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2 Writing to Communicate Paragraphs and Essays ‘THIRD EDITION Cynthia A. Boardman Spring International Learning Center University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Jia Frydenberg Distance Learning Center University of California Irvine PELL Coy © 2008 by Pearson Edu 8893 Sergei 2ook ‘Witing to Communicate 2: Paragraphs and Bessy, Third Edition 'No pat of his polation my be reproduced, tored in etieva syste, or transmitted in any forma oF by any means electronic, mechanics, photocopying, recordag, or ctherwize, without permision oF the publisher. Peaeson Ednction 10 Bank iret, White Plain, NY 10606 Staff cedar The people who made up the Whiting o Communicate 2: Paragraphs and Essays, Third Eiition team, representing editorial production, sign, and manutacturng ate Dara Belfre ‘Wendy Campbell, Ana France, Laure Le Dréan, Michael Mone, Et Plloan, Pala Van Els, and Dorothy E.Zemach Cover photo: Mometiuk-BatcotdCorbis Tent er and composition: Carlisle Publishing Services “eat font 15/13 Minion asrtions: Steve Schulman Photo credits Page xv 0 Richard T. Nowite/Covbis p. 1 Tatiana MorozoveShutterstocsp. 2 © Michal S. ‘Yamashita/Corbis: p. 17 NASA Imeges lary; p.25 Henry Westhltm Photogeaphy/Alamy; p.26 Associated Pres p30 JJGety Images; p49 © SunnyartDrearstmscoms p80 (fist) © Paul A, ‘Souder Corbis (second) © Kevin Schster/Corbs (hid) © Peter Adams! 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YamashitiCorbis Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Boardman, Cynthia 8 ‘Wiring to communicate: paragraph and esays/Oynthis A. Bossdean & ia Frydenberg—3rd ed pom. Volume ISBN 0-13-735116-1(stadent book: alk paper) ISBN 0-13-235115-3 (answer key: alk. paper) 1. English language—Textbooks for foreign speakers 2. English Ianguage—Paragraphs-—Problems, hereises ete. English lnguage--Rhetorie- Problems, exercises, 4 Academic writing Probiems, ‘execs, ete Prydenberg Jit 1. Tie, PELI28.85938 2008 00.0427 —de22 METU LIBRARY ISBN-10:043-235116-1 ISUN-13:976-0-13-2351164 Printed in the United States of America assovo201060807729 123456789 10—DEL—12 11 1009 08, CA offers online resouroes fr teachers and students. Access ‘our Companion Websites, cur ontine catalog, ‘and out local offices around the wor Visi us at ww more) Vie cues DEDICATION For the Bode Boys and For Bryan ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to acknowledge and thank the many colleagues and students we've had during our many years of teaching. As every teacher knows, collegial support and collaboration make teaching all that mote creative, and insightful questions and comments from curious, willing students make teaching truly a joy and remind us of the important work ve do: teaching people of various cultures to communicate with and appreciate each other. ‘We also wish to thank the reviewers for their insights and suggestions, many of which were incorporated into this book: Meghan Ackley, University of Texas, Austin, TX; Kimberly Bayer-Olthoff, Hunter College IELI, New York, NY; Michael Climo, Antelope Valley College, Lancaster, CA; Sally Gearhart, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA; Kate Johnson, Intensive English Institute, Union County College. Elizabeth, NJ; Laura Shier, Portland State University, Portland, OR; Dina Paglia, Hunter College IELI, New York, NY; Laurette Poulos Simmons, Howard Community College, Columbia, MD; Joanna Vaughn, Language Studies International, Berkeley, CA. Finally, we are indebted to the people at Pearson Education for their efforts in this project—Laura Le Dréan, whose faith in our work kept us going, to Dorothy E. Zemach, whose tireless efforts made this book unified and coherent; and to all the people in between: Danielle Belfiore, Wendy Campbell, Ann France, Michael Mone, Edith Pullman, and Paula Van Ells. Many, many thanks! Cynthia A. Boardman Jia Frydenberg iv Acknowledaments CONTENTS To the Teacher. 7 et od To the Student .. xi inTRODUCTION: WRITING IN ENGLISH........ a veeeee eee KY PART I: THE PARAGRAPH. 02.02... 0s Soe tee etelteat ete CHAPTER 1 THe ORGANIZATION OF PARAGRAPHS . \ Holidays Around the World = ess gs Vocabulary Builder... Writing Focus Basic Organizatior The Topic Sentence . ‘The Body (Supporting Sentences) ‘The Concluding Sentence . Structure and Mechanics ......0...ceeees Feat Sentences and Punctuation Conneoting Sentences. Paragraph Format ... Writing to Communicate Your Turn. Peragraph Checklist Writing to Communicate More 16 CHAPTER 2 CHARACTERISTICS oF Gooo Wamne 20.00.0000. 47 Historical Snapshots from Around ihe World Vocabulary Builder... eeseseesverseeeetes LT Writing Focus. Coherence, Cohesion. Unity. 7 Structure and Mechanics. Using Commas in Lists wi ing to Communicate Your Turn, i Paragraph Checklist ‘ eile Writing to Communicate... More Pehle 29 Contents v vi PART I: PART Ut: CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5. Contents Vocabulary Builder. . Writing Focus. ‘The Writing Process. Structure and Mechanics... ‘Adverbial Clauses. Writing to Communicate Your Turn Peer Help Worksheot ‘Writing to Communicate Brineine tt Au ToGeTHer ... Reviewing Ideas... Error Analysis... THE Essay FROM PARAGRAPH 10 ESSAY.» “Animals in Their Ecosystems: Vocabulary Builder. . Writing Focus. Expanding the Paragraph... Structure and Mechanics Using Transitions . . Writing to Communicate... Your Turn. . Poor Holp Worksheot. ‘Writing to Communicate ‘THe THESIS Sea The Five Senses Vocabulary Builder. Writing Focus, “Tho Thosie Statement - Parts of a Thesis Statomont More on Thesis Statements. Structure and Mechanics... Prepositional Phrases 0 60 6 63 64 288 69 7 n Writing to Communicate : ic Your TUM... eeseeeeeeseeee : 2 Peer Holp Worksheet. ie cer 4 Writing to Communicate .. . More . ee 75 “THe INtRODUCTORY PaRAGi | Nature v6 Nurture : Vocabulary Builder 76 Writing Focus . . ‘i 78 Guidelines for Intoductory Paragraphs... “78 Types of introductory Paragraphs... 78 ‘Structure and Mechanics... 82 Avolding Fragments. 182 Writing to Communicate 84 Your Tam... ee Poor Help Worksheet. as Writing to Communicate... More 86 “CHAPTER 7 THE CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH... The Stag ofthe Bath Vocabulary Builder. . Peete teat 87 Writing Focus. 8 Parts ofa Conchiting Paragraph “98 Structure and Mechanics. ....... ae eee BB Avoiding Fur-on Sentences ee Writing to Communicate «8 Your Turn... 2 Poor Holp Workshoot : 98 \Witing to Cornmunicate ; 96 CHAPTER @ Body PaRaGRarHs 1. : The Weter Around Us Vocabulary Builder... “9 Waiting Focus........ peer ceee aero 99 Concrete Support. .... eee 1 99) Topic Sentences in the Body Paragraphs of Essays... 88 Bridges i = 100 Convincing Your Reader... 102 Contents vii Structure and Mechanics Avoiding Comma Splices. Writing to Communicate . Your Turn. . 7 Peer Help Worksheet . : Writing to Communicate... More PaRT i: Brincive IT Au TocetHer eeviewing Terms Error Analysis... PART Ill; RHETORICAL PATTERNS < S@HAPTER'9 © Process 2901 “Abealthy iin in @ Healthy Body. Vocabulary Builder. ... Writing Focus Process Graphic Organizers Structure and Mechanies Chronological Connectors. Reviewing Comma Use Writing to Communicate Your Turn. Peer Help Worksheet Weiting to Communicate .... More . PGHAPTER 10 CLASSIFICATION, ¢2.. biversity Among People Vocabulary Builder... Writing Focus. Classification : Paragraph Support in the Classification Essay Graphic Organizer Structure and Mechanics 7 Connectors of Example and Consequence Writing to. Communicate Your Turn... Peer Help Worksheet Writing to Communicate ... More Vili Contents 108, 140 104 104 105 105; 107 = 109 109 m 13 14 115 115 115 122 wD 2128 124 124 2125 128 127 2128 128 ABt 192 -.437 137 138 198 141 Voeabulary Builder. . Writing Focus. Persuasion Choosing a Topic for a Persuasive Essay Ordering of Arguments. . Graphic Organizers .. Structure and Mechanics....... Connectors of Argumentation Writing to Communicate Your Turn. ....... Peer Help Worksheet Writing to Communicate Urban Uitestyles Vocabutary Builder. Writing Focus. ‘Comparing and Contrasting - Graphic Organizers Structure and Mechanies Connectors of Comparison and Contrast. Writing to Communicate........ Your Tum...... i Peer Help Worksheet. Writing to Communicate ParT ii: Bringie IT ALL TOGETHER . Reviewing Ideas Error Analysis. ApPENDIx 1: WRITING Process WoRKSHEET APPENDIX 2: WRITING UNDER TIME PRESSURE APPENDIX 3: COMPUTER FORMATTING ; ‘AppeNDIx 4: COMMON CONNECTORS. APPENDIX 5: GENERAL Peer Hetp WORKSHEET APPENDIX 6: PARAGRAPH AND ESSAY EVALUATION. .. APPENDIX 7: SUGGESTED CORRECTION SYMBOLS. .. INDEX... Se 144 145 146 181 181 182 182 153 184 155 188 188 188 165 165 168 168 169 169 170 170 172 173 175 178 180 192 = 188 184 -.187 Contents ix TO THE TEACHER ‘Welcome to the third edition of Writing to Communicate: Paragraphs and Essays. ‘We have been extremely pleased by the positive reaction to our book, and we have taken note of the many excellent teacher and student suggestions that have helped ‘make this third edition an even more effective teaching tool, What's New and What's the Same Based on feedback from teachers and students who have used the book, we have introduced four new components to this third edition. First of all, each chapter now begins with a vocabulary development section. There are also new exercises in ‘every chapter. Each chapter has been reorganized to include four major sections: ¢ Section I: Vocabulary Builder ‘Section I: Writing Focus « Section Ill: Structure and Mechanics « Section IV: Writing to Communicate Finally, we have added a section after each major part ofthe textbook. Called “Bringing It All Together” this short section reviews the writing and grammatical focus of the chapters in that part of the book. However, the features that have made the Writing to Communicate textbook such @ lasting fixture among writing books have been retained. We have kept the emphasis ‘on accessible models of writing in this edition, although you will notice that most of the models have been rewritten to bring in new topical areas and to update the content. Secondly, the charts of organizational structures that teachers tell us they find so useful are still there. The same is true of the Peer Help Worksheets at the end of each chapter. Finally, the original organization of the book into three main parts (I: Paragraphs, [1: The Essay, and III: Rhetorical Patterns) remains the same im this third edition. Writing to Communicate is now Writing to Communicate 2: Paragraphs and Essays and itis the second book in ¢ series of writing books for the academic student, ‘The frst book, Writing to Communicate I: Paragraphs, covers the paragraph for students at the high elementary level. The third book in the series, Writing to Communicate 3: Essays and Short Research Papers, takes high intermediate to advanced students through the process of writing a documented paper. How to Use This Book Section 1 of each chapter, the Vocabulary Builder, dravrs students into the topic area of that chapter. The vocabulary inthis section reappears in the models and the writing assignments in Section 4, We suggest that you use the Vocabulary Builder section for open-ended vocabulary discussions; the words are not intended to be memorized. Section 2 of each chapter is the Writing Focus section, where students study the ‘organization of the type of writing they will doin that lesson. In this section for Part II, you will find many charts and tables—or graphic organizers, Please feel free to copy these graphic organizers onto a transparency to use in your classtoom for easy reference for the students. The purpose of the graphic organizers end the model paragraphs and essays in Section 2 is for your students to see how the components oF “building blocks” of a piece of writing fit together and how they To the Teacher xi xii To the Teacher build upon each other to shape a cohesive whole, We recommend that you allow plenty of time for your students to analyze the models in Section 2 so that, over time, the organizational patterns become second nature to them, Section 3 of each chapter is the Structure‘and Mechanics section, which emphasizes meaningful use of sentence connectors, such as transitions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and prepositions, and the vocabulary needed to build the organizational pattern of the writing exercises, The sentence connectors that are introduced in Section 3 will be very useful for your students because these are the “signposts” of good cohesive writing in English. ‘The final section of each chapter, Writing to Communicate, contains the writing assignments for the chapter as well as the Paragraph Checklist or Peer Help ‘Worksheet, In many cases, this will be where your students have a chan to use the vocabulery they studied in Section 1 for their ovr writing The Chapters Part Chapters 1 and 2 review the most important aspects of paragraph structure Chapter 3 is entirely new and focuses on the steps in the process of producing good writing. This chapter will be referred to in many of the subsequent chapters. Part It Each of the five chapters inthis section focuses on one single aspect of the building blocks that make up an essay: the complete organization of an essay the thesis statement, the introduction, the supporting paragraphs, and the conclusion of the essay, Part Itt ‘This part contains four chapters. Each introduces a different essay pattern to meet different purposes of academic writing, This edition of the textbook has the following rhetorical patterns: process, classification, persuasion, and comparisonfeontrast. Audience ‘The book is intended to it into the middle level of a writing program thet guides, students from beginning to advanced writing in academic English atthe college level. We expect that students who use this book have had some previous ‘experience with writing paragraph-length compositions, as well s some exposure to the rhetorical structure of paragraphs. These students usually score in the 40-60 range on the Internet-based TOEFL® (IBT) or 433-497 on the paper-based TOEFL test. However, we have also had experience with students who score above this range who have benefited from the materials in this book. Appendices Many teachers want to use extra copies of three of the charts in the appendices to attach to students’ work: General Peer Help Worksheet, Paragraph and Essay Evaluation, and Suggested Correction Symbols, These pages may be photocopied and distributed for classroom use. Answer Key ‘An Answer Key with suggested answers to the exercises is published in a separate booklet. JO THE STUDENT ‘This book is designed to help you become a better weiter of American English, It will teach you about the process of writing, This process consists of more than just picking up a pencil and writing a paragraph or an essay from beginning to end. ‘Writing is a process because it goes through many stages. It starts with understanding what is expected of you in a writing assignment. Next, it involves thinking about what you are going to write and planning how you ate going to ‘organize it. The final steps involve writing, checking your work, and rewriting. Being a good writer means you continually change, add to, and improve what you have already written. ‘The major focus of this book is the organization of academic essays; that is, essays that are written in college or university classes. These essays are somewhat formal in nature and, as you will fin, very direct. This style of organization may or may not be the kind that you use in other languages or circumstances. In addition to organization, you will lean other aspects of writing conventions, including punctuation, the use of connectors, and paragraph and essay format. To become a better writer, you must start with the basics of format and organization. Once these basics are under control (a process that may take some time), there is room for variation, as you will earn in later chapters Sometimes the hardest part of writing is deciding what you are going to say. That is why the models in this book are organized around topics familiar to most people. While you are doing the prewriting activities and reading the models, you should think about the topic and how it relates to you and your lif. Then, when it’s time to write, you will have some ideas about what you want to say. Finally, most of what you learn from this book is applicable to other types of ‘writing in English, such as business writing, By taking the time to learn the basics in this book, you will improve your overall ability to communicate in English. We hope that your experience with Writing to Communicate 2 is both a valuable and an interesting one. To the Student xiii

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