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MORCILLO, Princess Janet A. 5.

Which of the following is not included in the meaning of

Group 21/ BSN IV-6

a. It is a process by which a community identifies

its needs and objectives, develops confidence to
1. The cornerstones of primary health care include all of the take action in respect to them and in doing so,
following, except: extends and develops cooperative and
collaborative attitudes and practices in the
a. Active community participation community
b. A continuous and sustained process of
b. Use of latest technology educating the people to understand and
develop their critical awareness of their
c. Intra and inter sectoral linkages existing condition, working with the people
collectively and efficiently on their immediate
d. Support mechanism made available and short-term problems only, and mobilizing
the people to develop their capability and
*** The 4 cornerstones or pillars of PHC is USAI: Use of readiness to respond and take action on their
appropriate technology, Support mechanism made available, Active immediate needs towards solving their short-
community participation and Intra- and inter sectoral linkage term problems
c. A process by which a community identifies its
2. Which among the following is correctly stated? needs and objectives, develops confidence to take
action in respect to them and in doing so, extends
a. BCG should be discarded after 4 hours from and develops cooperative and collaborative
the time that the ampule was opened attitudes and practices in the community.
d. A collective, participatory, transformative,
b. Oral polio vaccine could be stored in room liberative, sustained and systematic process of
temperature ( freezer: -15 to -25 C) building people’s organizations by mobilizing
and enhancing the capabilities and resources of
c. Discard DPT, Polio, Measles and Tetanus the people for the resolution of their issues and
vaccines after 24 hours. ( It must be discarded concerns towards effecting change in their
after 8 hours or at the end of the working day) existing oppressive and exploitative conditions.

d. Transport of vaccines is a system used to

maintain the potency of a vaccine from the time *** A continuous and sustained process of
of manufacture to the time it is given to the educating the people to understand and develop their
individual ( Cold Chain) critical awareness of their existing condition, working with
the people collectively and efficiently on their immediate
and long-term problems, and mobilizing the people to
develop their capability and readiness to respond and take
3. It is defined as the proper upbringing and education of action on their immediate needs towards solving their long-
children so that they grow up to be upright, productive and term problems
civic minded citizens.
6. It involves the calculation of the eligible population for
a. Responsible Parenthood ( It means that each immunization services.
family has the right and duty to determine the
desired number of children they might have and a. Target Setting
when they may have them.)
b. Expanded Program on Immunization- its
b. Responsible Parenting objective is to reduce the infant morbidity and
mortality and morbidity through decrasing the
prevalence of the 7 immunizable diseases.

4. Erica went to the health center and asks you on the side c. Vital Statistics- is the application of the statistical
effects of the injectables. You are correct if you state that: measures to vital events like births, deaths and
common illnesses.
a. It may cause headache, breast tenderness,
moodiness, nausea, hair loss, less sex drive and d. Epidemiology- is the study of the distribution of
or acne in some women disease or physiologic conditions such as
deformities or disabilities and even death and
b. It interferes with sex other factors affecting such distribution among
human population.
c. It can only be used by women who had multiple
pregnancy 7. Which of the following is an example of a biologic method
of child spacing?
d. It can cause scarring on the injection site. a. Lactation amenorrhea method- Natural Family
b. Diaphragm
c. Implants delivery. Which of the following findings disqualifies her
d. Depo- Provera for a home delivery?
8. The cervical mucus of a woman in the fertile period A. Her OB score is G5P3.
possesses the following characteristics: B. She has some palmar pallor.
1- Slippery C. Her blood pressure is 130/80.
2- No secretions D. Her baby is in cephalic presentation.
3- Elastic
4- Breaks when stretched Only women with less than 5 pregnancies are qualified for
5- Watery a home delivery. It is also advisable for a primigravida to
6- Smelly have delivery at a childbirth facility.

a. 2 only
b. 2, 4 & 6 14. Inadequate intake by the pregnant woman of which vitamin
c. 3 only may cause neural tube defects?
d. 1, 3 and 5 A. Niacin
B. Riboflavin
9. What law created the Philippine Institute of Traditional C. Folic acid
and Alternative Health Care? D. Thiamine
A. R.A. 8423
B. R.A. 4823 It is estimated that the incidence of neural tube defects can
C. R.A. 2483 be reduced drastically if pregnant women have an adequate
D. R.A. 3482 intake of folic acid

10. Which of the following demonstrates intersectoral

linkages? 15. You are in a client’s home to attend to a delivery. Which
A. Two-way referral system of the following will you do first?
B. Team approach A. Set up the sterile area.
C. Endorsement done by a midwife to another midwife B. Put on a clean gown or apron.
D. Cooperation between the PHN and public school C. Cleanse the client’s vulva with soap and water.
teacher D. Note the interval, duration and intensity of labor
Cooperation between the PHN and public school teacher
Intersectoral linkages refer to working relationships Assessment of the woman should be done first to determine
between the health sector and other sectors involved in whether she is having true labor and, if so, what stage of
community development. labor she is in.

11. The Sentrong Sigla Movement has been launched to 16. A primigravida is instructed to offer her breast to the baby
improve health service delivery. Which of the following for the first time within 30 minutes after delivery. What is
is/are true of this movement? the purpose of offering the breast this early?
A. This is a project spearheaded by local government units. A. To initiate the occurrence of milk letdown
B. It is a basis for increasing funding from local B. To stimulate milk production by the mammary acini
government units. C. To make sure that the baby is able to get the colostrum
C. It encourages health centers to focus on disease D. To allow the woman to practice breastfeeding in the
prevention and control. presence of the health worker
D. Its main strategy is certification of health centers
able to comply with standards. Suckling of the nipple stimulates prolactin reflex (the
release of prolactin by the anterior pituitary gland), which
Its main strategy is certification of health centers able to initiates lactation.
comply with standards. Sentrong Sigla Movement is a joint
project of the DOH and local government units. Its main
strategy is certification of health centers that are able to
comply with standards set by the DOH. 17. In a mothers’ class, you discuss proper breastfeeding
technique. Which is of these is a sign that the baby has
“latched on” to the breast properly?
12. A woman, 6 months pregnant, came to the center for A. The baby takes shallow, rapid sucks.
consultation. Which of the following substances is B. The mother does not feel nipple pain.
contraindicated? C. The baby’s mouth is only partly open.
A. Tetanus toxoid D. Only the mother’s nipple is inside the baby’s mouth.
B. Retinol 200,000 IU
C. Ferrous sulfate 200 mg When the baby has properly latched on to the breast, he
D. Potassium iodate 200 mg. capsule takes deep, slow sucks; his mouth is wide open; and much
of the areola is inside his mouth. And, you’re right! The
Retinol 200,000 IU is a form of megadose Vitamin A. This mother does not feel nipple pain
may have a teratogenic effect.

18. A pregnant woman had just received her 4th dose of tetanus
13. During prenatal consultation, a client asked you if she can toxoid. Subsequently, her baby will have protection against
have her delivery at home. After history taking and tetanus for how long?
physical examination, you advised her against a home
A. 1 year 23. Management of a child with measles includes the
B. 3 years administration of which of the following?
C. 10 years A. Gentian violet on mouth lesions
D. Lifetime B. Antibiotics to prevent pneumonia
C. Tetracycline eye ointment for corneal opacity
D. Retinol capsule regardless of when the last dose was
The baby will have passive natural immunity by placental given
transfer of antibodies. The mother will have active artificial
immunity lasting for about 10 years. 5 doses will give the
An infant 6 to 12 months classified as a case of measles is
mother lifetime protection.
given Retinol 100,000 IU; a child is given 200,000 IU
regardless of when the last dose was given.

19. A 1 ½ year old child was classified as having 3rd degree 24. Scotch tape swab is done to check for which intestinal
protein energy malnutrition, kwashiorkor. Which of the parasite?
following signs will be most apparent in this child? A. Ascaris
A. Voracious appetite B. Pinworm
B. Wasting C. Hookworm
C. Apathy D. Schistosoma
D. Edema
Pinworm ova are deposited around the anal orifice
Edema, a major sign of kwashiorkor, is caused by
decreased colloidal osmotic pressure of the blood brought 25. Which clients are considered targets for DOTS Category I?
about by hypoalbuminemia. Decreased blood albumin level A. Sputum negative cavitary cases
is due a protein-deficient diet. B. Clients returning after a default
C. Relapses and failures of previous PTB treatment regimens
20. During the physical examination of a young child, what is D. Clients diagnosed for the first time through a positive
the earliest sign of xerophthalmia that you may observe? sputum exam
A. Keratomalacia
B. Corneal opacity Category I is for new clients diagnosed by sputum examination and
C. Night blindness clients diagnosed to have a serious form of extrapulmonary
D. Conjunctival xerosis tuberculosis, such as TB osteomyelitis.

The earliest sign of Vitamin A deficiency (xerophthalmia)

is night blindness. However, this is a functional change,
which is not observable during physical examination.The
earliest visible lesion is conjunctival xerosis or dullness of
the conjunctiva due to inadequate tear production.

21. To prevent xerophthalmia, young children are given

Retinol capsule every 6 months. What is the dose given to
A. 10,000 IU
B. 20,000 IU
C. 100,000 IU
D. 200,000 IU

Preschoolers are given Retinol 200,000 IU every 6 months.

100,000 IU is given once to infants aged 6 to 12 months.
The dose for pregnant women is 10,000 IU.

22. A mother brought her daughter, 4 years old, to the RHU

because of cough and colds. Following the IMCI
assessment guide, which of the following is a danger sign
that indicates the need for urgent referral to a hospital?
A. Inability to drink
B. High grade fever
C. Signs of severe dehydration
D. Cough for more than 30 days

A sick child aged 2 months to 5 years must be referred

urgently to a hospital if he/she has one or more of the
following signs: not able to feed or drink, vomits
everything, convulsions, abnormally sleepy or difficult to

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