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The Problem and its Background of the Study


The citric acid (C6H8O7) is a vulnerable natural tricarboxylic acid determined in

citrus fruits. Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, tomatoes, beets, etc.) are those fruits that
include enough quantity of citric acid and they are categorized as acid fruits. It is a natural
constituent and metabolite of flowers and animals, is versatile and
broadly used natural acid in the subject of meals and pharmaceutical industries. Citric
acid is a top preservative and acidic in taste. Citric acid can be without
difficulty manufactured and without problems soluble. It is used in flavouring
marketers and increases the steadiness of the fruit. Citric acid as non-allowed non-
synthetic under ‘acids’, with an annotation that should be produced by using microbial
fermentation of carbohydrate sources. Olden days citric acid is produced by using three
approach fermentation, chemical synthesis, and extraction from citrus fruits. Recently
wide range of manufacturing of citric acid has been suggested in response to exceptional
tiers of nutrient supplementation produce. Almost 50% of citric acid produce worldwide.
The international manufacturing of citric acid in 2004 used to be about 1.4 million tonnes
and annual growth is 3.5- citric acid. Citrus fruits production was estimated at 120 million
lots per year globally. India rank 6 productions of citrus fruits in the world. Worldwide the
citrus fruit wastes are also generated in thousands and thousands of lots after extraction
of juice

Vinegar was outstanding for its capacity to freshen up and mellow disinfectant.
According to Wikipedia, Vinegar is a watery arrangement of acidic corrosive and follows
synthetic compounds that may incorporate flavorings. Lemons can also wipe out terrible
stenches of various types all through the house. It gives a decent fragrance that is filled
in as air-freshener.

The refrigerator is referred to for its utilization as a sustenance stockpiling.

Because of various sorts of sustenance that stock inside the cooler. It makes stinky scents
that are appalling. Food spill is commonly caused by terrible scent.
Charcoal is a material used to deodorize the cooler. According to innofresh,
initiated charcoal channels 'suck' smells from the air that goes through Innofresh's
effective channels. The smells at that point become appended to the carbon pores and
are caught inside the channel.
Due to the problem that some owners always encountered when they stored frozen
goods in their refrigerators the stinky smell will stick inside and give a disgusting scent.
The researcher found an alternative way to eliminate the stinky smell inside the
refrigerator and also give a decent fragrance which is the mixtures of Vinegar and Lemon.
They eventually started the investigation entitled “Citrus and Acetic acid as an alternative
to sodium bicarbonate in deodorizing and cleaning of refrigerators" to give an
advantageous way and eco-accommodating smell eliminator.

Background of the Study

The stinky scent inside the refrigerator is an issue for the owner. The disturbing
smell may affect the foods inside the fridge. It might be brought about by spoiled
vegetables or organic products. Numerous individuals utilize commercial deodorizers or
air fresheners to lessen the odor on their cooler. A portion of these cleaners cost a large
amount of cash by changing this when the product is run out.

The researcher found an alternative way to eliminate the odor inside the
refrigerator and also give a decent fragrance by using lemon and vinegar mixture. It is
normally utilized in cooking, it causes the food to turn out to be more taster. It's greatness
based on a marinade since it adds flavor to the foods. Vinegar can also be utilized for
cleaning. In some perspective, numerous individuals utilizing vinegar as their essential
cleaner. As indicated by the investigation vinegar successful for eliminating
microorganisms and infections. The investigation during 2010 demonstrates that the
vinegar is compelling as commercial cleaning wipes in executing the Human Influenza
A/H1N1 infection.

In our School Canteen at Juan Sumulong High School, we need to answer taking
out the scent inside their cooler. Utilizing our elective scent remover we can help our
school canteen to make their cooler progressively wonderful. This will be powerful in
cleaning their units. The vinegar will most likely concentrate the smell and eliminates
microorganisms inside. The lemon will give a better than average smell to spruce up

The fundamental objective of this research is to give an option yet successful

deodorizer that truly gives a decent result and an environmentally friendly. It additionally
causes individuals to set aside cash by utilizing this alternative deodorizer and cleanser.
This will be not harmful to the client since it's natural and biodegradable. This examination
will truly be useful in the school canteen refrigerator in Juan Sumulong High School.

Conceptual Framework


The data collected

Effectiveness of Distributing the product inside the Juan
citrus acid in Juan Sumulong High Sumulong High
preventing the bad School. School about the
odor in refrigerator differences of citrus
and satisfaction of acid to another
the owner of Observing the citrus commercial product
refrigerator unit. acid implementing the that use in
bad odor in refrigerator refrigerator that have
and collecting the data unpleasant smell.
through trial test.

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

Based on the paradigm, the data that will be gathered after distributing alternative
product inside the Juan Sumulong High School. The result of the studies will be analysed
if the results of the study is effective.
Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to make an elective refrigerator deodorizer and chemically

made out of Vinegar and lemon.
In particular, the study tries to respond to the following question:

1. Is there any significant difference among the cleaning of lemon and vinegar as a
alternative deodoriser.

Significance of the Study

The outcome of this study will both benefit the society, environment and future
The result of this study will benefit the community for providing more convenient
and eco-friendly deodorizers. It will give them the idea that a product like lemon can be
transformed into a usable product. Also for environmental advocates, they can distribute
natural deodorizers and air fresheners that can be produced without harming the
environment; along with the entrepreneur, it will help them to come up with new business
ventures in making alternative refrigeration deodorizer. Finally, the researchers will make
the study further and wider.

Scopes and Limitations

This study was focused only on determining the efficiency of alternatives in

deodorizing and cleaning of refrigerators.
The study was conducted in Juan Sumulong High School were some of the
refrigerators having conflict in scent. The sample used for alternative deodorizers was
Lemon and Vinegar.
The experiment will be done at the school canteen and those rooms who have a
refrigerator where proper guidance and permission to the teachers will be asked. This will
make sure that nobody gets harm while the experiment is ongoing. The product was only
applicable to Cooler, Refrigerator, and Fridge inside the Juan Sumulong High School.
The study will be delimited into a month experiment. After the processing and finalization
of the finished product, it will then be subjected to observation and in depth-analysis. This
will ensure if the experiment is failed or successful.
This study will be further limited to ten (10) teachers randomly selected
including canteen staff taken as respondents. The duration of the experimental
investigation will start on January 27, 2020, and will end on February 27, 2020, including
the buying of the ingredients, experimental trials.

Definition of Terms
Appalling - being awful or dismay.
Air-Freshener - it makes the air or room smell fresh or clean.
Citrus Acid - an acid present in the juice of a lemon and another sour of fruits.
Cleanser - make something thoroughly clean.
Cooler – Isolated container for keeping food and drink cold.
Deodorize –remove the unpleasant smell.
Fragrance – a good or sweet smell.
Microorganism - an organism especially a bacterium, virus, or fungus.
Refrigerator – An appliances or compartment that’s artificially kept cool and used to
keep meals and drink.
Scent – a distinctive smell
Sodium Bicarbonate – a soluble white powder used in fire extinguisher and
effervescent drinks and as a leaving agent baking
Stenches –a strong or unpleasant smell
Sustenance - the source of strength or nourishment
Vinegar – A sour liquid that is used to flavor or preserves

This chapter presents the related articles or literature that the researchers have
gathered for the study


According to an article entitled 11 Simple Deodorizer Ideas to Make Your Home

Smell Fresh, "Lemons can be utilized all over your home to help freshen up it. If the smell
of your trash transfer is getting a bit of overpowering put lemon strips down it to dispose
of the smell". On the off chance that you need your entire kitchen to have a lemon aroma
and not simply the sink, cut a lemon down the middle and spot it (cut side up) in a bowl
of water and let them sit”.

Readers Digest also stated in the same article that "Lemons are great freshener
for your flame". Toss some lemon strips legitimately into the flares to give your flame a
new smell. Or then again, if you have a wood-consuming stove, place an enameled cast-
iron pot or bowl on top, load up with water, and include lemon, or potentially orange strips,
cinnamon sticks, cloves, and apple skins. No wood-consuming stove? Utilize your
stovetop rather and simply stew the water occasionally.

It is also stated to another article entitled Homemade and Natural Cleaning Products
(2010) “Lemon juice is another natural substance that can be used for home cleaning. It
can be used to remove layers of soap scum and rough mud and is perfect for brass and
copper shininess. Despite its inherent bleaching properties, lemon juice can also be used
to remove stains, but that can also be a downside”.

According to Emily Thacker (2010) in her article entitled The Vinegar Book, “there
are several different ways to utilize vinegar for health and healing, cooking and cleaning.
Perceive how vinegar's one of a kind blend of more than 30 supplements, almost twelve
minerals, in addition to amino acids, catalysts, and gelatin for a solid heart has been
utilized for a great many years. Apple Cider Vinegar's otherworldly blend of tart great taste
and germ executing corrosive. Vinegar has more than 30 significant supplements, twelve
minerals, in addition to nutrients, amino acids, catalysts—even pectin for a healthy heart”.

According to Sunil Jayant Kulkarni (2013) “Vinegar is the item gotten only through
biotechnological procedures, for example, twofold aging, a heavy drinker and acidic aging
of fluids or different substances of the rural root. There are different kinds of vinegar got
from different sources, for example, wine products of the soil, juice, liquor, grain, malt,
lager, and nectar. Vinegar is utilized as a nourishment added substance and it goes about
as viable additive against nourishment waste. Different agents have completed
examinations on vinegar generation from different crude materials, for example, natural
products, organic product strips, and numerous other farming feedstocks. The present
survey condenses research and concentrates completed on vinegar generation from
different crude materials”.

As mentioned by Frank Wagner (2014) in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical

Technology “Acetic acid is is a destructive natural corrosive having a sharp scent,
consuming taste, and malicious rankling properties. It is found in sea water, oilfield salt
water, downpour, and in follow sums in numerous plants and creature fluids. It is integral
to organic pathways. Any sugar‐containing sap or squeeze can be changed to weaken
acidic corrosive by bacterial or contagious procedures. The significant manufactured
courses for engineered acidic corrosive incorporate methanol carbonylation,
acetaldehyde oxidation, butane/naphtha oxidation, and methyl acetic acid derivation

According to Jillee (2014) in her article entitled Clean & Deodorize Your
Refrigerator Naturally, "lemon and vinegar mixture helps to eliminate the odors inside the
refrigerator". Include two sections high temp water and one section vinegar to a spray
bottle, at that point include the lemon essential oil. Splash blend inside the refrigerator,
let sit for a moment and wipe with a moist fabric. The high temp water and vinegar won't
just relax stuck-on food, however, will likewise take out unfortunate smells.

Moreover, Sarah Aguirre stated in an article entitled How to Use Lemons for Green
Cleaning “Like Vinegar, Lemon could be a magnificent expert in cleaning. The lemon
corrosive is antibacterial and sterile and serves as a characteristic coloring. The citrus
scent of lemon is reviving and improving. Skin oils can also help cleanse and sparkle.
Include a little salt, and you'll throw without several of the cruel, chemical-based things in
your cleaning bowl. While lemons and lemon juice can do awesome work with numerous
family chores, it isn't a disinfectant. In other words, it isn't a great substitute for a fade or
related item once you are really attempting to evacuate perilous organisms from cooking
surfaces. Since nourishment security is vital, be beyond any doubt to hang onto suitable
cleaning items and utilize them as required”.


According to an article entitled Household Product for Spring Cleaning(2012).

Lemon is an astounding anti-bacterial. By blending it in with refined water or cleanser, it
will help expel smell. It can likewise leave an increasingly fragrant aroma in regions that
are being cleaned. It is likewise an option in contrast to blanching. It can be utilized with
glasses, glass and impeccable espresso pots. It can likewise be utilized as a metal

Philippine Digest also stated in the same article that White vinegar is one of the
most accommodating elements for home cleaning(2012). The explanation is that it is an
enemy of the bacterial item that can eliminate germs or germs. It is likewise a smart
thought to murder any shape.
It is also stated in an article entitled Different use of Lemon(2017). The fridge and
fragrance use wipe chemicals with lemon juice. Besides the prompt scent, the germs that
occupy it will likewise be expelled.

According to Alixandra Caole Vila in her article entitled Household Cleaning Hacks
You Should Know(2014). White Vinegar may likewise utilize it to keep your dishwasher,
windows, floors, microwaves, and fridges additional clean. Pour an equivalent measure
of vinegar and water on a cup and plunge a material or sock. Run it over and utilize
another material or sock to evacuate the clamminess.

It is also stated in the same article that Lemon utilized the intensity of citrus to clean
your microwave, which turns out to be rotten more often than not in light of the diverse
nourishment warmed. Press lemon juice into a little bowl of water and spot in the
microwave for five minutes. The crisp fragrance will dispose of the cooking smells and
build up from the steam makes the irregular splatters that have solidified simpler to


This study employed the experimental method of research, which involved the

effectiveness of “Citrus and Acetic acid as an alternative to sodium bicarbonate in

deodorizing and cleaning of refrigerators". The data will be collected using the research

instrument design by the researcher.


The study will be conducted at canteen and classroom with refrigerator in Juan
Sumulong High School.


The survey questionnaire was the instrument used by the researcher in the study

to gather the necessary data and information from the respondents. This requires the

respondents to respond in a pen and paper format.

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