People v. Batin

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GR NO. 177223| November 28, 2017 | Chico- Nazario
Persons Criminally Liable for Felonies


Inducement may be by acts of command, advice or through influence or agreement for consideration. The words of
advice or the influence must have actually moved the hands of the principal by direct participation. In this case, People
v. Tamayo is applicable as it was ruled therein the words of command of a father may induce his son to commit a

 Refugio was encouraged by his wife to come home as Castor Batin was drunk and seemed very dangerous.
 The wife also saw Castor’s son, Neil get a gun from the car. Castor hurriedly shouted “wag” and grabbed the
gun from Neil. Neil thereafter proceeded to the rear of the car followed by Castor who handed the gun back
to him.
 Refugio’s wife then heard Castro ordering his son “Sige, banatan mo na”. a Neil then shot Refugio who was
still able to go to the hospital to seek treatment but died nonetheless.
 An information was then filed against Castor and Neil Batin for the crime of Murder.
 RTC: Both are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Both initially appealed but Neil withdrew his appeal.
 CA: Affirmed RTC.

Whether or not Castor Batin is a principal by inducement


Yes. Inducement may be by acts of command, advice or through influence or agreement for consideration. The words
of advice or the influence must have actually moved the hands of the principal by direct participation. In this case,
People v. Tamayo is applicable as it was ruled therein the words of command of a father may induce his son to commit
a crime.

As applied to the case, Castor’s words were the determining cause of the commission of the crime. Neil Batin asked
his father before shooting: "Tay, banatan ko na?" Neil Batin was clearly seeking the consent of his father before
proceeding with the act, and it was Castor’s words "Sige, banatan mo na" that all but sealed the outcome the tragic

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