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Pooja Mordani (2008) explored the study on investigation of consumer‘s perception towards internet

based e-shopping and the study involved an experiment in which the respondents were asked to go
through the online shopping process and relate their experiences. The study found that the positive
experience with a website plays a vital role in forming consumers trust while shopping online and if
consumers trust the website then they will perceive ease of use, perceive enjoyment and perceive the
89 website to be less risky which would finally culminate into an intention to transact with the website.

Sawney (2008) has identified various performance indicators critical to success of online retailing. Some
of them include ease of navigation, quick loading times, accurate product/service delivery system, Clear
transaction policies, online interactivity between buyer and seller, transaction safety, and transaction

Vijay, Sai. T. & Balaji, M. S. (May 2009) in the study revealed that Consumers, all over the world, are
increasingly shifting from the crowded stores to the one-click online shopping format.

Quelch & Klein (1996) conducted the study on ―the internet and international marketing‖ and revealed
that trust is an important factor in determining whether an individual chooses to, or not to, acquire
goods or services via the Web.

Maigan and Lukas (1997) studied on the consumer perception towards e-shopping. The study found that
internet shopping involves more uncertainty and risk than traditional shopping. Consumers‘
unwillingness to provide their credit card information over the web has been cited as a major obstacle
to online purchases.

Lohse and Spiller (1999) studied on the online shopping and it was found that online shopping is a result
of convenient access to greater amounts of information that enhances customer decision making and
increases market penetration for the merchants.

Goodwin (1999) in the study found that to most consumers, the issue of security and privacy over the
Internet is the most overwhelming barrier facing the adoption of Electronic Commerce that caused them
not to make any purchase on the Internet. Widely publicised security lapses on the Internet, where
hackers have accessed personal financial information being sent electronically, have done little to boost
consumer confidence in the Internet as a conduit for commerce.

Kim & Lim, (2001) conducted the study on online shopping and in his study it has become quite clear
that in order to survive and be profitable, online businesses must pursue the fundamentals of good
retailing. One of these principles is knowledge about existing and potential customers and their
preferences Retailers must pay attention to the target market's perceptions, attitudes, and behaviour
rather than the technological characteristics of their websites.

Benedict et al (2001) in his study on perceptions towards online shopping reveals that perceptions
toward online shopping and intention to shop online are not only affected by ease of use, usefulness,
and enjoyment, but also by exogenous factors like consumer traits, situational factors, product
characteristics, previous online shopping experiences, and trust in online shopping.

Slyke et al. (2002), in their study of gender differences in perceptions of web-based shopping, showed
that gender is a significant predictor of an individual‘s intention to make purchases over the Web. They
also found that men perceived Web shopping more positively than women.
Tasi and Yeh (2010) aimed to study the effect of website quality specifically product quality information, efficiency
service quality, website design style and characteristics, and transaction and delivery capabilities-on perceived risk of
information security and privacy and its relationship with purchase intention. The results show that consumers who
purchase environmentally sustainable products pay attention to the quality of the websites from which they purchase
those products.

Koufaris, (2002) conducted a study on ―Applying the Technology acceptance model and flow theory to
online consumer behavior‖ and the study reveals that online shopping behavior has been an important
topic in online shopping research areas. The main reason is that most consumers are computer users
and the online consumers perform all the functions of a traditional consumer on the computer with
commercial web sites.

Halstead and Becherer (2003) emphasized in their study that internet marketing is a field which is going
to grow and the online auction concept may be defining a totally new and unique distribution
alternative. The study found that people shopping on the internet want delivery of their purchase
quickly and easily. Speed and convenience are the two driving factors essential for online buying.

Shwu-Ing (2003) conducted the study and found that consumers‘ benefits perception, comprising
convenience, selections freedom, information abundance, homepage design and company name
familiarity, had a significant relationship with attitude toward online shopping. Consumers usually
compare the perceived benefits between shopping channels.

Schlosser, (2003) studied on ―online browsing‖ and found that another kind of consumers is called a
―browser‖, who is experiential and try to find an entertaining experience rather than information. Once
searchers and browsers are satisfied by the experiences they perceive, they may become purchasers.

Koyuncu & Bhattacharya, (2004) conducted the study on ―The Impacts of Quickness, Price, Payment
Risk, and Delivery Issues on On-line Shopping‖ and the study found that Individuals tend to purchase less
through the Internet because the online payment of Internet shopping involves some risk Thirdly, risk to
privacy refers to the degree to which a consumer may sacrifice their privacy when they are required to
provide confidential information to process an EC transaction.

Sorce et al. (2005) in the study of online shopping found that younger consumers searched for more
products online and they were more likely to agree that online shopping was more convenient.

Oppenheim, C. and Ward, L. (2006) conducted the study on ―Evaluation of websites for B2C e-
commerce‖ and the study reveals that the current primary reason that people shop for the internet is
the convenience. They found that the previous primary reason for shopping online was price which has
now changed to convenience

Syed Shah Alam(2008) in the study revealed that young consumers are playing an important role in
online shopping. The increasing use of Internet by the younger generation in Malaysia provides an
emerging prospect for online retailers. It was discovered that website design, website reliability,
customer service and privacy are the four key factors which influence young consumers‘ perceptions of
online shopping.

Zhang et al. (2010) conducted the study and found that retailers are now realizing the need to have an
integrated approach towards store and online channels to exploit the growth potential of multi-channel

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