Quiz2 Questions

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Department of Computer Science and Engg, IIT Bombay

CS 213 (m): Data Structures and Algorithms Quiz2: 7 April 2010; 09:45–10:45
One A4 Sheet of handwritten notes permitted. Weightage: 10%, Max Marks: 30

1. Given the following sequence of letters: E A S Y Q U E S T I O N. Show the steps using the
following algorithms: (i) Insertion Sort, (ii) Selection Sort, (iii) Bubble Sort, (iv) Quick Sort and
(v) Merge Sort. (20 Marks)

2. Insert following keys into an initially empty maximum-based binary heap: A L G O R I T H M.

Show the heap representation as: (i) binary tree (picture) and (ii) the corresponding array.
(iii) Perform a delete-the-maximum operation and show the resulting binary tree. (9 Marks)

3. Attach your handwritten sheet (with Roll number visible) to the answer paper. (1 Mark)

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Department of Computer Science and Engg, IIT Bombay

CS 213 (m): Data Structures and Algorithms Quiz2: 7 April 2010; 09:45–10:45
One A4 Sheet of handwritten notes permitted. Weightage: 10%, Max Marks: 30

1. Given the following sequence of letters: E A S Y Q U E S T I O N. Show the steps using the
following algorithms: (i) Insertion Sort, (ii) Selection Sort, (iii) Bubble Sort, (iv) Quick Sort and
(v) Merge Sort. (20 Marks)

2. Insert following keys into an initially empty maximum-based binary heap: A L G O R I T H M.

Show the heap representation as: (i) binary tree (picture) and (ii) the corresponding array.
(iii) Perform a delete-the-maximum operation and show the resulting binary tree. (9 Marks)

3. Attach your handwritten sheet (with Roll number visible) to the answer paper. (1 Mark)

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