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Chapter 1


Having a job is a great supporter for a living. Where in a world, with one's

country is struggling in both economics and politics, and having to buy

everything for a higher price, you can earn some extra income for supporting

your family or even save up money to become independent to achieve own's

dreams. With this given opportunity, in the year 1992 in the Philippines, RA

7323 was published helping many students tried their luck, and do their

part-time jobs; to cope up with the constant increase in tuition fees and find a

way to afford higher education. Student jobs have become a sort of trend

among students around the world, who wants to be working while they are

studying. In short, the term that suits this trend is 'Earn and Learn' policy.

However, not everyone supports it. It causes some students to be

distracted at their studies, have no time for other activities and possibly may

neglect their health and end up with mono. In an examination conducted by

Gorgulho, one of the main fuss among working students is that they find

themselves without sufficient time to eat right (Gorgulho, et al., 2012). Instead

of eating healthy foods, such as fruit and whole grains, working students

frequently grapple a chance of a quick meal comprised of low-quality foods

that bear sugar and high sodium (Gorgulho, et al., 2012). Taking a part-time

job can make money, but it can't pay you a fellowship or kinship. If you don't
spend your time with your friends and family, you can't deduce them or realize

what they're thinking about. (Chen, 2016). Learners should rejoice in their

school life rather than hasten into society early to earn money considering

students should learn but not to earn money. (Cheng, 2010).

The problem also has been developed in the Philippines with the question

as to have the corresponding workloads and required working hours of working

students affecting their academic performance. The frequentness of teenage

application has ignited active debates over whether adolescents should work,

for how many hours, and in what variety of jobs. Most parents approve the

concept of their children working, as they think that employment instills a whole

array of positive traits, including independence, responsibility, interpersonal

skills, and a good work ethic (Phillips & Sandstrom, 2009). In an article written

by De La Cerna (2016) in Cebu Daily News Inquirer, described the experience

of having a part-time job as "Greatly helped sharpen my memory. Most of all, I

learned the high value of work."

Locally, the Department of Education (DepEd) is currently primarily

concerning their selves into the reason why the achievement rates are kept on

deteriorating. The issue is being the response to the findings of Ramento

(2011) that the declining of the rates of achievement by the time goes by of

students Davao City. Ramento states that the reason behind is that the poor

study habits of students or weak study skills, lack of financial support and lack

of parental guidance and notably, because of being into the labor force.
Additionally, the study of Castro (2013), conducted to determine what are the

factors that would influence employees to work as a call center agent in the

locality, Davao City. Results revealed that 50% of the employees are currently

studying and the study also shows that call center as a job is much more

preferable for them significantly due to salary, job prospect, and its work hours

that enable them to also attain education at the same time.

Despite this development that bought by student employment, there are

still some students who favored having a part-time job, planting determination

in the mind, and planning in their future that's still unknown; with their parents,

guiding along the way of their life. There was a lot of analysis, reviews and

examination regarding this matter, the inconsistencies, and setbacks but they

were only a few types of research of this case. Thus, the main aim of this study

is to expound the struggles and adaptions of the working students that they

have been encountered in their job. By knowing this, we presume that we can

come up with the best steps to improve the students' mindsets and engage

them with stern and bona fide social studies and patronize these steps with the

experience of the students as the participants of this study.

Purpose of the Study

Working while studying is not an easy task, especially for full-time students

who work for more hours a week. This can be a tough situation that needs

balancing of time between studies and work. Students working as any possible,
legal, and proper worker in an institution assume extra responsibilities, besides

studying, with the goal of earning for school fees and other needs. School

costs keep on increasing that students also want the amenities that extra

money brings. Its no longer a shock to see a lot of student work for their needs.

Actually, this pedagogical culture now becomes a norm in the learning

environment. We, ourselves as normal and full-time students personally

observed how working students deal with their everyday lives. Therefore, we

are in our best intrigue to delve and explore how they struggle and what are

their difficulties in studying and working at the same time and also we want to

know how educators maneuver the folks' verdict about how useful is it.

Additionally, we would also like to unearth the effect of the stated norm on

those students who are directly addressed in the idea. Ensuing, we personally

believed that this paper would give advantage to the following stakeholders:

School administrators. The result of the study will provide the inputs in

planning programs that will aid the students' attainment towards the

achievement of desirable learning outcomes.

Teacher. The result of this study can be a useful guide for them in

designing instructional activities that heighten the motivation of the students to

engage in the learning process.

Students. The result of this study can serve as a facilitating tool

for them to engage in activities that would help them work on the increment of

their academic achievement.

The parents. The result of this study can be an awareness tool for them to

take part in motivating their child for better scholastic performance.

Future researchers. They may benefit from this paper as this could provide

a foundation or a starting point in the extraction of the experiences of students

who are working and studying at the same time. This could give them

information and insights regarding the matter that could be used as their

benchmark for further research about the stated study.

Research Objectives

This study aims to determine the lived experiences of working students

who have their reasons and story to tell, their struggles and motivation. More

specifically, this study will seek to come after the following objectives:

 Describe the lived experiences of working students who became the

provider of their own, their struggles and motivations.

 Examine the ways how can they be able to cope up with the struggles they

are in and how can they hold their motivation tightly.

 Point out the students’ insights about how does working affects their

behavior in studying.

Review of Related Literature

General overview of what is a working student is.

Expenses for high school education` are never cheaper as generation

passes by. Some families can afford tuition fees; however, most of the families

cannot afford to send their children to pursue a degree. Hence, one of the

best ways to earn a degree and to fulfill dreams is to work while studying. The

ACT Foundation defines "working learners" as individuals who are both

working for pay and enrolled informal learning programs that lead to a

recognized credential. They are the majority of part-time students and more

than a third of the full-time student population. A working student is a person

who has work and at the same time go to school as a student. Being a working

student needs a lot of effort not only to his work but also in his studies.

According to De la Cerna (2017), there are two kinds of working students:

those who work outside the school either day or night and get paid, Work

outside the school, these working students get paid and maybe work either

day or night depending on the availability of their school schedule. Those who

work inside the school being assigned in various offices of the school and don't

get paid but have big discounts on their tuition fees. Working inside the school,

these students who work inside the school don't get paid but their tuition fees

are discounted or sometimes it is free it depends on their grades. They go to

school and at the same time, they are working for their needs for the school

requirements and the payment of their tuition fees. Furthermore, John B.

Boshoven stated that "College costs are high, and young adults also want

the amenities that extra money brings." Filipino students value the importance

of education. They try their best to finish their studies and have a decent job in

the future. Studies show that students who work are more confident and
possess better time-management skills than students who are not employed.

They learn how to be responsible for their time and use it carefully.

In an essay, "Understanding the Working Student: New Research and Its

Implications for Policy and Practice", some of these students are awarded

"work" as part of their financial aid package, other students either do not

receive work-study funding or find such awards insufficient to cover the costs

of attendance (Baum 2010). Some traditional-age students may use

employment as a way to explore career options or earn spending money.

According to Bacum (2015), some students in 2015 about 216,000 working

students in the country are juggling school and work. According to the data

form the commission on higher education (CHED). Some traditional-age

students may use employment as a way to explore career options or earn

spending money.

Different backgrounds that show how rampant working students are.

Furthermore, Almost 80 percent of students take at least a part-time job

during the school year (Fang 2013). It includes students in high school,

community college, online colleges, both public and private colleges, and

universities, calculated that on average, these students work 19 hours a week.

Teenagers are very eager to pursue to finish their school even if their parent or

their family could not help to support them financially. Being a working student

is very hard, they need to give their full attention when they are in school and

give full attention and their strength when they work. Being a working student
is much different especially on the schedule. Their duties as a working student

are hard while they're still in the school. A working student sometimes works in

their school and give them financial assistance if their academic or grades is in

the middle and they don't let their grades fall. Some students have no

capability to pay their tuition, in order to, they need to apply in the school as a

working student.

Being a working student needs them to limit their leisure time activities and

focus on their time on their job and their studies. A Filipino student who works

can deprive their self to sleep well. They learn not to waste their time and for

them, time is gold. They need to balance their work and study. They need to

start their day as early as possible to have time for school projects and then

going to work. Working students did not report lower grades, higher

absenteeism, or more school tardiness than working than their working peers,

However, students who worked were significantly more likely to cut classes

and not take part in extracurricular activities than were students were not

employed (Garman et al., 2005).

Part-time Employment is a common activity among youth and is perceived

by many adolescents as an integral part of their identity. Approximately 80% of

high school students work sometime during high school, and about 40% of

them work at any given time stated by Singh and Chang (2007). According to

(Pepprah, Mattu, & Antwi-Yamoah 2019) Continuance commitment is

essential in our world today because employees have the fear that a loss of

their jobs will affect their income and their livelihood. Moreover, the

Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Philippines has recounted that

eight of the students are working students. Work-study is also an accepted

practice of the most Seventh-day Adventist universities (Pepprah et al.,


According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2007 nearly

half (45 percent) of "traditional" undergraduates—that is, students between the

ages of sixteen and twenty-four attending full time—worked while enrolled.

About 80 percent of traditional-age undergraduates attending part-time worked

while enrolled. Working is now a fundamental responsibility for many

undergraduates. But understanding how employment affects students'

educational experiences is complicated by why students work. Many students

must work to pay the costs of attending college stated by Perna (2010).

According to the latest data from the Commission on Higher Education

(CHED), CHED said working students today are mostly into food service,

entertainment and sales, apart from their usual stints as the library and

research assistants. Some students that they have no capability to pay their

tuition to apply in certain restaurants, offices as a working student. Some of the

working students are employed in the fast-food chain as a service crew. Some,

especially those with capital, invest in small businesses. Some serve as

student assistants in colleges and universities, and this is a common strategy.

According to Mattew (2014), The individuals sampled for the study were

full-time students in the 2011-2012 academic year and were known to have

undertaken paid work. They were drawn from a range of backgrounds,

including those studying in English and Welsh institutions, in higher education

and further education institutions, those who received grant-based financial

support and those who did not. Approximately half of those interviewed were
still studying (current students) at the time of the interview in spring 2013, and

half had graduated and were in the labor market (new graduates).

A recent research study conducted by Georgetown University concluded

that over 14 million students work while still enrolled in college. This represents

around 70% of American college students working while studying, a staggering

statistic to say the least.

Based on the study commission on higher education added that only 50%

of the working student get to finish senior high as many cannot cope and

cannot concentrate on their studies while some have poor health, while others

give up because of insufficient funds.

Covering the reasons why students are working.

Nowadays, a part-time job is needed because of the economic crisis in the

world. At the same time, this problem also affects some students who have a

financial problem. Then, the students were looking for a part-time job to

seeking some money to afford their studies at the university. Students also can

do an online part-time job such as being a drop-ship to the other business.

Students can work with their specialties skills with own ways.

Additionally, there are obviously a number of reasons why high school

students choose to get jobs—to help support their families, to save for college,

or to just earn some extra money. Nearly 1 in 4 high school students worked in

2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

According to YO University (2014), There are many reasons for which

students tend to wish for a working place, even if they are still in college and

most of their time is focused on learning. A few of the reasons are an

additional income, work experience, and a wealthy resume.

Most of the students don't have rich parents. Therefore, they cannot cover

their daily expenses or pay their tuition fees. Without a question, working on a

part-time job would be the perfect choice for them to lessen the financial

burden. If this is not the case, some extra cash is always welcome.

Unearthing the motivation in order to face the struggles.

Academically, a working student has long been admired. Filipino student

is very aggressive to finish their school and have a degree for them to help

their family. They know how important to have an education and nobody can

take it away from them if they have a degree in the near future. However, they

know that the rewards they can get are to finish school and have a better job in

the future. In an article written by Hamid (2016) You have to work to pay the

living costs because there is no other option. Or you want to work besides the

study to gain experience and knowledge in the labor market. This was

supported by Chacon (2018) This should be appreciated, any work is

experience and preparation to real life. The student also can enhance their

Self-esteem by working part-time, they can meet a new companion and learn

how to respect others. In Addition, Through earning, students will gain a sense
of achievement. They can realize their value and prove to their selves that they

are capable people.

Life of a Working student is not easy the ones who are naturally slow have

to keep up with the rest of the class. And even the ones with superior learning

abilities are pressured to stay at the top CEBU, Philippines (2016).

One factor that affects working students' physical well being is a lack of sleep.

Sleepless doesn't usually cause long term medical problems. But it can

adversely affect physical and intellectual performance and mood (Reyes


The basic problem of a working student face is the scheduling of a routine.

Working while studying gives you a dissimilar perception of the Institute

experience. The prime advantage of working while learning is that they groom

themselves as they enter into their professional life. It is not as easy to work

and educate yourself at the same time you have to compromise many other

things just for the sake of the betterment of your life. And some work multiple

jobs on top of going to their Institutes full time. Being a working student is

mostly sleep deprived. Their work plus studies never let them complete sleep

hours. For them, nights are long while the morning is dreaded. This is the

reason they consequently sleep in the classroom, or feel sleepy all day and

tired which further messes up all the work they do. Life of a working student is

so complicated they barely give time to anything or anyone. Unfortunately,

having to balance a social life, works, family and educational time is very

Balancing school work and social life while the couple's with the newly

found freedom of living away from home is often a formidable challenge. Add a

part-time job to that mix, and burden can become overwhelming affected all

aspects of a student's life and his physical and mental well being.

Some working students can be more likely to be left behind in their academic

environment. They could also feel "out of place" and have less time for their

social life since they are not around in the campus.

Being a working student is a responsibility of many less fortunate but

willing young adults and adults individuals. Working studying at the same time

can augment the income or the sources of matriculation or other needs.

According to Bacum's (2015) theory, investing in education can raise the

economic and social status of an individual. Being a student is not easy

because tuition fee is expensive especially on private collages and university it

requires a lot of money to become a degree holder as a result, some student

have to support themselves by becoming working students.

This study explores the experience of working while studying postgraduate

students at an international school. It is then argued that obtaining debt as tired

consequences of studying will encourage students to get involved in part-time

employment (Stephen 2016) even though many countries including the

Philippines allocated specific budget for education by providing scholarship,

but not all students have the privilege to get them student can directly relate

the experiences of working part-time to enhance and improve their academic

One of the disadvantages of being a student while holding a job is that they

are often short on time and commonly find themselves with limited time to

study, sleep, and maintain healthy eating habits. In a study conducted by

Gorgulho, et al., one of the main complaints among working students is that

they find themselves without enough time to eat right (Gorgulho, et al., 2012).

Instead of consuming healthy foods, such as fruit and whole grains, working

students often grab a quick meal comprised of low-quality foods that contain

sugar and high sodium (Gorgulho, et al., 2012). This is not to say that students

should feel discouraged and not work while in college, but instead be mindful

of the commitment and plan accordingly. For example, students who work

every day might benefit from a seven-day food preparation technique at the

beginning of every week.

If poor eating habits continue over an extended period of time, this will

increase the risk of obesity and the development of lifestyle-related chronic

diseases (Huang, et al., 2003). Huang's study on obesity, diet, and physical

activity among college students indicates that an estimated 35% of college

students are at risk of being overweight (Huang, et al., 2003). Low levels of

physical activity and poor nutrition are common reasons for this high incidence

rate. While it may not seem of importance to working students while in college,

the negative outcomes will prove to be a growing concern as they get older.

Quality of diet is a matter of lifestyle change and can be easily improved, while

managing diseases and major health concerns later in life may not easily

improve one's health.

Consequently, students who feel so down and feel so little might have

problems with their selves. However, they have enough motivation to keep
going. Motivation is an important think about the scholars' learning method.

The success of the scholars finding out method is reckoning on their

motivation. Motivation leads them to succeed in their goals. As Ormrod (2011)

says, "It leads to increase the hassle and energy in pursuit of these goals".

Therefore, motivation is the key to open their future success. Motivation has a

vital role to influence the ability of learning activity, however, the motivation is

additionally influenced by the goals. If there's the next goal, there's a much

bigger motivation to reach the goal. Many respected authors made a

contribution in giving insights on the motivation of working students to continue

to strive in everyday life.

According to Borderless Charity (2017) Sufficiently genuine, persuading an

understudy student to think about hard can be a genuine affliction at the outset.

In any case, you're truly on it, you can attempt some demonstrated

encouragement systems that will help you in pushing somebody towards

scholastic execution. You simply need to profile these students absolutely.

Understudy students are inspired by multiple points of view, particularly with

regards to securing information and accomplishing scholarly execution. An

understudy student might be keen on study hall investment or discourse while

another might be progressively profitable in examining alone or in a tranquil

spot like a library. In any case, others might be increasingly energetic about

social work, extracurricular exercises, or sports. To elevate the quality and of

undergraduates' learning experience, inspiration from guardians and

instructors can be extremely compelling. Here's the manner by which

inspiration influences understudies' scholastic execution.

According to Young (2018) one overview of current undergrads in regards

to their first post-graduation work, vocation development was their most

regularly recognized concern — speaking to 36 percent of respondents. With

such a large number of understudies concentrated on long haul profession

advancement, utilize this chance to fortify how their present job can help set up

a strong establishment for the future, especially if their activity obligations

relate to their field of study. Obviously, even a totally disconnected activity can

train various significant aptitudes in regards to difficult work, consistency, and

performing multiple tasks.

With such a significant number of potential interruptions — both academic

and something else — on the present grounds, understudy workers seldom

have the opportunity or vitality to make sense of how undertakings ought to be

finished and rather favor direct guidance on what to do.

Plainly archive work obligations and procedures, which understudies can

survey as required. Likewise, plot what great an occupation execution

resembles. With these subtleties promptly characterized, understudies will

have a superior comprehension of what is anticipated from them.

Experiencing the effect of working while studying.

According to Carol Kasworm, a professor of adult education at North

Carolina State University, and other contributors to Understanding the Working

Student, other students, particularly adult students, work is a part of their

A working student may learn a lot of skill and they are ahead for some

ordinary student. They can improve more of their self while working and

studying. Earning a degree is one way to get on a path toward a more

gratifying career. But it presents a dilemma for those who need to maintain

full-time employment (Harvard Extension School).

Working students can learn how to save money, Students who earn their

own money tend to spend it wisely. Part-time jobs are often tough, and

hard-earned money can be painful to part with. In short, students are more

likely to save their money for necessities such as textbooks and rent. The extra

cash from part-time work lets you cover the cost of living more comfortably,

sometimes even leaving a little aside for fun.

Part-time is to develop understanding to students know and learn the way

how they will make use of what they learned. They work while studying in order

for them to learned new things and experience the ways on how to control their

time and plans. Moreover, this is because, in hospitality, they need to gain

knowledge and experience about hospitality (Anastasiadou 2009).

Suggest that universities have a moral requirement to move effectively

understand and manage the stressors experienced by students studying

full-time and working part-time. Providing suitable training for a student would

be an alternative, when you're a working student the struggles are real

because you become hard to being sleepy and tired all the time, falling asleep

in class, (Stephen 2016) and (Jack 2015) have wisely taught us. All work and

no play ends with some bad, very bad things to happen.

Many researchers focus on working after higher education but little

research on the effects of working while in higher education. Recently, higher

education has been increasing tuition and other costs that go into attending

college. This has had an effect on students. Mainly, they are looking for jobs

while in school to help cushion some of those costs and everyday expenses. In

Moris Triventi's study, he looked into the effect of working in higher education.

He found that working at low-intensity had positive effects but higher-intensity

jobs, 35 hours or more per week, tended to have negative effects. Some of the

positive effects are increased independence, ability to budget, managing a

schedule, and gaining soft skills, such as communication and problem-solving

skills. Some of the negative effects are higher risk of dropping out, delayed

graduation rates, and negative effects on academic performance. He found

that full-time workers tend to have less time for academic studies and school

activities. Non-workers average 17.0 hours of studying per week and part-time

and full-time workers study 15.7 hours a week. Full-time workers also attend

classless times per week. Part-time workers in this study were able to deal with

the effects of working while in school (Triventi, 2014).

In Rajeev Darolia's study, there was a correlation between the number of

credits completed and the number of hours worked per week. This study states

that 80 percent of students work at some point in their undergraduate program

and the number of hours worked per week increases each year. Some

students take fewer credits due to work commitments. Part-time and full-time

students tend to spend less time studying (Darolia, 2014). This can lead to

delayed graduation dates and more debt from more years of schooling. The

time-to-degree ratio is higher, which in turn costs the students less future
earnings. The study points out the negative effect of working to be a lack of

time for school-based activities and leisure activities, which can help with

overall health (Darolia, 2014).

According to Bjremlap (2009), it helps a great deal with preventing

procrastination and requires the student to be more organized. Students

should be working less than 20 hours per week and be working for someone

that is flexible to their constantly changing schedules. Working a job on

campus that is affiliated with the university is the best way to go. They usually

pay the best, are easy to get to, work around your schedule, and you get all

university holidays/breaks off (usually).

The majority of students are working in sector food division, part-time

promoter, part-time runner, part-time working with using their skills and many

more. The most famous for the part-time job usually in food sectors such as

fast-food restaurants, being a cashier. In addition to Van de Pol (2015), say the

combination of working part-time will give reward and achievement while they

can control the attitude while serving customer

According to the researchers conducted by (Watts and Jumson 2016),

while working part-time and studying full-time has a variety of positive

outcomes. From the perspective of the student part-time work is often an

introduction to the real World which will both in personal career development.

Negatively, students who are working part-time tent to achieve poorer mark

compared to their classmate who is studying full-time. Given that part-time

working student is a common phenomenon (Steven and Gilbert 2015).

To provide a context when considering the influence of part-time

employment on secondary school students, it is useful to examine the types of

jobs in which those students are involved. In this report, the investigation of the

consequences of such employment encompasses both the subjective opinions

of students who have part-time jobs and the more readily demonstrable and

objectively measured effects over several years. The latter include effects on

school completion, on end of school achievement as indicated by final year

results, and on labor market outcomes in the initial post-school years.

Students taking on a job on top of their studies will have less free time than

non-working students. When working students have to measure out their time,

they tend to be better planners as they make sure they complete every task

expected of them on deadline. They learn to weigh their priorities, sometimes

skipping fun activities to finish their responsibilities. This prepares them for life

after school when excuses and tardy work will be frowned upon.

Often, students work jobs that introduce them to their preferred career

after school is over. This allows them to gain important introductory experience

in the business and begin networking with those in that field. Even students

who work in places not connected to their majors will look more impressive to

potential employers. They'll have some kind of work experience on their

resumes to start, and the fact that they've been able to hold a job while a

school attests to their level of maturity, responsibility and time management.

Employers look for employees who understand the work environment and

work well as part of a team. Having a part-time job shows that the student is at

least somewhat accustomed to the professional world, which will make the

transition that much easier.

Theoretical Lens

Our study can be correlated to various theories that came from different

famous and trusted theorists and philosophers that eventually supporting it.

According to DiCaprio (1974, in Forney, Evans & Guido-DiBrito, 1998), the

field of student development theory and research justifies the profession of

Student Affairs and legitimizes the relevance of student affairs professionals in

the college setting. This will provide us with which base the students work and

will make us gradually understand where students are within a human

development continuum, where they are ad where are they going

developmentally. By means of this student development theory, we are

enlightened on how to address the development of a student, what students

learn in class and how they develop out of class and their usage of the

knowledge and skill that allows them to be ready for life after they finished

school years. Finally, student development theory provides description,

explanation, prediction, and control. Though there are many models of student

development, the basic premise is the same. Student development reflects

theories of human growth and environmental influences as applied to in class

and out of class personal learning opportunities. The essence of intentional

student development is the interaction between the student and the

educational environment so that all aspects of the student's life are attended to.

Also, the environmental resources both challenge the student and give the

support needed to meet these challenges and so more advanced levels of

development result. We actually realized that working at the same time

studying gives chance to students to develop their selves.

The development of self leads students to have a better consciousness of

what their future be like. We can anchor this study to the theory of self-efficacy

that was originated from Social Cognitive theory by Alberta Bendura (1982).

Self-efficacy is the belief that one has the power to produce that effect by

completing a given task or activity related to that competency. It relates to a

person's perception of their ability to reach a goal by their capability to attain it.

Students that had planned a better and brighter future for their selves in spite

of the challenges they are facing are having their dreams as their motivations

which they hold to achieve through perseverance and overcoming obstacles

and from observing others succeed through sustained effort. Students will do

anything for the reason of achieving their dreams and have a better future that

awaits them, even including working at a young age on the to-do list. The

heavier task they have to do the more effort they will do in order to complete it.

Due to the competitiveness of the working students, on the other hand, the

disadvantageous will be inevitable. Theory that that promotes a negative

association between student work and educational success is the theory of

primary orientation (Baert, Marx, Neyt, Van Belle, & Van Casteren, in the press;

Bozick, 2007; Warren, 2002). It explores the validity of the primary orientation

theory with respect to the association between student employment and

academic performance for students in higher education. There was a negative

relationship between the hours' students worked and their academic

performance. This theory suggests that working students' worsen academic

performance is related to their primary focus on work rather than school. In

other words, it reflects a school disengagement that existed before the

decision was made to work, rather than a negative effect due to the student job



Presented in this chapter the methods that will be utilized in the study. This

includes analysis on the research design, participants of the study, ethical

considerations, role of the researcher, data collection, analysis of data, and

trustworthiness of the data.

Research Design

This research will employ a qualitative phenomenological design. This

design was portrayed as a route of researching and also to comprehend the

purport of an individual and a group that is affixed on the social issue (Creswell

& Poth, 2017). This qualitative design's goal is to study and to have a profound

understanding of something as a part of the society we currently live in. We

have environed via various phenomena that demand through study determines

it's complicacy so that it can fully fathom. This design packs the void of our

comprehension and clarification of distinct circumstance, occasion, encounter

or incident. This phenomenological design concerns with emerging problems,

questions and process, to assay and illustrate of the data, and ingathering of

data in a natural environment. This design is focused on an in-depth test of the

lived experiences of each person in many circumstances involving their

perspectives, beliefs, judgments, the emotion of these experiences. The

excellence of subjective phenomenological configuration is that the

discoveries of the examination can't naturally be appropriated nor decided

ahead of time.
With regard to this investigation, the researchers will utilize the

phenomenological plan to investigate the encounters and coping mechanisms

of working students. Phenomenological structure as a request originating from

theory and brain research would assist the researchers with extracting data

from the members on how they depict furthermore, see a marvel.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted in one particular private Filipino Catholic

school in Toril, Davao City. The institution is run by a specific religious

congregation. Its foundation was to provide formal religious instruction to the

young students of Toril. It is recognized by the Department of Education

(DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). It is also a

member of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP).

Additionally, its elementary and high school departments have Level II

accreditation status by the Philippine Accrediting Association of School

Colleges and Universities (PAASCU). The school also offers a working place

to those students who are unable to sustain their financial needs in order for

them to finish their degrees that make the place more convenient for the

researchers to encounter a number of participants. More so, the researchers'

access to the academic institution was effortlessly considered already.

Participants and Sampling

We, as the researchers believe that in order to obtain a representative

sample we should use a sound judgment, which will eventually result in saving

time and money (Black, 2010). Therefore the usage of purposive sampling will

be done in this study. This way of sampling is also known as judgemental

selective or subjective sampling (Crossman, 2017) in where the researchers

rely on their own judgment when choosing particular members of the

population to take part in the study.

For the purpose of selecting the participants in the study that we will be

conducting, we will consider the one and only criteria we have: the participant

should be a working student for even a year. We did limit the criteria is not too

high and tight so that we can have enough sources to rely on. We assume that

the selected participants will take part to provide and share what they have

been through relating to the data and information that we actually need and

that had to comply for the completion, satisfactoriness, and sufficiency of our


Ethical Consideration

We will hold fast to the figured measures and set of systems in the

endeavors of qualitative research. In this study, the participants will be given

earlier information to consent and will not be forced. The participants can use

the tongue they are comfortable using. This research will ensure the protection

of the privacy of our research participants.

The anonymity of the participants will be in their decision. Their names,

contact numbers, address and any adequate level of confidential data will be

highly protected and respected. Any deception or exaggeration about the aims

and objectives will be avoided. Any offensive, discrimination, or other

unacceptable language in the formulating of interview will not contain. Biases,

careless errors, and negligence will also be avoided. Make up any data will not

be done. We will disclose any personal or financial interests. We will also

review our work carefully and critically to ensure that our results are credible.

We will be open to criticism and new ideas. We will acknowledge the help of

everyone that took part in the completion of this study.

Role of the Researchers

We discuss and present the greatest valid consent before conducting an

in-depth interview with the respondents. This would involve planning a better

opportunity and chance to conduct the interview with both sides' approvals. In

addition, we will show no biases and be understanding of the opinions of the

participants. In starting the interview, we will use the mutual medium of

instruction for both parties to avoid miscommunication and misinterpretation.

After the interview, we will gladly show how thankful we are to the participants

in giving us the information which we need.

Fundamentally, our role in this study is to create and to provide

well-accoutre output by analyzing the gathered data that would give people a

new perspective in looking and understanding.

Data Collection

In this study, the data will congregate with the use of semi-structured

interview guide questions. It will use consent to the participants for an interview

for their responses and as well as focusing on group discussion, we will know

all of their responses as well as their insight about our interview. We will give

them a chance to ask for clarification about our interview and take down all of

their responses. There were no time limits in our interview and ensure to avoid

miscommunication to the participants. We the researchers will follow our all

guide questions in order for them to give a relevant response. We will use an

in-depth interview guide questions that has main and probing questions that

will lead the participants in giving elaborated and relevant answers.

Data Analysis

The usage of qualitative phenomenological research was done in this

study, we can gather data in this type of research through an interview, notes,

recording, supporting documents and other forms and types of document

which is needed for the completeness and for the adequacy of study. The

phenomenological analysis involves such processes as coding, categorizing

and making sense of the essential meanings of the phenomenon and can
describe the data of the study but it doesn't explain or interpret it. Therefore,

our analysis of data should be very careful. Additionally, we need to organize

the information and be flexible to unexpected emerging themes. In simplifying

data analysis that will be gathered in the study we will use the following tool:

Triangulation is a powerful tool used to validate qualitative research (Farah,

215). In triangulation, we use absolutely different other studies to support ours

in regard to the study particular in question. We, therefore, triangulate our work

with other work to validate it. We will be utilizing this method through the use of

an in-depth interview for the experiences of the working students.

Thematic analysis is a widely used method of analysis in qualitative

research. In 2006 Braun and Clarke published an article that in analyzing

thematically researchers are allowed to be flexible to the theories they want to

apply. In other words, thematic analysis is often quite subjective and relies on

our judgment, so we have to reflect carefully on our own choices and

interpretations. We should remember to pay close attention to the data to

make sure that we're not picking up on things that are obscuring.

Trustworthiness of the Study

Trustworthiness or rigor of a study refers to the degree of confidence in

data, interpretation, and methods used to ensure the quality of a study (Pilot &

Beck, 2014). In order for our study to be valid, we should follow some criteria to

be more relevant and trusted. Researchers should establish the protocols and

procedures necessary for a study to be considered worthy of consideration by

readers (Amankwaa, 2016). It should follow the four key components:

credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

Credibility, triangulation, and member controls help to build reputation and

lead to trust. Triangulation asks the same research questions from different

study participants and collects data from different sources to answer the same

questions by different methods.

Dependability of any qualitative researchers assumes that if integrity has

been demonstrated if this requires a clear and logical research process that is

clearly documented the researchers are willing to do it.

Transferability is the degree to which the findings of a study can be used in

several ways by other people (Connelly, 2016). we can assure that the results

from this study can be applied in other contexts or used by other researchers

for the transferability can be made possible.

Confirmability, qualitative research can be conducted to replicate earlier

work, and when that is the goal, it is important for the data categories to be

made internally consistent. It's important for other researchers to be able to

replicate the results to show that those results are a product of independent

research methods and not of conscious or unconscious bias. With the help of

this criteria, we will ensure the trustworthiness

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