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History Essay

Homo sapiens to early civilisation

The Big Bang was an event which led to the formation of the
universe, The Big Bang Theory is hypothetical this means none
knows Weather it is true or not. In 1927 George Lemaître proposed
what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the
universe, although he called it his "hypothesis of the primeval
atom". Since then the 'Big Bang' theory has been tested using
Particle accelerators.

The big bang theory consists of : The energy moved out (expanded)
(e.g. Like raisins in a loaf of bread). The galaxy began as the matter
expanded, Our solar system Is formed. A group of planets formed
by the gravitational collapse of dust in the milky way region. The
moon was created by a mass sized object hitting the earth the
debris formed the moon. Promodial soup is another theory that life
began in a pondour ocean. Chemicals from the atmosphere and
some sort of energy came together and formed amadi acids.

Cambrian Period , Wide spread seas and rocks contained a large

variety of marine life one for instance is the Pikaia gracilens looked
a bit like a worm with a long fin on each side of its body. The nerve
cord was visible as a ridge starting behind the head area and
extending almost to the tip of the body. . The Cambrian Period
marks the beginning of the Paleozoic Era. This period gets its
name from a place in Wales where the first examples of this type of
ancient life was found. The period lasted for nearly 53 million years,
from about 543 million years ago until 490 million years ago. The
climate at the beginning of this period was cold, but over time the
climate in all parts of the Earth grew warmer. This made the seas a
good place for many species to live. The continents were still
forming. They were mostly barren rocks. The land had no plant or
animal life on it yet. During the Cambrian Period there was an
explosion of life forms. Most of these were in the water. Many
animals with no backbones lived in the shallow seas. These animals
were invertebrates. The Cambrian Period began with an explosion
of life forms. It ended in a mass extinction. Advancing glaciers
would have lowered the temperature of the shallow seas where so
many species lived. Changes in the temperature and the amount of
oxygen in the water would have meant the end for any species that
could not adapt.
Devonian Life , By the Devonian Period, life was well under way in
its colonization of the land. Before this time, there is no organic
accumulation in the soils, causing these soil deposits to be a
reddish colour. This is indicative of the underdeveloped landscape,
probably colonized only by bacteria. The fish from the Cambrian life
(The ones that survived) evolved and grew legs 'Tetrapods'.

Pangea is known as the super continent Later On pangea Split up

forming Laurasia the north super continent (North America, Europe
and Asia) and Gondwaraland the south super continent (Australia,
Africa, India, Antarctica and south America).

The Jurassic Period Constitutes the middle period of the Mesozoic

Era, also known as the "Age of Reptiles". On land, large reptiles
remained dominant known as Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs were a diverse
group of animals that were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for
over 160 million years, from the late Triassic period (about
230 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous (about
65 million years ago) . This period was the emerging of flowering
plants. Appearance of first birds also during this period the
continents started looking how we know them today.There have
been many mass extinctions throughout the history of the Earth.
Probably the most famous is the extinction that finally saw the end
of the dinosaurs reign on the Earth, 65 million years ago. It wasn't
just the dinosaurs that died out in this extinction. Whatever caused
the death of the dinosaurs also caused the death of around 70% of
all of the species on the Earth. Although the dinosaurs had been in
a period of decline, it is thought that their recovery was prevented
by some sort of catastrophic event. There are many theories about
why the dinosaurs finally became extinct, The two main 'serious'
theories are the asteroid and volcano theories, After the distinction
of the Dinosaurs the Paleogene period began the period in wich life
mammals replaced dinosaurs as some of the largest species on

It is argued the first 'man' appeared in africa and expanded from

there. The Ardipithecus ramidus had a small brain, measuring
between 300 and 350cm. This is about the same size as a modern
bonobo or female common chimpanzee brain, Also it had an
extended jaw. Australopithecus afarensis is an extinct hominid
which lived between 3.7 and 2.9 million years ago afarensis was
slenderly built, Jaw still projected out. Homo erectus is an extinct
species of hominid that originated in Africa and spread as far as
China. They was the first hominid to stand up strait and their jaw
line was less out, Looks more human. Homo heidelbergensis is an
extinct species and ancestor of both Homo neanderthal in Europe
and Homo sapiens also it had more muscles. Homo sapiens have a
highly developed brain, capable of abstract reasoning, language,
introspection, and problem solving.

Myles Owen 9a,

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