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Chapter 1

Damage Cabbage As An Alternative Paper

1.1 Background of the study

The papers that has been used in this era is made out of wood and the trees are being cut just
to make it. Based on an essay from Trees and Their Uses that was made on the ninth of August
2017 it is said that trees are an essential component in life, thus require protection. Their uses
as medicines and natural remedies, manufacture of industrial products, production of wood,
timber, and firewood, provision of fruits and as energy in money saver makes them the
economic importance and environmentally crucial.
The cutting of trees in making paper is an act of deforestation. It can lead to the loss of habitat,
increased greenhouse gasses. It can also cause flooding and soil erosion and also the
destruction of homelands.
The researcher think that we should have an alternative on the papers that has been used right
The researchers care for the environment especially on the trees which helps us breath, then
using cabbage as an alternative can be a solution to the problem. It will be a big help. As an
individuality it is a good way of discipline too.
Environmental conservation doesn’t just mean protecting cute animals on the other side of the
world. It is in fact essential to our own survival. If your response to anything to do with the
environment is either “there are more pressing issues” or “who cares?” then it might be time to
consider how important it really is by Judith Willson in 1934.
The researcher is interested in this topic because they believe that everyone should practice
conservation. Especially in schools, which is the focus of the topic to be studied about.
Conservation practices is a topic which you can learn from, that has a big impact and has a big
help to our mother earth. It can affect the result or the outcome in which has been use in our
daily life.

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