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CE update [generalist]

Laboratory Balances: How They Work,

Checking Their Accuracy
Douglas Morse, BS,1 Daniel M. Baer, MD2
1IES Corporation, 2VA Medical Center, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, OR


After reading this article, the reader should understand the principle operation of the modern electronic balance and under-

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stand how to check the balance’s accuracy.
Generalist exam 90401 questions and corresponding answer form are located after the “Your Lab Focus” section on p. 59.

왘 Modern electronic laboratory The typical mechanism consists of a coil 4 components to the testing of a preci-
balances work on the principle of of wire suspended in a magnetic field. sion laboratory balance: reproducibility,
magnetic force restoration. In this Because the magnetic field is radially linearity, calibration, and cornerload.
system, the force exerted by the oriented relative to the coil, the direction Reproducibility refers to the instru-
object being weighed is lifted by an of current flow and the direction of the ment’s ability to repeatedly deliver the
electromagnet. A detector magnetic field are perpendicular at all same weight reading for a given object.
measures the current required to points. The force exerted is therefore in It is expressed as a standard deviation.
oppose the downward motion of the direction of the axis of the coil. The Standard deviation, or reproducibility, is
the weight in the magnetic field. coil is supported by precision springs, often an advertised performance specifi-
왘 Accuracy checks of a balance which allow it to move in the direction of cation for a laboratory balance.
involve testing for reproducibility, its axis. An optical sensor detects the po- Linearity is the characteristic which
linearity, calibration, and cornerload. sition of the coil, and provides a feedback quantifies the accuracy of the instrument
signal to an electronic amplifier. The am- at intermediate readings throughout the
plifier automatically adjusts the current to weighing range of the instrument. The
Precision weighing is a necessity maintain the position of the coil at a ref- weighing range of the instrument is simi-
in laboratories of all types. Accuracy erence position (the “null” point). The lar to the analytical measurement range
exceeding one part per million is com- amount of force exerted by the coil is (AMR) of a laboratory test. Since a labo-
monplace now for masses in the range directly proportional to the amount of ratory balance will often be used to weigh
of 1 gram to 1 kilogram. Although the current flowing in it. So, by measuring items much smaller than the capacity of
requirement for highly accurate weigh- that current, the force can be calculated. the instrument, this is a critical aspect.
ing for the preparation of reagents, The equal-arm balance opposed 2 Calibration refers to a comparison
standards, and calibrators has dimin- counteracting torques and caused the of the weight reading of a given mass
ished, many laboratories use precision deflection of a needle to return to a ref- standard, and the actual value of that
balances for periodic checking of the erence position, whereas the electro- standard. This measurement is often
accuracy of mechanical pipettors. magnetic force restoration system done at full capacity.
opposes the linear force exerted by the Cornerload errors are those errors
Principle of Operation unknown against the adjustable and associated with different positions on
The principle of operation of a known linear force exerted by the coil the weighing pan of the object being
modern laboratory balance bears some at a specific spatial position. weighed. A given object should pro-
resemblance to its predecessor—the duce the same reading, regardless of its
equal arm balance. The older instru- Checking Accuracy position on the weighing pan. This is a
ment opposed the torque exerted by an The College of American Patholo- type of error that is unlike those usually
unknown mass on one side of a pivot to gists (CAP) Laboratory Inspection Pro- seen in the clinical laboratory and is
48 that of an adjustable known weight on gram requires that “the verification of unique to the analytical balance.
the other side. When the pointer accuracy of the analytical balance must
returned to the center position, the be performed each time it is used for the How to Check Balance
torques must be equal, and the weight creation of analytical calibrators and/or Accuracy
was determined by the position of the weighed-in controls from standard mate- The tests for balance accuracy are
moving weights. rials.” as well as when gravimetrically similar to those done in the clinical labo-
The modern equivalent is called checking the accuracy of pipets.2 ratory for checking the accuracy and pre-
magnetic force restoration. In this system, Checking a balance is very similar cision of analytical tests. However,
the force exerted by the object being in concept to the checks we do in the because balances are special mechanical
weighed is lifted by an electromagnet. laboratory for other analyses. There are devices, there are some differences in the
details of the reliability tests. Complete capacity of the instrument. It is im- 4. Again place “A” on the pan with
instructions with forms for collecting the perative that these 2 weights not be “B” still on the pan. Record the
test data1 can be found at the Web site, interchanged within this procedure. reading under the column marked Refer to the individual weights as “50% - 100%.”
“weight A” and “weight B.” 5. Calculate the difference between the
Reproducibility Testing 2. Rezero the display. Place “A” on the 2 (0-50 and 50-100) readings.
Reproducibility testing entails re- pan (at the center), and record the 6. The difference should be less than
peatedly weighing a given object, reading on the “Linearity Chart” in a the advertised tolerance for linearity
recording the results, and analyzing column marked “0% – 50%.” or accuracy.
those results. A test weight equal to, or 3. Remove “A” and place “B” pan near A common error in linearity (accu-
nearly equal to, the weighing capacity its center. Rezero the display with racy) testing is to simply place test

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of the instrument should be selected. “B” still on the pan. weights on the weighing pan and observe
Twenty pairs of readings should be
taken for 2 data sets: “full-scale read-
ing” and “zero reading.” A detailed
procedure is as follows.
1. Tare the instrument to read all zeros.
Do not record the initial zero reading.
2. Place the test weight on the pan.
Record the reading in the column la-
3. Remove the weight (DO NOT
REZERO), and record the reading
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until lines 1
through 20 are all filled in.
5. Transcribe the 2 columns of num-
bers into a spreadsheet or QM statis-
tical program.
6. Use the program to calculate the
standard deviation and coefficient of
variation (CV) of both columns of
7. Calculated standard deviations larger
than allowed in the instrument speci-
fications indicate that the instrument
is either operating in an unstable en-
vironment (static, air draft, warm-up,
vibration, etc), or that the instrument
is in need of repair.

Linearity Testing
Linearity testing verifies the accu-
racy of the instrument at intermediate
values of weight. Manufacturers often
use the term “accuracy” in advertised
specifications. This test is quite different
from linearity testing in the clinical labo- 49
ratory where we make a series of meas-
urements over the AMR of the test. The
balance linearity test measures the ability
of the balance to accurately measure an
added weight before and after a non-
measured weight load has been placed on
the balance. The procedure is as follows.
1. Use 2 weights, each of
approximately one-half the weighing
For complete information:
Laboratory Environment Cornerload Tolerances

T1 than 1 ppm), one might wonder how a
standard weight can be used to test or
calibrate analytical balances. The an-
.1 g .01 g .001 g .000 1g .00001 g swer would be that the standard weight
Capacity can itself be calibrated by a laboratory
30 gram - - - 2 5 which specializes in that service. The
100 g - - 2 4 10 characterization of the weight by such a
300 g - 2 4 10 -
1000 g 2 4 10 - - laboratory will determine the actual
3000 g 3 6 - - - value of the weight to a much higher
10 Kg 4 - - - - degree of precision than required by the
30 Kg 12 - - - -
ASTM standard. Such a weight can be

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used to verify the accuracy of an inter-
Industrial Environment Cornerload Tolerances nal calibration weight.
After placing a test weight on an
operating instrument and finding that
.1 g .01 g .001 g .0001 g .00001 g the displayed weight value does not
Capacity exactly match the value of the test
30 gram - - - 4 10 weight, many users have concluded that
100 g - - 4 8 20 the instrument is miscalibrated. How-
300 g - 4 8 20 -
1000 g 4 8 20 - - ever, that conclusion is by no means
3000 g 6 12 - - - certain unless the test weight has been
10 Kg 8 - - - - calibrated and its correction from nomi-
30 Kg 24 - - - -
nal value is known. The calibration
The value for each combination of balance capacity and resolution is the greatest allowable difference between the weights internal to high quality labora-
highest and lowest reading of the cornerload test weights in the most right hand digits of the balance readout.
tory balances are more accurate than
commonly available test weights. In the
the difference between the indicated question AGC.27540. The advantage of absence of actual calibration data for
weight and the nominal value of the an external standard, whether it is used specific weights, users should presume
test weight. This process fails to to calibrate the instrument or just to that internal weights are more accurate
account for the fact that test weights check the internal weight, is that it can than external test weights. We therefore
are imperfect and that the difference be checked by a calibration laboratory disagree with the CAP LAP policy of
between the nominal value and the ac- and traced to national standards. using ASTM class 1 weights for cali-
tual weight might be significant. This is CAP LAP Checklist question brating analytical (0.01 to 0.1 mg reso-
especially true with analytical balances, AGC.27540 (a Phase II deficiency) re- lution) balances. ASTM class 1 weights
where the balance may be more accu- quires that laboratories have the appro- are less accurate than most analytical
rate than any standard test weight. The priate ASTM class weights for accuracy balances. Many toploading balances
above procedure nullifies this problem testing (the same as checking calibra- would be poorly calibrated using class
by comparing the weight readings of tion as described in this paper). Stan- 2 weights for the same reason.
the same object, both with and without dardized test weights are made to If the balance internal calibration is
a preload. The accuracy of the test various levels of accuracy. CAP’s re- more accurate than the marked value of
weight is thus immaterial. quirements for the use of the appropri- the weights then the user should check
ate ASTM class of weights are: “ASTM the calibration of the balance as
Calibration Class 1 weights are appropriate for cali- described below. Why is it required to
Calibration of instruments is differ- brating high precision analytical bal- perform that checking of calibration
ent from model to model and manufac- ances (0.01 to 0.1 mg). ASTM Class 2 each time analytical standards or cali-
turer to manufacturer. Generally, it is a weights are appropriate for calibrating brators are prepared or pipettors are
simple procedure described in the user’s high precision top-loading balances checked for accuracy? This is a valid
50 manual which comes with the with readabilities from 0.001 to 0.01 g. question. However, the requirement
instrument. ASTM Class 3 weights are appropriate does exist and laboratories must have
Many instruments now include in- for calibrating moderate precision bal- documentation that the checking has
ternal calibration weights, so calibration ances, from 0.01 to 0.1 g.”2 occurred. One suggestion is to perform
is as easy as pushing a single button. The ASTM class 1 is the most accurate the following “calibration verification”
user may ask, “How do I know the inter- weight class commonly available. Most test. This test is referred to as “Accu-
nal calibration weight is correct?” The weights in ASTM class 1 are accurate racy Checking” in the CAP Checklist.
answer is that the only way to know is to to 1 part in 400,000. Since analytical 1. Select 5 or 6 weights over the AMR
have an external standard for compari- and microbalances are considerably of the balance.
son, as required by CAP LAP Checklist more accurate (resolution of greater
2. Tare the balance so that its reading is Handling Test Weights weighed, on the person using the bal-
zero. The weights used to test laboratory ance, on draft shields, or on weighing
3. Weigh each of the standard weights balances are precision devices and need vessels. Sources of static are carpets,
and record the observed weight in a to be handled accordingly. When han- Vibrum shoe soles, plastic draft shields,
log. Use the same weights from the dling weights, avoid direct hand contact plastic weighing vessels, and melamine
same weight set each time this test is with weights by using clean gloves or (Formica) table tops. Low ambient hu-
performed. special lifting tools. Hand contact with midity exacerbates static problems.
4. Compare the observed weights with the weights can cause corrosion. Also You can test for a static problem
previous weightings. avoid sliding weights across any surface, easily. On an analytical balance place a
5. The results are judged to be satisfac- especially across the stainless steel metal enclosure (a coffee can works
tory if there has been no significant weighing pan of the balance under test. well) over the weighing pan, so that the

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shift of the observed weights of the Weights should be kept in a covered, pro- pan is enclosed by the can but NOT
weights. If a single weight does not tected box. CAP LAP Checklist question touched by it. If the weight readings
agree, reweigh it and confirm that AGC.27560 (Phase II deficiency) says stabilize with the can in place, then
there has not been a substitution of “Weights must be well-maintained (cov- static may be the cause of the instabil-
weights from a previous calibration ered when not in use, not corroded).” ity. Notice that the coffee can provides
verification. an effective draft shield too.
If one has serious concerns about Environmental Conditions for
the calibration of the balance, a quali- Best Weighing Accuracy Floor Vibration/Table
fied balance repair service should be In order to pass any test of repro- Instability
consulted. ducibility an instrument must be operat- Many laboratory balances are ex-
ing in an acceptable environment. A tremely sensitive to vibration or move-
Cornerload Testing poor environment will degrade the re- ment. If the weight readings change as
Cornerload testing verifies that sults of a standard deviation (SD) test you walk around the instrument, or if
the instrument delivers the same and falsely suggest that the performance the readings change as you lean on the
weight reading, regardless of where is substandard. There are several aspects table or move objects on the table, then
on the weighing pan the object being of the environment which impact the the table and floor are affecting weight
weighed is placed. Cornerload per- performance of a laboratory balance. readings. You can minimize these ef-
formance specifications are often not fects by using an especially sturdy
advertised. Typical tolerances are Temperature table and minimizing movement. Users
shown in T1. The accuracy and overall perform- of microbalances often need specially
1. Select a test weight close to the ance of any laboratory balance is af- built marble tables on concrete floors.
weighing capacity of the instrument. fected by the room temperature. For
2. Place the test weight in the center of best stability and performance the room Conclusions
the weighing pan. Then re-zero the temperature should be regulated to Although the high precision labo-
display. within 1°F without interruption. The ratory balance is used less now than in
3. Move the weight one-half way from instrument should remain with power the past when many analytical
the center to the front edge of the ON continuously. reagents, standards, and calibrators
pan. Record the reading on the “Cor- were made rather than purchased, the
nerload Chart” under the heading Air Drafts balance is still an important laboratory
“FRONT.” In the cases of measurements with instrument. Periodic checking of its
4. Repeat step 3 at the half-way loca- resolution of .001 gram and less the accuracy and precision is an important
tions for right, rear, and left edges, force exerted by moving air is readily part of the laboratory’s quality manage-
recording the readings in the appro- detectable. A shroud or enclosure around ment program. The procedures in this
priate spaces in the chart. the weighing pan will shield the pan paper are straight forward ways to
5. Cornerload tolerances are often not a from these effects. Avoid plastic materi- check on the balance’s performance.
component of advertised specifica- als for draft shields because of potential
tions. T1 shows typical tolerances for static electricity interference problems. 1. Testing your laboratory balance, IES
instruments operating in both labora- Corporation. Available at:
tory and industrial conditions. The Static Electricity Accessed on November 13, 2003.
laboratory environment presumes a Static electricity exerts a mechani- 2. CAP LAP Checklist question AGC.27540,
specially built, leveled, rigid table cal force which is readily detectable by College of American Pathologists. Available at:
and uninterrupted temperature con- analytical and microbalances. An ex-
Accessed on November 13, 2003.
trol within 1°F. The industrial envi- ample of static electricity exerting a
ronment includes a sturdy table and mechanical force would be lint sticking
uninterrupted temperature control to clothing. Static will be a problem
within 4°F. when it exists on the object being

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