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The text is for questions number 1 and 2.

To welcome the new members of our school athletics club, The Students’ Sport
Association will hold a student gathering for members of the club on Saturday,
March, 24th 2018 at 02.30 p.m. in the school hall. The meeting will also discuss
the practicing schedule.
Since the activity is compulsory, all new members must participate. For further
information, contact Rudy at the Student Center.
The committee
1. Why does the committee publish the announcement?
A. To ask the members of the athletic club to join a student gathering.
B. To discuss about the practicing schedule of the athletics club.
C. To give information about the school athletics club activities.
D. To welcome the new members of the school’s athletics club.
2. What is the announcement about?
A. The Students’ Sport Association.
B. The school athletics club.
C. The Practicing schedule.
D. The student gathering.

This text is for questions number 3 and 4.

To: All the class leaders of all the grades.
There will be a cleaning activity on Saturday, January 14th 201. Please make well
coordination with your classmates for it. Make sure everyone must bring one of cleaning
equipment like brooms, trash baskets, brushes, and rags or napkins, and pails.
For more information meet me in my office.

Staff of Student Department

Heru Susanto, M.Pd.
3. Why does Mr. Heru write the message?
A. To make well coordination with the students.
B. To ask the students to bring cleaning equipment.
C. To instruct the class leaders to prepare the cleaning activity.
D. To request the class leaders to clean the school environment.
4. After reading the message the class leaders will ….
A. prepare cleaning equipment
B. clean their class surrounding
C. coordinate their own classmates
D. meet Mr. Herususanto in his office
This text is for question number 5 and 6.

Tania called me this morning. She will come to your house at 4 p.m to borrow your
Chemistry book. She also told me that your handphone was not active the whole day. Is
there anything wrong with you?

5. What does likely Dio do?
A. A pupil. C. A scientist.
B. A teacher. D. An operator.
6. She will come to your house at 4 p.m to borrow your Chemistry book.
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. Dio. C. Tania.
B. Doni. D. Tania and Dio.
The text is for questions number 7 to 9.

We will giveaway five new books every weekend for visitors borrowing
our book collection on Saturday and Sunday. There will be five members
of the cardholder who can win the books by lottery. Just write your name
and member card number on the coupon available in the counter after
borrowing the book. We will draw the coupons every Sunday at 5.00 p.m.
The lucky winner will be announced on Monday at 02.00 p.m. Good luck
and thank you.

7. Where can you find the text? In a ….

A. Book publisher C. Public library
B. School library D. Book store
8. After reading the text, what will the reader likely do? He/She will ….
A. join the book lottery
B. borrow the book on weekend
C. get the lottery coupon in the counter
D. write her/his member card number
9. The visitor must get the coupon…. have a chance to win the book lottery.
A. in order to C. in addition to
B. according to D. regarding to
This text is for questions number 10 and 11.

Virginia Parker is turning 80,

though it may seem foolish!
And only few people believe it
We’re having a party, but don’t breathe a word!
Please join us for
A Surprise Birthday Party
Sunday, March 11th
2.00 pm
Bay Estates Club House
13600 Old Cutler Road

RSVP: Danielle Steven

(021) 873-0921
10. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?
A. To tell Virginia’s experience on her birthday party.
B. To ask someone to join Virginia’s birthday party.
C. To congratulate Virginia Parker on her birthday.
D. To describe Virginia Parker’s birthday party.
11. Where will the party take place?
A. On 13660 Cutler Road. C. In Danielle Steven’s house.
B. In Virginia Parker’s house. D. At Bay Estates Club House.

This text is for questions number 12 – 14.

An Equatorial
Signature Package
Ho Chi Minh City?
Stay at HOTEL EQUATORIAL and get reimbursed for your airfare!
Here’s how it works:
 Minimum total of 3 nights stay required at Hotel Equatorial Ho Chi Minh City
 The 3 nights need not be consecutive
 Fixed airfare reimbursement of US$130 per person applies regardless of the actual airfare
price (amount is derived from taking the upper average price of an Economy Class fare)
 Valid till 31 December 2017 accommodations price from $US73 ++ per person/night on
twin share in Deluxe room
 Single supplement at US$40++ per night
 General conditions apply
Hotel Equatorial
Ho mChi Minh City
Call +6563335788
Or visit
For the bookings and information
Hotel Equatorial Ho Chi Minh City
242 Tran BinhTrong, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Telp: +84838397777
12. The text above is likely addressed to ….
A. aircraft travellers
B. flight attendants and crew
C. hotel guests of any types
D. people who concern about aviation

13. What is the focused thing offered in that text?

A. Signature package.
B. Hotel best facilities.
C. Airfare reimbursement.
D. Minimum stay at the hotel.

14. “The 3 nights need not be consecutive” The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. advantageous
B. prestigious
C. luxurious
D. continuous
This text is for questions number 15 – 17.

15. Which piece of information will likely be the most interesting for the readers?
A. “Up to 45% OFF!”
B. “Indulge in some cool gadgets”
C. “Amazing Consumer Electronics Sale”
D. “Designed to make life much more comfortable”

16. “Indulge in some cool gadgets, ….” The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
A. afford
B. protect
C. enjoy
D. apply

This text is for questions number 18 – 20.

My Older Brother
I have an older brother, his name is WahyuPurnama. I and my older brother have couple things
in common. Both of us have short straight hair. My brother and I also have the same a bit round
shaped face, thin eyebrows, and black eyes' color. We both have a bit tanned skin since we like
to play football together. With all those similarities plus the fact that we are just 4 years different,
no wonder if many people think that we are twin.
My brother is an introvert person. He doesn’t talk too much to any person who doesn’t close
enough to him. Most of his time, he spends to learn and train his skill in his hobby. He loves
painting and drawing picture. Usually he draws caricature or beautiful view. I like his artworks,
it is pretty colorful and attractive.
My brother is a patient and kind person, especially to me. He always helps me when I have a
problem. He is quite smart person also. So, when I find some trouble in doing my school tasks,
like mathematic or science, I always ask for his help. We also like to spend the time together by
playing game. In short, he is the best brother in the world to me.

18. Why did the writer write the text?

A. To introduce the writer’s brother.
B. To attract people to observe the writer’s brother.
C. To make people interested in the writer’s brother.
D. To persuade people to protect the writer’s brother.
19. What does the writer’s brother look like?
A. He is talk active, patient, smart, and kind.
B. He is talk active, patient, clever, and introvert.
C. He has short hair, round face, brown skin, black eyes.
D. He has short hair, round face, bright skin, black eyes, and smart.
20. “Usually he draws caricature or beautiful view” (paragraph 2, line 3)
The underlined word has the similar meaning to ….
A. meal
B. picture
C. scenery
D. painting

This text is for questions number 21 – 24.

Niagara waterfall is the most popular waterfall in the world. It is one of the most beautiful natural
wonders of North America. Though it is not too high; Niagara waterfall is very wide and able to produce
more than 6 million cubic water per minute. It is considered as the most powerful waterfall in North
Niagara waterfall is on Niagara River which is part of the border between Canada and the United
States. It is located about halfway between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Niagara waterfall has two
waterfalls. The Horseshoe Fall belongs to Ontario, Canada and the American Fall belongs to New York,
United States of America.
At the Niagara waterfall, the water from Niagara River drops into a steep gorge or canyon. Most of
the water flows over the Horseshoe waterfall. Horseshoe waterfall is not as high as the American
waterfall, but it is 792 meters wide (0.8 kilometers); the American waterfall is only about 305 meters
wide. Beyond the falls are the Whirlpool Rapids. There, the powerful swirling water has carved a bowl out
of the rock.
Niagara waterfall becomes one of many favorite places to visit in United States. To attract many
tourists, at night colored lights shine on the thundering waterfall. It is estimated that about 10 million
tourists visit Niagara waterfall each year.

21. The text tells us about … .

A. the beautiful Niagara waterfall
B. production of water in Niagara fall
C. the way to go to Niagara waterfall
D. the amount of tourist who visit Niagara waterfall

22. In what part we can see a bowl of rock?

A. in Niagara waterfall
B. in the Horseshoe waterfall
C. in American waterfall
D. in Whirlpool Rapids
23. What will the reader probably do after reading the text? The reader will … .
A. study about Niagara Falls
B. plan to visit Niagara Falls
C. make a report about Niagara Falls
D. promote Niagara Falls to his/her friends

24. “There, the powerful swirling water has carved a bowl out of the rock.” (paragraph 3)
The word ‘There’ refers to …
A. in Niagara waterfall
B. in the Horseshoe waterfall
C. in American waterfall
D. in Whirlpool Rapids
This text is for questions number 25 – 28.

Steps for Connecting a Laptop to a Projector

To connect a laptop to a projector, you need to prepare ...
1.First, make sure your computer and laptop are both turned off.
2. Second, connect the video cable (usually VGA) from your laptop’s external video port to
the projector.
3.Then, plug your projector into an electrical outlet and press the “power” button to turn it
4.Next, turn on your laptop.
5. If you need audio for your presentation, connect the laptop’s “audio out” port to the
projector, or to another sound system.
6. Sync the projector and laptop by holding down the FUNCTION key function (Fn) and
pressing one of the following keys to toggle.
(Note: Depending on your computer, you may have to use a different F key than those listed
(adapted from

25. The text is written to ...

A. show the readers where to buy projectors.
B. persuade the readers to connect a laptop to a projector.
C. tell the readers how to connect a laptop to a projector.
D. inform the readers how to connect an audio into a projector.

26. What should you do to present the audio for your presentation?
A. Sync the projector and laptop by holding down the FUNCTION key
B. Connect the laptop’s “audio out” port to another sound system.
C. Plug the projector into an electrical outlet.
D. Press the “power” button to turn it ON.

27. Before turning on the “power” button of the projector, you have to ...
A. connect the video cable (usually VGA) from your laptop’s external video port to the
B. sync the projector and laptop by holding down the FUNCTION key.
C. connect the laptop’s “audio out” port to another sound system.
D. plug your projector into an electrical outlet.

28. Then, plug your projector into an electrical outlet and press the “power” button to turn it
ON. (Step 3)
The underlined word refers to ...
A. Projector.
B. Function key.
C. Electrical outlet.
D. “power” button.
This text is for questions number 29 – 31.
Iceberg, mass of freshwater ice that is calved, or broken off, from a glacier or an ice
shelf. It floats in the ocean or in a lake. Ice floats because it is less dense than water. A typical
iceberg shows only about one-fifth of its total mass above the water; the other four-fifths is
submerged. Icebergs can be large. The largest iceberg ever sighted was 335 km (208 mi) long
and 97 km (60 mi) wide, about the size of Belgium. It was sighted in November 1956 by the
crew of a United States Coast Guard icebreaker in the Ross Sea, off Antarctica. Icebergs pose
a hazard to shipping and to offshore activities, such as offshore oil drilling, in polar and
subpolar waters.
Icebergs can have many different forms, depending on their origin and age. They are
usually classified as tabular (resembling a flat tabletop), rounded, or irregular. From massive
tabular icebergs calved from ice shelves to small irregular bergs that have been weathered and
scoured by wind and waves, they present spectacular sights in the polar and subpolar seas.
29. By writing the text, what does the writer want to say?
A. He wants people know what it is, how it looks like and how it is formed.
B. He likes to share his ideas related to iceberg and how it appears on the sea surface.
C. He would like to make recognizes iceberg as a dangerous but rare phenomenon.
D. He needs to point out what iceberg is and how it influences human life in general.

30. In the last sentence of paragraph one, the writer wants to describe iceberg in term of its ….
A. main advantage
B. possible danger
C. natural feature
D. frequent appearance

31. How is the appearance of an iceberg in the sea surface?

A. The whole part of an iceberg can be seen on the sea surface.
B. One-fifth of the total iceberg submerged below the sea.
C. Only large iceberg can be identified above the sea level.
D. Most part of the iceberg sank below the sea surface
This text is for questions number 29 – 31.
Bees and wasps are easy insects to spot because of their black and yellow, or black and
white, striped bodies. Wasps and worker bees have a stinging tail. Bees only sting in self-
defense and usually die afterwards.
Honeybees are ruled by a queen. They build wax rooms, called cells. The queen lays an
egg in each cell. This grows into a larva. The worker bees feed it. Soon it grows into an adult
and emerges.
Bees collect the sweet juice, or nectar, from flowers and use it to make honey. They
keep the honey in cells to feed their growing young.
The bumblebee is larger and furrier than the honeybee. It collects pollen from flowers
using its hind legs. The bee carries the pollen in pollen sacs. Flowers need bees to spread
pollen in order to reproduce.
Wasps are different from bees because they feed their young on insects, not honey.
They use their sting to kill the insects. Adult wasps eat the sugars found in fruit, and so are
attracted by the smell of sweet food or liquids.
32. What is the topic of the text above?
A. Bees and wasps, and their similar habits and characteristics.
B. Bees and wasps, and their different ways to grow their young.
C. Bees and wasps as well as how the former differs from the later.
D. Bees and wasps as well as their contribution to plant reproduction.
33. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
A. Bees collect nectar as their young’s diet.
B. Bees make honey to feed their young.
C. Honey is made of nectar from flowers.
D. Cells are the places to keep the honey.
34. If you want to add some information about how bees help plants in producing fruit, in which
paragraph will you put this additional information?
A. Second. C. Fourth.
B. Third. D. Fifth.
35. Who will find the text is worth-reading?
A. Common people who need to expand their knowledge.
B. Bee keepers who want to increase their incomes.
C. Students who learn animals and their features.
D. Honey consumers who look for more honey.

The text is for questions number 36 – 39.

A long time ago there was a rich old man living in Vietnam. He had two sons with
different characteristic. When the old man died, the brothers divided his father’s wealth into two
parts. The big brother took almost everything. He gave his younger brother only a small piece of
land, with a star-fruit tree in front of it. From then on the young brother lived there and made his
living only by selling star fruits from the tree.
Unfortunately, a very big raven often came and ate all the ripe fruits. One day he dared to
approach the raven and begged not to eat the fruits because his family would starve if there were
no fruits to sell to the market. Because the raven also needed the fruits, he would pay the fruits
with gold, so he asked the young brother to bring a 1-meter long bag. The young brother then
told his wife to make a 1-meter long bag. When the bag was done, he climbed on the raven’s
back and they flew to a place full of gold. He filled the bag full with gold, and then flied back
home on the raven’s back. From then on, the younger brother and his family could live happily
in luxury.
On the commemoration of his father’s death, the old brother and his wife came to the
young brother. They were surprised to see that his brother was now very rich. The young brother
told him about the raven. Then the old brother and his wife offered the young brother to trade all
their fortune for the star-fruit tree. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer. Soon the old
brother and his family moved to the house with the star-fruit tree.
When the raven came for the star fruits, the old brother made the same plea. As expected,
the raven told him to bring a 1-meter long bag. But, he asked his wife to make a much longer
bag. When the bag was done, he climbed on the raven’s back and then they flew to the place full
of gold. He filled the big bag with gold. He also brought some gold in his pockets. On the way
home, the load soon became too heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and
the old brother fell straight down to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very
fast down the sea. The old brother finally died.
36. What is the topic of the text?
A. The greedy brother.
B. The star fruit tree.
C. The kind brother.
D. The raven.

37. What is the complication of the story?

A. The old man died.
B. The raven ate the ripe star fruits.
C. The brothers divided the father’s wealth unfairly.
D. The old brother wanted to trade his wealth with the star fruit tree.

38. What happened with the old brother after he filled his bag full of gold?
A. He became very rich
B. He died because of his greed.
C. He lived in luxury with his family.
D. The raven took him back to his house safely.

39. From the story we know that the young brother was ….
A. kind and patient
B. greedy and unfair
C. kind and impatient
D. generous and honest
This text is for questions number 40 – 42.
Mark Elliot Zuckerber, born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and
Internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of Facebook, and currently operates as its
chairman and chief executive officer. His net worth is estimated to be US $76.6 billion as
of January 2018, making him the fifth richest person in the world.
Zuckerberg launched Facebook from his Harvard University dormitory room on February
4, 2004 with college roommates and fellow Harvard students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew
McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes. The group then introduced Facebook to
other college campuses. Facebook expanded rapidly, reaching one billion users by 2012.
During this time, Zuckerberg became involved in various legal disputes brought by his
friends and cofounders, who claimed they were due a share of the company based upon
their involvement during its development phase.
Since 2010, Time magazine has named Zuckerberg among the 100 wealthiest and most
influential people in the world as a part of its Person of the Year award. In December 2016,
Zuckerberg was ranked 10th on Forbes list of The World's Most Powerful People.

40. What is the benefit of reading the text above?

A. To know the life story of Facebook inventor.
B. To get the knowledge how to be a powerful people.
C. To get information about the advantage of Facebook.
D. To promote Mark Elliot to be a richest person in the world.

41. Why did Zuckerberg become involved in various legal disputes?

A. Zukerberg launched Facebook from Havard University.
B. Zukerberg never involved Facebook to other college campuses.
C. His friends and cofounders thought that they were the founder of Facebook.
D. His friends and cofoundersthought that they took part in Facebook development.
42. … his net worth, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg became the fifth riches person in the word.
A. If only C. In order to
B. In spite of D. According to
This text is for question number 43 to 45.
Once a lion was sleeping in his den at the foot of a great mountain. A gadfly that had
been sipping the blood and froth from his mouth bit him brutally. The lion started up with a
roar, and catching the fly in his huge paws, said, "Baddie, you are at my mercy! How shall I
punish your rudeness?"
"Sire," said the fly, "if you would forgive me now, and let me live, I will show before
long how grateful I am to you."
"Indeed," said the lion; "who ever heard of a gadfly helping a lion? But still I like your
idea and grant your life."
Some time after, the lion, after making a great mess on the cattle of a neighboring
village, was snoring away in his den after a heavy meal. The village hunters come near with
the goal of surrounding him and putting an end to his attacks.
The fly saw them, and speeding into the den, bit the lion. He started up with a roar as
before, and cried, "Baddie, you will get no forgiveness this time!"
"Sire," said the fly, "the village hunters are on their way to your den; you cannot stay a
moment here without being surrounded and killed."
"You save my life!" said the lion as he ran up the mountain. "Being horribly bitten can
sometime save your life!"

43. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?

A. To show is admiration to the characters.
B. To amuse readers with a funny story.
C. To entertain readers with a fiction.
D. To describe the characteristics of a lion.
44. From the text we know that the gadfly bit the lion for the second time so that ….
A. the lion can avoid being killed
B. the villagers can capture the lion
C. the gadfly can sip more blood
D. the lion can attack the villagers
45. What can we learn from the story?
A. Good things will never happen to bad people.
B. Bad things can happen even to good people.
C. Bad things can happen for no reason at all.
D. Bad things can take place for our benefit.

This text is for questions number 49 and 50.

Dear Berta,
Let me congratulate you on your success as the best graduation
student in 2017. Your hard work has paid off. You passed your
national examination with flying colors. We’re proud of you.
Hope you will always be successful with your study.
Aunt Dina
49. What is the writer’s intention of writing the text?
A. To show her pride for Berta’s success.
B. To congratulate Berta for being the best student.
C. To pray for Berta to be successful with her study.
D. To inform Berta the result of the national examination.

50. “You passed your national examination with flying colors.”

The sentence above means that ….
A. Berta got very good result on her national examination
B. Berta got unsatisfying result on her national examination
C. Berta painted her mark with various colors.
D. Berta wanted to fly the result of her national examination

This text is for question number 46 – 48.

46. “Do not use if printed neckband is broken or missing.”

Why is the warning written?
A. To give information about the danger of the drug
B. To tell readers about the benefit of the drug
C. To help users decide when not to use the drug
D. To prevent users from refusing the product
47. How many sprays should adults use in any 24-hour period?
A. 6 sprays at most. C. 4 sprays at most.
B. 6 sprays at least. D. 3 sprays at most.
48. “Nasal Decongestant.” The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A. Mouth C. skin
B. Nose D. ear

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