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Title: Topic: Grade Level Designer:

“Picturing Research Unit 9 Leslie Edmonds




The student applies knowledge of the concept that the theme or

meaning of a selection represents a universal view or comment on
life or society and provides support from the text for identifying
the theme.


The student uses research and technology to support writing.


The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate

organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader,
maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals closure.

The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules
of the English language, realizing that usage involves the
appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both
written and spoken formats.


The student participates in student-to-teacher, student-to-student

and group verbal interactions.

• Information Literacy area of weakness: research skills


• How to log on to Internet to locate sources of information

• Use search engines to locate sources of information
• Use GALILEO as a source of information for research project
• How to create citations/bibliographies for both print and non-print sources
• How to use periodical indices; identify author, title, publisher, copyright dates and other information
• How to combine or transfer information from different applications to prepare and present
• Use technology tools to convey information and ideas, communicate, and collaborate at all levels.
• Evaluate web sites for accuracy of information (reliability, credibility, accuracy)
• Use a variety of indices
• Use OPACs to locate resources in a library media center
• Differentiate the strengths of different formats and determine the resource most appropriate to their
• Employ appropriate research strategies
• Work independently
• Respect the rights of all patrons in the media center
Essential Questions:

Overarching Questions: Topical Questions:

• How do artists communicate • How can we connect American

through their artwork? artists and their works with the
• How does art reflect culture as themes of “The American
well as shape it? Dream” and “Journeys” followin
• How can examining artwork the English Department’s
develop, reinforce and improve thematic unit study?
students’ research skills? • How do we find primary and
• How can we utilize the resources secondary sources in the media
in the media center? center?
• How can technology enhance • How do we produce and present
understanding? a multimedia presentation using
• Does the addition of a visual the information we found
component in the research through research?
process enhance learning and • How do we cite our sources?
research skills? • How do we speak so we are
• Why am I writing and for whom? understood?
• What do good speakers sound

Stage 3: Plan Learning Experiences

Introductory Activity:

Library Orientation – choose a subject/author of interest and find three books by using
the OPAC.

Discuss the theme:

The American Dream- What does it mean and how do we see examples of it all around

Possible Theme Discussions:

Disjunction and isolation

Connecting cultures

The American Dream

American Values


Trace the spirit of the American people from the hope of victory in Europe through the
feeling of isolation and hopelessness of the Great Depression, to the re-emergent faith
in and enthusiasm for American values on the brink of World War I.

• Watch introdutory video on Picturing America to get a sense of what this project will entail.
• Walk about – examine large Picturing America displays to choose image for research
• Choose groups for project
• Use GALE Student edition to find periodical article on author or painting
• Use OPAC to find book on author or painting
• Use reference section to get information on author or painting
• Complete bibliography cards on each source
• Choose one quote (per group member) that embodies the theme from chosen sources to use in Power
Point presentation
• Provide critique of painting using notes from discussion and research including reflections concerning
light, movement, medium, etc.
• Create a power point on author/painting citing a quote from one of the sources used
• Import picture(s) of the artwork discussed
• Deliver oral presentation to class on author/painting

Teacher/Media Specialist will:

• collaborate on materials and process then co-teach skills in library

• use a variety of collaboratively designed tools for assessing student achievement (rubrics & student
presentations to peers/teacher)


Media Services – High Information Literacy Checklist


Art Pathfinder:

Group Presentation of “Picturing America”

This project will be graded for each individual. Part of the grade is calculated on group work (60
for individual effort (40%). The group must present on Friday and explain to the class the them
works, and overall understanding gained through the project. All members must participate in t
presentation of the power point.

Working cooperatively with your group, the power point presentation should contain (in this ord

1. A title slide (10%)

a. Title the presentation,
b. The names of all groups members
c. A controlling idea of theme for your work.
2. Import a copy of the picturing America feature you are discussing (10%)
3. Provide some critique of the item (30%)
a. Use the notes worked on in class
b. The group reflections concerning light, movement, medium, etc.
4. A slide per group member (20%)-
a. A quote from an associated article.
b. A brief statement of understanding
c. The group member’s name
5. Bibliography (citations for each of the following) (10%)
a. Picturing America information (Print)

b. All member articles (Non print- Internet)

c. Reference article from within our library (Print)

6. Extra Credit- Any creative element added for aesthetics (must add to the present
related to the theme discussed- Be prepared to justify the addition of each item!) wo
possible fifteen extra points for the project

a. Music

b. Animation

c. Movie clips

d. Original photography

e. Draw or paint elements

7. The final 20% is based on the presentation in class per individual.

a. Speaking

b. Body language

c. Cohesiveness to theme and group work

d. Projection

Name Title slide Copy of Critique of Individual Presentatio Bibliograp Extra

picture piece 30 slide n 20 hy 10 credit
10 (15)
10 20

Name Title slide Copy of Critique of Individual Presentatio Bibliograp Extra

picture piece 30 slide n 20 hy 10 credit
10 (15)
10 20
Name Title slide Copy of Critique of Individual Presentatio Bibliograp Extra
picture piece 30 slide n 20 hy 10 credit
10 (15)
10 20

Name Title slide Copy of Critique of Individual PresentatioBibliograp Extra

picture piece 30 slide n 20 hy 10 credit
10 (15)
10 20

Name Title slide Copy of Critique of Individual Presentatio Bibliograp Extra

picture piece 30 slide n 20 hy 10 credit
10 (15)
10 20
Instructional Partner

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