Class 8th Very Valuable Notes

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The story ‘Escape from Java’ is about the escape of nine-year old

Ruskin and his father from Java during the 2nd world war. Ruskin had
a friend in his neighbour-Sono. One day Sono told Ruskin that bombs
are going to fall on Batavia so they both decided to ride out of town
on their cycles. While returning, their tyres got bogged in the soft
mud. At the same time, a bomb was thrown nearby. After two days,
a truck was standing in front of their house for taking them away
from Java. While they were going, Sono gave a seahorse to Ruskin as
good luck. Then they left. The truck passed through placid roads and
forests which had a great scenic beauty. Reaching the shore, they sat
in a seaplane where 4 other passengers were already on board.
While everybody was busy talking, the co-pilot told them that the
plane was going to fall. Everybody was asked to leave the plane and
sit in the dinghy. After spending a few days on dinghy, Burmese
fishermen helped them reach the shore. Few days later, Ruskin and
his father were in Bombay. Ruskin was sent to a hostel in Shimla and
his father joined RAF and was posted in Delhi.

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