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Cain, Clifford Penn State SAVE UP TO

showcase skills freshman RB $176

at Blue-White proves he can INSIDE
Game 1B make impact 1B




video of
doesn’t exist

Activists sought the release of

body-camera footage shortly
after a police shooting killed
Osaze Osagie, 29, last month in
State College.
But that footage does not exist,
the Centre Daily Times has
Although State College plans to
implement full-time body cam-
eras for officers, the borough
department is among four police
agencies in Centre County —
Mehdi Salehi/For the CDT including Penn State, Bellefonte
Rural areas of Pennsylvania, such as Madisonburg, above, have limited access to high-speed internet service. and state police — that still oper-
ate without the devices.
Ferguson, Patton and Spring

State’s broadband crisis:

townships each began using them
at some point between June and
January. Their respective police
chiefs — Chris Albright, Tyler

More than an inconvenience

Jolley and Mike Danneker — said
the cameras have very few, if
any, drawbacks and voiced satis-
faction with them.
The cameras are “worth their
weight in gold” and are becom-
online training at home to en- ing more common throughout
BY SARAH PAEZ AND LAUREN hance job skills. the nation because they lead to
About 6% of the state’s pop- greater transparency, more pro-
CDT staff writers
ulation — around 800,000 peo- fessionalism, more accountability
For those in rural Pennsylva- ple — is reported to experience
nia without access to broadband these shortfalls, according to the SEE BODY CAMERAS, 3A
internet connections, the litany Federal Communications Com-
of complaints is endless. School- mission. But the number is likely
kids can’t do their homework much greater due to imprecise
assignments. Families can’t reporting by providers under
stream television shows. Rela- government standards, tech-
tives don’t want to visit. nology policy expert and Penn
And that’s only the social State professor Sascha Meinrath
component. Property prices said. He put the true number of
don’t appreciate as fast as in Pennsylvanians without broad-
areas where broadband is avail- band at probably closer to 11
able, according to real estate million, or a “supermajority” of
agents. Rural residents can’t the state’s population. Centre Daily Times file

easily start online businesses or The FCC defines broadband ABBY DREY Sgt. Shawn Morrison shows his
telecommute to better jobs in Jen Snyder talks about the difficulties her family has with broadband new body camera in June at the
towns and cities. They can’t seek SEE BROADBAND, 5A access at their Madisonburg home last month. Ferguson Township Police

Tech revolution in
. ....................................................................

agriculture is leaving Priorities Summit —
Focus on Rural
some farmers behind Broadband Crisis
What: Experts throughout
Pennsylvania will convene for a
summit to develop strategies to
bots, drones, sensors and self-
BY TIM JOHNSON address the rural broadband
driving tractors to farms lucky access issues.
enough to have robust broad-
band. It is a rural digital divide When: 10 a.m. April 24
Hundreds of thousands of on America’s farms that threat-
American farmers wrestle with ens to grow wider. Where: The State Theatre, 130 W.
balky — or nonexistent — Some farmers scrap for what- College Ave., State College
internet connections, the ever limited connectivity they
Info: Attendance is free but
exasperating modern-day can pull together. That is the
registration is required at
equivalent of the stubborn mule case at Valley Wide Farm, a TIM JOHNSON
that wouldn’t pull a plow. small dairy operation in Penn- Jerrel Brubaker of Buffalo Valley Farmstead sits in the cab of his
Farmers who lack rural con- sylvania’s Centre County where modern tractor with self-steering functionality. Brubaker says he could
nectivity increasingly lag in a spray-paint the windows black on his tractor and it could still plant
tech revolution that offers ro- SEE AGRICULTURE, 4A rows of crops perfectly using auto-steer.

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888-237-3801 or Business 8D Obituaries 4A Sports 1B 6 51105 33333 5

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FROM PAGE 1A Chairman Michael Pipe.

“We don’t have a mandate

BROADBAND or regulation from the state

or feds to do broadband —
it’s not a core mission of
as 25 megabits per second plex medical conditions. ours — but quality of life
for download speeds and 3 In-home checks can in- is.”
megabits per second for clude testing blood sugar, In late November, the
upload speeds, while the blood pressure, heart rate county put out a request for
state of Pennsylvania says or oxygen levels, and trans- proposals for companies to
broadband is 1.5 Mbps per mitting that information install equipment on three
second and 128 kilobits per back via an iPad or cell- county-owned 911 commu-
second, respectively. phone to a primary care nications towers that would
While speeds are gener- doctor or specialist. provide broadband to un-
ally faster in urban areas That service can be a derserved areas in the
like Philadelphia and Pitts- matter of life or death for county — one on Centre
burgh, people in rural areas some patients, Gillio said. Hall Mountain, one in
of central and northcentral “For patients that need ABBY DREY Woodward in Haines
Pennsylvania find that close monitoring, they’ll Cellphone towers can be seen in the distance on Centre Hall Mountain over the farmland Township and the other on
doing simple tasks like end up critical in the ER or of Madisonburg. Pennsylvania’s broadband crisis affects education, medicine and more. a tower behind the Willow-
typing in web applications, dead, opposed to slight bank building in Bellefonte.
downloading video or large modifications with a phone “We thought that that
files and streaming televi- call or a Skype call,” Gillio want enrichment activities, minds when they inquire Association, based in was a good way that we are
sion shows can be next to said. “Your patients at risk she said. about rural property. Washington, D.C. not taking on too many
impossible. will die. Blood sugar could “I do feel that there is “That’s one of the first Usually the companies liabilities but we are utiliz-
Deneen Keller, a teacher be 450 and no one would definitely an advantage if questions they ask: ‘Do we are smaller than major ing our current infrastruc-
with the Penns Valley Area know it. And they’ll be you’ve got a student who’s have access to high-speed service providers like Veri- ture to be able to provide
School District in rural dead by morning.” very inquisitive and wants internet from this proper- zon and Comcast, compris- some higher-speed internet
Spring Mills, said only one Experts like Peter Streck- to know more. They’re ty?’ ” Boardman said. ing about 10 employees but still allowing the pri-
person at a time can use er, the regional program definitely going to probably Experts agree that broad- apiece to serve 1,200 to vate sector to bid on the
her Verizon DSL internet at coordinator for telehealth spend more time on the band boosts property prices 1,500 customers, he said. project in an open way and
her home in the Seven at the UPMC Susquehanna internet, researching the from 2 to 3 percentage They also serve customer then also carry their mis-
Mountains. Her husband, a health system, say health things that interest them, points up to double digits. bases “in areas big provid- sion out — which is to pro-
consultant running his own care costs are too high, and or resources that might “You can have adjacent ers have chosen not to go,” vide internet,” Pipe said.
business, often has to use telemedicine offers cost support their learning,” she communities, one with no he said, because of low In February, the county
aerial imaging through savings, especially in rural said. access or low access, one population density or to- entered contract negotia-
Google Earth, but he can’t areas where clinics and underserved or unserved, pography challenges. tions with internet provider
do it at home. hospitals have closed. RURAL AREAS LAG IN and then one with ade- One of the biggest bar- Centre WISP Venture
“It would take literally Tim Schoener, vice presi- ECONOMIC quate service, and I think riers to fixed wireless pro- Company, based in In-
overnight if not more just dent and chief information DEVELOPMENT the one with adequate viders, said Wendy, is ac- novation Park, to lease the
to download (Google officer for UPMC Susque- An absence of broadband service is seeing home quiring a license to provide towers for broadband cov-
Earth),” she said. hanna in Williamsport, said has helped propel rural prices upward anywhere service “in an exclusive erage.
Keller said the only other offering telemedicine is flight in the Coudersport between 10 and 20% high- swath of frequency that Once contract negotia-
options she would have for “critical” to UPMC’s over- area, said Wanda Shirk, a er,” said Paul Breakman, a allows you to keep other tions wrap up, the company
internet are satellite or a all success. retired English teacher in senior director at the Na- people off it.” Unlicensed will start phase one of the
cellular data hotspot — two But for patients without that region. School enroll- tional Rural Electric Coop- providers, he said, usually project by installing equip-
things that are more costly high-speed internet, access ment in her area dropped erative Association, a trade deal with frequent interfer- ment on the Centre Hall
than her current service is limited for the more than by half, she said. group headquartered in ence in their service areas Mountain, aiming to have
and similarly unreliable, 400 telemedicine uses “Everything is moving Virginia. because they are often service up and running by
she said. Currently Keller employed by UPMC. online. Everyone has to Boardman said she be- sharing space with radio September, said owner
and her husband pay $50 a That limit was clear apply for jobs online now. lieves many of the hunting waves from several trans- David Gibbons. Centre
month for speeds that when Schoener and Streck- You can’t do it with pen camps that dot the forested mitters. WISP will set up equipment
don’t meet the federal or er had a home visit with a and paper anymore,” lands of north central Sometimes one needs on the tower in Woodward
state definition of broad- wheelchair-bound patient Windhausen said. “You Pennsylvania would see only to cross a road to soon afterward, he said.
band. And Keller said she in Linden, two miles out- have to apply for Social improvements once broad- travel from an area with “The combination ...
would pay more if it meant side Williamsport. Security and Medicare band arrives. Rural home- broadband service to an should provide coverage to
she had better service. The patient needed to online.” owners also might upgrade area without. Maps of serv- the vast majority of the
Some rural residents also connect via video confer- Others concur that fail- their properties. ice by the major providers (Route) 192 corridor and
believe their areas are ence with his specialist in ing to have internet con- “You can put up home can seem arbitrary. the Route 45 corridor,” he
being passed over for eco- Pittsburgh ahead of up- nectivity can kill job pro- security systems with cam- “We have a lot of people said. That includes hard-to-
nomic opportunities be- coming surgery, but was spects. eras and extra lighting,” who bought homes and reach areas like Madison-
cause they lack reliable unable to with his unre- “Telling a potential em- Boardman said. there’s like connectivity burg and Rebersburg, and
broadband connectivity. liable DSL connection, ployer that you don’t have 100 feet away and where areas northwest of Spring
“To me, Pennsylvania is Schoener and Strecker said. a phone, that you don’t ‘DISPARITY’ BETWEEN the providers ... are simply Mills like Millheim and
what I consider to be a They were able to use the have internet, that you RURAL AND URBAN refusing to move a line Aaronsburg.
through state,” said Doug Verizon 4G hotspot on don’t have a way for them COVERAGE IS another 100 feet,” Mein- The last phase of the
Dodson, who works in Schoener’s phone to con- to get in touch with you is ‘FRUSTRATING’ rath said. project will install equip-
information technology at nect and make the meeting the biggest disincentive for Some rural Pennsylva- Major providers will ment on the Willowbank
Penn State and lives in happen, but that often isn’t an employer,” said Mignon nians feel jilted by provid- assert that they serve an tower to provide fixed
Spring Mills. “... People cheap. Clyburn, who served nine ers and the government area but then demand high wireless internet to Belle-
drive through Pennsylvania “With regional band- years as an FCC commis- from the lack of broadband fees, sometimes upward of fonte, Pleasant Gap, Miles-
to get to these high-tech width, one location can be sioner before leaving in providers and the quality of $10,000 or $20,000, to burg and areas of Buffalo
destinations” in New York perfect, and the next not,” 2018. service in their area. run a line to an actual resi- Run Road in Benner Town-
and Virginia. Strecker said. “We have Business owners shun “I don’t expect, you dence, he said. ship.
But Dodson, who wants physicians that still have any idea of expanding to a know, the government ... to “It’s crazy, right? So in a The goal, said Gibbons,
Pennsylvania to be “the beepers because they don’t community with no reliable just blanket provide in- lot of rural communities, is to provide connectivity
Keystone state for tech- have cell coverage.” internet service, said Brad ternet service,” said Dod- you’ll have this kind of between 20 and 40 mega-
nology,” said that will hap- Smith, president of Micro- son, of Spring Mills. “But rent-seeking in terms of the bits per second. But often
pen only if the Pennsylva- ARE RURAL STUDENTS soft. Nineteen percent of the disparity between what monthly fees but also this in rural areas, topography
nia Legislature gets serious BEING LEFT BEHIND? Americans live in rural the urban areas have avail- notion that the local folks and low population density
about bringing broadband A lack of broadband communities, but only 6% able to them and what’s should pay the capital ex- pose problems to providing
to all areas of the state and means challenges for rural of science and technology available out here is in- penses for build-out,” he the fastest service. Areas
if the state’s many munici- students, too. They scram- jobs are located in rural credibly frustrating.” said. located closer to the towers
palities can provide that ble to finish homework counties, he said at a forum The Snyders, who live in A Verizon spokesperson will have stronger connec-
service. during school so they don’t in December. the small town of Madison- declined to comment. But tions with fewer service
have to take it home where Jen Snyder, who owned a burg, use a Verizon Jetpack Comcast, in a statement, disruptions, he said.
TELEMEDICINE FACES slow speeds make some farming business in Penns — a cellular data hotspot — said it’s expanding service The best thing potential
BARRIERS IN RURAL assignments impossible. Valley with her husband as their household internet in parts of rural central customers can do, Gibbons
AREAS WHERE NEED IS Rural students nationally Tom, said they struggled to access. Pennsylvania. said, is visit the company’s
HIGH are less likely to attend upload and download doc- “In the summertime it “We’ve invested more website
Others said broadband, college than their urban uments quickly, especially doesn’t work well any- than $5 billion in our Penn- and sign up to receive up-
were it available, would and suburban peers, ac- when it came to payroll. where because there’s so sylvania network since dates on the project. That
broaden the health care cording to data from the The couple repeatedly many more leaves on the 2011, which today enables way, the company knows
offered in rural areas. National Center of Educa- asked Verizon to extend trees,” said Tom Snyder, us to provide broadband where the demand for
“You’ve got a lot of rural tion Statistics. DSL service to their area of who works for an Amish- service to more than 99% service is located and can
clinics that can’t access Students in Penns Valley Brush Valley Road, but it owned business in Penns of the homes we pass in the “focus their energy,” he
high-res(olution) photos … feel the effects deeply. stopped just miles away at Valley. commonwealth, including said.
When you don’t have con- “If I were to be doing the Millheim Narrows, they From their position in service areas in central “(High-speed internet) is
nectivity, you don’t have homework and my mom said. the valley, the Snyders can Pennsylvania,” said Robert the highway of this gener-
access to all of the attend- needed to be on it for like a The business closed in see the tower on Centre Grove, vice president of ation and future gener-
ant online resources, the conference call for her 2009, which Jen Snyder Hall Mountain — just 10 communications for Com- ations. Just like the road
ability to share your MRI work, then I would have to attributed to declines in the miles away — that provides cast’s Keystone Region. system of the early part of
with a second set of eyes to get off because it’s so agricultural economy. But wireless broadband cov- The region includes parts the 20th century,” said
get a second opinion on slow,” said Lanna Rummel, with businesses becoming erage to Centre Hall and of northeastern, central Dodson. “The difference is
something,” Meinrath said. a junior at Penns Valley more reliant on technology, nearby Spring Mills. In and western Pennsylvania, ... technology moves so
Doctors and other health Area High School who lives she said, the lack of broad- Madisonburg, getwire- the Maryland panhandle, quickly, that if we aren’t
care workers in rural com- the Seven Mountains area. band in Penns Valley could is the only fixed eastern Ohio and northern ahead of the game, it is
munities also feel the dig- Online learning benefits hurt new business devel- wireless provider, with a West Virginia. Grove said going to take a lot more
ital shortfall. teenagers who need a boost opment. And as rural banks tower in Rebersburg, get- the company is always money and a lot more time
Dr. Robert Gillio, the from tutoring sites like close their doors, money wireless President Dan looking at opportunities to and there are global im-
medical director for pop- Khan Academy, do-it- management is increasing- Myers said. The area’s extend service in that area. pacts to us being left be-
ulation health at J.C. Blair yourselfers who need in- ly moving online, accord- other options are data hot- An ongoing upgrade will hind as a nation.”
Hospital in Huntingdon, struction, technicians and ing to a 2018 Wall Street spots or satellite internet bring “internet to about
and his wife, who taught mechanics who need a Journal report. like HughesNet. 3,700 additional homes in Reporter Tim Johnson
online nutrition classes at visual walk-through of “Rural Americans have “If you have a point of rural areas of Fayette and contributed to this report.
Penn State, faced obstacles procedures, and others, not yet recovered from the contact tower, if you’re in Somerset counties,” he
doing simple tasks for said John Windhausen, job loss that began with the one of those hills when you said. This series was produced
work, he said. executive director of the 2007 recession,” said Barry can’t see the point of con- “There are some low- with financial support from
“There were times I Schools, Health & Libraries Denk, director of the Cen- tact, you’re out of luck,” density areas where provid- the Knight Foundation. The
wanted to get online and Broadband Coalition, an ter for Rural Pennsylvania. said Jen Snyder. ing service is simply not Centre Daily Times
connect with someone advocacy group based in “... If rural America lags in Myers said it’s true that economically feasible, but maintains full editorial
using technology, and I Washington, D.C. And as broadband connectivity, if there is a tree or a hill Comcast remains commit- control of this work.
ended up getting in my car colleges move toward of- then that makes it a less blocking the house’s line of ted to working with com-
and driving to the Sheetz or fering online classes, many viable and attractive place sight to the wireless tower, monwealth and local offi-
the hospital and use their students rely on an internet to do business.” his company won’t be able cials to review ways to
internet,” he said. “As the connection for basic in- There are 4% fewer jobs to provide service. The serve additional communi-
caregiver on a snowy day struction and face-to-face now compared to before company typically per- ties,” Grove said.
with a foot of snow and I time with professors. the recession, according to forms a geospatial analysis
wanted to check in on
somebody or they wanted
For instructional videos
and live-streamed classes,
a report from the Federal
Bureau of Labor Statistics,
to see whether a potential
customer’s house has a line
SAVE $500
to reach me from the hos- a steady internet connec- he said. Broadband and of sight to its tower, he Centre County is looking LEG COMFORT™ RECLINERS
pital, it was impossible.” tion is essential. technology could be used said. at public-private partner- Or Take Home a
Unreliable broadband “If you’ve got a distance to facilitate job growth by Fixed wireless service is ships to bring broadband Free Accessory
access also has made it learning lecture that’s all connecting products and a cost-effective alternative service to people in the
difficult to implement fuzzy and choppy, then services to markets. to laying fiber-optic cable region who lack broadband
some of the programs Gil- people stop watching,” said Cindy Boardman, an in rural and other under- entirely or deal with slow Now - May 29th
lio’s been working on, Windhausen. agent at Pine Creek Real served areas, said Mike speeds.
including one where care- Keller sees how a lack of Estate in Galeton, said Wendy, communications “It really comes down to
givers visit patients with home broadband would potential buyers have one director for the Wireless a quality-of-life issue,” said I99 Exit 78B Bellefonte
chronic illnesses or com- affect inquisitive kids who thing at the top of their Internet Service Providers county commissioners 548-7972

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