Writing - Successful Writing - Intermediate V Evans PDF

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Virginia Evans inte Virginia Evans books Express Publishing Published by Express Publishing in 2000 Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire AG19 GHW. Tel: (0048) 1635 817 363 — Fax: (0048) 1695 817 463, email: inquiries @expresspublishing.co.uk. INTERNET hip: www expresspublishing.co.uk. ‘© Viginia Evans, 2000 Design & Illustration © Express Publishing, 2000 ‘Colour lustrations: Nathan ‘Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of transmitted in any form, or by any ‘means, electronic, photocopying or olherwise, without the prior vwritien permission ofthe Publishers 'SBN 1.90812650-1 Acknowledgements ‘Author's Acknowledgements: We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their sklls to producing this book. Thanks are due in particular to: Sean Todd (Editor in Chief), Androw Wright (senior ecitor), Anna Miler (editorial assistant), Mary Stevenson (senior production Controle), the Express design team, Tony Boyle (recording producer) and Erica Thompson, Anne Whitman, Steven Gibbs and Sally Pierce for thei support and patience. We would also Ike to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments, ‘and feedback influenced postvely the production af the book. Photograph Acknowledgements (© Reuters for photographs on p. 48 ‘© Audio Visual for photographs on pages: 78, 81, 107 While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publishers will bbe pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Contents Part A Guidelines for Writing Part B Letter Writing .. LETTERS {Informal Letters Format Letters .. Semi-formal Letter Transactional Letlers.. ARTICLES - STORIES ~ NEWS REPORTS - REVIEWS Descrinfions Describing People Describing Places} Describing Objects Describing Festivals/Events/€etebrations + Narratives & New Reparis First-person Narcative AL Third-person Narratives .. 120 News Reports . ~ Reviews 1b Reviews... + DISCURSIVE WRITING = Discusive essays, 13 “For ond Against” Essays 140: Opinion Essays ... 4b Providing Solutions to Problems ‘Mc Letters to the Edita > Reponis 15. Assessment & Proposal Reports ‘+ REVISION AND EXTENSION SECTIO APPENDIX ¢ tinking Words .. APPENDIX It Opening & Closing Remarks for Letters/Uselu! Yocabular APPENDIX II Rules for Punctuation yo NIT] Port A Guidelines for Writing TYPES OF COMPOSITION When you write a composition you need ta understand the type of writing required, Your piece of writing can be in the form of a fetter, an article for a magazines newspaper ora report LETTERS are written to a person (e.g. your pen triand, a newspaper etitor, etc) oF a {group of people (e.g. the students’ society, the local football club, etc) for a specific reason (e.9. to give advice, to make a complaint etc). They include: Informal leters to people you know wel, writen in a personal chatty style. Formal letters to managers/offcials ete, written in a polite formal style. ‘Semi-formal letters to people you do not know well or people you know but you ‘want to sound polite and respectful e.g. a teacher of yours, your pen friend's parents, etc, written in polite and respectil sty. ARTICLES are found in magazines and newspapers. The following can be found in the form of an article’ Descriptions of people, places, buildings, objects, festivals, ceremonies etc. Narratives about real or imaginary events which happened in the past. They can be ‘writen in the first person (first-oerson narratives) when the writer is the main ‘character of the story or in the third person (thid-person narratives) when the writer is desoribing events which happened to another person or group of people. © News reports about current/recent events (2.9. fires, accidents, etc) written in ‘impersonal tye. News reports present facts objectively and unemationaly © Reviews ciscussing a film, TV programme, book, restaurant, etc and recommending itor not tothe reader © Discursive essays about arguments conceming particular subjects, They include: “For and Against” essays which present the pros and cons on a specific topic Opinion Essays which present the writer's personal opinion on.a speci topic Providing Solutions to Problems which discuss a problem and its causes, making suggestions and mentioning the expected results and consequences © Letters to the Editor which present the writer's personal opinion on a specific topic or the writer's suggestions on a spectic problem REPORTS are formal pieces of wring and have a specific format and features. They include: © Assessment reports discussing the suitabilty of a person, place, plan, eto for a particular purpose, job, etc © Proposals reports discussing suggestions or decisions about future actions. 1 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of ing they are from (1-7). fo >| fel =] [_] third person narrative {5[J informal letter formal letter |_| description of a person [_] first person narrative (71 description of a festival [_] description of a place Dear Sir/Madam, nT am wring to complain about the sence | recehed during a vst: to your restaurart on Bth Noveber. Frotly, | had booked a table for eight rot ready ard It wae half an hour before we were seated | @ 4s the last band played their final song, | fett sad that the festival was about to end, All the fun moments ofthe week passed through ‘My mind in a spit second. Dancing to the beat of the ‘music, looked at my tiend and said, “I can't wait unt next year’s Jazz Festival!" Dear Aunt: Carol Im sony about ot replying to your letter soorer bub Ive been extremely busy. Guess what! | finally Found a position as rurgery school teache in Brighton Isn't. that wonderful? oe ® eddie is tal, sim and attractive, with long brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. She likes wearing smart clothes and always looks good. Unit 1 Part A Guidelines for Writing When I opened my eyes, bright sunlight was streaming through my ©,, bedroom window. As I was about to get out of bed, I heard a noise coming from the kitchen downstairs. ‘Aruba is a tiny island in the Caribbean Sea. It is only 29 kilometres off the north coast of Venezuele. With its white sandy beaches and clear blue waters, ‘Auuba is the perfect place for a relaxing holiday. It was a bright, sunny moming when jill Wilson waved goodbye to her mother. “Have nice day at school ~ and be careful!” called Mrs Wilson, The birds were singing as fil stopped on the old wooden bridge to look down at the ducks on the water below. 2 Read the extracts (A-G) and decide which type of writing (1-7) they are from. (117 proposal report [2] for and against essay [_] review [J essay providing solutions to problems S]_] assessment report [6]_| news report (7 =| [| opinion essay [=| | ® our people were kiled and eleven were seriously injured when two | planes collided on the runway at Leland Airport early this morning. | ae tn ttn © 4) in all, | believe thot newspopers play on important role in | cour lives, They keep us informed about world news as well as providing interesting reading moterial | To begin with, one of the main advantages of studying abroad is that ‘you have the chance to lean another \anquage. Moreover, you experience a different cultire and way of life. Secale eats) © is canis aceon and Micha) J Fox Ms M Timms, Personnel Manager From: MrT Brown, Senior Assistant ‘Subject: Assessment of Robert Durkan, Date: 18th February, 20... Introduction The purpose ofthis repo isto assess the suitability of Robert Dunkan for the postion ‘of Seles Manager for our shop in Brunwick, oS aapeen nines ® Fissty, att bocks of fas should be provided with large rubbish bins. In addition to this, residents should be allowed to throw out. theis rubbish only at night. This would result in | reducing the amount of rubbish in the streets during the day Neagle AOS is perfect as the voice of Stuart Litte, With the use of computer animation, ‘Stuart looks more lke a teal mouse than a cartoon mouse, convincing Viewers that he is a ——_ > miniature actor. “S* ‘The combination of computer animation and live action is superb, Nat Recommendation | believe that the course of action proposed above will attract more customers to the White Dove Restaurant. Not only will the Italian seafood and vegetarian dishes draw | more people to the restaurant, but [| the live music will also. greatly improve the restaurant's atmosphere. Apne pecan Din need i

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