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T RANS CR IP T www.getwsodo.


Mo du le 2


TRANSCRIPT / Module 2/

Ex e cut i v e S um m ary

• Welcome to Module 2!

• It’s usually between Module 1 and 2 that people drop out so I’m glad you’re here!

• Module 1 was groundwork — conceptual.

• Module 2 is all about getting your launch planned.

• Your plan won’t be perfect — but you can adjust as you go.

• Be sure to do the exercises — put in the work and do a really good job.

• It doesn’t have to be final — you can always revise — but the exercises are
important to complete.

• Congrats again — this stuff works. It will work for you — if you work the plan.

• Leave a comment and tell me about your launch and what it’ll mean to you.

© 2018 Internet Alchemy, Inc. 2 of 3

TRANSCRIPT / Module 2/

Welcome to Module 2. It is awesome that you're here. Now, I know from long
experience that when people drop out, it's usually between Module 1 and Module 2.
When I say drop out, they stop following the process.

You know PLF is proven. You've seen it everywhere. It works. You just have to follow
the process, and first, you have to go through the training. It's amazing that you are

Module 1 was a little bit on the conceptual side. I had to give you the background. I
had to give you the strategies. We had to get you grounded in those big picture

Now, Module 2 is all about your launch. It's about getting your launch planned. It's
about creating the plan for your launch. There's this famous military saying that says,
"No battle plan survives contact with the enemy." In other words, you can have a plan,
but once you get actually into things, you're going to have to adjust.

It’ll be the same with yours. Your plan won't be perfect. There will be adjustments to
be made. You'll learn stuff as you go through this. But it's essential that you do this
planning. There's some exercises here in Module 2, and I want you to do them, and I
want you to do them diligently. I want you to put in the effort on them. I want you to
really do a good job. To work on them. It doesn't have to be the be all and end all. It
doesn't have to be the final plan. You can always go back and revise, but I want you to
take the time to do those exercises. It's important and will make all the difference.

Congratulations for being here in Module 2. You know this stuff works. You've seen it
work. It's going to work for you. Just work the plan. Create the plan, work the plan.
Take it step by step, video by video, and you'll be there in no time.

Scroll down, leave a comment for me, tell me about your launch and what it's going to
mean to you.

© 2018 Internet Alchemy, Inc. 3 of 3

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