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Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technologies To The UCJHHS Students’


A Term Paper Presented To:

Mrs. Aracele E. Lupo

Faculty, High School Department

University of Cebu

Cebu City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in English 10

Presented by:

Grade 10 – Diamond

Biographers Team

Bullo, Zaki Louis

Notarion, Von Andre

Vosotros, Arthur

Lagarit, Mariel Dawn

Limbaga, Alexandra Gayle

Monterde, Alyssa

Omaya, Ara Gyne

Origines, Angelica

Saceda, Loisandra Mae


We, the researchers, would like to acknowledge God for blessing us strength,

wisdom, knowledge and security to fulfill this activity.

We would like to acknowledge our parents who supported us financially for the

cost of materials used to fulfill our research work, for their guidance, and the moral and the

emotional support.

To our English Teacher Mrs. Aracele Lupo, for passionately giving us her time and

energy, for her guidance and giving us a boost energy in finishing the work and made us

better students.

To our Research Coordinator and Mathematics teacher Dr. Eilyn B. Palahang who

dedicates her time and full support in aiding and guiding us for approving our transmittal

letter for this research study, for her extra time and effort guiding us for the formulas to be

used for this study.

To Dr. Andrea M. Ando, our principal of the Junior High School Department for

her undying support, guidance and effort.

To our Registrar, Mrs. Teresita D. Villahermosa on providing us the accurate data

needed for the study.

To our respondents, the randomly chosen Grade 10 students who have been very

understanding and supporting, for their time and efforts and for giving us ideas in

answering their questionnaires we’ve given to them.

Table of Contents

Preliminaries Page

Title Page 1

Acknowledgement 2

Table of Contents 3-4


I: The Problem and Its Settings/Scope

A. Introduction/Rationale 5-6

B. Theoretical Background 7-8

C. Statement of the Problem

D. Statement of the Hypothesis

E. Importance of the Study

F. Scope and Delimitation

G. Definition of Terms

II. Review of Related Studies and Literature

III. Body

A. Research Design

B. Research Environment

C. Research Respondent

D. Research Instrument; and

Population of the Study

E. Presentation/ Data Gathering

F. Data Analysis/ Statistical Analysis

G. Schematic Presentation of Research Procedure

Chapter 1



With the dominating occurrence of technology in our society and the constant

outgrowth of the millennial generation, everything is at the verge of enhancement. Through

the enhancements brought by technology, our lives have been influenced remarkably.

Advantages and disadvantages of enhancements have visibly affect the nature and

existence of humanity especially to students.

The importance of the study is to understand the nature of how modern technologies

can be use to improve a quality education for students to enhance their academic

performances. This is also to raise their awareness regarding the effects of educational

technology. Furthermore, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of technology to

learners tells whether it is appropriate to incorporate educational technology for the

development of education to the UCJHS students.

The majority of the University of Cebu Junior High School Department’s populace

have engaged themselves with the trend of smartphones, especially the Grade 10 students.

The rapid evolution of technology has consequently left the students engrossed by the


To take action on this study, as researchers we recommend to collect information

through the use of survey method which is passing out of questionnaires and the

interview method. These are used in order for us to visualize the possible effects of

modern technologies of students in our school as well as to determine whether it is an

advantage or disadvantage. Unraveling in this kind of activity could further lead to the

understanding of the study and to clearly see the role of technology in education the


Theoretical Background

According to Bandura, Albert (1960), Social Cognitive Theory is derived from

constructing meaning and knowledge from social influences. An experiment was

conducted to prove how social influences including technology and media have adverse

effects on people especially learners. This theory thrives on the advancement of modern

technologies since it provides new and innovative method for social learning.

The theory is about learning by observing others, students can acquire new

behaviours and knowledge by simple observing a model. The relation of this theory to

our research is that students are able to observe and acquire knowledge through

technology. For instance, students are able to observe their learning material through the

use of the internet. Although, the students may rely too much in technology to learn

which is a major problem because it will result to the lack of human interaction. Learning

a material isn’t only one source, there needs to be a balance in acquiring information

whether it would be the use of technology or socially communicating to other people.



According to Piaget, Jean (1896), Theory of Constructivism states that students

are given tools to construct their own knowledge. This theory wants the educators to

adopt the idea that each learner will construct, obtain, and interpret their own knowledge

differently. The relevance of this theory to our research is its connection. The theory tells

about acquiring knowledge, this is where technology comes into play. Constructivism

and Technology are working hand in hand since through technology students are able to

collect information and because of how advance it is they can also develop a deeper

understanding. Although it is beneficial, there is also a number of reasons why it is not.

The downside of this theory is that some of the information that are found is in the

internet are yet to be proven. Students should be guided so that they will not carelessly

acquire and interpret false information. They might construct their knowledge believing

that it’s a fact not knowing that the information that they acquired is not verified. In

conclusion, it brings us to our research in determining the advantages and disadvantages

of educational technology to the UCJHS students.


According to Short, J. et al (1976), Social Presence Theory states the degree to

which one perceives the presence of participants in the communication. This theory

argues that media differ in the ability to convey the psychological perception that other

people are physically present, due to the different ability of media to transmit visual and

verbal cues. It speculates the outcome of an interaction to be resolved by the capacity of

the selected medium to support the type of communication required. Finally, Social

Presence Theory has also been found to be a strong indicator of satisfaction, that is, the

higher the sense of social presence conveyed by a medium, the higher the satisfaction

perceived by participants when communicating. However, this theory shadow us from the

reality between how media convey the psychological perception from the real world. This

is through how a media gives accessibility via visual and verbal information. One should

not also rely heavily on Internet or media-based mediums in gathering relevant



According to Leon Festinger (1957), Cognitive Dissonance theory refers to the

situation involving our emotions, attitudes, beliefs and behavior. This feeling of a mental

dismay can lead to our own alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to

reduced the discomfort and restore balance. Two factors affect the strength of the

dissonance: the number of dissonant beliefs, and the important attached to each belief.

There are three ways to eliminate dissonance: (1) reduce the importance of the dissonant

beliefs (2) add more consonant beliefs that outweigh the dissonant beliefs, or (3) change

the dissonant beliefs so that they are no longer inconsistent.

Cognitive dissonance theory is at play in scenarios where faculty have had either

a positive or negative experience. The theory may cause an attitude change and may lead

to mental confusions. As the results where primarily consistent with studies showing a

mix of attitudes and behaviors towards the quality of education prior to the administrative

and technology support.


Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this research is to identify the Advantages and Disadvantages

of Modern Technologies To The UCJHS Students’ Studies.

In addition, this aims to answer the following:

1. Why do students use modern technologies for their studies?

2. What are the possible effects of modern technologies to the student’s studies?

3. In what way can we reduce the extent usage of technologies to minimize and

prevent the acquisition of its negative effects?

Statement of the Hypothesis

1. Students use technologies to have a convenient and easy way of doing their studies

and research; use technology for entertainments; and to get more informations and

datas related to their school works.

2. The possible effects could be harmful or beneficial depending on how students use


3. We could reduce and prevent the acquisition of negative effects of technologies to

students by setting a time limit of using technologies and discipline students to use

it responsibly.

Importance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following members of society:

Students: Students will know and understand the advantages and disadvantages of modern

technology to their studies and academic performances.

Teacher: Teachers will understand their students even more and provide a better education

to the students in order for the students to focus on their academic performance.

Parents: Parents will understand the effects of Modern Technology to their children’s

behavior and support their children to achieve their academic goals.

Future Researchers: This proposed study will benefit the researchers and will represent

this study as their guide about the advantages and disadvantages of Modern Technology to

student’s studies.

Scope and Delimitation

Content: This study is mainly focused on the advantages and disadvantages of using

modern technologies to the Junior High School Student’s studies of the University of Cebu

– Main Campus.

Subject: This study aims to include respondents from three-hundred (300) randomly

chosen Grade 10 students from UCJHS.

Place: This study will be strictly conducted at the vicinity of the Junior High School

Department of University of Cebu – Main Campus, Sanciangko St. Cebu City.

Time: This study will be conducted on the 30th day of January of the year 2020.

Definition of Terms

To understand this study well, references are needed. The following terms are

defined effectively, which is the way they are used in the study.

1. Acquisition – the learning or developing of a skill, habit, or gaining skills, habits or


2. Autonomous – having the privilege to govern oneself or be independent.

3. Beneficial – favorable or advantageous; resulting in good.

4. Cognitive Dissonance – the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs or

attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

5. Constructivism – a style in which assorted mechanical objects are combined in to

abstract mobile structural forms.

6. Deregulated – being free or not having any laws or rules to follow.

7. Educational technology – the use of both physical, hardware, software, and

educational theoretic to facilitate learning.

8. Enhancement – an increase or improvement.

9. Incorporate – take in or contain (something) as a part of a whole.

10. Mental Dismay – to have a mental trouble or disillusion.

11. Synthesize – gathering different information.

12. Unraveling – to look for solution or solving and try to get information.

13. Verge – at the peak or climax.


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