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I know that time for you is very valuable and this is why I created this e-book to explain
you all the aspects you need to know before you start this business.

This e-book is the first information material from a series of free resources that we will
offer to all the future entrepreneurs who want to start an Amazon business.

And do not worry: this is not the last free material that we will give to you. You will find
on our Facebook group a lot of information that will help you to make the first steps in
this amazing journey.

What will you learn in this material?

ÂÂ how I started this type of business

ÂÂ what is Fulfilment by Amazon
ÂÂ what is the potential of this business
ÂÂ how to find products that have market demand in the United States
ÂÂ how to sell products in the USA and in Europe
ÂÂ where to find suppliers and how to negotiate with them
ÂÂ which is the best legal setup to start this business
ÂÂ how to list a product on Amazon
ÂÂ the best ways to launch a product on Amazon

In the next pages, I will explain the most important steps that I followed to
start this business.
In the next few days you will receive video tutorials in which I will detail the information
comprised in this e-book. Then you can decide if you want to start this business by
your own or within our community 

Why do I want to help you?

Amazon is the largest ecommerce site in the world and this means there is room
for everyone. I like building a community that helps us grow together. A community
that has the same target as I have, to have a financial freedom and to have time to
enjoy life.

What means Amazon business for my life?

I got to enjoy the financial freedom that I wanted since a young age and this freedom
allowed me to accomplish all my goals and hobbies, such as travel, off road, restoring
old cars, and on top of everything spending time with my family.

How I am?
My name is Alin and I am a 28-year-old entrepreneur from Bucharest, Romania living in
Bahrain, founder of the first Amazon community of entrepreneurs in the GCC; and I believe
in turning ideas into successful e-commerce businesses.

Amazon is the largest ecommerce site in the world and that means there is room for
everyone. In Romania I have created Amazon HUB, the best and the biggest community
of Amazon entrepreneurs, with more than 10000 members and a lot of them become my
friends. The vast majority of our community members have a revenue between 3000-
20000 USD / month.

Amazon helped me have a financial freedom and time to enjoy life. This is the reason I
created Amazon community to share this opportunity with you. Below you can see a chart
with my sales on Amazon in the last 12 months.


“You sell it, we ship it” is the slogan of Fulfilment by Amazon.

The idea of this business is very simple: Anyone can sell on Amazon if you have a laptop
and an internet connection, even if you live in GCC.

Amazon offers you this fulfilment service and it handles all the work:

ÂÂ reception of stock: they do the

receipt of your goods coming directly
from the supplier
ÂÂ storage: they store goods on their
warehouse in the USA or in Europe
ÂÂ logistic services: they deliver the
goods to your customers
ÂÂ support services: they make the
customer support for you

What does this Amazon FBA for me and other entrepreneurs?

It simply, Amazon gave us the chance to build a legal and
profitable business starting with just one laptop. It has given us
the freedom to travel and to achieve our dreams.

How the online market looks?

Below you can see a graph about Amazon earnings from 2004 to 2016. In 2016 Amazon
have a revenue of 135.99 billions USD, can you guess what is the revenue of Amazon
in 2017?

Everyone knows that online sales are increasing worldwide every year. A lot of
people started already to order online rather than go shopping. Why? Because
they can find everything they need with just one click.

Now comes the interesting part

More then 80% of Amazon’s income is made from third party sellers that
are doing Private Label, just like me.

Have you ever thought about escaping the nine-to-five working life? Have you ever
considered escaping the cubicle?

With a successful FBA business, you have the opportunity to design your lifestyle
and make your dreams a reality. Location and financial freedom are within your
reach. FBA is the future for people who want to make money online and live a life
of their choosing.

What is the revenue of
Amazon sellers?

According to the chart below:

ÂÂ 54% of Amazon sellers earn up to $ 100K

ÂÂ 37% of Amazon sellers earn up to $ 100K – 1M
ÂÂ 8% of Amazon sellers earn up to 1M – 10M
ÂÂ 1% of Amazon sellers earn over 10M

How is the e-commerce market
in GCC vs. USA?
In the chart below you can see the traffic of the last 6 months between
(2.91 billion visitors) and in all GCC region (99.56 million visitors).

What are the prospects?

The prospects of online commerce are enormous, whether we are talking about the GCC
market, the USA or the European market.

Think about how the online market was 5 - 10 years ago and imagine how it will grow over
the next years taking into account a lot of people have now access to the internet from their
phone or laptop and they can order online from almost all websites.

The question is:

Do you want to be
part of this online

If your answer is YES, then

you are at the right moment
in the right place.

How to be a successful
FBA seller?
FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. To sum it up, this broad term means that Amazon
fulfills your customers’ orders for you. The basics: When you sign up as an FBA seller, you
send your inventory to any of Amazon’s FBA warehouses (Amazon will specify which location
you need to ship your inventory to). When you receive an order, Amazon ships it instead of
you handling the shipping yourself.

The advantages of Amazon FBA are the following:

Amazon FBA Increases Profit. Many sellers make huge amounts of money by selling through
FBA. One of the great perks is that as a seller, you can avoid the costs and aggravation of
storing inventory, dealing with shipping, and other similar issues.

Amazon FBA Qualifies Your Listings for Amazon Prime, Free Shipping and Other
Benefits. When you sell through FBA, you’re able to reap the benefits of Amazon Prime,
a service that just about every Amazon customer knows and loves. You also receive the
benefit of free shipping on eligible products, and the “gold star” next to your listings – that
is, the Amazon Prime logo.

Amazon FBA is cost-efficient. All of your shipping fees (including Amazon Prime and free
shipping) are included in your fees with no extra charge. Plus, you’re only charged for the
storage space and the orders you fulfill.

Amazon FBA Takes the Stress Out of Customer Service. What is FBA handy for besides
inventory management, shipping, and a sales boost? Less stress. As an FBA seller, you do
not need to worry as much about dealing with customers – Amazon will handle the customer
service and returns for you.

Amazon FBA Allows Multi-Channel Fulfillment. This is one of the best perks of becoming
an Amazon FBA Seller – Multi-Channel Fulfillment. That means the inventory you store in
Amazon’s fulfillment centers is not only eligible for sales on Amazon – your inventory can
be sold on other e-commerce platforms through the FBA warehouses, even though the
warehouses are of course, operated by Amazon.

In order to take to start building your Amazon business, there are the five basic steps you
need to:

1. Create an Amazon Seller Central account. It is advisable to sign up for a

professional account, which has a monthly fee associated with it.
2. Choose a niche. Certain niches are good, others are not worth getting into. Do your
research and brainstorm product ideas.
3. Find a supplier. Once you know what products you are going to be selling, start
building a working relationship with a reliable supplier. Ask for a sample, work out the
lead time and calculate what kind of margin you have on your products.
4. Create a listing for your product. Optimize your product page with the right
keywords and content.
5. Drive traffic. Send your target audience to your product page to increase sales.

Based on my 2 years’ experience as an Amazon seller, the following six factors are crucial
to your success:

ÂÂ Scaling a business is easier when fulfillment logistics are handled by Amazon.

ÂÂ Be willing to admit when you are wrong, and make adjustments accordingly in
respect to the quality of your products and the support you are offering to your
ÂÂ Manage your inventory, risk and cash flow.
ÂÂ Focus on cash flow and access to working capital.
ÂÂ Measure your growth by quarters or years, not by weeks.
ÂÂ Always increase your portfolio of products in the same nice you started. Create a

How to sell on Amazon if
you live in GCC?
From the very beginning I want to tell you that all the countries that are in the GCC area are
not on the Amazon for Seller Accounts list.

This means if you live in Saudi, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait or Oman you can not sell on

Do not worry! We have the solution to your create a company in a country that is on the list
approved by Amazon.

We live in 21st century and to create this company does not require your
to travel to that country, everything is done online in 10-15 minutes 

Creating a company in that country will also bring you another benefit, meaning
that you can travel with a business visa almost everywhere in the world. Sounds
good, I’m right?!

The company will be made by us on our behalf, we have a team that can assist you
in this regard.

STEP 2 Product Research

What types of products can you sell on Amazon? Almost anything you could think of.

We do not choose the products we are going to sell on amazon randomly. When we choose
a product that we will want to sell we make a market analyse from A-Z.

What do we mean by a market analyse from A to Z?

ÂÂ we look and analyse the competition of that niche to see and estimate a budget for
investment in the first stock;
ÂÂ after we analyse the niche we think about how we can improve the product offer, we
try to distinguish ourselves from our competition with a better offer.

From my experience, I can suggests to you some of the most important factors in
selecting a product include:

ÂÂ The price point of the product should be somewhere between $10 and $50.
ÂÂ The product should be as light as possible.
ÂÂ Check to see if any potential competitors have a 5,000 best seller rank (BSR) or lower
in their primary category.
ÂÂ Make sure there aren’t any brand names within the product category or niche.
ÂÂ If possible, sell a product that isn’t easily broken.
ÂÂ The more reviews a product has, the greater the competition is. Fifty or fewer reviews
on first page products is a good indicator that you can break into the market.
ÂÂ The cost of manufacturing should be 25 percent or less of the actual sale price.

Attention! It is mandatory to improve our product offer increase

our chances of expanding and becoming best seller in that niche

Keep in mind: any product can be improved if you learn to analyse your
niche and want to make your customers happy

How to sell even in Europe,
not only in USA
Even though this community is especially dedicated to Amazon sellers who want to sell in
the United States, you can sell in Europe if you follow almost the same steps.

Amazon has in Europe 5 market places:

UK, Spain, France, Italy and Germany
Pan-European Fulfilment by Amazon allows European Sellers to reap the benefits of Amazon
FBA – that means reduced costs, faster shipping, and all the convenient perks of FBA. It’s
true, selling with Amazon FBA does take pressure off individual sellers. European sellers can
avoid the stress brought on by customer service issues – those are all handled by FBA – as
well as save money by sending their inventory to be packed and shipped by Amazon.

The difference between the USA and Europe is that you have to register for VAT purposes in
Europe. This process can slow down in this business especially when you what to set up this

However, my recommendation is to start this business by selling your

products in the United States and then to target the European market

STEP 4 Find a Supplier

You are responsible for the quality of the products you sell. Thus, if your supplier does not
use qualitative materials, follow regulations or comply with laws, you are in hot water—not
the supplier. Thus, you need to partner with a reputable supplier who will promise legitimate,
honest, and quality compliance standards.

Ensure your suppliers have export experience, verified testimonials, and a physical location
and address. You should perform quality inspections before entering into a partnership and
frequently throughout the contract. A reputable supplier will welcome quality inspections.

I am looking for my suppliers on, one of the largest market places in the

After you decided what product you are going to sell on Amazon, you will need to order
samples from more than one supplier. I recommend at least 5 suppliers in order to be able
to assess the quality of the products.

When you will choose the supplier you want to work with, you need to ensure that the
supplier meets certain requirements:

ÂÂ The ratio between the quality and the price;

ÂÂ The quality of communication;
ÂÂ How quickly he understand your requirements;
ÂÂ lexibility in adapting and changing the product as per your indications.

My secret of success in this step is “THE NEGOTIATION”. You need learn the art of
negotiation in order to get the best prices. I will guide you and teach you certain
techniques as a separate module in the course.

How to list a product
on Amazon
If you want to sell on Amazon you have to list your product in their online catalogue. As an
Amazon seller, what is your main goal? Sales, of course. As a seller, you are always going to
be on the lookout for a new technique to increase your sales on Amazon. One major aspect
of maximizing your sales on the platform is learning how to create a correct listing and
increasing your Amazon Listing Ranking.

Based on my experience, please find below tips regarding what is most important when you
create your listing on Amazon:

ÂÂ Product Titles are Crucial.  The title of your listing is, without a doubt, the most
important factor when it comes to knowing how to rank products on Amazon. Product
listing titles can be compared very much to “title tags” in the SEO world. In other
words, it’s crucial to do them correctly. Make sure your product titles include as many
relevant keywords as possible within the 500 character limit, and use up those 500
characters as effectively as you can.

ÂÂ Item Descriptions Must Include Bullet Points.  Bullet points in your listings are
generally situated right beneath the product title, and these are almost as vital for
ranking on Amazon as the title itself. In fact, sellers who neglect to utilize bullet points
in their item details will receive a warning notice from Amazon. Using plenty of search
terms within your bullet points will assist in ranking higher and increasing sales on

ÂÂ Keywords, Keywords, Keywords. It’s a lesser-known fact to Amazon sellers that the

keyword space is utilized highly when it comes to Amazon Listing Ranking. The trick
behind using this field effectively is always to prevent repetition of keywords found
elsewhere, perhaps within the bullet points or the product listing title. Amazon allows
sellers to add in five keywords or search terms in addition to their item details, title
and bullet points –provides a great possibility to incorporate other information that’s
slightly less related to your listing without being penalized.

How to launch a product
on Amazon
After you have listed your product on Amazon, you will need to design a marketing campaign
in order to promote it.

Search is the primary method by which shoppers find products on Amazon. Amazon sellers
need to know how to find and use the best keywords for Amazon SEO Did you know that 55%
of shoppers begin researching products on Amazon compared to 28% who use traditional
search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

Unfortunately, you can’t just list your product on Amazon and be done. You need to carefully
find and use the best keywords that will boost your Amazon SEO.

Sellers need to approach Amazon as a search engine, too, and not just a marketplace. When
one is searching on Amazon, the experience differs from that of using any other search
engine because the user is on the site with the primary intent to buy.

By looking at Amazon in this light—like a shopping search engine where buyers

research, compare, and purchase—sellers can reframe their approach and focus on
their products’ discoverability and then optimize for conversion. When you evaluate
Amazon in a similar method to Google, then you will realize how important it is to
find and use the best keywords for Amazon SEO.

Why you should sell on Amazon?
Endless possibilities on the largest e-commerce on the world



Who is this training for?

This course is for everybody but not for everyone!


If you are an entrepreneur and You like investing in ideas that If you have many ideas and you You are an employee now, but
you sell different products bring you a great return on dream of a better future. I can you want to have your own
and you want to grow your your investment. I can help help you find a way to make company and be financial free
company at an international, or you find a great opportunity to your dream come true. and have enough time for
global level I can help you. increase your profits. family. I can help you.

Don’t Lose
Your Chance

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Save your spoy now and don’t lose the opportunity!

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