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Demographics and the Changing

Nature of Work
By Charles
By Charles Grantham
Grantham and James Ware

O ne of the most powerful forces

affecting the changing nature of
work and the work force is demograph-
ics — the changing distribution of the
work force along a number of important
dimensions. Here we can only briefly
highlight the most important demo-
graphically-related changes that will be
occurring during the next decade; but
we urge all readers of this report to dig
more deeply into the trends and pat-
terns that will be relevant to their own

The work force of 2010 will be signifi-

cantly different than it is in 2004, but
the characteristics of workers today are
already very different from what most
of us think they are. And basic changes and apply knowledge. and under what conditions)
in the characteristics, beliefs, values, - Prefer to work in close proximity to
and expectations of millions of workers The “middle class,” the “working class,” others who share their interests,
in all functional areas will require and the “service class” were products skills, and work styles
equally fundamental changes in the of the Industrial Revolution and the - Tend to choose where they want to
way those individuals and teams are growing automation of the means of live and work first, and only then
managed. production. The vast majority of jobs worry about who they will work for,
today involve producing, applying, and or where they will find the kind of
The Changing Nature of Work — distributing knowledge rather than work they want to do
and the Demand for Workers things — essentially creative activities.
One of the most important changes Thus, without even considering the basic
that affects both organizations and Florida points out that creative work — demographic changes within the popula-
management is what we like to call the activities with low process structure tion at large, we already have a work
demand side — the kinds of workers and unpredictable outcomes — is what environment in which well over one-third
who are required to do the kind of work creates economic value and competi- of the work that must be done (and by
that needs to be done. tive advantage today. But the most far the most important third) requires
important work force management people who are very different from the
For insight into how changes in the insight stemming from his analysis is dependent manual laborers, clerks, and
nature of work itself are affecting who the values and expectations that even middle managers around whom
is in the work force, we reviewed the “Creatives” bring to their work. As he much of organizational life (and man-
research by Professor Richard Florida of suggests, creative people: agement practice) has been built for the
Carnegie-Mellon University. His data - Work on varied and individualized last several hundred years.
shows very clearly that the most rapidly schedules
increasing category of workers is what - Are self-motivated and self-directed Changing Work Force
he calls the “creative class” — those - Rely on their own tools Demographics
who are engaged in what others have - Place profession and career But equally dramatic changes are
called high-end knowledge work and ahead of a specific employer occurring on the supply side of work.
what we have described as “Creative - Expect to work in a variety of job The behavioral and emotional attributes
Activities.” The rise of knowledge work situations (and for a variety of of the workers who constitute today’s
as the dominant activity in the economy employers) over time work force are changing so rapidly that
has driven the development, coales- - Place a high premium on self- it is an open question whether organi-
cence, and emergence of this new control (that is, on being in charge zations will be able to adapt at all.
class of workers — those who produce of what they do, where they do it,


tural work force), more older workers, and many fewer
more exporting of younger ones, based on current birth
work, more use of rates and population statistics. And of
consultants and course, older folks are staying in the
part-timers, and a work force much longer — as a result of
growing need to both personal choice and economic
keep older work- necessity.
ers in the active
labor pool. In fact, many organizations are already
having to cope with what amounts to
To be more spe- four “generations” of workers in the
cific, in 1965 workplace all at the same time. These
there were four groups are:
approximately 4
million live births “Seniors” — Baby Boomers and their
in the United elders who are 50- and 60-somethings,
States. Today many of who are already actively seek-
those individuals ing or enjoying part-time work, and/or
are 39 years old, flexible working arrangements.
and at height of Retirement in its traditional sense just
their business isn’t what these folks want.
careers. Just ten Forty-ssomething mid-ccareer profession-
years later, in als. In one sense these are the workers
1975, there were you want — they are young enough to
only 3.1 million have lots of energy, they are ambitious,
births (in the they want to contribute, and they’ve
United States); been in the work force for 20+ years
those individuals already. But they are also frequently the
are just 29 today parents of growing children (and the
but will be in their children of aging parents) and typically
First, just consider the fundamental mid-thirties in 2010. That is a decline get caught in classic work/family life
impact of recently changing birth rates of 28 percent in the biggest source of balance issues.
along with the aging of the so-called the labor pool in just 10 years. And that Thirty-ssomethings. These are the young,
Baby Boomers. Birth rates have an means that talented workers will be hard-working, but still wet-behind-the-
enormous impact on the labor pool, short supply — and thus highly demand- ears professionals. They have lots of
and thus on job opportunities, wage ing — for the rest of this decade. energy, but they need lots of direction
and salary expectations, and related and molding as well. Many of them
attitudes about work and life. Because of those declines there are were caught up in the dot-com boom of
fewer and fewer young adults entering the late 1990’s; some were incredibly
Indeed, we believe the most fundamen- the work force — far too few to replace successful, and led rather heady lives.
tal driver of work force diversity today is those who are reaching the tail end of Today they are older, somewhat wiser,
the continuing decline in birth rates in their careers. And with the Baby and still ready to work hard. But they
virtually all developed countries around Boomer generation now in its late 50s, are also rediscovering life outside work
the world. The work force is aging, and that pattern is about to become far — and most of them don’t want to work
it is growing at a much slower rate. The more pronounced. those 80-hour weeks any more.
result is a much broader range of ages Generation X and Generation Y. This
in all professions — generational diver- The net result is that the work force in group, predominantly 20-somethings,
sity is a new condition that most organi- total is aging, and it is growing at a came into the work force with a very dif-
zations have never faced before. And much slower rate. U.S. Census Bureau ferent set of values and expectations
the shrinking number of new entrants data show a dramatic “flattening” of from their “elders.” They grew up with
to the work force means more import- the age curves over the next several the PC and instant messaging, with
ing of labor (and thus a more multicul- decades. That is, there will be many Game Boys, with cell phones, and with

1 Richard Florida, The Rise of the Creative Class (Basic Books, 2002).
2 For a more complete discussion of these values and expectations of the "creative class," see James Ware and Charles Grantham, "The
future of work: Changing patterns of workforce management and their impact on the workplace," Journal of Facilities Management, volume 2,
number 2, September, 2003, pp 142-159.
3 We owe this insight and the basic description of these "four generations" to Rebecca Ryan, CEO and Founder of Next Generation


(cont.) Demographics and the Changing Nature of Work

loud music. They are incredibly profi- basic locational strategy for sustainable work styles. The task of real estate and
cient at multi-tasking, and they are companies within five years will be the facilities managers is clearly shifting
more social and collaborative from their development of a workplace portfolio from providing “a place” to enabling the
genes up. They are willing to work hard that has as its primary focus, “Where organization’s work to get done wherev-
too, but only on their terms. They’re are the workers we need and how do er and whenever it must be done.
unwilling to suffer under poor man- we move our business there?”
agers, and they have no hesitation in Organizations will need comprehensive
speaking their minds — and in moving In addition, this “new” work force will real estate “strategies of place” that
on quickly if they get turned off, or demand — and expect — very different appeal to all the major demographic seg-
turned down. workplace configurations — more col- ments. No one group will supply the tal-
laborative space in corporate facilities, ent needed in the future. And the vari-
And the overall shrinkage in the num- a wider variety of locations and facili- ous groups will continue to have varying
ber of new entrants to the work force is ties in which work can be accom- needs and expectations. Providing work
another reason why the “Seniors” will plished, more personal control over force support is not going to get any eas-
be actively encouraged to stay in the when and where they will work, and ier in the future; in fact, it will be far
work force. That shrinkage also means more support for remote and mobile more complex than it is today. LEADER
more importing of labor (and thus a
more multicultural work force), more
exporting of work (offshore outsourcing Charles Grantham James Ware
may be unpopular, but it’s not going to
go away), and more use of consultants
and part-timers. Charles James Ware is a
Grantham is a co-founder of
All of these factors mean a whole lot co-founder of the Work Design
more complexity in work force manage- the Work Design Collaborative
ment and support. For example, this Collaborative and the Future
picture suggests that workers will ask and the Future of Work pro-
for — and get — much more choice in of Work pro- gram. He has
the design of their workplaces and a gram. Charlie over 30 years
much wider range of types of office has spent over twenty years studying experience in research, executive
equipment. In essence, we have to rec- and writing about the future of work. education, consulting, and manage-
ognize that, in Alvin Toffler’s words, He is also the founder and chief sci- ment, including five years on the
“one size misfits all.” This diversity will
entist of the Institute for the Study of faculty of the Harvard Business
in turn put enormous pressure on infra-
Distributed Work, based in Prescott, School. A recognized expert in fos-
structure and support staffs, who will
Arizona, where he manages an tering collaborative inquiry that pro-
be tasked to satisfy those complex
extensive applied research program duces both learning and action, he
requirements and manage the resulting
focused on the emergence of the has led over a dozen sponsored
portfolio of workplaces and technolo-
gies. electronic workplace. He is recog- research projects on topics such as
nized as an international expert on electronic commerce channel strate-
Implications for the design of information and orga- gies, web-enabling business
Real Estate Executives nizational systems that support processes, IT executive leadership
The general business implication of these new forms of work. and staff development, and building
these demographic shifts is that there business performance scorecards.
is going to be a major talent shortage, Charlie received his Ph.D. in He was the lead author of The
especially for knowledge workers, in the Sociology from the University of Search for Digital Excellence,
developed world within five years. Maryland. He also holds degrees in (McGraw-Hill, 1998), an early com-
Although the human resource manage- Psychology and Urban Economics pendium of ebusiness case studies
ment challenges are fairly obvious, the from the University of Maryland. He demonstrating the impact of the
implications for the real estate profes- has published five books and over a Internet on business and society.
sional are perhaps less clear. dozen technical articles in fields
ranging from computer science to Jim holds Ph.D., M.A., and B.Sc.
We believe that changes in demograph- psychiatry. His latest book is degrees from Cornell University and
ics and an increased demand for cre- Consumer Evolution, released in late an MBA (With Distinction) from the
ative talent means that more work will 2002. He is also the author of The Harvard Business School. He is cur-
have to be “taken” to the worker, not Future of Work, published in 1999. rently a member of the board of
that workers will migrate and relocate trustees of Heald College.
to wherever companies want to be. The


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