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Competition for Google with Introduction of

Date: 27.07.2009

With the successful launch of Microsoft's new search engine, Bing, in May 2009, it looks
like businesses have a viable option when considering using search engine optimisation

Within its first month of existence, StratCounter shows that Bing is holding on to 8.45%
of the search engine market. The amount of customers who would recommend using it
has more than doubled.

Although Google still holds 89% of the market,companies now have alternatives they
can consider when initialising search engine optimisation. They are no longer restricted
in their choice and perhaps utilising more than one search engine to increase their
ranking could be the way forward.

Bing Is No Competition to Google Search

Monday February 15, 2010

When Microsoft re-branded Live Search (*cough*) I mean launched a brand new search engine
called Bing, they also poured in $200 million in advertising to help the self-branded "world's first
decision engine" (at least if you don't count Wolfram|Alpha) get a foothold on a market that is
dominated by Google.

Has it worked? Microsoft held 8.5% of the search market at this time last year, months before the
world would be introduced to Bing. The new results released by comScore put Bing at 10.7%,
which would mean Microsoft paid about $100 million per percentage point. Not a bad deal if
they could buy their way up to the 65.4% of the market that Google owns, but of course, that's
not quite possible.

How has Google done over the past year? With Microsoft working hard to attract users to Bing,
Google has grown from 63% to 65.4%, which means they grew slightly more than Microsoft in
the last year. So, I guess it is fair to say that Bing isn't quite bringing the competition to Google.

But in the long run, Bing is good for the web. After keeping a careful eye on it over the past
seven months, the one thing I can say for Microsoft's search engine is that it's fast. Very fast. It
doesn't take long for articles to be indexed by the Bing search engine, and Microsoft has added a
number of bells and whistles to the search market, like real-time results and video previews.
All of which are forcing Google's hand to improve their own service via Google Caffeine, a
"reboot" of the Google search engine. While Google Caffeine isn't something we'll likely notice
since it doesn't change the layout or visual design of search results, it is a major upgrade to what
is going on beneath the hood as Google's search engine puts more emphasis on speed and
gathering results in real time.

Bing Search VS Google Comparison

  June 17th 2009 4:35 PM        Categories: SEO        0 comments

Microsoft launched its new search engine called Bing on May 28,
2009. It is a rebranded and far superior search engine than their previous one, Live Search. I
think the marketing ($80 million worth) and functionality of Bing will help it gain significant
market share. Let’s face it, not many people used Live Search because of the unsexy brand name
and lack of differentiators against competing search engines.

With the introduction of Bing, I think Microsoft will make significant headway in the market.
Increased and innovative competition in this space can only help us, the consumers. The worst
thing that could happen is for Google to actually completely monopolize the search market, and
this makes that less of a possibility.

So how does Bing compare to Google? Surprisingly well. The gap between Google and Live
Search has closed with the launch of Bing. Here is a head to head comparison of Bing VS
Google in terms of speed, brand, functionality, and quality of results.


The speed of returned search results and loading of the search pages is one area
where Google still outperforms Bing. Google has a clean and simple interface. It is appealing,
and more importantly, loads in a flash. Bing on the other hand, while being pretty, takes longer
to load which may turn off visitors with short attention spans (most). In terms of speed, Google
takes it hands down.
Name / Brand

Bing is a huge step up for Microsoft in terms of branding their search engine. They recently did a
study that suggested the name of a search engine itself affects how viewers perceive the
usefulness of its results. I find Bing an appealing brand name because it is simple to say,
remember, and has a nice ring to it. The opposite of the Zune in my opinion. It is much more
attractive than ‘Live Search’ or ‘Microsoft Live Search’ before it.

That being said, it still has a very long way to catch Google in branding, which I doubt it ever
will. It is a big step forward for Microsoft however. I actually think ‘Bing It’ sounds better and
cooler than ‘Google It.’ Bing sounds like I just won something, and conjures up images of fun
like an amusement park.


So beneath the brand and appearance, how do the two search engines stack up in terms of

Categorized Results
The most visible change in Bing is its introduction of categories into search results. Your search
term is organized into a categorized list on the left side of the search engine. I found this to be
very helpful in navigating, and also suggesting additional search ideas and criteria I have not
thought about before. This is probably the most valuable new feature I’ve found in Bing.

Related Searches
Under the categorized results in the explorer pane on the left hand side of the Bing interface, a
list of related searches is displayed. Typically, someone using search takes a few iterations of
refining their search terms before they find what they are looking for. I find suggesting similar
searches to be another great way of helping people find what they are looking for, so kudos to
Bing for that.

There are a host of other features offered by Bing, that Google already has such as search
history, image search, and video search. I will cover these in future posts, but from what I’ve
seen Bing is a ‘me too’ solution in terms of these features. There’s nothing I’ve seen that is better
than their Google counterparts, but most seem to be at or near the same level as Google which is

Quality of Results

There are a variety of tools to compare search results with Google and Bing head to head.
Google-Bing Search searches both search engines at the same time for a given keyword phrase
and returns both results on the same page. Bingle also presents a side by side comparison of both
search engine results and let you drill down into either search engine with a click.
Microsoft’s Bing has definitely addressed the gaps in quality of search results between Live
Search and Google. That being said, it is still not superior in its search results, but it is returning
close to the same quality of relevant links as Google in my opinion. Use the tools presented
above to compare the two search engines yourself and see what you think.


Bing has closed significant gaps between Microsoft’s previous Live Search, and Google. Its new
brand name, functionality, and usability will grow Microsoft’s search market share. It has
hovered around 3%, so there is a lot of room for growth. I do not see Bing ever posing a real
threat to the Google search engine however.

It is very refreshing to see an increased level of competition in the search market, this will only
mean good news for the people who use them.

Whenever a new product arises in this world, people do not easily accept it until they know the
reactions of others, advantages in comparison to popular product in market. It is hard to gain the
popularity of the product if a manufacturer of the same type of product is popular in market like Google.

Today the most popular Search Engine in the field of Internet is Google Have
you ever experienced if your internet connection is very slow even you are not able to open any page,
just type it will open in a flash in your browser that means how small page size of
Google is and also interactive although less graphics is used.
Past few days I have heard this news from India Study Channel ISC
that Microsoft has launched their Search Engine named Bing

People are more comfortable even me, while searching any things like specific filetype e.g. (xyz
filetype:pdf) , in a particular domain ( bing) specific words contain in a page ("Most
Popular Search Engine”) google is very advanced in compiration to Microsoft Bing

There are many common things in both of the search engine. But I prefer google till bing became more
popular that google.

Nothing whatsoever. Just another example of Microsoft putting out a third rate rip off of an established
technology and trying to make up for the feebleness of its design with their endless supplies of cash and

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