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Speed Control of DC Motor using PWM 555 timer

Debabrata Das
Ankita Priyadarshini
Manas Ranjan Biswal

Under the guidance of-

Mrs. Bisaya Bhoi




A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Signal is a method for generating an analog signal using
a digital source. A PWM signal consists of two main components that define its behavior: a
duty cycle and a frequency. The duty cycle describes the amount of time the signal is in a
high (on) state as a percentage of the total time of it takes to complete one cycle. The
frequency determines how fast the PWM completes a cycle (i.e. 1000 Hz would be 1000
cycles per second), and therefore how fast it switches between high and low states. By
cycling a digital signal off and on at a fast enough rate, and with a certain duty cycle, the
output will appear to behave like a constant voltage analog signal when providing power to

Example: To create a 3V signal given a digital source that can be either high (on) at 5V, or
low (off) at 0V, you can use PWM with a duty cycle of 60% which outputs 5V 60% of the
time. If the digital signal is cycled fast enough, then the voltage seen at the output appears to
be the average voltage. If the digital low is 0V (which is usually the case) then the average
voltage can be calculated by taking the digital high voltage multiplied by the duty cycle, or
5V x 0.6 = 3V. Selecting a duty cycle of 80% would yield 4V, 20% would yield 1V, and so

PWM signals are used for a wide variety of control applications. Their main use is for
controlling DC motors but it can also be used to control valves, pumps, hydraulics, and other
mechanical parts. The frequency that the PWM signal needs to be set at will be dependent on
the application and the response time of the system that is being powered. Below are a few
applications and some typical minimum PWM frequencies required:

 Heating elements or systems with slow response times: 10-100 Hz or higher

 DC electric motors: 5-10 kHz or higher
 Power supplies or audio amplifiers: 20-200 kHz or higher
The electrical motor operated by DC is called DC motor. It converts DC electrical energy to
Mechanical energy.

Principle of DC Motor
When a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a torque and
has a tendency to move. In other words, when a magnetic field and an electric field interact,
a mechanical force is produced. The DC motor or direct current motor works on that
principal. This is known as motoring action.

To understand the DC motor in details lets consider the diagram below,

The circle in the center represents the direct current motor. On the circle, we draw the
brushes. On the brushes, we connect the external terminals, through which we give the
supply voltage. On the mechanical terminal, we have a shaft coming out from the center of
the armature, and the shaft couples to the mechanical load. On the supply terminals, we
represent the armature resistance Ra in series.
Now, let the input voltage E, is applied across the brushes. Electric current which flows
through the rotor armature via brushes, in presence of the magnetic field, produces a torque
Tg. Due to this torque Tg the dc motor armature rotates. As the armature conductors are
carrying currents and the armature rotates inside the stator magnetic field, it also produces an
emf Eb in the manner very similar to that of a generator. The generated Emf Eb is directed
opposite to the supplied voltage and is known as the back Emf, as it counters the forward
The back emf like in case of a generator is represented by
A DC motor (direct current motor) has a lot of applications in today’s
field of engineering and technology. From electric shavers to automobiles
– DC motors are everywhere. To cater to this wide range of applications –
different types of DC motors are used depending on the applicaition.
The types of DC motor include:

 Permanent magnet DC motor(PMDC Motor)

 Separately Excited DC Motor
 Self Excited DC Motor
 Shunt Wound DC Motor
 Series Wound DC Motor
 Compound Wound DC Motor
 Short shunt DC Motor
 Long shunt DC Motor
 Differential Compound DC Motor
Often we want to control the speed of a DC motor on demand. This intentional change
of drive speed is known as speed control of a DC motor.

Speed control of a DC motor is either done manually by the operator or by means of an

automatic control device. This is different to speed regulation – where the speed is trying to
be maintained (or ‘regulated’) against the natural change in speed due to a change in the load
on the shaft.

The speed of a DC motor (N) is equal to:

Therefore speed of the 3 types of DC motors – shunt, series and compound – can be
controlled by changing the quantities on the right-hand side of the equation above.

Hence the speed can be varied by changing:

1. The terminal voltage of the armature, V.

2. The external resistance in armature circuit, Ra.
3. The flux per pole, φ.

Terminal voltage and external resistance involve a change that affects the armature
circuit, while flux involves a change in the magnetic field. Therefore speed control of DC
motor can be classified into:
1. Armature Control Methods
2. Field Control Methods
PWM DC Motor Speed Control
PWM is a method through which we can generate variable voltage by turning on and
off the power that’s going to the electronic device at a fast rate. The average voltage depends
on the duty cycle of the signal, or the amount of time the signal is ON versus the amount of
time the signal is OFF in a single period of time.

555 Timer PWM Generator Circuit

The 555 Timer is capable of generating PWM signal when set up in an astable mode.
Here’s a basic circuit of the 555 Timer operating in an astable mode and we can notice that
the output is HIGH when the capacitor C1 is charging through the resistors R1 and R2.

On the other hand, the output of the IC is LOW when the capacitor C1 is discharging
but only through the resistor R2. So we can notice that if we change the values of any of
these three components we will get different ON and OFF times, or different duty cycle of
the square wave output signal. An easy and instant way to do this is to replace the R2 resistor
with a potentiometer, and additionally add two diodes in the circuit.
On the other hand, the output of the IC is LOW when the capacitor C1 is discharging
but only through the resistor R2. So we can notice that if we change the values of any of
these three components we will get different ON and OFF times, or different duty cycle of
the square wave output signal. An easy and instant way to do this is to replace the R2 resistor
with a potentiometer, and additionally add two diodes in the circuit

In this configuration the On time will depend on the resistor R1, the left side of the
potentiometer and the capacitor C1, while the Off time will depend on the capacitor C1 and
the right side of the potentiometer. We can also notice that in this configuration the period of
one cycle, thus the frequency, will always be the same, because the total resistance, while
charging and discharging, will remain the same.
Usually the R1 resistance is much smaller than the resistance of the potentiometer, for
example, 1K compared to 100K of the potentiometer. In that way we have 99% control over
the charging and discharging resistance in the circuit. The control pin of the 555 Timer is not
used but it’s connected to a 100nF capacitor in order to eliminate any external noise from
that terminal. The reset, pin number 4, is active low so therefore it is connected to VCC in
order to prevent any unwanted reset of the output.
The output of the 555 timer can sink or source a current of 200mA to the load.
So if the motor that we want to control exceeds this rating we need to use a transistor or a
MOSFET for driving the motor. In this example, I used a (TIP122) Darlington transistor
which can handle a current up to 5A.

The output of the IC needs to be connected to the base of the transistor through a resistor,
and in my case I used 1k resistor. For preventing any voltage spikes produced by the motor
we need to use a flyback diode which is connected in parallel with the motor.

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