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Kylie Cianciolo

Student ID Number: S01199678

December 27, 2019
Advanced Leadership Certificate

I felt that it was important to use all of the writing prompts for each activity to give an accurate
reflection of each experience.

Constitution Day Activities

September 17, 2019 / Westshore / Engagement
I attended the Constitution Day activities. I feel that leadership can be learned by
observing others who have held important leadership positions on a nationalized or local level.
One of the activities that was held during the day was titled “No Vehicles in the Park.” I feel that
there was a large amount of ethics and morality involved in that activity as we had to make life-
saving decisions based on the type of vehicle and the conditions that the prompt gave. There was
one instance involving a life or death situation with an ambulance as the fastest way to get the
patient to the hospital was to travel on the road that went through the park, which is off-limits to
vehicles. With the definition of vehicles being “something with wheels that carries people or
things.” That hindered the ability of the ambulance as going through the park would be off-limits
in correspondence with the definition of vehicle. I feel this activity important to leadership
because it was about making decisions based on what is right versus what is impulse and
adrenaline-fueled. To improve my own leadership skills, I would like to work on moral decision
making so the decisions I make are in the best interest of everyone. I found that it was hard to
make some of the decisions of whether the vehicle could go through the park based on the
circumstance. For my peers who spoke during the activity, I feel they showed leadership skills
because they express their opinions on difficult topics. I also feel that general peer leadership
was shown when a conclusion on the prompt was solidified by the group. This activity showed
the overall theme of leadership because everyone contributed to the question at hand as well as
the ideas that were shared to help reach a conclusion. I really enjoyed learning from this activity.
Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Meeting
September 25, 2019 / Westshore / Engagement
I attended a Phi Theta Kappa meeting as I am an active member within the Beta Upsilon
Beta Chapter at Westshore. I feel that as a member of Phi Theta Kappa I am making an impact
on the world as I am given the opportunity to reach out to community members as well as my
peers. I do not hold a student leadership position within the Beta Upsilon Beta Chapter of our
Westshore Phi Theta Kappa division, but I learn valuable skills by being in the presence of the
leaders at the meetings. The student leaders listen to all of the ideas which is a very important
part of collaborating with others. I feel this is important because if your fellow peers feel
involved, they will engage more in the projects and be more active within the chapter. The
student leaders are also very helpful and informative while answering questions. The most
important trait that the student leaders have is that they are motivated to completely involve
themselves in the Phi Theta Kappa projects as well as running the chapter. I feel that their level
of commitment is very inspiring. I am a leader that creates personal aspirations from being
inspired which stems from learning by example in different environments. I am proud of my
involvement within Phi Theta Kappa as I feel that I can improve upon myself while working
with my peers for the improvement of certain opportunities within the college. I also enjoy the
activities that are created to get to know your fellow chapter members better, such as the annual
picnic. I would like to become more involved in the College Project that Phi Theta Kappa directs
as well as with the chapter in general.
Time Management Tuesday
October 1, 2019 / Westshore / Learning
I attended the Time Management Tuesday Workshop at Westshore. This workshop
focused on how to become a better leader by engaging in planning and organization. I plan to use
the time management skills that I have learned to better engage myself in my commitments while
also sharing the time management tips with others. I really enjoyed the busy versus productive
activity as I feel that it helped me understand the emotions that you harbor as well as the labels
that people place on you when you are, in simple terms, faking it or making it. I feel that the
busy versus productive outlook will impact my personal leadership style the most as now I can
categorize my own activities and obligations into the perspective of whether the action is being
used to be busy or to be productive. The workshop mentioned keeping a color-coded calendar to
be more organized when keeping up with activities. I feel the color-coding will personally
benefit me because the colors will help me keep track of the activities that are placed in certain
categories such as assignments, clubs, work, and home. I also think the benefits of time
management are important as they open the door for more opportunities as well as avoiding
physical illness or exhaustion due to stress. Also, time-wasters were a very important part of this
workshop. I feel my biggest time wasters are phone usage and social media, which sadly plagues
most teenagers with all of the new advanced technology we have. I feel this workshop will
definitely help me become a better leader as I can manage more opportunities in an organized,
timely fashion.
Triceratops Leadership
October 3, 2019 / Westshore / Learning
I attended the Triceratops Leadership Workshop at Westshore. I really enjoyed this
workshop as I feel it helped me understand some key terms such as diversity, inclusion, and
equity. Those three words are very important because they are a large part of leadership and
learning about others. My favorite activity was when we wrote our ideas of diversity on sticky
notes and then discussed them as a group. There was one general agreeance that we all
associated with diversity which was culture. I feel there were many things that the group agreed
upon which helped me gain deeper context and new viewpoints about the cultural aspect of
diversity. I feel this group agreeance about the association of diversity and culture benefits my
personal leadership style as I strive for everyone to be included in a diversified group. I have
seen many great leaders, as well as my peers, provide safe spaces where everyone can feel
comfortable to be unapologetically themselves. I feel this workshop had an impact on me as now
I have a better grasp on diversity that I can teach to others when I am leading in a group setting.
Since group settings can be unsettling for some, I can identify and acknowledge differing
viewpoints as a leader should make sure everyone has the opportunity shine in their own way
through their individuality. In a group setting, having many different ideas from peers provides
diversity in the sense of creativity and personal expression. This all leads back to the sticky note
activity as we all have different ideas of what word involves. The different understandings of the
same word can affect the overall success of an action or activity. This was my favorite workshop
as the peer collaboration provided a great opportunity to advance my leadership skills.
Community Service
Over the course of the past year, I have heavily participated with my high school class in
efforts of fundraising and other activities. The events I will be focusing on will be the Class of
2020’s ‘Fill the Truck’ Fundraiser, the Class of 2020’s Summerfest booths and Fairview’s
Seniors Helping Seniors. First, I helped with the ‘Fill the Truck’ fundraiser which involved
collecting gently loved clothing. I have helped with this fundraiser multiple times as I enjoyed
taking initiative in guiding the underclassmen so when they are seniors they will have a grasp on
the student leadership it takes to successfully run this fundraiser as the parents only attend the
event to supervise. Over the summer, I have also helped with Fairview’s Class of 2020 booth at
our Summerfest festival. My class served Buffalo Wild Wings, on day one, I was ‘front of
house’ meaning I was collecting the money from the customers. I showed leadership skills
because I stepped up because the rest of my classmates wanted to make the wings. On the second
day, my role was reversed and I got to teach my other classmates how to properly make the
wings. Another volunteer activity that I participated in was Seniors Helping Seniors. This event
is where seniors from Fairview High School rake leaves and complete yard work for the senior
citizens of Fairview Park. I know I made an impact because it was very nice to see the smiles on
the faces of those who we were helping. I used leadership skills to create a plan to finish the
yards in a timely manner as we had eight hours to finish five yards as a group of four. I really
enjoy helping out the community because I know I am making an impact.

Service Activities Expanded Upon in the Letters and Reflection:

• Summerfest Booths (7/27/19-7/28/19) - 8 Hours
• Fill the Truck Fundraiser (10/26/19) - 4 Hours
• Seniors Helping Seniors (11/20/19) - 5 Hours

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