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Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is a familiar terminology in recent times and its

practices are being integrated into international business arena and hence are becoming
one of the determining factors for market access.

CSR intertwines strong commitment and responsibility to the people who are part of
Organisation, the group of people within which you control and it comprises a number of
key features and have to be responsive of the operational conditions and labour standards,
the environment within which your employees are working and how they are being
treated upholding the dignity of human life. That is very important in terms of gaining a
proper understanding of CSR.

The HSBC Group is named after its founding member, The Hong Kong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 in Hong Kong and
Shanghai to finance the growing trade between China and Europe.

Thomas Sutherland, a Hong Kong Superintendent of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam
Navigation Company helped to establish this bank in March 1865. Throughout the late
nineteenth and the early twentieth centuries, the bank established a network of agencies
and branches based mainly in China and South East Asia but also with representation in
the Indian sub continent, Japan, Europe and North America.

The post-war political and economic changes in the world forced the bank to analyze its
strategy for continued growth in the 1950s. The bank diversified both its business and its
geographical spread through acquisitions and alliances.

HSBC Holdings plc is a public limited company incorporated in England and Wales in
1990, and headquartered in London since 1993. As of 2009, it is both the world's largest
banking group and the world's 6th largest company according to a composite measure by
Forbes magazine. The group was founded from The Hong Kong and ShanghaiBanking
Corporation based in Hong Kong, the acronym of which led to the current name. Today,
whilst no single geographical area dominates the group's earnings, Hong Kong still
continues to be a significant source of its income. Recent acquisitions and expansions in
China are returning HSBC to part of its roots. HSBC has an enormous operational base in
Asia and significant lending, investment, and insurance activities around the world. The
company has a global reach and financial fundamentals matched by few other banking or
financial multinationals.

HSBC is listed on the London, New York, Hong Kong, Paris and Bermuda Stock
Exchanges, and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index and the Hang Seng Index. The
HSBC Group now comprises a unique range of banks and financial service providers
around the globe

HSBC maintains one of the world’s largest private data communication networks and is
reconfiguring its business for the e-age. Its rapidly growing e-commerce capability
includes the use of the internet, PC banking over a private network, interactive TV, and
fixed and mobile, including wireless application protocol or WAP-enabled mobile,
telephones. The establishment in 1999 of HSBC as a uniform, international brand name
ensured that the Group’s corporate symbol has become an increasingly familiar sight
across the world. HSBC differentiates its brand from those of its competitors by
describing the unique characteristics that distinguish HSBC, summarized by the words
“The World’s local bank”.

HSBC’s commitment to service excellence, reputation for stability and understanding of

the region has repeatedly been recognized through citations by major business

HSBC CSR Activitie:

HSBC provided funds to facilitate studies and to ensure bright future for the meritorious
students of Rajarbag Police Line Higher Secondary School. Provided funds to Green
Disabled Foundation (GDF) for the operating expenditure of the school along with a
recommendation that the school bring some new initiatives in future.Provided funds to
SEID Trust for the salary of one physical therapist for 2008 to the
unprivileged children with intellectual and multiple disabilities of SEID Trust and
provided funds to Disabled Welfare Society for the purchase of Braille writing
instruments for the society.

Social Welfare
Centre for Disables Concern arranged a talent hunt program for the children with
special needs of greater Chittagong which included a grand rally, drawing competition,
cultural program and other events. This was sponsored by HSBC and attended by over
200 students from all over Chittagong. Provided funds to Sneho Education and Health
Development Foundation for its nutrition project in Savar serving 100 children. Donated
computers to the students of Gulshan Literacy Programme and Disabled Welfare Society.
HSBC provided free Hepatitis B vaccinations to the orphan children of “Sarkari Shishu
Poribar” through Liver foundation of Bangladesh. HSBC staff organized lunch for 200
street children at a shelter of Aparajeyo Bangladesh,orphans of Sir Salimullah Muslim
Orphanage, etc.
Disaster relief
HSBC undertook a 2-phased initiative to provide support to the people affected by
hurricane ‘Aila’. In the initial phase, HSBC provided immediate relief to the affected
areas of Khulna, Shatkhira, Potuakhali, Borguna, and Bhola. The relief materials included
rice, lentil, potato, orsaline, sari, lungi, children’s clothes, high-energy biscuits and water.
Based on the observations and the subsequent report provided to the top team, HSBC
Bangladesh is now working on the next course of action for the 2nd phase. HSBC built
120 houses in Pirojpur and Barguna for the ‘Sidr’ affected people. Following the
handover of 110 houses in Pirojpur and 10 Houses in Barguna in the
Second Phase, HSBC Distributed rickshaws, sewing machines, live
stocks, tree plants, seeds, ishing nets and boats to 120 families who
received the houses.The bank held a ‘Sidr’ charity concert in
Chittagong to raise funds for the ‘Sidr’ affected people.

Environment Champions, an awareness building campaign, was organized to raise
awareness about the environment among the students of Bangladesh. On World
Environment Day, HSBC Bangladesh carried out a large scale tree plantation (more than
1000 trees) program at the Osmani Udayan, one of the largest parks in Dhaka City.
HSBC launched ‘Go Green’ campaign to celebrate World Environment Day. Under this
campaign, customerswould get special discount on the CNG conversion loan and a
Certiicate. The team from Bangladesh won the Jade Award in the HSBC Young
Entrepreneur Awards 2008-09 at Regional Grand Finale in Hong Kong. Their business
case was about solving the imminent water crisis of Megacity Dhaka by harvesting
rainwater, and providing clean, drinkable water for everyday use in domestic and
commercial structures. HSBC supported the United Nations’ World Environment Day
(WED) event by launching ‘Be Part of the Solution’ campaign. HSBC employees went to
a nearby park and cleaned up the park of debris & wastes and deposited the items to the
nearby waste facility. In addition, staff also planted about 600 trees in the park to provide
a greener look.

Art and Culture

Sponsored the ‘HSBC-Prothom Alo Basha Protijog’ inal round, held at Viquarunnessa
Noon High School & College. Sponsored the program titled ‘HSBC Kali O Kolom
Young Poet and Writers Award’ with a cash prize of Tk.100,000 for the winning
submissions of original literary works. A photo exhibition was held at Drik Gallery and
displayed works of three famous photographers of Bangladesh.HSBC launched a Dhaka
city map containing major landmarks and historical places of Dhaka city. A seminar was
arranged in recognition to Dhaka’s 400 years celebration where eminent historians of
Bangladesh shared their views on the celebration. Arranged the Young Entrepreneurs
Awards 2008 (YEA), a business plan writing competition.

Impact on CSR activities of HSBC bank:

HSBC banks

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