter 112 23 B4 2000 4/19 athletics
Spo rt an d Exercise Sp orts a nd Exe rcise Scie nce maj ors get
Scie nce o n th e jo b tra ini ng at intramu rals. Reporter 112 23 B6 2000 4/19 athletics SES
Vi ce presi den t for fina nce, Jud Stryker,
Endowment e xpla ins p oor en dow ment performa nce . Reporter 112 24 1 2000 4/26 finance Jim Mallett
Drug Testing Athletes surprised by random testing. Reporter 112 24 2 2000 4/26 athletics Glenn Brickey
Honor Code Code explained and approved by SGA. Reporter 112 24 2 2000 4/26 Robert Boerth HCTF
$200 Million Campaign Decade long fundraiser successful. Reporter 113 1 1 2000 8/23 Mark Whittaker
N ew po licy ab ou t camp us parki ng is
Parking Policy e xpla ine d. Reporter 113 1 1 2000 8/23 campus rules
Se arch co ntinu es as posi ti ons in
Enrollment Management a dmissi ons scramb led . Reporter 113 1 1 2000 8/23 James Beasley
Vera Ko ub a, h is dau ghter, d on ated the
mo dern ist p ai nter's coll ection to the a rt
Bluemner, Oscar d epa rtme nt. Reporter 113 1 3 2000 8/23

Ha nd Award for
Excel len ce in Re search Three professors honored for research. Reporter 113 1 3 2000 8/23 John Pearson Peter May Mercedes Tichenor
Ha nd Co mmuni ty An n Ha llu m h ono red for commun ity
Impact Aw ard o utreac h. Reporter 113 1 3 2000 8/23 political science

N ation wid e camp us activitie s for freshme n

Playfair p resen ted at Hol lis Fiel dho use. Reporter 113 1 B1 2000 8/23 FOCUS
Ope n ho use for membe rship ca mpai gn i s
a su ccess. Short history of museu m Dep artment of
Gillespie Museum i nclu ded in articl e. Reporter 113 1 B3 2000 8/23 Bruce Bradford Ge ogra ph y Kick-Off 2000
Faculty New faculty are featured. Reporter 113 2 1 2000 8/30
Natio nal
In te rfra te rnity
Panhellenic Council Sororities change alcohol policy. Reporter 113 2 1 2000 8/30 greeks Con fe rence
Sch ool of Bu sine ss Admi nistratio n wil l
mo ve to b an k w hil e Lynn Bu sine ss C enter
Bank of America Building i s re nova ted. Reporter 113 2 3 2000 8/30 Paul Dascher
En gli sh pro fe ssor win s McEn iry Awa rd for
McEniry Award Exce lle nce in Te achi ng. Reporter 113 2 B1 2000 8/30 Teri Witek poetry

Jo hn Temp leton Fou nd ation a ward s g rant

to two p ro fessors teach ing a co urse ca lle d
Freedom Project Grant Eco nomi c Free do m a nd Hu man Valu es. Reporter 113 2 B3 2000 8/30 Donald Musser Ranjini Thaver
C ommun ity Se rvice simu late d unfai r
d istribu ti on o f wo rld food a t an i ntera cti ve
Hunger Banquet b anq ue t. Reporter 113 2 B3 2000 8/30 Coutney McIntyre Into the Streets poverty

Co nsen sual R ela ti ons Ad mini stra ti on a dop ts ne w rule s a bou t

Pol icy re latio nsh ips be tw een stud ents an d fa culty. Reporter 113 3 1 2000 9/6 Janice Kindred Diane Everett James Beasley
Stree t b eau ti fi cation i s e xpla ine d to
Amelia Avenue Project co mmuni ty. Reporter 113 3 2 2000 9/6

Envi ronme ntal ER C has d evel ope d a new re cyclin g

Re spon sibi litie s C oun cil p rogra m. Reporter 113 3 2 2000 9/6 Robert Sitler Green Team
Stetson cell o professo r p erformed w ith
Concert g roup i n Eli zabe th H all . Reporter 113 3 B2 2000 9/6 School of Music Inman Piano Trio
Mo re discu ssion and re ason s for pro po sed
Amelia Avenue Project ch ang es to th e stre et. Reporter 113 4 1 2000 9/20 David Noyes
Co nse nsua l
Co nsen sual R ela ti ons Bo ard o f Tru ste es ratify the p oli cy. Jim Re la ti ons
Pol icy Be asle y e xpl ain s the ru les. Reporter 113 4 1 2000 9/20 Co mmitte e
Stude nt Gove rnme nt
Associ ation SGA revamps itself again. Reporter 113 4 2 2000 9/20 Brian Mistler
Office o f Institution al Jo hn Ti che nor di scusses stude nt
Re search sa ti sfa cti on su rvey. Reporter 113 4 3 2000 9/20 student life Campus Life
First lecture r o f the H owa rd Th urman
L ecture Se ries spo ke on red iscove ring th e
Felder, Cain Hope Bi ble . Reporter 113 4 B1 2000 9/20 multiculturalism religion
D unca n Gall ery of Art i s e xhib iting a rt from
Klant, Michael the Flo rida Sky Pi ece. Reporter 113 4 B1 2000 9/20 The Shelley Cycle
First uni versity spo nsore d home b reaks
Habitat for Humanity g roun d. Reporter 113 5 2 2000 9/27 Mitchell Reddish

Values Council Committees give updates at meeting. Reporter 113 6 1 2000 10/4 Donald Musser Robert Sitler Courtney McIntyre
Master's De gree in N ew jo int pro gram to offe r a n MBA in
Edu cation al Le ad eshi p e duca tion al ad mini stra ti on. Reporter 113 6 3 2000 10/4 Frank DeZoort
Exp lan atio n of h ono r system gi ven a lon g
Honor Code w ith fo ur po int outli ne of code . Reporter 113 6 7 2000 10/4 Robert Boerth

Faculty Senate The august group ratifies the revised by-laws Reporter 113 7 1 2000 10/18 Jane Bradford Tandy Grubbs
C entral Asia sp eci ali st focuse s o n Ru ssia n Stu die s
Fierman, William tran sition al p robl ems in po st-So viet era. Reporter 113 7 1 2000 10/18 Prog ram

A repo rt o n ini ti atives for an in clusi ve Cl imate for

Diversity Council u nive rsity w as de live red to admi nistratio n. Reporter 113 7 3 2000 10/18 ALANA multiculturalism Di versity Stu dy
So rority membe r e xpl ain s e xperi ence o f
Rho Chi ru sh. Reporter 113 7 B1 2000 10/18 greeks
C hech en Fore ign Mi nister exp lai ns th e war Ru ssia n Stu die s
Akhmadov, Ilias i n Che chn ya. Reporter 113 8 1 2000 10/25 Prog ram Eugene Huskey

D aug hter of An drew Youn g spea ks a bo ut Ho wa rd Thu rman Wome n an d Ge nde r

Young, Andrea the w ome n in the civi l righ ts move ment. Reporter 113 8 1 2000 10/25 L ecture Prog ram multiculturalism racism Stu die s
Mo re ana lysis o f the di versity repo rt that
w as prese nted to the Presi den t's Staff,
Bo ard o f Tru ste es, a nd Stude nt Life Fa culty Dive rsity
Diversity Council C ommittee. Reporter 113 8 2 2000 10/25 ALANA multiculturalism inclusiveness In itiative
The Inte rnatio nal Symp osiu m focu ses on L atin America n Hub er Matos; The Pro mise of
International Symposium C uba 's past and fu tu re. Reporter 113 9 1 2000 11/1 Stud ies Prog ram Wal do L eyva Cu ba William Nylen
The C uba n CIERI dire cto r e xpla ine d th e L atin America n
Fabelo, Rigoberto o bje cti ves for his pro gram. Reporter 113 9 2 2000 11/1 Stud ies Prog ram William Nylen Robert Sitler
Jator-H ausma nn, An a Au th or an d econ omist spea ks a t L atin America n
Jul ia Intern atio nal Symp osiu m o n Cub a Reporter 113 9 2 2000 11/1 Stud ies Prog ram William Nylen
The Ph i Beta Kap pa visi ti ng scho la r wi ll
Marling, Karal Ann l ecture on The me Parks an d Utopi as. Reporter 113 9 3 2000 11/1 Phi Beta Kappa
The Kyrg yzstani j ourn ali st de scribe s h er Ru ssia n Stu die s Dep artment of
Sydykova, Zamira ca reer an d po litics of her cou ntry. Reporter 113 9 3 2000 11/1 Prog ram Russi an Stud ies
The p arty chai rman di scusses di fficu lties of
d eal ing with the go vernme nt o f Ru ssia n Stu die s Dep artment of
Tokombaev, Giaz Kyrg yzsta n. Reporter 113 9 3 2000 11/1 Prog ram Russi an Stud ies
H olo caust Co ncert prese nts w orks by th e JoAnn a Music at th e Edge o f
Concert vi cti ms. Reporter 113 9 B3 2000 11/1 Vikto Kuna Sobko wska School of Music Life: A Con cert
U nive rsity ch ap lin p lan nin g fo r a n
Baskett, Laura Walters a lterna tive spri ng bre ak. Reporter 113 10 1 2000 11/8

Food Deliveries Student run food delivery sevice shut down. Reporter 113 10 1 2000 11/8 Maginot, Andrea Michelle Espinosa Student Life Boomerang Deliveries

Greenfeather Fundraiser more successful than in past. Reporter 113 10 1 2000 11/8

Stude nts Me ntorin g for

Achi eveme nt C ampa ign SMAC organizers decry weak participation. Reporter 113 10 1 2000 11/8 David Hannweber Chris Johnson Jeb Bush

Residential Life Stetson Hall receives 24/7 visitation rights. Reporter 113 10 2 2000 11/8 Visitation Policy Espinosa, Michelle Campus Life

U nive rsity o f Flori da a rt pro fe ssor to

Ward, John p resen t h is work in D unca n Ga lle ry o f Art. Reporter 113 10 2 2000 11/8

Plaut, Gunther Kristallnacht to be commemorated by Rabbi. Reporter 113 10 3 2000 11/8 Religion
Women a nd Gen der
Hornbacher, Mayra Author talks about her book on anorexia. Reporter 113 10 B1 2000 11/8 Stud ies
The sq ua d pla yed its fi rst ga me aga in st
Rugby D aytona Beach R ugb y C lub . Reporter 113 10 B5 2000 11/8 athletics
Stud en t Re lig iou s L ife Cou ncil sp on sored
OXFAM the h un ger ba nqu et. Reporter 113 11 1 2000 11/22
C IT has cut access to pro fe ssors off-
Internet ca mpus u se of Intern et. Up roar foll ows. Reporter 113 11 2 2000 11/22 technology computers
De lta Ai rlin es Ma gda len e Strumecki ,a Sp ani sh majo r,
Interna ti ona l Scho lar h as recei ved thi s a ward . Reporter 113 11 3 2000 11/22
Kal eid oscop e Natio na l Two scie nce pro fessors sel ected to atte nd
Assemb ly the co nfere nce Reporter 113 12 1 2000 12/6 Michael King Wayne Staats
Ta sk force h osted a foru m to di scuss th e
Honor Code co de. Reporter 113 12 2 2000 12/6 Robert Boerth
C. Carter Co lwe ll Gan g Hwa n is the 20 01 reci pie nt of thi s
Scho larsh ip a ward for min ority stude nts. Reporter 113 12 3 2000 12/6
D on Musse r a nd R aji ni Th ave r e xpla in Jo hn Templ eton
Freedom Project Grant co urse be in g offe red this seme ste r. Reporter 113 13 2 2001 1/17 Fou nda ti on economic freedom human values
C oach Mu rray Arn ol d ste ps dow n and Je ff
Al ti er name s th e new h ead co ach for
Waugh, Derek b asketb all . Reporter 113 13 B5 2001 1/17 athletics basketball
N ew min or in be in g offe red in the so ciol ogy Kimb erly Flin t- Fi nne gan Al fo rd- Dep artment of
Anthropology d epa rtme nt. Reporter 113 14 1 2001 1/24 Ha milton Coo per Charles Vedder Socio log y
H owa rd Th urman l ecturer comb in ed
re lig ion a nd mu sic to p romote hu man
Chandler, Marvin ri ghts. Reporter 113 14 1 2001 1/24 multiculturalism racism

Pre pari ng Tomo rrow's Tea chers to Use

PT3 Te chno log y g ran t he lps ed ucatio n majo rs. Reporter 113 14 1 2001 1/24 education computers Patty LeBlanc
Montgomery, Robert First African-American trustee named. Reporter 113 14 2 2001 1/24 Board of Trustees
Stud en t Re lig iou s L ife Cou ncil sp on sored
30-Hour Famine a noth er hun ger ba nqu et. Reporter 113 16 1 2001 2/14 Jonathan Bailey World Vision
Di rector of Jo hn Je tt expl ain s h is role for this ne w
Envi ronme ntal Affai rs p ositio n. Reporter 113 16 1 2001 2/14

Afri can-Ame rican

Black History Month Glenis Redmond presented her poetry. Reporter 113 16 B1 2001 2/14 multiculturalism History Mon th

H owa rd Th urman l ecturer wa s a pp aren tl y Black Hi sto ry African -America n

Nelson, Jill N OT covere d by th e Re porter this we ek. Reporter 113 16 B6 2001 2/14 multiculturalism Month Women
Step he n Rob inso n, Mi chae l Rickma n,
Pa mela C ob urn, Lex Vil ano va performe d El Salva dor
Concert for ea rth qu ake victims. Reporter 113 17 1 2001 2/21 music ben efit c once rt
Articl e spotli gh ti ng the jo b of re side nt
Resident Advisers a dviso rs. Reporter 113 17 1 2001 2/21 Residential Life RA
R equ ired self-study rep orts re lea sed an d
SACS d iscusse d. Reporter 113 17 1 2001 2/21 Stetson statistics
Stud ent Publ icatio ns
Yearbook Yearbook might be discontinued. Reporter 113 17 2 2001 2/21 Bo ard Critical web site explained and defended. Reporter 113 18 1 2001 2/28 Brian Miller
Pa ul Je ro me-Cro ce revi ews No vak's visit Ame ri can En te rprise
Novak, Michael a nd le cture. Reporter 113 18 5 2001 2/28 Institute American Studies
C oll egi ate Musi c Ed ucators Na ti ona l
C onfere nce ,a stud ent run Broa dw ay
CMENC mu sical i s re vued . Reporter 113 19 1 2001 3/21 School of Music
Stude nt Gove rnme nt
Associ ation SGA change procedures to election. Reporter 113 19 2 2001 3/21

R epo rte r sta ff a ga in rece ived "Be st

Florida Leader Magazine C ampu s N ewsp ap er". Stil l hard to b eli eve! Reporter 113 21 1 2001 4/4
C han ge i n pol icy fo r se nio r h ousi ng is met
Housing Policy w ith resistan ce. Reporter 113 21 1 2001 4/4 Michelle Espinosa Residential Life
Un derg radu ate
Scho larsh ip an d
Performa nce Da y Brief guide to the presentations. Reporter 113 21 3 2001 4/4 Kevin Riggs USAPD
H ispa nic Organ iza ti on for Latin Ameri can
Aw aren ess hosts vario us gro ups for
HOLA H ispa nic Week. Reporter 113 21 B1 2001 4/4 Mariachi Band Klem-Mari Cajigas
An othe r H owa rd Thu rman l ecturer NOT
Butts III, Calvin O. co vered b y th e Rep orter. Reporter 113 21 B3 2001 4/4 multiculturalism
Su fi tea che r a nd po et w ill a ppe ar at Fo rest Po etry At An
Shahabuddin, Less o f Arden poe try rea din g. Reporter 113 21 B3 2001 4/4 Un cou th H our
Exp lan atio n of sco ring i n intramu ral
Intramurals co mpetitio n. Reporter 113 21 B5 2001 4/4 greeks President's Cup
Sh ort b io grap hy of n ew men 's baske tb all
Waugh, Derek co ach. Reporter 113 21 B5 2001 4/4 athletics
Stetson 's club h ono red a s Flo rida 's C lub o f
Circle K the Yea r. Reporter 113 22 1 2001 4/11 Kiwanis International
An imatio n an d vide os show cased a t 3 rd
Video Contest a nnu al vi deo co ntest. Reporter 113 22 1 2001 4/11 DA digital arts
The se nio r is one o f 20 Flo rida stud en ts
w ho wi ll be re cog nize d at the Flo rida
C oll ege S tu den t of th e Yea r Awa rd Flori da L ead er
Maldonado, Luis ce remon y. Reporter 113 22 B2 2001 4/11 Mag azi ne
En viron menta l orga niza ti on wi ll spo nsor envi ronme ntal
Roots & Shoots thi s ye ar's Earth Week. Reporter 113 23 1 2001 4/25 Joseph Siry stu die s global warming
Facu lty Se nate
Facu lty se na te co mmitte e prese nted a nd Aca demi c Qua lity
Academic Quality e xpla ine d the rep ort to full facu lty. Reporter 113 23 2 2001 4/25 Co mmitte e Michael Branton Eugene Huskey Initiative Draft
N ew system be ing i ntrodu ced for
Banner re gistratio n. Reporter 114 1 1 2001 8/22 Registrar computers
N ew, h eal th ie r me nu an d differen t ho urs
Hat Rack a re introd uce d. Reporter 114 1 1 2001 8/22 Food Services
Food Service Big changes in menu, variety and style. Reporter 114 1 1 2001 8/22 Food Services
Sh ort b io grap hy of n ew vio lin ist from
Alfonzo, Jesus Ven ezu ala . Reporter 114 1 B2 2001 8/22 School of Music
Intervi ew wi th Athl etic Dire cto r a bou t the
Altier, Jeff co ache s. Reporter 114 1 B5 2001 8/22 athletics

Dowling, Sally Auditor is now Vice-President of Finance. Reporter 114 2 1 2001 8/29 administration James Beasley

Espinosa, Michelle Acting Dean of Students promoted to Dean. Reporter 114 2 1 2001 8/29 administration James Beasley

H ono r C od e Ta sk Force l oose s its facu lty

Honor Code ch airma n an d perh aps its hea dwa y. Reporter 114 2 1 2001 8/29 Robert Boerth
De pa rtme nt o f
Language Lab Sampson Hall lab has all new technology. Reporter 114 2 1 2001 8/29 Fore ign L ang uag es
Goo d articl e hig hli ghtin g th e rock an d
Gillespie Museum mi nera l museu m. Reporter 114 2 3 2001 8/29 Bruce Bradford
Sh ort d escrip tion o f the ne west ad ditio n to
Academic Support Office the C ou nsel ing C enter. Reporter 114 2 B2 2001 8/29 Penny Gibbons

Stude nt Sa ti sfa ction Jo hn Ti che nor di scusses stude nt Office o f Institutio nal
Surve y sa ti sfa cti on su rvey. Reporter 114 3 1 2001 9/5 Re sea rch student life
H istorica l bui ldi ng re ceive s g rants fo r Na ti on al Re gister of
DeLand Hall re nova tion a nd pre servatio n. Reporter 114 3 3 2001 9/5 Hi sto ric Pla ce s David Noyes
Sh ort a rti cle o n contrib ution a nd d ifficu lties commuter
Non-Traditional students o f be in g an ol der stude nt. Reporter 114 3 B1 2001 9/5 student life stu den ts
C ampu s stun ne d by te rrorist atta ck i n New
Terrorism York an d Wash ing to n. Reporter 114 4 1 2001 9/19 World Trade Center
D ebo rah Thomp son h as bee n app oin te d
vi ce-pre side nt in cha rge of recrui tme nt,
Enrollment Management re te ntio n, a dmissi ons, and fin anci al a id. Reporter 114 4 2 2001 9/19 Mary Napier
N ew an ti -haz ing p oli cy tie d to SAFAC
Hazing fun din g. Al l club s mu st sig n. Reporter 114 4 3 2001 9/19 Student Life
Stud ent Activi ty Fee
All oca ti on
SAFAC Funding is distributed for organizations. Reporter 114 5 1 2001 9/26 Co mmitte e student life
Exp lan atio n of w hy livi ng off ca mpus cuts
Financial Aid i nto stu de nt sch ola rship s. Reporter 114 5 B1 2001 9/26 residential life
H owa rd Th urman L ecture r sp eaks of race
Bynum, Victoria a nd g end er. Reporter 114 5 B2 2001 9/26 multiculturalism slavery
Faci litie s Ma nag eme nt co ntinu es to
i mple ment recycli ng , gre en la ndsca pin g Gill espi e Na ti ve
Envionment a nd p esticid e fre e prog rams. Reporter 114 6 1 2001 10/3 John Jett grey water Pla nt Proje ct
Ex-stud en t an d Ste tso n settled l awsu it o f Da vid Wo men's He alth
Leo, Natalie se xual a ssua lt. Reporter 114 6 1 2001 10/3 Ra usch enb erge r Day
Math Clinic Popularity of math tutors soars. Reporter 114 7 1 2001 10/17 Mathematics
C ommun icatio ns Studi es professo r n ot De pa rtme nt o f
Woodyard, Jeffery a llo wed to tea ch th is semester. Reporter 114 7 1 2001 10/17 The ater Arts

U nive rsity Mo rta r Bo ard ch apter is on e of

Silver Torch Award 2 8 scho ols that has ea rned th is awa rd. Reporter 114 7 2 2001 10/17 honor society
Carn egi e
Endo wmen t for
R ussia n po litica l commen ta to r sp eaks Ru ssia n Stu die s In te rnatio na l
Shevstova, Lilia a bou t cu rrent affa irs and Vl adi mir Putin Reporter 114 7 3 2001 10/17 Prog ram Peace Eugene Huskey
D igi ta l Arts stu de nts sh owca se th eir
FMAN cre ation s at N iteli ghts. Reporter 114 7 B2 2001 10/17 DA computer science
L ehi gh U nive rsity p rofessor gi ves lecture Ru ssia n Stu die s
Menor, Rajan o n Russi an re pub lics. Reporter 114 7 B2 2001 10/17 Prog ram
Co lle ge De mocrats vs. D eba te fo cused o n hig hly con troversi al
Co lle ge Re pub lica ns top ics. Reporter 114 8 1 2001 10/24 political science current affairs
An othe r sw itch at H at R ack returns mea t to
Hat Rack me nu. Reporter 114 8 1 2001 10/24 Commons dining services food services
Jo hn Je tt expl ain s a ll the wa ys the e nviro nmen ta l Fa cili ti es
Stetson Recycles u nive rsity sa ves en ergy, e tc. Reporter 114 8 1 2001 10/24 se rvi ces Mana geme nt

ASCAP Kari Juusela honored for his compositions. Reporter 114 8 2 2001 10/24 School of Music
First ti me in un iversi ty h istory fo r stud ents
Registration to reg ister on lin e. Reporter 114 9 1 2001 11/7

Al coho l Fre e 20 00 Task Force ha s tea med

Alcohol Policy w ith Th om's Shu ttle to pro vide free ri de s. Reporter 114 9 1 2001 11/7 Shelly Stoops Jim Budke Safe Ride

Ph i Beta Kap pa visi ti ng scho lar to spe ak

Anderson, Terry o n eco nomi cs a nd en viron mental i ssue s. Reporter 114 9 2 2001 11/7
N ew metho ds are su ccessfull y u sed to
Greenfeather re ach g oal s. Reporter 114 9 2 2001 11/7 Brian Derby
Pe rfo rmance compe ti ti on be tw een g ree ks
Airwaves i s re view ed. Reporter 114 9 B1 2001 11/7 Greenfeather
Po etry p rofesso r g ives a rea din g at
Joseph, Allison D unca n Gall ery. Reporter 114 9 B1 2001 11/7
Se cond fa ll Ho ward Thu rma n le ctu re
Nash, Diane fea tu res civil ri gh ts pi one er. Reporter 114 9 B2 2001 11/7 multiculturalism civil rights
Vol unte ers fro m Stetson i nclu de AKA,
Al pha P hi Alph a, Into the Stree ts, and the
Chisholm Center Se rvice Statio n. Reporter 114 10 1 2001 11/14 Jerome Porter community center
SGA h old s more di scussio ns with stude nts
a bou t the cu rrent pol icy. Surve y re sults
Honor Code p ubl ishe d. Reporter 114 10 1 2001 11/14 Academic affairs

Law School Pre-law panel give advice to hopeful students Reporter 114 10 1 2001 11/14 Career Services Phi Alpha Delta Pamela Coleman
Torres, Ruben Memorial service held for student. Reporter 114 10 1 2001 11/14
C arib bea n Cl ub cel ebra te s h eritag e with
Caribbean Club foo d, music. Reporter 114 10 B1 2001 11/14 Shilpa Kirpalani Caribbean Week
Pro fe ssor fro m Del awa re Sta te d efend s
Williams, Yohuru Bl ack Pan th er Party a t le ctu re. Reporter 114 10 B1 2001 11/14 Phi Alpha Theta multiculturalism racism
C onstructio n an d repa irs beg in. Sho rt
Holler Fountain h istory of fo untai n. Reporter 114 11 1 2001 11/21 David Noyes
Impo rta nce o f yea rboo k to stud ents to b e
Yearbook e xamin ed . Reporter 114 11 1 2001 11/21 Jenny Wills Darald Stubbs Hatter
Aca demi c Qu ali ty Initia ti ves Rep ort
Academic Quality e xpla ins its ei ght year pl an. Reporter 114 12 1 2001 12/5 Eugene Huskey
D r. Rob Bra dy is te ach ing j udo a t Ho lli s
Martial Arts C enter. Sh ort expl ana ti on of prog ram. Reporter 114 12 1 2001 12/5 aikido

Residential Life Residential Life survey results discussed. Reporter 114 12 1 2001 12/5 Michelle Espinosa Student Survey Campus Life
Pre side nt Dou g Lee i s h ono red a s 2 001
March of Dimes Vol usia C oun ty C itizen o f the Ye ar. Reporter 114 12 2 2001 12/5

The D epa rtment of Mo dern L ang ua ges

Poe ts of th e Ame ricas in a nd L iterature s h osted seve ral po ets fro m
Di alo gue L atin America , C uba a nd Pue rto R ico. Reporter 114 12 B2 2001 12/5
N ew rel igi on pro fessor jo ins in tra mural s
Lee, Ken tea m. Sh ort b iog raph y. Reporter 114 12 B5 2001 12/5 faculty Religious Studies
N CAA Infractio ns Commi ttee i s
i nvestig atin g 15 vio latio ns incu rred du rin g
Baseball the te nure o f Murra y Arno ld. Reporter 114 13 1 2002 1/16 athletics Jeff Altier
Te nor al um Erne st Murp hy returns to
Concert p erform in Eli zab eth Hal l. Reporter 114 13 2 2002 1/16 School of Music

C ong ressman visits Sage H all . Will h elp

Mica, John faci litate fed eral a ssistance for ren ovati on. Reporter 114 13 2 2002 1/16
Thu rman L ecture Seri es latest spea ker
tal ks o f g ene ration al ga ps in kn owle dg e of
Curry, Constance ci vil rig hts mo vemen t. Reporter 114 14 1 2002 1/23 Freedom Movement multiculturalism racism
D r. Wayn e Di ck son wa nts to reva mp th e
p rogra m. Ch an ges are n eed ed to kee p it
Honors Program vi abl e. Reporter 114 14 1 2002 1/23 John Rasp Honors Council
An th rop olo gist spea ks a bou t ra ce and
Oubre, Alondra vi ole nce. Reporter 114 14 2 2002 1/23 multiculturalism racism

Win ner of the Guitar Foun datio n of

Masters, Martha Ame rica comp etitio n performe d fl awl essly. Reporter 114 14 B2 2002 1/23 School of Music
Forme r stud en t kil led i n crash in So uth
Bond, Shelby Lyn Africa . Reporter 114 15 1 2002 1/30
Eco nomi c d ow nturn up sets u nive rsity
Budget b udg et. Reporter 114 15 1 2002 1/30 James Beasley Banner system H. Douglas Lee
The olo gia n an d reli gio us histori an to gi ve
Marty, Martin thre e le ctu res. Reporter 114 15 2 2002 1/30 Religious Studies
GreenHat Media WHAT attempting to broadcast online. Reporter 114 15 3 2002 1/30 Michael Branton Steve Barnett
R eno vatio n is compl ete with ad miratio n by
Holler Fountain a ll. Reporter 114 16 1 2002 2/13 David Noyes
Stud en t studyi ng in Sp ain d ie s i n hit and
Martinez, Marcela ru n accid en t. Reporter 114 16 1 2002 2/13
Pi Kappa Delta Debate team reinstated on campus. Reporter 114 16 3 2002 2/13 Takeata King Pang Frank Irizarry
Emb ell ishi ng Ed en, a to urin g exhi bit fro m
D aytona Commu nity Col leg e,wil l be on So uthea st Muse um Harri s Pi ctu res
Gillespie Museum d ispl ay.` Reporter 114 16 B1 2002 2/13 o f Pho to grap hy coll ection
Ph i Al pha The ta invi te s U CF p rofessor to
Bledsoe, Robert sp eak o n Afgh ani sta n Reporter 114 16 B2 2002 2/13
Je ff Hamri ck, Pau l Stu k, a nd Katie Sp ence Co nso rti um on
Mathe matical C ontest in d emon stra te and e xpla in thei r e ntry fo r Math ematics an d its
Mod eli ng MC M. Reporter 114 17 1 2002 2/20 Ap pli cation s COMAP Lisa Coulter
Ro lan d Ge orge L atest successe s for stude nts i n pro gram
Investmen t Prog ram o utlin ed . Reporter 114 17 1 2002 2/20 Jim Mallett
R etirin g music pro fessors ho nore d at two
Rich, Robert a lumn i con ce rts. Reporter 114 17 2 2002 2/20 Mollie Rich

H istory professo r fro m U nive rsity o f Bla ck Stu den t

Williams, Yohuru D ela ware d iscu sse s lynch ing i n th e south. Reporter 114 17 3 2002 2/20 Asso ciatio n Kristen Williams
Vi gne ttes, pe rfo rme d on V-da y C oll ege Women a nd Gen der
Theater Performance C ampa ign 200 0, a re a roari ng succe ss. Reporter 114 17 B1 2002 2/20 Stud ies Iliana Mankin Vagina Monologues
Donalty, Christopher Memorial service held for student. Reporter 114 18 1 2002 3/27 Sigma Phi Epsilon
Model Senate Rundown on the 32nd annual meeting. Reporter 114 18 1 2002 3/27 Stanley Bach
Pre side nt of Walt Disn ey Wo rld
C orpo ration was gu est sp eake r a t the
Weiss, Alan Ba ptist Col leg iate Min istry. Reporter 114 18 B1 2002 3/27 BCM
Pu bli catio n of ye arbo ok to ce ase a fter this
Yearbook ye ar. Reporter 114 20 1 2002 4/17 Darald Stubbs
ASA he ld eve nts to en lig hten the stud ent Asian Stud en ts
Asian Heritage Week b ody. Reporter 114 20 B1 2002 4/17 Rob Brady Associa ti on
Flori da Phi loso phi cal
Associ ation 47th annual conference is held on campus. Reporter 114 20 B2 2001 11/14 Ron Hall Rob Brady Hoyt Edge
Stetson Hatters defea te d th e 11th ran ked
Baseball Gators 6-3 . Reporter 114 20 B5 2002 4/17 athletics
Schoo l of
The a ccou nting p rogra m w ill ch ang e in the Busin ess
Accounting Program fal l to i nclu de i nformatio n syste ms. Reporter 114 21 1 2002 4/24 Vince Brenner Admin istration
D avid N oyes g ives up date on va riou s
Construction o ngo in g proj ects a roun d campu s. Reporter 114 21 1 2002 4/24
L ast H owa rd Th urman l ecture r for this
se ason , w ill tal k a bou t Martin L uther Kin g's How ard Thurma n
Branch, Taylor l ega cy. Reporter 114 21 2 2002 4/24 multiculturalism Lecture Se rie s
U nive rsity o f Flori da h ead b aseb all co ach
McMahon, Pat i s 1 976 Ste tso n grad uate. Reporter 114 21 B6 2002 4/24 baseball athletics
A recap o f the staff turn over throu gho ut Dire cto r o f
Staffing va riou s d ep artments of the U nive rsity. Reporter 115 1 1 2002 8/21 Registrar Stu den t L ife
N ew vie wbo oks are the h igh lig ht o f the
n ew tag lin e fo r Stetson : "We excite the
Stetson Viewbooks mi nd." Reporter 115 1 1 2002 8/21 admissions
McEn iry Awa rd fo r
D r. Phil lip L ucas wi ns the McEni ry Award Exce lle nce in
Lucas, Phillip for exce lle nce i n te achi ng. Reporter 115 1 2 2002 8/21 Tea chin g Religious Studies
The 1 21 st con vocatio n of th e uni versity
w as hel d on Aug . 17 , we lcomi ng al l ne w
Convocation stud en ts Reporter 115 1 3 2002 8/21 H. Douglas Lee
5 2 resid en ce hal ls and o th er bu ild ing s
Facilities Management w ere remo de led d urin g th e summer. Reporter 115 1 A1 2002 8/28 Residential Life David Noyes DeLand Hall
The Be st Inn a ccomod ated the o verflow o f
stud en ts li ving o n campu s a nd in nee d of
Housing Policy temp orary ho usi ng. Reporter 115 1 A1 2002 8/28 University Inn Residential Life Overflow Housing
The stu den t acco unts dep artmen t refuse d
to con tinu e all owi ng stude nts to ch arge
Textbooks textbo oks to th eir acco unt. Reporter 115 1 A1 2002 8/28 Student accounts Bookstore
The H ono r Cod e is read y for its tri al pe riod
w hich w ill d etermin e if it b ecome s a
Honor Code p erman en t fixture. Reporter 115 1 A3 2002 8/28 Honor pledge SGA Honor Council Faculty Senate

R emoten ess of th e LBC wi ll be a p robl em,

Lynn Business Center b ut b ui ldi ng con stru cti on is wo rth whi le. Reporter 115 1 A4 2002 8/28
C olu mnist Meg L oftu s o ffers he r take o n
Music Sharing the i ntern et mu sic-sha ring b oom. Reporter 115 1 A4 2002 8/21 Napster music Kazaa
A discu ssion and co mpari son of th e
Housing Policy Stetson overflo w hou sing p robl em. Reporter 115 1 A4 2002 8/28 Residential Life Overflow Housing
Overvi ew of the Re porter staff an d how i t is
Reporter re prese ntative o f camp us life di versity. Reporter 115 1 A4 2002 8/21
H igh tl igh ts o f po or room con ditio ns in
Stetson dormi to ries, particu larl y Stetson
Stetson Hall H all . Reporter 115 1 A5 2002 8/21 dormitories Residential Life
A recap o f the Fal l 200 5 FOCU S
FOCUS o rien ta tion p rogra m. Reporter 115 1 B1 2002 8/21 Residential Life new students Playfair

R esid ent assi ta nts a rrived e arly for tra ini ng

Resident Assistants se ssion s p rio r to the start o f the seme ster. Reporter 115 1 B1 2002 8/21 Residential Life student life
The se ven b ranch es th at ma ke up the
Values Council Val ues Co unci l. Reporter 115 1 B1 2002 8/21 H. Douglas Lee
Su gg estion s for al te rnative b oo k-b uyi ng
Textbooks so urces ch eap er th an the bo okstore . Reporter 115 1 B2 2002 8/21 Bookstore Student accounts

Intramurals Intramural season preview and promotion. Reporter 115 1 B5 2002 8/21 Student life
Pre view o f the Fal l 200 2 soccer sea son for
Soccer b oth the men 's a nd w omen 's tea ms. Reporter 115 1 B5 2002 8/21 athletics sports
Stud en ts sel ected to be FOC US (Fri end s
Fo cus sta ff sele cte d for o n Camp us Un iting Stud ents) lea de rs in Dep artment of
revamp ed pro gra m Chris Evans FOCUS 2 006 . Reporter 118 10 A1 2006 2/23 Leonard Nance Fi rst Ye ar Stu die s Jeff Cara; Cory Suter; Heidi Reusswick 1

En viron mental
Re spo nsib ili ty
Co un cil, Stu den t
D escrib es ne w prog ram th at p rovid es fre e Miche lle Gove rnmen t
SGA introd uces H ono r Bi ke Ho nor Bike Pro gram b icycle s to the Stetson co mmuni ty as a n En viron ment; Espin osa; Pau l Asso ciatio n; Ke vin Winch ell ; Rya n Hutso n; C hris
Progra m Cody Stapleton (HBP) a lterna tive to cars. Reporter 118 10 A1 2006 2/23 we lln ess Croce Ho no rs Pro gram D eLu ca; Ashl ey Gra y
Te mpora ry ro of p ut on Hu lle y Tow er ba se Mau sole um;
New H ull ey Towe r o nly u ntil ne w towe r a nd cari llo n can be Be lls; Cari llon ; Li nco ln Hu lle y;
te mpora ry Marie Villard Hulley Tower e rected . Reporter 118 10 A1 2006 2/23 Elo ise C hime s New Carillon Fund Elo ise H ull ey 1

N ew pro gram tha t gi ves Ste tso n stu de nts Alu mni Associ ation ;
On e Here … One The re the o ptio n of p ayin g an e xtra twe nty d oll ars Stud ent
brin gs hop e to stu den ts in o n th ei r tui ti on to hel p spon sor a stude nt i n Gove rnmen t
Afri ca Cody Stapleton One Here… One There Africa for o ne yea r. Reporter 118 10 A1 2006 2/23 Asso ciatio n (SGA) H. Douglas Lee Values Peter Urscheler

10th Ann ual C aree r Exp o C aree r Se rvices h osts i ts 10 th a nnu al Ke lly Cle ary; Jill
offe rs g uid ance fo r stud ents Samantha Lange Career Expo C aree r Exp ositi on on Feb ruary 16 , 20 06 . Reporter 118 10 A2 2006 2/23 Career Services Alpha Kappa Psi Ru shb ro ok Megan Hicks

Al umnu s C raig Crawfo rd (197 8) lecture s

o n his n ew bo ok, Attack th e Messe nge r:
H ow Pol iticia ns Turn You Aga in st the
Me dia o n Febru ary 6, 2 006 . (Article first
Alumn i Craw fo rd spea ks on a ppe are d inco mple te o n Fe brua ry 1 6, Po litical Scien ce Distin gui shed Alu mni
pol itics and me dia Marie Villard Crawford, Craig 2 006 .) Reporter 118 10 A3 2006 2/23 Lecture Wayne Bailey De pa rtme nt Aw ard wi nn er

C rysta l Elli s; Ch ristina Sch afer; Je ssily

R amire z; Le ah Sul liva n; Davi dson
H obso n; Se an Ba rth ; Kristin a Morga n;
D ylee ng Bea ch; Wil l Sto etzer; Kevin
Win chel l; Zib Ph ilb in; J.D . Ca in; Marie
Stu den t Gove rnmen t Stude nt Gove rnme nt D etail s o f SGA me eting o n Fe brua ry 1 5, Vi lla rd ; Ang lim; Baker; Cob le; Hei nen ;
Associa ti on none Associ ation 2 006 Reporter 118 10 A3 2006 2/23 Ma zza; D rew Glasn ovich ; Will Stoe tzer
Opi non on Greg No lan 's opi nio n pie ce on
g rammar that ap pea red in the Feb rua ry
In Defense of Pedantry Cary Bleasdale Opinion Column 1 6, 2 00 6 issue . Reporter 118 10 A4 2006 2/23 Greg Nolan
Somethi ng Abo ut Your
Private Li fe Chris Fowle Opinion Column Opinion on gossip. Reporter 118 10 A4 2006 2/23 Chris Fowle 1
Negotiations Roscoe T. Gort Satire Column University satire. Reporter 118 10 A4 2006 2/23
Ma tt Hen derso n; L au ra Stra chman ;
H ave a He art Wee k e nco urag es Uni versity An to ine tte Cl arke; Brittany Kin g; Ju lia
stud en ts to do ran dom acts of kind ness for Hab itat for H anki n; Be th Ma tz ; A ubry Kusi v; Ra ndi
Have a Heart was full of love Katie Geroux Have a Heart Week e ach o th er. Reporter 118 10 B1 2006 2/23 Into the Streets Huma nity D avis 1
C arissa C onn er; Ja son Bl anton ;
R ebe cca Made rski; R ob Esp arza;
Tiffa ny Hue t; Marqu is Fu se; Ash er
Broad way Re viue and i ts R evie w of Ste tso n's "Broa dwa y Over Ti me" Wald ron; Ge ri Moril lo; Matt Sp arks;
'Lo vely' theme Cristin Forrest Music Review o n Fe bru ary 15, 200 6. Reporter 118 10 B1 2006 2/23 Wess Broo ker 2
Sa rah Fall er; L uke Mo ja; Mark
Plan s for Sp ri ng Bre ak 200 6 Su nde rlan d; Te resa Spe ide l; Paul o
incl ude : rel axatio n an d R ibe iro; Cai o Buen o; Fi lip e Silva ; Mari na
tra vel Heather Martyn Spring Break Students plans for Spring Break 2006. Reporter 118 10 B1 2006 2/23 C ape to

Th e Barron Qu artet; R ecital o f the Ba rron Quartet on Feb ruary Da vid Bj ell a; Ph oeb e Ge lze r-Go vatos; Ishtar
Ensemb le Musi c Sophia Couzo Barron Quartet 2 1, 2 00 6. Reporter 118 10 B2 2006 2/23 Chamber Music String Quartet Da ve Gleru m H erna nde z; Da nie l Co rte s; Franci so Vila 1
C atheri ne Ca nad y; Ann a Leo nen ko;
Stetson defea ts the Un iversi ty of No rth Ma rina L evin ; Mil ica Mil ovan ovic; Maja
Women's tennis defeats UNF Michael Hodges Tennis, Women's Flo rida , 5-2 o n Febru ary 18, 200 6. Reporter 118 10 C1 2006 2/23 Sasha Schmid Mi lad ino vic; Sa mantha Lan ge 3
Se rgei Bo ula no v; Marcu s Ech tl er; Jo ey
Men' s ten nis fall s to No rth Stetson lose s to Un iversi ty of North Jo nes; Eddi e Majc her; Mario C ayo;
Fl orid a Jim Burleson Tennis, Men's Flo rida , 2-5 o n Febru ary 18, 200 6. Reporter 118 10 C2 2006 2/23 Bi rger Soi lan d 4
D iscusse s o nli ne g ivin g, i nclu din g a
ch all eng e from James an d Deb orah
Sch nei de r to match thei r $ 25,00 0
On lin e givi ng h ope s to d ona tion . Jame s Sch nei der is fathe r o f
incre ase amo un t of Stetson stu den t an d Sen ior Vice Presi de nt Sch nei der Onli ne
don ation s Patrick King Donations a nd CFO of D ell C ompu te rs. Reporter 118 11 A1 2006 3/2 Gift C hal len ge Nathaniel Lemmon Jamie Schneider
Uni versity's spe cial ty li cense State mu st sel l at l east 1,000 S te tso n Co lle en C oop er;
pla te j eop ard ized d ue to low l icen se ta gs by Jun e 30, 200 6 to keep the Mich ae l Nova k;
partici patio n Cody Stapleton License Tags tag s a vai lab le. Reporter 118 11 A1 2006 3/2 Jo hn Co ope r Alumni Relations ASSI$T Program Scholarships Dawn Thompson 1

The U nive rsity's chap te r o f STAN D hel d a

su mmit w ith th e ob jective o f bri ngi ng
STAND se eks resol ution o f Stude nts Ta king Action Flo rida 's stu den t le ade rs to gethe r to wo rk Flori da Da rfur R and all Ju dt; Ashle y Frith ; Mel issa
Darfur crisi s Samantha Lange No w: D arfur (STAND) tow ards a re solu ti on of th e Darfur crisi s. Reporter 118 11 A1 2006 3/2 Co al ition (FDC) Pa ncoa st
Pe te r U rschel er; C hristin a Sha efer; L eah
Su lli van; Sean Barth; Wil l Sto etzer;
Stu den t Gove rnmen t Stude nt Gove rnme nt D etail s o f SGA me eting o f Febru ary 22, Ho no r Bi ke Gle nn Ne ff; N ick Cava lla ro; R and all
Associa ti on Bryan Funk Associ ation 2 006 . Reporter 118 11 A3 2006 3/2 John Tichenor 24/7 Study Room Prog ram Ju dt; Kevi n Wi nche ll
Re-e xamin ing the exami ned
life Ian Wasser Opinion Column Opinion on the examined life. Reporter 118 11 A4 2006 3/2
Opi nio n on a n inci den t on ste ali ng ga y a nd
A new hate crime on campus Nicole Forbes Opinion Column l esbi an rig hts fl yers. Reporter 118 11 A4 2006 3/2 Becky Oliphant
No C hi ld Le ft
Testing not the answer Liz Erlenbach Opinion Column Opinion of FCAT and testing. Reporter 118 11 A4 2006 3/2 Be hin d Act
Opi nio n on tard ine ss to cla ss a nd b ala nce
Th e Rea l Col leg e Stude nt Lonetta Wilson Opinion Column o f wo rk a nd p lay. Reporter 118 11 A4 2006 3/2
Opi nio n on ma rchin g of Ameri can Na zi
Free speech gone right Cary Bleasdale Opinion Column Pa rty in Orla nd o. Reporter 118 11 A4 2006 3/2

Enviro nmen ta l
Resp onsi bil ity C oun cil;
Arti sts an d Lecture rs
D iscussi on of Dr. Jo hn McNe ill 's l ecture Commi ttee ;
title d "Bug s, Bea sts, an d Huma n History: Enviro nmen ta l Stu die s
Examin ing En viron men ta l Ad justin g to a Cha ngi ng Earth , 18 50- Jo hn McNe ill ; Terry Enviro nmen ta l Progra m; America n
Cha nge Samantha Lange Lecture Review 1 950 ." Reporter 118 11 B1 2006 3/2 Farrel l; Ph il lip L ucas history global warming Stu die s D epa rtme nt Jamie Haskins; Marissa Kruege 2

R evie w of Ste tso n performa nce of Arthu r L eah Su lli van; Bren don R oge rs; Mich ael
All My Sons' g ets 'Al l My Mi lle r re ali st dra ma "All My Son s" pla ying H odg es; Ka ra Turn er; Chri s Fow le;
Th umbs Up ' Jacob Wagner Theater Review Feb ruary 1 6-19 , 20 06. Reporter 118 11 B1 2006 3/2 John Mondelli Stover Theater Al exa Ca ppi ell o; Ma ry B eth Fi nk 1

Col leg e Ban d

Dire cto rs N ation al
Sympho nic Ban d he ads to Ba nd g oes to regi ona l conve ntio n as one Associa ti on
Tenn essee for CB DNA Ense mble Symp hon ic o f ni ne o ut o f 33 sch ool s ch ose n to (CBDN A)
Con ventio n Sophia Couzo Ban d p articip ate. Reporter 118 11 B2 2006 3/2 Bobby Adams Southe rn Di vi sion Mike Cortes

C asey Thoma s; Brett Mu rphy; Brae dyn

Pru itt; Jeremy Cru z; Da vid Goll ine r; Will
R oman owi cz; Ch ris John son; Bria n
Pru itt; Ad am Tin dle ; Na th an N ery;
Bra ndo n Paritz; B rian Bo cock; N ick
Baseb all tea m fa lls to Stetston l oses on Feb ruary 25 , 2 006 to Pa lmisa no; Rob bie E lsemi ller; Sha ne
We ste rn Caro lin a Michael Hodges Baseball Western C arol ina C atamou nts, 3 -4. Reporter 118 11 C1 2006 3/2 Bryan Snyder (alum) Jo rdan 2

Seni or nig ht a success for Stetson 77-6 5 victory over Gardn er-Webb E.J. Gord on; Gabe McMi lle n; Antho ny
men' s b asketba ll Jason Becknell Basketball, Men's a s five se ni ors pla y the ir last home g ame. Reporter 118 11 C1 2006 3/2 R egi ste r; Eric Di az 4
Stetson win s a ll three d oub les match es
a nd a ll six sin gle s ma tch es aga inst Ma rcus Echtler; Sergu ei Bo ula nov; Joey
Men' s ten nis shu ts ou t Ja cksonvi lle U nive rsity D olp hi ns on Jo nes; Eddi e Majc her; Mario C ayo;
Jackson vill e Jim Burleson Tennis, Men's Feb ruary 2 5, 2 006 . Reporter 118 11 C1 2006 3/2 Bi rger Soi lan d
Men' s b asketba ll wi ns 7th in Stetson win s o ver Camp bel l Came ls on An th ony Re giste r; E.J. Gordo n; Ka rl
a row Roman Ozimek Basketball, Men's Feb ruary 2 3, 2 006 . Reporter 118 11 C2 2006 3/2 Derek Waugh H oll ing worth

Wil l Gra uel ; Eric La montag ne ; Da nie lle

R eed -Hud son; Meli ssa Pan coast; Ki ra
H all ; Ca rolyn The mel; Kristine Stacy;
Ka ti e Hag er; Oli via Sa ntiag o;
C hristop her Graf; Ch ris Ricca rd; C aitli n
Uni versity hosts crew H ugh es; Step ha nie R icha rds; L aure n
to urna ment tomorro w Eric Lamontagne Crew Tournament on February 25, 2006. Reporter 118 11 C2 2006 3/2 Stetson Sprints Christine Deatrick Mi lle r; Man zura Tal ipo va; Ka ti e Hag er 1
C hris Sia s; Kris Stewa rt; Micha el
Whe ele r; Greg Ch ala s; Jo ey Costel la;
Steve n Nei dermi re; Gretch en Jew ell ;
Men an d Wo men' s g olf pla y R epo rt on recen t activi ti es of b oth men a nd Me aga n Carl ucci; Chri sti ne Frase r; Kara
in Sou th Caro lin a Evan Alexander Golf, Men and Women w omen 's gol f teams. Reporter 118 11 C2 2006 3/2 D oyle ; Ainsl ey We lli ngh off.
D r. Clyd e Fa nt, Pro fe ssor of R eli gio n is
g iven th e 200 5 Doyl e E. Ca rlton a ward ;
g iven to i ndi vidu als wh o demo nstrate a
Doyl e E. Ca rlton Award p assio n for hig her le arni ng wi th in the Dep artment of
Gi ven to Dr. Fant Marie Villard Fant, Clyde U nive rsity, DeL and , an d Florid a. Reporter 118 12 1A 2006 3/16 Pastor's School Rel igi on Mitchell Reddish

SGA Vi ce Presid ent resig ns an d SGA Pe te r U rschel er; C rysta l Elli s; Ch ristina
d eal s w ith pro posa ls fo r re fo rm for bo th th e Sch afer; Kri sti na Morg an ; Will Stoe tze r;
SGA conten ds wi th SAFAC Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stud en t Acti vity Fee a nd the d isbu rsemen t Ke vin Winch ell ; Rya n Hutso n; R and all
reform and re sign atio n Bryan Funk Associ ation to camp us pro grams an d orga niza ti ons . Reporter 118 12 1A 2006 3/16 Leonard Nance Michelle Espinosa Ju dt; Ni na Sava s

C reston Jackso n; Bri tta ny Fra sure; We s

Rece nt ca r va nd als le ave Strin g of parki ng lo t car van dal ism on H ammon s; Jil l Bedd oe; Marc Gali zia;
stu den ts u pset Cody Stapleton Vandalism ca mpus. Reporter 118 12 1A 2006 3/16 Public Safety J.D. Hess Ju sti n Fri mmel; Col lee n Fa sold 1
Va nda lize d win dow s l eave Bro ken wi nd ows in Gord is, Smi th , an d
victims ann oyed Trista Etheridge Vandalism N emec Ha ll. Reporter 118 12 1A 2006 3/16 Public Safety J.D. Hess Kerry Davis Kim Walker; Patty Henke
D r. Cami lle Ki ng' s l ecture on me mory aid s
a nd rel ated su bje cts. (see: Corre cti on to
Betty Ba tso n Bel l Brain thi s a rti cle in th e March 30 , 20 06 issu e of Ca mill e Kin g; Ton i
Memory Aids and More Jacob Wagner an d Lea rnin g Le ctu re the R ep orter.) Reporter 118 12 1B 2006 3/16 Blu m 1
Pabl o Fra ncisco k eep s u s Pa blo Fra ncisco p erforms comed y a nd
lau ghi ng Cristin Forrest Comedy Performance i mperso natio ns on Ma rch 15, 200 6. Reporter 118 12 1B 2006 3/16 Dean Edwards
C hris Ingo gli a; Sh an e Jorda n; Bra ndo n
Pa ritz; Bria n Bocock; Ch ri s Jo hn son;
Bra edyn Pru itt; Brian Pruitt; Ni ck
Baseball team crushes UNF Michael Hodges Baseball Stetson vs. University of North Florida Reporter 118 12 1C 2006 3/16 Pete Dunn Pa lmisa no 1
Sa mantha L an ge; Mili ca Milo vano vic;
Wo men's tenn is de fe ated by Ma rina L evin ; Anna Leo nen ko;
Ol d Domi nio n Michael Hodges Tennis, Women's Stetson vs. Old Dominion Reporter 118 12 1C 2006 3/16 Sasha Schmid C atheri ne Ca nad y; Ma ja Mil adi novi c
Do na ld Musse r;
Search for March man ch air D etail s o f se arch for fi rst pe rmane nt h old er Grad y Ba lle nge r; J. H yatt Bro wn;
sile nced Chris Evans Marchman Chair o f the Ma rchman C hai r Reporter 118 12 2A 2006 3/16 Do n Musse r Hal S. Marchman Ci ci Brown

D ono van Sin gle tary; Ja son Bla nton;

Ma rqui s Fuse ; Ca meo Hu mes;
Th e Merry Wi ves of Win dsor Step han ie L oren z; Jame s Mo rris; L esle e
Disp lays Musi c Sch ool 's D etail s o f p re mie re of The Me rry Wives o f Op era Po ole -Adams; Hol ly See bach ; Jami son
Amazin g Tale nts Sophia Couzo Concert Win dsor Reporter 118 12 2B 2006 3/16 Anthony Hose Performan ce Walke r; Ro bert We ber; Brand on Weltz 2
Ju lia Jo y Mo rgil lo; Dan a Schu mache r;
Kri sti n Mill er; Inn a Camp bel l; Be n
The truth about vaginas Katie Geroux Theater Performance Details of performance of Vagina Monologues Reporter 118 12 3A 2006 3/16 V-Day L afreni ere; Son al Patel 1
SGA ele cti on ca ndi dates D iscusse s the tw o ti ckets a nd pl atfo rms for N athan D avis; Dyle en g Beach ; Will
ann oun ced Bryan Funk SGA Elections SGA Pre side nt / Vice-Pre sid ent. Reporter 118 13 A1 2006 3/23 Stoe tze r; Mari e Vill ard
Mich ae l King ;
Ri cha rd Fe rlan d; Yve s-Antoin e Ra nd all H anse n;
Kimb erly Flin t- Cle mmen; Jame s Ma lle tt;
Next year' s sa batica l (sic) Ha milton ; Mic hel e Dwa ine C ochra n; Ca rolyn
recip ien ts are se riou s abo ut Ske lton; Jane Jamil Kh ada r, Ni chol son ; Jud Den ise Szece i; D ebra
th eir time off Caitlin Reagan Faculty Sabbaticals Sabbatical plans for several professors Reporter 118 13 A1 2006 3/23 Brad ford Hari Pu lap aka Stryker To uch to n
Ke vin Winch ell ; Rya n Hutso n; D ian a
Mode l Sena te cele brates L ope z; Ch ris Harri s; Will Stoe tze r; Greg
35th yea r Chris Evans Model Senate 35th annual Floyd M. Riddick Model Senate Reporter 118 13 A1 2006 3/23 Wayne Bailey Joe Negron N ola n; Me lissa Pa nco ast 2
MCAT chan ge s to a lo nge r, D escrip ti on o f ne w MCAT (Medi cal Co lle ge
compu te rized te st Trista Etheridge MCAT Ad missio n Test) Reporter 118 13 A1 2006 3/23 Gavin J. Putzer Jeffrey Cara

ASSI$ T offers fi nan cial a id D iscussi on of A lumn i Endo wed Stetson l icen se Gra cewo od Fruit Stetson Alu mni Ka itlin Mo nde llo ; Ann a Jachymi ak;
to a lumn i fa mili les Caroline Peterson Financial Aid Sch ola rship Fu nd, or ASSI$T schol arshi p. Reporter 118 13 A2 2006 3/23 tag s; li cense p lates Comp any Bo ard H eathe r Mu ell er
Flo rida Sta te R epre sentative a nd a lumn us
Jo e Neg ron (R -Stu art) d eli vered the
Neg ron gi ves ti ps on the ke ynote sp eech a t the 35 th Fl oyd M.
pol itical g ame Chris Evans Model Senate R idd ick Mode l Sen ate. Reporter 118 13 A3 2006 3/23 Wayne Bailey Matt Morton
Lament for a generation Cary Bleasdale Opinion Column Opinion on current generation Reporter 118 13 A4 2006 3/23

Archival Entropy is Barbarous Elise Holt Opinion Column Opinon on misshelved books in the library Reporter 118 13 A4 2006 3/23
Summer Brea k: Where on
Earth are yo u? Samuel Mcilrath Opinion Column Opinion on reading over summer break Reporter 118 13 A4 2006 3/23
Book Feast no urish es th e D r. Micha el Ru se discu ssed h is boo k, Ca n
deb ate of scien ce vs. a D arwi nia n be a C hristia n on March 1 3,
reli gio n Katie Geroux Book Feast 2 006 . Reporter 118 13 B1 2006 3/23 Religious Studies Lecture Adam Darragh; Adrianne Wilhelm

Disa bil ity Awa rene ss Wee k Asso ciatio n of Disa bil ity Advo cates (ADA) C armel ita Lore nzo; Jay Patel ; Kel len
edu cates eve ryone i nvol ved Heather Martyn Disability Awareness Week h osted a se ries of even ts in Ma rch 20 06 Reporter 118 13 B1 2006 3/23 Fisch er
As R ela y for Li fe
app roach es, stu den ts are Thi rd ann ua l Rel ay fo r L ife supp orting fi ght Lu min ara Ja y Pa te l; C ristin Forrest; Je nn a
getting i nvo lved Samantha Lange Relay for Life a gai nst cance r. Reporter 118 13 B1 2006 3/23 Pi Beta Phi Delta Delta Delta Ce remon y Mo rgen th ale r
Ph otos an d captio ns onl y o n Pab lo
Reca ps on the U nive rsity's Fran cisco an d De an Edw ards
Nig ht w ith Pabl o none Comedy Performance p erforman ce. Reporter 118 13 B1 2006 3/23 4
Mu sic fra te rnitie s S igma Alp ha Iota and Ph i
America n Comp osers Mu Alp ha wi ll ho st a n Ame rican
Con cert: Sig ma Io ta and Ph i C ompo sers con cert to he lp fund Pe op le-to-
Mu Al pha p hil an th ropy Sophia Couzo Concert Pe op le pro ject. Reporter 118 13 B2 2006 3/23 Adopt an Instrument Erin Hegleson

N athan N eary; Rob bi e Elsemi lle r;

Bra ndo n Paritz; C hris Jo hnso n; N ick
Pa lmisa no; Brian Pru itt; Bria n Bocock;
Bette r tha n Ivy L eag ue: Ya le Bra edyn Pru itt; Kevi n Mierzw inski ; Da vid
Lose s, 6-0 Danielle Williams Baseball Stetson defeats Yale University Bulldogs Reporter 118 13 C1 2006 3/23 Pete Dunn Gol lin er; Ada m Tind le 4
D ani ell e Moll man; Saman tha La nge ;
C atheri ne Ca nad y; Ann a Leo nen ko;
Wo men's tenn is de fe ats Stetson defea ts Un iversi ty of Minn esota Mi lica Mi lova novi c; Mari na Le vin; Maja
Minn esota, 8-1 Michael Hodges Tennis, Women's Gol den Go phe rs Reporter 118 13 C1 2006 3/23 Sasha Schmid Mi lad ino vic
D ani ell e Moll man; Saman tha La nge ;
C atheri ne Ca nad y; Ann a Leo nen ko;
Wo men's tenn is takes two Mi lica Mi lova novi c; Mari na Le vin; Maja
fo r the w in Michael Hodges Tennis, Women's Stetson defeats University of North Texas Reporter 118 13 C2 2006 3/23 Sasha Schmid Mi lad ino vic
Rollins' tri-meet Eric Lamontagne Crew Rollins College holds crew meet Reporter 118 13 C2 2006 3/23 Eric Lamontagne
Ma rcus Echtler: Sergu ue i Boul ano v;
Stetson defea ts Ra dford Un iversi ty Jo ey Jone s; Mari o Ca yo ; Bi rger Soi lan d;
Close win for men's tennis Jim Burleson Tennis, Men's H igh lan de rs Reporter 118 13 C2 2006 3/23 Pierre Pilote Ed die Ma jche r

Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n

d iscusse s Stu den t Acti vity Fee All ocatio n Pe te r U rschel er; Kri sti na Morg an ; Will
SGA discu sses SAFAC C ommittee refo rms after the ad mini stra ti on Stoe tze r; Mari e Vill ard; Natha n Dav is;
reform Chris Evans SAFAC a ppro ved i ncrea se in fund ing Reporter 118 14 A1 2006 3/30 James Beasley D ylee ng Bea ch
D r. Paul C roce le d hi s thi rd year of "Into
Into th e Dorms the D orms Envi ro nme ntal Edu cation " AS 15 4E: Ameri can
Th inki ng gl oba lly, startin g Envi ronme ntal p resen tation s o n March 20 , 20 06 i n En viron mental
loca lly Marie Villard Edu cation C hau do in Ha ll. Reporter 118 14 A1 2006 3/30 Issue s Andrew Davis; Kelly Tanner
Sele cti on pro cess for vill age Se lectio n pro cess fo r si x n ew do rmitorie s
apa rtme nts l ea ves stu den ts b ein g bu ilt on camp us. Ma ny stu de nts o n
on wa iting l ist Trista Etheridge Residential Life w ait-li st. Reporter 118 14 A1 2006 3/30 Village Apartments Mark Hauser Danielle Prior; Kacee Sorenson 3
Stud en ts from Fl orid a coll ege s a nd
21 scho ols fol low u nive rsities try to co nvin ce law makers to Stud ent
uni versity's le ad in the face fun d an i ncrea se in the Flori da Re sid ent Gove rnmen t Pe te r U rschel er; Zib Ph ilb in ; Kristy
of FRAG Caitlin Reagan FRAG Acce ss Gran t (FRAG). Reporter 118 14 A1 2006 3/30 Asso ciatio n (SGA) Ku rzydlo ; La uren Wil mot
Mich ell e Pe te r U rschel er; Je ss L an za; Jessi ly
Stu den t Gove rnmen t Stude nt Gove rnme nt Leo na rd L. N ance Esp ino sa; Ja mes Ron R oux; Mark R amire z; Will Stoe tze r; Kevi n Wi nche ll;
Associa ti on Marie Villard Associ ation Discusses SGA activities. Reporter 118 14 A3 2006 3/30 John Tichenor Stu dy Roo m Be asle y Hau ser Zib Ph ilb in; Trevo r Whi tl ey
Summer sessi on al ways a n
opp ortun ity to gra dua te Sa m Bru nin g Step han ie Hu dso n; N eel y N iema nn;
earl y o r o n ti me Cody Stapleton Summer School Discusses summer school options in 2006. Reporter 118 14 A3 2006 3/30 (al umn us) Ju sti n Fri mmel; Kristyn Talma dge
Clu bbi ng? Are yo u kidd ing
me? Chris Fowle Opinion Column Opinion on clubbing scene. Reporter 118 14 A4 2006 3/30
Stud ent
Opi nio n on ca ndi dates in u pco mi ng SGA Gove rnmen t
Cast an educated vote Greg Nolan Opinion Column e lectio ns. Reporter 118 14 A4 2006 3/30 Asso ciatio n (SGA) Will Stoetzer; Marie Villard
Tryin g to cut thro ugh re d
ta pe wi th a han d saw sin ce
190 6 Elise Holt Opinion Column Opinion on Stover Theatre upkeep. Reporter 118 14 A4 2006 3/30
JSO ha d a show ing o f The Pa ssion o f the
"Th e Passi on of th e Chri st" Jew ish Stude nt C hrist fo llo wed by a discu ssion o f the Eric Ku rlan der; Ad am Hersh ; Da ve Gl erum; Ra chel
ta lk ope ns eye s a nd id eas Heather Martyn Organ izatio n (JSO) mo vie. Reporter 118 14 B1 2006 3/30 Mich ae l Fro nk Passover Seder Bo wers
Black Will ow Tra il: Metal D iscusse s Stetso n stu den t ba nd tha t ha s C arter Ad ams; Ja ke Cob b; Ste ve Smith;
ban d te lls story Sophia Couzo Black Willow Trail p erformed arou nd camp us. Reporter 118 14 B1 2006 3/30 Mi chae l "Xan der" Ro drig ue z 4
C ameo H umes; Rastish a Oliver;
D wayn e Th omas; Dia ne Smith;
Apol lo' p lea ses a dive rse N athan iel Agu ila r; Jim Burl eso n;
aud ien ce with e ntertain ing First "Sho wtime at th e Ap oll o" pu t on b y Alph a Kap pa Ma rque s To ilve r; Marl on Smikl e; C arrie
performa nces Cristin Forrest Showtime at the Apollo Al pha P hi Alph a (APA) fraterni ty. Reporter 118 14 B1 2006 3/30 Tau Theta Chapter Alph a (AKA) C ruit; H eathe r Kra pf 1
Lori ng' s ra dica l lecture
edu cates stude nts o n D r. Edua rd Lo ring sp oke at th e How ard How ard Thurma n
soli dari ty Nicole Forbes Lecture Review Thu rman L ecture on Ma rch 23, 200 6. Reporter 118 14 B1 2006 3/30 Marvin Chandler Lecture Se rie s Tacora Watkins; Mary Sheldon
Pa sto r Ge orge So to lon go ga ve a servi ce
Pastor Ge orge Spea ks to a t the Fel low ship o f Ch ristian Athle te s
Stu den ts ' Sp iritua l Side Jacob Wagner Lecture Review (FCA) mee ti ng o n March 20 , 20 06. Reporter 118 14 B2 2006 3/30 Nightlights Noelle Tyre; Chris Feindt
Corre cti on: Memory Aids C orrectio n to article tha t ap pea red in th e
and Mo re none Correction Ma rch 16, 20 06 issu e of the R ep orter. Reporter 118 14 B2 2006 3/30
C atheri ne Ca nad y; Ann a Leo nen ko;
Wo men's tenn is de fe ats Stetson defea ts the Un iversi ty of Texas-El Ma rina L evin ; Mil ica Mil ovan ovic; Maja
UTEP, 7 -0 Michael Hodges Tennis, Women's Pa so. Reporter 118 14 C1 2006 3/30 Mi lad ino vic; Sa mantha Lan ge

D ani ell e Ree d-Hu dson ; Me lissa

Pa ncoa st; Steph ani e Rich ards; Lau ren
Mi lle r; Ca itlin H ugh es; Wil l Gra uel ; Eric
Stro ng sho win g for Stetson compe te s i n th e ann ua l Cle mson L amon ta gne ; C hristop her Graf; Ch ris
uni versity's crew Eric Lamontagne Crew U nive rsity sp rints. Reporter 118 14 C1 2006 3/30 R iccard
Se rgei Bo ula no v; Marcu s Ech tl er; Jo ey
Men' s ten nis wi nni ng streak Jo nes; Eddi e Majc her; Mario C ayo;
at se ven Jim Burleson Tennis, Men's Stetson defeats Missouri State Bears. Reporter 118 14 C1 2006 3/30 C irge r So ila nd
You w in so me, yo u lose C hris Ingo gli a; Ja ke Hitch cock; C hris
some: Baseb al l at the Jo hnso n; Bri an Pru itt; Brand on Pari tz;
uni versity Les Heinen Baseball Stetson's series against Lipscomb. Reporter 118 14 C1 2006 3/30 Bri an Boco ck 1
Caterp ill ar Mafia attacks
uni versity and yo u sho uld D istorter Ap ril Fool 's issue -- la st pa ge of
buy fishn et sto cking s Having Writers Block Distorter re gul ar Rep orter issu e. Reporter 118 14 C2 2006 3/30 Terry Farrell Satire
Stu den t
Stud en ts vote on w hethe r o r n ot to Go vernme nt
Hon or coun cil exp ects to a ppro ve the ho nor system afte r S GA and Ho no r System Associa ti on
rene w hon or system Chris Evans Honor System facu lty a pp roves it. Reporter 118 15 A1 2006 4/5 Co un cil (SGA) John Rasp Christina Schafer

ICUF, Fl orid a
SGA ele cti ons h eat up from Stude nt Gove rnme nt Re side nt Acce ss Alcoh ol po licy; Wil l Sto etzer; Ba rbara Ma rie Vil lard ;
deb ates Bryan Funk Associ ation SGA candiates hold debate. Reporter 118 15 A1 2006 4/5 Common Sense Blackface Incident Gran t (FRAG) resid entia l life N ate Davi s; Dyl een g Bea ch 3
SGA re cen tly e lected a s the Vi ce Cha ir fo r
a ll stude nt gove rnmen ts in the Flori da Re sid ent
SGA hon ore d to h ost n ext Stude nt Gove rnme nt Ind ep end ent Col leg es and Uni versitie s o f Acce ss Gran t
year' s ICU F con fe rence Trista Etheridge Associ ation Flo rida o rgan iza ti on. Reporter 118 15 A1 2006 4/5 (FRAG) Drew Glasnovich

Ca mpai gn for C AUSE ap preci ates th e You th Se rvice

Ado lesce nt a nd Ame rica (YSA) gra nt g iven to the Boys &
Savin g th e chi ldre n one Un iversi ty Stude nt Girl s C lub to he lp l aun ch th e Books Arou nd D ani el Prio r; John Tinn ell ; Ki m
boo k a t a time Patrick King Empo werme nt (C AUSE) the Worl d campa ign . Reporter 118 15 A2 2006 4/5 Hurricane Katrina Me nni nge r; Ca sey Wa gne r
Corre cti ons from Issu e 13
on Thursd ay, March 2 3, C orrectio n: N ate Da vis is th e Chi ef o f
200 6 none Correction R ecrui tme nt. Reporter 118 15 A2 2006 4/5 Nate Davis
A ne w uni versity log o: NO
TESTS Paul Jerome Croce Satire Column Satire Column on university logo. Reporter 118 15 A4 2006 4/5
Gi rls: Want to lose a g uy?
Lig ht o ne u p Chris "Chevans" Evans Opinion Column Opinion on Stetson girls smoking. Reporter 118 15 A4 2006 4/5

We lln ess Wee k enco urag es Ja nin e Sage rt; We s Bro oke r; Krystal
stu den ts a nd staff to ado pt Be dard ; Alex Stul; We ss Bro oker;
a hea lthie r l ifestyle Samantha Lange Health and Wellness Annual Wellness Week held. Reporter 118 15 B1 2006 4/5 Ma nzura Ta lip ora

Dan ce Maratho n rai ses Pi Be ta Phi ho sts its fi rst da nce mara th on America n Can cer C ristin Forrest; Ju an Co rte s; Ashl ey
mone y for can cer rese arch Heather Martyn Philanthropy to rai se mon ey fo r R ela y for Li fe . Reporter 118 15 B1 2006 4/5 Sigma Phi Epsilon Socie ty Alpha Chi Omega R ubi n; Ka ti e Dea ring 1
Ph otos an d captio ns onl y o f h omeco ming
Homecoming Recaps none Homecoming ki ng an d qu een . Reporter 118 15 B1 2006 4/5 Evie de la Vega; Ethan Martin 3

Marqu es Toli ver: Fresh man Sh owtime a t the

ta len t exce ed s e xpectatio ns Sophia Couzo Toliver, Marques Details Marques Toliver's musical abilities. Reporter 118 15 B2 2006 4/5 Ap oll o Stetson Idol Meagan Hieronymus; Nathan Aguilar 1
Ni cole Fo rbes [correctio n
Wal k for Women 's Live s in 4/13/06 R epo rte r: Orga niza tion for Stude nts Activel y
raise s mo ney for can cer a ctu al au th or is Cristin Pu rsuin g Equ ali ty (OSAPE) sp onso rs a
resea rch Forrest] Philanthropy l ocal Wal k for Wo men' s L ives eve nt. Reporter 118 15 B2 2006 4/5 Walk-a-thon Dave Glerum; Brittany Fountain 1
D r. Ste pha ni e Coo ntz d eli vered a Val ues
Coo ntz d iscusse s common C oun cil le ctu re titled "C ourtin g Disa ster:
marria ge misco ncep ti on s Samantha Lange Lecture Review The R evo lutio n in Marri age ." Reporter 118 15 B2 2006 4/5 Emily Mieras Lori-Jene Brazier 1
C atheri ne Ca nad y; Ann a Leo nen ko;
Wo men's tenn is de fe at FAU, Ma rina L evin ; Mil ica Mil ovan ovic; Maja
4-3 Michael Hodges Tennis, Women's Stetson defeats Florida Atlantic University. Reporter 118 15 C1 2006 4/5 Mi lad ino vic; Sa mantha Lan ge 1
Se rgei Bo ula no v; Marcu s Ech tl er; Jo ey
Men' s ten nis do mina te o n Jo nes; Eddi e Majc her; Mario C ayo;
Seni or Day Jim Burleson Tennis, Men's Stetson defeats the University of Delaware. Reporter 118 15 C1 2006 4/5 Bi rger Soi lan d 1
Baseb all co mple tes swee p Asso ciated Pre ss; Ja ke Hickco ck; Na th an Ne ry; R obb ie
of Vermo nt Un ive rsi ty Websi te Baseball Stetson defeats University of Vermont. Reporter 118 15 C1 2006 4/5 Pete Dunn El semil ler; Shan e Jorda n
Stetson wome n gol fe rs take 1 2th pl ace at Gretche n Jewe ll; Kara D oyle ; Ch ristine
Asso ciated Pre ss; the R yde r Flo ri da C oll egi ate Frase r; Ainsl ey We lli ngh off; Meag an
Golf places 12th Un ive rsi ty Websi te Golf, Women's C hamp ion shi ps. Reporter 118 15 C1 2006 4/5 C arlu cci 1
Stetson wil l c ele brate Na ti ona l Stu de nt-
Asso ciated Pre ss; Athl ete Da y w ith a ceremo ny prio r to the
National Student-Athlete Day Un ive rsi ty Websi te Athletics Ap ril 4th b aseb all g ame. Reporter 118 15 C1 2006 4/5

Karen Ka ivo la;

Toni Bl um; Sh eil a
Dea n Ball en ger still o n th e D ean Gra dy Ball eng er's recov ery fro m a Abbo t; Tren a
recove ry p ath Patrick King Ballenger, Grady b icycle a ccide nt on Jan uary 8, 20 06. Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 2/16 Accident We th erin gton

Al umnu s C raig Crawfo rd (197 8) lecture s

o n his n ew bo ok, Attack th e Messe nge r:
H ow Pol iticia ns Turn You Aga in st the
Me dia o n Febru ary 6, 2 006 . (Inco mp le te
Alumn i Craw fo rd spea ks on a rti cle: see Feb ruary 23 , 20 06 for fu ll Po litical Scien ce
pol itics and me dia Marie Villard Crawford, Craig a rti cle.) Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 2/16 Lecture Wayne Bailey De pa rtme nt
Cha nge s i n GRE cause
more pre para ti on for test Gradu ate Reco rd Exam Ka pla n Te st Pre p
ta kers Katie Geroux (GRE) Transformation of GRE. Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 2/16 a nd Admissi ons Hayley Graham; Laura Sands
Informa ti on al mee ti ng on n ew do rmitorie s,
SGA, Jim Beasl ey, Re slife The Vi lla ge Apartmen ts, be ing b uil d in
discu ss i ssues wi th sp ring 2 00 6 on the ea st sid e of campu s. Mich ell e
upco ming Vi lla ge Incl ude s stu den t pro te sts on n ew h ousi ng Esp ino sa; Ja mes
Apartmen ts at in fo se ssion Michael Riggs Residential Life p oli cies. Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 2/16 Lecture Dormitories Be asle y Housing Policies 2

Cro ss-Cul tu ral

Stud ies Ce nter;
Women a nd
Gen der Studi es
Prog ram;
SU RE gran t e nab les stude nt to co ndu ct African a Studi es
Alph a Kap pa Alph a's Traci se nio r re sea rch on the hi sto ry o f Alph a Gre eks; Prog ram;
Blake u ses SURE Gran t to Ka pp a Al pha (AKA), an Afri can-Ame rican Se nio r R esea rch; Sorori ti es; So ciol ogy &
unco ver orga ni zation 's So rority. Traci Bl ake gi ves lecture o n he r L ecture; dive rsity; Panh ell en ic; Tau An th ropo lgy Dia ne Evere tt; R osal ie
instab ili ty Caroline Peterson Alpha Kappa Alpha se nio r re sea rch Fe brua ry 8 , 20 06. Reporter 119 1 A2 2006 2/16 min oritie s Chi Omeg a De pa rtme nt Carp enter Traci Blake; Juanita McNeil
Stu den t Gove rnmen t Stude nt Gove rnme nt Ja me s Beasl ey; H .
Associa ti on none Associ ation Details of SGA meeting Reporter 119 1 A3 2006 2/16 Do ug las Le e Village Apartments Housing Policies Peter Urscheler; Sebastian Delos Santos;
Gra mmar is th e to ol o f the
man Greg Nolan Opinion Column Opinion on grammar. Reporter 119 1 A4 2006 2/16

Fw: Fw: Fw: Opinions Article Elise Holt Opinion Column Opinion on forwarded email. Reporter 119 1 A4 2006 2/16 1
Privil ege d Echel on s o f
Educa ti on Ian Wasser Opinion Column Opinion on privilege of education. Reporter 119 1 A4 2006 2/16
In loco pamper-us Roscoe T. Gort Satire Column University satire. Reporter 119 1 A4 2006 2/16
Op rah ne ed s to le ave the
pla net Samuel Mcilrath Opinion Column Opinion on Oprah Winfrey Reporter 119 1 A5 2006 2/16
Immo ral seco nd cha nce s Opi nio n on U nive rsity p oli cy tow ard
give n fo r ' dirty mone y' Michael Riggs Opinion Column w eal th y, but scand al ous stude nts Reporter 119 1 A5 2006 2/16

D escrip ti on o f stude nt's se mester in

C olu mbia a nd l ack of Stetson stud y abro ad
A semester in Columbia Alison McKellar Opinion Column p rogra ms i n de velo pin g coun tri es. Reporter 119 1 A5 2006 2/16 John Schorr Alison McKellar
D iscusse s se rvice started b y Stetson
Send mefoo add s mo re stud en ts Justin Frimme l and Wil l
th an ju st p izza to th e Wash burn to de live r to camp us fro m ma ny Ju sti n Fri mmel; Wag ner L ubi n; Ma rie
del ivery li st. Nicole Forbes Food Deliveries fast fo od ch ain s. Reporter 119 1 B1 2006 2/16 R odri que z d e la Viu da; Wi ll Washb urn
Ph il Mul ler; Gra ce Mikel l; Ma rlon
Ja ckson; Kyle Kami nski; Steven Mi lls;
Ste tso n sho ws its l ove for D iscussi on of Va len ti ne' s D ay history an d Kri sti ne McGinn is; D ian a Joh nsen ;
Va len ti ne's Da y Heather Martyn Valentine's Day Val entin e's Da y a t Stetson. Reporter 119 1 B1 2006 2/16 Rebecca Watts Kri sti n McGi nni s 2
Bo dy imag e;
Panh ell eni c Cou ncil h osts Wo men 's Awa rene ss Se cond ann ual Wome n's Aw aren ess We ek ea ting d isord ers;
Wo men's Aware ness Week Samantha Lange We ek ce leb rated Feb ruary 6-8 , 20 06. Reporter 119 1 B1 2006 2/16 Breast Cancer Women's Health nu trition
D iscusse s stud ie s g roup ed un der "the
Mo zart Effect" th at p rove that cla ssical
Th e Mozart Effect' pro ves mu sic sti mula te s th e brai n. Me ntion s
th at cl assica l music o ppo rtu ni ti es to h ear cla ssical mu sic on
sti mula te s the mi nd Sophia Couzo Music ca mpus. Reporter 119 1 B2 2006 2/16 Carrie Nance Ishtar Hernandez
Stetson win s o ver Lip scomb, ranke d
n umbe r o ne i n th e Atla ntic Sun
co nfere nce, 85-6 7. E.J. Gord on sco red hi s E.J. Gord on; Kris Th omas; Ga rfi eld
Men' s b asketba ll be at top 1 ,5 00 th ca reer po int makin g him the 6 th Bl air; Karl Ho lli ngsw orth; Anth ony
seed Jason Becknell Basketball, Men's Stetson pla yer to d o so. Reporter 119 1 C1 2006 2/16 Derek Waugh R egi ste r 4
Gretche n Jewe ll; Ai nsle y Wel lin gho ff;
Wo men's go lf te am sta rts Me aga n Carl ucci; Kara Do yle ; Ch ristine
stro ng Evan Alexander Golf, Women's Three tournament competitions. Reporter 119 1 C1 2006 2/16 Frase r
C hris Ingo gli a; Sh an e Jorda n; Bri an
Bo cock; Bra edyn Pruitt; Adam Ti ndl e;
Stetson defea ts Sou th ea ste rn Lou isia na, C orey Klu bbe r; Ro bb ie Elsmi lle r; Ch ris
Baseball starts season strong Les Heinen Baseball 2 -1. Reporter 119 1 C2 2006 2/16 Jo hnso n; 1
Toug h loss for Ste tson Stetson lose s to Sou th easte rn Lou isia na, Bri an Boco ck; Sha ne Jo rdan ; Ni ck
base bal l Les Heinen Baseball 0 -3. Reporter 119 1 C2 2006 2/16 Pa lmisa no; Natha n Ne ry; Adam Ti ndl e
An nu al Sou th ern Spri nts Ind oo r R owi ng
Ste tso n rowi ng sh ows C hamp ion shi p at Flo rida Institute of C hristop her Graf; Da nie lle Ree d-
promi se at re cent Te chno log y i n Mel bou rne, Fe brua ry 4, H udso n; Wil l Gra uel ; Eric La mon ta gne ;
compe ti ti on Eric Lamontagne Rowing, Men and Women 2 006 . Reporter 119 1 C2 2006 2/16 Me lissa Pa ncoa st 1
New sch ola rship s a ward Stud en ts qu estion Stetson 's distrib ution o f Fina nci al Aid;
stu den ts ze ro mone y Michael Riggs Scholarships n amed sc hol arshi ps Reporter 118 16 A1 2006 4/13 Fina nci al Aid Office Lois Williams Samuel Pritchett
Fo untai n pra nks cause Fou ntai n pran ks ca use da mage a nd co st
more troub le the n [si c] fun Marie Villard Holler Fountain mo ney an d wa ste re source s. Reporter 118 16 A1 2006 4/13 Holler Fountain Vandalism Ron Roux Environment Rebecca Weiss 1

Sto etzer ele cted SGA Stude nt Gove rnme nt Wil l Sto etzer; Ma rie Vil lard ; Na te D avis;
presi den t 20 06 -200 7 Bryan Funk Associ ation Results of SGA elections. Reporter 118 16 A1 2006 4/13 Elections Honors System D ylen ng Bea ch; Kevin Win chel l; 2
Desp ite differin g opi nio ns, D iscusse s d isad van ta ges of monthl y
payro ll con ti nue s monthl y Trista Etheridge Work-Study Program p ayrol l fo r w ork-stud y stud ents. Reporter 118 16 A1 2006 4/13 Lois H. Williams Glenna Roof Karen Blekicki Jason Karborani; Caitlyn Kingsley;
Fi rst yea r stud ies ho pe to be
a success wi th d ece nt Ce nter fo r First Yea r Gio sue "Je ss" L an za ; Victori a Bel l; N ina
tu rnou t Patrick King Studi es Center for First Year Studies activities. Reporter 118 16 A2 2006 4/13 Heidi Ruesswick Sa vas
Parkin g prob lems ca used b y
idi ot d rivers? Liz Erlenbach Opinion Column Opinion on campus parking problems. Reporter 118 16 A2 2006 4/13
But i f it's exp ensi ve, i t must Opi nio n on a dvertise ments fo r e xpe nsive
be wo rth h avin g! Elise Holt Opinion Column i te ms su ch as cla ss ri ngs. Reporter 118 16 A4 2006 4/13
Wi nter Sold ier' ca lls for
pau se an d dee p reflectio n Samuel Mcilrath Opinion Column Opi nio n on a nti-wa r mo vie Winter Sol die r. Reporter 118 16 A4 2006 4/13 Scott Camil
Attack of th e Ho nor
Syste m!! Ian Wasser Opinion Column Opinion on honor system. Reporter 118 16 A4 2006 4/13
Gre ek We ek 200 6 show s D ylee ng Bea ch; To mmy Pa rker; N ick
uni versity stu den ts w hat C aval laro ; Kara Ma rti n; L au ra Rose ;
Gre ek life is al l ab out Jacob Wagner Greek Week Greek Week 2006 activities. Reporter 118 16 B1 2006 4/13 Ari el Blu e 2
D iscusse s " 100 0 We lls Proj ect" b ase d on
the p remise th at o ne do lla r p rovid es on e
ye ar of cl ea n water for one p erson in L aura R ose; Peter Bova ; Keri L abra nt;
Ready to go Deeper? Samantha Lange Philanthropy Africa . Reporter 118 16 B1 2006 4/13 Sa rah Ca mpbe ll
Ho meco mi ng
Betty Ba tso n Bell Kicko ff Seafo od
Home comin g 200 6 Wes Berne r Brain a nd Bo wl; Hatter D aryl De Loa ch; Evi e de l a Ve ga; Eth an
enj oyab le for bo th a lumn i Memo rial Go lf Lea rnin g Le ctu re Mai nstree t Blo ck Sto ver Th eatre 10 0th Ma rti n; Kri sti na Tsip oura s; He ather
and cu rrent stude nts Heather Martyn Homecoming Homecoming 2006 activities. Reporter 118 16 B1 2006 4/13 Tou rna me nt Serie s Pa rty Anni versary Ma rtyn
30 Seco nd s to
Scientists, Mars, and Music Sophia Couzo Music Column on new bands. Reporter 118 16 B2 2006 4/13 We are Scientists Mars 2
Dr. Bo bb y Ada ms;
Ph otos an d captio ns onl y o n symph oni c Dr. Syd ne y
[Photos only] none Concert b and performa nce. Reporter 118 16 B2 2006 4/13 Ho dki nson Dr. Lynn Musco 6
Walk for Wo men' s L ives rai ses mone y for
ca ncer rese arch a rti cle wri tten b y C ristin
Correction none Correction Forre st, no t Nic ole Forb es. Reporter 118 16 B3 2006 4/13
Ja yson Arte za; D ono van Si ngl etary;
Kri sti n Mill er; Ada m H ersh; Ge ntry
Ste tso n Idol 2 i s a Grea t Ma nde r; Mary Beth Fink ; Mal lory
Encore from La st Ye ar Katie Geroux Stetson Idol Stetson Idol 2 talent competition. Reporter 118 16 B3 2006 4/13 Bob Ferrell Dave Martin Rudy Currence R amsey; Dea D ea Joh nso n 2
N athan N ery; Bri an Bo cock; Ada m
Tind le; Brad Pi ppa ; Sha ne Jord an ;
Baseb all b la nks Bethun e- Bra ndo n Paritz; B raed yn Pruitt; Ch ris
Coo kman, 5-0 Michael Hodges Baseball Stetson defeats Bethune-Cookman. Reporter 118 16 C1 2006 4/13 Robert Apgar Ing ogl ia; Blake Ma rsocci

C hristop her Graf; Wess Brooke r; Eric

L amon ta gne ; Will Gra uel ; Ch ris Ricca rd;
Ki ra Hal l; Ma nzura Ta lip ova; Kristine
Stacy; Caro lyn Theme l; Oli via San ti ag o;
D ani ell e Ree d-Hu dson ; Me lissa
FIRA sta te ch amp ion ship s Pa ncoa st; Steph ani e Rich ards; Lau ren
fo r cre w Eric Lamontagne Crew Recent crew activities. Reporter 118 16 C1 2006 4/13 Mi lle r; Ca itlin H ugh es 1
Sh errel Fou ntain ; Sh awn a Wi ggs;
Uni versity softb all sw ee ps Me lissa Wig gin s; Teri L ake; Erica
Fl orid a Atla ntic Jim Burleson Softball Stetson defeats Florida Atlantic University. Reporter 118 16 C1 2006 4/13 D emers; Hea th er Col din g 1
Bri an Boco ck; Ch ris Joh nson ; Bria n
Asso ciated Pre ss; Pru itt; Brade dyn Pru itt; Davi d Go lli ner;
Baseball wins eighth in a row Un ive rsi ty Websi te Baseball Recent baseball activities. Reporter 118 16 C1 2006 4/13 Pete Dunn C orey Klu ber 1
Gretche n Jewe ll; Kara D oyle ; Ch ristine
Frase r; Ainsl ey We lli ngh off; Mega n
C arlu cci; Kri s Stew art; Steven
Go lf h igh lig hts afte r sh ort N eid ermei er; C hris Sia s; Mich ael
brea k Evan Alexander Golf Recent golf activities. Reporter 118 16 C2 2006 4/13 Whe ele r; Bil ly Hou ghton
Stetson defea ts Un iversi ty of Cen tra l Jo ey Jone s; Ed die Ma jche r; Serg ei
Men's tennis knocks off UCF Jim Burleson Tennis, Men's Flo rida . Reporter 118 16 C2 2006 4/13 Pierre Pilote Bo ula nov; Mario C ayo ; Birg er Soil and 1
Stu den ts a ppl y b usin ess D ocume nts s tu den t de ale rs a nd b uyers of
skill s to fill a ma rket n iche Michael Riggs Marijuana ma riju ana a t Stetson . Reporter 118 17 A1 2006 4/20 1
The mo vie Winter So ldie r and the fol low ing
Wi nter Sold ier esca la te s d iscussi on le d by Scott C amil d rew Sims Klin e; Kerry Swi ft Boa t
into he ated a rgume nt Jacob Wagner Lecture p rotesters. Reporter 118 17 A1 2006 4/20 Da vis Ronald Hall Vetera ns fo r Truth Protest; Public Safety Chantal Wonder; Gregory Nolan
SURE Grant recip ien ts Jo siah Armes; Erin He lge son ; La uren
pursu e resea rch ove r N ieu wla nd; Cynthi a Bue nge r; Ra chel
summer Caitlin Reagan SURE grants Student summer research projects. Reporter 118 17 A1 2006 4/20 Pu sateri
D iscusse s Stud en t Govern ment
"See yo u soon . Than ks for Asso ciatio n Presi den t Peter Ursch ele r's Vi cto ria Watson; Wil l Sto etzer; Ke vin Winch ell ; Dre w
Comi ng!" Caitlin Reagan Urscheler, Peter fou r ye ars at Ste tso n. Reporter 118 17 A2 2006 4/20 Michelle Espinosa H. Douglas Lee Stu den t Ambassa dors Gla snovi ch

Org ani zation fo r

Stu den ts Activel y
Stu den t Gove rnmen t Stude nt Gove rnme nt Pursui ng Eq ual ity Pe te r U rschel er; El izab eth Phi lbi n; Ma ry
Associa ti on Trista Etheridge Associ ation Student Government Association activities. Reporter 118 17 A3 2006 4/20 Michelle Espinosa (OSAPE) SGA Sh eld on Bon ey; Kyle Schmi dt

Memo: "I Hate Chris Fowle." Elise Holt Opinion Column Opinion on Opinion's Editor Chris Fowle. Reporter 118 17 A4 2006 4/20 1
"El ise Ho lt i s n ot fu nny." Chris Fowle Opinion Column Opinion on Opinion writer Elise Holt. Reporter 118 17 A4 2006 4/20 1
Wan te d: immig ra tion p oli cy
reform Patrick McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on immigration reform. Reporter 118 17 A4 2006 4/20
Sa ti re on "D o-a-L ittl e-Do pe" d ivisi on at
DALD Roscoe T. Gort Satire Column Stetson and b rand ing . Reporter 118 17 A4 2006 4/20
"I love fruit flies." Elise Holt Opinion Column Opi nio n on un derp ai d Rep orter sta ff. Reporter 118 17 A5 2006 4/20 1
Ste tso n food se rvices fail s
to o ffer ad equ ate cho ices Bryan Funk Opinion Column Opinion on Stetson food services. Reporter 118 17 A5 2006 4/20
A succe ssfu l smoker sticks
up for po t Anonymous Opinion Column Opinion on marijuna. Reporter 118 17 A5 2006 4/20
To who m i t may con cern:
Plea se don 't l et l ibe rali sm
die Kelly Rowles Opinion Column Opinion on liberalism. Reporter 118 17 A5 2006 4/20
We sley Ho use spe nds an Wesl ey Hou se hel d th e fourth an nua l
afte rnoo n of Extre me! Extreme ! a t the Ri nker Fiel d on April 9 , Bi lly Ho ugh to n; Ad am Darra gh;
game s w ith loca l you th Heather Martyn Wesley House 2 006 . Reporter 118 17 B1 2006 4/20 Sa mantha H owe ll; Ad ria nne Wil hel m 3
Stetson partne red wi th the Ameri can
Rel ay fo r L ife raise s over C ance r So cie ty in the a nnu al Re lay for Je nna Mo rgen thal er; Tricia D orne ;
$16 ,0 00 thi s ye ar Cristin Forrest Relay for Life L ife. Reporter 118 17 B1 2006 4/20 Bro nwe n Keyes
12 tracks of 'hig h'-cla ss
music Sophia Couzo Opinion Column Opinion on twelve best songs to get high by. Reporter 118 17 B2 2006 4/20 1
Seni or th esis e xhib ition
disp lays the h ard wo rk o f Dep artment of C hristin e Harri s; Jack Fiel ds; Se an
many art majo rs Heather Martyn Exhibition Senior art exhibit. Reporter 118 17 B2 2006 4/20 Department of Art Dig ital Arts O'Co nn er
Krystal Be dard ; Rya n Koski ; France sca
D imou ; Lo netta Wi lson ; Me gan
Und ergra dua te Schol arshi p Un derg radu ate Ma lli nge r; Sara h Cau dil l; J osep h
Day is a rew ardi ng Scho larsh ip an d Win ners an d pa rti cipa nts i n th e seven th D elmo nd; Crai g Jaba ley ; Kristy
expe rien ce for everyo ne Katie Geroux Performa nce Da y a nnu al U nde rgrad uate Scho la rsh ip D ay. Reporter 118 17 B2 2006 4/20 Maris Prize Wesig ha n
Stero id u se in pro fe ssion al spo rts an d
d iscussi on o f steroi d use in co lle ge
Steroids? What Steroids? Michael Hodges Steroids a th letics. Reporter 118 17 C1 2006 4/20 Nick Palmisano
C hristop her Graf; Eric La mon ta gne ; Will
Me n's crew co mpetes at SIR A Gau el; We ss Bro oker; Chri s R iccard ;
So uthe astern Ch ampi onsh ips in Apri l Me lissa Pa ncoa st; Kira Ha ll ; Ca itlin
Men's Crew at SIRA Eric Lamontagne Crew 2 006 . Reporter 118 17 C1 2006 4/20 H ugh es 2
Tenn is phe nom Marcu s Intervi ew wi th s oph omore me n's tenn is
Echtler Morgan Seedarnee Echtler, Marcus p laye r Ma rcus Echtle r. Reporter 118 17 C1 2006 4/20 Marcus Echtler 1
D ani ell e Ree d-Hu dson ; Me lissa
Pa ncoa st; Kira Ha ll; Man zura Tali pova ;
Kri sti ne Stacy; C arol yn Th emel ; Olivi a
Men row, women "shine" Eric Lamontagne Crew Stetson crew participates in regatta. Reporter 118 17 C1 2006 4/20 Sa ntiag o 1
A Letter From the Editor Mike Riggs Reporter Reporter gets a new look. Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 9/7 Mike Raymond Patrick McMahon
Mino r Accid ent Le ads
Stu den ts To Questio ns A win dow p an e fe ll on a stud en t's he ad in
Safety o f Ho usi ng Jacob Wagner Residential Life the n ew re side nce Ha ll A. Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 9/7 Facilities Dormitories Robin Porter Jeff Cara; Nick Cavallaro 2
ResL ife Can cels Sig ma Phi
Epsil on Alcoh ol-Free Event
and En ds a De cade o f R esid entia l Li fe ca ncel s Si gma Phi Ep silo n
Trad ition Marie Villard Sigma Phi Epsilon " Slip 'N Sl ide " party fo r l iab ili ty rea sons. Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 9/7 Robin Porter Risk Management Juan Cortes; Billy Wieland

Cla ss o f 20 10 R ede fi nes the Inco ming class is the most dive rse and
Stu den t Bo dy Demo grah pic Caitlin Reagan Freshmen Class se cond larg est i n Ste tso n history. Reporter 119 1 A1 2006 9/7 diversity Heidi Ruesswick
Native Pl ant In itia ti ve N ewl y l and scap ed are as arou nd camp us
Beau ti fi es Camp us Samantha Lange Native Plant Initiative focu s o n Flori da na ti ve pla nts. Reporter 119 1 A2 2006 9/7 James Beasley David Rigsby Katherine St. Clair
Preven ti ng the En d of the
Wo rld Sophia Couzo Opinion Column Opinion on environmental issues. Reporter 119 1 B1 2006 9/7
Secon d We ek Suitcase Opi nio n on b ored om duri ng the re cent lon g
Syndro me Kristina Tsipouras Opinion Column h oli day we eke nd. Reporter 119 1 B1 2006 9/7
Opi nio n on d eath of Croco dil e Hu nter
All He Was Croc'ed Up To Be Robert Lombardi Opinion Column Steve Irwi n. Reporter 119 1 B1 2006 9/7
Talki ng He ads: "Stay th e
Cou rse" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Pro view on the debate over the Iraq War. Reporter 119 1 B2 2006 9/7
Talki ng He ads: "Di sney
Bagh dad " Mike Riggs Opinion Column Con view on the debate over the Iraq War. Reporter 119 1 B2 2006 9/7
Opi nio n on u sefuln ess of the Stu den t
Disenfranchised No Longer Ian Wasser Opinion Column Gove rnmen t Associ ation . Reporter 119 1 B2 2006 9/7

Ste tso n Al umni Gra ces The Stetson alu mnus Da vis Mall ory chose n fo r L oren zo Camp ane lli ; Kri sti na Tsipo uras;
Rea l Wo rld Ca st Erin Lovell Real World the ca st o f MTV's The R eal Worl d Den ver. Reporter 119 1 C1 2006 9/7 Pa m So l
R ate My Pro fessor pro fi le on D r. Mike
Rate My Professors Profile Mike Raymond R aymon d. Reporter 119 1 C1 2006 9/7
Avoid ing the Fresh man H ow to avo id ga ini ng we igh t du ring th e
Fi ftee n Morgan Seedarnee Health and Wellness fresh man ye ar. Reporter 119 1 C2 2006 9/7 1
A Lo ok Back at th e D iscusse s n ume ro us movi es fro m the
Summer' s H otte st Movi es Blair Townley Movies su mmer of 2 00 6. Reporter 119 1 C2 2006 9/7 1
Eclectic' Mu sicia n Marqu es Ma rque s To live r g ives an u pd ate on hi s
Toli ver Op ens Up Sophia Couzo Toliver, Marques mu sic. Reporter 119 1 C2 2006 9/7 Nicholas Bohl; Sean Borelli
Men' s So ccer Defea ts Owls, So ccer te am be ats Flo rida Atlan ti c C ody Da wson ; Evan Wh ite; R udy
1-0 Michael Hodges Soccer, Men's U nive rsity. Reporter 119 1 D1 2006 9/7 Me hren s; Tan ner Wo lfe 2
L aura B oyd, voll eyba ll pl ayer, ma y h ave
ra re conn ective tissu e diso rder cal led
Ma rfa n Synd rome an d is not yet cl ea re d to
Boyd Remains Upbeat Morgan Seedarnee Boyd, Laura p lay this se ason . Reporter 119 1 D1 2006 9/7

U nive rsity a lumn ae R osal ie Ca rte r l eave s

Uni versity Bids Adie u To h er Ste tson po sition a s Assistan t Di rector
Va lue d Te am Memb er Samantha Lange Carpenter, Rosalie o f the C oun cil for Stu den t Acti vities (CSA). Reporter 119 2 A1 2006 9/14 Rina Tovar 1
Pre side nts of the U nive rsity's frate rnitie s
a nd so roritie s me t wi th the ir advi sors and
Gre ek Presid ents Le ave o th ers to discu ss R ush, hou sing i ssues , Rob in Porte r; Gre eks; fratern ities;
Fi rst Mee ti ng Di scoura ge d Mike Riggs Greeks a nd fun din g. Reporter 119 2 A1 2006 9/14 Michelle Espinosa John R asp Residential Life sorori ti es; vi sitation Roger Foley; Kyle Dungan
Opi nio n on IPODS, MySp ace, and other
Internet Killed the Video Star Nicole Forbes Opinion Column Intern et-rel ated topi cs. Reporter 119 2 B1 2006 9/14

C ontin uin g travel co lumn o n Sean 's Barth

No Sex in the Chinese Room Sean Barth Opinion Column stud y a bro ad exp erie nce in H ong Kong . Reporter 119 2 B1 2006 9/14 Mike Riggs
SGA Rep resen ta tive
Resp ond s to Opi nio n resp ond ing to Re porter a rticl e
"Dise nfran chise d No cri ti cal of th e Stude nt Gove rnmen t
Lon ger" Alison Aragona Opinion Column Asso ciatio n. Reporter 119 2 B1 2006 9/14 Ian Wasser
Opi nio n takin g th e "pro " stan ce on the
Talki ng He ads: "Getti ng Bu sh Ad mini stra tion 's h and lin g of
Wh at The y D eserve " Pat McMahon Opinion Column terro rism. Reporter 119 2 B2 2006 9/14 1
Opi nio n takin g th e "con " stan ce on the
Talki ng He ads: "Guil ty By Bu sh Ad mini stra tion 's h and lin g of
Associa ti on" Mike Riggs Opinion Column terro rism. Reporter 119 2 B2 2006 9/14 1
Gre eks Spea k Up an d Opi nio n on a dmin istration 's tre atment of Fratern ities;
Spea k Out Billy Wieland Opinion Column Gree ks o n camp us. Reporter 119 2 B2 2006 9/14 so ro ritie s Visitation; housing Greeks
Wh at Ki nd o f Fool Actual ly
Beli eves This? Ian Wasser Opinion Column Opinion on religion. Reporter 119 2 B2 2006 9/14
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Sli ver Gl en
Suitcase Pa cked Nichole Forbes Local Attractions Offers tips on visiting local springs Reporter 119 2 C1 2006 9/14 Blue Springs DeLeon Springs Sp ri ng s
R esid entia l Li fe , First Year Studi es, a nd
Stud en t Acti vities ha ve te amed to gethe r to
Nig htcap Offers Alterna ti ve start Nig htcap , a we ekly Frida y e vent of Tiffa ny Hue t; Kia Wrigh t; Tony Vecchi o;
to D rinki ng Jacob Wagner Nightcap va rying th emes. Reporter 119 2 C1 2006 9/14 Patty Henke Sara Pancoast Heidi Ruesswick D aresh D esai 4
Zach ary Tetreau lt; Spe ncer De ck;
Mi chae l King ; Co ry Su te r; Je n Kmetz;
Hurri cane Ern esto Le aves Stud en ts lo ok fo r thi ngs to do w hen Gera ldi ne Mori llo ; Da maris Britton;
Some Da mage : Bo redo m Trista Etheridge Hurricanes U nive rsity cl oses for Hu rri can e Ernesto. Reporter 119 2 C1 2006 9/14 Mo rgan Se eda rne e 1
Th e Sorori ty Ope n Hou se
Has A Great Turn Out none Sororities Photos only. No article. Reporter 119 2 C2 2006 9/14 3
Fl agl er Defea ts Men 's Fla gle r C oll ege bea ts Stetson in me n's Arma nte Marsha ll; Brian B ell;
Soccer, 4 -1 Michael Hodges Soccer, Men's so ccer. Reporter 119 2 D1 2006 9/14 Al essan dro Barch erin i; Ta nne r Wol fe

Previewing the NFL Michael Hodges National Football League Article on upcoming NFL season. Reporter 119 2 D1 2006 9/14
Take Me Out… Michael Hodges Baseball, Professional Article on professional baseball. Reporter 119 2 D1 2006 9/14

Wil l Sto ezer; Miche lle Esp ino sa; Jessy

H och; Micha el Ho dge s; Je ssily Ra mirez;
Je ss L anza ; Gen try Man der; Kristina
Mo rgan ; Kevi n Wi nche ll; Drew
Gla snovi ch; Zib Ph ilb in; Marie Vi lla rd;
Wil l Gra uel ; Will C oll um; N ic Cava lla ro;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt R yan Lyn ch ; Abb ie He isne r; Peter
SGA Beats Tori Gibbs Associ ation News from most recent SGA meeting. Reporter 119 3 A1 2006 9/21 D zuba
So ph omore p oli ti cal scie nce maj or Nick L uis Fermin ; Tyl er Joha nsson ; Sava na
Cava lla ro Lau nch es Sexist Stude nt Gove rnme nt C aval laro ca use s co ntroversy wi th Westwo od; Hol ly Meyers; Ta bi th a Arce ;
Camp aig n Rachel Holleman Associ ation su gge stive camp aig n posters. Reporter 119 3 A1 2006 9/21 Ma rie Vil lard 1

Crist and D avis Win Flo rida re side nts voted in the p rimari es fo r Wil l Gra uel ; Brittany Green ; Je ss L anza ;
Resp ective Prima ries Caitlin Hughes Elections, Florida se nate ca ndi dates. Reporter 119 3 A1 2006 9/21 Charlie Crist Tom Gallagher Jim Davis Rod Smith, Jeb Bush Ke vin Winch ell ; Mel issa Pan coa st 2
Literary Evolution Nicole Forbes Opinion Column Opinion on the use of the word "Nazi." Reporter 119 3 B1 2006 9/21
"Th e Eastern C hris Evan s' th oug hts o n Ch ine se cuisi ne
Corre spon den ce: A Letter a s h e studi es abro ad at Hon g Kon g Baptist
fro m Asia " Chris Evans Opinion Column U nive rsity. Reporter 119 3 B1 2006 9/21
Opi nio n in re spon se to Ian Wasse r's
This Fool Believes… Sean Tamm Opinion Column o pin ion colu mn on rel igi on. Reporter 119 3 B1 2006 9/21

Talking Heads: "Give a Little" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Con opinion on legalization of marijuana. Reporter 119 3 B2 2006 9/21 1
Talki ng He ads: "Why Sto p
At Pot." Mike Riggs Opinion Column Pro opinion on legalization of marijuana. Reporter 119 3 B2 2006 9/21 1

C ontin uin g travel co lumn o n Sean 's Barth

"Lost in Translation" Sean Barth Opinion Column stud y a bro ad exp erie nce in H ong Kong . Reporter 119 3 B2 2006 9/21
Thi ngs to do l ocal ly: Art sh ow, the Ann ua l
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur N ew Smyrna Be ach Ja zz Festiva l; Vol usia
Suitcase U npa cked Nichole Forbes Local Attractions Me mory Wal k Reporter 119 3 C1 2006 9/21
Fa cebo ok Cau ses Stude nt Meg ho n Crossl ey; Emi ly Emma Lee Sch midt; S ean Gord on; Jeff
Protest Worl dwi de Sa wyer Facebook Changes to Facebook lead to protests. Reporter 119 3 C1 2006 9/21 Mark Zuckerberg C ara; Tone y Vecch io; Gre g Rob inso n 1
In stru cto r Offe res Al te rnate Facu lty me mbe r Ni cole Den ner gi ves
Method to C apri ciou s o pin ion s on the Ra te My Professo r
We bsite Trista Etheridge w ebsi te . Reporter 119 3 C1 2006 9/21
The n ew d ormitory on ca mpus in n amed
Ma xcy H all a fte r Pa tri cia Maxcy Wilso n,
"Maxcy" Ch osen a s Offi cial w ife of Bo ard o f Tru ste e's membe r Pat
Name For Ne w Dormi to ry Jennifer Kmetz Maxcy Hall Wil son. Reporter 119 3 C1 2006 9/21 dormitories Residential Life Linda Davis Gail Grieb Alan Higgs; Will Daly
Fo ul Weathe r Pro ves To Be Stetson orga niza ti ons pa rti cipa te in N athan Ale ssand ro; Liz De fre itas; Mi ke
No Match for Fa ir Natalie Wearstler Organizational Fair Orga niza tion al Fair. Reporter 119 3 C2 2006 9/21 R igg s 2
Hatters Beat Elo n, Fin ish H atte rs fin ish se cond i n th e Ste tso n Be th Sl aba ug h; Ka rla Re adsh aw; Sara h
Secon d Ryan Lynch Volleyball Invi ta ti on al Voll eyba ll tourn amen t. Reporter 119 3 D1 2006 9/21 Se ars; Gin a Ia con a 2
The first an nua l Hal l Ol ympics we re hel d
Hal l Ol ympics Kick Off Se ptemb er 10, 200 6 to ki ck-off the
In tra mural Se aso n Jason Becknell Intramurals i ntramura l seas on. Reporter 119 3 D1 2006 9/21 Espinosa Trophy Dion Wade
Upping the Ante Michael Hodges Opinion Column Column on poker as a sport. Reporter 119 3 D1 2006 9/21 1
Stud en t-a th lete pro fi le on w omen 's soccer
Hatter Profile: Brittany Jones Katherine St. Clair Jones, Brittany p laye r Bri ttan y Jone s. Reporter 119 3 D1 2006 9/21 Julie Orlowski 1
Ste tso n Lo ses Gro und to U.S. N ews & Wo rld Stetson slip ped o ne slo t, fro m fou rth to De bo rah
Othe r Ma ste r's Uni versitie s Julie Antos Re port Ran king s fifith, in the 2 007 co lle ge ran kin gs. Reporter 119 4 A1 2006 9/28 Robert J. Morse H. Douglas Lee Tho mp son Chris Schroeder 1
Intervi ews wi th lecture s Steve n Hag er,
e ditor-i n-chi ef o f H igh Times mag azin es,
Ge ttin g Perso nal With a a nd Bo b Stu tma n, forme r D rug 2 (1 on p.
Hea d An d A Fe d Caitlin Hughes Lecture En fo rceme nt Age ncy admi nistrator. Reporter 119 4 A1 2006 9/28 marijuana A2)
Cli fton
Cli fton Fami ly Esta bli shes A schol arshi p de sign ed to assist DBCC Ro n Cl ifto n; Gwi li Endo wmen t;
$50 ,0 00 Sch ola rship stud en ts wh o wish to transfer to Ste tson Cl ifto n; Ron C lifton, Cli fton Fami ly
Progra m Tori Gibbs Scholarships for thei r b ach elo r's d egre e. Reporter 119 4 A1 2006 9/28 Jr. Schol arhi p Lois Williams Cedric Hepler Michael Langshaw; Courtney Botzford 1
Bri ght Hou se Ne tw orks offe rs d igi ta l cabl e
Brigh t Ho use Brin gs Di gital a ccess to stu den t resi den ts for a mon th ly R ache l Batte n; Reb ekah Sch lottman;
Cab le to Uni versity Laura Loveday Residential Life fee . Reporter 119 4 A1 2006 9/28 Bill Penney C ate Shea

C ontin uin g travel co lumn o n Sean 's Barth

Not Your Mom's Mafia Sean Barth Opinion Column stud y a bro ad exp erie nce in H ong Kong . Reporter 119 4 B1 2006 9/28 9/28 Mary Sheldon
Talki ng He ads: "De ath
Pena lty" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Pro death penalty opinion column. Reporter 119 4 B2 2006 9/28 1
Talki ng He ads: "Taki ng
Moral ity Out of th e Dea th
Pena lty Eq ua ti on" Andrew Levin Opinion Column Con death penalty opinion column. Reporter 119 4 B2 2006 9/28 1
Opi nio n on Stud ent Go vernme nt
Asso ciatio n's (SGA) b ill tha t wo uld provi de
a ccess to birth con tro l and e merge ncy
"Come On Now" Kyle Schmitt Opinion Column co ntracep tion . Reporter 119 4 B2 2006 9/28 I. Vicaria; E. Philbin
Commons Is Commons Nichole Forbes Opinion Column Opinion of Commons food. Reporter 119 4 B2 2006 9/28

D iscusse s l ocal a ctivitie s for stude nts,

i nclu din g the America n Hea rt Associa ti on' s
Vol usia /Fla gle r Hea rt Wa lk, a o ne-ma n
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur b road way co medy at th e New s-Journ al
Suitcase U npa cked Nichole Forbes Local Attractions C enter, a nd the Festiva l of Sp eed . Reporter 119 4 C1 2006 9/28 1
D r. LaSa lle L effa ll, a le adi ng on colo gy
su rgeo n an d professo r a t Ho ward
No Bou nda rie s' L ecture Fill s U nive rsity, spoke a s p art o f the H owa rd Sa rah Wood worth; Ryan N api er; Chris
Ste tso n Roo m with Stude nts Jenn Kmetz Lecture Thu rman L ecture seri es. Reporter 119 4 C1 2006 9/28 Jefferson Rogers Derrick Bell Taylor Branch Ed er 3
Hab itat for Hu man ity i s
whe re th e Hea rt i s for Opp ortun ities offered b y H abi ta t for
Ste tso n Stude nts Natalie Wearstler Habitat for Humanity H uman ity. Reporter 119 4 C1 2006 9/28 Mitchell Reddish Matt Deyo-Svedsen; Dave Dowd
Stud en ts form th e Dan ce Arts Socie ty for
Dan ce Arts Socie ty Give s stud en ts to te ach da nce cla sses to other
Stu den ts Ne w Oppo rtu nitie s Jenn Kmetz Dance Arts Society stud en ts. Reporter 119 4 C2 2006 9/28 Hollis Center Kristina Morgan; Tiffany Huet; Amy Elsila
Ph oto Only. Ca ptio n: "The si gn o f the Blu e
Ma rti ni, a po pul ar stu den t ha ng out, g ets
take n do wn as the restau rant/ba r cl oses its
Blue Martini Closes Its Doors none Blue Martini d oors for go od." Reporter 119 4 C2 2006 9/28 1

Few er stu de nts tha n expe cte d sho wed u p L aure n Sicil ia; Leo ni e Ga yle; Don ovan
Ste tso n Stude nts a N o- Co unci l fo r Stud ent to try o ut fo r se veral re ali ty sho ws, Si ngl etary; Step ha nie H udso n; Ka ylei gh
Show a t Re ali ty TV C asting Emmalee Schmidt Activitie s i nclu din g Re al Wo rld, spo nsore d by CSA. Reporter 119 4 C3 2006 9/28 Randy Berry David Wallach KB Legler Pe reira ; Jon Exp in ola
Patricia Ma xcy
Maxcy Hal l Ded icatio n Ph otos Only. Pho to s o f Maxcy Ha ll H. Do ugl as Lee ; Wi lson ; Pat
Cere mony none Maxcy Hall d edi catio n. Reporter 119 4 C3 2006 9/28 Marg are t Le e Wi lson 3
Hatters Play Out Draw With H atte r w omen 's soccer team pl ayed to a Be th any Kie dis ; Brittany Jon es; H eathe r
Kenn esa w Ryan Lynch Soccer, Women's d raw wi th Ke nn esaw State Owls. Reporter 119 4 D1 2006 9/28 Be rg; Yvon ne Da vis 3
NHL Preview Michael Hodges Opinion Column Opinion on the National Hockey League. Reporter 119 4 D1 2006 9/28 1
Me n's tenn is pla yer Marcus Echtle r
b ecame th e fi rst pl ayer in the p rogra m's Atla ntic Sun
Echtler' s Ten nis Le ga cy h istory to pla y i n th e NCAA Divi sion I Co nfere nce Pla yer
Gro ws Rachel Batten Echtler, Marcus Me n's Tenn is Sin gle s C hamp ion ship s. Reporter 119 4 D1 2006 9/28 o f the Ye ar Pierre Pilote Breanna Atkinson; Filip Kricka 1
Hatter Profile : Re be cca Pro fi le of Re becca Orzech owi cz, a
Orze chow icz Katherine St. Clair Orzechowicz, Rebecca vo lle ybal l pla yer for th e Hatters. Reporter 119 4 D1 2006 9/28 Cheryl Carlson
Sorori ty Ho use Vacated D ue Zeta Tau Alp ha ho use temp orari ly close d
to Mo ld Torri Gibbs Residential Life d ue to mol d. Reporter 119 5 A1 2006 10/5 Facilities Duane Knecht Michelle Espinosa 2
Al ice Mattison , the a uthor of nu me rou s
Wri te r Ma ttiso n to Give l iterary wo rks, wi ll offer a pub lic rea di ng on Su lliva n Cre ative Tim Sull ivan Associa te d Wri ti ng
Publ ic Rea din g at Ste tso n Michael Raymond Lecture Octobe r 1 2th. Reporter 119 5 A1 2006 10/5 Writing Pro gram Terri Witek Sch ola rship Progra ms (AWP) 2
Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n
u nan imou sly voted for crea ti on of 24 /7 Stud ent Gre eks;
24/7 Visi ta ti on Pol icy vi sitation fo r the fratern ity a nd soro rity Gove rnmen t Sorori ti es; Inter-Fratern ity
Appro ved for Greeks News Writer Residential Life h ouse s. Reporter 119 5 A1 2006 10/5 Asso ciatio n (SGA) Fra te rnitie s Co un cil (IFC) Michelle Espinosa Heather Albright; Kyle Dungan
H eathe r Alb righ t; Kyle D ung an;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n's (SGA) D avid son Ho bson ; Ke vin Winch ell ; Ian
SGA Beat Caitlin Hughes Associ ation re cent activiti es. Reporter 119 5 A2 2006 10/5 Michelle Espinosa Wasser; Kyle Sch mi tt
Talki ng He ads: Reformi ng
th e We lfare System Pat McMahon Opinion Column Conservative opinion on welfare. Reporter 119 5 B1 2006 10/5 1
Talki ng He ads: A New a nd
Imp roved Wel fa re Andrew Levin Opinion Column Liberal opinion on welfare. Reporter 119 5 B1 2006 10/5 1

C ontin uin g travel co lumn o n Sean 's Barth

Communist Holiday Sean Barth Opinion Column stud y a bro ad exp erie nce in H ong Kong . Reporter 119 5 B1 2006 10/5 Chris Evans; Mary Hannah; Phil Muller
Th e Search fo r the Pe rfe ct
Ome let Marie Villard Food Service Opinion on the commons brunch experience. Reporter 119 5 B1 2006 10/5
Su essica l the Musi cal, An nua l Epcot
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Intern atio nal Foo d and Win e Fe stival ,
Suitcase U npa cked Mike Riggs Local Attractions H all owe en Ho rror Nig hts. Reporter 119 5 C1 2006 10/5 1
Stu den t Ca st Pro ves Th at Stud en ts pe rfo rm "The C omp lea t Wo rks o f Bre ndo n Rog ers; Reb ecca Mad erski;
Brevity is th e Sou l of Wit Meghon Crossley Theater Performance Wll m. Skspr. (a brid ged )." Reporter 119 5 C1 2006 10/5 Julie Schmitt D ani el Burch am 3
Trave l to Gre ece an d Turke y Win te r b reak trip to Tu rkey and Gree ce is Kand y Qu een - Ad am Darra gh; Son al Patel ; Will iam
fo r C lass Cre dit Katie Geroux Study Abroad Program o ffere d to stu den ts. Reporter 119 5 C1 2006 10/5 Mitchell Reddish Sutherl and Kro lick 1

Steve n Ha ger, e ditor-i n-chi ef o f Hi gh Ti mes

ma gazi ne s, an d Bob Stutman, former Dru g
Th e Gre at D eb ate: H ead s En fo rceme nt Age ncy admi nistrator, sp eak Ab by Mamal akis; Birge r So ila nd ; Katel yn 2 (on p.
vs. Feds Emmalee Schmidt Lecture to Stetson a udi ence . Reporter 119 5 C1 2006 10/5 Andy Dehnart Zal eski C2)
" Ge t Ca rded " was pa rt of a natio nwi de Stu den t
Ra pe, Assa ult, a nd e vent for RAINN to make col leg e stu de nts Go vernme nt
RAINN Da y h as Succe ss Incest Natio nal N etwork mo re awa re of th e sexua l assau lt th re ats Associa ti on
with Stetson Stud ents Emily Sawyer (RAINN ) the y fa ce. Reporter 119 5 C2 2006 10/5 Panhellenic (SGA) Jan Beebe; Taylor Carney
Alph a Chi Omeg a Ho sts Al pha C hi Omeg a hel d a numb er of even ts
'Stop Do mestic Viol ence to rai se aw aren ess and mo ney for
We ek' Emily Sawyer Alpha Chi Omega d omestic vio len ce victims. Reporter 119 5 C3 2006 10/5 Emily Funk 1
Stu den ts Re cei ve Schoo l of
Assistance to Pre pare for Ca reer Man age ment C aree r Ma na geme nt Offi ce offe rs Busin ess
th eir Futures Emmalee Schmidt Office o ppo rtu ni ti es fo r stud ents. Reporter 119 5 C3 2006 10/5 Ann Marie Cooper Admin istration
Hatters Domi nate ETSU in L ady Ha tte rs d omin ated match ag ai nst Ke lsey Krame r; Sara h Stock; R yan
2-0 Win Ryan Lynch Soccer Ea ste rn Tenn essee Sta te . Reporter 119 5 D1 2006 10/5 Lyn ch; Noe lle Tyre ; Kel ly Kue nni ng 1
Wo men's Ten nis Fair Wome n's te nn is te am wil l be ho ldi ng a
Comi ng Soo n Kelsey Clews Tennis, Women's fun drai ser. Reporter 119 5 D1 2006 10/5 Sasha Schmid

Hatter Profile: Brian Heisler Katherine St. Clair Heisler, Brian Profile on cross-country runner Brian Heisler. Reporter 119 5 D1 2006 10/5 John Boyle Kevin Heisler 2
Sp orts co lu mn on the state of sports in the
Back to the Top Michael Hodges Sports Column U nited Sta te s. Reporter 119 5 D1 2006 10/5 1
Ball ers Tear It Up o n th e
In tra mural Fie ld none Intramurals Photos Only. Reporter 119 5 D2 2006 10/5 7
D ue to wid esp read the ft of l ast wee k's
i ssue acro ss ca mpu s, the Octo ber 5, 20 06
i ssue wa s re prin ted wi th the d ate of
REPEAT ISSUE REPEAT ISSUE REPEAT ISSUE Octobe r 1 2, 200 6. Reporter 119 5 2006 10/12
IT i s cu rrently ne gotia ting for an i ncrea se in
IT Plan s to 'Ide all y' the a mou nt o f ba ndw idth an d the size o f
Qu intup le Intern et the p ip e used for the un iversi ty' s Intern et
Band wid th Tori Gibbs Information Technology co nne ction . Reporter 119 6 A1 2006 10/19 Bill Penney Darash Desai; Donald Ingham
D ean o f First Yea r Stud ies Le ona rd Nan ce
Nan ce Wa rn s Fi rs t-Years w arns ag ai nst co mmitti ng too ea rly to
Abou t Gree k L ife Nicole Bucchino Greeks Gree k l ife. Reporter 119 6 A1 2006 10/19 Paul Atkinson; Sarah Gliksman
Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n (SGA )
p assed a bil l last year al low ing for bi rth
co ntrol an d eme rgen cy co ntracep ti on
Stude nt Gove rnme nt p rescrip ti ons, bu t the eme rgen cy
SGA 'Sex Bill' Reviewed Julie Antos Associ ation co ntracep tion h as beco me contro ve rsia l. Reporter 119 6 A1 2006 10/19 Kathryn Turner
Stud en ts Takin g Actio n No w fo r D arfur
(STAND) is a stude nt mo vemen t p resen t in D arash D esai ; Marq ues Tol iver; Nick
Stu den ts Take Action N ow mo re th an 2 00 col leg es, u nive rsities, an d Bo hl; Sara Strickho use r; Da nie l Cortes;
to H elp D arfur Rachel Holleman Darfur h igh sch oo ls. Reporter 119 6 A1 2006 10/19 John Prendergast H icha m L aal ej
J.D. Hess (written Mi ke Hod ges; Wi ll Stoetze r; Jessi ly
SGA Beat - Pu bl ic Safety, Stude nt Gove rnme nt a s "H ester" R amire z; Jess La nza; Hea ther Albri ght;
Qu iet Hou rs, an d Glass Caitlin Hughes Associ ation SGA activities. Reporter 119 6 A1 2006 10/19 thro ugh out article ) El izab eth Phil bin

Opi nio n on l ack of re cyclin g, e speci all y Ste tso n Re cycles

Stetson Recyles? Alison McKellar Opinion Column a roun d the Un iversi ty Vil lag e Ap artments. Reporter 119 6 B1 2006 10/19 Michelle Espinosa Camp aig n Residential Life

Mummy Come s to Ho ng C ontin uin g travel co lumn o n Sean 's Barth

Kong Sean Barth Opinion Column stud y a bro ad exp erie nce in H ong Kong . Reporter 119 6 B1 2006 10/19
Opi nio n written to the pe rson wh o le ft a
A Letter to "Asshole" Mike Riggs Opinion Column n ote on the w riter's motorcycle . Reporter 119 6 B1 2006 10/19
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Mu ltila te ral
Acti on" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on North Korea political situation. Reporter 119 6 B2 2006 10/19 1
A Nig ht a t the Iron horse Sa loo n; Enzia n
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur The ater; and C entral Flo rida Zoo log ical
Suitcase U npa cked Mike Riggs Local Attractions Pa rk Reporter 119 6 C1 2006 10/19
L aure n Wi lmot; Je ssica Walton ; Kyle
Phil anthro py Even ts Fill Sig Ep Rock D ung an; Jason Wi llia ms; Marq ue s
Stu den t Sch edu les wi th Gree k l ife kee ps busy be fo re recrui tme nt Gree ks; Fraterni ti es; Beta BBQ; Phi Ag ain st Ca ncer; To live r; Joh nny Bul fo rd; Ab e Fro man;
Entertain ment Meghon Crossley Philanthropy b egi ns, offeri ng a va riety of e ntertain ment. Reporter 119 6 C1 2006 10/19 So ro ritie s Sig Baske tb al l Pi Be ta Ph i Links to Literacy Ju an Co rte s; Matthe w Rap opo rt 2
An th ony Ho se;
Music Facul ty Expa nd Kristie B orn;
Rep ertoire to Pe rfo rm Natha n Wo lek; Ro uta James Bish op;
Con te mpora ry Facu lty re cital in Eliza beth Ha ll Ch ape l on Man ua l de Murg a; Ste phe n Krou movi tch - Micha el Ri ckman;
Comp ositio ns Jacob Wagner Concert Se ptemb er 29th. Reporter 119 6 C1 2006 10/19 Syd ney Ho dkin son Rob inso n Gome z Jane C hristeso n Eric Gilfus; Daniel Benedict Cortes 4
Hal low een H orror Ni ghts: A Stud en t revi ew of Uni versal Stud io' s
Scary Trea t Blair Townley Local Attractions H all owe en Ho rror Nig hts. Reporter 119 6 C2 2006 10/19 1
Pre-La w Fa ir: Anythi ng Bu t A Pre-La w Fa ir was h eld i n th e Ste tso n Kell y C lea ry; Aa ron Cri tten den ; Je ssily Ra mirez;
Irre leva nt Natalie Wearstler Pre-Law Fair R oom of the Ca rlton Un ion Bu ild ing . Reporter 119 6 C2 2006 10/19 Laura Zuppo-Headley Care er Service s Phi Alpha Delta Mi chae l Davi s; Mari a C. Forl ivio 2
Kale ido scop e Op ens Eyes Ka lei do sc ope , Stetson' s Gay-Strai ght
and Pro vide s Supp ortive Al lia nce e mb race s a cceptan ce and invi te s N ick Pearso n; Me lan ie McCo na chie ;
Enviro nmen t Jenn Kmetz Kaleidoscope me mbers. Reporter 119 6 C2 2006 10/19 Sa rah Lyn ch 1
Se an Marsh all ; Jeff Sme ragl ino lo ; Gabe
Hatters Fi ght Off Bu lld ogs i n Stetson hosts Ga rdne r-We bb for a 3-2 wi n Sh ibl y; Kirk La busch ; R udy Meh rens;
3-2 Enco un te r Ryan Lynch Soccer, Men's i n th e seri es. Reporter 119 6 D1 2006 10/19 Be n Dyon 1
Vo lle ybal l Fa lls Sho rt Wome n's voll eyb all tea m l oses to Belmo nt Gin a Ia cona ; R ebe cca Orze chow icz;
Agai nst Be lmon t Rachel Batten Volleyball U nive rsity. Reporter 119 6 D1 2006 10/19 Ju lie Fle ming ; Karl a Rea dsh aw
Griffin Gilstrap ; Kevi n Munz; Tann er
Wol fe ; Alej and ro Ge ssen; Rud y
Me hren s; Gabe S hib ley; Ben Ho y; Ben
Soccer Ties Campbell Kelsey Clews Soccer Stetson ties Campbell in soccer match. Reporter 119 6 D1 2006 10/19 Sean Murphy D yon
Sp orts co lu mn on po orly attend ed sp orts
The Sounds of Silence Michael Hodges Sports Column e vents. Reporter 119 6 D1 2006 10/19 1
Pro fi le of Gabri el Shi ble y, Ste tso n soccer
Hatter Profile: Gabriel Shibly Katherine St. Clair Shibley, Gabriel p laye r. Reporter 119 6 D1 2006 10/19 Sean Murphy 1

Stetson stu den t hi t by car crossi ng Amel ia Ma diso n Go ode ; Tyl er Ward ; L ind say
Student Struck by Car Tori Gibbs Public Safety Ave nue a t Ea st Arizon a; n ot se riou sly hurt. Reporter 119 7 A1 2006 10/26 Accident Residential Life Village Apartments Jim Hess Ma rti n; C orey McBrid e; R obe rt Gilb ert 1

$ 3,00 0 worth of Uni versity crew eq uip ment

stol en from an o ff-camp us site on La ke Oli via San ti ago ; Ch ristop her Ri ccard;
Crew Victimized by Theft Caitlin Hughes Crew Be resford wh ere cre w te am sto res boa ts. Reporter 119 7 A1 2006 10/26 C hristin e Dea tri ck; Mel issa Pan coa st 2
Organ izatio n fo r
Stude nts Activel y Stud ent Stud ent
Stu den ts Ce le brate Ra dica l Pursu ing Eq ual ity Me mbers of OS APE d ispl ay items on Gove rnmen t En viron mental
Menstrua ti on Da y Kathryn Turner (OSAPE) me nstruatio n ne ar Commo ns. Reporter 119 7 A1 2006 10/26 Asso ciatio n (SGA) Emily Mieras Actio n Coa litio n Will Stoetzer; Alison Aragona; Lauren Hill
Ed itoria l colu mn on me mbers of Ze ta Ta u
A Messa ge From th e Al pha s te ali ng ab out 700 co pi es of the
Editori al Staff: Say No To R epo rte r b eca use of a sto ry d one on thei r
Cen sorshi p none Opinion Column so rority hou se. Reporter 119 7 B1 2006 10/26
Print Aw ay, I've Go t Yo ur
Back David Dowd Opinion Column Opinion on library's black and white printers. Reporter 119 7 B1 2006 10/26
P-Safety: He re to Serve an d
Protect? Sophia Couzo Opinion Column Opinion on public safety's role on campus. Reporter 119 7 B1 2006 10/26 Visitation Policy
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Ill ega l
Immi gratio n Reform" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion talking the anti-immigration stance. Reporter 119 7 B2 2006 10/26 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Sp end
Like a So cia lite" Mike Riggs Opinion Column Opinion talking the pro-immigration stance. Reporter 119 7 B2 2006 10/26 1

An Au stri an, A Kore an, and C ontin uin g travel co lumn o n Sean 's Barth
a Catho lic Prie st Sean Barth Opinion Column stud y a bro ad exp erie nce in H ong Kong . Reporter 119 7 B2 2006 10/26
Vote for Change Robert Bentley Opinion Column Opinion on voting in the next election. Reporter 119 7 B2 2006 10/26
H all owe en Wine Ta sti ng an d Co stu me
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Pa rty; Ken ned y Sp ace Ce nter; Arts and
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions C rafts in th e Park Reporter 119 7 C1 2006 10/26 1
Beach bo und Stud ents El isa M. Fran co; C aitli n King sle y; Alyssa
Con cerne d with Mo re th an Stud en ts ha ve to co nten d with sha rks Flo od; An drea C alo ia ro; C harl ie Brui n;
Small Waves Trista Etheridge Local Attractions w hil e surfing at Po nce Inle t. Reporter 119 7 C1 2006 10/26 Mi chel e Marxors 2
D iscussi on on th e web site
The Art of The Bogus Rating Gabriela Montell R ateMyProfe ss Reporter 119 7 C1 2006 10/26

WH AT R adi o is Just Wh at Stud en ts start u p WH AT ra dio , a stud ent-

Stu den ts Ne ed Jennifer Kmetz WHAT Radio ru n, Inte rnet broa dcast radi o prog ram. Reporter 119 7 C1 2006 10/26 Green Hat Media Movie Club Harrison Pious

Di xon Su th erla nd;

An n Jenki ns; Ste phe n McAskil l; Ka ndy Quee n- Jack Wh ite; Ke lly
The Alu mni Ho use sp onso rs a se ries of Co un cil for Sarah Bro wn Su th erla nd; Wh ite; Pe te Ma tu lis;
e vents, "Din ner With 12 Stran gers" that Ad vance ment and McAskill ; Kirk Mich ael Harris; Amy Ma tu lis; Martha
Din ner With 12 Stran gers is b ring s stu den ts, fa culty, an d alu mni Su ppo rt of Gu nby; Meg an Ch eri Ha rris; Pa ul Hol ler; Bill H oll er; N eal Jo e Peterson ; L izzie Gue nther; Fra nces
a Blast Katie Geroux Dinner with 12 Strangers tog ethe r for con versatio n. Reporter 119 7 C2 2006 10/26 Ed ucatio n (CASE) We lch Gunb y Cro ce Lon g Sp eid el
Al ice Mattison , the a uthor of nu me rou s
Matti son Gives Pu bli c l iterary wo rks, ga ve a pu bli c re adi ng on Tim Sul liva n Su lliva n Cre ative
Rea din g Emily Sawyer Lecture Octobe r 1 2th. Reporter 119 7 C2 2006 10/26 Michael Raymond Schol arshi p Writing Pro gram

The w omen 's and me n's ba sketbal l te ams Mi chae l Go nzal ez; J.J. Hirst; Bra d
j oin ed tog ether on Octobe r 1 3th to jump - Pi ppa ; Tra cy Sch midt; N efertiti Wa lker;
Midn igh t Mad ne ss Ki cks Off start th eir se ason s w ith a Midn igh t L uis Ro drig uez; Katie D eari ng; Juli a
Basketba ll Kelsey Clews Basketball Ma dne ss in the Edmu nds Ce nter. Reporter 119 7 D1 2006 10/26 Dee Romine Mo rgil lo 1
Lad y H atte rs Fa il to Hol d L ady Ha tte rs so ccer te am lose s a gai nst
Agai nst Me rcer Ryan Lynch Soccer, Women's Me rcer. Reporter 119 7 D1 2006 10/26 Sarah Stock; Heather Berg; April Eilering 1
Pro fi le of ju nio r cro ss co untry runn er
Hatter Profile: Kimberly Lyle Michael Hodges Lyle, Kimberly Ki mberl y L yle. Reporter 119 7 D1 2006 10/26 John Boyle 2

The Ocho Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on the image of sports stars. Reporter 119 7 D1 2006 10/26 1
Jo e Neg ron i s cu rrently run nin g fo r
Fo rmer Hatter, Joe N eg ro n co ngre ss in pl ace of Mark Fo ley wh o
To Rep lace Ma rk Fol ey Marie Franzman Negron, Joe step pe d dow n fo llo win g a scand al . Reporter 119 8 A1 2006 11/2 Jon Tofte (alumnus) T. Wayne Bailey Gary Maris Michael Raymond 2
R epu bli can Pa t Patterson a nd De mocra t Fl orid a Resi den t
Hou se Can did ates Go Hea d R on Ca he n deb ated at Stetson on Octobe r Access Gra nt
to H ead a t Stetson Julie Antos Lecture 1 9th. Reporter 119 8 A1 2006 11/2 Phillip Dalton (FR AG) 1
Al liso n Gi lbe rt, a memb er of Zeta Tau
Ca itlin Rea gan ; Jen nifer Al pha , a pol ogi zes fo r stea lin g hu ndre ds of
Gilbert Apologizes to Staff Ha ys Reporter i ssues of Th e Rep orter. Reporter 119 8 A1 2006 11/2 Michelle Espinosa Michael Riggs
Wil lia m F. Buckle y, Jr. and Ja y N orli nge r,
e ditor o f the Na ti ona l Revi ew, a re th e first
Buckle y Bri ngs Firin g Li ne sp eake rs in the Apga r C onse rvative Marth a Ap gar; John
to Stetso n Mike Riggs Lecture sp eake rs serie s. Reporter 119 8 A1 2006 11/2 N. Ap ga r, Jr. H. Douglas Lee Michael Fronk Grady Ballenger Denny Martin

[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "The Ba ttle

to Win Mi dterm Electio ns" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on upcoming mid-term elections. Reporter 119 8 B1 2006 11/2 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Thro w th e
Rasca ls Ou t!" Patrick Testa Opinion Column Opinion on upcoming mid-term elections. Reporter 119 8 B1 2006 11/2 1
Opi nio n on l ack of stud ent inte rest i n
Apathy is Appalling Natalie Wearstler Opinion Column re cent "Tal k Out Lou d" eve nt. Reporter 119 8 B1 2006 11/2 Michelle Espinosa
Opi nio n on re stri cti ons on o nli ne ga min g
An Open Letter to IT Cory Suter Opinion Column d ue to li mitation s o f ba ndw idth. Reporter 119 8 B1 2006 11/2
Loca l Id iot Cred ited w ith
Profoun d Story Library HP LaserJet 1320 Satire Column Satire on library printers. Reporter 119 8 B1 2006 11/2 duPont-Ball Library
C ommun ity Foru m co lumn on vari ous
p eop le 's o pin ion s o n the Will iam F. D ann y Infie ld; Kevi n Wi nche ll; Dara sh
Politics and Academia none Opinion Column Bu ckley, Jr. a nd Jay No rdli nge r lecture . Reporter 119 8 B2 2006 11/2 Grady Ballenger Michael Denner Eric Kurlander Gregory Sapp D esai
"Th e Eastern
Corre spon den ce: The Mi d- C hris Evan s' th oug hts a s he studi es
Semester Blu es" Chris Evans Opinion Column a broa d at Hon g Kong Ba ptist Uni versity. Reporter 119 8 B3 2006 11/2

Love Thy Neighbor Alicia Hickman Opinion Column Opinion on the meaning of Christian love. Reporter 119 8 B3 2006 11/2
R and om Acts of In sani ty Co medy Improv
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Trou pe; Ga lle ry Walk; Def Lep pa rd &
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions Jo urne y. Reporter 119 8 C1 2006 11/2 1
Ji m Bu rleso n; D wayn e Th omas; Sean
Ki nbe rger; Nich Bo hl ; Joe L api n; Ma rio
Al berto Ca yo; Tiffa ny Hue t; Marqu es
The C oun cil for Stude nt Activitie s' (CSA) To live r; Sara Strickh ouse r; Jan ie
first Op en Mic Ni gh t of th e year wa s h eld Stew ard; Dan ny In fiel d; Ma rlon Ja ckson;
Open Mic is Off the Hook Emmalee Schmidt Open Mic Night o n Octo ber 18 th . Reporter 119 8 C1 2006 11/2 Sims Kline Pa ul Jump 3
Poe try at an Un cou th D iscusse s the lon g-run nin g stu den t-l ed
There is a Poet in Everyone Jennifer Kmetz Ho ur p rogra m Po etry at a n Unco uth Hou r. Reporter 119 8 C1 2006 11/2 Terri Witek Joe Lapin; John Tinnell; Jessie Powers 2
Lil y Afshar Pla ys Sw ee t C lassi cal musi c p erformer L ily Afsh ar Jo seph Ma ury; C aitli n Ad ams; To ney
Music Meghon Crossley Concert p laye d in El izab eth Hal l. Reporter 119 8 C2 2006 11/2 Vecch io; Bobb y P ace 1

The d ocu mentary "Wa itin g fo r U igh urstan"

Waiting for Uighurstan Meghon Crossley Documentary w as show n in R inke r Aud itoriu m. Reporter 119 8 C2 2006 11/2 Holly Myers
The Stu den t Govern ment Asso ciatio n's Wil l Sto etzer; Je ss L anz a; D rew
Fe w Stu den ts D ecid e to " Talk Out L oud " nig ht h as a disa ppo in ti ng Gla snovi ch; H eath er Alb rig ht: Da rash
Talk Out L oud Natalie Wearstler Talk Out Loud turn out. Reporter 119 8 C3 2006 11/2 SGA D esai
Ji m Atkinso n; Ji m Bu rleso n; Wil l
Beardtoberfest Jacob Wagner Beardtoberfest Beardtoberfest was designed as a fundraiser. Reporter 119 8 C3 2006 11/2 Michelle Espinosa Stoe tze r; Ri na Tova r
Me n's socce r tea m w rapp ed u p th e Vi cto r Webb ; Ale ssand ro Barche rini ;
Hatters Fi nish the Seaso n co nfere nce sea son wi th a w in ove r Arthu r Pre scott; Kirk La busch ; Kevi n
with a Win Kelsey Clews Soccer, Men's Ja cksonvi lle . Reporter 119 8 C3 2006 11/2 Sean Murphy Mu nz 2
Vi cto r Web b discu sses th e men' s so ccer
An Athlete's Perspective Victor Webb Soccer, Men's tea m's win o ver Jackson vill e. Reporter 119 8 C3 2006 11/2 Sean Murphy Tanner Wolfe; Kevin Munz; Brian Bell
Ka th erin e Bryan
Hatter Profile : Mel issa Pro fi les Mel issa Pa ncoa st, a membe r o f Awa rd fo r
Panco ast Katherine St. Clair Pancoast, Melissa the cre w team. Reporter 119 8 C3 2006 11/2 Exce lle nce in C rew 2
Freedom's Fighters Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on violence in sports. Reporter 119 8 C3 2006 11/2 1
Stude nt Activity Fu nd SAFAC meets to deci de ho w to a llo cate Wil l Gra uel ; Abbi e Hei sner; Kristina
Deci sion for Fund in g Left to All ocatio n Commi ttee the u ni versity fu nds to stu den t Mo rgan ; Will Stoe tze r; Jes sily Ra mi rez;
SAFAC Caitlin Hughes (SAFAC ) o rgan izati ons. Reporter 119 9 A1 2006 11/9 Michelle Espinosa An gel a Amo roso

On Octo be r 1 7, 2 006 , Stetson w as

a ward ed w ith a posi ti on on the Presid ent's Camp aig n fo r
H igh er Edu cation C ommun ity Se rvice Adol escen t an d
Presi den t' s H igh er H ono r R oll fo r its effo rts to ai d victims in Stetson Athle ti cs Uni versity Stu den t
Reco gni ti on for Servi ce Edu cation C ommun ity the Gu lf C oast affe cte d by Hurri cane Ba ptist C oll egi ate In to th e Stre ets; Hu rrican e Katrin a Empow ermen t
Award ed to Ste tso n Tori Gibbs Servi ce Hon or Rol l Ka tri na. Reporter 119 9 A1 2006 11/9 Min istry (BC M) Phil osop hy Clu b Re lie f Effo rt (CAUSE) Victoria Chiaramonte; Harrison Pious
On Octo be r 3 0, 2 006 , Wood row Wilso n
Fel low a nd Pu litize r Pri ze win ner Da vid
Puli tze r Pri ze Wi nne r Vi sits Sh ipl er ga ve his le ctu re "Civi l Lib ertie s a t a Free dom an d
Camp us Kathleen Orlik Lecture Time o f Terrori sm." Reporter 119 9 A1 2006 11/9 Re spo nsib ili ty seri es Michael Denner Grady Ballenger Thursday's Book Feast Janelle Blackwell; Liana McAbee 1
Opi nio n col umn on the Mi nuteme n, a
g roup d ed icated to pre ventin g il leg al
i mmigra ti on of Mexica ns to th e Uni te d
Minutemen Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column State s. Reporter 119 9 B1 2006 11/9

A Li ttle Bi t of Tokyo, and a C ontin uin g travel co lumn o n Sean 's Barth
lot of H ong Kong Sean Barth Opinion Column stud y a bro ad exp erie nce in H ong Kong . Reporter 119 9 B1 2006 11/9
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: Why Joh n
Kerry is Stu pid a nd the War Opi nio n on co mments made b y Jo hn Ke rry
in Iraq is Ri ght Pat McMahon Opinion Column o n th e mil itary. Reporter 119 9 B2 2006 11/9 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: Ho ne st Opi nio n on co mments made b y Jo hn Ke rry
Mistake Patrick Testa Opinion Column o n th e mil itary. Reporter 119 9 B2 2006 11/9 1
Opi nio n on w hy stu den ts sho uld just say
Just Say No Erica Saviuk Opinion Column n o to many req uests. Reporter 119 9 B2 2006 11/9
D own to wn Di sne y; Da shbo ard
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur C onfessi on al; DeL and N aval Airfle et Ope n
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions H ouse Reporter 119 9 C1 2006 11/9
Hypn otist Emp loys Hu mor H ypno ti st Tom De luca p erforms at S te tso n Co un cil for Stu den t Greg Mu lli ns; Wll Stoe tze r; Ca pie
to En tra nce Natalie Wearstler Deluca, Tom d urin g Fa mily Weeke nd. Reporter 119 9 C1 2006 11/9 Activitie s (CSA) Pa nkow ; Ra lph Mi lne 4
Sco tt Horto n, a p romin ent New York
a ttorn ey an d huma n righ ts activi st, le ctu red
Horton Bri ngs Taste of o n "The Ne w Cen tra l Asi a: Bu sin ess,
Cen tra l Asi a to Ste tso n Jacob Wagner Lecture Po litics, an d Socie ty." Reporter 119 9 C1 2006 11/9 Michael Denner 1
Fa mily Weeke nd Provi des
Everyon e with Al ong w ith lo ts of activitie s for stude nts, Ja son Stearn s; Jo se De Abreu ; Bryan
Unco nven ti on al p aren ts , an d fa mili es, so me stu den ts D uffy; Rob bie C arel li; Ge rald ine " Ge ri"
Entertain ment Trista Etheridge Family Weekend d ispl ay juve ni le be havi or in front of g ue sts. Reporter 119 9 C2 2006 11/9 Mo rill o; Mi chae l Brown 3
Pi Be ta Phi he ld its ann ual L in ks to
L iteracy Week from Octob er 23 to 27 i n an Sh ann on McFarla nd ; La uren Wil mot;
Pi Beta Phi Ho ld s L iteracy e ffort to ra ise mon ey for its n ation al li te racy L and on Weeks; Jason B eckne ll; Luke
We ek Emily Sawyer Pi Beta Phi p hil anth ro py. Reporter 119 9 C3 2006 11/9 Mo ja; Tyle r C hoi nie re; C arol ine Ke lle y
Th e Presid ent's Bal l Has
Gre at Turn Out none President's Ball [Photos Only] Reporter 119 9 C3 2006 11/9 3
Qu intesse ntia l Care ers
Visits Ste tso n none Quintessential Careers [Photos Only] Reporter 119 9 C3 2006 11/9 Katherine Hansen Randall Hansen 3
Hatters Vo lle ybal l Takes a Vol leyb all tea m lost th ree ga mes and w on
Loss to Tenn essee Kelsey Clews Volleyball o ne a gai nst Ten ne ssee. Reporter 119 9 D1 2006 11/9 Cheryl Carlson Laura Boyd 1

N oel le Tyre ; Kel ly Kuen nin g; Bri ttan y

Jo nes; Au dra Thoma s; April Ei leri ng;
Wo men's Socce r Win s a t H atte r's wome n's socce r tea m w on thei r H eathe r Be rg; Sa rah Stock; Kelse y
Seni or Nig ht Michael Hodges Soccer, Women's re gul ar sea son fina le ove r Emb ry-Rid dle . Reporter 119 9 D1 2006 11/9 Kra mer; Ju lia nne Turnb ull ; Je nni fe r H ays 1
Breaking Par Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on golf. Reporter 119 9 D1 2006 11/9 1
Hatter Profile : Ch ristop her Pro fi les Ch ristop er Ricca rd, a me mber of
Ricca rd Katherine St. Clair Riccard, Christopher the cre w team. Reporter 119 9 D1 2006 11/9 2
The fac ulty of the C oll ege o f Arts an d
Fa culty Ap prove s Cha nge s Sci ence s app roved a ch ang e in the
of Gen eral E duca ti on n atural sc ien ce gen eral e duca ti on Curri culu m Gra dy Ball eng er; Jo hn
Req uire ment Tori Gibbs Curriculum re qui remen t for the cla ss o f 20 11. Reporter 119 10 A1 2006 11/16 Cynthia Bennington Commi ttee Toni Blum Pusateri Shakira Stewart; Aimee Shupe 1
Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n (SGA )
Sena to r Wasse r, Othe rs, Stude nt Gove rnme nt e xpel led 18 Sen ators fo r l ack of Wil l Sto etzer; N ate Davi s; Ian Wasser;
Expel led From SGA Caitlin Hughes Associ ation a tten da nce. Reporter 119 10 A1 2006 11/16 R and all Ju dt; Aliso n A ra go na
Smi th H all 's Upp er Eigh t Re side nt
Assi sta nt (R A) N ick Cava lla ro resi gne d
Resi den t Assistan t Ca ugh t d ue to ph otos on Faceb oo k o f hi m d rinki ng
"Re d-Ha nde d" Maryanne Waldron Residential Life w ith dorm resi de nts. Reporter 119 10 A1 2006 11/16 Mel Sabo Patty Henke Eric Seidel; Lauren Lief 1

The Ste tso n admi nistratio n is worki ng wi th

the Flo rida Dep artment of Transp ortation
In te rsection Imp ro veme nts to imp rove the Wood la nd Bou leva rd and
Soon To Be Impl emen te d Marie Franzman Public Safety Ame lia Aven ue crossw alks. Reporter 119 10 A2 2006 11/16 James Beasley Dana Gonzalez; Michelle Adan
The Bo ard o f Tru ste es, Vi ce Presid ent of
Fin ance S all y D owl ing , an d Bursar Bria n
Jo hnso n ap prove d a sign ifican t d ecrea se
Drastic Pol icy Cha nge i n th e amo unt a stu den t can owe b efore
Send s Stu den ts Scramb lin g b ein g al low ed to regi ste r for the n ext
fo r C ash Marie Franzman Tuition se mester. Reporter 119 10 A2 2006 11/16 Evan Cano; Melissa Cosgrove
Wil l Sto etzer; Ian Wasse r; Jessi ly
Stude nt Gove rnme nt R amire z; Dre w Gl asno vich; Micha el
SGA Beat Caitlin Hughes Associ ation SGA activities. Reporter 119 10 A3 2006 11/16 H odg es; R yan Lyn ch

Watergate Scandal of 2005 Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on brother's girlfriend. Reporter 119 10 B2 2006 11/16
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: Bye Bye Opi nio n on the re sign ation o f Se cretary of
Rummy Pat McMahon Opinion Column D efense Don ald R umsfeld . Reporter 119 10 B2 2006 11/16 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: Six Ye ars Opi nio n on the re sign ation o f Se cretary of
Too Lo ng Patrick Testa Opinion Column D efense Don ald R umsfeld . Reporter 119 10 B2 2006 11/16 1
C omed ian Jo sh Blu e, w inn er of L ast Comic
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Stan din g; Sto ver Th eatre's Stop Ki ss;
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions D eath Ca b for Cutie Reporter 119 10 C1 2006 11/16 1
Je an Ch atzky, a colu mni st for th e New
York Da ily Ne ws and fin anci al ed itor fo r
So You Wan t to Marry a N BC's Toda y Sh ow, lecture d as part of the
Law yer? Jen Kmetz Lecture R inke r Institu te L ecture Seri es. Reporter 119 10 C1 2006 11/16 3
The L atin Ameri can Studi es Dep artment
h osted a n igh t cen te red o n Mayan cu lture,
i nclu din g de monstratio ns of Ma yan
A Look at the Mayan World Emmalee Schmidt Lecture w eavi ng. Reporter 119 10 C1 2006 11/16 Robert Sitler Angelica Nater; Sara Reilova 2
Qu intesse ntia l Care ers
Offers Stu den ts Valu abl e Qui ntCare ers 10 th a nni versary col leg e to ur
Advice Emmalee Schmidt Quintessential Careers ca me to S te tso n on No vembe r 3 , 2 006 . Reporter 119 10 C1 2006 11/16 Randell Hansen Kathy Hansen Kelly Cleary Career Services
Dr. Ra sp's 19 Year Old
Beard Sh ave n! none Rasp, John [Photos Only] Reporter 119 10 C1 2006 11/16 3
D r. Cami lle Ki ng' s l ecture titled " To Slee p… Be tty Batson Bel l
Pe rchan ce to Lea rn" wa s h eld o n Brai n an d Lea rnin g
Bell's Benefits of Sleep Emily Sawyer Lecture N ovemb er 3, 200 6. Reporter 119 10 C3 2006 11/16 L ecture Seri es
SU RE gran t re cipi ent Rach el Pusa te ri
SURE Re cipi ent Prese nts p resen ted he r re search o n Emily Di ckinso n
Dicki nson R esea rch Meghon Crossley Lecture o n Nove mbe r 1 , 20 06. Reporter 119 10 C3 2006 11/16

Airwa ves is a Hit: Win ners:

Pi Beta Phi, De lta Sigma
Phi an d Al ph a Kapp a Psi Erica Saviuk Airwaves [Photos Only] Reporter 119 10 C4 2006 11/16 35
A. J. Smith; Brand on Wil lia ms ; Gabe
H atte r's men's ba sketba ll team wo n th eir McMi lle n; Tim Lan g; C oll ins Okafor; Eri c
Hatter Basketb all first game N ove mb er 6th ag ain st Flori da D iaz; Ga rfi eld Bl air; Ryan R ap olti; Wyli e
Domi nates Flori da Ch ristian Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's C hristia n. Reporter 119 10 D1 2006 11/16 Sebastian Singletary Tucker 2
Me n's socce r tea m too k o n the
Hatters Stu n Do lph ins in Ja cksonvi lle D olp hi ns in the Atl antic Sun Ta nne r Wol fe ; Kevi n Munz; Rud y
Con fe rence Semi-Fin als Ryan Lynch Soccer, Men's C onfere nce se mi-fina ls. Reporter 119 10 D1 2006 11/16 Me hren ; Alessa ndro Barche rini 1
Me n's socce r tea ms fal ls to Gard ne r-Web b Griffin Gilstrap ; Ru dy Mehre ns; Ta nne r
Men' s So ccer Fa lls in i n overtime i n the Atl antic Sun C onfere nce Wol fe ; Ro bert Hod ge; Al essan dro
Con fe rence Fin al Michael Hodges Soccer, Men's fin al. Reporter 119 10 D1 2006 11/16 Sean Murphy Ba rcheri ni; Al ex Rob inso n 1
Pro fi le of Jan ene Ma clin , sen ior ba sketba ll
Hatter Profile: Janene Maclin Katherine St. Clair Maclin, Janene p laye r. Reporter 119 10 D1 2006 11/16 2
Sp orts co lu mn on spo rts as a micro cosm
Just a Thought Michael Hodges Sports Column o f li fe . Reporter 119 10 D1 2006 11/16 1
Vi cto r Web b discu sses th e men' s so ccer
Hea rtb reak at Fi na l - An tea m's loss in the Atlan ti c Su n Co nferen ce
Ath lete' s Pe rspective Victor Webb Soccer, Men's fin als. Reporter 119 10 D2 2006 11/16 Sean Murphy Tanner Wolfe; Kevin Munz
L ady Ha tte rs b asketba ll team lo se
Wo men's Baske tb al l Lose s e xhib ition ma tch aga inst Fl orid a Gu lf C oas t 3 (2 on
Big Michael Hodges Basketball, Women's U nive rsity. Reporter 119 10 D3 2006 11/16 Dee Romine Ashli Jackson D2)
Med ia Se rvices; Ja son Will iams; Dan iel Qui nn; Sam
The U nive rsity's web site has be en Gerry Ewin g; Ga ry Publ ic Rel ation s; De bo rah Offi ce of Ad missio ns; R oman o; Ma rie Franzma n; Harriso n
U. Website Revamped Samantha Lange Website co mple te d reva mped . Reporter 119 11 A1 2006 11/22 Sip e We bGarag e Tho mp son Te rry Wh itu m Pi ous 3
Safety i n Jeo pard y:
Con cerns Arise After Brea k-
ins at Uni versity Ap artmen t Fou r ca rs w ere b ro ken i nto at the ca mpu s
Parkin g Lot Jennifer Hays Public Safety Vi lla ge Apartmen ts on Nove mber 5th. Reporter 119 11 A1 2006 11/22 Public Safety Michelle Espinosa Christine Sawyer

D ebo rah Thomp son , wh o has serve d as

Vi ce Presid ent of E nrol lmen t Man age ment
Deb orah Tho mpson N amed si nce 20 01 , ha s b een a pp oin te d Vice
VP o f Ca mpus Li fe Tori Gibbs Thompson, Deborah Pre side nt of C ampu s L ife. Reporter 119 11 A1 2006 11/22 James Beasley Terry Whittum 1
Wil l Sto etzer; Wil lia m C oll um; Wil lia m
Grau el; Ab bie H eisn er; Kristina Mo rgan ;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt R and all Ju dt; Ke vin Winch ell ; Ian
SGA Beat Caitlin Hughes Associ ation SGA activities. Reporter 119 11 A2 2006 11/22 Grady Ballenger Wasser; Drew Gla sno vi ch

Th is We ek in Pol itics: H ow
Th ing s Mi ght Have Go ne Mike Riggs Satire Column Satire on recent political events Reporter 119 11 B1 2006 11/22
The Fun of the Chase Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on chasing down elusive gifts. Reporter 119 11 B2 2006 11/22
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: Ch ave z i s Opi nio n on Ven ezue lan Pre side nt Hug o
th e Devi l Pat McMahon Opinion Column C have z. Reporter 119 11 B2 2006 11/22 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: Ch ave z i s Opi nio n on Ven ezue lan Pre side nt Hug o
Rig ht Patrick Testa Opinion Column C have z. Reporter 119 11 B2 2006 11/22 1
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur C racker Barre l; Pe rkin s Famil y Restau rant;
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions H oli day Ho use Reporter 119 11 C1 2006 11/22 1
Th e Lou vre Wi she s i t Ha d The 1 7th Annu al Stude nt Art E xhib ition i s Mi chel le Adan ; He athe r Stew art; Phi lip
Ste tso n Art Jen Kmetz Duncan Gallery of Art cu rrently on disp lay in Sa mpson H all . Reporter 119 11 C1 2006 11/22 Theo Lotz An th ony; J.D . Ha le s 4
Wil lia m C oll um, a j uni or pol itica l s ci en ce
America 's Most D ang erou s ma jor, g ave a l ecture on h is resea rch on De pa rtme nt o f Psi Chi C oll ege R yan Hu tso n; D an iel le Pal miotzo;
Drug Jacob Wagner Lecture me th amph etami ne use . Reporter 119 11 C1 2006 11/22 Po litica l Scien ce Rep ubl ican s College Democrats Rinker Auditorium R ussel l Roma ; Starla Stark 1
Ka ra Turn er; Bi mini Wrig ht; Eli se Hol t;
"Stop Kiss" Ca use s Mix ed " Sto p Kiss," a mode rn pla y, was pe rfo rmed D ani el Ro scoe; Katie Sw italski ; Da nie lle
Rea cti ons from Au die nce s Meghon Crossley Theater Performance a t Stove r Thea tre . Reporter 119 11 C2 2006 11/22 L eop old ; Will D aly
N ation al Foo tb all L eag ue (NFL) refere e
To m H ill p aid a vi sit to the U nive rsity o n
N ovemb er 9th to share h is expe rien ces as
Referee Visits Campus Kelsey Clews Lecture a p rofessi ona l referee . Reporter 119 11 D1 2006 11/22
Me lissa Mu lle r; Li z Gorski ; Sara h Sea rs;
Hatter Vo lle ybal l Lo ses At The vo lle yba ll team lo st to North Flori da in R ebe cca Orze chow icz; Be th Slab aug h;
Seni or Nig ht Michael Hodges Volleyball the ir regu la r se ason fin ale . Reporter 119 11 D1 2006 11/22 Cheryl Carlson R ache l Mill er 2
Sp orts co lu mn on the Na ti ona l Baske tb all
Learning to Share Michael Hodges Sports Column Asso ciatio n (NBA). Reporter 119 11 D1 2006 11/22 1
Pro fi le of Ha tter Voll eyba ll pl ayer, Gin a
Hatter Profile: Gina Iacona Katherine St. Clair Iacona, Gina Iaco na . Reporter 119 11 D1 2006 11/22 2
Dec ember 4 , 2 006 issue
http://www.stets onre porte
r.c om /news/20 06 /1 2/04/ Reporter 119 12 2006 12/4
L oui s N ou t, mana ger of th e Brickho use
re sta uran t i n dow ntown D eLa nd, wa s sh ot
Brickho use Man ag er a nd kil led whe n a stra y b ull et fire d by
Trag ical ly Sho t De ad Caitlin Hughes; Jen Hays Public Safety Jo seph Vi ncen t Atta rdo hi t hi m. Reporter 119 12 A1 2006 12/7 1
Stud en t go vernme nt re prese ntative s from
a roun d the state met a t the Ind epe nde nt Wil l Sto etzer; Ma rie Vil lard ; Zib Phi lbi n;
IC UF Stud ent Al lia nce Inde pen den t C oll ege s C oll ege s a nd U nive rsities of Fl orid a (IC UF) An drew D avis; Drew Gla snovi ch; Jessil y
Breaks Away from IC UF an d Uni versitie s o f co nfere nce an d have b roken fro m the R amire z; Matt Sn yder; Joe C onkl in;
Org ani zation Caitlin Reagan Flori da ICU F org ani zatio n. Reporter 119 12 A1 2006 12/7 Mary Sheldon Boney An drea C ogg in s
Stetson stu den t Mark Baro n th rea te ned
Stu den t Threa te ne d at Kn ife w ith a knife b y a n assai lan t in d own town
Poin t in D own to wn D eLa nd Rachel Holleman Public Safety D eLa nd . Reporter 119 12 A1 2006 12/7 Meredith Kaiser 1
Fl ood R evea ls Poten ti al The n orth wi ng of th e secon d floo r o f Emil y
Mold Issue i n Emily Ha ll Maryanne Waldron Residential Life H all flo ode d on N ovemb er 12th. Reporter 119 12 A1 2006 12/7 Stetson Hall J.J. Evans Michelle Espinosa Sommer Wyant; Laura Boyd 1
Wil l Sto etzer; Mi chae l Hod ge s; Da vis;
D rew Glasn ovich ; Jessi ly Rami rez;
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n (SGA ) Gen try Man der; Jess La nza; Nin a
SGA Beat Tori Gibbs Associ ation a cti vities. Reporter 119 12 A2 2006 12/7 Sa vas; Wil l Gra uel
Opi nio n that th e curren t U.S. e con omic
America 's Fa ithful Ensl ave system of cap itali sm force s h uman s i nto
by Proxy Philip Muller Opinion Column b ond ag e. Reporter 119 12 B1 2006 12/7
Cha rm Alo ne Ca n't Carry Opi nio n on the ca mpus' b eau ty versu s l ess
th e Show Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column favo rab le attribu te s. Reporter 119 12 B1 2006 12/7
Fa cebo ok User: Interest
Gro ups:: R edn eck: Tsh irt
Draw er Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on Facebook group collections. Reporter 119 12 B1 2006 12/7 1

[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: De mocrats Opi nio n on D emocra ti c o versig ht

Deci de to "Investig ate" Pat McMahon Opinion Column i nvestig atio ns. Reporter 119 12 B2 2006 12/7 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: Cl ea nin g Opi nio n on D emocra ti c o versig ht
Hou se Patrick Testa Opinion Column i nvestig atio ns. Reporter 119 12 B2 2006 12/7 1
Top 3 Pla ces to Stu dy fo r Ba rnes & No ble ; De nny's Famil y
Fi nal s Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions R estaura nt; Bo sto n Coffee Reporter 119 12 C1 2006 12/7 1
C omed ian Jo sh Blu e, w inn er of L ast Comic
Stan din g pl ays before l arge a ud ien ce in
Laugh 'Til You Turn Blue Jen Kmetz Comedy Performance the R inke r Fie ld H ouse . Reporter 119 12 C1 2006 12/7 Allie Grawert; Danielle Greschuk 2
Drug R eformatio n Swe eps
Uni versitie s Across the Stude nts for Se nsib le
Natio n Trista Etheridge Dru g Poli cies (SSDP) SSDP meets on campu on October 16th. Reporter 119 12 C1 2006 12/7 Micah Daigle Zach Tetreault
Jo sh Stu tte; Jon athan L awre nce; Joe
Lib eral Arts Ki ds Can Sing , Stud en ts ho ld Open Mi c n igh t o n L api n; Trey Turn er; Ma rque s To live r;
Too Jen Kmetz Open Mic Night N ovemb er 28 th . Reporter 119 12 C1 2006 12/7 CSA Se an Kin berg er 2
Ka ti e Smith; Jo siah Armes ; Jaso n
Bl anton ; Do no van Sin gle ta ry; Hi lla ry
Don Gio vann i Sed uces The Ste tso n Op era Thea te r p erformed Kristie Born; Rich ard An derso n; Eri ca Schi ff; Jame s Mo rris;
Audi ence Me mbe rs Meghon Crossley Opera Performance Mo zart's Don Gio vann i. Reporter 119 12 C2 2006 12/7 Bu tl er Kri ste n Va nde roef
Stre ss Ma nag eme nt Tips for D etail s type s and symp to ms o f stress and
Fi nal s Emily Sawyer Final Exams stress rel ief. Reporter 119 12 C2 2006 12/7
Sp on so red b y L atin America Stud ies, the
Stetson commun ity i s h avin g a to y d rive for
Tis the Season for Giving Trista Etheridge Philanthropy l ow-i ncome fami lie s i n Pie rs on. Reporter 119 12 C2 2006 12/7 Robert Sitler Lariza Garzon

H atte r's wome n baske tb all tea m win s o ver Sh arne sha Smith; Kel lie Olso n: Vl end y
Women Get First Win Rachel Batten Basketball, Women's Ke nn esaw State. Reporter 119 12 D1 2006 12/7 R old an; Kim Mann ing ; Ja nen e Macli n
Men' s Ba sketbal l Beats H atte r's men's ba sketba ll team wi ns over
PBAU Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's Pa lm Bea ch Atla ntic Uni versity. Reporter 119 12 D1 2006 12/7 2

BCS Not Broken Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on the college football BCS. Reporter 119 12 D1 2006 12/7 1

Hatter Profile: Eric Diaz Katherine St. Clair Diaz, Eric Profile of Eric Diaz, men's basketball player. Reporter 119 12 D1 2006 12/7 1
An o pe n fo rum was he ld to discu ss th e
o ngo in g conce rns abo ut the fra te rnity Deb orah Tho mpson ;
No Fina l Deci sion s Ma de o n h ouse s bei ng de moli shed d urin g the Gre eks; Maxcy Ha ll; Rob in Porter; Miche lle
Fu tu re Fra te rnity Hou sin g Rachel Holleman Fraternities su mmer of 2 00 7. Reporter 119 13 A1 2007 2/1 Residential Life Fra te rnitie s Ne mec Ha ll Espin osa 1
A Ste tso n stude nt w as run ove r b y an SUV
d rivin g by an other stude nt w hil e wal king
Stu den t Struck by SUV on w estward a lo ng the sid ewa lk of E. Ari zona Ja me s D. H ess; Publ ic Safety
Camp us Side wal k Heather Martyn Public Safety Ave nue . Reporter 119 13 A1 2007 2/1 Da vid D amato Office Officer Cooper Kari Rogers; Kurt Frantz; Robert Latoza
Facu lty g athe red to discu ss d omin an t
Fa culty Col lab orate o n the mes fo r th e bettermen t of th e Un iversi ty Eric Kurla nde r; Emil y Mi eras;
Ste tso n's Na ti ona l Ima ge Caitlin Hughes Faculty Meeting a t a facu lty me eting . Reporter 119 13 A1 2007 2/1 Michael McFarland Ge ne Hu skey Gary Maris Judy Ward

Stetson Trustee a nd al umna D oll y H and

Brand N ew Art Ce nter to a nd h er husb and H omer rece ntly do nated
Perman ently Ho use $ 1 mill ion tow ard s the co nstruction o f a n Oscar Blu mner;
Fa mous Blu emne r Ho mer and D oll y H and a rt cen ter on camp us betwe en Sa mpson Vera Bl uemn er
Col lectio n Tori Gibbs Art C enter H all a nd the d uPon t-Ba ll Li brary. Reporter 119 13 A1 2007 2/1 Ko uba Roberta Favis Kate Whittum; Jamie Haugh
Wil l Sto etzer; Je ssily Ra mirez; Ge ntry
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Ma nde r; Zib Phi lbi n; Ma tth ew Snyd er;
SGA Beat none Associ ation Student Government Assocation activities. Reporter 119 13 A2 2007 2/1 N ate Davi s; Ra nda ll Jud t.
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Iraq Troop
Surge : Why Bush i s R igh t
and the Lib eral s a re Opi nio n col umn on the troo p surg e in the
Wro ng." Pat McMahon Opinion Column Iraq War. Reporter 119 13 B1 2007 2/1 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Bri ng Our Opi nio n col umn on the troo p surg e in the
Troo ps Ho me." Pat Testa Opinion Column Iraq War. Reporter 119 13 B1 2007 2/1 1
The Right Man for the Job Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on Barack Obama for President. Reporter 119 13 B1 2007 2/1

Coo kies Brin g Joy to

Everyon e bu t the Girl Scou t Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on selling Girl Scout cookies. Reporter 119 13 B1 2007 2/1
Opi nio n on w hat th e Uni versity doe s to
Col leg e: The U ltimate se rve stu de nts i n lig ht o f the rece nt ta lk of
Service Ind ustry Michael Schindel Opinion Column d emol ishi ng the fratern ity h ouse s. Reporter 119 13 B2 2007 2/1 Greeks; Fraternities

Resp onse : Admin istrators Opi nio n on stud ent reactio n to th e recen t
are No t the Onl y Pi mps Mike Riggs Opinion Column tal k o f d emol ishi ng the fraterni ty ho use s. Reporter 119 13 B2 2007 2/1 Greeks; Fraternities
Opi nio ns of vario us membe rs o f the
Stetson commun ity o n th e recen t tal k o f Gre eks; N ick Cava lla ro; Pa tri ck McMa hon ; Rya n
Community Forum none Opinion Column d emol ishi ng the fratern ity h ouse s. Reporter 119 13 B3 2007 2/1 John Rasp Fra te rnitie s Nemec Hall H utson; Chri s Eva ns
Opi nio ns of a numb er of stud en ts on the
N ew Ye ar's pre dictio n by evan ge list Pat
R obe rtso n that th e Uni te d Sta tes wou ld Emi ly Con sta ntine ; Ro b D'Au gustin is;
l ose mil lio ns of Ame ri can l ives in a si ngl e Al exis Ha rt; Joe Martin o; Gre g Ad ams;
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column ye t-to-o ccur tra ge dy. Reporter 119 13 C1 2007 2/1 Ma rie Vil lard ; Ch ris Evans; Phil Mu lle r 8
Ke vin Winch ell give s h is opi nio ns on the
Neme cites in Di sarray: Th e ten ta tive de cisio n to mo ve fra te rnitie s i nto
Kevin Win chel l Acco un t Natalie Wearstler Nemec Hall N emec Ha ll. Reporter 119 13 C1 2007 2/1 Greeks; Fraternities Jim Beasley
Opi nio ns of stu den ts on the re cen t talk of
d emol ishi ng the fratern ity h ouse s a nd Ja ck Vi te k; Matt Vi lla ni; Tim Wo ods;
Brotherhood Bids Goodbye Trista Etheridge Fraternities mo ving th e fra te rnitie s to Ne mec Hal l. Reporter 119 13 C1 2007 2/1 Greeks; Fraternities Michelle Espinosa Mi ke McCle an; Hal den L aPo te n
Me lissa Sa bo; Kristy Ku rzydlo ; KB
Doctor Dra ma Fe ver In fects Opi nio ns of stu den ts on fou r p op ula r L egl er; N atasia So sa; Had ley Mue lle r;
Camp us Emmalee Schmidt Television d octor sho ws on tele visio n. Reporter 119 13 C2 2007 2/1 House Gray's Anatomy Nip/Tuck Scrubs Jo hn Bake r 1
Orla ndo S cien ce Cen te r " Body" Exhi bit;
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Orla ndo Ma gi c; Lo s Amig os Cub an-
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions Me xican R estau rant. Reporter 119 13 C3 2007 2/1

Po etry a t a n Unco uth Hou r tea med u p with

To uchston e, WH AT R adi o, a nd the D igi ta l Jo e Lap in; Jen Sh all er; Se an Kin be rg er;
Poems an d Music a nd Art, Poe try at an Un cou th Arts Dep artmen t to host Fu sing Emi ly Con sti ntine ; Beve rly Barr; Sara
Oh My! Jen Kmetz Ho ur To uchston e with Arts a nd Med ia (FTAM). Reporter 119 13 C3 2007 2/1 Terri Witek Nitelites Andy Dehnart Lori Snook Strickh ouse r; Joh n Tin ne ll 2
Ma rcus Echtler; Sergu ei Bo ula nov; Joey
Me n's tenn is te am fa lls to Wo fford 4 -3 in a Jo nes; Dan iel Sta mp ; H icha m L aal ej;
Men's Tennis Falls to Wofford Michael Hodges Tennis, Men's se ason -op eni ng match. Reporter 119 13 D1 2007 2/1 Fil ip Kricka 1
Pru e Kenn y; Ayesha Ba rkle y; Da na
Wo men's Baske tb al l Evens Wome n's ba sketbal l te am clai ms the ir th ird Mye rs; Sha rnesa Smi th ; Staci a Shep ard;
Con fe rence Reco rd Kelsey Clews Basketball, Women's w in for th e sea son ag ain st Ca mpbe ll. Reporter 119 13 D1 2007 2/1 Ke lli e Ol son 1

Getting Worse with Practice Mike Riggs Bowling Mike Riggs discusses his bowling exploits. Reporter 119 13 D1 2007 2/1 1

Val entin a Ga lba rini ; Kathe rine Now icki;

Wo men's Ten nis Cl aims Win H atte rs e arn the ir fi rst victory of th e seaso n Bre ann a Atkin son ; Ca th erin e Can ady;
in Sea son Ope ner Rachel Batten Tennis, Women's w ith a 5-2 wi n ag ain st Wofford C oll eg e. Reporter 119 13 D2 2007 2/1 Sasha Schmid An na Le on enko ; Na ta lie Gorh am 1
Hatter Profile : Ainsl ey
We lli ngh off Katherine St. Clair Wellinghoff, Ainsley Profile of Ainsley Wellinghoff, senior golfer. Reporter 119 13 D2 2007 2/1 Floyd Kerr 1

D etail s g reat amo unt of d amag e do ne by

Torna do Le ave s C re w the re cen t torna dos to th e Stetson crew 's
Boatle ss Melissa Pancoast Crew L ake Be resford facil ity a nd eq uip men t. Reporter 119 14 A1 2007 2/8 Katherine Bryan 1

Alu mni Associ ation ;

Stud ent Al umni James Wo od ward ;
Asso ciatio n; Ann Hon ors Progra m Re side nce H all A; Haro ld Mil ne "Prof"
200 7 Home comin g Outli nes so me of the p lan s for the 2 007 Je nkin s; Taylo r Schol ars; Maxcy Ha ll; Al ph a Gri ffin; Roa nd Geo rge
Anticip ates New Trad iti on s Caitlin Hughes Homecoming H omeco ming . Reporter 119 14 A1 2007 2/8 An derso n Resi den ti al Li fe Ch i Ome ga In vestment Progra m 8

Uni versity Reco gni zed The Bo nn er Schol ars Progra m w ill so on be Ri na Tova r;
Service w ith Sixty N ew a ddi ng a ddi ti ona l schol arshi ps to all ow for De bo rah
Schol arshi ps Heather Martyn Scholarships mo re stu de nts to jo in the servi ce prog ram. Reporter 119 14 A2 2007 2/8 H. Douglas Lee Bonner Foundation Tho mp son Jessily Ramirez

[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "The R ace

fo r Pre side nt i n 20 08 is On." Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the 2008 presidential election. Reporter 119 14 B1 2007 2/8 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "In It to Wi n
It." Pat Testa Opinion Column Opinion on the 2008 presidential election. Reporter 119 14 B1 2007 2/8 1
Opi nio n on the Feb ruary torna do s tha t hi t
Twist of Fate Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column C entral Flo rida . Reporter 119 14 B1 2007 2/8
Ge n Eds as Fun as a Ro ot Opi nio n on U nive rsity's g ene ral e duca ti on
Can al Erica Saviuk Opinion Column re qui remen ts . Reporter 119 14 B1 2007 2/8
Th e Imp ortance of Gree k Opi nio n on the i mportan ce of th e gree k
Life DJ Deaton Opinion Column system to Stetson. Reporter 119 14 B2 2007 2/8 Leonard Nance Robin Porter
Opi nio n on FEMA's respo nse to the
FEMA Does It Again Mike Riggs Opinion Column Feb ruary torn ado s. Reporter 119 14 B2 2007 2/8
Opi nio n on the q uestio n "In lig ht o f the R yan Lyn ch ; Vane ssa Ra lls; Ash er
Feb ruary 1 sh owi ng of "An Incon veni ent Wald ron; Jesse Pa uszek; Carl y
Truth," wha t are yo ur vie ws on gl oba l C hristoffell ; Bria n In gal l; Trevor Jon es;
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column w armin g?" Reporter 119 14 C1 2007 2/8 Ja ke Wi lczek 8

Author, Jo urna list, An d Poet R oya Ha kakia n spo ke abo ut Iran and h er
Spea ks o n Memo ir and Iran Natalie Wearstler Lecture b ook, Jou rney from th e Lan d of No. Reporter 119 14 C1 2007 2/8 Sarah Lynch 2
Stud en ts run a sma ll bu sine ss, Ca mpus Wil l Wash burn ; Matt Rap opo rt; Dee D ee
Bu tl er (fo rmerly kno wn a s Vau ghn ; Matthew " Twe ede r" R ap opo rt;
Camp us Butler Offers se ndme fo od .n et), that offe rs b utler an d C harl ie Pag e; JD H ale s; Jo sh Stu tte;
Con veni ence Emmalee Schmidt Campus Butler foo d servi ces to stud ents on ca mp us. Reporter 119 14 C1 2007 2/8 Al lie Graw ert; Katie L ee
Orla ndo Ma gi c; a pe rfo rmance o f
Te nne ssee Will iam' s The Gla ss Me nag erie
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur a t the Titu svil le Pla yhou se; D own to wn
Suitcase U npa cked Mike Riggs Local Attractions D eLa nd . Reporter 119 14 C2 2007 2/8 1
The Zen Experience Megon Crossley Restaurant Review Review of the Zen Bar and Café. Reporter 119 14 C2 2007 2/8 Sarine; Dianna Sok
Pro fi le of Co mmo ns staff memb er Deb orah
Profile: Deborah Harris Jacob Wagner Harris, Deborah H arris. Reporter 119 14 C2 2007 2/8 1

Hatters Can't Hold Big Lead Michael Hodges Basketball, Men's Men's basketball team loses to Mercer. Reporter 119 14 D1 2007 2/8 Gabe McMillan; Tim Lang; Garfield Blair 3
C olu mn on the En gli sh ban nin g con ger
cu ddl ing , a sp ort i n whi ch peo ple sto od on
flo werp ots and d odg ed a five foo t ee l bei ng
La Revolucion Michael Hodges Sports Column sw ung a t the m. Reporter 119 14 D1 2007 2/8 1
Stetson te nni s tea m l oses to Uni versity of
An Athlete's Perspective Katherine St. Clair Tennis, Women's Flo rida . Reporter 119 14 D2 2007 2/8 Sasha Schmid Breanna Atkinson; Katherine Nowicki 3
A pub lic foru m o n home lessn ess,
sp onso red b y D eLa nd' s Gove rnmen t
Home less Co mmuni ty Affairs Co mmitte e, w ill take p lace on
Propo sal to be D iscusse d at Feb ruary 2 0th in the Ri nker Audi to rium of Tige r Ba y Ne w
Ste tso n Heather Martyn DeLand the L ynn Busi ness Ce nter. Reporter 119 15 A1 2007 2/15 Pe destria n Villa ge Michael Arth Pe destria nism 2
The D epa rtment of Transp ortation b eg an
co nstructio n late la st yea r a t the
i ntersectio n of Minn esota an d Wo odl and Ame ri can s w ith
Construction Drags On Maryanne Waldron Public Safety Bo ule vard to imp rove pe destria n safety. Reporter 119 15 A1 2007 2/15 Di sab ilitie s Act Duane Knecht Aldo Rodriguez; Cristin Turner

In te rnet Fa ils for a Seco nd C ampu s i ntern et co nne cti ons fail ed d urin g
We eken d Wes Brooker Internet the w ee kend s o f Jan uary 21 st a nd 28th. Reporter 119 15 A1 2007 2/15 Bill Penney IT Department Bandwidth
Wil l Sto etzer; Eri ca Saviu k; Gen try
Ma nde r; Zib Phi lbi n; Jess Lan za; Je ssily
Stude nt Gove rnme nt R amire z; Will iam Graue l; R yan Lyn ch;
SGA Beat Julie Antos Associ ation Student Government Association activities. Reporter 119 15 A2 2007 2/15 R and all Ju dt

[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Mi nimu m Opi nio n on re cent fe dera l mini mum wag e
Wag e Hike - Goo d or Bad? " Pat McMahon Opinion Column h ike. Reporter 119 15 B1 2007 2/15 1

[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Mi nimu m Opi nio n on re cent fe dera l mini mum wag e
Wag e Ra ise Ben eficia l" Pat Testa Opinion Column h ike. Reporter 119 15 B1 2007 2/15 1
Offense Without Sense Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on Super Bowl advertising. Reporter 119 15 B1 2007 2/15
Opi nio n on the w ays in wh ich pe op le
People and Pain Caitlin Reagan Opinion Column h and le p ain . Reporter 119 15 B1 2007 2/15
Ready, Aim, Fire Gregory Serrago Opinion Column Opinion on Valentine's Day. Reporter 119 15 B1 2007 2/15
The "V-Day" Tragedy Michael Schindel Opinion Column Opinion on Valentine's Day. Reporter 119 15 B2 2007 2/15
Ou r Sch ool , Our Mon ey,
Ou r Pa rking Patrick McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on campus parking issues. Reporter 119 15 B2 2007 2/15
Va len ti nes Da y Eq ual s
Sing les Aware ness Da y Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on Valentine's Day. Reporter 119 15 B2 2007 2/15
N athan Olse n; Jo sh Mil ler; Ad rien ne
Opi nio n on the q uestio n "What is your Bo yle; Issa c R odri gu es; Fal lon Bl and ;
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column b igg est fe ar?" Reporter 119 15 C1 2007 2/15 C arol ine Jo nes; Amy Joyce 8
D onn a Co nlo n's vide o wo rks a re on
d ispl ay in the D unca n Art Ga lle ry i n
Sa mpson Hal l fro m Ja nua ry 1 2th th roug h
International Artist Visits Jen Kmetz Lecture Feb ruary 8 th . Reporter 119 15 C1 2007 2/15 Cyriaco Lopes Krissie Banas; Brendon Kingsley
Th e Sub Ci ty "Ta ke Actio n"
Tour Ra ises Tee n Suici de
Aware ness Natalie Wearstler Review Review of the Sub City Take Action! Tour. Reporter 119 15 C1 2007 2/15

The Ste tso n Art Fa culty ann ual e xhi bit and
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur re ceptio n; DeL and 's a nn ual Ma rdi Gras on
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions Ma instree t; Da yto na 50 0 After Party. Reporter 119 15 C2 2007 2/15 1
Stetson alu mnus Da vis Mall ory fro m the
Davi s Ma llo ry C omes Back ca st of MTV' s The R eal World Den ver Neme c H all ; Alph a Xi Ja mes Te al ; Sara h Rio pel le; Marissa
to Stetso n Emmalee Schmidt Lecture g ives talk a t Stetson on Feb rua ry 7 th . Reporter 119 15 C2 2007 2/15 CSA cultural credit homosexuality Del ta Gree n; Ke lly Thomp son 1

C ompo ser, pro fessor, a nd au th or Virgi l

Mo orefie ld g ave stude nts a l ook in to a new
Moore fi eld Sh ake s C hap el w ay of l isten ing to musi c a nd di scussed his Me lan ie McCo nach ie; Jha ysonn Pa th ak;
Wal ls with Musi cal Exp ertise Meghon Crossley Lecture b ook, The Prod ucer as Co mpose r. Reporter 119 15 C2 2007 2/15 Step hen Ga rza
D iscusse s so me of stu den ts' favo rite
Stu den ts Se ek Ad venture tel evisi on sh ows such a s L ost, Priso n C hris Schu ette ; Be th any Do ran; Kevin
Th roug h Pop ula r TV Se rie s Emmalee Schmidt Television Bre ak, H eroe s, a nd 24 . Reporter 119 15 C3 2007 2/15 C hamb ers; L and on Weeks 1
A screen ing of Al Gore's do cume ntary, An
Inco nve nie nt Truth, w as show n in the Lyn n En viron mental
An In con ve ni ent Truth' Busi ne ss Ce nter Audi to rium on Feb ruary Re spo nsib ili ty R yan Lyn ch ; Vale rie Qui nn; Rach el
Plays to a Fu ll Aud ien ce Jacob Wagner Movie Screening 1 st. Reporter 119 15 C3 2007 2/15 Model UN College Democrats Co un cil D avis; Wi ll Graue l 1

Val entin a Ga lba rini ; Kathe rine Now icki;

H atte r w omen 's te nni s tea m d efea ts Bre ann a Atkin son ; Ca th erin e Can ady;
Women's Tennis Tops FGCU Michael Hodges Tennis, Women's Flo rida Gul f Co ast Uni versity. Reporter 119 15 D1 2007 2/15 An na Le on enko ; Na ta lie Gorh am 2
Sp orts co lu mn on Mich ell e Wi e and Te rrell
Two People I Love Michael Hodges Sports Column Owe ns. Reporter 119 15 D1 2007 2/15 1
Hatter Profile: Chris Sias Katherine St. Clair Sias, Chris Profile of Hatter golfer Chris Sias. Reporter 119 15 D1 2007 2/15 Robert Weickel 2
Tim Lan g; J.J. Hirst; Garfie ld Bla ir; Kri s
Men's Basketball Takes Loss Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's Hatters lose to Belmont. Reporter 119 15 D2 2007 2/15 Derek Waugh Tho mas; Gab e McMill en 1
Stetson crew team pa rti cipa te d in a d ry Eri c L amon ta gne ; Will Gra uel ; Da rash
re gatta at FIT two d ays afte r l osin g all the ir D esai ; Ch ris Ricca rd; Ma nzura Ta lip ova;
Viewpoints: Crew Rebounds Wes Brooker Crew e qui pmen t to a torna do. Reporter 119 15 D2 2007 2/15 Chris Deatrick Kri sti ne Stacy; Je nn Jo nes
Dea n Wo odw ard Sch ool of Mu sic Dea n Jim Wo odw ard
Anno unc es Retire ment a nno un ces his retire ment afte r mo re th an Ph i Mu Al pha Commu nity
Plan s Tori Gibbs Woodward, James 2 0 yea rs a t Stetson. Reporter 119 16 A1 2007 2/22 Sin foni a chap te r Schoo l of th e Arts H. Douglas Lee Kristen Vanderoef 1
Wil l Sto etzer; Eri ca Saviu k; Gen try
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Ma nde r; Zib Phi lbi n; Jessil y R amire z;
SGA Beat Julie Antos Associ ation Student Government Association activities. Reporter 119 16 A2 2007 2/22 Wil lia m Grau el; Kristina Mo rgan
Th ird Annu al Battle of
DeL and H omel ess R epri nt o f Feb ruary 15 , 20 07 articl e on De La nd th e Band s; Stetson 's
Commu nity Propo sal to be p ropo sed Tige r Ba y Pe destria n Vill age for Gove rnmen t Affai rs Stu den t Co ali ti on to
Discu ssed at Ste tson. Heather Martyn DeLand the h ome less. Reporter 119 16 A2 2007 2/22 Co mmitte e Randy Croy Michael Arth End Ho mele ssness Adam C. Colando
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "The
Endl ess Ab ortion Deb ate" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on abortion. Reporter 119 16 B1 2007 2/22 1

[Talking Heads]: "Pro-Choice" Pat Testa Opinion Column Opinion on abortion. Reporter 119 16 B1 2007 2/22 1
Pay Attentio n to You r
Comp uter Harry Dennen Opinion Column Opinion on Digital Rights Management. Reporter 119 16 B1 2007 2/22
Cel ebri ty Storie s Be tte r
Th an World N ews Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on celebrity news. Reporter 119 16 B1 2007 2/22 1
Bedd ing In ade qua cy: A Opi nio n on the q ual ity o f camp us be ddi ng
Camp us Epid emic Greg Serrago Opinion Column a nd ma ttresse s. Reporter 119 16 B2 2007 2/22
Sound Bites and Satire Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on news as entertainment. Reporter 119 16 B2 2007 2/22 1
Opi nio ns on the q uestio n, " In l igh t of
re cent ne ws of the a stro nau t wh o dro ve
9 00 mil es (in a d iap er) to a ttack the R yan Ra pol ti ; Step han ie Rya n; Greg
w oman w ho i s d ating h er ex, h ow far H aue nstein ; Greg Se rrano ; Jess Spre ng;
w oul d you g o to g et e ven wi th someo ne Jo ey Powe ll; Kristin Ha rt; Micha el
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column w ho stole your bo yfri end /g irlfrie nd? Reporter 119 16 C1 2007 2/22 H odg es 8
On Feb ru ary 16 th , the Du ncan Art Ga lle ry
o pen ed the d oors of th e Facul ty Art
e xhib ition whi ch fe atures wo rks from Gary
Art Professo rs D o More Bo ldi ng , Da n Gu nde rson, Cyria co Lo pes,
Th an Tea ch Jen Kmetz Art Exhibit a nd Ma tt Rob erts. Reporter 119 16 C1 2007 2/22 Cultural Credit Krissie Banas; Cleo Collange 4
Flo res Fo rbes g ave a Ho ward Thu rman
L ecture o n his exp erie nces as a me mb er
Fo rbes Asks Stetso n o f the Bl ack Panthe r Pa rty (much o f wh ich
Stu den ts : Will Yo u Die With i s co vered in hi s b ook, Wi ll Yo u Die With
Me? Wes Brooker Lecture Me ?). Reporter 119 16 C1 2007 2/22 Huey Newton Deborah Suitt Luis Plazas Mathias Haughner;
Ji m C arreys movi e, The N umbe r 2 3;
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Orla ndo 's An nua l Art & L ivin g Expo ; Stover
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions The atre sho w "Broken E ggs." Reporter 119 16 C2 2007 2/22 1
On Feb ru ary 8th, severa l stu den ts
d emon stra ted thei r tal ent at th e Baptist
Baptist Col leg iate Mi nistry C oll egi ate Mini stry 2 007 Sp ring Vari ety
Rai ses Mone y Thro ugh Sh ow in o rde r to rai se mone y for a missi on D ani el Infiel d; Ma rlon Ja ckson ; Du sti n
Va riety Show Jacob Wagner Baptist Collegiate Ministry trip . Reporter 119 16 C2 2007 2/22 philanthropy Bu rgess; Tiffany Hu et; Yvone e Davi s.

Al Go re in an Osca r-
Wi nni ng Movi e? No t a s Far- Articl e on the 2 007 Acad emy Aw ards
Fe tch ed as o ne Mig ht Thi nk Adam Darragh Academy Awards (Oscars). Reporter 119 16 C3 2007 2/22

C orey Klu ber; Jeremy Cru z; Ke vin

Jo hnso n; Sh an e Jorda n; C asey Frawl ey;
Baseb all Win s Se aso n H atte rs d efea t Sou th ern Illi noi s U nive rsity Ja ke Hitchco ck; Josh Clen de nin ; Bla ke
Op ene r Michael Hodges Baseball i n th eir se ason o pen er. Reporter 119 16 D1 2007 2/22 Ma rsocci; Rob bie El semil ler 3
Garfie ld Bla ir; C oll ins Okafor; Kri s
Basketba ll Be ats Sa vann ah H atte rs b ea t Sava nna h Sta te on Febru ary Tho mas; Eri c D iaz; Tim La ng; A. J.
Sta te Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's 1 3th. Reporter 119 16 D1 2007 2/22 Derek Waugh Smi th ; Gabe McMi lle n
Hatter Profile : Marcu s Pro fi le of men 's ten nis pl aye r Ma rcu s
Echtler Katherine St. Clair Echtler, Marcus Ech tl er. Reporter 119 16 D1 2007 2/22 1
The Movies Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on sports movies. Reporter 119 16 D1 2007 2/22 1

Pre side nt H. D oug las Le e recen tl y Presid entia l Stud ent Nestor de Armas;
Presid ent Le e An nou nces a nno un ced hi s p lan s to retire a t the Ch an cell or; Successi on Task Gove rnmen t Karen Ka ivol a; Gen de r
Plan s to Re tire Heather Martyn Lee, H. Douglas co mple ti on o f the 20 08-0 9 scho ol yea r. Reporter 119 17 A1 2007 3/15 Marg are t Le e Fo rce Asso ciatio n Equi ty Co unci l Will Stoetzer 1
Da vid Ri nke r;
Le ig han R inke r;
Stetson Board o f Tru ste e membe rs h ave Marsh all E . Trustee Ma rketing a nd
Mill ion s R aise d fo r d ona ted $6 .9 mi lli on to reno vate an d Cici Bro wn; Cin di Ri nker Deve lop ment
Imp rovin g Sage Hal l Heather Martyn Sage Hall e xpan d Sag e Hal l. Reporter 119 17 A1 2007 3/15 Nestor de Armas Brown fi eld Fou nda ti on Commi ttee 1
Camp us Mourn s the
Passin g of P ro fessor Ad jun ct Mu sic Professor Bern ard Ha rdin g Dr. C rane ; Sa l Ann Adams; Boyd
Berna rd Hard ing Meghon Crossley Harding, Bernard d ied o n Febru ary 22, 200 7. Reporter 119 17 A1 2007 3/15 George West Jean West Ro nci; Sid Bl air Jone s; Alan R ain es Lauren Szydlo; Daniel Joiner 1
Stude nt Gove rnme nt Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n (SGA ) Eri ca Saviu k; Jessi ly Rami rez; R yan
SGA Beat Julie Antos Associ ation a cti vities. Reporter 119 17 A2 2007 3/15 Lyn ch; Zib Phil bin ; Will Grau el
R oom 31 6 in El izab eth Hal l wil l be
d edi cated to stude nt To m C orne liu s (T.C.) T.C . La ne Eu gen e Huske y;
Cla ssroom De dica te d to L ane who w as kill ed by a dru nk drive r i n Semin ar and Will iam Nyl en; T.
Victim of D runk Dri ving Caitlin Hughes Lane, Tom Cornelius D ecemb er 20 03. Reporter 119 17 A2 2007 3/15 Alpha Tau Omega Rea din g Ro om Wayne Ba ile y Grady Ballenger Dana Cipolla; Tait Erickson
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Wanted :
Hea lthcare R eform" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on federal healthcare coverage. Reporter 119 17 B1 2007 3/15 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "U nive rsal
Cove rage " Pat Testa Opinion Column Opinion on federal healthcare coverage. Reporter 119 17 B1 2007 3/15 1
Th e Ame rican Po lites se (or
lack there of) Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on rudeness in America. Reporter 119 17 B1 2007 3/15 1
Opi nio n on re sults of 7 9th An nu al
American Robbery Spencer Deck Opinion Column Aca demy Award s. Reporter 119 17 B1 2007 3/15
Opi nio n on the h uman p api llo maviru s
HPV Vaccine is a Must Kathryn Turner Opinion Column (H PV) va ccine , Gard asil . Reporter 119 17 B2 2007 3/15
Opi nio n on the h uman p api llo maviru s
Parents Have Final Say Mike Riggs Opinion Column (H PV) va ccine , Gard asil . Reporter 119 17 B2 2007 3/15
No Shi rt, No Sho es,
Defin itely a Prob le m Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on the local beaches. Reporter 119 17 B2 2007 3/15 1

Opi nio n on the q uestio n "In respo nse to To mas Santia go; Embe r L eip ert;
Face bo ok grou ps such as 'I Miss My Pe ts' C hristop her Graf; Bree ce Gahl ; Le xi
a nd 'Pe ti ti on Group : U VA R esid ents Bo see; Gri ffin Lyo n; Al ison C onn ; Gina
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column Sh ou ld be All owe d to Own Pe ts' ." Reporter 119 17 C1 2007 3/15 Fran coli no. 8
R evie w of a performa nce of Th e Vagi na
Vaginas Say What? Jen Kmetz Theater Review Mo nol ogu es. Reporter 119 17 C1 2007 3/15 Stover Theatre Sonal Patel; Lauren Hill; Dee Dee Vaughan
R ebe cca Made rski; Ei lee n Betan courth;
Broken Eg gs Portrays An C at Pl aza; Tasha R amos; We ndy Sil va;
Unu sall y Bro ken Famil y Meghon Crossley Theater Review R evie w of a performa nce of Broken Eg gs. Reporter 119 17 C1 2007 3/15 Ken McCoy Stover Theatre R ob Ca rell i 3
Ba seba ll a t Wa lt D isne y's Wid e Wo rld of
Sp orts; De La nds 4th Annu al 5 K R oad
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur R ace an d Fitness Wa lk; C ole Bro th ers
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions C ircus. Reporter 119 17 C2 2007 3/15
A drum circl e, l ed b y D wig ht Ba ldw in, was
A New Rhythm of Learning Trista Etheridge Cross Cultural Center h eld a t the C ross Cul tu ral Ce nter. Reporter 119 17 C2 2007 3/15 Dee Dee Vaughan 2
Artur Matuck, facul ty memb er of Sa n Pabl o
U nive rsity i n Brazil , le ctu red o n AR S
Artu r Ma tu ck D iscusse s co mbin atora a nd the comp utation al Di gita l Arts
More Than Ju st ABCs Jacob Wagner Lecture p rocess o f textual cre ation . Reporter 119 17 C2 2007 3/15 De pa rtme nt Terri Witek Kevin Ward
Person al Po sse ssio n or D iscusse s Stetso n's proh ibi ti on o f pe ts in
Probl em: Pe ts o n th e the re side nce h all s a nd othe r u ni versitie s'
Col leg e Scene Natalie Wearstler Residential Life p oli cies on pets in do rms. Reporter 119 17 C3 2007 3/15 Journey's End Imogene Wilson; Jennifer Beebe 4

Jo sh Cle nde nin ; Ju sti n Bass; Bri an

Pru itt; Jeremy Cru z; Sha ne Jo rdan ;
H atte rs w in o ve r Bethun e-Co okman R obb y D ono van; Da vid Burn s; Brae dyn
Baseball Beats B-CC Kelsey Clews Baseball C oll ege i n ba seba ll. Reporter 119 17 D1 2007 3/15 Pru itt; Ryan Pu skar; Rob bie El semil ler 1
An drea Mi gli ori; Sherre l Fo un ta in; Nico le
Forb es; L eon or Ca rre no ; Erica D emers;
The H atte rs suffere d a lo ss to the Amy Joyce ; Jessi ca Lok ein sky; Li ndse y
Softball Takes 6-2 Loss Kelsey Clews Softball U nive rsity o f Alba ny in so ftba ll. Reporter 119 17 D1 2007 3/15 Frank Griffin Wig htman
Mighty Ducks Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on March Madness. Reporter 119 17 D1 2007 3/15 1
A man dre ssed l ike a pu bli c sa fe ty officer
i nterrog ated fresh man stude nt Sa ra
R iop ell e a t fratern ity ro w earl y Sa tu rday
Publ ic Safety Imp erson ator mo rnin g an d th en foll owe d her ba ck to the
Poses Threa t Michael Riggs Public Safety d orm. Reporter 119 18 A1 2007 3/22 Jim Hess Michelle Espinosa
Pl ans to clo se dow n th e fra te rnity ho uses Re side ntia l Life;
Revi sed Fraterni ty Ho usin g for the 2 007 -08 scho ol yea r h ave b een p ut Ro ge r Fol ey; Miche lle Esp ino sa;
Plan Rachel Holleman Fraternities o n ho ld for a year. Reporter 119 18 A1 2007 3/22 Nemec Hall Board of Trustees Bruce Sta nle y James Bea sley Jeff Cara 1
D urin g th e 20 07-0 8 schoo l year, Ste tso n
w ill re move up pe rc lassme n fro m the
Resi den ti al Li fe Makes cu rrent We lln ess Hou sing si te at C arson -
Hou sing C han ge s for H oil lis, tu rnin g Carso n-H olli s i nto a
Upco ming Year Heather Martyn Residential Life fresh man Well ness resi den ce ha ll. Reporter 119 18 A1 2007 3/22 Residential Life J.J. Evans Nemec Hall Patty Henke Ryan Hutson
Grad ua tio n wi ll con sist o f two cere moni es;
o ne for the Scho ol of Busin ess Stud ent Fa culty Sen ate Gra dy Ball eng er; H .
Gra dua ti on Ce remo ny Ad mini stra ti on a nd Musi c a nd on e fo r Arts Gove rnmen t Executive Dou gla s L ee; Judy
Imp roved Caitlin Hughes Graduation a nd Sci ence s. Reporter 119 18 A2 2007 3/22 Asso ciatio n (SGA) Commi ttee Council of Deans Ward ; Jim Wood ward Katelyn Zaleski
Cha nge s Ma de to Stude nt C han ge s to the fede ral an d un iversi ty
Emplo yment Caitlin Hughes Work-Study Program w ork-study pro gra ms e xpla ine d. Reporter 119 18 A2 2007 3/22 Brittany Debity Louis Williams
Opi nio n col umn of Attorne y Gen eral
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Pro secutor Al berto Gon zale z' firi ng of a nu mber of
Fi ring s" Pat McMahon Opinion Column U .S. attorne ys. Reporter 119 18 B1 2007 3/22 1
Opi nio n col umn of Attorne y Gen eral
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Gon zale z Al berto Gon zale z' firi ng of a nu mber of
Must Go Pat Testa Opinion Column U .S. attorne ys. Reporter 119 18 B1 2007 3/22 1
Opi nio n col umn of th e mixin g of p oli ti cs
The Great Schism Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column a nd rel igi on . Reporter 119 18 B1 2007 3/22 1
Opi nio n col umn on fee lin gs of
d issatisfactio n, disa ppo intmen t, and
On Darker Things Ian Wasser Opinion Column d espa ir. Reporter 119 18 B1 2007 3/22
Opi nio n col umn of makin g choi ces with
Keeping Goldilocks in Mind Erica Saviuk Opinion Column ma ny opti ons ava ila ble . Reporter 119 18 B1 2007 3/22 1
Opi nio n col umn on Be rube 's boo k Wha t' s
L ibe ral ab ou t Li bera l Educa ti on :
C lassro om Poli ti cs a nd "Bi as" in H igh er
Forum: Academic Freedom none Opinion Column Ed ucati on. Reporter 119 18 B2 2007 3/22 Jamil Khader Paul Croce Yves Clemmen Kaya Wertz
Season of Love Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion column on love in the spring. Reporter 119 18 B3 2007 3/22 1
Ash ley Kozl owski ; Sama ntha
Wep ple mann ; Sara h Brady; A ndre w
Opi nio ns on the q uestio n "What do you L evin ; Mary Beth Ch ristian ; R yan Barr;
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column thi nk is th e be st pa rt of St. Patrick's Da y?" Reporter 119 18 C1 2007 3/22 Ka th erin e St. Cla ir; D erick Ostre nko 8
Be tw ee n March 15 a nd 17 , Stetson h osted L aura Guzma n; K ayle e Rod rigu ez;
Mode l Sena te Provid es the Flo yd M. R idd ick Mode l Uni te d Sta te s Trevor Jon es; Ryan H utson; An nel iese
Rea l Wo rld Expe rien ce Natalie Wearstler Model Senate Se na te . Reporter 119 18 C1 2007 3/22 H all ste n; Wil lia m C oll um 5
H atte r's base bal l game ; Mad Hatter
3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Ma instree t Bl ock Party; Interdo mina ti ona l
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions ch ape l servic e. Reporter 119 18 C2 2007 3/22 1

Mi chae l Beru be, Paterno Fami ly Professor

o f Li te rature a t State Col leg e of
Berub e Spe aks of Acad emic Pe nn sy lvan ia, del ivere d a Va lue s C oun cil
Fre edo m a nd Da vid L ecture e ntitled "Wha t is Acad emic
Horo witz Mike Riggs Lecture Free dom a nd Why Doe s i t Matter?" Reporter 119 18 C2 2007 3/22 Paul Croce John Tinell 1

Me lissa Pri mer; Kri sti na Tsip oura s;

Lep recha ns, Shamro cks, St. Pa trick's Day is a ho lid ay fi lle d with Pa tri ck D uga n; Je ssica Walton ; Ton ey
and Ba gp ipe s, Oh My! Meghon Crossley St. Patrick's Day trad ition s. Reporter 119 18 C3 2007 3/22 Vecch io; Kristen Brow n; Al vin de Torre s
Sh errel Fou ntain ; Ni cole Fo rbes; An drea
Mi gli ori; Mega n Vo ell er; L ind sey
Wrigh tma n; Katie La wren ce; Aman da
Softb all Bl ows Out Corn ell , L ind sey; Bl yth e Gold en; Amy Peters;
11-2 Michael Hodges Softball Hatter topped Cornell in softball match. Reporter 119 18 D1 2007 3/22 L eon or Carre no; A my Jo yce. 2

Ma rcus Echtler; Fi lip Kri cka; Jo ey Jon es;

Se rgei Bo ula no v; Peter Dzu ba; Hich am
L aal ej; Dan iel Sta mp ; Ka th erin e Now icki;
C atheri ne Ca nad y; Ann a Leo nen ko;
Bo th th e men's an d the wo men's ten nis Ka th erin e St. Cla ir; B rean na Atki nson ;
Tennis Team Slams Campbell Michael Hodges Tennis tea ms b ea t Ca mpbe ll. Reporter 119 18 D1 2007 3/22 D ani ell a Palmi otto ; Vale ntina Ga lba rini . 1
Hatter Profile : Sh errel
Fo untai n Katherine St. Clair Fountain, Sherrel Profile of Sherrel Fountain, softball player. Reporter 119 18 D1 2007 3/22 Coach Griffin 1
Thin Line Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on betting. Reporter 119 18 D1 2007 3/22 1

Marsh al l a nd Vera
L ea Ri nker
En viron mental
The Vol usia Cou nty C oun cil ap prove d a L earn ing C enter; Eco log ical , Gi lle spie Mu seum 50 th
$32 5,00 0 ECHO Gra nt to $ 325 ,000 EC HO g rant to b uil d a ne w Marsh al l a nd Vera H. D oug las Le e; Cu ltural , Anni versary; 125 th
Fu nd Ne w Enviro nme ntal En viron menta l Lea rnin g Cen te r o n the L ea Ri nker Marga ret H odg e; He ritage , a nd Anni versary; Fl orid a
Lea rnin g Ce nter Heather Martyn Grant U nive rsity's DeL and ca mpus. Reporter 119 19 A1 2007 3/29 Fou nda ti on Fra nk Bruno Outdo ors Native Pl ant In itiative

SGA Se na to r L ori-Je ne Brazi er introd uced

a b ill to the Se nate urg ing S te tso n to Ge noci de
Dive stme nt Bi ll Introd uced Stude nt Gove rnme nt i mple ment ta rge te d dive stme nt form Su dan D ivestmen t In te rventio n
to Stud en t Govt Rachel Holleman Associ ation scru ti nize d comp ani es worki ng in Su dan . Reporter 119 19 A1 2007 3/29 Task Force Netwo rk Darfur Stetson STAND
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Iraq : Four
Yea rs L ater" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the Iraq War. Reporter 119 19 B1 2007 3/29 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Po p Go es
th e Fo urth" Pat Testa Opinion Column Opinion on the Iraq War. Reporter 119 19 B1 2007 3/29 1
Home comin g We eken d: Opi nio n on h omeco ming a nd ho meco ming
Nothi ng But Stress? Erica Saviuk Opinion Column d ance s. Reporter 119 19 B1 2007 3/29 1
3,235 Dead and Counting Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on the Iraq War. Reporter 119 19 B1 2007 3/29 1
Th e Bene fits o f Sho ppi ng
Aroun d Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion on love. Reporter 119 19 B2 2007 3/29 1
Gi uli ani 's Moral Track Opi nio n on R udy Giul ian i's can did acy fo r
Reco rd Rife wi th Fai lure s Katie Ray Opinion Column Pre side nt. Reporter 119 19 B2 2007 3/29
Opi nio ns on the q uestio n, " Wh at d o you
h ope to b e doi ng wi th yo ur life wh en yo u Jo sh Stu tte; Jon Estrad a; So nal Pa tel;
co me bac k to Stetson for alu mni we eke nd KB Le dge r; Amy E lsila ; Will Wash burn ;
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column i n your 30 s?" Reporter 119 19 C1 2007 3/29 Me l Sabo ; Li ke Moja 8
Sp on so red b y the Wome n and Gen der
Stud ies D epa rtme nt, a rou ndtab le
In dia n Ab ortio n To pic Wo men a nd Gend er d iscussi on in formed a tten dee s a bo ut the
Rou ses Discu ssion Emmalee Schmidt Studi es h orrific acts of infan ti cide . Reporter 119 19 C1 2007 3/29 Sonal Patel
Stetson wel comed a lumn us Crai g
Ste tso n Al umn [sic] Crai g C rawford i n Rin ker Au di to rium as the
Craw fo rd Discu sses His ke ynote sp eake r for the 30 th ann ual Flo yd
In spira ti ons Natalie Wearstler Lecture M. Rid dick Mod el Se nate. Reporter 119 19 C1 2007 3/29 CQ Weekly T. Wayne Bailey

Pi Be ta Phi's 2n d An nu al Da nce Mara th on;

3 Rea sons to Le ave Yo ur Ja ck's Mann equ in an d Sug arcul t; Ste tso n's
Suitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions Stud en t Co mpose rs C once rt. Reporter 119 19 C2 2007 3/29 Katie Dearing 1
The D anc e Arts Socie ty offers fu n classe s
Put on Your Dancin' Shoes Emily Sawyer Dance Arts Society for no vice s thro ugh e xperts. Reporter 119 19 C2 2007 3/29 Kristina Morgan; Tiffany Huet
C hap lai n Micha el Fron k title d a recen t
ch ape l servic e "If I kne w no w wha t I kn ew
Dare to Dream Jacob Wagner Chapel the n." Reporter 119 19 C2 2007 3/29 Boyd Jones Jennifer Carpenter 1
Eri ca Deme rs; Li ndsa y Wig htman ; Katie
L awre nce; Blythe Gol den ; Amy Pe te rs;
The H atte rs softb all tea m sp lit a Sh errel Fou ntain ; Amy J oyce; Nico le
Softball Splits Double Header Michael Hodges Softball d oub le hea der ag ain st Li pscomb . Reporter 119 19 D1 2007 3/29 Forb es; And rea Mig lio ri
R obb ie Do nova n; Shan e Jorda n; Jo sh
C len den in; Braed yn Prui tt: R yan Puska r;
The H atte r base bal l te am pla yed to a wi n Aa ron Cri tten den ; Ja ke Hitchco ck;
Hatters Squeak By Kelsey Clews Baseball a gai nst th e Uni versity of Flo rida . Reporter 119 19 D1 2007 3/29 R obb ie Else mill er 1
Hatter Profile : Ka th erin e St. Pro fi le of wo me n's tenn is pla yer, Ka th erin e
Cla ir Michael Hodges St. Clair, Katherine St. C lai r. Reporter 119 19 D1 2007 3/29 Sasha Schmid Breanna Atkinson 1
Sp orts co lu mn on movi ng from Divi sion I to
Leave D-I Michael Hodges Sports Column D ivisi on III. Reporter 119 19 D1 2007 3/29 1

D iscusse s the pla tform of Nin a Savas an d

Savas an d Graue l Ai m to Wil l Gra uel w ho are ru nn ing for Presi den t
Make Stude nts' Vo ices Stude nt Gove rnme nt a nd Vice Pre side nt of the Stud ents
Hea rd Heather Martyn Associ ation Gove rnmen t Associ ation (SGA). Reporter 119 20 A1 2007 4/4 1

D iscusse s the pla tform of Drew Gla snovi ch

Gl asno vich an d Morg an a nd Kristin a Morg an wh o are run nin g for
Hop e to Se t "R eal istic" Stude nt Gove rnme nt Pre side nt and Vi ce Presid ent of the
Go als in Mo ti on Rachel Holleman Associ ation Stud en ts Govern ment Asso ciatio n (SGA ). Reporter 119 20 A1 2007 4/4 Kaylyn Norvell 1
The C ampu s Life Co mmitte e of the SGA
a nd the Stud ent Athl ete A dviso ry Stu den t
C ommittee are neg otiatin g a prop osa l Go vernme nt
Gro ups Di scuss Cha ng es to w hich w oul d cal l fo r re gistratio n Associa ti on
Ath lete Re gi stra ti on Mike Riggs Registration a dvan tage s for stude nt a thle te s. Reporter 119 20 A1 2007 4/4 Council of Deans (SGA) NCAA John Tichenor Matthew Snyder; Jessily Ramirez
D urin g ho me comin g we eken d, the fo otbal l Pi Kapp a Phi ; Ch ris
In juri es Sustain ed D urin g ch all eng e ga mes resul te d in in juri es fo r Ph i Sigma Ka ppa ; Alph a Tau Be auch emin ;
Alumn i We eken d Lauren Sicilia Homecoming so me old er al umni . Reporter 119 20 A1 2007 4/4 De lta Sig ma Phi Ome ga La cy Nob les Melissa Carroll

Wo men's He alth Exa ms to A new p roje ct i s u nde rway for th e

be Offere d by Hea lth U nive rsity to offer routin e wo men's he alth Dr. Me lan ie
Service s Tori Gibbs Health Services e xams th rou gh Stude nt H eal th Service s. Reporter 119 20 A2 2007 4/4 VanD emark Deborah Cassidy Michelle Espinosa
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Jo hn
McCai n, a Grea t Ca nd ida te Opi nio n on Jo hn McCa in's ca ndi dacy for
fo r Pre side nt" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Pre side nt. Reporter 119 20 B1 2007 4/4 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Ei ght Opi nio n on Jo hn McCa in's ca ndi dacy for
Yea rs To o Late" Pat Testa Opinion Column Pre side nt. Reporter 119 20 B1 2007 4/4 1
Opi nio n on e ndo rsemen t for th e Presi den t
Editori al End orse me nt: a nd Vice Pre side nt posi ti ons in the D rew Glasn ovich ; Kristin a Morga n; Nin a
Belo w is th e Op in ion o f the u pcomi ng Stud ent Go vernme nt Sa vas; Wil l Gra uel ; Will Stoe tze r; Ma ri e
Editori al Staff none Opinion Column Asso ciatio n (SGA) e lectio ns. Reporter 119 20 B1 2007 4/4 Vi lla rd
Love to Ha te 'em, H ate to
Love ' em Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion on girls liking bad boys. Reporter 119 20 B1 2007 4/4 1
So You Thi nk You C an
Comp lai n? Jess Pauszek Opinion Column Opinion on the economy. Reporter 119 20 B1 2007 4/4

Add a Turtle, End the Silence Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on hand jives and gestures. Reporter 119 20 B1 2007 4/4 1

Greg Se rrago ; Eli zab eth Phil bin ; Mari ssa

Pi lson ; Mich ael Gostg ian ; Will Grau el;
Eri ca Saviu k; La ura Guzma n; D rew
Opi nio n on the ca ndi dates for the Gla snovi ch; Kri sti na Morg an ; Ni na
Pre side nt and Vi ce Presid ent posi ti ons in Sa vas; R yan Barr; Patrick McMah on;
SGA Electio ns 20 07 the u pco ming Stud ent Go vern me nt Eri c L amon ta gne ; R and all Ju dt; Joe
Commu nity Fo rum none Opinion Column Asso ciatio n (SGA) e lectio ns. Reporter 119 20 B2 2007 4/4 C onkl in; Micha el Ho dge s
Opi nio n on p ropo sed reso lutio n to let
Ath lete-Frie ndl y R eso lutio n stud en t athl etes regi ste r e arli er th an
Wo uld Ali ena te Stud en ts Mike Riggs Opinion Column cl assmates. Reporter 119 20 B4 2007 4/4
Are You L au ghi ng Ye t: It's Opi nio n on Stud ent Go vernme nt
"Ele cti on" Sea son Wes Brooker Opinion Column Asso ciatio n (SGA) e lectio ns. Reporter 119 20 B4 2007 4/4
Identity Crisis Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on finding out about your roots. Reporter 119 20 B4 2007 4/4 1
Goracle the Moral-cle Katie Ray Opinion Column Opinion on Al Gore. Reporter 119 20 B4 2007 4/4
Intervi ew wi th Ma rk DeSa ntias, Suga rcult's
g uitari st, be fo re a Ste tso n perfo rma nce b y
Bouncing with Sugarcult Natalie Wearstler Interview the b an d. Reporter 119 20 C1 2007 4/4 3
Intervi ew wi th An drew McMa hon b efore a
A Holiday from Real Natalie Wearstler Interview Stetson performa nce. Reporter 119 20 C1 2007 4/4
D erek Lu man; Rach el McCa llma n;
Pa trycj a Stys; Ad am Wri ght; Eri c Guy;
Jo shua L und ; Vane ssa Bun gard ; Esther
Seni or Art Majo rs L ea ve The Se ni or The sis Exhib itio n fe atured Ke lty; Dre w Gra ham; Krissie Ba na s;
Lastin g Imp ressio n Jen Kmetz Senior Art Exhibition mo re th an fifty p iece s b y e leve n artists. Reporter 119 20 C1 2007 4/4 Duncan Gallery digital arts Roberta Favis Be verly La ngra n 5
Tiffa ny Hue t; An dres Ro dri gue z; Ni cole
Opi nio ns on the q uestio n "Who are yo ur El lis; Juan C ortes; Ma tth ew Ra pop ort;
SGA p resid en ti al can did ates of ch oi ce and Ke vin Ch ambe rs; Bla ine Che rry; Griffin
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column w hy?" Reporter 119 20 C1 2007 4/4 Lyo n 8
D iscusse s the t-sh irts ma de to adve rti se
the ca nd ida cy o f the two pa irs run nin g in
Stude nt Gove rnme nt the S tu den t Govern ment Asso ciatio n D rew Glasn ovich ; Kristin a Morga n; Nin a
Homemade or Professional? Jacob Wagner Associ ation e lectio ns. Reporter 119 20 C2 2007 4/4 Sa vas; Wil l Gra uel
Alumn i Reca ll Thei r Be st Amy La Bell e; Mo lli e Alex Ford; Step han ie Sp ence r; Tre main e Harve y;
Ste tso n Memori es Meghon Crossley Homecoming Alumni events for Homecoming 2007. Reporter 119 20 C2 2007 4/4 Ri de out Vince tta Ford So nal Pa te l; Ji mmy Mo rris
Tou chston e; Pe te Micha el Ra ymond ;
A Ni ght with the Po ets o f Poe try at an Un cou th Po etry a t a n Unco uth Hou r ce leb rates Ca rve; Den ise Lori Sn ook; Wi lli am
Ste tso n Jacob Wagner Ho ur fifteen years of contin uou s me etin gs. Reporter 119 20 C2 2007 4/4 Feike ma Terri Witek Johnny Dam Phil lip s; Katie Ma nil a John Tinell; Kimberly Menninger
Ja son Bla nton ; Betsy Wal ch; Ma rissa
Gree n; C hristin e Hen nin ge r; Ne lson
Mo ore; Sara Sul liva n; Kari Sap p; Bo bby
The Bro ad way Re vue en te rta ine d al umni , Pa ce; Alve z Ba rkoskie ; Aub rey Ga mble ;
Broad way Re vue Insp ires stud en ts, and co mmuni ty memb ers in L aNe ll Will iams; Ran dy Sali nas; He cto r
Lau ghte r a nd Lo ve Meghon Crossley Homecoming El izab eth Ha ll. Reporter 119 20 C3 2007 4/4 Gon zale z
Annu al Ca ree r Exp o Hel ps R epre sen ta ti ves fro m g radu ate schoo ls
Stu den ts Take a Step in the a nd mo re th an sixty empl oyers we re at
Rig ht D irectio n Emmalee Schmidt Career Services Stetson to sco ut for stude nts. Reporter 119 20 C4 2007 4/4 Jill Rushbrook Megan Hicks
C had N ikol a; D ono van Si nge ltary;
Ma llo ry R amsey; Lin dsey Di xon; Jan a
Fish er; Eri n Love ll; Jayson Arteza ;
Ri ck d e Ya mpert; Sh ane H aga n; Emily Bal l; Ma ry Be th
Ste tso n Idol En te rta ins The U nive rsity h osted the Stetson Id ol Da vid D isne y; Bob Cou ncil for Fin k; Bran don C amp hor; Trey Tu rner;
Audi ence s Natalie Wearstler Stetson Idol co mpetitio n in the Ed mund s C enter. Reporter 119 20 C4 2007 4/4 Fen nel l Stu den t Activitie s Ryan Tagge Nightcap Tyler Tu rner; Gri ffin Lyo n 1
H icha m L aal ej; Serge i Bou lan ov; Jo ey
Men' s Ten nis Do mina te s Jo nes; Marcus Echtle r; Fili p Kricka ;
Belmo nt R ematch Michael Hodges Tennis, Men's The Hatters topped the Belmont Bruins. Reporter 119 20 D1 2007 4/4 Pe te r D zuba ; Da na i Sta mp
Sa mantha L an ge; Va len ti na Galb arin i;
Wo men's Ten nis Make s a The H atte rs earn ed a cle an swe ep a gai nst Bre ann a Atkin son ; Kathe rine St. C lai r;
Cle an Swe ep Kelsey Clews Tennis, Women's D ela ware U nive rsity. Reporter 119 20 D1 2007 4/4 Sasha Schmid An na Le on enko ; Ca th erin e Can ady

Hatter Profile: Braedyn Pruitt Katherine St. Clair Pruitt, Braedyn Profile of baseball player Braedyn Pruitt. Reporter 119 20 D1 2007 4/4 1
[none] Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on NASCAR. Reporter 119 20 D1 2007 4/4 1

C orey Klu ber; Aa ron Cri tte ndo n; Je remy

C ruz; Bri an Prui tt; R yan Pu skar; Sh ane
Jo rdan ; Ro bbi e Else mille r; Bra edyn
Hatters Hold Off Bears Michael Hodges Baseball Hatters baseball team beats Mercer. Reporter 119 20 D2 2007 4/4 Pete Dunn Pru itt; Justin Bass 2
H atte r me n an d wome n crew teams
co mpeted at L ake Ha rtw ell i n Cle mson, Wil l Gra uel ; Man zura Tal ipo va; Kri sti ne
Crew Brings Home Golds Wes Brooker Crew So uth Ca roli na. Reporter 119 20 D2 2007 4/4 Chris Deatrick Stacy; Kate Jostes 1

Jean ne Cl ery
Discl osure o f Ca mpus
Securi ty Pol icy and
Und isclo sed Ra pe C ase Stud en t's accu sation s of U nive rsity Crime Statistics Act;
Alle ged ly Misha nd led Mike Riggs Public Safety mi shan dli ng o f he r se xual a ssaul t. Reporter 119 21 A1 2007 4/20 Michelle Espinosa Residential Life J.D. Hess Cle ry Act

Letter from a Survivor none Public Safety Anonymous letter about a student's rape. Reporter 119 21 A1 2007 4/20

Di sti ngu ish ed

Se rvi ce Aw ard; McEniry Aw ard for
Flori da Pro fe ssor Excell ence i n
John Pe arso n; of the Ye ar; N ell Te ach ing ; Ha nd Award
Stu den ts Sa y Goo dbye to a D r. Micha el Ra ymond , Pro fe ssor of Na ncy Barb er; L ori Tom Fa rrell ; Terri Ca rlton En dow ed fo r C reativi ty an d
Ste tso n Hero Tori Gibbs Raymond, Michael En gli sh, d ie d fro m Typ e I d iab etes. Reporter 119 21 A1 2007 4/20 Sn ook Wi te k Ch air of Eng lish Rese arch 4
Stetson 's Rol and Geo rge Inve stme nt
Pro gram ha s ta ken top ho nors at the
R ede fi nin g Investmen t Strategy Ed ucatio n
Uni versity Rol and Ge orge Ro lan d Ge orge (R ISE) Sympo sium for the seve nth year in L arry Belch er; N atali e Parker; Kevin Ga lla ghe r; Co lin
Progra m Ma kes History Heather Martyn Investmen t Prog ram a ro w. Reporter 119 21 A2 2007 4/20 Ch ristop her Ma Mo ffatt; Ch ristina C arpe nter
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "The
Ira nia n Prob lem" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on Iran. Reporter 119 21 B1 2007 4/20 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Iran 's
Nucl ear Ambitio ns" Pat Testa Opinion Column Opinion on Iran. Reporter 119 21 B1 2007 4/20 1
Reasons for Abstaining Jess Pauszek Opinion Column Opinion on underage drinking. Reporter 119 21 B1 2007 4/20
Opi nio n on frie nds wi th b ene fi ts a s a
The Cost of Settling Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column re latio nsh ip cho ice. Reporter 119 21 B1 2007 4/20 1

Band-Aids for a Broken Heart Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on being addicted to heartache. Reporter 119 21 B1 2007 4/20 1
Stu den t
Go vernme nt
Con fe ssion s o f a n Ex- Associa ti on He len Cox; Brian
Commo ns-Ha te r Gentry Mander Opinion Column Opinion on Commons food. Reporter 119 21 B2 2007 4/20 Food Services (SGA) Stickn ey
An Op en L ette r to Al Opi nio n on D on Imus' racist comme nts a nd
Sharp to n an d Jesse co mments mad e by Al Sh arpton a nd Je sse
Jackson Mike Riggs Opinion Column Ja ckson. Reporter 119 21 B2 2007 4/20
Circu mcisio n Deci sion i s a
Bad One Mike Riggs Opinion Column Opinion on male circumcision. Reporter 119 21 B2 2007 4/20
Diversity Needed Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on diversity. Reporter 119 21 B2 2007 4/20 1
Ka te Whi ttum; Hun te r Pence ; Alici a
Campus Tattoos Tori Gibbs Four Twenty Student thoughts on their tattoos. Reporter 119 21 B3 2007 4/20 Ba inter; John P usateri
Mi ke Rig gs discu sses hi s e xperi ence s
Meeting Ron Nelson Mike Riggs Four Twenty g etti ng a tattoo from Ron N elso n. Reporter 119 21 B3 2007 4/20

Stud en ts pl ay th e Dark Sid e of th e Moon

The Darkness of Oz Emily Sawyer Four Twenty Al bum wi th th e Wi zard of Oz movi e. Reporter 119 21 B4 2007 4/20 Joanna Livingstone

D iscusse s d iffe rent typ es of sex, i nclu din g

Vanilla Sex is King Kathleen Orlik Four Twenty va nil la sex, simp le con ventio nal se x. Reporter 119 21 B4 2007 4/20
All Pierced Up Maryanne Waldron Four Twenty Thoughts on body piercings. Reporter 119 21 B4 2007 4/20 Tomas Santiago; Catherine Klima
Opi nio ns on the q uestio n "What is your
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column favo rite wa y to smoke ma riju ana ?" Reporter 119 21 C1 2007 4/20 8
Stetson discu sses Nora h Vince nt's b oo k
Se lf-Made Ma n at th e latest boo k fe ast Eri ca Schiff; Ni cole tte Lo uzar; Nich ola s
Fe ast C hal len ge C once pts h osted b y the Wome n and Gen der Stud ies Van D er Kwast; Ke ena n De Lan d; Je ssie
of Se x a nd Gen der Jacob Wagner Book Feast p rogra m. Reporter 119 21 C1 2007 4/20 Tina Cookson Pe rry; Ashle y Arrayo 1
D ean K arna zes, w ho ha s ru n many
Maratho n Man Ru ns Ci rcles u ltramara th on s, spo ke at Stetson on April
Aroun d Ste tson Emmalee Schmidt Lecture 7 th . Reporter 119 21 C1 2007 4/20 Jason Becknell; Jeff Cara 1
Stetson hol ds th e ina ugu ral e vent fo r the Rame e In dral ing am;
Th e Fu sion Be twee n Ce nter fo r Sci ence , C enter for Scie nce, Nature , an d th e Hol mes Rol sto n; E.O.
Scien ce and Rel igi on Trista Etheridge Na tu re, a nd the Sa cred Sa cred. Reporter 119 21 C2 2007 4/20 Don Musser Paul Croce Cindy Bennington Wi lson Daniel Waldon
N igh tca ps offe rs Ji mmy Bu ffett's
Ma rgari ta vill e; Gil lesp ie Mu seum of
Mi nera ls hosts thei r a nnu al Earth Da y
Th ree Re ason s to L eave ce leb ratio n; Inl et H arbo r R estaura nt h osts
You r S uitcase U npa cked Caitlin Reagan Local Attractions the e ig hth ann ual Sh rimp Fest. Reporter 119 21 C2 2007 4/20
The Wesl ey Hou se ho ste d th eir an nua l R ebe kah Scho lttman; Sarah Ed ward s;
Extreme Game s in Ri nker Fiel d fo r yo uth Me gha n Gre gg : A dam Da rragh ; Ester
Extreme Games in Rinker Meghon Crossley Wesley House g roup s fro m the a rea. Reporter 119 21 C3 2007 4/20 Dave Sippel Ke lty
Al exis Amurgi s; Li ndsa y Ba de r; Da rcy
Trapp ; Kristin a Tsipo uras; Carl y Watson ;
A grou p of Hatter wome n tra in for th e May Ka ti e Bobb in o; Eri n Love ll; Natash a
Countdown to Triathlon Kelsey Clews Triathlon 1 0th Tria th lo n in Cl ermon t. Reporter 119 21 D1 2007 4/20 Lance Decuir So sa; D onn a Ziccard y
At th e con clusi on of th eir sea son , the Fil ip Kricka ; Da nie l Sta mp; Jo ey Jon es;
me n's tenn is te am domi nate d th e Fl orid a Se rgei Bo ula no v; Peter Dzu ba; Hich am
Men's Tennis Crushes FIT Michael Hodges Tennis, Men's Te ch pan thers. Reporter 119 21 D1 2007 4/20 L aal ej 1
Sp orts co lu mn on spo rts en te rta inme nt
Twilight Zone Michael Hodges Sports Column a nd Do n Imus' recen t raci st co mme nts. Reporter 119 21 D1 2007 4/20 1

Hatter Profile: Tiffany Cochran Katherine St. Clair Cochran, Tiffany Profile of cheerleader Tiffany Cochran. Reporter 119 21 D1 2007 4/20 1

Jean ne Cl ea ry
Discl osure o f
Camp us Secu ri ty
Poli cy a nd Mich ell e
Th ompso n Gi ves Re ason s Fol low -up to article on stude nt's clai ms o f Camp us Crime Esp ino sa; Hea lth Service s Offi ce;
Wh y 2 004 R ap e Rep ort U nive rsity mi shan dli ng o f he r se xual Sta ti sti cs; Cl ery De bo rah Cou nsel ing C enter;
Was No t Di sclose d Heather Martyn Public Safety a ssaul t. Reporter 119 22 A1 2007 4/26 J.D. Hess Act Tho mp son Wome n's Co unci l Mike Riggs
R epo rte r p ol itical co lumn ist Ka th erin e Ray
Col umni st Fired for w as fi red a fter ed itors disco vered tha t sh e Mi ke Rig gs; Sa rah Lyn ch; Pa tri ck
Plag iari sing Bl ogg er's Posts Tori Gibbs Reporter p lag iari zed se veral a rti cles. Reporter 119 22 A1 2007 4/26 McMa hon
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Gun
Con tro l Not Nee de d" Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on gun control. Reporter 119 22 B1 2007 4/26 1
[Ta lkin g Hea ds]: "Stricter
Gu n Con tro l" Pat Testa Opinion Column Opinion on gun control. Reporter 119 22 B1 2007 4/26 1
Opi nio n on the U nive rsity's h an dli ng of an Con nectio ns De bo rah
Letter from the Editors none Opinion Column a lle ged sexua l assau lt o f a stud ent. Reporter 119 22 B1 2007 4/26 Michelle Espinosa Han dbo ok Tho mp son James Beasley

20 Things to Know Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on things learned this school year. Reporter 119 22 B1 2007 4/26 1
Lesso ns Le arne d An d Opi nio n on l esson s l earn ed du ring th e
Reme mbere d Jess Pauszek Opinion Column sch ool ye ar. Reporter 119 22 B2 2007 4/26

Opi nio n on the Orla ndo p oli ce crackd own Stu den ts'
o n fe ed ing the h omel ess an d a fa culty and Coa litio n to End
The Search Michael Hodges Opinion Column stud en t attempt to test th e crackd own . Reporter 119 22 B2 2007 4/26 Toni Blum Home lessn ess Cary Bleasdale; Adam Colando
Summer Lovin' Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion on summer romances. Reporter 119 22 B2 2007 4/26 1
Opi nio n col umn resu lting from a po ll of a
ra ndo m sa mple of Stetson stud en ts ab out
Is Stetson Anti-Feminist? Alison Aragona Opinion Column the ir conc eptio ns of femi nism. Reporter 119 22 B2 2007 4/26
Opi nio n on the i mportan ce of ma kin g your
Make Your Presence Known Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column p resen ce kno wn. Reporter 119 22 B2 2007 4/26 1

Kri sty Kurzyd lo; Marie Gol ta ra; John

Opi nio n on the q uestio n "What are you r Ba ker; N ate Al essan dro ; Alle n Coo ley;
Hatter on the Street none Opinion Column p lan s fo r su mmer?" Reporter 119 22 C1 2007 4/26 Ja y Pa te l; Me lissa Sa bo ; Li z D eFreitas 8
C hris Sha fe r; Bren do n Rog ers; D ani el
R oscoe ; Mary Beth Fink ; Greg Adams;
Stud en ts di spla yed thei r tal ents at th e Al lyson McKe nna ; Ale xa Cap pie llo ;
Stu den ts Si t in the D irector's stud en t-d irected o ne act comed ie s h eld Sa rah Pere ira; Kara Turne r; Virgi nia
Cha ir Jen Kmetz Theater Review the w ee kend o f April 1 3. Reporter 119 22 C1 2007 4/26 Mo nte; Se an Tamm 5
Wh ere are You Goin g this Ide as for chea p ways to spen d you r
Summer? Trista Etheridge Summer Vacation su mmer vacatio n travel lin g. Reporter 119 22 C1 2007 4/26
Stud ent
On April 1 3, severa l Ste tso n stu den ts Gove rnmen t
g athe re d in the Ed mund s C en te r to be p art Sig ma Phi Ep silo n; Phi Sig ma Asso ciatio n Alph a Chi Omeg a; Gen try Man der; Micha el Gostig ian ;
Rel ay fo r L ife Has Grea t o f the a nnu al America n Can cer Socie ty 's Co ps fund raise r; Kapp a; Del ta (SGA); Pi Be ta Sigma N u, Ph i Al pha Bl ain e Che rry; Will Stoe tze r; Pa t
Turn Ou t Natalie Wearstler Relay for Life R ela y for L ife . Reporter 119 22 C2 2007 4/26 p hila nthro py Del ta D elta Ph i Del ta ; Zeta Tau Alph a McMa hon ; Scott Mi lle r 5
Ma rch 20 ma rke d the seve nth sto p for th e
so uthe rn fl eet of BMWs makin g th eir wa y
a cross cou ntry to rai se fu ndi ng an d
BMW Dri ve Hel ps Can cer a ware nes s for Kome n fo r the C ure,
Survivo rs Harry Dennen Philanthropy d edi cated to en din g brea st ca ncer. Reporter 119 22 C2 2007 4/26 Diana Eaves
The fil m R osew oo d was sho wn on Apri l 12
Rose woo d Lo oks at a s p art of a cl ass on America n culture a nd
America 's Deva sta ti ng Past Jacob Wagner Film Review h istory. Reporter 119 22 C2 2007 4/26 Paul Croce Lindsay Banner
Ke vin Joh nson ; Sh ane Jo rdan ; Ca sey
Wi ldca ts Sna p Ha tters' Be th un e-Co okman b roke the Ha tte r Fraw ley; Braed yn Pruitt; Ju sti n Bass;
Stre ak Kelsey Clews Baseball b aseb al l te am's te n ga me win nin g stre ak. Reporter 119 22 D1 2007 4/26 Je remy Cruz 2
H atte rs so ftb all tea m too k b oth en ds of a N icol e Fo rbes; Erica De mers; H eath er
d oub le hea der from confere nce o ppo nen t C old ing ; She rrell Fou ntai n; L ind say
Bruins Clawed by Hatters Michael Hodges Softball Be lmon t. Reporter 119 22 D1 2007 4/26 Wrigh tma n; An drea Mi gli ori
Hatter Profile : Vale ntina Pro fi le of wo me n's tenn is pla yer, Vale ntina
Ga lba rini Katherine St. Clair Galbarini, Valentina Gal bari ni. Reporter 119 22 D1 2007 4/26 Sasha Schmid 1
Rough Draft Michael Hodges Sports Column Sports column on draft prospects. Reporter 119 22 D1 2007 4/26 1

Stetson men's an d wo me n's crew tea ms

co mpeted in the Sou th ern Interco lle gia te
R owi ng Associa tion C hamp ion ship R ega tta
Crew at SIRA Championships Wes Brooker Crew i n Ap ril in Oak Ri dg e, Ten ne ss ee. Reporter 119 22 D2 2007 4/26 1
August 30 , 20 07 iss ue is
online at:
http://www.stets onre porte
r.c om /news/20 07 /0 8/30/ Reporter 120 1 2007 8/30
A Ste tso n staff memb er hit a curb off o f
Mi chig an Avenu e cau sing a l igh t po le to
Sta ffer Cra shes Ca r i n Fro nt He athe r Ma rtyn ; Patrick sn ap in hal f an d close o ff th e stre et fo r
of L BC McMah on Public Safety a bou t thre e hou rs. Reporter 120 1 1 2007 8/30

Articl e defe ndi ng an d expl ain ing Rep orter's

The Gadfly in Your Class Mike Riggs Reporter a rti cle ab ou t a sexu al assa ult. Reporter 120 1 1 2007 8/30 Michael McFarland Barb Shepherd Mark Harper
An th ony Buo no;
R eorg ani zatio n and ch ang es in R esid entia l De siree Martin; J.J.Evan s; Pa tty Fraterni ty a nd Alcoh ol po licy;
Buono Shakes Up ResLife Caitlin Hughes Residential Life L ife dra w fi re and ch eers. Reporter 120 1 2 2007 8/30 Ju sti n Wil lia ms Hen ke So ro rity Affa irs resid entia l life John Montague
Opi nio n on the p oli ti cal system and
Inside the Box Patrick McMahon Opinion Column p oli ti cal ne ws cove rage . Reporter 120 1 3 2007 8/30 1
Opi nio n on the tria ls and trib ula ti on s o f
[none] MaryAnne Waldron Opinion Column fresh man ye ar. Reporter 120 1 3 2007 8/30 1

The Blogosphere Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on the problems and pitfalls of blogs. Reporter 120 1 3 2007 8/30 Heather Hunter 1
D avid D owd 's colu mn on hi s stud y abro ad
The 6000 Mile Report Dave Dowd Student Travelogue e xperi enc e in Egyp t. Reporter 120 1 4 2007 8/30 Gilman Scholarship 1
GPA = " Gra des Poo rly Opi nio n on p ercei ved un fa irne ss
Assessed " Zac Brumbaugh Opinion Column co ncern in g Ste tso n's gra din g scale . Reporter 120 1 4 2007 8/30
Simpsonize Me Natalie Wearstler Movie Review Review of The Simpsons comedy. Reporter 120 1 5 2007 8/30
Superbad is Anything But Trista Etheridge Movie Review R evie w of Su perb ad. Reporter 120 1 5 2007 8/30
Fa cebo ok is: N ew a nd C ommen ts an d comp lai nts a bou t
Imp roved Katherine Peterson Facebook Face bo ok New s Fee d app lica ti ons. Reporter 120 1 6 2007 8/30 Mark Zuckerberg Amy Elsila;Carrie Bow
R evie w of C offe e Bistro 10 1 and D eLa nd' s
Serving Up Smiles Emily Sawyer Restaurant Review co ffee sh ops. Reporter 120 1 6 2007 8/30 1
Atla nta Fa lcon s;
C olu mn on the su spen sion o f foo tb all Na ti on al Footba ll
Vick Should Stay Banned Matt Johnson Sports Column p laye r Mi chae l Vick fo r d og fig hting . Reporter 120 1 8 2007 8/30 L eag ue Sports
Fo ur Hatters Cli mb Th eir Stetson pla yers picke d fo r Ma jor Le agu e Bra edyn Pru itt; Ch ri s In gog lia ; Sha ne
Way to the Big s Bart Sheard Baseball farm teams in 2 00 7 draft. Reporter 120 1 8 2007 8/30 Athletics Lennie DiNardo Sports Jo rdan ; Co rey Klub er 1
C olu mn in de fense o f footba ll p laye r
Memo: Bring Vick Back Brian Chorney Sports Column Mi chae l Vick. Reporter 120 1 8 2007 8/30 Sports
Behi nd En emie s' L ine s:
Don 't Get Screwe d by th e C olu mn with wa rnin g of car sale smen rip off
Sale sman John Montague Money Column tricks. Reporter 120 1 8 2007 8/30
FAFSA; Sta fford
Is Yo ur Fi nan cial Aid lo an ; Astri ve
Packag e Wo rking for Yo u? Marie Villard Money Column Descriptions of student loan packages. Reporter 120 1 8 2007 8/30 Stud ent loa n tuition financial aid
September 6 , 2 007 iss ue
is online at:
http://www.stets onre porte
r.c om /news/20 07 /0 9/06/ Reporter 120 2 2007 9/6

Pu bli c Sa fe ty, Alp ha

Zi Del ta , Alp ha Ch i
Prank Ca lle r All ude s to Omeg a, Fore ign
Bomb in So rority Hou se Heather Martyn Public Safety Bomb threat called into sorority houses. Reporter 120 2 1 2007 9/6 L ang uag e Hou se Anthony Buono Kerry Davis Anneliese Hallsten
Armed Yo uth Upse ts Ba rt She ard; Micha el Gon zale z; Alex
Fra te rnity Row Tori Gibbs Public Safety Cars damaged on fraternity row. Reporter 120 2 1 2007 9/6 Phi Sigma Kappa Matthew Gunn C apo zza; Tyler Gonza lez; Davi d Mann

Stud en ts up set o ver dorms lo sing tra sh Re sid entia l Life, J.J.Evan s, Du an e D rew Glasn ovich ; Li ndsa y Ma rtin; Dere k
University Swipes Trash Cans Suzanne Li Facilities Management ca ns whi ch we re repl aced w ith dump ste rs. Reporter 120 2 1 2007 9/6 SGA, Knech t Ja nsan te
Dep artment of De bo rah
Dive rsity D own For Ne w Ra che l Hol lema n; Mi ke Statistics sho w that th is year's fresh man Di versity Cou nci l; In sti tu ti ona l Tho mp son ;
Cla ss Ri gg s Enrollment Management cl ass is less di verse . Reporter 120 2 2 2007 9/6 First Year Stud ies Rese arch Ca mpus L ife ALANA
Inside the Box Patrick McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the presidential race. Reporter 120 2 3 2007 9/6 1
Ca mpu s L ife;
Trashed Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on the dorm trash can removal. Reporter 120 2 3 2007 9/6 Re sid entia l Life Chaudoin 1
Opi nio n on p robl ems with use o f pl astic for En viron ment;
Paper of Plastic Sophia Couzo Opinion Column ma ny items. Reporter 120 2 4 2007 9/6 Ca mpu s L ife Recycling Commons
p anh ell eni c
D iscussi on of wh at to exp ect for coe ds recru itmen t, Rho Sorori ti es; Gree k
Girls Gone Greek Emily Sawyer Panhellenic g oin g throu gh rush . Reporter 120 2 5 2007 9/6 Gamma Life Anthony Buono Sonia Pitts; Lindsey Bishop
L eon ard Na nce;
H igh lig hts o f the C enter for Fi rst Ye ar L oretta Gre lla ; Grae me Rad fo rd; The rese La mpe rty;
Getting FOCUS'ed Rachael Cosgrove FOCUS Stud ies o rien ta ti on. Reporter 120 2 5 2007 9/6 Ro sal ie Ca rpen te r L eig h Perry
Au th or Ch uck Pala hni uk's bo ok Fi ght Clu b
Rant on Rant Ryan Napier Book Review a nd Ra nt are di scussed . Reporter 120 2 6 2007 9/6

Emanuel Paul Atkinson Music Review Review of the Louisville quartet, Emanuel. Reporter 120 2 6 2007 9/6
6,641 Mi les. Lio ns, Tig ers,
and Bri bes: Oh My! Dave Dowd Student Travelogue Description of a visit to the Cairo Zoo. Reporter 120 2 7 2007 9/6 1
Th e bare e ssen ti als: kiss
and tel l Maryanne Waldron Student Relationships Opinion on relationships. Reporter 120 2 8 2007 9/6 1
The Friend Rule Erica Saviuk Student Relationships Opinion on the rules of friendship. Reporter 120 2 8 2007 9/6 1
Hatters Shut Out F.C. Gu ys Ta nne r Wol fe ; Seth Ca rpin te ro; E va n
in Socce r Bart Sheard Sports Column Hatters defeat Flagler College 1-0. Reporter 120 2 9 2007 9/6 Coach Logan Fleck Whi te
Playe r Pro fi le: An dre a
Ga ravag lia Katherine St. Clair Garavaglia, Andrea Profile of soccer goalie Andrea Garavaglia. Reporter 120 2 9 2007 9/6 sports 1
This Week in Sports none Athletics Sports schedule. Reporter 120 2 10 2007 9/6

He athe r Ma rti n; Abb y Incre asin g tuitio n doe sn't tra nsla te i nto Sa lly Do wlin g, fi nan ces, The Inve sti gative
Where Does the Money Go? L emay; Dan iel le Ch ristian Finances b ette r l ivin g ame nitie s. Reporter 120 3 1 2007 9/13 Ja me s Beasl ey admi nistratio n De sk Grady Ballenger Carolyn Themel

Lee Ta kes Carb on Ne utral Enviro nmen ta l

Lea p [a rticle re tra cte d in Pre side nt's Cli mate Commi ttee d edi cates H. Do ugl as Lee ; Resp onsi bil ity
Septemb er 28 , 20 07 issu e] Sonya Stewart Environment ca mpus to be come carb on-n eutral . Reporter 120 3 2 2007 9/13 Ci nd y Be nni ngton Cou ncil
Opi nio n on the n ega ti ve slan t o f the wo rld
Inside the Box Patrick McMahon Opinion Column i n pol itics, me di a, e tc. Reporter 120 3 3 2007 9/13 1
Giuliani for the Win Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Opinion on presidential candidates. Reporter 120 3 3 2007 9/13 1
Sena to r C raig i s a Go od Opi nio n on si tu ation w ith Sena tor Larry
Th ing Michael Riggs Opinion Column C raig . Reporter 120 3 3 2007 9/13
Talki ng He ads: Th e A-Word : Opi nio n on i mmigra ti on issu es in
Amnesty Jason Rickner Opinion Column p resid enti al de bates. Reporter 120 3 4 2007 9/13
Talki ng He ads: Th e A-Word : Opi nio n on i mmigra ti on issu es in
Amnesty Samantha Jeske Opinion Column p resid enti al de bates. Reporter 120 3 4 2007 9/13
The Number Game Maryanne Waldron Sexual Behavior Discussion of college students and sex. Reporter 120 3 4 2007 9/13
Poe try at an Un cou th D escrip ti on o f this stude nt o rgan ized fo rum Fore st of Ard en; Hat L aure n Morriso n; D an iel le Glog owe r;
Poetry at Uncouth Hour Rachael Cosgrove Ho ur w hich h as met fo r 2 6 years. Reporter 120 3 5 2007 9/13 Ra ck Ja mes Wh ite; Me gan Engl and
Bo ok revie w of Don D eLi llo 's b oo k, Fall ing
Falling Man Ryan Napier Book Review Ma n, a bo ut the 9 /11 a ttack. Reporter 120 3 5 2007 9/13
Atre yu's Le ad Sai ls Pape r
Ancho r Paul Atkinson Music Review Review of a heavy metal CD by Atreyu. Reporter 120 3 6 2007 9/13 1
6,641 Mi les: Ice cream an d Vi sit to wa r mu seum de dica ted to th e
Isra eli Ta nks! Dave Dowd Student Travelogue Eg yptia n-Isra el i confli ct. Reporter 120 3 7 2007 9/13 1
Knutson Ove rhau ls N ew he ad o f in tra mural s co mple te ly L oren Kn utson; Jim
In tra mural D ept. Bart Sheard Intramurals re vamps pro gra m. Reporter 120 3 8 2007 9/13 Atkin son Dion Wade
Cho rnstar's Co rner: Ge t
Rea l: Abo lish Title IX Brian Chorney Opinion Column Opinion on Title IX. Reporter 120 3 8 2007 9/13

New H atte r Pro fi le: Mela ni e

Boyer [Corre cti on in th e
Octob er 18, 20 07 Re porter:
Profile i s o n Caro lin e Yo ung
and n ot Me la nie Bo yer] Katherine St. Clair Young, Caroline Profile on volleyball player Melanie Boyer. Reporter 120 3 9 2007 9/13
Hatters Fi ght Hard , Fal l to
Ora l Rob erts i n 3 ga mes Adam S. Martin Basketball, Women's Hatters are now 4-5 after losses. Reporter 120 3 9 2007 9/13 Beth Slabaugh; Karla Bradshaw 1
This Week in Sports none Athletics Sports schedule. Reporter 120 3 10 2007 9/13
September 1 9, 200 7 is sue
is online at:
http://www.stets onre porte
r.c om /news/20 07 /0 9/19/ Reporter 120 4 2007 9/19

Fa bul ous Firsts: Femal e For the first ti me , Stud ent Hea lth Service s STD; pap sme ars; Mela nie Well Wome n's
Hea lth Service s Rachel Cosgrove Health Services i s o fferi ng gyn ecol og ical se rvices. Reporter 120 5 1 2007 9/27 b irth control Va nde mark Cl ini c Debbie Cassidy
Cou ld a Stud ent Be Tased D iscussi on of the po ssibi lity of tasi ng at
at Stetso n? Vanessa Ralls Public Safety Stetson . Reporter 120 5 1 2007 9/27 James Hess Allie Grawert
R etraction and re prin ti ng of th e Sep te mber Ame ri can C oll ege En viron mental
1 3, 2 00 7 article title d "Le e Ta kes Ca rbon a nd Un iversi ty Re spo nsib ili ty
"Le ap" Arti cle Re tra cted, N eutral L ea p" due to se veral si gni fi cant Pres ide nt's C lima te Co un cil; An ne
Cli mate Doc Re visited Heather Martyn Environment e rrors and a perce ived e ditori al be nt. Reporter 120 5 2 2007 9/27 Co mmitment H. Douglas Lee Ha llu m
SGA Rep ort: Wha t's Yo ur Stude nt Gove rnme nt Se an Tamm; Ryan Lyn ch; Eliza beth
Go vernme nt U p To? Sonya Stewart Associ ation Reports on SGA activities. Reporter 120 5 2 2007 9/27 "Zib " Phil bin
Talki ng He ads: Uni versal
Hea lthcare ? Jason Rickner Opinion Column Opinion of universal healthcare. Reporter 120 5 3 2007 9/27
Talki ng He ads: Uni versal
Hea lthcare ? Samantha Jeske Opinion Column Opinion of universal healthcare. Reporter 120 5 3 2007 9/27
Opi nio n on O.J. Simp son' s l atest l ega l
Give Up the Grudge Brain Chorney Opinion Column trou ble s. Reporter 120 5 3 2007 9/27
Opi nio n on the tasi ng of Uni versity of
Tase Him, Bro Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column Flo rida stud en t Andre w Meyer. Reporter 120 5 5 2007 9/27 1
Th e Ga dfly in Yo ur Cl ass: Opi nio n on free dom of th e pre ss wi th
Pushi ng the En velo pe Mike Riggs Opinion Column re gard s to co lle ge ne wspa pers. Reporter 120 5 5 2007 9/27 James Beasley J. David McSwane Shannon Kelly August Brown
Opi nio n on ra cism with reg ards to th e Jen a
Inside the Box: The Jena Six Patrick McMahon Opinion Column Si x. Reporter 120 5 6 2007 9/27 1
Cen te r for
In te rnatio na l
Ma'a Sallema Ya Baladi Dave Dowd Student Travelogue Study abroad student recounts time in Cairo. Reporter 120 5 6 2007 9/27 Gilman Scholarship Educa ti on 1
R evie w of p erforma nce of Natha n Wo lek in
a facu lty recital o rgan ized b y the Sc hoo l of Han d Fa mily
Old School Basics Natalie Wearstler Music Performance Mu sic. Reporter 120 5 7 2007 9/27 Elizabeth Hall Chapel Gra nt Matt Roberts Dave Glerum; Toney Vecchio

D iscussi on of the 20 07 ob servan ce of th e

Breaking the Fast Trista Etheridge Yom Kippur Je wish D ay of Aton emen t, Yom Kip pur. Reporter 120 5 7 2007 9/27
H atte rs j umpe d to 2-0 in Atlan ti c Su n pl ay
w ith a swee p of th e Ga rdne r-We bb R ebe cca Orze chow ica; Karl a
Hatters Trounce G-Webb Adam R. Martin Volleyball Bu lld og s. Reporter 120 5 9 2007 9/27 R ead shaw ; La ura Bo yd 1
Oc tober 4 , 20 07 iss ue is
online at:
http://www.stets onre porte
r.c om /news/20 07 /1 0/04/ Reporter 120 6 2007 10/4
D eLa nd p oli ce charg ed first-year stude nt
D erek Well s w ith burg lary after th e dru nk
Stu den t Inva des, Home , stud en t attacked a l ocal re side nt at h is Sa lvad o Ga lla rdo;
Attacks De Lan d Lo cal Mike Riggs Public Safety h ome. Reporter 120 7 1 2007 10/18 Jo len e Ga lla rdo Sigma Nu Ryan Lynch
D ebo rah Thomp son , Vice Presi de nt o f
Th ompso n Expla in s En roll ment Man age ment and C ampu s L ife, Ch ristina
Reo rgan izatio n to SGA; sp oke to the Stude nt Go vernme nt Ge nera l Sch aefer; Bill
Schae ffer Di scusses Gen. Asso ciatio n on the re orga niza ti on o f Ro sal ie Ca rpen te r; Educa ti on An drew s; Jame s Se an Tamm; Wi ll Co llu m; Joh ansso n;
Ed. Bu sine ss Req uire ment Caitlin Hughes Campus Life C ampu s L ife. Reporter 120 7 1 2007 10/18 Mich ell e Espi nosa Req uire ment Sch ein er Mr. Greenfeather Mo rgil lo; Cava lla ro
C ircle K Interna tion al, a service Mi ke We rner; Mega n Ga gne ; ria n
Circl e K C omes Un der Ne w o rgan izati on, is rein sta ti ng the Stetson C horn ey; R ob Meu se; Hea th er Al brig ht;
Lea dersh ip Kristine McGinnis Circle K C hap te r. Reporter 120 7 2 2007 10/18 Savannah Atkins Mi chae l Go nzal ez

Inside the Box Patrick McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the treatment of terror suspects. Reporter 120 7 3 2007 10/18 1
Dating: Outside the Box Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion on dating. Reporter 120 7 4 2007 10/18

C olu mn en co ura ges musi c stud ents to

Charity Music Sophia Couzo School of Music d ona te old i nstrumen ts to worthy ca uses. Reporter 120 7 4 2007 10/18
R evie w of R ad ioh ead 's n ew a lbu m, In
In Rainbows Ryan Napier; Paul Atkinson Music Review R ain bow s. Reporter 120 7 5 2007 10/18
R evie w of Ste phe n Col bert's ne w boo k, I
I am America Ryan Napier Book Review a m Ame rica (And So C an You!). Reporter 120 7 5 2007 10/18

Mag gi e Hal l; Ja mes

Fro m the Inve sti ga ti ve Be asle y; Mich ell e
Desk: Th eft Stresses D eLa nd re side nt re ports th eft o f li on statue Esp ino sa; D ebo rah Publ ic Safety;
Rel ation ship Be twee n b ut d oe s n ot fee l th at Ste tso n han dle d it Tho mpson ; Kerry Lamb da Ch i
Stu den ts , Co mmu ni ty Heather Martyn Public Safety w ell . Reporter 120 8 1 2007 10/25 Da vis Alph a Fraternities Crime Remington Cantrell
Pro ject Vo te Smart, a ne w voter's
Vo te Sma rt Co mes to i nformatio n system, ca me to Stetson i n the
Ste tso n Rachel Holleman Project Vote Smart " Purpl e Bus." Reporter 120 8 1 2007 10/25 Anne Hallum Model Senate
Whi te ma le van da lize s Emi ly Hal l by
New sbrie fs: Milk Du d p laci ng Mil k D ud ca ndi es in drye rs w ith
Hoo lig an Di rti es Emily Ha ll Mike Riggs Public Safety stud en ts la und ry. Reporter 120 8 2 2007 10/25 Residential Life Natalie Wearstler
D ebo rah Thomp son fire s D ean o f Stude nts
New sbrie fs: Miche lle Mi chel le Espi no sa over di ffere nces of Deb orah
Espin osa Fired Mike Riggs Espinosa, Michelle a dmin istrative p hil osop hy. Reporter 120 8 2 2007 10/25 Campus Life Th ompso n Public Safety Rosalie Carpenter
Po licy Re fo rm C hai r; Wil lia m Grau el; Sean Ta mm; Andre a
Re sid entia l Life C ogg ins; Drew Gla snovi ch; Jessil y
Stu den t Gove rnmen t Stude nt Gove rnme nt The Abse ntee Amen dmen t, prese nted b y Ch ai r; Food R amire z; Vica ria; Jansa nte; Ph ilb in;
Passes Voting Ame ndme nt Caitlin Hughes Associ ation Wil lia m Grau el is estab lish ed w ithin SGA. Reporter 120 8 2 2007 10/25 Se rv ices Ch air Nestor DeArmas Ave dan ke
Fratern ities;
Opi nio n on fratern ities an d sorori ti es an d so ro ritie s; gre ek
Inside the Box Patrick McMahon Opinion Column g reek li fe in ge nera l. Reporter 120 8 3 2007 10/25 o rg an izatio ns 1
Opi nio n exh orting the u nive rsity to g o recycl ing , p olu ti on;
Clean Up Your Act Sophia Couzo Opinion Column " gree n" with e veryda y a cti ons. Reporter 120 8 3 2007 10/25 e nviro nmen t
The R epo rter has be en un abl e to unco ver
h ard facts or commen ts con cerni ng the
Sta ff Editori al: Th e Art of firi ng of De an of Stu den ts Mich ell e De bo rah Th omp son;
Op acity none Espinosa, Michelle Esp ino sa. Reporter 120 8 4 2007 10/25 Ca mpu s L ife
Rig ht Pe rson, Wro ng Opi nio n on the i mportan ce of th e righ t
Time …Don 't Thi nk So Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column timi ng in l ife. Reporter 120 8 4 2007 10/25
Thrice: The Alchemy Paul Atkinson Music Review R evie w of The Alch emy In de x C D. Reporter 120 8 5 2007 10/25
Slammed Ryan Napier Book Review R evie w of Sl am by Nick Ho rnby. Reporter 120 8 5 2007 10/25
Anberlin Speaks Natalie Wearstler Music Review Review article about the group Anberlin. Reporter 120 8 6 2007 10/25
Eva n Wh ite; Eu ge ne Stariko v; Kirk
Hatters Batter Bruins Adam R. Martin Soccer, Men's Men's soccer team defeats Belmont. Reporter 120 8 7 2007 10/25 L abu sch; Ta nne r Wol fe 1
Cho rnstar Spea ks: L eave D efense of N ew Yo rk Yanke es ba se ba ll
Joe Torre Alo ne Brian Chorney Sports Column ma nag er, Jo e To rre. Reporter 120 8 9 2007 10/25 American League
Hatter Profile : Re be cca Pro fi le of vol leyb all p laye r R ebe cca
Orze chow icz Katherine St. Clair Orzechowicz, Rebecca Orzech owi cz. Reporter 120 8 9 2007 10/25 1
Stetson recei ved a na ti ona l gra nt for
tea chin g an d lea rnin g del iera ti ve skill s o n
co lle ge ca mp use s from the pri vate Teag le
Gra nt Pro vide s fo r the Stud y Fou nda tion , an d admi nistere d throu gh Phi Mich ae l Den ner; Toni Bl um; Val ues Grad y Ba lle nge r;
of ' Th ing s tha t Matter' Suzanne Li Grant Be ta Kapp a. Reporter 120 9 2 2007 11/1 Ho no r Pro gram Cou ncil Do n Musse r
30 Stude nts Turn Out fo r H eal th Se rvice s o ffere d fre e HIV testin g to
Fre e HIV Scre eni ng Julie Antos Health Services 3 0 stu de nts. Reporter 120 9 2 2007 11/1 Wellness Center Counseling Center Josh Dickson; Carly Christophell
In side the Box: 'I Hea rt Opi nio n on p resid entia l cand ida te Mike
Hucka bee ' Patrick McMahon Opinion Column H uckab ee . Reporter 120 9 4 2007 11/1 1
Meltin g Ice , Ne w Isl an ds
and D rown ing P ola r Be ars,
oh my! Sophia Couzo Opinion Column Opinion on climate change. Reporter 120 9 4 2007 11/1

The Myth of Bootstraps Jason Rickner Opinion Column Opinion on personal and social responsibility. Reporter 120 9 5 2007 11/1
6,641 Mi les: How to Ea t an
Egyptia n Pome gran ate
Corre ctl y Dave Dowd Student Travelogue Study abroad student recounts time in Cairo. Reporter 120 9 5 2007 11/1 1
Rome o and Ju lie t, Teach in' R evie w of Ste tso n prod uction o f Ro meo Ju lie Sch mitt; Gre g Ad ams; Nic van d er
Dog s Old Tricks Jen Kmetz Theatre Review a nd Ju lie t. Reporter 120 9 6 2007 11/1 Kw ast; Meg hon C rossle y 1

Th rice: Th e Al chemy Inde x: R evie w of The Alch emy In de x C D, vo lume

Vo lume Two - Water Paul Atkinson Music Review two . Reporter 120 9 6 2007 11/1
Go nzo: Buy the Boo k, Take R evie w of Ja nn Wenn er an d Core y
th e Rid e Ryan Napier Book Review Se mour' s b ook Gonzo . Reporter 120 9 7 2007 11/1
Ste tso n Men C lin ch Playo ff
Spot. Wol fe A-Sun Pl ayer o f Me n's socce r tea m i s cu rrently in se con d
th e We ek Bart Sheard Soccer, Men's p lace i n the con fe rence . Reporter 120 9 8 2007 11/1 Tanner Wolfe; Eugene Starikov 1
Hatter Wo men Fall to East Wome n's socce r tea m l oses to East Je nni fe r H ays; Te ssa Ga vilsky; An drea
Tenn . Bucca ne ers Adam R. Martin Soccer, Women's Te nne ssee . Reporter 120 9 8 2007 11/1 Gara vagl ia 1
Pro fi le of two Stetson cross-co untry te am
[none] Katherine St. Clair Heisler, Kevin and Brian me mbers. Reporter 120 9 9 2007 11/1 2
Novem be r 8, 2 00 7 is sue is
online at:
http://www.stets onre porte
r.c om /news/20 07 /11 /0 8/ Reporter 120 10 2007 11/8
Novem be r 30, 20 07 issue
is online at:
http://www.stets onre porte
r.c om /news/20 07 /11 /3 0/ Reporter 120 11 2007 11/30
Sco tt Eric Mill er, a sop ho more bi olo gy
ma jor, sh ot a nd ki lle d himse lf o utside
Campus Mourns Miller Kristine McGinnis Miller, Scott Pre sser Hal l on Ja nua ry 1 7th. Reporter 120 12 2 2008 1/25 Phi Sigma Kappa Michael Fronk Cheryl Hammock Counseling Center Nic Van Der Kwast
Wil l Dal y h as withd rawn fro m Stetson a fter Osa pe;
b ein g the targe t of a hate cri me. He w as Kale ido scop e; Sh ell ey Wi lson ;
i nstrumen ta l in b ring ing Ju dy Shep ha rd to Arti st an d Pa tty Shee han ;
Daly Withdraws from Stetson Kristine McGinnis Daly, Will ca mpus to spe ak. Reporter 120 12 3 2008 1/25 Judy Shephard Lecture rs Joce lyn Whi te Orlando Gay Chorus Matt Henderson 1

Ju dy She pha rd, the mo th er of Ma tth ew

Kristin e McGinn is; Sh ep hard w ho wa s mu rdere d in a g ay hate Matth ew Orlan do Gay
Judy Shephard Speaks Ka th lee n Orl ik Lecture cri me, sp oke a t Stetson in Ja nua ry. Reporter 120 12 3 2008 1/25 Shelley Wilson Shep ha rd Fu nd Ch oru s Will Daly
Primary Punditry Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the presidential race. Reporter 120 12 4 2008 1/25 1
Opi nio n on the w ebsi te Free tha t
d ona tes rice to und erde velo pe d coun tri es
e ach time so meon e pla ys the ir vocab ul ary
Feeding the Poor with Trivia Sophia Couzo Opinion Column g ame. Reporter 120 12 4 2008 1/25
The Bare Essentials Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion on Reporter 120 12 5 2008 1/25
We N eed C and ida te s We Opi nio n on R udy Giul ian i's can did acy fo r
Can Trust And L ike, Du h Vanessa Ralls Opinion Column Pre side nt. Reporter 120 12 5 2008 1/25
Ma tt Morton; Al ex Cap ozza ; Ni chol as
Commu nity Fo rum: In U ppa l; Ke vin Winch ell ; He athe r Alb righ t;
Lovi ng Memo ry o f Sco tt Eric Tribu tes to Stetson stud en t Scott Eri c Jo seph Frew ; Jon atha n DeAn gel o; D J
Mill er. Sep te mber 16 , 1 986 - Mi lle r, who ki lle d himse lf o n camp us on D eaton ; Rya n Brad y; Pat Mcaho n;
Janu ary 17, 20 08 none Miller, Scott Ja nua ry 1 7, 200 8. Reporter 120 12 6 2008 1/25 Michael King Terry Farrell Je ssily Ra mirez 1
Opi nio n on the w orld b ecomi ng a p lace o f
Hit the Brakes' Michael Hodges Opinion Column se para tion b ecau se of tech no log y. Reporter 120 12 8 2008 1/25
Talki ng He ads: Perso nal ity Opi nio n on the p resid entia l can did ates and
Poin ts Jason Rickner Opinion Column the ro le o f pe rsona lity. Reporter 120 12 8 2008 1/25
Talki ng He ads: Perso nal ity Opi nio n on the p resid entia l can did ates and
Poin ts Samantha Jeske Opinion Column the ro le o f pe rsona lity. Reporter 120 12 8 2008 1/25
Con cert Etiq ue tter: Fro m a
Kid Who Kno ws Wh at He's
Talki ng Abou t Paul Atkinson Opinion Column Opinion on concert etiquette. Reporter 120 12 9 2008 1/25 Copeland and Cartel
The H atte rs kept th eir ho me stre ak ali ve
Hatter Men Go 6-0 a t w ith win s a ga inst Kenn esaw State a nd Atla ntic Sun Kri s Tho mas; Sh eld on Olive r; Garfiel d
Edmon ds Ben Millar Basketball, Men's Me rcer. Reporter 120 12 11 2008 1/25 Co nfere nce Bl air; A.J. Smi th ; Ti m L ang
C olu mn discu ssing Rog er Cle mens an d
Is This the Wrong Era for the a lle ga ti ons that he use d steroi ds duri ng
Cle mens? Brian Chorney Sports Column h is base ba ll care er. Reporter 120 12 11 2008 1/25
Stud ent
Gove rnmen t
Asso ciatio n (SGA);
Pa ul Cro ce; Terry Reco mitment to Ri sk
Stetson Gre en Bike s Pro gram formal ly Gord on; Cin dy th e Enviro nme nt Man ag emen t Enviro nmen ta l Ke vin Winch ell ; Rya n Hutso n; D rew
Green Bikes' Takes Off Michael Hodges Environment ki cks o ff on Jan ua ry 3 1st. Reporter 120 13 2 2008 1/31 Be nni ngton Act Office Resp onsi bil ity C oun cil Gla snovi ch

Mi nimu m w age i n the state of Flo rida w as

Mini mum Wag e In crea se i ncrea sed b y the fed eral g overn men t from
Affects Both Stu de nts a nd $ 6.67 to $6 .7 9; a rti cle di scusse s a ffect on Brittan y D ebi ty
Camp us Emplo yers Sonya Stewart Work-Study Program Stetson 's Wo rk-Stu dy Progra m. Reporter 120 13 3 2008 1/31 Financial Aid Work-Study Ba rke r Terrie Blumenauer
Primary Pun ditry: Me mo to Opi nio n on the D emocra ti c p resid entia l
Dems: Play Ni ce Pat McMahon Opinion Column p rimary. Reporter 120 13 4 2008 1/31 1
Gre en Ca nvas Be ats Pa per Opi nio n on u sing g reen b ag s w hil e groce ry
& Pl astic Sophia Couzo Opinion Column sh opp in g. Reporter 120 13 4 2008 1/31

Th e Bare Esse ntial s: Th e Opi nio n on "sh owi ng a l ittl e skin" to he lp

Joys of Pu bl ic N au ghty Time Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column sh ed sh yness. Reporter 120 13 5 2008 1/31
Dance Woes Erica Saviuk Opinion Column Opinion on author's bad dancing. Reporter 120 13 5 2008 1/31
Coh eed a nd C ambri a's
Go od Apol lo , I'm Bu rnin g
Sta r IV, Volu me Two: No
Wo rld for To morrow Paul G. Atkinson IV Music Review Review of Coheed and Cambria's new album. Reporter 120 13 6 2008 1/31
The i nflue nce o f mass cul tu re and
You Tu be Picks Ne xt co mmuni cation s on the pre side ntial
Presid ent Trista Etheridge Presidential Elections e lectio ns. Reporter 120 13 7 2008 1/31 Tyler Ward; Helen Halverson
Rocki n' in the Free Worl d Mi ke Hucka bee 's abi lity to u se po p culture
with Mike H uckab ee Ryan Napier Presidential Elections e ffective ly. Reporter 120 13 7 2008 1/31
Talki ng He ads: Th e Wo rst of
th e Wo rst. Wi lla rd Mitt
Romn ey: Worst of Se veral Opi nio n on p resid entia l cand ida te Mitt
Evils Jason Rickner Opinion Column R omne y. Reporter 120 13 8 2008 1/31

Talki ng He ads: Th e Wo rst of

th e Wo rst. No Worse Ch oice Opi nio n on p resid entia l cand ida te John
Th an 'To fu ' Jo hn Ed ward s Samantha Jeske Opinion Column Ed ward s. Reporter 120 13 8 2008 1/31

Letters to th e Editor: Has

Ste tso n Bee n Playe d? The
Truth Be hin d th e Resi den ce An th ony Buo no;
Hal l "Ha te C rimes" Christopher Riccard Letter to the Editor Letter on the Will Daly hate crime. Reporter 120 13 9 2008 1/31 Judy Shepard Residential Life Pa tty Hen ke

Letters to th e Editor: Tha d Josep h;

Dea lin g with Adve rsi ty, L ette r o n the Will D aly ha te cri me and th e Di rector of Judi cial Re side ntia l Life;
Hon estly, an d Cou rage ou sly Rina Tovar Letter to the Editor su icid e of Ste tso n stu den t Sco tty Mill er. Reporter 120 13 9 2008 1/31 Affa irs Judy Shepard FOC US
Hatters Lea ve Figh ti ng Stetson bea ts Ca mpbe ll an d ha s a 5 -2 A. J. Smith; Ga rfi eld Blai r; She ldo n
Came ls Dese rte d none Basketball, Men's re cord in th e Atla ntic Sun Co nferen ce. Reporter 120 13 11 2008 1/31 Oli ver; Tim Lan g 1
Stetson wome n are curre ntly 4-16 , bu t
Lad y H atte rs S tru ggl e In g ave Co ach D ee Ro mine h er 300 th caree r
and Out of Con fe rence Bart Sheard Basketball, Women's w in. Reporter 120 13 11 2008 1/31 Ashli Jackson; Ayesha Barkley
Se veral S te tso n stu den ts travel led to ICUF; In dep end ent
Ta lla hasse e to discu ss the p ropo sed Co lle ge s a nd
Stu den ts L obb y C rist to re ductio n in the Flo rida R esid ent Acce ss Un ive rsi ti es of D rew Glasn ovich ; Andre w Davi s;
Save FRAG Sonya Stewart Financial Aid Gran t (FRAG). Reporter 120 14 2 2008 2/7 Flori da Charlie Crist H. Douglas Lee Ma rissa Pil son; Qu ana Sto ne
Primary Pun ditry: Su pe r
Tue sda y, We Ha rdly Kne w Opi nio n on the p resid entia l prima ries an d
Ye Pat McMahon Opinion Column Su pe r Tu esd ay voting . Reporter 120 14 4 2008 2/7 1
Talki ng He ads: Enviro
Cua se du Jo ur: Yay,
Reg ula ti on Jason Rickner Opinion Column Opinion on environmental issues. Reporter 120 14 5 2008 2/7 1
Talki ng He ads: Enviro
Cua se du Jo ur: Bo o,
Reg ula ti on Samantha Jeske Opinion Column Opinion on environmental issues. Reporter 120 14 5 2008 2/7 1
Wasab i; The
Won-L ee Ch ine se Avoca do Grill ;
Th e Fo od Issue : We C ame . Re staura nt; Ha vana Ou dom Thai ; Hu nter's; Le
We Sa w. We Ate. none Restaurant Review Review of local DeLand restaurants. Reporter 120 14 6 2008 2/7 Cu ba Swee t Mel issa' s Jard in 1
Take It Easy: A Bike Tou r R ecou nts a bike tou r o f De Lan d taken o n
Th roug h DeL an d Trista Etheridge Green Bikes Program the n ew "g reen " bike s. Reporter 120 14 8 2008 2/7 Paul Croce Kevin Winchell
Tim Lan g; B rand on Will iams; Mark
Bruin s C ave in H atters at The H atte rs pla yed ho st to th e Bel moun t L ohu is; Garfie ld Bl air; A.J. Smi th ; Eric
Home Ben Millar Basketball, Men's U nive rsity Bru ins. Reporter 120 14 10 2008 2/7 D iaz
Cho rnstar's Co rner: Dea r Sp orts o pi nio n colu mn on Na scar and auto
Nasca r Fan : I H ate Yo u Brian Chorney Sports Column ra cing . Reporter 120 14 10 2008 2/7
Que sti on a nd an swer wi th u nid en tifi ed
me mber of th e wo men's ten nis team
[al th ou gh it is bel ieve d to b e Meg an
Hatter Profile Katherine St. Clair Jones, Megan Jo nes]. Reporter 120 14 11 2008 2/7 Sasha Schmid
Th reat Clo ses Camp us: A campu s-wid e loc kdow n on Febru ary 6
Emerge ncy Al ert Syste m l asted a bou t 2.5 ho urs after a stu den t wa s Deb orah
Keep s Stu den ts In-Do ors Sonya Stewart Hatter Alert System re ported to b e possi bly arme d. Reporter 120 15 2 2008 2/14 Hatter Alert System Th ompso n Public Safety Megan Gagne; Tina Daniels
Schoo l In sta lls a nd Tests The H atte r Al ert System is in p lace to
Emerge ncy Al ert: System a dvise stu den ts via ce llp hon e ab out
Fl aws the Faul t o f Pho nes, i mpen din g or curre nt e merge ncy
Not Schoo l System Sonya Stewart Hatter Alert System co ndi ti on s o n campu s. Reporter 120 15 2 2008 2/14 Hatter Alert System James Beasley Public Safety Scott Miller; Kayla McKay; Daniel Waldron
Pu bli c Sa fety re spon ded to the ca mpus
Apartmen t L eak Ca uses Ap artmen ts to fi nd a sig nifica nt w ater le ak
Ove r $ 250 ,0 00 i n Water tha t ca used ma jor da mage to sev eral
Dama ge Julie Antos Residential Life a partmen ts a nd the con te nts. Reporter 120 15 3 2008 2/14 E.M. Lynn Hall Duane Knecht Margaret Riggs
Primary Pun ditry: The D ay Opi nio n on the Su per Tu esda y presi den ti al
After Sup er Tue sda y Pat McMahon Opinion Column p rimari es. Reporter 120 15 4 2008 2/14 1
Th e Bare Esse ntial s: My
Fo ray In to - an d Out o f -
On lin e Datin g Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion on online dating services. Reporter 120 15 4 2008 2/14
Opi nio n on fai lure s o f the curre nt Ste tso n
I've Had Enough Michael Hodges Opinion Column a dmin istration . Reporter 120 15 5 2008 2/14
Arts an d Cul tu re: Zu mba
(Part o ne of a two pa rt R evie w of a new d ance rcise pro gram
serie s) Ryan Napier Zumba o ffere d at the Hol lis We lln ess Cen te r. Reporter 120 15 6 2008 2/14

Best albums of 2007 Paul Atkinson; Ryan Napier Music Review Pick of the top 13 albums of 2007. Reporter 120 15 7 2008 2/14
Talki ng He ads: Th e Wo rst of
th e Wo rst: Sense less
Motives, Sense le ss War Jason Rickner Opinion Column Opinion on the War on Drugs. Reporter 120 15 8 2008 2/14
Talki ng He ads: Th e Wo rst of
th e Wo rst: Drug C rimes are
Seld om Victimle ss Samantha Jeske Opinion Column Opinion on the War on Drugs. Reporter 120 15 8 2008 2/14

Hatters Send Two A-Sun Tim Lan g; A.J. Smi th ; Olivi er Dup iton;
Teams Packi ng Ben Millar Basketball, Men's Stetson beats East Tennessee State. Reporter 120 15 10 2008 2/14 Garfie ld Bla ir; Eri c D iaz; Shel do n Ol iver 1
Pro fi le of freshma n baske tb all p laye r Tierra
New Player Profile Ben Millar Brown, Tierra Bro wn. Reporter 120 15 10 2008 2/14
R epo rte r E ditor-i n-Ch ief Micha el Ri ggs
re sign s fo r p erson al an d acad emic Ka th lee n Orl ik; Mi chae l Ho dge s; Ca itlin
EIC Mike Riggs Resigns Kristine McGinnis Reporter re ason s. Reporter 120 16 1 2008 2/21 Publication Board Touchstone R eag an
A Good Time wa s h ad b y
Most: A Farew eel from
Fo rmer Editor-i n-Ch ief Mike Ed itor-in -Chi ef Mi chae l Ri ggs talks ab out
Rig gs Michael Riggs Reporter h is sti nt a t the R epo rte r. Reporter 120 16 2 2008 2/21
An i ncrea se in d iversi ty aw aren ess is seen Sh ell ey Wi lson ; Judy She phe rd; H ate
Dive rsity Se es Cha ng es fo r o n campu s afte r se veral re cent campu s L ead ershi p and H. Dou gl as Lee ; Spee ch Bill ; Cro ss Wil l Dal y; Dre w Gl asno vich; Ake el St.
th e Bette r Sonya Stewart Diversity i ncid ents. Reporter 120 16 2 2008 2/21 Di versity Prog ra ms Values Council Le on ard Na nce Cul tu ral Ce nter Je an
U nde rgrou nd ro ck cu lture an d its re latio n
Arts an d Cul tu re: Lifestyle s to veg an ism and the strai ght ed ge
of the H ip a nd Na mele ss Paul Atkinson IV Veganism mo vemen t. Reporter 120 16 3 2008 2/21
Arts an d Cul tu re: Havi n' a Barn aba s Ba llro om an d The a nn ual Ba rnab as Ball room an d Buffet Sa ul Co rnel l; D anya Etter; All ison C on klin g; Sa rah
Ball Elise Onur Buffet w as hel d in Alle n Ha ll. Reporter 120 16 6 2008 2/21 Canterbury House Sims Kline Da rlen e Sici lia no An derso n; L au ren Wo od all .
A pho to show s a stud ent loo kin g at the
Wall (a pub lic bu lle ti n boa rd to w rite on ) i n
[Photo Only] none The Wall the H oll is Cen ter. Reporter 120 16 6 2008 2/21 Davidson Hobson 1
Primary Punditry Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the presidential primaries. Reporter 120 16 7 2008 2/21
Back to N ature : Cl orox Opi nio n on C loro x Gree nwo rks l ine o f
Gre en Works Sophia Couzo Opinion Column e nviro nmen tall y-frie nd ly prod ucts. Reporter 120 16 7 2008 2/21
Opi nio n on the re cent Home ste ad
Exe mption In crease a mend ment on the
Homestead Ripoff Jason Rickner Opinion Column b all ot i n Florid a. Reporter 120 16 8 2008 2/21
Opi nio n on the Flo rida Sa ve Ou r H ome s
One Good Idea Samantha Jeske Opinion Column a mend men t on the b all ot i n Fl orid a. Reporter 120 16 8 2008 2/21

Hatter Profile: Megan Jones Katherine St. Clair Jones, Megan Profile of Hatter tennis player Megan Jones. Reporter 120 16 9 2008 2/21 1
Amy Joyce ; Andre a Migl iori ; Amand a
L ind sey; L ind say Wi gh tma n; N icol e
Tourn amen ts Ra ise Forb es; Amy Peters; Eri ca De me rs;
Seaso n's Expe cta ti ons: A Me lissa Gio rdan o; Bl yth e Gold en;
Ga me-by-Game Stetso n H atte rs so ftb all tea m w on six of te n ga mes L eon or Carre no; Katel yn Perna ; Ni cole
Softb all R ecap Kelsey Clews Softball i n th eir rece nt to urna ment. Reporter 120 16 10 2008 2/21 Frank Griffin Pe lz; Aman da Bai ley 2
N ew Re porte r Ed itor-in -Chi ef i ntrodu ces
A Letter From the Editor Kathleen Orlik Reporter h ersel f. Reporter 120 17 1 2008 3/20
Hey Guys, We're R ele van t The i mportan ce of th e youth vo te i n th e
Agai n Jason Rickner Elections u pcomi ng p resid entia l ele cti ons. Reporter 120 17 1 2008 3/20

FR AG an d Brigh t Future s: Opi nio n on the p otentia l cuts to the Flo rida Stetson U nive rsity
Fl orid a, D on' t Fail U s N ow Kathleen Orlik Opinion Column R esid ent A cc ess Gra nt a nd Brig ht Futu re s. Reporter 120 17 2 2008 3/20 Da y Charlie Crist H. Douglas Lee Bryan Funk
Uncool Mike Hodges Opinion Column Opinion on when to be uncool. Reporter 120 17 2 2008 3/20
Arts an d Cul tu re: The
Va gin a Mono log ues' Ten th
Annu al Sh ow Gets Stove r
Th eatre All Ri led U p Trista Etheridge Theatre Review Review of Vagina Monologues performance. Reporter 120 17 4 2008 3/20
Fo ur Yea rs Stron Ke ep s It R evie w and intervi ew of th e ban d Fo ur
Rea l Paul Atkinson Music Review Yea r Stron g. Reporter 120 17 4 2008 3/20

Ama nda L ind sey; Blythe Gold en; An drea

Softb all Sw ee ps Hatter Mi gli ori; Nico le Forbe s; Li ndsa y
Cla ssic Christie Johnson Softball Softball team goes 4-0 in the Hatter Classic. Reporter 120 17 6 2008 3/20 Frank Griffin Whi te man; Katelyn P erna ; Erica D emers 1
Hatter Profile : Sh arne sha
Smith Katherine St. Clair Smith, Sharnesha Profile of basketball player Sharnesha Smith. Reporter 120 17 6 2008 3/20 1
Greg Se rrago ; Ka th lee n Orl ik; Ka th ryn
News: The Goings-On… Bart Sheard Reporter Changes at the Reporter due to resignations. Reporter 120 18 2 2008 4/3 Pe te rson
Co mmuni ty
D iscussi on of seve ral in cide nts o n campu s, Co nve rs ation ; Ta ylor Sin clai r; Matthew H end erson ;
Ste tso n's Ne ede d i nclu din g bi as-rel ated in cide nts a nd Co mmuni ty Je nni fe r Sh all er; Je an nie D ell utro; Ali son
Commu nity Fo rum Julie Antos Community Forum su icid es. Reporter 120 18 2 2008 4/3 Hatter Alert System Bill Penney Forum Wall Rina Tovar Ara gon a; Ta ylor Ca rney

Pu bli c Sa fety o ffice rs fou nd that sign ifican t Ca ree r Se rvices;

d amag e do ne to Fl agl er Hal l offi ces by John L ug o; Ju lia Co ntin uin g
Vandals Strike Flagler Hall Michael Hodges Vandalism va nda ls ove r Ea ste r w eeke nd. Reporter 120 18 3 2008 4/3 Public Safety Rod rigu ez Ed ucatio n; R OTC Toni Blum; Tom Farrell

Anti-Ch rist Te levi sion Bl ues:

How Al Gore is Hi jacki ng the Opi nio n on Al Gore's Inco nven ien t Tru th
Rig ht's Rhe to rical Strateg ies Ryan Napier Opinion Column d ocume ntary. Reporter 120 18 4 2008 4/3 global warming 1
An Easy Sol ution to Jun k
Mail Sophia Couzo Opinion Column Opinion on the problem of junk mail. Reporter 120 18 4 2008 4/3 Forest Ethics Do Not Call List 1
Opi nio n on co upl es fa lli ng in to fa mi lia r
The Bare Essentials Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column ro utine s. Reporter 120 18 5 2008 4/3
Opi nio n on the D emocra ti c p resid entia l
Inside the Box Patrick McMahon Opinion Column p rimary. Reporter 120 18 5 2008 4/3 1
Al pha X i Del ta h eld a ch arity even t for Tw o-Pie ce Ch icken
AΞΔ's C hari ty Eve nt a R ela y for L ife with a vari ety o f ba nds Di nn er; Ba rbeq ue
Success Paul Atkinson Alpha Xi Delta p erformin g at th e Ab bey Bar. Reporter 120 18 6 2008 4/3 Sa uce William Nylen Jordan Foley; Brennan Palisi; Kevin Drake 1
R eli ves th e top be stse lle rs, top gro ssing
Home comin g We eken d mo vies, an d bil lbo ard ho t 10 0 fo r past
Provid es Op pu rtu nity [si c] to ye ars as ho mecomi ng we eken d
Loo k Ba ck Natalie Wearstler Homecoming a ppro ach es. Reporter 120 18 6 2008 4/3
Fo ur Yea r Stron g Ro cks R evie w th e Fre eb ird Li ve even t in
Jackson vill e Paul Atkinson Music Review Ja cksonvi lle . Reporter 120 18 7 2008 4/3 Four Year Strong Look Alive Bayside 1
R ache l Low e; Aman da L ind sey; And rea
The Ste tso n Sprin g Cla ssic, a thre e da y Mi gli ori; Lin dsay Wigh tma n; N icol e
Th ree of Fi ve in Stetson so ftba ll tou rname nt too k p lace o ver the Forb es; Eri ca Deme rs; Amand a Bai ley;
Sprin g Cla ssic Christie Johnson Softball w eeke nd . Reporter 120 18 9 2008 4/3 Amy Peters 1
Playe r Pro fi le: Meag an
Carl ucci Katherine St. Clair Carlucci, Meagan Profile of Stetson golfer Meagan Carlucci. Reporter 120 18 10 2008 4/3 2
Ste tso n's Ath letes Given
We ll-R oun ded Ince ntive Kelsey Clews Athletics Discussion of Stetson athletic scholarships. Reporter 120 18 10 2008 4/3 Jan Usher
A prop osa l fro m R esid entia l Life that wou ld
p ush b ack th e Gre ek recrui tme nt p erio d
from fa ll to spri ng seme ste r i s me eting
Plan s to De lay Gree k R ush o ppo sitio n fro m fratern ity a nd soro rity In tra fra te rnity Gree ks; Chri sti an Barke r; B. McLare n Sta nle y; Jr.; Aubre y Ku siv;
Meets Uni te d Op po sition Michael Hodges Rush me mbers. Reporter 120 19 2 2008 4/17 Council of Presidents Cou ncil Pa nhe lle nic Anthon y Bu ono An drea C ogg is
Stetson admi nistratio n den ies cha rge s o f
Publ ic Safety Accu sed of se xual h ara ssment afte r two Pu bli c Sa fety
Fo rcing The ir Way in to o ffice rs ke yed in to a room in Fratern ity
Stu den t' s R oom Marie Villard; Ryan Napier Public Safety H ouse B. Reporter 120 19 2 2008 4/17 Duane Knecht Adam Nudecker Mike Rich Kerry Davis Elizabeth Keys; Mike Gallarello
WH AT R adi o Retu rn s to WHAT Ra dio 's fi rst bro adca st in th ree Me gan En gla nd ; Ha rrison Pi ous; Marie
Camp us Daniel Pittle WHAT Radio ye ars aire d on Ma rch 24, 200 8. Reporter 120 19 4 2008 4/17 Green Hat Media Michael King Nathan Wolik School of Music R odri gue z; Bria n Batche lde r 1
Cha nge s, Du e to th e H alf of th e fa culty membe rs i n
Econo my, Hit C ommun icatio n Studi es are le avin g
Commu nica ti on Stud ies Sonya Stewart Communication Studies Stetson . Reporter 120 19 4 2008 4/17 Michael McFarland Cynthia Irizarry Savannah Westwood
The five o n-ca mpus fraterni ti es wil l be
Fra te rnitie s to be Hou sed in re loca te d to Neme c H all w hil e th eir ho uses Fra te rnity and Interfratern ity Chri sti an Barke r;
Neme c H all D urin g Fa ll '0 8 Natalie Wearstler Fraternities a re und er ren ovatio n. Reporter 120 19 5 2008 4/17 Residential Life Sorori ty Affai rs Co un cil Justin Will iams McLaren Stanley 1
The Bare Essentials Maryanne Waldron Opinion Column Opinion on faking during sex. Reporter 120 19 6 2008 4/17
Opi nio n on symp athizi ng wi th the troo ps in
Don't Support Our Troops Ryan Napier Opinion Column Iraq . Reporter 120 19 6 2008 4/17

Hemp i s Mo re th an Eco -
Fri end ly, Its [sic] D iet Hel pful Sophia Couzo Opinion Column Opinion on using hemp. Reporter 120 19 6 2008 4/17
Opi nio n on d rugs of choi ce fo r e ach
Arbei t Mach t Frei: Th e g ene ratio n, w ith an emp hasi s o n Ad de rall
Adde rall Gen era ti on Ryan Napier Opinion Column for the cu rrent gen eratio n. Reporter 120 19 7 2008 4/17 1
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on drinking alcohol. Reporter 120 19 7 2008 4/17 1

Ja yson Arte za; Ste ve Atkin son; Emily

Ba ll; Cai tl in Re aga n; Trama ine H arvey;
Ash ley Co x; Erin L ove ll; Ge ntry Ma nde r;
So nya Stewa rt; Tiffany Hu et; Theo
Ste tso n Idol U nde rwhe lms C anty; Aub rey Ga mble ; D ann y Infie ld;
Emo Paul & Co Paul Atkinson Stetson Idol Review of the Stetson Idol competition. Reporter 120 19 8 2008 4/17 Mi ke We rner; Za ck d e la Ro cha
A Di ffere nt Typ e of Cou nter- C lassi cal musi c a s co un te r-culture o n
Cul tu re Megan Gagne Classical Music ca mpus. Reporter 120 19 8 2008 4/17

Ka lei do sc ope , Stetson' s Gay-Strai ght

Kale ido scop e Doe s the Al lia nce, spo nsors a sho win g of The R ocky
"Ti me Warp " fo r Stetson Elise Onur Kaleidoscope H orror Picture Sh ow i n Eliza beth Ha ll. Reporter 120 19 9 2008 4/17 2
As of Jun e 200 4, the N CAA a pp roved a nd
Ste tso n Ath letes Targe te d re commen de d drug -te sti ng stude nt
fo r D rug Testin g Christie Johnson Athletics a th lete s ye ar-rou nd. Reporter 120 19 10 2008 4/17 Glen Brickey Sports Medicine Rebecca Orzechowicz 2
Val entin a Ga lba rini ; Un nati
Pu rusho th am; Bre an na Atki nson ;
Ste tso n Tenn is Stru ggl es Wome n's te nn is te am defea te d by the Atla ntic Sun Atl antic Sun Ka th erin e Now icki; Kathe rine St. C lai r;
Agai nst Gato rs Kelsey Clews Tennis, Women's U nive rsity o f Flori da . Reporter 120 19 10 2008 4/17 Co nfere nce Con fe rence Me gan Jo nes; Na ta lie Gorh am
Playe r Pro fi le: Th omas
Parker Katherine St. Clair Parker, Thomas Profile of Stetson golfer Thomas Parker. Reporter 120 19 12 2008 4/17 Coach Weickel 1
The Sa ge h all co nstruction p roje ct
(re nova ti on a nd exp ansi on) is on pace to
Sage H all R eno vatio n b e compl eted b y the e nd of the spri ng
Procee din g on Sch edu le Mike Hodges Sage Hall se mester. Reporter 121 1 2 2008 8/27 Terry Farrell Gary Bolding 3
R ina To var, former Associa te D ean o f
Stud en ts an d Dire cto r o f Stude nt Activi ti es, Mich ell e Espi nosa ; Associa te Offi ce of Stu den t
h as acce pted the po sition o f D ean o f An th ony Buo no; Dire cto r o f Gree ks; Greek In volve ment; Stud en t
Tovar New Dean of Students Rachel Holleman Tovar, Rina Stud en ts. Reporter 121 1 2 2008 8/27 L eon ard Na nce Resi den ti al Li fe Li fe Acti vities
Wh oop ! Whoo p! Fi rst P-
Safety R epo rts o f the Ye ar none Public Safety Public Safety incident reports. Reporter 121 1 3 2008 8/27 1
Bu dg et co nstrain ts ha ve led to a
re orga niza tion o f the Cro ss C ultura l Cen te r
Cross Cu ltural C enter a nd a d ismissa l of i ts di rector Shel ley Leo na rd Nan ce;
Cha nge s Ryan Napier Cross Cultural Center Wil son. Reporter 121 1 3 2008 8/27 Campus Life Dive rsity C oun cil Rina Tovar
R epri nt o f a rti cle on Apri l 17, 200 8.
Acco mpan ie d by letter to the e dito r
Don't Support Our Troops Ryan Napier Opinion Column cri ti cizin g th e orig in al articl e. Reporter 121 1 4 2008 8/27
Time ta ble s fo r Iraq
Nece ssary fo r U .S. Ima ge
Abroa d Justin Snyder Opinion Column Opinion on the war in Iraq. Reporter 121 1 5 2008 8/27
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the war in Iraq. Reporter 121 1 5 2008 8/27 1
Ful l-pa ge sp read w ith sta ti sti cs o n fi rst
First Year Students And… none First Year Students ye ar stu de nts. Reporter 121 1 6 2008 8/27 1
A Mod est Pro po sal for
Advan ced H eal th a nd
We lln ess Ryan Napier Opinion Column Opinion on the new University tobacco policy. Reporter 121 1 8 2008 8/27
Opi nio n on re sign ation s o f the Di rector of
R esid entia l Li fe a nd Fraterni ty an d Soro rity
Affairs De partmen t, as we ll as the Di rector An th ony Buo no;
Go odb ye to Dive rsity, H ell o o f the D epa rtme nt o f Di versity and Sh ell ey Wi lson ; Cro ss C ultu ra l
In volvme nt Kyle Schmitt Opinion Column L ead ersh ip. Reporter 121 1 8 2008 8/27 L eon ard Na nce Residential Life Ce nter
Ge t Out o f D eLa nd: Mosh
th e Fa t Off You r Ass Paul Atkinson Local Attractions Suggestions of places to hear bands. Reporter 121 1 9 2008 8/27
Pre scott Tol k, a stand -up co medi an wh o
h as be en feature d on Co med y C entral ,
Tolk Brin gs Come dy to b roug ht his la id ba ck style o f hu mor to th e
Ste tso n Natalie Wearstler Performance U nive rsity o n Au gu st 17 . Reporter 121 1 9 2008 8/27
Fre e Vo lle ybal l Cli nic for The Ste tso n voll eyba ll team offered a
Vo lusi a Cou nty S tu den ts Christie Johnson Volleyball vo lle ybal l clin ic on Aug ust 2 3. Reporter 121 1 10 2008 8/27 1
Te ssa Ga vilsky; Ste pha nie Web b;
The Wome n's socce r tea m w on thei r first An drea Gara vag lia ; Cro ssley Simmo ns;
e xhib ition game s a gai nst the Flo rida Emi ly Ware ; Na ta lie S imon ; He ather
Hatters Defeat Florida Tech Kelsey Clews Soccer, Women's Institute o f Techn ol ogy. Reporter 121 1 10 2008 8/27 Coach Orlowski Be rg 1
Floyd Kerr; Pi erre
Diversity Seeks Sports Kelsey Clews Diversity The role of diversity in athletic recruitment. Reporter 121 1 11 2008 8/27 Pil ote Chris Roberts Clint Chrylser Diversity Council
Je ann ie And erson b ecome s the h ea d
New C oach H ope s to co ach o f the Un iversi ty's che erl ead ing
Imp rove Spi rit Christie Johnson Cheerleading sq uad . Reporter 121 1 11 2008 8/27 1
A new p ol icy th at b ans smoki ng wi th in fifty
fee t o f bu ild ing e ntrance s h as pro voked a wel lne ss; SGA Stud ent
New To bacco Po licy Puts stron g resp onse from stude nts a nd facu lty Pres ide ntial C oun cil; Enviro nmen ta l Gove rnmen t Gra dy Ball eng er; Si ms
Stu den ts o n Edge Jacob Wagner Smoking Policy me mbers. Reporter 121 2 2 2008 9/3 cig are ttes Cou ncil Asso ciatio n Klin e Drew Glasnovich; Omar Avdanke
Stud en ts an d fa culty withi n th e Scho ol of
Mu sic are aw are o f the de mand s p lace d
o n music stud ents, b ut the ma jori ty
Music Stude nts Sti ll Face b eli eves tha t the be nefits ou tw eig h th e Kyl e Knap pe nbe rger; Mega n Ga gne ;
Hea vy L oad s Natalie Sante School of Music co sts. Reporter 121 2 2 2008 9/3 Jean West Ann Small Benjamin Lieser Mo lly Will iams
The Sp rin g 200 8 edi ti on of Pi Sig ma Al pha
U nde rgrad ua te Jo urna l of Po litics fea tu red
Poli ti cal Scie nce the se ni or resea rch of re cent Poli ti cal
Und ergra dua tes Publ ishe d Sci ence a lu mni Josh ua Mil ler ('07 ) a nd
in Na ti ona l Jou rn al Patrick Testa Political Science Ama nda Barthol mew ('08 ). Reporter 121 2 3 2008 9/3 Anne Hallum
Abortions for America? Ryan Napier Opinion Column Opinion on abortion. Reporter 121 2 4 2008 9/3
Closet Cases Jason Rickner Opinion Column Opinion on closeted gay politicians. Reporter 121 2 4 2008 9/3
Opi nio n on C arbo n Belch D ay and socie ta l
Guilt Trip Jason Rickner Opinion Column g uil t. Reporter 121 2 5 2008 9/3
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the Republican party. Reporter 121 2 5 2008 9/3

Has Punk Died? Two Views Paul Atkinson Arts & Culture Column on punk music. Reporter 121 2 6 2008 9/3 1

Has Punk Died? Two Views Ryan Napier Arts & Culture Column on punk music. Reporter 121 2 6 2008 9/3 1
C hris Thoma s w ill re pla ce Chrstin e
D eatrick as Cre w Coa ch after havi ng
Th omas Take s the L ead fo r se rved as the Stetson a ssistant Cre w
Crew Kelsey Clews Crew C oach fo r two ye ars. Reporter 121 2 7 2008 9/3 1
Playe r Pro fi le: Jen nica Pro fi le of Fre shma n voll eyba ll pl ayer
Hag berg none Hagberg, Jennica Je nni ca Ha gbe rg. Reporter 121 2 7 2008 9/3 1
Ste tso n Ge ars Up for 12 5th The U nive rsity ce le brates the 12 5th J. Ol lie Ed mund s;
Anni versary Jacob Wagner 125th Anniversary a nni versa ry o f its fo und ing . Reporter 121 3 2 2008 9/10 Do ug L ee Peggy Fox School of Music Gilbert Lycan
The H atte r Yea rboo k, la st pu bli shed i n
2 003 , h as returne d fo r the 1 25 th
Hatter Yearbooks Return Suzanne Reffel Yearbook An nive rsary. Reporter 121 3 3 2008 9/10 Corey Bridges; DJ Deaton
Org ani zation al Fai r
Ge nera te s E nthusi asm on Thi s ye ar's org ani zation al fair wa s h el d on
Camp us Brittany Jordan Organizational Fair Se ptemb er 27 in the R inke r Fie ld Ho use . Reporter 121 3 3 2008 9/10 Jeannie Dellutro Touchstone Night Cap Amanda Iannotti; Christina Bova
Bo nne r L ead ershi p
R esid entia l Li fe h as hire d Kevin Win chel l a nd Co mmuni ty Rin a To var; R oman
An Addition to Residential Life Bart Sheard Residential Life a s C oord in ator of H ousi ng Opera ti on s. Reporter 121 3 3 2008 9/10 Outrea ch Anthony Buono Justin Williams Ozi mek

Th e Schoo l of Music: Wh ere Pre sser Hal l is th e pl ace wh ere stude nts
Ste tso n Stude nts Go to Die Frankie Schwimmer School of Music g o to die so cial ly. Reporter 121 3 4 2008 9/10 Presser Hall

A Fresh Look at Stetson 101 Chelsea LeNoble First Year Students How to immerse yourself into "Dead-Land." Reporter 121 3 4 2008 9/10
Opi nio n on the p ick of Sa rah Pa lin for
Problems with Palin Harlan Paul Opinion Column R epu bli can Vice Pre side ntia l cand ida te . Reporter 121 3 5 2008 9/10 1
Opi nio n on the p ick of Sa rah Pa lin for
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column R epu bli can Vice Pre side ntia l cand ida te . Reporter 121 3 5 2008 9/10 1
So You Sa y You Want a Opi nio n on the p resen ce of co nse rvatives
Revo lutio n? Ryan Napier Opinion Column o n Stetson's camp us. Reporter 121 3 7 2008 9/10
An Op en L ette r to the Opi nio n of th e postpo neme nt of h irin g a
Admin istration Ryan Lynch Opinion Column ful l-time America n History pro fessor. Reporter 121 3 7 2008 9/10 Kevin O'Keefe
C hristia n Barke r cre ated hi s n ew po sition
Gre ek Coo rdin ator Ch ristian a s C oord in ator fo r Fratern ity a nd Soro rity
Barker Open s U p Natalie Wearstler Barker, Christian Affairs. Reporter 121 3 8 2008 9/10 Greek Life Aubrey Kusiv
Sp otlig ht on do ubl e majo r Ian Gu th rie an d
Musician Spotlight Shanika Hillocks Guthrie, Ian h is music. Reporter 121 3 8 2008 9/10 1
Albu m R evie w: U nde roa th -
Lost in The Sou nd o f
Sepa ration Steve Atkinson Music Review Review of Underoath's latest album. Reporter 121 3 9 2008 9/10
Respecting Bands, Music Ryan Napier Arts & Culture Discussion on best and worst albums. Reporter 121 3 10 2008 9/10
Move Re view : The Ho use
Bunn y Natalie Sante Movie Review Review of the movie The House Bunny. Reporter 121 3 10 2008 9/10
D iscussi on on wha t musi c sh oul d be
Get Rid of Bad Music Now Paul Atkinson Arts & Culture re spected . Reporter 121 3 10 2008 9/10

Hatters Vo lle ybal l Defe ated The vo lle yba ll team pl ayed i ts first
at FSU Invitatio na l Kelsey Clews Volleyball tou rname nt. Reporter 121 3 11 2008 9/10 Cheryl Carlson Sam Stonish; Sarah Sears
C am Card en; Rid ge Grah am; J.R.
Basketba ll Add s N ew Weston ; Gabe McMi lla n; Tim Lan g;
In gred ien ts for Succe ss Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's Head Coach Waugh recruits new players. Reporter 121 3 11 2008 9/10 Rod Popp Grae me Rad fo rd
Pro fi le of freshma n wome n's go lfer
Player Profile: Jennifer Gartin Katherine St. Clair Gartin, Jennifer Je nni fe r Ga rti n. Reporter 121 3 11 2008 9/10 1
Lea rnin g for th e
New Glo bal
The U nive rsity w ill b e imp leme nting a n ew Facu lty Workin g Cen tu ry; Ru brics Mich ael Branton ;
New Gen eral Ed uca ti on g ene ral e duca ti on curri culu m for the Grou p; L ibe ral and Ca mill e King ;
Req uire ment: A Mo ve Into C oll ege o f Arts a nd Scie nces in the fa ll of Ed ucatio n and Imp leme ntatio n Ka ndy Quee n-
th e 21st Ce ntury Ilias Savakis General Education 2 009 . Reporter 121 4 2 2008 9/17 Ame ri ca's Promi se Commi ttee Su th erla nd Heather Bryan; Savanna Westwood
D r. Ron ald Wal te rs, an e xpert in Afri can- Val ues a nd Ethics
Ame rican L ea dersh ip an d pol itics, sp oke Ba ra ck Ob ama; Commi ttee ; Stude nt
a bou t ra ce and i ts rol e in the cu rre nt Ho wa rd Thu rman He athe r Wil lia ms; Go vernme nt
Expert Talks About Race Christine Jacobson Lecture e lectio n. Reporter 121 4 3 2008 9/17 Prog ram Jesse Jackson Jab ari Asim Associa ti on (SGA) Akeel St. Jean; Jess Lanza; Cole Walters 1
Al l campu s frate rnity hou ses are be ing
co mple te ly ren ovated w ith th e expe ctation
Ou t wi th the Ol d, In wi th the tha t the y w ill re ope n fo r the Sp ring 200 9
New Danielle May Fraternities se mester. Reporter 121 4 4 2008 9/17 Nemec Hall Christian Barker Jack Vitek
Che mical Sp ill i n Sag e Hal l A small ch emica l spil l occurre d in Sa ge
Send s One Stu den t to H all Bi olo gy pre p room wh en a via l of
Hosp ital Kaitlyn Schulz Public Safety p hen ol fel l. Reporter 121 4 4 2008 9/17 Terrie Blumeneaur Public Safety HAZMAT Nick Kenyon; Jackie Demko 1

Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on how the presidential race stands. Reporter 121 4 5 2008 9/17
Letter to th e Editor: Dea r L ette r to the e ditor con cerin g a pre viou s
Fra nkie , Adrienne Myers School of Music a rti cle on th e Schoo l of Mu sic. Reporter 121 4 5 2008 9/17
The Politics of Gaffing Jason Rickner Opinion Column Opinion on political gaffes. Reporter 121 4 6 2008 9/17
D iscussi on of the Twi lig ht b oo k se ries on
Breaking Dawn Breaks Dawn Kaitlyn Schulz Arts & Culture va mpire s. Reporter 121 4 7 2008 9/17
All the Proo f Yo u Ne ed to On the p lay "Proo f," wh ich wi ll op en at
See Proo f Amanda Iannotti Theatre Stove r The ater on Se ptembe r 2 5th. Reporter 121 4 7 2008 9/17 Julie Schmitt Rachel Hunt; Daniel Roscoe
Bo ok revie w of th e Twil igh t b ook seri es on
Twilight Transcends Time Katey Sands Book Review va mpire s. Reporter 121 4 8 2008 9/17
An i ntervie w with Ale x Bi ttne r, th e stu den t
Th e Gre atest Sense o f w ho rece ntly started the Stetson Skyd ivin g
Fre edo m Kaitlyn Schulz Skydiving Club C lub . Reporter 121 4 8 2008 9/17 Skydive DeLand 1
The vo lle yba ll team be gan the ir wee ken d R ebe cca Orze chow icz; Sa m Sto nish ;
tou rname nt with a wi n aga inst Th e Citad el, Je nni ca Hag be rg ; Step han ie Ca nfiel d;
Hatters Fa ll at Hol ida y In n b ut e nd ed wi th l osses to Rob ert Mo rris an d Ka ylee R eam; Sara Se ars; Sa m
In vitation al Kelsey Clews Volleyball the C oll eg e of C harl eston. Reporter 121 4 10 2008 9/17 Coach Carlson Free man

Life of an Athle te : Bal anci ng

Sports and Aca demi cs Christie Thompson Athletics Discussion on the life of a student athlete. Reporter 121 4 10 2008 9/17 Leslie Armstrong
Pro fi le of freshma n wome n's ba sketbal l
Player Profile: Kelly Ellison Katherine St. Clair Ellison, Kelly p laye r Ke lly Ell ison . Reporter 121 4 11 2008 9/17 Shawn Bowen
Rob ert Ma tu sick Join s
Ste tso n Camp us As N ew R obe rt L. Matusi ck b ega n servin g as th e
Publ ic Safety Dire cto r Jacob Wagner Public Safety D irector of Pub lic Safety in Jul y. Reporter 121 5 2 2008 9/24 Kerry Davis
SGA p resid en t Dre w Gl asno vich exp lai ns
Stude nt Gove rnme nt h ow to pa rti cipa te i n th e Stu de nt
SGA Rumors Laid to Rest Danielle May Associ ation Gove rnmen t Associ ation . Reporter 121 5 2 2008 9/24
The C ente r for Servi ce Lea rnin g and th e
Hun ger Ban qu et R aise s C oal ition to En d Home lessn ess came
Aware ness on Ce nter fo r Se rvice tog ethe r to pu t on a H un ger Ban que t in Savan na h-Jan e
Home lessn ess an d Poverty Brittany Jordan Le arni ng R inke r Fie ld Ho use . Reporter 121 5 3 2008 9/24 Oxfam America Atki ns Ranjini Thaver Zhiping Wei; Amanda Price
Ste tso n Station Bri ngs
Coffeeh ouse Atmosph ere to
Camp us whi ch wil l have Wi-
Fi a nd carry a stock of Stetson Sta ti on, a new co ffee hou se on
boo ks from the N ew Yo rk ca mpus, is sche dul ed to ope n some ti me
Time s b estsel ler li st. Claire Stubblefield Stetson Station mi d-Octo ber. Reporter 121 5 3 2008 9/24 Annette Miller Rick Christensen Auxiliary Services
Opi nio n on h ow Flori da an d New Je rsey
Sink, Florida, Sink Ryan Napier Opinion Column re lates to Bruce Sp ring ste en. Reporter 121 5 5 2008 9/24
Opi nio n on the d iffe rence b etwee n hi gh
Con fl ict Be tw een Socia l and sch ool a nd co lle ge an d th e soci al an d
Acade mic Live s Chelsea LeNoble Opinion Column a cade mic con fl icts face d in col leg e. Reporter 121 5 5 2008 9/24

Why Are We So Lazy? Frankie Schwimmer Opinion Column Opinion on laziness in exercise and diet. Reporter 121 5 6 2008 9/24
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the "liberal" media. Reporter 121 5 6 2008 9/24 1
Th e Resu rrection of WHAT Stetson has resu rrected thei r ca mpusw ide
Rad io Shanika Hillocks WHAT Radio ra dio stati on, WH AT. Reporter 121 5 7 2008 9/24 Green Hat Media digital arts Alex Harney; Matthew Clayman
R evie w of H BO's n ew seri es True blo od
HBO's Trueblood Kaitlyn Schulz Television Review a bou t va mpire s. Reporter 121 5 7 2008 9/24
Come On, People Paul Atkinson Arts & Culture Opinion on "pathetic" modern music. Reporter 121 5 8 2008 9/24 1
Portuga l. The Ma n -
Cen sored C olo rs D ese rve s R evie w of Po rtuga l. The Ma n's new a lb um
Fo ur Sta rs Stephen Atkinson Music Review C enso red Co lo rs. Reporter 121 5 9 2008 9/24
Hatters Fi ght, Fal l to FAU, The H atte rs suffere d a de fe at to Flori da Ja ck Jo hnso n; Ma rc Ga lizi a; Ke vin
Beat Cle mson Natalya Jones Soccer, Men's Atla ntic, b ut won a gai nst C lemso n. Reporter 121 5 10 2008 9/24 Coach Fleck Mu nz; Eu gen e Stariko v; Kirk La bush 1
H eathe r Be rg; C rossle y Simmon s; Tessa
The w omen 's soccer team shu t o ut Gavi lsky; R ache l Swee ne y; Franci s
Hatters Soccer Rocks FAU Kelsey Clews Soccer, Women's co nfere nce op pon ent Fl orid a Atla ntic. Reporter 121 5 11 2008 9/24 Coach Orlowski C hin q 1
Pro fi le of wo ma n's vol leyb all p laye r Sarah
Player Profile: Sarah Sears Katherine St. Clair Sears, Sarah Se ars. Reporter 121 5 11 2008 9/24 1
Bro th ers of th e Lamb da Ch i Al pha
fratern ity a re di ssatisfied w ith th e way the Ch ristian Barker;
U nive rsity h and le d an in cide nt l ast sp ring Deb orah An th ony Buo no;
w hich l ed to the susp ensi on of thei r Th ompso n; Geo rge R em Can tre ll; Devi n Wi lkin s; Mike
And Then There Were Five Ryan Napier Lambda Chi Alpha ch apte r. Reporter 121 6 2 2008 10/1 Pi Kappa Alpha Resi den ti al Li fe Mitche son H. Douglas Lee Gal lare llo
Al pha X i Del ta h osted a fashi on sh ow on
Alph a Xi Del ta Hel ps Othe rs Se ptemb er 25 as pa rt of Phil an th ropy Prin ceton H ouse An nel iese H all ste n; Kate Martin; Al lyson
with Style Jacob Wagner Alpha Xi Delta Wee k. Reporter 121 6 3 2008 10/1 Ch arter Scho ol McKe nna 1
Alph a Xi Run s / Wa lks fo r Al pha X i Del ta h osted its secon d an nua l Prin ceton H ouse Ka th ryn Martin; Cristen Turne r; El izab eth
Chi ldre n Suzanne Reffel Alpha Xi Delta 5 K Wal k / Run o n Septemb er 23 . Reporter 121 6 3 2008 10/1 Ch arter Scho ol D rape r; Josh Stutte 1
Ma x C lel and , forme r U .S. Sena to r, don ates
a l arge co ll ection o f pe rsona l and pol itical
me morab ili a to th e Ste tso n Uni versity
Alumni Brings Treasured Gifts Suzanne Reffel Cleland, Max L ibra ry. Reporter 121 6 4 2008 10/1 Betty D. Johnson Sue Ryan Evans Johnson H. Douglas Lee
Opi nio n of th e upco ming p resid en ti al
Politics and Fast Food Joseph O'Brien Opinion Column e lectio ns. Reporter 121 6 6 2008 10/1
Opi nio n on the p ropo sed ec ono mic bai lou t
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column p lan . Reporter 121 6 6 2008 10/1 1
Dow n Wi th Stud en t
Go vernme nt (Ba by, I'm an Opi nio n on Stetson 's Stu den t Govern ment
Anarch ist) Ryan Napier Opinion Column Asso ciatio n (SGA). Reporter 121 6 7 2008 10/1 Drew Glasnovich
Opi nio n on Pu bli c Sa fe ty' s re spon se to the
Stetson tra ditio n of thro win g pe opl e into
Tradition Under Siege Jeff Shapiro Opinion Column H oll er Fo unta in on the ir birthd ays. Reporter 121 6 8 2008 10/1 Kristi Mount Pim
Spai n Isn 't R eal : First
Deb ate Musin gs Jason Rickner Opinion Column Opinion on the first presidential debate. Reporter 121 6 8 2008 10/1

D iscussi on on confid ence a nd pre sen ta ti on

Just Being an Asshole Paul Atkinson Arts & Culture ve rsus ou twa rd ap pea rance . Reporter 121 6 9 2008 10/1 1
R evie w of th e The atre De partmen t's
Proof: Mo re th an Ju st a n ewe st p rodu cti on, Proof, b y D avid D ani el Ro scoe; Rach el Hu nt; Sa rah
Cul tu ral Cre dit Kaitlyn Schulz Theater Review Au bu rn . Reporter 121 6 9 2008 10/1 Julie Schmitt Pe reira ; Adam La ng sto n
Ma ny to ok ad vantag e of the chan ce to An gel a Ste in ma nn ; Tre y Turne r; Ty
h ear the mu sical tal ents of Stetso n Turne r; Jan a Fishe r; Jack Kel ly; Jo e
NightCap Rocks Amanda Iannotti NightCap stud en ts at Nig htCap . Reporter 121 6 10 2008 10/1 Ma rti no; Sean Ki nb erge r
Sa rasota n ative Tori Spa rks, si nge r a nd
Tori Spa rks Bri ngs Spa rk to so ngw riter, ap pe ared a t do wntow n
DaVi nci's Shanika Hillocks Local Attractions D eLa nd 's C affe D aVin ci. Reporter 121 6 10 2008 10/1 1
The w omen 's soccer team en de d th eir
ma tch a ga in Li berty Uni versity with no
Hatters Tie L ibe rty in Dou ble g oal s sco red b y e ither sid e afte r d ou ble El ise Ketcha m; He athe r Be rg; Tessa
Ove rti me Kelsey Clews Soccer, Women's o vertime. Reporter 121 6 13 2008 10/1 Coach Orlowski Gavi lsky 1
Bri an He isle r; Kevi n Hei sler; Micha el
Jo nes; Bryan McFad den ; Re ynol ds
Cross Co untry Fi nish es 7th The cro ss co un try team pl aced se venth H owa rd; Sh awn L ove ly; C oll een
at Emb ry R idd le Kelsey Clews Cross Country o ut o f ten tea ms a t the Asics In vitatio nal . Reporter 121 6 14 2008 10/1 Coach Boyle Mu lho lla nd 1
Pro fi le of wo me n's socce r p laye r Be than y
Player Profile: Bethany Kiedis none Kiedis, Bethany Ki edi s. Reporter 121 6 15 2008 10/1 1
Th ad Jose ph; Rin a
Un iversi ty To var; Deb orah
Ste tso n Upd ates Alcoh ol A Ste tso n commi ttee o f staff an d stu den ts Di rectorie s; Th ompso n; Antho ny
Poli cy Danielle May Alcohol Policy re cently revi sed the a lcoh ol po licy. Reporter 121 8 2 2008 10/22 Reality Campaign Campus Life Co nn ection s Buon o Drew Glasnovich; David J. Deaton
Ste tso n Hol ds Th ird Annu al Stetson 's Th ird Annu al Bea rdtobe r Phil anthro py
Beard to be r Jacob Wagner Philanthropy fun drai ser be gin s i n Octob er. Reporter 121 8 2 2008 10/22 John Rasp Uni te d Foster Parent United Way Jim Atkinson
By the e nd of Octob er th e in tra mural ten nis
In tra mural Te nni s C ourts co urts b eh ind C ummin gs Gym wi ll be
See Up grad e Jacob Wagner Intramurals u pgra de d fo r u se. Reporter 121 8 3 2008 10/22 Duane Knecht Loren Knutson Will Grauel; James Smith
Stud en ts an d fa culty can pa rticip ate in the
New Se lf D efense Buil ds n ew sel f-d efen se class be ing o ffere d th is
Con fi den ce in i ts Memb ers Brittany Jordan Self-Defense se mester fre e of charg e. Reporter 121 8 3 2008 10/22 Hollis Center Savanna Westwood; Allison Gear
Brea st C ance r
Ze ta R aise s Mo ne y for Zeta Tau Alp ha he ld the ir 6th An nua l Taco Ed ucatio n and Ja ime Ha ugh ; Meg ha n John son; Cha rlie
Breast Can cer Aw aren ess Sonya Stewart Philanthropy Ba r i n th e Co mmons. Reporter 121 8 3 2008 10/22 Awa rene ss Wage nse il; D an iel Wald ron 1
Col leg e Demo crats a nd On Octo be r 1 4th, C oll ege R epu bl ican s a nd Je ss L anza ; Ja so n Garret; Ju sti n
Rep ubl ican s H ave First C oll ege D emoc ra ts g ot tog ether for a Sn yder; Rau l Meji a; Je ffrey Wray;
Ever Deb ate Jacob Wagner Presidential Elections stud en t de bate in the Ste tso n Roo m. Reporter 121 8 4 2008 10/22 William Nylen Isha bel Vi caria 1
Opi nio n on Fren ch writer Jea n-Mari e Le
C lezi o's aw ard of th e Nob el Prize fo r
Subterranean Literary Blues Ryan Napier Opinion Column L iteratu re . Reporter 121 8 5 2008 10/22 Bob Dylan 1
Opi nio n on the p resid entia l campa ig n and
Joe's War Jason Rickner Opinion Column the u se of "Joes." Reporter 121 8 6 2008 10/22
Opi nio n on the p resid entia l campa ig n and
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column the u se of "Joe the Pl umbe r." Reporter 121 8 6 2008 10/22 1
R evie w of C hu ck Pa lah niu k's l atest movie ,
Choking on Chuck Ryan Napier Movie Review " Cho ke." Reporter 121 8 7 2008 10/22
D iscussi on on th e music of Paul Ju mp and
Meet Paul Jump Erin Lovell Music Review h is ban dma te C had N ikol a. Reporter 121 8 7 2008 10/22 Natasha Sosa 1
Eagl e Eye: Big Sister is
Watchi ng Brittany Marczak Movie Review Review of the movie, "Eagle Eye." Reporter 121 8 8 2008 10/22 1
The w omen 's softb all tea m's new faci lity, a
p roje ct wh ich w as beg un in Feb ruary an d
i nclu des lo cker roo ms, restroo ms, troph y Natio nal Fastpi tch
New Sch ool Year Brin gs ca ses, a nd co ache s o ffice s, is ne arly Jeff Altie r; Do ug Coa ches' Associa tion 's
New So ftba ll Facil ity Christie Johnson Softball co mple te d. Reporter 121 8 9 2008 10/22 Frank Griffin Vanessa Bataille Le e Fi eld o f the Ye ar 5
The H atte rs voll eyba ll team lo st in thre e
Volleyball Continues to Slump Michael Hodges Volleyball se ts to Jackso nvil le. Reporter 121 8 10 2008 10/22 Stephanie Canfield; Laura Boyd
Playe r Pro fi le: Col len Pro fi le of sop homo re Cross Co untry
Mull oll and Katherine St. Clair Mullolland, Collen ru nne r, Col len Mull olla nd . Reporter 121 8 10 2008 10/22 1
So ph omore Eu gen e Sta rikov, forme r
startin g fo rwa rd fo r the H atte rs' men's
Sta rikov Le ave s for vo lle ybal l te am ha s l eft for th e Ukrai ne to
Ukrai nia n Pro Lea gu e Kelsey Clews Soccer, Men's p lay pro fe ssio nal so ccer. Reporter 121 8 11 2008 10/22 Coach Fleck Gonzalo de Mujica
McEni ry Awa rd
for Excel len ce in
Engl ish De partme nt U nvei ls A pla qu e hon orin g th e late Dr. Mi chae l Tea chin g; Fl orid a
Plaq ue in L ate Professo r's R aymon d wa s u nvei led i n th e Engl ish Poetry at a n Profe ssor of the
Hon or Brittany Jordan Raymond, Michael D epa rtme nt last year. Reporter 121 9 4 2008 10/29 Reporter; Touchstone Unco uth Ho ur Year Leonard Nance Kaitlin Mondello; Crystal Smith
Opi nio n col umn wi th a ton gue -in-ch eek
On the Impra ctical ity o f l ook at Sei nfeld 's " bee ca r" in The Bee
Sein fe ld' s Be e Car Ryan Napier Opinion Column Mo vie. Reporter 121 9 5 2008 10/29 1
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the presidential election. Reporter 121 9 5 2008 10/29 1
The R epo rter sta ff end orses Bara ck
Oba ma fo r Presid ent, the first presi den tial
e ndo rseme nt ma de by The Re porter in
Barack Obama for President Reporter Staff Editorial ma ny yea rs. Reporter 121 9 6 2008 10/29
Opi nio ns on vo ti ng in the p resid en ti al
Roamin' Reporter Bart Sheard Opinion Column e lectio n. Reporter 121 9 6 2008 10/29 5
Und eroa th & Sa osin Se ll R evie w of a performa nce of Und eroa th
Ou t Ho use o f Blu es Paul G. Atkinson Music Review a nd othe r b and s a t the H ouse o f Blu es. Reporter 121 9 7 2008 10/29 2
Intervi ew wi th E rica Savi uk, a Stetson
stud en t wh o has succe ssfu lly ba ttle d
Story of a Survivor Natalya Jones Saviuk, Erica ca ncer rece ntly. Reporter 121 9 8 2008 10/29
Hatters Snag Secon d in The me n's go lf tea m ca me in se cond p lace Sa m R yder; Ga be Co sta; Tommy
Cha rleston So uthe rn o ut o f 11 tea ms i n th e Cha rleston So uthe rn Pa rker; Mi chae l Ste wart; D ave
In vitation al Christie Johnson Golf, Men's Invi ta ti on al. Reporter 121 9 9 2008 10/29 McAn drew
The H atte rs softb all tea m b ega n thei r Ama nda Ba ile y; Ka te lyn Pern a; C hel sea
se ason with three co nsecu ti ve win s Trotto ; Amy Jo yce; Dan iel le Kil dow ;
a gai nst Dayton a Sta te , Semi no le N icol e Peltz; Ka ti e La wren ce; Aman da
Softb all Tripl es Up to Start C ommun ity C oll ege , a nd St. Petersb urg L ind sey; And rea Mig lio ri; C aro lyn Boyd ;
Seaso n Kelsey Clews Softball C oll ege . Reporter 121 9 9 2008 10/29 Frank Griffin R ache l Low e
Playe r Pro fi le: Davi d Pro fi le of ju nio r me n's gol f p laye r D avid
McAndre w Katherine St. Clair McAndrew, David McAn drew. Reporter 121 9 10 2008 10/29 1

Step han ie Webb ; France Chi ng; Cle o

C oll ang e; R ache l Swe ene y; Sara h Isl ey;
Be th any Kie dis ; Tessa Gavil sky; Emil y
Wo men's Socce r C ele bra te s The w omen 's soccer team de feated Ware; Emily Ye ro; Me lissa Thi s; Kristy
2-0 Victory Christie Johnson Soccer, Women's L ipsco mb. Reporter 121 9 11 2008 10/29 Julie Orlowski Jeff Altier Po rcell i; And rea Garava gl ia
The me n's socce r tea m l ost a ga inst Ki rk L abu sch; Gon zal o de Muj ica; Marc
Men' s So ccer Fa lls to co nfere nce op pon ent Jackson vill e Gal izia ; Ri chard Po rte ou s; Ro bert
Jackson vill e Kelsey Clews Soccer, Men's U nive rsity. Reporter 121 9 11 2008 10/29 Coach Fleck H odg e; Eu ge ne Stariko v

The so rority De lta Del ta D elta an d th e

U nive rsity's psycho log y d epa rtme nt hosted
Mother of Suici de Victim the l ecture "Kri ste n's Story" ab out a An drea C oop er; R eyno lds Ho ward ; Ch ristina K apu sta ;
Spea ks Out Jacob Wagner Lecture stud en t's de pressi on a nd sui cide . Reporter 121 10 2 2008 11/12 Kristin Coo per Rinker Field House C hristin a Ve rsace; An drew Smi th 1

Stud en ts, fa culty, an d sta ff enj oyed

Hol lis Ce nter Hosts festivi ti es fo r th e Uni versity's 125 th Into the Streets; N aun ie Stedma n; Kira Ha ll; Marqu is
Fo und er's Da y C ele bratio n Danielle May Founder's Day a nni versa ry ce leb ration o n Nove mber 7th. Reporter 121 10 3 2008 11/12 Bo ys a nd Girls Cl ub Humane Society Sodexo Phi Mu Alpha Fuse ; Da vid Du ran. 1
R esid entia l Li fe i s sl owl y re spon din g to
se veral p rob lems in the d orms fro m mo ld Kevin Win chel l, D uan e
Problems Plague ResLife Jacob Wagner Residential Life to no n-wo rkin g key cards. Reporter 121 10 3 2008 11/12 Res Hall A Village Apartments Emily Hall Knech t; Rin a Tovar
The U nive rsity re cen tl y w on a gra nt to bu y Institute for
ro bots for a new co mputer scie nce cou rse Da ni el Pla nte; Carl Wei man; Pe rso na l Rob ots
Robots Invade Campus Suzanne Reffel Computer Science to be offere d ne xt yea r. Reporter 121 10 5 2008 11/12 Mich ae l Branton Klau d Fe nn ema in E duca ti on Scribblers Sarah Richardson 1
The C arib be an Stude nt Orga niza tion
co lle cte d go ods this fall to pro vide re lie f to
Stu den ts Pro vide H urrica ne re gio ns in the C arib bea n th at w ere h it h ard
Rel ief to the Carib be an Suzanne Reffel Philanthropy b y h urrica ne s thi s ye ar. Reporter 121 10 5 2008 11/12 Antoinette Clarke; Akeel St. John
Th ose Anarch o-Pu nks are Opi nio n on l ibe rals in Ameri can li fe a nd
Myste riou s… Ryan Napier Opinion Column p oli ti cs. Reporter 121 10 6 2008 11/12 1
Opi nio n on re action to a po litica l t-sh irt and
America Si ngs Re volu tion to stud ents know led ge of ele ction a nd
Blue s Paul G. Atkinson Opinion Column o th er issu es. Reporter 121 10 7 2008 11/12 1

Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the recent presidential election. Reporter 121 10 8 2008 11/12 1

A Moment that Defines You Steven Carrillo Opinion Column Opinion on seizing moments that define you. Reporter 121 10 8 2008 11/12
Econo mic Meltdo wn
Fo resee n in Ni ne ti es Ryan Jungk Opinion Column Opinion on the current economic situation. Reporter 121 10 8 2008 11/12
R evie w of H ea rt Burn s b y Aga inst Me!
"Only Cowards Sing at Night" Ryan Napier Music Review Fron tma n Tom Ga bel . Reporter 121 10 9 2008 11/12 2
Hal low een i n DeL an d - N ot
Bad Shanika Hillocks Local Attractions Review of Halloween activities in DeLand. Reporter 121 10 9 2008 11/12 Jillian Gamelin; Abby Smith
Hatters Basketb all Take s The H atte rs win the ir fi rst exh ibi ti on ga me A.J. Smi th ; Eric Di az; Garfie ld Bl air; Kris
Dow n Warn er Sou th ern Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's a gai nst Warn er Southe rn. Reporter 121 10 10 2008 11/12 Coach Waugh Greenfeather Tho mas 1
Playe r Pro fi le: Migu el D . Pro fi le of sop homo re soccer pl ayer Mig uel
Rod rigu es Katherine St. Clair Rodrigues, Miguel R odri gue s. Reporter 121 10 11 2008 11/12 Coach Fleck 1
Mon iq ue Forte;
Gen e Huske y;
The Bo ard o f Tru ste es una nimo usly De bo rah
Uni versity Elects Dr. Li bby e lected Dr. We ndy B. L ib by as th e H. Do ugl as Lee ; Eliza beth Ha ll; Tho mp son ;
as Next Presid en t Rachel Holleman Libby, Wendy B. U nive rsity's nin th p resid ent. Reporter 121 11 2 2008 11/19 Marg are t Le e Ste phe ns Co lle ge Le on ard Na nce Noel Painter Drew Glasnovitch 1
The Po litica l Scie nce De partmen t ho ste d a
Presid entia l Fo rum foru m to d iscuss the ou tco me of the Eu gen e Huske y;
Anal yzes Upco ming e lectio n an d ana lyze wh at i t mea ns for th e Will iam Nyl en; T. Barack Obama ; Joh n
Cha nge s Danielle May Presidential Elections co untry. Reporter 121 11 2 2008 11/19 Anne Hallum David Hill Wayne Ba ile y McCai n; Geo rge Bush
Stetson Share s, a ph ila nthrop ic gro up that
co lle cts foo d fo r n eed y fami lie s d urin g
Stu den ts Stin gy with Tha nksgi ving , re ported a sh arp de crea se
Ste tso n Sha res Ryan Napier Stetson Shares i n don atio ns th is year. Reporter 121 11 3 2008 11/19 Greenfeather Philanthropy Linda Grooms Basket Brigade
Bonn er Col lects Scho ol Bo nn er, a servi ce-ori ented o rgan izatio n,
Supp lie s for Afri can w ill b e coll ecting schoo l supp lie s for a dri ve Bo nne r Sch ola rs
Orp han s Suzanne Reffel Philanthropy b ene fiting African o rpha ns. Reporter 121 11 4 2008 11/19 Prog ram Medwell Anjum Somji
Opi nio n on h ow the au th or's wri ti ng is
Graceful Confession Ryan Napier Opinion Column i nflue nce d by rock 'n' rol l. Reporter 121 11 5 2008 11/19 1
Fa ke Lin es Ove rhe ard on Opi nio n on the 1 25th Ann iversa ry
Fo und er's Da y Jason Rickner Opinion Column Fou nde r's Day Ce leb ration . Reporter 121 11 6 2008 11/19

Ryan Ada ms C lea ns Up a nd R evie w of R yan Ada ms n ew al bum,

Rocks Out w ith Card in olo gy Ryan Napier Music Review C ardi nol og y. Reporter 121 11 7 2008 11/19 2

Saw: Moral Ma ste rpie ces or

Cin ematic Ca ta stro ph es? Stephen Atkinson Movie Review R evie w of th e Saw seri es of mo vies. Reporter 121 11 8 2008 11/19
Cen te r for D rew Glasn ovich ; Ian Guthri e; L iz
Stud en ts talk ab out th eir exp eri ence s o n In te rnatio na l Intern ation al D rape r; Kase y C ox; Je ssica Pa uszek;
Study Abroad Natalie Wearstler Study Abroad stud y a bro ad trips. Reporter 121 11 8 2008 11/19 Nancy Leonard Educa ti on Prog rams Co unci l An ali sa Jahn a; To ney Vecchi o
Cap tu ring Mo men ts as a Pro fi le of Jay Lu dvig h, a H atte r fa n with a
Numb er On e Fa n Christie Johnson Ludvigh, Jay p assio n for pho to grap hy. Reporter 121 11 9 2008 11/19 1
Playe r Pro fi le: Dan ie lle Pro fi le of ju nio r g olf te am membe r D ani ell e
Jackson Katherine St. Clair Jackson, Danielle Ja ckson. Reporter 121 11 10 2008 11/19 Coach Kerr Lauren Darnell 1
Ama nda L ind sey; Erica De mers; N icol e
H atte rs g et a 9-3 wi n over Bethu ne - Pe lz; And rea Mig lio ri; Grace Turn er;
Softball Ends Fall with a Win Kelsey Clews Softball C ookma n. Reporter 121 11 11 2008 11/19 Coach Griffin D ani ell e Kild ow 1
Basketba ll Promo tion A "cash b ack" pro motion to in crease
Rai ses Eyebro ws, Ma ybe a tten da nce at baske tb all g ame s sp arks Je ff Altie r; De rek Edmun ds Cen ter;
Fu nds Mike Hodges Basketball, Men's co ntroversy. Reporter 121 12 2 2009 1/29 Waug h goh m Grady Ballenger Joel Davis
Opi nio ns on w hethe r o r n ot Ste tso n shou ld
u se cash i ncen ti ves to b oost attend ance a t Ake el St. Jea n; Mega n Ga gne ; And ers
Roamin' Reporter none Opinion Column b asketb all g ames. Reporter 121 12 2 2009 1/29 Bre nt; Mich ael R igg s; Da na Ma ira 5
Commo ns Und ergo es A re-de sign ed C ommon s d ini ng ha ll
Tran sfo rmatio n Suzanne Reffel Dining Services o pen ed thi s se mester. Reporter 121 12 3 2009 1/29 Brian Stinkney Timothy Roberts; Margot Ross 4
Sci ence b ui ldi ng Sag e Hal l has op en ed its
n ew Scie nce C enter ad ditio n fo r the sprin g
Renovated Sage Hall Debuts Suzanne Reffel Sage Hall se mester. Reporter 121 12 4 2009 1/29 Terry Farrell John York Ann Fick Gary Bolding Matt Clayman; Michael Werner 2
Pros and C on s: Th e Ne w
Cafeteri a Natalie Wearstler Opinion Column Opinion on the newly re-designed commons. Reporter 121 12 5 2009 1/29
Pros and C on s: Th e Ne w
Cafeteri a Joseph O'Brien Opinion Column Opinion on the newly re-designed commons. Reporter 121 12 5 2009 1/29
Ja son Ri ckne r b log s a bou t hi s stud y
From Russia With Love Jason Rickner Study Abroad a broa d exp erie nce in R ussia . Reporter 121 12 6 2009 1/29 1

Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the new Obama administration. Reporter 121 12 6 2009 1/29
Bola no Pres ents Fi ve
Differen t Wo rks in 26 66 Ryan Napier Book Review Review of Roberto Bolano's book 2666. Reporter 121 12 7 2009 1/29 2
Th e Sta rs C ome Out fo r R evie w of th e entertai nmen t at Presid en t
In aug ura tio n Kaitlyn Schulz Inauguration Oba ma's in aug uratio n. Reporter 121 12 8 2009 1/29 1
Ma instree t De La nd pre sented a Ta ste o f
Have a Taste of DeLand Brittany Marczak Local Attractions D eLa nd o n Janu ary 12, 200 9. Reporter 121 12 8 2009 1/29 1
Gra n Torin o Shin es Desp ite R evie w of C lin t Ea stw ood 's n ew mo vie,
Eastwoo d Joseph O'Brien Movie Review Gran To rino . Reporter 121 12 9 2009 1/29
A Da y to Re membe r Ki cks R evie w of a performa nce by the ba nd A
Off 2 009 w ith 'Ho mesick' Steve Atkinson Music Review D ay to R eme mb er. Reporter 121 12 9 2009 1/29

With the 2 009 b aseb all se ason abo ut to Ja ke Boyd; Kyle Ma ulb etsch; R yan
b egi n, tw o new co ache s, thirtee n ne w Sw eat; R obb ie Po wel l; Ja ke Hitchco ck;
fresh men, a cle an sla te a nd a p ositive Chri s R obe rts; R obb y D ono van; Jere my C ruz; Bl ake
Hatters Baseb al l Prepa res a ttitud e gi ves th e Hatters an e ncou ragi ng Ga rret Qui nn; Ma rsacci; Case y Fraw ley; Jeff Simp son;
fo r a Pro misin g Sea son Kelsey Clews Baseball start. Reporter 121 12 10 2009 1/29 Pete Dunn Cli nt C hrysle r Mitch Markham Se an Emory; Al ex Hud ak; Fra nk Fl orio 3

Bri ef u pd ate on men 's baske tb all , wo men' s Sh eld on Olive r; Garfie ld Bla ir; Eri c D iaz;
b asketb all , al ong w ith Ste tso n ba seba ll Bri ttan y C aran nan te; Ayesh a Barkle y;
p laye rs d rafted in to Ma jor Le agu e Sh arne sha Smith; Jessi ca Biven s; Justin
Fast Break none Athletics Ba seba ll. Reporter 121 12 11 2009 1/29 Derek Waugh Pete Dunn Ba ss; Bria n Pruitt; Ni ck Pu gl iese
With an e xpe rien ced team of seven
Wo men's Ten nis Pred icted u ppe rclas sme n, th e wome n's tenn is te am
to b e a Succe ss Christie Johnson Tennis, Women's p redi cts a stron g seaso n. Reporter 121 12 12 2009 1/29 Sasha Schmid Katherine Nowicki; Breanna Atkinson 2

The u ni ve rsity, alo ng wi th 11 9 othe r

co lle ges a nd un iversi ti es, w as awa rded th e
Uni versity Reco gni zed for p restigi ou s C ommun ity En gag ment
Commu nity Service Suzanne Reffel Community Service cl assifica ti on o f the Ca rneg ie Foun da ti on. Reporter 121 13 2 2009 2/5 Gregory Sapp
An o utbre ak of Sa lmon ell a Typh imuri um
ca used by ta inted p ean ut butter prod ucts
ca used a recal l of i te ms so ld in the
Salmo nel la Ca use s R ecal l u nive rsity's conve nie nce store a nd the
of Items on Ca mpu s Jacob Wagner Public Safety H atrack. Reporter 121 13 2 2009 2/5 Sodexo Helen Cox Debbi Cassidy
The El izab eth Ha ll Ch ape l, b uil t in 1 89 7 in
me mory of Jo hn B. Ste tso n's son Be n, h as
b een re na med the H. Dou gla s L ee C hap el
i n hon or of Presid ent Dou g Le e who i s
Chapel Renamed for Dr. Lee Jacob Wagner Chapel re ti ring i n May. Reporter 121 13 3 2009 2/5 Mark Hollis Chancellor
Ja son Ri ckne r b log s a bou t hi s stud y
From Russia With Love Jason Rickner Study Abroad a broa d exp erie nce in R ussia . Reporter 121 13 4 2009 2/5 5

Opi nio n that Ste tso n shou ld ma ke it

Let's Re all y Pl an for th e ma nda tory fo r a ll stude nts to take a cl ass
Fu tu re Jake Wilczek Opinion Column o n th e ba sics of l ivin g on thei r o wn. Reporter 121 13 5 2009 2/5
Opi nio n that th e past wil l hau nt us until w e
Forgive and Forget Steve Carrillo Opinion Column ma ke pea ce wi th i t. Reporter 121 13 5 2009 2/5
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the economic stimulus bill. Reporter 121 13 5 2009 2/5
Resp onse s to Stetson 's
Basketba ll Promo tion a nd Opi nio n on the Stetson Athle tic
th e Ensu ing Article : D epa rtme nt's $5 cash g ivea wa y b asketba ll
"Paten tl y Absu rd" none Opinion Column p romotio n. Reporter 121 13 6 2009 2/5 Jeff Altier
Resp onse s to Stetson 's
Basketba ll Promo tion a nd Opi nio n on the Stetson Athle tic
th e Ensu ing Article : To D epa rtme nt's $5 cash g ivea wa y b asketba ll
Wh om It May Con cern… David Hersh Opinion Column p romotio n. Reporter 121 13 6 2009 2/5
Resp onse s to Stetson 's
Basketba ll Promo tion a nd
th e Ensu ing Article : Th e Opi nio n on the Stetson Athle tic
Schoo l Wa s L iteral ly Gi ving D epa rtme nt's $5 cash g ivea wa y b asketba ll
Fre e Mone y Awa y Ryan Napier Opinion Column p romotio n. Reporter 121 13 6 2009 2/5 H. Douglas Lee
Alumn i Playw righ t Stop s b y A colu mn on Ke vin Sni pes, a Ste tso n
Ste tso n Shanika Hillocks Snipes, Kevin g radu ate an d bud din g pl aywrig ht. Reporter 121 13 7 2009 2/5
Mo vie revi ew of the third i nstall ment of
Und erwo rld: Rise o f the U nde rworl d fi lms, U nd erwo rld: Rise o f the
Lycan s Kaitlyn Schulz Movie Review L ycans. Reporter 121 13 7 2009 2/5
Con fe ssion s o f a Forme r
Music Pira te Natalie Wearstler Entertainment Column Opinion on pirating music. Reporter 121 13 8 2009 2/5 Andrew McMahon Marko DeSantis 1
Hatter Offense Exp lod es in The H atte r's win 8 2-71 a ga inst th e
Wi n Ove r Be lmon t Bart Sheard Basketball, Men's Be lmon t Bru ins. Reporter 121 13 9 2009 2/5 Derek Waugh A.J. Smith; Garfield Blair; Kris Thomas 1
Sh arne sha Smith; Jessi ca Biven s;
The w omen 's baske tb all tea m fe ll 70 -72 to Bri ttan y C aran nan te; Ayesh a Barkle y;
Clutch Shot Downs Hatters Kelsey Clews Basketball, Women's the B elmo nt Bru ins. Reporter 121 13 10 2009 2/5 Lyn Bria Tierra Bro wn; Jessica Con ners 2
Kri s Tho mas; Garfie ld Bla ir; Sh arne sha
Smi th ; Ti erra Brow n; L aure n Knu tso n;
Fast Break none Athletics Recap of recent Hatter sporting events. Reporter 121 13 11 2009 2/5 Hollis Center Frankie Painter An drea Mi gli ori
Award Win nin g Au th or Ta yari Jon es, n oted a uthor, ma de a visi t to
Rea ds at Ste tso n Kaitlyn Schulz Lecture the u ni versity fo r a l iterary rea din g. Reporter 121 14 2 2009 2/12 Gillespie Museum Melissa Sullivan Sullivan Scholars Mark Powell, Teri Witek 1
H eal th H ut, a g roup o f in te rns th at prese nt
va riou s to pics con cerni ng he alth to the
u nive rsity, passe d out free hu g coup ons,
fortun e coo kies, and o th er info rma tion for
All You Need is Love Sonya Stewart Wellness h eal th y re la ti onsh ips. Reporter 121 14 3 2009 2/12 Lynn Stadelman Meghna Chadda; Mia Ali 1
Opi nio n on w hat constitutes succe ss in
What is Success? Steve Carrillo Opinion Column tod ay's wo rld. Reporter 121 14 5 2009 2/12 1
The R epo rter has rece ntly bee n info rme d
Cla rificatio n - " Basketba ll tha t a min ima l amou t of coup ons we re
Rai ses Eyebro ws, Ma ybe re dee med a t the Jan uary 8 an d 12
Fu nds," 1/29 /0 9 none Correction b asketb all g ames. Reporter 121 14 5 2009 2/12
An n Fi ck w as misid en ti fi ed as the vice
p resid ent for enro llme nt ma nag emen t a nd
ca mpus li fe . Sh e is actual ly th e
Corre cti on - "Re nova te d a dmin istrative a ssistant to the vi ce
Sage H all D ebu ts," 1/29 /0 9 none Correction p resid ent. Reporter 121 14 5 2009 2/12
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the Republican party. Reporter 121 14 5 2009 2/12
Presid ent Ob ama 's First
Month: Exna y o n th e Opi nio n on Pre side nt Oba ma's first mo nth
Hypo cris-ay! Justin Snyder Opinion Column i n offi ce. Reporter 121 14 6 2009 2/12 1
Ja son Ri ckne r b log s a bou t hi s stud y
From Russia With Love Jason Rickner Study Abroad a broa d exp erie nce in R ussia . Reporter 121 14 7 2009 2/12 1
The R oami n' Re porter asks stude nts
" Wh at w as your be st - or worst -
Roamin' Reporter none Opinion Column Val entin e's Da y?" Reporter 121 14 9 2009 2/12
Mai nstree t Grill ,
Loca l Restau ran ts Offer L ists Val entin e's Da y sp ecia ls at l ocal Pe nach os Mexica n Bill a nd Frank' s The Wha rf at
Dea ls on Vale ntine 's Day Kaitlyn Schulz Local Attractions re sta uran ts. Reporter 121 14 9 2009 2/12 Grill Brickho use Grill Artisan In n The Abbey
Past a nd Pre sent: Wha t
Doe s Val entin e's Da y
Mean ? Shanika Hillocks Valentine's Day A look at the history of Valentine's Day. Reporter 121 14 10 2009 2/12
Makin ' Up an d Breaki n' Up -
Th e Editor' s Pl ayli st, Vo lume N atali e We arstler li sts a few of he r favo rite
1 Natalie Wearstler Music Review so ngs tha t de al wi th l ove. Reporter 121 14 11 2009 2/12
They're Back Paul Atkinson Music Review Update on music group Blink-182. Reporter 121 14 11 2009 2/12
D ue to the ne w scien ce center
co nstructio n, ce ntral camp us parki ng
Cha nge s Ma de to Ce ntral a roun d Sag e Hal l is und ergo ing c han ges
Camp us Parkin g Suzanne Reffel Parking thi s se mester. Reporter 121 15 2 2009 2/19 Duane Knecht Bob Matusick 1

E.O. Wilso n, bio log ist a nd wri te r o f seve ral

Biol ogi st, Wri te r Sh ares b ooks, visite d th e Uni versity to g ive the
Wi sdom wi th U nive rsity Jacob Wagner Lecture se venth Ja mes A. Ste wart lecture . Reporter 121 15 2 2009 2/19 Jimmy Carter Jane Goodall Kristyn Schuller
For the first ti me in man y ye ars, the
Uni versity Prepa res to Hire u nive rsity i s h irin g a Provo st an d Vice H. Dou gl as Lee ,
Provost; First in Ten Years Jacob Wagner Provost Pre side nt fo r Acad emic Affai rs . Reporter 121 15 3 2009 2/19 Lou Brakeman Eugene Lubot Wend y B. Lib by Storbeck/Pimentel

The Inte r-fra te rnal C oun cil wa s ch arge d fo r

1 5 da mage d desks that were d eface d with
Gree k l etters th at w ere scratche d into the
Gre eks Pay fo r D ama ged w ood en su rfa ces in the Foun din g Fathers D .J. Dea to n; Tyler Joh nson ; Mich ae l
Desks Suzanne Reffel Vandalism R oom in El izab eth Ha ll. Reporter 121 15 4 2009 2/19 Grady Ballenger Panhellenic; IFC Christian Barker Gon zale z; Sam Ra bi n 6
D urin g th e Di ve rsity To wn Ha ll mee ti ng o n
Feb ruary 11, motivatio na l spea ker Devi n T.
R obi nson X a sked stude nts " How Goo d is
Se x?" at a worksh op tha t exp lore d th e
d iffe rence s b etwee n ho w men an d wome n AIDS Aw aren ess
Sex Workshop a Hit Jacob Wagner Diversity tho ug ht a bou t sex. Reporter 121 15 5 2009 2/19 Po ets Kerrie Dunn
The Trial ogu e of Ab raha m's Fai th , o ne of
the Feb rua ry 11 Di versity Town H all
me eting d iscu ssion s, ap pea red to gra b
Rel igi ous Di ffere nces Spa rk ma ny stu de nts a tten ti on in the Al len H all
Discu ssion Kaitlyn Schulz Diversity a udi to rium. Reporter 121 15 5 2009 2/19 Imann Muneer Zev Sonnenstein Phillip Lucas Lee Ann Inman
Ja son Ri ckne r b log s a bou t hi s stud y
From Russia With Love Jason Rickner Study Abroad a broa d exp erie nce in R ussia . Reporter 121 15 6 2009 2/19
Opi nio n on the p artisan d ivid e in U.S.
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column p oli ti cs. Reporter 121 15 6 2009 2/19
Opi nio n on h ow to impro ve your Spri ng
A Few Tips for Spring Break Pat McMahon Opinion Column Bre ak. Reporter 121 15 7 2009 2/19
Ga spari lla : A Story of
Bell ige rence a nd the Que st Step he n Atkin son reco unts his
fo r Be ads Stephen Atkinson Local Attractions e xperi enc es at Gasp aril la. Reporter 121 15 8 2009 2/19
How to Make Your Sp ri ng
Break One to Re membe r Natalya Jones Spring Break Suggestions for a better Spring Break. Reporter 121 15 8 2009 2/19
Su gg estion s for thin gs to d o du ring Fami ly
Family, Friends and Fun Natalie Wearstler Family Weekend Wee kend . Reporter 121 15 9 2009 2/19
Roa min' R epo rte r: What The R oami n' Re porter asks stude nts C hris Schu ette ; Je nni fe r Fish ; Meg an
Was Yo ur Best Sprin g Break " Wh at w as your be st Spri ng Bre ak Gag ne; Che lse a Oxe ndi ne; Ryan Asare -
Experi ence ? none Opinion Column Exp erie nce ?" Reporter 121 15 10 2009 2/19 Be dia ko 5

Eri ca Deme rs; Ch else y Trott; Amy

Jo yce; H eathe r Ba rne s; Katel yn Perna ;
The H atte rs softb all tea m sp ent a wil d Ama nda L ind sey; Al liso n Ga rcia; Ash to n
Hatters Fi nish Wil d w eeke nd w ith Al ban y a nd Bethu ne - H ind s; Katie L awre nce ; Bria na Le verett;
We eken d with Wins Over C ookma n, fa ll to both on ly once a nd R ache l Low ; Jil lia n Masucci ; And rea
BCU, Al ban y Kelsey Clews Softball ma intai nin g thei r o veral l win nin g record . Reporter 121 15 11 2009 2/19 Mi gli ori; Leo nor Ca rreno
Je remy Cruz; Case y Fraw ley; Rob ert
C rews; Sharn esha S mi th ; Garfie ld Bla ir;
A.J. Smi th ; Eric Di az; Val entin a
Gal bari ni; Unn ati Peru shotha m;
Sa mantha L an ge; Dan iel le Jackso n;
Fast Break none Athletics Recap of recent Hatter sporting events. Reporter 121 15 11 2009 2/19 To mmy Pa rker
The Stu den t Govern ment Asso ciatio n
Con doms Di spen sed i n (SGA) has p ropo sed a reso lutio n to instal l Ad are More ll; Jeff Sha piro ; Dre w
Emily Ha ll Suzanne Reffel Wellness co ndo m d isp ense rs i n th e dorms. Reporter 121 16 2 2009 3/19 C-Store Health Services Jessica Sally Gla snovi ch 3

The C ente r for Stude nt Invo lveme nt Je ssica Strathman ; Matthe w Fo reman ;
h osted the ir fi rst eve r fie ld da y to pro mote Mi chae l Fl ann ery; Ja mes Simcok e; H ali
Fi eld D ay Promotes Hi gh Ce nter fo r Stud en t the ir Cen ter and a n ew no n-pro fi t g roup , H ebe rt; Sta sh Phi llip s; R obe rt
Fi ves fo r H ope Sonya Stewart Invol vemen t H igh Five s fo r Ho pe . Reporter 121 16 3 2009 3/19 Pi Kappa Phi D 'Aug ustini as; N ik Koul oge orge 2
Fa cebo ok, P egg ing Your Opi nio n on Face boo k's new fea tu re of 2 9
Fri end s i nto 29 Sl ots Walker Hobson Opinion Column a vatar categ orie s for frien ds. Reporter 121 16 4 2009 3/19

Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on the current economic situation. Reporter 121 16 4 2009 3/19
"Adu lt N igh ts" Ho oks R evie w of Ad ult Nig hts b y the i ndi e/rock
Listen ers Stephen Atkinson Music Review b ank Wild L ig ht. Reporter 121 16 5 2009 3/19

R evie w of a Clu b Fi restone a ppe aran ce of

Greg g Gi lli s, the Pi ttsbu rgh-b ased a rti st
Girl Talk on a Saturday Night Natalie Wearstler Music Review w ho pe rfo rms u nd er th e name g irl talk. Reporter 121 16 6 2009 3/19 1
Orl and o Plays Ho st to L ist o f u pcomi ng ba nd sho ws in the
Upco ming C once rts Natalie Wearstler Local Attractions Orla ndo a rea . Reporter 121 16 7 2009 3/19
The so ftb all tea m sw ept Corn ell , Iowa , a nd Eri ca Demme rs; Amand a Lin dse y;
H artfo rd in a w eeke nd of victorie s tha t w on An drea Mi gli ori; Amy Joyce ; Jess ica
Softb all Sn ag s the m th e Ste sto n Cla ssic champ ion ship L okei nsky; Grace Turne r; H eathe r
Cha mpio nshi p Title Kelsey Clews Softball title . Reporter 121 16 8 2009 3/19 Coach Griffin Ba rnes
Fast Break none Athletics Recap of recent Hatter sporting events. Reporter 121 16 8 2009 3/19
So ftwa re an d equ ipme nt u sed to ho st
WHAT Ra dio was stole n, forci ng the
Th ieve s Sh ut Dow n WH AT Stetson radi o sta ti on to shut do wn Al ex Harn ey; Ja na Fish er; Ja ck Ke lly;
Rad io Bart Sheard WHAT Radio temp orari ly. Reporter 121 17 2 2009 3/26 Dr. King Green Hat Media Public Safety An th ony Sal vatore
D r. Jeremy Tra vis gave a lecture o n "Th e
Pri son Prob le m i n Ame rica" as pa rt o f the
Prison in America Jacob Wagner Lecture H owa rd Th urman L ecture se rices. Reporter 121 17 2 2009 3/26 Jefferson Rogers
The C oll eg e Lib ertaria ns, the C oll ege
R epu bli can s, an d th e Col leg e Demo crats
Uni versity's Pol itical Grou ps h eld a th ree-w ay discu ssion o n th e Kri ste n Warre n; Ju stin Snyd er; Jo natha n
Discu ss Eco nomi c C han ge Jacob Wagner Lecture e cono my. Reporter 121 17 3 2009 3/26 Jim Maris Warren
Opi nio n on two tab loi d sto ries ab ou t
b abi es in the U nited Ki ngd om an d Uni te d
Baby Crisis: UK vs. USA Ryan Napier Opinion Column State s. Reporter 121 17 5 2009 3/26
Opi nio n on g ivin g yourse lf e nou gh time a s
Get Up and Going! Steve Carrillo Opinion Column the b est remed y for stress. Reporter 121 17 5 2009 3/26
Opi nio n on the u pcomi ng Stud ent
Restoring the Student Voice Justin Snyder Opinion Column Gove rnmen t Associ ation e lectio ns. Reporter 121 17 6 2009 3/26 Akeel St. John; Derek Jasante
Inside the Box Pat McMahon Opinion Column Opinion on corporate greed. Reporter 121 17 6 2009 3/26
Opi nio n on the se ating a rrang eme nts o f
Birds of a Fe athe r Flo ck co lle ge stud ents in the cafete ria an d its
Toge th er Lucinda Greenlee Opinion Column so cial i mpli cation s. Reporter 121 17 7 2009 3/26

Th anks for Noth ing , Mr. Fire Opi nio n on se lfishn ess as occurre d in a
Marsha ll an d Mr. P-Safety Marylin Winkle Opinion Column smo ke ala rm i ncid en t. Reporter 121 17 7 2009 3/26
Bored ? Try th e Best of the L ist o f favo rite web sites to vi sit for
We b Natalie Wearstler Entertainment Column e ntertai nmen t. Reporter 121 17 8 2009 3/26

R evie w of Ste tso n stu den t ba nd Amel ia Pa rker Cha pman ; Da nn y Infie ld; Turn er
Locals Only: Amelia Sage Shanika Hillocks Music Review Sa ge . Reporter 121 17 10 2009 3/26 Sarah Pendman Sw ann ; Ange lo Sa nche z; Ro bbi e Care lli 1
Taste of C hao s D eli vers R evie w of th e Rockstar Taste of Cha os
Mixed R esul ts Stephen Atkinson Music Review sh ow at the Ha rd Rock Li ve in Orlan do. Reporter 121 17 11 2009 3/26 1
Wes Berne r Gol f
Tou rname nt, Ph i
Mad Ha tter Sig ma Kap pa
Alumn i Playe d Up Thei r Al umni p aid a visit to the ir alma ma te r thi s Jo e Gu th rie, Dia Main stre et Bl ock An nua l Softb all Sigma Ph i Epsil on
Return Kelsey Clews Homecoming w eeke nd for ho mecomi ng. Reporter 121 17 12 2009 3/26 Da vis Party Game Annu al Softbal l Ga me 1
Fastbreak none Athletics Recap of recent Hatter sporting events. Reporter 121 17 12 2009 3/26
Commo ns Clo sed After
Pupp y Ma ssacre Xavier Breath Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 2 2009 4/1 2
Publ ic Safety Rep ort:
Stra nge Thi ngs are Afoo t none Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 3 2009 4/1 1
Attacke r Overturn s Ta ble s a t
CUB Sir Harris Mint Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 3 2009 4/1 1

SGA to Meet at Pike House Candice B. Furreal Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 3 2009 4/1
Water Sli de to be Instal led
at Fou ntain Paige Turner Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 4 2009 4/1 1
Uni versity to Inve st in
Clo nes of Dea n Tovar Xavier Breath Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 4 2009 4/1
Einstei n Bag els Sea rs
Stu den t Sir Harris Mint Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 5 2009 4/1

Hatters March to War? Erzatz Xaoh Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 5 2009 4/1 1
Pictured Abo ve, A Typica l
Ste tso n We eken d none Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 5 2009 4/1

In comin g Fre shmen Urge d

to L eave Vi brators at Ho me All Means Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 6 2009 4/1 1

Telegraph to the Editor Walter P. Smedlener Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 7 2009 4/1
Dou g Lee 's Leg acy: A
Refle cti on David Quinn Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 7 2009 4/1

Outside the Box Al Koholic Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 8 2009 4/1

Esperanto Iz The Shiznit Edward Cullen Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 9 2009 4/1

Spring Break with the Deez Paul Atkinson Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 10 2009 4/1 5
Uni versity Ad opts New Alma
Mater Mel Keetehts Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 11 2009 4/1
Music Scho ol Co nce rt
Sparks Ch aos Jane Linkfence Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 11 2009 4/1
Cul tu ral Cre dit Events for
th e We ek Mel Keetehts Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 12 2009 4/1 3
Cel ebri ti es Take Stetson by
Sto rm Mary Gold Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 13 2009 4/1 2
Wo uld the R eal H . Do ug
Lee Pl ea se Sta nd Up ? none Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 13 2009 4/1 5
Uni versity to Bu ild Fo otbal l
Sta diu m Dr. Xavier Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 14 2009 4/1 1
Rin ker Fi eld Trade s Grass
fo r Ice Ella Vader Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 14 2009 4/1
Hatters Fa ll to Bul ldo gs -
And No t the One You're
Th inki ng of Harris Mint Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 15 2009 4/1 1

Varsity Sports Cancelled Peter Pants Distorter Issue Annual Aprils Fool Day issue of the Reporter. Reporter 121 18 15 2009 4/1
Ja mes E.C . Pe rry, h usba nd o f Stetson
Ed ucati on pro fe ssor Ad rien ne Perry, h as
New State Su preme C ourt b een app oin te d to the Fl orid a Supre me
Justice Ha s Ties to Stetson Suzanne Reffel Perry, James C ourt by Govern or Cha rlie C rist. Reporter 121 19 2 2009 4/9
Ph ase I of the N ew Scie nce Ce nter in
New Sci ence C en te r Sa ge H all wa s offici all y d ed icated o n Joh n L. Mica;
Ded icated Suzanne Reffel Science Center Ma rch 21st. Reporter 121 19 3 2009 4/9 H. Douglas Lee Grady Ballenger Wend y L ibb y Terry Farrell 1
Di ck McMa han ;
The n ew mu sic bui ldi ng, McMaha n Hal l, Presser Ha ll; Mary Blo un t
McMahan Hall Opens Suzanne Reffel McMahan Hall w as offi cial ly ded icated on March 2 7th. Reporter 121 19 3 2009 4/9 H. Douglas Lee Davi d Schmid t McMah an Micahel Fronk Hassan Anderson

A letter fro m D ea ns Gra dy Ball eng er, Jim

Sch ein er, Je an We st, Le ona rd Nan ce, a s
w ell a s SGA Pre sid ent Drew Gla snovi ch
a nd Ri na Tova r, Dea n of Stu den ts,
re affi rms a co mmitment to a n in clusi ve,
A Le tter to the Stetson ca ring co mmun ity g uid ed by the Stu den t C ode o f Na ti on al Co ali ti on
Commu nity Ballenger, Grady Values U nive rsity's core val ues. Reporter 121 19 4 2009 4/9 Judicial Office Con duct Bu ild ing Institute Jessica Price
The U nive rsity re cen tl y sp onso red an
e ti que tte d inn er to tea ch man ners an d Marsha Abbi e Hei sner; Rob in C amel lia Arab ; Ne ls Fro ste nson ; Sa ra
Stu den ts L earn to Di ne in forma l din ne r b eha vior; nea rly 100 Ame ri can Ma rketing Go nzal ez; S ara Kazmare k; Patrece Ama ndo lag ine ; Ch el sea Le Nob le;
Styl e Suzanne Reffel Career Services a tten de d. Reporter 121 19 5 2009 4/9 Asso ciatio n Alsofrom Wendy Libby Rob inso n Ki mberl y McC lan 1

Dea th C ab for Cu ti e
Expan ds Th eir "Arse nal o f R evie w of D ea th C ab for Cutie 's "Th e
Soun d" wi th L atest R ele ase Stephen Atkinson Music Review Ope n Do or EP." Reporter 121 19 6 2009 4/9
The me n's tenn is te am suffe red 5 -2 and 6 - Fil ip Kricka ; Maksi m L evan ovich ; Mark
Hatters Rel ing uish P erfect 1 l osses to 59 th n ation all y-ranke d ETSU Me sta n; C esare Gal lo ; Nja l Stene ;
Con fe rence Reco rd Kelsey Clews Tennis, Men's a nd 7 2nd ra nked U SC. Reporter 121 19 7 2009 4/9 Pierre Pilote Goka y C eli k

The H atte rs softb all tea m fel l in two C hel sey Trotto; H eath er Barne s; Brittany
Toug h Break for Ha tters in d oub le -hea ders this pa st we eken d to Kn ipp ; Amand a Li ndsye ; Jessi ca
Ge orgi a Christe Johnson Softball Ke nn esaw State an d th e Merce r Be ars. Reporter 121 19 7 2009 4/9 L okei nsky; Eri ca Deme rs; Amy Jo yce
To mmy Pa rker; Je ff Simpso n; Je remy
Fast Break none Athletics Recap of recent Hatter sporting events. Reporter 121 19 8 2009 4/9 C ruz; Mi chae l Ste wart 2

Pi Ka pp a Al pha h osted thei r P ike Mad ness

Pike Mad ness Throw s b asketb all sh owd own Ma rch 26th to
Dow n fo r the YMC A Kelsey Clews Pi Kappa Alpha b ene fit the YMCA Stro ng Ki ds campa ign . Reporter 121 19 8 2009 4/9
Just Get Fit! Christie Johnson Wellness Suggestions for keeping fit. Reporter 121 19 8 2009 4/9 Lisa Drayer

D eLa nd 's n ew un de ra ge d rinki ng ord ina ce

take s e ffect Sep te mber 1st; the o rdin an ce
i nclu des more conse que nces for ba r To dd C arpe nter; Bi ll
DeLand Dries Up Suzanne Reffel Public Safety o wne rs w ho se rve und erag e patron s. Reporter 122 1 1 2009 8/27 Bob Apgar Michael Pleus Rina Tovar Jenn ing s Jeff Shapiro; Tyler Johansson
Stetson stu den t Austin Wuen nen berg w as
ki lle d in a mo nora il acci den t at Wal t Di sne y
Austin Wuennenberg Kaitlyn Schulz Weunnenberg, Austin Worl d on Jul y 5 th . Reporter 122 1 2 2009 8/27 Lisa Coulter Michael Branton Daniel Plante Sam Romano; Nalini Narine 1

He ath
Will iamso n; Pipe r Wil lia mson;
Marga ret L ee ; Pa rke r L ee ; How ard Le e; D avid
Retire d Ste tso n Un iversi ty R etired Pre side nt Dou g Lee w ho rece ntly Gre gory Le e; Grayson Lee ; Lee ; Ethel L ee ; Sara h
Presid ent an d Curre nt re ti red after 22 ye ars as Ste tso n Presid en t, Lara L ee ; Ayers Will iamso n; Easle y D rummon d;
Cha ncel lor H. Dou gla s Lee p assed awa y Aug ust 2 5th of c ompl icatio ns Ne stor de Armas; Eliza beth L ee Mag gi e Cha rles Easl ey III;
Passes Away Stetson Public Relations Lee, H. Douglas fol low ing su rge ry. Reporter 122 1 3 2009 8/27 Wend y B. Lib by Wi lli amson Will iamso n Cla udi a Easle y 1
America n Marketin g
Med Ex; Associa ti on; Stu den t
IFC; In te r- Pa nhe lle nic Affili ates of th e
Co lle ge fra te rnity Cou ncil ; Co un cil; PAWS ; America n Che mical
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s L ibe rta rian s; Ha bitat Jewi sh Stu de nt Provi din g Anima ls Socie ty; Stu den t
Organization Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 1 5 2009 8/27 for Hu mani ty Org ani zation wi th S ervice Alumn i Asso ciatio n 1
L ette r n otin g th at the Op inio ns Co lumn
w oul d fo cus on Stetson e vents an d th e
A Le tter from th e Opin ion s w riting s (n on-fictio n an d creative ) o f
Editor Ryan Napier Opinion Column me mbers of the Stetson commu nity. Reporter 122 1 6 2009 8/27
Madman on the Train Ryan Napier Creative Writing Creative writing piece. Reporter 122 1 6 2009 8/27
"District 9" Falls Short Joseph O'Brien Movie Review Movie review of District 9. Reporter 122 1 7 2009 8/27
Gi ve Th ese "Ba ste rds" a
Try: The y're Glori ous Steve Atkinson Movie Review Movie review of Inglorious Basterds. Reporter 122 1 7 2009 8/27
With five ne w freshme n and twe nty-th ree
Ste tso n Retu rns Eleve n re tu rnin g pl ayers, th e uni versity's wo men's
Sta rte rs; Inclu din g the 20 08 so ccer te am ha s so lid ch emistry and
Atl antic Sun Offe nsive ma tu rity to p ull the m tog ether for a C hristin a Cromw ell ; Kassa ndra H artwick;
Playe r o f the Ye ar Christie Johnson Soccer, Women's su ccessful se ason . Reporter 122 1 8 2009 8/27 Coach Orlowski Be th any Kie dis ; Tess Ga vilsky 1
R obe rt Ho dge ; Fred rick Brustad; Kevin
Th e Men' s Sq uad L ooks to Mu nz; Gon zalo d e Muj ica; John
Rea ch Hig her Than L ast The U nive rsity me n's socce r tea m e nters Me ndo za; R yan Co rni ng; Dan iel
Yea r's Fo urth Place Fin ish the 2 00 9 seaso n with five retu rn in g seni ors Sa ckman; Marc Ga lizi a; L og an Potter;
in the A-Sun Kelsey Clews Soccer, Men's a nd five a ddi ti ons to th e roster. Reporter 122 1 8 2009 8/27 Coach Fleck D ani el Bil lman 1
L aura Bo yd; Kayle e Rea m; Steph ani e
The vo lle yba ll team pre pare s to ju mp into C anfie ld; Kell i Carn ea l; Ma diso n
a noth er voll eyba ll sea son wi th five n ew An derso n; Bra nd y Worlton ; Sa rah
Volleyball Spins Into Season Kelsey Clews Volleyball p laye rs a nd mo re hei ght th an e ve r. Reporter 122 1 8 2009 8/27 Cheryl Carlson Se ars; Mo niq ue Ru ssel l
A Wh ite Hou se rep ort re lea sed by le adi ng
sci entists pre dicts th at 3 0 to 5 0 pe rcent of
H1N 1, Zomb ie Outbre ak the U .S . po pul ation co uld g et th e H1N 1
Tip s fo r No vice s Erik Anderson Wellness vi rus th is sea so n. Reporter 122 2 1 2009 9/10 1

Acco rdin g to a Uni versity bul letin , from fo ur

to ei gh t stude nts w ith fl u symptoms a da y
re ported to va riou s h eal th o rgan iza ti ons in
D eLa nd a nd Stude nt H ea lth Service s i n
Stetson Copes Quickly Joseph O'Brien Wellness mi d-Aug ust a nd e arly Sep te mber. Reporter 122 2 1 2009 9/10 1
N ew stude nt orga niza ti on Stetson Votes
Ste tso n Vo tes Ai ms to ki cks o ff th eir first ye ar by he lpi ng stude nts
In fl uen ce Lo cal Pol iticia ns Suzanne Reffel Stetson Votes re gister to vote lo call y. Reporter 122 2 1 2009 9/10 Paul Lachelier Molly Williams
Pa ul Atki nso n picks hi s favo rite alb ums of
Top Ten Albums of Summer Paul Atkinson Music Review the su mmer. Reporter 122 2 2 2009 9/10 1
A Ste tso n dro p-ou t, Justin Schl uraff i s
Ste tso n Stude nt R epo rts a ccused of ra pin g a stu den t in th e lob by of
Rap e in Do rm none Public Safety h er dorm a fter a frateni ty pa rty. Reporter 122 2 2 2009 9/10 Pi Kappa Phi

Youtube Videos of the Week none Entertainment Column Picks of best Youtube videos. Reporter 122 2 2 2009 9/10 1
Hab itat for
Huma nity; InterVarsity Sta nd; Psi Chi ; Bob
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s Germa n Clu b; Col leg e Ch ristian Dan iel ; Isaac D aira Pe retta ; Kristen Warre n; Ma rilyn
Organization Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 2 4 2009 9/10 Med Ex Lib ertaria ns Fell owsh ip Rod rigu es; D r. Sanz Win kle 1
Opi nio n on the ro le of th e Scho ol of
No Business Ryan Napier Opinion Column Bu sine ss in a li bera l arts co lle ge. Reporter 122 2 5 2009 9/10 1
A Quick Le tter to Our Opi nio n on the ro le of th e sen ators in the
New est Se nato rs Joseph O'Brien Opinion Column Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n. Reporter 122 2 5 2009 9/10
Opi nio n on h ow in fo rmation i s
Damn the Administration? Jason Rickner Opinion Column d issemi nated on camp us. Reporter 122 2 5 2009 9/10
N atali e We arstler wri te s a bou t h er stu dy
Love from the Orient Natalie Wearstler Study Abroad a broa d seme ste r i n Hon g Kong . Reporter 122 2 6 2009 9/10

D iscussi on on th e grou p Run R hin o mad e

Th e Fi ne Fell ows of Ru n u p of stu den ts Phi lip L oga n, Jona th an
Rhi no are H ere to Stay Steve Atkinson Opinion Column Smi th , Da n Pittle, and Eri c Ba um. Reporter 122 2 6 2009 9/10 1
R evie w of p erforma nces of tw o ban ds Da vid H ill; Ga ry Euge ne H uskey;
ma de u p of Stetson facu lty a nd staff Bo ldi ng; Wi lli am Cami lle Ki ng; Sims Kli ne ; Ro b
Ste tso n's Own Ro ck a t me mbers, My D aygl o Re hab a nd Tw o- Nyl en ; Joh n Jett; Terry Fa rrell ; Brame ; Jo hn
Abbe y Paul Atkinson Music Review Pi ece Ch icke n Din ner. Reporter 122 2 7 2009 9/10 Sco tt Merril l Gra dy Ball eng er Tiche nor 1
Saosi n Attempts a Re boo t Mu sic revie w of Sa osi n's alb um, In Se arch
with Ne w Al bum Jack Kelly Music Review o f So lid Grou nd. Reporter 122 2 8 2009 9/10 1
"She 's N ot Into Fla vorin g:" A
Revi ew of Extra ct Spencer Deck Movie Review Movie review of Extract. Reporter 122 2 8 2009 9/10 1
I Wa nt You to See Time
Trave ler' s Wife Joseph O'Brien Movie Review Movie review of The Time Traveler's Wife. Reporter 122 2 8 2009 9/10

Trai nin g for Sports Go es Stetson athle te s tal k a bou t the ir year- D ave McAnd rew; John Kell y; Re atha
Yea r R ou nd Christie Johnson Athletics ro und tra ini ng. Reporter 122 2 11 2009 9/10 Jo hnso n; Ann a Becke r; Jessi ca Con ner
Pro fi le of men 's so ccer pla yer Joh n
Player Profile: John Mendoza Sami Roughton Mendoza, John Me ndo za. Reporter 122 2 11 2009 9/10 Coach Fleck
D iscussi on of the Un iversi ty's athl etics
Ath letics Beg in s to Feel b udg et in li ght of the cu rrent eco nomi c
Econo mic Pinch Kelsey Clews Athletics cl imate. Reporter 122 2 12 2009 9/10 Jeff Altier Richard Skeel Lindsay Wightman
The H omer a nd Do lly Ha nd Art Ce nter and Rob erta Fa vis; Ja mes
Th e Gra nd Ope nin g: H and D unca n A rt Gall ery exhi bits ope ned o n Vera Blu emn er Murph y; Patrica
Cen te r H osts Ste tso n's Ow n Maria Wrabel Hand Art Center Frid ay, Sep te mber 11, 200 9. Reporter 122 3 1 2009 9/17 Gary Bolding Oscar Bluemner Ko uba McDon nel l Abbey Lamb; Kim Rick; Grace Gdaniec 1
Th e Gra nd Ope nin g: With a Stud en t revi ew of th e art e xhib it a t the
Critica l Eye: " Itchi ng an d o pen in g of the H omer an d Dol ly Han d Art
Scratchin g" Stephen Atkinson Hand Art Center C enter. Reporter 122 3 1 2009 9/17 Gary Bolding 1

Youtube Videos of the Week none Entertainment Column Picks of best Youtube videos. Reporter 122 3 2 2009 9/17 1
Stud en ts feel tha t Pub lic Sa fe ty ha s
Is Pub lic Safe ty Stricter Thi s b ecome s tricte r i n enforci ng rul es and Fran k Jo nas; Dyla n Troi an o; Tommy
Yea r? Natalya Jones Public Safety re gul ation s. Reporter 122 3 3 2009 9/17 Robert Matusick Hector Gonzalez D avis; Mana l Patel
Thi s se mester marks the be gin nin g of th e
i mple mentatio n of th e new co urse u nit
Switch to Cou rse Un its system de sig ned to imp rove the qu al ity o f
Und erwa y Suzanne Reffel Course Units e duca tion a t Stetson. Reporter 122 3 4 2009 9/17 Toni Blum Wendy Libby Beth Paul
Co lle ge Del ta D elta De lta; IFC (Inte r- Th e Black Stude nt
L ibe rta rian s; PAWS; Stu den t Fraterni ty Associa ti on an d
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s Stud ent Al umni In volve ment; Co un cil); Phi Carri bbe an Stude nt
Organization Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 3 5 2009 9/17 Asso ciatio n Mede x Sig ma Kap pa Associa ti on

A Moment Missy Mruczek Opinion Column Opinion piece on a quiet moment enjoyed. Reporter 122 3 6 2009 9/17 1
Serio us Con versa tio ns wi th
Hid eou s Me n. # 1: Neve r Rya n Na pie r; Jaso n Opi nio n on re membe ring the e vents of
Fo rget Ri ckne r Opinion Column Se ptemb er 11 , 2 001 . Reporter 122 3 7 2009 9/17 1
Commo ns Fa ils to Provid e Opi nio n on the q ual ity o f foo d in the
Qu ali ty Brea kfa st James Albright Opinion Column C ommon s. Reporter 122 3 7 2009 9/17
Th e Boss Evoke s a
Refle cti on on Livi ng
Leg end s Paul Atkinson Music Review A review of a concert by Bruce Springsteen. Reporter 122 3 8 2009 9/17 1
Th rice Take s Me lod ic New
Dire cti on Dan Duvall Music Review A review of Thrice's new album, "Beggars." Reporter 122 3 8 2009 9/17 1
Jo rdan Fol ey; Sa rah Tayl or; D evin
O'Ne ill ; Adam L ang sto n; Aman da
"Suffe r Foo ls Glad ly:" Gui lty A revie w of th e Sto ver Th eatre pl ay Mark Al oysiu s Mi tch ell ; Ni cole H ind le; Al ison Ge ar; Ern i
or Go ofy? Heather Valenti Theater Review " Suffe rs Foo ls Gl adl y." Reporter 122 3 9 2009 9/17 Ken McCoy Kenn ed y Alan Ware C arne y; Sop hia P ena fi el 1
Disa ste r i n th e An arctic: A
Revi ew of Wh iteou t W. Spencer Deck Movie Review A review of the movie "Whiteout." Reporter 122 3 9 2009 9/17
N atali e We arstler wri te s a bou t h er stu dy
Love from the Orient Natalie Wearstler Study Abroad a broa d seme ste r i n Hon g Kong . Reporter 122 3 10 2009 9/17 2
Pro fi le of Fre shma n voll eyba ll pl ayer Kel ly
Player Profile: Kelli Carneal Sami Roughton Carneal, Kelli C arne al. Reporter 122 3 11 2009 9/17 Coach Carlson 1

N ation all y d istin gui shed ten nis pl ayer a nd

mo ti vation al sp eake r R oge r C rawford
Inspiration Off the Court Kelsey Clews Lecture ca me to c ampu s o n Septemb er 9th. Reporter 122 3 11 2009 9/17

Wil lia m C ane , the a uthor of How to Kiss

a nd The Art of Kissin g Boo k o f Questio ns
a nd Answ ers, g ave an Art o f Kissi ng
There's an Art to Kissing Natalya Jones Lecture l ecture on Wed nes day in El izab eth Hal l. Reporter 122 4 1 2009 9/24 Emilie Pitts; Nick Kenyan; Arthur Marques 1

U nive rsity staff me mbers con fi rm tha t the re

a re no i mme dia te pla ns to ch arge fo r
VP: No Printing Fees in Sight Maria Wrabel Printing Fees p rintin g in the l ibra ry o r the co mputer la bs. Reporter 122 4 1 2009 9/24 Bill Penney Duane Knecht Justin Li; Jilliam Masucci;

Youtube Videos of the Week none Entertainment Column Picks of best Youtube videos. Reporter 122 4 2 2009 9/24

Ma ria Ha rrison ; Rya n Nap ier; Emily

Bi-Ann ual R ead in g The Su lli van C reative Writing P ro gra m Sa wyer; Evan Walke r; Le ah Kna pp;
Promotes Stetson Writers, Sul liva n Crea ti ve Wri ti ng h eld i ts b i-an nua l fa culty poe try rea di ng to Terri Witek; An dy El lio t Gall ion ; Mari ash Du ga ; Mel issa
New Sch ola rs Suzanne Reffel Prog ram ki ck o ff th e new ye ar. Reporter 122 4 3 2009 9/24 De hn art Mark Powell Lori Snook Mark Aloysius Kennedy Ke arne y; Ca lle Se cun da; Sta cey Mann
Ste tso n Swi ng Ph i Sigma Jewi sh Stu den t
Co lle ge and Bl ue s Ka ppa ; Stude nt Org ani zation ;
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s L ibe rta rian s; Socie ty; Sig ma Alu mni Hin dsig ht; German
Organization Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 4 4 2009 9/24 OSAPE; Me dex Phi Epsi lon Asso ciatio n Clu b
Serio us Con versa tio ns wi th Opi nio n on a re cent emai l th at d etai led
Hid eou s Me n. # 2: Rya n Na pie r; Jaso n p ossib le p lan n ot to ren ew no n-ten ure
Fl atscreen Facu lty Ri ckne r Opinion Column track facu lty co ntracts. Reporter 122 4 5 2009 9/24
The Curious Christian Robert Echevarria Opinion Column Opinion on capitalism related to religion. Reporter 122 4 5 2009 9/24
Jay-Z D rops Albu m o f
Swag , Ra th er than R evie w of Ja y-Z' s n ew al bum The
Substan ce Dan Duvall Music Review Bl uep rint 3. Reporter 122 4 6 2009 9/24 1
Wh eel s Withi n Wh eel s: A
Revi ew of "The Informan t." W. Spencer Deck Movie Review Review of the movie The Informant. Reporter 122 4 6 2009 9/24 1
N atali e We arstler wri te s a bou t h er stu dy
Love from the Orient Natalie Wearstler Study Abroad a broa d seme ste r i n Hon g Kong . Reporter 122 4 7 2009 9/24 2
Fo lk Music Mod erni zed:
Monsters of Fo lk Jack Kelly Music Review Review of the album by Monsters of Folk. Reporter 122 4 8 2009 9/24 1

Ste tso n Battle of th e Band s R evie w of Ste tso n's Battle of th e Band s o n The Mig hty St.
Wo n by Mother Na tu re Steve Atkinson Music Review Se ptemb er 19th. Reporter 122 4 8 2009 9/24 Garza the Band Rug Joh ns Run Rhino
Playe r Pro fi le: Chri sti na Pro fi le of wo me n's socce r p laye r C hristin a
Cromw ell Sami Roughton Cromwell, Christina C romwe ll. Reporter 122 4 10 2009 9/24 1
Su san St. Si ng, a volu nteer a ssistant fo r
l ast ye ar's crew tea m h as ta ken o n th e
New C rew Co ach Sin gs He r H ead C oa ch posi ti on for th e 20 09-1 0
Praise s Kelsey Clews Crew se ason . Reporter 122 4 11 2009 9/24
D r. Ga brie le So bei ch of Frie burg , German y
p resen ted he r re searsch o n Ge rman
w omen so ccer pl ayers ot th e uni versity
Title IX Takes to Germany Kelsey Clews Lecture co mmuni ty. Reporter 122 4 11 2009 9/24
No Guara ntee o f So me fa cul ty memb ers on on e-yea r
Emplo yment Unn erve s co ntracts re cei ved no ti ces th at the y ma y
Fa culty Suzanne Reffel Faculty n ot b e re-h ired n ext ye ar. Reporter 122 5 1 2009 10/2 Beth Paul Wendy Libby Michael Branton

Youtube Videos of the Week none Entertainment Column Picks of best Youtube videos. Reporter 122 5 2 2009 10/2

The C oll eg e Lib ertaria ns are ho sti ng a 5 K

5K Seeks to De fra y Me dica l Walk/Ru n to raise mo ney for Ste tso n staff
Costs fo r Stetso n Sta ff me mber Bob Dan iel , an e mplo yee in th e Au sti n
Membe r Maria Wrabel Philanthropy ma inten an ce dep artment fo r 2 3 yea rs. Reporter 122 5 3 2009 10/2 Cindylyn Daniel Kristen Warren Wuen nen be rg
De lta De lta Del ta ; Sigma C hi Iota; So ro rity
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s Stetson Sw ing a nd Col leg e Re cruitmen t; Cari bbe an Stude nts El sie Kraft-Rich mond ; Kristen Warre n;
Organization Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 5 4 2009 10/2 Blu e Soci ety Lib ertaria ns German Clu b Org ani zation ; Med ex C amel lia Arab 2
Serio us Con versa tio ns wi th
Hid eou s Me n. # 3: Reb el Rya n Na pie r; Jaso n
Sell Ri ckne r Opinion Column Opinion on politics on campus. Reporter 122 5 5 2009 10/2 1
Opi nio n on the d isbu rsemen t of Brig ht
Not So Bright Future Ashli Van Horn Opinion Column Future sch ol arshi p fu nds. Reporter 122 5 6 2009 10/2
Th e Curi ous Ch ristian : Opi nio n on co rpora ti ons as pe op le an d
America , Inc. Robert Echevarria Opinion Column ca mpai gn fin ance . Reporter 122 5 7 2009 10/2
On the Myth opo eics of Bob Opi nio n on the tel evisi on comme rcial s for
Dan ce Kia David Quinn Opinion Column Bo b Da nce Kia . Reporter 122 5 7 2009 10/2 1
Blin k 1 82 Picks Up Wh ere
Th ey Left Off - Aw esome Steve Atkinson Music Review Review of a Blink 182 concert in Tampa. Reporter 122 5 8 2009 10/2 2
America , Eat You r H ea rt
Ou t: "Jen nifer's Bo dy" W. Spencer Deck Movie Review Review of the movie Jennifer's Body. Reporter 122 5 8 2009 10/2

"Da isy," "Bran d New Ey es" R evie w of Bra nd N ew's al bum "D aisy" an d
Are Go od, But Not Ste lla r Jack Kelly Music Review Pa ramore 's alb um "Bran d New Eye s." Reporter 122 5 9 2009 10/2 2
Ka ti e Bitetto ; C ro ssle y Si mmo ns; Emily
The l osse s a nd wi ns of the w omen 's Yero; Natal ie Si mo n; Te ssa Ga vilsky;
In consi ste ncy De fi nes so ccer te am ha ve bee n inco nsisten t L ind say Jowe rs; Kristen Hig el; Hea th er
Ste tso n So Far Kelsey Clews Soccer, Women's thro ugh ou t the sea son. Reporter 122 5 2009 10/2 Be rg; C ourtne y Je ni sta 1
Ma tt Haski ns; Griffin Gilstrap ; Ro bert
H odg e; Jo hn Me ndo za; L oga n Potter;
Perfect Start Gives Hi gh Fred rik Brustad; Set Carp intero ;
Hop es as Hatters He ad to The me n's socce r tea m start off wi th a n Gon zalo d e Muji ca; Kevin Mu nz; R yan
Con fe rence Play Kelsey Clews Soccer, Men's e xcell ent reco rd. Reporter 122 5 2009 10/2 Coach Fleck Asa re-Bed iako 1
Stud en t Govern ment Asso ciatio n ha s
i ntrodu ced a b ill tha t wo uld p rovid e Pub lic
SGA Ai ms to Equ ip Pu bli c Sa fe ty o fficers wi th ma ce an d zip-tie
Safety w ith Mace , Zip Ti es Maria Wrabel Public Safety h and cuffs. Reporter 122 6 1 2009 10/22 Bob Matusick Josh Messinger; Akeel St. Jean
C hristop he r Ho gg , a 20 08 Stetson
Ste tso n Gra du ate Die s g radu ate, die d fro m sw ine flu -rela te d
Duri ng Basi s Train ing Kaitlyn Schulz Christopher Hogg p neu mon ia du ring Army basi c trai nin g. Reporter 122 6 1 2009 10/22 Hari Pulpaka Sam Romano 1
A memori al servi ce was h eld for Dr. Jo hn
H agu e on Octobe r 1 st in the C ha pel i n Gary Maris; Edw ard
Remembering Dr. Hague Natalya Jones John Hague El izab eth Ha ll. Reporter 122 6 3 2009 10/22 Elg ar Michael Fronk Michael Rickman David Song 1
Stud en ts pa rking i n th e proh ib ited pa rking
a rea on Oh io Ave nu e wil l now b e fa cing
DeL and PD To ws, Tickets ci ta ti ons a nd towi ng veh icle s b y the
LBC Parke rs Suzanne Reffel Public Safety D eLa nd Po lice D epa rtme nt. Reporter 122 6 3 2009 10/22 Robert Matusick Jason Reese; Caitlyn Graham
A stu de nt g oes throu gh soro rity R ush to do
Rush 2 009 : Insi de the a n article fo r the R epo rte r a nd en ds up
Process none Rush p led gin g. Reporter 122 6 4 2009 10/22

Je wish Stud ent Col leg e Med Ex; Wesle y Ge rman Cl ub;
Orga niza ti on; Lib ertaria ns; Ho use ; Stetson Cari bbe an Stude nts
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s OSAPE; Hab itat for Swi ng a nd Blu es Org ani zation ; Ro bert Je ssie Perry; Kristen Warren ; Ca mell ia
Organization Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 6 5 2009 10/22 Pa nhe lle nic Co unci l Huma nity So ciety Pool e; Bo b Dan iel Ara b

Serio us Con versa tio ns wi th

Hid eou s Me n #4 : Enh anci ng Rya n Na pie r; Jaso n Opi nio n on the n ew camp us Qu al ity
th e Qu ali ty o f Our Qu ali ty! Ri ckne r Opinion Column En ha nceme nt Pl an. Reporter 122 6 6 2009 10/22
Th e Curi ous Ch ristian :
Chri sti ans for Socia lism Robert Echevarria Opinion Column Opinion on Christianity and socialism. Reporter 122 6 7 2009 10/22
Reco nne cti ng w ith
America 's In visib le
Demo cracy Paul Lachelier Opinion Column Opinion on voting habits. Reporter 122 6 7 2009 10/22
Th e DeL and Chi li Co ok-Off R evie w of th e DeL and C hil i Coo k-off an d
Experi ence Steve Atkinson Local Attractions mu sicia n Ben Pre sta ge. Reporter 122 6 8 2009 10/22 Ken Rodd 1
A First H and Accou nt of
DeL and i n A ctio n Dan Swampmen Local Attractions Account of hanging out in downtown DeLand. Reporter 122 6 8 2009 10/22
Answe ring Que stion s w ith
Poetry: Po etry with an Poe try at an Un cou th
Unco uth Hou r Heather Valenti Ho ur Account of Poetry at an Uncouth Hour. Reporter 122 6 8 2009 10/22 Ezra Keith David Holdaway
After Tw o Yea rs, Re lie nt K Mu sic revie w of R eli en t K's latest alb um,
Drop s Si xth Ful l Al bum Jack Kelly Music Review Forg et a nd N ot Sl ow Do wn. Reporter 122 6 9 2009 10/22 1
More Li ke Buil t to Skil l, Am I Mu sic revie w of Bu il t to Spil l's latest alb um,
Rig ht? Jason Rickner Music Review The re is No En emy. Reporter 122 6 9 2009 10/22
A loo k a t Stetson b aseb all p laye rs w ho L enn y D iNa rdo;
h ave b een d rafte d into the p rofessio nal Ch ris Joh nson ; Case y Faw ley;
Hatters Hit Big Leagues Kelsey Clews Baseball l eag ue s. Reporter 122 6 11 2009 10/22 Ju sti n Bass Jeremy Cru z Clint Chrylser Brian Pruitt
Ke lli e Carn eal ; Step han ie Ca rnea l;
Hatters' Voll eyba ll Brea ks The vo lle yba ll team ge ts its fi rst wi n afte r a Ka ylee R eam; Sam Fre ema n; Ann a
Lsoi ng Strea k Kelsey Clews Volleyball 1 3-match lo sin g stre ak. Reporter 122 6 11 2009 10/22 Coach Carlson Be cker; Mo niq ue Ru ssel l
C esare Gal lo; Nja l Ste ne ; Maksi m
L evan ovich ; Na ta li e Go rham; Shan non
While We Were Out…. none Athletics Results for various Stetson athletic teams. Reporter 122 6 11 2009 10/22 Gun nin g
N els Forstenso n; Iai n Ra y; Aya nn a
A repo rte r a sks stu den ts "Wha t to you R oyal ; Alex Pal mer; Ester Sa intil ; La uren
co nsid er to be a slu t or a wh ore" a nd To rres; Je nny Ro wla nd; Ezra Kei th ; Jose
Sluts? Heather Valenti Opinion Column o pin es on the a nswe rs. Reporter 122 7 1 2009 10/29 Steve D e Ab reu

Startin g ne xt fall , the Un iversi ty pl ans to

o ffer a ho usin g op ti on that all ows stude nts
Dogs in Our Dorms Suzanne Reffel Residential Life to bri ng p ets to li ve with them in the dorms. Reporter 122 7 3 2009 10/29 Wendy Libby Meghan Young Justin Williams PAWS Courtney Gardner
On Mon da y, Octob er 12, th ere wa s a
UVA Fire Ca uses Li ttle ki tch en fire in one o f the Un iversi ty Vil lag e
Dama ge Maria Wrabel Public Safety Ap artmen ts. Reporter 122 7 3 2009 10/29 Meghan Young Mark Harper
Stetson Sw ing
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s an d Blu es
Organization Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 7 4 2009 10/29 College Libertarians German Club So ciety New Music Machine 1
Serio us Con versa tio ns wi th Opi nio ns on the p ropo sed p lan to ou tfit
Hid eou s Me n #5 : Do n't Rya n Na pie r; Jaso n Pu bli c Sa fety o ffice rs wi th pep per spra y
Mace Me, Bro! Ri ckne r Opinion Column a nd zip ti es. Reporter 122 7 5 2009 10/29 1
Th e Socia l Hosts An othe r R evie w of mu sic at The S ocia l, a mu sic
Kick-Ass Show Steve Atkinson Music Review ve nue in Orlan do. Reporter 122 7 6 2009 10/29

Dou ble Fea ture: Two R evie w of th e movie Whe re th e Wi ld

"Wh ere the Wil d Th ing s Are" W. Spencer Deck Movie Review Thi ngs Are. Reporter 122 7 6 2009 10/29

Revi ews of New Mo vies

Drew Ba rrymore's "Whi p It" W. Spencer Deck Movie Review Review of the movie Whip It. Reporter 122 7 6 2009 10/29

A. J. Smith; Brand on Wil lia ms ; Mark

Hatters Basketb all Se t to Hit The H atte rs me n's ba sketba ll team be gin s L ohu is; Sh eld on Oli ver; Sh awn Bo wen ;
th e Cou rts Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's the ir 20 09-2 010 se ason . Reporter 122 7 8 2009 10/29 Derek Waugh Oli vier Du piton ; Graeme R ad fo rd
Men' s So ccer Fa ll to The me n's socce r tea m l ost a ga inst Ke vin Mun z; Fredri ck Bru sta d; Gri ffin
Secon d in C onfere nce Kelsey Clews Soccer, Men's co nfere nce op pon ent Camp be ll. Reporter 122 7 8 2009 10/29 Coach Fleck Gil stra p 1
A bea r w ho cl imbe d up in to a tree i n fro nt
o f the C arlton U nio n Buil din g cause s a sti r
The Bear David Quinn Public Safety o n campu s. Reporter 122 8 1 2009 11/14 Wendy Libby 8

Que sti on s a bou t the fire exi ts in th e

UVA: Safe or Fire Hazard? Kaitlyn Schulz Public Safety U nive rsity Vi lla ge Apartmen ts a re expl ored . Reporter 122 8 1 2009 11/14 Meghan Young
Col leg e
Med Ex; Stetson Lib ertaria ns;
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s Swi ng a nd Blu es Hab itat for Stud ent Al umni
Org Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 8 4 2009 11/14 So ciety Huma nity Asso ciatio n 1
Opi nio n on the p opu lari ty of th e Twi lig ht
T-why-light? Ashli Van Horn Opinion Column b ooks a nd movi es. Reporter 122 8 5 2009 11/14

The Curious Christian Robert Echevarria Opinion Column Opinion on the role of Christians in disasters. Reporter 122 8 5 2009 11/14
Red , White an d Blu e (Blue
as in, You Kn ow, Dee ply Opi nio n on Pre side nt Oba ma's first ye ar in
Dep ressed ) Ryan Napier Opinion Column o ffice . Reporter 122 8 7 2009 11/14
R evie w of th e movie The Me n Wh o Sta re
Men Who Stare at Goats W. Spencer Deck Movie Review a t Goa ts. Reporter 122 8 8 2009 11/14 2

Say An yth ing Red efine s R evie w of Sa y An yth ing 's n ew se lf-ti tl ed
Itsel f wi th Se lf-Ti tl ed Albu m Jason Rickner Music Review a lbu m. Reporter 122 8 8 2009 11/14
We ezer Dro ps an Egg o n
New Alb um Jack Kelly Music Review Review of Weezer's new album, Raditude. Reporter 122 8 9 2009 11/14 1
Crisp , Strong Pe rforman ces
Hig hli ght Th rice, Brand N ew R evie w of a Hou se of Bl ues sho w fe aturi ng
Show Paul Atkinson Music Review Bra nd Ne w, Thrice , an d Crime i n Stereo . Reporter 122 8 10 2009 11/14
Sh eld on Olive r; Bran do n Wi lli ams;
The me n's ba sketbal l te am score d an Grae me Rad fo rd; Oli vier Du pi to n; R idg e
Hatters Nee d OT to Win i n o vertime victory ag ai nst So uthea ste rn Grah am; Jo el Na burg s; Tysh awn
Exhib ition Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's U nive rsity. Reporter 122 8 11 2009 11/14 Derek Waugh Pa tterso n
Meet Alex Buelow Kelsey Clews Alexandria Buelow Profile of Hatter golfer Alex Buelow. Reporter 122 8 11 2009 11/14 Lyn Stellman Coach Kerr 1

Fran k Warre n, fou nde r o f the p opu lar bl og

Po stse cret, vi sited the un iversi ty rece ntly,
sp eaki ng to stude nts a nd the g ene ral Ma ggi e Martine z; Re ne e Tutcho n;
Have a Secret? Share It Sonya Stewart Lecture p ubl ic ab out th e impo rta nce of secre ts. Reporter 122 9 1 2009 11/19 Sa mantha Esco ba r; Li ndsa y Ma rti n 1
Aq ua Zumb a classe s start at the H oll is
Zumba Takes to the Water Maria Wrabel Wellness C enter. Reporter 122 9 1 2009 11/19 Ashley Znak; Jilliam Masucci
L ist o f e vents by vario us campu s 3 0-Ho ur Fa mine ; Omi cron De lta
Org Beat none Organizations o rgan izati ons. Reporter 122 9 4 2009 11/19 Med ex Kapp a
Opi nio n on u sing Omeg le, a ne w onl ine
Omegle: Talk to Strangers! Ryan Napier Opinion Column se rvice for mee ti ng frien ds. Reporter 122 9 5 2009 11/19
Gi mmicks Unn ecessa ry:
Say An yth ing 's Latest
Con cert Po werful Steve Atkinson Music Review Review of the band Say Anything. Reporter 122 9 6 2009 11/19 1
Tyshaw n Patte rson; Rid ge Grah am; A. J.
Hatters Lock Up First "W" a t The me n's ba sketbal l te am swe pt Averett Smi th ; Bran don Wil lia ms; Mark Lo hu is;
Home Kelsey Clews Basketball, Men's U nive rsity. Reporter 122 9 8 2009 11/19 Derek Waugh Grae me Rad fo rd
H eathe r Be rg; Emi ly Yero ; Eli se
Ke tch am; Je nn y Agra noff; Emily Ware;
D ani ell e Sefczek; Kri ste n Hi gel ; Alex
Wo men's Socce r En ds The w omen 's soccer team en de d th eir H ermosa ; Ch ristina C romwe ll;
Seaso n with Prid e Kelsey Clews Soccer, Women's se ason with a reco rd of 11 -7-2. Reporter 122 9 8 2009 11/19 Julie Orlowski Ka ssand ra Hartwi ck; Cro ssley Simmo ns 1
Chauvin, Robert Dean Robt. Chauvin resigns and
will return to the classroom
Nylen, David
Dr. David Nylen resigns as Dean
of Business School. William Wright Cupola
named Business School Dean.

Perkins, Robert Robt. Perkins named dean of

College of Liberal Arts.
Wright, William
Dr. David Nylen resigns as Dean
of Business School. William Wright Cupola
named Business School Dean.
College of
12 1 2 1983 Fall
Liberal Arts

School of
12 1 1 1983 Fall Business

12 3 5 1984 Spring

School of
12 3 4 1984 Spring Business

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