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SEKHEM ANKH ENERGY FLOW MASTERY – (Copyright Jacque Van Der Berg AKA Rahotep 2008 – 2019)

Sekhem Ankh which in ancient text were referred to as the "Power of Powers", is All about the 'Breath
of Life' and 'All that is LIGHT and VIBRATION' !

" If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy and vibration-Nicola Tesla

The Power of Powers is Life itself !

It is the whole of the Cosmic Universe and all that is breathing... in and out, in and out. It is the RYTHM

In order to tap into this Energy, this Divine Sekhem Ankh, this Power of Life, one needs to learn how to
Meditate and Master the Breath .

To this purpose we need to raise our Heka(Spiritual power) energy and direct it up and along the spinal
column which correlates to the Nile River on earth and the milky way in the sky. As Above ! So
Below! The Macrocosm and the Microcosm.

In Kemet, Symbol is All and All is Symbol meaning everything can be expressed in symbol form. These
symbols carry Power when accessed and used correctly and the energy harnessed from them can be
channelled along the chakras and through the hands (for example) for healing.

Here are the building blocks to start along the path of Sekhem Ankh energy healing.

Once practice of this Microcosmic energy manipulation and circuit has been started, with regular
practice, mastery will result. It will result in harmonizing and balancing all the Chakras along the spinal
column .

From this point of balanced energy flow, we can start working with the symbols of Sekhem Ankh energy
healing to transmit this energy where and when needed by thought and willed intent alone with great
success. Yes we can by merely thinking it transmit the Healing Heka where needed.

However when starting out and while we are mastering the transmission and manipulation of this
energy through the chakras we first learn to channel it through our arms and out through our hands
where it can be felt usually as heat or cold or a tingly sensation or vibration and sometimes even like a
slight breeze of air.

Whether you can feel something or not, please know that Sekhem(Prana/life force/ chi energy) does
move where directed and once initiated into the healing symbols, which is the start of the next
lesson, should you wish to continue with lesson in Sekhem Ankh.

As Above, So Below...As Within! So Without!

Although we control and direct this energy via the breath through Heka and willed intent, we must
always bear in mind that it is the very essence of the Neter Neteru(The ONE and The INFINITE or Divine
Powers, called gods and goddesses by some) which we tap into and that flows through us... we are just
the conduits... for this Divine God Force of Loving yet Powerful Energy. The Power of Sekhem Ankh is
from NETER Neteru* (*The Divine Creator in and through All Divine aspects and functions) always.

To heal is Divine. Love and Compassion as well as purity of heart is needed. A clear channel and conduit
is best when tapping into THE SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS
Ego separates us from this SOURCE and from its Powers and Functions known as Neteru.
Neter/Netjer/Netcher(different spellings meaning GOD/Universe/Creator is Nature itself in all its aspects
and forms. NETCHER is where we get our word for Nature from.

*Please read the article (Why the Neteru... ) from my website at to further enhance
your understanding about Neter and the Neteru's Infinite and Divine Powers and Names and Aspects.

Over the course of the next few emails I will be sending you the 5 Energy exercises to practice daily or as
often as possible in order to raise and tune into this Sekhem Ankh Energy Flow.

These are:
1. Alternate nostril breathing
2. The body of Light Meditation
3. The NUT GEB Energy exercise
4. Throwing Heka
5. The *Sorcerer/Sorceress Exercise

Practice these in the order given above to gain mastery of the flow of Sekhem and Heka energy, through
your body, chakras and focused willed intent.

*By the term sorcerer is meant one who acts as a conduit for Universal Divine Cosmic energy to flow
through them. It means to Source Energy from The All That Is All.
You are "source-ing" this energy and are therefor a sorceress or sorcerer.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the evil ego twisted scary or sinister Hollywood movies' depiction of
what a sorcerer is.

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