DLL Literature

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November 21, 2016 November 22, 2016 November 23, 2016 November 24, 2016 November 25, 2016

A. Content Standard Acquires knowledge on how literature affect the society and vice versa

B. Performance Write an essay explaining the importance of reading

Long Quiz
C. Learning Objectives 1. Recall a literary piece 1. Make inference 1. Create a poster showing 1. Compose a ten to twelve I. Identification
previously read relationship between sentence essay explaining 1. A series of events that
2. Create a short essay 2. Explain the importance of reading theimportance of reading make up an action.
containing an educated literature and revolution in the past 2. A struggle within the
guess 2. Interpret a group’s work in heart and mind of a
front of the class. character.
3. The unravelling of the
II. CONTENT Reading and Revolution The Revolution According to Reading and Revolution Reading and Revolution 4. The general overall
Raymundo Mata feeling ofthe story
conveyed in large
parts by the setting and
the mood.
III. LEARNING 5. The reality on life
RESOURCES brought outin the story.
6. The highest point of
Reference 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature interestor dramatic
the Philippines and the the Philippines and the the Philippines and the from the Philippines and intensity.
World World World the World 7. The author’s use of a
Material language, his choice and
PowerPoint PowerPoint Cartolina, pencil, crayons arrangement of words.
8. Someone or something
that interferes with the
wishes ordestiny of the
main character
9. A character who does not
change in the course of
the story.
IV. PROCEDURES 10. Something that
How did the Philippine What are the characteristics of Why is Noli Me Tangere , a To what type of literature represents an idea
A. Recall literature develop? the Philippine literary works book that was banned in the does essay belong? What
during the Period of past, now a required reading in is an essay? Cite some II. Recall a story you have read
Enlightenment? Phil. Schools? examples. and identify the following
B. Motivation
1. What do you know about Elicit the ideas of the students What is the relationship 1. Conflict
the publication of Noli Me their views on what revolution between reading and revolution Who among you loves to 2. Climax
Tangere? is. in the past ? browse the net? How about 3. Denouement
2. Do you think that novels in reading literary pieces? 4. Theme
the Philippines are as Which do you think is 5. Atmosphere
important as they used to be more important?
when Noli was published in

Pre – Reading Unlocking of the Difficulties After Reading

C. Lesson Proper
a. Map your family tree way bolt , pummeling, revitalize , With a small group, create a
back as far as your great- poster showing the relationship
great Reading between reading and revolution
grandfather. Quietly, the students read the in the past, and the importance
selection of reading and society in the
b. In a short one page essay , present day. Choose a member
imagine what the life of your Discussion to explain your work in front of
ancestors would have been like 1. Why did the Noli Me the class.
during the Philippine Tangere have such a big
Revolution impression on the narrator? Rubric
2. What does the line “ Art is a Graphics- 5
reproach to those who receive Relevance
c. Read your essay aloud in it” Graphics- 5
class. 3. They say that the act of Originality
reading gives people more Required 5
empathy and makes them more Elements
critical and reflective? Do you Attractiveness 5
think it’s true? Grammar 5
Use of Class 5

Given this excerpt, what do

D. Generalization you think is the importance of
literature to society?
Write a ten to twelve
sentence essay entitled
E. Evaluation Readers and Society
Today.Try to answer the
following questions in
your essay:

1. Is reading still an
important activity today?
Why or why not?

2. Is the experience of
reading literature more
important than googling
information on the
internet? Why or why not?


Focus& 5
Organization 5
Voice 5
Word Choice 5
Grammar and 5
Each group will bring the
F. Assignment following tomorrow. List down at least ten
1. cartolina achievements of Dr. Jose
2. pencil, Rizal
3. crayons

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection



November 28, 2016 November 29, 2016 November 30, 2016 December 1, 2016 December 2, 2016

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21st century Philippine Literature from the regions (National Capital Region)

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine Literature from the regions through a critical interpretation of a
Standard literary text in terms of theme
Define Historical and
C. Learning Objectives Biographical Draw up conclusion about the Criticize a poem based on its Participate actively in Analyze the selection using the
selection structure group discussion historical and biographical
Identify the advantages and approach
disadvantages of Historical and Formulate questions about the Make inference
Biographical Criticism article read

II. CONTENT Historical Biographical Man dies after jumping off A Man Falls To His Death By A Man Falls To His A Man Falls To His Death
Approach NLEX Overpass Dr Cirilo Bautista Death By Dr Cirilo By Dr Cirilo Bautista

Historical Biographical Man dies after jumping off A Man Falls To His Death By A Man Falls To His A Man Falls To His Death
Reference Approachby Mitchel King et. NLEX Overpass By Rey Dr Cirilo Bautista Death By Dr Cirilo By Dr Cirilo Bautista
al. Galupo, The Philippine Star Bautista

Material Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation Photocopies of the selection
Power Point Presentation

IV. PROCEDURES The students some ideas they Ask them to cite the different
*The students define the words could think of about the Why is it important to read The teacher calls a elements that Historical and
A. Recall Historical , Biographical, and phrases written on the board, news regularly? volunteer to recall the Biographical Criticism
Criticism as they relate their ideas to selection read yesterday. focuses on
Historical Criticism.

*The students share what they The teacher reminds learners Remind the learners that they
B. Motivation do when criticize a literary that today’s topic revolves on are living in the 21st Century
work. current events, and that they and that some notable Filipino
need to be aware about the writers are already giving their
*The teacher mentions some happenings in their perspective on current events.
ways/approaches environment.

The teacher gives a lecture on * The students read the *Inform them that one of these * Direct the learners to
C. Lesson Proper the ff. selection. writers is Dr Cirilo Baustia look at the words inside
who is National Artist for the parentheses:
Literature. Dr. Cirilo Bautista.
* Definition of Historical and * Unlocking of the Difficulties We will study one of his well- a. He was on the noon
Biographical known poems which might shift forging the dream to
clarify some perspectives we a reality fine mean could
have about Renjie Navarro, or
* The learners to write their slumber in, or whores, in
* Questions must be answered answer your questions as to
questions about the given antechamber, touch their
when using the approach why these events happen. It
article on their notebooks. may help us understand how bone
Encourage them to write as we, as viewers, view these b. Above the clogged
many questions as they can events.” engine a shadow traced
* Advantages and the lines on his foot, while
Disadvantages of the approach *Allow them to read the poem shoot his brain with
* The students read their quietly for five (5) minutes firelights the money did
questions and the class tries to c. None noticed the leap;
* How and where one would answer each * Ask them the following: what they saw was the
apply the Historical approach a. What was your experience in red imprint
reading the poem? Was it easy d. He was, a day ago,
or difficult to read? Why? threatened with dismissal
b. What words make it a for displeasing a superior
difficult poem? e. The Blank and Blank
c. What is the tone of the Co., Inc., regrets to
announce that…
How does it sound like?

*. Ask a learner to read the

words outside the parentheses.

* Instruct the rest of the class * Divide the class into five
to listen to the one reciting the
poem. groups. Enforce the “One
Voice Rule” before
*After reading the words allowing any of the groups
outside the parentheses, ask for to discuss the questions
their meaning. among themselves.
* Next, ask another learner to *Each group needs to
read the words inside the
discuss the following
*After reading the words inside a. Who are the
the parentheses, ask the character/s present in this
learners to highlight the words line?
inside the parentheses. b. What do you think
happened here?

c. This line contributed to

the man’s death. How
does this affect his
decision to “fall on his

*Allow them to discuss

*After the groups have

reviewed their answers,
instruct each group to
share their findings to the

Why is it important to use an

D. Generalization approach when one makes a
critique of a literary work?
Answer the following:
E. Evaluation
a. What are the details about
Cirilo Bautista’s life that tells
of his background on scientific
studies and humanities?

b. Was there a tragedy that

happened during the author’s
lifetime that motivated him to
write about this topic?

c. How do companies treat

casualties from their
companies these days?

F. Assignment Read some articles about

Cirilo Bautista online

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

December 5, 2016 December 6, 2016 December 7, 2016 December 8, 2016 December 9, 2016

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21st century Philippine Literature from the regions (National Capital Region)

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st Century Philippine Literature from the regions through a critical interpretation of a
Standard literary text in terms of theme

C. Learning Objectives Participate actively in group Explain the figures of speech Write and perform a song based Write and perform a song
discussion used in the selection on the selection discussed in the NO CLASSES based on the selection
class discussed in the class
Analyze the selection using the Relate the selection with the Feast Day of Pasig
historical and biographical country’s history

II. CONTENT A Man Falls To His Death By Padre Faura Witnesses the Padre Faura Witnesses the Padre Faura Witnesses the
Dr Cirilo Bautista Execution of Rizal Execution of Rizal Execution of Rizal
By Danton Remoto By Danton Remoto By Danton Remoto

III. LEARNING A Man Falls To His DeathBy 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from
RESOURCES Dr Cirilo Bautista the Philippines and the World Philippines and the World the Philippines and the World
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Power Point Presentation PowerPoint https://www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com
Material Manila paper /watch?v=ZmbPB8szaA0 /watch?v=ZmbPB8szaA0

IV. PROCEDURES Why do people often compare * Ask a volunteer to recall the
The teacher calls a volunteer to Rizal with Bonifacio? poem that was discussed in
A. Recall recall the selection read during class yesterday.
the previous session.

In a group, make a semantic

B. Motivation map about everything you
know about Rizal, and all his
achievements and contributions
to the Philippine society.

* The teacher tells the class * Let the students watch the GROUP PRESENTATIONS
C. Lesson Proper * Divide the class into five that Rizal is not the video of Mi Ultimo Adios
groups. Enforce the “One Philippines’ national hero.
Voice Rule” before allowing
any of the groups to discuss * Ask a volunteer to read the
the questions among poem aloud
* Unlocking of the Difficulties
*Each group needs to discuss shivering ruddy Mausers
the following questions:
* Give them time to read the
a. Who are the character/s poem quietly
present in this line?
Discussion :
b. What do you think 1. Who is pepe? Explain.
happened here? 2. Why did Pepe ask the
persona about purgatory?
3. The poem talks about the
c. This line contributed to the nature of stars. What does
man’s death. How does this it
affect his decision to “fall on mean?
his death”? 4. This discussion of a star is a
metaphor. What is it for?
*Allow them to discuss 5. Why was Rizal executed?
Relate this to Philippine
*After the groups have What do you think the
reviewed their answers, persona felt for Rizal? Cite
instruct each group to share textual evidence.
their findings to the class.
6. What would you say was
Rizal greatest contribution to
the Philippine society?
7. If you were in Rizal’s place,
would you have supported the
Katipunan? Why.
8. Who would you consider as
our national hero? Rizal or

When ca we consider a person a

D. Generalization hero?

Answer the following:

In a group, write and perform a
E. Evaluation a. What are the details about song about Rizal.
Cirilo Bautista’s life that tells
of his background on scientific
studies and humanities? Rubrics

b. Was there a tragedy that Creativity 15

happened during the author’s Critical
lifetime that motivated him to Thinking 15
write about this topic? Melody 10

c. How do companies treat

casualties from their
companies these days?

F. Assignment Write a journal entry on how

you see Jose Rizal.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

December 12, 2016 December 13, 2016 December 14, 2016 December 15, 2016 December 16, 2016

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context

C. Learning Objectives appreciate the contributions of infer literary meaning Make judgement on the
Write and perform a song based Show understanding of history the canonical Filipino writers from literal language character’s decision
on the selection discussed in the and identify the lesson learned to the development of national based on usage
class from it literature
analyze the figures of
infer literary meaning from speech and other literary
literal language based on usage techniques and devices in
the text

II. CONTENT Padre Faura Witnesses the Authoritarianism Apo On the Wall The Safe House The Safe House
Execution of Rizal By BjPatino By Sandra Roldan By Sandra Roldan
By Danton Remoto

III. LEARNING 21st Century Literature from

st st
RESOURCES 21 Century Literature from 21 Century Literature the Philippines and the World
21st Century Literature from the Martial Law In The the Philippines and the World from the Philippines and Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Reference Philippines and the World Philippines in 1972 Marikit Tara A. Uychoco the World
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Documentary Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
https://www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/
/watch?v=ZmbPB8szaA0 watch?v=bePKVFEhUC0

Describe Philippine literature What do you remember about Call some volunteers to In the story discussed,
A. Recall during the period of activism? Martial Law as shown in the read their assignment whywas it necessary for the
video? narrator to tell us that she
Why is it called period of locks the door against the
activism? visitors nowadays?

B. Motivation What do you know about Call some students to present What are you willing to
Martial Law? and explain their assignments sacrifice for the good of
to the class the nation?
Would you willing to die
for your country?

C. Lesson Proper GROUP PRESENTATIONS Video presentation * First reading of the poem * The teacher gives the
* Unlocking of the difficulties class the background of
* Silent reading the story

1. Describe the persona and his * Silent reading
2. What can you say about the
relationship between the Discussion:
father and the persona?
3. Who is Apo in the poem? 1.What is the literal
Cite meaning of safe house?
evidence to support your 2. What is the double
answer. meaning of the title?
4.What kind of values does the 3. Why did the man in the
Persona’s father want to story have bandaids
teach? Do you agree with it? instead of nails?
5. What do the father and the 4. Why did the mother
scary Jesus have in leave? Do you
common? understand the
5. How does the narrator’s
view of martial law
differ from her father’s?
As a new generation of How does the poem provide a
D. Generalization Filipinos, what can we learn glimpse of what Martial Law
from this period in our history? was like?

Journal Create a Venn Diagram Write a reflection paper on

E. Evaluation comparing and contrasting how you feel about the
Write a journal about the poem. the views of the adult and protagonist’s decision in the
Include the following: the child on martial law. end. Would you have made the
same decision or you would
1. How do you feel about the have followed in her father’s
Poem? footsteps? Do you sympathize
2. What message did you get with her decision or not?
from the poem?
3. How did it affect your Rubric:
appreciation of the past and
the present? 50 % Content
20 % Language
20 % Organization
10 % Mechanics

F. Assignment Write a journal entry on how In an oslo paper make a poster

you see Jose Rizal about Martial Law

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

January 3, 2017 January 4, 2017 January 5, 2017 January 6, 2017


A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance Standard A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context

C. Learning Objectives infer literary meaning from Make judgement on the character’s decision Identify cause and effect Make judgement
literal language based on usage
Analyze the figures of speech and Infer literary meaning from literal
analyze the figures of speech other literary techniques and devices language based on usage
and other literary techniques in the text
and devices in the text

II. CONTENT The Safe House The Safe House Lengua Para Diablo ( The Devil Preludes
By Sandra Roldan By Sandra Roldan Ate my Words ) By Daryll Delgado
By MerlindaBobis

III. LEARNING 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from the
RESOURCES 21 Century Literature from the the World Philippines and the World Philippines and the World
Philippines and the World Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Reference Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Photocopies of the selection
Material Photocopies of the selection v=ik8o20vS37o
IV. PROCEDURES Ask volunteers to share their
assignments with the class.
Call some volunteers to read In the story discussed, whywas it necessary for 1. Why are so many Filipinos poor?
A. Recall their assignment the narrator to tell us that she locks the door 1. Why does it seem acceptable in
against the visitors nowadays? 2. When males lose their jobs, does
the Philippine society for husbands
it mean they lose their manhood?
to have affairs with other women?
What are you willing to sacrifice
3. How do you feel about beggars 2. Is it acceptable for women?
B. Motivation for the good of the nation?
in the streets? 3. Should this attitude be changed?
Would you willing to die for
your country? Why?

* Call some volunteers to show and * Unlocking of the Difficulties

C. Lesson Proper * The teacher gives the class the explain their assignments.
background of the story * Silent Reading
* What do you know about
Lengua? * While reading, the students
* Silent reading should be able to answer the
*Video presentation following :

Discussion: * Unlocking of the Difficulties 1. What is a prelude? Why is that

the title of the story?
1.What is the literal * The teacher gives the students
meaning of safe house? time to read the selection quietly. 2. What does Nenita feel for her
2. What is the double husband? Why do you think she
meaning of the title? Discussion : feels that way?
3. Why did the man in the 1. What does Lengua symbolize?
story have bandaids 2. What did the father mean by 3. What does her herbalista friend
instead of nails? “The devil ate my words.” feel about Nenita?
4. Why did the mother 3. What does this say about the
leave? Do you society? 4. Who was the man that died in the
understand the decision? 4. Does the little girl understand first paragraph?
5. How does the narrator’s what her father means? Explain.
view of martial law 5. Why is it necessary to talk about 5. How do you think he died?
differ from her father’s? the Spaniards? Explain.
6. What does the girl wish for in the
end? Why? 6. What is the importance of the
7. What do you feel about the dried leaves?
father? Girl?

What do you think the story is

D. Generalization
trying to say?

Create a Venn Diagram

E. Evaluation comparing and contrasting the Write a reflection paper on how you feel about the
views of the adult and the child protagonist’s decision in the end. Would you have
on martial law. made the same decision or you would have
followed in her father’s footsteps? Do you
sympathize with her decision or not?


50 % Content
20 % Language
20 % Organization
10 % Mechanics

Fill out the chart below with figures taken from

F. Assignment the internet.
Hunger or Unemployment Wealthy Research about adultery and
malnutrition rate people in concubinage in Philippine Law.
in the Phil the Phil. What do they have in common?
% % %
Actual Actual number Actual
number number
Date taken Date taken Date taken
source source source

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection


January 9, 2017 January 10, 2017 January 11, 2017 January 12, 2017 January 13, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context
Show understanding of history
C. Learning Objectives infer literary meaning from Make judgement on the Identify cause and effect Make judgement and identify the lesson learned
literal language based on usage character’s decision from it
Analyze the figures of speech and Infer literary meaning from literal
analyze the figures of speech other literary techniques and language based on usage appreciate the contributions of
and other literary techniques devices in the text the canonical Filipino writers to
and devices in the text the development of national

II. CONTENT The Safe House The Safe House Lengua Para Diablo ( The Devil Preludes Long Test
By Sandra Roldan By Sandra Roldan Ate my Words ) By Daryll Delgado
By MerlindaBobis

III. LEARNING 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from the Directions : In three to five
RESOURCES 21 Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Philippines and the World Philippines and the World sentences, answer each question.
the Philippines and the World Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Reference Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
https://www.youtube.com/watch? Photocopies of the selection
Material Photocopies of the selection v=ik8o20vS37o

IV. PROCEDURES Ask volunteers to share their

assignments with the class. 1. Why are the novels Noli
Call some volunteers to In the story discussed, whywas 1. Why are so many Filipinos poor? MeTangere and El
A. Recall read their assignment it necessary for the narrator to 1. Why does it seem Filbusterismo , books that
tell us that she locks the door 2. When males lose their jobs, does acceptable in the Philippine were banned in the past,
against the visitors nowadays? it mean they lose their manhood? society for husbands to have now are required
What are you willing to affairs with other women? reading
B. Motivation sacrifice for the good of 3. How do you feel about beggars 2. Is it acceptable for in Philippine schools?
the nation? in the streets? women?
Would you willing to die 3. Should this attitude be 2. How does the poem Apo
for your country? changed? Why? on the Wall provide the
reader a glimpse of what
martial law was like?
* Call some volunteers to show and * Unlocking of the
C. Lesson Proper * The teacher gives the explain their assignments. Difficulties 3. In the selection Lengua
class the background of the Para Diablo , Why is it
story * What do you know about Lengua? * Silent Reading necessary to talk about
the Spaniards when the
* Video presentation * While reading, the students
story takes place in the
* Silent reading should be able to answer the
* Unlocking of the Difficulties following :

Discussion: * The teacher gives the students time to 1. What is a prelude? Why is
read the selection quietly. that the title of the story?
1.What is the literal
meaning of safe house? Discussion : 2. What does Nenita feel for
2. What is the double 1. What does Lengua symbolize? her husband? Why do you
meaning of the title? 2. What did the father mean by think she feels that way?
3. Why did the man in the “The devil ate my words.”
story have bandaids 3. What does this say about the 3. What does her herbalista
instead of nails? society? friend feel about Nenita?
4. Why did the mother 4. Does the little girl understand
leave? Do you what her father means? Explain. 4. Who was the man that died
understand the 5. Why is it necessary to talk about in the first paragraph?
decision? the Spaniards?
5. How does the narrator’s 6. What does the girl wish for in the 5. How do you think he died?
view of martial law end? Why? Explain.
differ from her father’s? 7. What do you feel about the 6. What is the importance of
father? Girl? the dried leaves?

What do you think the story

D. Generalization is trying to say?
Create a Venn Diagram
E. Evaluation comparing and contrasting the Write a reflection paper on how you feel
views of the adult and the child about the protagonist’s decision in the end.
on martial law. Would you have made the same decision or
you would have followed in her father’s
footsteps? Do you sympathize with her
decision or not?

50 % Content
20 % Language
20 % Organization
10 % Mechanics

Fill out the chart below with figures taken

F. Assignment from the internet.
Hunger or Unemployment Wealthy Research about adultery
malnutrition rate people and concubinage in
in the Phil in the Philippine Law. What do
Phil. they have in common?
% % %
Actual Actual number Actual
number number
Date taken Date taken Date
source source source

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection



January 16, 2017 January 17, 2017 January 18, 2017 January 19, 2017 January 20, 2017
A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context


Make judgement Analyze the selection using EXAMS
the formalistic approach Infer literary meaning from literal 7:00 – 8:30 - Statistics and
Infer literary meaning from language based on usage Probability 7:00 – 8:00 - Physical
literal language based on usage 8:30 – 9:30 st
- 21 Century Science
Literature 8:00 – 9:00 - Philippine
9:30 – 10:00 - RECESS Contemporary
10:00 – 11:00 - Pagbasa at Arts from the
II. CONTENT Preludes Preludes Preludes
Pagsusuri ng Regions
By Daryll Delgado By Daryll Delgado By Daryll Delgado
Iba’tIbang 9:00 – 9:30 - RECESS
Tekstosa 9:30 – 10:30 - Reading and
III. LEARNING Pananaliksik Writing
RESOURCES 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from the 11:00 – 12:00 - English for 10:30 – 11:30 - Practical
the Philippines and the World the Philippines and the World Philippines and the World Academic and Research 1
Reference Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Professional 11:30 – 12:30 - PE and
Purposes Health
Material Photocopies of the selection Photocopies of the selection Photocopies of the selection

IV. PROCEDURES The teacher calls volunteers

( The teacher will not be ( The teacher will not be with to share their assignment with
with the students in class ) the students in class ) the class.
A. Recall
The teacher gives more
information about the
B. Motivation
* Unlocking of the Discussion
C. Lesson Proper Difficulties Identify the following
elements from the story 1. What is a prelude? Why
* Silent Reading Preludes . is that the title of the
* While reading, the
students should be able to 1. Plot
2. What does Nenita feel
answer the following : a. setting for her husband? Why
b. conflict do you think she feels
1. What is a prelude? Why c. motivation. that way?
is that the title of the d. climax
story? 3. What does her herbalista
e. denouement
2. What does Nenita feel friend feel about Nenita?
for her husband? Why f. outcome
do you think she feels 2. Characters 4. Who was the man that
that way? ( characterize each ) died in the first
3. What does her herbalista paragraph?
friend feel about Nenita? 3. Theme
4. Who was the man that 5. How do you think he
died in the first died? Explain.
5. How do you think he 6. What is the importance
died? Explain. of the dried leaves?
6. What is the importance
of the dried leaves?

Do you think, with what

D. Generalization happened, that some kind of
justice was served? Why or
why not?

E. Evaluation

F. Assignment
Research about adultery and
concubinage in Philippine
Law. What do they have in

V. Remarks The teacher is not The teacher is not around

around because of because of an official
an official business. business.

VI. Reflection



January 23, 2017 January 24, 2017 January 25, 2017 January 26, 2017 January 27, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.
B. Performance A written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context
Standard Present a stand-up comedy about the OFW.

C. Learning Objectives
Make judgement Explain the symbolisms used in Explain how literature helps Explain what stand-up comedy is. Write a script for a stand up
the selection people understand the plight of comedy about OFW
Infer literary meaning from the OFW.
literal language based on Make inference
usage Make inference

II. CONTENT Preludes Filipinos Abroad Turban Legend Stand – Up Comedy Filipino Culture
By Daryll Delgado By R. Zamora Linmark Stand – Up Comedy

RESOURCES 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from the http://jonaspolsky.tumblr.com/post/ http://jonaspolsky.tumblr.com/post/
the Philippines and the https://www.youtube.com/watch? Philippines and the World 15769901634/how-to-do-stand-up- 15769901634/how-to-do-stand-up-
Reference World v=6v56R7luyXM Marikit Tara A. Uychoco comedy-a-beginners-guide comedy-a-beginners-guide
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Photocopies of the selection

IV. PROCEDURES The teacher calls

volunteers to share their Ask a volunteer to read what he
assignment with the wrote yesterday.
A. Recall class. Who among you have already What should one consider in
Why do so many Filipinos watched a stand – up comedy? preparing and performing a
leave the Philippines? What
The teacher gives more stand – up comedy?
do you think are there What makes it different from a
B. Motivation information about the
strongest reasons for play?
* Distribute the copies of the *The teacher tells the class that
C. Lesson Proper 1. What is a prelude? Why *Present the following selection to the students they will prepare a stand – up Group activity :
is that the title of the videos *Give them time to quietly comedy and perform it in class.
story? read the selection. Brainstorm about what you
think is funny about Filipino
video #1 *The teacher gives a lecture on culture in general. Create jokes
2. What does Nenita feel Discussion :
for her husband? Why how to do stand-up comedy based on your observations.
https://www.youtube.com/ 1. Why do Filipinos love
do you think she feels
balikbayan boxes? Choose 1 to 3 members to
that way? watch?v=An79RrJJYD0
2. What do you think the Video presentations: perform them in a stand-up
3. What does her boxes comedy.
*Ask volunteers to explain
herbalista symbolize? 1. https://www.youtube.com/
what is the video trying tell 3. When the narrator notes watch?v=ALZvu45-ZX0
friend feel about
Nenita? us about Filipinos who work the
abroad. Filipino-ness of the
4. Who was the man that balikbayan boxes, what 2. https://www.youtube.com/
died in the first Video #2 does he feel toward his watch?v=tVpmn7p70NY
paragraph? fellow Filipinos?
https://www.youtube.com/ 4. What does the airport
5. How do you think he
died? Explain. watch?v=6v56R7luyXM symbolize?
5. What do you think is the
6. What is the importance real message behind the
of the dried leaves? anecdote or the turban
6. The author’s luggage is
How does that help
characterize the narrator?

Do you think, with Write a reflection paper What is the significance of the
D. Generalization what happened, that about OFWs . story?
some kind of justice
was served? Why or
why not?

E. Evaluation

Vocabulary :
F. Assignment Conceptualize a stand up comedy.
Gargantuan Think of materials that speak about
Hypotherma the OFW that you may use.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

January 30, 2017 January 31, 2017 February 1, 2017 February 2, 2017 February 3, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts and various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a
Standard literary text in terms of form and theme.

C. Learning Objectives Compare and contrast Identify and explain Create another version of a story Explain the relationship Make inference and judgement
characters figurative languages and from the perspective of a certain between history and literature
literary devices used in the character in the story. Extract and explain the theme
text Make judgement of the selection
Watch and listen attentively to
the video presentation Explain the importance of the Participate actively in the group
Explain the literary devices
female perspective activity.
used in the selection

II. CONTENT Odyssey A LOW ART ( Excerpt from A LOW ART ( Excerpt from The SILK ( excerpt ) SILK ( excerpt )
( summary ) The Penelopiad ) By Penelopiad ) By Margaret Atwood By Alessandro Baricco ( Italy ) By Alessandro Baricco ( Italy
Margaret Atwood ( Canada ) ( Canada )

III. LEARNING 21st Century Literature from

RESOURCES the Philippines and the World 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from the
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco the Philippines and the World Philippines and the World Philippines and the World Philippines and the World
Reference Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Material watch?v=BmjFo7oOnQE
Ask a representative from each Call a volunteer to relate to
What is literature? Ask a volunteer to read his In the selection A LOW ART, group to read their activity they the class the summary of the
A. Recall What is a good literature? assignment in class. what is the persona trying to did yesterday. story.
What is your concept of love at
Why do you think history
Is it always right to hear first sight?
B. Motivation is called “history” instead Are you familiar with Noli Me
of “herstory”?
both sides of the story Tangere? Who is your most
before making a favorite character there? Is it possible to fall in love with
judgement? Why? How bout The Three Little Pigs? someone even if they don’t
share a common language or

The teacher explains that the Group Activity :

C. Lesson Proper Has anyone here know or selection they are about to * The teacher tells the class Discussion :
have read Odyssey? read is part of a retelling of With your groupmates, try to that
the story from Penelope’s retell Noli Me Tangere from the selection they are about 1. What does the protagonist
The teacher gives a brief perspective. to feel? Why does he feel this
the perspective of Sisa or
information about the way? What specific parts in
Maria Clara, or you could read takes place in Japan.
story. the text tell you this?
The teacher gives the retell the story of the Three
students time to read the Little Pigs from the * He gives a short lecture on
Video presentations 2. What does the girl feel? Why
selection quietly. perspective of the wolf. the do you think so?
Discussion : brief history of Japan
Discussion: focusing 3. How did you feel when
1. How would you 1. Why does Penelope Rubric: on the period when Japan was reading the text? What do
describe consider closed off from the world that you
Odysseus’s character? story telling “a low art”?
50% Understanding of the lasted for200 years. think they were
2. How does Penelope’s experiencing,
characters in the story.
2. How about Penelope? portrayal differ from the *He distributes the copies of love or lust? How can you
traditional portrayal of tell?
50% Creativity the
selection to the class and 4. There seems to be a whole
3. Based on Penelope’s
gives different conversation going
perspective, how is she
them time to read it quietly. on between Herve and the
different from how the epic
portrays her? girl, and yet not a word was
spoken. How are they able
4. What does she have to say
about the official version?
communicate with each
5. Why does she call herself 5. What are the complications
“ a stick used to beat other involved ,and what obstacle
women with”? Do you can you predict in the
agree? relationship?

6. What does the cup


D. Generalization
 Do you think a story is What does the story reveal about
colored by the biases the possible attractions of being
of the storyteller? with someone from a different
 Do you think history is place?
colored by the biases
of the historian?

E. Evaluation

F. Assignment In a paragraph, answer the What are the nonverbal ways to

following question. show ones love? Write a list of
the ways you think people show
If you had a choice, would romantic love. Do you think that
you want to be Odysseus when it comes to love, words are
more important than actions or
or Penelope?
is it the other way around? Write
about this in your notebook.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

February 6, 2017 February 7, 2017 February 8, 2017 February 9, 2017 February 10, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts and various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a
Standard literary text in terms of form and theme.

C. Learning Objectives Familiarize with the meanings Make inference Explain how can one apply the Identify the message of the Write and perform a
of unfamiliar words need for self-actualization in life video presentation monologue
Make judgements
Make a decision and justify it Write a ten to twelve sentence
Explain figurative languages
Participate actively in class essay
used in the selection
Participate actively in group discussion

II. CONTENT The Valley of Amazement The Valley of The Valley of Amazement by The Good Body Dramatic Monologue
by Amy Tan Amazement by Amy Tan Amy Tan By Eve Ensler

21st Century Literature from the

III. LEARNING 21st Century Literature from Philippines and the World 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from
RESOURCES the Philippines and the World 21 Century Literature from Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Philippines and the World the Philippines and the World
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco the Philippines and the World Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Reference Marikit Tara A. Uychoco https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs https://www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/
Material /watch?v=btj7ghvYTxg watch?v=B4yXEM4k-NY
Ask a volunteer to read his/her The teacher asks volunteers to
assignment recall the message that the
A. Recall The teacher shows the The teacher asks the class The teacher asks the class to selection discussed yesterday
class a picture of a hand what polydactyly means. recall the message that the is trying to convey.
narrator is trying to convey in
The teacher shows a video to
with six fingers
the selection the class. He then asks them to
B. Motivation He then asks : He tells the class that the explain what the video is trying
What would you do if your selection they are about to to say about the modern
child were born with six read is about a person who women.
fingers on each hand? has this condition.

*The teacher explains The teacher gives the students *The teacher presents * The teacher tells the class that * The teacher reminds the
C. Lesson Proper polydactyly time to read the selection Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. they are about to read an class that what they’ve read
quietly. He asks volunteers to explain excerpt from the play The Good yesterday were series of
it. Body which is a series of monologues from the play The
*The teacher divides the Discussion : monologues. Good Body.
class. He tells them to
discuss among themselves 1. What was Lulu’s reaction *The teacher divides the class *The teacher explains what a
the following : when she learned about the into groups. The members of monologues is.
operation? Do you think her each group discuss the need * The teacher gives the students
At what age do you think a reaction was normal? for self-actualization and what time to read the selection.
person has a very sure this entails. How would one The teacher shows an example
sense of self? 2. Do you think the family apply this to his life. of a monologue.
made a mistake in operating Discussion:
Do you think we are surer on Lulu’s fingers? *The representative of each https://www.youtube.com
of ourselves when we were class will share the groups 1. Can you relate to the /watch?v=B4yXEM4k-NY
children or when we are 3. What is the narrator’s fear? ideas. narrator?
adults? Why or why not? *The class is divided into
4. Why do you think did the groups of five members each.
2. How does the narrator feel
* The teacher calls a narrator dislike the way her
representative from each mother described about her body?
group to explain their reproduction? 3. Why does the narrator feel *The group will write a short
answers. that way about her body? monologue about the body
4. What is Cosmo? Why does image. Each group will choose
she feel haunted by it? a member to present the
monologue and have it
5. What do you think is its 5. What does Cosmo symbolize?
effect on the narrator?
6. Explain the lines :
6. What does the narrator * She the American Dream, my
mean by “ to be true to personal nightmare.
herself”? * My stomach is America.
7. Do you think the narrator is
D. Generalization
Do childhood revelations have Do you think that the body shaming
lasting impact in one’s life? mentioned in the selection is
applicable only to women?

E. Evaluation

F. Assignment Look for the meaning of In ten to twelve sentences, answer

each word. the question below. Your essay
should have insights and
manifesto familial examples to prove your point.
siege attributes
What does it mean to be true to
comprised aversion oneself?

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection



February 13, 2017 February 14, 2017 February 15, 2017 February 16, 2017 February 17, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts and various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through a written close analysis and critical interpretation
Standard of a literary text in terms of form and theme.

C. Learning Objectives Identify the message of the Identify the meaning of Listen and watch attentively to a Explain how the literary work Watch and listen to a video
video presentation words video presentation changes one’s view on an issue presentation attentively and
explain how one feels about
Explain figurative languages Explain the theme of the Make judgement Make judgement / inference it.
used in the selection
Participate actively in class Explain the social significance Create a manifesto about
discussion of the story actions regarding children
with special needs.

II. CONTENT The Good Body Long Test The Curious Incident of the Dog The Curious Incident of the The Curious Incident of the
By Eve Ensler in the Night-Time Dog in the Night-Time Dog in the Night-Time

III. LEARNING 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from
RESOURCES the Philippines and the World I. Directions : Match the Philippines and the World Philippines and the World the Philippines and the
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco words in A with their Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco World
Reference meanings in B. Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Material https://www.youtube.com/ com/watch?v=N-eBSeTcOZE https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=B4yXEM4k-NY watch?v=W-eixkUOoj4
1. plausible
A. Recall The teacher calls a 2. compulsion Let the students share what they The teacher callssome
volunteer to tell the class 3. rampage know about autism students to recall the
what The Good Body is 4. preposterous What do you think of people message of the selection
about. with autism? Why do you think
5. disconcerting discussed yesterday.
B. Motivation this way?
6. manifesto
7. deduction
Discussion: 8. vanquish
C. Lesson Proper 9. scrawny * The teacher tells the class * The teacher distributes and the The teacher shows the
1. Can you relate to the 10. testosterone that they will be reading a copies of the selection and gives class a video of Special
narrator? Why or why selection written by a writer the students time to read it Olympics:
not? B. with autism. Before that, they quietly.
2. How does the narrator a. contrary to reason or will know more about the How do you feel about the
feel about her body? common sense video?
3. Why does the narrator b.causing one to feel unsettled * Discussion:
feel that way about c. the inference of particular Do you think you could
*. The teacher shows the class
instances by reference to a
her body? two videos about autism. 1. What are your reactions to the ever achieve such athletic
general law or principle.
4. What is Cosmo? Why story? How is it different from greatness even when the
d. seeming reasonable or
does she feel haunted probable. *The teacher calls volunteers your expectations? odds are stacked up
by it? e. defeat thoroughly to recall what they have against you?
5. What does Cosmo learned from the videos. 2. Do you find the story funny?
f. public declaration
symbolize? Why?
g. the action or state of forcing
or being forced to do Group Activity:
6. Explain the lines : 3. How does the story change
* She the American something
h. a steroid hormone that the way you look at people with Create a Manifesto about
Dream, my personal your actions regarding
stimulates development of autism? Why?
nightmare. children with special needs.
* My stomach is male secondary sexual
characteristic 4. What do you think of Write how you will treat
America. them, the kind of language
i. unattractively thin and bony Christopher’s understanding of
you should use when
j. rush around in a violent and metaphors? Do you think he is
discussing them, as well as
uncontrollable manner. right or wrong? Or is he both? the kind of language that is
Explain. not acceptable.

* The teacher reminds the II. Directions : In 3 to 5 5. Would you call him intelligent? Discuss how special-needs
class that what they’ve read sentences , answer the Why or why not? children should be treated in
yesterday were series of following questions below. school.
monologues from the play 6. Does he make you look at things
The Good Body. 1. Why does Penelope in in different way? Why is that
Atwood’s work consider important?
*The teacher explains what a “storytelling” a “low art”?
monologues is. 7. Do you agree with him that
2. In the selection Silk, how people are confusing? Why or why
were Herve and the woman not?
The teacher shows an able to prove that people can
example of a monologue. communicate without 8. What does he mean by “ I want
saying a word? my name to mean me.”?
/watch?v=B4yXEM4k-NY 3. Explain the theme of the 9. What is the social significance of
selection The Valley of the story?
D. Generalization Amazement.
Do you think that the body
shaming mentioned in the
selection is applicable only to
E. Evaluation

F. Assignment *Write a short monologue In 5 to 7 sentences, explain :

about the body image.
Perform it . You can record It is non autistic people that
your performance or you can
need to change, not the autistic
present that in front of an

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection



February 18, 2017 February 19, 2017 February 20, 2017 February 21, 2017 February 22, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world throughcritical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation
Standard to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches; and

C. Learning Objectives Identify figures of speech Identify figures of speech Skim the selection for specific Participate in class discussion.
Interpret figures of speech
Interpret figures of speech Explain the symbolisms used in
Make inference the selection 2017
Explain the importance of
using figures of speech React to what is shown in the Write a poem that that seeks to
video. render the ordinary into

II. CONTENT The Tesseract by Alex Garland The Tesseract by Alex Garland
Figures of Speech Figures of Speech ( USA) ( USA)

III. LEARNING http://www.enki- http://www.enki- 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from the
RESOURCES village.com/figure-of- village.com/figure-of- Philippines and the World Philippines and the World
speech.html speech.html Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
http://grammar.about.com/od/ http://grammar.about.com/od/ https://www.youtube.com/
Material rhetoricstyle/a/20figures.htm rhetoricstyle/a/20figures.htm watch?v=pEDfSXxDDD0

IV. PROCEDURES What do you know about what .

foreigners think of the What is The Tesseract by Alex
A. Recall Ask the students to recall Let the students recall the Philippines? Garland about?
the last selection discussed figures of speech taken up in
in class. class yesterday The teacher shows a video
showing what foreigners think
B. Motivation What did the persona say about the Philippines.
about metaphors?

Discussion :
Ask the class to explain Let them do the exercises The teacher tells the students
C. Lesson Proper and identify each figures of under evaluation that the videos they’ve 1. What words did Sean say
speech. watched are related to the aloud? How can these words
selection they are about to be seen as metaphors or
1. I had so much homework
read. symbols in the story?
last night that I needed a
pickup truck to carry all 2. What are the usual things
my books home! The teacher gives the students that are associated with
2. Let's just say that Ms. time to read the selection. McDonalds?
Kardashian is not the 3. Why is bothered by the way
brightest bulb on the He gives them questions that children treat their nannies?
Christmas tree. they need to answer. 4. Can these observations be
stretched to include in the
The asks the students what Guide Questions: Philippine society?
figures of speech are. 5. What are the things that the
1. What words did Sean say American finds strange after
He asks them to name
aloud? spending an afternoon in
some they already know.
2. What are the usual things McDonalds?
The teacher presents and that are associated with 6. How do you feel about their
explains the following: McDonalds? observations?
3. Why is bothered by the way 7. In the end what does
children treat their nannies? McDonald’s symbolize?
8. What can be the symbolism
behind the melting milkshake?
Could this be a commentary on
the American influence on the

Simile Metaphor 4. What are the things that the 9. What does the narrator mean
Personification Hyperbole American finds strange after that he is top of two
Apostrophe Synecdoche spending an afternoon in archipelagos?
Metonymy Litotes McDonalds?
Oxymoron Paradox
Understatement Irony
D. Generalization What is the purpose of How do you feel the way the
figures of speech Philippines was portrayed? Do
you think it was a fair portrayal?
. Identify and explain the following
E. Evaluation figures of speech:
1. The streets of Chennai are
a furnace.
2. Cock-a-doodle-do, quack,
moo, etc.
3. "Twinkle, twinkle, little
star, How I wonder what
you are.
4. "We have always
remained loyal to the crown
5. The food at that restaurant is
not bad at all.
6. He was so intelligent, that he
failed all his tests.
7. There are roaches infesting the
office of a pest control service.

Listen to Katy Perry’s

F. Assignment Fireworks. Write a short poem
that seeks to render the ordinary
into something unfamiliar.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection



February 27, 2017 February 28, 2017 March 1, 2017 March 2, 2017 March 3, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.
B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world throughcritical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation
Standard to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches; and

C. Learning Objectives Identify figures of speech Identify figures of speech Skim the selection for specific Participate in class discussion.
Interpret figures of speech
Interpret figures of speech Explain the symbolisms used in
Make inference the selection ,ZAMBALES
Explain the importance of
using figures of speech React to what is shown in the Write a poem that that seeks to
video. render the ordinary into

II. CONTENT The Tesseract by Alex Garland The Tesseract by Alex Garland
Figures of Speech Figures of Speech ( USA) ( USA)

III. LEARNING http://www.enki- http://www.enki- 21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from the
RESOURCES village.com/figure-of- village.com/figure-of- Philippines and the World Philippines and the World
speech.html speech.html Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
http://grammar.about.com/od/ http://grammar.about.com/od/ https://www.youtube.com/
Material rhetoricstyle/a/20figures.htm rhetoricstyle/a/20figures.htm watch?v=pEDfSXxDDD0

IV. PROCEDURES What do you know about what .

foreigners think of the What is The Tesseract by Alex
A. Recall Ask the students to recall Let the students recall the Philippines? Garland about?
the last selection discussed figures of speech taken up in
in class. class yesterday The teacher shows a video
showing what foreigners think
B. Motivation What did the persona say about the Philippines.
about metaphors?

Discussion :
Ask the class to explain Let them do the exercises The teacher tells the students
C. Lesson Proper and identify each figures of
speech. under evaluation that the videos they’ve 1. What words did Sean say
watched are related to the aloud? How can these words
1. I had so much homework selection they are about to be seen as metaphors or
last night that I needed a read. symbols in the story?
pickup truck to carry all 2. What are the usual things
my books home!
The teacher gives the students that are associated with
2. Let's just say that Ms.
Kardashian is not the time to read the selection. McDonalds?
brightest bulb on the 3. Why is bothered by the way
Christmas tree. He gives them questions that children treat their nannies?
they need to answer. 4. Can these observations be
The asks the students what stretched to include in the
figures of speech are. Guide Questions: Philippine society?
5. What are the things that the
He asks them to name 1. What words did Sean say American finds strange after
some they already know. aloud? spending an afternoon in
2. What are the usual things McDonalds?
The teacher presents and
that are associated with 6. How do you feel about their
explains the following:
McDonalds? observations?
3. Why is bothered by the way 7. In the end what does
children treat their nannies? McDonald’s symbolize?
8. What can be the symbolism
behind the melting milkshake?
Could this be a commentary on
the American influence on the

Simile Metaphor 4. What are the things that the 9. What does the narrator mean
Personification Hyperbole American finds strange after that he is top of two
Apostrophe Synecdoche spending an afternoon in archipelagos?
Metonymy Litotes McDonalds?
Oxymoron Paradox
Understatement Irony

D. Generalization What is the purpose of How do you feel the way the
figures of speech Philippines was portrayed? Do
you think it was a fair portrayal?
. Identify and explain the following
E. Evaluation figures of speech:
1. The streets of Chennai are
a furnace.
2. Cock-a-doodle-do, quack,
moo, etc.
3. "Twinkle, twinkle, little
star, How I wonder what
you are.
4. "We have always
remained loyal to the crown
5. The food at that restaurant is
not bad at all.
6. He was so intelligent, that he
failed all his tests.
7. There are roaches infesting the
office of a pest control service.

Listen to Katy Perry’s

F. Assignment Fireworks. Write a short poem
that seeks to render the ordinary
into something unfamiliar.

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection



March 6, 2017 and March 7, 2017 March 8, 2017 March 9, 2017 March 10, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world throughcritical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation
Standard to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches; and
C. Learning Objectives Compare and contrast prose and poetry Analyze works of fiction and drama Make inference Explain the literal and figurative
for plot structure, setting, meanings of the poem.
Identify the elements of poetry characterization, theme Interpret symbolisms and figurative
languages used in the poem. Identify the theme of the selection
Partcipate actively in class discussion Develop an understanding of
critical analysis of film through Participate actively in group discussion
Write a poem about mothers

II. CONTENT Elements of Poetry Mom ( short film ) Sa AnaknaNahihimbing Saka

By Maria Luisa Torres KoLamangNalamannaAko’yNakapatay
By Maria Luisa Torres


Reference https://www.slideshare.net/ https://www.youtube.com/watch? Beyond BordersReading Literature Beyond BordersReading Literature in

JackylineLagaa/types-and-elements-of- v=HpoVwhSVI38 in the 21st Century the 21st Century
Material poetry by Maria Gabriela Martin et. al. by Maria Gabriela Martin et. al.

Call a couple of volunteers to
A. Recall Define Prose and Poetry. read their assignment
Which do you prefer to read, prose or poetry?
Why? What comes to your mind when Call a couple of volunteers to read their
B. Motivation yesterday’s works.
you hear the word mother

The teacher tells the class that they The teacher calls some students
C. Lesson Proper The teacher gives a lecture on the following: The teacher shows the class a are about to read a poem to state the summary of the
short film entitled Mom. about a mother. poem discussed yesterday.
The teacher groups the class into The teacher tells the class they
five. He gives them photocopies of are about to read a selection
1. Form the selection. Each group then written by the same poet.
2. Tone /Mood analyze it and identify the following
elements. *The teacher reads the poem
3. Imagery
4. Refrain Form
5. Rhyme Scheme Tone/ Mood
Imagery *The teacher gives the students
6. Theme
Theme time to read the selection
7. Symbolism Symbolism quietly.
8. Point of View Point of View
Word Choice Discussion:
9. Word choice / Diction
10. Meter The teacher calls the representative 1. On the literal level, what is
of each group to read their work. the selection about?

2. Identify the symbolisms used

in the selection. Explain each.

3. What are the emotions involved

in the selection?

D. Generalization What should be considered when reading or Explain the theme of the selection
interpreting a poem?

E. Evaluation Write a two-paragraph essay about the
film. Identify the following.

F. Assignment In five to seven sentences, write how Write a poem about mothers
could you show appreciation to your

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

Prepared by: Checked by:

_______________________________ _____________________________________
Julius Cezar D. Napallatan Mr. Richard T. Santos
Teacher Officer-In-Charge



March 13, 2017 March 14, 2017 March 15, 2017 March 16, 2017 March 17, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world throughcritical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation to the
Standard context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches; and

C. Learning Objectives Explain the literal and figurative Long Test Make inference Participate actively in class
meanings of the poem. discussion.
A. Identify what is defined. POST TEST Identify and explain
Identify the theme of the selection symbolisms used in the Put oneself in the shoe of
1. In poetry, can be under – Please see attachment. selection the protagonist in the story
Write a poem about mothers stood as the physical and write a letter.
structure of the poem. Make judgement
2. A fixed number of lines
of verse forming a single
II. CONTENT Saka The Boy Named Crow The Boy Named Crow
KoLamangNalamannaAko’yNakapatay unit of a poem. Haruki Murakami Haruki Murakami
By Maria Luisa Torres 3. A verse composed of
Three lines
4. A stanza that has only
four lines 21st Century Literature from 21st Century Literature from
Reference Beyond BordersReading Literature in 5. An entire poem with the Philippines and the World the Philippines and the World
the 21 Century exactly fourteen lines Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco
Material by Maria Gabriela Martin et. al.
6. A stressed and
syllabic pattern in
a verse or within the lines

IV. PROCEDURES 7. The overall feeling for the Why do children or teenagers
Call a couple of volunteers to audience an author creates in run away from home?
A. Recall read their assignment his writing.
8. An element that relays Why are friends important?
something about the writer's
B. Motivation attitude toward the subject of When can you say that
the poem friendship is more important
9. The name given to the than others?
element that spark off the
The teacher calls some students 10. A verse or phrase that is * The teacher presents the Class Discussion :
C. Lesson Proper to state the summary of the repeated at intervals selection and the background
poem discussed yesterday. throughout a song or poem of the writer.
11. An imagery that describes a 1. What does the boy feel
The teacher tells the class they particular scent * The teacher gives the toward the crow? Give
are about to read a selection 12. An angle of considering students time to read the textual evidence?
written by the same poet. things, which shows us the selection quietly.
opinion, or feelings of the 2. How would you describe
*The teacher reads the poem * The students answer the ff.: the boy named crow?
individuals involved in a
situation. 1. What does the boy feel 3. Why does it seem like he
13. A verse with five lines toward the crow? Give can read the narrator’s mind?
*The teacher gives the students 14. A verse three lines. textual evidence? Why can they both see mental
time to read the selection 15. An imagery that describes a picture of the sandstorm?
quietly. movement. 2. How would you describe
the boy named crow? 4. What does the sandstorm
Discussion: B. In eight to nine sentences, represent? Prove it.
compare and contrast prose 3. Why does it seem like he
1. On the literal level, what is and poetry. can read the narrator’s mind? 5. Do you agree with the
the selection about? Why can they both see mental narrator’s view about fate?
picture of the sandstorm?
2. Identify the symbolisms
Used in the selection. 4. What does the sandstorm
Explain each. represent? Prove it.

5. Do you agree with the

narrator’s view about fate? 6. How would you describe
the boy’s relationship with
6. How would you describe his father?
the boy’s relationship with
his father? 7. Why does the boy want to
run away?
7. Why does the boy want to
run away? 8. why does he have to be the
toughest 15-year old in the
8. why does he have to be the world?
toughest 15-year old in the

D. Generalization 3. What are the emotions Why does the narrator say Why does the narrator say
involved that it sounds like a fairy tale that it sounds like a fairy tale
in the selection? but it isn’t one? but it isn’t one?

E. Evaluation Explain the theme of the selection

Pretend that you are the

F. Assignment protagonist, write a letter to
the father.

V. Remarks Write a poem about mothers

VI. Reflection

Prepared by: Checked by:

_______________________________ _____________________________________
Julius Cezar D. Napallatan Mr. Richard T. Santos
Teacher Officer-In-Charge



March 20, 2017 March 21, 2017 March 22, 2017 March 23, 2017 March 24, 2017

A. Content Standard The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.

B. Performance The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world throughcritical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation to the
Standard context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches; and

C. Learning Objectives Make inference Participate actively in class Fourth Quarterly Exams Fourth Quarterly Exams
Identify and explain
symbolisms used in the Put oneself in the shoe of
selection the protagonist in the story 7:00 – 8:30 ---- Statistics 7:00 – 8:00 ---- Physical
and write a letter. and Science
Make judgement
Probability 8:00 – 9:00 -- Pagbasa at
8:30 – 9:30 --- 21st Century Pagsusuri ng
II. CONTENT The Boy Named Crow COMPLETION OF Literature Iba’tIbang
The Boy Named Crow Haruki Murakami REQUIREMENTS from Teksto ..
Haruki Murakami the Phil…. 9:00 – 9:30 ---- RECESS
9:30 – 10:00 ---- RECESS 9:30 – 10:30 ---- Reading
10:00 – 11:00 -Contemporary and Writing
RESOURCES Philippine 10:30 – 11:30 ---- Practical
21st Century Literature from the 21st Century Literature from Arts….. Research I
Reference Philippines and the World the Philippines and the World 11:00 – 12:00 ---- English for 11:30 – 12:30 ---- PE and
Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Marikit Tara A. Uychoco Academic Health
Material and

IV. PROCEDURES Why do children or teenagers

run away from home?
A. Recall
Why are friends important?

B. Motivation When can you say that

friendship is more important
than others?

* The teacher presents the Class Discussion :

C. Lesson Proper selection and the background
of the writer.
1. What does the boy feel
* The teacher gives the toward the crow? Give textual
students time to read the evidence?
selection quietly.
2. How would you describe the
* The students answer the ff.: boy named crow?

1. What does the boy feel 3. Why does it seem like he

toward the crow? Give textual can read the narrator’s mind?
evidence? Why can they both see mental
picture of the sandstorm?
2. How would you describe the
boy named crow? 4. What does the sandstorm
represent? Prove it.
3. Why does it seem like he
can read the narrator’s mind? 5. Do you agree with the
Why can they both see mental narrator’s view about fate?
picture of the sandstorm?

4. What does the sandstorm

represent? Prove it.

5. Do you agree with the

narrator’s view about fate? 6. How would you describe the
boy’s relationship with his
6. How would you describe the father?
boy’s relationship with his
father? 7. Why does the boy want to
run away?
7. Why does the boy want to
run away? 8. why does he have to be the
toughest 15-year old in the
8. why does he have to be the world?
toughest 15-year old in the

D. Generalization Why does the narrator say that

Why does the narrator say that it sounds like a fairy tale but it
it sounds like a fairy tale but it isn’t one?
isn’t one?
E. Evaluation

F. Assignment Pretend that you are the

protagonist, write a letter to the

V. Remarks

VI. Reflection

Prepared by: Checked by:

_______________________________ _____________________________________
Julius Cezar D. Napallatan Mr. Richard T. Santos



MARCH 23, 2017 ( THURSDAY )

Rm.301 Rm. 302 Rm. 303 Rm. 401 Rm. 402 Rm. 403
7:00 – 8:30 J. Napallatan A. Laudencia R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar E. Mellomida
8:30 – 9:30 J. Napallatan A. Laudencia R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar E. Mellomida
10:00 – 11:00 M. Balisi C. Casipit G. Postrano C. Cruz R. Lucas V. Mercader
11:00 – 12:00 M. Balisi C. Casipit G. Postrano C. Cruz R. Lucas V. Mercader

MARCH 24, 2017 ( FRIDAY )

Rm.301 Rm. 302 Rm. 303 Rm. 401 Rm. 402 Rm. 403
7:00 – 8:00 J. Napallatan A. Laudencia R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar E. Mellomida
8:00 – 9:00 J. Napallatan A. Laudencia R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar E. Mellomida
9:30 – 10:30 M. Balisi H. Calonia G. Postrano C. Cruz R. Lucas V. Mercader
10:30 – 11:30 M. Balisi H. Calonia G. Postrano C. Cruz R. Lucas V. Mercader
11:30-12:30 J. Napallatan J. Laudencia R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar E. Mellomeda
Prepared by :
Julius Cezar D. Napallatan
Approved by:
Richard T. Santos


MARCH 23, 2017 ( THURSDAY )

Rm.301 Rm. 302 Rm. 303 Rm. 401 Rm. 402 Rm. 403
7:00 – 8:30 M. Balisi A. Laudencia G. Postrano R. Lucas M. Odavar E. Mellomida
8:30 – 9:30 M. Balisi A. Laudencia G. Postrano R. Lucas M. Odavar E. Mellomida
10:00 – 11:00 J. Napallatan C. Casipit R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña C. Cruz V. Mercader
11:00 – 12:00 J. Napallatan C. Casipit R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña C. Cruz V. Mercader

MARCH 24, 2017 ( FRIDAY )

Rm.301 Rm. 302 Rm. 303 Rm. 401 Rm. 402 Rm. 403
7:00 – 8:00 J. Napallatan H. Calonia R. Pecaña R. Lucas C. Cruz E. Mellomida
8:00 – 9:00 J. Napallatan H. Calonia R. Pecaña R. Lucas C. Cruz E. Mellomida
9:30 – 10:30 M. Balisi A. Laudencia G. Postrano L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar V. Mercader
10:30 – 11:30 M. Balisi A. Laudencia G. Postrano L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar V. Mercader
11:30-12:30 J. Napallatan J. Laudencia R. Pecaña L. Bulaqueña M. Odavar E. Mellomida
Prepared by :
Julius Cezar D. Napallatan
Approved by:
Richard T. Santos

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