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function bigGambleThing() { $('body').

align: center;z-index:100000;background-color:white;" class=""><table
style="margin:0 auto;"><tr><td>balance</td><td
id="total_b"></td></tr></table></div><br>'); bconfig = { maxBet: 0.00001024, wait:
1, toggleHilo: true, alertMultiplier: 10 }; var qBets = 0; var wBets = 0;
initialBalance = parseFloat($('#balance').html()); hilo = 'hi'; multiplier = 1;
startTime = new Date().getTime(); rollDice = function() { qBets = qBets +
0.00000001*multiplier*0.0025; wBets = (qBets).toFixed(8); $
('#bonus_b').html(wBets); $('#total_b').html((parseFloat(wBets) + parseFloat($
('#roundwin_b').html())).toFixed(8)); if ($('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').html() !==
'') { $('#double_your_btc_2x').click(); multiplier++; if (bconfig.toggleHilo)
toggleHiLo(); } else { setStartBet(); $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').html(''); var
cmsg = { lose: $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').html(), win: $
('#double_your_btc_bet_win').html() }; cmsg = JSON.stringify(cmsg); } if
(multiplier > bconfig.alertMultiplier) { if (window.confirm("You have already lost
" + (Math.pow(2, (multiplier - 1)) - 1) + " and you are about to lose " +
Math.pow(2, (multiplier - 1)) + ". Click 'cancel' to reset the bet amount to 1 or
'ok' to take the risk?")) { } else { $('#double_your_btc_min').click(); multiplier
= 1; } $('#double_your_btc_bet_' + hilo + '_button').click(); } else { if
(parseFloat($('#balance').html()) < (parseFloat($ ('#double_your_btc_stake').val())
* 2) || parseFloat($('#double_your_btc_stake').val()) > bconfig.maxBet) { $
('#double_your_btc_min').click(); multiplier = 1; } $('#double_your_btc_bet_' +
hilo + '_button').click(); } // setTimeout(rollDice, (multiplier * bconfig.wait) +
Math.round(Math.random() * 100)); }; toggleHiLo = function() { if (hilo === 'hi') {
hilo = 'lo'; } else { hilo = 'hi'; } }; setStartBet = function() { $
('#double_your_btc_min').click(); multiplier = 1; // if ((Math.random() * 10) > 5)
{ // } else { // $('#double_your_btc_min').click(); // $
('#double_your_btc_2x').click(); // multiplier = 2; // } }; currentMsg = '';
bChange = function(next) { var cmsg = { lose: $
('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').html(), win: $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').html() };
cmsg = JSON.stringify(cmsg); if (currentMsg !== cmsg) { $('#balance_b').html($
('#balance').html()); $('#roundwin_b').html((parseFloat($('#balance').html()) -
initialBalance).toFixed(8)); $('#current_bet_b').html($
('#double_your_btc_stake').val()); $('#time_b').html((Math.round(((new
Date().getTime()) - startTime) / 1000) / 60 / 60).toFixed(2) + ' h'); currentMsg =
cmsg; next(); } setTimeout(function() { setTimeout(function() { bChange(next); },
bconfig.wait); }, 50); }; bChange(rollDice); setInterval(function(){ rollDice(); },
5000); } if (document.title !== " - Free Bitcoin Wallet, Faucet,
Lottery and Dice!") { bigGambleThing(); } else { var body = $('body'); var points =
{}; if ($('#free_play_form_button').is(':visible')) setTimeout(function(){ $
('#free_play_form_button').click();},2000); if ($('.close-reveal-
modal').is(':visible')) setTimeout(function(){ $('.close-reveal-
modal').click(); },2000); var reward = {}; = function()
{ reward.points = parseInt($ ('.user_reward_points').text().replace(',',""));
reward.bonustime = {}; if ($("#bonus_container_free_points").length != 0)
{ reward.bonustime.text = $('#bonus_span_free_points').text();
reward.bonustime.hour = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":") [0]);
reward.bonustime.min = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":") [1]);
reward.bonustime.sec = parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":") [2]);
reward.bonustime.current = reward.bonustime.hour * 3600 + reward.bonustime.min * 60
+ reward.bonustime.sec; } else reward.bonustime.current = 0;
console.log(reward.bonustime.current); if (reward.bonustime.current !== 0)
{ console.log(reward.bonustime.current); } else { if (reward.points < 12)
{ console.log("waiting for points"); } else if (reward.points < 120)
{ console.log("waiting for points 60"); RedeemRPProduct('free_points_1'); } else if
(reward.points < 600) { console.log("waiting for points 120");
RedeemRPProduct('free_points_10'); } else if (reward.points < 1200)
{ console.log("waiting for points 600"); RedeemRPProduct('free_points_50'); } else
{ RedeemRPProduct('free_points_100'); } if ($('#bonus_span_fp_bonus').length === 0)
if (reward.points >= 4400) RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_1000'); } }; body.prepend( $
index:999;width:350px;background-color:black;color: white; text-align: left;")
.append( $('<div/>').attr('id','autofaucet') .append($('<p/>').attr('style','text-
decoration:underline;').text(" auto faucet by ghost")) .append($
('<p/>').text("I'm only using this in my code to claim money. ")) .append($
('<p/>').text("Here is ghosts address if you wanna donate. ")) .append($
('<p/>').text("1KLPaoMeZG9r2SBV5sG9BVHWAQ4Eu82aCF")) .append($('<p/>').text("Or if
you wanna donate to me...")) .append($('<p/>') .append($('<p/>').text("Current
Feature:")) .append($('<p/>').text("auto free roll")) .append($
('<p/>').text("autochoose highest reward points")) .append($
('<p/>').text("autochoose 1000% btc bonus (only on highest
reward)")) ) ).click(function(){ var $temp = $
('<input>').val("1KLPaoMeZG9r2SBV5sG9BVHWAQ4Eu82aCF"); body.append($temp);
$; document.execCommand("copy"); $temp.remove(); }) ).prepend($
('<style/>') .text("#autofaucet p { margin: 0; margin-left: 2px; text-align:
left; }") ); setTimeout(,1000); setInterval(,60000);
function refreshWhenReady() { if (document.title !== " - Free Bitcoin
Wallet, Faucet, Lottery and Dice!") { bigGambleThing(); } else
{ console.log("Waiting..."); } } setTimeout(function(){

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