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**Mumbai/ Metro/ Navi Mumbai ** Vol. XVI **Price : Rs. 5.00 **6 Pages (Mumbai only0. Area specific pages in suppliment ** **

Saturday, 20th July, 2019


SC:Maratha quota can’t



be given retrospectively
NEWDELHI: Indian and American officials agreed to continue their discussions for
MAHA ROW Apex Court refuses stay on quota for community; seeks state govt’s response held on Friday long discussions over achieving mutually beneficial outcomes
trade relations, the first of anticipated aimed at further growing the economic re-
meetings meant to iron out differences lationship and addressing mutual trade
that have snowballed into tit-fortat moves concerns,” the commerce ministry said in
to increase tariffs on each other’s imports. a statement.
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court A team led by assistant US trade represen According to an official who asked not to
The Maharashtra government de- The Supreme Court was hearing The SC barred the government
barred the Maharashtra government tative (AUSTR) for South and Central Asia, be named, the meeting involved a detailed
cided to extend the benefit of the five petitions challenging the from giving retrospective effect
on Friday from giving retrospective Christopher Wilson, was in Delhi for the stock-taking of all issues.
Maratha quota to those who had Bombay high court (HC) order to the quota and issued it a no-
effect to a notification that grants meeting with senior officials of the com- Headway on any of the issues is likely
applied under it in 2014 that upheld the constitutional va- tice on an appeal challenging a
reservation to the Maratha commu- merce and industryministry. only when commerce minister Piyush
A government resolution (GR) is- lidity of the Maratha quota under Bombay high court order that
nity in college seats and jobs, and “Both sides discussed the broad contours Goyal visits Washington for a trip that is
sued by the CM-led General Ad- the Socially and Educationally upheld the reservation
issued notice to the state on an ap- of bilateral trade and commercial ties and yet to be scheduled, this person added.
ministration Department on Backward Classes (SEBC) Act, The SC, however, did not stay
peal challenging a Bombay high
Thursday stated that reservation 2018 the recent HC order upholding
court order that upheld the quota
will be applicable to those who The HC held that 16% reserva- the constitutional validity of the
had applied for it between July 9, tion was not justifiable and ruled quota
2014 and November 14, 2014, that quota should not exceed
A bench led by Chief Justice of
before the HC had stayed it then 12% in government jobs and
India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi told coun-
13% in educational institutions
sel for the appellants and the state
that the matter required a lengthy
hearing. It did not accept the peti- .Appeals have been filed against the HC order, HC agreed with the state that the latter was duty-bound
tioner’s plea to put the notification to take steps for the community’s progress. Although
which on June 27 upheld the constitutional validity
on hold.When it was pointed out the reservation was held to be valid, the court said the
of quotas for Marathas after accepting the govern-
that the state on Thursday night is- percentage of reservation was not valid and reduced it
ment’s stand that the community was socially and
sued a directive to implement from 16% to 12% and 13%, as recommended by the
educationally backward. HC held that the 50% cap
Maratha reservation retrospectively State Backward Classes Commission. While upholding
on total reservation imposed by the top court can
from 2014, the bench dictated its the quota, HC referred to the commission report to say
be exceeded in exceptional circumstances. The
order to stop the government from its suggestions were based on quantifiable and contem-
Maratha community accounts for roughly a third of
doing so. The court made the notice poraneous data
Maharashtra’s population and is politically domi-
returnable in two weeks.
nant in the state.

Toddler steps out to play, falls U.S. Ambassador to India Kenneth I. Juster (2R) talks with United States Trade Representative

in an open drain at Goregaon

(USTR) Assistant for South and Central Asia Christopher Wilson (R) and Deputy Assistant
USTR for South and Central Asia Brendan Lynch (2L) prior to a meeting at the Parliament
house in New Delhi on July 12, 2019. - US and Indian trade teams started negotiations on July

BMC water plan:

12 as tensions mount over protectionist measures taken by both sides. (Photo by Prakash
SINGH / AFP)(AFP photo
MUMBAI: A one-and-a-half-yearold boy, Not finding Divyansh home, his mother
Divyansh Suraj Dhansi, fell into an over- looked for him, but found his slipper near
flowing open drain near Ambedkar Chowk the nullah. The family then started to look

Pay more if you

in Goregaon (East) on Wednesday night. for the boy in the drain and the bigger nul-
More than 24 hours later, the boy was not lah, known as Piramal nullah, it connects
found, as rescue operations were on at to. Soon, the fire brigade was informed,
the time of going to press on Thursday. which reached the spot, and along with

exceed usage cap

According to police, Divyansh, who lived police and 70 BMC employees began the
in a slum near the 2-foot-deep drain, search.

stepped out to play. By Thursday evening, 45 members of the
Footage from a CCTV camera at a nearby NDRF joined the operation. PS Rahang-

shop shows the child walking towards the dale, chief fire officer, said both ends of
drain and disappearing within seconds. the nullah were being searched.



Corporation (BMC) has proposed setting a
daily limit for how much water every
household uses, and citizens who exceed

Currently, non-slum areas get 150 litres of water
that limit will be charged more — a move per person per day, slums get 45 litres per per-
that would not only help save water, but son per day. These allotments, however, are not

NEW DELHI/PANAJI: Ten Goa lawmakers sure under the anti-defection law because also eliminate unequal distribution to Mum- limits, which means people consuming above it
who split from the Congress formally they form two-thirds of the Congress party bai homes. don’t pay extra. Now, the BMC plans to set
joined the BJP in Delhi on Thursday, stok- in the state, were inducted into the BJP in equal daily limits for all areas, and charge those
ing speculation about a cabinet reshuffle the presence of working president JP Currently, non-slum areas get 150 litres of citizens who exceed that cap
and ending the saffron party’s dependence Nadda, chief minister Pramod Sawant and water per person per day, while slums get on allies and independents to run the gov- others. They are expected to meet Union a meagre 45 litres per person per day.
homes in Mumbai get the same amount of water,
ernment. home minister before returning to Goa on These allotments, however, are not limits.
CHANDIGARH: More than a month after for the same amount of time and at the same
The 10 legislators, who will not attract cen Friday. In 2016, several MLAs raised the issue of

Sugary drinks can raise can-

he was removed from the powerful local pressure. The report suggests water consumption
inequitable water distribution in different
bodies department, Punjab minister Navjot of every home be accounted for on a daily basis,
areas of the city. They pointed out how the
Singh Sidhu on Sunday posted his resig- to prevent wastage and disproportionate distribu-
island city gets more water supply even

cer risk, says new study

nation on social media, effectively closing tion.
though its population is far lower than the
a chapter in his protracted battle with state eastern and extended western suburbs
CM Amarinder Singh. Sidhu, who refused “The BMC will propose volumetric rates attached
(between Goregaon and Dahisar). Chief
to take charge of the power and renewable to each flat, instead of water metres for the entire
minister Devendra Fadnavis then asked
energy portfolio that he was assigned to building,” said municipal commissioner Praveen
the BMC to form a committee to study
on June 6, posted the handwritten, one- Pardeshi.
problems in water distribution across Mum-
line letter addressed to Rahul Gandhi as PARIS: Consumption of sugary drinks and bowel cancers. They surveyed more bai and come up with ways to conserve
Congress president, on his Twitter ac- such as soda and fruit juice is linked to a than 100,000 adults, with an average of “This way, a higher rate will be applied to individ-
count. Sidhu later tweeted he would be higher risk of developing certain kinds of age of 42, 79% of whom were women. ual flat-owners who are consuming water above
sending the letter to the CM as well. cancer, researchers reported on Thursday. They found that just a 100 ml increase per the limit.”
Two years on, the committee has filed its
Amarinder, who took a meeting of the A team of researchers in France wanted to day of sugary drinks was associated with report, ‘Towards Equitable and 24x7 Water
power department in Sidhu’s absence, is assess the associations between height- an 18% increased risk of cancer, and with The report’s suggestions are on the premise that
Supply for Greater Mumbai’, which sug-
likely to accept the resignation, according ened consumption of sugar drinks and the a 22% increase in breast cancer the city’s water demand will only keep increasing
with the growing population.
gests 21 measures, for the shortand-long-
to a close aide of the CM who wishes to risks of overall cancer, as well as several term, to ensure all
remain anonymous. cancer types, including breast, prostate


Baby-selling racket: 3 more Won’t ex-

amine blast

held from Antop Hill; 2 boys

whose iden-

tities are
14 ARRESTED SO FAR Cops nab agent, 2 parents; biological parents of rescued kids yet
to be traced MUMBAI: The National Investigation
Agency (NIA) on Monday stated be-
Manish K Pathak
HOW THE RACKET UNFOLDED fore the Bombay high court (HC) that
it will not examine any of the 199
A look at what we know so far prosecution witnesses whose identi-
MUMBAI: The city crime branch on ties are withheld from the accused in
Sunday arrested three more persons the 2008 Malegaon blast case be-
from Antop Hill for their alleged in- fore July 22, when the petition is
volvement in a babyselling racket posted for further hearing.
busted earlier this month. Two boys, The agency was responding to a pe-
aged four years and eight years, respec- tition filed by one of the accused in
tively, were also rescued. the case – Lt Col Prasad Purohit.
The NIA said that while the other wit-
The accused arrested on Sunday are nesses are being examined, these
Lahu Nivatkar, 52; Preeti Shitap, 42; 199 witnesses whose names, ad-
and Suraiya Khan, 37 — all Antop Hill dresses and statements are trun-
residents. The biological parents of both Suraiya’s name cropped up while the MODUS OPERANDI cated will not be examined before
the boys rescued have not been traced police were questioning one of the ac- July 22.
yet. “We have been inquiring with the cused, Zhuleumma Ismail Dalvi, 34, The accused’s modus operandi Advocate Sandesh Patil, who ap-
accused, but they are not revealing the who was recently taken into custody was to keep a watch on poor, preg- peared for the NIA, informed the di-
addresses and names of the real par- from Byculla Jail, where she was lodged nant women in slums. If they deliv- vision bench of justice
ents,” said Aparna Joshi, inspector, since February for allegedly selling a ered a boy, the accused convinced IndrajitMahanty and justice AM
unit-6 and the investigating officer. newborn baby to a Hyderabad couple. them to sell their baby to childless Badar that truncated statements of
Suraiya, an agent for egg donors, was in couples or couple wanting a son. the 199 prosecution witnesses have
Since July 1, officers of unit-6 have ar- touch with Zhuleumma, as well as with Some of the accused are con- been given to the accused persons
rested 14 people — including an all- hospitals and doctors, said an officer. nected with private and government in the case.
women gang, and a few parents — in Nivatkar, a milkseller, was childless, and hospitals or work as agents for egg The statement came after Purohit’s
the case for allegedly buying, kidnap- came in touch with Suraiya, who prom- donors and surrogate mothers lawyer, advocate Shrikant Shivade,
ping babies or selling them. The police ised him that she would arrange a boy said the trial was happening on a
have so far rescued six boys — four for him. Nivatkar then paid ₹2.5 lakh to day-to-day basis and the defence
from the city and two from Delhi. Suraiya for a baby boy in November WHAT OFFICERS SAID will find it difficult to seek adjourn-
2014. On Sunday, the police rescued the ment for the crossexamination of
Police said the accused gang of women boy, now four years and six months old, We have been inquiring with the ac- these witnesses, as not only are
used to keep a watch on poor, pregnant from Nivatkar’s residence and arrested cused, but they are not revealing the their identities concealed, but most
women living in slums. If the women de- him, said the officer.During inquiry, names of real parents. of their statements are also trun-
livered boys, the accused used to con- Suraiya said she had sold another boy cated.
vince them to sell their babies to
childless couples or parents seeking a
HOW COPS CRACKED THE CASE to Shitap in 2012 for ₹1.5 lakh. APARNA JOSHI, inspector, unit-6 Purohit approached the HC after the
An officer of unit-6, Chandrakant Dalvi received a tip-off that some women in- trial court rejected his plea for clear,
son. “The accused used to tell the moth- The officers then searched Shitap’s res- non-truncated copies of these wit-
ers of the baby boys that a legal adop- volved in surrogacy process, were in contact with hospitals and were taking
idence, rescued the eight-year-old boy The accused told mothers of the ba- nesses last November. In his peti-
tion agreement would be made with the details of families looking for a boy child.Dalvi realised these women were act-
and arrested her. Police said Shitap has bies they would be paid a huge tions, Purohit had complained that
parents; that they would be paid a huge ing as agents.After identifying a suspected agent, he laid a trap and caught
four daughters, but wanted a son, so she amount and they could visit them the decision to refuse them clear
amount in exchange; and that they her in the mist of a deal. On being interrogated, she revealed that she had
contacted Suraiya with Zhuleumma’s anytime they wished to. copies was contrary to the principle
could visit their babies when they sold a baby boy to a resident of Bhiwandi. Dalvi and his team traced the Bhi-
help. of fair trial. HTC

Bandra man molests

wished to. However, no agreement wandi family, who gave evasive answers about their son. The father of the
would finally be made,” said an officer. son, Desai, was arrested. Further interrogation then led the cops to the other

Bandra man molests 14-yr-old house help

14-yr-old house help

When he touched me inappropriately, I pushed him away. But he repeated the act and
threatened to harm me if I disclosed the incident

MUMBAI: The Bandra police booked then came towards me and touched Code (IPC) and section 8 (sexual as-
a 55-year-old man on Sunday under me inappropriately. I pushed him sault) of POCSO Act.
the Protection of Children from Sex- away but he repeated the act. When I
ual Offences (POCSO) Act for al- began screaming, he threatened to Girish Anavarkar, senior police in-
When he touched me inappropriately, I pushed him away. But he repeated the act and threat-
legedly molesting a 14-year-old girl harm me if I disclosed the incident to spector, Bandra police station, said, ened to harm me if I disclosed the incident
who was employed at his home as a anyone,” read the girl’s statement to “We have lodged an FIR and are THE GIRL’S STATEMENT TO POLICE
caretaker for his ailing mother. the Bandra police. probing further. We will arrest the ac-
cused soon.”
According to the police, the incident The girl then went home and told her MUMBAI: The Bandra police booked a 55-year-old man The girl then went home and told her parents that she will
took place on Friday. The accused’s parents that she will not go to the ac- The girl told the police that she lives on Sunday under the Protection of Children from Sexual not go to the accused’s home from the next day and re-
wife had taken her mother to the doc- cused’s home from the next day and in a chawl in Bandra (West) with her Offences (POCSO) Act for allegedly molesting a 14-year- vealed the incident to them. Her father approached the
tor, while the accused’s 80-year-old revealed the incident to them. Her fa- parents and was sent to work at the old girl who was employed at his home as a caretaker for police on Sunday, where a first information report (FIR)
mother, who is bedridden, was in her ther approached the police on Sun- accused’s home owing to her family’s his ailing mother. was filed under sections 354 (criminal force on a woman)
bedroom. day, financial distress. and 506 (criminal intimidation) of Indian Penal Code (IPC)
According to the police, the incident took place on Friday. and section 8 (sexual assault) of POCSO Act.
“I finished my work and tried to leave where a first information report (FIR) The accused’s wife had taken her The accused’s wife had taken her mother to the doctor,
around 7.30pm, but he said his wife was filed under sections 354 (crimi- mother to the doctor, while the ac- while the accused’s 80-year-old mother, who is bedrid- Girish Anavarkar, senior police inspector, Bandra police
was stuck in traffic and his mother nal force on a woman) and 506 (crim- cused’s 80-year-old mother, who is den, was in her bedroom. station, said, “We have lodged an FIR and are probing
will be left unattended if I leave. He inal intimidation) of Indian Penal bedridden, was in her bedroom. further. We will arrest the accused soon.”

4 cops suspended for inaction over

“I finished my work and tried to leave around 7.30pm, but
he said his wife was stuck in traffic and his mother will be The girl told the police that she lives in a chawl in Bandra
left unattended if I leave. He then came towards me and (West) with her parents and was sent to work at the ac-

dance bar norms

touched me inappropriately. I pushed him away but he re- cused’s home owing to her family’s financial distress.
peated the act. When I began screaming, he threatened
to harm me if I disclosed the incident to anyone,” read the
girl’s statement to the Bandra police.

MUMBAI: Four police personnel from Kasturba Marg po- A police officer from Mumbai Police said, “Dance bars
lice station in Borivli (East) were suspended on Monday are allowed to operate only if they have a valid license
for allegedly failing to act against at least five dance and follow the guidelines and rules. The police officers
bars, which flouted the guidelines. from Kasturba Marg police station did not ensure that the
The suspension order of the four personnel — senior in- bars in their jurisdiction were following the rules.”
spector Sanjeev Pimple, inspector Abantrao Hake, sub-
inspector Chetak Gange and head constable Shivaji A police officer from the north region, who is privy to the
Chakne — reportedly came from the new additional developments in the case, said, “The four were under
commissioner of north region, Dilip Sawant, who took the scanner after the social service branch of the Mum-
charge over a month ago. Deputy commissioner of po- bai crime branch raided a dance bar in their jurisdiction
lice of zone 11, Vinay Rathod, confirmed the develop- which violated rules around 12 days ago. The personel
ment. were given a warning by the additional commissioner
[Sawant] and were asked to conduct a crackdown on all
On Sunday night, a special team, acting on a tip-off re- the dance bars in their jurisdiction which flouted the
ceived by Sawant, raided a bar in Borivli and rescued norms.”
around 12 women, who were later sent to a shelter
home. However, despite the warning, it was discovered that five
“As per the licensing rules, only four women are allowed more dance bars were operating without following the
in a dance bar. But in this bar, 12 women were em- norms, added the officer.
ployed,” said the Mumbai Police officer.
Based on these two incidents which came to light in a
The bar’s owner, manager, cashier and stewards were span of two weeks, Sawant initiated a departmental in-
booked for obscenity under various sections of the In- quiry and suspended the four personnel for their failure
dian Penal Code (IPC) and the Maharashtra Prohibition in cracking down on such dance bars.
of Obscene Dance in Hotels, Restaurants and Bar Following the suspension, a senior police officer will con-
Rooms and Protection of Dignity of Women (Working duct a departmental inquiry to find out the extent of the
therein) Act, 2016. The senior officers said despite warn- negligence on the part of the police personnel and also
ings to the police personnel, 12 women continued to will investigate if the four derived any profits by allowing
work in the dance bar. the dance bars to operate
THE REALM TheRealm | 03

TR Entertainment

Yami ‘Theatre scene in the city is vibrant’

says she
Says Shernaz Patel, who has
been active in the industry for
Each genre, each style has its dedicated au-

more than 30 years; adds that
dience. There are still people, who want to
now is the best time to be in the
go out on a weekend to watch live entertain-

ment and I think that’s fantastic. SHERNAZ
Gayathri Menon PATEL, ACTOR

tasking Known for films such as Black (2005), Guzaarish

(2010), Rockstar (2011) and many more, actor Sh-
ernaz Patel is also a wellknown name in the the-
keep the magic of theatres alive. “The theatre
scene in the city is vibrant, diverse and it’s driving.
We have got so many plays of different languages
atre circle as well. She is the artistic director of a happening simultaneously. There are small shows
theatre initiative, Aadyam, which has produced happening in small alternative venues as well
This year has been a busy one for Yami Gautam. Her first film, Uri: The world-class plays including Twelve Angry Jurors along with big-budget shows. You have musicals
Surgical Strike, got a lot of recognition by earning over ₹300 crores at and The Hounds of Baskerville. nowadays and a lot of experimental plays with
the box office. Post Uri, Yami started shooting for her next project, Bala, younger groups too.
with Ayushmann Khurrana and Bhumi Pednekar. Yami will be seen por- Talking about being on stage, Shernaz says that
traying the role of a model in the film. They briefly shot for the film in the live medium keeps her going. “Theatre is a live People are experimenting with language, style,
Mumbai followed by schedules in Kanpur and then in Lucknow. But medium. So, the joy of performing live is what genres and the best part is that audiences are
while shooting for the film, Yami signed two more interesting projects makes people take uptheatre. The experience is coming and watching these shows. Each genre,
and her slate for the year is now full. She is now multi-tasking between always different which keeps it exciting all the time. each style has its dedicated audience. There are
her film shoots and brand endorsements. Every show is new,” she adds. still people, who want to go out on a weekend to
watch live entertainment and I think that’s fantas-
A source close to the actor reveals, “Yami will soon begin shooting for Shernaz comes from a family of theatre actors and tic. Now is a great time to be in theatres for sure,”
her next film with Diljit hence, has seen a lot of changes in the theatre she concludes.
scene in the city throughout the years. She says
Dosanjh and another romantic comedy with Vikrant Massey. Yami is that the audiences, who come to watch a play,

‘We need commercial films on

also a popular actor on television due to her brand endorsements. But

since she is shooting in Lucknow, she is shuttling between Mumbai and
Lucknow for her brand commitments. The shoot of Bala cannot be de-

gay rights’
layed and her brand endorsements are also time bound so she has

been travelling quite a bit.”

to play
Talking about the same, Yami says that this is what she signed up for
when she became an actor. “I think I’m personally capable of multi-task- From a virile sperm donor in Vicky Donor (2012) to a

first fe-
ing. It keeps my interests up and keeps me going. So, as difficult as it person suffering from erectile dysfunction in Shubh
may seem, I like juggling things and projects. It’s what I had committed Mangal Saavdhan (2017) and a blind musician in

to when I became an actor and I’m happy I get to live this life.” Andhadhun (2018), Ayushmann Khurrana has proved
his range as an actor.

The actor is now all set to take his game to the next
level, and impress the audience playing a homosex-
ual man in the “It is important to make films based on gay rights in
the commercial sphere because that way you are not Academy-Award winning actor Natalie Portman is
upcoming film, Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan. He preaching the converted,” says Ayushmann. all set to become the first female Thor in the fourth
says it is important that a film based on gay rights be film from the franchise.
made in the commercial mainstream space.
She has been associated with the series as she
has played Jane Foster in the first two films. Taika
Waititi, the film’s director, announced the same at
the Comic-Con panel in San Diego, USA, reported

“That storyline is incredible, is full of emotion, love

Esha Gupta takes part in

and thunder, and introduces for the first time, fe-
male Thor,” Waititi said.

clean-up drive
While describing the fate of Thor after Avengers:
Endgame, Waititi said, “He’s heading to the 7-11
for a little Netflix subscription and at this point, he
might be on the couch, who knows.”
Esha Gupta has always been vocal about saving the environ-
Actor Chris Hemsworth will also be back on board


ment and she recently decided to take the initiative a notch
as the golden Asgardian warrior, who we last saw
higher. The actor participated in a mangrove clean-up drive in
jetting off into space with the Guardians of the
Bandra on July 13, not just to clean certain areas, but also to
Galaxy at the end of Avengers: Endgame.
talk to people and educate them on the importance of keeping
their surroundings clean. She took up the task in association
with an NGO and was accompanied by a number of volunteers.

Esha Gupta
Esha says, “I have always felt very strongly about saving Mother
Earth and doing whatever I can to save it. I believe in not letting
anything damage the hygiene and beauty of our surroundings. I
hope that more and more people can be part of clean-up drives.
This is a small step for our environment. It’s still not too late to
protect and save our planet in every way possible.”

Recently, Esha also posted a picture of plants, talking about

their various species getting extinct. She had captioned the
photo, “Plants underpin all life on earth, they provide the oxygen
we breathe and the food we eat, as well as making up the back-
bone of the world’s ecosystems — so plant extinction is bad
news for all species (sic).”

From airport looks to gym wear or even casuals, B-Town

stars never run out of trendy outfits. Hrithik Roshan, who
posed for the shutterbugs in a black sweatshirt, was
snapped in Juhu. Shahid Kapoor aced his gym look with a
casual tee and ripped joggers in the same area. Farah Khan
posed with her kids Anya Kunder, Czar Kunder and Diva
Kunder in the vicinity. Tiger Shroff, at his casual best, and
Disha Patani, in an all-blue outfit, were photographed in
Bandra. Raveena Tandon looked ravishing in a bottle green
jumpsuit in the vicinity. Looking bright in a yellow hoodie
was Yami Gautam, who was also clicked in Bandra. Arjun
Rampal along with girlfriend, Gabriella Demetriades, was
spotted with their newborn baby outside a hospital in
Mahim. The airport was also a hub for celebrity spotting.
Anil Kapoor, Ishaan Khatter, Tabu, Sonakshi Sinha and
Aparshakti Khurana were all snapped there.
04 | TheRealm THE REALM

TR Editorial

What Is Indian-ness?
brotherhood, occupies the last place in this ethic, justice, which is related to the issue
short list and, indeed, has become com- of power, of correcting skewed and unfair Given the march of exclusive nationalisms
The point is that the climb fosters deeper pletely muted if not sidelined in contem- power relations, a highlighting of Equality all over the world in recent years, religious
and deeper feelings of loving connected- porary discourse. in the three aspirations of the French rev- nationalism in Turkey, Indonesia, India
ness although only a few, rare saints can olutionary slogan. and parts of the Islamic world, racial na-
reach the summit, expressed in the Upan- In our fascination with Western intellec- tionalism in the United States, cultural

ishadic ideal of ‘he who sees all beings in tual gurus, we do not realise what a dispro- In an almost sacralised ethic of justice, ‘sons of the soil’ nationalism in most of
his own self and his own self in all beings’. portionate space the Western idea of the what matters is the outcome, not the path Europe, one would be tempted to say that
Most of us can consider ourselves fortu- role of power in social relations has come and there are eloquent voices that have de- a secular, inclusive nationalism was a lib-

By forgetting sympathy,
eral dream which has few takers today. But
perhaps what is needed is a vision of in-
clusive nationalism that is not of the ‘pro-

India is in danger of los-

gressive’ kind, which only pays homage to
man’s reason and conditions of material
life, but one that bases itself on the foster-

ing its highest civilisa-

ing of a consciousness irradiated by our
civilisational heritage of sympathy.

tional ideal
What is needed is a revival of an ‘idea of
India’ that has deep roots in our civilisa-
tion and to which our greatest cultural
icons have borne witness, namely that
Every civilisation has its own view of the each one of us is deeply embedded with
world and man’s place in it, values that Sympathy, as i understand it, is the feeling other human beings as also connected to
leak into the psyche of its members. Sym- of kinship, a sense of ‘we’ that extends to animate and inanimate nature, a connect-
pathy has been a dominant value in the beyond what is our kin. And this feeling of edness that demands a cultivation of sym-
world view of our own civilisation. kinship is not limited to human beings but pathy for all that is not self. At certain
extends to the natural world. One can com- historical times, this supreme value of our
Some of the greatest Indian icons – Bud- pare sympathy to a mountain climb with civilisation may be temporarily super-
dha in ancient India, Kabir, Nanak, many base camps marking its progress on seded. But even when banished into un-
Tukaram, Basava in medieval India, the way. nate if we can catch a glimpse of the peak to occupy in the modern Indian mind. fended violence in service of justice. In conscious depths at such times, sympathy
Tagore and Gandhi in modern India come of sympathy from the base camps of toler- Again, this is not to reject the value of the such cases, should the ethic of sympathy, continues to claim its privileged position
immediately to mind – have held that sym- The first camp from which one cannot see ance, compassion and empathy. role of power and the truth it contains, but compassion in this context, not temper the
pathy is essential to how we connect (or the summit – covered as it is by clouds, seek to assimilate this truth with our own quest for justice? In our quest to right a
must connect) not only to human beings though we know it is there – is tolerance, Yet, today, one feels that the traditional In- civilisational heritage on the importance of wrong, bring the ethic of justice to the
but to all existence. Here Tagore and defined minimally as giving the benefit of dian civilisational emphasis on sympathy, sympathy. forefront, are we in danger of losing sight
Gandhi are in complete agreement. the doubt to others. The second camp, a lit- love in its most elevated form, as indispen- of what Gandhi and Tagore – and before
“Brotherhood,” Gandhi writes in one let- tle higher, can be said to be compassion, sable to social cohesion and solidarity, is For instance, social movements in service them our greatest icons – held was a defin-
ter, “is just now a distant aspiration. To me while the third and the last camp from being eclipsed by other values, such as jus- of justice for the weak and the oppressed ing characteristic of Indian civilisation …
it is a test of true spirituality. All our where one climbs to the summit is empa- tice, the righting of wrongs. We are all fa- are rapidly picking up pace in our country, sympathy? In Tagore’s words, “Creative
prayers, and observances are empty noth- thy, the ‘feeling into’ another person, al- miliar with the famous slogan of the shaking traditional hierarchies and power force needed for the true union in human
ings so long as we do not feel a live kin- though of course, empathy can also French revolution, now a universal aspira- structures. This is a welcome develop- society is love; justice is only an accom-
ship with all life.” encompass a ‘feeling into’ nature. tion: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. It is in- ment. Some of these movements, however, paniment to it, like the beating of tom-tom in our psyche as a niggling feeling of
teresting to note that fraternity, seem to operate on the basis of only one to song.” poorly understood disquiet that follows a

saturday sentiments Unprincipled power politics

KARAN THAPAR Karnataka should go for polls. Its citizens deserve better

Don’t Cage RTI

that five weeks after the results of the general elections
Thursday’s vote in the Karnataka assembly — when Chief were announced, the Karnataka alliance started coming
Minister (CM) HD Kumaraswamy has to prove his majority apart.
— is a result of the desertion of 16 Members of the Leg-
islative Assembly (MLAs) from the ruling alliance. But, Irrespective of the outcome of the vote on Thursday, the
Government’s unfortunate move to amend government and on terms set by it im- mandate received in May. Weakening RTI fundamentally, it is an outcome of the instability in the Karnataka episode must rank as one of the most dis-
the Right to Infor mation Act will weaken pinges on institutional autonomy. The state ever since the Congress-Janata Dal (Secular) al- graceful chapters in recent Indian democratic history. On
the signature legislation, that reverses the Act’s provisions offering parity with elec- Act plays into bureaucracy’s hands. After liance took office. The two parties had come together to the one hand, there is a ruthless BJP, which believes in
opacity and bureaucratic disdain which tion commissioners had bestowed tremen- all, citizens had used RTI to combat red keep the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) out. getting to power at all costs. It has cynically exploited all
makes governance inaccessible for ordi- dous prestige upon ICs. It was a signifier tape. To actually strengthen RTI Act, possibilities in this quest, irrespective of ideology or princi-
nary citizens. The proposed amendment of autonomy and to not be chary when is- promptly filling IC vacancies and more But the alliance has been in trouble since its inception. ples. On the other hand — and greater culpability rests
whittles down security of tenure for infor- suing orders to all-powerful government proactive mandatory disclosures of infor- The Congress’ former CM, Siddaramaiah, who shares an here — is the opportunism of the Congress-JD(S).
mation commissioners from the existing officers unwilling to share information mation will help. In 2017-18, RTI applica- old rivalry with JD(S) supremo, HD Deve Gowda, was un-
ter m of five years in office or upon reach- with citizens. tions to central government increased 35% happy at the junior partner getting leadership. Those who It was an alliance born in a shoddy compromise, in which
ing the age of 65 to “such terms as may be and first appeals against denial of informa- did not become ministers turned dissenters. Mr Ku- power was the only glue. It was unable to manage its own
prescribed by the central gover nment”. There is no cogent reason to reverse this tion shot up 22% from the preceding year. maraswamy has been unable to impose his authority. internal differences. It has run an ineffective government.
Salaries and allowances and other ter ms spirit of the RTI Act or grudge the quasi- Given these realities, any move to under- The (admittedly fractured) mandate of 2018 has all but
and conditions of service of central (and parity with constitutional authorities like mine information commissioners sends The BJP leader, BS Yeddyurappa, who believes this is his been squandered and the solution perhaps lies in fresh
state chief) information commissioners, EC. Union minister Jitender Singh told wrong signals on anti-corruption and last shot at power, played on these internal contradictions, elections. Citizens deserve better.
now at par with election commissioners, Parliament that the information commis- transparency. wooing disgruntled MLAs with a range of inducements.
will instead be “such as may be prescribed sion was only a statutory body but The Lok Sabha results, in which the BJP won 25 of the 28
by the central government”. “clumsy” and “hasty” passage of the Act seats in the state, energised the party even more. The
had “given the IC the status of a Supreme fact that the Congress, with Rahul Gandhi’s resignation, is
In short, a move to undermine the status Court judge and at the same time left the bereft of leadership, did not help. It is not a coincidence
of the central and state information com- provision of appeal to the High Court”.
missions – and turn them into “caged par- Without a trace of irony he also claimed
rots” as the Supreme Court chose to
describe the CBI – is afoot. Replacing a
the amendment bill was intended to
streamline and strengthen the RTI Act. ‘Organic farming is worse than atom bomb …
does not suit Indian conditions, only adds to
fixed statutory term that offers security of
tenure with one where information com- Diluting such a popular law will hurt

greenhouse emissions’
missioners (ICs) serve at the pleasure of NDA’s credibility and can dent the huge

The resilience and NDA’s stated aim is to double farmers’ income by 2022. A so-
thing that they haven’t seen or aren’t used to. I can’t
spend my life thinking about others,” she said.
lution proposed in the Union Budget was a “back to basics”
heroism of Dutee In 2014, she was dropped from the Commonwealth approach through “zero budget” farming. Subhash Palekar ,

Games squad, with the Athletics Federation of India the founder of this approach, speaks to Shishir Arya about it:
(AFI) saying she could not compete as a female athlete During the 2014 elections ingredient to make Jee-
because of a hyperandrogenism rule (a testosterone Prime Minister Narendra zero budget farming ex- vamrut. I tried with that of
Dutee Chand is not one to be pulled down. This is no limit set by the world athletics body for women ath- Modi had promised to actly. The movement other animals like buffalo,
platitude; Chand lives her truth. The 23-year-old letes). Chand challenged the ruling, and reversed it, set- double farmers’ income if began in 2000. Since it in- bulls and even cows of for-
woman from Odisha doesn’t back down. The latest ex- ting a milestone for gender equality in sports. Her next his party came to power. volved nil cost, it was de- eign breeds, but none
ample of this came in Napoli, where Chand ran 100m aim is to qualify for the World Championships in Doha He was hoping that Indian cided to name it zero could match that of the
in 11.32 seconds, becoming the first Indian woman ath- in September. For that, she has to achieve the qualify- Council for Agricultural budget natural farming. local cow. With one cow,
lete to win a gold medal at the World Universiade. It ing mark of 11.24 seconds, a timing lower than her per- Research (ICAR) would However, the farmers still enough Jeevamrut can be
was also the first time an Indian won a global 100m sonal best. To do that, Chand will have to compete at come up with some tech- have to spend towards produced for 30 acres of
sprint event. Dutee’s pace was a bit slower than her na- international events. The trip to Napoli was sponsored nique by that time, but it wages to farmhands, land. Chemical farming
tional record of 11.26 seconds, but the forces she was by her university and not the government, which does did not happen. Niti Aayog power bills and water and even traditional ma-
battling were bigger than her on-track competition. It not consider her performances as good enough for elite- then carried out a survey. charges. Since it was natu- nure utilise the carbon nat-
was her first major competition since she came out level funding. Yet another challenge for the star. The team concluded that ral farming, many insisted urally available in soil.
about being in a same-sex relationship and drawing the There’s a reason she tweeted “Pull me down, I will chemical-based farming is on renaming it SPNF. This This leads to initial in-
public ire of her family. She took it in her stride. “As come back stronger!” after her latest triumph. of no use and organic happened three months crease in output which
for the society, it will criticise any sort of change... any- farming has also not ago. The core of SPNF is falls as carbon level is de-
yielded any results except Jeevamrut – a mixture pleted. You have said that
causing global warming mainly involving cow SPNF has 50 lakh follow-
due to greenhouse emis- urine and dung apart from ers. But The Times of
sions that it leads to. They pesticides made from India toured Vidarbha re-
finally got the answer in leaves. Can it totally re- gion and only a handful
Subhash Palekar Natural place chemical fertilis- could be found.That is be-
Farming (SPNF). ers?Yes. This can happen cause we have not opened
in the future though I can- our network to the media.
What happened next? not predict when exactly. I
A day-long meeting was can show you grapes that What do you expect from
held in New Delhi in Feb- have grown purely on nat- government?
ruary this year. It was at- ural farming. The drought I do not expect anything
tended by Niti Aayog in Vidarbha has dried from government. Chemi-
vice-chairman Rajiv many orange orchards but cal farming will certainly
Kumar, director general of those grown under SPNF continue. However what
ICAR Trilochan Mohapa- have survived. happened in Andhra
tra, senior bureaucrats and Pradesh and Himachal
agriculture secretaries of How does it work? Pradesh is indeed a mira-
states. Another meeting The soil is full of nutrients. cle. IIn Himachal, the au-
was held 15 days before Plants also need it in thorities have decided to
the Budget. Narendra cooked form and this is convert every inch of land
Tomar had taken over as provided by the microor- into SPNF. I have got ac-
the new agriculture minis- ganisms present in the soil. ceptance in Uttarakhand
ter by then. They accepted Jeevamrut is the best too. Three new states, Kar-
my theory and gave feed- source of such microbes. nataka, Kerala and Chhat-
back to the PM. After intense trial and tisgarh, have shown
error, I arrived at a conclu- willingness.
What exactly is zero sion that dung and urine of breeds of cows.
budget farming? the local indigenous breed
Let me clarify that it’s not of cow is the best suited
TheRealm | 05

TR World

On moon landing day, another blast- Trump quit Iran deal to spite
Obama: UK envoy in leaked mail
off to space Armstrong died in 2012, leaving Aldrin, 89, and command module pilot
TF Correspondent
From page 01 LONDON: US Presi-
CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDA: A moonstruck nation celebrated the 50th an- Michael Collins, 88, to mark the golden anniversary. Both astronauts and the dent Donald Trump abandoned the “Moreover, they can’t articulate any
niversary of humanity’s first footsteps on another world on Saturday, gathering Armstrong family met with Trump in the Oval Office on Friday, with Collins Iran nuclear deal in 2018 solely to ‘day-after’ strategy; and contacts with
at races and other festivities to commemorate Apollo 11’s “giant leap” by Neil pushing for a direct mission to Mars and skipping the moon, and Aldrin ex- spite his predecessor Barack state department this morning sug-
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. pressing dismay at the past few decades of human space exploration. Obama, who had agreed to the deal, gest no sort of plan for reaching out
according to a fresh leak of emails by to partners and allies, whether in Eu-
the British ambassador to the US rope or the region.”
Kim Darroch, on Sunday.
Darroch, who sent the emails when
AP FILE Johnson was the foreign secretary,
US President Donald Trump with has resigned in the wake of the row,
predecessor Barack Obama. but will continue in the post until his
Publication of the envoy’s views last replacement is announced, possibly
Sunday on the Trump administration by the new prime minister later this
sparked a diplomatic row, besides month.
creating ripples between the two UK
prime ministerial candidates, Boris The tabloid published the emails de-
Johnson and foreign secretary Je- spite caution from Scotland Yard that
remy Hunt, in the ongoing election doing so may breach the Official Se-
for the next Conservative leader. Ac- crets Act, and that journalists and
cording to the latest extracts pub- newspaper organisations could also
lished in The Mail on Sunday, face criminal prosecution.
Darroch described Trump pulling out
of the Iran deal in May 2018 as an However, the police walked back on
act of “diplomatic vandalism”, adding the caution amid protests on its po-
On Saturday, Pence, Aldrin and Armstrong’s older son, Rick, visited the Apollo that the act appeared to be for “per- tential impact on freedom of the
Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon on July 20 1969 11 launch pad, now leased by SpaceX, and the building now named for Arm- sonality reasons”. press.
AP FILE strong where the astronauts suited up for liftoff on July 16, 1969. In New York
Buzz Aldrin on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969. City, organisers moved a moon-landing party from Times Square into a hotel The tabloid quoted Darroch as re- Meanwhile, The Sunday Times re-
At NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Aldrin showed Vice President Mike Pence because of the heat wave. Youngsters joined former space shuttle astronaut porting to London: “The outcome il- ported that the suspect behind the
the launch pad where he flew to the moon in 1969. Halfway around the world, Winston Scott there, as a giant screen showed the Saturn V rocket lifting off in lustrated the paradox of this White leak had been identified and the pos-
an American and two other astronauts blasted into space from Kazakhstan on 1969. In Kazakhstan, Alexander Skvortsov of the Russian space agency House: you got exceptional access, sibility of a computer hack by another
a Russian rocket. In Armstrong’s hometown of Wapakoneta, Ohio, nearly Roscosmos, NASA’s Andrew Morgan and Luca Parmitano of the European seeing everyone short of the presi- country had been ruled out, while
2,000 runners competed in “Run to the Moon” races. The Eagle lunar lander, Space Agency rocketed into the night to the International Space Station. Only dent; but on the substance, the ad- The Mail on Sunday said publishing
carrying Armstrong and Aldrin, landed on the Sea of Tranquility on July 20, Skvortsov was alive at the time of Apollo 11. ministration is set upon an act of the leaks is in the public interest.
1969. Armstrong was the first one out, proclaiming for the ages: “That’s one diplomatic vandalism, seemingly for
small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” ideological and personality reasons -
The three already living on the space station also were born long after the it was Obama’s deal”.
“Few moments in our American story spark more pride than the Apollo 11 mis- moon landings. The crew deliberately modelled the mission patch after Apollo

8 dead in bomb blast

sion,” President Donald Trump said in a Space Exploration Day message, reit- 11: no astronaut names included to show the universal nature of space flight.
eration the goal of sending astronauts back to the moon within five years and AGENCIES
taking “the next giant leap — sending Americans to Mars.”

near university gate

US wants to restart N-
talks despite N Korea’s
KABUL:At least eight people were
killed and dozens more wounded on Health ministry spokesman Wahidul-

Friday when a bomb detonated near lah Mayar said the death toll had
a major university in Kabul while stu- reached eight, with another 33 in-
dents were waiting to take an exam, jured. The heavily militarised Afghan
officials said. capital remains one of the highest-
US state dept upbeat over commit- Vietnam,” US state department profile targets for both the Taliban
ments made by Kim, Trump at last 2 spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus told AP and the so-called Islamic
summits reporters. “We look forward, of Security forces stand guard near the
WASHINGTON/SEOUL: The US said course, to resuming those negotia- site of the blast. State group, with both regularly
on Tuesday it hoped to hold denu- tions and we hope to talk, always, so The blast comes amid an unending launching devastating attacks that
clearisation talks with North Korea, we can advance progress on these wave of violence across Afghanistan, often kill and maim civilians. Bahar
after Pyongyang warned that US- commitments.” where civilians are being killed every Mehr, the interior ministry official,
South Korean military exercises could day in the country’s gruelling conflict, said five people had been killed in-
affect their planned resumption. The South Korean government also now in its 18th year. cluding a traffic police officer.
said on Wednesday it expected the The blast had been caused by a
AP talks to go ahead and that it hoped The Taliban denied any involvement sticky bomb, he said.
File photo showing South Korean and they would result in “practical in Friday’s blast, which took place
US marines taking part in a joint mili- progress”.There are close to 30,000 near the southern entrance to Kabul
tary exercise in Pohang, South Korea. US troops stationed in South Korea. University, an official with the interior
The North had earlier on Tuesday ministry’s media office told AFP.
hinted it could reconsider its morato- Their annual drills with tens of thou-
rium on nuclear testing over next sands of South Korean soldiers have
month’s drills, which have been held always infuriated the North - with Py-
for years but were scaled down to ongyang condemning the manoeu-
ease tensions with Pyongyang. vres as rehearsals for invasion.
It was the North’s first statement on
the talks since US President Donald RESOLVING S KOREA, JAPAN DIS-
Trump and North Korean leader Kim PUTE
Jong Un agreed to a resumption of di-
alogue at an impromptu meeting in The US will “do what it can do” to help
the Demilitarized Zone that divides defuse a worsening political and eco-
the two Koreas on June 30. nomic dispute between South Korea
and Japan, a senior US diplomat said
Responding to the North’s statement, on Wednesday, as South Korea
the US state department said it re- warned that the row would have
mained upbeat over commitments global repercussions.

INDIAN-ORI- New graft

made by Kim and Trump during their
June encounter and at a February The US has been hesitant to wade

GIN UK COP probe

summit in Vietnam. “From our per- into the feud between its allies, but
spective, we would hope that no one the dispute, which threatens global Security forces stand guard near the site of the blast.
would try to block, in their government supplies of memory chips and smart-

BOUGHT launched
or our government, the ability for
President Trump and Chairman Kim
phones, has overshadowed the visit
by David Stilwell, the top US diplomat

PORN WHILE against Sharif,

to make progress on the commit- for East Asia policy.
ments they made to each other in

ON DUTY daughter
LONDON: A serving Indian-origin of- LAHORE: Pakistan’s anti-corruption
B’desh ex-dictator Ershad dies
ficer of Scotland Yard has pleaded body has initiated another investi-
guilty to fraud after he purchased gation against jailed former prime Suraj Pillai
pornography using a member of the minister Nawaz Sharif and his
public’s cable television while he daughter Maryam for their alleged
was on duty in 2018, officials prob- involvement in money laundering
ing police conduct said. Constable and having income beyond means,
Avi Maharaj, 44, has pleaded guilty media reports said on Saturday. DHAKA: Bangladesh’s former military
at the Westminster Magistrates PTI dictator HM Ershad, who had seized
Court to one count of fraud and will power in a 1982 coup, has died. He
be sentenced on August 6. He had was 89.
denied making the purchase during
the Independent Office for Public Ershad had long been suffering from
Conduct’s probe. multiple complications including infec-
tions in his lungs and kidneys, his
younger brother GM Quader said on
Sunday. He was admitted to the
Dhaka military hospital on June 26
and was kept in the intensive care which was then a part of Pakistan, in
unit.His condition later deteriorated 1948, after the end of British colonial
and was placed on life support. rule in the Indian subcontinent. Er-
shad was commissioned into the Pak-
Ershad ruled the country from 1982 to istan Army in 1952 from the Officers
1990. He was the leader of the oppo- Training School in Kohat, Pakistan.
sition in current Parliament. He as- He was an adjutant in the East Bengal
sumed power as the military chief in Regiment, the largest formation in the
1982 and declared himself president future Bangladesh Army.
the following year. He later floated his
own Jatiya Party and won a contro- After completing advanced courses
versial election in 1986. from the Command and Staff College
in Quetta, Pakistan in 1966, Ershad
Ershad was born in 1930 in Coochbe- returned to Bangladesh in 1973, two
har district of West Bengal state in years after his country won independ-
then British India. His parents mi- ence.
grated to present-day Bangladesh,
06| TheRealm THE REALM

TR Sports

Sindhu hammers world No 3 Kohli aims to overcome ‘pressure

INDONESIA OPEN Ace shuttler beats China’s Chen Yufei to qualify
for her first final of the season
stat’ of chasing
JAKARTA: Olympic silver medallist PV Sindhu enjoyed In the second game, Chen zoomed to 4-0 lead early on
one of her finest hours of the season as she entered the but Sindhu again clawed back with the Chinese going MANCHESTER: While this World gets. Conditions however have often chases, I understand that the pres-
finals of the Indonesia Open BWF Tour Super 1000 tour- long twice. Sindhu smashed hard and followed it with an- Cup has done its bit in giving bowlers been tricky, influencing results to a sure can be very high if you don’t go
nament with a straight-game win over All England Cham- other one to put pressure on the Chinese, who again went due recognition, it has also been large extent. So clearly, New Zealand with the pace of the game, and then
pion Chen Yufei of China here on Saturday. Sindhu, who long and Sindhu continued to gather points. heavily skewed in terms of pre- captain Williamson wasn’t speaking understanding the magnitude of the
dictability. Of the 41 completed round only on behalf of his bowlers while tournament like this you probably are
robin matches, 27 were won by elaborating why dismissing batsmen going to end up making a couple of
teams batting first. The most signifi- was getting laborious at times. mistakes and the opposition is not
cant reason behind this number is going to let you off after that,” he
how pitches have slowed down over “I think we have seen conditions said.
time, hindering stroke-play or even change from first innings to second
plain old slogging. After India on some occasions. That’s been “So, we are not worried about the
slumped to their first World Cup loss quite considerable. So, how guys toss. It is an uncontrollable. You can’t
in Birmingham, to England, both have had to operate in the start of predict what is going to happen at the
teams came out to say that the their innings and then moving into the toss. We have to be prepared both
pitches had become difficult for bat- second half of the bowling innings ways and we are quite open to do
ting. MS Dhoni and Kedar Jadhav, have had to be quite different,” he that. And if it is a factor, it’s a factor,
hence, weren’t entirely to blame for said on Monday. so we can’t say if we lose the toss,
that defeat. we have no hope because we should
Despite the disparities, chasing believe enough in ourselves as a
With the focus shifting to the knock- seems to be New Zealand’s forte, side to overcome any kind of situa-
outs, there is a fair bit of anticipation with four out of their five wins coming tion. So, I think all teams prepare in
how the toss may play out more in while batting second. The win against that manner. It’s a stat which I think is
favour of one team. Of the 13 South Africa was a match to remem- connected to pressure and not the
matches hosted by Old Trafford, Edg- ber but more draining for New pitch, to be very honest.”
baston and Lord’s—venues of the Zealand was when it eked out a
World Cup knockouts this time—11 twowicket victory against
has been struggling a bit this season, showed her bril- have been won by teams batting first. Bangladesh. Even if they bat second, Thankfully, the pitches for the knock-
liance once again as she saw off world No 3 Chen 21-19, After seven straight points, Chen managed to push one at The two exceptions were courtesy all may not be lost for New Zealand outs are fresh meaning the imbal-
21-10 to enter her first final of the season. the back court to break the rhythm. Pakistan’s exceptional batting effort then. Two days after pulling off a ance between batting first and
that saw them ace 237 on a tricky rather easy 264-run chase against second could be minimum. That
AP A whopping smash to Chen’s serve gave another point to Birmingham pitch against New Sri Lanka, India captain Virat Kohli should not only ensure closer compe-
PV Sindhu, who reached the semi-finals at Singapore Sindhu. After a couple of missed opportunities, Sindhu Zealand, days after Kane too feels it’s more in the mind than tition, but also a better display of
Open and India Open, will take on Japan’s Akane Yam- managed to grab a three-point advantage at the interval Williamson’s industrious century an- about the pitch or the toss. skills.
aguchi on Sunday. with a precise net return, which kissed the tape on the chored a brilliant chase to virtually
The world No 5 Indian, who reached the semi-finals at the way. Chen then crumbled under constant pressure from knock out South Africa from the “It comes back to the same point,
Singapore and India Open events this year, thus set up a Sindhu. The Chinese found the net and went wide to World Cup. handling pressure. You make two
summit clash with Japan’s fourth seed Akane Yamaguchi. allow the Indian double her lead to 16-8. bad decisions while you are chasing
Interestingly, New Zealand have both and the game goes away from you,
Sindhu holds a 10-4 advantage over Yamaguchi, whom A fired up Sindhu dominated the proceedings after that won—remember Carlos Brath- too far to pull it back. So I assume
she has beaten in the last four meetings. even as Chen suddenly looked clueless. waite?—and lost in a humdinger that that is going to be the case be-
against Pakistan— after setting tar cause having been in so many
Chen, who won at Australia, Swiss and All England this Another smash took Sindhu closer to victory and she
year, has been the most prolific player this season and sealed the match point when Chen misjudged a shuttle.
looked good in the first game but a fighting Sindhu held YAMAGUCHI CRUSHES NO 1 TAI TZU-YING JAKARTA:
her own in the opening game and then completely domi- Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi soundly beat Taiwan’s world
nated the second to seal the final spot. No 1 Tai Tzu-ying at the Indonesia Open on Saturday to
reach the women’s final.
The match started with a long rally but soon Sindhu fell
behind at 4-7. The Indian then took five straight points Yamaguchi, who is ranked No 2, defeated an out-of-sorts
with Chen playing two bad shots. But a body smash Tai 21-9, 21-15 in a little over 30 minutes at Jakarta’s Is-
helped the Chinese to span the run of points as she tora Senayan Stadium. “This is my first Indonesian Open
grabbed a slight 11-10 lead at the break. But the Indian final—I’m very happy,” Yamaguchi said.
kept breathing down Chen’s neck.
The 25-year-old Tai said she was not feeling well and was
Chen moved to 15-12 with a few good-looking smashes. unable to play at her best.
But Sindhu fought back and produced a precise return,
and then Chen went wide before finding the net as the In- “I couldn’t play at my usual speed. So my performance
dian erased the deficit and made it 18-18. was hampered a little,” Tai said.

Sindhu caught the shuttle early and produced an acute Chou Tien-chen of Taiwan was too strong for young Thai
angled return near the nets to grab a one point lead. But shuttler Kantaphon Wangcharoen in the men’s singles,
she went wide next and it was 19-19. beating him 21-19, 18-21, 21-16. Chou will play either
Wong Wing Ki Vincent of Hong Kong or Denmark’s An-
Another rally ended with Chen failing to clear the net and ders Antonsen in final. In the men’s doubles, Mohammad
it was advantage Sindhu. The Chinese then left one at the Ahsan and Hendra Setiawan beat Japan’s Takuro Hoki
backcourt, which landed in, to hand Sindhu the bragging and Yugo Kobayashi 17-21, 21-19, 21-17, setting up an
rights. Sindhu had grabbed seven of the last eight points all-Indonesian final with Marcus Gideon and Kevin Suka-
that mattered to pocket the opening game. muljo.


PSG TO TAKE ACTION India’s challenge
England, NZ sharing World Cup would have
at World C’ships,
been apt
PARIS:French champions Paris St Germain have said they will take
action against Neymar after the Brazilian forward failed to report for

Thapa out
training on Monday.
The 27-year-old is a reported target for Barcelona, whose President
Josep Maria Bartomeu said last week that Neymar wanted to leave the SAY, SCORING THE SAME NUMBER OF RUNS THROUGH SINGLES AND TWOS? IN-
NEWDELHI: Manish Kaushik dealt a big
Ligue 1 side to return to Spain, but that PSG were reluctant to sell him. blow to Shiva Thapa’s hopes, beating him in
the national selection trials to book a berth WICKETS, OR IN THE CASE OF LIMITEDOVERS CRICKET, BOWLING DOT BALLS?
“On Monday, July 8, Neymar was due to return to pre-season activities in the Indian squad for the World Boxing
with the Paris St Germain senior squad,” PSG said in a statement on Mr Bumble, immortalised in Charles Such complexities when they arise slur on all
Championships to be held in Ekaterinburg,
their website. Dickens’s Oliver Twist, would not cannot be buried in fine print that else that
Russia from September 7-21.
have taken kindly to the manner in fails to pass the test of credibility, transpires
“Paris St Germain notes that Neymar was not in attendance at the which the World Cup final was de- and also carries in it the seeds of ex- in a match.
Thapa had revived his career when he won
agreed time and place. This was without the club’s prior authorisation. cided. When told the law considered plosive controversy. It is only be-
bronze at the Asian Championships in April
The club regrets this situation and will therefore take appropriate ac- his wife to work under his direction, cause Kane Williamson is a This brings
for his fourth medal from the meet. If he
tion.” Bumble’s caustic response was, “If statesmanlike cricketer that the mat- me to the
thought he had settled his rivalry with
the law supposes that, then the law ter ended where it did. other im-
Kaushik when he defeated him in the final of
is a ass.” portant aspect that emerges from the
60kg at the India Open, it was not the case.
England were adjudged World Cup Let’s examine why cricketing merit in tumultuous final. Sharing the title is
The Commonwealth Games silver medallist
winners as they had a better bound- the rule that was applied has no heft. not a bad outcome at all in certain
bounced back to exact revenge in the 63kg
ary count than New Zealand in the To decide a winner on only one facet excruciating circumstances; in fact it
trials in Patiala, the 23-year-old Kaushik
final. The match and the ensuing of the game is not just thoughtless, may be the best way out.A tied
winning in a split decision.
Super Over had ended in a tie. but strikes at the very foundation of match, even in ODIs, is infrequent,
So too is the rule that made New the sport which sees all players, their probably one in several hundred.
Kaushik beat Thapa at the India Open last
Zealand losers in Sunday’s epic skills and attributes and everything The probability of a tied Super Over
year, but lost to him twice this year. Based
match at Lord’s, based on which that happens on the field, as equally to follow a tied match would run into
on their recent performances and rankings,
team had hit more boundaries. This important.Why should boundary one in a million. Perhaps even more;
the top two boxers from each category were
is an asinine regulation, lapsing in hits— sixes and fours—be more im- so, why not treat this situation as
eligible for the trials. Thapa and Kaushik
cricket logic and justice. It should be portant than, say, scoring the same dead heat instead of trying to con-
had to step up to 63kg because it is an
banished forthwith. True, the effort of number of runs through singles and trive a winner?
Olympic category.
all international sports bodies is to twos? Indeed, why should only scor-
ensure a result. Where cricket is con- ing runs be given more gravitas than There has never been such a beguil-
“I was under pressure because I had lost to
cerned, despair among fans over taking wickets, or in the case of lim- ing ODI contest as the 2019 World
Shiva at the trials before the Asian Champi-
draws in Tests led to the limited- ited-overs cricket, bowling dot balls? Cup final, fortune ebbing and flowing
onships and then at the India Open,”
overs formats—aimed at reaching a through the day and reaching a pul-
Kaushik said. “I worked hard on my game
decisive conclusion— coming into While every match has stellar mo- sating climax that had millions across
and my coach from Services, Narendra
existence.To take out an insurance ments, cricketing philosophy is nec- the world with jangled nerves, bog-
Rana, had devised a good strategy. I waited
against a tied final, ICC built in a essarily non-partisan. The outcome gled mind, guts knotted in tension
for Shiva to attack and played a counter
Super Over for the first time in the of a match is determined by the sum and excitement. Yet sadly, also with
game. I began well and after the first round I
World Cup. of all its parts: from a single pre- the feeling that the match did not
played freely,” he said.
vented or surrendered, catch taken have the ‘closure’ it merited.
So far so good, but it left itself open or dropped, boundaries hit or saved,
to an unseemly situation by limiting and so on. England cannot be grudged their tri-
Amit Panghal (52kg) did not have to take
the provision of deciding a winner in umph, of course. They were equal
part in the trials as he was given a place in
case of a tied Super Over to an Showcasing boundary hits as the participants in making this final the
the squad on account of winning gold at the
inanity.It taxes imagination severely sole determinant in such a situation greatest ODI ever bar none. But
Asian Championships. Kavinder Singh Bisht
to believe that the final would unravel in a way panders to the clamour from there was something amiss, and it
(57kg), Duryodhan Singh Negi (69kg),
the way it did. Yet, that is precisely broadcasters, who see greater would have been as unedifying had
Ashish Kumar (75kg), Brijesh Yadav (81kg),
the job of rule-makers: to cover all viewer gratification in this; perhaps New Zealand, by some quirk of fate,
Sanjeet (91kg) and Satish Kumar (+91kg)
bases, just in case. The argument justifiably where their interests are won and been declared World Cup
were the others who made it to the squad.
that all teams had agreed to the rule concerned. But for the administration winners.
also gets terribly weak legs on see- to peg the result of a match on a
ing the result. ‘highlights package’ as it were, is a

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