Effects of Being in A Relationship Among Senior High School Students of Bato Rural Development High School in Terms of Their Academic Performance

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Effects of being in a relationship among Senior High School students of Bato Rural

Development High School in terms of their academic performance

A thesis
Presented to the Faculty
Of the Senior High School
Research Department
Bato Rural Development High School
Bato, Catanduanes

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
General Academic Strand (GAS)

Lawrence Tañon
Mark Lorenze Tubice
Mark Tarnate
Roselle Tranate
Reiner Rodulfo
Kristina Cassandra Tibar
Mark John Bodota
Misthee Bernal

A romantic relationship is an important element in an adolescent life. Adolescents

spend much of their time thinking, talking, and engaging in romantic relationships. Strong

positive or negative emotions in adolescent are more commonly caused by romantic relationships

as opposed to other kinds of relationship such as with friends, parents, or school staff (Furman &

Shaffer, 2003).

During adolescence, adolescents become interested and involved in dating because of

their desire to be with others. As a result, it is clear that over time, romantic relationships are

gaining importance. Young people want to have a romantic relationship where love is given and

received without restraint. This is in line with the need to belong to the theory in which

individuals have the determination to connect with others in enduring, close relationships.

(Bernales, 2012).

Education is one of the highest achievements in life and the key to achieving our goal.

It is important in life to make us real and what we are capable of developing. It is not a tangible

product rather it is an intellectual property unique to each of us, but before we get this

information we are doing it as a step by step process. (Ronco, 2012).

Love is blind. Is visible but out of mind. Love is a deep sense of acceptance and

commitment to some person, object or activity. There are different types of love including

parenthood, love between friends, a child's love for his or her parents, patriotism or self-love and

romantic love. When adolescence is fixed, the adolescent is surprise by the feelings and

ambiguity of the organic sensation that he or she is drawn in the opposite sex.
According to Arnet (as cited in Fincham & Cui, 2011) "late adolescents" is the stage

where teenagers experienced how to be totally and socially independent. This is the time for

curiosity & explorations in choosing and having apartner, and explores this kind of curiosity that

somehow leads to romantic relationship .However, this kind of relationship may not lead to a

pleasant and intense love affair.

A study by Bailey and Miller (1998) investigated whether undergraduate’s boys and

girls are more satisfied with their lives if they have a more or less active lifestyle. How active are

students in pursuing and fulfilling a large number of roles and responsibilities, while at the same

time maintaining interpersonal relationships they can rely for support and decision making. Life

satisfaction was assessed with respect to students’ satisfaction with school performance and their

dating and family relationships.

However, Campbell & Oliver (1994) also pointed out some of the costs found in a

romantic relationship, namely: stress and worry about the relationship, social and emotional

sacrifices, increased reliance on the partner, fights, time and effort investing, and feeling worse

self-reported as being caused by students' anxiety.

Consequently, a question on the effect of romantic relationship among the students

involved, whether they can manage their time efficiently or not still remains. This study was

aimed to determine the effects of romantic relationship on the academic performance of Senior

High School students of Bato Rural Development High School students who are involved in a

romantic relationship. Lastly, this study aimed to determine if there is a relationship between the

h and the academic performance of the students.

In order to address and give light to this issue concerning student’s involvement

in an early romantic relationship among students, this study is sought to examine the effects of
being in a relationship among Senior High School students of Bato Rural Development High

School in terms of their academic performance. Lastly, this study aimed to determine if there is a

relationship between being in a relationship and academic performance among Senior High

School students of Bato Rural Development High School.

Statement of the Problem

This study aim to determine the effects of being in a relationship among Senior High

School students of Bato Rural Development High School in terms of their academic

performance. Specially, this study sought to the answer the following questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Age

b. Gender

2. What are the effects of having relationship status of Senior High School students to

their Academic Performance?

3. Is their significant relationship in academic performance and early engagement in


Research Hypothesis

This study will test the hypothesis:

 There is no significant relationship between being in a relationship among Senior High

School students of Bato Rural Development High School and academic performance.
Scope and Limitation

This study will focus on the effects of being in a relationship among Senior High School

students of Bato Rural Development High School in terms of their academic performance.

This study aims to find out how having a romantic relationship affects the academic

performance of the students. The Senior High School students of Bato Rural Development High

School were used as a respondents for this said Investigatory Research.

Importance of the Study

This study will bring significant contributions to the following:

Students – this study will help them to understand the influences of being in a relationship to

their academic performance.

Future Researchers – the findings of this study will serves as a guide in their own studies

relevant to the present study.

Parent – this study will serve as an “eye- opener” to them to understand their children`s reasons

why they involve into a romantic relationship.

Teachers - to guide and to help their students to avoid the disadvantage effects of having

relationship while studying.

Community – this will bring significant contribution to the community because this study

discussed the trends what is happening inside the campus that help to extend their help in

motivating student’s behavior.

Definition of Terms

For the better understanding of this study the following terms are defined operationally and


Senior High School – this refers to the grade twelve senior high school students who are involve

in romantic relationship

Romantic relationship – it means the expressive and pleasurable feeling from an emotional

attraction towards another person.

Academic performance - refers to the student’s grade

Bato RDHS – it stands for Bato Rural Development High School, a secondary school in the

Division of Catanduanes located in Banawang, Bato, Catanduanes where the subjects of the study

are located.

Related Literature and Studies

This study used the propensity score method to investigate the effects of early teenage

relationships on academic performance to high school students.

(Schmidt, Lockwood, 2015) One of the few studies that have examined the effects of

romantic relationships on academic performance, most have been concerned with adolescent

students. This study analyzes a data set of more than 300 students at a midsized, private

University in the northeast United States to determine if participating in a romantic relationship

predicts grade point average or course attendance. The results indicate that being in a romantic

relationship while in college is significantly associated with class absences, but not with grade

point average.

Li (2016) the influences of dating and academic performance on adolescent adjustment in

contemporary Chinese societies. Existing literature on adolescent dating behavior and its

correlates rely primarily on samples from Euro-American societies, where adolescent dating is

normative. So far, little attention has been given to the romantic relationships among adolescents

in Chinese societies, although evidence has suggested that the social realities and cultural

assumptions about romantic relationship and adolescent development differ considerably

between Chinese and Euro-American cultures. They revealed intra-cultural heterogeneity in

Chinese adolescents’ dating behavior and socio emotional development, these findings call for

attention to the socioeconomic contexts of development and the use of cross-regional data in

future research.

Relationships rate high on the list of priorities for students. Roommates, friendships,

family and dating relationships all play key roles in creating what will become the memories of

our high school days gone by. Perhaps no relationship other than that with our “self” matters

more during our high school years than the relationship with our love interest. For instance, if

dating the right person, that person can express encouragement and to do better in school.

Students need to always think about if this certain person would benefit in a relationship. Always

be on the lookout because you want to keep your grades. (Gustin, 2015)

According to Mapalad (2014), Romantic relationship among adolescents are common

everywhere however not all of us are true natural born, hopeful romantics. Yet there are those

who struggle with the whole concept. It is not because they don’t want to enjoy it with their

partner but has more to do with them never having understood it. This study was conducted to

discover whether or not there is an association between the profile and involvement in a romantic

relationship among adolescent. It also outlined the timing of romantic attachment formation and

its implications for relationship stability. The relationship between the length of the romantic

relationship and the level of satisfaction was found to be positive.

The US-based National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health),

involving a representative sample of thousands of school children in Grades 7 to 12, found that

over 80 per cent of those aged 14 years and older were or had been in a romantic relationship,

including a small number (2–3 per cent) in same-sex relationships (Grieger et al., 2014).
Joshuaelevate (2016), stated the Early Romantic Relationship (Advantages and

Disadvantages) first many teenagers “excel in their class”, because they become motivated to

study hard because of their partner which is considered as a positive result for every students and

teenagers having an early romantic relationship. The second advantage is many teenagers “get

inspired”, because their partners give them an inspiration for so many things. Third advantage is

many are “happy to have a partner”, because their relationship gives joy and happiness. Many

teenagers look for a partner that gives them joy and contentment.

Megan Gustin, (2015) reported that relationships can affect students when it comes to

their performance in school and the type of grades they earn. School relationships can have a

negative or positive effect on a student's daily performance. If a student feels that they cannot

manage their grades and a relationship, they should not be one. High school relationships can

have many perks and many weaknesses. However, some relationships may encourage success in

school. High school relationships can have many perks and many weaknesses.

According to Joshuaelevate (2016), the disadvantages or effects of having an early

romantic relationship are; “they gain lower grades”, “they learn to keep secrets from their

parents”, “tend to be quarrelsome”, “saying mind your own and stay away from what is mine”,

“come home late”, “they disregard major priorities”. These disadvantages is only few from many

disadvantages and negative effects of a teenager engaging in an early romantic relationship.

In the Philippines, particularly in the University of the Philippines Cebu, some students

were involved in a romantic relationship. It was found out that time management of the students

was imbalanced which entails that they were more focused in their romantic relationship than

studying (Bernales &Colonia, 2011).

By the mid-20s this issue was lower in the rankings of choices, probably due to the fact

that the relationships were now more stable and secure. Focus groups with high school students

indicated that technology use and the ease with which teens can contact and communicate online

with potential partners may exacerbate adolescents’ feelings of jealousy when dating (Baker &

Carreño, 2016).

The down regulation of negative emotions and physiological arousal, as well as up

regulation of positive emotions, plays important roles in relationship quality and stability

(Levenson, 2014).

Gaps in the Review of the Bridge by the present Study

All studies have been made for the researchers to have principles regarding the Effects of

being in a relationship among Senior High School students in terms of their academic

performance that can found at related literature and studies. Although many researchers have

studied it already but our research are frequently different from them. There was no exact

existing research on effects of being in a relationship among Senior High School students at Bato

Rural Development High School in terms of their academic performance.

Conceptual Framework

Dependent Variable
Independent Variable
a. Academic Performance

a. Being in a relationship while b. Response to the

studying questionnaire

Figure 1.

Figure 1 shows that conceptual paradigm of the study. It further shows that being in a

relationship is the independent variable and academic performance and response to the

questionnaire are the dependent variable.



This chapter presents the research method that will be used in gathering data to obtain

answers to the research problems. It will also explain the sources of data, respondents,

instrumentation, statistical tools and the procedure on how the study will be conducted. The

particular instrumentation will be used concretely to express the definite results of the study.

Research Design

The nature of the study calls for the use of the descriptive design. This study was used to

determine the significant relationship between being in a relationship and academic performance

among Senior High School students of Bato Rural Development High School.

Subject of the Study

The main subject of this study consist of Senior High School students of Bato Rural

Development High School. The study was employed during the second semester of the school year


Respondent of the Study

The respondent of our research was the Senior High School students of BRDHS who

aggressive to enter this situation and not knowing the consequences that can be ruin their dreams.

The Senior High School students who are in a relationship is our respondent who assigns to answer

the given question to identify the validity of consistency of the answers being gathered.
Research Instruments

Based upon the sample, it was determined that survey questionnaire would be used for data

collection. In collecting the data the questionnaire will be the major instrument used in this study.

The questionnaire will be used in this study is designed to obtain the information.

Data Gathering Procedure

The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine and how frequently Senior High School

students improve or enhance their Academic Performance. Prior to the conduct of the study, the

researchers were asked permission and requested of the approval of the principal from the office

of Bato Rural Development High School. The Senior High School students of BRDHS served as

the main respondents of the study. The researchers gathered during the second semester. After the

data was gathered, the data will be analyzed and interpreted.

Sampling Procedure

The researchers use the random sampling method in the selection of the respondents since

the study is focused on a particular group (students involve in a romantic relationship).

Statistical Treatment Data

The statistical tool used in order to present the data systematically to answer the question

passed are simply frequency and percentage ____, chi-square, Pearson product was used to

determine the effects of being in a relationship among Senior High School students.

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