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Today, many people go to work in new countries. Here, we'll learn about four people and their jobs.

Michael Morphy is a doctor. He is from Ireland, but he works in many countries. He says, "My work is
sometimes dangerous, but it's always interesting. It's a difficult job, but I love helping people."

Natsuko Mori is from Osaka, Japan. She works in Brazil now. She says, "I'm a teacher in a language
school. I teach Japanese to Brazilian students. My students are very good, and I like my job."

Shaukat Ali is a taxi driver in London, England. He's from Pakistan. He says, " I love my job! It's difficult
because London is so big. But the people are very nice. I love talking to people from different countries,
so it's an interesting job."

Moses Agba is a soccer player from Nigeria, in Africa. Now he plays for a team in Italy. He says "people
think my job is exciting. That is true but isn't easy. I like living Italy, and I love playing soccer, so I'm a
really happy person.

Complete the sentence with the correct choice.

1. Natsuko is ______________.
a. Brazilian.
b. Japanese
c. Nigerian.
d. Korean.

2. Shaukat works in a ____________

a. Bus.
b. Bicycle
c. Car
d. Taxi.

3. Playing soccer is a ___________ job.

a. Unhappy.
b. Dangerous.
c. Easy.
d. Difficult.

4. Michael's job is ________________.

a. Dangerous.
b. Easy.
c. Boring
d. Hard.

5. Shaukat's and Michel's jobs are ______________

a. Poor
b. Unhappy.
c. Difficult.
d. Exciting.

6. Teaching Japanese is a _________________

a. Interesting.
b. Boring.
c. Sad.
d. Unhappy.

7. Moses is __________.
a. Happy.
b. Sad.
c. Hungry.
d. Unhappy.

8. These people ________ their jobs.

a. Love.
b. Hate.
c. Bored.
d. Really like.


9. Good.
a. Easy
b. Bad
c. Safe.
d. Poor.


a. Poor.
b. Dangerous.
c. Hate.
d. Expensive.

10. Boring
a. Interesting.
b. Unhappy.
c. Safe.
d. Poor.
11. Happy.
a. Easy.
b. Poor.
c. Difficult.
d. Unhappy.

12. Dangerous.
a. Exciting.
b. Easy.
c. Boring.
d. Safe.

13. Difficult.
a. Easy.
b. Exciting.
c. Hard.
d. Unhappy.

Complete the conversation with the correct words.

Cristina: where ___________ (14) Mike?

Mike: ____________ (15) from Australia.

Cristina: So, _____________ (16) Australian. Sounds cool. _____________________ (16) from Sidney.

Mike: Yes, I am. and you Cristina? _______________ (17) Mexican.

Cristina: No, ______________ (18). ________________ (18) Brazilian.

Mike: Wow! Brazil! I'd like to go to Brazil! Which City ________________ (19) from?

Crisitina: ________________ (20) From Rio de janeiro. _____________ (20) a cool city!

14. Choose the correct answer.

a. Is she
b. Is he
c. Are they
d. Are you

15. Choose the correct answer.

a. I am
b. We are
c. They are.
d. It is

16. Choose the correct answer.

a. He is- is he.
b. You are- are you
c. I am- am I.
d. They are- are they.

17. Choose the correct answer.

a. You are.
b. He is.
c. She is.
d. They are.

18. Choose the correct answer.

a. I'm not- I am.
b. He is not-he is.
c. You are not- You are.
d. They are not- they are.

19. Choose the correct answer.

a. Am I?
b. Is he?
c. Are we?
d. Are you?

20. Choose the correct answer.

a. I am- it is.
b. You are- it is.
c. They are- It is.
d. We are- It is.

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