Mun Country Profile Research

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Researching Your Country Profile

Country: __________________________________

Physical Geography

What region of the world is your country located in? _______________________________

How big is your country (square km) _______________________________

What countries border yours (or are close by is not surrounded)?


Describe major aspects of your countries physical terrain (mountains, lakes, deserts, ocean,

Describe the climate of your country (what is the temperature and rainfall like over the year):

What is your countries environmental stance (does it follow strict or loose environmental laws?
Problems? Environmental Innovations or Renewable

Natural Resources:
Researching Your Country Profile

What is your countries population (2019)? _______________________________

What is your countries ethnic composition (what ethnicities are the majority

What is your countries official language? ________________________________

What other languages are spoken?


What is your countries capital? _________________________________________

Name 2 other major cities in your country:


How would you DESCRIBE the quality of life in your country? Quality of Life Index

Has your country had (or are having) any major conflicts or wars? With who?

What are some of the biggest cultural landmarks in your country (monuments, temples,
architecture, natural wonders, etc…)?
Researching Your Country Profile

What is your countries total Gross Domestic Product? (this is how much your country has sold
in goods and services in a year and is a good indicator of its financial

What is the Gross Domestic Product per Capita (2019 if possible) - this is how much each person
earns in a year per average. _______________________________

What is your country’s currency (money)? _________________________________

What are your country’s major imports?


What are your country’s major exports (sell to other countries)?


Does your country grow any major agriculture (fruits/vegetables)?


Who does your country trade with the most?


What are your countries major industries (tourism/manufacturing/ technology/finance/

Researching Your Country Profile

Politics & Government

When was your country founded? _______________________

What year did your country join the United Nations? ____________________

What type of government does your country have (democratic, communist, republic, monarchy,
dictatorship) and what does this mean (define it)?

Who are your country’s leaders? _____________________________________________

Is your country politically stable?


How many people serve in your country’s military?


Does your country have major weapons or nuclear capability? If so, describe

Are refugees an issue in your country? If so, how? Describe.


Has the UN ever had to intervene in a conflict in your country? If so, when and why?

Who are your country’s enemies?


Allies? ______________________________________________________________
Researching Your Country Profile

Find one recent article that is about or makes reference to your country. It could be a conflict in
your country, or about your country helping somewhere else, about politics, disasters, wars,
hunger, etc….

Staple it to this work and summarize it below using the GIST method. (5W’s and 1H)

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