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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Mayantoc, Tarlac

Lesson plan English-8

2nd Quarter

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will able to:
 Identify the various literary devices in poetry
 appreciate the importance of literary devices
 construct examples of a sentence using different literary devices

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: literary devices (simile and metaphor and personification)
Code: EN8LT-IId2.2.2
References: curriculum guide Page:178 0f 244
Materials: laptop, LED TV, Chalk and Board

III. Procedure:

a. Motivation: using a video presentation the teacher will present literary piece like music that shows
different literary devices.
b. Presentation: after presenting the video clips the teacher will ask the students what they have been
observed in the presentation.
After asking the students what they have been observed, the teacher will able to present literary
devices that have been used in the music video such as: simile, metaphor and personification.
c. Application: Student will able to create their own example of sentence using literary devices such as:
Simile metaphor and personification
Ask the students what is/are the importance of literary devices in constructing poem.

IV. Evaluation:
Using a lyric of” Your love” by Alamid the students will be able to identify the literary devices used in
the music lyric.

V. Assignment: construct a poem using literary devices: simile, metaphor and personification

Prepared by:
Melvin I. Cachero observe by:
Subject Teacher NELIA Y. ANDRES ED. D

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